What you advertised in today s newspaper где ошибка

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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык

Вопрос id:94917

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Doing a ….. right the first time gets the job done.

?) post

?) work

?) job

?) position

Вопрос id:94918

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Many people quit looking for ….. when they find a job.

?) post

?) position

?) job

?) work

Вопрос id:94919

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

When a man tells you that he got rich through hard ….., ask him, «Whose?»

?) work

?) job

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94920

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

One day a miserable toothbrush sits down and says, «Sometimes I feel I have the worst ….. in the world.» Then the toilet paper yells, «Think again friend!»

?) position

?) job

?) work

?) post

Вопрос id:94921

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

The principle of equal pay for equal ….. has now been accepted.

?) job

?) position

?) post

?) work

Вопрос id:94922

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

The ….. of chief doctor was advertised in today’s newspaper.

?) work

?) position

?) post

?) job

Вопрос id:94923

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I met Linda on the way to ….. .

?) work

?) position

?) job

?) post

Вопрос id:94924

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Jane’s got a good ….. in an oil company.

?) position

?) work

?) job

?) post

Вопрос id:94925

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I want you to send me the details of the ….. advertised in today’s paper.

?) job

?) post

?) work

?) position

Вопрос id:94926

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Pat’s ….. has considerably improved this term.

?) work

?) job

?) position

?) post

Вопрос id:94927

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Some people say that this picture is a ….. of genius.

?) post

?) work

?) job

?) position

Вопрос id:94928

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

This is one of his latest ….. .

?) jobs

?) positions

?) posts

?) works

Вопрос id:94929

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

She’s got a lot of ….. to do in the house.

?) posts

?) works

?) jobs

?) positions

Вопрос id:94930

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I’d like you to do a little ….. for me.

?) job

?) position

?) work

?) post

Вопрос id:94931

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Recently the ….. of chief engineer has become vacant.

?) work

?) job

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94932

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Celesta is looking for a ….. of a medical nurse.

?) post

?) work

?) job

?) position

Вопрос id:94933

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Jeremy had been out of ….. for a long time before he found the job of a carpenter.

?) job

?) post

?) position

?) work

Вопрос id:94934

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Martha is constantly changing ….. .

?) positions

?) jobs

?) posts

?) works

Вопрос id:94935

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Marion decided to apply for a teaching ….. .

?) post

?) work

?) position

?) job

Вопрос id:94936

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I knew that my chances of getting an academic ….. were nil.

?) job

?) work

?) position

?) post

Вопрос id:94937

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

The government promised to create more ….. .

?) works

?) jobs

?) posts

?) positions

Вопрос id:94938

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Paul applied for a ….. of hotel manager.

?) job

?) work

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94939

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

This company will close next month with the loss of 2000 ….. .

?) posts

?) jobs

?) positions

?) works

Вопрос id:94940

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I have been offered a ….. with a shipping company.

?) post

?) position

?) work

?) job

Вопрос id:94941

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

What is his …..? What does he do for a living?

?) work

?) position

?) post

?) job

Вопрос id:94942

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

How long does it take you to get to …..?

?) job

?) post

?) position

?) work

Вопрос id:94943

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Who said that shopping and cooking was women’s …..?

?) job

?) work

?) position

?) post

Вопрос id:94944

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

People who do lots of ….. make lots of mistakes.

?) work

?) job

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94945

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

My job is in the Aerospace Industry, and it’s always been a challenge to explain what kind of ….. I do.

?) position

?) job

?) post

?) work

Вопрос id:94946

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

There is always a lot of ….. to be done in the garden.

?) job

?) work

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94947

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I am sorry to say your son hasn’t done much ….. lately.

?) position

?) work

?) job

?) post

Вопрос id:94948

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Sue got a ….. as a secretary when she left college.

?) position

?) post

?) job

?) work

Вопрос id:94949

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

A lot of ….. are advertised in newspapers.

?) positions

?) jobs

?) works

?) posts

Вопрос id:94950

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

I can’t stop now; I’ve got too much ….. to do.

?) position

?) post

?) job

?) work

Вопрос id:94951

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Applications for the ….. of chief engineer must be received by May 24th.

?) position

?) work

?) post

?) job

Вопрос id:94952

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

She had to stay at home that evening and do all her ….. : cooking, ironing and so on.

?) posts

?) positions

?) works

?) jobs

Вопрос id:94953

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

A lot of married women have ….. nowadays.

?) works

?) posts

?) positions

?) jobs

Вопрос id:94954

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

The program included several new ….. by British composers.

?) posts

?) works

?) jobs

?) positions

Вопрос id:94955

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

The ….. was not hard and she soon learnt to do it well.

?) work

?) job

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94956

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

There was no ….. to be found and whole families were starving.

?) position

?) post

?) job

?) work

Вопрос id:94957

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Machines do much of the ….. formerly done by man.

?) job

?) work

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94958

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

His best ….. was done in the form of a short story.

?) job

?) post

?) position

?) work

Вопрос id:94959

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Burns usually wrote in the Lowland Scottish dialect, though some of his ….. are in literary English.

?) posts

?) jobs

?) positions

?) works

Вопрос id:94960

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

In addition to Tess and Marian there were two other strong-looking women – professionals at this ….. .

?) post

?) work

?) job

?) position

Вопрос id:94961

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

Soon Greg began to work at his first ….. .

?) job

?) post

?) position

?) work

Вопрос id:94962

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

He spent some hours in going from factory to factory, asking for ….. .

?) work

?) post

?) job

?) position

Вопрос id:94963

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

A woman’s ….. is never done. (proverb)

?) job

?) position

?) post

?) work

Вопрос id:94964

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

They must hunger in winter that will not do any …. in summer. (proverb)

?) work

?) job

?) post

?) position

Вопрос id:94965

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

As is the workman so is the ….. . (proverb)

?) work

?) position

?) post

?) job

Вопрос id:94966

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Work, job, post, position

The street was quiet; the children being at school and the men at ….. .

?) work

?) job

?) post

?) position

Заполни пропуски словами из рамки. •local • articles • fashion • daily •celebrity • interview 1 There’s an … with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper. 2 I find … gossip very boring. 3 Our teacher is on the … news for saving a student’s life. 4 I’m interested in … about the environment. 5 The only thing we watch on TV is the … news. 6 Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our … section.

Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Заполни пропуски словами из рамки. •local • articles • fashion • daily •celebrity • interview 1 There’s an … with Brad Pitt in today’s …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

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Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Заполни пропуски словами из рамки. •local • articles • fashion • daily •celebrity • interview 1 There’s an … with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper. 2 I find … gossip very boring. 3 Our teacher is on the … news for saving a student’s life.


Вы увидели объявление летней работы в кафе. Вы хотите получить больше информации о работе. Позвоните менеджеру в кафе и попросите о:

• Какие ваши обязанности будут

• нужен ли опыт

• месяцы, которые вы можете работать

• оплата

Вы начинаете разговор. Ваш партнер будет играть роль владельца кафе. Не забудьте:

• быть активным и вежливыми

• получить всю необходимую информацию

• решить, следует ли подать заявку на работу или нет

A: Good morning, sir.

B: Hello, how can I help you?

A: Please, call the manager, I’m calling for a vacancy.

B: Okay, wait a second. Hello, I’m Susan, the manager at the cafe.

A: Good morning, Susan! My name is Bett and I want to know some more information about a job in a cafe. What responsibilities will I have?

B: You will be a waitress, so you will serve and take orders.

A: I see. And do I need any experience?

B: It may be desired, but not necessary. Any other questions?

A: Oh, yes. What months can I work?

B: It is better to work in the summer.

A: Great! It suits me perfectly. And what is the pay?

B: We pay 140 rubles an hour.

A: Excellent! I’d like to apply for the job. Could you send me an application form?

B: Of course. What’s your address?


А: Доброе утро, сэр.

В: Здравствуйте, чем я могу помочь?

А: Пожалуйста, позовите менеджера, я звоню по поводу вакансии.

В: Хорошо, подождите секунду.. Здравствуйте, это Сьюзен, менеджер кафе.

А: Доброе утро, Сьюзен! Меня зовут Бэтт и я хочу узнать побольше информации о работе в кафе. Какие у меня будут обязанности?

В: Вы будете официанткой, поэтому вы будете обслуживать и принимать заказы.

А: Ясно. А нужен ли какой-либо опыт?

В: Желательно, но не обязательно. Ещё вопросы?

А: О, да. В какие месяцы я могу работать?

В: Лучше будет работать летом.

А: Замечательно! Это идеально мне подходит. И какова оплата?

В: Мы выплачиваем 140 рублей в час.

А: Отлично! Я бы хотела подать заявку на работу. Не могли бы вы отправить мне шаблон заявления.

В: Да, конечно, какой у вас адрес?

A: Cafe Pizza Nut. Good afternoon, how can I help you?

B: Hello. My name is Tatyana Ivanova and I’m ringing about the job advertised in today’s newspaper. I’d like to speak to the owner.

A: Very good. I’m Nikolay Shishkin, the owner.

B: Excellent. Well, Mr Shishkin, I’d like to know what my responsibilities will be.

A: Well, Tatyana. We’re looking for a waitress to work on Saturdays. You’ll be responsible for taking orders and serving.

B: Does the job require any experience?

A: Yes. Do you have any?

B: Yes, I do. I worked in a restaurant last summer.

A: Excellent.

B: And what months can I work?

A: The job is for June, July and August.

B: Oh great, during my school holidays! And how much is the pay?

A: We pay 100 rubles an hour.

B: That sounds great. I’d like to apply for the job. Could you send me an application form?

A: Of course. What’s your address?…


A: Кафе Пицца Нут. Добрый день, чем я могу вам помочь?

В: Привет. Меня зовут Татьяна Иванова и я звоню по поводу работы рекламируемой в сегодняшней газете. Я хотел бы поговорить с владельцем.

A: Очень хорошо. Я Николай Шишкин, владелец.

B: Отлично. Итак, мистер Николай, я хотела бы знать, каковы будут мои обязанности.

A: Хорошо, Татьяна. Мы ищем официантку для работы по субботам. Вы будете ответственны за прием заказов и обслуживание.

В: Требует ли работа какого-либо опыта?

A: Да. Есть ли у вас какой-либо?

B: Да. Я работала в ресторане прошлым летом.

A: Отлично.

В: А в каких месяцах я могу работать?

A: Работа на июнь, июль и августа.

B: О, отлично, во время моих школьных каникул! И сколько Вы платите?

A: Мы платим 100 рублей в час.

B: Это звучит здорово. Я хотела бы подать заявку на работу. Вышлите мне, пожалуйста, шаблон заявления.

A: Конечно. Какой у вас адрес?…

$500,000 and $1 million, with the heftiest pay going to only a few major stars, like Mr Newman or the British rock star, Sting, who appears in ads on behalf of Kirin beer.

According to Mr Ina at Dentsu, American stars have been appearing in Japanese commercials since the 1950s. At that time they were the ultimate status symbol, since only a few companies could afford them. Instead, most relied on Japanese actors and actresses, who routinely appear in commercials.

“When we heard we needed $1 million, well, we thoug ht that is really a lot of money,» he said.

But the world has changed. The dollar has plummeted in the last years, and so American movie stars, like US golf courses and office buildings, have become quite reasonably priced in yen terms.

In fact, Mr Ina notes, the money is no longer a problem. The problem is finding enough stars.

Exercise 1. a) Read the text and choose the best answer.

1)Why are American stars ‘eagerly appearing’ in Japanese commercials?

a)The stars are paid large sums of money.

b)The commercials are only run in Japan.

2)Why do American stars rarely appear in commercials in the United States?

a)They are not paid enough.

b)In the United States, appearing in a commercial is the sign of a declining career.

3)Which of the following statements is true?

a)All actors are paid the same fees for appearing in Japanese commercials.

b)British stars can earn as much as American stars for appearing in Japanese commercials.

b) Give examples of celebrities advertising in Russia. Do you think that appearing in a commercial will harm their image?

Exercise 2. Read the text and answer the questions.

1.How can you comment on the title of the text?

2.What celebrities did the company use for endorsing their products?

3.What is the main advertising principle of the company?

4.How did Nike manage to achieve global success?

Nike: Celebrity Advertising

Back before the Swoosh logo and long before the days the company was called Nike, there was Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS). It was the company Phil Knight, the founder, and legendary track coach Bill Bowerman created in 1964 to provide athletes with better shoes. Their first year sales totaled around $8,000. It wasn’t until 1971 that BRS introduced the concept of the Greek winged Goddess of victory— Nike. Well-known logo appears on the famous red shirts, Nike is the international empire today. By using famous athletes to endorse Nike’s products, Knight has been


able to expand into many different sports. In 1974 Jimmy Connors collected his Wimbledon trophy wearing Nike shoes. Carl Lewis jumped and ran in Nike shoes to win four gold medals at the 1984 LA Olympics. In 1995 Nike signed a contract with the racing driver, Michael Schumacher. At the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 Michael Johnson won the gold medal in the 400 metres wearing his now famous Nike gold shoes.

Nike’s mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. Knight himself says his number one advertising principle is to wake up the consumer, and Nike’s adverts are daring and attention grabbing. One example is the advert of Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi playing tennis in the streets of Manhattan.

Nike created a powerful image around the basketball player Michael Jordan. He became a superstar, and it was his image as part of the Dream Team, which helped the company to become world-famous. In 1997 Tiger Woods won the US Masters and Nike moved into another sport – golf. I n 2000 the company signed a 300 million deal with Manchester United, which has 50 million fans worldwide.

Sportswear giant, Nike expanded its celebrity-advertising list to include hiphop artist, Nelly. In 2003, Nike released 1,000 pairs of the rapper’s $120 limited edition Air Derrty sneaker. The sneakers reportedly sold out within hours.

Today, Nike’s unmistakable trademark ‘swoosh’ is instantly recognisable on sports shoes and clothing the world over, and celebrity advertising has certainly been crucial to this global success. For the fiscal year ending May 31, 2007, the company reported record revenues of $16.3 billion, a $1.3 billion increase over last year’s earnings.

Exercise 3. Write an essay about the advertising strategy of a well-known Russian company.

Exercise 4. Match the terms with definitions.



a) a product which can be recognized by a name



b) a piece of paper used instead of money



c) need for goods


below-the- line

d) showing or exhibiting goods




e) show of goods



f) to introduce a new product on the market



g) a competitor



h) value given to something compared with its




i) to announce that something is for sale


j) notice or announcement that something is for sale


k) material on which an advertising message is printed



Text 1.

Is Advertising your Cup of Tea?

This great business of merchandising employs millions of whitecollar workers, from clerks in the stores to top executives in the big department stores and the advertising agencies. For most clerks the salaries are low, but they are among the highest in the United States for top executives.

Most people think «advertising» is mainly or entirely concerned with the creative process. In fact, only a relatively small number of the jobs available within the industry are to be found in this area. While there is a considerable range of creative jobs, these vary greatly in importance and remuneration.

Despite its glitzy reputation, by no means all advertising work is glamorous or highly paid. On the other hand, it offers an extraordinary wide range of interesting different jobs and career paths. And it’s one of the recognized jumping-off points for posts in top management later on.

It’s also quite a small business in terms of numbers. Because of the small numbers it employs, only a few of the many people who want to work in advertising succeed in finding jobs in it. Also, the ‘wastage rate’ afterwards is rather high in some areas.

For gifted and determined people, on the other hand, it can be a particularly satisfying career which also offers constant opportunities for advancement, or a change of direction.

Just all advertising jobs demand an interest in people. This is more or less the only common denominator. If you don’t like people very much, advertising won’t be your cup of tea. The other qualifications depend on the specific job, which can call for very different interests, aptitudes and temperaments.

Only a few exceptionally gifted creative people are employed in advertising agencies to produce the major advertising campaigns. This apart, the skill sets and necessary qualifications of writers and artists have to be considered separately.

Exercise 1. Give English equivalents to these words and expressions.

Служащие, доступный, рекламное агентство, творческий процесс, рассматривать, с другой стороны, жалованье, возможности для продвижения, относительно малое количество, руководители, приносящий удовлетворение, признанный, высокооплачиваемый, добиться успеха, одарённые люди, более или менее.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think is the meaning of «your cup of tea» in the title of this


2.Is advertising always concerned with the creative process?

3.Are salaries in advertising business the highest in the United States?

4.Why is advertising work so attractive for people?


5.Is it easy to find a job in advertising?

6.What opportunities does advertising offer?

7.All advertising jobs demand an interest in people, don’t they?

8. Do all the people

employed in advertising agencies produce advertising


9. Do you agree with the statement from the text «If you don’t like people very

much, advertising won’t be your cup of tea»?

Exercise 3. Match the terms with definitions.



a. small sheet of printed paper used to advertise


air time

b. person who writes copy for advertisements


art director

c. time given to advertising on TV or radio



d. person or company which advertises



e. person responsible for creative work in an

advertising agency


local press


nationally distributed newspapers


national press

g. regional newspapers



h. large notice/advertisement pasted on building

or billboard


press relations


activity aimed at building good contacts with

journalists, etc.

10. prime


publication which appears once a week



brand with the biggest market share



most important

13.brand leader

m. selling over the telephone

Text 2.

Advertising as a Career in the USA

Careers in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising agencies, or suppliers and special services. In opinion of American specialists, at most, only 35 colleges and universities in the USA have effective programs of advertising education. Fewer than 10 offer any truly significant amount of graduate work in advertising. However, advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.

Advertisers. Most companies that advertise extensively have advertising managers, or brand managers. Because these people help to coordinate the company’s advertising program with its sales program and with the company’s advertising agency, they must have aptitudes for both advertising and management.


Media. All media use salesmen to sell advertising space or broadcasting time. Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about business and skilled in salesmanship.

Advertising agencies. A variety of specialists is required in an advertising agency because it develops advertising programs, prepares advertisements, and places them in media. Those interested in advertising research and fact gathering should know both statistics and consumer psychology. Competence in media planning and evaluation is essential for a career in media. The media buyer must identify and determine the most effective media in which to expose the advertising messages, and purchase space or time in these media.

Copywriting requires creative writing skills and ability to visualize ideas. The copywriter is a developer of advertising ideas and messages.

Layout, typography, and visualization are essential for those in art, both for print advertising and for television commercials. Print-production specialists must know printing, photoengraving, and typography.

Experience in «show business», dramatics, photography, music, playwriting, and allied fields are excellent backgrounds for the television producer.

Besides, every agency needs the account executive to be a mediator between an advertiser and an agency who should have accountant background and managerial skills.

Supplies and special service such as marketing research organizations, television and radio producers, film producers, art studios, photographers, producers of display materials, typographers, photoengravers, and product and package designers support advertising.

Job prospects. More than 0.1 % of the U.S. population work in advertising, but their numbers are expected to grow rapidly. Opportunities for rapid advancement are generally greater in advertising than in most other industries. How rapidly a person moves up in responsibilities and pay is based largely on his own efforts, more than on age or length of employment. For women, opportunities in advertising — at least in advertising agencies and in retailing — te nd to be greater than in most other business enterprises.

In general the rate of pay is comparable to that of business executives and professional men, such as physicians and lawyers in the same community.

Exercise 1. Translate the combinations «noun+ noun».

Consumer psychology, media buyers, purchase space, television commercials, print-production specialists, show business, the account executive, accountant background, graduate work, brand managers, sales program, media salesmen, display materials, product and package designers, business enterprises, business executives.

Exercise 2. a) Write out jobs in advertising mentioned in this text. b) Make a plan of the text for speaking about careers in advertising.


Exercise 3. Read this advertisement and write other ads for specialists required in an advertising agency.




Male / Female

Good experience in the advertising / marketing field

Computer literate Fluent English

Ability to work full time & under pressure For consideration please fax

your resume to 933 76 59 or e-mail: tvwa@tvwa.ru

Exercise 4. Read and discuss the text. Can you read between the lines?

Learn to read between the lines. We are fond of not quite saying what we mean. This is often because we want to make something sound more attractive than it really is. This happens in a lot of job advertisements. Here are some aids to understanding the secret code.

1.This is a position of responsibility: you will be doing two people’s work if you accept the job.

2.Small friendly office: the room is so small that those who work together are all packed into it like sardins.

3.The successful applicant must enjoy hard work: you will have to stay late every night, never take holiday, and work at home at week-ends.

4.Opportunity for training on the job: this will give us the opportunity of bossing you around mercilessly and paying you a tiny salary.

Text 3.

Advertising in the Russian Media

The U.S. Information Agency and the Russian group Okno-Reklama held a meeting at an international conference, whose aim was instruction and exchange of experience. The problems were merely outlined — and it is clear that most publications face a similar set of such problems.

In Russian periodicals, as Prof. Obermeyer of the United States pointed out, line ads, or personal announcements, are almost non-existent. By contrast, newspapers in the United States earn up to 50 percent of their proceeds from line advertisingThe.»expulsion» of private advertisers from our newspapers started quite a while ago, in the days of financial pyramids, when it was far more profitable for a paper to print ads from Khopyor Invest, MMM, and similar bubbles. There was no


room in the papers for ads from private individuals who could not afford to pay for them. Khopyor and others of the same ilk vanished in the end, but the private advertiser never returned to the general political newspaper, having got used to special advertising weeklies like “Iz Ruk v Ruki “( From Hand to Hand). Not because announcement can be placed there free of charge, but because the private individual knows that many more people are likely to see his announcement in an advertising tabloid than in a serious paper.

Serious papers, however, do not have the knack of working with big-time advertisers, who help many of them to survive, either. The advertiser tends to get cross when there are no phone calls from readers of the paper in which he has placed his ad. The trouble is that the newspaper has a good designer, but lacks a good copywriter, as he is known in the West, that is, a professional who brings home the ad’s message, making it psychologically palatable.

How do matters stand with Russian newspapers? If the advertiser is Russian, the paper will painstakingly reproduce the ad’s original text to the last comma. If he is a foreigner, the paper will make a primitive word-for-word translation of his ad, like this one: «Our shampoo is for healthy hair.» Does this imply that it is unsuitable for unhealthy hair? Wouldn’t it be better to write «This shampoo will make your hair healthy»?

Actually, most of newspapers’ and periodicals’ advertising-related problems stem from copywriters’ lack of professional skills. The common belief is that no special training is needed here — you can pick up t he necessary skills as you go along. Here is a real-life example: One ad leaflet dropped in private mail boxes reads: «Poverty-stricken students will take up any kind of work — railroad car unloading, rubbish disposal, entrance hall cleaning, ad campaign organizing.»

While a newspaper can afford to send its advertising agents somewhere for training, who is expected to teach the editors to take seriously their ad service? A blank wall still exists between the editorial staff and the advertising agents. Editors scold copywriters, blaming them for the failure to attract advertisers. The copywriters retort: «They don’t come because you don’t make a good job of the paper. What you print is not interesting.»

If such discussions were face-to-face, there might have been some positive results. But what we have is behind-the-back attacks. Simply Russian newspaper editors are not in the habit of discussing the paper’s creative concept with its ad service. It is only right and proper that such impressive conferences should teach people who already work as copywriters how to put ads together. But they would also do well to teach others, so that the paper might be widely read and the ads pay off.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text. Learn these word combinations.

To hold a meeting; exchange of experience; to outline the problem; to face a problem; Russian periodicals; by contrast; line advertising; quite a while ago, to get used to; free of charge; serious papers; word-for-word translation; the common belief; the editorial staff; to make a good job; creative concept; to do well.


Exercise 2. Discuss the problems of the text using the following phrases:

I doubt that…; quite to the contrary…; it’s inter

esting to note that…; what

strikes me here is that…; I might as well add that…

; I’d like to draw your attention


it must be emphasized that…; it goes withou t saying that…; it is common

knowledge that…; needless to say…; it explains why…

; the matter of fact is that… ;


I begin to see why (how)…; I think you undere

stimate (overestimate)…;

Exercise 3. Find two typical advertising texts in English and in Russian. What peculiarities of advertising are presented here? Choose the words creating the positive image of the advertised product. Make groups of verbs, nouns, adjectives. Compare them with «the Russian advertising vocabulary».

Exercise 4. Translate these sentences from English into Russian.

1.I’d give them a high rating.

2.The product appeals to the 25-35 age group.

3.There were banners stretched between the houses advertising the festival.

4.The launch was very successful.

5.There was a display of the latest research at the trade fair in Frankfurt.

6.As part of the promotion we are offering prepaid coupons.

7.There’s not much demand for these products.

8.Classified ads are advertisements which are grouped together under certain headings, e.g. property, personal.

9.Label is a small piece of card or material attached to product to show name, price, etc.

10.Advertisements are most expensive at prime time.


Text 1.

The language of advertising. Persuasive Advertising

Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. Read them quickly. Decide which appeal to you and which don’t. Now think of an example for each type from your country.

1.Repetition. The simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name with a particular product or service.

2.Endorsement. A popular personality is used in the advertisement.

3.Emotional appeal. Advertising often appeals to basics such as mother love, sex, manliness, femininity.

4.Scientific authority. Sometimes the advert shows a person in a white coat

(i.e. a scientist) telling us about the product. More often it mentions “miracle ingredients” or “scientific testing” to persuade us .

5. “Keeping up with the Joneses.” An appeal to pure snob value. You want to appear to be richer or more successful than your neighbors.


6.Comparison. The advert lists the qualities of a product in direct comparison with rival products.

7.An appeal to fear or anxiety. This type is similar to number 3, but works on

our fears.

8.Association of ideas. This is usually visual. Until it became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural situations.

9.Information. If a product is a new, it may be enough to show it and explain what it does.

10.Special offers / free gifts. This is a very simple and direct appeal – it’s ha lf


11.Anti-advertising. This is a modern version which appeals to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the techniques of advertising.

Exercise 1. Discuss the methods of advertising as described in the text above. Give examples illustrating these points.

Exercise 2. Do what the marketing instructor suggested her students should do. Comment on the results of your observations. (From a letter to the editor of “U.S. News and World Report”).

My MBA marketing instructor taught us that sex, fear, hedonism (наслаждение) and irresponsibility sell consumer products. She suggested we watch and analyze television commercials for these four attributes. At the time I thought she was a bit cynical, but, surprise, she was entirely correct. Break all the rules and you will succeed in the corporate world. Is it any wonder so many social problems exist when so many of our citizens reject the basic rules of a civilized society?

Exercise 3. Effective advertisement design takes full advantage of buyers’ ad reading habits. What attracts, interests, convinces and prompts the buyers? Match these parts.


Attract the buyers when they scan



Authorized sales & Service



Interest the buyers when they review

Completeness of Service






Convince the buyers when they read





4. Prompt the buyers when they buy

Invitation phrase






Exercise 4 . Explain how you understand the following quotations:

1.Advertisements contain the only truth to be relied on in a newspaper. (Gefferson Thomas)

2.You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time. (Lincoln Abraham)

3.Advertising contributes to a high standard of living. (U.H. Borden)

Text 2.

Survey Reveals Divide Over Youths Desires

Seventy-nine percent of young Russians believe their lives will be better than their parents’, while only 46 percent of their counterparts in Europe share the same belief, a new poll has found.

A wide gap divides the expectations and social attitudes of twenty-somethings in Russia and Europe, according to a study conducted by advertising and PR group BBDO Russia. BBDO (founded by Batten, Barton, Durstine, Osborn in 1928) is a worldwide advertising agency network with its headquarters in New York.

Young Russians are less afraid to show off their bodies and are more focused on achieving financial fortune than Western Europeans, BBDO Russia found in a study conducted in cooperation with other advertising and PR companies in the Omnicom Group.

The report surveyed 1,600 people in seven countries of the European Union and Russia to see what drives 18 to 31 year olds. The study, conducted via focus groups and online surveys, tried to uncover new trends to recommend more effective branding strategies to clients, said the managing director of advertising agency BBDO Moscow.

«There are unique cultural differences,» he said during the survey’s presentation.

Some of the greatest differences highlighted by the survey were in the attitude to fame and sexuality. Forty-one percent of Russians identified becoming famous as one of their goals, compared to only 19 percent of Europeans.

The survey also said that only 36 percent of young Russians feel equally comfortable in the company of homosexuals and heterosexuals, while 65 percent are open to sexual experimentation. The corresponding figures for Europeans are 60 percent and 53 percent.

Meanwhile, young people in Russia are much more focused on work and success than their West European counterparts. Only 13 percent of surveyed Russians said they wanted to retire as soon as possible after earning some money, compared to 45 percent of their European peers, BBDO found. As much as 66 percent, versus 59 percent of European respondents, believe that they are in control of their own successes and failures.

The understanding of a good life is different in Russia and in Western Europe, Ulrich Sass, strategic planning director at BBDO Moscow said during the survey presentation.


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Пожалуйста, помогите сделать это

My name is Carol Albert and I 2) … (write) to you about the advertisement in today’s newspaper for the secretarial post. I 3) … (leave) school and at present I 4) … (study) shorthand and typing at night school. My typing speed 5) … (be) 60 wpm and my shorthand speed 6) … (be) 80 wpm. I 7) … (take) courses in Computer Studies, Accounting and Office Management and I 8) … (feel) that these courses 9) … (give) me a lot of experience for the post you 10) … (advertise). I 11) … (hope) that you will consider my application. I 12) … (enclose) a C. V. with my personal details and other information which I 13) … (think) may interest you. I 14) … (look) forward to hearing from you very soon.

Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

Выберите один ответ:
b. adverb ...

Выберите один ответ:
b. adverb

Choose the suitable answer.
The engineers reported that it was too early to determine what might have caused the catastrophic
collapse of more than  ...

Choose the suitable answer.
The engineers reported that it was too early to determine what might have caused the catastrophic
collapse of more than 100 metres of the multi-span, cable-stayed suspension bridge thaw had been/was completed
just over 50 years before.

The assessment of load capacity requires the calculation of stresses and strains developed within a mechanical member.
Выберите один ответ:
Н ...

The assessment of load capacity requires the calculation of stresses and strains developed within a mechanical member.
Выберите один ответ:

According to the experts, Chinese might outrun English in many spheres and become a global language.
Выберите один ответ:
a. false
ео р. true
с. n ...

According to the experts, Chinese might outrun English in many spheres and become a global language.
Выберите один ответ:
a. false
ео р. true
с. not given

We dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have"t booked a table yet. (to
Ответ: are going to have ...

We dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have»t booked a table yet. (to
Ответ: are going to have

Palaeontologists in New Mexico 1) _ have unearthed (unearth) the remains of at least on dinosaur from the
late Jurassic period. The palacontologists, ...

Palaeontologists in New Mexico 1) _ have unearthed (unearth) the remains of at least on dinosaur from the
late Jurassic period. The palacontologists, from Canada, 2) _ have been digging (dig) in a formerly
unexplored part of the Morrison Formation — a vast fossil bed — for the last eight months. Early last week one of the
group 3) found (find) а section of rock which 4) contained (contain) a number of bones from
one, or possibly more, large herbivorous dinosaurs. Since then, the group 5) Ваз been trying (ry) to
release the bones from the rock and piece then together. the palaeontologists believe that the bones may form a whole
dinosaur family. It is possible that the whole family 6) _ perished (perish) while trying to protect the young
from predators.
According to Bryce Larson, the group»s leader, the bones are from a large brachiosaurus. These animals 7)
existed, (exist) approximately 150 million years ago and are counted amongst the largest dinosaurs that ever
8) walked (walk) the Earth. Other brachiosaurus remains 9) have been found (find) in the
Morrison, but these latest bones are very large and may prove to come from the largest dinosaurs anyone 10)
has discovered (discover) to date.
For a long time, the Morrison Formation 11) Ваз been (be) one of the most productive fossil beds in the
world. Since the first bones 12) were found (find) there in 1877, it 13) has produced (produce)
tonnes of material. The Morrison, more than any other fossil bed, 14) I Ваз allowed (allow) us an insight into
the Jurassic period in North America. It seems that the latest find could reveal even more about the giants of the

On Sunday at 8 o"clock I my friend. (to meet)
Ответ: am meeting ...

On Sunday at 8 o»clock I my friend. (to meet)
Ответ: am meeting

By 6 o"clock the rain hadn"t stopped.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Дождь не перестал идти после 6 часов.
b. В 6 часов дождь не перестал идти.
с. Кбчаса ...

By 6 o»clock the rain hadn»t stopped.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Дождь не перестал идти после 6 часов.
b. В 6 часов дождь не перестал идти.
с. Кбчасам дождь не перестал идти.

I didn"t go to the party.”
She told me that she had not gone v tothe party. ...

I didn»t go to the party.”
She told me that she had not gone v tothe party.

Choose the correct option.
You"ll never get better if you don"t eat. You"ve touched your dinner!
Выберите один ответ:
а. hardly
b. hard ...

Choose the correct option.
You»ll never get better if you don»t eat. You»ve touched your dinner!
Выберите один ответ:
а. hardly
b. hard

Listen to the recording and put the topics covered in this extract into the
correct order.
0:00 / 0:00
и Distribution of precipitation over the Sta ...

Listen to the recording and put the topics covered in this extract into the
correct order.
0:00 / 0:00
и Distribution of precipitation over the State of California
2 The description of the water storage and distribution system
В The need to reduce water demand
и Water-related problems т farming regions of California
5 Legal approach to handling the problem of water distribution and storage
6 Future actions that must be taken to improve water management

Match the words with their meanings.
Money that is given to someone to thank them for doing something.
A group of criminals who work together;
Peop ...

Match the words with their meanings.
Money that is given to someone to thank them for doing something.
A group of criminals who work together;
People who try to find out about a crime or accident as part of their job;
A surprise attack on a bank or shop to steal things;
Money in the form of coins and notes;
People who see a crime or accident and can say what happened;

The main idea of paragraph С is
Выберите один ответ:
a. only our behavior can express our personality
р. our biological and social traits make us b ...

The main idea of paragraph С is
Выберите один ответ:
a. only our behavior can express our personality
р. our biological and social traits make us behave in specific ways
c. people act differently in similar situations

The continuous infinitive refers to the same time as that of the preceding verb and expresses an action in progress
or happening over a period of tim ...

The continuous infinitive refers to the same time as that of the preceding verb and expresses an action in progress
or happening over a period of time.
Выберите один ответ:

1. Trends can be _ traced back over the centuries.
2. Trends are a bit slower paced but represent something that occurs on a тисВ wider scale
than a ...

1. Trends can be _ traced back over the centuries.
2. Trends are a bit slower paced but represent something that occurs on a тисВ wider scale
than a fad.
3. The identified megatrends of today are an aging population, globalization,
increasing technological change , urbanization, prosperity, increased network speed,
and just the speed of everyday life.
4. They want an instant solution in the era of instant everything because they»re either not
interested in fashion and style or they don»t have time to think about it.
5. A fad is something that quickly gains т popularity.
6. Everyone working in the fashion industry needs _ to be aware of social and cultural
7. Fashion designers are _ often influenced by «high culture».
8. Celebrities are role models for many people, so fashion companies try to persuade them to
use their products.

Use the words in brackets to complete the abstract.
Scientists use both meteorological (meteorology) methods and historical records for
determinatio ...

Use the words in brackets to complete the abstract.
Scientists use both meteorological (meteorology) methods and historical records for
determination (determine) of the greatest amount of precipitation which is _ theoretically
(theory) possible within a region. The historical data consists of point precipitation amounts measured at rain gages
throughout the region being studied, or a region with very similar topographic characteristics. These rainfall data are
subsequently (subsequent) maximized through «moisture maximization» and other numerical methods.
Moisture maximization is a process in which the maximum possible atmospheric moisture for a region is applied to
rainfall data from a historic storm. This process increases the rainfall depths (deep), bringing them closer
to their potential maximum.

They hadn"t been staying at the hotel since May.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Они не жили в отеле весь май.
В. Они не жили в отеле с мая. ...

They hadn»t been staying at the hotel since May.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Они не жили в отеле весь май.
В. Они не жили в отеле с мая.

Match the expressions with their meanings.
work-life balance
time management
spend time
how much time you spend at wo ...

Match the expressions with their meanings.
work-life balance
time management
spend time
how much time you spend at work and home
the place in an office where a person works, especially with a computer
organizing your time effectively
taking up a lot of time
use or pass time doing a particular thing

Mammoth TBMs
Types of TBMs
The first tunneling phase
Ring building phase
Excavation phase
Various TBMs for London underground infrastructure ...

Mammoth TBMs
Types of TBMs
The first tunneling phase
Ring building phase
Excavation phase
Various TBMs for London underground infrastructure

Building load includes the weight of the structure and everything that is inside the structure, аз well as people
moving into and out of the building ...

Building load includes the weight of the structure and everything that is inside the structure, аз well as people
moving into and out of the building.
Выберите один ответ:

Task 1

1. The younger generation are obsessed with new technology.

2. Did you see the headlines in today’s newspaper?

3. The weather forecast for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain. Maybe we should cancel our plans for a picnic.

4.Our teacher asked us to write a review of the film, as homework.

5. Tom had his eyes fixed on Nina the whole evening.

6. My brother passed his driving test yesterday.

7. John has a lot of gadgets but his favorite is a laptop.

Task 2

1. The farmers have to work all year round.

2. You must not make noise in hospital.

3. Could I look at your passport?

4. You must not wear jeans at school.

5. You didn’t have to drink so much yesterday.

6. You shouldn’t eat too much salt and sugar.

7. Do I have to get a visa to Turkey?

8. You needn’t complain.

Task 3

1. Take an umbrella. It may rain.

2. You should stop smoking. You know you cannot buy health.

3. You must not read in the dark.

4. The fridge is full, so we needn’t go shopping.

5. ​ I can’t watch this film. It’s too boring.

6. We’ve got a dishwasher, so you needn’t do the washing up.

7. You look very pale, I think you should stay at home.

8. Could you, please, pass me the mustard?

9. What time do we must be at the railway station?

Task 4

1. b)

2. b)

3. a)

Task 5

1. What’s the best way to do better in my exams?  —  B You could revise more often during the year.

2. How did you do in your maths test? — C Pretty well.

B You could revise more often during the year.

3. I’ll try my best to pass the history test next time. — A That’s the spirit.

4. Why don’t you get a full-time job and go to evening school? — E That’s easier said than done.

5. Tom’s decided to postpone his studies for a year. — D How come?

Application for a job when you saw advertised in newspaper 2KBwk

Dear Madam I am writing to apply for a job an teacher at your school which I saw advertised in «Today’s»newspaper. I am fourthy years old and I feel I have many of the important qualification needed for this job. I am presently working as a library assistant. I have been for the last ten years. In addition to this, I participate in information technology course. I am proactive employee. I enjoy several outdoors activities such as planting flowers, gardening, cooking and swimming. I am sociable and I get on well with new people easily. I am enthusiastic and energetic employee and I feel that I am well qualifiedfor this job. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfullyAnorboyeva Diyora.

Dear Madam I am writing to apply for a job

teacher at your school which I

advertised in


newspaper. I am


and I feel I have

of the

qualification needed for this job. I am


working as a library assistant.

have been for the last ten years.

In addition

to this, I participate in information technology course. I

employee. I enjoy several outdoors activities such as planting flowers, gardening, cooking and swimming.

am sociable and I

on well with new



am enthusiastic and energetic employee and I feel that I am well

this job.

am looking forward to hearing from you

. Yours


Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.

Flora Lewis

IELTS letter Application for a job when you saw advertised in newspaper

This writing has been penalized,
text can’t be
less than 250 words in Task 2
and less than 150 words in Task 1


Overall Band Score

Coherence and Cohesion:


  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?

    One main idea per paragraph

  • ?

    Include an introduction and conclusion

  • ?

    Support main points with an explanation and then an example

  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • ?

    Vary your linking phrases using synonyms

  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?

    Present relevant ideas

  • Fully explain these ideas
  • ?

    Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

Labels Descriptions

  • ?

    Currently is not available

  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn’t meet the criteria

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