Коды ошибок zf 4wg 210

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Page 1: Zf error codes (1)

Error code list

Ergopower- EST37/A Z F P a s s a u G m b h

D o n a u s t r a ß e 2 5 — 7 1 D — 9 4 0 3 4 P a s s a u

Page 2: Zf error codes (1)

Diagnose — Set5870 220 703

ASDT ZF Passau G.m.b.H.ZF Passau G.m.b.H. 2004 / 11



Zulässiges BetriebssystemWindows 95 / 98 / Me oder NTWindows 2000 / Win XP

Adapterkabel 6008 308 601 = RS 2326008 207 026 = USB

Software Testman Pro undGetriebe ApplikationERGOPOWER 5870 220 017

auf CD

Programmieradapter DPA — 05

Diagnose Software auf CD-ROM für ERGOPOWER

EST — 37 WG 130/131WG 160/161

Enthaltene Sprachversionen : DEUTSCH / ENGLISH / FRANCAI`S / ITALIANO

EST — 37 WG 190/191WG 210/211

EST — 37 WG 260/261WG 310/311

EST — 37 WG 110WG 115

Adapterkabel 6008 207 0236008 207 0246029 017 005 ZFP


Pentium Laptop min. 1,0 GHz

Gewicht : 2,060 kg

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ZF Friedrichshafen AG 03-05-13 Faultcodes ERGO-Control EST37A

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1 Introduction

1.1 Abbreviations

o.c. open circuit s.c. short circuit OP-Mode operating mode TCU transmission control unit EEC electronic engine controller PTO power take off

1.2 ZF — Display: If a fault is detected, the display shows a spanner symbol (g) for a fault. The display shows the fault code, if the gear selector is on neutral position. If more than one fault is detected, each fault code is shown for about 1 second.


h f e d

a b c g

(special symbols a-h)

le f tcharacter


1.3 Display during operation

Symbol meaning remarks 1F, 1R 2F, 2R 3F, 3R 4F 5F 6F LF, LR

actual gear and direction left digit shows actual gear right digit shows actual direction limp home gear

F or R, no gear Clutch Cutoff F or R flashing direction F or R selected while turbine

speed is too high CAUTION gear will engage if turbine speed drops

NN not neutral, waiting for neutral after power up or a severe fault

to engage a gear, first move shift selector to neutral position and again to F or R position

** oil temperature too low, no gear available

warm up engine / transmission

*N oil temperature low, only one gear available

warm up engine / transmission

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1 bar (special symbol)

manual mode 1st gear

2 bars manual mode 2nd gear 3 bars manual mode 3rd gear 4 bars manual mode 4th gear and also 5th and 6th

gear in 6WG

4 bars and 2 arrows automatic mode Bars flashing 6 WG: converter lockup clutch open

4 WG: Downshift mode activ

difference of engine and turbine speed above a certain limit and lockup clutch not activated

Spanner at least one fault activ select neutral to get fault code displayed Fault code see faultcode list WS warning sump temperature changes between actual gear/direction while driving, in

neutral only displayed if no fault is detected (spanner) WR warning retarder temperature changes between actual gear/direction while driving, in

neutral only displayed if no fault is detected (spanner) WT warning torque converter temperature changes between actual gear/direction while driving, in

neutral only displayed if no fault is detected (spanner) WE warning high engine speed changes between actual gear/direction while driving, in

neutral only displayed if no fault is detected (spanner) PN direction F or R selected while parking

brake engaged transmission in neutral until parking brake is released CAUTION: vehicle starts to move after release of parking brake

EE flashing no communication with display checked wiring from TCU to display

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AEB Clutch Calibration instructions Before starting the AEB following instructions must be followed. Parking Brake must be “on” Gear selector lever in “ Neutral” Transmission sump temperature between “ 70 – 90 ° Celsius” Engine Idle speed between 650 – 1100 rpm – if to low increase engine speed with gas pedal and keep RPM. Correct Oil Level – check Dip stick Vehicle must be on flat surfice level. Please make shure that safety instructions are followed and no persons next to the vehicle! When connecting AEB Starter symbol “ PL” will show up on display. To start AEB please push red botton at least 3 seconds till “ K1” show up on display after that release the button “ AEB” will continiue itself. Finally if clutches could be calibrated “ OK “ will show up on display! Switch off ignition, for at least 5 seconds. Any Errors appear during AEB procedure please read the Error code book 5872 993 025 German 5872 993 026 englisch copyright Hermann Wagner ASI

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1.4 Display during AEB-Mode

symbol meaning remarks PL AEB — Starter is plugged at the

diagnostic plug

ST AEB-Starter-button is pressed

K1..K4,KV,KR calibrating clutch K1..K4, KV or KR resp.

_ and Kx wait for start, initialization of clutch Kx, x: 1, 2, 3, 4, V, R

≡ and Kx fast fill time determination of clutch Kx

= and Kx compensating pressure determination of clutch Kx

OK calibration for all clutches finished Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on) after removing AEB-Starter

STOP AEB canceled (activation stopped) Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

STOP and Kx AEB stopped, clutch Kx can’t be calibrated

Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

Spanner and Kx Kx couldn’t be calibrated, AEB finished Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

∆ E engine speed too low, ð raise engine speed

∇ E engine speed too high, ð lower engine speed

∆ T transmission oil temperature too low, ð heat up transmission

∇ T transmission oil temperature too high ð cool down transmission

FT transmission temperature not in defined range during calibration

Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

FB operating mode not NORMAL or transmission temperature sensor defective or storing of Calibrated values to EEPROM-has failed.

Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

FO Outputspeed_not_zero Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

FN Shift lever not in Neutral position Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

FP Parkbrake_not_applied Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

STOP AEB — Starter was used incorrect or is defective. Wrong device or wrong cable used

Transmissions stays in neutral, you have to restart the TCU (ignition off/on)

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2 definition of operating modes


There’s no failure detected in the transmission-system or the failure has no or slight effects on

transmission control. TCU will work without or in special cases with little limitations. (see following



TCU can’t change the gears or the direction under the control of the normal clutch modulation. TCU

uses the substitute strategy for clutch control. All modulations are only time controlled. (Comparable

with EST 25)


The detected failure in the system has strong limitations to transmission control. TCU can engage only

one gear in each direction. In some cases only one direction will be possible.

TCU will shift the transmission into neutral at the first occurrence of the failure. First, the operator

must shift the gear selector into neutral position.

If output speed is less than a threshold for neutral to gear and the operator shifts the gear selector into

forward or reverse, the TCU will select the limp-home gear .

If output speed is less than a threshold for reversal speed and TCU has changed into the limp-home

gear and the operator selects a shuttle shift, TCU will shift immediately into the limp-home gear of the

selected direction.

If output speed is greater than the threshold, TCU will shift the transmission into neutral. The operator

has to slow down the vehicle and must shift the gear selector into neutral position.


TCU has detected a severe failure that disables control of the transmission.

TCU will shut off the solenoid valves for the clutches and also the common power supply (VPS1).

Transmission shifts to Neutral. The park brake will operate normally, also the other functions which

use ADM 1 to ADM 8.

The operator has to slow down the vehicle. The transmission will stay in neutral.


TCU has detected a severe failure that disables control of system.

TCU will shut off all solenoid valves and also both common power supplies (VPS1, VPS2). The park

brake will engage, also all functions are disabled which use ADM 1 to ADM 8.

The transmission will stay in neutral.

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ZF Friedrichshafen AG description of fault codes for ERGO-Control 97-09-18

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3 table of fault codes

Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

11 5000 12 48 LOGICAL ERROR AT GEAR RANGE SIGNAL TCU detected a wrong signal combination for the gear range • cable from shift lever to TCU is broken • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage or vehicle ground • shift lever is defective

TCU shifts transmission to neutral OP-Mode: transmission shutdown

• check the cables from TCU to shift lever • check signal combinations of shift lever

positions for gear range

failure cannot be detected in systems with DW2/DW3 shift lever

fault is taken back if TCU detects a valid signal for the position


12 5010 12 46 LOGICAL ERROR AT DIRECTION SELECT SIGNAL TCU detected a wrong signal combination for the direction • cable from shift lever to TCU is broken • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage or vehicle ground • shift lever is defective

TCU shifts transmission to neutral OP-Mode: transmission shutdown

• check the cables from TCU to shift lever • check signal combinations of shift lever

positions F-N-R

fault is taken back if TCU detects a valid signal for the direction at the shift lever


13 5020 12 95 LOGICAL ERROR AT ENGINE DERATING DEVICE TCU detected no reaction of engine while derating device activ

after selecting neutral, TCU changes to OP-Mode limp home

• check engine derating device This fault is reset after power up of TCU


14 5030 12 169 LOGICAL ERROR AT PARKBRAKE STATUS Parkbrake-status-signal measured by TCU and parkbrake-status-signal send by CAN don’t fit • one of the cables from status-switch to

electronic box is broken • one of the status-switches is defective

TCU shifts transmission to DCO-State OP-Mode: normal

• check the cables from electronic boxes to status switches

• check signals of the status switches


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

15 5040 12 176 LOGICAL ERROR AT DIRECTION SELECT SIGNAL 2. SHIFT LEVER TCU detected a wrong signal combination for the direction • cable from shift lever 2 to TCU is

broken • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage or vehicle ground • shift lever is defective

TCU shifts transmission to neutral if selector activ OP-Mode: transmission shutdown if selector activ

• check the cables from TCU to shift lever 2

• check signal combinations of shift lever positions F-N-R

fault is taken back if TCU detects a valid neutral signal for the direction at the shift lever

all case

16 5050 12 178 LOGICAL ERROR AT AXLE CONNECTION feedback axle connection measured by TCU and output signal axle connection don’t fit • axle can’t be connected or

disconnected due to mechanical problem

• one of the cables from feedback axle connection -switch to TCU is broken

OP-Mode: normal • check the cables from TCU to feedback axle connection switch

• check signals of the feedback axle connection switch


17 5060 4 148 S.C. TO GROUND AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 1 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • customer specific function no. 1 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 1 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 1 to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 1 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion1

18 5060 3 150 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 1 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 1 device

• check the connectors from customer

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion1

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • customer specific function no. 1 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


specific function no. 1 to TCU • check the resistance of customer

specific function no. 1 device

19 5060 5 149 O.C. AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 1 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • customer specific function no. 1 device

has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 1 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 1 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 1 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion1

1A 5070 4 151 S.C. TO GROUND AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 2 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • customer specific function no. 2 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 2 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 2 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 2 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion2

1B 5070 3 153 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 2 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 2 device

• check the connectors from customer

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion2

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • customer specific function no. 2 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


specific function no. 2 device to TCU • check the resistance of customer

specific function no. 2 device

1C 5070 5 152 O.C. AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 2 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • customer specific function no. 2 device

has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 2 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 2 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 2 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion2

1D 5080 4 154 S.C. TO GROUND AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 3 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • customer specific function no. 3 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 3 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 3 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 3 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion3

1E 5080 3 156 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 3 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific customer specific function no. 3 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion3

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • customer specific function no. 3

device has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 3 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 3 device

1F 5080 5 155 O.C. AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 3 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • customer specific function no. 3

device has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 3 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 3 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 3 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion3

21 5090 3 32 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CLUTCH CUTOFF INPUT the measured voltage is too high: • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • clutch cut off sensor has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


clutch cutoff function is disabled OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the clutch cutoff sensor

John Deere

22 5090 4 29 S.C. TO GROUND OR O.C. AT CLUTCH CUTOFF INPUT the measured voltage is too low: • cable is defective and is contacted to

clutch cutoff function is disabled OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the clutch cutoff sensor

John Deere

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

vehicle ground • cable has no connection to TCU • clutch cut off sensor has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle

ground or is broken

23 5100 3 69 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT LOAD SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too high: • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • load sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


retarder function is affected TCU uses default load OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the load sensor sensor • check the assembly tolerances of load


availability of retarder depends on default load

ohne CAN

24 5100 4 70 S.C. TO GROUND OR O.C. AT LOAD SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too low: • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • cable has no connection to TCU • load sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle

ground or is broken

retarder function is affected TCU uses default load OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the load sensor sensor • check the assembly tolerances of load


availability of retarder depends on default load

ohne CAN

25 5110 3 33 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT TRANSMISSION SUMP TEMPERATURE SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too high: • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • temperature sensor has an internal


no reaction, TCU uses default temperature OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the temperature sensor

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• connector pin is contacted to battery voltage or is broken


TEMPERATURE SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too low: • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • temperature sensor has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction, TCU uses default temperature OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the temperature sensor

all, Sisu

27 5120 3 76 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT RETARDER TEMPERATURE SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too high: • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • temperature sensor has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to battery

voltage or is broken

no reaction, TCU uses default temperature OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the temperature sensor


28 5120 4 74 S.C. TO GROUND AT RETARDER TEMPERATURE SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too low: • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • temperature sensor has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction, TCU uses default temperature OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the temperature sensor


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

29 5130 3 31 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT PARKING BRAKE SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too high: • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery

voltage or is broken

TCU uses default value OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the parking brake sensor


2A 5130 4 28 S.C. TO GROUND PARKING BRAKE SENSOR INPUT the measured voltage is too low: • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


TCU uses default value OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the parking brake sensor


2B 5313 12 135 INCHSENSOR-SIGNAL MISMATCH the measured voltage from CCO and CCO2 signal don’t match: • cable is defective • sensor has an internal defect

During inching mode: TCU shifts to neutral While not inching: no change OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check sensor


31 5140 3 38 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT ENGINE SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage higher than 7.00 V at speed input pin • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • speed sensor has an internal defect

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• connector pin is contacted to battery voltage or has no contact


TCU measures a voltage less than 0.45V at speed input pin • cable / connector is defective and is

contacted to vehicle ground • speed sensor has an internal defect

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

33 5140 12 42 LOGICAL ERROR AT ENGINE SPEED INPUT TCU measures a engine speed over a threshold and the next moment the measured speed is zero • cable / connector is defective and has

bad contact • speed sensor has an internal defect • sensor gap has the wrong size

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor • check the sensor gap

This fault is reset after power up of TCU

all, Sisu

34 5150 3 39 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT TURBINE SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage higher than 7.00 V at speed input pin • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • speed sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery

voltage or has no contact

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at output speed, TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

35 5150 4 35 S.C. TO GROUND AT TURBINE SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage less than 0.45V at speed input pin

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at output speed,

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• cable / connector is defective and is contacted to vehicle ground

• speed sensor has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

36 5150 12 43 LOGICAL ERROR AT TURBINE SPEED INPUT TCU measures a turbine speed over a threshold and at the next moment the measured speed is zero • cable / connector is defective and has

bad contact • speed sensor has an internal defect • sensor gap has the wrong size

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at output speed, TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor • check the sensor gap

This fault is reset after power up of TCU

all, Sisu

37 5160 3 40 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT INTERNAL SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage higher than 7.00 V at speed input pin • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • speed sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery

voltage or has no contact

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

38 5160 4 36 S.C. TO GROUND AT INTERNAL SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage less than 0.45V at speed input pin • cable / connector is defective and is

contacted to vehicle ground • speed sensor has an internal defect

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu


OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors

This fault is reset after power up of TCU

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

TCU measures a internal speed over a threshold and at the next moment the measured speed is zero • cable / connector is defective and has

bad contact • speed sensor has an internal defect • sensor gap has the wrong size

• check the speed sensor • check the sensor gap

3A 5170 3 41 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE OR O.C. AT OUTPUT SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage higher than 12.5 V at speed input pin • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • cable has no connection to TCU • speed sensor has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery

voltage or has no contact

special mode for gear selection OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at turbine speed, TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

3B 5170 4 37 S.C. TO GROUND AT OUTPUT SPEED INPUT TCU measures a voltage less than 1.00V at speed input pin • cable / connector is defective and is

contacted to vehicle ground • speed sensor has an internal defect

special mode for gear selection OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at turbine speed, TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor

all, Sisu

3C 5170 12 45 LOGICAL ERROR AT OUTPUT SPEED INPUT TCU measures a output speed over a threshold and at the next moment the measured speed is zero • cable / connector is defective and has

bad contact • speed sensor has an internal defect

special mode for gear selection OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at turbine speed, TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor • check the connectors • check the speed sensor • check the sensor gap

This fault is reset after power up of TCU

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• sensor gap has the wrong size


— — not used

3E 5180 2 72 OUTPUT SPEED ZERO DOESN’T FIT TO OTHER SPEED SIGNALS if transmission is not neutral and the shifting has finished, TCU measures outputspeed zero and turbine speed or internal speed not equal to zero. • speed sensor has an internal defect • sensor gap has the wrong size

special mode for gear selection OP-Mode: substitute clutch control if a failure is existing at turbine speed, TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the sensor signal of output speed sensor

• check the sensor gap of output speed sensor

• check the cable from TCU to the sensor

This fault is reset after power up of TCU

all, Sisu

40 5190 2 146 GEAR RANGE RESTRICTION SIGNAL CAN signal for gear range restriction is defective • cluster controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

no gear range restriction • check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller


40 5200 2 146 FCAN MESSAGE ‘GEAR RANGE SELECT (ZF_3_IDENT)’ contains invalid data

gear range set from 1st to 5th • check FWD controller • check wire of CAN-Bus



— — not used Case


ignore FWD commands • reconfigure with TCU Configuration Command (ID PC)


50 5220 9 99 FMR1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message FMR1 from

TCU operates like jake brake is off and exhaut brake is off.

• check engine controller • check wire of CAN-Bus


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

engine controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

• engine controller is defective

OP-Mode: normal • check cable to engine controller

51 5230 9 100 FMR2 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message FMR2 from engine controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

• engine controller is defective

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check engine controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to engine controller


52 5240 9 101 EAMODUL1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message EAM1 from I/O — controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

TCU shifts to neutral and uses substitute gear selector OP-Mode: normal

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller


53 5250 9 102 ABS TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message ABS from ABS — controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

no reaction • check ABS controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to ABS controller


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

54 5260 9 103 MDU1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message MDU1 from cluster controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

TCU keeps old auto downshift information and old manual downshift information OP-Mode: normal

• check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller

John Deere

54 5260 9 103 DCT1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message DCT1 from display computer • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

OP-Mode: normal • check display computer • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to display computer

JCB, Kalmar

54 5260 9 103 GEAR RANGE SELECT TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message ‘Gear Range Select (ZF_3_IDENT)’ • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

• FWD Controller is defective

gear range set from 1st to 5th • check wire of CAN-Bus • check FWD controller


55 5270 9 177 DNS1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message DNS1 from OMRON-master • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: normal

• check OMRON-master • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to OMRON-master


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• CAN wire/connector is defective and has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

55 5270 9 177 SCT1 TIMEOUT

Timeout of CAN-message SCT1 from steering computer • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

OP-Mode: normal • check steering computer • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to steering computer


55 5270 9 177 FLC1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message FCL1 from cluster controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

TCU keeps old auto/man selection, old Clutch cutoff selection and old Clutch Cuttoff Setting OP-Mode: normal

• check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller

John Deere

55 5270 9 177 FRONT WHEEL DRIVE STATUS TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message ‘Front Wheel Drive Status (V_IDENT_FWD)’ • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

• FWD Controller is defective

TCU shifts to neutral • check wire of CAN-Bus • check FWD controller


56 5280 9 105 ENGINE CONF TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message ENGINE CONF

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check engine controller • check wire of CAN-Bus


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

from engine controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

• check cable to engine controller

57 5290 9 106 EEC1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message EEC1 from EEC controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check EEC controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to EEC controller


58 5300 9 107 EEC3 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message EEC3 from EEC controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective an

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check EEC controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to EEC controller


59 5310 2 108 TEST MODE SIGNAL CAN signal for test mode status is defective • cluster controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

Testmode is aborted, if activ • check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller


5A 5320 2 109 PARKBRAKE STATUS SIGNAL CAN signal for parkbrake status is defective • cluster controller is defective

no reaction ???? • check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller

Case, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• interference on CAN-Bus

5B 5330 2 110 SHIFT QUALITY SEL SIGNAL CAN signal for shift qualtiy selection is defective • cluster controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

• check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller

Not used Case

5C 5340 2 111 AUTO DOWNSHIFT SIGNAL CAN signal for automatic downshift is defective • cluster controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

last selection is kept • check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller

John Deere

5D 5350 2 112 MANUAL DOWNSHIFT SIGNAL CAN signal for manual downshift is defective • cluster controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

last selection is kept • check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to ???? controller

John Deere

5E 5360 2 113 CCO REQUEST SIGNAL CAN signal for CCO request is defective • cluster controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

last selection is kept • check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to ???? controller

John Deere

5F 5370 2 114 SHIFT LEVER SIGNAL CAN signal for shift lever is defective • I/O controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

TCU shifts to neutral and uses informations from substitute shift lever OP-Mode: normal

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller

Liebherr, Sisu

5F 5370 2 179 TRANSMISSION NEUTRAL REQUEST SIGNAL CAN signal for transmission Neutral Request is defective

OP-Mode: normal • check steering computer • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to steering computer


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• steering computer is defective • interference on CAN-Bus


TCU shifts to neutral • check FWD controller O&K

60 5380 2 115 ADDITIONAL BRAKE STATUS SIGNAL CAN signal for additional park brake status is defective • I/O controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller


61 5390 2 116 AEB REQUEST SIGNAL CAN signal for AEB request is defective • I/O controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

no reaction OP-Mode: normal Last selection is kept

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller

Liebherr, Sisu, John Deere

62 5400 2 117 PTO TORQUE SIGNAL CAN signal for PTO torque is defective • I/O controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

no reaction, TCU uses default PTO torque signal OP-Mode: normal

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller


63 5410 2 118 DRIVING MODE SIGNAL CAN signal for driving mode is defective • I/O controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

no reaction, TCU uses default driving mode signal OP-Mode: normal

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller


64 5420 2 119 STARTING GEAR SIGNAL CAN signal for starting gear is defective • I/O controller is defective

(illegal starting gear) • interference on CAN-Bus

no reaction, TCU uses default starting gear OP-Mode: normal

• check I/O controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to I/O controller


65 5430 2 120 ENGINGE TORQUE SIGNAL OP-Mode:substitute clutch • check engine controller IES,

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

CAN signal for engine torque is defective • engine controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

control • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to engine controller


69 5440 2 124 REFERENCE ENGINE TORQUE SIGNAL CAN signal for reference of engine torque is defective • engine controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

OP-Mode:substitute clutch control

• check engine controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to engine controller


6A 5450 2 125 ACTUAL ENGINE TORQUE SIGNAL CAN signal for actual engine torque is defective • engine controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

OP-Mode:substitute clutch control

• check engine controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to engine controller


6B 5460 2 126 NOM FRICTION TORQUE SIGNAL CAN signal for nominal friction torque is defective • engine controller is defective • interference on CAN-Bus

OP-Mode:substitute clutch control

• check engine controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to engine controller


6E 5470 2 144 EEC2 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message EEC2 from EEC controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

no reaction, TCU uses default signal accelerator pedal in idle position OP-Mode: normal

• check EEC controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to EEC controller


71 5480 3 22 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CLUTCH K1 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K1 valve is

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from TCU to the

gearbox • check the regulator resistance 1)

1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

too high. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to battery voltage • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check internal wire harness of the gearbox

72 5480 4 10 S.C. TO GROUND AT CLUTCH K1 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K1 valve is too low. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to vehicle ground • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to another regulator output of the TCU

• regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

73 5480 5 16 O.C. AT CLUTCH K1 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit. • cable / connector is defective and has

no contact to TCU • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

74 5490 3 23 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CLUTCH K2 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K2 valve is too high. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to battery voltage • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

75 5490 4 11 S.C. TO GROUND AT CLUTCH K2 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K2 valve is

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

too low. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to vehicle ground • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to another regulator output of the TCU

• regulator has an internal defect

pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


76 5490 5 17 O.C. AT CLUTCH K2 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit. • cable / connector is defective and has

no contact to TCU • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

77 5500 3 24 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CLUTCH K3 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K3 valve is too high. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to battery voltage • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

78 5500 4 12 S.C. TO GROUND AT CLUTCH K3 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K3 valve is too low. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to vehicle ground • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to another regulator output of the TCU

• regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

79 5500 5 18 O.C. AT CLUTCH K3 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit. • cable / connector is defective and has

no contact to TCU • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu


— — not used


— — not used


— — not used

7D 5550 4 166 S.C. TO GROUND AT ENGINE DERATING DEVICE • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • engine derating device has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


engine derating will be on until TCU power down even if fault vanishes (loose connection) OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the engine derating device

• check the connectors from engine derating device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of engine derating device

1) see chapter 4 SHI Proto T10

7E 5550 3 168 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT ENGINE DERATING DEVICE • cable / connector is defective and is

contacted to battery voltage • engine derating device has an

internal defect

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the engine derating device

• check the connectors from backup alarm device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of backup alarm device

SHI Proto T10

7F 5550 5 167 O.C. AT ENGINE DERATING DEVICE TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the engine derating device

• check the connectors from engine derating device to TCU

1) see chapter 4 SHI Proto T10

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• cable is defective and has no connection to TCU

• engine derating device has an internal defect

• connector has no connection to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of engine derating device

81 5510 3 25 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CLUTCH K4 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K4 valve is too high. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to battery voltage • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all

82 5510 4 13 S.C. TO GROUND AT CLUTCH K4 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at K4 valve is too low. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to vehicle ground • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to another regulator output of the TCU

• regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all

83 5510 5 19 O.C. AT CLUTCH K4 the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit. • cable / connector is defective and has

no contact to TCU • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all


TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at KV valve is too high. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to battery voltage • regulator has an internal defect

if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


85 5520 4 14 S.C. TO GROUND AT CLUTCH KV the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at KV valve is too low. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to vehicle ground • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to another regulator output of the TCU

• regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

86 5520 5 20 O.C. AT CLUTCH KV the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit. • cable / connector is defective and has

no contact to TCU • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

87 5530 3 27 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CLUTCH KR the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at KR valve is too high. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to battery voltage • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

88 5530 4 15 S.C. TO GROUND AT CLUTCH KR the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit, the voltage at KR valve is too low. • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to vehicle ground • cable / connector is defective and has

contact to another regulator output of the TCU

• regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

89 5530 5 21 O.C. AT CLUTCH KR the measured resistance value of the valve is out of limit. • cable / connector is defective and has

no contact to TCU • regulator has an internal defect

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check the cable from TCU to the gearbox • check the connectors from gearbox to

TCU • check the regulator resistance 1) • check internal wire harness of the


1) see chapter 4 all, Sisu

91 5560 4 1 S.C. TO GROUND AT RELAY REVERSE WARNING ALARM TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • backup alarm device has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


backup alarm will be on until TCU power down even if fault vanishes (loose connection) OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the backup alarm device

• check the connectors from backup alarm device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of backup alarm device

1) see chapter 4 all

92 5560 3 3 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT RELAY REVERSE WARNING ALARM TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the backup alarm device

• check the connectors from backup alarm device to TCU

1) see chapter 4 all

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • backup alarm device has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


• check the resistance 1) of backup alarm device

93 5560 5 2 O.C. AT RELAY REVERSE WARNING ALARM TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • backup alarm device has an internal

defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the backup alarm device

• check the connectors from backup alarm device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of backup alarm device

1) see chapter 4 all

94 5570 4 4 S.C. TO GROUND AT RELAY STARTER INTERLOCK TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • starter interlock relay has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the starter interlock relay

• check the connectors from starter interlock relay to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of starter interlock relay

1) see chapter 4

95 5570 3 6 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT RELAY STARTER INTERLOCK TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the starter interlock relay

• check the connectors from starter interlock relay to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of starter

1) see chapter 4

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• cable is defective and is contacted to battery voltage

• starter interlock relay has an internal defect

• connector pin is contacted to battery voltage

interlock relay

96 5570 5 5 O.C. AT RELAY STARTER INTERLOCK TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • starter interlock relay has an internal

defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the starter interlock relay

• check the connectors from starter interlock relay to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of starter interlock relay

1) see chapter 4

97 5580 4 7 S.C. TO GROUND AT PARK BRAKE SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • park brake solenoid has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the park brake solenoid

• check the connectors from park brake solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of park brake solenoid

1) see chapter 4 John Deere

98 5580 3 9 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT PARK BRAKE SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

no reaction optional: (some customers) TCU shifts to neutral caused by park brake feed back OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the park brake solenoid

• check the connectors from park brake solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of park brake solenoid

1) see chapter 4 John Deere

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

battery voltage • park brake solenoid has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


99 5580 5 8 O.C. AT PARK BRAKE SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • park brake solenoid has an internal

defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction optional: (some customers) TCU shifts to neutral caused by park brake feed back OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the park brake solenoid

• check the connectors from park brake solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of park brake solenoid

1) see chapter 4 John Deere

9A 5590 4 66 S.C. TO GROUND AT CONVERTER LOCK UP CLUTCH SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • converter clutch solenoid has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the converter clutch solenoid

• check the connectors from converter clutch solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of converter clutch solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

9B 5590 3 67 O.C. AT CONVERTER LOCK UP CLUTCH SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU

converter clutch always open, retarder not available OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the converter clutch solenoid

• check the connectors from converter clutch solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of converter clutch solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• converter clutch solenoid has an internal defect

• connector has no connection to TCU

9C 5590 5 68 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CONVERTER LOCK UP CLUTCH SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • converter clutch solenoid has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the converter clutch solenoid

• check the connectors from converter clutch solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of converter clutch solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

9D 5600 4 81 S.C. TO GROUND AT RETARDER SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • retarder solenoid has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the retarder solenoid

• check the connectors from retarder solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of retarder solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

9E 5600 3 82 O.C. AT RETARDER SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • retarder solenoid has an internal


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the retarder solenoid

• check the connectors from retarder solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of retarder solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• connector has no connection to TCU

9F 5600 5 83 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT RETARDER SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • retarder solenoid has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the retarder solenoid

• check the connectors from retarder solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of retarder solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

A1 5610 4 84 S.C. TO GROUND AT DIFFLOCK OR AXLE CONNECTION SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • difflock solenoid has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the difflock solenoid

• check the connectors from difflock solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of difflock solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

A2 5610 3 85 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT DIFFLOCK OR AXLE CONNECTION SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • difflock solenoid has an internal

no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the difflock solenoid

• check the connectors from difflock solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of difflock solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


A3 5610 5 86 O.C. AT DIFFLOCK OR AXLE CONNECTION SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • difflock solenoid has an internal

defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the difflock solenoid

• check the connectors from difflock solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of difflock solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

A4 5620 4 96 S.C. TO GROUND AT WARNING SIGNAL OUTPUT TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • warning device has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the warning device

• check the connectors from warning device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of warning device

1) see chapter 4 6WG

A5 5620 5 97 O.C. AT WARNING SIGNAL OUTPUT TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • warning device has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the warning device

• check the connectors from warning device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of warning device

1) see chapter 4 6WG

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

A6 5620 3 98 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT WARNING SIGNAL OUTPUT TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • warning device has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the warning device

• check the connectors from warning device to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of warning device

1) see chapter 4 6WG

A7 5630 4 157 S.C. TO GROUND AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 4 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • customer specific function no. 4 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 4 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 4 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 4 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion4

A8 5630 3 159 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 4 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • customer specific function no. 4 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 4 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 4 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 4 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion4

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

A9 5630 5 158 O.C. AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 4 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • customer specific function no. 4 device

has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 4 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 4 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 4 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion4

AA 5640 4 160 S.C. TO GROUND AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 5 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • customer specific function no. 5 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 5 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 5 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 5 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion5

AB 5640 3 162 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 5 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • customer specific function no. 5 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 5 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 5 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 5 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion5

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

AC 5640 5 161 O.C. AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 5 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • customer specific function no. 5 device

has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 5 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 5 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 5 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion5

AD 5650 4 163 S.C. TO GROUND AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 6 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • customer specific function no. 6 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to function 6 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 6 device to TCU

• check the resistance of function 6 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion6

AE 5650 3 165 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 6 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • customer specific function no. 6 device

has an internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 6 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 6 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 6 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion6

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

AF 5650 5 164 O.C. AT CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FUNCTION NO. 6 TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • customer specific function no. 6 device

has an internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

customer specific • check the cable from TCU to customer specific function no. 6 device

• check the connectors from customer specific function no. 6 device to TCU

• check the resistance of customer specific function no. 6 device

1) see chapter 4 Z-Funktion6

B1 5660 2 60 SLIPPAGE AT CLUTCH K1 TCU calculates a differential speed at closed clutch K1. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at clutch K1 • low main pressure • wrong signal at internal speed sensor • wrong signal at output speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap • clutch is defective

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check pressure at clutch K1 • check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at internal speed

sensor • check sensor gap at output speed

sensor • check signal at internal speed sensor • check signal at output speed sensor • replace clutch

all, Sisu

B2 5665 2 61 SLIPPAGE AT CLUTCH K2 TCU calculates a differential speed at closed clutch K2. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at clutch K2 • low main pressure • wrong signal at internal speed sensor • wrong signal at output speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap • clutch is defective

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check pressure at clutch K2 • check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at internal speed

sensor • check sensor gap at output speed

sensor • check signal at internal speed sensor • check signal at output speed sensor • replace clutch

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

B3 5670 2 62 SLIPPAGE AT CLUTCH K3 TCU calculates a differential speed at closed clutch K3. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at clutch K3 • low main pressure • wrong signal at internal speed sensor • wrong signal at output speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap • clutch is defective

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check pressure at clutch K3 • check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at internal speed

sensor • check sensor gap at output speed

sensor • check signal at internal speed sensor • check signal at output speed sensor • replace clutch

all, Sisu

B4 5675 2 63 SLIPPAGE AT CLUTCH K4 TCU calculated a difference speed at TCU calculates a differential speed at closed clutch K4. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at clutch K4 • low main pressure • wrong signal at internal speed sensor • wrong signal at turbine speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap • clutch is defective

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check pressure at clutch K4 • check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at internal speed

sensor • check sensor gap at turbine speed

sensor • check signal at internal speed sensor • check signal at turbine speed sensor • replace clutch


B5 5680 2 64 SLIPPAGE AT CLUTCH KV TCU calculates a differential speed at closed clutch KV. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at clutch KV • low main pressure • wrong signal at internal speed sensor • wrong signal at turbine speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check pressure at clutch KV • check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at internal speed

sensor • check sensor gap at turbine speed

sensor • check signal at internal speed sensor • check signal at turbine speed sensor • replace clutch

all, Sisu

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• clutch is defective

B6 5685 2 65 SLIPPAGE AT CLUTCH KR TCU calculates a differential speed at closed clutch KR. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at clutch KR • low main pressure • wrong signal at internal speed sensor • wrong signal at turbine speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap • clutch is defective

TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: limp home if failure at another clutch is pending TCU shifts to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check pressure at clutch KR • check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at internal speed

sensor • check sensor gap at turbine speed

sensor • check signal at internal speed sensor • check signal at turbine speed sensor • replace clutch

all, Sisu

B7 5700 0 87 OVERTEMP SUMP TCU measured a temperature in the oil sump that is over the allowed threshold.

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• cool down machine • check oil level • check temperature sensor

all, Sisu

B8 5710 0 88 OVERTEMP RETARDER TCU measured a temperature in the retarder oil that is over the allowed threshold.

TCU disables retarder OP-Mode: normal

• cool down machine • check oil level • check temperature sensor



retarder applies if configured OP-Mode: normal

— 6WG, Sisu, Case

BA 5730 0 90 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE OIL FILTER TCU measured a voltage at differential pressure switch out of the allowed range • oil filter is polluted • cable/connector is broken or

cable/connector is contacted to battery voltage or vehicle ground

• differential pressure switch is defective

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check oil filter • check wiring from TCU to differential

pressure switch • check differential pressure switch

(measure resitance)


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

BB 5740 2 172 SLIPPAGE AT CONVERTER LOCKUP CLUTCH TCU calculates a differential speed at closed converter lockup clutch. If this calculated value is out of range, TCU interprets this as slipping clutch. • low pressure at converter lockup

clutch • low main pressure • wrong signal at engine speed sensor • wrong signal at turbine speed sensor • wrong size of the sensor gap • clutch is defective

• check pressure at converter lockup clutch

• check main pressure in the system • check sensor gap at engine speed

sensor • check sensor gap at turbine speed

sensor • check signal at engine speed sensor • check signal at turbine speed sensor • replace clutch


BD 5750 4 169 S.C. TO GROUND AT ENGINE BRKAE SOLENOID TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • engine brake solenoid has an internal

defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the engine brake solenoid

• check the connectors from engine brake solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of engine brake solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

BE 5750 3 171 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT ENGINE BRAKE TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage

no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the engine brake solenoid

• check the connectors from engine brake solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of engine brake solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

• engine brake solenoid has an internal defect

• connector pin is contacted to battery voltage

BF 5750 5 170 O.C. AT ENGINE BRAKE

TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • engine brake solenoid has an internal

defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the engine brake solenoid

• check the connectors from engine brake solenoid to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of engine brake solenoid

1) see chapter 4 6WG

C3 5760 0 91 OVERTEMP CONVERTER OUTPUT TCU measured a oil temperature at the converter ouput that is over the allowed threshold.

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• cool down machine • check oil level • check temperature sensor

4WG, Sisu 6WG

C4 5770 4 129 S.C. TO GROUND AT JOYSTICK STATUS INDICATOR TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • joystick status indicator has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to joystick status indicator

• check the connectors from joystick status indicator to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of joystick status indicator


C5 5770 3 131 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT JOYSTICK STATUS INDICATOR TCU detected a wrong voltage at the

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to joystick status indicator

• check the connectors from joystick


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • joystick status indicator has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


status indicator to TCU • check the resistance 1) of joystick status


C6 5770 5 130 O.C. AT JOYSTICK STATUS INDICATOR TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • joystick status indicator has an

internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to joystick status indicator

• check the connectors from joystick status indicator to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of joystick status indicator


C7 5780 4 132 S.C. TO GROUND AT OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to vehicle ground • cable is defective and is contacted to

vehicle ground • overtemp status indicator has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to vehicle


no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR

• check the connectors from OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR


C8 5780 3 134 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a s.c. to battery

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR

• check the connectors from OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR to TCU


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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

voltage • cable is defective and is contacted to

battery voltage • overtemp status indicator has an

internal defect • connector pin is contacted to battery


• check the resistance 1) of OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR

C9 5780 5 133 O.C. AT OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR TCU detected a wrong voltage at the output pin, that looks like a o.c. for this output pin • cable is defective and has no

connection to TCU • OVETEMP status indicator has an

internal defect • connector has no connection to TCU

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR

• check the connectors from OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR to TCU

• check the resistance 1) of OVERTEMP NEUTRAL INDICATOR


CA 5790 9 121 ENGINE_RETARDER CONFIG_TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message ENGINE_RETARDER CONFIG from EEC controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective an

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check EEC controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to EEC controller


CB 5800 9 122 ERC1 TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message ERC1 from EEC controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective an

OP-Mode: substitute clutch control

• check EEC controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to EEC controller


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ZF Friedrichshafen AG description of fault codes for ERGO-Control 97-09-18

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage


SUPPLY FOR SENSORS TCU measures more than 6V at the pin AU1 (5V sensor supply)

see fault codes no. 21 to 2C • check cables and connectors to sensors, which are supplied from AU1

• check the power supply at the pin AU1 (should be appx. 5V)

fault codes no. 21 to no. 2C may be a reaction of this fault

all, Sisu

D2 5810 4 55 S.C. TO GROUND AT POWER SUPPLY FOR SENSORS TCU measures less than 4V at the pin AU1 (5V sensor supply)

see fault codes no. 21 to 2C • check cables and connectors to sensors, which are supplied from AU1

• check the power supply at the pin AU1 (should be appx. 5V)

fault codes no. 21 to no. 2C may be a reaction of this fault

all, Sisu

D3 5820 4 53 LOW VOLTAGE AT BATTERY measured voltage at power supply is lower than 10 V (12V device) lower than 18 V (24V device)

shift to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check power supply battery • check cables from batteries to TCU • check connectors from batteries to TCU

all, Sisu

D4 5820 3 52 HIGH VOLTAGE AT BATTERY measured voltage at power supply is higher than 18 V (12V device) higher than 32.5 V (24V device)

shift to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check power supply battery • check cables from batteries to TCU • check connectors from batteries to TCU

all, Sisu

D5 5830 2 57 ERROR AT VALVE POWER SUPPLY VPS1 TCU switched on VPS1 and measured VPS1 is off or TCU switched off VPS1 and measured VPS1 is still on • cable or connectors are defect and are

contacted to battery voltage • cable or connectors are defect and are

contacted to vehicle ground • permanent power supply KL30

missing • TCU has an internal defect

shift to neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check fuse • check cables from gearbox to TCU • check connectors from gearbox to TCU • replace TCU

all, Sisu

D6 5840 2 58 ERROR VALVE POWER SUPPLY VPS2 shift to neutral • check fuse all,

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

TCU switched on VPS2 and measured VPS2 is off or TCU switched off VPS2 and measured VPS2 is still on • cable or connectors are defect and are

contacted to battery voltage • cable or connectors are defect and are

contacted to vehicle ground • permanent power supply KL30

missing • TCU has an internal defect

OP-Mode: TCU shutdown • check cables from gearbox to TCU • check connectors from gearbox to TCU • replace TCU


E3 5860 3 50 S.C. TO BATTERY VOLTAGE AT DISPLAY OUTPUT TCU sends data to the display and measures allways a high voltage level on the connector • cable or connectors are defective and

are contacted to battery voltage • display has an internal defect

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the display • check the connectors at the display • change display


E4 5860 4 49 S.C. TO GROUND AT DISPLAY OUTPUT TCU sends data to the display and measures allways a high voltage level on the connector • cable or connectors are defective and

are contacted to vehicle ground • display has an internal defect

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• check the cable from TCU to the display • check the connectors at the display • change display


E5 5270 9 104 DISPID1_TIMEOUT Timeout of CAN-message DISPID1 from display controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

TCU select parameter set with ID0 OP-Mode: Limp Home

• check display controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to display controller


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ZF Friedrichshafen AG description of fault codes for ERGO-Control 97-09-18

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

E5 5270 9 104 CL1 TIMEOUT

Timeout of CAN-message CL1 from cluster controller • interference on CAN-Bus • CAN wire/connector is broken • CAN wire/connector is defective and

has contact to vehicle ground or battery voltage

TCU keeps old information for: status test mode status plock shift quality selection gear range restriction OP-Mode: normal

• check cluster controller • check wire of CAN-Bus • check cable to cluster controller



transmission stay neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

Case, JCB, O&K

F1 5890 2 51 GENERAL EEPROM FAULT TCU can’t read non volantile memoy • TCU is defective

no reaction OP-Mode: normal

• replace TCU often shown together with fault code F2

all, Sisu

F2 5900 13 56 CONFIGURATION LOST TCU has lost the correct configuration and can’t control the transmission. • interference during saving data on

non volatile memory • TCU is brand new or from another


transmission stay neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• Reprogramm the correct configuration for the vehicle (e.g. with cluster controller,…)

Case, John Deere, JCB

F2 5900 13 56 FWD CONFIGURATION LOST TCU has lost the FWD configuration. • interference during saving data on

non volatile memory • TCU is brand new or from another


gear range set from 1st to 4th • reconfigure with TCU Configuration Command (ID PC)


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ZF Friedrichshafen AG description of fault codes for ERGO-Control 97-09-18

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Fault Code (hex)

SPN FMI Int. Code (dec)

MEANING OF THE FAULT CODE possible reason for fault detection

reaction of the TCU possible steps to repair remarks costumer

F3 5910 13 59 APPLICATION ERROR something of this application is wrong

transmission stay neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• replace TCU !! This fault occurs only if an test engineer did something wrong in the application of the vehicle

all, Sisu

F4 5920 13 73 LIMP HOME REQUEST no fault! indicates that another computer requested limp home via CAN

shift to neutral OP-Mode: limp home

• The external controller has to cancel the request

John Deere

F5 5930 7 173 CLUTCH FAILURE AEB was not able to adjust clutch filling parameters • One of the AEB-Values is out of limit

transmission stay neutral OP-Mode: TCU shutdown

• check clutch TCU shows also the affected clutch on the Display

all, Sisu

F6 5930 13 174 CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT DATA LOST OR INCHPEDAL CALIBRATION DATA LOST TCU was not able to read correct clutch adjustment parameters • interference during saving data on

non volatile memory • TCU is brand new

default values = 0 for AEB offsets used OP-Mode: normal no Inchmode available

• execute AEB all, Sisu

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ZF Friedrichshafen AG description of fault codes for ERGO-Control 97-09-18

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4 measuring of resistance at actuator/sensors and cable

4.1 actuator:




G open circuit: R12 ≈ R1G ≈ R2G ≈ ∞ short cut to ground: R12 ≈ R; R1G ≈ 0, R2G ≈ R or R1G ≈ R, R2G ≈ 0 (for s.c. to ground, G is connected to vehicle ground) short cut to battery: R12 ≈ R; R1G ≈ 0, R2G ≈ R or R1G ≈ R, R2G ≈ 0 (for s.c. to battery, G is connected to battery voltage)

4.2 cable:

P (power supply)

1 2


Actuator /Sensor



C (chassis)

open circuit: R12 ≈ R1P ≈ R1C ≈ R2P ≈ R2C ≈ ∞ short cut to ground: R12 ≈ 0; R1C ≈ R2C ≈ 0, R1P ≈ R2P ≈ ∞ short cut to battery: R12 ≈ 0, R1C ≈ R2C ≈ ∞, R1P ≈ R2P ≈ 0

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DHIM C/S ZF Transmission 4WG190/210 Mega V Construction equipment B/G Product Support Team

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CAJA ZF 4WG210 diagrama ENG.

Text of ZF 4WG210

Page 1: ZF 4WG210


ZF Transmission 4WG190/210

Mega V

Construction equipment B/G

Product Support Team

Page 2: ZF 4WG210


1. Clutch Shaft “ KR”2. Power Take Off Coaxial3. Clutch Shaft “KV”4. Clutch Shaft “K2”5. Clutch Shaft “K3”6. Output flange Rear7. Output flange Converter8. Output shaft9. Transmission Pump10. Input Flange11. Converter12. Transmitter for Engine speed13. Clutch Shaft “K4”14. Converter Relief V/V15. Clutch Shaft “K1”

Lay Out (1) 4WG-190/210

Page 3: ZF 4WG210


1. Lifting plug

2. Drive flange

3. Transmission suspension

4. Attachment for

Emergency Steering Pump

5. Model I/D

6. Output Flange Converter Side

7. Oil Drain Plug

8. Attachment for oil filter pipe

9. Oil Dipstick

Lay Out Front view (2) 4WG-190/210

Page 4: ZF 4WG210


1. Driving Flange

2. Cover

3. Converter Bell Housing

4. Breather

5. Transmission Case Cover

6. Filter head & Alarm Switch

7. Fine Filter

8. Oil Dipstick

9. Output Flange-Rear

10. Oil Drain Plug

11. Out Flange — Front

12.Transmission Case

Lay Out Side view (3) 4WG-190/ 210

Page 5: ZF 4WG210


1. Lifting Lugs

2. Power Take Off

3. Electro- Hydraulic Control

4. Return port

(Option-Parking brake)

5. Oil Dipstick

6. Transmission Suspension

7. Output Flange

8. Fine Filter

9. Filter Head & Alarm Switch

10. System Pressure Port

(Option- Parking Brake)

Lay Out Rear view (4) 4WG-190/210

Page 6: ZF 4WG210


21. Inductive transmitter :


34. Speed Sensor : Output and Speedmeter

47.Inductive transmitter : Central Gear Train

48. Inductive transmitter : Engine

Measuring Point (1) 4WG-190/210

Page 7: ZF 4WG210


Driving Direction Speed Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 EngagedClutch

Forward 1st ◆ ◆ K1,KV2nd ◆ ◆ KV,K23rd ◆ ◆ K3,KV4th ◆ ◆ K4,K3

Reverse 1st ◆ ◆ KR,K12nd ◆ ◆ KR,K23rd ◆ ◆ KR,K3

NeutralRelated Clutch K4 KR K1 K3 KV K2Location F E D C B AMeasuring Point 60 55 56 58 53 57System Pressure (bar) 16±2 16±2 16±2 16±2 16±2 16±2

Measuring Point (2)4WG-190 /210

Page 8: ZF 4WG210


WGV : Converter Back Pressure Valve

3~5 bar

WSV : Converter Relief Valve 11 bar

HDV : System pressure 16 bar

RV-9 : Pressure Reducing Valve 9 bar

NFS : Follow-on Slide

D : Oscillation Damper

P : Proportional Valve Clutch

Y : Pressure Regulator

B : Orifice

Temp : Temperature Sensor

( RV-9 Pressure measuring

after being detached)

Oil Circulation (System Pressure)

Page 9: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SWorking of Proportional Valve

Page 10: ZF 4WG210


16bar @ Port No 65

Oil Circulation — Neutral Position (System Pressure)

Page 11: ZF 4WG210


9 bar

Oil Circulation — Neutral Position (Pilot Pressure)

Page 12: ZF 4WG210


11 bar @ Port No 51

3~5 bar @ Port No 52/63

Oil Circulation — Neutral Position (T/Q Converter)

Page 13: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SOil Circulation — Forward 1st

Page 14: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SOil Circulation — Reverse 1st

Page 15: ZF 4WG210


Driving Direction Speed Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 EngagedClutch

Forward 1st ◆ ◆ K1,KV2nd ◆ ◆ KV,K23rd ◆ ◆ K3,KV4th ◆ ◆ K4,K3

Reverse 1st ◆ ◆ KR,K12nd ◆ ◆ KR,K23rd ◆ ◆ KR,K3

NeutralRelatived Clutch K4 KR K1 K3 KV K2

Engaged EPPR Valve Summary

Page 16: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SOil Circulation — Hydraulic Control (1)

Page 17: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SOil Circulation — Hydraulic Control (2)

Page 18: ZF 4WG210


KV :Clutch Forward KR: Clutch Reverse K1: Clutch 1st Speed K2: Clutch 2nd SpeedK3: Clutch 3rd Speed K4: Clutch 4th SpeedIN : Input Out : Out Put

Gear Schema — 4WG190/210

Page 19: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SPower Flow — Forward 4WG 190/210

Page 20: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SPower flow — Reverse 4WG190/210

Page 21: ZF 4WG210




















MEGA-V T/M Electric Control System

Page 22: ZF 4WG210

DHIM C/SElectric system

Page 23: ZF 4WG210


-Output Propellar shaft speed-Travel Speed display signal-LIS system (over 8 km)


-Output torque Control signal-Shifting quality (max 1.6sec)-Keep the original gap

0.5~0.81050 ±


& Turbine




♣Pressure Regulator in Transmission Control Block

0.8 ~ 9.0

Output Press(bar)





Input Current(mA)Regulator

♣Condition of Pressure Regulator Operation1) Parking brake released 2) Transmission Oil Temperature : over – 10 degree C

Description of Components

Page 24: ZF 4WG210


Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor (built in TCV)

— 1st, 2nd Speed mode only-30 ~ -10 degree C (T/M oil)

— Travels Normally↑

-10 degree C (T/M oil)

— Parking Brake Engaged↓

-30 degree C (T/M oil)-Output Voltage :5.2 ~ 24V-Resistance : 1000 ~ 1500 Ω-No Buzzer

-Error Code Display only-Travels Normally

Open or Short Circuit



1. TCU (Transmission Control Unit) Working Voltage : 18 ~ 32 VDC

2. Kick Down

1) Manual Mode : 2nd -> 1st Speed Change Only

2) Auto Mode : Every Travel Speed, 1 stage shift down

@ after 200 ~ 300 engine speed drop (except 4th -> 3rd)

3. Transmission Cut Off : Available @ 1st & 2nd Speed mode only

Description of Components

Page 25: ZF 4WG210



A voltage between each terminal ( # 58,10,32,55,9,51) and ground : 1.9 V

Electric system (Neutral)

Page 26: ZF 4WG210



A voltage between each terminal # 32, 9 and ground : 9.5 VThe voltage between each terminal #58,10,55,51 and ground : 1.9 V

Electric system (Forward 1st)

Page 27: ZF 4WG210


If the downshift switch is pressed, the gear shift changes to 1st gear and when the downshift switch is pressed once again, downshifting is released and returns to 2nd gear automatically.

Electric system (Down Shift 2nd -> 1st — Manual mode)

Page 28: ZF 4WG210


When the auto selector switch is “on” position and the downshift switch pressed,the transmission changes automatically to the next lower gear.Note: The third to the second gear and the second to the first gear change

occur when the engine speed is reduced 200 — 300 rpm from current speed.

Electric system (Down Shift — Auto mode)

Page 29: ZF 4WG210


When the T/M cut off switch(1) is “on” position and the T/M cut off switch(2) has been connected by foot braking (25bar) in the cabin,the transmission will be in neutral position automatically (This function works on 1st, 2nd gear only ).

Electric system (Transmission Cut Off )

Page 30: ZF 4WG210


The AEB has the task to compensate tolerances (plate clearance and pressure level) which are influencing the fiIling procedure of the clutches.

For each clutch, the correct filling parameters are determined in one test cycle for period of the quick-fllling timelevel of the filling compensating pressure

No Order Displaymessage


1 Warm up transmissionabout 10 to 20 minutes

2 Turn off ignition key3 Plug in AEB starter to

AEB connector locatedat the seat base closestto the cab door

4 Put T/M gear selectorLever to Neutral position

5 Engage park brake6 Start Engine “PL“ TCU must recognize

“PL” for at least 2secbefore you pressAEB starter button

7 On idling RPM “PL”8 Press button of the AEB

Starter“ST” The button must not

be released beforeTCU has started theAEB or quit withan error code(see Error code list)

9 Hold button until AEB hasbeen started

“K1”(Information about the AEB state)

TCU has started theAEB, and goes onadjusting K1, K2,…,KR. (Button may bereleased fromstarting)

10 Wait until AEB hasbeen finished

“OK”(AEB has been successful)

11 Turn off ignition andunplug AEB Starter

Electric system (AEB )

Page 31: ZF 4WG210


Symbol Meaning RemarksPLSTK1..K4,KV,KR_ and Kx≡ and Kx

OK calibration for all clutches finished Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart theTCU (ignition off/on) after removing AEB-Starter

STOP AEB canceled (activation Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart thestopped) TCU (ignition off/on)

STOP and Kx AEB stopped, clutch Kx Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart thecan’t be calibrated TCU (ignition off/on)

Spanner and Kx Kx couldn’t be calibrated, Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart theAEB finished TCU (ignition off/on)

↑ E Engine speed too low, E/G RPM should be raised↓ E Engine speed too high E/G RPM should be down↑ T Transmission oil Warm up Transmission

temperature too low↓ T Transmission oil Cool down Transmission

temperature too highFT T/M temp not in defined T/M stays in neutral, have to

range during calibration restart the TCU (key off/on)FB Operating mode not T/M stays in neutral, have to

NORMAL or T/M temp restart the TCU (key off/on)sensor defective or storingof Calibrated values toEEPROM-has failed

FO Output speed not zero Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart theTCU (ignition off/on)

FN Shift lever not in Neutral Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart theposition TCU (ignition off/on)

FP Parking brake not applied Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart theTCU (ignition off/on)

STOP AEB — Starter was used Transmissions stays in neutral, have to restart theincorrect or is defective TCU (ignition off/on)

fast fill time determination of clutch Kxcompensating pressure determination of clutch Kx

AEB — Starter is plugged at the diagnostic plugAEB Starter button is pressedCalibrating each clutch K1..K4,KV,KRWait for start, initialization of clutch Kx, x : 1, 2, 3, 4, V, R

Electric system (AEB DISPLAY )

Page 32: ZF 4WG210


Shaft rpm = (Hz/Z) X 60You can measure the frequency with an electric multi meter.




Frequency of Speed sensor

Page 33: ZF 4WG210


— Hz Frequency from Speed Sensor — Z Number of Ring gear Teeth- r total Total Reduction Ratio of Axle (r diff X r hub)- R Tire Radius in meter

Machine Speed (km/hr)

Hz 1 3600 (sec/hr)= x x 2πR x

Z r total 1000 (m/km)

M160-V M200-V M250-V M300-V M400-V M500-V

Z 53 53 44 44 66 66

Machine Speed

Specification of ZF transmissions

Lay Out (1) ZF transmission 4WG-190/210

1. Clutch Shaft “ KR”
2. Power Take Off Coaxial
3. Clutch Shaft “KV”
4. Clutch Shaft “K2”
5. Clutch Shaft “K3”
6. Output flange Rear
7. Output flange Converter
8. Output shaft
9. Transmission Pump
10. Input Flange
11. Converter
12. Transmitter for Engine speed
13. Clutch Shaft “K4”
14. Converter Relief V/V
15. Clutch Shaft “K1”

Lay Out Front view (2) ZF transmission 4WG-190/210

1. Lifting plug
2. Drive flange
3. Transmission suspension
4. Attachment for Emergency Steering Pump
5. Model I/D
6. Output Flange Converter Side
7. Oil Drain Plug
8. Attachment for oil filter pipe
9. Oil Dipstick

Lay Out Side view (3) ZF transmission 4WG-190/ 210

1. Driving Flange
2. Cover
3. Converter Bell Housing
4. Breather
5. Transmission Case Cover
6. Filter head & Alarm Switch
7. Fine Filter
8. Oil Dipstick
9. Output Flange-Rear
10. Oil Drain Plug
11. Out Flange — Front
12.Transmission Case

Lay Out Rear view (4) ZF transmission 4WG-190/210

1. Lifting Lugs
2. Power Take Off
3. Electro- Hydraulic Control
4. Return port (Option-Parking brake)
5. Oil Dipstick
6. Transmission Suspension
7. Output Flange
8. Fine Filter
9. Filter Head & Alarm Switch
10. System Pressure Port (Option- Parking Brake)

Measuring Point (1) ZF transmission  4WG-190/210

21. Inductive transmitter : Turbine
34. Speed Sensor : Output and Speedmeter
47.Inductive transmitter : Central Gear Train
48. Inductive transmitter : Engine

Measuring Point (2) ZF transmission 4WG-190 /210

Driving Direction








































Related Clutch














Measuring Point







System Pressure (bar)







Oil Circulation (System Pressure) of ZF transmission

WGV : Converter Back Pressure Valve 3~5 bar
WSV : Converter Relief Valve 11 bar
HDV : System pressure 16 bar
RV-9 : Pressure Reducing Valve 9 bar
NFS : Follow-on Slide
D : Oscillation Damper
P : Proportional Valve Clutch
Y : Pressure Regulator
B : Orifice
Temp : Temperature Sensor ( RV-9 Pressure measuring after being detached)

Working of Proportional Valve

Oil Circulation — Neutral Position (System Pressure)

Oil Circulation — Neutral Position (Pilot Pressure)

Oil Circulation — Neutral Position (T/Q Converter)

Oil Circulation — Forward 1st

Oil Circulation — Reverse 1st

Engaged EPPR Valve Summary

Driving Direction








































Related Clutch







Oil Circulation — Hydraulic Control (1)

Oil Circulation — Hydraulic Control (2)

Gear Schema — ZF transmission 4WG190/210

KV :Clutch Forward                                 KR: Clutch Reverse
K1: Clutch 1st Speed                              K2: Clutch 2nd Speed
K3: Clutch 3rd Speed                              K4: Clutch 4th Speed
IN : Input                                                 Out : Out Put

Power Flow — Forward 4WG 190/210

Power flow — Reverse 4WG190/210

T/M Electric Control System


Description of Components

Pressure Regulator in Transmission Control Block

ZF North America

ZF Aftermarket

ZF – ERGOPOWER TRANSMISSION 4 WG-190,210 Service Training PDF


repair manual ZF – ERGOPOWER TRANSMISSION 4 WG-190,210 Service Training PDF

Type of catalogue: repair manual
Make: ZF
Region: WorldWide
Amount of
1 CD, 1 PDF, 51 pages
Availibility Instant Download
OS: Windows XP 32 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8/8.1 32 bit, Windows 8/8.1 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 11 64 bit
Price, USD: 50

This Service Training information is designed for ZF – ERGOPOWER TRANSMISSION 4 WG-190,210. Electronic guide is a system of assistance in service, troubleshooting, and step-by-step repair, which allows to detect and resolve problems arising and uncertainties. Factory file covers important instructions about use, repair, and maintenance, descriptions, installation specifications, troubleshooting, setting, operation, different diagrams, many illustrations, schemes, and tables, etc.

Please do not start repairing or servicing your device without reading the entire tutorial, and most importantly, the section on safety regulations, notes, recommendations. An online text comes in PDF format with 51 pages. To view the material you want the program installed in Adobe Reader. Download this complete Service Training manual and be calm!

Table of Contents:

TABLE – 1 TO 11

Screenshots for ZF – ERGOPOWER TRANSMISSION 4 WG-190,210 Service Training PDF:

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