Windows live ошибка сервера 552

Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 552
Название ошибки: Windows Live Error 552
Описание ошибки: Ошибка 552: Возникла ошибка в приложении Windows Live Mail. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Windows Live Mail
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Анализ «Windows Live Error 552»

Обычно люди ссылаются на «Windows Live Error 552» как на ошибку времени выполнения (ошибку). Разработчики программного обеспечения, такие как Microsoft Corporation, обычно принимают Windows Live Mail через несколько уровней отладки, чтобы сорвать эти ошибки перед выпуском для общественности. Тем не менее, возможно, что иногда ошибки, такие как ошибка 552, не устранены, даже на этом этапе.

«Windows Live Error 552» может возникнуть у пользователей Windows Live Mail даже при нормальном использовании приложения. Если возникает ошибка 552, разработчикам будет сообщено об этой проблеме через уведомления об ошибках, которые встроены в Windows Live Mail. Разработчик сможет исправить свой исходный код и выпустить обновление на рынке. Чтобы исправить такие ошибки 552 ошибки, устанавливаемое обновление программного обеспечения будет выпущено от поставщика программного обеспечения.

Что вызывает ошибку времени выполнения 552?

В большинстве случаев вы увидите «Windows Live Error 552» во время загрузки Windows Live Mail. Причины сбоев обработки можно отличить, классифицируя ошибки 552 следующим образом:.

Ошибка 552 Crash — это типичная ошибка 552 во время выполнения, которая полностью аварийно завершает работу компьютера. Эти ошибки обычно возникают, когда входы Windows Live Mail не могут быть правильно обработаны, или они смущены тем, что должно быть выведено.

«Windows Live Error 552» Утечка памяти — Ошибка 552 утечка памяти происходит и предоставляет Windows Live Mail в качестве виновника, перетаскивая производительность вашего ПК. Возможные причины включают сбой Microsoft Corporation для девыделения памяти в программе или когда плохой код выполняет «бесконечный цикл».

Ошибка 552 Logic Error — Логическая ошибка вызывает неправильный вывод, даже если пользователь дал действительные входные данные. Виновником в этом случае обычно является недостаток в исходном коде Microsoft Corporation, который неправильно обрабатывает ввод.

Основные причины Microsoft Corporation ошибок, связанных с файлом Windows Live Error 552, включают отсутствие или повреждение файла, или, в некоторых случаях, заражение связанного Windows Live Mail вредоносным ПО в прошлом или настоящем. В большинстве случаев скачивание и замена файла Microsoft Corporation позволяет решить проблему. Кроме того, некоторые ошибки Windows Live Error 552 могут возникать по причине наличия неправильных ссылок на реестр. По этой причине для очистки недействительных записей рекомендуется выполнить сканирование реестра.

Распространенные проблемы Windows Live Error 552

Windows Live Error 552 Проблемы, связанные с Windows Live Mail:

  • «Ошибка в приложении: Windows Live Error 552»
  • «Windows Live Error 552 не является программой Win32. «
  • «Извините, Windows Live Error 552 столкнулся с проблемой. «
  • «К сожалению, мы не можем найти Windows Live Error 552. «
  • «Отсутствует файл Windows Live Error 552.»
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Windows Live Error 552.»
  • «Файл Windows Live Error 552 не запущен.»
  • «Ошибка Windows Live Error 552. «
  • «Windows Live Error 552: путь приложения является ошибкой. «

Обычно ошибки Windows Live Error 552 с Windows Live Mail возникают во время запуска или завершения работы, в то время как программы, связанные с Windows Live Error 552, выполняются, или редко во время последовательности обновления ОС. Запись ошибок Windows Live Error 552 внутри Windows Live Mail имеет решающее значение для обнаружения неисправностей электронной Windows и ретрансляции обратно в Microsoft Corporation для параметров ремонта.

Создатели Windows Live Error 552 Трудности

Проблемы Windows Live Mail и Windows Live Error 552 возникают из отсутствующих или поврежденных файлов, недействительных записей реестра Windows и вредоносных инфекций.

Более конкретно, данные ошибки Windows Live Error 552 могут быть вызваны следующими причинами:

  • Поврежденная или недопустимая запись реестра Windows Live Error 552.
  • Вредоносные программы заразили Windows Live Error 552, создавая повреждение.
  • Windows Live Error 552 ошибочно удален или злонамеренно программным обеспечением, не связанным с приложением Windows Live Mail.
  • Другая программа, конфликтующая с Windows Live Error 552 или другой общей ссылкой Windows Live Mail.
  • Windows Live Mail (Windows Live Error 552) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.

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  • Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC6D

    Additional Details

    Having the issue below.  First part is that size exceeds server limit.  This email was a no body email, only the word test in the subjext.  Second part says blocked as potential spam….

    Please help.  Not able to send any emails as all.  Had same issue with Outlook Express and trying to switch to Windows Live email and getting the same result.  ERROR MESSAGE IN FULL IS PASTED BELOW

    The message could not be sent because its size exceeded the server’s limit. You can use the option, located in Tools | Accounts | Properties | Advanced, to break messages into smaller parts.

    Subject ‘test’
    Server Error: 552
    Server Response: 552 5.2.0 8Rit1g0021EVo2C04RitlY This message was undeliverable. This message has been found to be a potential spam message, and has therefore been blocked. Please visit for more information.
    Server: ‘’
    Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC6D
    Protocol: SMTP
    Port: 25
    Secure(SSL): No

    • Перемещено

      19 апреля 2011 г. 3:29
      forum cleanup (From:MSDN, TechNet, and Expression Profile and Recognition System Discussions)

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC6D

    Additional Details

    Having the issue below.  First part is that size exceeds server limit.  This email was a no body email, only the word test in the subjext.  Second part says blocked as potential spam….

    Please help.  Not able to send any emails as all.  Had same issue with Outlook Express and trying to switch to Windows Live email and getting the same result.  ERROR MESSAGE IN FULL IS PASTED BELOW

    The message could not be sent because its size exceeded the server’s limit. You can use the option, located in Tools | Accounts | Properties | Advanced, to break messages into smaller parts.

    Subject ‘test’
    Server Error: 552
    Server Response: 552 5.2.0 8Rit1g0021EVo2C04RitlY This message was undeliverable. This message has been found to be a potential spam message, and has therefore been blocked. Please visit for more information.
    Server: ‘’
    Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC6D
    Protocol: SMTP
    Port: 25
    Secure(SSL): No

    • Moved by

      Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:29 AM
      forum cleanup (From:MSDN, TechNet, and Expression Profile and Recognition System Discussions)

  • Windows Live Mail stopped sending e-mail.

    Windows Live Mail stopped sending e-mail.  I get the electronic error which indicate that the size of the e-mail is too large, even with a single recipient.  I also get a 552 error code.  My ISP says it’s a problem of Windows Live Mail, but Microsoft is not going to help me.

    Windows Live Mail is supported in this forum

  • Windows Live Mail stops on trying to send an email.

    Windows Live Mail stops and restarts each time that I responded to an email, or try to send a new email. He informs me that there is a problem with the message, but not what the problem was. Any ideas? Thank you

    Please publish on Windows Live Solution Center, section mail Threads:

    Are there experts WLM. For the benefits of others looking for answers, please mark as answer suggestion if it solves your problem.

  • When my wife read his emails, the following error message is displayed before that windows live mail stops. Failed assertion. Program: c: Program Files | Windows LiveMailwlmail.exe

    When my wife read his emails, the following error message is displayed before that windows live mail stops. Failed assertion. Program: c: Program Files | Windows LiveMailwlmail.exe File:Cboost_1_36_0boost/shared_ptr.hpp line 419 Expression: px! = 0 someone at — it ideas?

    original title: failure of the Assertion in windows Live Mail

    All Windows Mail issues belong to

  • My windows live mail is send spams. How can I remove this? Please notify

    My windows live mail is send spams.  It reads «Mail Delivery Failure».  I get 100 posts in one day.  How to remove this virus without removing my email since.  Help, please.

    Do you see in your sent folder?  I suspect not but if so, you should quickly change your password.

    This kind of Spam emails are ususally not actually sent through your email.  More often, they use your address falsely as sender and rest rebound toward you.  There are no that you can do about it.  They will usually be cone off the coast over time.

  • Windows live mail stops working after closing the program

    Although Windows Live Mail sems to work properly, every time I close the program, I get a dialog box indicating that the program has stopped working and windows will notify me when the solution becomes known.  After searchign this topic I cam in all of the discussion in

    And I started Widnows in a boot minimum — and still encountered the problem.  I am running Vista Home Premium SP2 with Live Mail 2011; My Anti Virus is Norton.  Thanks for any help.

    Please publish on Windows Live Solution Center.

    Here is the link to the e-mail discussion forum:

  • Windows Live mail cannot send or receive mail.

    original title: can’t send or receive emails

    I can’t send or receive emails from my account windows live


    The best place to ask your question of Windows Live is inside Windows Live help forums. Experts specialize in all things, Windows Live, and would be delighted to help you with your questions. Please choose a product below to be redirected to the appropriate community:

    Windows Live Mail

    Windows Live Hotmail

    Windows Live Messenger

    Looking for a different product to Windows Live? Visit the home page Windows Live Help for the complete list of Windows Live forums at

  • Windows Live Mail not send or receive e-mail messages from a Hotmail account

    I hope that this has not been answered previously, I searched the site for answers, but nothing helped.

    Quick description of the problem:

    As a result of an impending change of internet service provider & lose the long date E-mail address associated with the supplier, thought that it is appropriate to create a Hotmail account to avoid losing another email address in the future.

    Windows Live Mail 2012 is not playing ball, but when you add the Hotmail account details that have been set up, I get an error message which is: -.

    Can’t send or receive messages for the Hotmail account (NRaccts).

    Server error: 3219
    Server: ‘ ‘.
    Windows Live Mail error ID: 0x8DE00005

    I use Windows 7 Professional & have not had any problems before with Windows live mail.

    I note that a new Hotmail folder has been configured in Windows Live Mail & when I click on I see a message that says that «Windows live mail is synchronize the accounts.»  Check back in a few minutes»However this updates never & when I press send/receive I get the above error message.

    Would appreciate any assistance with this question please.

    Thank you



    I assume you have an hotmail/outlook/live email address.

    Microsoft migrates all users to a different format.  WLM can be used, but may not be used in ‘delta-sync ‘.  It must be used via IMAP.

    You must have the latest version of WLM

    You must remove the current account (after the registration of your data) and reinstall using IMAP

    IMAP for PC

    Server of incoming IMAP mail

    IMAP —

    Server port for incoming IMAP mail: 993; Encryption: SSL

    Outgoing mail SMTP server

    SMTP —

    Outgoing SMTP mail server port: 587; Encryption: SSL (TLS)

    Server requires authentication (THE)

    For more information go here

    IMAP for MAC does support IMAP and SMTP.

    Incoming server:

    IMAP: imap —

    Port: 993

    Encrypted connection: SSL

    Outgoing server:

    SMTP: smtp —

    Port: 25 or 587

    Encrypted connection: TLS

    Username: your username

    Password: your password

    This does not work on mac os x mail unless you disable the pop in your first account. If you have mac os x mail and you do not disable the pop in your account first, mail will be automatically set up pop and smtp.

    When you are ready, we will be happy to walk you through it

  • Windows Live mail received sends do not. Sudden

    Hi people, I have trawled through many discussions about a similar problem, but they have all turned out to be customers of Comcast.

    Just changed ISP from one company to the other. and it will still receive mail, but sending messages sit in the Outbox, where this error message.

    The connection to the server has failed.

    Server: ‘ ‘.
    Windows Live Mail error ID: 0x800CCC0E
    Protocol: SMTP
    Port: 25
    Secure (SSL): No.
    Socket error: 10013

    Any advice?

    To try to deter spammers, your new service provider may not be allowing you to send messages through someone else (Orange) Server SMTP on port 25. Who is the new ISP?

    In the meantime, try this: right-click on the account name in the folders pane, and then select Properties.

    • On the servers tab, select my server requires authentication.
    • On the Advanced tab, change the port to 587outgoing mail server.

    Delete all messages waiting for the Outbox (below the records of account in the folders pane), then dial a new test message with a single topic and send it to yourself. Post a new message in your response.

  • Windows Live Mail 2012: Send and receive Gmail but my other account will receive only.

    I have two email accounts in my Windows Live Mail: Gmail and the other through my nephew of the new server. The gmail account’s sent and received on my Windows 7 PC, but it will only receive but not send. He put WLM 2012 on his windows computer with the same settings as I have, and it works. I have a Windows 7 laptop which is using WLM 2011, and it works perfectly with the new settings.

    This is the error message I get trying to send an email but that remains in my Outbox: Windows Live Mail Error 0x800CCC0E. Protocol: SMTP; Port: 465; SSL: Yes; Socket error 10061.

    Someone has an idea what is blocking the sending mail?

    Thanks — that’s much better.

    Server: ‘ ‘.

    I was surprised to find an answer to my DNS lookup for the server, because at first glance, I would say it was misspelled. I could not connect with the telnet server, however.

    It is a web — mail, the company hosting, so I guess that this is the area that you are trying to access. Please carefully check the parameters that you has been provided for this account; If the mail server is actually, you can make the correction by right-clicking the name of the account in the folders pane and selecting Properties. Server names are entered on the servers tab.

    Please let us know…

  • Windows live mail (receiver sending suspended


    I added a new account to Live mail but I need to keep the old account, as I have a lot of emails arranged in folders so that I can return them.  I must however have tried to send a new email to send instead of my account newly set up using the old account. Now when hit send/receive it just hangs saying she «runs.»

    I deleted the items in the Outbox and no difference.

    I’d appreciate help on this point — in short to delete my old account.

    I managed to take off line (I had already deleted Outbox)…

    You must open the Outbox again after you be disconnected; messages that cannot be sent should return here, probably marked as read.

    If you don’t see always not the message complained to delete, close, open a window of the Explorer (Windows key + E), copy and paste this line in the address bar and press enter:

    %LocalAppData%MicrosoftWindows live MailOutbox

    Delete whatever it is in the folder, then launch Windows Live Mail again.

  • Windows Mail (not Windows Live Mail) stops unexpectedly


    I am running Windows 7 and using Windows Mail as my email Client and it worked perfectly for years. IE11 installed Windows Update this morning and now Windows Mail stops after 15 seconds selection and reading or deletion of new emails.  I can do anything else including the opening of my old emails read and it will continue to work fine, but when I start to select new of any four accounts it stops after a few seconds.  I don’t know if this has nothing to do with the update, maybe nothing.  Event Viewer logs the error in the mshtml.dll file.  I tried the SFC system, Microsoft Fix — it, reboot and execution of programs of virus without result. Memory I had to jump through some hoops a few a few years to get Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail not, installed on Windows 7 and I don’t know how to reinstall it if necessary and save all my settings and message rules.

    Can someone help me solve this problem?


    It is Windows Mail in Vista pirate in? Personally, I would get rid of IE11 for now. I don’t know if this issue will never be resolved, but IE11 has other bugs. I’m back to IE10 for the foreseeable future.

  • Windows live mail not sending

    We operate Windows Live Mail 2011 with Windows 7.  Lately, the program does not send and we get the following error.

    The connection to the server has failed

    Server: ‘ ‘.

    Error 0x800CCC0E

    Protocol: SMTP

    Port: 25

    Secure (SSL): No.

    Socket error: 10060

    Other computers are fine, but use MS Outlook.  Windows Live Mail is added to the firewall.  Help!

    Please follow the instructions on this page to apply the settings recommended for Comcast: to reconfigure your Windows Live Mail client to use SSL instead of port 25

    After, click work offline and delete all messages pending from the Outbox (below the records of account in the folders pane). Then close WLMail and wait a few minutes before resuming. Compose a new message to test and send it to yourself. Post a new message in your response.

  • How to configure Windows Live Mail to send photos

    I can’t send pictures in Photoshop format.  He requested an audit of the code that I don’t have.  I need to open the pictures in the format of Windows Live Mail.

    Hi George,.

    > I can’t send photos in Photoshop format.  He requested an audit of the code that I don’t have.  I need to open the pictures in the format of Windows Live Mail. >

    Photoshop has no control on the Windows OS email application requirements. I think you will like the Forum of Microsoft. But while I’m Mac, not Windows and cannot say what will make Windows Mail, if you want to send pictures that are PSD files, you can try zipping the first. I don’t know if you will be able to open them in Windows Live Mail. I don’t know what it is. But the zip format might make it possible to send them a mail.

  • How unstall bulguardinternet secerity? the reason being it caused my windows live mail stop execution,

    It’s the detailes.


    You should check with BullGuard. In addition to uninstall, it can there be withdrawal special
    Tools or methods to avoid what he’s leaving scraps of troublecausing.

    How do I uninstall BullGuard

    List of tools to clean/uninstall anti-malware programs

    Uninstallers (removal tools) for common antivirus software

    If there are problems with Windows Live Mail after proper uninstall BullGuard check
    in these responses — heavy metal (and all things, Windows Live) Forum

    Answers — Windows Live Mail — Performance Forum

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown — Microsoft MVP<- profile=»» -=»» windows=»» expert=»» -=»» consumer=»» :=»» bicycle=»»><- mark=»» twain=»» said=»» it=»»>

  • почтовые программы на разных компьютерах, отправляют почту не более чем на 5 адресов за раз,


    Не удалось отправить сообщение. Параметры сервера исходящей почты [SMTP] могут быть неправильными. Чтобы получить параметры сервера для ***** обратитесь к своему поставщику услуг электронной почты. Тема »
    Ошибка сервера: 552
    Ответ сервера: 552 too many recipients
    Сервер: ‘mail.*******.ru’
    Код ошибки программы Почта Windows Live: 0x800CCC79
    Протокол: SMTP
    Порт: 587
    Защита (SSL): Да как решить


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