We limit how often you can post ошибка фейсбук

This article will show you how to resolve the «We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things» error that appears when trying to connect online booking to Facebook & Instagram.

This error is out of Phorest’s hands, as the issue lies within Facebook and Instagram. You can read Facebook’s official guide about it here. 


Below are some potential fixes that may help resolve the issue

  • Wait for some days. This issue can be fixed after a certain amount of time. 
  • Report this problem on Facebook and/or Instagram using their Contact Us form.
  • Link your Facebook account with Instagram, then try connecting in Phorest again. See this guide on how to do this 
  • Uninstall Instagram from your device. Then install it again after a few minutes. 

Facebook also have some guidelines here on how to avoid this error from happening again.

The above are only suggestions and may not fix the issue. The issue, however, is a Facebook issue and not something Phorest can control. If you try the above, and the issue persists, you will need to contact Facebook support.

When browsing Facebook you might’ve encountered an error message stating that you can’t use a specific feature. What causes this? Is your account functionality being limited? Keep scrolling as we detail the Facebook “You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now” error fix and get you back up and running.

Facebook ‘You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now’ error fix

Facebook'You Can't Use This Feature Right Now' error fix

Popular social media website Facebook has recently been displaying false error reports. These pop-ups serve to stop spam content from plaguing the platform, yet have been randomly appearing when loading pages. You aren’t in breach of the Community Standards as the message implies if this is the case, so don’t worry. If you haven’t been posting frequently enough to trigger the spam warning, then the Facebook “You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now” error fix is simply to continue about your business. It’s a false report and nothing to worry about; just close the pop-up and carry on.

If you have been sending out a number of posts or comments in close proximity to one another, then the solution is to stop doing so. As the message points out: “We limit how often you can post, comment, or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam.” In order to regain access to these functions, you’ll need to wait a while and try again later.

Try to avoid spamming posts, comments, and other Facebook features in the future. That way, you’ll avoid getting the Facebook “You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now” error and associated posting timeout again.

Facebook ‘You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now’ error fix

  • This error message should trigger in response to a user spamming.
  • If the error occurs when simply loading a page, it’s a false report and can safely be ignored.
  • If it occurs when you’re attempting to send one of many recent posts or comments, you’ll need to wait a while before regaining access to these functions.
  • To avoid receiving further spam timeouts in the future, avoid posting too frequently.

Ever wondered if you can get a deleted Facebook account back? Here’s your answer.

Если вы новичок в Instagram, вот как исправить «Мы ограничиваем то, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram». Большинство новых пользователей Instagram и даже существующие могут не знать, что Instagram наложил ограничения на определенные вещи.

Всем пользователям Instagram необходимо знать все эти ограничения, чтобы вам было легче исправить ошибку «Мы ограничиваем, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram».

Если вы только что присоединились к Instagram, вы должны знать все установленные ограничения, чтобы наслаждаться путешествием в Insta, иначе вам не простят чрезмерную шумиху. Для каждой функции Instagram есть установленный лимит. От лайков и подписок в день до хэштегов на фото — у каждой функции есть максимальный лимит.

При превышении этих ограничений вы можете столкнуться с постоянным запретом на доступ к платформе. Итак, необходимо помнить обо всех этих ограничениях, чтобы быть в безопасности и наслаждаться путешествием в Instagram здоровым и лучшим способом.

Image Of How To Fix We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

Если вы не хотите сталкиваться с вопросом «Мы ограничиваем, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram», вам нужно будет спокойным пользователем в первые дни после открытия вашей учетной записи. Если вы хотите оставаться на этой платформе для обмена фотографиями подольше, то изначально вы должны быть доверенным пользователем. Не проявляйте агрессию в стремлении стать звездой социальных сетей.

Если вы продолжите загружать сотни фотографий в первые две-три недели, то Instagram может заблокировать вашу учетную запись, считая вас спамером. Вместо того, чтобы заливать бесчисленное количество картинок, мы предлагаем вам придерживаться самых крутых. В конце концов, кто хочет видеть несколько сообщений от одного пользователя за один день?

Мы ограничиваем частоту использования решения для Instagram

Что касается публикаций, Instagram позволяет размещать пять фотографий за час. Если вы попытаетесь загрузить больше, то вас заблокируют на несколько часов. Кроме того, максимальный лимит загрузки изображений для одного пользователя за 24 часа составляет 100. Вы не сможете опубликовать более сотни изображений за один день.

Instagram также установил ограничение на количество изображений в одном посте. Пользователи не могут размещать более десяти изображений в одном сообщении. Вы также должны учитывать ограничения для подписей. Да! Вы не ослышались. Также существует ограничение на количество символов в подписи.

Максимальное количество символов для одного заголовка — 2200 символов. Вы также могли заметить, что подпись обрывается после нескольких строк, так что будьте изобретательны и точны. Придерживайтесь 125 символов, чтобы подпись была видна сразу. Кроме того, комментарии также обрезаются после 240 символов.

Также читайте о Режим исчезновения в Instagram

Каковы ограничения Instagram

Image Of What Are The Instagram Limitations

Хэштеги играют действительно важную роль в Instagram, поскольку они позволяют случайным пользователям с платформы видеть ваши фотографии. Но вы будете удивлены, узнав, что Instagram также установил ограничение на хэштеги.

Instagram позволяет использовать до 30 хэштегов. Поэтому мы предлагаем вам ставить меньше, но точных хэштегов в свои сообщения. Идеальное количество хэштегов для одного сообщения — 9.

Что касается подписок, Insta не позволяет своим пользователям подписываться на 7,500 человек в день, но для подписчиков нет ограничений. Даже миллионы людей могут подписаться на вас за один день. Установленный лимит лайков в час составляет 350, но эксперты говорят, что этот лимит варьируется от пользователя к пользователю.

Максимальный лимит для каждого сообщения — 20. Вы не можете отметить более 20 человек в одном сообщении. Если вы хотите упомянуть своих друзей в сообщении, вы можете упомянуть 10 пользователей за комментарий.

Последние слова

Это все указанные ограничения для использования Instagram. Вам следует избегать превышения лимита, чтобы вы могли лучше наслаждаться своим путешествием в Instagram.

I have a Facebook Application in development mode that shows as having 3 daily_active_users. From my understanding of the Graph API documentation, I can make 200 * daily active users = total request per hour, thus, I should be able to make 600 requests per hour

I am then making a Test User and trying to create a page via the accounts endpoint:

This goes well for a single request. I then tried to script this, with 2 second timeouts in between each request, and tried to create 100 pages. After about 10 requests, I get the following response from the Facebook API:
{"error":{"message":"We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later. Learn More","type":"OAuthException","code":368,"error_data":{"sentry_block_data":"...","help_center_id":0},"error_subcode":1390008,"error_user_msg":"","fbtrace_id":"..."}}.

It states that my request is being rejected due to hitting some kind of limit, but what is this limit? I can’t find it in the documentation anywhere. Is there a limit to the number of pages I can create with a test user per hour/day?

  • Trying to connect to our Instagram account. Click the button, get to the Facebook login screen, enter email and pw, click Log In. Get an error prompt that says:

    You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now
    We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later. [Learn More]

    Have tried logging in several times. Unsuccessful. Login credentials work just fine if I go to Instagram.com.

Viewing 2 replies — 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

  • Hey @jlamonica,

    Thank you for reaching out to us for assistance. We are not involved in the actual login process as this all happens on Facebook / Instagram. This is a message directly from Facebook which we can not affect, see their documentation here. That being said, please ensure you have the latest version of the plugin installed ( and when using the Connect an Instagram Account button, are you selecting Personal or Business in the connection process? If you have not already, please try using the ‘Personal’ option to log directly into Instagram. If the issue persists, your account has been limited and can not connect the app at the moment – I would suggest then waiting some time and try connecting again.

    Let me know should you need further guidance.

    Best regards.

    Thank you, Joel. Selecting Personal did the trick. Have a great day. –Jeff

Viewing 2 replies — 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

  • The topic ‘Setup fail: You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now’ is closed to new replies.

Hi all, just wondering what are some of the ways to know whether you’ve been banned or not.

I see in this thread in particular, the message «We limit how often you can post, comment or do other …. » mentioned. On my end, I am just unable to see the posts that have been scraped, as the results for the scraping show up as blank (values of postText, postCount, postImage and postURL not being updated). I attach a snippet of code as follows

postText = ''
postCount = 0
postImage = ''
postURL = ''

for post in get_posts('MinistryofHealthTT', pages=1):
    if postCount == 2:  # change to 2 if no pinned included
        postText    = post['text']
        postImage   = post['image']
        postURL     = post['post_url']
        postCount   = postCount + 1

please note that I am already logged in to my Facebook, so didn’t include the credentials in the get_posts parameters.

Also, if I am indeed banned, how long does this last for, and how can I get around the ban?

Looking forward to hearing form you all, with thanks.

This article will show you how to resolve the «We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things» error that appears when trying to connect online booking to Facebook & Instagram.

This error is out of Phorest’s hands, as the issue lies within Facebook and Instagram. You can read Facebook’s official guide about it here. 


Below are some potential fixes that may help resolve the issue

  • Wait for some days. This issue can be fixed after a certain amount of time. 
  • Report this problem on Facebook and/or Instagram using their Contact Us form.
  • Link your Facebook account with Instagram, then try connecting in Phorest again. See this guide on how to do this 
  • Uninstall Instagram from your device. Then install it again after a few minutes. 

Facebook also have some guidelines here on how to avoid this error from happening again.

The above are only suggestions and may not fix the issue. The issue, however, is a Facebook issue and not something Phorest can control. If you try the above, and the issue persists, you will need to contact Facebook support.

Go to facebook


This is an unofficial community dedicated to news, discussion and help relating to Facebook & Meta. The moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta.



We limit how often you can comment, post or do other things… Well does logging count as a other thing?

Just like the title, I can’t login in to facebook/messenger, but I can login in to reddit, gmail, youtube, maybe its is because of my (Samsung note 8) phone? Reddit please help me out

EDIT: Guys, it turned out that, I was using the wrong password. When I used my right one, everything was good.

There might be certain instances when you encounter an error while sharing a post on your Facebook profile, page, or group. It can happen due to a few reasons which we’re going to discuss, along with their possible solutions. 

1. Reconnect account

Error message: Social account needs to be reconnected.


This happens when we don’t have valid tokens/permissions. Reconnect your FB accounts and grant all permissions again to continue posting content on your profiles. Please go to the Dashboard, select the social account, and reconnect it to continue posting. 

2. Error from Facebook

Error message: Facebook said there was an error, but they did not tell us what error. We have seen that in such cases, the posts sometimes go through. Please see if this post went through and if not then try again later.


In this case, we don’t know the reason because we don’t get information from FB on this error. We can’t do anything in this case as the error is from Facebook’s end itself. It is simply recommended to try again after some time.

3. Error validating access token

Error message: Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.


This error can happen when your account is temporarily flagged by Facebook due to security or privacy reasons – this could include suspicious login, inappropriate content, terms violation, etc. We recommend that you:

  • Clear your cache & cookies
  • Log in to your Facebook profile
  • Answer the security questions at the log-in checkpoint on FB, when asked.

4. Account needs to be reconnected

Error message: Your account needs to be reconnected to RecurPost. Please click on the reconnect option from Social Accounts page.


This error is the same as mentioned in the first point. Please go to the Dashboard, select the social account, and reconnect it to continue posting. 

5. Admin access not found

Error message: Insufficient permission to post to the group OR It appears that you have lost admin access to this Facebook Group. Once you have regained admin access, reconnect your account from the Social Accounts menu.


The user who set up a post or who is trying to publish to a Facebook Group doesn’t have sufficient permissions to do so. Make sure you’re an admin of the group you’re trying to post to. 

6. FB link in post

Error message: Due to a technical limitation imposed by Facebook for user privacy, we were unable to post the link you requested on the selected social account. Please consider posting manually.


This happens when you’re trying to publish a facebook.com link in your post. You can check out more information here – https://knowledgebase.recurpost.com/why-are-my-facebook-links-not-working/. We recommend not to publish facebook.com links (link to someone’s post, link to a video on Facebook, etc.) in such cases.

7. Media size

Error message: The size of the media file you attached exceeds the standard limit. Please attach a smaller file and try again.


The media that you have uploaded doesn’t meet the standard requirements. Reduce the size of the file or upload a different file.

8. Invalid image

Error message: Missing or invalid image file


The image is either expired or not available. Try uploading it again or use a different image.

9. Post flagged by Facebook

Error message: Facebook flagged this post in violation of their community standards. OR Your post couldn’t be shared, because this link goes against Community Standards.


Sometimes it happens when you are using third-party link shorteners or content that is in direct violation of Facebook’s policies. Such content can not be posted.

10. Missing media file

Error message: The media file you requested is missing or invalid.


Please try changing the image or video file and post again. 

11. Abusive content

Error message: Your content was reported as abusive on Facebook and could not be sent.


Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive. Such content can not be posted.

12. Service unavailable

Error message: This service is temporarily unavailable. Please try later.


The communication via Facebook API was temporarily unavailable, therefore we could not process the publishing action at that given moment. First, check whether the post was actually published or not (on FB page) – it can happen that the post is actually posted a minute later, despite the initial try was unsuccessful. Second, if the post was not actually posted, try to schedule and post it again later.

13. Error posting update

Error message: There was an error while posting this update. Please try again at a later time.


In general, an invalid parameter error means there is something wrong with the content (text, image, link) – either it is missing (no text, blank post), or something is wrong (image too heavy, for example with extremely high resolution, URL in incorrect format.), etc. The content (text, URL, image) should be checked and any flaws should be corrected. 

14. Invalid link

Error message: The link you requested is invalid.


Check if you’ve attached a wrong link and make sure the link exists.

15. Content missing

Error message: The post you were trying to post is missing content and could not be posted.


While posting to FB accounts, make sure that you have uploaded an image, link, or video, and added the caption.

16. Spam alert

Error message: We limit how often you can post, comment, or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later.


Your Facebook Page is most likely posting too often, too similar content, “spammy” content, or a combination of all. Facebook blocks such a page and thus you cannot publish. This can also be the result of posting a lot of posts at the same time, or liking and sharing others’ posts in bulk.

17. Media file size

Error message: The size of the media file you attached exceeds the standard limit. Please attach a smaller file and try again.


This might happen for not very active Facebook Pages when they try to publish “heavy” posts (with text+link+image+mention etc.). It has helped in the past to try to leave out mention of another Page in a post. It might also help to leave out other parts of the content (image, URL), if possible, and try to publish again.

18. A temporary block

Error message: Due to posting of update that violates Facebook’s policies, you have temporarily lost access to use this feature. Please contact the Help Center for more information.


You might have recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so you’re temporarily blocked from using this feature. For more information, visit Facebook’s Help Center. To keep from getting blocked again, please make sure you’ve read and understood Facebook’s Community Standards. 

19. Admin rights not found

Error message: Please make sure that you are the admin of the group/page and that you have installed the RecurPost app on that group/page. Click on the reconnect button on the social accounts page to proceed.


The user who set up a post or who is trying to publish to a Facebook Group doesn’t have sufficient permissions to do so. Make sure you’re an admin of the group and try posting again.

20. Video file not supported

Error message: The video file you selected is in a format that the platform doesn’t support.


Upload a video according to the supported formats. Check video guidelines for IG at https://knowledgebase.recurpost.com/video-sharing-guidelines/

21. Not logged in to FB account

Error message: You cannot access the app till you login to www.facebook.com and follow the instructions given.


This error can happen when your account is temporarily flagged by Facebook due to security or privacy reasons – this could include suspicious login, inappropriate content, terms violation, etc. We recommend that you:

  • Clear your cache & cookies
  • Log in to your Facebook profile
  • Answer the security questions at the log-in checkpoint, when asked

22. Error validating access token

Error message: Error validating access token: The user is enrolled in a blocking, logged-in checkpoint


Similar to the above error, this error can happen when your account is temporarily flagged by Facebook due to security or privacy reasons – this could include suspicious login, inappropriate content, terms violation, etc. Clear your cache & cookies, login to FB, answer the security questions when asked, and try posting again.

23. User logged out

Error message: Error validating access token: This may be because the user logged out or may be due to a system error.


Check if you are logged into your FB account, reconnect it, and try posting again.

24. Permissions denied

Error message: RecurPost does not have the proper authorization to post updates on your Facebook Page/Group. Please reconnect your Facebook account and grant all permissions. 


We need proper permissions in order to post on your behalf. For more info, click https://knowledgebase.recurpost.com/cannot-see-a-newly-created-facebook-page-or-facebook-group/. Grant all the required permissions and try to post again. 

25. Authorization required

Error message: You do not have the proper authorization to post photos on this page.


Make sure you’re an admin of the Facebook page and try reconnecting the page again to continue posting.

26. No admin access

Error message: Please make sure that you are the admin of the page. We are having trouble posting on Facebook on your behalf.

Solution: The user must be an administrator, editor, or moderator of the page in order to impersonate it. If the page business requires Two Factor Authentication, the user also needs to enable Two Factor Authentication.

27. Temporary restrictions

Error message: You’re temporarily restricted from performing certain actions on Facebook. This is because there’s been some unusual activity detected on your account.


You’re temporarily restricted from performing certain actions on Facebook because there’s been some unusual activity detected on your account. This can be continuous posting, posting the same content, or any spamming activity. You have to wait till FB removes the restriction.

28. Page deleted

Error message: This Page access token belongs to a Page that has been deleted.


The Facebook page on which you are trying to post has been deleted or unpublished. Check the status of your page and try again to reconnect.

29. Facebook Known Bugs

Error message: Please reduce the amount of data you’re asking for, then retry your request


This is a known Facebook bug that their team is working on fixing. When you see this error, the post sometimes goes out fine on your Facebook account. Please double-check as this error is random.

30. Facebook #200 permissions error

Error message: Facebook #200 permissions error.

Solution: This is a known bug on Facebook. Due to this your posts on your Facebook group may fail. In many cases posting on a group manually causes this issue as well.

They recently claimed that they fixed it, but it seems they did not. This is due to a change in their product and this bug cannot be fixed for now. It will be fixed after a long time. Let’s just hope the Facebook #200 permissions error goes away soon.

In case of any queries, feel free to contact us at support@recurpost.com.


Hi, what happened here?



This error message is limit imposed by Facebook. This error will be received if your page is sending too many auto comment reply at the moment. This limitation is for pages that receive large amount of comments on the post.

To avoid getting this error message, try to disable auto comment for the post or you can leave the auto reply field as blank. Send the private message instead.

  • We limit how often you can post ошибка инстаграм
  • We likes to read fairy tales исправить ошибки
  • We like to read fairy tales исправить ошибки
  • We like going to picnics где ошибка
  • We is funny найти ошибку