Zerodivisionerror float division by zero ошибка

Задача — построить график функции sin(2*3.14*i/50)/cos(2*3.14*i/50) на Python

while i<=50:
    while j<=50:
        y= math.ceil(((math.sin(2*3.14*i/50)/math.cos(2*3.14*i/50))-min)*50/(max-min))
        if y==50-j:
            print (' ')

При запуске выходит ошибка:

ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero.

Проверял — значения максимума и минимума присваиваются верно, значит беда во внутреннем цикле. Зафэйлил с пробелами, или же в Python так вообще делать нельзя?



import math



Значения max = 15.7029740933..., min = -16.53312943.... Отсчет i начинается с 1, изначально max = min, а затем присваиваем значения.

Вывел min и max перед ошибкой. Оба значения 0.126264… Хотя если убрать внутренний цикл — все нормально. По идее должно 50 раз вывести на экран значения max и min (15.703… и -16.533).

Nicolas Chabanovsky's user avatar

задан 25 окт 2015 в 16:19

Джордан's user avatar


Если min=max хотя бы на одной (первой) итерации цикла, то это достаточно чтобы ошибка деления на ноль (ZeroDivisionError) возникла, что прерывает нормальное исполнение кода.

Чтобы лучше понять что происходит, попробуйте выбросить весь код и оставьте только min:

min = 0
while True:
    1 / min # выбрасывается ошибка на первой итерации
    min += 1

В этом коде min=0 только на одной (первой) итерации цикла, но этого достаточно чтобы ошибка деления на ноль завершила программу (дальнейшие итерации не состоятся). Eсли min=1 в начале поставить вместо min=0, то это создаст бесконечный цикл с разными значениями min на каждой итерации.

ответ дан 26 окт 2015 в 12:59

jfs's user avatar


51.9k11 золотых знаков107 серебряных знаков309 бронзовых знаков

Для подобной задачи обычно используют такой подход:

  • Первым делом считаются точки по которым строится график (тут же можно посчитать максимум и минимум)
  • По точкам строим график

А для циклов в питоне лучше использовать for. Так код легче читается и в таком цикле сложнее сделать ошибку. while в питоне достаточно редкий гость.

Если сложить все вместе, то получится примерно такой код:

import math


for i in range(1,51):
    max_y = max(y, max_y) if max_y is not None else y
    min_y = min(y, max_y) if min_y is not None else y

spaces = ' '*50
for y in ys:
    i = math.ceil((max_y - y)*50/(max_y - min_y))
    print(spaces[:i] + '*' + spaces[i+1:])

ответ дан 2 ноя 2015 в 19:36

Александр Кораблев's user avatar

Если задача нарисовать звездочками график,
у меня получился такой код:

import math


while i<=50:

while j<=50:
    y= math.ceil(((math.sin(2*3.14*j/50)/math.cos(2*3.14*j/50))-min)*50/(max-min))

    for pr in range(int(y)):
        print (" ",end='');
    print ("*")

ответ дан 29 окт 2015 в 8:19

Vitaly  Lysanov's user avatar

If the number (positive or negative) is divided by zero in mathematics, the output will be undefined or of no value. Similarly, if the number (integer or float) is divided by zero in Python, the interpreter will throw a “ZeroDivisionError”. To resolve this error, various solutions are used in Python, such as the “if” statement and the “try-except” block.

This blog provides the reason for the error “float division by zero” with their solutions and examples. The following aspects are followed in this article:

  • Reason: Dividing Floating Point Number By “0”
  • Solution 1: Use if-Statement
  • Solution 2: Use try-except Block

So, let’s get started!

Reason: Dividing Floating Point Number By “0”

The prominent reason which causes this error in Python is when a user tries to divide the floating point number by “0” in a program. The error snippet is shown below:

The above snippet shows “ZeroDivisionError” because the floating point number is divided by “0”.

Solution 1: Use if-Statement

To resolve this error, you can use the “if” statement to check if the divisor is equal to “0” or not. Here is a code example:


first_number = 56.4
second_number = 0
if second_number!=0:
    output = first_number / second_number
    output = 0 

In the above code:

  • The  “if” statement is utilized to check whether the divisor or the number which we are dividing by is equal to zero or not.
  • If the number is not equal to zero, then the “if” block statement is executed and shows the division result.
  • The else block is executed when the divisor is equal to zero.

The above output shows the value “0” because the divisor number is equal to “0”.

Solution 2: Use try-except Block

Another solution to handle this particular error is using the “try-except” block in the program. Let’s understand this concept via the below-given Python program.


first_number = 56.4
second_number = 0
    output = first_number / second_number
except ZeroDivisionError:
    output = 0 

In the above code:

  • The “try” block executes when the divisor is not equal to zero.
  • If the dividing number/divisor is equal to zero, then the “except” block handles the “ZeroDivisionError” and assigns a “0” value to the output variable.

The output shows that the try-except block successfully resolves the stated error.

That’s it from this guide!


The “ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero” occurs when a user tries to divide a floating point number by the value “0” in Python. To resolve this error, you can use the “if-else” statement to check whether the input number is equal to zero or not before performing the calculation. The “try-except” block is also used to handle the “ZeroDivisionError” in Python programs. This blog explained how to resolve the “float division by zero” error in Python using appropriate examples.

When working with numbers in Python, you might encounter the following error:

ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

This error occurs when you attempt to divide a floating number with zero.

Python raises the ZeroDivisionError because dividing a number with a zero returns an infinite number, which is impossible to measure in a programming language.

This tutorial will show you an example that causes this error and how to fix it

How to reproduce this error

Suppose you have two number variables where one of them is a float and the other is zero.

When you divide the float by zero as follows:

You get this output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
    z = x / y
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

The error occurs because the y variable is zero, so the division yields an infinite number that can’t be counted.

How to fix this error

To resolve this error, you need to prevent a division by zero from happening in your code.

One way to do this is to use the if statement to check if the dividing number is zero. In this case, you have to check the value of the y variable:

x = 9.5
y = 0

if y == 0:
    print("Can't perform division: the y variable is 0")
    z = 0
    z = x / y

Or you can also use a one-line if statement as follows:

z = 0 if y == 0 else (x / y)

When the value of y is zero, then set the value of z as zero too. Otherwise, divide x by y and assign the result to z.

Other similar errors

Besides float division by zero, the ZeroDivisionError also has some alternatives:

  1. ZeroDivisionError: integer division by zero
  2. ZeroDivisionError: integer modulo by zero
  3. ZeroDivisionError: float modulo by zero

Although the error message is slightly different, all these variants are caused by the same problem: you tried to divide or modulo the number by zero.

Here are some examples:

x = 5 / 0  # integer division by zero

y = 5 % 0  # integer modulo by zero

z = 7.5 % 0  # float modulo by zero

The solution to these errors is the same, you need to prevent the numbers from being divided or reduced using a zero.

I hope this tutorial helps you solve the error. Cheers! 🙌

By Lenin Mishra

Jan 15, 2022

Handling Zero Division exceptions in Python

ZeroDivisionError Exception in Python

Zero Division error in Python

A ZeroDivisionError is raised when you try to divide by 0. This is part of the ArithmeticError Exception class.

Example 1


# integers
>>> ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

# floats
>>> ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

# complex numbers
>>> ZeroDivisionError: complex division by zero

Example 2 — decimal library

If you are working with a decimal library and you perform the division operation with a 0, you get a DivisionByZero error.

The DivisionByZero eexception is decimal libraries own exception type that derives from the ZeroDivisionError exception.


from decimal import Decimal

x = Decimal(1)


decimal.DivisionByZero: [<class 'decimal.DivisionByZero'>]

Handling ZeroDivisionError in Python

You can handle ZeroDivisionError errors by using the same exception class in your except block.


# integers
except ZeroDivisionError as e:

# floats
except ZeroDivisionError as e:

# complex numbers
except ZeroDivisionError as e:


division by zero
float division by zero
complex division by zero

Hierarchy of ZeroDivisionError

The ZeroDivisionError inherits from the ArithmeticError class, which in turn inherits from the generic Exception class.


So you can catch all ZeroDivisionError exceptions using the ArithmeticError exception class too.


# integers
except ArithmeticError as e:
    print(e, e.__class__)

# floats
except ArithmeticError as e:
    print(e, e.__class__)

# complex numbers
except ArithmeticError as e:
    print(e, e.__class__)


division by zero <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>
float division by zero <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>
complex division by zero <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>

Check out other Python Built-in Exception classes in Python.

In Python, a ZeroDivisionError is raised when a division or modulo operation is attempted with a denominator or divisor of 0.

What Causes ZeroDivisionError

A ZeroDivisionError occurs in Python when a number is attempted to be divided by zero. Since division by zero is not allowed in mathematics, attempting this in Python code raises a ZeroDivisionError.

Python ZeroDivisionError Example

Here’s an example of a Python ZeroDivisionError thrown due to division by zero:

a = 10
b = 0

In this example, a number a is attempted to be divided by another number b, whose value is zero, leading to a ZeroDivisionError:

File "", line 3, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

How to Fix ZeroDivisionError in Python

The ZeroDivisionError can be avoided using a conditional statement to check for a denominator or divisor of 0 before performing the operation.

The code in the earlier example can be updated to use an if statement to check if the denominator is 0:

a = 10
b = 0
if b == 0:
    print("Cannot divide by zero")

Running the above code produces the correct output as expected:

Cannot divide by zero

A try-except block can also be used to catch and handle this error if the value of the denominator is not known beforehand:

    a = 10
    b = 0
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero")

Surrounding the code in try-except blocks like the above allows the program to continue execution after the exception is encountered:

Error: Cannot divide by zero

Track, Analyze and Manage Errors With Rollbar

Managing errors and exceptions in your code is challenging. It can make deploying production code an unnerving experience. Being able to track, analyze, and manage errors in real-time can help you to proceed with more confidence. Rollbar automates error monitoring and triaging, making fixing Python errors easier than ever. Try it today!

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