You can say you are keen of studying laws indeed исправить ошибку

Progress Check I

Variant I

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

Young people are not (1)__________________ in politics nowadays and I don’t see any reason why they should. There are lots of other things that are really (2)_____________ an (3)__________________ for people of our age, such as sports, music and certainly (4)___________________. I don’t watch political programmes on TV as I don’t understand them anyway. (5)_______________ use a very difficult language, which I don’t always understand. I certainly watch news from time to time, but I don’t enjoy it very much. It’s all about military conflicts, antiglobalists’ protests and other (6)___________ things.







  1. Use the words in the appropriate form.

Mike became interested in politics when he was at school. When his schoolmates were partying or camping or just watching TV, he (1)_____________________ about different political systems and movements. It was a weird (причудливый) hobby for a teenager, but he obviously (2)_______________ it. When I entered his room for the very first time, my attention (3)___________________ to a little bookcase in the corner. The collection of books there was quite unusual – biographies of famous politicians, political reviews, textbooks on politics and international relations and no feature books at all! Mike proudly said that the unique collection (4)_____________________ in just two years. He also (5)________________ me several files with articles and printed internet materials that related to different political parties and political events.

     Now Mike works as a political analyst. He can easily forecast which party will win the elections, whether the unemployment rate will rise or fall, and whether our economy will grow whether we’ll have to survive through a recession period. His articles (6)________________________ in serious newspapers and now it’s me who (7)______________ his articles to make a collection.








It is something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

All people have the right to ____________________ of opportunity.

  1. equal
  2. equally
  3. equalize
  4. equality

Complete the sentence.

The problem of homeless people ______________________ tomorrow. We have done it today.

  1. must not be discuss
  2. must not discuss
  3. must not be discussed
  4. must be not discussed

Choose the appropriate word.

To my mind, the government ___________________ take care of old people.

  1. can
  2. must
  3. may
  4. could

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. liberal                  a) -nal
  2. free                       b) -ize
  3. exter                     c) -ty
  4. opportuni           d) –dom

Correct the mistakes.

You can say you are keen of studying laws indeed?


List of the rights of young people (at least 5).

Young people have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Progress Check I

Variant II

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

I’m convinced that we shouldn’t ignore politics. If young people are (1)_______________ to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are. I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of (2)___________________. Politics is a very (3)____________________ thing and its often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. I never support people who protest (4)__________________, no matter how good their (5)___________________ are. I think we should analyse (6)___________________ and think for ourselves.







  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

The number of people who travel for business and educational purposes has (1)________________ considerably over recent years. We move from city to city, from country to country looking for educational (2)________________, or better job. (3)____________________, those are not the only reasons for migration – often people have to leave their native land and flee from civil wars, terrorist attacks or poverty. They (4)_____________________ to other countries, sometimes, illegally, seeking (5)________________ and decent life. But in spite of their hopes and dreams the new reality can be quite tough. Most immigrants experience language problems. Even if they speak the language of the new country (6)__________________, their accent gives away their foreign background, and they may feel different and alienated from the others. They also leave behind friends and relatives, which (7)_____________________ to their loneliness and insecurity.


a) strengthened

b) increased

c) broadened

d) improved


a) needs


c) opportunities



a) However

b) And

c) Because

d) That’s why


a) tour

b) commute

c) travel

d) immigrate


a) safety

b) danger

c) health

d) advice


a) loudly

b) quietly

c) fluently

d) widely


a) increase

b) helps

c) contributes

d) lessen

It is  the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

The people in that village were more ___________________ inclined.

  1. liberal
  2. liberate
  3. liberally
  4. liberation

Complete the sentence.

I think people _______________ this problem.

  1. will be able solve
  2. will able to solve
  3. will be able of solve
  4. will be able to solve

Choose the appropriate word.

You ___________________ cross the street at the red light.

  1. can’t
  2. must
  3. mustn’t
  4. should

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. respons                  a) -sion
  2. necessi                   b) -ty
  3. permis                    c) -ful
  4. neglect                    d) -ible

Correct the mistakes.

When I must stopped using my aerosol spray?


List of the rights of children (at least 5).

Children have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





  • 0

Упражнение 3. Скажите, какие из следующих предложений составлены верно, исправьте ошибки. Say which of these sentences are right and correct the wrong ones.
1 I hope that next time you’ll speak to your uncle more politely. 2. Peter usually comes to his classes most late of his classmates.
3. Who can solve this problem most quickly?
4. This time he listened to his little sister patienter than usual.
5. Could you speak a little slower, please?
6. When I was a very young child I thought that to sing best meant to sing loudest.
7. I think that now I see the whole problem much more clearly.
8. Who lives more near to the school — you or your friend?
9. Alice goes to the theatre frequentest of us all.
10. Will you raise your hands a bit higher, please? I can’t see them. 11. In December it snows oftener than in November.
12. He knows three languages but he speaks English easiest.
13. Last night I slept peacefullier than before.
14, Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow?
15. This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0


2-most late заменить на latest


4-patienter заменить на more patiently




8-more near заменить на nearer

9-frequentest заменить на most frequent




13-peacefullier заменить на more peacefully

14-more early заменить на earlier

15-most fast заменить на fastest

Тут по смыслу догадаться можно. К примеру, 2- Питер обычно приходит в класс СЛИШКОМ ПОЗДНО остальных одноклассников — неверно, верно — Питер обычно приходит в класс ПОЗДНЕЕ остальных одноклассников

  • Комментариев (0)

It’s a fine day, …? You are studying English, …? Ann has a new car, …? You were in England last year, …? He can speak English, …? You could understand me, …? They must do the work, …? You will write to me, …? He gives a lesson every day, …? You read modern writers, …? They gave her a clock, …? You went to the theatre, …? I wrote to you, …? He speaks English, …? She has done her homework, …? Hob must work harder, …? My friend plays football, …? Bob sang a song, …? She doesn’t like coffee, …? He enjoys reading, …? You can play the guitar, …? They travelled a lot last summer, …? Those women are doctors, …? We can have a party on Sunday, …? The children are not at home, …? Mrs Adams speaks German, …? Tom spent his holidays in France, …?

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «It’s a fine day, …? You are studying English, …? Ann has a new car, …? You were in England last year, …? He can speak English, …? …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » It’s a fine day, …? You are studying English, …? Ann has a new car, …? You were in England last year, …? He can speak English, …? You could understand me, …? They must do the work, …? You will write to me, …

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Кybako

  1. прочитайте текст еще раз и определите правильное или неправильное предложение

  2. Ответ

    Ответ дан


    ребят, делайте так. мне 5 поставили

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


Почему япония — лидер по выплавке стали?


Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


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    • Предмет:

      Английский язык

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      3 года назад

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  • Найдите количество натуральных чисел от 1 до 71, каждая из которых является взаимно простым с числом 71.​

  • Литература

    10 минут назад

    СДЕЛАЙТЕ ПЖ ДАЮ 50 БАЛЛОВ Как вы понимаете следующие высказывания? Сформулируйте и запишите свой ответ по поводу одного из высказываний, которое вам больше всего понравилось, в виде сочинения-рассуждения-миниатюры.– «Если человек не всегда владеет своими чувствами, то должен всегда владеть своими выражениями» (П. Буаст).– «Сила не нуждается в ругательствах» (Ф.М Достоевский).– «Во время гнева не должно ни говорить, ни действовать» (Пифагор).– «Из двух ссорящихся более виновен тот, кто умнее» (И. Гёте).– «Другим прощай многое, себе ничего» (Публилий Сир).– «Упрямство – вывеска дураков» (И.Б. Княжнин).


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.


How much to ban the user?

1 hour
1 day

1 Ответ


06 Июнь, 20


(64 баллов)


А1. 2

А2. 4

А3. 2

А4. 2

А5. 1) liberality

2) freedom

3) external

4) opportunity


1) The name and surname of the child cannot be changed without his consent.

2) A child can do light work for several hours a day if this does not harm his health and does not interfere with school attendance.

3) The child must receive preschool education

4)A child may, as an exception, go to school.

Progress Check I

Variant I

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

Young people are not (1)__________________ in politics nowadays and I don’t see any reason why they should. There are lots of other things that are really (2)_____________ an (3)__________________ for people of our age, such as sports, music and certainly (4)___________________. I don’t watch political programmes on TV as I don’t understand them anyway. (5)_______________ use a very difficult language, which I don’t always understand. I certainly watch news from time to time, but I don’t enjoy it very much. It’s all about military conflicts, antiglobalists’ protests and other (6)___________ things.







  1. Use the words in the appropriate form.

Mike became interested in politics when he was at school. When his schoolmates were partying or camping or just watching TV, he (1)_____________________ about different political systems and movements. It was a weird (причудливый) hobby for a teenager, but he obviously (2)_______________ it. When I entered his room for the very first time, my attention (3)___________________ to a little bookcase in the corner. The collection of books there was quite unusual – biographies of famous politicians, political reviews, textbooks on politics and international relations and no feature books at all! Mike proudly said that the unique collection (4)_____________________ in just two years. He also (5)________________ me several files with articles and printed internet materials that related to different political parties and political events.

     Now Mike works as a political analyst. He can easily forecast which party will win the elections, whether the unemployment rate will rise or fall, and whether our economy will grow whether we’ll have to survive through a recession period. His articles (6)________________________ in serious newspapers and now it’s me who (7)______________ his articles to make a collection.








It is something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

All people have the right to ____________________ of opportunity.

  1. equal
  2. equally
  3. equalize
  4. equality

Complete the sentence.

The problem of homeless people ______________________ tomorrow. We have done it today.

  1. must not be discuss
  2. must not discuss
  3. must not be discussed
  4. must be not discussed

Choose the appropriate word.

To my mind, the government ___________________ take care of old people.

  1. can
  2. must
  3. may
  4. could

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. liberal                  a) -nal
  2. free                       b) -ize
  3. exter                     c) -ty
  4. opportuni           d) –dom

Correct the mistakes.

You can say you are keen of studying laws indeed?


List of the rights of young people (at least 5).

Young people have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Progress Check I

Variant II

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

I’m convinced that we shouldn’t ignore politics. If young people are (1)_______________ to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are. I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of (2)___________________. Politics is a very (3)____________________ thing and its often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. I never support people who protest (4)__________________, no matter how good their (5)___________________ are. I think we should analyse (6)___________________ and think for ourselves.







  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

The number of people who travel for business and educational purposes has (1)________________ considerably over recent years. We move from city to city, from country to country looking for educational (2)________________, or better job. (3)____________________, those are not the only reasons for migration – often people have to leave their native land and flee from civil wars, terrorist attacks or poverty. They (4)_____________________ to other countries, sometimes, illegally, seeking (5)________________ and decent life. But in spite of their hopes and dreams the new reality can be quite tough. Most immigrants experience language problems. Even if they speak the language of the new country (6)__________________, their accent gives away their foreign background, and they may feel different and alienated from the others. They also leave behind friends and relatives, which (7)_____________________ to their loneliness and insecurity.


a) strengthened

b) increased

c) broadened

d) improved


a) needs


c) opportunities



a) However

b) And

c) Because

d) That’s why


a) tour

b) commute

c) travel

d) immigrate


a) safety

b) danger

c) health

d) advice


a) loudly

b) quietly

c) fluently

d) widely


a) increase

b) helps

c) contributes

d) lessen

It is  the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

The people in that village were more ___________________ inclined.

  1. liberal
  2. liberate
  3. liberally
  4. liberation

Complete the sentence.

I think people _______________ this problem.

  1. will be able solve
  2. will able to solve
  3. will be able of solve
  4. will be able to solve

Choose the appropriate word.

You ___________________ cross the street at the red light.

  1. can’t
  2. must
  3. mustn’t
  4. should

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. respons                  a) -sion
  2. necessi                   b) -ty
  3. permis                    c) -ful
  4. neglect                    d) -ible

Correct the mistakes.

When I must stopped using my aerosol spray?


List of the rights of children (at least 5).

Children have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





  • 0

Упражнение 3. Скажите, какие из следующих предложений составлены верно, исправьте ошибки. Say which of these sentences are right and correct the wrong ones.
1 I hope that next time you’ll speak to your uncle more politely. 2. Peter usually comes to his classes most late of his classmates.
3. Who can solve this problem most quickly?
4. This time he listened to his little sister patienter than usual.
5. Could you speak a little slower, please?
6. When I was a very young child I thought that to sing best meant to sing loudest.
7. I think that now I see the whole problem much more clearly.
8. Who lives more near to the school — you or your friend?
9. Alice goes to the theatre frequentest of us all.
10. Will you raise your hands a bit higher, please? I can’t see them. 11. In December it snows oftener than in November.
12. He knows three languages but he speaks English easiest.
13. Last night I slept peacefullier than before.
14, Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow?
15. This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0


2-most late заменить на latest


4-patienter заменить на more patiently




8-more near заменить на nearer

9-frequentest заменить на most frequent




13-peacefullier заменить на more peacefully

14-more early заменить на earlier

15-most fast заменить на fastest

Тут по смыслу догадаться можно. К примеру, 2- Питер обычно приходит в класс СЛИШКОМ ПОЗДНО остальных одноклассников — неверно, верно — Питер обычно приходит в класс ПОЗДНЕЕ остальных одноклассников

  • Комментариев (0)

Exercise 1

2. A competitive person always wants to win.

3. Spoilt children behave badly because they are given everything they want.

4. An aggressive person gets angry quickly and likes fighting and arguing.

5. Charming people have an attractive personality and make people like them.

6. A sensible person has common sense and is practical.

7. A sociable person is friendly and enjoys being with other people.

8. Anxious people are often worried or stressed.

9. A moody person is happy one minute and sad the next, and is often bad-tempered.

10. Independent people like doing things on their own, without help.

11. A bossy person likes giving orders to other people.

12. An affectionate person shows that they love or like people very much.

13. A jealous person thinks that someone loves another person more than them, or wants what other people have.

14. A sensitive person can be easily hurt or offended.

15. An ambitious person wants to be successful in life.

16. A reliable person is someone who you can trust or depend on.

17. A rebellious person doesn’t like obeying rules.

18. A stubborn person never changes his (or her) opinion or attitude about something.

Exercise 2

Clever – stupid

Generous – mean

Insecure – self-confident

Lazy – hard-working

Quiet – talkative

Shy – outgoing

Exercise 3


  • friendly (unfriendly)
  • honest (dishonest)
  • imaginative (unimaginative)
  • kind (unkind)
  • organised (unorganised)
  • reliable (unreliable)
  • selfish (unselfish)
  • sociable (unsociable)
  • tidy (untidy)


  • mature (immature)
  • patient (impatient)
  • responsible (irresponsible)
  • sensitive (insensitive)

  • You are not entitled to use the system horizon ошибка
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  • You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project ошибка
  • You are forbidden ошибка
  • You are empty ошибка protect dll