Коды ошибок hp latex

Картридж {цвет}: срок истек

Рекомендуется сменить картридж для чернил. См. раздел Извлечение картриджа с черниламиИзвлечение картриджа с чернилами.

{Цвет} картридж изменен

Рекомендуется сменить картридж для чернил. См. раздел Извлечение картриджа с черниламиИзвлечение картриджа с чернилами.

{Цвет} картридж: мало чернил

Будьте готовы к скорой замене картриджа с чернилами.

{Цвет} картридж отсутствует

Установите правильный картридж с чернилами. См. раздел Установка картриджа с черниламиУстановка картриджа с чернилами.

{Цвет} картридж содержит чернила стороннего производителя

Для оптимальной производительности рекомендуется установить оригинальный чернильный картридж HP.

{Цвет} картридж пустой

Замените картридж для чернил. См. раздел Извлечение картриджа с черниламиИзвлечение картриджа с чернилами.

{Цвет} ПГ отсутствует

Установите соответствующую печатающую головку. См. раздел Установка печатающей головкиУстановка печатающей головки.

Гарантия на {цвет} печатающую головку истекла

Гарантийный срок годности печатающей головки истек, исходя из длительности употребления, количества использованных чернил или использования в системе чернил сторонних производителей. См. документ посвященный ограниченной гарантии.

Ошибка обнаружения печатающей головки

Выньте печатающую головку, очистите электрические разъемы печатающей головки ото всех следов чернил (не пытайтесь очистить сопла) и повторно вставьте печатающую головку. См. раздел На внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головкиНа внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головки.

Проверка файловой системы

После незапланированного отключения питания принтер проверяет файловую систему, что занимает несколько минут.

Проверка принтера

После завершения задания принтер выполняет цикл проверок и охлаждения.

Очистка контейнера капельного детектора для сбора излишков чернил.

Рекомендуется очистить емкости для чернил. См. раздел Очистка емкостей для чернилОчистка емкостей для чернил.

Замятие чистящего рулона.

Откройте внутренний сервер печати и выберите меню «Система чернил», а затем Проверка чистящего рулона. Вытяните блок чистящего рулона печатающей головки, приподнимите колесики зажимов, руками промотайте рулон вперед, затем опустите колесики зажимов и вставьте блок обратно в принтер.

Калибровка цвета отменена из-за ошибок сканирования

Диаграмма калибровки цвета не может быть успешно отсканирована с текущим носителем для печати. См. раздел Сбой калибровки цветаСбой калибровки цвета.


Internal Print Server подключается к принтеру.

Подключение принтера, подождите

Internal Print Server запускает принтер.


Принтер выключен или не обнаружен.

Действия для обновления микропрограммного обеспечения

Выполняется обновление микропрограммного обеспечения.

Высыхание чернил

Принтер сушит последние проходы задания после печати.

Система подачи чернил не готова к печати

Подождите некоторое время. Если принтер не возобновил нормальную работу, перезапустите его.

Задание отменено: не хватает данных IPS

Если проблема не исчезла, проверьте конфигурацию компьютера Internal Print Server.

Ошибка кал. дат. с рас. чув. эл.: нос. печ. слишком маленький

Загрузите более крупный носитель для печати.

Мало чистящего рулона

Будьте готовы к скорой замене чистящего рулона печатающей головки.

Опустите рычаг

Опустите ручки регулировки давления носителя для печати.

Рекомендуется процедура обслуживания #N. Обратитесь в HP

Рекомендуется обратиться к представителю отдела обслуживания клиентов. См. раздел Центры служб HP Customer CareЦентры служб HP Customer Care.

Отсутствует загруженный носитель для печати

Загрузите носитель для печати.

Закройте датчик безопасности

Обнаружена открытая цепь безопасности. Ее необходимо закрыть для продолжения работы.

Нажмите кнопку перезагрузки

Нажмите мигающую синюю кнопку, чтобы завершить процедуру запуска принтера.

Отпустите кнопку экстренного останова

Нажата кнопка экстренного останова, отпустите ее для продолжения работы.

Подготовка к печати

Принтер выполняет проверки и разогрев перед печатью.

Принтер не может продолжать печать

Проверьте, работает ли трехфазный источник питания и находится ли температура окружающего воздуха в нормальном диапазоне. Данная проблема также может быть вызвана отверстиями в носителе, отражающими или прозрачными носителями или загрязнением или неисправностью датчика температуры.

Принтер не может охладиться

Если окружающая температура находится в нормальном диапазоне, эта проблема может быть вызвана слишком быстрым извлечением носителя после печати. Попробуйте не доставать носитель из принтера, пока температура не нормализуется после печати.

Принтер не может разогреться

Проверьте, работает ли трехфазный источник питания. Данная проблема также может быть вызвана отверстиями в носителе, отражающими или прозрачными носителями или загрязнением или неисправностью датчика температуры.

Не выровнены печатающие головки

Выровняйте печатающие головки. См. раздел Выравнивание печатающих головокВыравнивание печатающих головок.

Замена печ. головки не заверш.

Замена печатающей головки выполнена неудачно. См. раздел На внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головкиНа внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головки.


Принтер выполняет печать.

Устройство готово к работе

Принтер готов к приему и печати задания.

Извлеките {цвет} печатающую головку

Извлеките печатающую головку. См. раздел Извлечение печатающей головкиИзвлечение печатающей головки.

Замените {цвет} картридж

Замените картридж для чернил. См. раздел На внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация переустановить или заменить чернильный картриджНа внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация переустановить или заменить чернильный картридж.

Замените {цвет} ПГ

Замените печатающую головку. См. раздел На внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головкиНа внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головки.

Замените аэрозольный фильтр

Рекомендуется заменить оба аэрозольных фильтра. См. раздел Замена аэрозольных фильтровЗамена аэрозольных фильтров.

Переустановите {цвет} картридж

Переустановите картридж для чернил. См. раздел На внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация переустановить или заменить чернильный картриджНа внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация переустановить или заменить чернильный картридж.

Переустановите {цвет} ПГ

Переустановите печатающую головку. См. раздел На внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головкиНа внутреннем сервере печати отображается рекомендация о замене или переустановке печатающей головки.

Выберите имя носителя в IPS

Выберите имя загруженного носителя для печати в Internal Print Server.


Принтер обнаружен во время запуска.

Замятие носителя для печати: удалите носитель

См. раздел Носитель замялсяНоситель замялся.

Возможно, отсоединился носитель от заднего вала или обнаружено проскальзывание. Носитель для печати будет извлечен.

См. раздел Носитель не прикреплен к сердечнику или валуНоситель не прикреплен к сердечнику или валу.

Системная ошибка

В принтере возникла системная ошибка. В окна предупреждения должен быть показан числовой код системной ошибки.

Слишком мало чист. рулона

Будьте готовы к очень скорой замене чистящего рулона печатающей головки.

background image

Коды ошибок на передней панели

В некоторых случаях на передней панели отображается числовой код ошибки. Для устранения
ошибки следуйте инструкциям в столбце «Рекомендации». Если выполнение рекомендованных
действий не приводит к устранению неисправности, обратитесь к представителю отдела
обслуживания клиентов. См. раздел

Получение поддержки на стр. 40


Если на передней панели появляется сообщение об ошибке, отсутствующей в списке,
выключите и снова включите принтер. Если неполадку не удалось устранить, обратитесь к
представителю отдела обслуживания клиентов.

Код ошибки



Недостаточное напряжение питания.


Выключите принтер, а затем отсоедините оба шнура питания.


Проверьте шнуры питания на отсутствие видимых повреждений.


Убедитесь, что напряжение на входе удовлетворяет требованиям (180–264 В
переменного тока).


Подключите оба шнура питания и убедитесь, что они полностью вставлены.


Включите принтер.


Слишком высокое напряжение питания.


Выключите принтер, а затем отсоедините оба шнура питания.


Проверьте шнуры питания на отсутствие видимых повреждений.


Убедитесь, что напряжение на входе удовлетворяет требованиям (180–264 В
переменного тока).


Подключите оба шнура питания и убедитесь, что они полностью вставлены.


Включите принтер.


Нулевое напряжение.


Выключите принтер, а затем отсоедините оба шнура питания.


Проверьте шнуры питания на отсутствие видимых повреждений.


Убедитесь, что напряжение на входе удовлетворяет требованиям (180–264 В
переменного тока).


Подключите оба шнура питания и убедитесь, что они полностью вставлены.


Включите принтер.


Очень низкое напряжение.


Выключите принтер, а затем отсоедините оба шнура питания.


Проверьте шнуры питания на отсутствие видимых повреждений.


Убедитесь, что напряжение на входе удовлетворяет требованиям (180–264 В
переменного тока).


Подключите оба шнура питания и убедитесь, что они полностью вставлены.


Включите принтер.

180 Глава 10 Устранение других неполадок


HP Designjet service repair


  • PSU undervoltage
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • PSU overvoltage
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Zero voltage detected.
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Very low voltage
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Low voltage detected.
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Excessive voltage detected.
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Turn on the printer.


Curing power regulator overtemperature detected.

  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • The printer is unable to warm up within a preset time
  1. Turn off the printer and unplug both power cords.
  1. Check that the power cords are not visibly damaged.
  1. Ensure that the input voltage is within specifications (180–264 V AC).
  1. If the voltage is low, decreasing the curing temperature may help.
  1. Plug in both power cords and make sure they are fully
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • The printer is unable to cool down within a preset time limit.
  1. Check that all fans are working and unblocked when
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Excessive heat in the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Reduce the curing temperature and/or increase the number of passes.
  1. Check that all fans are unblocked


  • Insufficient heat in the printer. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).


  • :10 Curing temperature sensor measurement out of range (temperature sensor 1 failed or not connected).
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Curing temperature sensor measurement out of range (temperature sensor 2 failed or not connected).
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Curing temperature sensor measurement out of range (temperature sensor 3 failed or not connected).
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C).
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Curing temperature sensor measurement out of range (temperature sensor 4 failed or not connected).
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Check that the ambient temperature is within printer specifications (15–35°C) .
  1. Check that the electronic enclosures at the rear of the printer are properly ventilated.
  1. Turn on the printer.

16.84:03, 16.85:03                                 

  • Air curtain resistor out of range. Check that the air curtain fans (at the front of the curing module) are working and unblocked.


  • Unable to move the maintenance cartridge along its whole path.
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. While the printer is off, remove the printhead maintenance cartridge manually.
  1. Make sure that the printhead maintenance cartridge path is clear. Remove any visible obstacles (paper, plastic parts, and so on) restricting the movement.
  1. Reinstall the printhead maintenance cartridge.
  1. Turn on the printer.
  1. If the error persists, replace the maintenance cartridge.


  • Maintenance cartridge 
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Remove and reinsert the maintenance cartridge.
  1. Turn on the printer.
  1. If the error persists, replace the maintenance cartridge.


  • The part that advances the printhead maintenance cartridge web wipe is blocked.
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Remove and reinsert the maintenance cartridge.
  1. Turn on the printer.
  1. If the error persists, replace the maintenance cartridge.

25.n:10 (where n = the ink cartridge number)

  • A possible error in the ink cartridge pressure sensor has been detected. The ink level reported not be accurate. Call your service representative if feasible.


  • Several blocked nozzles have been detected in the optimizer printhead. If print quality is not acceptable, clean or replace the printhead.


  • (where n = the A large number of blocked nozzles have been detected in one or more printheads. Calibration printhead slot number) have failed due to low printhead performance. Clean all the printheads and check their status.


  • The maintenance cartridge (part number CZ681A) is almost full. It will need to be replaced so


  • The maintenance cartridge is not inserted correctly.
  1. Open the maintenance cartridge door on the right of the printer.
  1. Make sure that the maintenance cartridge is correctly seated, then close the
  1. If the error persists, replace the maintenance cartridge.


  • Unable to track the maintenance cartridge status. Check, visually, that the maintenance cartrid has a correct status pattern on it.


  • Unable to advance the printhead cleaning roll. Replace the maintenance


  • The take-up reel is disconnected. If you want to use the take-up reel, turn off the printer and en that all take-up reel cables are connected (sensor cables, printer cable). If you do not want to u you may need to unload the substrate manually from the take-up reel. Remember to cut the substrate first.

32:01.1, 32:01.2                                     

  • This error occurs when the tension bar stays in one of its sensor trigger positions for more tha seconds. The most likely causes of this error are as follows:
  • The winding-direction switch on the take-up reel motor is activated, but substrate has n been taped to the take-up reel yet.
  • The wrong take-up reel winding direction has been
  • Something is blocking the movement of the tension
  • The substrate is not following the correct path between the tension bar and the


  • This error occurs during printer initialization, to warn you that the take-up reel has been disconnected while the printer was turned off. It also occurs if you try to enable the take-up re but it is not connected to the printer. Connect the take-up reel to the printer and press OK to continue.


  • Electrical current limit in paper motor.
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Open the window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the advance of the substra If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside the substrate path, lift the substrate pinch lev and clear the obstruction. Carefully remove as much as possible of the jammed substrate fr the top of the printer. Cut the substrate.

CAUTION:     Try to avoid pulling the substrate out from the input path, because this rev the normal direction of movement, and could damage printer parts.

  1. Turn on the printer.


  • Scan-axis motor electrical current limit.
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Open the window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the advance of the substra If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside the substrate path, lift the substrate pinch lev and clear the obstruction. Carefully remove as much as possible of the jammed substrate fr the top of the printer. Cut the substrate if.
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • An input/output problem has occurred in the network card.
  1. Make sure that the network cable is correctly connected to the network
  1. Check that your printer firmware is up to date. 


  • The job is reaching the printer too slowly. The printer cancels the job if there are long pauses of more than 20 s.
  1. Make sure that a 1 Gigabit Ethernet card is correctly installed in the computer with the RIP
  1. Check the RIP for any error messages. Check that the computer with the RIP is working correctly and has the minimum specification required by the RIP. Check that the hard disk neither full nor excessively fragmented.
  1. Check whether the option RIP while printing is enabled. This option can cause slow print the computer is not sufficiently
  1. Try reducing the resolution of the job or increasing the number of passes.
  1. Check that all the components of your LAN are operating at Gigabit


There has been a loss of permanent data, such as configuration or accounting data. This can happe after a firmware update with a data structure not compatible with the older version.


  • An error occurred when uploading the firmware update file.
  1. Turn off the printer by using the Power key on the front panel and the power sw of the printer. Disconnect the power cord, then reconnect the power cord and turn on the
  1. Try again to upload the firmware update file to the 


  • Borderless printing is not possible. If you have a 360 printer, install the ink collector.         .


  • The printer has no substrate preset for this substrate. Follow the firmware update procedure to update the printer with the latest substrate                                                                      


  • The back tension is lost. This could be due to a loose roll core or an imminent end of roll. If these not the causes, try unloading and reloading the


  • Printing with the ink collector is not available in this print mode.

Generic firmware error. Update the printer’s firmware.                                                      

81:01, 81.1:01, 81:03                              

  • It was impossible to stop the servo correctly before setting the encoder position.
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Open the window, observing all safety procedures, and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the drive roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate insi substrate path, lift the pinchwheels (using the substrate lever) and clear the obstruction. also  
  1. Turn on the printer.

86:01, 86.2:01                                        

  • There is a problem in the carriage assembly.
  1. Turn off the printer.
  1. Open the window, observing all safety procedures, and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the carriage. If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside substrate path, lift the pinchwheels (using the substrate lever) and clear the obstruction. 
  1. Turn on the printer.


  • The scan-axis encoder strip is detecting errors in the carriage position. Clean the encoder strip Clean the encoder strip on page 145 .

89:11, 89.1:10, 89.2:10                            

  • The interior-light PCA may be failing or disconnected. The printer will continue operating no with only this functionality affected.


  • Color cannot be calibrated on this substrate. White substrate measurement is out of range.


  • Inconsistent colors found.
  1. Check that the substrate-type selection in the front panel corrresponds to an actual subs
  1. Retry calibration.


  • Color calibration failed. Try again                                                           .


  • One or more printheads are malfunctioning. Use the printhead status plot to find out which printheads are malfunctioning, and replace them. See

Compatible Printer model: HP Latex 300
– HP Latex 300 Error Codes with instructions guide:
HP Latex 300

  • Code: 01.0:10
  • Description: Engine PCA electronics error. The main Engine PCA component is not responding
  • Causes: Engine PCA damaged or wrongly connected. Connector on the formatter damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Replace the engine PCA board (95% probabilities). See Engine PCA. 2. If the problem persist, replace the formatter PCA board (very low probability). See Formatter PCA.
  • Code: 01.12:10
  • Description: Curing Control PCA failure
  • Causes: Curing Control to Printmech PCA Cable Curing Control PCA Printmech PCA .
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Curing Control to Printmech PCA Cable. 2. Replace Curing Control PCA. 3. Replace Printmech PCA (very low probability). See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 01.13:10
  • Description: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA failure
  • Causes: Printmech to Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA Cable.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Printmech to Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA Cable. 2. Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA. 3. Replace Printmech PCA (very low probability). See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 01.1:10
  • Description: Printmech electronics error
  • Causes: Printmech PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Printmech to Formater PCA Cables. 2. Replace the Printmech PCA. See PrintMech PCA. 3. Replace the Formatter PCA board (very low probability). See Formatter PCA.
  • Code: 01.2:10
  • Description: ISS1 PCA problem
  • Causes: Printmech to ISS1 PCA cable Main PSU to Printmech PCA cable ISS PCA Printmech PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Remove/Replace Ink Cartridges. 2. Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Printmech to ISS1 PCA cable. 2. Reseat/Replace Main PSU to Printmech cable. 3. Replace ISS PCA. See Ink supply station PCAs. 4. Replace PrintMech PCA.. See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 01.3:10
  • Description: IISS2 PCA problem
  • Causes: ISS1 to ISS2 Cable ISS PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Remove/Replace Ink Cartridges. 2. Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace ISS1 to ISS2 PCA cable. 2. Replace ISS PCA. See Ink supply station PCAs
  • Code: 02.1:10
  • Description: Carriage PCA electronics error. The main components in the carriage PCA are not responding
  • Causes: Carriage PCA damaged. Power not reaching the carriage PCA. Tariling cable (data) damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Change the Carriage PCA (80% probability). We recommend to change ONLY this part on the 1st visit, and if it doesn’t work follow the troubleshooting below. See Carriage PCA. 2. If the issue is not fixed: 2.1. Check that the trailing cable is well connected and not damaged. 2.2. If the power LED (add picture) is ON, the power is reaching the carriage PCA –> the power trailing cable is OK. 2.1.1. Change the Engine PCA. See Engine PCA. 2.1.2. If the Engine PCA does not fix the issue, change the trailing cable. 2.3. If the power LED is OFF, the power is not reaching the carriage: 2.3.1. Check that the POWER trailing cable is not damaged and is well connected to the Carriage and the Interconnect PCA. 2.3.2. Disconnect the trailing cable from the Interconnect PCA and check with a multimeter at the interconnect PCA that there is power in the connector. If there is power at the interconnect PCA connector, then, change the trailing cable. If there is no power at the interconnect PCA connector, then, change the interconnect PCA. See Interconnect PCA.
  • Code: 03.10
  • Description: Power Supply error. A problem has been detected in the Power Supply
  • Causes: Power supply damaged. The 24/42V tensions are switched off. The ‘digital rails’ fan has stopped. The ‘analog rails’ fan has stopped. The voltage supplied to the carriage is out of specs. Problems with 5V line. Problems with 12V lin.e Problems with 42V line.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Restart the printer. 2. Check the power supply LEDs status. If the blue LED is on (Digital rails OK but Analog rails not OK). Service engineer: 1. If the Power Supply Unit’s blue LED is on, replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA. 2. Otherwise, replace the Power Supply Unit. See Power Supply Unit (PSU).
  • Code: 03.20:01
  • Description: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA with no voltage detected
  • Causes: Main PSU to Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Main PSU to Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA Cable. 2. Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA. 3. Replace Main PSU (very low probability).
  • Code: 03.21:01
  • Description: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA undervoltage detected
  • Causes: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA undervoltage.
  • Remedy: • Reseat both Power Cords and ensure that input voltage is within specifications (180-264Vac).
  • Code: 03.22:01
  • Description: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA overvoltage detected
  • Causes: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA overvoltage.
  • Remedy: • Reseat both Power Cords and ensure that input voltage is within specifications (180-264Vac).
  • Code: 05.1:10
  • Description: CPU fan stopped or burnt
  • Causes: CPU fan is stopped or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: • Replace Formatter. See Formatter PCA.
  • Code: 05.5:10
  • Description: BIOS should be updated (advisory)
  • Causes: HDD replacement with FW requiring newer Formatter BIOS.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Perform a Formatter BIOS update via the diagnostics menu.
  • Code: 06:03
  • Description: NVM file has bad CRC
  • Causes: NVM file has bad CRC.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. 2. Use the Hard disk recovery in Diagnostic test. 3. Replace the Hard Disk Drive.
  • Code: 06:10
  • Description: Main NVM failure: not detected, read/write failed or readback error
  • Causes: Main NVM not detected, read/write failed or readback error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. 2. Use the Hard disk recovery in Diagnostic test. 3. Replace the Hard Disk Drive.
  • Code: 08.04:1
  • Description: ASERT in front panel code
  • Causes: It appears when there is a firmware error and front panel is not able to communicate with the rest of the printer.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Press Enter and continue. 2. Update the firmware.
  • Code: 08.08
  • Description: Application crash in the front panel side
  • Causes: Application crash in the front panel side.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Press Enter and continue. Try the last operation again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. 3. Update the firmware.
  • Code: 08.10
  • Description: Front Panel not connected or damaged. It appears when the there is a communication error with the device. It might be a hardware error or front panel unplugged
  • Causes: Front Panel not connected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Ensure the front panel is properly connected. 2. Ensure the front panel cable is properly fitted in the Formatter. 3. Replace the Formatter. See Formatter PCA. 4. Replace the front panel. See Front panel.
  • Code: 11.10
  • Description: Trailing Cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: Trailing cable not correctly connected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Trailing Cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the Trailing Cable is correctly connected to the Carriage PCA, Interconnect PCA, and Engine PCA. 3. Replace the Trailing Cable.
  • Code: 12.10:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal4 24V failure. Check Inner lights array 2
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Inner lights array 2 has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Inner lights array 2. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.11:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Interconnect failure. Check TUR, Right aerosol fan and Primer valves
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Interconnect PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Interconnect cable. 2. Check TUR, Right aerosol fan and Primer valves. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.12:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V Misc failure. Check Air pumps and Primer valves switch
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Air Pumps and Interconnect PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Air Pumps cable ,and to the primer valves switch. 2. Check the Air Pumps. 3. Check Primer valves switch. 4. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.13:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Printzone fans failure
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Printzone fans has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Printzone fans cable. 2. Check the Printzone fans. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.14:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Vacuum fans failure
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Vacuum fans has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Vacuum fans cable. 2. Check the Vacuum fans. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.

HP Latex 300 fix error codes list

  • Code: 12.15:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Paper motor failure
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Paper motor has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to paper motor cable. 2. Check the paper motor. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.16:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Rewinder failure
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Rewinder has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Rewinder cable. 2. Check the Rewinder. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.17:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Scan motor failure
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Scan motor has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Scan motor cable. 2. Check the Scan motor. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.18:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to SOL slit solenoid failure
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to SOL slit solenoid has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to SOL slit solenoid cable. 2. Check the slit solenoid. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.19:10
  • Description: Printmech: 5V line failure
  • Causes: The 5V cable from Printmech to PSU has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged PSU is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer.
  • Code: 12.1:10
  • Description: The 12V provided from Printmech to Curing module PCA are out of range (10,8V to 13,2V)
  • Causes: One or more of the components powered by the 12V at the Curing Control PCA are causing a short circuit. The 12V cable from Printmech to the Curing Control PCA has a problem.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech cable to the Curing module PCA. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.20:10
  • Description: Printmech: 12V to Curing module PCA open circuit
  • Causes: The 12V cable from Printmech to Curing Control PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check cable the Printmech to Curing module cable. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.21:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Curing module PCA open circuit
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Curing Control PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Curing module PCA cable. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.22:10
  • Description: Printmech: 12V to Vapor Removal PCA open circuit
  • Causes: The 12V cable from Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA cable. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.23:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Vapor Removal PCA open circuit
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA cable. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.24:10
  • Description: Printmech: 12V to ISS, DD, 42Vdc motor drivers, Top cover fans and PZ fans open circuit
  • Causes: The 12V cable from Printmech to ISS, Interconnect and PZ fans has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to ISS, Interconnect, and PZ fans cables. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.25:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Carriage PCA open circuit
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Carriage PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Carriage PCA cable. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.26:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal1 24V open circuit. Check APS relief valve, SVS motor and Rack engage motor
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Interconnect has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the APS relief valve, SVS motor and Rack engage motor. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.27:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal2 24V open circuit. Check Spit-on roller motor and Primer motor
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Interconnect has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Spit-on roller motor and Primer motor. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.28:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal3 24V open circuit. Check Inner lights array 1
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Inner lights array 1 has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Inner lights array 1. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.29:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal4 24V open circuit. Check Inner lights array 2
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Inner lights array 2 has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Inner lights array 2. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.2:10
  • Description: Printmech 24V_BULLI_1 to Curing module PCA out of range
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Curing Control PCA has a problem. Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech cable to the Curing module PCA. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.30:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Interconnect open circuit. Check TUR, Right aerosol fan and Primer valves
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Interconnect PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Interconnect cable. 2. Check the TUR, Right aerosol fan, and Primer valves. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.

Solved HP Latex 300 Error codes

  • Code: 12.31:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V Misc open circuit. Check Air pumps and Primer valves switch
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Air Pumps and Interconnect PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Air Pumps and to primer valves switch cable. 2. Check the Air Pumps. 3. Check the Primer valves switch. 4. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.32:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Printzone fans open circuit
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Printzone fans has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Printzone fans cable. 2. Check the Printzone fans. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.33:10
  • Description: Printmech: 24V to Vacuum fans open circuit
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Vacuum fans has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Vacuum fans cable. 2. Check the Vacuum fans. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.34:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Paper motor open circuit
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Paper motor has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Paper motor cable. 2. Check the paper motor. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.35:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Rewinder open circuit
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Rewinder has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Rewinder cable. 2. Check the Rewinder. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.36:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Scan motor open circuit
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Scan motor has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to Scan motor cable. 2. Check the Scan motor. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.37:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to SOL slit solenoid open circuit
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to SOL slit solenoid has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech to SOL slit solenoid cable. 2. Check the slit solenoid. 3. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.38:10
  • Description: Printmech: 5V line open circuit
  • Causes: The 5V cable from Printmech to PSU has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged PSU is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that DS7 Printmech LED is turned on. If it is not the case, replace the Printmech PCA. 2. If the problem persist, replace the PSU.
  • Code: 12.3:10
  • Description: Printmech 12V_BULLI_2 to Vapor Removal PCA out of range
  • Causes: The 12V cable from Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check cable Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA . 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.4:10
  • Description: Printmech 24V_BULLI_1 to Vapor Removal PCA out of range
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Vapor Removal PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech cable to Vapor Removal PCA. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.5:10
  • Description: Printmech: 12V to ISS, DD, 42Vdc motor drivers, Top cover fans and PZ fans failure
  • Causes: The 12V cable from Printmech to ISS, Interconnect and PZ fans has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech cables to the ISS, Interconnect and PZ fans. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.6:10
  • Description: Printmech: 42V to Carriage PCA failure
  • Causes: The 42V cable from Printmech to Carriage PCA has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech cable to Carriage PCA. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.7:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal1 24V failure. Check APS relief valve, SVS motor and Rack engage motor
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Interconnect has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the APS relief valve, SVS motor and Rack engage motor. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.8:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal2 24V failure. Check Spit-on roller motor and Primer motor
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Interconnect has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Spit-on roller motor and Primer motor. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 12.9:10
  • Description: Printmech: Hannibal3 24V failure. Check Inner lights array 1
  • Causes: The 24V cable from Printmech to Inner lights array 1 has a problem Printmech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Inner lights array 1. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 13.3:10
  • Description: Printmech 12V_BULLI_2 to Vapor Removal PCA out of range
  • Causes: The Printmech 12V_BULLI_2 to Vapor Removal PCA is out of range.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Printmech cable to Vapor Removal PCA. 2. Check the Printmech PCA.
  • Code: 14.73:01
  • Description: Curing power regulator V lower than 60: V lower than 60
  • Causes: Heater Control AC Input (RCCB, AC Voltage Outlet, AC Power Cord) Heater Control.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Check that both Residual Circuit Breakers (RCCBs) are Powered and ON. 2. Check/Reseat both Power Cords. Service engineer: 1. Check AC Voltage at customer’s site (180-264Vac). 2. Reseat/Replace cables to Heater Control’s AC input. 3. Replace the Heater Control.
  • Code: 14.74:01
  • Description: Curing power regulator V lower than 140
  • Causes: V lower than 140
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Check the input voltage.
  • Code: 14.75:01
  • Description: Curing power regulator V bigger than Vmax
  • Causes: V bigger than Vmax
  • Remedy: 1. Check the input voltage. 2. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’.
  • Code: 14.76:11
  • Description: Curing power regulator V could not be read
  • Causes: Curing Control PCA Cable to Heater Control.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Reseat/Replace Curing Control PCA Cable to Heater Control.
  • Code: 14.77:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator control signal failure
  • Causes: Control signal failure
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the Control PCA to Heater Control and Control PCA cables.
  • Code: 14.80:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator current not null
  • Causes: Heater Control.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Replace the Heater Control.
  • Code: 14.81:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator current too high
  • Causes: Heaters, Heater Control.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Check heaters with a tester and replace heaters if necessary (shortcut). 3. Replace the Heater Control.
  • Code: 14.82:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator shortcut
  • Causes: Heaters, Heater Control.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Check heaters with a tester and replace heaters if necessary (shortcut). 3. Replace the Heater Control.
  • Code: 14.83:11
  • Description: Curing power regulator open circuit
  • Causes: Heater Control to Curing Power Interconnect PCA Cable. Curing Power Interconnect PCA Curing Cable. Curing Resistor.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Reseat/Replace the Heater Control to Curing Power Interconnect PCA Cables. 3. Reseat/Replace Curing Power Interconnect PCA Curing Cable. 4. Reseat/Replace all Curing Resistors connectors.
  • Code: 14.87:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator OverTemp
  • Causes: Power regulator OverTemp.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. If the SE appears frequently, replace the Heater Control.
  • Code: 14.88:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator overvoltage or shortcut
  • Causes: Regulator overvoltage or shortcut.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Check resistor module values, If they are ok, check installation.
  • Code: 14.89:10
  • Description: Curing power regulator relay damaged
  • Causes: Heater Control.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Replace de Heater Control.
  • Code: 15.20:10
  • Description: Cable or Resistor shortcircuit from any PZ or vapor resistor
  • Causes: Shortcircuit from Any PZ or vapor resistor.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check the PZ resistors, the Vapor resistors, or cable shortcircuits. Replace the affected part.
  • Code: 15.31:10
  • Description: PZ resistor 1: Cable or resistor shortcircuit
  • Causes: Cable or resistor shortcircuit.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check the PZ resistor 1 or cable shortcircuit.
  • Code: 15.32:10
  • Description: PZ resistor 2: Cable or resistor shortcircuit
  • Causes: Cable or resistor shortcircuit.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check the PZ resistor 2 or cable shortcircuit.
  • Code: 15.33:10
  • Description: PZ resistor 3: Cable or resistor shortcircuit
  • Causes: Cable or resistor shortcircuit.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check the PZ resistor 3 or cable shortcircuit.
  • Code: 15.41:11
  • Description: PZ resistor 1: Not connected
  • Causes: PZ Heaters Cable PZ Resistor 1 Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA.
  • Remedy: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA to PZ Heaters cable. 2. Reseat/Replace PZ Resistor 1.
  • Code: 15.42:11
  • Description: PZ resistor 2: Not connected
  • Causes: PZ resistor 2 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Check that PZ 2 resistor is properly connected. If it is, then replace PZ 2 resistor.
  • Code: 15.43:11
  • Description: PZ resistor 3: Not connected
  • Causes: PZ resistor 3 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Check that PZ 3 resistor is properly connected. If it is, then replace PZ 3 resistor.
  • Code: 15.51:03
  • Description: PZ resistor 1: Out of range
  • Causes: Resistor out of range.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Measure the PZ 1 resistance. Replace in case of resistance out of range.
  • Code: 15.52:03
  • Description: PZ resistor 2: Out of range
  • Causes: Resistor out of range.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Measure the PZ 2 resistance. Replace in case of resistance out of range.
  • Code: 15.53:03
  • Description: PZ resistor 3: Out of range
  • Causes: Resistor out of range.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Measure the PZ 3 resistance. Replace in case of resistance out of range.
  • Code: 15.60:10
  • Description: PZ fan fault or not connected
  • Causes: Fan fault or not connected
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check that the PZ fans are properly connected. If they are, then replace them.
  • Code: 15.61:10
  • Description: PZ fan 1 fault or not connected
  • Causes: PZ fan 1 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Check that PZ 1 fan is properly connected. If it is, then replace PZ 1 fan.
  • Code: 15.62:10
  • Description: PZ fan 2 fault or not connected
  • Causes: PZ fan 2 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Check that PZ 2 fan is properly connected. If it is, then replace PZ 2 fan.
  • Code: 15.63:10
  • Description: PZ fan 3 fault or not connected
  • Causes: PZ fan 3 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check that PZ 3 fan is properly connected. If it is, then replace PZ 3 fan.
  • Code: 15.69:10
  • Description: More than 1 PZ fan fault or not connected
  • Causes: PZ Heaters Fan Cable PZ Resistor Fan 1 Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA to PZ Heaters Fan cable. 2. Reseat/Replace PZ Resistor Fan 1.
  • Code: 15.71:10
  • Description: PZ fan 1: fan or cable damaged
  • Causes: Fan or cable damaged.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the PZ fan 1.
  • Code: 15.72:10
  • Description: PZ fan 2: fan or cable damaged
  • Causes: Fan or cable damaged.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the PZ fan 2.
  • Code: 15.73:10
  • Description: PZ fan 3: fan or cable damaged
  • Causes: Fan or cable damaged.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the PZ fan 3.
  • Code: 15.79:10
  • Description: More than 1 PZ fan or cable damaged
  • Causes: More than 1 PZ fan or cable damaged.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the PZ fans.
  • Code: 16.01:00
  • Description: Curing System unable to warm up in the pre-defined amount of time
  • Causes: Ambient temperature below 15oC. Low AC Voltage. Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ). Curing Resistors. Curing Temperature Sensor. Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Remedy: 1. Check if the environmental ambient temperature is low. Check the surrounding temperature is within the printer’s operating specifications; it should be higher than 15C for printer operation. If this is the case, increase the ambient temperature of the printer’s location. 2. Check if the input voltage is outside the range of specifications for printing, see the Site Preparation Guide. 3. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 4. Check all Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), all spinning and no obstruction. 5. Reseat/Replace Curing Resistors. 6. Reseat/Replace Curing Temperature Sensors. 7. Reseat/Replace Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Code: 16.02:00
  • Description: Curing system: cool down timeout
  • Causes: Ambient temperature above 30C Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ).
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. The environmental ambient temperature is too hot or is outside the operational specification of the printer. Make sure there are no external sources of heat, such as strong lights, direct sunlight, heaters etc. 2. Check all Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), are rotating, and unobstructed.
  • Code: 16.03:00
  • Description: Curing system: high temperature error
  • Causes: Ambient temperature above 30oC, Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), Curing Resistors, Curing Temperature Sensor, Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Remedy: 1. The environmental ambient temperature is too hot or is outside the operational specification of the printer. Make sure there are no external sources of heat, such as strong lights, direct sunlight, heaters etc. 2. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor”. 3. Check all Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), are rotating, and unobstructed. 4. Reseat/Replace Curing Resistors. 5. Reseat/Replace Curing Temperature Sensors. 6. Reseat/Replace Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Code: 16.04:00
  • Description: Curing system: low temperature error
  • Causes: Ambient temperature below 15oC, Low AC Voltage Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), Curing Resistors, Curing Temperature Sensor, Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Remedy: 1. Check if the environmental ambient temperature is low. Check the surrounding temperature is within the printer’s operating specifications; it should be higher than 15C for printer operation. If this is the case, increase the ambient temperature of the printer’s location. 2. Check the input voltage is outside the range of specifications for printing, see the Site Preparation Guide. 3. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor. 4. Check all Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), are rotating, and unobstructed. 5. Reseat/Replace Curing Resistors. 6. Reseat/Replace Curing Temperature Sensors. 7. Reseat/Replace Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Code: 16.05:00
  • Description: Curing system: temperature sensor error
  • Causes: Curing Control PCA Temperature Sensors Cable Temp. Sensors.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor’. 2. Reseat/replace Curing Control PCA Temperature Sensors Cable. 3. Reseat/replace Temp. Sensors.
  • Code: 16.07:03
  • Description: Curing system: warm up timeout (uniformity)
  • Causes: Ambient temperature below 15oC, Low AC Voltage Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), Curing Resistors, Curing Temperature Sensor, Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Remedy: 1. Check if the environmental ambient temperature is low. Check the surrounding temperature is within the printer’s operating specifications; it should be higher than 15C for printer operation. If this is the case, increase the ambient temperature of the printer’s location. 2. Check the input voltage is outside the range of specifications for printing, see the Site Preparation Guide. 3. Run Service ‘Curing system monitor. 4. Check all Fans (Curing, Air Curtain, PZ), are rotating, and unobstructed. 5. Reseat/Replace Curing Resistors. 6. Reseat/Replace Curing Temperature Sensors. 7. Reseat/Replace Curing Pressure Sensor.
  • Code: 16.11:10
  • Description: Curing System: Temperature sensor 1 failure or not connected
  • Causes: Curing Control PCA Sensors cable Temp. sensor 1.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/replace Curing Control Sensors cable. 2. Reseat/replace Temp. sensor 1.
  • Code: 16.12:10
  • Description: Curing System: Temperature sensor 2 failure or not connected
  • Causes: Temperature sensor 2.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Reseat/replace Temp. sensor 2.
  • Code: 16.13:10
  • Description: Curing System: Temperature sensor 3 failure or not connected
  • Causes: Temperature sensor 3.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Reseat/replace Temp. sensor 3.
  • Code: 16.14:10
  • Description: Curing System: Temperature sensor 4 failure or not connected
  • Causes: Temperature sensor 4.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Reseat/replace Temp. sensor 4.
  • Code: 16.31:10
  • Description: Curing system: Fan 1 fault
  • Causes: Curing system: Fan 1 fault.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 1.
  • Code: 16.32:10
  • Description: Curing system: Fan 2 fault
  • Causes: Curing system: Fan 2 fault.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 2.
  • Code: 16.33:10
  • Description: Curing system: Fan 3 fault
  • Causes: Curing system: Fan 3 fault.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 3.

– Get more error code list with quick guide to fix printer product, https://nguyendangnam.com/error-code
– About get help with reseting Epson inkpad or others, https://nguyendangnam.com/reset-epson-inkpad

  • Code: 16.34:10
  • Description: Curing system: Fan 4 fault
  • Causes: Curing system: Fan 4 fault.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 4.
  • Code: 16.39:10
  • Description: Curing system: More than 1 fan failure
  • Causes: Curing fans cable.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Reseat/replace Curing fans cable.
  • Code: 16.41:10
  • Description: Curing system: module 1 failure
  • Causes: Curing resistor 1 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 1.
  • Code: 16.42:10
  • Description: Curing system: module 2 failure
  • Causes: Curing resistor 2 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 2.
  • Code: 16.43:10
  • Description: Curing system: module 3 failure
  • Causes: Curing resistor 3 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace module 3.
  • Code: 16.44:10
  • Description: Curing system: module 4 failure
  • Causes: Curing resistor 4 disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace module 4.
  • Code: 16.50:03
  • Description: Curing system: pressure calibration error
  • Causes: Silent SE: If there’s already a valid pressure calibration in NVM, and new calibration values are out of range, then FW will use the NVM values and show a silent SE in the printer log and service plot.
  • Remedy:
  • Code: 16.50:10
  • Description: Severe SE: Pressure calibration failure together with NVM values = 0 (failure at first startup)
  • Causes: Pressure calibration failure.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check the tube (not kinked), and sensor cable. If they are OK, replace the sensor
  • Code: 16.51:01
  • Description: Curing system: pressure not reachable. Printer is limiting working pressure
  • Causes: Silent SE. Customer symptoms are: Slower thput, and/or Lack of curing Printer limiting working pressure. It might be due to: Target pressure too high for printer attitude environment, and/or curing fan degradation.
  • Remedy:
  • Code: 16.61:10
  • Description: Vapor removal system: vapor fans array 1 fault
  • Causes: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control/Curing Control PCA (depending on SKU) to Air Curtain Fans, Cable Air Curtain Fans.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control/Curing Control PCA to Air Curtain Fans Cable. 2. Check that all Air Curtain Fans rotate, and are unobstructed. 3. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain Fans.
  • Code: 16.70:10
  • Description: Air Curtain system: Box fan fault or disconnected
  • Causes: Air Curtain Box Fan, Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/replace Air Curtain Box Fan. 2. Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA.
  • Code: 16.71:10
  • Description: Air Curtain system: Board box fan or cable damaged
  • Causes: Board box fan or cable damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/replace Air Curtain Box Fan. 2. Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control PCA.
  • Code: 16.82:11
  • Description: Air Curtain steady resistor:Not connected
  • Causes: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control to Curing Power Interconnect PCA Cables, Air Curtain Steady Resistor.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control to Curing Power Interconnect PCA cables. 2. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain Resistors.
  • Code: 16.83:11
  • Description: Vapor burst resistor: Not connected
  • Causes: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control to Curing Power Interconnect PCA Cables, Air Curtain Burst Resistor.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control to Curing Power Interconnect PCA cables. 2. Reseat/Replace Vapor Resistors.
  • Code: 16.84:03
  • Description: Air Curtain steady resistor: Out of range
  • Causes: Air Curtain Resistors.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Reseat/Replace Air Curtain Resistors.
  • Code: 16.85:03
  • Description: Air Curtain burst resistor: Out of range
  • Causes: Air Curtain Resistors.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Reseat/Replace Air Curtain Resistors.
  • Code: 16.90:10
  • Description: Air Curtain: Temperature sensor failure or not conected
  • Causes: Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control/Curing Control PCA (depending on SKU) to Air Curtain Temperature Sensor Cable, Air Curtain Temperature Sensor.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Reseat/Replace Air Curtain and Printzone Heaters Control/Curing Control PCA to Air Curtain Temperature Sensor Cable. 2. Replace Air Curtain Temperature Sensor.
  • Code: 17.0:11
  • Description: PrintMech to Interconnect Power cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: The power cable from Printmech to Interconnect PCA has a problem.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the PrintMech to Interconnect Power cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the PrintMech to Interconnect Power cable is correctly connected to the PrintMech PCA and the Interconnect PCA. 3. Replace the PrintMech to Interconnect Power cable (which is included in the Electronics Module Cable Kit).
  • Code: 17.3:11
  • Description: Main PCA to PrintMech Black 1 cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: Main PCA to PrintMech Black 1 cable is damaged Main PCA damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Main PCA to PrintMech Black 2 cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the Main PCA to PrintMech Black 2 cable is correctly connected to the Main PCA and the PrintMech PCA. 3. Replace the Main PCA to PrintMech Black 2 cable.
  • Code: 17.4:11
  • Description: Main PCA to PrintMech White 2 cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: Main PCA to PrintMech White 2 cable is damaged Main PCA damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Main PCA to PrintMech White 2 cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the Main PCA to PrintMech White 2 cable is correctly connected to the Main PCA and the PrintMech PCA. 3. Replace the Main PCA to PrintMech White 2 cable.
  • Code: 21.2:10
  • Description: Web Wipe servo shutdown
  • Causes: Web Wipe motor is damaged Interconnect PCA is damaged (very low probability) PrintMech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Revise that Web Wipe cable is correctly connected to Interconnect PCA. 2. Replace the Web Wipe Motor.
  • Code: 21.3:10
  • Description: Electrical fault in rack engage motor
  • Causes: Web Wipe motor has a problem
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Replace the Web Wipe Motor. 2. Replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 21.4:03
  • Description: Electrical warm in rack engage motor Electrical current limit in rackEngage motor
  • Causes: Electrical fault detected. Possible causes are cable, motor or driver.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: • Replace the Web Wipe.
  • Code: 21.5:03
  • Description: Service Station rack cannot be disengaged
  • Causes: Web Wipe motor is damaged or blocked
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: • Replace the Web Wipe Motor.
  • Code: 21.6:10
  • Description: Spit rollers servo shutdown
  • Causes: Spit on roll motor is damaged PrintMech PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Revise that Spit on roll motor cable is correctly connected to PrintMech PCA. 2. Replace the Spit on roll motor. 3. If the previous action did not work then, replace the PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 21.7:10
  • Description: Electrical fault in Spit rollers engage motor
  • Causes: Spit on roll motor has a problem.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Replace the Spit rollers engage motor. 2. Replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 21.8:03
  • Description: Electrical warm in Spit rollers engage motor Electrical current limit in rackEngage motor
  • Causes: Spit on roll motor has a problem.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, manually pull the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge to the front position and switch the printer on again. 2. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer and remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Switch the printer on again. If the error is cleared, replace the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Replace the Spit rollers engage motor. 2. Replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 21:03
  • Description: Service Station electrical current limit
  • Causes: Electrical current limit.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Make sure that the Service Station path is clear. Remove any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Service Station. Service engineer: • If the System Error continues, replace the Service Station. See Service station.
  • Code: 21:13
  • Description: Problem with the Service Station. SVS jam
  • Causes: SVS jam.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer. Power the Printer back On. 2. Make sure that the Service Station path is clear. Remove any visible obstacles (e.g. screws, plastic parts, etc.) restricting the movement of the Service Station. 3. Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer, remove the Printhead Maintenance Cartridge, and check if there’s any obstacle along the MC path. 4. Check that the MC is not finished, and the web advance is working properly. 5. Check the spit roller and rack engage mechanisms. Service engineer: 1. If the error happens after printing for several hours and is cleared after power cycling, small damage in the encoder can cause the print carriage to lose its position little by little. The same effect could be produced by aerosol, ink or oil stain on the encoder. Clean (or replace) the encoder strip if it is dirty (or damaged). 2. If the System Error continues, replace the Service Station. See Service station.
  • Code: 23:10
  • Description: The system has problems to pressurize or to depressurize
  • Causes: APS Cable Air Tubes APS Assembly.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the APS cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the PrintMech PCA. 2. Check that the air tubes are properly connected and are not kinked or pinched. 3. Check that there is no supply with air leakage. 4. Replace the APS Assembly. See APS assembly.
  • Code: 24.02:00
  • Description: The firmware has detected that there is no connection to the array of Top Covers Fans
  • Causes: Top cover fans cable (array) damaged or not connected to Interconnect PCA. Interconnect PCA damaged (very low probability). PrintMech PCA damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the Top Cover fan cable, by the right arch, is connected to the Interconnect PCA, and that it is not damaged. 2. If all the cables from the Interconnect PCA to the fans are connected, replace the PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 24.03:00
  • Description: The firmware has detected that one or more of the Top Covers Fans is not working
  • Causes: One or more of the top cover fans can be damaged. Top cover fan cable connector (from array) can be damaged (very low probability) .
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Revise if there are some Top cover fan that is not runing. 2. If none of the fans are working, this would indicate a failure with the PrintMech, or the cables from the Interconnect PCA: a. Check the cables from the Interconnect PCA. b. If all the cables from the PrintMech PCA to the fans are connected, replace the Printmech PCA. c. If message still present replace the Interconnect PCA. 3. If at least one of the fans is working, check if the failed fans are connected to the array, if it is connected replace the failed fan (Top Cover Fans). 4. If the error is not cleared, check all the cables from the failed fan to the PrintMech.
  • Code: 24.1:11
  • Description: ISS Top to ISS Bottom cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: ISS1 to ISS2 cable not connected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the PrintMech to ISS Top cable is correctly connected. 2. Check that the ISS Top to ISS Bottom cable is correctly connected. 3. Replace ISS Top to ISS Bottom cable. 4. Replace the ISS Bottom PCA.
  • Code: 24:03
  • Description: Ink Supply Tubes purge failure
  • Causes: Purge failure.
  • Remedy: 1. Ensure that the dummy printheads are correctly installed and purge the Ink Supply Tubes again. 2. If the problem persists; replace the Setup Printhead Kit.
  • Code: 24:11
  • Description: PrintMech to ISS Top cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: PrintMech to ISS top cable not connected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the PrintMech to ISS Top cable is correctly connected. 2. Replace the PrintMech to ISS Top cable. 3. Replace the ISS Top PCA.
  • Code: 25.1:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot M floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the magenta ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the magenta ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to magenta ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to magenta ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.2:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot LM floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the light magenta ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the light magenta ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to light magenta ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to light magenta ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.3:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot LC floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the light cyan ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the light cyan ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to light cyan ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to light cyan ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.4:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot C floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the cyan ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the cyan ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to cyan ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to cyan ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.5:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot OP floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the optimizer ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the optimizer ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to optimizer ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to optimizer ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.6:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot Y floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the yellow ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the yellow ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to yellow ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to yellow ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.7:10
  • Description: Bad contact detected in ISS slot K floater
  • Causes: Malfunction or sensor failure: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the black ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. 2. Replace the black ink cartridge. Service engineer: 1. Check that the ISS to black ink cartridge cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Ink Supply Tubes PCA. 2. Replace the ISS to black ink cartridge cable.
  • Code: 25.8:10
  • Description: Malfunction or sensor failure
  • Causes: A PIP glitch or a presence error has been detected. Automatic diagnostic should discard if it’s a recoverable failure or not
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the PIP.
  • Code: 26.01:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. M (PIP 1)
  • Causes: Magenta Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bagh Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 26.02:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. LM (PIP 2)
  • Causes: Light Magenta Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bagh Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 26.03:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. LC (PIP 3)
  • Causes: Light Cyan Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bagh Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 26.04:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. C (PIP 4)
  • Causes: Cyan Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bagh Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 26.05:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. OP (PIP 5)
  • Causes: Optimizer Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bag Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 26.06:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. Y (PIP 6)
  • Causes: Yellow Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bag Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 26.07:10
  • Description: Broken Bag. K (PIP 7)
  • Causes: Black Ink Cartridge: A broken bag has been detected in the ink cartridge. This error must be solved and the printer checked and cleared of this error code before the printer can resume printing.
  • Remedy: 1. Remove the ink cartridge and check for any ink leaking from the cartridge. In some extreme cases: • Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system, or; • Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. 2. For this issue perform the h3.3.2 Recover Broken Bag Diagnostic procedure. 3. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced.
  • Code: 27.1:00
  • Description: Several nozzles out detected in Optimizer PH
  • Causes: Several nozzles out detected in Optimizer PH: If print quality is not acceptable replace the PH.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Check the IQ. If required, recover or replace the PH.
  • Code: 27.1:01
  • Description: Error due to a high number of nozzles out in printhead slot 1
  • Causes: High number of nozzles out in printhead slot 1.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Clean all the printheads and check their status. 2. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 27.2:01
  • Description: Error due to a high number of nozzles out in printhead slot 2
  • Causes: High number of nozzles out in printhead slot 2.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Clean all the printheads and check their status. 2. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 27.3:01
  • Description: Error due to a high number of nozzles out in printhead slot 3
  • Causes: High number of nozzles out in printhead slot 3.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Clean all the printheads and check their status. 2. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 27.4:01
  • Description: Error due to a high number of nozzles out in printhead slot 4
  • Causes: High number of nozzles out in printhead slot 4.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Clean all the printheads and check their status. 2. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 27.5:01
  • Description: Error due to a high number of nozzles out in printhead slot 5
  • Causes: High number of nozzles out in printhead slot 5.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Clean all the printheads and check their status. 2. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 27.6:01
  • Description: Error due to a high number of nozzles out in printhead slot 6
  • Causes: High number of nozzles out in printhead slot 6.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Clean all the printheads and check their status. 2. Replace the printhead.
  • Code: 27:14
  • Description: An incorrect Printhead has been detected.
  • Causes: Printhead failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Remove the Printheads and check that they are the correct ones for this Printer. 2. Check that the Printer has the latest Firmware version, if not, update the firmware to the latest version. 3. Replace the Printheads.
  • Code: 29.1:01
  • Description: Possible maintenance cartridge malfunction (There’s no detection of web advance)
  • Causes: Possible maintenance cartridge malfunction. Unknown web wipe level pattern after 300 mm of web advance.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Open the Printhead cleaning cartridge door on the right-hand side of the printer, advance the web manually until clean web seen, and reinsert the MC. Close the door. Service engineer: 1. Run the Diagnostic gcleaning roll advanceh test. If the web does not advance, replace the web wipe motor. 2. Check line sensor. Run the Diagnostic test gline sensor checkh. 3. Replace the Line sensor if necessary.
  • Code: 29.2:00
  • Description: Possible maintenance cartridge malfunction or doesn’t advance properly (There’s detection that web doesn’t advance)
  • Causes: Possible maintenance cartridge malfunction or doesn’t advance properly.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Replace the printhead maintenance cartridge.
  • Code: 29:00
  • Description: Maintenance cartridge is almost full
  • Causes: Maintenance cartridge is almost full.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Replace the Maintenance Cartridge.
  • Code: 29:01
  • Description: Maintenance cartridge badly inserted
  • Causes: Maintenance cartridge badly inserted.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Open the Print Head cleaning cartridge door on the right-hand side of the printer, reinsert the MC and close the door . 2. If the problem persists, replace the printhead cleaning cartridge.
  • Code: 32:01
  • Description: TUR disconnected while printing
  • Causes: Take-up Reel disconnected from Interconnect PCA. Take-Up Reel damaged. Interconnect PCA damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • The take-up reel is disconnected. If you want to use the take-up reel, turn off the printer and ensure that all take-up reel cables are connected (sensor cables, printer cable). If you do not want to use it, you may need to unload the substrate manually from the take-up reel. Remember to cut the substrate first, either manually or by using the Form feed and cut option in the front panel’s Substrate menu. Service engineer: 1. Revise the Take-up Reel connections. 2. Replace the Take-up Reel RH module. See Take-up reel motor.
  • Code: 32:01.1
  • Description: TUR early media jam
  • Causes: This system error happens when there is a small amount of substrate printed (less than 79 inches long), and the Take Up Reel sensor detects that the tension bar is (incorrectly) at the bottom of its path, even though the spindle motor has been rotating for more than 3 seconds. The most likely cause of this error is that the user has forgotten to set the switch direction or tape the substrate to the spindle core.
  • Remedy: 1. Check that the substrate is attached to the Take-Up Reel. 2. Check that the winding direction switch is in the correct position. 3. If needed, use the Take-Up Reel arrow keys to wind the substrate before resuming printing. 4. To resume printing, press OK.
  • Code: 32:01.2
  • Description: Take up reel Media Jam
  • Causes: The tension bar has stayed in one of its sensor trigger positions for more than 8 seconds.
  • Remedy: 1. Check that the substrate is attached to the Take-Up Reel. 2. Check that the winding direction switch is in the correct position. 3. Check that nothing is blocking the movement of the tension bar. 4. Ensure that the substrate is following the correct path along the tension bar and diverter bar.
  • Code: 32:02
  • Description: TUR disconnected while printer was powered off. This message is shown during initialization of the printer; it warns that the Take-Up Reel has been disconnected while the printer was off (previously the Take-Up Reel was enabled by Front Panel)
  • Causes: Take-up Reel disconnected from Interconnect PCA. Take-Up Reel damaged. Interconnect PCA damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: • The take-up reel is disconnected. If you want to use the take-up reel, turn off the printer and ensure that all take-up reel cables are connected (sensor cables, printer cable). If you do not want to use it, you may need to unload the substrate manually from the take-up reel. Remember to cut the substrate first, either manually or by using the Form feed and cut option in the front panel’s Substrate menu. Service engineer: 1. Revise the Take-up Reel conections. 2. Replace the Take-up Reel RH module. See Take-up reel motor
  • Code: 41:03
  • Description: Electrical current limit: Electrical current limit in paper motor Electrical warm: Electrical warm in paper motor
  • Causes: The Media-axis motor has a failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels and clear the obstruction. Service engineer: • Replace the Media-Axis Motor.
  • Code: 41:10
  • Description: Electrical fault: Electrical fault in paper motor
  • Causes: The Media-axis motor has a failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels and clear the obstruction. Service engineer: • Replace the Media-Axis Motor.
  • Code: 42:03
  • Description: Scan-Axis motor electrical current limit
  • Causes: Media jam Scan Axis motor damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off from the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and power on the printer. 2. Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the carriage. If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside the printer, clear the substrate jam using instructions provided in the User Guide. Service engineer: • Replace the Scan Axis Motor. See Scan-axis motor
  • Code: 42:10
  • Description: Scan axis motor fault detected
  • Causes: Scan axis failure.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace the Scan-Axis Motor.
  • Code: 42:11
  • Description: Scan axis motor disconnected
  • Causes: The Scan axis motor has become disconnected.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Reconnect the Scan Axis Motor.
  • Code: 43.1:11
  • Description: Communication error: Problem in communication with vacuum board fan
  • Causes: Eola PCA is not connected. Eola PCA is damaged. Cable between Eola PCA and Interconnect PCA is damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the cable connections between Interconnect PCA and EOLA PCA. 2. Replace the EOLA PCA. 3. Replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA. 4. Replace the Interconnect PCA. See Interconnect PCA.
  • Code: 43.2:11
  • Description: A Vacuum Fan Stopped: Vacuum Fan Stopped
  • Causes: A Vacuum Fan is not connected. The Vacuum Fan cable is damaged. Eola PCA is damaged. PrintMech PCA is damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the cable connections between Vacumm fans and EOLA PCA. 2. Replace the Vacuum Fan. See Vacuum fan.
  • Code: 43.3:10
  • Description: VacuumFan Over current: Vacuum Fan Overcurrent, SVS side
  • Causes: Vacuum fan failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: • Replace the Vacuum Fan SVS side.
  • Code: 43.4:10
  • Description: VacuumFan Low Performance: Vacuum Fan is not working at the desired performance., SVS side
  • Causes: Vacuum fan failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: • Replace the Vacuum Fan SVS side.
  • Code: 43:11
  • Description: Vacuum fan not connected
  • Causes: Vacuum fan not connected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check the cable connections between the Mini Interconnect PCA and Eola SVS side. 2. Replace Eolas. 3. Replace the Mini Interconnect PCA.
  • Code: 44:10
  • Description: Aerosol Fan Fault
  • Causes: Aerosol Fan damaged Interconnect PCA damaged (very low probability) PrintMech PCA (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Aerosol Fan cable is correctly connected to the Interconnect PCA. 2. Check that the cables going from the Interconnect PCA to the PrintMech PCA are correctly connected. 3. Replace the Aerosol Fan. See Aerosol fan assembly. 4. If the previous action did not work then, replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 45:03
  • Description: Rewinder servo shutdown
  • Causes: Rewinder motor disconected. Rewinder motror damaged. Rewinder motor cable damaged. Interconnect PCA damaged (very low probability). PrintMech PCA damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait briefly, then switch it back on again. 2. pen the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside the substrate path, lift the Pinch Wheels and clear the obstruction. Service engineer: 1. Revise the Rewinder motor cable connections to Interconnect PCA. 2. Replace the Rewinder Motor. See Rewinder. 3. If the previous action did not work then, replace the PrintMech PCA. 4. If the previous action did not work then, replace the Interconnect PCA.
  • Code: 46:03
  • Description: Primer servo shutdown
  • Causes: Primer failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Check that the Primer Arm is not damaged and there are no obstacles in its way. 2. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer. Service engineer: • Replace the Primer Assembly. See Primer assembly.
  • Code: 46:10
  • Description: Primer fault
  • Causes: Primer fault.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Check that the Primer Arm is not damaged and there are no obstacles in its way. 2. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer. Service engineer: • Replace the Primer Assembly. See Primer assembly.
  • Code: 46:13
  • Description: Primer test distance failed
  • Causes: Primer encoder is damaged. Primer cable is damaged. Interconnect PCA is damaged (very low probability). PrintMech PCA is damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Primer Arm is not damaged and there are no obstacles in its way. 2. Check that Primer cable is not damaged and correctly connected to the Interconnect PCA. 3. Replace the Primer Assembly. See Primer assembly. 4. Replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA. 5. Replace the Interconnect PCA. See Interconnect PCA.
  • Code: 50.1:10
  • Description: OMAS: error with the media advance sensor component or with the cable between sensor and controller
  • Causes: OMAS communication failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the OMAS Controller to OMAS Sensor cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the OMAS Controller Card and the OMAS Module. 2. Replace the OMAS Module. See OMAS. 3. Replace the OMAS controller PCA. See OMAS controller PCA.
  • Code: 50.2:10
  • Description: OMAS board: Error with the media advance sensor controller board
  • Causes: OMAS disconneceted. OMAS Controller Card damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. Service engineer: 1. Check that OMAS sensor is connected to OMAS Controller Card. 2. Replace the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 50.3:11
  • Description: Main PCA to OMAS Controller cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: The cable from Main PCA to OMAS controller has a problem.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Main PCA to OMAS Controller cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the Main PCA to OMAS Controller cable is correctly connected to the Main PCA and the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 50.4:11
  • Description: OMAS Controller to PrintMech PCA cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: OMAS Controller to PrintMech PCA cable does not seem to be connected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the OMAS Controller to PrintMech PCA cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the OMAS Controller to PrintMech PCA cable is correctly connected to the PrintMech PCA and the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 50.5:11
  • Description: OMAS board: SENSOR_NOT_CONNECTED
  • Causes: OMAS sensor not connected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that OMAS sensor is well connected. 2. Replace OMAS sensor. . 3. Replace OMAS controller PCA. See OMAS controller PCA.
  • Code: 50.6:11
  • Description: OMAS board: Media sensor board Power cable
  • Causes: OMAS Controller to Engine PCA cable does not seem to be connected. Power not connected. Problems with 5V line.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the OMAS Controller to Engine PCA cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the OMAS Controller to Engine PCA cable is correctly connected to the Engine PCA and the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 50:01
  • Description: OMAS Module communication failure
  • Causes: OMAS communication failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. Service engineer: 1. Check that the OMAS Controller to OMAS Sensor cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the OMAS Controller Card and the OMAS Module. 2. Replace the OMAS Module. See OMAS.
  • Code: 50:03
  • Description: OMAS Controller to PSU cable does not seem to be connected
  • Causes: The OMAS controller power cable does not seem to be connected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the PSU to OMAS Controller cable is not damaged. 2. Check that the PSU to OMAS Controller cable is correctly connected to the PSU and the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 50:11
  • Description: OMAS: Navigation problems, may be due to a mispositionned sensor, DOF, or skew issue
  • Causes: OMAS sensor mispositionned.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Check that the OMAS sensor is well positioned.
  • Code: 50:14
  • Description: Firmware version mismatch between the OMAS Controller Card and Hard Disk Drive
  • Causes: FW mismatch.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. Service engineer: • Replace the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 50:17
  • Description: Advisory fw error in DSP or Engine code of the substrate advance sensor component
  • Causes: FW mismatch.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. Service engineer: • Replace the OMAS Controller Card.
  • Code: 52:10
  • Description: Drop Detector switch On/Off failure
  • Causes: Drop detector damaged. SVS cable damaged Interconnect. PCA damaged (very low probability). PrintMech PCA damaged (very low probability).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Drop Detector cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Service Station cable. 2. Check that the Service Station cable is not damaged and is correctly connected to the Interconnect PCA. 3. Replace the Drop Detector. See Drop detector. 4. If the System Error continues, replace the Interconnect PCA . See Interconnect PCA. 5. Replace the PrintMech PCA. See PrintMech PCA.
  • Code: 55:10
  • Description: Line Sensor communication failure
  • Causes: Line sensor disconnected or damaged.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that Line sensor is properly connected to Carriage PCA. 2. Replace the Line Sensor. See Line sensor assembly.
  • Code: 55:11
  • Description: LineSensor Performance: LineSensor performs poorly needs recalibration, cleaning, or replacement
  • Causes: Line sensor needs recalibration.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Restart the printer. 2. Clean the Line Sensor. 3. Replace the Line sensor. See Line sensor assembly.
  • Code: 56:01
  • Description: Incorrect readings from substrate encoder
  • Causes: Incorrect readings from substrate encoder.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Perform Substrate Drive diagnostics. 2. Replace the Encoder Disc and Sensor. See Encoder disc and sensor.
  • Code: 56:10
  • Description: Substrate Encoder calibration failed
  • Causes: Substrate Encoder calibration failed .
  • Remedy: 1. Perform Substrate Drive diagnostics. 2. Replace the Encoder Disc and Sensor. See Encoder disc and sensor.
  • Code: 58.10:10
  • Description: Color sensor Self test error
  • Causes: Color sensor Self test error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Color sensor is installed in the Carriage. 2. Check that the Color sensor is correctly installed and screwed into place. 3. Check that the Color sensor cable is not damaged. 4. Check that the Color sensor cable is correctly connected to the Carriage PCA. 5. If the system error persists, replace the Color sensor. 6. Perform a Color sensor basic test (CLC), to ensure that the replaced part is working correctly.
  • Code: 58.11:10
  • Description: Color sensor Communication error
  • Causes: Color sensor Communication error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Color sensor is installed in the Carriage. 2. Check that the Color sensor is correctly installed and screwed into place. 3. Check that the Color sensor cable is not damaged. 4. Check that the Color sensor cable is correctly connected to the Carriage PCA. 5. If the system error persists, replace the Color sensor. 6. Perform a Color sensor basic test (CLC), to ensure that the replaced part is working correctly.
  • Code: 58.12:10
  • Description: Color sensor Command error
  • Causes: Default S/N found in main and backup NVM.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Check that the Color sensor is installed in the Carriage. 2. Check that the Color sensor is correctly installed and screwed into place. 3. Check that the Color sensor cable is not damaged. 4. Check that the Color sensor cable is correctly connected to the Carriage PCA. 5. If the system error persists, replace the Color sensor. 6. Perform a Color sensor basic test (CLC), to ensure that the replaced part is working correctly.
  • Code: 58.13:10
  • Description: Color sensor Calibration error
  • Causes: Color sensor Calibration error.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Check that the Color sensor is installed in the Carriage. 2. Check that the Color sensor is correctly installed and screwed into place. 3. Check that the Color sensor cable is not damaged. 4. Check that the Color sensor cable is correctly connected to the Carriage PCA. 5. If the system error persists, replace the Color sensor. 6. Perform a Color sensor basic test (CLC), to ensure that the replaced part is working correctly.
  • Code: 58.1:10
  • Description: Color sensor Shutter Actuator failure
  • Causes: Color sensor Shutter Actuator failure.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: 1. Replace the Color sensor Shutter Actuator Assembly. 2. Perform the Color sensor Shutter Diagnostic Test to ensure that there is no other problem preventing shutter operation. 3. Perform a Color sensor basic test (CLC) to ensure that the replaced part is working correctly.
  • Code: 58.2:10
  • Description: Color sensor Shutter Deactivator failure
  • Causes: The Color sensor Shutter Deactivator fail.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Check that the Shutter Deactivator is correctly screwed into place. 2. Perform the Color sensor Shutter Diagnostic Test to ensure that there is no other problem preventing shutter operation. 3. Perform a Color sensor basic test (CLC) to ensure that the replaced part is working correctly.
  • Code: 58:01
  • Description: Color sensor shutter error
  • Causes: Color sensor shutter error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Execute the Color Sensor Diagnostic Test.
  • Code: 58:04
  • Description: Firmware of the printer is incompatible with that of the Color Sensor
  • Causes: Firmware of the printer is incompatible with that of the Color Sensor.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Replace the Color Sensor. See Color sensor assembly.
  • Code: 59.1:09
  • Description: Default S/N found in main and backup NVM
  • Causes: Default S/N found in main and backup NVM.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Replace one part at a time, and restart the printer before replacing another.
  • Code: 59.2:00
  • Description: Different S/N found in Main and Backup NVM
  • Causes: Different S/N found in Main and Backup NVM.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: • Install only new parts recommended by HP for this printer.
  • Code: 59.3:10
  • Description: Euler’s SW error
  • Causes: Wrong information stored on Euler’s NVM (corrupted data)
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: • Escalate the case to Level 3, requesting new CryptoAsic SIM licenses. Update the CryptoAsic SIM with the delivered licenses.
  • Code: 59.4:10
  • Description: Euler’s HW error
  • Causes: No communication with Euler.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: 1. Order an Engine Daughter PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3 providing printer Serial Number, Product Number, and the serial number of the Engine Daughter PCA Service Kit. Replace the Engine Daughter PCA. Write in an empty USB the file provided by Level 3. Plug the USB in the printer and reboot. If booting fails, enable diagnostic package with the USB and provide logs to Level 3. 2. Replace the engine PCA. See Engine PCA.
  • Code: 59.5:19
  • Description: Wrong Euler Type
  • Causes: When present Euler type doesn’t correspond with the expected one (ie: a Mercury Euler present on a Nexus one).
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: 1. Order an Engine Daughter PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3 providing printer Serial Number, Product Number, and the serial number of the Engine Daughter PCA Service Kit. Replace the Engine Daughter PCA. Write in an empty USB the file provided by Level 3. Plug the USB in the printer and reboot. If booting fails, enable diagnostic package with the USB and provide logs to Level 3. 2. Replace the engine PCA. See Engine PCA.
  • Code: 59.6:19
  • Description: Printer/Printer ID PCA SN mismatch
  • Causes: The product SN dosen’t match the one on the Printer ID PCA.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. Service engineer: 1. Order an Engine Daughter PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3 providing printer Serial Number, Product Number, and the serial number of the Engine Daughter PCA Service Kit. Replace the Engine Daughter PCA. Write in an empty USB the file provided by Level 3. Plug the USB in the printer and reboot. If booting fails, enable diagnostic package with the USB and provide logs to Level 3. 2. Replace the engine PCA. See Engine PCA.
  • Code: 59.7:14
  • Description: CryptoAsic Generic error. Possible Fw upgrade
  • Causes: CryptoAsic Generic error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the Power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. 2. Recommend a FW upgrade. Service engineer: • Order a Printer ID PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3 providing printer Serial Number, Product Number, and the serial number of the Printer ID PCA Service Kit. Replace the Printer ID PCA. Copy to an empty USB, the file provided by Level 3. Plug the USB in the printer and reboot. If booting fails, enable diagnostic package with the USB and provide the logs to Level 3.
  • Code: 60.1:11
  • Description: RFID tag was not found when trying to configure the printer
  • Causes: The tag was not found.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. 2. Check the power cord; try connecting it to another power socket. Service engineer: 1. Check that the RFID device is correctly connected. 2. If the error persists, get the printer log and contact Level 3 providing print Serial Number and Product Number.
  • Code: 60.2:17
  • Description: RFID configuration is wrong
  • Causes: RFID configuration is wrong.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Switch the power off at the rear of the printer, wait two minutes, then switch it back on again. 2. Check the power cord; try connecting it to another power socket. Service engineer: 1. Check that the RFID device is correctly connected. 2. If the error persists, get the printer log and contact Level 3 providing print Serial Number and Product Number.
  • Code: 61:01
  • Description: The Printer cannot process the job
  • Causes: The Printer cannot process the job.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Resend the file to the printer.
  • Code: 61:08
  • Description: The Printer cannot process the job
  • Causes: The Printer cannot process the job. Paper type has changed.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Resend the file to the printer.
  • Code: 61:08.2
  • Description: The Printer cannot process the job
  • Causes: The Printer cannot process the job. Job contains format errors or incorrect setting values.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Resend the file to the printer. 2. Check that the Printer has the latest Firmware version. If not, update the Firmware to the latest version.
  • Code: 61:09
  • Description: Unexpected end of job (advisory)
  • Causes: Unexpected end of job.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Resend the job.
  • Code: 62:04
  • Description: I/O Reset
  • Causes: I/O Reset.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Reboot the unit. Restore factory settings. Perform a FW upgrade.
  • Code: 63:04
  • Description: An input/output problem has occurred with the network card
  • Causes: An input/output problem has occurred with the network card.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Make sure that the network cable is correctly connected to the network card. 2. Check that your printer firmware is up to date. If the problem persists, replace the JDI PCA.
  • Code: 63:05
  • Description: The job is reaching the printer too slowly
  • Causes: The printer cancels the job if there are long pauses of more than 20 seconds.
  • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Make sure that a 1 Gigabit Ethernet card is correctly installed in the computer with the RIP. 2. Check the RIP for any error messages. Check that the computer with the RIP is working correctly and has the minimum specification required by the RIP. Check that the hard disk is neither full nor excessively fragmented. 3. Check whether the option RIP while printing is enabled. This option can cause slow printing if the computer is not sufficiently powerful. 4. Try reducing the resolution of the job or increasing the number of passes.
  • Code: 63:10
  • Description: JDI card not detected
  • Causes: JDI card not detected.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the printer off, disconnect the power cords. Wait for 3 min. and switch the printer on again. Service engineer: • Reseat the JDI PCA. Replace the JDI.
  • Code: 63:20
  • Description: Potential problem entering sleep mode (Advisory)
  • Causes: Potential problem entering sleep mode.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Call Agent: Reboot the unit. Restore factory settings. Perform a FW upgrade.
  • Code: 65:04
  • Description: Internal I/O error
  • Causes: Internal I/O error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Check that the LAN cable is connected. 2. Reboot the unit. 3. Restore factory settings. 4. Check that the printer has the latest FW. If not, upgrade to the latest FW.
  • Code: 68:03
  • Description: Non-critical permament data was lost NVM tag was not found trying to store a CDS object
  • Causes: Permanent data was lost (i.e. configuration, accounting data). It might happen after a FW upgrade with a data structure not compatible with the previous one.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Press OK to continue.
  • Code: 71:03
  • Description: Out of Memory failure
  • Causes: Out of memory.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer and disconnect the Power cord. Reconnect the power cord and power On the Printer.
  • Code: 74.1:04
  • Description: Unable to upload substrate profile file thru the EWS
  • Causes: EWS: Unable to upload substrate profile file thru the EWS.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect both power cords. Reconnect the power cords and turn on the printer. 2. Upload the substrate profile.
  • Code: 74:01
  • Description: Unable to upload FW file through the EWS
  • Causes: EWS: Unable to upload FW file through the EWS.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect both power cords. Reconnect the power cords and turn on the printer. 2. Resend the firmware update file to the printer.
  • Code: 76:03
  • Description: Hard Disk Drive out of space
  • Causes: Hard Disk area is full.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Enter the Service test: HDD recovery utility.
  • Code: 78.1:04
  • Description: The printer has no substrate preset for this substrate
  • Causes: The printer has no substrate preset for this substrate.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version.
  • Code: 78.2:01
  • Description: End of roll is detected in the IMD (Input substrate driver) (Rewinder)
  • Causes: The printer has reached an end-of-roll condition: substrate moving, but input spindle not rotating.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. If the roll is not finished, unload and reload the substrate. 2. Load a new roll. 3. Check that the substrate is not slipping on the spindle.
  • Code: 78.3:08
  • Description: Invalid PrintZone
  • Causes: Printing with ink collector is not available for this PM.
  • Remedy: Call agent: • Remove the ink collector.
  • Code: 78:08
  • Description: Borderless printing is not possible
  • Causes: Borderless printing is not possible.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. In a 64” Full unit, install the Ink Collector provided. 2. Resend the plot.
  • Code: 79.2:04
  • Description: Operating-system signal error. Segmentation fault
  • Causes: Segmentation fault.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect both power cords. Reconnect the power cords and turn on the printer. 2. Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. 3. If the problem persists, perform Hard Disk Recovery.
  • Code: 79:03
  • Description: Generic FW error
  • Causes: Generic FW error.
  • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer. 2. Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. Service engineer: • If the problem persists, perform a Hard Disk Recovery
    • Code: 81.1:01
    • Description: Continuable paper motor shutdown: Paper jam or motor hardware problem Servo shutdown: Paper servo shutdown Paper jam
    • Causes: Paper jam or motor hardware problem.
    • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Swtich off the printer. 2. Open the Window observing all safety procedure,s and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of media inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels (using the Media Lever) and clear the obstruction. 3. Switch on the printer. 4. Follow the instructions in the Front Panel.
    • Code: 81:01
    • Description: Paper servo shutdown; possible paper jam
    • Causes: Possible paper jam.
    • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. If the substrate is nearing the end of the roll, check the remaining substrate is not strongly glued to the substrate core. 2. Open the Window, observing all safety procedures check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels (using the Substrate Lever) and clear the obstruction. 3. Check the performance of the rewinder system as it may also cause a servo shutdown. 4. Check that the OMAS Controller Card to PrintMech PCA cable is not damaged. 5. Check that the OMAS Controller Card to PrintMech PCA cable is correctly connected to the OMAS Controller Card and the PrintMech PCA. 6. Perform the Drive Roller service test. 7. If the error continues, replace the Substrate Axis Motor.
    • Code: 81:03
    • Description: It was impossible to correctly stop the servo before setting the encoder position
    • Causes: It was impossible to correctly stop the servo before setting the encoder position.
    • Remedy: Call agent: • Open the Window observing all safety procedures and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of substrate inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels (using the Substrate Lever) and clear the obstruction. Service engineer: 1. Perform the Substrate Path service test. 2. Replace the Substrate-Axis Motor.
    • Code: 85:03
    • Description: Problem finding the Drive Roller zero
    • Causes: Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.
    • Remedy: Call agent: • If the substrate is attached to TUR, cut the substrate and ensure that the substrate at the output side is not held by the TUR. Service engineer: • Perform the Substrate Drive Diagnostic.
    • Code: 86:01
    • Description: There is a problem with the carriage assembly
    • Causes: There is a problem with the carriage assembly.
    • Remedy:
    • Code: 87:01
    • Description: Encoder strip should be cleaned
    • Causes: The encoder strip is dirty.
    • Remedy: Call agent: • Clean the encoder strip by following the respective process in the Front Panel menu. Service engineer: • Replace the encoder strip.
    • Code: 87:02
    • Description: Excessive carriage friction detected: Clean and lubricate both carriage rails
    • Causes: Lack of lubrication on scan axis rails. Accumulation of dirt or aerosol on scan axis rails.
    • Remedy: Call agent: • Clean and lubricate both carriage rails. Service engineer: • Clean and lubricate both carriage rails.
    • Code: 89.1:10
    • Description: Inner light PCA array 1 disconnected
    • Causes: Printzone leds array 1 disconnected.
    • Remedy: Service engineer: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Open circuit detected at array 1: At least one of the leds could be fused. Replace one of the inner lights PCAs and check if the problem is solved. If not, continue the troubleshooting by replacing sequentially another PCA. Use diagnostics utility to switch the array On & Off
    • Code: 89.2:10
    • Description: Inner light PCA array 2 disconnected
    • Causes: Printzone leds array 2 disconnected.
    • Remedy: Service engineer: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • Open circuit detected at array 2: At least one of the leds could be fused. Replace one of the inner lights PCAs and check if the problem is solved. If not, continue the troubleshooting by replacing sequentially another PCA. Use diagnostics utility to switch the array On & Off
    • Code: 89:11
    • Description: Printzone leds both arrays disconnected
    • Causes: Printzone leds both arrays disconnected.
    • Remedy: Service engineer: • Restart the printer. Service engineer: • One of the Inner lights PCAs might be disconnected, please ensure the connectors between PCAs are properly fitted or reconnect them.
    • Code: 94:01
    • Description: CLC failed because paper white point is out of valid range
    • Causes: Paper white point is out of valid range.
    • Remedy: Call agent: • Ensure the loaded substrate is white and there aren’t spots on it.
    • Code: 94:02
    • Description: CLC failed, inconsistencies in measures detected
    • Causes: Inconsistencies in CLC measures detected.
    • Remedy: Call agent: 1. Check substrate type selection in front panel corresponds to actual substrate loaded. 2. Retry calibration.
    • Code: 94:08
    • Description: Color Calibration failed
    • Causes: Color Calibration failed.
    • Remedy: Call agent: • Try again or check user manual color calibration troubleshooting.
    • Code: 94:10
    • Description: CLC measures out of range
    • Causes: Aerosol or other malfunction of Color Sensor prevents calibration.
    • Remedy: Service engineer: 1. Retry calibration. 2. Replace SOL.
    • Code: 98:03
    • Description: Potential Print Quality problem. Detected too many nozzles out
    • Causes: Check PH using the PH status plot.
    • Remedy: Service engineer: • Use the printhead status plot to find out which printheads have a massive number of nozzles out, and replace them.

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    HP Latex Printer
    Service Maintenance #1 #2 #3′

    HP Latex 360 Maintenance Advised

    hp latex 360 repair

    Scheduled Maintenance Intervals
    for your HP Latex 310, 315, 330, 335, 360, 365 Printer.

    Service Maintenance #1

    HP Latex 310, 315, 330, 335, 360, 365, 560, 570

    What’s included:

    • Ink Supply Tubes Trailing Cable

    • Carriage Assembly (w/ encoder sensor)

    • Cutter Assembly *

    • Belt Assembly & Tensioner

    • Encoder Strip

    • Scan Axis Motor

    • Carriage PCA Cover

    • Fan heater assemblies

    • Curing Control PCA

    • Impinging control cables

    • Includes:- SMK3

    Find out more

    B4H70-67158 (L360, 365, 335, 330) |
    B4H69-67063 (L315, 310, 115)

    Service Maintenance #2

    HP Latex 310, 315, 330, 335, 360, 365, 560, 570

    What’s included:

    • Aerosol Fan Assembly

    • Service Station

    • Drop Detector

    • Includes:- SMK3

    Find out more

    B4H70-67164 (L370, 360, 330) |
    B4H70-67163 (L310)

    Service Maintenance #3

    HP Latex 310, 315, 330, 335, 360, 365, 560, 570

    What’s included:

    • Line Sensor

    • Pressure Sensor & Tube

    • Oiler & lubricant

    • Carriage Felts

    • Under Carriage Protector

    • Spit roller

    Find out more

    B4H70-67159 (L365, L360, L330, L335) |
    B4H70-67160 (L315, 310, 115)
    New SMK3 Product Code: B4H70-67176

    Scheduled Maintenance

    In some segments of the printer market, the customer tends to print more than the maximum number of prints that the throughput allows, exceeding by far the limit of the design. When this happens the customer runs into print quality problems and continuous printer failures.

    The purpose of scheduled preventive maintenance is to avoid these failures – ensuring a good performance during all the product life.

    Level of printer usage

    Internal printer counters are assigned to counting the number of carriage cycles, carriage distance, service station cycles, and ink in the waste management module.

    When certain components of the printer exceed preset amounts of any of these counters, the front panel displays the following messages:

    HP Latex 360 SMK1

    Service Maintenance #1

    Service Maintenance #1 is related to carriage cycles and distance.

    SMK1 is the largest and most in depth service interval on the HP Latex Printer. The kit includes all service parts necessary to optimise the performance of your printer. The maintenance kit 1 cannot be installed by the user as it involves dismantling of the printer.

    Book one of our experienced engineers to supply and fit your SMK1 to ensure that all service procedures are followed correctly and that your printer is fully calibrated. Installation of SMK1 normally takes approx 6 to 8 Hrs.

    HP Latex 360 SMK1

    Service Maintenance #2

    Service Maintenance #2 is related to service station cycles. (For Latex 3×0 only)

    SMK2 includes all service parts necessary to optimise the performance of your printer. The maintenance kit 2 cannot be installed by the user as it involves dismantling of the printer.

    Book one of our experienced engineers to supply and fit your SMK2 to ensure that all service procedures are followed correctly and that your printer is fully calibrated. Installation of SMK2 normally takes approx 4 to 6 Hrs.

    (Service Maintenance Kit #2 is not required in the Latex 3×5 series)

    HP Latex 360 SMK1

    Service Maintenance #3

    Service Maintenance #3 is related to carriage distance and ink consumed.

    SMK3 is the most common service interval on the HP Latex Printer. The kit includes all service parts necessary to optimise the performance of your printer. The maintenance kit 3 cannot be installed by the user as it involves dismantling of the printer.

    Book one of our experienced engineers to supply and fit your SMK3 to ensure that all service procedures are followed correctly and that your printer is fully calibrated. Installation of SMK3 normally takes approx 3 to 4 Hrs.

    Speak to our friendly HP Latex Printer Engineers

    When you call us you can be assured that your enquiry is dealt with by one of our expert HP Latex  technicians.

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    Affected Printers

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