We like to read fairy tales исправить ошибки


1 are going

2 eats

3 has never jumped

4 is wearing

5 plays

6 is waiting

7 helps

8 have never eaten

9 is playing

10 washes

11 rings

12 bring

13 wears

14 are throwing

15 ia walking

He saw it there.

Did you see it there?
Where did you see it?
When did you see it?
Who saw it?

Есть британского образа лол


1. These cars are produced in Japan.

2. A new book will be published by that company next year.

3. This book was written a week ago.

4. When the manager arrived, the problem had already been solved.

5. -Where is your car?  

– It is being repaired at the moment

6. This project will have been done by next Monday.


1) Take care not to prick yourself. That plant has sharp thorns.

2) If we pick up those twigs, we can use them to start the fire.

3) Jim’s as blind as a bat.

4) Ann’s as busy as a bee while Jo works at a snail’s pace.

5) Most crops in the UK are harvested in the autumn.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: Jery15


1)We like to read fairy tales

2)Ben has two sisters

3)My granny watches TV every evening

4)My friends eat many apples

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4 года назад

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что это за схема- [ ],(что),

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Длина одной стороны прямоугольника 2400мм,а другой-в 12 раз больше

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Написати міркування про те,наскільки доречними в житті сучасної людини є мрії та романтичні переживання

6 лет назад

№ 4 Исправьте ошибки:
1.We likes to read fairy tales. 2. Ben have two sisters. 3. My granny watch TV
every evening. 4. My friends eats many apples

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

№ 4 Исправьте ошибки:
1.We likes to read fairy tales. 2. Ben have two sisters. 3. My granny watch TV
every evening. 4. My friends eats many apples

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Самые новые вопросы

1)Write a word from the box in each gap. There are some words you won’t use and you will use some words more than once.
Excuse me. Can I try that dress (1) _____?
Of course.Just take your coat (2) ______ and i’ll hang it (3) _____ for you.
Here you are. I’ll leave my T-shirt (4) ______ and put the dress (5) ______ over that. There. How’s that?
Let me just do it (6) ______ at the back. Is it comfortable?
Yes, it’s great. I’ll take it!
2)Read the information and write a word or short phrase in each gap.
Rick: 14 years old, 1.45 m tall, very short hair
Dennis: 13 years old, 1.5 m tall, very long hair
Polly: 12 years old, 1.35 m tall, medium-length hair
1)Dennis is older _______ Polly, but ______ than Rick.
2)Polly is the _______ of the three, and Rick is _______ .
3)Rick is _______ Dennis, but he’s ______ Polly.
4)Dennis is the _______ of the three, and Polly is _______ .
5)Polly’ hair is ______ Rick’s, but Dennis.
6)Dennis’ hair is ______ of the three, and Rick’s is _______ .

  • 0

1 Kate is his older sister. 2 My granny has 5 grandchildren. 3 My parents go to
the cinema every weekend. 4 Ann sleeps.
№ 5 Исправьте ошибки:
1.We likes to read fairy tales. 2 Ben have two sisters. 3 My granny watch TV
every evening. 4 My friends eats many apples. помогите сделать предложние отрицательным умоляю быстрей ребят

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. Kate is not his older sister.
2. My granny has not 5 grandchildren.
3. My parents do not go to the cinema every weekend.
4.Ann doesn’t sleep.

1.We like to read fairy tales.
2.Ben has two sisters.
3. My granny watches TV every evening.
4.My friends eat many apples.

  • Комментариев (0)


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    Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

    Ответ №1

    1)We like to read fairy tales

    2)Ben has two sisters

    3)My granny watches TV every evening

    4)My friends eat many apples

    № 4 Исправьте ошибки:
    1.We likes to read fairy tales. 2. Ben have two sisters. 3. My granny watch TV
    every evening. 4. My friends eats many apples

    Остались вопросы?

    Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

  • We like going to picnics где ошибка
  • We is funny найти ошибку
  • We house is big исправить ошибки
  • We have classes twice in a week ошибка
  • We happy few ошибка