Windows script host ошибка как исправить 800a0408

I get a compilation error when I try to run the following vbs code from a command prompt in Windows 7.

Option Explicit
Dim objNetwork, strRemotePath1, strRemotePath2, strRemotePath3
Dim strDriveLetter1, strDriveLetter2, strDriveLetter3, strUserName

Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
strUserName = objNetwork.UserName 

strDriveLetter1 = "H:"
strDriveLetter2 = "P:"
strDriveLetter3 = "S:"
strRemotePath1 = "\testpublicusers" & strUserName & ""
strRemotePath2 = "\testpublicgroups"
strRemotePath3 = "\testscans"

'Section which maps two drives, M: and P: and S:
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter1, strRemotePath1
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter2, strRemotePath2
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter3, strRemotePath3

'Extra code just to add a message box
WScript.Echo "Map drives " & strDriveLetter1 & " & " & strDriveLetter2 & " & " & strDriveLetter3


It says the issue is with Line 1 Char 1. Any ideas?

Troubleshooting Code 800A0408 – Invalid Character

Introduction to Code 800A0408

This error code, 800A0408 occurs when you execute a VBScript.  A wild guess a problem with an apostrophe, possibly in a ‘REM statement.Code Error 800A0408 - Invalid Character

The Symptoms You Get

The script does not execute as you had hoped. Instead you get a WSH message box like this picture:

The Cause of error 800A0408

Your VBScript contains an illegal character, often at the beginning of a line.  It can happen if you copy the script from word, then paste into notepad.  For example, to ‘Rem out a line we need the apostrophe, which is ASCII character 39; however if you paste from word you may get ASCII 96 (Grave accent).

Note the clue Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error, this means a syntax error in your script.

The Solutions

Check the punctuation marks in your VBScript, particularly look out for apostrophes and commas that do not display correctly.  The reference to Line: 1 Char 1, means that the very first symbol that is probably wrong.


Example 1 of error code 800A0408 – Invalid Character

Note: The error  Rem VBScript

It should be ‘ Rem VBScript

  Rem VBScript
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(«WScript.Shell»)
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject(«WScript.Network»)
Set AllDrives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()

DriveLetter = «N:» ‘must be capitalized
RemotePath = «alanhome»

AlreadyConnected = False
For i = 0 To AllDrives.Count – 1 Step 2
If AllDrives.Item(i) = DriveLetter Then AlreadyConnected = True

If AlreadyConnected = False then
WShNetwork.MapNetworkDrive DriveLetter, RemotePath
WshShell.PopUp «Drive » & DriveLetter & » connected successfully.»

WShNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive DriveLetter
WshShell.PopUp «Drive » & DriveLetter & » disconnected.»
End if


Example 2 Code 800A0408 – Invalid Character

I include this screen shot just to emphasise that Char: number need not be one.  Thus Char: 20, or what ever your char number is, becomes a big clue in tracing obscure characters that may have sneaked into your script.

Code 800A0408 - Invalid Character

See More Windows Update Error Codes 8004 Series

• Error 800A101A8 Object Required   •Error 800A0046   •Error 800A10AD   •Error 800A000D

• Error 80048820   •Error 800A0401   •Review of SolarWinds Permissions Monitor

• Error 80040E14   • Error 800A03EA   • Error 800A0408   • Error 800A03EE

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Do you need additional help?

  • For interpreting the WSH messages check Diagnose 800 errors.
  • For general advice try my 7 Troubleshooting techniques.
  • See master list of 0800 errors.
  • Codes beginning 08004…
  • Codes beginning 08005…
  • Codes beginning 08007…
  • Codes beginning 0800A…

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  • Question

  • Hello, reviving an old one on this forum: and
    also as posted on:

    I used this script:

    Here is a VB Script Vall Script that will get around the Password Prompt when «RunAs» is called…



    ‘ To Run other VB Scripts or even Batch Files with Admin Priviliges’


    Dim WshShell, objFSO

    = «»

    sPass = «YourPassWord»


    ‘Put your Domain Account and Password in between the qoutes, REMEMBER! the Password will be clear text. If this is a standalone just take off the


    sCommand = «wscript \UNCServerNameShareFolderYourScript.vbs»


    ‘This will be the path were the scripted you want called will be at. Please note you can substitute the ablove for a local directory (Example: C:FolderYourScript.vbs)


    Set objComputer = CreateObject(«Shell.LocalMachine»)

    Set WshNetwork = CreateObject(«WScript.Network»)

    Set WshShell = CreatObject(«WScript.Shell»)

    Set WshEnv = wshShell.Environment(«Process»)

    WinPath = WshEnv(«SystemRoot»)&»System32runas.exe»

    rc = WshShell.Run («runas /noprofile /user:» & suser & » » $ Chr(34) & sCommand & Chr(34))

    WScript.Sleep 900

    WshShell. AppActivate(WinPath)




  • suser = «»
    sPass = «YourPassWord»

    rc = WshShell.Run («runas /noprofile /user:» & suser & » » $ Chr(34) & sCommand & Chr(34))
    WScript.Sleep 900
    WshShell. AppActivate(WinPath)

    This is definitely ill-advised. There is a reason the runas program does not accept a password on its command line. To quote

    Raymond Chen:

    The RunAs program demands that you type the password manually. Why doesn’t it accept a password on the command line?

    This was a conscious decision. If it were possible to pass the password on the command line, people would start embedding passwords into batch files and logon scripts, which is laughably insecure.

    In other words, the feature is missing to remove the temptation to use the feature insecurely.

    In other words, you should not do this.


    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, May 2, 2012 6:16 PM

    • Marked as answer by
      Sunday, May 6, 2012 11:59 PM

Best Answer

  • Author Mike Brown

    So I had to go through the whole file and replace invalid characters.  This is rather frustrating.  What I think happened is I edited in Notepad at one point rather than Notepad++.

    I’ll have to change the default editor for vbs files or I’m going to do that again I’m sure of it.

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  • View Best Answer in replies below

    5 Replies

    • Author Adam

      In the command line or a batch file try using «type old.vbs > new.vbs» to convert the file(s) to ansi.

      http:/ Opens a new window/

      Was this post helpful?

    • You need to post a snippet of your code, maybe the line and character referenced in the error?
      We do not have enough information to help with just the error.

      After searching the error, it does seen to be an encoding issue.
      I have never seen that with NotePad++.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Mike Brown

      AdamRPL wrote:

      In the command line or a batch file try using «type old.vbs > new.vbs» to convert the file(s) to ansi.

      http:/ Opens a new window/

      Tried that and when I run the new file I get the same message.  Notepad++ is showing that it is ANSI.


      41.1 KB

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Mike Brown

      Dave Rossi wrote:

      You need to post a snippet of your code, maybe the line and character referenced in the error?
      We do not have enough information to help with just the error.

      After searching the error, it does seen to be an encoding issue.
      I have never seen that with NotePad++.

      It’s always line 1 character 1.

      Here is the beginning of the code:

      ‘declare variables
      Const ForAppending = 8
      Const LogFile = “c:tempjavauninstall.txt”
      ‘create log file
      Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
      Set objLogFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(LogFile)
      sLog = “Started Java Uninstall”
      Call WriteLog(sLog)

      This script worked just fine until I edited it recently.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Mike Brown

      So I had to go through the whole file and replace invalid characters.  This is rather frustrating.  What I think happened is I edited in Notepad at one point rather than Notepad++.

      I’ll have to change the default editor for vbs files or I’m going to do that again I’m sure of it.

      Was this post helpful?


    I am receiving the vbscript error “Invalid Character 800A0408 compilation error at Line 1 Char 1” while running a vbscript file which contains following code (this is just a sample code).

    Option Explicit
    Dim strUser
    strUser = "Morgan"
    WScript.Echo "Hello ! " & strUser 

    I have received below error:

    Script: C:Test.vbs
    Line: 1
    Char: 1
    Error: Invalid character
    Code: 800A0408
    Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error


    This issue was occurs due to the Encoding method UTF-8 which I used to save the .vbs file. We should use the Encoding method ANSI to save .vbs file. Follow the below steps to fix this issue:

        1. Open the vbscript file in Notepad
        2. Go to File and click “Save as”
        3. Under the file name, you will see a drop down menu for Encoding. Choose ANSI.
        4. Save the file.

    VBScript Invalid Character 800A0408 compilation error at Line 1 Char 1

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