We limit how often you can post ошибка инстаграм

Если вы новичок в Instagram, вот как исправить «Мы ограничиваем то, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram». Большинство новых пользователей Instagram и даже существующие могут не знать, что Instagram наложил ограничения на определенные вещи.

Всем пользователям Instagram необходимо знать все эти ограничения, чтобы вам было легче исправить ошибку «Мы ограничиваем, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram».

Если вы только что присоединились к Instagram, вы должны знать все установленные ограничения, чтобы наслаждаться путешествием в Insta, иначе вам не простят чрезмерную шумиху. Для каждой функции Instagram есть установленный лимит. От лайков и подписок в день до хэштегов на фото — у каждой функции есть максимальный лимит.

При превышении этих ограничений вы можете столкнуться с постоянным запретом на доступ к платформе. Итак, необходимо помнить обо всех этих ограничениях, чтобы быть в безопасности и наслаждаться путешествием в Instagram здоровым и лучшим способом.

Image Of How To Fix We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

Если вы не хотите сталкиваться с вопросом «Мы ограничиваем, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram», вам нужно будет спокойным пользователем в первые дни после открытия вашей учетной записи. Если вы хотите оставаться на этой платформе для обмена фотографиями подольше, то изначально вы должны быть доверенным пользователем. Не проявляйте агрессию в стремлении стать звездой социальных сетей.

Если вы продолжите загружать сотни фотографий в первые две-три недели, то Instagram может заблокировать вашу учетную запись, считая вас спамером. Вместо того, чтобы заливать бесчисленное количество картинок, мы предлагаем вам придерживаться самых крутых. В конце концов, кто хочет видеть несколько сообщений от одного пользователя за один день?

Мы ограничиваем частоту использования решения для Instagram

Что касается публикаций, Instagram позволяет размещать пять фотографий за час. Если вы попытаетесь загрузить больше, то вас заблокируют на несколько часов. Кроме того, максимальный лимит загрузки изображений для одного пользователя за 24 часа составляет 100. Вы не сможете опубликовать более сотни изображений за один день.

Instagram также установил ограничение на количество изображений в одном посте. Пользователи не могут размещать более десяти изображений в одном сообщении. Вы также должны учитывать ограничения для подписей. Да! Вы не ослышались. Также существует ограничение на количество символов в подписи.

Максимальное количество символов для одного заголовка — 2200 символов. Вы также могли заметить, что подпись обрывается после нескольких строк, так что будьте изобретательны и точны. Придерживайтесь 125 символов, чтобы подпись была видна сразу. Кроме того, комментарии также обрезаются после 240 символов.

Также читайте о Режим исчезновения в Instagram

Каковы ограничения Instagram

Image Of What Are The Instagram Limitations

Хэштеги играют действительно важную роль в Instagram, поскольку они позволяют случайным пользователям с платформы видеть ваши фотографии. Но вы будете удивлены, узнав, что Instagram также установил ограничение на хэштеги.

Instagram позволяет использовать до 30 хэштегов. Поэтому мы предлагаем вам ставить меньше, но точных хэштегов в свои сообщения. Идеальное количество хэштегов для одного сообщения — 9.

Что касается подписок, Insta не позволяет своим пользователям подписываться на 7,500 человек в день, но для подписчиков нет ограничений. Даже миллионы людей могут подписаться на вас за один день. Установленный лимит лайков в час составляет 350, но эксперты говорят, что этот лимит варьируется от пользователя к пользователю.

Максимальный лимит для каждого сообщения — 20. Вы не можете отметить более 20 человек в одном сообщении. Если вы хотите упомянуть своих друзей в сообщении, вы можете упомянуть 10 пользователей за комментарий.

Последние слова

Это все указанные ограничения для использования Instagram. Вам следует избегать превышения лимита, чтобы вы могли лучше наслаждаться своим путешествием в Instagram.

Instagram часто запрещает своим пользователям ставить лайки, комментировать, публиковать истории и многое другое, что вы регулярно делаете в Instagram.

Это может раздражать, когда вы сталкиваетесь с ситуациями, когда Instagram ограничивает ваши действия. При попытке сделать это из своей учетной записи вы увидите сообщение об ошибке: « Мы ограничиваем частоту выполнения определенных действий в Instagram, чтобы защитить наше сообщество. Сообщите нам, если вы считаете, что мы допустили ошибку.

Вы можете исправить эти вещи, и это возможно, если вы знаете, почему это произошло, и для этого вы должны знать лимит для подписок, отписок, публикаций, лайков и комментариев. Теперь, если вы только что превысили лимит, вы столкнетесь с такими проблемами в своей учетной записи.

Это означает, что если вы просто ограничите использование своего Instagram, вы сможете избежать подобных вещей.

Если вы столкнулись с ситуацией в своей учетной записи Instagram, вы можете просто связаться с Instagram, сообщив им о ситуации, и вы можете просто переключиться на другие альтернативные учетные записи. Хотя есть несколько альтернативных способов, таких как изменение паролей, которые могут исправить ошибку в вашей учетной записи Instagram.

В этой статье вы можете найти ограничения на подписку, лайк, комментирование и т. Д. В вашей учетной записи Instagram.

Обычно ограничения снимаются автоматически, и это может занять от 2 до 48 часов в зависимости от степени доверия вашей учетной записи.

Но в большинстве случаев учетная запись восстанавливается в течение 24-48 часов, а если этого не происходит, просто обратитесь в службу поддержки Instagram.

Почему Instagram ограничивает вашу учетную запись?

Ошибка полностью отличается от ошибки блокировки действия в Instagram, и чтобы исправить ошибку ограничения, вам необходимо знать причины этой проблемы.

Эта ошибка не позволяет пользователям прокручивать свои каналы и использовать Instagram для общения и работы в сети через свои учетные записи.

Ошибка появляется во всплывающем окне: «Мы ограничиваем частоту выполнения определенных действий в Instagram, чтобы защитить наше сообщество». Сообщите нам, если считаете, что мы ошиблись ».

Это может быть связано с массовым подписанием или отменой подписки или нарушением ограничения и их условий и услуг или политики конфиденциальности.

Instagram хочет предотвратить спам:

Если вы делаете что-то массово, например комментируете, лайкаете сообщения, подписываетесь или подписываетесь на людей в большом количестве, то Instagram может поймать вас, изображая свою учетную запись в качестве бота, и, чтобы предотвратить это, они ограничивают использование для каждого пользователя.

У вашей учетной записи низкий рейтинг доверия:

Алгоритм Инстаграм устроен таким образом, что выполнение любого действия сильно приводит к блокировке действия аккаунта. Блокировка действий снижает ваше взаимодействие с приложением, которое считается спамом.

Вот несколько способов исправить эту ошибку:

Как исправить ошибку «Мы ограничиваем частоту Instagram…»?

Если вам постоянно нравятся сообщения случайных людей или вы подписаны на неограниченное количество людей в Instagram, он автоматически блокирует вас после определенного лимита.

Теперь, чтобы исправить это, у вас есть только один способ — связаться с Instagram.

Сообщите в Instagram, чтобы исправить эту ошибку:

Даже после использования двух вышеуказанных методов, если ошибка не исчезнет, ​​последнее и последнее, что нужно сделать, — это « сообщить о проблеме » в Instagram.

  • Вы можете сделать это, зайдя в « Настройки » своего профиля и нажав « Справка ».
  • Затем нажмите на опцию « Сообщить о проблеме ».
  • Здесь кратко объясните, с какой ошибкой вы столкнулись, а затем добавьте ее снимок экрана.
  • Как только вы закончите, просто отправьте.

Ваш вопрос обязательно решит служба поддержки Instagram.

Сколько постов в Instagram вы можете добавить или удалить за день?

В идеале нет ограничений на количество постов в Instagram, которые вы должны удалять в день. Нет такого правила для количества сообщений, которые можно удалить за день, или общего количества сообщений, которые можно удалить.

Однако ограничение, с которым вы можете столкнуться при удалении постов в Instagram, заключается в том, что вы должны удалять их по одному, а не все сразу .

Приложение Instagram имеет исключение в том, что оно не может массово удалять свои сообщения. Это позволяет пользователям удалять их только по одному индивидуально.

Вот шаги, чтобы удалить сообщение:

  • Шаг 1. Откройте свою учетную запись Instagram и нажмите на изображение своего профиля в правом углу.
  • Шаг 2: Нажмите на сообщение, которое хотите удалить.
  • Шаг 3: Нажмите на три вертикальные точки, а затем нажмите « Удалить ».

Следуя этим шагам, вы можете удалить любой пост в Instagram. Instagram запрещает своим пользователям удалять свои сообщения только на мобильном телефоне. Если вы хотите удалить сообщение с помощью веб-браузера, вы не можете выполнить это действие. Система автоматически не показывает такой опции при использовании веб-браузера.

Ограничение количества комментариев и подписей в Instagram в день

Могут быть определенные ограничения для комментариев или подписей в Instagram,

Лимиты комментариев в Instagram:

Instagram позволяет своим пользователям размещать не более 180-200 комментариев в день. Однако это число может варьироваться в зависимости от возраста вашей учетной записи Instagram.

  • Для вновь созданной учетной записи Instagram или нового пользователя ограничение может быть меньше 180-200.
  • Вам нужно принять меры, чтобы не превысить этот лимит. В случае превышения это может привести к блокировке вашей учетной записи Instagram. Мы рекомендуем всегда держать ваш счет ниже допустимого предела, чтобы быть в безопасности.
  • Вам также следует избегать размещения или комментирования одних и тех же комментариев снова и снова, что будет отражать вашу учетную запись как спам-аккаунт, что приведет к неизбежной блокировке учетной записи.
  • Вы также должны принять меры предосторожности, чтобы не использовать в своих комментариях только смайлики. Всегда поддерживайте их какими-нибудь словами, чтобы не выдать вашу учетную запись как спам.

Пределы подписи в Instagram:

Instagram ограничил количество символов в подписи. Заголовок Instagram должен содержать не более 2200 символов.

  • Убедитесь, что ваша подпись ограничена 2200. Однако короткие подписи привлекают больше внимания, чем длинные.
  • Превышение лимита может создать проблему для вашей учетной записи, которая может заключаться в блокировке вашей учетной записи.
  • Постарайтесь сделать подпись короткой и запоминающейся. Избегайте создания подписи, содержащей смайлики без слов.

Используйте свое творчество и попробуйте сделать короткую и лаконичную подпись, которой хватит, чтобы привлечь внимание людей, которые следят за вами.

Публикации в Instagram о количестве историй в день

Пользователи Instagram могут размещать столько сообщений, сколько захотят. Нет такого ограничения или ограничения на публикацию только ограниченных сообщений в виде изображений, видео, роликов и т. Д.

Мало того, нет ограничений на общее количество сообщений за все время. Короче говоря, вы можете опубликовать столько сообщений, которыми хотите поделиться из своего Instagram.

  • Кроме того, нет такого ограничения на количество сообщений, сохраненных из других учетных записей, на которые вы подписаны, или из общедоступных учетных записей.
  • Но да, вы можете поделиться только 10 изображениями / видео в одной публикации.

Хотя лимит Instagram Story составляет до 100, это означает, что вы можете загружать 100 сообщений в день в свою историю.

Лимит подписок или отписок в Instagram в день

Instagram позволяет своим пользователям подписаться / отписаться максимум от 200 человек в день. При этом в час можно подписаться на 20-30 аккаунтов.

  • Убедитесь, что эти 200 включают в себя как количество подписок, так и отказов от подписки.
  • Это означает, что в течение 24 часов, если вы подписаны на 200 учетных записей Instagram, тогда возьмите 0 для отписки или 150 подписок и 50 отписок или любое соотношение в зависимости от вас.
  • Общее количество следующих и неподписанных учетных записей Instagram должно быть 200.

Но если вы будете чаще или чаще подписываться на учетные записи Instagram и отказываться от них, Instagram может временно заблокировать вас.


В этой статье объясняется, как Instagram принимает меры для предотвращения спама, блокируя действия в учетной записи. Лимит на вашу учетную запись Instagram может длиться от часа до 48 часов или меньше , в худшем случае навсегда заблокирован. Система учитывает массовые подписки и отписки, лайкает сразу много постов, все эти действия считаются действиями по спаму.

Если вы новичок в Instagram, вот как исправить «Мы ограничиваем то, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram». Большинство новых пользователей Instagram и даже существующие могут не знать, что Instagram наложил ограничения на определенные вещи.

Всем пользователям Instagram необходимо знать все эти ограничения, чтобы вам было легче исправить ошибку «Мы ограничиваем, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram».

Если вы только что присоединились к Instagram, вы должны знать все установленные ограничения, чтобы наслаждаться путешествием в Insta, иначе вам не простят чрезмерную шумиху. Для каждой функции Instagram есть установленный лимит. От лайков и подписок в день до хэштегов на фото — у каждой функции есть максимальный лимит.

При превышении этих ограничений вы можете столкнуться с постоянным запретом на доступ к платформе. Итак, необходимо помнить обо всех этих ограничениях, чтобы быть в безопасности и наслаждаться путешествием в Instagram здоровым и лучшим способом.

Image Of How To Fix We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

Если вы не хотите сталкиваться с вопросом «Мы ограничиваем, как часто вы можете делать определенные вещи в Instagram», вам нужно будет спокойным пользователем в первые дни после открытия вашей учетной записи. Если вы хотите оставаться на этой платформе для обмена фотографиями подольше, то изначально вы должны быть доверенным пользователем. Не проявляйте агрессию в стремлении стать звездой социальных сетей.

Если вы продолжите загружать сотни фотографий в первые две-три недели, то Instagram может заблокировать вашу учетную запись, считая вас спамером. Вместо того, чтобы заливать бесчисленное количество картинок, мы предлагаем вам придерживаться самых крутых. В конце концов, кто хочет видеть несколько сообщений от одного пользователя за один день?

Мы ограничиваем частоту использования решения для Instagram

Что касается публикаций, Instagram позволяет размещать пять фотографий за час. Если вы попытаетесь загрузить больше, то вас заблокируют на несколько часов. Кроме того, максимальный лимит загрузки изображений для одного пользователя за 24 часа составляет 100. Вы не сможете опубликовать более сотни изображений за один день.

Instagram также установил ограничение на количество изображений в одном посте. Пользователи не могут размещать более десяти изображений в одном сообщении. Вы также должны учитывать ограничения для подписей. Да! Вы не ослышались. Также существует ограничение на количество символов в подписи.

Максимальное количество символов для одного заголовка — 2200 символов. Вы также могли заметить, что подпись обрывается после нескольких строк, так что будьте изобретательны и точны. Придерживайтесь 125 символов, чтобы подпись была видна сразу. Кроме того, комментарии также обрезаются после 240 символов.

Также читайте о Режим исчезновения в Instagram

Каковы ограничения Instagram

Image Of What Are The Instagram Limitations

Хэштеги играют действительно важную роль в Instagram, поскольку они позволяют случайным пользователям с платформы видеть ваши фотографии. Но вы будете удивлены, узнав, что Instagram также установил ограничение на хэштеги.

Instagram позволяет использовать до 30 хэштегов. Поэтому мы предлагаем вам ставить меньше, но точных хэштегов в свои сообщения. Идеальное количество хэштегов для одного сообщения — 9.

Что касается подписок, Insta не позволяет своим пользователям подписываться на 7,500 человек в день, но для подписчиков нет ограничений. Даже миллионы людей могут подписаться на вас за один день. Установленный лимит лайков в час составляет 350, но эксперты говорят, что этот лимит варьируется от пользователя к пользователю.

Максимальный лимит для каждого сообщения — 20. Вы не можете отметить более 20 человек в одном сообщении. Если вы хотите упомянуть своих друзей в сообщении, вы можете упомянуть 10 пользователей за комментарий.

Последние слова

Это все указанные ограничения для использования Instagram. Вам следует избегать превышения лимита, чтобы вы могли лучше наслаждаться своим путешествием в Instagram.

Instagram часто запрещает своим пользователям ставить лайки, комментировать, публиковать истории и многое другое, что вы регулярно делаете в Instagram.

Это может раздражать, когда вы сталкиваетесь с ситуациями, когда Instagram ограничивает ваши действия. При попытке сделать это из своей учетной записи вы увидите сообщение об ошибке: « Мы ограничиваем частоту выполнения определенных действий в Instagram, чтобы защитить наше сообщество. Сообщите нам, если вы считаете, что мы допустили ошибку.

Вы можете исправить эти вещи, и это возможно, если вы знаете, почему это произошло, и для этого вы должны знать лимит для подписок, отписок, публикаций, лайков и комментариев. Теперь, если вы только что превысили лимит, вы столкнетесь с такими проблемами в своей учетной записи.

Это означает, что если вы просто ограничите использование своего Instagram, вы сможете избежать подобных вещей.

Если вы столкнулись с ситуацией в своей учетной записи Instagram, вы можете просто связаться с Instagram, сообщив им о ситуации, и вы можете просто переключиться на другие альтернативные учетные записи. Хотя есть несколько альтернативных способов, таких как изменение паролей, которые могут исправить ошибку в вашей учетной записи Instagram.

В этой статье вы можете найти ограничения на подписку, лайк, комментирование и т. Д. В вашей учетной записи Instagram.

Обычно ограничения снимаются автоматически, и это может занять от 2 до 48 часов в зависимости от степени доверия вашей учетной записи.

Но в большинстве случаев учетная запись восстанавливается в течение 24-48 часов, а если этого не происходит, просто обратитесь в службу поддержки Instagram.

Почему Instagram ограничивает вашу учетную запись?

Ошибка полностью отличается от ошибки блокировки действия в Instagram, и чтобы исправить ошибку ограничения, вам необходимо знать причины этой проблемы.

Эта ошибка не позволяет пользователям прокручивать свои каналы и использовать Instagram для общения и работы в сети через свои учетные записи.

Ошибка появляется во всплывающем окне: «Мы ограничиваем частоту выполнения определенных действий в Instagram, чтобы защитить наше сообщество». Сообщите нам, если считаете, что мы ошиблись ».

Это может быть связано с массовым подписанием или отменой подписки или нарушением ограничения и их условий и услуг или политики конфиденциальности.

Instagram хочет предотвратить спам:

Если вы делаете что-то массово, например комментируете, лайкаете сообщения, подписываетесь или подписываетесь на людей в большом количестве, то Instagram может поймать вас, изображая свою учетную запись в качестве бота, и, чтобы предотвратить это, они ограничивают использование для каждого пользователя.

У вашей учетной записи низкий рейтинг доверия:

Алгоритм Инстаграм устроен таким образом, что выполнение любого действия сильно приводит к блокировке действия аккаунта. Блокировка действий снижает ваше взаимодействие с приложением, которое считается спамом.

Вот несколько способов исправить эту ошибку:

Как исправить ошибку «Мы ограничиваем частоту Instagram…»?

Если вам постоянно нравятся сообщения случайных людей или вы подписаны на неограниченное количество людей в Instagram, он автоматически блокирует вас после определенного лимита.

Теперь, чтобы исправить это, у вас есть только один способ — связаться с Instagram.

Сообщите в Instagram, чтобы исправить эту ошибку:

Даже после использования двух вышеуказанных методов, если ошибка не исчезнет, ​​последнее и последнее, что нужно сделать, — это « сообщить о проблеме » в Instagram.

  • Вы можете сделать это, зайдя в « Настройки » своего профиля и нажав « Справка ».
  • Затем нажмите на опцию « Сообщить о проблеме ».
  • Здесь кратко объясните, с какой ошибкой вы столкнулись, а затем добавьте ее снимок экрана.
  • Как только вы закончите, просто отправьте.

Ваш вопрос обязательно решит служба поддержки Instagram.

Сколько постов в Instagram вы можете добавить или удалить за день?

В идеале нет ограничений на количество постов в Instagram, которые вы должны удалять в день. Нет такого правила для количества сообщений, которые можно удалить за день, или общего количества сообщений, которые можно удалить.

Однако ограничение, с которым вы можете столкнуться при удалении постов в Instagram, заключается в том, что вы должны удалять их по одному, а не все сразу .

Приложение Instagram имеет исключение в том, что оно не может массово удалять свои сообщения. Это позволяет пользователям удалять их только по одному индивидуально.

Вот шаги, чтобы удалить сообщение:

  • Шаг 1. Откройте свою учетную запись Instagram и нажмите на изображение своего профиля в правом углу.
  • Шаг 2: Нажмите на сообщение, которое хотите удалить.
  • Шаг 3: Нажмите на три вертикальные точки, а затем нажмите « Удалить ».

Следуя этим шагам, вы можете удалить любой пост в Instagram. Instagram запрещает своим пользователям удалять свои сообщения только на мобильном телефоне. Если вы хотите удалить сообщение с помощью веб-браузера, вы не можете выполнить это действие. Система автоматически не показывает такой опции при использовании веб-браузера.

Ограничение количества комментариев и подписей в Instagram в день

Могут быть определенные ограничения для комментариев или подписей в Instagram,

Лимиты комментариев в Instagram:

Instagram позволяет своим пользователям размещать не более 180-200 комментариев в день. Однако это число может варьироваться в зависимости от возраста вашей учетной записи Instagram.

  • Для вновь созданной учетной записи Instagram или нового пользователя ограничение может быть меньше 180-200.
  • Вам нужно принять меры, чтобы не превысить этот лимит. В случае превышения это может привести к блокировке вашей учетной записи Instagram. Мы рекомендуем всегда держать ваш счет ниже допустимого предела, чтобы быть в безопасности.
  • Вам также следует избегать размещения или комментирования одних и тех же комментариев снова и снова, что будет отражать вашу учетную запись как спам-аккаунт, что приведет к неизбежной блокировке учетной записи.
  • Вы также должны принять меры предосторожности, чтобы не использовать в своих комментариях только смайлики. Всегда поддерживайте их какими-нибудь словами, чтобы не выдать вашу учетную запись как спам.

Пределы подписи в Instagram:

Instagram ограничил количество символов в подписи. Заголовок Instagram должен содержать не более 2200 символов.

  • Убедитесь, что ваша подпись ограничена 2200. Однако короткие подписи привлекают больше внимания, чем длинные.
  • Превышение лимита может создать проблему для вашей учетной записи, которая может заключаться в блокировке вашей учетной записи.
  • Постарайтесь сделать подпись короткой и запоминающейся. Избегайте создания подписи, содержащей смайлики без слов.

Используйте свое творчество и попробуйте сделать короткую и лаконичную подпись, которой хватит, чтобы привлечь внимание людей, которые следят за вами.

Публикации в Instagram о количестве историй в день

Пользователи Instagram могут размещать столько сообщений, сколько захотят. Нет такого ограничения или ограничения на публикацию только ограниченных сообщений в виде изображений, видео, роликов и т. Д.

Мало того, нет ограничений на общее количество сообщений за все время. Короче говоря, вы можете опубликовать столько сообщений, которыми хотите поделиться из своего Instagram.

  • Кроме того, нет такого ограничения на количество сообщений, сохраненных из других учетных записей, на которые вы подписаны, или из общедоступных учетных записей.
  • Но да, вы можете поделиться только 10 изображениями / видео в одной публикации.

Хотя лимит Instagram Story составляет до 100, это означает, что вы можете загружать 100 сообщений в день в свою историю.

Лимит подписок или отписок в Instagram в день

Instagram позволяет своим пользователям подписаться / отписаться максимум от 200 человек в день. При этом в час можно подписаться на 20-30 аккаунтов.

  • Убедитесь, что эти 200 включают в себя как количество подписок, так и отказов от подписки.
  • Это означает, что в течение 24 часов, если вы подписаны на 200 учетных записей Instagram, тогда возьмите 0 для отписки или 150 подписок и 50 отписок или любое соотношение в зависимости от вас.
  • Общее количество следующих и неподписанных учетных записей Instagram должно быть 200.

Но если вы будете чаще или чаще подписываться на учетные записи Instagram и отказываться от них, Instagram может временно заблокировать вас.


В этой статье объясняется, как Instagram принимает меры для предотвращения спама, блокируя действия в учетной записи. Лимит на вашу учетную запись Instagram может длиться от часа до 48 часов или меньше , в худшем случае навсегда заблокирован. Система учитывает массовые подписки и отписки, лайкает сразу много постов, все эти действия считаются действиями по спаму.

Fix We Limit Ofter Instagram: Considered the king of engaging visual content, Instagram has been the fastest-growing social media platform on the internet in the last few years. It is believed that this platform might even surpass the legendary Facebook and YouTube in the upcoming time. With its striking features, you can create eye-catching reels and showcase your skills and talents through videos and pictures. The scope of Instagram is growing surprisingly fast with each passing day.

we limit how often you can do certain things on instagram

All kinds of social media influencers, be it in the fashion, humor, fitness, art, or travel niche, find it to be a creative space to share a variety of content and are highly active on it.

As history has taught us, with the fast growth of any such platform comes the threats of spam accounts that target and threaten countless innocent users and spread hate content.

To protect its users from spam accounts, Instagram has put in place various rules, regulations, and limitations, which help them detect any unusual activity on the platform and take strict, immediate actions for it.

The “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” message is one such limitation that some of you might have seen on the app at times.

If you’re wondering what this message is all about and how to get around it, we’ve got you covered!

In this guide, you’ll learn how to fix we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram.

So keep reading to find the answers to all your questions.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to Instagram or have been using the platform for years; you cannot hope to learn about all its limitations and rules.

With that being said, it’s not necessary that you’ll see this message only when you’re doing something wrong. Sometimes, it might be a response to your sudden overuse of some of the platform’s features.

If Instagram notices any unusual activity from your account, it will send you this message:

“Try again later. We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”

we limit how often you can do certain things on instagram

In some cases, this message is also sent to you as a pre-ban warning. If you fail to recede to it, your account can be banned by Instagram indefinitely.

If there’s one thing you need to know about social media platforms like Instagram, it is that they hate spam. Spamming will not only make these platforms an unsafe space for its users but can also raise questions on their credibility and security.

To avoid these things from happening, Instagram has added a variety of rules and limitations for its users.

If you’re unable to access your account thereafter, it should generally take 24-48 hours for you to regain control of it.

In most cases, the freeze or suspension lifts in a couple of hours, but users are suggested to wait at least 48 hours if that doesn’t happen. However, if your account remains suspended even after 48 hours, you should contact the Instagram Help Center for further support.

What Are the Instagram Limitations

If Instagram has sent you the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” message, it indicates that you have perhaps violated one of its limitations. But how will you figure out which one was it?

The best way to do that is to learn about all the major Instagram limitations, and that’s what we will do in this section. Alternatively, you can also read about these on Instagram’s Terms of Use.

Factors that Determine Limitations

Before we discuss these limitations, it is important to note that not all individual accounts will face the same limitations.

While some major limitations, such as posting forbidden content and character limit, is the same for all users, the likes/comments/ following limitations can vary for different accounts.

Following are some of the factors that determine the limitations:

  • How old is your account? New accounts have a higher limit than the old ones.
  • The number of accounts that you follow as well as those that follow you.
  • The average engagement and activity of your account; accounts with higher engagement are allowed more activities.

With these factors in mind, we’ll give you a general idea of the limitations that are valid for an average Instagram account user below.

1. Limitation on Posting or Sharing Forbidden Content

Instagram has strict rules and regulations for all its users, just like most social media platforms when it comes to forbidden content.

Following is the list of the kind of content you should never post or share on this platform:

  • Hate speech
  • Intense or violent videos
  • Encouraging violence or self-injury
  • Sexual content
  • Buying or selling alcohol, tobacco, or firearm
  • Buying or selling live animals
  • Threats of vandalism, financial, or physical harm
  • Blackmail or harassment
  • Illegal prescription drugs
  • Online gambling

we limit how often you can do certain things on instagram

2. Limitation on Following/Unfollowing

Did you know that Instagram counts both following and unfollowing as the same actions? In other words, whether you’re following or unfollowing other accounts, Instagram will categorize it as the same action.

The daily limit of following and unfollowing set by the platform is 200 follows/unfollows. So, whether you’re following 200 people in a day altogether or following and unfollowing 100 accounts separately, you will end up hitting the limit.

If you’ve made a new Instagram account, you should be even more cautious of this limit, lest you want Instagram to consider your account as spam.

3. Limitation on Liking Posts and Commenting on Them

Do you enjoy double-tapping every single post or reel you see on Instagram?

Well, worry not, Instagram has set the liking limit keeping in mind the average likes its users use in a day; the limit is at 1000 likes. So, even if you’re using Instagram 3-4 hours straight, you’re unlikely to reach that limit.

When it comes to commenting on posts, all of us can agree that writing too many comments takes a lot of time that we generally don’t have. Keeping that in mind, Instagram has set the commenting limits to 200 comments a day.

Moreover, the Instagram AI also views posting the same commenting multiple times as suspicious. So, if you’re doing it to win a giveaway, be careful of touching the limit.

4. Limitation on the Captions and Comments Character Count

As you already know, Instagram is a platform that prioritizes visual content over written ones. Keeping that in mind, it ensures that the users write captions and comments that aren’t considered too long to read.

The character count limit on Instagram captions and comments is set at 2200 characters. However, if you think you can more to say, you can always add multiple comments after the caption; many Instagrammers are doing it.

5. Limitation on Sending Direct Messages

How many people do you talk to on Instagram DMs on a daily basis? Any average Instagrammer’s answer should range between 10-25, right? Well, Instagram allows you to send much more DMs than that; the daily limit of DMs you can send here is 80.

However, if your daily direct messages cross 80, the Instagram AI will notice it and might send you a warning. They can also lock you out of your account temporarily.

6. Limitation on Hashtags

The whole purpose of adding hashtags on Instagram (or any other social media platform) is to broaden the exposure of your post/story. These hashtags can attract the attention of users that follow or like similar content, thereby increasing your content’s visibility among the desired audience.

However, Instagram believes in the fact that there’s only so much attention you need. Therefore, it has set its hashtag limit to 30 per post or story.

7. Limitation on Duration of Videos and IGTV

While Instagram encourages its users to create visual content that’s both static and moving (photos and videos), it must add some limitations to the duration of these contents. Otherwise, the platform would soon start resembling YouTube.

Therefore, any video you post on Instagram can only be 60 seconds long, and those in your story can be up to 15 seconds long.

Because many Instagrammers were facing issues with such a short length, the platform rolled out two other features: IGTV and Instagram Live. On the IGTV videos, you can upload pre-recorded, edited videos that range between 15 seconds and 10 minutes in length.

While on Instagram Live, you can add even an hour-long video, as long as it’s being recorded live. But that’s it, and you cannot add a video on this platform (either pre-recorded or live) that’s longer than 60 minutes.

8. Limitation on Adding Story

How many stories can you possibly add on Instagram in a day? Even if you’re on vacation or traveling to an exciting club or restaurant, you would upload about 40-50 stories in a day, right?

Well, Instagram allows you to do much more than that. The daily story limit of Instagram is 100 stories, which its users rarely cross.

However, if you happen to have shared 100 stories today and have more to add, all you need to do is wait for 24 hours after the first story was added. As soon as some of your old stories disappear, you can start adding new ones.

How to Fix We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram

If you’ve been getting the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” message from Instagram a lot lately, there are a few things you can do to fix it. Let’s take a look at these alternatives now:

Method 1: Delete a Post or Story That Might Be The Problem

Do you suspect that Instagram has sent you the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” because of a post, video, or story you have posted? In this case, the best place to begin fixing the problem is by deleting that content immediately.

we limit how often you can do certain things on instagram

While doing it will not solve your problem in all cases, it’s the first step toward it. Unless your post has some forbidden content, you will be able to use your account within 24 hours.

Method 2: Report Error to Instagram

Suppose you’ve received the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” message, but you cannot point out any odd action on your part that could’ve caused it. How would you fix the error?

Well, you can start by reaching out to Instagram and asking them to check if they made a mistake. Don’t worry; the task is easier than it might sound. Follow these quick steps to get it done:

  • Go to the Settings option on your profile.
  • You’ll find a Help option there. Click on it, and you’ll get four other options.
  • Out of these four, select the first one that says Report a Problem.
  • You’ll see three options when you tap on Report a Problem. Choose the last one reading the same.
  • You’ll be directed to a page where Instagram will ask you “briefly explain what happened or what’s not working.” You’ll also find an option to add a screenshot to further explain the problem.
  • Once you’ve mentioned your problem and added a screenshot, hit Submit.

Your job is done. Now, you can sit back and wait for the Instagram Support Team to fix the problem.

Method 3: Change Your Account Password

If you’ve been liking random posts on Instagram all day and have managed to cross the limit somehow, you can rest assured that any further action from your account will be suspended for at least 24 hours.

In such cases, many users have reported that changing the password of their account has proven to be useful. When you log into your account with a new password, you might find that your daily limit has been renewed.

If you want to try it out for your account, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Settings option on your profile.
  • You’ll find a Security option there. Click on it, and you’ll find multiple options.
  • From the Login Security section, choose the first option that reads Password.
  • You’ll be directed to a different page, where you will need to add your current password and then enter and re-enter the new password you want to set.

By filling in both your current and new passwords, you’ll be logged out of your account. And when you log in again, you might be able to use all features without any restrictions.

However, keep in mind that changing your password might or might not help you get rid of your limitations. In case it doesn’t help, you should simply wait for 24 hours to renew your limitations.

Method 4: Get help From Instagram Automation Tool

If you think an Instagram automation tool can help you let you like, share, comment, tag, or mention more than the limitations set by Instagram, you’re mistaken. The limitations set by Instagram are ultimate and cannot be negotiated with. So, what can this tool help you with?

It can help you with managing the time you spend on Instagram, be it your content management, post scheduling, or direct messages. Additionally, the tool will also keep track of Instagram’s limitations so that your account will never face the risk of suspension.

Also Read:

  • How to Find Phone Number of Private Instagram Account
  • How to Delete Instagram Messages from Both Sides
  • Instagram Username Availability Checker
  • How to Fix “This Story Is No Longer Available” on Instagram
  • Private Instagram Viewer – View Private Instagram Profiles

This article will show you how to resolve the «We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things» error that appears when trying to connect online booking to Facebook & Instagram.

This error is out of Phorest’s hands, as the issue lies within Facebook and Instagram. You can read Facebook’s official guide about it here. 


Below are some potential fixes that may help resolve the issue

  • Wait for some days. This issue can be fixed after a certain amount of time. 
  • Report this problem on Facebook and/or Instagram using their Contact Us form.
  • Link your Facebook account with Instagram, then try connecting in Phorest again. See this guide on how to do this 
  • Uninstall Instagram from your device. Then install it again after a few minutes. 

Facebook also have some guidelines here on how to avoid this error from happening again.

The above are only suggestions and may not fix the issue. The issue, however, is a Facebook issue and not something Phorest can control. If you try the above, and the issue persists, you will need to contact Facebook support.

Ever seen the message, ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ while you were trying to share a post or story? It’s annoying, right? Especially when you have something amazing you want to share with your friends, and Instagram just doesn’t let you post it. This is Instagram’s way of giving you a warning. There could be several reasons why this message pops up on your screen. Here’s why you see ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ and how to fix it.

You could be an avid user of Instagram. Or a total stranger to the app. Instagram started as a photo-sharing social media app. But as the years have gone by, you can now share videos on it. Buy or sell your products by promoting them on the app. The app has become a melting pot of all the creative fields now. If you have something to say, Instagram will help you reach a wide audience. If you have a business, Instagram will help you find the right customers for it as well.

With the increasing number of people joining Instagram, it has become more strict about what posts can be made. It has strict rules regarding what you can post and what you can not. Here are some reasons why you are seeing We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram message on your screen and how you can fix it.

How To Fix: ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’

We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

While Instagram brings you errors, I am here to give you the solutions. If Instagram is restricting your account from performing certain tasks, there can be a number of reasons for it. We will look at those reasons in the next section. Before that let us look at how to fix the ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram‘ error.

Also, read Instagram Account Suspended | Instagram Disabled My Account For No Reason

1. Change Your Password.

One of the quickest ways that many people found to stop Instagram from limiting their accounts was when they changed their passwords. This has been by far the easiest way to get Instagram to remove the limit from your account. You can easily do this by going to Setting – Security – Password.

2. Have A Backup Account.

Now I know this doesn’t seem like a permanent solution. But having a backup account will help you to let your followers know that your account is restricted for the day and that you won’t be able to reply to any comments or DM’s for the day. This is a temporary fix yet lets you stay connected to your followers.

Also, read How To Pin Posts On Instagram in 2023 | Instagram Now Lets You Pin Post!

3. Delete the Posts and Stories That Are Against Community Guidelines.

Now, deleting posts or stories that have caused all this hassle isn’t always a sure-shot way to remove your account from Instagram’s Limit list. But this is a good start. You will know which post was against the Community Guidelines. A notification regarding the same will be sent to you before Instagram takes down the post or story. If Instagram is still reviewing the post or story and has already restricted your account, you can try removing the post or story so that you might be allowed to use your account as usual again. 

4. Contact Instagram Support

You can always contact Instagram Support if you think that your account has been restricted as a mistake. It does happen that the third-part apps that monitor and track account activity might have made a mistake when they flagged your account. You can contact Instagram Support and tell them this might be a mistake. This is your last resort to make sure the restriction is removed. Ultimately making the ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ error disappear.

*opens Instagram*

“We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”

Bitch all I did was open the fucking app

— Lor Nati⚡️ (@qwozycapone) August 2, 2021

Also, read What’s the Demon Theory About Pride Month & What’s on Ricky Schroder’s Instagram Story

Reasons For ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ Error.

Instagram is very strict about what it lets you post on the app. How often you can make posts even on stories. It regularly monitors the posts on the app. Instagram flags an account that seems suspicious. The app flags accounts that seem to be bots. Here are some reasons why you might be seeing ‘‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ on your Instagram.

1. Posts Are Against Community Guidelines.

Instagram has a list of topics that you cannot post about. The list is the Community Guidelines that every user has to follow.  The app is very strict with limiting or blocking accounts that go against its guidelines. Listed below are the topics that its users cannot post about. 

1. Hate Speech of any sort.

2. Posts that encourage violence.

3. Posts that have Sexual Content.

4. Accounts that promote or perform Cyber Bullying and Threats.

5. Any Online Gambling.

We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

2. Post’s Captions Are Beyond Instagram’s Limits

Another reason could be that your posts have captions that are beyond Instagram’s character limit. As long as your captions are within 2200 characters, you are pretty good. Make sure your posts don’t have lengthy captions that are continued in comments. Also, make sure you are not making posts repeatedly with lengthy captions. This will cause Instagram’s AL to flag your account. To be on the safer side, make sure to keep your captions within the character limit if you are planning to make multiple posts in a day.

Also, read 170+ Best Pride Month Hashtags 2023 for Instagram and TikTok

3. Likes and Comments are Beyond Instagram’s Limits

Instagram monitors how many times you like and comment on the app. If you like more than 1000 posts from random accounts, your account might get flagged by Instagram. Similarly, if you are making more than 200 comments on random accounts, your account will be flagged. Violating both of these limits will result in ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ popping on your screen.

We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

It is completely fine if you like posts and comments beyond the limit from accounts you follow.

4. Stories Posted Are Beyond Instagram’s Limits

Instagram is also watchful of how many stories you post in a day. A user cannot post more than 100 stories in a day. The stories with a green circle around them are also counted in the stories limit. They are private stories. Though not every user that follows you can see the story, posting stories beyond the limit will result in a ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ error appearing on your Instagram. 


Also, read How to View Your Report History on Instagram in 2023 | Check the Status Now!

5. Followed or Unfollowed Too Many Accounts

Instagram has a limit on how many accounts you can unfollow in a day. It allows its users to follow or unfollow not beyond 200 accounts in a day. This kind of activity is considered as Bot-Like behavior on the App. Instagram’s AI is very particular about Bot-Like behavior on its app. So, if it observes this kind of activity on your account, it will flag the account. This will ultimately result in your account being restricted. 

6. DM’s Sent Are Beyond Instagram’s Limits

You can send DM’s to your crush or even your favorite actor or actress, don’t get me wrong. But if you send more than 70-80 direct messages to accounts that you don’t follow, Instagram will limit your account. You might be trying to find new clients for your homegrown brand. Or you may want to interact with people from your industry that you don’t know IRL. Instagram’s Al will sadly not consider this as a valid reason for you to send more than 70-80 Dm’s in a day. This will only have you see, We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ pop on your screen.

We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram

Also, read Why is Instagram Asking For Birthday & How to Fix it

Difference between Instagram Limit v/s Instagram Ban

There is a difference between  Instagram Limiting your account v/s Instagram Blocking your account. Instagram Limit your account results in you not being able to use your account for typically 24-48 hours. On the other hand, Instagram banning your account will result in your account being permanently removed. This means you will not be able to use your account anymore. The chances of your account being restored are very less. The reason for limiting and blocking your account is usually a violation of community guidelines.

Wrapping Up

So now that you know why you are seeing, ‘We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram’ message on your Instagram. Try the solutions mentioned so you can get Instagramming with your friends and followers again! Instagram limiting your account can happen time and again as the guidelines keep getting updated. Just keep an eye on your notifications so that you are in the clear. 
Did you try any of these fixes? How did it go for you? Let us know in the comments below.
We will keep coming up with answers and fixes to make getting around social media. Till then, keep visiting and following The Path Of EX. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Instagram Limit last? 

Instagram Limit normally lasts for 24-48 hours. After which you can use your Instagram account again.

Can you fix Instagram Limit forever?

Unfortunately, no. You will have to keep in mind to not violate Instagram’s community guidelines. Instagram is a generally friendly app and will let you know if you ever do the same like a good friend.

Does using automation help to avoid causing Instagram Account Limit?

Using third-party apps that help in sending automated replies to comments or Dm’s does make your task easy. But this does not mean that Instagram will not restrict your account. Chances are the app will limit your account’s activity.

Creating a backup profile is a solution confirmed by our experts

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Being an artist his entire life while also playing handball at a professional level, Vladimir has also developed a passion for all things computer-related. With an innate fascination… read more

Published on September 9, 2022

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Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • Nowadays, practically everyone has an Instagram account and stays online most of the time.
  • Many Instagram users have reported seeing an error message which says We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram.
  • This is most likely handled by creating a backup account or resetting the password.

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Instagram has been popular among young people in recent years. It offers a platform to display our emotions, discuss ideas, and share comments on posts, stories, etc.

You may also follow pages, and people, and even like and comment on posts, stories, and so on. Many users also look for Instagram profiles by phone number.

Instagram also assures that no profile or page on their site may be hacked and maintains security by integrating good features.

Why is Instagram telling me to try again later we limit how often?

Some Instagram users have been receiving an error while commenting, liking, or trying to follow the page or profile. The error message read Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram…. and forbids the user from doing a few things.

This usually happens to the newly created user profile who tries to follow most of their favorite people in a single day. Instagram detects this behavior as similar to the bot-behavior and puts a restriction on the profile.

There are a few limits set by Instagram to all the user’s profiles and pages on how many posts they can like, how many comments they can post, or how many people or pages they can follow in a day.

When users cross this limit, Instagram instantly puts a temporary ban on the user profile and they get such error message discussed above.

How long do Instagram limits last?

Technically, when Instagram puts a restriction on any users, it will last for around 24- 48 hours. After which, the user can use the Instagram profile as usual and till it does not cross the limit. Otherwise, the user may have to face this error again!

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Don’t fret if you are going through the same situation, here are five quick solutions to this problem!

How do you remove limits on Instagram?

1. Change the Instagram password

  1. Firstly, open the Instagram app on your system or simply visit the Instagram website on a web browser app like Chrome, etc.
  2. After you have opened the app or reached the homepage, log in using your credentials.
  3. Once you are successfully logged in, click the Profile Icon on the top-right corner of the Instagram homepage.
  4. Now select the Settings option from the list.

  5. Click Change password on the left menu.

  6. Enter the values in the Old Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password text boxes.
  7. Finally, click the Change Password button at the bottom.

  8. This will change your Instagram password.

2. Reinstall the Instragram app

  1. Press the Windows and I keys simultaneously which opens the Settings app.
  2. Select Apps on the left side panel.

  3. Click the Installed apps option on the Apps page.

  4. Type Instagram on the search bar at the top of the Installed apps page.
  5. Now click the horizontal ellipsis icon of Instagram from the results populated.
  6. Select Uninstall from the list.

  7. Click Uninstall again on the confirm small pop-up window below it.

  8. This will start uninstalling the Instagram app from the system.
  9. Now open the Microsoft Store app.
  10. Search for the Instagram app by typing Instagram in the search bar.

  11. Click the Install button on the Instagram page.

  12. This starts downloading and then installing the Instagram app on the system.

3. Create a backup profile

Such things happen usually with many profiles which are newly created because users tend to start following many of their friends and favorite celebrity profiles.

This causes to occur the error on their Instagram and restricts them from doing certain things. The small workaround is to create a backup profile by visiting the Instagram website and clicking the Sign up button at the bottom and providing all the necessary details to create a new profile.

Another small tip is the most active account does not get many errors like restrictions on doing certain things whereas a new or hardly used account will face such problems. So try to engage in Instagram using your primary account most of the time.

4. Report a problem

If this error is caused due to any technical glitch in the Instagram app, you can always report this to Instagram. Go to the Profile icon on the top right corner and select the Settings option. Then, click Help and tap on Report a problem.

Now describe the technical issue briefly and also you can attach any screenshots of the issue taken from the Instagram app and send the report to the Instagram support team. They will analyze and rectify it as soon as possible.

5. Use Instagram automation tools

There have been a number of Instagram automation tools like SocialPilot, Later, Kicksta, etc. which can be used for the user’s benefit. These are used to keep control over how many likes, comments are being done by the user. It also keeps track of how many pages and profiles are being followed.

They also help the user for scheduling the best possible time for their posts, stories, and reels on their Instagram profile. They help in managing hashtags and other Instagram features too.

We hope you found this article informative. Please leave us a comment below.

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Are you seeing the we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram error way too much? If yes, then this article is for you.

Social media has taken over in a big way over the past 15-20 years. Millions of people have never known the world without it, and hundreds of millions can’t remember what life was like before the advent of social media.

It has become so ingrained in our lives lately that people are glued to their screens right from the moment they wake up to the second they shut their eyes at night. 

With the emergence of dozens of popular social media platforms in recent years, only a few of them found immediate success and claimed their spots at the top among the most widely used platforms. One of those platforms is Instagram.

However, with the ever-increasing popularity of Instagram, the threat of spam accounts also increases.

These spam accounts trouble users and ruin their social media user experience by spreading toxic content. 

To prevent that from happening and protect its users from spam accounts, Instagram has taken many steps and introduced plenty of limitations over the years.

With the help of these restrictions, Instagram detects abnormal activities and takes actions to restrict those accounts. 

To enjoy your social media user experience to the fullest, it’s important to learn about common problems that you might encounter on the fly.

Whether you have just got started on Instagram or have been using it for years, you cannot just learn all the rules and limitations on any social media platform, which is why you may end up violating some limitations unknowingly.

In case you violate a rule on Instagram, an error message “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” may show up.

If you have been seeing this message lately, you’d know how irksome it is.

So, what does it actually mean? Why does this message show up? And most importantly, how to fix it?

This would be the premise of today’s discussion.

What Does “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram” Mean?

As mentioned earlier, you have to follow some set of rules on every social media platform. It turns out that Instagram is quite strict when it comes to rules and limitations.

To protect its community from harmful accounts, it has set rules that have to be followed by its users.

If it notices any unusual activity on your account, you may see the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” message. 

The full message says “ Try again later. We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake”.

In simple words, Instagram gives its users a pre-ban warning by showing this message if it notices anything wrong.

If you don’t recede even after seeing this message, chances are that your account may get blocked. 

It’s no secret that every social media platform hates offensive and harmful accounts that may threaten other users.

Not only does it jeopardize the user experience, but also questions the credibility of the platform.

So, every social media platform takes ample steps to avoid that from happening. Of course, users find it annoying and hate seeing these trouble messages. However, 

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it only appears when you violate its rules. It may happen due to other reasons as well.

That creates the need to learn about Instagram limitations. 

What Are Instagram Limitations?


If the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” message appears on your screen, it means that you have violated some of the limitations on Instagram.

But how do you know which limitation caused it?

Knowing it is important so that you can avoid it in the future to protect your account from this error.

As things stand, there are a few factors that determine the limitations on any account. 

Factors for Limitations

Well, the limitations are not the same for all accounts. Of course, some limitations, such as posting hate speech, are the same for every user.

However, the limitations regarding likes, comments, and following can vary from account to account. 

  • The first factor is the age of your account. New accounts tend to have a higher limit as compared to the older ones. 
  • The total number of followed accounts, as well as the total number of accounts that follow you.
  • How engaging your posts are. If your posts have a good reach, you’d be given more relaxation. 

Limitation on Forbidden Content

You can refer to the “Community Guidelines” of Instagram to know which type of content is acceptable on Instagram and which one you should avoid.

However, there are some basic types of forbidden content that you must avoid if you want to stay on Instagram.

  • Sexual content (including nude pictures)
  • Hate speech against any race, ethnicity, social case, sexual orientation, disability or disease, etc.
  • Encouraging violence in any way.
  • Harassing or threatening other users.
  • Online gambling.

Limitation on Following and Unfollowing

To your surprise, Instagram sees both following and unfollowing on Instagram as the same actions. The daily limit on following and unfollowing on Instagram is 200.

Whether you follow 200 users, unfollow 200 users, or follow 100 and unfollow 100, it all will be considered the same thing and you’d be violating the limit. 

Moreover, new accounts are closely monitored, so it’s a good rule of thumb to be mindful of this limit, especially in the early days.

You can begin slowly, and then increase the number of people you follow, unfollow gradually.

If you are new to Instagram and want to follow many accounts, don’t follow more than 50 accounts a day. You can double this number by the end of the week.

A huge increase in following or unfollowing may show spamming patterns, which the Instagram algorithm will see as a bot. 

Limitation on Liking and Commenting on Posts

We all love to like and comment on posts of our loved ones, don’t we? Well, you may be surprised to know that it could also invite problems on Instagram.

However, this is not a reason to worry as Instagram has been quite generous regarding this limit and has set it to 1000.

So, even if you are completely free and are scrolling on Instagram for hours and hours, the chances of you hitting this limit are quite thin. 

As far as the limit for comments is concerned, Instagram has set it to 200 per day.

Considering the fact that commenting on a post consumes more time than liking and users usually don’t comment that much, this limit is also quite reasonable.

However, be mindful that commenting the same comment several times can also lead to a ban as it is considered spam behavior.

So, be mindful if you are trying to win a giveaway by commenting on a certain comment several times. 

Limitation on Direct Messaging

Instagram has set a limit on direct messaging as well. Of course, you can direct message a single user whenever you want, but if you start overusing this feature and start spamming, Instagram won’t be late to notice it.

The limit on direct message is 80. On average, an Instagram user messages 10 to 20 users daily. So, you are unlikely to reach this limit too. 

Limitation on Hashtags

Hashtags come in handy if you want your posts to get more reach among a certain audience.

While social media platforms encourage the use of hashtags, Instagram has set a limit to hashtags as well.

As things stand, you can use up to 30 hashtags on each post. If you exceed this limit multiple times, the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” message may show up.

Limitation on Length of Videos and IGTV

Instagram has always encouraged its users to post both pictures and videos. However, there is a limit to the duration of videos.

The video that you are posting on your profile can be up to 60 seconds long, whereas the video on your story can only be 15 seconds long.

You can also choose a video that is longer than 60 seconds, but you can only upload a certain portion of up to 60 seconds of that video. 

However, Instagram didn’t take long to realize that most users didn’t like this limitation on the duration of videos.

So, it introduced two new features, IGTV and Instagram Live. On IGTV, you can upload videos that range anywhere from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. 

On the other hand, Instagram Live enables you to broadcast video to your followers as a part of your Instagram story.

Although you are limited to 60 minutes per live stream on Instagram, you can start another live video as soon as you reach the limit in one session.

Limitation on Stories

So, you might be wondering how many stories can you upload on Instagram every day? 10? 15? Maybe 30?

Well, Instagram gives you much more freedom than that. You are limited to up to 100 stories per day, which is certainly more than enough.

Chances are that you won’t hit this limit even if you are enjoying vacations with your friends. 

In case you want to add more than 100 stories, you’d have to wait for 24 hours after the first story was uploaded. As the older stories disappear, you can add more and more stories. 

Limitation on Tagging

The main purpose of tagging other users is to include the people in your posts and stories who accompanied you or captured your posted pictures or videos.

However, many Instagrammers started using this feature like crazy to increase the visibility of their posts.

So, Instagram set a limit to tagging people on your posts, stories, and comments.

As far as the posts are concerned, you can tag up to 20 people, and when it comes to comments, this limit shrinks to 10. 

Limitation on the Character Count, Username, or Bio

Instagram allows you to choose a unique username for your Instagram account. This could be your real name or your nickname with some added characters.

Instagram lets you choose a real name having up to 30 characters. This makes sure that you choose a name that is easy to read and concise. 

As with the bio of your account, it gives an idea of who you are, what you do, and what your hobbies and interests are.

The maximum number of characters in the bio of an account is 150, which is enough to describe your personality. 

Limitations on Captions and Comments Character Count

Instagram is a platform used to post visual content (pictures and videos). Expectedly then, the limit for captions on Instagram is a bit low, i.e. 2200.

The same goes for comments as well. However, if you feel that the caption of 2200 words is not enough to describe your pictures and videos, no one is stopping you from adding comments too.

All in all, to prevent this error from happening, never post any forbidden content and try to respect all the limitations on Instagram.

The algorithm of Instagram is designed in such a way that performing any action heavily leads to an action block of an account.

Action block reduces your engagement on the app which is considered spam.

Instagram Limit vs Instagram Banning

So, you might have figured out that the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” message is because of a violation of a limit, not banning.

When you see this message, you are not allowed to access your account temporarily.

Although you may access your account after 48 hours, there have been cases of people having to wait an entire week before Instagram removed this error from their account. 

On the other hand, if your account is blocked on Instagram, it means that you’d lose access to your account permanently.

If you see the trouble message, take it as a warning if you have been violating the limits repeatedly and refrain from violating in the future if you want a pleasant user experience on social media.

How to Fix the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things On Instagram” Error?


The good news for you is that there are plenty of ways to fix the aforementioned error if you have been seeing it lately. 

Delete the Culprit Post or Story

As mentioned earlier, posting forbidden contact is one of the main reasons why you may see this troubling message.

So, if this message shows up, make sure to check your recent posts and stories right away. If you feel that a certain post or story may be the culprit, delete it right off the bat.

Although it doesn’t guarantee that this message will be fixed immediately, you may be able to access your account after 24 hours (only if your post didn’t have any forbidden content). 

Report It to Instagram

Another way of getting rid of the trouble message is by reaching out to Instagram’s user support service.

If you are seeing the trouble message but can’t really figure out the reason why it occurred, reaching out to a user support service is the most viable solution. 

The error may occur due to a glitch in the system or any other problem on their end. So, don’t shy away and contact the user support service immediately.

Don’t worry, the process is easier than it sounds. However, one thing to bear in mind is that Instagram is not that consistent with its response time. 

To contact Instagram’s support team, simply go to your profile and hit the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of your screen. Now go to “Settings” and click on “Help”.

Now, you’d see the “Report a Problem” option. This is where you can explain what happened to your account and ask them why it is not working.

And yes, while submitting your answer, don’t forget to add a screenshot. Hopefully, Instagram will get back to you soon enough. 

Change Your Password

If you love double-tapping on the “Heart” button under every post, chances are that you might have exceeded your daily limit on liking posts.

In such cases, Instagram may restrict your activities. However, many Instagrammers have reported that this could be fixed by merely changing the password of your account.

When you log into your Instagram account after changing your password, chances are that your daily limit on liking the posts would be renewed. 

To change your password, click on the “Hamburger” icon and go to settings. You’ll see the “Security” option there, click on it.

Now click on “Password”, it will take you to another page. You’d be asked to enter your old password, new password, and re-enter your new password.

Once you have completed the process, your password would be changed.

However, it is important to note that it doesn’t guarantee that you will instantly get access to your account. Sometimes, it works, and sometimes, it just doesn’t.

In case it doesn’t work for you, you may have to wait for 24 hours to renew the like limitations. 

Use the Instagram Automation Tool

Another way of avoiding the error message is to use the Instagram automation tool.

This may make you think that using an automation tool may get you higher limits on liking, commenting, using hashtags, etc.

Well, that’s not the case. The limits set by Instagram are final and non-negotiable. So, what’s the point of using an automation tool?

An automation tool comes in handy when it comes to managing your time on Instagram. From direct messages to post scheduling, it can help you manage a lot of things.

Of course, keeping track of likes, comments, follows, is a daunting task, which is why you may want to use the Instagram automation tool.

Knowing where you stand will certainly help you stay within limits on Instagram. 

Create a Backup Account

If the error message on Instagram has been showing up a lot on your account lately, this may be because you are an avid content creator with tons of content.

As an emerging content creator, the last thing you’d want is to have your account blocked on Instagram.

To save yourself from this headache, consider making an alternative backup account. 

A backup account will not only give you the ultimate peace of mind, but also an opportunity to share different aspects of life on different accounts.

For example, if you are a food vlogger, you can post your food vlogs on one Instagram account and share travel diaries on another. Cool, isn’t it?


Why Does Instagram Keep Saying They Restrict Certain Activity?

Like every other social media platform, Instagram has a set of limitations that are to be followed by users.

From liking and commenting to following and unfollowing, Instagram has set limitations to prevent bots and harmful accounts that may threaten other users.

In case you commit a violation, Instagram may show you an error message and restrict your activity.

How Often Can You Do Certain Things on Instagram?

Instagram has a different limit for different actions. For liking, the limit is 1000 posts every day. The number reduces to 200 for comments.

Following and unfollowing actions are categorized as one, and their limit is 200.

The maximum number of hashtags that you can use in one post is 30 and the number of users you can tag in a post is 30.

How Long Do Instagram Restrictions Last?

The duration of a temporary ban on Instagram is usually 24-48 hours. However, this ban may prolong to weeks in some cases.

How Do You Get Rid of How Often We Limit Instagram?

To get rid of the error message, delete that certain post or story that may have led to the violation.

If you don’t know why this message keeps appearing, consider reporting it and reaching out to Instagram’s support team.

Changing the password also works sometimes solve the we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram error.


В последнее время Instagram, как и Facebook, начал закручивать гайки. Причина – борьба с фейковыми профилями, спамом, масслайкингом, массфоловингом. К сожалению, алгоритмы системы работают не совсем корректно. Поэтому нередко под блокировку и ограничения попадают также белые аккаунты, владельцы которых получают уведомление типа «мы ограничиваем некоторые действия, чтобы защитить свое сообщество». О том, что делать и как исправить ошибку – рассказываем в статье.

ошибка Инста

⚡️ Телеграм-канал Afftimes — подпишись, чтобы не пропустить новые статьи!

💰 Вступай в наш телеграм-чат и общайся с экспертами рынка.

«Мы ограничиваем некоторые действия» — причины возникновения ошибки

Ваш профиль в Инстаграме может попасть под ограничения из-за нескольких причин. Как правило, это создание нескольких профилей, большое количество лайков за короткий промежуток времени, автоматические действия (либо похожие на них), использование сторонних приложений и прочее. Во всех перечисленных случаях виновником ошибки становится сам пользователь или алгоритм – не слишком совершенный искусственный бот Instagram.

Нарушение лимитов

Инстаграм вводит лимиты на проставление лайков, написание комментариев, новые диалоги, подписки/отписки и другие действия. Подробнее про новые лимиты 2021. Ограничить действия пользователя в социальной сети конкретно могут из-за следующего:

  • лайки более 60 раз в час;
  • комментирование более 300 раз в сутки;
  • открытие новых диалогов более 10 раз за час;
  • подписки более 500 в сутки.

лимиты Инстаграм 2021

Вызвать подозрения бота Instagram могут и другие, так называемые «неестественные» действия. Например, однотипные комментарии с эмодзи типа — «Класс», «Ух ты!», «Прикольно», «Угораю» и прочие. Именно такие короткие сообщения используются в сервисах по накрутке аккаунтов. Поэтому всегда пишите «живые» (осмысленные) и по возможности — более развернутые комменты, стараясь оставлять поменьше хэштегов.

Загрузка неподобающего контента

Например, когда владелец аккаунта публикует материалы сексуального характера либо сцены насилия, употребления алкоголя, наркотиков и т. д.

Инстаграм сейчас банит за любую обнаженку – даже если фото не несет какого-либо явного намека на эротику. Кстати, именно за этого многие замазывают на изображении определенные части тела (например, соски).


Кроме того, социальная сеть запрещает публиковать материалы, разжигающие национальную рознь или дискриминирующие представителей сексуальных меньшинств (лесбиянок, гомосексуалистов).

Жалобы от других пользователей

Такое часто происходит в последнее время – особенно в нише политики. Вы комментируете или выкладываете какой-то пост, на вас жалуются люди, которым не нравится ваша позиция по конкретному вопросу. В результате Инстаграм ограничивает ваши действия или полностью блокирует акк.

Внимание! Пользователи также могут пожаловаться на однотипные посты, фото, комменты, повторы лайков. Будьте внимательны, не размещайте одинаковый контент, иначе его примут за спам.

жалобы пользователей


Бот может принять за спам любое сообщение или коммент, в которых присутствует много гиперссылок, непонятный текст, странные вложения и прочее.



За искусственную накрутку любых действий (лайки, подписки) аккаунт пользователя блокируют – таковы правила Instagram. 


Нарушение авторских прав

Другими словами, за использование чужих постов или фото. Если раньше можно было копировать удачные креативы конкурентов и выдавать их за свои (уникализируя на раз, два – и готово), не опасаясь санкций, то сейчас за это может прилетать бан.

Практически такие же причины блокировки аккаунта в Facebook.

Сколько длится ограничение?

Различают 3 типа блокировок:

  • Теневая или Shadow Ban. На такую блокировку указывает исчезновение хештегов из ленты или постов в списке по геотегу – таким образом, система Instagram защищает геометки от спама. Бан этого типа прилетает спамерам, расистам, нарушителям авторского контента. А еще так наказывают за неаутентичные действия (которые отличаются от действий обычного пользователя), плохое оформление контента, накрутку. Следствием шадоу бана становится резкое снижение охватов. Длительность такой блокировки – 1-2 недели, если не будете жаловаться и писать в саппорт. Если напишите, то могут разбанить на следующий же день.

плохое оформление

Этот акк попал под Shadow Ban – как оказалось, за плохое оформление
  • Временная. Вы обнаруживаете, что не можете совершить какие-то конкретные действия — ставить лайки, подписываться, репостить, комментировать посты. Это предупреждение от системы – за спам или что-то еще (о причинах подробнее мы написали выше). Длительность такого бана – несколько часов или дней. После этого обычно на почту прилетает ссылка и новый пароль для защиты от взлома. Переходите и восстанавливаете доступ. Однако помните – каждому пользователю дается максимум 3 таких предупреждения. Если ситуация повторяется в четвертый раз – аккаунту грозит вечный бан. Временная блокировка сопровождается вот таким уведомлением.

временный блок

  • Вечная. Грозит пользователям, которые намеренно игнорируют правила Instagram или повторяют ошибки после предупредительных наказаний. Аккаунт удаляют на веки вечные и его практически невозможно восстановить – если только не сработает жалоба техподдержке, что вас взломали.

вечный блок

Обычно система уведомляет о вечном бане вот таким текстом

Как исправить ошибку «Мы ограничиваем некоторые действия» в Instagram и Facebook

Как и было сказано выше, предупредительные наказания (или ошибочные) длятся всего несколько часов, дней или недель максимум. Это при условии, что вы не стучитесь в техподдержку. Если же написать в саппорт, то блокировку снимут сразу же или на следующий день после обращения. 

Что еще можно сделать:

  • Сменить пароль. Рекомендуется сгенерировать сложный код с цифрами, символами и латинскими буквами. О том, как сбросить пароль на Instagram показано на этом скрине.

смена пароля

  • Связать акк с Facebook (можно закупить аккаунты в FB), Twitter, Tumblr, Ok.ru, Ameba. Так вы лишний раз подтвердите, что не являетесь ботом.

связанные аккаунты

  • Воспользоваться кнопкой «Сообщить о проблеме». Это возможность автоматической связи с поддержкой. Как правило, от вас потребуют выполнить несколько действий, после чего запустят повторную проверку аккаунта. Если была ошибка, то ограничение сразу же снимут.

сообщить о проблеме

  • Выйти из всех сервисов автоматической накрутки, если они использовались ранее.

Могут ли мой аккаунт заблокировать

Забанить сегодня могут любой аккаунт – даже самый белый. Искусственный интеллект системы Facebook/Instagram работает не совсем корректно. По этой причине возникают ошибки. Например, алгоритм не сможет отличить действия реального пользователя от действий бота, если они схожи на 70-80 процентов. 

Отсюда делайте вывод: лучше перебдеть, чем недобдеть. Потом придется доказывать системе реальность своего профиля – оно вам надо? Тем более, если арбитражите по серому. Например, бывалые аффилейтеры на Facebook постоянно меняют подходы, выбрасывают акки пачками, борятся с микроспендами, настраивают клоаку, закупают логи с пройденным ЗРД.

Почему арбитражники часто сталкиваются с этой ошибкой

Многие арбитражники осознанно нарушают правила социальной сети – без этого представить себе нормальную работу невозможно. Как лить, если нет парочки прогретых аккаунтов, рекламы бренда, упоминаний логотипов и прочее. Но даже если аффилейтер играет по правилам, забанить его могут по двум распространенным причинам:

  1. Instagram закручивает гайки, чтобы целиком пересадить всех арбитранов на платные опции. Хочешь зарабатывать – делись.
  2. Конкуренты заметили ваш успех, и делают все возможное, чтобы «утопить» ваш аккаунт. Например, сегодня достаточно несколько раз пожаловаться на рекламный пост. Вот что пишет по этому поводу пользователь @nika_ekonomit.


Так что в последнее время арбитраж трафика Инстаграм – хождение по мукам. Приходится придумывать различные схемы, которые хоть как-то помогают избежать блокировок. Вот что мы рекомендуем:

  • пока не ссылаться в своих публикациях на профили брендов – или делать это не так часто;
  • увеличить нативность постов – больше взаимодействий с пользователями (больше эмоций, меньше рационализма);
  • развивать аккаунты в других социальных сетях, привязанных к Инстаграм.


Мы перечислили самые популярные решения ошибки «мы ограничиваем некоторые действия, чтобы защитить свое сообщество». Главное – сидеть тихо хотя бы некоторое время, так как ваш аккаунт уже вызвал подозрение алгоритма и его будут регулярно перепроверять. Любое повторное нарушение правил Instagram может привести к повторной блокировке и даже вечному бану.

Что делать, если ошибка «Мы ограничиваем…» выдается без реальной причины?

Написать в техподдержку. В этом случае бан снимут максимум на следующий день.

Как ее исправить, если я действительно нарушил правила?

Дождаться окончания срока ограничения – параллельно устранить причину (выйти из сервисов накрутки, удалить спамные посты и т. д). Временная блокировка длится несколько часов или дней, а теневая – максимум 2-3 недели.

Можно ли потерять аккаунт из-за этой ошибки?

Да, если продолжать нарушать правила Инстаграм, то есть риск бана профиля навечно.

Оцените статью по 5-бальной шкале

In this guide, we will show you the steps to fix the Instagram Error- Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things. This multimedia-sharing social networking service hardly needs an introduction or two. What initially started as just a platform to share your memorable moments has now given birth to an altogether new industry, compromising of influencers across the globe. Likewise, many business platforms have jumped over to this bandwagon to extract maximum benefits from this service.

But in spite of all the goodies attached, it does have its fair share of issues that seems to bug users every now and then. Among them all, the app restricting some activities of a user seems to be among the most confusing as well as concerning ones for the end-users. This is because more often than not the users don’t even seem to have any clue as to why this error popped up in the first place.

Instagram Try again later We limit how often you can do certain things

The error message in itself doesn’t do any good either as it doesn’t spell out much information behind the cause of this error. All these leads to chaos, frustrations, and despair among the userbase. Well, if you are also facing this issue, then fret not. In this guide, we will show you different methods to fix the Instagram Error- Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things.

Fix Instagram Error Try again later We limit how often you can do certain things

There isn’t any universal fix as such for the aforementioned issue. You will have to try out each of the below-mentioned workarounds until one of them works out in your favor. So keeping that in mind, let’s get started.

Fix 1: Remove Link from your Bio

This is the major culprit for this issue. You should not have any spammy links in your bio. These might include the links to torrent sites, pirated file-hosting sites, betting sites, and most importantly the Linktree links. So make sure your bio doesn’t have any such links. Well, to be on the safer side, I would recommend you to keep the website section of your Bio empty for some time. Here’s how it could be done:

fix instagram try again later error

  1. Launch the Instagram app and tap on the profile icon situated at the bottom right.
  2. Then tap on the Edit Profile button.
  3. After this, delete the URL that is present in the Website or Bio section.
  4. Finally, tap on the checkmark icon present at the top right to save the changes.
  5. Once that is done, close the app and wait for some time. Your account should be up and running within a day or two.

However, after the said time period has elapsed and you are still unable to fix the Instagram Error- Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things, then you should consider contacting Instagram Support (refer to Fix 4).

Fix 2: Refrain from Spammy Behavior

Mark it as a golden rule that you should never carry out any recurring activities in a matter of minutes. For example, if you are posting tons of content one after another, liking every other post, replying to every comment, then it might be categorized as a bot activity and you would then have to face consequences. The escape from this is fairly simple- refrain from performing such spammy activities and your account will be back with you in no time.

Fix 3: Check Instagram Servers

Well, if it is a server-side issue, then no matter how many different methods you try, you wouldn’t be able to fix the Instagram Error- Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things. As surprising as it might sound, the same thing happened with quite a few users on August 3rd, 2021.

It sent the entire community into a frenzy. Fortunately, the issue got quickly resolved and everyone’s accounts were up and running normally again. So this begs for the all-important question- how to verify if it is indeed a server-side issue or not? For that, there are two important places to go:

First off, head over to the Down Detector Instagram server status page and check whether or not they are showing any red peaks in their graphs.

fix instagram try again later error

In case of server issues, the blue graph will be replaced with red ones

The next source is Instagram’s Twitter handle itself. They regularly tweet and let everyone knows if there are any issues with their service. Along the same lines, they would also let you know of the estimated time of fix. [TIP: you may also search #instagramdown on Twitter and get hold of the complete picture!]

And we’re back! If you were having a hard time earlier, your account should be working normally now.

— Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms) August 2, 2021

Fix 4: Contact Instagram Support

If you believe that you haven’t engaged in any spammy activities, or have removed the links from your Bio but are still facing this issue, then it’s time to contact the support team. To do so, launch the Instagram app and tap on the Tell Us button in the error message that appears.

fix instagram try again later error

After that, draft a message indicating that you haven’t carried out any activities that are against their policies or you have removed all the spammy links or you would no longer carry out any spam-related activities from now on. Remember, if you have indeed carried out any spammy activities then it’s better to admit it and tell them that you wouldn’t do so ever again, rather than not admitting that you were part of it in the first place.

Instagram has all your data and would easily be able to verify all your claims. So draft and send in a suitable message to them and wait for a response from their end. Once you get back a response in the positive front, log out and then log in back to your account, the issue would be rectified.


So with this, we round off the guide on how you could fix the Instagram Error- Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things. We have shared four different fixes for the same, any one of which should rectify this issue for you. Do let us know in the comments section which one spelled out success.

  • Fix Missing Instagram Carousel | Cannot Add Multiple Photos to Post
  • How to Fix Instagram Reels No Internet Connection Issue
  • How to Replace Reels with a Search bar on Instagram
  • Instagram Turns 10: Unlock its Twelve Hidden Icons!

About Chief Editor

Sadique Hassan


A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

Instagram’s “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” means it restricts users from activities like following accounts, uploading Stories, or Reels, and many more. This article will give you an explanation of why you get Instagram Limitations Error Message and how to solve them to keep using the platform.

It’s really annoying when Instagram limits you to do certain things on the platform.

However, Instagram does this for a reason: to avoid spam & toxic accounts.

It has created many limitations to finding odd activities,

And taking action on suspicious accounts.

But for some users, these limitations might not be noticeable.

That’s why it’s crucial to understand Instagram’s Rules and Limitations

And most importantly, to prevent the limitation message from coming to your account.

Here is the complete guide to understanding the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” notice

And how to fix the issue.

Let’s dive in.

TL;DR: This how You Gonna Fix this Error on Instagram:

  1. Remove the Post, Story, or Reel that causes the Limitation notice
  2. Report the problem and contact Instagram’s user service
  3. Change your current Instagram Password
  4. Use an Instagram Automation Software
  5. Create an Instagram Backup Account

What does “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” actually mean?

How to Fix the Error Message: We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram

The Limitation Message or the notice:

Try again later. We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake”

Indicates a warning from Instagram that has detected suspicious activity from your account.

Limit notice addressed to a user from Instagram to do certain things on the app

Check if you have done violations on your content when you get this kind of notice.

Instagram has strict Community Guidelines compared to other social media platforms.

And the users must obey the rules unless they want to be blocked from using Instagram.

It’s for the sake of the user experience, and also for the credibility of the platform.

However, if you feel like you have followed the rules and suddenly got the limit message,

It might not be because you have violated Instagram’s rules.

It can appear for other reasons as well, or simply because there are Instagram Limitations to follow.

What exactly Are Instagram Limitations?

When you get the Restriction Message from Instagram, it can be two things:

You violated Instagram’s rules or Limitations.

Instagram’s rules are visible in its Community Guidelines,

but how do you know the Limitations? And which one you have violated?

Most of the time, posting forbidden content is the common cause of getting this limitation message.

Understanding Instagram’s Limitations is important for future use:

To avoid getting the Limitation Message from Instagram.

There are many factors that can make Instagram restrict your account from doing certain things on the platform.

  • Forbidden Content
  • Follow & Unfollow
  • Direct Messages
  • Likes & comments
  • Hashtags Usage
  • Tagging
  • Captions & comments character count
  • And many more

Read further to know each one of Instagram’s Limitations.

What makes Instagram restrict you to do certain things on the platform?

It’s obvious for any user that is posting hate speech will be restricted, or even blocked by Instagram.

But for limitations, it can vary for some users.

These are some ‘special’ conditions on some users’ limitations regarding likes, comments, and the following:

  • New accounts tend to have higher limits than older accounts.
  • The total number of your followers and following.
  • How many good quality & engaging posts do you have? Instagram might give you more loose restrictions.

Now, for general users, let’s dive deep into each one of the limiting factors.

Instagram blocks Forbidden Content

Instagram will remove posts that contain inappropriate content on its platform.

Post removal from Instagram after an account's violation against the Community Guidelines

It’s getting worse until Instagram takes down your content.

To know which content is allowed or forbidden by Instagram,

just go to its Community Guidelines and see what content is acceptable for the platform.

However, you can automatically avoid the type of content that is absolutely forbidden on Instagram.

What is the obvious forbidden content on Instagram? Here is IG content you should avoid creating:

  • Buying or selling firearms, alcohol, tobacco, and live animals
  • An illegal prescription drug (even if legal in your region)
  • Online gambling
  • Hate speech against race, ethnicity, social case, sexual orientation, disability, disease, and many more
  • Sexual content, including nude photos. Painted nudity is included in the gray area of allowed content
  • Encouraging violence & self-injury
  • Harassing, bullying, or blackmailing other users
  • Threats of physical harm, financial harm, vandalism, etc.
  • Videos of intense & violence.

Have you never posted such content?

Let’s see what other limiting factors can cause you the error message.

Instagram Sets Daily Following and Unfollowing numbers

Yes, Instagram limits you to follow and unfollow people in one day.

You can only follow AND unfollow 200 accounts per day.

The rules are set this way:

  • You can follow 200 people per day
  • You can unfollow 200 people per day
  • You can follow 100 people and unfollow 100 people per day

Automate your Follow / Unfollow properly or you will risk having more errors message

Remember the special condition?

The number of follow & unfollow limitations can be lower when you are a new user.

Take your time and follow people slowly and gradually, unless Instagram notices you as a bot because of the spam activities.

Try to follow 50 people when you are fresh on the platform, and increase the number by the end of the week.

Check the best Instagram Bots to automate your accounts.


Complete Automation Instagram Bot

VPN & Proxy included Inflact has everything you need for an Instagram automation bot. You can make use of customer service, content creation, and automation tools like hashtag generators.

Or continue to read if you prefer to manage your account by yourself, organically, and manually.

Instagram Limits Liking and Commenting on Posts

Everybody loves likes and comments to increase engagement on their posts.

However, to avoid engagement bots roaming on Instagram,

it limits the number of likes & comments per day for every user.

You can only do 1000 likes & 200 comments per day.

As liking a post takes a little time, it’s reasonable to why Instagram sets such limits.

It will be no problem if you are the type of person who only scrolls Instagram and likes everyone’s posts.

For the comments limit, it’s true that you can post 180-200 comments per day.

However, I suggest you use it wisely as Instagram will consider your repetitive comments on one post as spam.

For the giveaway hunters and chatty Instagram users, don’t post a comment more than twice on one post.

Also, don’t duplicate your comments unless Instagram will get you banned.

Check out this useful guide whenever your comments are blocked.

If you really have time and no patience and you want results by liking and commenting on more posts then you can use either:

  1. A dedicated proxy for Instagram
  2. An Instagram VPN

Use the best VPN available in 2023 for Instagram now


Best VPN for Instagram so far

A powerful and super secure internal network with a very fast connection. Use it on 5 devices altogether and you will post your Instagram pictures, Stories, or Reels just as smoothly. All online data activities will be unidentified and secured.

If you are on a budget and prefer a Proxy for automation, up to you.

Use this one, once again dedicated to Instagram:


Instagram Proxy with high security

A powerful and highly secure proxy service with extensive performance. It carefully picks and works with the best servers, so you can target a precise location with high protection. A literal definition of quality comes at a price.

Instagram Direct Messages Restrictions

Instagram also has daily limits on sending Direct Messages.

The users can only send 70-80 Direct Messages per day.

You can still Automate your DM’s

However, people send Direct Messages to 10-20 people per day on Instagram so the number is quite a lot.

A business account that needs to respond to customer inquiries must pay attention to this.

Be careful and set your daily responses.

Instagram Limits on the Length of Reels & Stories

Instagram videos are the best-seller content these days, especially for Reels.

However, you can only post videos at such a certain length.

For Reels, you can create a video up to 90-seconds long.

For Stories, you can post up to 15-seconds long.

If you want to make a longer Story, you can create it up to 60-seconds long

Instagram also limits you from posting too many Stories in one day.

You can only post up to 100 Stories per day.

For the birthday users, you can still repost your friend’s Story the next day!

And for the users that are on vacation, your photos won’t be expired in one day 😊

Instagram Limits on Tagging People

Tagging is to show the people related to your posts to your audience.

Tags on an Instagram account that might exceed the limits

Tag wisely, don’t overdo it unless you get on Instagram limit’s radar.

However, some people use this feature too much, to the point they tag everyone to increase content visibility.

That makes Instagram limit the tagging feature on one post, story, comment, etc.

In one post, you can only tag 20 people in it.

In the comment section, the limit becomes a maximum of 10 tags.

Instagram Limits Hashtags Usage

Hashtags are important to your posts for better reach.

Although hashtags work differently these days, the limit rules still don’t change.

To use it, Instagram only allows its users to use up to 30 hashtags in one post.

When you exceed the restriction number, Instagram might flag your account as spam.

Instagram Limits Character Count on Username & Bio

Instagram Restrictions also apply to your profile settings,

Including your Display Name and Bio.

Instagram only allows you to write 30-characters for your Display Name.

For the Bio, there are only 150 characters to describe your personality, skills, offers, what you do and your interests, and many more.

These Instagram Rules can help you create branding that is easy to recognize, clear, and concise.

Instagram Limits on Captions and Comments Character Count

To this point, there is literally a limit to everything on Instagram.

Including the maximum number of characters of captions and comments.

To equip your post with an explanation, you can only add 2200-character captions.

Need more space? You can add the rest of the description in the comment section,

With the same character limitation, 2200 characters per comment.

Remember that this is done for a reason.

Whether it’s for the easy user interface, or to prevent errors from the app.

Are Instagram Limits and Instagram Banning the same thing?

No, it’s not the same.

When the “We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” appears on your screen,

Doesn’t mean that your account is banned, but you just violate some of its limitation rules.

It also means you can’t access your account for 48 hours.

However, some people might have to wait until a week to use their accounts again.

While the blocked accounts, they can’t access their accounts permanently.

Account disabling after Instagram violation on some limits and terms

Account disabling from Instagram means the end of your Instagram journey…

The different case also applies to shadowbanned accounts,

where the content will be hidden from the users’ feeds unless they follow the account.

If your account gets caught in the issue, consider it as a warning and be very careful of using your Instagram account the next time.

Don’t repeat the same mistake, unless Instagram will take your account down forever.

5 Steps to Fix the error “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things” on Instagram in 2023

First of all, never panic when you get the Instagram Restrictions notice.

Easier said than done. Ok. That’s why you are here. Relax. 😊

Trust me, there are still ways to fix the issue.

Check out these 5 easy steps to solve the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” error message.

⚠️ Disclaimer: this guide can’t help you get back to your account directly,

but at least you make an effort not to get it banned forever.

Let’s go.

1. Remove the Post, Story, or Reel that causes the Limitation notice

Now you know what things you should avoid posting on Instagram and its restrictions.

Try to inspect your account and see if you post Reels or Stories with forbidden content.

Also, see if you have posted likes over 1000, follow & unfollow 300 people per day, etc.

Basically, check whether you have violated any Instagram Rules & Limitations.

Once you have found the culprit, remove it right away.

Yes, we know it doesn’t necessarily cancel your account prohibition,

but at least you can reduce the duration to 24 hours (only if you don’t post forbidden content).

2. Report the problem and contact Instagram’s user service

You can’t figure out the problem? Try to reach out to the Instagram support team.

It is the easiest way to know why you get the error message.

As you can’t see the problem, there might be a glitch or error on Instagram’s end.

If that’s the case, then you did nothing wrong, so don’t hesitate to contact Instagram support.

Here is how to report your problem on Instagram by contacting them:

  1. Tap the three lines icon on the right top corner of your screen.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Pick “Report a problem” and briefly write about the issue.

Report a problem to Instagram support. Report and add screenshot or upload a document.

Report a problem to Instagram Support. Be specific and add screenshots

I will share a little secret: there is a quick shortcut to go to the Report section.

Try shaking your phone and the “Report a problem” message will pop up on your screen.

Just make sure you turn on the Shake phone to report a problem on Settings first.

Shake phone to report Instagram limit issue setting

No more confusing navigation, just shake your phone and report any issue.

3. Change your current Instagram Password

There is one biggest hack when Instagram prohibits you from certain activities.

This tip is acknowledged by many Instagram users and it works within only minutes:

Set a new password.

When you renew your password, Instagram will also update the daily limitations for your account.

These are the steps to change your Instagram Password:

  1. Tap the three lines icon on the right top corner of your screen.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Pick “Security” and click on the Key Icon “Password”.
  4. Change your current password with the new one.
  5. Try to log out and log back in. See if the tip works for your account.

4. Use an Instagram Automation Software

The first step to clearing up the Instagram Limitation Issue is to check whether you have violated some of its limitation rules.

You can use Manychat. It’s safe and powerful.

Instagram automation to help avoid getting limitation

Track your Instagram record with automation & avoid getting those scary notifications.

However, tracing back how many Direct Messages you sent, Likes & Comments you posted, and many more is not easy.

You can solve this problem by using an Instagram Automation Tool.

Please keep in mind that using an automation tool doesn’t protect or increase your limitation number.

Rather, it helps you manage your Instagram account,

including keeping a track of your likes, comments, follows, etc.

Being well aware of your Instagram activity is crucial to preventing prohibitions from Instagram.

Create an Instagram Backup Account

When all the above things are not working, you can consider creating a backup account.

For an active content creator with lots of content to post,

this might be a regular issue for you.

To avoid getting your account blocked, it’s better to separate content into 2 accounts.

For example, as a beauty & lifestyle blogger, you can create one account for your beauty reviews

And another account to share your daily lifestyle.

Many users use this trick as their solution, so why not try using it?

Be Careful of the Instagram Restrictions Error Message

So that’s it, the complete guide on understanding the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram”

And the best ways to solve the issue.

The Instagram limitation error message is not a usual error.

It’s pretty serious actually.

It can be caused by these unwritten Instagram Rules or Restriction violations.

Take it as a warning for your account, even if you only experience it once,

As Instagram will not go easy to spam accounts or bots.

Violating the Instagram rules repeatedly → Behaving like bots/spam users → Blocked by Instagram.

Try to find a solution quickly once you get the message, such as following the above steps to fix the prohibition issue.

Do you have your own hack to solve this problem?

Share your tips with our readers in the comment section so we can face the situation better.

All the best and good luck to get back your Account.

Read here to know more about Instagram marketing.

How often can you do certain things on Instagram?

Instagram has different limits on each action. For following and unfollowing, there is a maximum of 200 actions per day. Meanwhile, you can only post 1000 likes & 200 comments per day and send 80 Direct Messages. In one post, you can only put a maximum of 30 hashtags and tag 20 users. While on the captions and comments, you can write up to 2200 characters.

How do you solve How Often We Limit Instagram?

First, check your posts and see if you upload any forbidden content. If so, directly remove the content. Second, you can contact the Instagram support team and report your problem. Third, change your password to the new one to get a direct refresh on your daily restrictions. Fourth, use an Instagram Automation tool or create a backup account.

A common error that many users have encountered, which says “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram.” If you’re a regular Instagram user, then you may have come across this error message a few times already.

Not only is it bothersome to your user experience, but it can make you feel extra frustrated because you don’t know what rules you violated. 

Fortunately, you aren’t the only one experiencing this. And fortunately, there is a way to fix it. 

Over the past couple of decades, social media has skyrocketed. In fact, it was estimated that over 4.26 billion people were using social media in 2021 alone. From being a simple communications platform, it has turned into a medium where we can share information, exchange media, and even catch up on current events. 

It has become such an integral part of our lives that people are on their screens from their waking moments right up until they go to bed at night. 

There are many social media platforms that have appeared in recent years, but only a few remain widely popular and maintain their success. One of those platforms is Instagram.

This increase in popularity has given Instagram plenty of opportunities to expand their features and services. However, this kind of success also makes any social media platform a target for cyberthreats, such as spam.

This issue exists on Instagram in the form of spam accounts, which have an objective of ruining the social media experience for other users by spreading toxic and useless content.

To prevent this from happening, Instagram has implemented some limitations on how it can be used. These restrictions allow the app to detect abnormal activities and restrict spam accounts. However, these limitations are always changing, so normal users may end up violating some rules unknowingly. 

What does this error mean?

You may be scrolling on Instagram only to come across a message that says this:

“Try again later. We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”

We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram

This error means that Instagram has, for one reason or another, detected suspicious activity coming from your account.

It is important to remember that Instagram has implemented Community Guidelines that are stricter compared to other social media platforms. Users who wish to keep using the app with no issues should recognize these rules. 

You may be questioning why Instagram has so many rules in place. This is to preserve the user experience (especially with the presence of spam accounts) and maintain the platform’s credibility. 

However, if you get this error as a regular active user, there’s a great chance you may not have broken any rules at all. 

The “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” may appear for other reasons. 

To find out why you’re seeing this notification, it’s important to understand how Instagram limitations work. 

Instagram Limitations

Seeing this particular error message may mean you have violated some Instagram limitations. But what exactly are the limitations on Instagram, and how can you find out which one caused it?

There are a few factors that can determine the limitations on an Instagram account. 

Factors for Limitations

Not all limitations are identical across all Instagram accounts. Of course, some will apply to all, such as posting hate speech. But there are also limitations regarding likes, comments, and following that can vary depending on the account.

The first factor that Instagram will consider when evaluating whether you violated any limitations is the age of your account. New accounts will tend to have a higher limit compared to older ones. 

Another factor that affects Instagram limitations is the number of accounts you follow and the number of followers you have. 

The engagement level of your posts also matters. Accounts that have a good reach are usually given more leeway. 

Forbidden Content

By reviewing the Community Guidelines of Instagram, you can find out which types of content are acceptable and which ones to avoid

To summarize, here are the basic types of content that you should refrain from posting if you want to stay on the platform.

  • Sexual content or nude pictures
  • Hate speech that discriminates on the basis of race, sexual orientation, disability, social class, etc. 
  • Encouragement of violence
  • Harassment and threats
  • Online gambling

There are also several categories of limitations that you should know about on Instagram. They are the following:

Following and Unfollowing

There are limitations on following and unfollowing on Instagram as an action. The app technically counts following and unfollowing as the same action, so be aware of how many times you do this. The daily limit that you should not breach is 200 follows or unfollows.

New accounts are also closely monitored for following activity. If you’re new to Instagram, it’s always best to be mindful of the limit when you’re following accounts. 

It’s a good rule of thumb to start gradually, following only the people you know. You can increase the number of people you follow eventually. When unfollowing accounts, try not to do it all at once. Unfollow them slowly. 

A large increase in following and unfollowing activity is similar to spamming patterns, so the Instagram algorithm may mistake you for a bot if you are following or unfollowing too many accounts in a day. 

Liking and Commenting on Posts

One of the best parts of being on social media is interacting with your friends and even famous people like celebrities. However, you may be surprised to know that too much interaction in the form of liking and commenting can cause problems for your Instagram experience.

While there is a limit on the number of likes, Instagram has been generous with it and set it to 1000. Even if you scroll, like, and comment on Instagram for hours, it is highly unlikely that you will reach this limit. 

The limit for comments is a bit stricter, with Instagram setting it to only 200 per day. Most users may agree that this is quite reasonable considering that commenting on posts takes longer than liking them. Unless you’re a serial commenter, you don’t have to worry about passing this limit either.

Even if these rules are relatively lenient, do be mindful that leaving several of the same comment can cause an error to appear since it is considered spam behavior.

This can often happen when users enter giveaways that require multiple comments and tags on the same post several times. 

Direct Messaging

For those who use Instagram mainly to chat with friends, it helps to be mindful about the limit on direct messaging. 

While it is perfectly normal to direct message a single user whenever you want, there is a limit on how many users you can send a message to daily. 

The direct message limit is set at 80. The average Instagram user messages only 10 to 20 users per day, so this is a reasonable limit to have.


Hashtags are still relevant today since they allow your posts to reach a wider audience. However, using too many hashtags can be considered spamming. 

Instagram has set the number of hashtags you can use one each post to just 30. If you use more than 30 hashtags on multiple posts, then you may see the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” message.

Video and IGTV Length

In recent years, Instagram has encouraged users to post more videos and IGTV clips. 

Instagram Reels can be 90 seconds long, and Instagram has recently rolled out an update that allows Stories to be 60 seconds long. IGTV videos can range anywhere from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. 

Instagram Live is another feature that was added to allow users to broadcast videos to followers as part of their Instagram Story. Live streams are capped off at 60 minutes, but it is possible to start another stream as soon as the first one ends.


You may have noticed that some of the users you follow upload many stories in just one day. Instagram has a limit on this too, but it is very reasonable at 100 stories per day. 

There’s a high chance that most users won’t hit this limit, even if they are constantly taking Instagram stories all day. 

If ever there is a situation that requires you to upload more than 100 stories in a day, then you need to wait 24 hours after the first story was uploaded. As your older stories disappear, you can add more afterwards. 


Tagging is a useful feature that allows you to include other people in your posts, stories, and videos. 

However, this feature can also be overused to increase the visibility of posts. This activity can be marked as spam. 

Given this, Instagram decided to set a limit to tagging people in posts, stories, and even comments. Users can tag up to 20 people in posts while comment tags are limited to just 10 per comment.

Character Count on Username and Bio

When you sign up for an account on Instagram, it asks you to choose a unique name. This can be any name, whether it’s your real name, a nickname, or any random username that you like. 

Instagram also lets you choose a real name for your profile with a 30-character limit. This is to ensure that you provide a real name that is concise and easy to read.

The bio of an Instagram account also has a 150-character limit to encourage short, concise descriptions of the user’s personality. This section of your profile should give a general idea of who you are, including what you do, your hobbies, and your interests. 

Setting this limit avoids bots from filling names and bios with spam information.

Character Count for Captions and Comments 

Along with the visual content that users post on Instagram, users can also add captions. However, the limit for captions is a bit low at 2,200 characters only. 

Alternatively, users who feel that there is not enough room for their captions can always continue by adding comments. 

Overall, to prevent the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” error, abide by the limitations on Instagram that we have discussed above. And of course, do not post any forbidden content. 

Instagram’s algorithm functions in such a way that violating any of these limitations can lead to an action block for an account. This reduces the ability of an account to engage to limit spam. 

Instagram Limits vs. Banning

One of the questions you may have at this point is whether Instagram limits are the same as banning. 

The short answer is that no, they are not the same. 

You may start to panic and think that your account is being banned when you see the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” appear on your screen. 

You can relax because all that means is that you violated some of the app’s limitation rules — your account is not completely banned. 

However, it does mean that you won’t be able to access your account for 48 hours. Other users have to wait a week before they are allowed to use their accounts again.

The main difference is that blocked accounts are unable to access their accounts permanently. 

Be aware of the limitations on the app so that you don’t make the same mistakes and have your account taken down permanently.

There are several ways you can fix this error. Here are some that you can try if you encounter it on you Instagram account: 

Delete the post responsible for the error

As we mentioned earlier, posting prohibited content is one of the reasons why you may encounter the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” error. 

If this notification pops up, then the first thing you should do is to review your recent posts and stories. If you think that any of your posts or stories may have violated the limitation, then delete them right away.

Be patient as it might not make the notification go away immediately. You may have to wait 24 hours before you can access your Instagram account normally again.

Report the issue to Instagram

Another effective way of getting rid of this particular error is by raising the issue to Instagram’s user support service.

It is possible that Instagram has mistakenly flagged your account for spam activity. You can clarify this issue with the app’s user support services, who will look deeper into what caused the issue.

This may sound like a long process, but don’t worry — it’s much easier than it sounds. Do be patient, though, as Instagram support teams may vary with their response time.

To contact the app’s support team, go to your profile and tap the “hamburger” icon on the top right of your screen. Tap on “settings” and then “help.” 

From here, you should be able to see a “report a problem” option. Tap this and fill up the details of the issue that you encountered. 

It also helps to include a screenshot when submitting your concern. Instagram should revert to you in a reasonable time frame. 

Change your password

Some users may easily exceed the liking and commenting feature on the app. In this case, Instagram may restrict account activities. 

Fortunately, many Instagram users have found that this is easily fixed by changing one’s account password. 

After you change your password and log in again, there is a great chance that your daily limit on liking and commenting on posts will be refreshed. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that this method does not always work. In the event that this method is not effective, simply wait 24 hours for your like limitations to renew.

Use an Instagram automation tool

Another way to get rid of this error is to use an Instagram automation tool.

You may be wondering what the point of using an automation tool is if Instagram has firm limits on certain activities. 

Automation tools are useful when it comes to managing time on the app. Whether you are dealing with direct messages or post scheduling, this tool can help you manage many aspects of the app. 

One useful feature of an automation tool is keeping track of your numbers, such as likes, comments, and follows. 

Ultimately, it helps you know where you stand easily in terms of staying in line with Instagram’s limitations.

Make a backup account

Content creators who are constantly active on Instagram may get annoyed by the “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” error. 

If you are one of these people, then the last thing you want to happen is to get your account suspended or blocked. 

To avoid any problems, then it might be helpful to create a backup account for your other content. For instance, you can share your food recipes on one Instagram account and dedicate another to your travel content. 

The Bottom Line

And there you have it. The “we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” is a pesky error that can appear on anybody’s Instagram account. Sometimes it’s due to a violation of the rules and limitations that the app has set. Other times, Instagram may flag your account thinking that the activities going on are spam. 

Fortunately you can easily fix this error by following some of the steps here. 

For more helpful content on social media, check out our other articles here. 

Instagram’s “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” means it restricts users from activities like following accounts, uploading Stories, or Reels, and many more. This article will give you an explanation of why you get Instagram Limitations Error Message and how to solve them to keep using the platform.

It’s really annoying when Instagram limits you to do certain things on the platform.

However, Instagram does this for a reason: to avoid spam & toxic accounts.

It has created many limitations to finding odd activities,

And taking action on suspicious accounts.

But for some users, these limitations might not be noticeable.

That’s why it’s crucial to understand Instagram’s Rules and Limitations

And most importantly, to prevent the limitation message from coming to your account.

Here is the complete guide to understanding the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” notice

And how to fix the issue.

Let’s dive in.

TL;DR: This how You Gonna Fix this Error on Instagram:

  1. Remove the Post, Story, or Reel that causes the Limitation notice
  2. Report the problem and contact Instagram’s user service
  3. Change your current Instagram Password
  4. Use an Instagram Automation Software
  5. Create an Instagram Backup Account

What does “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” actually mean?

How to Fix the Error Message: We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram

The Limitation Message or the notice:

Try again later. We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake”

Indicates a warning from Instagram that has detected suspicious activity from your account.

Limit notice addressed to a user from Instagram to do certain things on the app

Check if you have done violations on your content when you get this kind of notice.

Instagram has strict Community Guidelines compared to other social media platforms.

And the users must obey the rules unless they want to be blocked from using Instagram.

It’s for the sake of the user experience, and also for the credibility of the platform.

However, if you feel like you have followed the rules and suddenly got the limit message,

It might not be because you have violated Instagram’s rules.

It can appear for other reasons as well, or simply because there are Instagram Limitations to follow.

What exactly Are Instagram Limitations?

When you get the Restriction Message from Instagram, it can be two things:

You violated Instagram’s rules or Limitations.

Instagram’s rules are visible in its Community Guidelines,

but how do you know the Limitations? And which one you have violated?

Most of the time, posting forbidden content is the common cause of getting this limitation message.

Understanding Instagram’s Limitations is important for future use:

To avoid getting the Limitation Message from Instagram.

There are many factors that can make Instagram restrict your account from doing certain things on the platform.

  • Forbidden Content
  • Follow & Unfollow
  • Direct Messages
  • Likes & comments
  • Hashtags Usage
  • Tagging
  • Captions & comments character count
  • And many more

Read further to know each one of Instagram’s Limitations.

What makes Instagram restrict you to do certain things on the platform?

It’s obvious for any user that is posting hate speech will be restricted, or even blocked by Instagram.

But for limitations, it can vary for some users.

These are some ‘special’ conditions on some users’ limitations regarding likes, comments, and the following:

  • New accounts tend to have higher limits than older accounts.
  • The total number of your followers and following.
  • How many good quality & engaging posts do you have? Instagram might give you more loose restrictions.

Now, for general users, let’s dive deep into each one of the limiting factors.

Instagram blocks Forbidden Content

Instagram will remove posts that contain inappropriate content on its platform.

Post removal from Instagram after an account's violation against the Community Guidelines

It’s getting worse until Instagram takes down your content.

To know which content is allowed or forbidden by Instagram,

just go to its Community Guidelines and see what content is acceptable for the platform.

However, you can automatically avoid the type of content that is absolutely forbidden on Instagram.

What is the obvious forbidden content on Instagram? Here is IG content you should avoid creating:

  • Buying or selling firearms, alcohol, tobacco, and live animals
  • An illegal prescription drug (even if legal in your region)
  • Online gambling
  • Hate speech against race, ethnicity, social case, sexual orientation, disability, disease, and many more
  • Sexual content, including nude photos. Painted nudity is included in the gray area of allowed content
  • Encouraging violence & self-injury
  • Harassing, bullying, or blackmailing other users
  • Threats of physical harm, financial harm, vandalism, etc.
  • Videos of intense & violence.

Have you never posted such content?

Let’s see what other limiting factors can cause you the error message.

Instagram Sets Daily Following and Unfollowing numbers

Yes, Instagram limits you to follow and unfollow people in one day.

You can only follow AND unfollow 200 accounts per day.

The rules are set this way:

  • You can follow 200 people per day
  • You can unfollow 200 people per day
  • You can follow 100 people and unfollow 100 people per day

Automate your Follow / Unfollow properly or you will risk having more errors message

Remember the special condition?

The number of follow & unfollow limitations can be lower when you are a new user.

Take your time and follow people slowly and gradually, unless Instagram notices you as a bot because of the spam activities.

Try to follow 50 people when you are fresh on the platform, and increase the number by the end of the week.

Check the best Instagram Bots to automate your accounts.


Complete Automation Instagram Bot

VPN & Proxy included Inflact has everything you need for an Instagram automation bot. You can make use of customer service, content creation, and automation tools like hashtag generators.

Or continue to read if you prefer to manage your account by yourself, organically, and manually.

Instagram Limits Liking and Commenting on Posts

Everybody loves likes and comments to increase engagement on their posts.

However, to avoid engagement bots roaming on Instagram,

it limits the number of likes & comments per day for every user.

You can only do 1000 likes & 200 comments per day.

As liking a post takes a little time, it’s reasonable to why Instagram sets such limits.

It will be no problem if you are the type of person who only scrolls Instagram and likes everyone’s posts.

For the comments limit, it’s true that you can post 180-200 comments per day.

However, I suggest you use it wisely as Instagram will consider your repetitive comments on one post as spam.

For the giveaway hunters and chatty Instagram users, don’t post a comment more than twice on one post.

Also, don’t duplicate your comments unless Instagram will get you banned.

Check out this useful guide whenever your comments are blocked.

If you really have time and no patience and you want results by liking and commenting on more posts then you can use either:

  1. A dedicated proxy for Instagram
  2. An Instagram VPN

Use the best VPN available in 2023 for Instagram now


Best VPN for Instagram so far

If you want to expand your online presence in different countries using a VPN, this tool is right here for you. A very budget-friendly intranet app to give you protection plus get a wider reach to international consumers.

If you are on a budget and prefer a Proxy for automation, up to you.

Use their proxies service, once again dedicated to Instagram:


Affordable Instagram proxy with high-security

If you are looking for a powerful Instagram proxy that is highly secure at a minimum price, this software might match your needs. Enjoy every premium feature from high-speed connection, unlimited sessions, to large proxy pools, this is like a dream tool for everyone.

Instagram Direct Messages Restrictions

Instagram also has daily limits on sending Direct Messages.

The users can only send 70-80 Direct Messages per day.

Direct message automation example display from an Instagram Chatbot.

Automate all your most asked questions on your Instagram DM’s

However, people send Direct Messages to 10-20 people per day on Instagram so the number is quite a lot.

A business account that needs to respond to customer inquiries must pay attention to this.

Be careful and set your daily responses.

Instagram Limits on the Length of Reels & Stories

Instagram videos are the best-seller content these days, especially for Reels.

However, you can only post videos at such a certain length.

For Reels, you can create a video up to 90-seconds long.

For Stories, you can post up to 15-seconds long.

If you want to make a longer Story, you can create it up to 60-seconds long

Instagram also limits you from posting too many Stories in one day.

You can only post up to 100 Stories per day.

For the birthday users, you can still repost your friend’s Story the next day!

And for the users that are on vacation, your photos won’t be expired in one day 😊

Instagram Limits on Tagging People

Tagging is to show the people related to your posts to your audience.

Tags on an Instagram account that might exceed the limits

Tag wisely, don’t overdo it unless you get on Instagram limit’s radar.

However, some people use this feature too much, to the point they tag everyone to increase content visibility.

That makes Instagram limit the tagging feature on one post, story, comment, etc.

In one post, you can only tag 20 people in it.

In the comment section, the limit becomes a maximum of 10 tags.

Instagram Limits Hashtags Usage

Hashtags are important to your posts for better reach.

Although hashtags work differently these days, the limit rules still don’t change.

To use it, Instagram only allows its users to use up to 30 hashtags in one post.

When you exceed the restriction number, Instagram might flag your account as spam.

Instagram Limits Character Count on Username & Bio

Instagram Restrictions also apply to your profile settings,

Including your Display Name and Bio.

Instagram only allows you to write 30-characters for your Display Name.

For the Bio, there are only 150 characters to describe your personality, skills, offers, what you do and your interests, and many more.

These Instagram Rules can help you create branding that is easy to recognize, clear, and concise.

Instagram Limits on Captions and Comments Character Count

To this point, there is literally a limit to everything on Instagram.

Including the maximum number of characters of captions and comments.

To equip your post with an explanation, you can only add 2200-character captions.

Need more space? You can add the rest of the description in the comment section,

With the same character limitation, 2200 characters per comment.

Remember that this is done for a reason.

Whether it’s for the easy user interface, or to prevent errors from the app.

Are Instagram Limits and Instagram Banning the same thing?

No, it’s not the same.

When the “We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram” appears on your screen,

Doesn’t mean that your account is banned, but you just violate some of its limitation rules.

It also means you can’t access your account for 48 hours.

However, some people might have to wait until a week to use their accounts again.

While the blocked accounts, they can’t access their accounts permanently.

Account disabling after Instagram violation on some limits and terms

Account disabling from Instagram means the end of your Instagram journey…

The different case also applies to shadowbanned accounts,

where the content will be hidden from the users’ feeds unless they follow the account.

If your account gets caught in the issue, consider it as a warning and be very careful of using your Instagram account the next time.

Don’t repeat the same mistake, unless Instagram will take your account down forever.

5 Steps to Fix the error “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things” on Instagram in 2023

First of all, never panic when you get the Instagram Restrictions notice.

Easier said than done. Ok. That’s why you are here. Relax. 😊

Trust me, there are still ways to fix the issue.

Check out these 5 easy steps to solve the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” error message.

⚠️ Disclaimer: this guide can’t help you get back to your account directly,

but at least you make an effort to not get it banned forever.

Let’s go.

1. Remove the Post, Story, or Reel that causes the Limitation notice

Now you know what things you should avoid posting on Instagram and its restrictions.

Try to inspect your account and see if you post Reels or Stories with forbidden content.

Also, see if you have posted likes over 1000, follow & unfollow 300 people per day, etc.

Basically, check whether you have violated any Instagram Rules & Limitations.

Once you have found the culprit, remove it right away.

Yes, we know it doesn’t necessarily cancel your account prohibition,

but at least you can reduce the duration to 24 hours (only if you don’t post forbidden content).

2. Report the problem and contact Instagram’s user service

You can’t figure out the problem? Try to reach out to the Instagram support team.

It is the easiest way to know why you get the error message.

As you can’t see the problem, there might be a glitch or error on Instagram’s end.

If that’s the case, then you did nothing wrong, so don’t hesitate to contact Instagram support.

Here is how to report your problem on Instagram by contacting them:

  1. Tap the three lines icon on the right top corner of your screen.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Pick “Report a problem” and briefly write about the issue.

Report a problem to Instagram support. Report and add screenshot or upload a document.

Report a problem to Instagram Support. Be specific and add screenshots

I will share a little secret: there is a quick shortcut to go to the Report section.

Try shaking your phone and the “Report a problem” message will pop up on your screen.

Just make sure you turn on the Shake phone to report a problem on Settings first.

Shake phone to report Instagram limit issue setting

No more confusing navigation, just shake your phone and report any issue.

3. Change your current Instagram Password

There is one biggest hack when Instagram prohibits you from certain activities.

This tip is acknowledged by many Instagram users and it works within only minutes:

Set a new password.

When you renew your password, Instagram will also update the daily limitations for your account.

These are the steps to change your Instagram Password:

  1. Tap the three lines icon on the right top corner of your screen.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Pick “Security” and click on the Key Icon “Password”.
  4. Change your current password with the new one.
  5. Try to log out and log back in. See if the tip works for your account.

4. Use an Instagram Automation Software

The first step to clearing up the Instagram Limitation Issue is to check whether you have violated some of its limitation rules.

You can use Manychat. It’s safe and powerful.

Instagram automation to help avoid getting limitation

Track your Instagram record with automation & avoid getting those scary notifications.

However, tracing back how many Direct Messages you sent, Likes & Comments you posted, and many more is not easy.

You can solve this problem by using an Instagram Automation Tool.

Please keep in mind that using an automation tool doesn’t protect or increase your limitation number.

Rather, it helps you manage your Instagram account,

including keeping a track of your likes, comments, follows, etc.

Being well aware of your Instagram activity is crucial to preventing prohibitions from Instagram.

5. Create an Instagram Backup Account

When all the above things are not working, you can consider creating a backup account.

For an active content creator with lots of content to post,

this might be a regular issue for you.

To avoid getting your account blocked, it’s better to separate content into 2 accounts.

For example, as a beauty & lifestyle blogger, you can create one account for your beauty reviews

And another account to share your daily lifestyle.

Many users use this trick as their solution, so why not try using it?

Be Careful of the Instagram Restrictions Error Message

So that’s it, the complete guide on understanding the “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram”

And the best ways to solve the issue.

The Instagram limitation error message is not a usual error.

It’s pretty serious actually.

It can be caused by these unwritten Instagram Rules or Restriction violations.

Take it as a warning for your account, even if you only experience it once,

As Instagram will not go easy to spam accounts or bots.

Violating the Instagram rules repeatedly → Behaving like bots/spam users → Blocked by Instagram.

Try to find a solution quickly once you get the message, such as following the above steps to fix the prohibition issue.

Do you have your own hack to solve this problem?

Share your tips with our readers in the comment section so we can face the situation better.

All the best and good luck to get back your Account.

Read here to learn more about Instagram marketing.

How often can you do certain things on Instagram?

Instagram has different limits on each action. For following and unfollowing, there is a maximum of 200 actions per day. Meanwhile, you can only post 1000 likes & 200 comments per day and send 80 Direct Messages. In one post, you can only put a maximum of 30 hashtags and tag 20 users. While on the captions and comments, you can write up to 2200 characters.

How do you solve How Often We Limit Instagram?

First, check your posts and see if you upload any forbidden content. If so, directly remove the content. Second, you can contact the Instagram support team and report your problem. Third, change your password to the new one to get a direct refresh on your daily restrictions. Fourth, use an Instagram Automation tool or create a backup account.

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