Коды ошибок vacon 100

Fault tracing




Fault name





(hardware fault)




(software fault)



(hardware fault)


Overvoltage (soft-


ware fault)

Earth fault (hard-


ware fault)


Earth fault (soft-


ware fault)

Charging switch






24-hour support +358 (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com

Table 133. Fault codes and descriptions

Possible cause

AC drive has detected too high a cur-

rent (>4*I

) in the motor cable:


• sudden heavy load increase

• short circuit in motor cables

• unsuitable motor

• parameter settings are not properly


The DC-link voltage has exceeded the

limits defined.

• too short a deceleration time

• high overvoltage spikes in supply

Current measurement has detected

that the sum of motor phase current is

not zero.

• insulation failure in cables or motor

• filter (du/dt, sinus) failure

Charging switch is closed and the feed-

back information still is ‘OPEN’.

• faulty operation

• component failure

Various causes:

• IGBT does not execute its operation

(is defective)

• de-saturation short-circuit in IGBT

• brake resistor short-circuit or over-


vacon • 255


Check loading.

Check motor.

Check cables and connections.

Make identification run.

Set acceleration time longer

(P3.4.1.2/ P3.4.2.2).

Set deceleration time longer


Activate overvoltage controller.

Check input voltage.

Check motor cables and motor.

Check filters.

Reset the fault and restart.

Check the feedback signal and

the cable connection between

the control board and the power


Should the fault re-occur,

contact the distributor near to


Cannot be reset from keypad.

Switch off power.



Contact factory.


Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя VaconЧастотные преобразователи относятся к сложной промышленной электронике достаточно дорогой и в тоже время широко распространенной по всему миру. На сегодняшний день трудно себе даже представить какое-либо производство, на котором бы не работало данное промышленное оборудование.

К сожалению, в процессе эксплуатации выходит из строя даже самое надежное промышленное оборудование. В данной статье мы разберем частотный преобразователь Vacon, точнее коды ошибок частотного преобразователя Vacon 10, с полной расшифровкой и рекомендациями по их устранению. Частотники в наше время нашли широкое применения в абсолютно всех сферах промышленности управляя как мини моторами в оргтехнике, так и гигантскими двигателями в горнодобывающей промышленности.

Для простоты общения со столь сложной электроникой все частотные преобразователи оснащены небольшими дисплеями с помощью которых выводятся информационные сообщения с кодами ошибок, расшифровав которые можно сразу же узнать причину ее возникновения. Если учесть распространенность данной промышленной электроники, то появляется острая нужда в расшифровке кодов ошибок частотных преобразователей.

Данная статья даст вам возможность не совершать ошибок, и в добавок поможет самостоятельно определять и устранять ту или иную причину повлекшую за собой аварийную остановку частотных преобразователей Vacon 10-ой серии.

Частотный преобразователь Vacon ошибки и расшифровка кодов ошибок с рекомендациями по их устранению.

Список ошибок частотного преобразователя VACON с рекомендацией по их устранению.

Код ошибки

Расшифровка кода

Возможная причина



Перегрузка по току

  • Преобразователь частоты обнаружил слишком большой ток (>4*IN) в кабеле двигателя:
  1. резкое и существенное увеличение нагрузки
  2. короткое замыкание в кабелях двигателя
  3. неподходящий двигатель.
  • Проверьте нагрузку.
  • Проверьте типоразмер двигателя.
  • Проверьте кабели.


Перегрузка по напряжению

  • Напряжение звена постоянного тока превысило допустимый внутренний предел:
  1. слишком малое время замедления
  2. большие броски напряжения в сети.
  • Увеличьте время замедления (Par.4.3 или Par.4.6)


Замыкание на землю

  1. При измерении тока был обнаружен чрезмерный ток утечки при пуске:
  2. нарушение изоляции кабелей или двигателя.
  • Проверьте кабели двигателя и двигатель.


Отказ системы

  1. Отказ компонента.
  2. Сбой в работе.
  • Сбросьте отказ и выполните перезапуск. При повторном появлении отказа свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем.
  • ВНИМАНИЕ! При отказе F8 необходимо уточнить субкод отказа с меткой Id xxx в меню истории отказов!


Пониженное напряжение

  • Напряжение звена постоянного тока вышло за допустимый нижний внутренний предел- наиболее вероятная причина:
  1. Слишком низкое напряжение питания.
  2. Внутренний отказ в преобразователе частоты.
  3. Потери мощности.
  • В случае временного прерывания напряжения питания сбросьте отказ и выполните перезапуск преобразователя частоты. Проверьте напряжение питания.
  • Если с ним все в порядке, то произошел внутренний отказ.
  • Свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем.


Отказ выходной фазы

  1. При измерении тока обнаружено отсутствие тока в одной фазе двигателя.
  • Проверьте кабель двигателя и двигатель.


Пониженная температура преобразователя частоты

  1. Температура радиатора ниже — 10 °C
  • Проверьте температуру окружающего воздуха.


Перегрев преобразователя частоты

  1. Радиатор перегрет.
  • Убедитесь, что не перекрыт поток охлаждающего воздуха. Проверьте температуру окружающего воздуха.  С учетом температуры атмосферного воздуха и нагрузки двигателя убедитесь, что не используется слишком высокая частота переключений.


Опрокидывание двигателя

  1. Сработала защита от опрокидывания двигателя.
  • Убедитесь, что вращение двигателя не затруднено.


Перегрев двигателя

  1. Температурная модель двигателя в преобразователе частоты обнаружила перегрев двигателя. Двигатель перегружен.
  • Уменьшите нагрузку двигателя.
  • При отсутствии перегрузки двигателя проверьте параметры температурной модели двигателя.


Недогрузка двигателя

  1. Сработала защита от недогрузки двигателя.
  • Проверьте двигатель и нагрузку на предмет поврежденных ремней или сухих насосов.


Ошибка контрольной суммы ЭСППЗУ

  1. Отказ сохранения параметра.
  2. Сбой в работе.
  3. Отказ компонента.
  • Свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем.


Отказ по микроконтроллерно му сторожевому таймеру

  1. Сбой в работе.
  2. Отказ компонента.
  • Сбросьте отказ и выполните перезапуск. При повторном появлении отказа свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем.


Защита от противо- ЭДС

  1. Привод обнаружил, что магнитный двигатель работает в состоянии пуска.
  2. Вращающийся двигатель с постоянными магнитами.
  • Убедитесь, что при подаче команды пуска нет вращающегося двигателя с постоянными магнитами.


Связь по внутренней шине

  1. Помехи окружающей среды или неисправное оборудование.
  • При повторном появлении отказа свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем.


Неправильное применение

  1. Некорректная работа приложения.
  • Свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем.


Перегрев IGBT

  1. Сигнал перегрева срабатывает, когда температура переключателя IGBT превышает 110 °C.
  • Проверьте нагрузку. Проверьте типоразмер двигателя.
  • Выполните идентификационный прогон.


Выбор аналогового входа 20% — 100% (заданный диапазон сигнала 4 … 20 мA или 2 … 10 В)

  • Ток аналогового входа < 4 мА; Напряжение аналогового входа < 2 В.
  1. Оборван или не закреплен кабель управления.
  2. Отказ источника сигнала.
  • Проверьте текущую схему контура.


Внешний отказ

  1. Отказ цифрового входа. Цифровой вход был запрограммирован как вход для внешнего сигнала отказа и является активным.
  • Устраните все отказы внешних устройств.


Отказ шины Fieldbus

  1. Нарушено информационное соединение между ведущей управляющей шиной Fieldbus и управляющей шиной привода.
  • Проверьте правильность монтажа.
  • Если монтаж в порядке, то свяжитесь с ближайшим распространителем компании Vacon.


Неправильный запуск

  1. Одновременное движение вперед и назад.
  • Проверьте одиночный управляющий вход/ выход 1 и одиночный управляющий вход/ выход 2.


Сбой идентификации

  1. Ошибка идентификационного прогона.
  • Команда прогона была удалена до завершения идентификационного прогона.
  • Двигатель не подключен к преобразователю частоты.
  • Нет нагрузки на вале двигателя.

Панель управления частотного преобразователя Vacon 10

Дисплей частотного преобразователя Vacon 10

Панель управления частотного преобразователя Vacon 10

Дисплей частотного преобразователя Vacon 10

Стандартная конфигурация входа/выхода и подключение Vacon 10.

Стандартная конфигурация входа/выхода и подключение Vacon 10

Скачать руководство пользователя для частотных преобразователей Vacon 10-й серии.

Сброс ошибок и Ремонт частотников Vacon в сервисном центре

Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте частотных преобразователей. Логотип компании 'Кернел'Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленного преобразователя частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт частотного преобразователя Vacon производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт частотного преобразователя. Оставьте заказ на ремонт оборудования используя форму на сайте, либо свяжетесь с нашими менеджерами, сделать это очень просто.

Как с нами связаться

У вас остались вопросы, связанные с ремонтом, сбросом ошибок, программированием и настройкой частотных преобразователей? Задайте их нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона:
    • +7(8482) 79-78-54;
    • +7(8482) 55-96-39;
    • +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

Vacon 100 flow Applications Manual

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Summary of Contents for Vacon 100 flow

  • Page 1
    100 flow ® ac drives application manual…
  • Page 3: About This Manual

    FW0159V017 ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual is copyright of Vacon Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The manual is subject to change without prior notice. The language of the original instructions is English. In this manual, you can read about the functions of the VACON AC drive and how to use the ®…

  • Page 4
    VACON · 4 PREFACE How to use the parameters. • Digital and analogue input programming. • Application-specific functions. • Chapter 11, Fault tracing The faults and their causes. • Resetting the faults. • Chapter 12, Appendix Data on the different default values of the applications.
  • Page 5: Functions Of The Vacon ® Ac Drive

    PREFACE VACON · 5 FUNCTIONS OF THE VACON AC DRIVE ® You can select the necessary application for your process: Standard, HVAC, PID control, • Multi-pump (single drive) or Multi-pump (multidrive). The drive automatically makes some of the necessary settings, which makes the commissioning easy.

  • Page 6
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS VACON · 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Document details About this manual Functions of the VACON AC drive ® 1 Quick Startup Guide Control panel and keypad The displays First startup Description of the applications 1.4.1 Standard and HVAC applications 1.4.2…

  • Page 8
    VACON · 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Monitoring menu Monitor group 4.1.1 Multimonitor 4.1.2 Trend curve 4.1.3 Basic 4.1.4 4.1.5 Temperature inputs 4.1.6 Extras and advanced 4.1.7 Timer functions monitoring 4.1.8 PID controller monitoring 4.1.9 External PID controller monitoring 4.1.10 Multi-pump monitoring 4.1.11…
  • Page 9
    TABLE OF CONTENTS VACON · 9 7 I/O and hardware menu Basic I/O Option board slots Real time clock Power unit settings Keypad Fieldbus 8 User settings, favourites and user level menus User settings 8.1.1 User settings 8.1.2 Parameter backup Favourites 8.2.1…
  • Page 10
    VACON · 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.5 Ramps and brakes setup 10.5.1 Ramp 1 10.5.2 Ramp 2 10.5.3 Start magnetising 10.5.4 DC brake 10.5.5 Flux braking 10.6 I/O configuration 10.6.1 Programming of digital and analogue inputs 10.6.2 Default functions of programmable inputs 10.6.3…
  • Page 11
    TABLE OF CONTENTS VACON · 11 10.17 Maintenance counters 10.18 Fire mode 10.19 Motor preheat function 10.20 Drive customizer 10.21 Pump control 10.21.1 Auto-cleaning 10.21.2 Jockey pump 10.21.3 Priming pump 10.21.4 Anti-blocking function 10.21.5 Frost protection 10.21.6 Flow switch 10.22 Counters 10.22.1…
  • Page 12: Quick Startup Guide

    VACON · 12 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE QUICK STARTUP GUIDE CONTROL PANEL AND KEYPAD The control panel is the interface between the AC drive and the user. With the control panel, you can control the speed of a motor and monitor the status of the AC drive. You can also set the parameters of the AC drive.

  • Page 13: First Startup

    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 13 READY STOP Main Menu Quick Setup ( 17 ) Monitor ( 5 ) Parameters ( 12 ) Fig. 2: The graphical display A. The first status field: STOP/RUN F. The location field: the ID number of the B.

  • Page 14: Description Of The Applications

    VACON · 14 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Language selection (P6.1) The selection is different in all the language packages Daylight saving* (P5.5.5) Russia Time* (P5.5.2) hh:mm:ss Year* (P5.5.4) yyyy Date* (P5.5.3) dd.mm. * If a battery is installed, you see these steps Run Startup Wizard? Select Yes and push the OK button.

  • Page 15
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 15 When you control the drive with the I/O terminal, the frequency reference signal is connected to AI1 (0…10V) or AI2 (4…20mA). The connection is specified by the type of the signal. There are also 3 preset frequency references available. You can activate the preset frequency references with DI4 and DI5.
  • Page 16
    R O2/3 NO Thermistor input TI1+ TI1- R O3/2 CM Relay output 3 READY R O3/3 NO Fig. 4: The default control connections of Standard and HVAC applications * = Available only in VACON 100 X. ® LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 17
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 17 ** = For the DIP switch configurations in VACON 100 X, see the VACON 100 X Installation ® ® manual. Fig. 5: The DIP switch A. Digital inputs C. Connected to GND (default) B. Float Table 2: M1.1 Wizards…
  • Page 18
    VACON · 18 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 3: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Standard 1 = HVAC 2 = PID Control Application 3 = Multi-pump (single drive) 4 = Multi-pump (multi- drive) The minimum fre- Minimum Frequency 0.00…
  • Page 19
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 19 Table 3: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description Find this value f Motor Nominal Fre- 1.10 320.0 50 / 60 the nameplate of the quency motor. Find this value n Motor Nominal 1.11…
  • Page 20
    VACON · 20 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 3: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled 1.18 Automatic Reset 1 = Enabled 0 = No action 1 = Alarm Response to External 2 = Fault (Stop accord- 1.19…
  • Page 21
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 21 Table 3: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description The selection of the frequency reference source when the con- trol place is I/O A. 0 = PC 1 = Preset Frequency 0 2 = Keypad Reference…
  • Page 22: Pid Control Application

    VACON · 22 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 3: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 1.29 RO3 Function 11007 See P3. 1.30 AO1 Function 10050 See P3. Table 4: M1.31 Standard / M1.32 HVAC Index Parameter Unit Default Description Make the selection of a 1.31.1…

  • Page 23
    FAULT RO2/2 CM RO2/3 NO TI1+ Thermistor input TI1- Relay output 3 RO3/2 CM READY RO3/3 NO Fig. 6: The default control connections of the PID control application * = Available only in VACON 100 X. ® LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 24
    VACON · 24 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE ** = For the DIP switch configurations in VACON 100 X, see the VACON 100 X Installation ® ® manual. Fig. 7: The DIP switch A. Digital inputs C. Connected to GND (default) B. Float Table 5: M1.1 Wizards…
  • Page 25
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 25 Table 6: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Standard 1 = HVAC 2 = PID Control Application 3 = Multi-pump (single drive) 4 = Multi-pump (multi- drive) The minimum fre- Minimum Frequency 0.00…
  • Page 26
    VACON · 26 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 6: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description Find this value f Motor Nominal Fre- 50.0 / 1.10 320.0 the nameplate of the quency 60.0 motor. Find this value n Motor Nominal 1.11…
  • Page 27
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 27 Table 6: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled 1.18 Automatic Reset 1 = Enabled 0 = No action 1 = Alarm Response to External 2 = Fault (Stop accord- 1.19…
  • Page 28
    VACON · 28 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 6: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description The selection of the frequency reference source when the con- trol place is I/O A. 0 = PC 1 = Preset Frequency 0 2= Keypad Reference…
  • Page 29
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 29 Table 7: M1.33 PID control Index Parameter Unit Default Description If the value of the parameter is set to 100%, a change of 10% 1.33.1 PID Gain 0.00 100.00 100.00 in the error value cau- ses the controller out- put to change by 10%.
  • Page 30: Multi-Pump (Single Drive) Application

    VACON · 30 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 7: M1.33 PID control Index Parameter Unit Default Description The minimum quantity of time that the fre- quency stays below the 1.33.11 SP1 Sleep Delay 3000 1017 sleep level before the drive stops.

  • Page 31
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 31 Start / Stop Fig. 8: Multi-pump (single drive) configuration Autochange function (change of start order) makes the wear of the motors in the system more equal. Autochange function monitors the running hours and sets the start order of each motor.
  • Page 32
    VACON · 32 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Fig. 9: Control diagram, where only the auxiliary motors are configured to autochange K1.1 K2.1 K3.1 Fig. 10: Control diagram, where all the motors are configured to autochange You can use 2 control places. Make the selection of the control place A or B with DI6. When control place Make the selection of the control place A or B with DI6.
  • Page 33
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 33 You can configure all the drive outputs freely in all the applications. There are 1 analogue output (Output Frequency) and 3 relay outputs (Run, Fault, Ready) available on the basic I/O board. LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 34
    TI1+ Thermistor input TI1- Relay output 3 RO3/2 CM Motor 3 control (Multi-pump K2 contactor) RO3/3 NO Fig. 11: The default control connections of Multi-pump (single drive) application * = Available only in VACON 100 X. ® LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 35
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 35 ** = For the DIP switch configurations in VACON 100 X, see the VACON 100 X Installation ® ® manual. Fig. 12: The DIP switch A. Digital inputs C. Connected to GND (default) B. Float Table 8: M1.1 Wizards…
  • Page 36
    VACON · 36 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 9: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Standard 1 = HVAC 2 = PID Control Application 3 = Multi-pump (single drive) 4 = Multi-pump (multi- drive) The minimum fre- Minimum Frequency 0.00…
  • Page 37
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 37 Table 9: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description Find this value f Motor Nominal Fre- 50.0 / 1.10 320.0 the nameplate of the quency 60.0 motor. Find this value n Motor Nominal 1.11…
  • Page 38
    VACON · 38 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 9: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled 1.18 Automatic Reset 1 = Enabled 0 = No action 1 = Alarm Response to External 2 = Fault (Stop accord- 1.19…
  • Page 39
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 39 Table 9: M1 Quick Setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description The selection of the frequency reference source when the con- trol place is I/O A. 0 = PC 1 = Preset Frequency 0 2= Keypad Reference…
  • Page 40
    VACON · 40 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 10: M1.34 Multi-pump (single drive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description If the value of the parameter is set to 100%, a change of 1.34.1 PID Gain 0.00 100.00 100.00 10% in the error…
  • Page 41
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 41 Table 10: M1.34 Multi-pump (single drive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description The drive goes to the sleep mode when the output frequency stays SP1 Sleep Fre- below this limit for 1.34.10 320.0 1016 quency Limit…
  • Page 42
    VACON · 42 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 10: M1.34 Multi-pump (single drive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description Disable/enable the rotation of the start order and the pri- ority of the motors. 1.34.16 Autochange 1027 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (inter-…
  • Page 43: Multi-Pump (Multidrive) Application

    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 43 Table 10: M1.34 Multi-pump (single drive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description The percent of the setpoint. For exam- ple, Setpoint = 5 bar 1.34.23 Bandwidth 1097 Bandwidth = 10% When the feedback value stays between 4.5 and…

  • Page 44
    VACON · 44 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE The checklist for the commissioning a Multi-pump (multidrive) system is in 10.16.1 Multi- pump (multidrive) commissioning checklist. Each motor has a drive controls that applicable motor. The drives of the system communicate with each other by Modbus RTU communication.
  • Page 45
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 45 Fig. 14: Control in the Multifollower mode The figure below shows an example of the Multimaster mode, where the speed of the regulating motor locks to the constant production speed B, when next motor starts. Curves A show the regulating of the pumps.
  • Page 46
    TI1+ Thermistor input To terminal TI1- B on other drives Relay output 3 RO3/2 CM READY RO3/3 NO Fig. 16: The default control connections of Multi-pump (multidrive) application * = Available only in VACON 100 X. ® LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 47
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 47 ** = For the DIP switch configurations in Vacon VACON X, see the VACON 100 X Installation ® ® manual. Fig. 17: The DIP switch A. Digital inputs C. Connected to GND (default) B. Float Each drive has a pressure sensor.
  • Page 48
    VACON · 48 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) 2-WIRE 2-WIRE 2-WIRE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 49
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 49 DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) 2-WIRE 2-WIRE 2-WIRE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 50
    VACON · 50 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) 2-WIRE 2-WIRE 2-WIRE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 51
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 51 1 sensor is connected to all the drives. The redundancy level of the system is low because only the drives are redundant. If there is a drive failure, the next drive starts to operate as master.
  • Page 52
    VACON · 52 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 2-WIRE VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW TRANSMITTER P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) PRESSURE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 53
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 53 DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 2-WIRE VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW TRANSMITTER P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) PRESSURE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 54
    VACON · 54 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 2-WIRE VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW TRANSMITTER P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) PRESSURE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 55
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 55 2 drives have individual pressure sensors. The redundancy level of the system is medium because the drives and the pressure sensors are duplicated. If there is a drive failure, the second drive starts to operate as master.
  • Page 56
    VACON · 56 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) 2-WIRE 2-WIRE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number TRANSMITTER P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 57
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 57 DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) 2-WIRE 2-WIRE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number TRANSMITTER P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 58
    VACON · 58 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) 2-WIRE 2-WIRE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.3 Pump ID Number TRANSMITTER P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…
  • Page 59
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 59 1 common pressure sensor is connected to 2 drives. The redundancy level of the system is low because only the drives are redundant. If there is a drive failure, the second drive starts to operate as master.
  • Page 60
    VACON · 60 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 DRIVE 1 2-WIRE VACON 100 FLOW TRANSMITTER P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) PRESSURE P3.15.3 Pump ID Number SENSOR 1 P3.15.4 Start & Feedback = Signals Connected +10V Reference voltage AI2+ NOT USED (0…10V)
  • Page 61
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 61 DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 DRIVE 2 VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.4 Start & Feedback = Signals Connected +10V Reference voltage AI2+ NOT USED (0…10V) AI1- AI2+ PID FEEDBACK (4…20mA)
  • Page 62
    VACON · 62 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.4 Start & Feedback = Signals Connected +10V Reference voltage AI2+ NOT USED (0…10V) AI1- AI2+ PID FEEDBACK (4…20mA)
  • Page 63
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 63 1 pressure sensor is connected to the first drive. The system is not redundant, because the system stops if there is a drive or sensor failure. LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 64
    VACON · 64 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 DRIVE 1 VACON 100 FLOW 2-WIRE TRANSMITTER P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.4 Start & Feedback = Signals Connected PRESSURE SENSOR 1 +10V Reference voltage AI2+ NOT USED (0…10V)
  • Page 65
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 65 DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 DRIVE 2 VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.4 Start & Feedback = Signals Connected +10V Reference voltage AI2+ NOT USED (0…10V) AI1- AI2+ PID FEEDBACK (4…20mA)
  • Page 66
    VACON · 66 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 DRIVE 3 VACON 100 FLOW P1.2 Application = Multipump(MultiDrive) P3.15.3 Pump ID Number P3.15.4 Start & Feedback = Signals Connected +10V Reference voltage AI2+ NOT USED (0…10V) AI1- AI2+ PID FEEDBACK (4…20mA)
  • Page 67
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 67 Table 11: M1.1 Wizards Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Do not activate 1 = Activate 1.1.1 Startup Wizard 1170 The selection Activate starts the Startup wiz- ard (see Chapter 1.3 First startup).
  • Page 68
    VACON · 68 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 12: M1 Quick setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Standard 1 = HVAC 2 = PID Control Application 3 = Multi-pump (sin- gle drive) 4 = Multi-pump (multidrive) Minimum The minimum fre- Frequency 0.00…
  • Page 69
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 69 Table 12: M1 Quick setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description Motor Nom- Find this value f 50.0 / 1.10 inal Fre- 320.0 the nameplate of the 60.0 quency motor. Find this value n Motor Nom- 1.11…
  • Page 70
    VACON · 70 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 12: M1 Quick setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description Automatic 0 = Disabled 1.18 Reset 1 = Enabled 0 = No action 1 = Alarm Response to 2 = Fault (Stop 1.19 External…
  • Page 71
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 71 Table 12: M1 Quick setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description The selection of the frequency reference source when the control place is I/O A. 0 = PC 1 = Preset Fre- quency 0 2= Keypad Reference…
  • Page 72
    VACON · 72 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 12: M1 Quick setup Index Parameter Unit Default Description RO2 Func- See P3. 1.28 11004 tion RO3 Func- See P3. 1.29 11007 tion AO1 Func- See P3. 1.30 10050 tion LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 73
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 73 Table 13: M1.35 Multi-pump (Multidrive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description If the value of the parameter is set to 100%, a change of 1.35.1 PID Gain 0.00 100.00 100.00 10% in the error value causes the controller output to change by 10%.
  • Page 74
    VACON · 74 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 13: M1.35 Multi-pump (Multidrive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description The drive goes to the sleep mode when the output frequency stays SP1 Sleep Fre- below this limit for 1.35.10 320.0 1016 quency Limit…
  • Page 75
    QUICK STARTUP GUIDE VACON · 75 Table 13: M1.35 Multi-pump (Multidrive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description Use this parameter to select if the start signal and/or the PIDfeedback sig- nals are connected to the drive. Start and Feed- 1.35.16 1782…
  • Page 76
    VACON · 76 QUICK STARTUP GUIDE Table 13: M1.35 Multi-pump (Multidrive) Index Parameter Unit Default Description Range: Monday to 1.35.21 Autochange Days 1786 Sunday Autochange Time Range: 00:00:00 to 1.35.22 Time 1787 of Day 23:59:59 Autochange: These parameters 1.35.23 0.00 P3.3.1.2…
  • Page 77: Wizards

    WIZARDS VACON · 77 WIZARDS STANDARD APPLICATION WIZARD The application wizard helps you to set the basic parameters that are related to the application. To start the Standard application wizard, set the value Standard to parameter P1.2 Application (ID 212) in the keypad.

  • Page 78: Hvac Application Wizard

    VACON · 78 WIZARDS HVAC APPLICATION WIZARD The application wizard helps you to set the basic parameters that are related to the application. To start the HVAC application wizard, set the value HVAC to parameter P1.2 Application (ID 212) in the keypad.

  • Page 79: Pid Control Application Wizard

    WIZARDS VACON · 79 Set a value for P3.4.1.2 Acceleration Time 1 Range: 0.1-3000.0 s Set a value for P3.4.1.3 Deceleration Time 1 Range: 0.1-3000.0 s Next the wizard goes to steps that are specified by the application. Select the control place (where you give the start…

  • Page 80
    VACON · 80 WIZARDS Set a value for P3.1.2.2 Motor Type (so that it agrees with the nameplate of the motor) PM motor Induction motor Reluctance motor Set a value for P3.1.1.1 Motor Nominal Voltage (so Range: Varies that it agrees with the nameplate of the motor) Set a value for P3.1.1.2 Motor Nominal Frequency…
  • Page 81: Multi-Pump (Single Drive) Application Wizard

    WIZARDS VACON · 81 Set the signal range of the analogue input 0 = 0-10V / 0-20mA 1 = 2-10V / 4-20mA Set a value for P3.13.1.8 Error Inversion 0 = Normal 1 = Inverted Set a value for P3.13.2.6 Setpoint Source Selection…

  • Page 82
    VACON · 82 WIZARDS Set a value for P3.1.2.2 Motor Type (so that it agrees with the nameplate of the motor) PM motor Induction motor Reluctance motor Set a value for P3.1.1.1 Motor Nominal Voltage (so Range: Varies that it agrees with the nameplate of the motor) Set a value for P3.1.1.2 Motor Nominal Frequency…
  • Page 83
    WIZARDS VACON · 83 Set the signal range of the analogue input 0 = 0-10V / 0-20mA 1 = 2-10V / 4-20mA Set a value for P3.13.1.8 Error Inversion 0 = Normal 1 = Inverted Set a value for P3.13.2.6 Setpoint Source Selection…
  • Page 84: Multi-Pump (Multidrive) Application Wizard

    VACON · 84 WIZARDS Set a value for P3.15.7 Autochanged pumps 0 = Auxiliary pumps 1 = All pumps Step 30 shows only if you set the value Enabled (Interval) to parameter Autochange in step 28. Set a value for P3.15.8 Autochange Interval…

  • Page 85
    WIZARDS VACON · 85 Set a value for P3.1.2.2 Motor Type (so that it agrees with the nameplate of the motor) PM motor Induction motor Reluctance motor Set a value for P3.1.1.1 Motor Nominal Voltage (so Range: Varies that it agrees with the nameplate of the motor) Set a value for P3.1.1.2 Motor Nominal Frequency…
  • Page 86
    VACON · 86 WIZARDS Set the signal range of the analogue input 0 = 0-10V / 0-20mA 1 = 2-10V / 4-20mA Set a value for P3.13.1.8 Error Inversion 0 = Normal 1 = Inverted Set a value for P3.13.2.6 Setpoint Source Selection…
  • Page 87
    WIZARDS VACON · 87 Set a value for P3.13.5.1 SP1 Sleep Frequency Limit Range: 0.00-320.00 Hz Set a value for P3.13.5.2 SP1 Sleep Delay Range: 0-3000 s Set a value for P3.13.5.3 SP1 Wake Up Level The range is specified by the set process unit.
  • Page 88: Fire Mode Wizard

    VACON · 88 WIZARDS Set a value for P3.15.9 Autochange Days Range: Monday to Sunday Set a value for P3.15.10 Autochange Time of Day Range: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Set a value for P3.15.13 Bandwidth Range: 0-100% Set a value for P3.15.14 Bandwidth Delay Range: 0-3600 s The Multi-pump (multidrive) application wizard is completed.

  • Page 89
    WIZARDS VACON · 89 Set a value for parameters P3.17.4 Fire Mode Acti- Make a selection of a digital input to activate vation on OPEN / P3.17.5 Fire Mode Activation on Fire mode. See also Chapter 10.6.1 Program- CLOSE ming of digital and analogue inputs.
  • Page 90: User Interfaces

    VACON · 90 USER INTERFACES USER INTERFACES NAVIGATION ON THE KEYPAD The data of the AC drive is in menus and submenus. To move between the menus, use the arrow buttons Up and Down in the keypad. To go into a group or an item, push the OK button.

  • Page 91
  • Page 92: Using The Graphical Display

    VACON · 92 USER INTERFACES USING THE GRAPHICAL DISPLAY READY STOP Main Menu Quick Setup ( 17 ) Monitor ( 5 ) Parameters ( 12 ) Fig. 33: The main menu of the graphical display A. The first status field: STOP/RUN F.

  • Page 93
    USER INTERFACES VACON · 93 To go to the Edit mode, push the OK button 2 times STOP READY or push the arrow button Right. Rem Control Place M3.2.1 Edit Help Add to favourites To set a new value, push the arrow buttons Up and READY Down.
  • Page 94
    VACON · 94 USER INTERFACES If the value is numerical, move from digit to digit STOP READY with the arrow buttons Left and Right. Change the digits with the arrow buttons Up and Down. MinFreqReference ID:101 P3.3.1.1 00.00 Hz Min: 0.00Hz Max: 50.00Hz…
  • Page 95: Resetting A Fault

    USER INTERFACES VACON · 95 To move in the list of values, use the arrow buttons STOP READY Up and Down. Days M Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday To add a value into your selection, select the box READY that is next to it with the arrow button Right.

  • Page 96
    VACON · 96 USER INTERFACES CHANGING THE CONTROL PLACE Anywhere in the menu structure, push the FUNCT READY Keypad button. STOP Main Menu Monitor ( 12 ) Parameters ( 21 ) Diagnostics ( 6 ) To make a selection of the Local/Remote, use the…
  • Page 97
    USER INTERFACES VACON · 97 GOING INTO THE CONTROL PAGE It is easy to monitor the most important values in the Control page. Anywhere in the menu structure, push the FUNCT button. STOP READY Main Menu Monitor ( 12 )
  • Page 98
    VACON · 98 USER INTERFACES cannot edit. The other values on the page are Multimonitoring values. You can make a selection of the values that show up here (see instructions in 4.1.1 Multimonitor). CHANGING THE ROTATION DIRECTION You can change the rotation direction of the motor quickly with the FUNCT button.
  • Page 99: Copying The Parameters

    USER INTERFACES VACON · 99 The rotation direction changes immediately. You can see that the arrow indication in the status field READY STOP of the display changes. Main Menu Monitor ( 7 ) Parameters ( 15 ) Diagnostics ( 6 )

  • Page 100: Comparing The Parameters

    VACON · 100 USER INTERFACES SAVING THE PARAMETERS TO THE CONTROL PANEL Go into the User settings menu. STOP READY Keypad Main Menu I/O and Hardware ( 9 ) User settings ( 4 ) Favourites ( 0 ) Go into the Parameter backup submenu.

  • Page 101
    USER INTERFACES VACON · 101 NOTE! If you have not saved the parameter set with which you want to compare the current set, the display shows the text Comparing failed. USING THE FUNCTION PARAMETER COMPARE Go into Parameter Compare in the User settings menu.
  • Page 102: Help Texts

    VACON · 102 USER INTERFACES Examine the comparing between the current values READY and the values of the other set. STOP Active set-Set 1 ID:113 Motor Nom Currnt 0.56A 1.90A Motor Cos Phi 0.68 1.74 A. The current value B. The value of the other set C.

  • Page 103: Using The Favourites Menu

    USER INTERFACES VACON · 103 To open the help text, push the OK button. READY STOP Ctrl signal 1 A ID:403 M3.5.1.1 Start Signal 1 for control Place I/O A. Start Signal 1 functionality chosen with I/O A Logic in Start/Stop Setup Menu.

  • Page 104: Editing The Values

    VACON · 104 USER INTERFACES D. The current location in the menu F. The indicators of the rotation direction E. The indicators of the control place 3.3.1 EDITING THE VALUES CHANGING THE TEXT VALUE OF A PARAMETER Set the value of a parameter with this procedure.

  • Page 105: Resetting A Fault

    USER INTERFACES VACON · 105 Move from digit to digit with the arrow buttons Left and Right. Change the digits with the arrow buttons Up and Down. Accept the change with the OK button. To ignore the change, go back to the level where you were before with the Back/Reset button.

  • Page 106
    VACON · 106 USER INTERFACES To make a selection of the Local/Remote, use the arrow buttons Up and Down. Push the OK button. To make a selection of Local or Remote, use the arrow buttons Up and Down again. To accept the selection, push the OK button.
  • Page 107
    USER INTERFACES VACON · 107 To make a selection of the Control page, push the arrow buttons Up and Down. Go in with the OK button. The control page opens. If you use the Local control place and the keypad reference, you can set P3.3.1.8 Keypad Reference…
  • Page 108
    VACON · 108 USER INTERFACES Anywhere in the menu structure, push the FUNCT button. Push the arrow buttons Up and Down to make a selection of Quick Edit and accept with the OK button. Write the ID number of a parameter or monitoring value.
  • Page 109: Menu Structure

    USER INTERFACES VACON · 109 MENU STRUCTURE Menu Function Quick setup See 1.4 Description of the applications. Monitor Multimonitor* Trend curve* Basic Extras/Advanced Timer functions PID controller External PID controller Multi-pump Maintenance counters Fiedbus data Parameters See 5 Parameters menu.

  • Page 110: Quick Setup

    QUICK SETUP The Quick Setup group includes the different wizards and quick setup parameters of the VACON 100 FLOW application. More detailed information on the parameters of this group ® you will find in chapter 1.3 First startup and 2 Wizards.

  • Page 111
    USER INTERFACES VACON · 111 NOTE! The Multimonitor menu is not available in the text display. TREND CURVE The Trend curve function is a graphical presentation of 2 monitor values at the same time. See 4.1.2 Trend curve. BASIC The basic monitoring values can include statuses, measurements, and the actual values of parameters and signals.
  • Page 112: Vacon ® Live

    17 languages: English, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Russian, Swedish, • Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak and Turkish You can make the connection between the AC drive and the PC tool with the VACON serial ® communication cable. The serial communication drivers are installed automatically during the installation of VACON Live.

  • Page 113: Monitoring Menu

    MONITORING MENU VACON · 113 MONITORING MENU MONITOR GROUP You can monitor the actual values of the parameters and signals. You can also monitor the statuses and measurements. You can customise some of the values that you can monitor. 4.1.1 MULTIMONITOR On the Multimonitor page, you can collect 4 to 9 items to monitor.

  • Page 114: Trend Curve

    VACON · 114 MONITORING MENU To make a selection of a new item in the list, push READY STOP FreqReference ID:1 M2.1.1.1 0.00 Hz Output frequency 10.00 Hz FreqReference 0.00 rpm Motor Speed 0.00 A Motor Current 0.00 % Motor Torque 0.00 %…

  • Page 115
    MONITORING MENU VACON · 115 You can monitor only 2 values as trend curves at READY the same time. The current selections, STOP FreqReference and Motor speed, are at the bottom of the display. To make a selection of the current value that you wish to change, use the arrow buttons up and down.
  • Page 116
    VACON · 116 MONITORING MENU In Trend curve view, make a curve active with the READY ALARM arrow button Up. The frame of the display turns bold. 0.02A Motor Current Motor Speed -317rpm Push OK at the target point of the curve.
  • Page 117: Basic

    MONITORING MENU VACON · 117 To move the line to see the values of some other location, use the arrow buttons Left and Right. READY ALARM Motor Current 0.01A Motor Speed -254rpm Table 15: The trend curve parameters Index Parameter…

  • Page 118
    VACON · 118 MONITORING MENU Table 16: Items in the monitoring menu Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description V2.3.1 Output frequency 0.01 Frequency refer- V2.3.2 0.01 ence V2.3.3 Motor speed V2.3.4 Motor current Varies V2.3.5 Motor torque V2.3.7 Motor shaft power V2.3.8…
  • Page 119: I/O

    MONITORING MENU VACON · 119 4.1.4 Table 17: I/O signal monitoring Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description V2.4.1 Slot A DIN 1, 2, 3 V2.4.2 Slot A DIN 4, 5, 6 V2.4.3 Slot B RO 1, 2, 3 V2.4.4 Analogue input 1 0.01…

  • Page 120: Extras And Advanced

    VACON · 120 MONITORING MENU 4.1.6 EXTRAS AND ADVANCED Table 19: Monitoring of the advanced values Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description B1 = Ready B2 = Run B3 = Fault B6 = RunEnable B7 = AlarmActive V2.6.1 Drive Status Word…

  • Page 121: Timer Functions Monitoring

    MONITORING MENU VACON · 121 Table 19: Monitoring of the advanced values Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description Motor Current 1 V2.6.7 Decimal 0 = PC 1 = Preset Freqs 2 = Keypad Reference 3 = Fieldbus 4 = AI1…

  • Page 122: Pid Controller Monitoring

    VACON · 122 MONITORING MENU Table 20: Monitoring of the timer functions Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description V2.7.1 TC 1, TC 2, TC 3 1441 V2.7.2 Interval 1 1442 V2.7.3 Interval 2 1443 V2.7.4 Interval 3 1444 V2.7.5 Interval 4 1445 V2.7.6…

  • Page 123: External Pid Controller Monitoring

    MONITORING MENU VACON · 123 4.1.9 EXTERNAL PID CONTROLLER MONITORING Table 22: Monitoring of the values of the external PID controller Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description As set in P3.14.1.1 0 (See 5.14 V2.9.1 ExtPID Setpoint Varies Group 3.14:…

  • Page 124
    VACON · 124 MONITORING MENU Table 23: Multi-pump monitoring Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description V2.10.1 Motors Running V2.10.2 Autochange 1114 V2.10.3 Next Autochange 1503 0 = Slave V2.10.4 Operate Mode 1505 1 = Master 0 = Not used 10 = Stopped…
  • Page 125: Maintenance Counters

    MONITORING MENU VACON · 125 4.1.11 MAINTENANCE COUNTERS Table 24: Maintenance counter monitoring Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description Maintenance V2.11.1 h/ kRev Varies 1101 counter 1 4.1.12 FIELDBUS PROCESS DATA MONITORING Table 25: Fieldbus process data monitoring Index Monitoring value…

  • Page 126: Drive Customizer Monitoring

    VACON · 126 MONITORING MENU 4.1.13 DRIVE CUSTOMIZER MONITORING Table 26: Drive customizer monitoring Index Monitoring value Unit Scale Description V2.13.2 Block Out.1 15020 V2.13.3 Block Out.2 15040 V2.13.4 Block Out.3 15060 V2.13.5 Block Out.4 15080 V2.13.6 Block Out.5 15100 V2.13.7…

  • Page 127: Parameters Menu

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 127 PARAMETERS MENU You can change and edit the parameters in the Parameters menu (M3) at all times. GROUP 3.1: MOTOR SETTINGS Table 27: Motor nameplate parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Motor Nominal Volt- P3.1.1.1…

  • Page 128
    VACON · 128 PARAMETERS MENU Table 28: Motor control settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Induction motor P3.1.2.2 Motor Type 1 = PM motor 2 = Reluctance motor P3.1.2.3 Switching Frequency Varies Varies 0 = No action P3.1.2.4…
  • Page 129
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 129 Table 30: Open loop settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0=Linear P3.1.4.1 U/f Ratio 1=Squared 2=Programmable Field Weakening P3.1.4.2 8.00 P3.3.1.2 Varies Point Frequency Voltage at Field P3.1.4.3 10.00 200.00 100.00 Weakening Point U/f Midpoint Fre- P3.1.4.4…
  • Page 130
    VACON · 130 PARAMETERS MENU Table 32: Torque stabilator parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Torque Stabilator P3. 500.0 50.0 1412 Gain Torque Stabilator P3. Gain at Field Weak- 500.0 50.0 1414 ening Point Torque Stabilator P3. Damping Time Con- 0.0005…
  • Page 131: Group 3.2: Start/Stop Setup

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 131 GROUP 3.2: START/STOP SETUP Table 33: Start/stop setup menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description Remote Control 0 = I/O control P3.2.1 Place 1 = Fieldbus control 0 = Remote P3.2.2 Local/Remote 1 = Local 0 = Yes P3.2.3…

  • Page 132
    VACON · 132 PARAMETERS MENU Table 33: Start/stop setup menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = A rising edge is P3.2.8 Fieldbus Start Logic necessary 1 = State P3.2.9 Start Delay 0.000 60.000 0.000 0 = Keep Run Remote to Local 1 = Keep Run &…
  • Page 133: Group 3.3: References

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 133 GROUP 3.3: REFERENCES Table 34: Frequency reference parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Minimum Frequency P3.3.1.1 0.00 P3.3.1.2 0.00 Reference Maximum Frequency 50.00 / P3.3.1.2 P3.3.1.1 320.00 Reference 60.00 Positive Frequency P3.3.1.3 -320.0 320.0 320.00…

  • Page 134
    VACON · 134 PARAMETERS MENU Table 34: Frequency reference parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = PC 1 = Preset frequency 0 2 = Keypad reference 3 = Fieldbus 4 = AI1 5 = AI2 6 = AI1+AI2 7 = PID…
  • Page 135
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 135 Table 35: Preset frequency parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Preset Frequency 0 = Binary coded P3.3.3.1 Mode 1 = Number of inputs P3.3.3.2 Preset Frequency 0 P3.3.1.1 P3.3.1.2 5.00 P3.3.3.3 Preset Frequency 1 P3.3.1.1 P3.3.1.2…
  • Page 136: Group 3.4: Ramps And Brakes Setup

    VACON · 136 PARAMETERS MENU Table 37: Flushing parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Flushing Reference DigIN P3.3.6.1 Activation Slot0.1 * P3.3.6.2 Flushing reference -MaxRef MaxRef 0.00 * 1239 * The default value of the parameter is specified by the application that you select with parameter P1.2 Application.

  • Page 137
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 137 Table 40: Start magnetisation parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Start Magnetising 0 = Disabled P3.4.3.1 0.00 Current Start Magnetising P3.4.3.2 0.00 600.00 0.00 Time Table 41: DC brake parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.4.4.1…
  • Page 138: Group 3.5: I/O Configuration

    VACON · 138 PARAMETERS MENU GROUP 3.5: I/O CONFIGURATION Table 43: Digital input settings Index Parameter Default Description P3.5.1.1 Control Signal 1 A DigIN SlotA.1 * P3.5.1.2 Control Signal 2 A DigIN SlotA.2 * P3.5.1.3 Control Signal 3 A DigIN Slot0.1 P3.5.1.4…

  • Page 139
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 139 Table 43: Digital input settings Index Parameter Default Description P3.5.1.23 Preset Frequency Selection 2 DigIN Slot0.1 * OPEN = Not active P3.5.1.24 Motor Potentiometer UP DigIN Slot0.1 CLOSED = Active OPEN = Not active P3.5.1.25 Motor Potentiometer DOWN DigIN Slot0.1…
  • Page 140
    VACON · 140 PARAMETERS MENU Table 43: Digital input settings Index Parameter Default Description OPEN = Not active P3.5.1.46 Pump 5 Interlock DigIN Slot0.1 CLOSED = Active OPEN = Not active P3.5.1.47 Pump 6 Interlock DigIN Slot0.1 CLOSED = Active OPEN = Not active P3.5.1.48…
  • Page 141
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 141 Table 44: Analogue input 1 settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description AnIN P3. AI1 Signal Selection SlotA.1 * AI1 Signal Filter P3. 0.00 300.00 0.1 * Time 0 = 0…10V / 0…20mA P3. AI1 Signal Range 1 = 2…10V / 4…20mA…
  • Page 142
    VACON · 142 PARAMETERS MENU Table 46: Analogue input 3 settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description AnIN See P3. P3. AI3 Signal Selection SlotD.1 AI3 Signal Filter See P3. P3. 0.00 300.00 Time P3. AI3 Signal Range See P3. P3. AI3 Custom.
  • Page 143
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 143 Table 49: Analogue input 6 settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description AnIN See P3. P3. AI6 Signal Selection SlotE.2 AI6 Signal Filter See P3. P3. 0.00 300.00 Time P3. AI6 Signal Range See P3. P3. AI6 Custom.
  • Page 144
    VACON · 144 PARAMETERS MENU Table 50: Digital output settings on standard I/O board, Slot B Index Parameter Unit Default Description The function selection for R01: 0 = None 1 = Ready 2 = Run 3 = General fault 4 = General fault inver-…
  • Page 145
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 145 Table 50: Digital output settings on standard I/O board, Slot B Index Parameter Unit Default Description 26 = Time channel 2 27 = Time channel 3 28 = FB ControlWord 29 = FB ControlWord 30 = FB ControlWord 31 = FB Process- Data1.B0…
  • Page 146
    VACON · 146 PARAMETERS MENU Table 50: Digital output settings on standard I/O board, Slot B Index Parameter Unit Default Description 55 = Multi-pump K7 control 56 = Multi-pump K8 control 69 = Selected parame- P3. RO1 Function Varies 11001…
  • Page 147
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 147 Table 51: Standard I/O board analogue output settings, Slot A Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = TEST 0% (Not used) 1 = TEST 100% 2 = Output freq (0 — fmax) 3 = Freq reference (0 -…
  • Page 148
    VACON · 148 PARAMETERS MENU Table 51: Standard I/O board analogue output settings, Slot A Index Parameter Unit Default Description 17 = ProcessDataIn4 (0-100%) 18 = ProcessDataIn5 (0-100%) 19 = ProcessDataIn6 (0-100%) 20 = ProcessDataIn7 (0-100%) 21 = ProcessDataIn8 (0-100%) 22 = Block Out.1…
  • Page 149: Group 3.6: Fieldbus Data Mapping

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 149 GROUP 3.6: FIELDBUS DATA MAPPING Table 52: Fieldbus data mapping Index Parameter Unit Default Description Fieldbus Data Out 1 P3.6.1 35000 Selection Fieldbus Data Out 2 P3.6.2 35000 Selection Fieldbus Data Out 3 P3.6.3 35000…

  • Page 150: Group 3.7: Prohibit Frequencies

    VACON · 150 PARAMETERS MENU GROUP 3.7: PROHIBIT FREQUENCIES Table 54: Prohibit frequencies Index Parameter Unit Default Description Prohibit Frequency 0 = Not used P3.7.1 -1.00 320.00 0.00 Range 1 Low Limit Prohibit Frequency 0 = Not used P3.7.2 0.00 320.00…

  • Page 151: Group 3.8: Supervisions

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 151 GROUP 3.8: SUPERVISIONS Table 55: Supervision settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Output frequency 1 = Frequency reference 2 = Motor current 3 = Motor torque 4 = Motor power 5 = DC-link voltage…

  • Page 152: Group 3.9: Protections

    VACON · 152 PARAMETERS MENU GROUP 3.9: PROTECTIONS Table 56: General protections settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = No action 1 = Alarm Response to External 2 = Fault (Stop accord- P3.9.1.2 Fault ing to stop function) 3 = Fault (Stop by…

  • Page 153
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 153 Table 57: Motor thermal protection settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = No action 1 = Alarm Motor Thermal Pro- 2 = Fault (Stop by stop P3.9.2.1 tection mode) 3 = Fault (Stop by…
  • Page 154
    VACON · 154 PARAMETERS MENU Table 59: Motor underload protection settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = No action 1 = Alarm 2 = Fault (Stop accord- P3.9.4.1 Underload Fault ing to stop mode) 3 = Fault (Stop by…
  • Page 155
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 155 Table 61: Temperature input fault 1 settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description B0 = Temperature Sig- nal 1 B1 = Temperature Sig- nal 2 B2 = Temperature Sig- Temperature Signal nal 3 P3.9.6.1 B3 = Temperature Sig-…
  • Page 156
    VACON · 156 PARAMETERS MENU Table 62: Temperature input fault 2 settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description B0 = Temperature Sig- nal 1 B1 = Temperature Sig- nal 2 B2 = Temperature Sig- Temperature Signal nal 3 P3.9.6.5 B3 = Temperature Sig-…
  • Page 157
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 157 Table 63: AI low protection settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = No protection Analogue Input Low 1 = Protection enabled P3.9.8.1 in Run state Protection 2 = Protection enabled in Run and Stop state…
  • Page 158: Group 3.10: Automatic Reset

    VACON · 158 PARAMETERS MENU 5.10 GROUP 3.10: AUTOMATIC RESET Table 64: Autoreset settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled P3.10.1 Automatic Reset 1 = Enabled 0 = Flying start P3.10.2 Restart Function 1 = According to P3.2.4.

  • Page 159: Group 3.11: Application Settings

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 159 5.11 GROUP 3.11: APPLICATION SETTINGS Table 65: Application settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.11.1 Password 9999 1806 0 = Celsius P3.11.2 C/F Selection 1197 1 = Fahrenheit 0 = kW P3.11.3 kW/hp Selection 1198…

  • Page 160
    VACON · 160 PARAMETERS MENU Table 68: Interval 3 Index Parameter Unit Default Description hh:mm: See Interval 1. P3.12.3.1 ON Time 00:00:00 23:59:59 00:00:00 1474 hh:mm: See Interval 1. P3.12.3.2 OFF Time 00:00:00 23:59:59 00:00:00 1475 P3.12.3.3 Days 1476 See Interval 1.
  • Page 161
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 161 Table 71: Timer 1 Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.12.6.1 Duration 72000 1489 DigINSlot P3.12.6.2 Timer 1 B0 = Time channel 1 P3.12.6.3 Assign to Channel 1490 B1 = Time channel 2 B2 = Time channel 3…
  • Page 162: Group 3.13: Pid Controller

    VACON · 162 PARAMETERS MENU 5.13 GROUP 3.13: PID CONTROLLER Table 74: PID controller 1 basic settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.13.1.1 PID Gain 0.00 1000.00 100.00 P3.13.1.2 PID Integration Time 0.00 600.00 1.00 P3.13.1.3 PID Derivation Time 0.00 100.00…

  • Page 163
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 163 Table 74: PID controller 1 basic settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min Varies Varies Varies 1033 P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max Varies Varies Varies 1034 Process Unit Deci- P3.13.1.7 1035 mals 0 = Normal (Feedback <…
  • Page 164
    VACON · 164 PARAMETERS MENU Table 75: Setpoint settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.13.1. P3.13.1. P3.13.1 P3.13.2.1 Keypad Setpoint 1 P3.13.1. P3.13.1. P3.13.1 P3.13.2.2 Keypad Setpoint 2 P3.13.2.3 Setpoint Ramp Time 0.00 300.0 0.00 1068 PID Setpoint Boost DigIN OPEN = No boost P3.13.2.4…
  • Page 165
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 165 Table 75: Setpoint settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.13.2.7 Setpoint 1 Minimum -200.00 200.00 0.00 1069 P3.13.2.8 Setpoint 1 Maximum -200.00 200.00 100.00 1070 P3.13.2.9 Setpoint 1 Boost -2.0 1071 Setpoint Source 2 See P3.13.2.6.
  • Page 166
    VACON · 166 PARAMETERS MENU Table 76: Feedback settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 1 = Only Source1 in use 2 = SQRT(Source1); (Flow=Constant x SQRT(Pressure)) 3 = SQRT(Source1- Source 2) 4 = SQRT(Source 1) + SQRT (Source 2) P3.13.3.1…
  • Page 167
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 167 Table 76: Feedback settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description Feedback 1 Maxi- P3.13.3.5 -200.00 200.00 100.00 Feedback 2 Source See P3.13.3.3. P3.13.3.6 Selection P3.13.3.7 Feedback 2 Minimum -200.00 200.00 0.00 See P3.13.3.4. Feedback 2 Maxi- See P3.13.3.5.
  • Page 168
    VACON · 168 PARAMETERS MENU Table 78: Sleep function settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description SP1 Sleep Fre- 0 = Not used P3.13.5.1 0.00 320.00 0.00 1016 quency Limit P3.13.5.2 SP1 Sleep Delay 3000 1017 0 = Not used -214748.
  • Page 169
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 169 Table 79: Feedback supervision parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Enable Feedback 0 = Disabled P3.13.6.1 Supervision 1 = Enabled -99999.9 99999.9 P3.13.6.2 Upper Limit Varies Varies -99999.9 99999.9 P3.13.6.3 Lower Limit Varies Varies P3.13.6.4…
  • Page 170
    VACON · 170 PARAMETERS MENU Table 81: Soft fill settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled P3.13.8.1 Soft Fill Function 1094 1 = Enabled, Level 2 = Enabled, Timeout P3.13.8.2 Soft Fill Frequency 0.00 P3.3.1.2 20.00 1055 -99999.9 99999.9…
  • Page 171
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 171 Table 82: Input pressure supervision parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Enable Super- 0 = Disabled P3.13.9.1 1685 vision 1 = Enabled 0 = Analogue input 1 1 = Analogue input 2 2 = Analogue input 3…
  • Page 172
    VACON · 172 PARAMETERS MENU Table 82: Input pressure supervision parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Supervision P3.13.9.6 Unit Maximum -99999.99 99999.99 P3.13.9.3 10.00 1690 Value Supervision P3.13.9.7 P3.13.9.5 P3.13.9.6 P3.13.9.3 Varies 1691 Alarm Level Supervision P3.13.9.8 P3.13.9.5 P3.13.9.7 P3.13.9.3 0.10…
  • Page 173
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 173 Table 84: Multi-setpoint parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Multi-Setpoint P3.13.12.1 P3.13.1.5 P3.13.1.6 P3.13.1.4 15560 Multi-Setpoint P3.13.12.2 P3.13.1.5 P3.13.1.6 P3.13.1.4 15561 Multi-Setpoint P3.13.12.3 P3.13.1.5 P3.13.1.6 P3.13.1.4 15562 Multi-Setpoint P3.13.12.4 P3.13.1.5 P3.13.1.6 P3.13.1.4 15563 Multi-Setpoint P3.13.12.5 P3.13.1.5…
  • Page 174: Group 3.14: External Pid Controller

    VACON · 174 PARAMETERS MENU Table 84: Multi-setpoint parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Multi-Setpoint DigIN P3.13.12.19 15578 Selection 2 Slot0.1 Multi-Setpoint DigIN P3.13.12.20 15579 Selection 3 Slot0.1 5.14 GROUP 3.14: EXTERNAL PID CONTROLLER Table 85: Basic settings for the external PID controller…

  • Page 175
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 175 Table 86: Setpoints of the external PID controller Index Parameter Unit Default Description P3.14.1. P3.14.1. P3.14.2.1 Keypad Setpoint 1 Varies 0.00 1640 P3.14.1. P3.14.1. P3.14.2.2 Keypad Setpoint 2 Varies 0.00 1641 P3.14.2.3 Setpoint Ramp Time 0.00…
  • Page 176
    VACON · 176 PARAMETERS MENU Table 86: Setpoints of the external PID controller Index Parameter Unit Default Description Setpoint Source 2 See P3.14.2.5. P3.14.2.8 1646 Selection P3.14.2.9 Setpoint 2 Minimum -200.00 200.00 0.00 1647 P3.14.2.10 Setpoint 2 Maximum -200.00 200.00 100.00…
  • Page 177: Group 3.15: Multi-Pump

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 177 5.15 GROUP 3.15: MULTI-PUMP Table 89: Multi-pump parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Single Drive P3.15.1 Multi-pump Mode 1785 1 = Multifollower 2 = Multimaster P3.15.2 Number of Pumps 1001 P3.15.3 Pump ID Number…

  • Page 178
    VACON · 178 PARAMETERS MENU Table 89: Multi-pump parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Running Pumps P3.15.16 P3.15.2 1187 Limit M3.15.17 Interlock Signals See the interlock signal parameters below. Overpressure Super- See the overpressure supervision parameters below. M3.15.18 vision M3.15.19 Pump Running Time See the pump running time counter parameters below.
  • Page 179
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 179 Table 92: Pump running time counter parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = No action 1 = Set the value that is P3.15.19.1 Set Runtime Counter 1673 specified by P3.15.19.2 to the runtime counter of the selected pump.
  • Page 180: Group 3.16: Maintenance Counters

    VACON · 180 PARAMETERS MENU 5.16 GROUP 3.16: MAINTENANCE COUNTERS Table 94: Maintenance counters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Not used P3.16.1 Counter 1 Mode 1104 1 = Hours 2 = Revolutions * 1000 Counter 1 Alarm 2147483 0 = Not used P3.16.2…

  • Page 181: Group 3.17: Fire Mode

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 181 5.17 GROUP 3.17: FIRE MODE Table 95: Fire mode parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 1002 = Enabled P3.17.1 Fire Mode Password 9999 1599 1234 = Test mode 0 = Fire Mode fre- quency 1 = Preset speeds…

  • Page 182: Group 3.18: Motor Preheat Parameters

    VACON · 182 PARAMETERS MENU Table 95: Fire mode parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Fire Mode Run Indi- P3.17.9 15580 cation Current 5.18 GROUP 3.18: MOTOR PREHEAT PARAMETERS Table 96: Motor preheat parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Not used…

  • Page 183: Group 3.21: Pump Control

    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 183 5.20 GROUP 3.21: PUMP CONTROL Table 98: Auto-cleaning parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (DIN) P3.21.1.1 Cleaning Function 1714 2 = Enabled (current) 3 = Enabled (weekdays) DigIN P3.21.1.2…

  • Page 184
    VACON · 184 PARAMETERS MENU Table 99: Jockey pump parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Not used P3.21.2.1 Jockey Function 1674 1 = PID sleep 2 = PID sleep (level) P3.21.2.2 Jockey Start Level Varies Varies Varies 0.00 1675 P3.21.2.3…
  • Page 185
    PARAMETERS MENU VACON · 185 Table 102: Frost protection parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Disabled P3.21.5.1 Frost Protection 1704 1 = Enabled 0 = Temperature Input 1 (-50-200 C) 1 = Temperature Input 2 (-50-200 C) 2 = Temperature Input…
  • Page 186: Group 3.23: Advanced Harmonic Filter

    VACON · 186 PARAMETERS MENU Table 102: Frost protection parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description Frost Protection P3.21.5. P3.21.5.5 P3.21.5.4 °C/°F 5.00 (°C) 1708 Temperature Limit Frost Protection Fre- P3.21.5.6 P3.3.1.2 10.0 1710 quency This monitoring value shows the value of the Frost Temperature V3.21.5.7…

  • Page 187: Diagnostics Menu

    Give a reset signal in the I/O terminal. • Give a reset signal with the fieldbus. • Give a reset signal in VACON Live. ® • The Active faults submenu can keep a storage of maximum 10 faults. The submenu shows the faults in the sequence in which they occurred.

  • Page 188
    VACON · 188 DIAGNOSTICS MENU Table 105: The total counter parameters in the diagnostics menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description The quantity of energy from the mains. You cannot reset the coun- ter. In the text display: the V4.4.1 Energy Counter…
  • Page 189: Trip Counters

    DIAGNOSTICS MENU VACON · 189 Table 105: The total counter parameters in the diagnostics menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description The power on time in Power On Time (text hh:min: V4.4.14 hours, minutes and keypad) seconds. The number of times Start Command V4.4.15…

  • Page 190: Software Info

    VACON · 190 DIAGNOSTICS MENU SOFTWARE INFO Table 107: The software info parameters in the diagnostics menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description Software Package The code for the soft- V4.6.1 (graphical keypad) ware identification Software Package ID V4.6.2 (text keypad) Software Package V4.6.3…

  • Page 191: O And Hardware Menu

    I/O AND HARDWARE MENU VACON · 191 I/O AND HARDWARE MENU In the I/O and Hardware menu, there are different settings that are related to the options. The values in this menu are raw values, that is, they are not scaled by the application.

  • Page 192
    VACON · 192 I/O AND HARDWARE MENU Table 108: The basic I/O parameters in the I/O and Hardware menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description Status of the digital V5.1.1 Digital Input 1 2502 input signal Status of the digital V5.1.2…
  • Page 193: Option Board Slots

    I/O AND HARDWARE MENU VACON · 193 Table 108: The basic I/O parameters in the I/O and Hardware menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description Shows the mode that is set for the analogue input signal. The selec- tion is made with a DIP…

  • Page 194: Real Time Clock

    VACON · 194 I/O AND HARDWARE MENU REAL TIME CLOCK Table 110: The real time clock parameters in the I/O and Hardware menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description Status of the battery. V5.5.1 Battery State 2205 1 = Not installed…

  • Page 195: Keypad

    I/O AND HARDWARE MENU VACON · 195 Table 111: Power unit settings Index Parameter Unit Default Description 0 = Always on P5.6.1.1 Fan Control Mode 2377 1 = Optimised 0 = Not used P5.6.4.1 Sine Filter 2527 1 = In use 0 = Not used P5.6.5.1…

  • Page 196: Fieldbus

    VACON · 196 I/O AND HARDWARE MENU * = The selection of the application with parameter P1.2 Application gives the default value. See the default values in 12.1 The default values of parameters in the different applications. ** Only available with the graphical keypad.

  • Page 197: User Settings, Favourites And User Level Menus

    USER SETTINGS, FAVOURITES AND USER LEVEL MENUS VACON · 197 USER SETTINGS, FAVOURITES AND USER LEVEL MENUS USER SETTINGS 8.1.1 USER SETTINGS Table 113: General settings in the user settings menu Index Parameter Unit Default Description The selection is differ- P6.1…

  • Page 198: Parameter Backup

    * Only available with the graphical display. FAVOURITES NOTE! This menu is available on the control panel with the graphical display, but not on the control panel with the text display. NOTE! This menu is not available in the VACON Live tool. ® LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…

  • Page 199: Adding An Item To The Favourites

    USER SETTINGS, FAVOURITES AND USER LEVEL MENUS VACON · 199 If you use the same items frequently, you can add them into Favourites. You can collect a set of parameters or monitoring signals from all the keypad menus. It is not necessary to find them in the menu structure one by one.

  • Page 200: User Levels

    VACON · 200 USER SETTINGS, FAVOURITES AND USER LEVEL MENUS Find the item that you want to remove. Push the OK READY button. STOP Favourites Motor Nom Freq 50.00 Hz Make a selection of Rem from favourites. READY STOP Motor Nom Freq…

  • Page 201: Changing The Access Code Of The User Levels

    USER SETTINGS, FAVOURITES AND USER LEVEL MENUS VACON · 201 Table 115: The user level parameters Index Parameter Unit Default Description 1 = Normal. All the menus are visible in the main menu. 2 = Monitoring. Only the monitoring and…

  • Page 202
    VACON · 202 USER SETTINGS, FAVOURITES AND USER LEVEL MENUS Go to the item Access code and push the arrow READY ALARM Keypad button Right. STOP Main Menu ID:2362 P8.2 User level Normal Access code 00000 To change the digits of the access code, use all the arrow buttons.
  • Page 203: Monitoring Value Descriptions

    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 203 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS This chapter gives you the basic descriptions of all monitoring values. BASIC V2.3.1 OUTPUT FREQUENCY (ID 1) This monitoring value shows the actual output frequency to the motor. V2.3.2 FREQUENCY REFERENCE (ID 25) This monitoring value shows the actual frequency reference to the motor control.

  • Page 204: I/O

    VACON · 204 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS V2.3.11 UNIT TEMPERATURE (ID 8) This monitoring value shows the measured heatsink temperature of the drive. The unit of the monitoring value is celsius degrees or fahrenheit degrees, depending on the ‘C/F Selection’ parameter value.

  • Page 205: Temperature Inputs

    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 205 V2.4.6 ANALOG INPUT 3 (ID 61) This monitoring value shows the value of the analogue input signal as a percentage of the used range. V2.4.7 ANALOG INPUT 4 (ID 62) This monitoring value shows the value of the analogue input signal as a percentage of the used range.

  • Page 206: Extras And Advanced

    VACON · 206 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS The unit of the monitoring value is celsius degrees or fahrenheit degrees, depending on the ‘C/F Selection’ parameter value. V2.5.4 TEMPERATURE INPUT 4 (ID 69) This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature.

  • Page 207
    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 207 NOTE! The values are visible as checkboxes on the graphical display. If a box is selected, the value is active. V2.6.5 DIN STATUS WORD 1 (ID 56) This monitoring value shows the bit-coded status of the digital input signals.
  • Page 208: Timer Functions

    VACON · 208 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS NOTE! The values are visible as checkboxes on the graphical display. If a box is selected, the limit controller is active. V2.6.14 MOTOR SHAFT POWER 1 DECIMAL (ID 98) This monitoring value shows the actual shaft power of the motor (calculated value with one decimal).

  • Page 209: Pid Controller

    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 209 PID CONTROLLER V2.8.1 PID SETPOINT (ID 20) This monitoring value shows the value of the PID setpoint signal in process units. You can use the parameter P3.13.1.7 to select the process unit (See 10.14.1 Basic settings).

  • Page 210: Multi-Pump

    VACON · 210 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS V2.9.4 EXTPID OUTPUT (ID 86) This monitoring value shows the output of the PID controller as a percentage (0-100%). You can give this value to, for example, the analogue output. V2.9.5 EXTPID STATUS (ID 87) This monitoring value shows the state of the PID controller.

  • Page 211: Maintenance Counters

    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 211 V2.10.11 PUMP 5 RUNNING TIME (ID 1624) This monitoring value shows the operating hours of the pump in Multi-pump system. V2.10.12 PUMP 6 RUNNING TIME (ID 1625) This monitoring value shows the operating hours of the pump in Multi-pump system.

  • Page 212
    VACON · 212 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS Table 116: Fieldbus Control Word Descriptions Value = 0 (FALSE) Value = 1 (TRUE) Bit 0 Stop request from Fieldbus Start request from Fieldbus Bit 1 Forward direction request Reverse direction request No action…
  • Page 213
    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 213 V2.12.3 FB DATA IN 1 (ID 876) This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format. V2.12.4 FB DATA IN 2 (ID 877) This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.
  • Page 214
    VACON · 214 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS Table 117: Fieldbus Status Word Descriptions Value = 0 (FALSE) Value = 1 (TRUE) Bit 0 Not ready to operate Ready to operate Bit 1 Not running Running Bit 2 Running in the Forward direction…
  • Page 215: Drive Customizer

    MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 215 V2.12.15 FB DATA OUT 3 (ID 868) This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format. V2.12.16 FB DATA OUT 4 (ID 869) This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

  • Page 216
    VACON · 216 MONITORING VALUE DESCRIPTIONS V2.13.7 BLOCK OUT.6 (ID 15120) This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function. V2.13.8 BLOCK OUT.7 (ID 15140) This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.
  • Page 217: Parameter Descriptions

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 217 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS In this chapter, you can find information on all the parameters of your VACON ® application. If other information is necessary, see chapter 5 Parameters menu or contact your nearest distributor. P1.2 APPLICATION (ID212) Use this parameter to select the application configuration for the drive.

  • Page 218: Motor Settings

    VACON · 218 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P2.2.5 CHANNEL 2 MIN (ID 2371) This parameter is used in scaling by default. Adjustments can be necessary. P2.2.6 CHANNEL 2 MAX (ID 2372) This parameter is used in scaling by default. Adjustments can be necessary.

  • Page 219: Motor Control Parameters

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 219 10.2.2 MOTOR CONTROL PARAMETERS P3.1.2.2 MOTOR TYPE (ID 650) Use this parameter to set the type of motor in your process. Selection Selection name Description number Induction motor (IM) Make this selection if you use an induction motor.

  • Page 220
    VACON · 220 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Selection Selection name Description number No action No identification requested. The drive operates without speed when you do the identifica- tion run for the motor parameters. The motor receives cur- Identification at standstill rent and voltage, but the frequency is zero. The U/f ratio and start magnetisation parameters are identified.
  • Page 221
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 221 Fig. 36: The motor switch between the drive and the motor A. The motor switch B. Mains P3.1.2.10 OVERVOLTAGE CONTROL (ID 607) Use this parameter to set the overvoltage controller out of operation. The function is necessary when the supply voltage changes, for example, between -15% and +10%, and •…
  • Page 222
    VACON · 222 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS to get energy from the motor to keep the DC link voltage at a minimum level when the • voltage is near the lowest permitted limit, and to make sure that the drive does not trip because of an undervoltage fault.
  • Page 223
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 223 U [V] Stator Voltage Adjust (50..200%) Field Weakening Point Voltage Motor Nominal Voltage Zero Frequency Voltage f [Hz] Field Motor Nominal Weakening Frequency Point Fig. 37: The stator voltage adjustment P3.1.2.15 STATOR RESISTANCE VOLTAGE DROP (ID 662) Use this parameter to set the motor stator phase-resistance value (in star-connection equivalent circuit).
  • Page 224: Motor Limits

    VACON · 224 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.1.2.17 MOTOR BEM VOLTAGE (ID 674) Use this parameter to set the back electromotive force (back-EMF) voltage of a permanent magnet motor. The value of this parameter is the motor terminal voltage when the motor current is zero.

  • Page 225
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 225 Selection Selection name Description number The voltage of the motor changes linearly as a function of the output frequency. The voltage changes from the value of P3.1.4.6 (Zero Frequency Voltage) to the value of P3.1.4.3…
  • Page 226
    VACON · 226 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS U[V] ID603 ID605 ID606 f[Hz] ID602 ID604 Fig. 39: The programmable U/f curve A. Default: Nominal voltage of the motor C. Default: Nominal frequency of the motor B. Field weakening point When the parameter Motor Type has the value PM motor (Permanent Magnet Motor), this parameter is automatically set to the value Linear.
  • Page 227
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 227 P3.1.4.4 U/F MIDPOINT FREQUENCY (ID 604) Use this parameter to set the middle point frequency of the U/f curve. NOTE! This parameter gives the middle point frequency of the curve if the value of P3.1.4.1 is programmable.
  • Page 228: I/F Start Function

    VACON · 228 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS The bit B7 controls the rotation direction of the injected high frequency signal, which is used in the flying start of synchronous reluctance machines. Signal injection is used to detect the frequency of the rotor. If the rotor is in a blind angle when the signal is injected, the rotor frequency is undetectable.

  • Page 229: Torque Stabilator Function

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 229 P3. I/F START (ID 534) Use this parameter to enable the I/f Start function. When you activate the I/f Start function, the drive starts to operate in the current control mode. A constant current is led to the motor until the output frequency increases above the level that is set in P3.

  • Page 230: Start/Stop Setup

    VACON · 230 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3. TORQUE STABILATOR DAMPING TIME CONSTANT (ID 1413) Use this parameter to set the damping time constant of the torque stabiliser. P3. TORQUE STABILATOR DAMPING TIME CONSTANT FOR PM MOTORS (ID 1735) Use this parameter to set the damping time constant of the torque stabiliser for permanent magnet or reluctance motors.

  • Page 231
    Start, stop and reverse commands come from the fieldbus. P3.2.1 REMOTE CONTROL PLACE (ID 172) Use this parameter to select the remote control place (start/stop). Use this parameter to change back to remote control from VACON Live, for example if the ®…
  • Page 232
    VACON · 232 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.2.2 LOCAL/REMOTE (ID 211) Use this parameter to switch between the local and remote control places. Local control place is always keypad control. The remote control place can be I/O or Fieldbus, depending on the ‘Remote Control Place’ parameter value.
  • Page 233
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 233 P3.2.6 I/O A START/STOP LOGIC (ID 300) Use this parameter to control the start and stop of the drive with the digital signals. The selections can include the word ‘edge’ to help you prevent an accidental start.
  • Page 234
    VACON · 234 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 3. CS1 becomes inactive and causes the 9. The Run enable signal is set to CLOSED, direction to start to change (FWD to which causes the frequency to increase REV), because CS2 is still active.
  • Page 235
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 235 Output frequency Set frequency 0 Hz Set frequency Run enable Ctrl signal 1 Ctrl signal 2 Ctrl signal 3 Keypad stop button Fig. 44: I/O A Start/stop logic = 1 1. Control signal (CS) 1 activates and 7.
  • Page 236
    VACON · 236 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Output frequency frequency 0 Hz frequency Run enable Ctrl signal 1 Ctrl signal 2 Keypad stop button Fig. 45: I/O A Start/stop logic = 2 1. Control signal (CS) 1 activates and 8. The Run enable signal is set to OPEN, causes the output frequency to increase.
  • Page 237
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 237 Selection Selection name Description number CS1 = Start CS2 = Reverse Output frequency frequency 0 Hz frequency Run enable Ctrl signal 1 Ctrl signal 2 Keypad start button Keypad stop button Fig. 46: I/O A Start/stop logic = 3 1.
  • Page 238
    VACON · 238 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 12. The attempt to start the drive with the START button is not successful, because CS1 is inactive. Selection Selection name Description number Use this function to prevent an accidental start. Before you can start the motor again, you must open the start/stop con- CS1 = Start (edge) tact.
  • Page 239
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 239 9. The STOP button on the keypad is 10. Before the drive can start, you must pushed and the frequency that is fed to open and close CS1 again. the motor goes to 0. (This signal only 11.
  • Page 240: References

    VACON · 240 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Selection Selection name Description number Restart delay not used 10.4 REFERENCES 10.4.1 FREQUENCY REFERENCE It is possible to program the source of the frequency reference in all the control places, except the PC tool. If you use your PC, it always takes the frequency reference from the PC tool.

  • Page 241: Preset Frequencies

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 241 P3.3.1.6 I/O CONTROL REFERENCE B SELECTION (ID 131) Use this parameter to select the reference source when the control place is I/O B. See P3.3.1.5 for more information. You can force the I/O B control place to be active only with a digital input (P3.5.1.7).

  • Page 242
    VACON · 242 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.3.3.3 PRESET FREQUENCY 1 (ID 105) Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals. P3.3.3.4 PRESET FREQUENCY 2 (ID 106) Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used.
  • Page 243
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 243 Necessary step Activated frequency Make a selection of the value 0 for parameter P3.3.1.5. Preset frequency 0 Table 118: The selection of preset frequencies when P3.3.3.1 = Binary coded Activated digital input signal Activated frequency…
  • Page 244
    VACON · 244 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Table 119: The selection of preset frequencies when P3.3.3.1 = Number of inputs Activated digital input signal Activated frequency reference Preset Freq Sel2 Preset Freq Sel1 Preset Freq Sel0 (P3.3.3.12) (P3.3.3.11) (P3.3.3.10) Preset frequency 0…
  • Page 245: Motor Potentiometer Parameters

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 245 10.4.3 MOTOR POTENTIOMETER PARAMETERS The frequency reference of the Motor Potentiometer is available in all the control places. You can change the motor potentiometer reference only when the drive is in the run state. NOTE! If you set the output frequency slower than the Motor Potentiometer Ramp Time, the normal acceleration and deceleration times give limits to it.

  • Page 246: Flushing Parameters

    VACON · 246 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.3.4.3 MOTOR POTENTIOMETER RAMP TIME (ID 331) Use this parameter to set the rate of change in the motor potentiometer reference when it is increased or decreased. The parameter value is entered as Hz/second. P3.3.4.4 MOTOR POTENTIOMETER RESET (ID 367) Use this parameter to set the logic for the resetting of the frequency reference of the motor potentiometer.

  • Page 247: Ramps And Brakes Setup

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 247 10.5 RAMPS AND BRAKES SETUP 10.5.1 RAMP 1 P3.4.1.1 RAMP 1 SHAPE (ID 500) Use this parameter to make the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps smoother. With the parameters Ramp 1 Shape and Ramp 2 Shape, you can make smoother the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps.

  • Page 248: Ramp 2

    VACON · 248 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 10.5.2 RAMP 2 P3.4.2.1 RAMP 2 SHAPE (ID 501) Use this parameter to make the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps smoother. With the parameters Ramp 1 Shape and Ramp 2 Shape, you can make smoother the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps.

  • Page 249: Start Magnetising

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 249 Selection Selection name Description number OPEN Ramp 1 Shape, Acceleration Time 1 and Deceleration Time 1 CLOSED Ramp 2 Shape, Acceleration Time 2 and Deceleration Time 2 P3.4.2.5 RAMP 2 THRESHOLD FREQUENCY (ID 533) Use this parameter to set the output frequency limit above which the Ramp 2 is used.

  • Page 250: Dc Brake

    VACON · 250 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 10.5.4 DC BRAKE P3.4.4.1 DC BRAKE CURRENT (ID 507) Use this parameter to set the current that is fed into the motor during DC braking. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, the DC Brake function is disabled.

  • Page 251
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 251 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 A B Slot A 21 22 23 24 25 26 33 34 Slot B Fig. 52: The option board slots and programmable inputs A.
  • Page 252
    VACON · 252 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS READY STOP Digital Inputs ID:405 P3.5.1.11 Ext Fault Close DigINSlotA.3 Ext Fault Open DigINSlot0.2 Fault Reset Close DigINSlotA.6 Fig. 53: The Digital inputs menu in the graphical display A. The graphical display C. The value of the parameter, that is, the B.
  • Page 253
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 253 Input type (graphi- Input type Slot Input # Explanation cal display) (text dis- play) Digital input #1 (terminal 8) on a board in Slot A DigIN (standard I/O board). Digital input #2 (terminal 9) on a board in Slot A DigIN (standard I/O board).
  • Page 254
    VACON · 254 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS In the Edit mode, the slot value DigIN SlotA is READY underlined and blinks. If you have more digital STOP inputs available in your I/O, for example, because of Ext Fault Close option boards in slots C, D or E, make a selection of ID:405 P3.5.1.11…
  • Page 255
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 255 PROGRAMMING IN THE TEXT DISPLAY Make a selection of a parameter. To go into the Edit mode, push the OK button. In the Edit mode, the letter D blinks. If you have more digital inputs available in your I/O, for example, because of option boards in slots C, D or E, make a selection of them.
  • Page 256
    VACON · 256 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS If the digital input DI6 was already used for some other function, a message scrolls on the display. Change one of these selections. After the steps, a digital signal to the digital input DI6 controls the function External Fault Close.
  • Page 257
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 257 Fig. 56: The Analogue inputs menu in the text display A. The text display C. The value of the parameter, that is, the B. The name of the parameter set analogue input In the standard I/O board compilation, there are 2 analogue inputs available: the slot A terminals 2/3 and 4/5.
  • Page 258
    VACON · 258 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS PROGRAMMING OF ANALOGUE INPUTS IN THE GRAPHICAL DISPLAY To make a selection of the parameter, push the arrow button Right. STOP READY Analogue Input 1 ID:377 P3. AI1 Signal Sel AnIN SlotA.1 AI1 Filter Time 0.10s…
  • Page 259
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 259 In the Edit mode, the letter A blinks. To change the value to C, push the arrow button Up. Accept the change with the OK button. LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 260
    VACON · 260 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions of signal sources Source Function Slot0.# Digital inputs: You can use this function to set a digital signal to be in a constant OPEN or CLOSED state. The manufacturer set some signals so that they are always in the CLOSED state, for example parameter P3.5.1.15 (Run Ena-…
  • Page 261: Default Functions Of Programmable Inputs

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 261 10.6.2 DEFAULT FUNCTIONS OF PROGRAMMABLE INPUTS Table 120: Default functions of the programmable digital and analogue inputs Input Terminal(s) Reference Function Parameter index Control Signal 1 A P3.5.1.1 Control Signal 2 A P3.5.1.2 External Fault Close P3.5.1.11…

  • Page 262
    VACON · 262 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.5.1.5 CONTROL SIGNAL 2 B (ID 424) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 2) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O B. P3.5.1.6 CONTROL SIGNAL 3 B (ID 435) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 3) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O B.
  • Page 263
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 263 When the contact is OPEN, the start of the motor is disabled. When the contact is CLOSED, the start of the motor is enabled. To stop, the drive obeys the value of P3.2.5 Stop Function.
  • Page 264
    VACON · 264 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.5.1.25 MOTOR POTENTIOMETER DOWN (ID 417) Use this parameter to decrease the output frequency with a digital input signal. The motor potentiometer reference DECREASES until the contact is open. P3.5.1.26 QUICK STOP ACTIVATION (ID 1213) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates a Quick Stop function.
  • Page 265
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 265 P3.5.1.33 EXTERNAL PID SETPOINT SELECTION (ID 1048) Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the PID setpoint value to be used. P3.5.1.34 RESET MAINTENANCE COUNTER 1 (ID 490) Use this parameter to select the digital input that reset the value of the Maintenance Counter.
  • Page 266
    VACON · 266 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS The selection of the application with parameter P1.2 Application gives the default value. P3.5.1.44 PUMP 3 INTERLOCK (ID 428) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the Multi-pump system.
  • Page 267: Analogue Inputs

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 267 P3.5.1.54 MULTI-SETPOINT SELECTION 0 (ID 15576) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as a selector for the PID Multi-setpoint function. P3.5.1.55 MULTI-SETPOINT SELECTION 1 (ID 15577) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as a selector for the PID Multi-setpoint function.

  • Page 268
    VACON · 268 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Analogue input signal Unfiltered signal 100% Filtered signal t [s] ID378 Fig. 57: The AI1 signal filtering P3. AI1 SIGNAL RANGE (ID 379) Use this parameter to change the range of the analogue signal. The value of this parameter is bypassed if the custom scaling parameters are used.
  • Page 269
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 269 [Hz] 100% 0 mA 10 mA 20 mA Fig. 58: The analogue input signal range, selection 0 A. Frequency reference C. Min freq reference B. Max freq reference D. Analogue input signal Selection Selection name…
  • Page 270
    VACON · 270 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3. AI1 CUSTOM. MIN (ID 380) Use this parameter to adjust the range of the analogue input signal between -160% and 160%. P3. AI1 CUSTOM. MAX (ID 381) Use this parameter to adjust the range of the analogue input signal between -160% and 160%.
  • Page 271
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 271 [Hz] 100% 0 mA 10 mA 20 mA Fig. 61: AI1 signal inversion, selection 0 A. Frequency reference C. Min freq reference B. Max freq reference D. Analogue input signal Selection Selection name Description number Signal inversion.
  • Page 272: Digital Outputs

    VACON · 272 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 10.6.5 DIGITAL OUTPUTS P3. RO1 FUNCTION (ID 11001) Use this parameter to select a function or a signal that is connected to the relay output. LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…

  • Page 273
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 273 Table 121: The output signals through RO1 Selection Selection name Description number Not used The output is not used. Ready The AC drive is ready to operate. The AC drive operates (the motor runs). General fault A fault trip occurred.
  • Page 274
    VACON · 274 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Table 121: The output signals through RO1 Selection Selection name Description number Input pressure alarm The input pressure of the pump is below the value that was set with parameter P3.13.9.7. Frost protection alarm The measured temperature of the pump is below the level that was set with parameter P3.13.10.5.
  • Page 275
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 275 Table 121: The output signals through RO1 Selection Selection name Description number Block Out.7 The output of the programmable Block 7.See parameter menu M3.19 Block Programming. Block Out.8 The output of the programmable Block 8. See parameter menu M3.19 Block Programming.
  • Page 276: Analogue Outputs

    VACON · 276 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3. RO1 OFF DELAY (ID 11003) Use this parameter to set the OFF delay for the relay output. 10.6.6 ANALOGUE OUTPUTS P3. AO1 FUNCTION (ID 10050) Use this parameter to select a function or a signal that is connected to the analogue output.

  • Page 277
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 277 Selection Selection name Description number Test 0% (Not used) The analogue output is set to 0% or 20% so that it agrees with parameter P3. TEST 100% The analogue output is set to 100% of the signal (10V / 20mA).
  • Page 278
    VACON · 278 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Selection Selection name Description number Fieldbus Process Data In 8 Fieldbus Process Data In 8: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%). Block Out.1 The output of the programmable Block 1: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
  • Page 279
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 279 P3. AO1 MINIMUM SCALE (ID 10053) Use this parameter to scale the analogue output signal. The scaling values (min and max) are given in the process unit that is specified by the selection of the AO function.
  • Page 280: Fieldbus Data Map

    VACON · 280 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 10.7 FIELDBUS DATA MAP P3.6.1 FB DATAOUT 1 SELECTION (ID 852) Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value. The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.

  • Page 281: Prohibit Frequencies

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 281 P3.6.8 FB DATAOUT 8 SELECTION (ID 859) Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value. The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.

  • Page 282
    VACON · 282 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Fig. 64: The prohibited frequencies A. Actual Reference C. Low lim B. High Lim D. Requested Reference P3.7.7 RAMP TIME FACTOR (ID 518) Use this parameter to set the multiplier of the selected ramp times when the output frequency of the drive is between the prohibited frequency limits.
  • Page 283: Supervisions

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 283 10.9 SUPERVISIONS P3.8.1 SUPERVISION #1 ITEM SELECTION (ID 1431) Use this parameter to select the supervision item. The output of the supervision function can be selected to the relay output. P3.8.2 SUPERVISION #1 MODE (ID 1432) Use this parameter to set the supervision mode.

  • Page 284
    VACON · 284 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS If a fault occurs, the drive can show a notification of it on the display of the drive. An external fault is activated with a digital input signal. The default digital input is DI3. You can also program the response data into a relay output.
  • Page 285: Motor Thermal Protections

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 285 If the PID feedback value is not within the supervision limits for longer than the supervision delay, a PID supervision fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2. P3.9.1.11 RESPONSE TO EXTERNAL PID SUPERVISION FAULT (ID 757) Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a ‘PID Supervision’ fault.

  • Page 286
    VACON · 286 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.9.2.1 MOTOR THERMAL PROTECTION (ID 704) Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a ‘Motor Overtemperature’ fault. If the motor thermal protection function detects that the temperature of the motor is too high, a motor overtemperature fault occurs.
  • Page 287
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 287 P3.9.2.4 MOTOR THERMAL TIME CONSTANT (ID 707) Use this parameter to set the motor thermal time constant. The time constant is the time within which the calculated thermal stage has reached 63% of its final value. The final thermal stage equals to running the motor continuously with nominal load at nominal speed.
  • Page 288
    VACON · 288 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS I/I T 100% Fig. 67: The motor thermal time constant A. Current B. T = Motor thermal time constant P3.9.2.5 MOTOR THERMAL LOADABILITY (ID 708) Use this parameter to set the thermal loadability of the motor.
  • Page 289: Motor Stall Protection

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 289 105% 100% 130% Fig. 68: The calculation of the motor temperature A. Current C. Trip area B. Fault/Alarm D. Loadability 10.10.3 MOTOR STALL PROTECTION The motor stall protection function gives protection to the motor against short overloads. An overload can be caused, for example, by a stalled shaft.

  • Page 290
    VACON · 290 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.9.3.1 MOTOR STALL FAULT (ID 709) Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a ‘Motor Stall’ fault. If the stall protection detects that the shaft of the motor is stalled, a motor stall fault occurs.
  • Page 291: Underload (Dry Pump) Protection

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 291 NOTE! For a stall state to occur, the output frequency must be below this limit for a certain time. 10.10.4 UNDERLOAD (DRY PUMP) PROTECTION The motor underload protection makes sure that there is a load on the motor when the drive operates.

  • Page 292
    VACON · 292 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Torque ID714 ID715 Underload area Field weakening 5 Hz point Fig. 70: Setting of the minimum load P3.9.4.3 UNDERLOAD PROTECTION: ZERO FREQUENCY LOAD (ID 715) Use this parameter to set the minimum torque that the motor needs when the output frequency of the drive is 0.
  • Page 293: Quick Stop

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 293 ID716 Fig. 71: The Underload time counter function A. Underload time counter D. Time B. Trip area E. Underload C. Trip/warning ID713 F. No underload 10.10.5 QUICK STOP P3.9.5.1 QUICK STOP MODE (ID 1276) Use this parameter to select how the drive stops when the quick stop command is given from DI or Fieldbus.

  • Page 294: Ai Low Protection

    VACON · 294 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS CAUTION! Do not use the quick stop function as an emergency stop. An emergency stop must stop the power supply to the motor. The quick stop function does not do this. Control Word B12 Normal Quick Stop Activ.

  • Page 295
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 295 Use the AI Low Protection to find failures in the analogue input signals. This function gives protection only to the analogue inputs that are used as frequency reference or in the PID/ ExtPID controllers. You can have the protection on when the drive is in the RUN status, or in the RUN and STOP statuses.
  • Page 296: Automatic Reset

    VACON · 296 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 10.11 AUTOMATIC RESET P3.10.1 AUTOMATIC RESET (ID 731) Use this parameter to enable the Automatic reset function. To select the faults that are reset automatically, enter the value 0 or 1 to parameters from P3.10.6 to P3.10.13.

  • Page 297
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 297 Wait Wait Wait time time time ID717 ID717 ID717 Fault trigger Alarm Reset 1 Reset 2 Autoreset Trial time Trial time ID718 Fault active Number of trials: (ID759 = 2) Fig. 73: The Automatic reset function P3.10.6 AUTORESET: UNDERVOLTAGE (ID 720)
  • Page 298: Application Settings

    VACON · 298 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.10.12 AUTORESET: EXTERNAL FAULT (ID 726) Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an external fault. P3.10.13 AUTORESET: UNDERLOAD FAULT (ID 738) Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an underload fault.

  • Page 299
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 299 NOTE! We do not recommend that you use the timer functions without an auxiliary battery. The time and date settings of the drive are reset at each power down, if there is no battery for the RTC.
  • Page 300
    VACON · 300 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Fig. 75: The activation signal comes from a digital input or a virtual digital input, like a time channel. The timer counts down from the falling edge. A. Remaining time D. Time B. Activation E. OUT C.
  • Page 301
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 301 READY STOP Interval 1 ID:1466 M3.12.1.3 ON Time 07:00:00 OFF Time 17:00:00 Days Fig. 76: Using timer functions to make an interval READY STOP Days M3.12.1.3 Edit Help Add to favourites Fig. 77: Going into the Edit mode…
  • Page 302
    VACON · 302 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Interval 1 Days = Monday to Friday Ctrl Signal 1A ON = 07:00:00 hrs OFF = 17:00:00 hrs Interval 2 Days = Saturday and Sunday Start/Stop Time channel 1 ON = 09:00:00 hrs OFF = 13:00:00 hrs…
  • Page 303: Pid Controller

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 303 You can use the time channels to control the on/off type functions, for example relay outputs or any functions that can be controlled by a DI signal. 10.14 PID CONTROLLER 10.14.1 BASIC SETTINGS P3.13.1.1 PID GAIN (ID 118) Use this parameter to adjust the gain of the PID controller.

  • Page 304
    VACON · 304 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints. P3.13.1.8 ERROR INVERSION (ID 340) Use this parameter to invert the error value of the PID controller.
  • Page 305: Setpoints

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 305 10.14.2 SETPOINTS P3.13.2.1 KEYPAD SETPOINT 1 (ID 167) Use this parameter to set the setpoint value of the PID controller when the setpoint source is ‘Keypad SP’. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit.

  • Page 306: Feedback

    VACON · 306 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.13.2.9 SETPOINT 1 BOOST (ID 1071) Use this parameter to set the multiplier for the setpoint boost function. When the setpoint boost command is given, the setpoint value is multiplied with the factor that is set with this parameter.

  • Page 307
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 307 use the feedback measurements of the actual controlled process value. The feedforward control uses other measurements that have an effect on the controlled process value. EXAMPLE 1: You can control the water level of a tank with flow control. The target water level is set as a setpoint, and the actual level as feedback.
  • Page 308: Sleep Function

    VACON · 308 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 10.14.5 SLEEP FUNCTION P3.13.5.1 SP1 SLEEP FREQUENCY (ID 1016) Use this parameter to set the limit below which the output frequency of the drive must stay for a set time before the drive goes to the sleep state.

  • Page 309
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 309 Setpoint PID Setpoint Wake Up Level Fig. 82: Wake-up Mode: absolute level Setpoint PID Setpoint Wake Up Level Fig. 83: Wake-up Mode: relative setpoint P3.13.5.5 SP1 SLEEP BOOST (ID 1793) Use this parameter to set the value that is added to the actual setpoint value when the sleep boost function is used.
  • Page 310: Feedback Supervision

    VACON · 310 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.13.5.9 SP2 WAKE UP LEVEL (ID 1077) Use this parameter to set the level at which the drive wakes up from the sleep state. P3.13.5.10 SP2 WAKE UP MODE (ID 1020) Use this parameter to select the operation for the wake up level parameter.

  • Page 311
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 311 Fig. 84: The Feedback supervision function A. Upper limit (ID736) E. Delay (ID737) B. Lower limit (ID758) F. Regulating mode C. Actual value G. Alarm or fault D. Reference P3.13.6.2 UPPER LIMIT (ID 736) Use this parameter to set the high limit for the PID feedback signal.
  • Page 312: Pressure Loss Compensation

    VACON · 312 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.13.6.5 RESPONSE TO PID SUPERVISION FAULT (ID 749) Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a ‘PID Supervision’ fault. If the PID feedback value is not in the supervision limits for longer than the supervision delay, a PID supervision fault occurs.

  • Page 313: Soft Fill

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 313 The sensor is put in position 1. The pressure in the pipe stays constant when there is no flow. But with flow, the pressure decreases farther in the pipe. To compensate for this, lift the setpoint as the flow increases.

  • Page 314
    VACON · 314 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS We recommend that you always use the Soft fill function when you use the Multi-pump function. P3.13.8.1 SOFT FILL FUNCTION (ID 1094) Use this parameter to enable the Soft Fill function. You can use the function to fill an empty pipe slowly and prevent strong currents of fluid that could break the pipe.
  • Page 315: Input Pressure Supervision

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 315 soft fill frequency (P3.13.8.2 Soft Fill Frequency) before the PID controller starts the regulation. P3.13.8.5 SOFT FILL FAULT (ID 748) Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a PID Soft Fill fault. If the PIDFeedback value does not reach the set level in the time limit, a soft fill fault occurs.

  • Page 316
    VACON · 316 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Input Pressure Input Pressure Monitor Supervision Alarm Level Supervision Fault Level PID Setpoint Supervision Supervision Fault Delay Fault Delay PID Setpoint PID Setpoint Reduction Input Pressure Alarm (Digital output signal) Motor Running Fig. 88: The Input pressure supervision function P3.13.9.1 ENABLE SUPERVISION (ID 1685)
  • Page 317: 10.14.10 Sleep Function When No Demand Is Detected

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 317 P3.13.9.7 SUPERVISION ALARM LEVEL (ID 1691) Use this parameter to set the limit for the input pressure alarm. If the measured input pressure goes below this limit, an input pressure alarm occurs. P3.13.9.8 SUPERVISION FAULT LEVEL (ID 1692) Use this parameter to set the limit for the input pressure fault.

  • Page 318
    VACON · 318 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Fig. 89: Sleep, no demand detected A. The output frequency of the drive H. The PID feedback value and the output B. The PID feedback value frequency of the drive are in the C. The PID setpoint value hysteresis areas for the set time (SNDD D.
  • Page 319: 10.14.11 Multi-Setpoint

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 319 10.14.11 MULTI-SETPOINT P3.13.12.1 MULTI-SETPOINT 0 (ID 15560) Use this parameter to set the preset PID setpoint value when the Multi-setpoint function is used. Make the selection of the multi-setpoint with the digital input signals. P3.13.12.2 MULTI-SETPOINT 1 (ID 15561) Use this parameter to set the preset PID setpoint value when the Multi-setpoint function is used.

  • Page 320
    VACON · 320 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.13.12.11 MULTI-SETPOINT 10 (ID 15570) Use this parameter to set the preset PID setpoint value when the Multi-setpoint function is used. Make the selection of the multi-setpoint with the digital input signals. P3.13.12.12 MULTI-SETPOINT 11 (ID 15571) Use this parameter to set the preset PID setpoint value when the Multi-setpoint function is used.
  • Page 321: External Pid Controller

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 321 10.15 EXTERNAL PID CONTROLLER P3.14.1.1 ENABLE EXTERNAL PID (ID 1630) Use this parameter to enable the PID controller. NOTE! This controller is for external use only. It can be used with an analoque output. P3.14.1.2 START SIGNAL (ID 1049) Use this parameter to set the signal for starting and stopping the PID controller 2 for external usage.

  • Page 322
    VACON · 322 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Step Action Examine the wiring. See the correct power cabling (mains cable, motor cable) of the drive in Installation Man- • ual. See the correct control cabling (I/O, PID feedback sensor, communication) in Fig. 18 •…
  • Page 323: System Configuration

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 323 Step Action Set the ID number of the pump. Go to parameter P1.35.15 (Quick Setup Parameter Menu). • The same parameter is in the menu Parameters -> Group 3.15 -> P3.15.3. • Each drive in the Multi-pump system must have an ID number that no other drive has for •…

  • Page 324
    VACON · 324 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Start/Stop Fig. 90: Single drive configuration (PT = pressure sensor) MULTIDRIVE CONFIGURATION The Multidrive modes (Multimaster and Multifollower) control a system that has the maximum 8 variable speed pumps. Each pump is controlled by a drive. The internal PID controller of the drive controls all pumps.
  • Page 325
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 325 Start/Stop Fig. 91: Multidrive configuration (PT = pressure sensor) P3.15.1 MULTI-PUMP MODE (ID 1785) Use this parameter to select the configuration and the control mode of the Multi-pump system. The Multi-pump function lets you control a maximum of 8 motors (that is, pumps, fans, compressors) with the PID control.
  • Page 326
    VACON · 326 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Fig. 92: Control in the Single drive mode P1 The pump that controls the system The auxiliary pumps connected to the mains (direct on-line) 1 = MULTIFOLLOWER The Multifollower mode controls a system that has the maximum 8 pumps that can change speed.
  • Page 327
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 327 P3 The pump follows the speed of P1. Curve A shows the auxiliary pumps that follow the speed of pump 1. 2 = MULTIMASTER The Multimaster mode controls a system that has the maximum 8 pumps that can change speed.
  • Page 328: Interlocks

    VACON · 328 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.15.3 PUMP ID NUMBER (ID 1500) Use this parameter to set the ID number of the drive. This parameter is used only in the Multifollower and Multimaster modes. Each drive in the Multi-pump system must have a unique sequence (ID) number, always start from 1.

  • Page 329: Feedback Sensor Connection In A Multi-Pump System

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 329 10.16.4 FEEDBACK SENSOR CONNECTION IN A MULTI-PUMP SYSTEM You get the best precision and redundancy in the Multi-pump system when you use feedback sensors for each drive. Drive 1: Standard I/O Board Terminal Signal A12+…

  • Page 330
    VACON · 330 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Drive 1: Standard I/O Board Terminal Signal A12+ Analogue input 2+ Actual value A12- Analogue input 2- (0)4..20mA 24V auxiliary voltage I/O ground Common for DI1-DI6 Drive 2: Standard I/O Board Terminal Signal A12+ Analogue input 2+…
  • Page 331
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 331 External 24V Supply Drive 1: Standard I/O Board Terminal Signal A12+ Analogue input 2+ Actual value A12- Analogue input 2- (0)4..20mA 24V auxiliary voltage I/O ground Drive 2: Standard I/O Board Terminal Signal A12+ Analogue input 2+…
  • Page 332
    VACON · 332 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Fig. 98: Isolation DIP switch A. Digital inputs C. Connected to GND (default) B. Float P3.15.6 AUTOCHANGE (ID 1027) Use this parameter to enable or disable the rotation of the start sequence and the priority of motors.
  • Page 333
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 333 Example After an autochange, the first motor is put last. The other motors move up 1 position. The start sequence of the motors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 —> Autochange —> The start sequence of the motors: 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 —>…
  • Page 334
    VACON · 334 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Mains K1.1 K2.1 K3.1 Motor 1 control Motor 2 control Motor 3 control from relay from relay from relay K1.1 K2.1 K3.1 K1.1 K2.1 K3.1 Fig. 99: Selection 1 P3.15.8 AUTOCHANGE INTERVAL (ID 1029) Use this parameter to adjust the autochange intervals.
  • Page 335
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 335 the Multi-pump system operates (the start command is active), • the autochange interval time goes, • the pump that controls the system operates below the frequency specified by parameter • P3.15.11 Autochange Frequency Limit, the number of pumps that operate is less or equal to the limit specified by parameter •…
  • Page 336
    VACON · 336 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.15.13 BANDWIDTH (ID 1097) Use this parameter to set the bandwith area around the PID setpoint for starting and stopping of the auxiliary motors. When the PID feedback value stays in the bandwith area, the auxiliary motors do not start or stop.
  • Page 337
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 337 P3.15.15 CONSTANT PRODUCTION SPEED (ID 1513) Use this parameter to set the constant speed at which the motor locks when the next motor starts in the Multimaster system. The value of this parameter is given as a percentage of the minimum frequency to the maximum frequency.
  • Page 338: Overpressure Supervision

    VACON · 338 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.15.17.4 PUMP 4 INTERLOCK (ID 429) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the Multi-pump system. P3.15.17.5 PUMP 5 INTERLOCK (ID 430) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the Multi-pump system.

  • Page 339: Pump Runtime Counters

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 339 Pressure PID Feedback (ID21) Superv. Alarm Level ID1699 PID Setpoint ID167 Fig. 101: The Overpressure supervision function P3.15.18.2 SUPERVISION ALARM LEVEL (ID 1699) Use this parameter to set the overpressure limit for the Overpressure supervision.

  • Page 340
    VACON · 340 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS NOTE! In the Multimaster and Multifollower modes, it is possible to reset or set the necessary value only to the counter Pump (1) Running Time. In the Multimaster and Multifollower modes, the monitoring value Pump (1) Running Time shows the hours of the pump that is connected to this drive, the ID number of the pump has no effect.
  • Page 341: Advanced Settings

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 341 1. Select Pump 4 with parameter P3.15.19.3. 2. Set parameter P3.15.19.2 value to 0 h. 3. Push the button-type parameter P3.15.19.1. 4. Pump 4 Running Time is reset. P3.15.19.4 PUMP RUNTIME ALARM LIMIT (ID 1109) Use this parameter to set the alarm limit for the runtime counter of the pump.

  • Page 342: Maintenance Counters

    VACON · 342 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.15.22.2 DE-STAGING FREQUENCY (ID 15546) Use this parameter to adjust the output frequency level at which the auxiliary motor stops in the Multi-pump system. NOTE! The parameter has no effect, if its value is set below Min Frequency Reference (P3.3.1.1).

  • Page 343: Fire Mode

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 343 P3.16.1 COUNTER 1 MODE (ID 1104) Use this parameter to enable the maintenance counter. A maintenance counter tells you that the maintenance must be done when the counter value goes above the set limit. P3.16.2 COUNTER 1 ALARM LIMIT (ID 1105) Use this parameter to set the alarm limit for the maintenance counter.

  • Page 344
    VACON · 344 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS NOTE! All other Fire Mode parameters will be locked when the Fire Mode is enabled and correct password is set in this parameter. Selection Selection name Description number The drive resets all the faults and continues to operate at the…
  • Page 345
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 345 Normal Start Enable Interlock 1 Interlock 2 Fire Mode Activation (Close contact) Motor Speed Fire Mode Speed Normal Speed Stopped Fig. 104: The Fire mode function P3.17.5 FIRE MODE ACTIVATION ON CLOSE (ID 1619) Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the Fire Mode function.
  • Page 346: Motor Preheat Function

    VACON · 346 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS NOTE! You can not reset the counter. P3.17.9 FIRE MODE RUN INDICATION CURRENT (ID 15580) Use this parameter to set the current limit for the run indication signal of the relay output. This parameter only has effect if the value «Run indication» is selected for a relay output and the Fire mode is active.

  • Page 347: Drive Customizer

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 347 Selection Selection name Description number Not used The Motor preheat function is disabled. The Motor preheat function is activated always when the Always in Stop state drive is in the Stop state. The Motor preheat function is activated by a digital input sig- nal, when the drive is in the Stop state.

  • Page 348: Pump Control

    VACON · 348 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS Selection Selection name Description number Execute Program The Drive customizer is running. Configuration is not allowed for the Drive customizer. Programming The Drive customizer is not running. Configuration is allowed for the Drive customizer. 10.21 PUMP CONTROL 10.21.1…

  • Page 349
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 349 NOTE! If the input is activated, the drive starts. P3.21.1.3 CLEANING CURRENT LIMIT (ID 1712) Use this parameter to set the current limit at which the Auto-cleaning starts. If the current of the motor stays above this limit for longer than the set time, an auto- cleaning sequence starts.
  • Page 350: Jockey Pump

    VACON · 350 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.21.1.10 CLEAN REVERSE FREQUENCY (ID 1719) Use this parameter to set the frequency reference of the drive for the reverse direction in the Auto-cleaning cycle. See parameter P3.21.1.8 Clean Forward Frequency. P3.21.1.11 CLEAN REVERSE TIME (ID 1720) Use this parameter to set the operation time for the reverse direction frequency in the Auto- cleaning cycle.

  • Page 351
    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 351 The Jockey pump function controls a jockey pump with a digital output signal. You can use a jockey pump if a PID controller is used to control the main pump. The function has 3 operation modes.
  • Page 352: Priming Pump

    VACON · 352 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.21.2.2 JOCKEY START LEVEL (ID 1675) Use this parameter to set the level of the PID feedback signal at which the jockey pump starts when the main pump is in the sleep state. The jockey pump starts when PID Sleep is active and the PID feedback signal goes below the level set in this parameter.

  • Page 353: Anti-Blocking Function

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 353 P3.21.3.1 PRIMING FUNCTION (ID 1677) Use this parameter to enable the Priming pump function. A priming pump is a smaller pump that primes the inlet of the main pump to prevent the suction of air. The priming pump function controls a priming pump with a relay output signal.

  • Page 354: Flow Switch

    VACON · 354 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS P3.21.5.2 TEMPERATURE SIGNAL (ID 1705) Use this parameter to select the source of the temperature signal that is used for the Frost Protection function. P3.21.5.3 TEMPERATURE SIGNAL MINIMUM (ID 1706) Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the temperature signal.

  • Page 355: Counters

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 355 P3.21.6.4 FLOW SWITCH MINIMUM FREQUENCY (ID 15587) Use this parameter to set the output frequency level below which the Flow Switch supervision is disabled. 10.22 COUNTERS The VACON AC drive has different counters based on the operation time of the drive and the ®…

  • Page 356: Run Time Counter

    VACON · 356 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS ID1766: 1 (years) • ID1767: 143 (days) • ID1768: 2 (hours) • ID1769: 21 (minutes) • ID1770: 0 (seconds) • ID 2311 OPERATING TIME TRIP COUNTER RESET You can reset the operating time trip counter with the PC, the control panel, or the fieldbus.

  • Page 357: Energy Counter

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 357 ID1777: 1 (years) • ID1778: 240 (days) • ID1779: 2 (hours) • ID1780: 18 (minutes) • ID1781: 0 (seconds) • 10.22.5 ENERGY COUNTER The energy counter counts the total quantity of energy that the drive gets from the supply network.

  • Page 358: Energy Trip Counter

    VACON · 358 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS 0 = kWh • 1 = MWh • 2 = GWh • 3 = TWh • 4 = PWh • Example: If you receive the value 4500 from ID2291, the value 42 from ID2303, and the value 0 from ID2305, the result is 45.00 kWh.

  • Page 359: Advanced Harmonic Filter

    PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 359 ID2309 Energy Trip Counter Unit The energy trip counter unit gives the unit for the value of the Energy Trip Counter. 0 = kWh • 1 = MWh • 2 = GWh • 3 = TWh •…

  • Page 360: Fault Tracing

    VACON · 360 FAULT TRACING FAULT TRACING When the control diagnostics of the AC drive find an unusual condition in the operation of the drive, the drive shows a notification about it. You can see the notification on the display of the control panel.

  • Page 361: Resetting With A Parameter In The Text Display

    FAULT TRACING VACON · 361 Go to the submenu Reset faults. STOP READY Diagnostics M4.1 Active faults ( 0 ) Reset faults Fault history ( 39 ) Make a selection of the parameter Reset Faults. READY STOP Reset faults M4.2…

  • Page 362: Fault History

    VACON · 362 FAULT TRACING Make a selection of the value Yes and push OK. 11.2 FAULT HISTORY In the Fault history, you can find more data on the faults. There is a maximum number of 40 faults in the Fault history.

  • Page 363: Examining The Fault History In The Text Display

    FAULT TRACING VACON · 363 You see the data in a list. READY STOP Fault history M4.3.3.2 Code Info old State 7.12.2009 Date Time 04:46:33 Operating time 862537s Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 EXAMINING THE FAULT HISTORY IN THE TEXT DISPLAY Push OK to go to Fault history.

  • Page 364
    VACON · 364 FAULT TRACING Use the arrow button down to examine all the data. LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…
  • Page 365: Fault Codes

    FAULT TRACING VACON · 365 11.3 FAULT CODES Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code Overcurrent (hard- There is too high a current Do a check of the loading. ware fault) (>4*I H) in the motor cable.

  • Page 366
    VACON · 366 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code System fault There is no communication Reset the fault and restart the between the control board drive. and the power. Download the newest software from the Danfoss Drives website.
  • Page 367
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 367 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code System fault Defective component. Reset the fault and restart. Operation malfunction. Download the newest software from the Danfoss Drives website. Configuration error.
  • Page 368
    VACON · 368 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code System fault Ethernet PHY is not recog- Reset the fault and restart the AC nised or it is in the wrong drive.
  • Page 369
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 369 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code Undervoltage (fault) The DC link voltage is lower If there is a temporary supply volt- than the limits. age break, reset the fault and restart the drive.
  • Page 370
    VACON · 370 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code AC drive overtemper- The temperature is too low Do a check of the actual quantity ature (fault, heatsink) in the heatsink of the power and flow of cooling air.
  • Page 371
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 371 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code Startup prevented It is not possible to do a Reset the fault and stop the drive. startup of the drive. When Load the software and start the the Run request is ON, a drive.
  • Page 372
    VACON · 372 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code Safety diagnostics The STO inputs have a dif- Do a check of the external safety ferent status. switch. Do a check of the input connection and cable of the safety switch.
  • Page 373
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 373 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code Device changed The power unit was Reset the fault. (same type) replaced by a new one that The drive reboots after you reset has the same size.
  • Page 374
    VACON · 374 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code IGBT temperature The calculated IGBT tem- Do a check of the parameter set- perature is too high. tings. Examine the actual quantity and flow of cooling air.
  • Page 375
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 375 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code Software updated The software of the drive No steps are necessary. was updated, the full soft- ware package or an applica- tion.
  • Page 376
    VACON · 376 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code 1057 Identification There was a failure in the Make sure that the motor is con- identification run. nected to the drive. Make sure that there is no load on the motor shaft.
  • Page 377
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 377 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code 1301 Maintenance counter The value of the mainte- Do the necessary maintenance. 1 alarm nance counter is higher than Reset the counter. See parameter the alarm limit.
  • Page 378
    VACON · 378 FAULT TRACING Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code 1101 Feedback supervision The PID controller: the feed- Do a check of the process. fault (PID1) back value is not in the Do a check of the parameter set- supervision limits (P3.13.6.2…
  • Page 379
    FAULT TRACING VACON · 379 Fault Fault ID Fault name Possible cause How to correct the fault code 1118 AHF Over Temp The advanced harmonic fil- Do a check of the advanced har- ter function has caused an monic filter function.
  • Page 380: Appendix

    VACON · 380 APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 1 12.1 THE DEFAULT VALUES OF PARAMETERS IN THE DIFFERENT APPLICATIONS The explanation of symbols in the table A = Standard application B = HVAC application C = PID control application D = Multi-pump (single drive) application E = Multi-pump (multidrive) application LOCAL CONTACTS: HTTP://DRIVES.DANFOSS.COM/DANFOSS-DRIVES/LOCAL-CONTACTS/…

  • Page 381
    APPENDIX 1 VACON · 381 Table 123: The default values of parameters in the different applications Index Parameter Default Unit Description P3.2.1 Remote Control 0 = I/O Control Place P3.2.2 Local/Remote 0 = Remote P3.2.6 I/O A Logic 0 = Forw-Back…
  • Page 382
    VACON · 382 APPENDIX 1 Table 123: The default values of parameters in the different applications Index Parameter Default Unit Description P3.5.1.2 Ctrl SIgnal 2 A 0 = DigIN Slot0.1 101 = DigIN SlotA. P3.5.1.4 Ctrl SIgnal 1 B 0 = DigIN Slot0.1 101 = DigIN SlotA.
  • Page 383
    APPENDIX 1 VACON · 383 Table 123: The default values of parameters in the different applications Index Parameter Default Unit Description P3.5.1.23 Preset Freq Selection 2 P3.5.1.31 PID Setpoint 1047 0 = DigIN Slot0.1 Selection 102 = DigIN SlotA. P3.5.1.36 Flushing Refer- 0 = DigIN Slot0.1…
  • Page 384
    VACON · 384 APPENDIX 1 Table 123: The default values of parameters in the different applications Index Parameter Default Unit Description P3. AI2 Signal Inver- sion P3. RO1 Function 11001 2 = Run P3. RO2 Function 11004 3 = Fault P3.…
  • Page 385
    APPENDIX 1 VACON · 385 Table 123: The default values of parameters in the different applications Index Parameter Default Unit Description P3.15.5 Pump Interlock- 1032 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled P3.15.6 Autochange 1027 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled…
  • Page 386
    Document ID: Vacon Ltd DPD01083G Member of the Danfoss Group Rev. G Runsorintie 7 65380 Vaasa Sales code: DOC-APP100FLOW+DLUK Finland…

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