Use you the internet a lot исправить ошибку

Исправить ошибки в предложениях : 1.

Use you the Internet a lot?

2. She do not like Maths 3.

I do not keen on football 4.

He does is lives here any move 5.

Are they like playing tennis 6.

What you talk about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland?

No, I do not 8.

Have you seen the film yet?

Yes, I did 9.

Did you play the violin?

No, I does not.

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Исправить ошибки в предложениях : 1?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
10 — 11 классов. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по
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который наиболее полно отвечает критериям поиска. Удобный интерфейс
позволяет обсудить интересующую тему с посетителями в комментариях.

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Ответы к странице 61 

4b. Listening & Speaking — Слушаем и говорим

4B. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences. — Прочитайте диалог и дополните предложения.


1. Adrian has got a problem with his computer. — У Эдриана проблема с компьютером.
2. His computer keeps crashing. — Его компьютер постоянно виснет.
3. It seems that the cursor sticks in the same place. — Похоже, курсор зависает на одном и том же месте.
4. Paul suggests switching the computer off and on again. — Пол предлагает выключить и включить компьютер.
5. Adrian will do a full scan with anti-virus-software. — Эдриан проведет полное сканирование антивирусом.
6. Paul thinks that the cause of the problem is a virus. — Пол думает, что проблема в вирусе.

5A. Find words/phrases in the dialogue which mean: — Найдите слова/фразы в диалоге, которые означают:


1. What’s the matter? — What’s up? What is it? — В чем дело?
2. I will do my best. — I’ll try. — Я сделаю все, что смогу. — Я постараюсь.
3. What exactly is the problem? — What exactly happens? — В чем конкретно проблема? — Что конкретно происходит?
4. Any time. — You’re welcome. — В любое время. — Не за что. (Всегда пожалуйста)

5B. Listen to and read the dialogue again. Then read the dialogue out in pairs. Pay attention to the intonation. — Послушайте и прочитайте диалог еще раз. Затем прочитайте диалог в парах. Уделите внимание интонации.

Adrian: Hi, Paul, it’s Adrian. — Привет, Пол, это Эдриан.
Paul: Hi. What’s up? — Привет. Что случилось?
Adrian: I’ve got a problem with my computer. Can you help me? — У меня проблема с компьютером. Можешь мне помочь?
Paul: I’ll try. What is it? — Постараюсь. Что с ним?
Adrian: Well, my computer keeps crashing. — Ну, мой компьютер постоянно виснет.
Paul: What exactly happens? Does the screen keep freezing? — Что конкретно происходит? Виснет экран?
Adrian: Yes. The cursor sticks in the same place and I can’t do anything. — Да. Курсор замирает на одном месте и я не могу ничего сделать.
Paul: Have you tried switching it off and on again? — Ты пытался выключить и снова включить компьютер?
Adrian: Yes, I have, but then after a while the same thing happens again. — Да, пытался, но через какое то время все повторяется снова.
Paul: Hmm. Have you got anti-virus software on your computer? — Хмм. У тебя на компьютере есть антивирус?
Adrian: Yes, I have. — Да.
Paul: Right. Well, I suggest that you do a full scan with your anti-virus software. It could be a virus that’s causing your problem. Try that, then call me again if you still have a problem. — Так. Я предлагаю тебе провести полное сканирование антивирусом. Возможно, причиной всего является вирус.
Adrian: OK. I’ll do that. Thanks, Paul. — Хорошо. Я сделаю это. Спасибо, Пол.
Paul: You’re welcome. — Не за что.

6A. Listen to the exchanges and repeat the phrases in bold. Listen again and find the stressed syllables of the words in bold. — Послушайте реплики диалога и повторите фразы, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Послушайте еще раз и найдите ударные слоги в выделенных словах.

Ответ: Ударные слоги мы отметили подчеркиванием.

1. A: Do you know a lot about computers? — Вы много знаете о компьютерах?
B: Well … sort of. — Ну… вроде того.
2. A: Do you use the Internet a lot? — Вы много используете интернет?
B: Er … you could say that. — Ээ… можно и так сказать.
3. A: Would you agree that Internet shopping has a lot of disadvantages? — Вы согласны, что у интернет покупок много недостатков?
B: Um … in a way, yes. — Гм… в каком-то смысле, да.
4. A: You play a lot of computer games, don’t you? — Вы много играете в компьютерные игры, не так ли?
B: Well … I suppose so. — Ну… полагаю так.

6B. Ask your partner questions about the following. Your partner responds using the phrases in bold in Ex. 6a. — Задайте вашему партнеру вопросы о следующем. Ваш партнер отвечает, используя выделенные жирным фразы из упражнения 6А.

• hobbies • friends • free-time activities • study habits

Возможный ответ:

A: You play a lot of football, don’t you? — Ты много играешь в футбол, не так ли?
B: Um … you could say that. — Гм… можно и так сказать.
A: Do you have a lot of good friends? — У тебя много хороших друзей?
B: Well … I suppose so. — Ну… полагаю так.
A: Do you take part in a lot of activities in your free time? — Ты принимаешь участие во многих занятиях в свое свободное время?
B: Well … sort of. — Ну… вроде того.
A: Do you know a lot of English phrasal verbs? — Ты много знаешь английских фразовых глаголов?
B: Um … in a way, yes. — Гм… в каком-то смысле, да.

7. Find the correct answers. Listen and check. — Найдите правильные ответы. Послушайте и проверьте.


1. Can you give me a hand with my computer? — Вы можете помочь мне с моим компьютером?
a) Sure, what’s the problem? — Конечно, в чем проблема?
b) There’s no problem. — Проблем нет.
2. Let me take a look at that printer problem for you. — Давайте я посмотрю, что там за проблема с принтером.
a) You’re welcome. — Пожалуйста.
b) That’s really kind of you. — Это так мило с вашей стороны.
3. Would you like me to fix that for you? — Вы хотите, чтобы я его для вас починил?
a) Thanks, but I think I can manage. — Спасибо, но думаю, я сама справлюсь.
b) I don’t think so. — Не думаю.
4. Would you help me sort this problem out, please? — Не могли бы вы помочь мне утрясти эту проблему, пожалуйста?
a) Sure, why not? — Конечно, почему бы и нет?
b) I’m fine, thanks. — Все норм, спасибо.

8. Portfolio: Your computer won’t connect to the internet. Ask your friend for help. Use the dialogue in Ex.4 as a model. Record yourself. — Ваш компьютер не хочет подключаться к интернету. Попросите вашего друга о помощи. Используйте диалог из упражнения 4 в качестве модели. Запишите себя.

Возможный ответ:

A: Hi, it’s me. — Привет, это я.
В: Hi. What’s up? — Привет. Что случилось?
A: I’ve got a problem with my computer. Can you help me? — У меня проблема с компьютером. Можешь мне помочь?
В: I’ll try. What is it? — Постараюсь. Что с ним?
A: Well, my computer won’t connect to the internet. — Ну, мой компьютер не хочет подключаться к интернету.
В: What exactly happens? — Что конкретно происходит?
A: Nothing. I can see only blank screen when try to fire up the browser. — Ничего. Я вижу только пустой экран, когда пытаюсь запустить браузер.
В: Have you tried switching your computer and router off and on again? — Ты пытался выключить и снова включить компьютер и роутер?
A: Yes, I have, but it doesn’t help. — Да, пытался, но не помогает.
В: Hmm. It might be a problem with the server. I suggest that you to call your Internet service provider. — Хмм. Возможно проблема с сервером. Я предлагаю тебе позвонить твоему интернет-провайдеру.
A: OK. I’ll do that. Thanks. — Хорошо. Я сделаю это. Спасибо.
В: You’re welcome. — Не за что.

Обратите внимание на фразу, с которой вы столкнулись в самом задании: Your computer won’t connect to the internet. В ней наглядно демонстрируется, что использовать вспомогательные глаголы будущего времени will и won’t можно и в настоящем времени. Так, глагол will в определенном контексте может придавать предложению дополнительную смысловую нагрузку. Например, will + инфинитив в предложении можно использовать, чтобы подчеркнуть особенность исполнителя действия, а не само действие:

Russians will usually treat their guests — Русские обычно (имеют обыкновение) угощать гостей. (Это одна из национальных особенностей русских).
Will может акцентировать внимание на том, что действие выполняется с настойчивым повторением. В предложении на will делается логическое ударение:

If you will wear dirty clothes it is normal that nobody doesn’t want to go out with you. — Если ты носишь грязную одежду, тогда понятно, почему никто не хочет с тобой гулять.
Will + not (won’t) используется для описания действия, которое субъект «не хочет» совершать.

My mother won’t help me with the homework. — Моя мама не хочет (отказывается) мне помогать с домашкой.

9. You’ll hear 4 short dialogues A, B, C and D twice. Match the dialogues with the locations (1-5) where they take place. You can only use each location once. There is one extra location. — Вы прослушаете 4 коротких диалога А, В, С и D дважды. Сопоставьте диалоги с локациями (1-5), где они происходят. Вы можете использовать каждую локацию только один раз. Есть одна лишняя локация.

Dialogue A

— What’s the matter? You seem upset? — Что случилось? Ты выглядишь расстроенным?
— I am. The boss wants that report I typed up yesterday and I can’t find the file anywhere. He needs it for a meeting with the client after lunch. I just hope I haven’t deleted it. I don’t know what to do. — Так и есть. Бос хочет отчет, что я набивал вчера, а я нигде не могу найти файл. Он нужен ему для встречи с клиентом после обеда. Надеюсь, что я не удалил его. Не знаю, что делать.
— We can run a computer search. What’s it called? — Мы можем запустить поиск на компьютере. Как он назывался?
— Sales figures.2015. Oh, here it is. I put it in a wrong folder by mistake. Thank you so much. I’ll buy you a coffee in the break. — Sales figures.2015. О, вот он. Я положил его по ошибке не в ту папку. Спасибо тебе большое. Я куплю тебе кофе в перерыве.
— No problem. — Нет проблем.

Dialogue B

— Why are you looking at the kitchen stuff? The computers are over in this aisle. — Почему ты смотришь на кухонные принадлежности? Компьютеров в этом ряду нет.
— Well, we could do with a new coffeemaker since ours is broken. — Ну, нам не помешала бы новая кофемашина, раз уж наша сломалась.
— Not now. Let’s wait till they get cheaper in the sales. But I really must get a replacement laptop today. I can’t do my work without one. — Не сейчас. Давай подождем пока они станут дешевле. Но мне действительно сегодня нужно заменить ноутбук. Я не могу работать без него.
— Wouldn’t you prefer a desktop computer? This one would look great in the study. — А может быть ты предпочтешь настольный компьютер? Вот этот вот неплохо бы смотрелся в кабинете.
— It is rather nice, isn’t it? I wonder how much it is? — А что, он довольно хорош, правда? Интересно, сколько он стоит?
— Let’s ask that assistant over there. — Давай спросим вон того консультанта.

Dialogue С

— Hi. I didn’t expect to see you in here today. — Привет. Я не ожидал увидеть тебя здесь сегодня.
— Well, usually I’d be in class, but today we’ve got a free period to research our ICT projects. How about you? — Ну, обычно я была бы в классе, но сегодня у нас свободный день для проведения исследований по нашим ИКТ (информационно-коммуникационные технологии) проектам. А что ты здесь делаешь?
— I’ve come to do some revision for Monday’s history test. I’ve got my laptop with me. But I don’t know where to start. — Я пришел, чтобы кое-что повторить к тесту по истории в понедельник. У меня с собой ноутбук. Но я не знаю, с чего начать.
— Why don’t you use the internet resources catalog to see what books they’ve got on the subject. That’s what I’m going to do for my project. — Почему бы тебе не использовать каталог интернет-ресурсов, чтобы посмотреть, какие книги у них есть по предмету. Я так и собираюсь сделать для моего проекта.
— That’s a good idea. Thanks. I will — Хорошая идея. Спасибо. Так и сделаю.

Dialogue D

— Excuse me, sir. But as we are preparing for takeoff now, would you mind turning off your laptop? — Извините, сэр. Но поскольку мы сейчас готовимся ко взлету, не могли бы вы выключить ваш ноутбук?
— But I’ve got is on flight safe mode. — Но я перевел его в авиарежим.
— Unfortunately, that doesn’t make any difference. Our company regulations for laptop computers say they have to be completely switched off until the seatbelt sign goes off. — К сожалению, все равно. Правила нашей компании относительно ноутбуков говорят, что они должны быть полностью выключены пока не погаснет сигнал «Пристегните ремни».
— Well, can you at least bring me a cup of tea? — Хорошо, можете хотя бы принести мне чашку чая?
— I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for our service trolley. It will be coming round as soon as we are airborne. — Боюсь, вам придется подождать нашей обслуживающей тележки. Она будет ездить, как только мы окажемся в воздухе.
— Okay, thanks. — Хорошо, спасибо.


1. in a school library — в школьной библиотеке — Диалог С
2. on a plane — в самолете — Диалог D
3. in an office — в офисе — Диалог А
4. in a café — в кафе
5. in a shop — в магазине — Диалог В

10. Think of ten new words/phrases you have learnt in this lesson. Make sentences using them. Tell your partner. — Придумайте десять новых слов/фраз, которые вы узнали на этом уроке. Составьте предложения с ними.

Возможный ответ:

1. My computer screen gets frozen when I try to do anything with this file. — Экран моего компьютера зависает, когда я пытаюсь что-нибудь сделать с этим файлом.
2. It’s better to buy licence for anti-virus software than let viruses damage information on computer. — Лучше купить лицензию на антивирусное программное обеспечение, чем позволить вирусам испортить информацию на компьютере.
3. Running a search is the most efficient way to find file you need. — Запуск поиска — самый эффективный способ найти нужный вам файл.
4. You should install this program on you hard disk. — Тебе нужно установить эту программу на свой жесткий диск.
5. Man’s body is a sort of machine. — Человеческое тело — это своего рода механизм.
6. So, in a way, for me, this is a matter of principle. — Так что в некотором роде для меня это дело принципа.
7. He said he can’t promise anything, but it’s worth a try. — Он сказал, что ничего не обещает, но попробовать стоит.
8. I will do a full scan on my computer to kill the virus. — Я проведу полное сканирование своего компьютера, чтобы убить вирус.
9. I turned off and on my router when an Internet connection had lost. — Я выключил и включил мой роутер, когда интернет пропал.
10. Did you know that free downloading of music via Internet is illegal? — Вы знали, что бесплатная загрузка музыки через Интернет является незаконной? 

    английский язык

does is lives here any move

5. Are they like playing tennis

6. What you talk about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I do not

8. Have you seen the film yet? Yes, I did

9. Did you play the violin? No, I does not


16 янв. 2014 г., 9:42:01 (9 лет назад)


16 янв. 2014 г., 12:05:18 (9 лет назад)

1.Do you use the Internet a lot?

2. She does not like Maths

3. I am not keen on football

4. He does not live here any move

5.Do they like playing tennis

6. What are you talking about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I am not

8.Did  you see the film yet? Yes, I did

9. Did you play the violin? No, I did not


Другие вопросы из категории

Rubrus / 14 дек. 2013 г., 8:25:28

Помогите!!!!! Плииииз !!!

Преобразуйте предложения в Future Simple.
British agriculture is very successful.

Читайте также

Erhthett / 03 окт. 2014 г., 6:59:09

Проверьте на грамотность Many people do not like the Russian medicine since undergoing idle long queues. But there are other people who respect

our medicine and our doctors.

In my opinion the Russian medicine is good enough. Our country is spending a lot of money in medicine and new operational technology. Russian doctors are very experienced, so you cannot be afraid for their lives.

Nevertheless, there are people who do not believe Russian medicine backward compared to other countries. They believe that our government is doing nothing to improve the quality of medicine.

However, I disagree with this opinion, because according to statistics of the country is improving the level of health and mortality is falling, so you can not categorically declare that our medicina low.

To sum up, I think that our medicine will be even better and more advanced, so do not worry about our health, we now medicina good and quality.

Boltushka96 / 02 окт. 2014 г., 20:39:28

Вставить глагол в правильную форму:

1. In summer we usually (go) to the black sea.
2. What (do) you like for dinner.
3. My children (play) in the yard every day.
4. She (do) not like to cook.
5. Our cousins (visit) us every year.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса «исправить ошибки в предложениях: 1. Use you the Internet a lot? 2. She do not like Maths 3. I do not keen on football 4. He«, категории «английский язык«. Данный вопрос относится к разделу «10-11» классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории «английский язык«. Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.

Ответы суффиксы the internet a blessing or

The Internet – a Blessing or a Curse?

Лучший юмористический канал: анекдоты, приколы, юмор и куча ржачных видео


We live in the age of information technology and the Internet is a unique invention , which has influenced all areas of our lives.



Yet some people are uncertain about the importance of the Web. Is it a blessing or a curse?



One the one hand, with the Internet, it is now possible to communicate easily with people all over the world.



In addition, the Internet is very useful, because it makes the world of facts and knowledge accessible to everyone.



However, a huge amount of information on the Internet is also one of its weaknesses . This diversity makes it difficult to find the type of information you want.



Moreover, the Internet can become dangerous for our society, because of cybercriminals. The information wars of the future may be fought on Web sites.

The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?

How the internet has evolved, the pros and cons and how being a Digital Citizen has changed me

T he way the world has changed in the past 50 years has been absolutely staggering. From the early start of the internet, which can be traced back to 1945, we now find that most of us heavily struggle to go a single day without using the internet. Especially in living through a pandemic, I think everyone has had no choice but to be more digitally active than ever. We’ve moved from buying newspapers and CDs (as pointed out by a fellow digital society citizen below) to be able to have a device with nearly everything we could need in our front pocket. Included in this is generations of young adults, including myself who grew up on the internet. More to this, I couldn’t imagine a life without it. When being told stories of my parents travelling to a record store, Good Vibrations, every weekend to buy the latest release they’d heard on the radio is something I can never relate to.

The Internet: Our Best Friend

The internet, originally designed for military use and then communication between researchers has evolved significantly. Now, we find ourselves living in the digital age where we are surrounded by technology. Today, research suggests that the internet is actively used by 4.66 billion people as of January 2021 which has steadily increased yearly and is for a huge range of purposes. There are clearly reasons why the internet is so popular.

-Staying Connected

Firstly, the internet allows for an immense amount of rapid communication. Social media allows for a large number of people to keep up to date with each other and professionally to instantly communicate with colleagues. Instantly, especially with increasing active users, it has never been easier to keep up with your friends or favourite celebrities. This has never been more felt than it was during the pandemic. Social interaction has been found to be absolutely critical for both mental and physical health. So when everyone all around the world was being kept indoors there was a significant spike in both loneliness and mental illness. Helping with this was the internet: one of the only legal ways to interact with others at the time.

-Seemingly Endless Information at Your Fingertips

The internet seems to have the answer to virtually every question you could think of, as long as you can type it into a search engine. You can check out any medical symptom you have online at a moments notice deciding whether you need attention and in turn improving mental and physical health, on top of strain on hospitals. Media sites such as YouTube are a hub of practical information that you could use in your everyday life from cooking tutorials to how to tie your shoes and seemingly everything in-between. On top of this, these are growing all the time. As the internet continues to mature there will only be more and more information shared on it and therefore more to digest.

-Instant Spreadability of News

Nowadays, when any major world event happens every single person with an internet connection finds out about it instantly. Whether this is a political update, sports scores or the latest celebrity scandal you have the ability for live updates. This allows a largely shortened time that it can take individuals to receive information. This can be significantly important in specific areas such as local news, traffic updates or what the weather will be.

-Increased Business Opportunities

Many businesses have benefitted greatly from adopting an online presence. Whether this be from a marketing sense (such as online adverts) or a distribution sense (such as online shopping) businesses are doing their best to use the internet to their advantage. This adds a whole new sector of businesses that purely make their money online such as ‘ ghost kitchens:’ a restaurant doing all their business via online delivery apps.

The Internet: Our Worst Enemy

Despite the popularity and benefits, the internet is not all positive: it has a dark side. Unfortunately, this increasing reliance on tech comes with it an increase in those looking to exploit it.

-Fake News

Previously, I mentioned the benefit that the internet has on news media. Instantly spreadable and digestible content has benefits to those it reaches but it also bred a new exploitative wave in content. ‘Fake News’ is a term describing falsified or misleading news stories which are presented as real. False stories have also been shown to spread around 6x faster than real news stories begging the question: can you really believe anything you read online?

-Privacy Concerns

Going online it seems nearly inevitable that all of our private information will be entered at some point. Our address(es) and payment information when buying something or our location from our public IP address is valuable information that could do real damage in the wrong hands. In a world where recently data has surpassed oil as the worlds most valuable resource, there is a lot of importance in accessing this information. Coupling this with common recent leaks of this private information (such as the 2016 Panama Papers): these violate the basic human right to privacy.


Although there are benefits of increased technology, there are a growing number of jobs becoming obsolete. For every holiday ordered online, there is less need for a travel agent. For every grocery shop ordered online, there is less need for a bank teller. These could end up making entire professions obsolete.

-Personal Reflection

Personally, having grown up around the internet I have used it for every random question or rough translation I could ever have needed. Also, I am currently on the verge of completing my second year of university: one where I have not attended a single in-person university activity. These show my reliance as of late on the internet within my everyday life. Because of this, it seems logical to learn more about what you’re doing. I was able to learn about the importance of internet ethics and even the role that data has in politics.

Thinking Outside the Box

Digital Society has really added a unique element to my university experience. Firstly, using a new platform in Medium has allowed me to interact with other students in a way that I haven’t been able to do this year. Students sharing content about the same topics and viewpoints is interesting to compare and contrast to mine. Beyond that, producing creditable work provides an extra incentive for producing exciting content.

Learning about the history of our Digital Society, specifically the internet, has really changed my outlook on it. Previously mentioned was my failure to understand my parents travelling to a record store, this course has made me reassess how quickly online activities change between generations. When I was a child there was no Facebook, no Snapchat but now I am nearly dependent on these to communicate with others. There are children being born into a new generation: with even more advancements to be made. There is a need to keep up to date with the current culture, as a child you are born into them and quickly develop habits. I have learnt the importance of not getting stuck in your ways and keep up to date with our society. The current era of our Digital Society has so many new positives and negatives that could not have been predicted even as far as a decade ago. The importance of these pros and cons are ones that come with an ever-changing world.

One thing beyond keeping up with our Digital Society is what this society will look like. The internet specifically has changed so much since its incarnation and now your digital footprint is bigger than ever. In the future, there may be others unaware of how this digital footprint can affect how employers and others view them. Being told the story of young elected MP Mhairi Black having old tweets surface after being elected really showed me the effect that this has. The future appears to be relying more and more on technology so I feel that this entire experience has left me better equipped to understand, adapt to and deal with the pros and cons that will come with this. Especially, when within the workplace, I feel as though I will have an increased understanding of the digital use.

Линия заданий 26, ЕГЭ по английскому языку

12658. Music in Schools

Primary schools in London are trying out an ambitious plan through which young children get an introduction to serious music. The idea comes from a group of famous musicians who are concerned about the ____________(SURVIVE) of certain types of classical music.

Верный ответ: Survival

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12658.

When the famous explorer, Columbus claimed Florida for Spain in 1492, he had never laid eyes on it. The area’s most important early ____________(VISIT) thus set a pattern that has continued for centuries.

Верный ответ: Visitor

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12698.

12738. Way to Success

Are you a talented actor or a popular singer? Have you got extraordinary leadership qualities or an ____________(ATTRACT) appearance?

Верный ответ: Attractive

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12738.

12778. Build Your Own Robot!

Lego Mindstorms NXT is back and better than ever! You are lucky if you have such a ____________(COLOUR) set of Lego bricks Mindstorms NXT.

Верный ответ: Colourful

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12778.

12818. Teaching Arts

In an English educational system increasingly ruled by standardized tests, arts courses can seem ____________(IMPORTANCE ). There is, however, a very good reason to teach arts in schools.

Верный ответ: Unimportant

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12818.

12858. What are Americans Like?

Americans talk with pride of their ____________(GOVERN) and institutions. They seem certain that they have more freedom, better laws and stronger leaders.

Верный ответ: Government

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12858.

12898. How to Choose Your Career

Selecting a career can be one of the most difficult ____________(DECIDE) in your life.

Верный ответ: Decision

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12898.

12938. The Internet — a Blessing or a Curse?

We live in the age of information technology and the Internet is a unique ____________(INVENT), which has influenced all areas of our lives.

Верный ответ: Invention

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12938.

12978. Need for Protection

Thanks to the Internet, we are now living in a ____________(GLOBE) village. We have more information about other countries than ever before.

Верный ответ: Global

P.S. Нашли ошибку в задании? Пожалуйста, сообщите о вашей находке 😉
При обращении указывайте id этого вопроса — 12978.

13018. Television Viewing

Television viewing has always been the main leisure activity for American teenagers. According to the ____________(FIND) of a Nielsen study, US teens spend more time watching television than on the computer.



Module 4



1. Listen to 5 people talking about
computers. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers (1-5).

  A. The speaker
had to call someone to remove a virus from his/her computer.

  B. The speaker
doesn’t like computers.

  C. The speaker thinks
it’s important to learn how to use computers.

  D. The speaker
doesn’t like it when others use his/her computer.

  E. The speaker spends
a lot of time on his/her computer.









2. Fill in the
correct phrase.

Common, clean, problem, inventions,
obstacles, become, reality.

6) Computers and
the Internet are two fascinating ……………of modern technology.

10) Some experts
believe that robots with human intelligence will someday  …………a reality.

7) It is only a
matter of time before there are robots that cook and ……….in every home.

11) These days it
is quite ………….for children as young as ten to have a mobile phone.

8) Many of the
gadgets we see in films don’t exist in ………… .

12) There are many
……… overcome when trying to create a perfectly functioning robot.

9) In my opinion, the main
…………..with mobile phones is that their buttons are too small.

3. Choose the
appropriate words.

Figurative speech, artificial brain, phone
line, email account, broadband connection, emotional response

13) You can’t expect a robot to
show a(n) ……! They have no feelings!

16) Why don’t you
get a(n)……..? You’ll be able to get on the Internet much faster than you do now.

14) I can’t send
or receive anything over the Internet until I’ve set up my …………. .

17) George didn’t
have an Internet connection, so he checked his …….to see if it was working.

15) Do you believe robots will ever
be able to understand idioms or other parts of ………..?

18) Scientists are working on
creating a(n) …………..which will make robots think on their own.


4. Underline the correct verb form.

19) The lecture will
have started/starts
at 6 pm so we have plenty of time to get there.

22) Are you
showing/Will you show how to get free music downloads from the

20) Mark is really
good with computers; I’m sure he is passing/will pass the IT test

23) This time next
week, we’ll have attended/’ll be attending the technology exhibition
in Boston.

21) The printer is
making funny noises; it is going to break/will break down again.

5. Choose the correct answer.

24) I will call you
when I…….in London.

A will arrive  B arrive  C
am arriving

29) I’m sorry. I
promise it ….. happen again.

A isn’t going to 
B won’t  C won’t have

25) The scanner
isn’t working.

 When …….……someone
to fix it?

A do you call  B
will you call  C have you called

30) Ann … in this
hotel, she’s already booked the room there.

 A will stay B
is going to stay  C will be staying

26) Don’t call
Jessica tomorrow morning; she ……. a tennis lesson.

A will be having 
B is having  C will have

31) They … new
school by the 1st of September.

A will have
opened  B will open C will be opening

27) By next autumn
the US president ….. his term.

A will finish B
will be finishing  C will have finished

32) OK, we …. him
to the meeting.

A will invite  B
will be inviting  C will have invited

28) In two years I
…..a qualified engineer already.

A will become  B
will becoming  C will have become


6. Read the text
and then answer the questions.

originally used the Internet for business and academic reasons, but in modern
times it has now become a vital part of millions of people’s social lives. Many
Internet services such as email offer people ways to communicate with each
other electronically. Recently, social networking has become a hugely important
means of online communication. As email once replaced the letter,  social
networking could soon do the same for email.

term ‘social networking’ refers to online communities that connect old or
current school friends, business colleagues, or people with common interests or
activities. A user of a social networking site has a personal webpage where
he/she can write a blog (an Internet diary), upload pictures or videos, and 
receive messages from other users who they have accepted as friends. In fact,
the main reasons why social networking is so widespread is because it allows
people to find lost friends or keep in contact with friends that are far away.

not everyone accepts that the effect of social networking on society is
necessarily positive. Researchers have noticed that some social networking
users become antisocial, as they start to  have less face-to-face
communication. Instead, they often rely on their Internet friends for social
contact. Moreover, social networking has caused problems in the business world,
as some office workers  get hooked on social networking sites and waste time
when they should be concentrating on their work.

in all, social networking sites  allow users advanced levels of communication.
However, users must be careful not to let their online lives affect their real
social skills. On social networking sites you can accept or refuse a friend
just with one click of a button.

in the real world, things are more complicated.

33) Why social networking sites are so

How can social networking sites effect on society?

What advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet?

what purpose do you use the Internet?


Module 4



1. Listen to 5 people talking about
computers. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers (1-5).

  A. The speaker had
to call someone to remove a virus from his/her computer.

  B. The speaker
doesn’t like computers.

  C. The speaker
thinks it’s important to learn how to use computers.

  D. The speaker
doesn’t like it when others use his/her computer.

  E. The speaker
spends a lot of time on his/her computer.









2. Use the words below to complete the
sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.
link, frozen, transfer, join, memory, download, deleted, connection, virus,

6) Oh, no! I’ve accidentally
…… all the photographs on my hard disk!

10) Let me make a
copy of these files before you ….. them to your computer.

7) The reason why
your computer is so slow is that it needs more ……… .

11) Is there a
problem with the network? I can’t …… to the Internet.

8) I need to buy a
new mobile phone. I’ve ……water on my old one, and it’s stopped working.

12) Click on this ….……
to go to the international site of the online store.

9) I think your
computer has a ……. . You’d better run a full scan.

3. Fill in the correct word. There are
some words you do not need to use.

divided, obstacles, subscription, modem, perform, deletes, become, server,

13) Some experts
believe that robots with human intelligence will someday……….a reality.

16) Did you know
that there are robots which can ………..tasks such as serving tea and vacuuming
the carpets?

14) John cancelled
his monthly…………to his Internet Service Provider because it was too expensive.

17) Experts
are………as to whether robots will ever take the place of human teachers in

15) Ben never goes
anywhere without his laptop, as it………..for all his business needs.

18)There are many
……… overcome when trying to create a perfectly functioning robot.


4. Underline the correct verb form

19) – The
computer’s crashed again. I will have called/will call someone to come
and fix it.

worry. I’ve already called him; he will come/will be coming in a few

22) – The printer
isn’t printing very well. We are going to run/will be running out of

-Since you will
go/are going
to the shops tomorrow, can you buy some more ink?

20) – There’s a
great film on at the cinema. It starts/is starting at 9:00, do you
want to go?

    -It’s not
worth it. By the time we get there it is going to start/will have started.

23) – Do you think
John is lending/will lend me his laptop for a few days?

-I don’t know,
but he is going to be/will have been here soon. Why don’t you ask him?

21) – Can I have
an iPod, mum? Please? I promise I’m not asking/won’t ask you to buy me
any more gadgets!

       OK, I’ll
get/will have
got you the iPod, but you have to keep the promise you’ve
just made!

Choose the correct answer.

24) By the dinner
all he guests … already.

A will arrive  B
will be arriving  C will have arrived

29) I will call
you when I…….in London.

A will arrive  B
arrive  C am arriving

25) Just a minute, I
… you a glass of water.

A am going to
bring  B will bring  C will have brought

30) The scanner
isn’t working. When ……someone to fix it?

A do you call  B
will you call  C have you called

26) Don’t come at
lunch time. I … with my family.

A will eat  B
will be eating  C will have eaten

31) I haven’t seen
Carol today. I expect she … this evening.

A is going to
phone  B will phone  C will have phoned

27) Everybody is
here, we … in a few minutes.

A are going to
set off  B will have set off  C will be setting off

32) The performance
… by ten o’clock.

A is finishing  B
will finish  C will have finished

28).The future
situation is uncertain. What … you ….?

A are, going to
do  B will, be doing  C will have done


6. Read the text and then answer the

was the last time you used the Internet? Chances are, it was very recently! And
you probably send emails instead of letters, don’t you?

the very early days of the Internet, in the 1970s and 80s. It was only really
used by academics and military researchers, but in the 1990s its popularity
boomed in a way that had never been seen before. To illustrate this, it took 38
years for radio to reach 50 million users. 13 years for TV and yet only 5 years
for the Internet!

of us already use the Internet to make telephone calls, rent movies, buy music
and watch TV programmes. Very soon, the Internet will be 3D, not 2D, and everything
from our cars to our kitchen appliances will be connected to our local
networks. There is already an Internet fridge», for example, that emails a
shopping list to your local supermarket and checks your schedule to coordinate a
convenient delivery time!

not everyone has access to technology. In fact, only 17% of the world’s
population is connected to the Web. This figure depends on where you live,
though; in North America the number is around 70%. Also, about 80% of all
websites are in English, which many people in the world don’t speak.

governments and IT institutions are working hard to bridge this divide, so
perhaps in the not-too-distant future, the Internet really will take over the
whole world!

What percentage of people in the world use the

How did the Internet get started?

How popular is it compared to TV?

In what purpose do you use the Internet?

                                        Spotlight 9

Test Module 4


Variant 1





Inventions 7. clean 8. reality 9. problem, 10.become



6..deleted, 7.
memory 8. spilt 9. virus 10. transfer 11 connect 12.


13. Emotional
response, 14. email account, 15. figurative speech, 16. broadband
connection, line, 18. artificial brain



13. become, 14.
subscription, 15. caters, 16. perform,17. divided 18.


4. Grammar

19. starts

 20. will

21. is going to

22. will you show

23. ‘ll be


4. Grammar

19. will call; will
be coming

20. are going to
run; are going

21. starts; will
have started

22. will lend; is
going to be

23. won’t ask; ‘ll


24. B arrive  25
B will you call, 26.
A will be having  27 C will have
finished 28.
will have become 29. B won’t  30. B is going to stay  31.

A will
have opened  32. A will invite 



24. C will have
arrived 25.
will bring  26.
will be eating  27.
A are going to set off  28. A are, going to
do  29.
arrive  30.
will you call  31.
B will phone 32. C will have


33. it allows people
to find lost friends or keep in contact with friends that are far away.











38-53-ОЦЕНКА 3




исправить ошибки в предложениях:

1. Use you the Internet a lot?

2. She do not like Maths

3. I do not keen on football

4. He does is lives here any move

5. Are they like playing tennis

6. What you talk about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I do not

8. Have you seen the film yet? Yes, I did

9. Did you play the violin? No, I does not

1 ответ:



1.Do you use the Internet a lot?

2. She does not like Maths

3. I am not keen on football

4. He does not live here any move

5.Do they like playing tennis

6. What are you talking about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I am not

8.Did  you see the film yet? Yes, I did

9. Did you play the violin? No, I did not

Читайте также

Насколько я знаю — «нет повести ПЕЧАЛЬНЕЕ на свете, чем повесть о Ромео и Джульетте» — САМ АВТОР так считает, все остальное — домыслы искусствоведов в их гнусных попытках трактовать автора с высоты своих микромозгов
<span>где же там любовь побеждает смерть — заканчивается двумя жмуриками, не считая трупов в середине</span>


1. meeting — Встречает/Знакомиться.

2. wearing — Надевает/Одевает.

3. working — Работает.

удачи в учебе.

Привет .Твое задание.Оцени мою работу и нажми кнопку спасибо:) :) :)
Monster B- Has got a tail.
Monster C-Has got eight legs.
two ears.  two heads. three hands.three fingers. twenty-eight teeth .four legs. zero hair.

1. For the first time in his life he take to hospital and operate on.
2. I never tried Chinese food before. What is it like?
3. It was reported that thousands of people left homeless by the floods.
4. My friends knew my opinion and now I wanted to know them.
5. Go and lie on the bed until you feel better.
6. The clothes that people wore was old-fashioned and looked rather ridiculous.






исправить ошибки в предложениях:

1. Use you the Internet a lot?

2. She do not like Maths

3. I do not keen on football

4. He does is lives here any move

5. Are they like playing tennis

6. What you talk about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I do not

8. Have you seen the film yet? Yes, I did

9. Did you play the violin? No, I does not

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «исправить ошибки в предложениях: 1. Use you the Internet a lot? 2. She do not like Maths 3. I do not keen on football 4. He does is lives …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » исправить ошибки в предложениях: 1. Use you the Internet a lot? 2. She do not like Maths 3. I do not keen on football 4. He does is lives here any move 5. Are they like playing tennis 6. What you talk about with your friends? 7.

Исправить ошибки в предложениях: 1. Use you the Internet a lot? 2. She do not like Maths 3. I do not keen on football 4.…

Исправить ошибки в предложениях: 1. Use you the Internet a lot? 2. She do not like Maths 3. I do not keen on football 4. Hedoes is lives here any move

1.Do you use the Internet a lot? 2. She does not like Maths3. I am not keen on football4. He does not live here any move5.Do they like playing tennis6. What are you talking about with your friends? 7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I am not8.Did you see the film yet? Yes, I did9. Did you play the violin? No, I did not


в избранное



Знаете ответ?

исправить ошибки в предложениях:

1. Use you the Internet a lot?

2. She do not like Maths

3. I do not keen on football

4. He does is lives here any move

5. Are they like playing tennis

6. What you talk about with your friends?

7. Are you from Swizerland? No, I do not

8. Have you seen the film yet? Yes, I did

9. Did you play the violin? No, I does not

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