Windows 2012 r2 не удалось создать строку сеансов kvp код ошибки 0x8007007a

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  • I have two RDS servers running Server 2012, and since a couple of days users are reporting they get disconnected often. In the eventlogs, I found a couple of events where a user was disconnected without further information. I also found a lot of «Failed
    to create KVP sessions string» events. I couldn’t find any relevant information about this event, but it appears the most at moments when users are being disconnected from the RDS server.

    This is the event:

    Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager
    Date:          3/12/2013 10:01:26 AM
    Event ID:      1152
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    User:          SYSTEM
    Failed to create KVP sessions string. Error Code 0x8007007A
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»«>
        <Provider Name=»Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager» Guid=»{C76BAA63-AE81-421C-B425-340B4B24157F}» />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2013-03-12T09:01:26.771581100Z» />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID=»836″ ThreadID=»840″ />
        <Security UserID=»S-1-5-18″ />
        <EventXML xmlns=»Event_NS»>

    Does someone have any idea what might cause this error? Thanks!

Recently there are issues reported related to the disconnection of users quite a few times in a day, from the Windows 2012 RD servers. With regards to this, the event “Failed to create KVP session string. Error Code 0x8007007A” with event ID 1152 is found in the Event viewer.

While this disconnection of users happens often, it is observed that the Remote Desktop Services on the RD server also stops at the same time. This causes the failure of Remote Desktop Licensing Manager services on the server which hosts this role.

One of the users who had opened a case with Microsoft had found out that the issue can be caused by the network equipment between the client connection and the server. One user has reported that turning off energy saving settings on the network cards from the client’s fixed issue, while another user had to split out the number of RDSH hosts from the connection brokers as anything more than 500 users to HA connection broker farm does not work.

As said above, there could be other possible reasons as well. Here in this article, we will see few methods that might help you in fixing this issue.

Method 1: Apply Local GPO

This is one solution which is provided by Microsoft TAM. Apply a local GPO to set up a Remote Desktop Licensing mode. As it is observed that Remote Desktop Licensing Manager Service fails on the server that hosts this role, applying a local GPO setting might help. Follow below steps to apply a local GPO.

Click Start -> Run -> Type gpedit.msc

Browse to COMP configuration -> Admin Template -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Licensing

Use the specified Remote Desktop Licensing Servers

Set the Remote Desktop Licensing mode

Open Command Prompt as Administrator

Type gpupdate /force

On the Domain Controller, add the computer account of Connection broker and licensing server to the Domain Admins Group

On the Session host server, add the Computer and Network Service account to the RDS Endpoint server and RDS Management servers.

Reboot the server.

Method 2: Give permissions to the “terminalServer” attribute or to the “Terminal Server License Server” attribute of the “user object” to add read/write permissions to the Terminal Server License Group

Open Active Directory User and Computers.

Right-click on Domain and then click on Delegate Control.

User and Groups” dialog box will open, Click Add. Type Terminal Server License Servers and then click OK.

Click Next.

In the “Active Directory Object Type” dialog box, click on “Only the following objects in the folder“.

Click on “User objects” in that list

Click Next

According to the operating system that the domain controller is running, do following

For the forests that are running Windows Server 2008 or newer Schema:

In the Permissions dialog box, make sure that only the “General” checkbox is selected. In the “Permissions” list, click on the “Read and Write Terminal Server license server” check box. Click Next.

In the “Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard” dialog box, click Finish.

Method 3: Turn off energy saving on the network cards from the clients

One of the users has mentioned that turning off energy saving on the network cards from the clients has fixed the issue for him. To turn off power saving on the network cards, you can do below steps.

Click Start -> Run

Type regedit and hit Enter

Registry editor will open. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}DeviceNumber

Note: DeviceNumber is the network adapter number. If a single network adapter is installed on the computer, the DeviceNumber is 0001.

Click PnPCapabilities.

On the Edit menu, click Modify.

In the Value data box, type 24, and then click OK.

Note: By default, a value of 0 indicates that power management of the network adapter is enabled. A value of 24 will prevent Windows 7 from turning off the network adapter or let the network adapter wake the computer from standby.

Close Registry Editor

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

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  • Введение:

    Приобрели Windows Server 2012 Standart. Установили и задали роль
    Hyper-V. На виртуальной машине развернули ещё одну
    Windows Server 2012 Standart и задали роль терминального сервера. Установили все нужные лицензии.
    RDP начал работать без проблем с Windows 7,
    Vista и даже с тонких клиентов(на базе linux). Попробовали зайти на
    RDP с
    Windows XP
    выдало ошибку «Удалённый сеанс отключен,  из-за внутренней ошибки в протоколе лицензирования удаленного компьютера«. На сервере в логах отобразилась ошибка «Не удалось создать строку сеансов KVP. Код
    ошибки 0x8007007A
    «. Поиски в Google результатов не дало. Все остальные ОС продолжают работать нормально.


    1. На Windows XP SP2 установлены
      .NET 3.5
      и RDC(RDP клиент) 7.0 для лучшей совместимости с
      Windows Server и использования
    2. С Windows Server 2008 R2 проблем не было.
    3. На соседний сервер
      Windows Server 2012 Standart (без роли) заходит без проблем.


    1. Что такое KVP?
    2. Как решить эту проблему?
    • Edited by

      Friday, November 9, 2012 7:36 AM


  • KVP — key-value pair

    Windows XP точно с SP2? Если да, то как вы установили на него
    RDP 7.0?

    Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower — Steve Jobs

    • Marked as answer by
      Petko KrushevMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
      Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:31 PM

  • Грубо говоря, вы применили неподдерживаемое решение (именно таким является установка RDP 7.0 на XP SP2). Неудивительно, что всплыли неучтенные проблемы. Для использования функционала EasyPrint вполне достаточно клиента RDP
    версии 6.1, который и рекомендую вам поставить при невозможности обновиться до SP3. Учтите, что поддержка XP SP2 прекращена.

    • Marked as answer by
      Petko KrushevMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
      Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:31 PM

“Failed to Create KVP sessions string 0x8007007a” Error Fix

The following guide aims to provide a working solution for Error 0x8007007a, and specifically the “ailed to create KVP sessions string 0x8007007a” error.

Some of the most commonly reported issues by users nowadays are that they have experienced some disconnection from the RD servers of Windows. The article you are about to review on this page strives to deal with this very same problem. This unpleasant issue could be noticed under the ID: 1152 in the Event viewer. Such a disconnection of users is not a rare occasion, however, in this particular case, it has been concluded that the Remote Desktop Services on the RD server is also terminated simultaneously. As a result, the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager services on the server, which hosts this role, fails to do that.

Some of the reported reasons for this “failed to create KVP sessions string 0x8007007a” error could be the network equipment between the client connection and the server. Another reported one appears to be the authorizing of energy saving settings on the network cards from the client’s fixed issue, at the same time as another user is supposed to split out the number of RDSH hosts from the connection brokers. This happens because anything more than 500 users to HA connection broker farm does not work. Of course, there could be many more reasons for such an error. In the paragraphs below you will find detailed instructions of some possible solutions for this problem.

Solution №1: Try to fix the issue via using Local GPO

Microsoft TAM provides this particular potential solution. To achieve a positive result and have your problem solved, you should apply a local GPO to set up a Remote Desktop Licensing mode. Such an action could be helpful as it is concluded that Remote Desktop Licensing Manager Service fails on the server that hosts this role. Via the steps described below you can successfully apply a local GPO.

Select Start -> then choose Run -> enter gpedit.msc

Then continue with COMP configuration -> after that Admin Template -> then Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Licensing

Only go with the specifically mentioned Remote Desktop Licensing Servers

Enter the Remote Desktop Licensing mode

Enter Command Prompt with administrator’s rights


Write gpupdate /force 


Include the computer account of Connection broker and licensing server into the Domain Admins Group on the Domain Controller.

Include  the Computer and Network Service account in the RDS Endpoint server and RDS Management servers on the Session host server.

Restart the server.

Solution №2: Include write and read privileges in the“Terminal Server License Server” License Group:

Load Active Directory User and Computers.

Choose Domain and then hit Delegate Control.

You will see a “User and Groups” dialog box. In it select Add. Write Terminal Server License Servers. Finish this step by hitting OK.

Choose Next.

In the “Active Directory Object Type” box on your screen, mark the option “Only the following objects in the folder“.

Find and hit the “User objects” in that  particular list.

Continue with Next.

Depending on the OS which the domain controller is running, perform the following steps:

For the Windows Server 2008 or newer Schema forests:

In the Permissions dialog box that opens,put a check only in the “General” box.

Choose  “Read and Write Terminal Server license server” option from the “Permissions” list. Continue with Next.

Lastly, hit Finish from the “Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard” dialog.

Solution №3: Disable energy saving on the clients’ network cards

There has been a user’s report stating that disabling energy saving on the network cards from the clients has been the right solution for the 0x8007007a error for him. The instructions below will assist you in turning off power saving on the network cards.:

Select Start -> then select Run

Write regedit. Press Enter

There you will see a Registry editor loading. From there proceed to


Be careful: DeviceNumber normally represents the network adapter number. In case you have only one network adapter, the DeviceNumber will be 0001.

Hit PnPCapabilities.

Find Modify from the Edit menu and click on it.

Enter 24 in the Value data box. Then proceed with selecting OK.

An important detail: Usually, a value of 0 shows you have enabled power management of the network adapter. If you enter a  value of 24, it will stop Windows 7 from disabling the network adapter.

Last of all, exit Registry Editor

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  • I have two RDS servers running Server 2012, and since a couple of days users are reporting they get disconnected often. In the eventlogs, I found a couple of events where a user was disconnected without further information. I also found a lot of «Failed
    to create KVP sessions string» events. I couldn’t find any relevant information about this event, but it appears the most at moments when users are being disconnected from the RDS server.

    This is the event:

    Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager
    Date:          3/12/2013 10:01:26 AM
    Event ID:      1152
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    User:          SYSTEM
    Failed to create KVP sessions string. Error Code 0x8007007A
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»«>
        <Provider Name=»Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager» Guid=»{C76BAA63-AE81-421C-B425-340B4B24157F}» />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2013-03-12T09:01:26.771581100Z» />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID=»836″ ThreadID=»840″ />
        <Security UserID=»S-1-5-18″ />
        <EventXML xmlns=»Event_NS»>

    Does someone have any idea what might cause this error? Thanks!

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