Vsftpd listen yes ошибка



localadmin@it-1:~$ sudo service vsftpd status
● vsftpd.service - vsftpd FTP server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vsftpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Пт 2016-09-09 10:40:30 KRAT; 4s ago
  Process: 5971 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd.conf (code=exited, status=2)
  Process: 5967 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/vsftpd/empty (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 5971 (code=exited, status=2)
localadmin@it-1:~$ ps -aux|grep ftp
localad+  6444  0.0  0.0  22960  1088 pts/0    S+   11:20   0:00 grep --color=auto ftp
localadmin@it-1:~$ nmap localhost 

Starting Nmap 7.01 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2016-09-09 11:20 KRAT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000099s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp  open  ssh
25/tcp  open  smtp
139/tcp open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp open  microsoft-ds

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.07 seconds

Конф. файл…

localadmin@it-1:~$ cat /etc/vsftpd.conf
# Example config file /etc/vsftpd.conf
# The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file
# loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable.
# Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults.
# READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options.
# Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's
# capabilities.
# Run standalone?  vsftpd can run either from an inetd or as a standalone
# daemon started from an initscript.
# This directive enables listening on IPv6 sockets. By default, listening
# on the IPv6 "any" address (::) will accept connections from both IPv6
# and IPv4 clients. It is not necessary to listen on *both* IPv4 and IPv6
# sockets. If you want that (perhaps because you want to listen on specific
# addresses) then you must run two copies of vsftpd with two configuration
# files.
# Allow anonymous FTP? (Disabled by default).
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
# Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022,
# if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's)
# Uncomment this to allow the anonymous FTP user to upload files. This only
# has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will
# obviously need to create a directory writable by the FTP user.
# Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create
# new directories.
# Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
# go into a certain directory.
# If enabled, vsftpd will display directory listings with the time
# in  your  local  time  zone.  The default is to display GMT. The
# times returned by the MDTM FTP command are also affected by this
# option.
# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.
# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).
# If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by
# a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not
# recommended!
# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown
# below.
# If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format.
# Note that the default log file location is /var/log/xferlog in this case.
# You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.
# You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.
# It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the
# ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.
# Enable this and the server will recognise asynchronous ABOR requests. Not
# recommended for security (the code is non-trivial). Not enabling it,
# however, may confuse older FTP clients.
# By default the server will pretend to allow ASCII mode but in fact ignore
# the request. Turn on the below options to have the server actually do ASCII
# mangling on files when in ASCII mode.
# Beware that on some FTP servers, ASCII support allows a denial of service
# attack (DoS) via the command "SIZE /big/file" in ASCII mode. vsftpd
# predicted this attack and has always been safe, reporting the size of the
# raw file.
# ASCII mangling is a horrible feature of the protocol.
# You may fully customise the login banner string:
#ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service.
# You may specify a file of disallowed anonymous e-mail addresses. Apparently
# useful for combatting certain DoS attacks.
# (default follows)
# You may restrict local users to their home directories.  See the FAQ for
# the possible risks in this before using chroot_local_user or
# chroot_list_enable below.
# You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home
# directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of
# users to NOT chroot().
# (Warning! chroot'ing can be very dangerous. If using chroot, make sure that
# the user does not have write access to the top level directory within the
# chroot)
# (default follows)
# You may activate the "-R" option to the builtin ls. This is disabled by
# default to avoid remote users being able to cause excessive I/O on large
# sites. However, some broken FTP clients such as "ncftp" and "mirror" assume
# the presence of the "-R" option, so there is a strong case for enabling it.
# Customization
# Some of vsftpd's settings don't fit the filesystem layout by
# default.
# This option should be the name of a directory which is empty.  Also, the
# directory should not be writable by the ftp user. This directory is used
# as a secure chroot() jail at times vsftpd does not require filesystem
# access.
# This string is the name of the PAM service vsftpd will use.
# This option specifies the location of the RSA certificate to use for SSL
# encrypted connections.

# Uncomment this to indicate that vsftpd use a utf8 filesystem.

looking at you config I can see a few minor issues that might be causing it not to start.

First I recommend you shrink down the config file to just the variables you need like the following.


for information on what you can use go to https://security.appspot.com/vsftpd/vsftpd_conf.html

you might want to add a local_root=/folder/folder to aviod possible problems but its not required



some reason the default config has it on but the log location off!

its also important to note that xferlog_enabled and syslog_enable are for different logs. seen many people mix these settings and get nothing.



since you dont have guest_enable in you config file this setting does nothing. Plus other varaibles are needed for PAM to work see

How to setup virtual users for vsftpd with access to a specific sub directory?



you need to provide the message_file variable for it to work


listen_port=21 because 21 is the default anyway

use_localtime=YES because server time is more reliable

connect_from_port_20=YES this is not needed apart from in advanced configurations

also you might want to turn your logs





the resulting config file should be


If that doesn’t work remove the SSL settings and set a

Решено: vsftpd (не работает listen_ipv6=YES [РЕШЕНО])

Модератор: SLEDopit

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Сообщения: 297
Статус: Любитель гвоздей и микроскопов
ОС: Kubuntu 17.10

Решено: vsftpd

Добрый день всем.

Как настроить vsftd на работу с ipv6? В конфиге уже всё написано.


# cd /etc/vsftpd
# grep -r listen.*= vsftpd.ipv6.conf

# service vsftpd restart
Завершение работы vsftpd: [ ОК ]
Запускается vsftpd для vsftpd: [ ОК ]
Запускается vsftpd для vsftpd.ipv6: [ ОШИБКА ]

# vsftpd vsftpd.ipv6.conf
# echo $?
# ping6 ipv6.google.com -c1
PING ipv6.google.com(2a00:1450:8004::6a) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2a00:1450:8004::6a: icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=90.9 ms

[gluk47@gluk47-desktop ~]$ ензу куищще
куищще is aliased to `reboot’

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Re: Решено: vsftpd


rm_ » 26.05.2010 13:44


Если там 0, переключить в 1:

Попробовать перезапустить vsftpd ещё раз.

Либо оставить в 0, но тогда убрать запуск первого vsftpd, того что с vsftpd.conf-просто, в результате один процесс (тот что в логе вторым по счёту) будет слушать оба протокола (но это может не сработать, и не очень-то рекомендуется).

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Статус: Любитель гвоздей и микроскопов
ОС: Kubuntu 17.10

Re: Решено: vsftpd


gluk47 » 26.05.2010 15:21

sash-kan писал(а): ↑

26.05.2010 01:09

gluk47 писал(а): ↑

25.05.2010 21:57



Простите за глупый вопрос: где хранятся логи? :)

Код: Выделить всё

# ls /var/log/vsftp*
ls: невозможно получить доступ к /var/log/vsftp*: Нет такого файла или каталога
# service vsftpd restart
Завершение работы vsftpd:                              [   ОК  ]
Запускается vsftpd для vsftpd:                         [   ОК  ]
Запускается vsftpd для vsftpd.ipv6:                    [ ОШИБКА ]
# # ls /var/log/vsftp*
ls: невозможно получить доступ к /var/log/vsftp*: Нет такого файла или каталога

AnViar писал(а): ↑

26.05.2010 11:37


Всё-таки от суперпользователя)

Код: Выделить всё

$ netstat -nlp|grep ftp
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
# netstat -nlp|grep ftp
tcp        0      0        *                   LISTEN      28934/vsftpd

Как и ожидалось)

rm_ писал(а): ↑

26.05.2010 13:44

Что за магия о_О И почему smbd и sshd без этого работают?

Спасибо, теперь всё работает! :)

[gluk47@gluk47-desktop ~]$ ензу куищще
куищще is aliased to `reboot’

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Re: Решено: vsftpd


SLEDopit » 26.05.2010 15:52

gluk47 писал(а): ↑

26.05.2010 15:21

Простите за глупый вопрос: где хранятся логи?

Код: Выделить всё

 $ head -1 /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux squeeze/sid n l
 $ ls -l /var/log/vsftpd.log
-rw-r----- 1 root adm 7165 May 25 21:20 /var/log/vsftpd.log

может у вас syslog_enable включен?

Код: Выделить всё

If  enabled,  then  any  log  output  which  would  have gone to
/var/log/vsftpd.log goes to the system log instead.  Logging  is
done under the FTPD facility.
Default: NO

UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity. © Dennis Ritchie
The more you believe you don’t do mistakes, the more bugs are in your code.

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Сообщения: 297
Статус: Любитель гвоздей и микроскопов
ОС: Kubuntu 17.10

Re: Решено: vsftpd


gluk47 » 26.05.2010 18:10

Да нет, логи туда создаются (/var/log/vsftpd.log), но там только записи о подключениях. А про ошибку там не было ни слова (и про успешный запуск демона).

[gluk47@gluk47-desktop ~]$ ензу куищще
куищще is aliased to `reboot’

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Re: Решено: vsftpd


KiWi » 26.05.2010 20:59

gluk47 писал(а): ↑

26.05.2010 15:21

rm_ писал(а): ↑

26.05.2010 13:44

Что за магия о_О И почему smbd и sshd без этого работают?

Спасибо, теперь всё работает! :)

Как уже выше говорили — у вас запускается ДВА vsftpd.
Один слушает ipv4, а второй — пытается слушать ipv4+ipv6.

I just installed VSFTPD on my Ubuntu system, but it doesn’t seem to work properly.

In the config file i only changed the «local_enable», «write_enable» and «listen» to YES.

When I use «netstat -tanp» or similar commands they only show me «22:sshd» but nothing on port 21.

I tried restarting VSFTPD and i tried restarting my whole VPS. Reinstalling VSFTPD didn’t help either.

The weird thing was: Before i restarted my VPS for the first time it was listening on IPv6 Port21, but now it doesn’t even listen on that anymore.

I tried everything that google told me but nothing works. It’s a fresh installation of ubuntu 16.04.4, and vsftpd is version 3.0.3

(when i try to just type «vsftpd» into my console, it tells me «500 OOPS: ruin two copies of vsftpd for IPv4 and IPv6)

TL;DR: VSFTPD not listening on Port21, any tips why?

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———- Post updated at 08:07 AM ———- Previous update was at 07:50 AM ———-

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