Yale ms15x ошибка 21552

524223-0 XMSN Reverse Pressure Greater Than Commanded Pressure A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE — MECHANICAL D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524225-0 XMSN Forward Pressure Greater Than Commanded Pressure 524223-1 XMSN Reverse Pressure Less Than Commanded A. LOW TRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL B. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR FAILURE D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE — MECHANICAL E. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524225-1 XMSN Forward Pressure Less Than Commanded 105-3 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor OORH A. SENSOR WIRING OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO 5V OR BATTERY VOLTAGE C. SENSOR FAILURE D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 110-3 Coolant Temperature Sensor OORH 177-3 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor OORH 522603-3 Fuel Temp (LPG) Sensor OORH 105-4 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor OORL A. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR GROUND. B. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO FRAME GROUND. C. SENSOR FAILURE D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 110-4 Coolant Temperature Sensor OORL 177-4 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor OORL 522603-4 Fuel Temp (LPG) Sensor OORL 522712-3 Accelerator A Position Sensor OORH A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT (SENSOR SIGNAL GROUNDS) B. B SENSOR SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO BATTERY SOURCE D. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR SUPPLY 522713-3 Accelerator B Position Sensor OORH 522712-4 Accelerator A Position Sensor OORL A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT (+5 VOLTS) B. SENSOR SIGNAL A OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO FRAME GROUND D. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR GROUND E. SENSOR FAILURE F. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522713-4 Accelerator B Position Sensor OORL 1079-31 5VE1 & 5VE2 Simultaneously OORH A. ELECTRONIC THROTTLE ASSEMBLY (ETA) STICKY B. SENSOR (ETA) FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 51-2 Throttle Position Sensor Signals A and B Not Tracking Correctly 51-7 Throttle Position Sensor Signals A and B Not At Commanded Value 51-31 Throttle Position Sensor 1 & 2 Out of Range 2350-3 DTC 2350-3 — Front Work Lights Relay (RL4) Driver Output OORH A. SAFETY SWITCH (IF EQUIPPED) IS DISCONNECTED B. SHORT ON RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT TO UNSWITCHED BATTERY (SEEWARNING BEFORE CONTINUING) C. SHORT ON RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT TO SWITCHED BATTERY. D. SHORT ON RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT TO ANOTHER OPERATED DEVICE E. CONTROLLER DRIVER OUTPUT TO RELAY COIL OPEN CIRCUIT F. RELAY COIL OR GROUND CONNECTION OPEN CIRCUIT G. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522710-3 Throttle A Position Sensor OORH A. SENSOR GROUND OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR SUPPLY C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO BATTERY SOURCE D. SENSOR FAILURE E. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522711-3 Throttle B Position Sensor OORH 522710-4 Throttle A Position Sensor OORL A. SENSOR SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO FRAME GROUND D. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR GROUND E. SENSOR FAILURE F. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522711-4 Throttle B Position Sensor OORL 521-3 Brake Pedal Position Sensor OORH A. SENSOR GROUND OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR SUPPLY C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO BATTERY D. SENSOR FAILURE E. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 523780-3 Park Brake Position Sensor OORH 524245-3 Seat Occupancy Position Sensor OORH 521-4 Brake Pedal Position Sensor OORL A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR GROUND D. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO FRAME GROUND E. SENSOR FAILURE F. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 523780-4 Park Brake Position Sensor OORL 524245-4 Operator Presence System Sensor OORL 523833-3 Glow Plug Relay Driver Output OORH A. COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO BATTERY. B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER. 524195-3 Cold Start Relay Driver Output OORH 523833-4 Glow Plug Relay Driver Output OORL A. COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND. B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER. 524195-4 Cold Start Relay Driver Output OORL 1079-31 5VE1 & 5VE2 Simultaneously OORH A. 5 VOLT «E1» SUPPLY SHORTED TO SYSTEM SUPPLY SOURCE B. 5 VOLT «E2» SUPPLY SHORTED TO SYSTEM SUPPLY SOURCE C. 5VOLT E1 AND E2 SIMULTANEOUSLY SHORTED TO SYSTEM SUPPLY SOURCE D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524260-3 5VE2 Sensor Supply Circuit Voltage OORH 524261-3 5VE1 Sensor Supply Circuit Voltage OORH 96-3 Fuel Level Sensor OORH A. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO BATTERY B. SENSOR SIGNAL/RETURN OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO GROUND D. SENSOR FAILURE 96-4 Fuel Level Sensor OORL 523833-3 Glow Plug Relay Driver Output OORH A. COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO SYSTEM VOLTAGE B. COIL SHORT CIRCUIT C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 523920-3 REV Circuit Shorted High 523930-3 FWD Circuit Shorted High 524195-3 Cold Start Relay Driver Output OORH 524269-3 Transmission Enable Valve Coil Driver Output OORH 523920-4 REV Circuit Shorted Low A. COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND B. COIL/WIRING OPEN CIRCUIT C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 523930-4 FWD Circuit Shorted Low 524269-4 Transmission Enable Valve Coil Driver Output OORL 522606-10 Post Catalytic Converter Oxygen (O2) Sensor (Slow Response) A. OXYGEN (O2) SENSOR FAILURE B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522737-10 Pre Catalytic Converter Oxygen (O2) Sensor (Slow Response) 2000-12 CAN Tx Failure A. OPEN/INTERMITTENT CIRCUIT ON CAN HI, CAN LO B. CAN HI AND CAN LO SHORTED TOGETHER C. OPEN CIRCUIT ON POWER/GROUND TO CAN CONNECTED DEVICES D. STG ON CAN HI E. STS/STB ON CAN LO F. CAN CONNECTED DEVICE FAILURE 2000-12 CAN Rx Failure 2000-14 CANbus Address Conflict Failure 522593-12 DTC 522593-12 — CANbus Communication Loss — ECU to EPR 524233-14 DTC 524233-14 — Boost Test Override A. DISPLAY INTERNAL FAILURE 524234-14 DTC 524234-14 — Internal Processing Error 524236-XX DTC 524236-XX — Boost Test Failure 190-2 DTC 190-2 — Engine RPM Sensor Output Is Less Than Engine Speed A. OPEN CIRCUIT IN SENSOR SUPPLY B. SENSOR SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT OR SHORT TO GROUND C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO BATTERY SOURCE D. SENSOR FAILURE E. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 190-7 DTC 190-7 — Engine Speed Exceeds Command 522120-1 DTC 522120-1 — Engine RPM Higher than XMSN Limit 522585-2 DTC 522585-2 — Engine RPM Sensor (Mazda Gas ECU) 523740-3 DTC 523740-3 — Truck has NO Forward or Reverse Motion A. HIGH EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELDS B. DIRECTIONAL LEVER MECHANISM/MAGNETIC FAILURE C. DISPLAY SWITCH CLUSTER (DSC) FAILURE 523740-4 DTC 523740-4 — Truck has NO Forward or Reverse Motion 524255-3 DTC 524255-3 — DSC Temperature OORH A. DISPLAY SWITCH CLUSTER (DSC) IS OVERHEATED 524255-4 DTC 524255-4 — DSC Temperature OORL 524255-3 DTC 524255-3 — DSC Temperature OORH A. DISPLAY SWITCH CLUSTER (DSC) IS OVERHEATED 524255-4 DTC 524255-4 — DSC Temperature OORL 524255-3 DTC 524255-3 — DSC Temperature OORH A. DISPLAY SWITCH CLUSTER (DSC) IS OVERHEATED 524255-4 DTC 524255-4 — DSC Temperature OORL 522655-0 DTC 522655-0 — Short Term Closed Loop Correction Bank 1 Less Than NOR -35% (Rich Engine Operation) A. PROBLEMS THAT MAY CAUSE LEAN ENGINE OPERATION B. PROBLEMS THAT MAY CAUSE RICH ENGINE OPERATION C. SENSOR FAILURE D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522655-1 DTC 522655-1 — Short Term Closed Loop Correction Bank 1 Greater Than NOR 35% (Lean Engine Operation) 522660-0 DTC 522660-0 — Long Term Closed Loop Correction Bank 1 Less Than NOR -30% (Rich Engine Operation) 522660-1 DTC 522660-1 — Long Term Closed Loop Correction Bank 1 Greater Than NOR 30% (Lean Engine Operation) 523767-2 DTC 523767-2 — DSC Fault — Arrow Down Button Stuck A. BUTTON FAILURE 523769-2 DTC 523769-2 — DSC Fault — Arrow Up Button Stuck 524206-2 DTC 524206-2 — DSC Fault — Rear Worklight Button Stuck 524208-2 DTC 524208-2 — DSC Fault — Front Worklight Button Stuck 524209-2 DTC 524209-2 — DSC Fault — Hourmeter Button Stuck 190-2 DTC 190-2 — Crank Loss (CAM Pulse without Crank Pulse) A. DUST/DEBRIS IN SENSOR HOUSING B. TIMING BELT NOT TENSIONED PROPERLY C. SENSOR OPEN CIRCUIT GROUND/OPEN CIRCUIT SUPPLY D. SENSOR OPEN CIRCUIT SIGNALS E. SENSOR SHORTED CIRCUIT SIGNALS F. SENSOR FAILURE G. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 190-4 DTC 190-4 — Crank Loss (CAM Pulse without Crank Pulse) 190-8 DTC 190-8 — Crank/CAM Synchronization 522752-2 DTC 522752-2 — Crank Loss (CAM Pulse without Crank Pulse) 522752-4 DTC 522752-4 — CAM Loss (Crank Pulse without CAM Pulse) 522595-12 DTC 522595-12 — Internal Circuity Fault Detection A. EPR FAILURE 522596-12 DTC 522596-12 — Internal Circuity Fault Detection 524266-31 DTC 524266-31 — Electronic Throttle Motor/Motor Connections — Short Circuit A. CONNECTION SHORT CIRCUIT B. ETB MOTOR SHORT CIRCUIT C. ECU/ETB DRIVER FAILURE 524286-31 DTC 524286-31 — ECU — ETB Driver Component Failure 94-0 DTC 94-0 — Primary Fuel Pressure Higher Than Expected A. FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR WIRING FAULT B. FUEL PRESSURE FAULT C. FAULTY CONTROLLER 94-1 DTC 94-1 — Primary Fuel Pressure Lower Than Expected 520260-3 DTC 520260-3 — Electronic Pressure Regulator (EPR) OORH A. DEPR WIRING FAULT B. DEPR FAULT 520260-4 DTC 520260-4 — Electronic Pressure Regulator (EPR) OORL 91-2 DTC 91-2 Sensor Signals A and B Not Tracking Correctly A. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SENSORS IS BEYOND ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE B. SENSOR FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 515-0 DTC 515-0 RPM Greater Than Throttle Command A. LARGE LEAKS IN MANIFOLD B. ELECTRONIC THROTTLE ASSEMBLY (ETA) MECHANICAL ISSUES C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522764-6 DTC 522764-6 Ign/Alt — Ignition 1 Relay (RL6) Driver Output OORL A. SHORTED RELAY COIL B. SHORT TO GROUND ON PDM RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN DISPLAY (DSC) 168-0 DTC 168-0 System Battery Voltage OORH A. BATTERY FAILURE B. ALTERNATOR FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 168-1 DTC 168-1 System Battery Voltage OORL A. BLOWN FUSE OR FAULTY WIRING HARNESS B. IGNITION WIRE FAILURE C. BATTERY FAILURE D. ALTERNATOR FAILURE E. OPERATION CYCLE TOO SHORT TO CHARGE BATTERY F. QUIESCENT CURRENT DRAW TOO HIGH DURING TRUCK OFF TIME 522697-12 DTC 522697-12 Internal Central Processor or Circuitry Faults A. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN ECU CONTROLLER 108-1 DTC 108-1 Barometric Pressure Below Acceptable Limit A. OPEN CIRCUIT SENSOR SUPPLY B. SHORTED SIGNAL CIRCUIT TO BATTERY/SENSOR SUPPLY – SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR FAILURE D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 523550-3 DTC 523550-3 Start Relay Control OORH A. HARNESS/PDM SHORT CIRCUIT TO SWITCHED OR UNSWITCHED BATTERY B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522604-3 DTC 522604-3 Fuel Run Relay Control OORH A. HARNESS/PDM SHORT CIRCUIT TO SWITCHED OR UNSWITCHED BATTERY B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522604-4 DTC 522604-4 Fuel Relay PWM Control OORL A. OPEN CIRCUIT B. HARNESS/PDM SHORT TO GROUND C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522604-5 DTC 522604-5 Fuel Relay not Functioning A. HARNESS RELAY COIL OPEN CIRCUIT B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522598-3 DTC 522598-3 LPG Lock Off OORH A. COIL TO ECU HARNESS SHORTED TO UNSWITCHED OR SWITCH BATTERY B. COIL SHORTED TURNS C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522598-4 DTC 522598-4 LPG Lock Off OORL A. COIL TO ECU HARNESS OPEN CIRCUIT B. COIL TO ECU HARNESS SHORT TO GROUND C. COIL OPEN CIRCUIT D. COIL SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT E. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522592-0 EPR Pressure Greater Than Commanded A. WORN OR DAMAGED PRIMARY OR SECONDARY SEAT B. FAULTY ELECTRONIC PRESSURE REGULATOR (EPR) ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS C. EPR FAILURE 522592-1 EPR Pressure Less Than Commanded A. LOW SECONDARY FUEL PRESSURE DUE TO A FUEL RESTRICTION B. FAULTY ELECTRONIC PRESSURE REGULATOR (EPR) ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS C. EPR FAILURE 524227-3 Manual Hydraulic Lockout Coil OORH A. COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO BATTERY B. COIL SHORT C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524227-4 Manual Hydraulic Lockout Coil OORL A. COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND B. WIRING/COIL OPEN CIRCUIT C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 1239-7 Fuel Run-Out Longer Than Expected A. LOCK-OFF SOLENOID WIRING FAULT B. LOCK-OFF SOLENOID FAULT C. FAULTY CONTROLLER 524230-3 Rear Work Lights Relay (RL7) Driver Output OORH A. SAFETY SWITCH (IF EQUIPPED) IS DISCONNECTED B. SHORT ON RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT TO UNSWITCHED BATTERY (SEE WARNING BEFORE CONTINUING) C. SHORT ON RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT TO SWITCHED BATTERY. D. SHORT ON RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT TO ANOTHER OPERATED DEVICE E. CONTROLLER DRIVER OUTPUT TO RELAY COIL OPEN CIRCUIT F. RELAY COIL OR GROUND CONNECTION OPEN CIRCUIT G. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524230-4 Rear Work Lights Relay (RL7) Driver Output OORL A. SHORTED RELAY COIL B. SHORT TO GROUND ON PDM RELAY DRIVER OUTPUT C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522631-2 Pre-Cat Bank 1 Sensor Fails To Switch To Rich 522762-4 Switched Battery Voltage 3 (IGN 3) OORL A. IGN 1 OR IGN 3 VOLTAGE OUTPUT OPEN SUPPLY B. IGN 2 VOLTAGE OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND C. IGN 1 OR IGN 3 OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522772-4 Backup Lamp Driver Output OORL A. LAMP DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 880-4 Stop Lamp Driver Output OORL A. LAMP DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 522760-4 Switched Battery Voltage 1 (IGN 1) OORL A. IGN 1 OR IGN 3 VOLTAGE OUTPUT OPEN SUPPLY B. IGN 2 VOLTAGE OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND C. IGN 1 OR IGN 3 OUTPUT SHORTED TO GROUND D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524260-1 5 Volt Supply Circuit B OORL A. 5 VOLT «A» SHORTED TO GROUND B. 5 VOLT «B» SHORTED TO GROUND C. 5 VOLT «C» SHORTED TO GROUND D. VSM FAILURE E. 5 VOLT ECU POWER SUPPLY SHORTED TO GROUND 522614-7 Throttle Not at Limp Mode Position (GM Engines Only) A. MECHANISM STICKY COMPONENT OPERATIONAL CHECK PROCEDURE OR ACTION: 1. Turn power to OFF for no less than 30 seconds, and then to ON to clear displayed DTC. Does reported DTC to reoccur? YES: Go to Step 2. NO: Problem not verified. Resume operation. 2. Conduct a quick visual inspection of all connectors/wiring associated with the displayed fault code. Are any faults detected/observed? YES: Repair/replace connector or wiring associated with faults found. See Electrical System 2200 SRM 1142. NO: Go to Cause A. CAUSE A — MECHANISM STICKY PROCEDURE OR ACTION: 1. Turn truck power ON and start engine. 2. Check for proper operation of the throttle body and the ECU mechanism by exercising the accelerator pedal with the vehicle in neutral. For GM 2.4L gasoline and LPG engines, the engine should idle at 775 to 825 rpm with no pedal and continuing to the governor speed which should be 2675 to 2725 rpm at full pedal. For GM 4.3L gasoline and LPG engines the engine should idle at 725 to 775 rpm with no pedal and continuing to the governor speed which should be 2375 to 2425 rpm at maximum full pedal. Is the throttle mechanism operating smoothly/tracking with accelerator operation? YES: Problem corrected. Resume operation. NO: Ensure truck power is OFF. Clean any fuel residue from mechanism and go to Step 3. 3. Check for proper operation of the throttle body and the ECU mechanism by exercising the accelerator pedal with the vehicle in neutral. For GM 2.4L gasoline and LPG engines, the engine should idle at 775 to 825 rpm with no pedal and continuing to the governor speed which should be 2675 to 2725 rpm at full pedal. For GM 4.3L gasoline and LPG engines the engine should idle at 725 to 775 rpm with no pedal and continuing to the governor speed which should be 2375 to 2425 rpm at maximum full pedal. Is the throttle mechanism operating smoothly/tracking with accelerator operation? YES: Problem corrected. Resume operation. NO: Ensure truck power is OFF. Replace Electronic Throttle Body. For GM 2.4L Gasoline engines see Gasoline Fuel System, GM 2.4L Engine 900 SRM 1126. For GM 2.4L LPG engines see LPG Fuel System, GM 2.4L Engine 900 SRM 1124. For GM 4.3L Gasoline engine see Gasoline Fuel System, GM 4.3L Engine With GFI 900 SRM 1244. For GM 4.3L LPG engine see LPG Fuel System, GM 4.3L Engine With GFI 900 SRM 1242. 522616-8 Throttle Not at Command Position (GM Engines Only) 522617-5 Throttle Not at Fully Closed/Open Position (GM Engines Only) 522760-3 Switched Battery Voltage 1 (IGN 1) OORH A. IGN VOLTAGE SHORTED TO UNSWITCHED BATTERY SOURCE IN PDM OR PDM/VSM HARNESS B. IGN VOLTAGE SHORTED TO UNSWITCHED BATTERY SOURCE IN PDM OUTPUT HARNESS C. IGN VOLTAGE SHORTED TO SWITCHED BATTERY SOURCE IN PDM OR PDM/VSM HARNESS D. IGN 2 VOLTAGE SHORTED TO BATTERY SOURCE E. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 135-16 Fuel Air Pressure minus (MAP) OORH (GM LPG Only) or and Fuel Absolute Pressure Minus (MAP) Too High 524240-4 Washer Pump Drive Command OORL windshield wiper pump 522125-8 Transmission Range1 Valve Current Out Of Range (TCU) A. HIGH RESISTIVE CONNECTION B. VALVE -VE SHORTED TO BATTERY – VE/FRAME GROUND C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 676-3 Glow Plug Relay Driver Output OORH A. RELAY/COIL DRIVER OUTPUT SHORTED TO BATTERY B. RELAY/COIL DRIVER OUTPUT OPEN CIRCUIT C. RELAY/COIL DRIVER RETURN OPEN CIRCUIT D. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524223-4 Transmission Reverse Pressure OORL A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR GROUND D. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO FRAME GROUND E. SENSOR FAILURE F. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 100-4 Engine Oil Pressure OORL A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR SIGNAL OPEN CIRCUIT C. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO SENSOR GROUND D. SENSOR SIGNAL SHORTED TO FRAME GROUND E. SENSOR FAILURE F. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524224-0 XMSN Forward 2 Pressure Greater Than Commanded Pressure A. SENSOR SUPPLY OPEN CIRCUIT B. SENSOR FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE — MECHANICAL 168-4 System Battery Voltage OORL A. BATTERY FAILURE B. ALTERNATOR FAILURE C. OPERATION CYCLE TOO SHORT TO CHARGE BATTERY D. QUIESCENT CURRENT DRAW TOO HIGH DURING TRUCK OFF TIME 654-5 GM Gas Drive Injector 4 Open or Circuit Cummins-Code 332. See QSB 3.3L Troubleshooting and Repair A. FUEL INJECTOR OPEN CIRCUIT B. INJECTOR DRIVER MODULE FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 524263-1 Uncommanded Power Down A. TCU PROGRAM CORRUPTED OR TCU APPLICATION FILE MISMATCH B. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 651-5 GM Gas Drive Injector 1 Open Circuit,or Cummins-Code 322. See QSB 3.3L Troubleshooting and Repair A. FUEL INJECTOR OPEN CIRCUIT B. INJECTOR DRIVER MODULE FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 652-5 GM Gas Drive Injector 2 Open Circuit A. FUEL INJECTOR OPEN CIRCUIT B. INJECTOR DRIVER MODULE FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 653-5 Cummins-Code 324. See QSB 3.3L Troubleshooting and Repair A. FUEL INJECTOR OPEN CIRCUIT B. INJECTOR DRIVER MODULE FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 655-5 GM Gas Drive Injector 5 Open Circuit A. FUEL INJECTOR OPEN CIRCUIT B. INJECTOR DRIVER MODULE FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 656-5 GM Gas Drive Injector 6 Open Circuit A. FUEL INJECTOR OPEN CIRCUIT B. INJECTOR DRIVER MODULE FAILURE C. FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CONTROLLER 2023-12 CANbus Error With Display A. TERMINATION RESISTOR(S) OPEN CIRCUIT B. OPEN/INTERMITTENT CIRCUIT ON CAN HI, CAN LO C. CAN HI AND CAN LO SHORTED TOGETHER D. OPEN CIRCUIT ON POWER/GROUND TO CAN CONNECTED DEVICES E. STG ON CAN HI F. STS/STB ON CAN LO G. CAN CONNECTED DEVICE FAILURE

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Thank You Kevin K!
I did the update,but now i have another problem! My truck has tillercard with version 070.001.006,but then i did the update to 070.001.010 then truck stopped to work. I investigated this and it seems there is major software and/or hardware differences from version 070.001.009.
i dont want update all the modules, because later i have no interchangeable controllers !

My question is: Is there any chance to downgrade my software. I have truck which has the tillercard with version 070.001.005? Is there any program to copy software file from there to my computer and then send it to the other tillercard? Or where i might get this file TILLER_070_001_005.s19 or(006)

Big thanks to everyone!

you need a program call FPIdownload. maybe avaiable from iskra

thank You for information(JavierSo),but can You give me the direction how to process the tiller card update and what i need for that (programs, tillercard ram/rom/eeprom file, etc),can i do it throw ER reprogram v5.2?

In trucks with tiller version 070.001 (009) this fault is very common and the technicinas need to calibrate the buttons so frequently. The solution for this is to update the tiller version to 070.001 (010).

One or more tiller inputs are not on 0. Caused by an operator or by the bad operation of an input (or of more inputs).

Most probably you need to calibrate the proportional buttons and the tiller butterfly.

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These codes cover the three and four wheel electric trucks with the overhead display.

Load Weigh/Service Brake Pressure Sensor Out of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12844 – Load Weigh Pressure
DTC 12836 – Service Brake Pressure

Load Weigh/Service Brake Pressure Sensor Out of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12845 – Load Weigh Pressure
DTC 12837 – Service Brake Pressure

Accelerator Pedal Position A/B Out of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12808 – Accelerator Pedal Position A
DTC 12810 – Accelerator Pedal Position B

Accelerator Pedal Position A/B Out of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12809 – Accelerator Pedal Position A
DTC 12811 – Accelerator Pedal Position B

Accelerator Pedal Position A/B Data Incorrect:
DTC 12812 – Accelerator Pedal Position A to B

DTC 29536 – Loss of Speed Sensor Channel A

DTC 65362 – Encoder Error

DTC 65512 – Wrong Encoder Set

DTC 65106 – FOC2 Traction Controller Encoder Error

DTC 29248 – Speed Sensor Feedback

Steering Wheel/Steering Axle Position Sensor Out of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12820 – Steering Wheel Position
DTC 12824 – Steering Axle Position

Steering Wheel/Steering Axle Position Sensor Out of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12821 – Steering Wheel Position
DTC 12825 – Steering Axle Position

Steer Axle Calibration Required:
DTC 4098 – Steer Axle Calibration

Hydraulic Temperature Sensor Out of Range Low (OORL) :
DTC 12852 – Hydraulic Temperature

Hydraulic Temperature Sensor Out of Range High (OORH) :
DTC 12853 – Hydraulic Temperature

Hydraulic Fluid Level Sensor Out Of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12872 – Hydraulic Fluid Level

Hydraulic Fluid Level Sensor Out Of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12873 – Hydraulic Fluid Level

Park Brake/Mast Tilt Position Sensor Out of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12832 – Park Brake Position
DTC 12840 – Mast Tilt Position

Park Brake/Mast Tilt Position Sensor Out of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12831 – Park Brake Position
DTC 12841 – Mast Tilt Position

Travel Direction Select – Foot Pedal/Manual Hydraulic Out of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12800 – Directional Select A
DTC 12804 – Directional Select B

Travel Direction Select – Foot Pedal/Manual Hydraulic Out of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12801 – Directional Select A
DTC 12805 – Directional Select B

Seat Sensor Out of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12816 – Seat Sensor

Seat Sensor Out of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12819 – Seat Sensor

Battery OORH/OORL:
DTC 12545 – Battery OORH
DTC 12546 – Battery OORL

VSM 5 Volt Supply (OORL) (OORH):
DTC 13056 – 5V OORL
DTC 13057 – 5V OORH

Manual Hydraulic Position Sensors Out Of Range Low (OORL):
DTC 12856 – Manual Hyd 1
DTC 12860 – Manual Hyd 2
DTC 12864 – Manual Hyd 3
DTC 12868 – Manual Hyd 4

Manual Hydraulic Position Sensor Out Of Range High (OORH):
DTC 12857 – Manual Hyd 1
DTC 12861 – Manual Hyd 2
DTC 12865 – Manual Hyd 3
DTC 12869 – Manual Hyd 4

E-Hydraulic Enable System Data Incorrect:
DTC 12332 – Data Incorrect

E-Hydraulic Coils Short To Battery Positive (STBP):
DTC 8960 – Lift
DTC 8964 – Lower
DTC 8968 – Tilt Forward
DTC 8972 – Tilt Back
DTC 8978 – Aux 1A
DTC 8980 – Aux 1B
DTC 8984 – Aux 2A
DTC 8988 – Aux 2B

E-Hydraulic Coils Short To Battery Negative (STBN)/Open Circuit (OC):
DTC 13312 – Lift
DTC 13316 – Lower
DTC 13320 – Tilt Forward
DTC 13324 – Tilt Back
DTC 13328 – Aux 1A
DTC 13332 – Aux 1B
DTC 13336 – Aux 2A
DTC 13340 – Aux 2B

A935 – K160 CAN Communication Failure:
DTC 33025 – VSM to Display
DTC 33026 – VSM to Traction 1 (Right)
DTC 33027 – VSM to Traction 2 (Left)
DTC 33029 – VSM to Pump
DTC 33034 – VSM to MLM (DCS)
DTC 33035 – VSM to Impact
DTC 33036 – VSM to CAN Reserved 1
DTC 33037 – VSM to CAN Reserved 2
DTC 33038 – VSM to CAN Reserved 3
DTC 33057 – Display to VSM

CBB 4 Wheel CAN Communication:
DTC 33025 – VSM to Display
DTC 33026 – VSM to Traction 1 (Right)
DTC 33027 – VSM to Traction 2 (Left)
DTC 33029 – VSM to Pump
DTC 33034 – VSM to MLM (DCS)
DTC 33035 – VSM to Impact
DTC 33036 – VSM to CAN Reserved 1
DTC 33037 – VSM to CAN Reserved 2
DTC 33038 – VSM to CAN Reserved 3
DTC 33057 – Display to VSM

DBB 4 Wheel CAN Communication:
DTC 33025 – VSM to Display
DTC 33026 – VSM to Traction 1 (Right)
DTC 33027 – VSM to Traction 2 (Left)
DTC 33029 – VSM to Pump
DTC 33034 – VSM to MLM (DCS)
DTC 33035 – VSM to Impact
DTC 33036 – VSM to CAN Reserved 1
DTC 33037 – VSM to CAN Reserved 2
DTC 33038 – VSM to CAN Reserved 3
DTC 33057 – Display to VSM

MLM Failure:
DTC 21830 – MLM EEPROM Write Error
DTC 21834 – MLM Sensor 1 Out of Range
DTC 21835 – MLM Sensor 2 Out of Range
DTC 21836 – MLM Sensor 3 Out of Range
DTC 21837 – MLM Sensor 4 Out of Range
DTC 25344 – MLM Checksum Error

MLM Incorrect Lever Installed:
DTC 4112 – Incorrect Lever 1 Installed
DTC 4113 – Incorrect Lever 2 Installed
DTC 4114 – Incorrect Lever 3 Installed
DTC 4115 – Incorrect Lever 4 Installed
DTC 4116 – Incorrect Lever 5 Installed

VSM 12 Volts Supply OORL/OORH:
DTC 13060 – VSM 12V OORL
DTC 13061 – VSM 12V OORH

Display Internal Failure:
DTC 22032 – Display EEPROM Checksum Error
DTC 22033 – Display Cell Write Error
DTC 33056 – Display Internal CAN Failure
DTC 33057 – Display Communications Error with VSM
DTC 8704 – Display Internal LCD Backlight
DTC 12934 – Display Internal LCD Backlight
DTC 12935 – Display Internal LCD Backlight
DTC 8705 – Display Internal LCD Heater
DTC 12936 – Display Internal LCD Heater
DTC 12937 – Display Internal LCD Heater
DTC 22528 – Display Button *
DTC 22529 – Display Button #
DTC 22530 – Display Arrow
DTC 22531 – Display ] Arrow
DTC 22532 – Display Button 1
DTC 22533 – Display Button 2
DTC 22534 – Display Button 3
DTC 22535 – Display Button 4
DTC 22536 – Display Button 5
DTC 22537 – Display Button 6
DTC 22538 – Display Button 7
DTC 22539 – Display Button 8
DTC 22540 – Display Button 9
DTC 22541 – Display Button 0

Display Failure – Keyswitch Relay Output:
DTC 9041 – Display Keyswitch Output
DTC 12940 – Display Keyswitch Output
DTC 12941 – Display Keyswitch Output
DTC 13070 – Keyswitch Data Incorrect

VSM Controller Check:
DTC 21760 – VSM BOOT_BLOCK Checksum failure
DTC 21761 – CDF_Checksum_failure
DTC 21762 – VSM APPLICATION_SOFTWARE Checksum failure/Error
DTC 21764 – VSM EEPROM Checksum failure/Error
DTC 21766 – VSM EEPROM Cell failure Write Error
DTC 21792 – VSM Serial Number Error

Controller Logic Failure:
DTC 65299 – Controller Logic Failure

Display Failure – Temperature/Buzzer:
DTC 12928 – Display Temperature Sensor (Freezer Option Only)
DTC 12929 – Display Temperature Sensor (Freezer Option Only)
DTC 9040 – Display Buzzer Output
DTC 12938 – Display Buzzer Output
DTC 12939 – Display Buzzer Output

Contactor/Relay/Valve Coil Short to Battery Positive (STBP):
DTC 9000 – Diverter Valve
DTC 9004 – E Hyd Enable
DTC 9008 – Clamp Solenoid (Optional)
DTC 9012 – Acc 2 Relay
DTC 9016 – Forward Relay
DTC 9020 – Reverse Relay
DTC 9026 – Spare 1 Relay
DTC 9028 – Spare 2 Relay
DTC 9032 – Main Contactor
DTC 9036 – 2nd Contactor

Contactor/Relay/Valve Coil Short to Battery Negative (STBN)/Open Circuit (OC):
DTC 13352 – Diverter Valve
DTC 13356 – Hyd Enable
DTC 13360 – Acc 1 Relay
DTC 13364 – Acc 2 Relay
DTC 13368 – Motion Relay
DTC 13372 – Reverse Relay
DTC 13376 – Spare 1 Relay
DTC 13380 – Brake Light Relay Short to B(-) or Open
DTC 13384 – Main Contactor
DTC 13388 – 2nd Contactor

Motor Controller Contactor Failure:
DTC 21569 – Contactor Open
DTC 21570 – Contactor Closed
DTC 65318 – Contactor Open
DTC 65317 – Contactor Closed
DTC 65354 – Driver Shorted High
DTC 65355 – Driver Shorted Low

A935 – K160 D203 Motor Controller Capacitor Failure:
DTC 12592 – Capacitor Charge

A935 – K160 D203 Motor Speed Sensor Failure:
DTC 29456 – Sensor Fault

CBB/DBB Motor Speed Sensor Failure:
DTC 25104 – Sensor Fault
DTC 29456 – Sensor Fault

A935 – K160 Motor Auto Brake Failure:
DTC 8786 – Brake Coil Shorted
DTC 12834 – Aux Driver Short to Bat (-) Brake Coil Open Circuit
DTC 12835 – Aux Driver Open Circuit Excess Current

A935 – K160 D203 Motor Controller Power Mosfet Failure :
DTC 65513 – Power MOS Shorted

A935 – K160 D203 Motor/Motor Controller Failure:
DTC 12576 – Motor Voltage Not OK

A935 – K160 D203 Motor Controller Failure:
DTC 65280 – Controller Failure

CBB/DBB Motor/Motor Controller Failure:
DTC 8976 – AC Current – Over Current
DTC 9024 – AC Current – Short Circuit

A935 – K160 D203 Motor Controller CAN Communication Failure:
DTC 65527 – No CAN Communication

CBB/DBB Motor Controller CAN Communication Failure:
DTC 33024 – CAN Communication Failure

Travel Direction Select Incorrect:
DTC 12802 – Direction Select Data Incorrect – Direction Signals Incorrect

Travel Direction Select Data Incorrect – 2 Sources:
DTC 12806 – Direction Select – Data Incorrect 2 + Direction Devices Installed

Direction Select Data Incorrect – No DCS Source:
DTC 12807 – Direction Select Data Incorrect – No DCS Source

CBB/DBB Motor/Motor Controller Temperature Sensor Failure:
DTC 16912 – Motor Temperature High
DTC 17168 – Controller/Heatsink Temperature High
DTC 25105 – Temperature Sensor Failure

CBB/DBB Motor Controller Current Sensor Failure :
DTC 21008 – Current Sensor Offset Calibration Error

Hydraulic Calibration Required:
DTC 4096 – Hydraulic Calibration Required

CBB/DBB Motor Controller 15 – 5 Volt Internal Failure:
DTC 20753 – 15 Volt Supply Low Voltage
DTC 20755 – 5 Volt Supply Low/High Voltage

CBB/DBB Motor Controller DC Bus Low/High:
DTC 12576 – DC Bus Charging Timeout
DTC 12817 – DC Bus Hi – Software Detected
DTC 12818 – DC Bus Hi – Hardware Detected
DTC 12833 – DC Bus Low – Hardware/Software

CBB/DBB Traction Controller Driver Current High:
DTC 21520 – Aux Driver Current High
DTC 25106 – Park Brake Solenoid and Fan Driver Current High

Synchronous Steering Coil Current:
DTC 8992 – Synchronous Steering Coil Current

DTC 13344 – Synch Steering Coil Open Circuit

DTC 9012 – ACC 2 Current OORH

DTC 65526 – Aux Driver Open

DTC 65534 – Aux Driver Short

DTC 65022 – FOC2 Traction Controller Aux Driver Short

DTC 65288 – Electric Steer Loss of Communication Between the Primary and Secondary

DTC 65293 – Electric Steer System Controller EEPROM Checksum Failure

DTC 95520 – Key Switch Voltage OORL

DTC 65296 – Motor U-W Phase Voltage Measurement Fault

DTC 65297 – Electric Steer Controller Motor U-V Phase Voltage Measurement Fault

DTC 65352 – Motor W-V Phase Voltage Measurement Fault

DTC 65312 – Motor Phase Voltage Out of Range

DTC 65333 – Electric Steer Controller Standby Current Too High

DTC 65340 – Electric Steer Controller DC Bus Capacitor Charge Timeout

DTC 65341 – Controller Temperature Above Limit

DTC 65345 – Electric Steer Motor Temperature Above Limit

DTC 65350 – Controller Internal Error

DTC 65487 – Electric Steer Initial Nominal Motor Voltage Low

DTC 65488 – Electric Steer Controller EEPROM KO

DTC 65490 – Electric Steer Primary and Secondary Controller Version Mismatch

DTC 65492 – Electric Steer Controller Internal Error

DTC 65493 – Electric Steer Default Parameter Restore

DTC 65495 – Controller Internal Error

DTC 65496 – Controller Internal Error

DTC 65501 – Controller Internal Error

DTC 65505 – Controller Internal Error

DTC 65517 – Electric Steer Controller Internal Error

DTC 65525 – Electric Steer Controller Internal Error

DTC 65530 – Electric Steer Controller Internal Error

DTC 65533 – Electric Steer Controller Internal Error

DTC 65498 – Electric Steer Controller Software Mismatch

DTC 65489 – Controller Internal Error

DTC 65350 – Motor Phase W Current OORL

DTC 65351 – Motor Phase V Current OORL

DTC 65353 – Motor Phase U Current OORL

DTC 65531 – Controller Initialization Test Failed

DTC 65494 – Rapid Change in Steering Wheel Position

DTC 65528 – Electric Steer Wheel Sensor Output Mismatch

DTC 65378 – Steering Wheel Position Error

DTC 65491 – Electric Steer TFD Current within Range but Lower than Expected

DTC 65496 – TFD Resistance Out of Range

DTC 65515 – Electric Steer Controller TFD Short to battery Negative

DTC 65516 – Electric Steer Controller TFD Stand-by Current OORH

DTC 65500 – Electric Steer Steering Motor Locked

DTC 65521 – Electric Steer Controller Steer Axle Slow Response

DTC 65508 – Steer Axle Position Mismatch

DTC 65532 – Steer Axle Sensor Output Mismatch

DTC 65503 – Electric Steer Rapid Change in Steer Axle Position

DTC 65524 – Electric Steer Primary and Secondary Parameter Mismatch

DTC 33050 – E-Steer CAN Communications Failure Right

DTC 33051 – E-Steer CAN Communications Failure Left

DTC 13058 – 5V Internal Supply Out of Range

DTC 13104 – Sensor Ground Current OORH

DTC 16913 – Motor Temperature Sensor Open Circuit

DTC 16914 – Motor Temperature Sensor Short Circuit

DTC 16912 – Motor Temperature OORH

DTC 21521 – Fan Driver Current OORH

DTC 21776 – Internal Error – Hardware

DTC 29232 – Sensor Supply Reference voltage Out of Range

DTC 21522 – Automatic Park Brake Driver Current OORH

DTC 29216 – Speed Sensor High Current

DTC 29217 – Speed Sensor Not Connected

DTC 29233 – Sensor Supply Circuit Out of Range

DTC 29552 – Loss of Speed Sensor Channel B

DTC 65362 – Encoder Error

DTC 65512 – Wrong Encoder Set

DTC 65346 – Battery Low

DTC 65529 – Check Up Needed

DTC 95360 – Forw + Back

DTC 65481 – Wrong Slave Version

DTC 64969 – FOC2 Traction Controller Wrong Slave Version

DTC 65519 – Controller Mismatch

DTC 65007 – FOC2 Traction Controller Mismatch

DTC 65522 – Parameter Transfer

DTC 65010 – FOC2 Traction Controller Parameter Transfer

DTC 65511 – No Slave Enabled

DTC 64999 – FOC2 Traction Controller No Slave Enabled

DTC 65486 – Initial VMN High

DTC 65333 – Standby Current High

DTC 65310 – VMN Low

DTC 65311 – VMN High

DTC 65504 – Waiting for Node

DTC 12836 – Brake Pedal Sensor A OORL

DTC 12837 – Brake Pedal Sensor A OORH

DTC 12876 – Brake Pedal Sensor B OORL

DTC 12877 – Brake Pedal Sensor B OORH

DTC 12813 – Foot Brake Position Rationality

DTC 4117 – FOC Configuration Mismatch

DTC 33040 – Various CAN Errors

Observed Symptoms

No Display/No Truck Operation:

DTC None – No Display/No Truck Operation

A935 – K160 D203 Motor Controller Fan Failure:

DTC None – A935 – K160 Motor Controller Fan Failure

A935 – K160 D203 Motor/Motor Controller Temperature Sensor Failure:

DTC None – A935 – K160 Motor/Motor Controller Temperature Sensor Failure

DTC 64776 – Watchdog

DTC 64781 – FOC2 Traction Controller EEPROM Checksum Failure

DTC 65001 – FOC2 Power Transistor Shorted

DTC 65253 – FOC2 Output Mismatch

DTC 65003 – FOC2 coil_short_hw_ko

DTC 64785 – FOC2 Traction Controller Motor U-V Phase Voltage Measurement Fault
(Logic Failure #3)

DTC 64974 – FOC2 Traction Controller Initial Nominal Motor Voltage High.

DTC 64798 – FOC2 Traction Controller Operating Nominal Motor Voltage Low

DTC 64799 – FOC2 Traction Controller Operating Nominal Motor Voltage High

DTC 64975 – FOC2 Traction Initial Nominal Motor Voltage Low

DTC 64821 – FOC2 Traction Controller Standby Current Too High

DTC 64828 – FOC2 Traction Controller DC Bus Capacitor Charge Timeout

DTC 64833 – FOC2 Traction Motor Temperature Above Limit



DTC 64978 – FOC2 Controller Wrong RAM Memory

DTC 64980 – FOC2 Traction Controller Waiting for Slave Node Response

DTC 65009 – FOC2 Traction Controller Master To Slave Parameter Check Mismatch

DTC 64981 – FOC2 Traction Controller Hardware Fault

DTC 64986 – FOC2 Traction Motor Temperature Sensor KO

DTC 64992 – FOC2 Traction Controller Waiting for Node

DTC 65016 – FOC2 Traction Controller No CAN Message

DTC 65004 – FOC2 Current Gain

DTC 64991 – FOC2 Contactor Coil Shorted

DTC 64806 – FOC2 Traction Controller Contactor Open

DTC 64805 – FOC2 Traction Controller Contactor Closed

DTC 64842 – FOC2 Traction Controller Contactor Driver Shorted High

DTC 64843 – FOC2 Traction Controller Contactor Driver Shorted Low

DTC 65005 – Analog Input

DTC 65013 – FOC2 Traction Controller IQ Mismatch

DTC 65015 – FOC2 Traction Controller Data Acquisition

DTC 65018 – FOC2 Traction Controller Thermic Sensor KO

DTC 65021 – FOC2 Traction Controller Field Oriented Control KO

DTC 64979 – FOC2 Traction Controller Rotor Stall

DTC 64988 – FOC2 Traction Controller Vkey OFF Shorted

DTC 64787 – FOC2 Traction Controller DC Bus High and Key Voltage Low

DTC 65032 – Watchdog (Slave)

DTC 65043 – FOC2 DC Bus High / Key Voltage Low

DTC 65077 – FOC2 Traction Controller Standby Current Too High

DTC 65086 – FOC2 Thermal Protection

DTC 65106 – FOC2 Encoder Error

DTC 64850 – FOC2 Encoder Error

DTC 65232 – EEPROM KO (Slave)

DTC 65234 – FOC2 Controller Wrong RAM Memory (Slave)

DTC 65236 – FOC2 Waiting Master

DTC 65254 – FOC2 W.D. SYNCRO

DTC 65259 – FOC2 Coil_Short_HW_KO

DTC 65261 – FOC2 Analog Input

DTC 65263 – FOC2 Controller Mismatch

DTC 65266 – FOC2 SP Mismatch

DTC 65270 – FOC2 Aux Drive Open

DTC 65278 – FOC2 Aux Driver Short

DTC 65528 – FOC2 No CAN Message

DTC 65272 – FOC2 No CAN Message

DTC 65341 – Controller Internal Temperature OORL

DTC 17232 – Controller Internal Temperature OORL

DTC 65341 – Controller Internal Temperature OORH

DTC 65342 – Thermal Protection / Motor Temperature High

DTC 64830 – FOC2 Traction Controller Motor Temperature High

DTC 17184 – Controller Internal Temperature OORH

Yale forklift logo

YALE Pallet Lift Truck Fault Codes DTC

Error: no LEDs or LCDs on

What the issue is: Inoperative

Cause of Problem: B+ and / or B- missing at controller, defective battery charger, or defective battery charger

What to do: Ensure the battery is connected, the key switch is on, and the brake override circuit is in the run position; also test your battery charger and motor controller and replace any
nonworking parts

Error: no LEDs or LCDs on

What the issue is: Forklift functions as normal

Cause of Problem: open connection between display and controller, defective display, or defective LEDs

What to do: make sure harnesses are connected at MDI and connector B on controller; test the dash display by connecting a handset to it and testing for communication; test LEDs by disconnecting
them, connecting the handset, and testing the handset; replace any non-working parts

Error: no LEDs or LCDs on

What the issue is:  Forklift functions as normal

Cause of Problem: Because this condition is similar to the last, it will take a handset to determine its cause. If the handset displays “NO COMMUNICATION,” the controller is defective.

What to do: replace controller

Error: no alarm

What the issue is: Traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: improper startup sequence by jack operator

What to do: check brake switch, accelerator, steer handle, and hydraulic inputs

Error: AL66

What the issue is: Hydraulic function not working

Cause of Problem: battery voltage is low or controller voltage calibration is incorrect

What to do: Charge or replace battery; otherwise, use handset to determine the voltage read by the controller and compare it to an actual voltmeter reading; replace controller if the two readings
differ by more than 1.5 volts

Error: AL99

What the issue is: Traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: incorrect battery selected, damaged battery, or damaged connection to batter

What to do: check that you have the right voltage for your truck, manually check the voltage of your battery, inspect it for any damage, and check its connecting crimps and cables for damage as

Error: AL01

What the issue is: Traction and hoist functions not working

Cause of Problem: control card throttle or lift/lower calibration is out of range; control card is damaged or defective

What to do: Use the tester function on a handset to see if either calibration is greater than 1 volt at neutral; replace control card if damaged or defective, which can be checked by seeing if
both “forward switch” and “backward switch” are on at the same time when testing

Error: AL01

What the issue is: Traction and hoist functions not working

Cause of Problem: incomplete connection between control card and controller; traction reversing switch not connected; damaged or defective tiller card

What to do: Check connections between control card and controller; use a handset to test for operation of traction reversing switch; replace control card if tiller card is damaged

Error: AL02

What the issue is:  Traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: main contactor tips are welded closed or motor field circuit is broken

What to do: disconnect power leads at contactor and test for an open circuit; check connections between motor field and controller

Error: AL04

What the issue is: traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: damaged connection to lowering valve; damaged lowering coil or lowering valve cartridge

What to do: check electrical connection between valve coil and controller; check lowering valve coil for resistance, replace if not approximately 17.7 ohms; replace lowering valve cartridge if

Error: AL05

What the issue is: traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause: damaged connection to brake or brake coil damaged

What to do: check connection between electric brake and controller; check brake coil for resistance in both directions and replace if not between 27.36 and 30.24 ohms

Error: AL06

What the issue is: Traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: Damaged connection to traction motor; traction motor armature resistance is too low; field wires are loose or damaged; motor field winding is shorted or too low.

What to Do: Check electrical connection between traction motor, field wires, and controller; check traction motor armature for shorts; check motor field resistance and correct if not between 0.5
and 1.5 ohms; check contactor coil for resistance of 52 ohms

Error: AL07

What the issue is: traction functions reduced below 14°F or above 167°F and not working above 194°F

Cause of Problem: controller temperature is too hot or cold; controller temperature is not calibrated correctly; controller sensor or controller itself is damaged

What to do: move truck to a warmer or cooler location; use a handset to check that controller temperature matches room temperature (if not, replace controller)

Error: AL8

What the issue is: traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: over current in driven component

What to do: check main harness for damaged connections to main contactor, brake, and electric valve coils; check contactor, brake, and electric valve coils for correct resistance (52 ohms for
contactor, between 27.36 and 30.24 ohms for brake coil, and 17.7 ohms for electric valve coils)

Error: AL10

What the issue is: Traction and hydraulic functions not working

Cause of Problem: controller is damaged; damaged wire connection; short circuit in harness; ground between motor windings and chassis; motor field winding is shorted to chassis; field current
driver circuit has failed; watchdog hardware circuit is damaged

What to do: Cycle key switch off and on and replace controller if problem not solved; check wire connections at contactor, pump motor, and traction motor; check main harness for shorts; check for
grounds or shorts between motor windings and chassis; check motor field resistance (should be about 1.5 ohms); measure voltage between F1 and B- and F2 and B- on field current driver (should be
half the voltage between B+ and B-)

Error: AL94

What the issue is: Traction and hydraulic functions not working for one minute.

Cause of Problem: No fault is occurring. The controller is installing hour meter memory from MDI display if controller has been replaced.

What to do:  No solution necessary. Fork truck will operate as soon as data transfer is complete.


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Yale Forklift GLP050LX(A974) Parts Manual.pdf



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Yale Forklift GP-GTP-GDP 050-055-060 RL-TL Parts Manual.pdf



Yale Forklift GP080-120VX, GLP080-120VX,GDP080-120VX VERACITOR(G813) Parts Manual.pdf



Yale Forklift Project Report — 1.pdf



YALE G807 ERP18VT LIFT TRUCK (EUROPE) Service Repair Manual.pdf



Yale j813gp-glp-gdp110vx lift truck service repair manual.pdf



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