Water circuit priming saeco ошибка


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Модераторы: morbid, latterus

Автор Добавил


Пн фев 11 2013, 05:51

пишет : priming circuit please wait
и льется вода мимо заварника



Пн фев 11 2013, 06:43

Инструкция -[ссылка]-

Вообщем контур водой не может заполнить….не мерзла??

[ Редактирование Пн фев 11 2013, 09:53 ]



Вт фев 12 2013, 02:02

В инете нарыл : priming circuit — Первоначальная загрузка водяного контура
И т.к. датчик холла не работает вода льется
Вопрос где находиться датчик холла ? как до него лучше добраться?



Вт фев 12 2013, 07:36

куда вода льется то????с этого надо начинать……пока всю машину не разобрали…..



Вт фев 12 2013, 07:37

водомерка ваш датчик холла


Espresso Doktor

Сб фев 16 2013, 02:49

ADM написал(а)

В инете нарыл : priming circuit — Первоначальная загрузка водяного контура
И т.к. датчик холла не работает вода льется
Вопрос где находиться датчик холла ? как до него лучше добраться?

Укажите точную модель,и серийный номер, и где купили.
Постараюсь помочь




Сб фев 16 2013, 03:02

Кофемашина:Dalla Corte Evolution (V2/V3), Dalla Corte Mini (V1,V2,V3)
Кофемолка:Mahlkonig K30ES, Mazzer Major, Mazzer Mini Electronic (V1/V2)
Ростер:Toper Cafemino Electric / Probat Probatino Gas
Др. оборудованиевсякое…

Сообщений: 479
Спасибо сказали 21 раз в 20 постах

Налейте в бункер воды очень теплой воды и запускайте пока не сбросит ошибку сама, если не захочет — в СЦ вам дорога




Чт фев 28 2013, 01:26

Дело оказалось в датчике холла


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Тема: Saeco Talea Ring — priming circuit  (Прочитано 17426 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Доброе время суток. У меня такая проблема, после диагностики машина на дисплее выдаёт priming circuit и льёт воду в контейнер рядом с отходами от кофе. Я в бак для воды доливаю и долеваю, наверное целое ведро прогнал через неё. Не помойму в чём дело, подскажите пожалуйста, чего хочет этот аппарат?


Ну подскажите пожалуйста, что означает «PRIMING CIRCUIT». Может датчик с крыльчаткой не работает? Такое впечатление, что машина не видит прохождение воды через неё.



Первоначальная загрузка водяного контура

Такое впечатление, что машина не видит прохождение воды через неё.

Похоже на то.

льёт воду в контейнер рядом с отходами от кофе.

сразу или как?
Если сразу,  клапан висит.
Машина видит вращения счётчика, но не видит что система заполнена, так как при заполнении контура счётчик дожен сбросить обороты.

возможно в последних строчках есть не точности, так как машина точно не идентифицирована, а  не во всех  машинах этой линейки реализована эта функция.

« Последнее редактирование: Август 17, 2012, 14:03:10 от zumer »


Скупой платит дважды, дурак постоянно

Машина называется Saeco Via Torreta-это на боковой дверке внутри написано.   


Первоначальная загрузка водяного контура

Такое впечатление, что машина не видит прохождение воды через неё.

Похоже на то.

льёт воду в контейнер рядом с отходами от кофе.

сразу или как?
Если сразу,  клапан висит.
Машина видит вращения счётчика, но не видит что система заполнена, так как при заполнении контура счётчик дожен сбросить обороты.

возможно в последних строчках есть не точности, так как машина точно не идентифицирована, а  не во всех  машинах этой линейки реализована эта функция.


Отключил питание электроклапана, вода всё равно течёт в контейнер. По видимому не держит клапан. Я так понимаю при подаче напряжения, клапан открывается, а при снятии напруги-должен быть закрытым. Ни как не подлезешь к этому клапану.


Машины идентифицируются по продуктовому коду, а не по модели.
А клапан этот, как принудительного сброса(подаётся напряжение), так и аварийного сброса(под действием  давления).
Может зависнуть заклинив или прокладке усё.


Скупой платит дважды, дурак постоянно

Снял я клапан, фото правда плохое, но это не главное, когда я его разобрал от туда выпала фиговина, фото тоже прилагаю, каким концом она стояла не пойму.


Машины идентифицируются по продуктовому коду

Код я не знаю


Собрал я клапан и поставил на место. Не работает всё-таки счётчик. Нет импульсов с него. Буду искать датчик Холла.


Не могу найти в продаже такой датчик Холла, в магазинах радиозапчастей спрашивают его название. На нем написано сверху 375, снизу 618е. Подскажите какая у него маркировка полностью, или чем его можно заменить?


Меняй турбинку целиком, она не дорогая. Я тоже такой датчик не нашел в продаже.


Авторизация: Delonghi, Bork, Ariette, Jura, Nivona

Прошёлся ещё раз по радиомагазинам, посмотрел какие датчики Холла есть у них в наличии. Теперь буду искать по характеристикам в инете, чем можно заменить из того что есть. Примерно уже прикинул, должен подойти AH512. Завтра пойду куплю и попробую. Что из этого выйдет напишу.



Меняй турбинку целиком, она не дорогая. Я тоже такой датчик не нашел в продаже.

а я нашел его в продаже, вот только дело было не в бобине..
не надо холла бегать, на место его, и механчасть в флоуметре осмотрите как положено, микроотверстие сопла на входе, вращение крыльчатки


Меняй турбинку целиком, она не дорогая. Я тоже такой датчик не нашел в продаже.

а я нашел его в продаже, вот только дело было не в бобине..
не надо холла бегать, на место его, и механчасть в флоуметре осмотрите как положено, микроотверстие сопла на входе, вращение крыльчатки

Вращается крыльчатка, а вот датчик Холла на магниты ни как не реагирует. Постоянные 5 вольт на выходе.

« Последнее редактирование: Август 20, 2012, 14:25:47 от bulan2000 »



Меняй турбинку целиком, она не дорогая. Я тоже такой датчик не нашел в продаже.

а я нашел его в продаже, вот только дело было не в бобине..
не надо холла бегать, на место его, и механчасть в флоуметре осмотрите как положено, микроотверстие сопла на входе, вращение крыльчатки

Вращается крыльчатка, а вот датчик Холла на магниты ни как не реагирует. Постоянные 5 вольт на выходе.

а даташит не перепутал?
есть прямые и обратные Холлы, и плюс ко всему: Холла непросто сжечь, это уметь надо, тем более 5 Вольт не превышалось.


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Saeco coffee maker troubleshooting

Are you in doubt whether you should try fixing your coffee maker on your own? Of course, it may seem a much easier solution just to throw out the machine or call a professional repairer for help. Yet, you may be surprised to discover that coffee maker troubleshooting is often very simple and doesn’t require much time.

Try the solutions suggested for the Saeco coffee makers in the tables below and see for yourself!

How to reset saeco coffee machine

A Saeco coffee maker has a reset button. To get to it, open the top using a screwdriver. There you will see three thermostats and a button on the middle one. If you hear a metallic sound when pushing the button, there is a problem occurring due to air getting into the heating element. To prevent this, monitor the water supply process and be sure that no air is getting into the system. Take steps to drain air from the system from time to time.

Saeco Odea Giro Plus coffee maker troubleshooting

Problems Causes Solutions
The machine does not turn on. The machine is not connected to the power source. Connect the machine to the power source.
The plug has not been plugged into the back of the machine. Insert the plug into the machine’s power socket.
Machine in stand-by. Press the brew button to start the machine.
Coffee is not hot enough. The cups are cold. Warm the cups with hot water.
Hot water or steam is not dispensed. The hole of the steam wand is clogged. Clean the hole of the steam wand using a pin.
Coffee has little crema. The coffee blend is unsuitable or coffee is not freshly roasted. Change coffee blend.
The machine takes a long time to warm up or the amount of water dispensed from the wand is too little. The machine’s water circuit is obstructed by limescale build-up. Descale the machine.
The brew group does not come out. The brew group is out of place. Turn the machine on. Close the service door. The brew group is automatically placed in the correct position.
Dregdrawer is inserted. Remove the dregdrawer first, then the brew group.
The machine grinds the coffee beans but no coffee comes out. Water tank is empty. Fill the water tank and prime the water circuit again.
Brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.
The water circuit is not primed. Prime the circuit again by dispensing water from the hot water wand.
Rare event that occurs when the machine is automatically adjusting the dose. Brew a few coffees as described in the manual.
The coffee volume knob is turned to the left. Turn the knob clockwise.
The coffee is too weak. Rare event that occurs when the machine is automatically adjusting the dose. Brew a few coffees as described in the manual.
Coffee is brewed slowly Coffee is too fine. Adjust the grinder to a coarse grind.
Circuit is not primed. Prime the circuit again by dispensing water from the steam wand.
The brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.
Coffee leaks out of the dispensing head. Dispensing head is clogged. Clean the dispensing holes with a soft doth.
Brewing does not start. Coffee bean lid is not dosed properly. Correctly place the lid on the coffee bean hopper and press it firmly.
The machine grinds the coffee, but coffee does not brew. The opti-dose adjustment is not at the optimal setting. Change the opti-dose adjustment.

Saeco Vienna plus sup 018M coffee maker troubleshooting

Problems Causes Solutions
The machine does not turn on The machine is not connected to the power supply. Connect the machine to the power supply.
The service door is open. Close the service door.
Coffee is not hot enough The cups are cold. Warm the cups.
No hot water or steam is dispensed The hole of the steam spout is clogged. Clean the hole of the steam spout using a pin.
Coffee has little foam The coffee blend is unsuitable, the coffee is not freshly roasted or the grind is too coarse. Change coffee blend or adjust the grind. Increase the dose.
The machine takes a long time to warm up or the amount of water dispensed from the spout is too little. The machine’s circuit is obstructed by limescale. Descale the machine.
The Brew Group does not come out. The Brew Group is out of place. Turn on the machine. Close the service door. The Brew Group is automatically placed in the correct position.
The grounds drawer is inserted. Remove the grounds drawer before removing the Brew Group.
Coffee is not brewed There is no water. Fill the water tank and prime the circuit again.
The Brew Group is dirty. Clean the Brew Group.
The dose setting is high. Decrease the dose setting.
The circuit is not primed. Prime the circuit again.
Coffee is brewed slowly The dose setting is high. Decrease the dose setting.
The coffee is too fine. Change coffee blend or adjust the grind. Decrease the dose setting.
The circuit is not primed. Prime the circuit again.
The Brew Group is dirty. Clean the Brew Group.
Coffee leaks out of the dispensing spout The dispensing spout is in a wrong position. Replace the dispensing spout in its correct position.
The dispensing spout is clogged. Clean the dispensing spout and its holes.

Saeco V’spresso coffee maker troubleshooting

The brewing cycle does not start No coffee beans / “Cof Beans Empty”. Refill bean hopper and press desired coffee button.
No water / “Fill watertank». Fill water tank. Make sure float is in position and held in place by the cap. Message will clear.
Dredge drawer / waste box is full / “Dredgedrawer full”. Remove waste box while machine is on. Leave out for 5-10 seconds and put back in machine. Message will clear.
Brew group missing / Brew Unit Miss. Remove drip tray, waste box and brew group. Put brew group back in machine until securely locks in place, put waste box in, shut service door and put drip tray back in place.
Coffee flows too quickly. Grind is too coarse. Adjust the grinder to a finer grind, ex. from 5 to 3. Adjust only while grinder is grinding and only a maximum of 2 settings at a time. It will take 3-4 cups to see results.
Dose needs to be increased. Turn doser towards + sign.
Coffee flows too slowly. Grind is too fine. Adjust the grinder to a coarser grind, ex. from 5 to 7. Adjust only while grinder is grinding and only a maximum of 2 settings at a time. It will take 34 cups to see results.
Dose needs to be decreased. Turn doser towards — sign.
Filter screen in brew group is clogged. Clean the filter screen using the key provided.
The machine does not turn on. The machine is not connected to the power supply. Move the main switch to ON (T position). Check the plug and the power outlet.
The coffee is not hot enough. The cups are cold. Warm up the cups on cup warmer or by dispensing a little hot water into the cup and letting it sit for a few seconds.
A low temperature has been set. Set the machine to a higher temperature.
Only water is dispensed when you select “pre-ground coffee’. No pre-ground coffee has been put into the pre-ground chute. Select Pre-ground coffee button, put pre-ground coffee into the chute and press the desired coffee button.
Too much pre-ground coffee put in chute. Put one level scoop of espresso coffee. Max. 1 cup at a time.
No hot water or steam is dispensed. The steam wand is dogged. Clear it with a thin needle or pin. During this operation, the must be closed and the machine must be off. Then run water through steam wand to make sure unclogged.
Reduced amount of coffee, water and steam coming out of the machine; the machine takes longer to heat. Lime scale / mineral build up in machine. Descale the machine. If not done for a long period of time, we recommend doing 2 cycles.
Unable to dear Descale message. Need to reset message. Go into programming mode, ‘Sign. Decal.» and reset message.
The brew group cannot be removed. The brew group is out of alignment. Put waste box in position, close door and put drip tray in position. Switch machine on; the brew group will reset into original position.
Ventilate Machine needs to be primed. Dispense 3-4 oz of water through the steam wand.
Steam wand clogged. Clear steam wand and prime machine.
Limescale / mineral build up in machine. Descale the machine. If not done for a long period of time, we recommend doing 2 cycles.

Saeco EXPRELIA HD8854 coffee maker troubleshooting

Machine actions Causes Solutions
The machine does not switch on. The machine is not connected to the electric network. Connect the machine to the electric network.
The power button is set to»0″. Check that the power button is set to
The drip tray gets filled although no water is drained. Sometimes water is drained automatically by the machine into the drip tray to manage the rinsing of the circuits and ensure optimum machine performance. This is seen as normal machine behavior.
Coffee is not hot enough. The cups are cold. Preheat the cups with hot water or use the hot water dispenser.
Beverage temperature in the programming menu is set to low. Ensure that the temperature is set to Normal or High in the beverage programming menu.
Cold milk is being added to the coffee. Cold milk will reduce the temperature of the end product. Therefore please preheat the milk before adding it.
No hot water is dispensed. The hot water/steam wand is clogged or dirty. Clean the hot water/steam wand.
Check if it is clogged by looking into the spout. Use a pin or needle to make a hole through the limestone.
The machine is not filling the cup. The machine has not been programmed. Enter the beverage programming menu and adjust the coffee length setting to your liking for every beverage.
Coffee has not enough crema. The blend is unsuitable, coffee is not freshly roasted or the grind is too coarse. Change coffee blend
The coffee beans or the preground coffee are too old. Ensure that fresh coffee beans or preground coffee are being used.
The milk was not frothed. The Carafe is dirty or not inserted correctly. Verify the correct cleaning of the carafe and its insertion.
The machine takes a long time to warm up or the amount of water dispensed from the wand is too little. The machine circuit is clogged by limescale. Descale the machine.
The brew group cannot be removed. The brew group is out of place. Turn the machine on. Close the service door. The brew group automatically returns to the initial position.
The coffee grounds drawer is inserted. Remove the coffee grounds drawer before removing the brew group.
The brew group cannot be inserted. The brew group is not in rest position. Ensure that the brew group is in rest position. Both arrows must look towards each other.
Gear is not in initial position. Insert the drip tray with the coffee grounds drawer and then close the service door. Turn the machine on. The gear automatically returns to the initial position so the Brew Group can be inserted.
There is a lot of coffee ground under or on the brew group. The coffee you are using may not be suitable for automatic machines. It may be necessary to change the type of coffee or the coffee grinder settings.
The machine is adjusting the grinder due to new coffee beans or preground coffee. The machine automatically adjusts itself after brewing several cups of coffee to optimize the extraction of the coffee to the compactness of the ground coffee. It may take to up to 2-3 products until the grinder is adjusted. This is not a failure of your machine.
The machine produces coffee grounds that are either too wet or too dry. The grinder needs to be adjusted. By adjusting the ceramic coffee grinder, the quality of the puck can be adjusted. When the pucks are too wet, make the grind coarser. When the pucks are too dry, make the grind finer.
The machine grinds the coffee beans but no coffee comes out. There is no water. Fill the water tank and prime the circuit.
The brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.
This might occur when the machine is automatically adjusting the dose. Brew a few coffees
The dispensing spout is dirty. Clean the dispensing spout.
Coffee is too weak. This might occur when the machine is automatically adjusting the dose. Brew a few coffees
The coffee is too coarse. Change coffee blend or adjust the grind
Coffee is brewed slowly. The coffee grind is too fine.
Circuits are clogged. Perform a descaling cycle.
The brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.
Coffee leaks out of the dispensing spout. The dispensing spout is clogged. Clean the dispensing spout and its holes.

Saeco Nina, Aroma, Armonia, Via Veneto, Via Venezia, ABC coffee maker troubleshooting

The machine does not
switch on
No power supply Check the electrical circuit
The machine does not warm
The thermostats have intervened
The power supply does not reach the boiler
Replace the thermostats (if of the One shot type)
If they are manual, reset them
If they are automatic, they are reset automatically
Check the electrical connections
The pump is very noisy There is no water in the tank
The pump has disengaged from the supports
The silicone pipe that carries the water from the tank to the pump is
pinched or blocked
Fill the tank
Insert the pump into the supports once again
Check the water circuit
The coffee is too cold The filter holder is not inserted for the pre-heating process
The cups are cold
Run hot water through the filter holder
Pre-heat the cups with hot water
The milk does not froth The milk is not suitable (powdered or skimmed milk)
Dirty nozzle or Cappuccino maker
Use whole milk
Carefully clean the nozzle or the cappuccino maker with water
The coffee flows too quickly
and does not form the cream
Little coffee in the filter holder
Grinding level too coarse
There is a missing component in the filter holder
Increase the quantity
Use a different mixture
Verify that all the components are in place and installed correctly
The coffee does not flow or
it flows in drops
Grinding level too fine
The coffee is pressed too much in the filter holder
Too much coffee in the filter holder
Blocked water channels
Blocked filter in the filter holder
Use a different mixture
Agitate the coffee
Reduce the amount of coffee
Descale the machine
Carefully clean the filter
The coffee does not flow from
the edges
The filter holder has been inserted incorrectly into the coffee
dispensing unit
The upper border of the filter holder is dirty
The seal of the boiler is dirty or worn
Too much coffee in the filter holder
Insert the filter holder correctly
Clean the edges of the fiter holder
Clean or replace the seal
Reduce the amount of coffee

Saeco XSMALL HD coffee maker troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Solution
The machine does not turn on. The machine is not connected to
the power source
Connect the machine to the power source.
Coffee is not hot enough. The cups are cold. Preheat the cups with hot water.
No hot water or steam is
The hole of the steam/hot water wand is clogged Clean the hole of the steam/hot water wand using a pin.
Make sure that the machine is off and has cooled down before performing this operation.
Pannarello is dirty (if supplied). Clean the Pannarello.
Espresso does not have
enough crema
The coffee blend is unsuitable,
the coffee is not freshly roasted or
the grind is too coarse.
Change coffee blend or adjust the ceramic coffee grinder
The machine takes a long
time to warm up or the
amount of water dispensed
from the hot steam/hot
water wand is too small.
The machine water circuit is obstructed by limescale build-up. Descale the machine
The brew group cannot be
The brew group is out of place. Turn on the machine. Close the service door. The brew group automatically returns to the correct position.
The coffee grounds drawer is inserted. Remove the coffee grounds drawer before removing the brew group.
The brew group cannot be inserted. The brew group is not in the off position. Make sure that the brew group in the off position.
The gearbox is not in the correct position. Insert the drip tray and the coffee grounds drawer. Close the service door.
Turn on the machine without inserting the brew group. The gearbox returns to the correct position. Turn off the machine and reinsert the brew group.
The descaling cycle cannot
be finished.
Most probably you have used not enough water for rinsing. Unplug the power cord and follow
the instructions described in the
sector » Interruption of the descaling
cycle» (Look under the table)
The machine grinds the
coffee beans but no coffee is brewed.
1) The brew group is dirty.
2) The water circuit is not primed.
3) This might occur when the ma-
chine is automatically adjusting
the dose.
4) The coffee dispensing spout is
1) Clean the brew group.
2) Fill the water tank with fresh water
and dispense hot water.
3) Brew a few cups of espresso coffee. (Coffee is a natural product and its characteristics may change according to its origin, blend and roast. The machine is equipped with a self-adjusting system that allows the use of all types of coff ee beans available on the market except for raw, caramelized and fl avoured coff ee beans. The machine automatically adjusts itself after brewing a certain number of cups of coff ee to optimise the extraction.)
4) Clean the coffee dispensing spout.
The coffee is too weak 1) This might occur when the machine is automatically adjusting the dose.
2) The ceramic coffee grinder is set to a coarse grind.
1) Brew a few cups of espresso coffee.
(Coffee is a natural product and its characteristics may change according to its origin, blend and roast. The machine is equipped with a self-adjusting system that allows the use of all types of coff ee beans available on the market except for raw, caramelized and fl avoured coff ee beans. The machine automatically adjusts itself after brewing a certain number of cups of coff ee to optimise the extraction.)
2) Adjust the ceramic coffee grinder to a finer setting.
Coffee is brewed slowly 1) The coffee grind is too fine.
2) The water circuit is not primed.
3) The brew group is dirty.
1) Change coffee blend or adjust the
grind setting.
2) Fill the water tank with fresh water
and dispense hot water.
3) Clean the brew group.
The drip tray gets filled although no water is drained. Water is drained automatically by
the machine into the drip tray to
manage the rinsing of the circuits
This is a standard operating procedure.

View details: Interruption of the descaling cycle

• Turn the machine ON by pressing the

power switch to «I».

• The display shows the ON/OFF icon.


• Make sure the ON/OFF button is set to

the » » position; if this is not the case,

set it to that position.

• Press the ON/OFF button to turn the

machine on.

• The display indicates that the circuit

must be primed.


Note: Before starting the

machine after long periods

of inactivity, the water circuit must

be primed.

• 6 •

• 6 •

• To prime the water circuit, place a

container under the steam/hot water

wand(Pannarello, if supplied).

• Turn the selector dial clockwise to set

it to the «

starts the automatic priming of the

circuit by letting out a preset quantity

of water through the steam/hot water

wand (Pannarello, if supplied). The bar

under the icon shows the operation


At the end of the priming process,

the display shows an icon (see fig-

ure) indicating that the selection dial

must be brought back to the central

» » position.


• The display then shows the machine

warm-up icon, as shown in the fi gure.


When warm-up is complete,

the machine performs a rinse

cycle of the internal circuits.

In this phase, this icon will be dis-



• When the operations described above

are complete, this icon will be dis-


The machine is then ready to brew



• To brew coff ee, dispense hot water or

steam, and for a proper use of the ma-

chine, carefully follow the instructions


If the machine is being used

for the fi rst time or after a

long period of inactivity, follow the

operations described in the follow-

ing section.

» position. The machine

background image

• 41 •



The machine is performing the rinse cycle.

  Wait until the machine stops the opera-



The machine needs a descaling cycle.


The machine needs water circuit priming.

Warning Signals


The machine is warming up to brew coff ee 
and dispense hot water or steam.

•  No coff ee beans in the coff ee bean hopper.

  After refi lling the hopper, the cycle can be 



Empty the coff ee grounds drawer.


Insert the coff ee grounds drawer.


Fill the water tank.

Alarm Signals

•  Return the hot water / steam knob to its 

correct position.

•  Insert the brew group in the machine.

•  Close the service door.

Steady on


Slow Blinking

Steady on


Steady on

Steady on




Brew group overstressed

The coff ee cycle will be interrupted. Perform 
a coff ee cycle again.



Turn off  the machine using the power button 
on its back and turn it on again. If the error 
persists, contact the service centre.

Fast Blinking



Сигналы тревоги

Аппарат в стадии разогрева,
готовится к приготовлению 
кофе, горячей воды или пара

Аппарат осуществляет цикл
Подождите, пока аппарат
завершит этот цикл.

Аппарат осуществляет цикл

Аппарат нуждается в 

Группа приготовления 
Приготовление кофе будет
Начните цикл приготовления
кофе сначала.

Верните рукоять горячей воды /
пара в правильную позицию
Вставьте группу приготовления
в аппарат
Закройте сервисную дверцу.

Опустошите отсек для кофейных

Вставьте отсек для кофейных

Отсек для кофейных зёрен пуст.
После заполнения отсека цикл
может быть перезапущен.

Заполните резервуар для воды.

Выключите аппарат, используя
кнопку выключения и затем
включите снова. Если
проблема возникнет снова,
обратитесь в сервисный центр.


  • Water bleeding not authorized ошибка рено премиум
  • Water bleed impossible ошибка рено премиум
  • Water bleed impossible ошибка рено магнум
  • Watchdog ошибка вин 10
  • Watch dogs произошла ошибка при распаковке