Wdsclient ошибка при получении ip адреса от сервера dhcp сервера

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  • Доброго времени суток.

    Есть проблема связаная с работой WDS на Windows Server 2008 R2. PXE клиент стартует олично происходит получение IP адреса от DHCP сервера, выбираю образ загрузки после чего получаю сообщение
    «WDSClient: ошибка при получении IP-адреса от сервера DHCP. Проверьте наличие рабочего DHCP-сервера в данном сегменте сети».

    До этого сервер писал что он не может найти сетевой драйвер и просил включить его в образ загрузки, что я собственно говоря и сделал. Но теперь вот эта ошибка!Товарищи IT специалисты помогите в решении этой проблемы, потому что вариантов
    для её решения у меня нет.

    Спасибо заранее за помощь


  • Не работает на конкретном оборудовании или во всей сети? Судя по всему на конкретном, раз драйвер искали. Очень вероятно, что драйвер кривой. Если образ загрузки у Вас взят от 7 32, то и драйвер сетевой нужен для 7 32. Аналогично для всех остальных систем.
    WDS и DHCP у Вас работают корректно и выдают именно то, что и должны. Сначала DHCP адрес получает адаптер, а потом образ PE подгружает драйвер и получает адрес уже сам. Вот в драйвере и проблема.

    Все, указанное выше, является моим личным мнением. Если Вам помогли предложенные рекомендации, пожалуйста, помечайте их, как ответ. Это поможет другим пользователям быстрее найти решение.

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      22 августа 2011 г. 8:22

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  • Hi!

    I’m trying to deploy a WDS server for a while, but I get the next error (but then in dutch):
    WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure there is an operational DHCP Server on this network segment.The
    server I work with is Server 2012R2.

    What I have tried:

    • Downloaded and implemented all 16 ethernet drivers for the client (HP Probook 430 G2) by the WDS «add drivers» feature.
    • Implemented all drivers from an official W7 «Applications and Driver Recovery DVD» in WDS. (this solved an missing driver error earlier)
    • tried a different boot.wim and install.wim from another Windows 7 pro .iso.
    • Tried 4 different HP computers (3 laptops and 1 desktop). one of these laptops is my own computer, which worked fine by another WDS server from my last traineeship.
    • Installed the server on a different computer.
    • Reinstalled the Server like 4 times totally.
    • Rebuilded everything in VMware Workstation, everything works fine in here untill I connect a physical computer by peer-to-peer cable, than I get the error again (drivers from HP site and CD as told above are added).
    • The different networks I tried: a cisco switch with 4 clients and 1 server attached, nothing more. I read about the portforwarding problem in cisco switches, so I tried peer-to-peer between a physical Server and client and like I said between a virtual
      switch in vmware.
    • First installed the server with the DHCP role, tested the connections, IP addresses are leased and I can ping while clients are in Windows 7.
    • I get the error while running the setup from the boot.wim, so I have a connection with the server, however if I start a command prompt by SHIFT+F10 and put «ipconfig» in, the results are pretty empty: «Windows IP-configuration«.
      Even after a few minutes I have no IP configuration. Results of the command «ipconfig /renew» is: «An error occured while releasing interface Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1: The system cannot find the file specified.«
    • DHCP configuration on active scope: 60 «PXEClient» and 66 for the ip address of my WDS server.
    • DHCP properties in WDS: «Do not listen on DHCP ports» and «Configure DHCp options to indicate that this is also a PXE server» are enabled because my Windows DHCP role is active beside the WDS role on the same phisical server.
    • Configured the windowssystem32startnet.cmd succesfully in a mounted image 3 times from different suggestions, doesn’t help me either.

    I read aslwell that it could be something with HP. I only have 1 DHCP server active to be clear. I’m not using DNS. My teachers at school can’t help me, I hope someone here can! I would be amazing happy if the problem wille be solved.



  • Hi Alex,

    >> I get the error while running the setup from the boot.wim, so I have a connection with the server, however if I start a command prompt by SHIFT+F10 and put «ipconfig» in,
    the results are pretty empty: «Windows IP-configuration». Even after a few minutes I have no IP configuration. Results of the command «ipconfig /renew» is: «An error occured while releasing interface Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1: The
    system cannot find the file specified.»

    According your description,it seems to be a driver issue. As far as I know,you should  extract and only add the  corresponding Drivers into the boot image,if you added them all, you will
    getting hardware errors on the PC.

    Best Regards,


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    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:33 AM


При загрузке образа с WDS появляется ошибка

WdsClient: ошибка получения IP-адреса от сервера DHCP.

Не могу понять, что делать.
я пробовал подкидывать драйвера вручную по инструкции.


Пробовал через сам WDS к boot образу докидывать драйвера, но все равно ничего.
Может я что-то не то делаю? Кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой бедой?
Сам wds настроен нормально, потому что такая проблема не на всех компах. Wds+DHCP и порт настроен нормально.

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WdsClient: ошибка получения IP-адреса от сервера DHCP.

Где вы такое ловите?
Вообще, встречал такие сетевки встроенные, на которых PXE отказывался работать вообще. Ссылаюсь на кривизну чипа сетевой карты.

Проблема скорее всего с драйверами. Если сделать shift+F10, ipconfig /all, то видно что сетевухи нет. Значит драйвера на нее не установились в загрузочном образе.
С аналогичной проблемой сталкиваюсь не первый раз. Обычно легко интегрируются драйвера. Сейчас на intel i219 не получается. Новые матери h410 не поддерживаются из коробки последним релизом W10 (2004).

Возьмите образ boot.wim из Windows Server 2022, на нём всё работает.

WDS стоит на Windows server 2019, разворачиваю Windows 10
Проблема актуальная до сих пор, причем проблема на сетевых картах intel i219 и выше. Дистрибутив свежий, версия сборки 10.0.19041 . Драйвера в образе на сетевые карты есть

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Минуточку внимания

I have a problem with a Dell 7040 desktop pc. I received the following message.

WDSclient: an error occured while trying to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to

ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment»

Error comes after loading pxe boot. it only comes while loading the install image. on command propmpt i

cant see an ip address.2012.
I created boot and install image of windows 10. injected network drivers of the Dell pc in boot.
Windows 7 image is working fine, problem is with windows 10 image. Even i syprep wim image from the same

dell machine. still same error.

plz advise as im totaly stuck.


Best Answer

  • Author Tufail Shah

    Hi George,

    Today i fixed the issue.

    Before i created boot image on wds
    from windows 10 DVD containing 1507 build which has issues.

    I got an idea to create the boot
    image from win 10 build 1607 wich i dowloaded from microsoft.

    I created the boot image again with
    new build and hurray…!! that creepy error gone and installation was successful.

     Everyone plz create your win10 boot
    image from windows 10 latest build. Like 1607 or 1703. I did through 1607.

    Much appreciated for your detailed reply.


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    WdsClient-an-error-occured-while-obtaining-an-IP-address-from-the-DHCP-serverIf you are using new (or different) hardware from what you built your Windows image on, you may see:  WdsClient: An Error Occured While Obtaining IP Address From the DHCP Server.  Fortunately, you can ignore most of the other solutions floating around the internet telling you to manually inject the drivers into your image.  Windows Deployment Service (WDS) has a simple mechanism to inject drivers into your image using the WDS GUI.

    How to Add Drivers to Windows Deployment Server:

    1. add-drivers-to-wds-server-Go to your hardware manufacturers website and download the network card driver(s) for the hardware in question
    2. Open your WDS MMC, expand the server in question and then expand DRIVERS
    4. Select SELECT ALL DRIVER PACKAGES FROM A FOLDER and browse to a folder that contains your unpacked drivers
      1. Unpacked drivers means that your driver files must be extracted from their .EXE or .MSI or .ZIP file.
        1. If you do not already know how to do this, download, 7-ZIP and start 7ZIP, select your driver package and click the EXTRACT button
    5. In the AVAILABLE DRIVER PACKAGES window just click NEXT
    6. In the DRIVER GROUPS window, make sure you choose, SELECT AN EXISTING DRIVER GROUP.
      1. If you do not select a group your drivers will be in WDS but will NOT be applied to any of your images
    7. In the TASK COMPLETE window you can click MODIFY THE FILTERS FOR THIS GROUP NOW but I would not
      1. If you add a filter, the drivers will only be applied to devices that meet that filter… I want Windows to figure out if it is needed or not.
        1. The default is “…install all packages that match the installed hardware…” which is good with me

    Now you can add those drivers to the image in question.

    How to Add Drivers to An Image on your Windows Deployment Server:

    1. add-drivers-to-wds-server-imagesIn WDS, click BOOT IMAGES and right click on the image in question
    2. Select ADD DRIVER PACKAGE, then NEXT, then click the SEARCH FOR PACKAGES button
    3. The drivers you just added to your WDS server will now appear in the SEARCH RESULTS window
    4. Click NEXT, NEXT, NEXT

    WDS will then open the image, inject the drivers and close the image.  This is much easier than going through the manual process.

    You should not have to restart your WDS service, but if you have troubles, restart it.

    Also remember that you will likely want to add these drivers to images other than the BOOT image.  Specifically, you will likely want to repeat the process for the image you are trying to apply and to any CAPTURE image you may have.

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