We have classes twice in a week ошибка

Перевод 1. My friend (is) at home now. 2. We (have) English classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (is) nothing, happiness (is) all. 4. She (is) an economist. 5. A good teacher (has) some of the gifts of a good actor. 6. Nothing (is) so rare as complete honesty. 7. A triangle (has) three sides and three angles. 8. Education (is) not just learning facts. 9. Everything children study at school (has) some practical use in their daily life. 10. School (is) an institution for educating children. 11. This book (is) interesting. 12. John (has) a problem

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Перевод 1. My friend (is) at home now. 2. We (have) English classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (is) nothing, happiness (is) all. 4. She (is) …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Перевод 1. My friend (is) at home now. 2. We (have) English classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (is) nothing, happiness (is) all. 4. She (is) an economist. 5. A good teacher (has) some of the gifts of a good actor. 6.


  • #1


«I have English lessons twice/two times a week» — that’s perfectly normal and correct.
What about «I have English lessons twice in a week/two times in a week»?
I’m not sure whether it would be equally correct so I’d like to hear your opinions on that point.
The above sentence is an example of a repeated action. And what about an action within a very limited period as in: «It snowed twice in the last week»? It sounds pretty good to my ear.

Thank you very much!


  • #2

Without any context, it’s hard to say for sure, but I can’t think of a situation in which we would say «I have English lessons twice in a week» or «I have English lessons two times in a week.»

We might say something like «You were late for class twice in one week.»


  • #4

I wouldn’t use “in” in either of your sentences.


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15 нояб. 2021

  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант)
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  • Английский (американский вариант)

we have our class is used if you and the person you are talking to are going to the same class, but we have class means if the person you are talking to doesnt have the same class as you

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В чем разница между we have our class twice a week и we have class twice a week ?

  • Что значит two day week class and meet for


    Two classes per week
    which lasts for an hour and 15 minutes.

  • Что значит twice a week?
  • Что значит We used to go a week?


    There is very small mistake in the sentence — ‘We used to go there a week ago’.That would be right.

    It means that we always went there befor…

  • В чем разница между twice per week и twice a week ?


    They mean exactly the same. :) They both mean that you go twice each week.

  • Что значит We’re a week in?


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  • В чем разница между бросать и кидать ?
  • В чем разница между Мой, твой, его, её, наш, ваш, их и Свой ?
  • В чем разница между заливать/залить и заливаться/залиться ?
  • В чем разница между белок и протеин ?
  • В чем разница между я Мони и Меня зовут Мони ?

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Writing 3

You have 20 min to do this task. 
This is part of a letter from Kate, your English pen friend:

       … At school we have a tradition of helping sick people. Twice a week after classes we visit elderly people, who live in the neighbourhood. We help them with shopping and cooking. Mother says it helps us to be kinder and more responsible…
Are there any charity activities at your school? What do you think of organizing charity concerts to collect money? How would you spend this money?

Write a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 – 200 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Moscow, Russia
      2nd November

Dear Kate,
       Thank you for your letter. I’ve had to think much
over your questions about charity, as in our school we’ve got only a few charity activities.
I remember how we collected warm clothes, books and toys for families where there were three or more children. But it happened just once.
I’m sorry it hasn’t become a tradition. It’s difficult to get some classmates interested in such activities.
Well, to organize a charity concert and to spend the raised money on the needs of poor families would be great!
Now I have to stop writing, because my mobile is ringing.
       Hope to hear from you soon.
       Best wishes,



Put the verb to be and to have into the correct from of the Present Simple

1. My friend (be) at home now.

2. We (have) English classes twice a week.

3. Weather (be) nothing, happiness (be) all

4. She (be) an economist.

5. A good teacher (have) some of the gifts of a good actor.

6. Alecks girl-friend (have) dark brown eyes.

7. Education (be) not just learning facts.

8. Their major (to be) Pharmacy.

9. My parents (not to have) much free time.

10. It (to be) difficult to do these exercises.

11. My father (to be) abroad now.

12. My family (to have) a nice house at the seaside.

13. They (to have) a wonderful library at home.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Put the verb to be and to have into the correct from of the Present Simple 1. My friend (be) at home now. 2. We (have) English classes …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Put the verb to be and to have into the correct from of the Present Simple 1. My friend (be) at home now. 2. We (have) English classes twice a week. 3. Weather (be) nothing, happiness (be) all 4. She (be) an economist. 5.

Чекай кароч))))))))))))

Также, как и на русском.

Clean house,clean board,clean skirt
Yellow book,yellow door,yellow chair
Old clock,old street,old newspaper
Weak dog,weak people,weak boy
Strong wolf,strong man,strong woman
Long man,long rope,long tree
Short girl,short boy,short hair

Смотрите ответы на фото

1. A. 2. B. 3. A. 4. B. 5. A. 6. B

1.   a)     walked  2. b) phoned, was playing  3.     b) was working , found
4.  a)     arrived, was having  5.     a)     were working, hurt   
1.a)    came  2. a) met  3. a) came, had left  4. a) had done, phoned  5. b) had destroyed
1. b) would … do  2. a) would not go  3. a) would have been  4. b) hadn’t been
5.     hadn’t come, wouldn’t have got up
1. My father told me to go home.
2.    Mum asked me if I was   having my classes the next day.
3.    My aunt asked me where I went on vacations.
4.    The boy said that they had English classes twice a week.
5.  The man said that he had invented a lot of useful things.
1. I have never been to London.  
2. I will advertise a new shampoo on TV.
3.  Did you take part in the football match?
4. Where do you live?
5.   Please, wait for me.

   Report the statements.

  1. “We have English classes twice a week”, said the boy.
  2. “The water in the river is polluted!” said the ecologist.
  3. “They are working upstairs,” said Mum.
  4. “She is planting roses in the backyard,” said the farmer.
  5. “Our Christmas holidays are very long,” said the Briton.
  6. “She was reading when her Dad entered the room,” said the boy.
  7. “Mark Twain told very funny jokes and wrote nice adventure novels,” said the librarian.
  8. “He has invented a lot of useful things,” said the man.
  9. “The story was going on and seemed to be interesting enough,” said the girl.
  10. “They’ll surely rewrite the test,” said the teacher.

   Report the statements.

  1. “I’ll arrange everything in a proper way,” said the servant.
  2. “I’m going to London tomorrow, Sir Henry,” said Watson.
  3. “We will be having a house party next Tuesday,” said the girl.
  4. “I’ve had enough of his stupid actions,” said the woman.
  5. “They weren’t able to remove the wardrobe alone,” said the man.
  6. “We haven’t bought the food yet,” said granny.
  7. “She can’t swim well to take part in the competition,” said the trainer.
  8. “The country has neither big rivers nor high mountains, only plains,” said the teacher.
  9. “The city transport is overcrowded on week days,” said the traffic officer.
  10. “The accident of last Monday was very serious,” said the doctor.

 Report the statements.

  1. “He was operated successfully,” said the nurse.
  2. “I couldn’t sleep tonight because my neighbours had a party, ” said the old man.
  3. “They were tired because they have been typing all the morning,” said Dad.
  4. “I’ve turned off the radio earlier so I don’t know the result of the game,” he said.
  5. “She didn’t let him know the news,” she said.
  6. “The weather was awful and we stayed at home yesterday,” said Nick.
  7. “We will buy clothes for the coming summer next week,” said Ann.
  8. “The wall was so low that a child could jump over it,” said the gardener.
  9. “Rainforests are destroyed by many things,” said the lecturer.
  10. “She didn’t understand the rule and did the sums wrong,” said the teacher.


to visit


to exhibit

Madame Tussaud’s Gallery is the most _________ one among London attractions. For more than 200 years Madame Tussaud’s has been entertaining _______ by its exhibits famous and _________. Today over 2 million people from all over the world visit the _____________every year.

Галерея Мадам Тюссо самая необычная из всех развлечений Лондона. Более чем 200 лет посетители могут наслаждаться популярными и непопулярными экспонатами. Сегодня более 2 млн. людей со всего мира посещают выставку каждый год.

______ has been popular for some centuries. ______ in England in the 17-19th centuries is represented by a number of great artists. William Hogarth was the first English _____who developed the British art. Sir Joshua Reynolds was the most outstanding _______ of the second half of the 18th century.

Живопись была популярна несколько столетий. Живопись в Англии в 17-19 веках представлена большим количеством великих художников. Вильям  Хогарт

был первым английским живописцем, который развил искусство в Англии. Сэр

Джошуа  Рейнольдс был самым выдающимся портретистом второй половины 18 –го века.

Television in Britain has become part of everyday life. The _________progress in

this sphere of life is _______ and gives people a lot of opportunities. Modern and first

rate TV sets equipped with the _______ aerials broadcast channels from all over the world.

Телевидение в Британии стало частью повседневной жизни. Технологический прогресс в этой сфере жизни очевиден и предоставляет людям много возможностей.

Современные и первоклассные телевизоры, оснащенные мощными антеннами, транслируют каналы по всему миру.




to destruct

There are a lot of problems facing people at the beginning of the new century.______ crisis is our mutual problem. Trees are very _______. We should remember that trees can help the Earth  and try not to destroy them. Some _______think that we should be kind to birds and animals, they protect large and small forests from complete _______.

В новом столетии люди сталкиваются со множеством проблем. Экологический кризис – наша общая проблема. Деревья приносят большую пользу. Мы должны помнить, что деревья могут помочь Земле и стараться не уничтожать их. Некоторые ученые считают, что нам следует быть добрыми по отношению к птицам и животным, они защищают большие и маленькие леса от полного уничтожения.


to visit, price

to collect



Every country is proud of its past. Without past there is no future. Every nation keeps its ________ and ________ heritage. London opens the doors of famous museums to millions of _________.The British Museum contains ______

________ of manuscripts, works of art and natural history items. The halls of the

British Museum exhibit ________ and _________ relics.

Каждая страна гордится своим прошлым. Без прошлого нет будущего. Каждая страна хранит свое культурное и историческое наследие. Лондон открывает двери известных музеев миллионам посетителей. В Британском музее содержится безценная коллекция манускриптов, предметов искусства и истории. В залах Британского музея выставлены археологические и этнографические реликвии.

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