Where have you been born ошибка

  • #1

Hey there
I wanna make sure which sentence is correct and accurate :
Where were you born
Where have you been born
Where you born
Where you where born

I ‘m queit sure that is the 1st one ,but don’t like to fell in wrong

  • #2

Where were you born?

I was born in East Chicago, Indiana.

The other 3 phrases are incorrect.
Where… asks for a place
were…. is a verb, the simple past tense of «to be»

Present perfect и past simple 1 (I have done и I did)


Изучите следующую ситуацию:

Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it.
Том ищет свой ключ. Он не может его найти.

He has lost his key. Он потерял ключ. (present perfect)

Это означает, что сейчас у него ключа нет.

Десять минут позже:

Now Tom has found his key. He has it now.

Has he lost his key? No, he has found it.
Он потерял ключ? Нет, он нашел его.

Did he lose his key? Yes, he did.
Он терял ключ? Да, терял.

He lost his key — Он (по)терял ключ (past simple)
but now he has found it — но сейчас он его нашел. (present perfect)

The present perfect (something has happened) это настоящее время. Оно всегда говорим нам о ситуации сейчас. ‘Tom has lost his key’ = ключа у него нет сейчас (см. урок 7).

The past simple (something happened) говорит нам только о прошлом. Если кто-то говорит ‘Tom lost his key’, это не скажет нам о том, есть ли сейчас у него ключ или нет. Это лишь говорит нам о том, что он потерял ключ в какой-то момент времени в прошлом.

Не используйте present perfect, если ситуация в настоящем изменилась. Сравните:

  • They’ve gone away. They’ll be back on Friday. (сейчас их всё ещё нет)
    They went away, but I think they’re back at home now. (not They’ve gone)
  • It has stopped raining now, so we don’t need the umbrella. (сейчас не идет дождь)
    It stopped raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. (not It has stopped)


Вы можете использовать present perfect для новых или недавних событий:

  • ‘I’ve repaired the TV. It’s working OK now.’ ‘Oh, that’s good.’
  • Have you heard the news? Sally has won the lottery!

Если событие не новое (или недавнее), используйте the past simple (not the present perfect):

  • Mozart was a composer. He wrote more than 600 pieces of music. (not has beenhas written)
  • My mother grew up in Scotland. (not has grown)


  • Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine?
  • Who invented the telephone? (not has invented)


Мы используем present perfect, чтобы сообщить новую информацию (см. урок 7). Но если мы продолжаем говорить об этом, мы обычно используем past simple:

  • A: Ow! I’ve burnt myself.
    B: How did you do that? (not have you done)
    A: I picked up a hot dish. (not have picked)
  • A: Look! Somebody has spilt something on the sofa.
    B: Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. (not hasn’t beenhaven’t done)


1. Завершите предложения на картинках, используя глаголы в скобках. Используйте present perfect, где возможно. В остальных случаях используйте past simple.


2. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму: present perfect или past simple.

  1. It raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. (stop)
  2. The town is very different now. It a lot. (change)
  3. I did German at school, but I most of it now. (forget)
  4. The police three people, but later they let them go. (arrest)
  5. What do you think of my English? Do you think it ? (improve)
  6. A: Are you still reading the paper?
    B: No, I with it. You can have it. (finish)
  7. I for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn’t successful. (apply)
  8. Key

  9. Where’s my bike? It outside the house, but it’s not there now. (be)
  10. Look! There’s an ambulance over there. There an accident. (be)
  11. A: Have you heard about Ben? He his arm. (break)
    B: Really? How that ? (happen)
    A: He off a ladder. (fall)


3. Находятся ли выделенные части этих предложений в правильной грамматической форме? Исправьте их, если необходимо.

1. Do you know about Sue?

She’s given

up her job.

2. My mother

has grown

up in Scotland.

3. How many plays

has Shakespeare written


4. Ow!

I’ve cut

my finger. It’s bleeding.

5. Drugs

have become

a big problem everywhere.

6. The Chinese

have invented


7. Where

have you been born


8. Mary isn’t at home.

She’s gone


9. Albert Einstein

has been

the scientist who

has developed

the theory of relativity.


Study this example situation:
Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He has lost his key. (present perfect). this means that he doesn’t have his key now.

Ten minutes later:
Now Tom has found his key. He has it now.
Has he lost his key? (present perfect)
No, he hasn’t. He has found it.
Did he lose his key? (past simple)
Yes, he did.
He lost his key (past simple)
but now he has found it. (present perfect)
The present perfect is a present tense. It always tells us something about now. ‘Tom has lost his key’ = he doesn’t have his key now.
The past simple tells us only about the past. If somebody says ‘Tom lost his key’, we don’t know whether he has it now or not. We only know that he lost it at some time in the past.

Two more examples:
* Jack grew a beard but now he has shaved it off. (so he doesn’t have a beard now)
* They went out after lunch and they’ve just come back. (so they are back now)

Do not use the present perfect if there is no connection with the present (for example, things that happened a long time ago):
* The Chinese invented printing. (not ‘have invented’)
* How many plays did Shakespeare write? (not ‘has Shakespeare written’)
* Beethoven was a great composer. (not ‘has been’)

* Shakespeare wrote many plays.
* My sister is a writer. She has written many books. (she still writes books)

We use the present perfect to give new information (see Unit 7). But if we continue to talk about it, we normally use the past simple:
* A: Ow! I’ve burnt myself.
B: How did you do that? (not ‘have you done’)
A: I picked up a hot dish. (not ‘have picked’)
* A: Look! Somebody has spilt milk on the carpet.
B: Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. (not ‘hasn’t been … haven’t done’)
A: I wonder who it was then. (not ‘who it has been’)


13.1 What has happened in these situations?
1. Jack had a beard. Now he hasn’t got a beard. He has shaved off his beard.
2. Linda was here five minutes ago. Mow she’s in bed. She —
3. The temperature was 25 degrees. Now it is only 17. The temperature —
4. The light was off. Now it is on. Somebody —
5. The tree was only three metres high. Now it is four. The tree —
6. The plane was on the runway a few minutes ago. Now it is in the air.
The plane —

13.2 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
1. ‘Where’s your key?’ ‘I don’t know. I’ve lost it.’ (lose)
2. I was very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep. (be)
3. Mary — to Australia for a while but she’s back again now. (go)
4. ‘Where’s Ken?’ ‘He — out. He’ll be back in about an hour.’ (go)
5. I did German at school but I — most of it. (forget)
6. I meant to phone Diane last night but I — (forget)
7. I — a headache earlier but I feel fine now. (have)
8. Look! There’s an ambulance over there. There — an accident. (be)
9. They’re still building the new road. They — it. (not/finish)
10. ‘Is Helen still here?’ ‘No, she — out.’ (just/go)
11. The police — three people but later they let them go. (arrest)
12. Ann — me her address but I’m afraid I — it. (give, lose)
13. Where’s my bike? It — outside the house. It — (be, disappear)
14. What do you think of my English? Do you think I —? (improve)

13.3 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.
1. Do you know about Sue? _She’s given up_ her job. RIGHT
2. The Chinese _have invented_ printing. WRONG: The Chinese invented
3. How many plays _has Shakespeare written?_ —
4. _Have you read_ any of Shakespeare’s plays? —
5. Aristotle _has been_ a Greek philosopher. —
6. Ow! _I’ve cut_ my finger. It’s bleeding. —
7. My grandparents _have got_ married in London. —
8. Where _have you been born?_ —
9. Mary isn’t at home. _She’s gone shopping._ —
10. Albert Einstein has been the scientist who _has developed_ the theory of relativity. —

13.4 (Section C) Put the verb into the most suitable form, present perfect or past simple.
1. A: Look! Somebody has split (spill) coffee on the carpet.
B: Well, it wasn’t (not/be) me. I didn’t do (not/do) it.
2. A: Ben — (break) his leg.
B: Really? How — (that/happen)?
A: He — (fall) off a ladder.
3. A: Your hair looks nice. — (you/have) a haircut?
B: Yes.
A: Who — (cut) it? — (you/go) to the hairdresser?
B: No, a friend of mine — (do) it for me.


2 has gone to bed/’s gone to bed

3 has fallen/has dropped/ has gone down

4 has turned on the light/has turned the light on/has turned it on

5 has grown/’s grown

6 has taken off


3 went

4 has gone/’s gone

5 have forgotten/’ve forgotten

6 forgot

7 had

8 has been/’s been

9 haven’t finished

10 has just gone/’s just gone

11 arrested

12 gave … lost or have lost/’ve lost

13 was … has disappeared/’s disappeared

14 have improved/’ve improved


3 wrong—did Shakespeare write

4 right

5 wrong—was

6 right

7 wrong—My grandparents got married.

8 wrong—were you born

9 right

10 wrong—was the scientist who developed.


2 has broken did that happen fell

3 Have you had cut … Did you go did

9. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. Не lives / has been living in England since 1990.
2. Where is Mr. Green? He has gone out / went out ten minutes ago.
3. I hope he gets / is getting better now, I hear / heared he has / had had a bad cold all the week.
4. Did you see I Have you seen a good film lately?
5. No, he is not here. He went out / has just gone out.
6. He is busy now, he writes / is writing a letter.
7. The rain started two hours ago. It’s still raining now. It is raining / it has been raining for two hours.
8. I was in a hurry, so I have not had / had no time to phone you.
9. The Chinese have invented / invented printing.
10. Where have you been born / were you born?

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