Код ошибки 027 516



Не отправляет сканированные документы по эл.почте. Выкидывает в неисправностях ошибки 027-516, 027-529.


027-516. Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер SMB не найден.
Проверьте доступность сервера, на который сканируете с другого компьютера, проверьте адрес места назначения, логины и пароли, сетевые настройки аппарата.

Задайте свой вопрос

Чтобы задать вопрос, Вам необходимо авторизоваться

15 Устранение неисправностей 



Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так аппарату не удается распознать имя 
хоста или сервера SMB при обращении к DNS.
Проверьте соединение с сервером DNS. Проверьте, зарегистрировано ли 
имя сервера SMB на сервере DNS.


Отказ в доступе к серверу DNS при передаче данных по SMB с помощью 
режима сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер DNS указан неверно.
Исправьте адрес сервера DNS. Или задайте SMB-сервер назначения с 
помощью IP-адреса.


Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер SMB не найден.
Выполните одно из следующих действий, затем попробуйте еще раз.
• Убедитесь, что FTP-сервер назначения и аппарат правильно настроены 

для сетевой связи, проверив следующее:

— Проверьте, надежно ли подключены сетевые кабели.
— Проверьте настройки TCP/IP.
— Проверьте состояние связи для портов 137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) и 

139 (TCP).

• Убедитесь, что компьютер правильно выполняет функции сервера SMB, 

проверив следующее:

— Проверьте, включен ли режим совместного использования файлов для 

Microsoft Network.

— Проверьте, включен ли режим [NetBIOS через TCP/IP] для TCP/IP.
— Проверьте в настройках межсетевого экрана, разрешен ли режим 

совместного использования файлов (по состоянию связи через порты 
137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) и 139 (TCP)). 

• При связи за пределами подсвети проверьте настройки сервера WINS 

и убедитесь, что его адрес распознается правильно.

• Для Windows NT 4.0 Server/Workstation – проверьте, включен ли 

интерфейс устройств NetBIOS на SMB-сервере назначения, выполнив 
следующие действия:

1. Выберите [Пуск] > [Настройка] > [Панель управления].
2. Откройте [Службы] и выберите [Служба сообщений].
3. Выберите [Автозагрузка] > [Авто] > [OK], затем [Закрыть]. 
4. Выберите [Устройства] в разделе [Панель управления], затем 

[Интерфейс NetBIOS].

5. Выберите [Автозагрузка] > [Авто] или [Вручную] > [OK], затем 


6. Перезагрузите компьютер.


Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так как указан неверный пароль.
Если сервером является компьютер Macintosh, возможно, что указанный 
пользователь не зарегистрирован как пользователь, которому 
разрешается использовать Windows Sharing.
Проверьте пароль для общей папки.
Если сервером является компьютер Macintosh, укажите пользователя, 
которому разрешается использовать Windows Sharing.


Описание и меры по устранению

In SBM scan, there is a problem with the connection to the server.


Check that the destination SMB server and this machine are set up so that they can communi-

cate with each other on the network. For example, check the following:

Network Cable for connection

TCP/IP Setup

Communication through Port 137 (UDP), Port 138 (UDP) and Port 139 (TCP)

If any communication is conducted beyond subnet, check WINS Server settings and

check that any problem with server name address can be resolved properly

Check the following network settings to see if the computer operates as an SMB server.

Check that the file sharing service for Microsoft network is enabled.

Check that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled in the TCP/IP settings.

Check the file sharing service (communications through port 137 (UDP), port 138

(UDP), and port 139 (TCP)) is allowed in the firewall settings.

For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the WINS server settings and

check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.

Check whether the NetBIOS interface device at the transfer destination SMB server has

started (happens in Windows NT4.0 Server/Workstation).


Select the [Start] menu -> [Settings] to open [Control Panel].


Open [Services] and select the [Messenger] service.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto], [OK], and then [Close].


Open [Devices] in [Control Panel] and select the [NetBIOS Interface] device.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto] or [Manual], [OK], and then [Close].


Reboot the computer.

Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation

027-518 Login/Password Error RAP

A login name or password error in SMB scan.

The user could not be identified because the user name or password was wrong.

(MacOSX v10.2)

The user name specified has not been registered as a user that is allowed to use Share

Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)


Check the login name (user name) and password are correct.

Check the password set for the shared folder.

Contact the network administrator for the user name or password. (MacOS X v10.2)

Check for users that are allowed to use Share Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)

This is how to check for users:


From [Dock], start the [System Environment Settings] icon.


On the [System Environment Settings] window, click the [Account] icon.


Click the [To change, click the key] icon and log in.


Select the user and click the [Edit users] button.


Enter the password. After that, put a checkmark on [Permit the user to log in from Win-

dows] and then click the [OK] button.



BUS Updated 12/2011

Status Indicator RAPs

027-516, 027-518

  1. 02-05-2021


    Detonation is offline

    Senior Tech

    250+ Posts

    Rep Power

    Exclamation WorkCentre 7435 027-516 code after first scan succesful

    A customer of mine has a 7435. It scans via SMB to a NAS (Synology). The peculiar thing is, the first scan goes well and ends up in the shared folder. But any subsequent scan returns a 027-516 error. Only when the WorkCentre 7435 is rebooted, scanning works again — for just one scan!

    Has anyone had a similar problem? I have replaced the SBC and memory. Software version is 75.3.1

  2. 07-27-2021


    iqfrank is offline

    Junior Member

    Rep Power

    Re: WorkCentre 7435 027-516 code after first scan succesful

    I just started experiencing the exact same behavior from a Synology NAS but with a Sharp MX-5071. On the Sharp, the error shown is invalid authentication, check username and password. The scans worked for months before and no usernames or passwords were changed. Similar to your situation, powering the printer on/off allows a scan job to go through but authentication error returns for subsequent jobs. Finding this post makes me think the issue is with the NAS. Did you happen to find the cause of this issue?

  3. 07-28-2021


    Detonation is offline

    Senior Tech

    250+ Posts

    Rep Power

    Re: WorkCentre 7435 027-516 code after first scan succesful

    Somewhat relieved I’m not the only one with this problem, but unfortunately I was never able to solve this.

As part of a test for removing legacy protocols from the network I disabled NetBIOS over TCP/IP to see if any system would be adversely affected.

Disabled NetBIOS

After disabling NetBIOS for the server used by our Fuji-Xeros ApeosPort-II 4000 Photocopier, the Network Scanning feature was unable to upload the scanned file to the SMB server. Instead it would return a 027-516 error code.

To verify the problem I Enabled NetBIOS and it immediately started working again.

I contacted Fuji-Xerox to check if they had a fix for the problem. I was advised that this can only be changed in newer versions, ApeosPort >=3, and that is was considered a “Feature”. The only way for an AP-II device to work with a server with NetBIOS disabled is to use the FTP transmit method.

AP-III NetBIOS Setting

After checking on one of our ApeosPort-III C3300, I found the page mentioned that allows the setting to be changed.

It appears that the use of NetBIOS by the APII is hardcoded and although it has DNS settings set, they are ignored for server name resolution. Considering this Photocopier is still being produced and sold I find it interesting that it relies on outdated protocols like NetBIOS. (ApeosPort-II 3000, 4000, 5010, 6000, 7000 are the main black and white photocopiers available to DET NSW Schools)

About James Rudd

Network Administrator at Sydney Boys High School

15 Устранение неисправностей 



Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так аппарату не удается распознать имя 
хоста или сервера SMB при обращении к DNS.
Проверьте соединение с сервером DNS. Проверьте, зарегистрировано ли 
имя сервера SMB на сервере DNS.


Отказ в доступе к серверу DNS при передаче данных по SMB с помощью 
режима сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер DNS указан неверно.
Исправьте адрес сервера DNS. Или задайте SMB-сервер назначения с 
помощью IP-адреса.


Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер SMB не найден.
Выполните одно из следующих действий, затем попробуйте еще раз.
• Убедитесь, что FTP-сервер назначения и аппарат правильно настроены 

для сетевой связи, проверив следующее:

— Проверьте, надежно ли подключены сетевые кабели.
— Проверьте настройки TCP/IP.
— Проверьте состояние связи для портов 137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) и 

139 (TCP).

• Убедитесь, что компьютер правильно выполняет функции сервера SMB, 

проверив следующее:

— Проверьте, включен ли режим совместного использования файлов для 

Microsoft Network.

— Проверьте, включен ли режим [NetBIOS через TCP/IP] для TCP/IP.
— Проверьте в настройках межсетевого экрана, разрешен ли режим 

совместного использования файлов (по состоянию связи через порты 
137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) и 139 (TCP)). 

• При связи за пределами подсвети проверьте настройки сервера WINS 

и убедитесь, что его адрес распознается правильно.

• Для Windows NT 4.0 Server/Workstation – проверьте, включен ли 

интерфейс устройств NetBIOS на SMB-сервере назначения, выполнив 
следующие действия:

1. Выберите [Пуск] > [Настройка] > [Панель управления].
2. Откройте [Службы] и выберите [Служба сообщений].
3. Выберите [Автозагрузка] > [Авто] > [OK], затем [Закрыть]. 
4. Выберите [Устройства] в разделе [Панель управления], затем 

[Интерфейс NetBIOS].

5. Выберите [Автозагрузка] > [Авто] или [Вручную] > [OK], затем 


6. Перезагрузите компьютер.


Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так как указан неверный пароль.
Если сервером является компьютер Macintosh, возможно, что указанный 
пользователь не зарегистрирован как пользователь, которому 
разрешается использовать Windows Sharing.
Проверьте пароль для общей папки.
Если сервером является компьютер Macintosh, укажите пользователя, 
которому разрешается использовать Windows Sharing.


Описание и меры по устранению

In SBM scan, there is a problem with the connection to the server.


Check that the destination SMB server and this machine are set up so that they can communi-

cate with each other on the network. For example, check the following:

Network Cable for connection

TCP/IP Setup

Communication through Port 137 (UDP), Port 138 (UDP) and Port 139 (TCP)

If any communication is conducted beyond subnet, check WINS Server settings and

check that any problem with server name address can be resolved properly

Check the following network settings to see if the computer operates as an SMB server.

Check that the file sharing service for Microsoft network is enabled.

Check that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled in the TCP/IP settings.

Check the file sharing service (communications through port 137 (UDP), port 138

(UDP), and port 139 (TCP)) is allowed in the firewall settings.

For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the WINS server settings and

check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.

Check whether the NetBIOS interface device at the transfer destination SMB server has

started (happens in Windows NT4.0 Server/Workstation).


Select the [Start] menu -> [Settings] to open [Control Panel].


Open [Services] and select the [Messenger] service.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto], [OK], and then [Close].


Open [Devices] in [Control Panel] and select the [NetBIOS Interface] device.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto] or [Manual], [OK], and then [Close].


Reboot the computer.

Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation

027-518 Login/Password Error RAP

A login name or password error in SMB scan.

The user could not be identified because the user name or password was wrong.

(MacOSX v10.2)

The user name specified has not been registered as a user that is allowed to use Share

Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)


Check the login name (user name) and password are correct.

Check the password set for the shared folder.

Contact the network administrator for the user name or password. (MacOS X v10.2)

Check for users that are allowed to use Share Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)

This is how to check for users:


From [Dock], start the [System Environment Settings] icon.


On the [System Environment Settings] window, click the [Account] icon.


Click the [To change, click the key] icon and log in.


Select the user and click the [Edit users] button.


Enter the password. After that, put a checkmark on [Permit the user to log in from Win-

dows] and then click the [OK] button.



BUS Updated 12/2011

Status Indicator RAPs

027-516, 027-518

  1. 02-05-2021


    Detonation is offline

    Senior Tech

    250+ Posts

    Rep Power

    Exclamation WorkCentre 7435 027-516 code after first scan succesful

    A customer of mine has a 7435. It scans via SMB to a NAS (Synology). The peculiar thing is, the first scan goes well and ends up in the shared folder. But any subsequent scan returns a 027-516 error. Only when the WorkCentre 7435 is rebooted, scanning works again — for just one scan!

    Has anyone had a similar problem? I have replaced the SBC and memory. Software version is 75.3.1

  2. 07-27-2021


    iqfrank is offline

    Junior Member

    Rep Power

    Re: WorkCentre 7435 027-516 code after first scan succesful

    I just started experiencing the exact same behavior from a Synology NAS but with a Sharp MX-5071. On the Sharp, the error shown is invalid authentication, check username and password. The scans worked for months before and no usernames or passwords were changed. Similar to your situation, powering the printer on/off allows a scan job to go through but authentication error returns for subsequent jobs. Finding this post makes me think the issue is with the NAS. Did you happen to find the cause of this issue?

  3. 07-28-2021


    Detonation is offline

    Senior Tech

    250+ Posts

    Rep Power

    Re: WorkCentre 7435 027-516 code after first scan succesful

    Somewhat relieved I’m not the only one with this problem, but unfortunately I was never able to solve this.

In SBM scan, there is a problem with the connection to the server.


Check that the destination SMB server and this machine are set up so that they can communi-

cate with each other on the network. For example, check the following:

Network Cable for connection

TCP/IP Setup

Communication through Port 137 (UDP), Port 138 (UDP) and Port 139 (TCP)

If any communication is conducted beyond subnet, check WINS Server settings and

check that any problem with server name address can be resolved properly

Check the following network settings to see if the computer operates as an SMB server.

Check that the file sharing service for Microsoft network is enabled.

Check that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled in the TCP/IP settings.

Check the file sharing service (communications through port 137 (UDP), port 138

(UDP), and port 139 (TCP)) is allowed in the firewall settings.

For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the WINS server settings and

check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.

Check whether the NetBIOS interface device at the transfer destination SMB server has

started (happens in Windows NT4.0 Server/Workstation).


Select the [Start] menu -> [Settings] to open [Control Panel].


Open [Services] and select the [Messenger] service.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto], [OK], and then [Close].


Open [Devices] in [Control Panel] and select the [NetBIOS Interface] device.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto] or [Manual], [OK], and then [Close].


Reboot the computer.

Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation

027-518 Login/Password Error RAP

A login name or password error in SMB scan.

The user could not be identified because the user name or password was wrong.

(MacOSX v10.2)

The user name specified has not been registered as a user that is allowed to use Share

Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)


Check the login name (user name) and password are correct.

Check the password set for the shared folder.

Contact the network administrator for the user name or password. (MacOS X v10.2)

Check for users that are allowed to use Share Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)

This is how to check for users:


From [Dock], start the [System Environment Settings] icon.


On the [System Environment Settings] window, click the [Account] icon.


Click the [To change, click the key] icon and log in.


Select the user and click the [Edit users] button.


Enter the password. After that, put a checkmark on [Permit the user to log in from Win-

dows] and then click the [OK] button.



BUS Updated 12/2011

Status Indicator RAPs

027-516, 027-518

As part of a test for removing legacy protocols from the network I disabled NetBIOS over TCP/IP to see if any system would be adversely affected.

Disabled NetBIOS

After disabling NetBIOS for the server used by our Fuji-Xeros ApeosPort-II 4000 Photocopier, the Network Scanning feature was unable to upload the scanned file to the SMB server. Instead it would return a 027-516 error code.

To verify the problem I Enabled NetBIOS and it immediately started working again.

I contacted Fuji-Xerox to check if they had a fix for the problem. I was advised that this can only be changed in newer versions, ApeosPort >=3, and that is was considered a “Feature”. The only way for an AP-II device to work with a server with NetBIOS disabled is to use the FTP transmit method.

AP-III NetBIOS Setting

After checking on one of our ApeosPort-III C3300, I found the page mentioned that allows the setting to be changed.

It appears that the use of NetBIOS by the APII is hardcoded and although it has DNS settings set, they are ignored for server name resolution. Considering this Photocopier is still being produced and sold I find it interesting that it relies on outdated protocols like NetBIOS. (ApeosPort-II 3000, 4000, 5010, 6000, 7000 are the main black and white photocopiers available to DET NSW Schools)

About James Rudd

Network Administrator at Sydney Boys High School

15 Устранение неисправностей 



Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так аппарату не удается распознать имя 
хоста или сервера SMB при обращении к DNS.
Проверьте соединение с сервером DNS. Проверьте, зарегистрировано ли 
имя сервера SMB на сервере DNS.


Отказ в доступе к серверу DNS при передаче данных по SMB с помощью 
режима сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер DNS указан неверно.
Исправьте адрес сервера DNS. Или задайте SMB-сервер назначения с 
помощью IP-адреса.


Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так как сервер SMB не найден.
Выполните одно из следующих действий, затем попробуйте еще раз.
• Убедитесь, что FTP-сервер назначения и аппарат правильно настроены 

для сетевой связи, проверив следующее:

— Проверьте, надежно ли подключены сетевые кабели.
— Проверьте настройки TCP/IP.
— Проверьте состояние связи для портов 137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) и 

139 (TCP).

• Убедитесь, что компьютер правильно выполняет функции сервера SMB, 

проверив следующее:

— Проверьте, включен ли режим совместного использования файлов для 

Microsoft Network.

— Проверьте, включен ли режим [NetBIOS через TCP/IP] для TCP/IP.
— Проверьте в настройках межсетевого экрана, разрешен ли режим 

совместного использования файлов (по состоянию связи через порты 
137 (UDP), 138 (UDP) и 139 (TCP)). 

• При связи за пределами подсвети проверьте настройки сервера WINS 

и убедитесь, что его адрес распознается правильно.

• Для Windows NT 4.0 Server/Workstation – проверьте, включен ли 

интерфейс устройств NetBIOS на SMB-сервере назначения, выполнив 
следующие действия:

1. Выберите [Пуск] > [Настройка] > [Панель управления].
2. Откройте [Службы] и выберите [Служба сообщений].
3. Выберите [Автозагрузка] > [Авто] > [OK], затем [Закрыть]. 
4. Выберите [Устройства] в разделе [Панель управления], затем 

[Интерфейс NetBIOS].

5. Выберите [Автозагрузка] > [Авто] или [Вручную] > [OK], затем 


6. Перезагрузите компьютер.


Сбой передачи данных с аппарата по SMB с помощью режима 
сканирования на компьютер, так как указан неверный пароль.
Если сервером является компьютер Macintosh, возможно, что указанный 
пользователь не зарегистрирован как пользователь, которому 
разрешается использовать Windows Sharing.
Проверьте пароль для общей папки.
Если сервером является компьютер Macintosh, укажите пользователя, 
которому разрешается использовать Windows Sharing.


Описание и меры по устранению

In SBM scan, there is a problem with the connection to the server.


Check that the destination SMB server and this machine are set up so that they can communi-

cate with each other on the network. For example, check the following:

Network Cable for connection

TCP/IP Setup

Communication through Port 137 (UDP), Port 138 (UDP) and Port 139 (TCP)

If any communication is conducted beyond subnet, check WINS Server settings and

check that any problem with server name address can be resolved properly

Check the following network settings to see if the computer operates as an SMB server.

Check that the file sharing service for Microsoft network is enabled.

Check that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled in the TCP/IP settings.

Check the file sharing service (communications through port 137 (UDP), port 138

(UDP), and port 139 (TCP)) is allowed in the firewall settings.

For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the WINS server settings and

check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.

Check whether the NetBIOS interface device at the transfer destination SMB server has

started (happens in Windows NT4.0 Server/Workstation).


Select the [Start] menu -> [Settings] to open [Control Panel].


Open [Services] and select the [Messenger] service.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto], [OK], and then [Close].


Open [Devices] in [Control Panel] and select the [NetBIOS Interface] device.


Select the [Start Up], [Auto] or [Manual], [OK], and then [Close].


Reboot the computer.

Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation

027-518 Login/Password Error RAP

A login name or password error in SMB scan.

The user could not be identified because the user name or password was wrong.

(MacOSX v10.2)

The user name specified has not been registered as a user that is allowed to use Share

Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)


Check the login name (user name) and password are correct.

Check the password set for the shared folder.

Contact the network administrator for the user name or password. (MacOS X v10.2)

Check for users that are allowed to use Share Windows. (MacOS X v10.2)

This is how to check for users:


From [Dock], start the [System Environment Settings] icon.


On the [System Environment Settings] window, click the [Account] icon.


Click the [To change, click the key] icon and log in.


Select the user and click the [Edit users] button.


Enter the password. After that, put a checkmark on [Permit the user to log in from Win-

dows] and then click the [OK] button.



BUS Updated 12/2011

Status Indicator RAPs

027-516, 027-518

  • Код ошибки 027 452 на xerox
  • Код ошибки 0267 ваз
  • Код ошибки 02645 ауди q7
  • Код ошибки 024 965 xerox
  • Код ошибки 0204 калина