Компонент h 264 типа экспортер инструмент выбора 9 код ошибки 3

I’m a patient guy but I am becoming extremely concerned that large numbers of users are hitting a brick wall with this one.

By the way, if you want to know how to fix this issue, go to the last couple of lines of this note. I recommend the Premiere team addressed this issue with us publically so we have a steer as to how long we need to wait for a fix.

My render issues started at the end of December 2020. The only thing I did at about that time was to change my workflow by Ingesting my footage for faster editing since I create between 3 and 4 videos per week sometimes with 1,000% speed ramps. Playing that back inside Adobe was tough on resources (although my WIndows 10 PC has massive spec).

So (like you probably have already done), initially I would check where the claimed timecode issue was and I would either remove a transition or trim the timeline by 1-frame, thinking that I had some weird issue with the footage.

But I noticed that by rendering the same project over-and-over again, the errors would be at different timecodes. Have you noticed that too?

To «cure» the problem, I started from scratch, updated everything including the GTX 1080 ti drivers and created a fresh adobe project. Cleared the cache, etc. etc. 

I was convinced that this would solve my issue since I have a boiler-plate template project that I re-used that has my sting / logo at the front of the project and some close of fmusic / title thing at the end.  So I re-created all this inside a brand new project with the latest version of Premiere and Encoder last night in case I was moving the «imaginary» issue from project to project.

However, the issue still exists. 

It’s important to note that the timecode is different each time I render — even though as a test, I have not edited anything on the timeline:

Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:03:00:15 — 00:03:00:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

I tried three more times and get errors at:

Around timecode: 00:08:18:17 — 00:08:18:18

Around timecode: 00:08:34:25 — 00:08:34:26

Around timecode: 00:07:01:58 — 00:07:02:05

If I keep rendering, I know it will eventually just complete.

And previous projects that HAVE rendered successfully in the past, can also fail. But sometimes don’t.

This brand new test project that I have created is only 8:04 long, so I have no idea why it has an error longer than the timeline  (In and Out points were selected for render).

But I digress.

I have created 691 public video projects with Adobe Premiere and in the main, it has done its job. I have lived through the main errors that were normally fixed on the next release (well, maybe the one after) but this time though, my production schedule is being severely impacted. I have worked with computers for 42 years. I own a digital media company. I know my marbles. I generally know what direction to go in to fix an issue. But «Selector: 9 Error code: 3» as an error tells me very little apart from Google telling me that other folks experiencing the same thing — and some extremly random answers from very clever people that have a blinkered approach to life — that in the main also do not work. I have plenty of resources with (mirrored SSD) space, 64Gb memory and a good GPU.

The real problem we all have is that we have invested our TIME in understanding our chosen editor. The reason we all don’t abandon Premiere overnight is that most of us are busy, we have a punishing YouTube schedule to work with and the thought of starting over again fills me with dread. I have a ton of other stuff I always need to do, not learn a new tool. But eventually the patient man will snap and he’ll take that gut wrenching decision to download another editor, not far from a google search (so far, I have resisted).

By the way, my project has just (finally) completed rendering successfully by switching off the GPU. That will probably cure your issue although the render will take a LONG time to complete (I render at 4k).

Or will it? Because whilst I edited this note, it has also completed by switching ON the GPU. So go figure and good luck.


Adobe Premiere Pro — отличная программа для профессионального редактирования видео. Его используют миллионы пользователей вместе с After Effects по всему миру. Хотя это программное обеспечение премиум-класса с ежемесячной подпиской, пользователи никогда не разочаровываются, поскольку функции и возможности редактирования видео, которые оно дает вашей машине, нельзя упустить. При экспорте видео в Premiere Pro некоторые пользователи видят код ошибки 3, ошибка компиляции фильма, ошибка экспорта, ошибка завершения рендеринга на ПК с Windows 11/10. В этом руководстве у нас есть некоторые исправления.

Код ошибки 3 появляется на недавно установленных ПК, где параметры, необходимые для Premiere Pro, настроены неправильно. Эта ошибка в основном возникает, когда пользователь пытается отобразить видео в формате H264. Давайте посмотрим, как мы можем решить эту проблему.

Если вы не можете обработать видео в формате H264 и видите Код ошибки 3, ошибка компиляции фильма, ошибка экспорта, ошибка завершения рендеринга в Premiere Pro, следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям.

Отключите настройки аппаратного кодирования, установите для режима управления питанием значение «Максимум»Обновите графические драйверыОбновите Premiere Pro

Давайте узнайте подробности о каждом методе.

1] Отключить настройки аппаратного кодирования

Это исправление, которое сработало лично для меня. Вам необходимо отключить настройки аппаратного кодирования. Чтобы отключить их,

откройте Premiere Pro, нажмите Изменить в строке меню и наведите указатель мыши на Настройки в нижней части списка. Затем выберите Медиа в настройках Снимите флажки рядом с кнопками Аппаратное ускорение декодирования H264/HEVC (требуется перезагрузка) и Аппаратное ускорение кодирования H264/HEVC (требуется перезагрузка) Нажмите ОК и закройте Premiere Pro. Затем перезагрузите компьютер.

Проверьте, помогло ли исправление устранить проблему.

2] Установите для режима управления питанием значение Максимум


Чтобы избавиться от этой проблемы, вам необходимо установить максимальное управление питанием на графическом процессоре. Вы можете сделать это с помощью панели управления NVIDIA или программного обеспечения AMD Radeon на своем ПК. Если вы являетесь пользователем NVIDIA,

щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на рабочем столе. Нажмите Показать дополнительные параметры. Выберите Панель управления NVIDIA в контекстном меню. Нажмите Управление настройками 3D. Найдите Режим управления питанием в разделе”Настройки”и установите для него максимальную производительность с помощью раскрывающегося меню.

3] Обновите графические драйверы

Некоторые пользователи видят эту ошибку из-за устаревших графических драйверов. Вам необходимо обновить графические драйверы на вашем ПК и устранить проблему.

Вы можете обновить графические драйверы,

4] Обновите Premiere Pro

Проверьте, есть ли доступны ли какие-либо обновления для Premiere Pro. Откройте Adobe Application Updater на своем ПК и нажмите кнопку «Обновить» рядом с Premiere Pro. Он проверит наличие обновлений, загрузит и установит их автоматически.

Как исправить код ошибки 3 в Premiere?

Код ошибки 3 в Premiere Pro можно легко исправить, отключив оборудование ускоренные настройки, обновление графических драйверов, обновление Premier Pro и установка режима управления питанием на максимум.

Как включить аппаратное кодирование в Premiere Pro?

Чтобы включить аппаратное ускорение кодирование в Premiere Pro, нажмите «Редактировать» в строке меню Premiere Pro, наведите указатель мыши на «Настройки» и выберите «Мультимедиа». Затем отметьте кнопку рядом с кодированием с аппаратным ускорением H264/HEVC (требуется перезагрузка). Затем перезагрузите компьютер.

По теме: Как стабилизировать дрожащие видеоматериалы в Adobe Premiere Pro.

I’m a patient guy but I am becoming extremely concerned that large numbers of users are hitting a brick wall with this one.

By the way, if you want to know how to fix this issue, go to the last couple of lines of this note. I recommend the Premiere team addressed this issue with us publically so we have a steer as to how long we need to wait for a fix.

My render issues started at the end of December 2020. The only thing I did at about that time was to change my workflow by Ingesting my footage for faster editing since I create between 3 and 4 videos per week sometimes with 1,000% speed ramps. Playing that back inside Adobe was tough on resources (although my WIndows 10 PC has massive spec).

So (like you probably have already done), initially I would check where the claimed timecode issue was and I would either remove a transition or trim the timeline by 1-frame, thinking that I had some weird issue with the footage.

But I noticed that by rendering the same project over-and-over again, the errors would be at different timecodes. Have you noticed that too?

To «cure» the problem, I started from scratch, updated everything including the GTX 1080 ti drivers and created a fresh adobe project. Cleared the cache, etc. etc. 

I was convinced that this would solve my issue since I have a boiler-plate template project that I re-used that has my sting / logo at the front of the project and some close of fmusic / title thing at the end.  So I re-created all this inside a brand new project with the latest version of Premiere and Encoder last night in case I was moving the «imaginary» issue from project to project.

However, the issue still exists. 

It’s important to note that the timecode is different each time I render — even though as a test, I have not edited anything on the timeline:

Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:03:00:15 — 00:03:00:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

I tried three more times and get errors at:

Around timecode: 00:08:18:17 — 00:08:18:18

Around timecode: 00:08:34:25 — 00:08:34:26

Around timecode: 00:07:01:58 — 00:07:02:05

If I keep rendering, I know it will eventually just complete.

And previous projects that HAVE rendered successfully in the past, can also fail. But sometimes don’t.

This brand new test project that I have created is only 8:04 long, so I have no idea why it has an error longer than the timeline  (In and Out points were selected for render).

But I digress.

I have created 691 public video projects with Adobe Premiere and in the main, it has done its job. I have lived through the main errors that were normally fixed on the next release (well, maybe the one after) but this time though, my production schedule is being severely impacted. I have worked with computers for 42 years. I own a digital media company. I know my marbles. I generally know what direction to go in to fix an issue. But «Selector: 9 Error code: 3» as an error tells me very little apart from Google telling me that other folks experiencing the same thing — and some extremly random answers from very clever people that have a blinkered approach to life — that in the main also do not work. I have plenty of resources with (mirrored SSD) space, 64Gb memory and a good GPU.

The real problem we all have is that we have invested our TIME in understanding our chosen editor. The reason we all don’t abandon Premiere overnight is that most of us are busy, we have a punishing YouTube schedule to work with and the thought of starting over again fills me with dread. I have a ton of other stuff I always need to do, not learn a new tool. But eventually the patient man will snap and he’ll take that gut wrenching decision to download another editor, not far from a google search (so far, I have resisted).

By the way, my project has just (finally) completed rendering successfully by switching off the GPU. That will probably cure your issue although the render will take a LONG time to complete (I render at 4k).

Or will it? Because whilst I edited this note, it has also completed by switching ON the GPU. So go figure and good luck.


I’m a patient guy but I am becoming extremely concerned that large numbers of users are hitting a brick wall with this one.

By the way, if you want to know how to fix this issue, go to the last couple of lines of this note. I recommend the Premiere team addressed this issue with us publically so we have a steer as to how long we need to wait for a fix.

My render issues started at the end of December 2020. The only thing I did at about that time was to change my workflow by Ingesting my footage for faster editing since I create between 3 and 4 videos per week sometimes with 1,000% speed ramps. Playing that back inside Adobe was tough on resources (although my WIndows 10 PC has massive spec).

So (like you probably have already done), initially I would check where the claimed timecode issue was and I would either remove a transition or trim the timeline by 1-frame, thinking that I had some weird issue with the footage.

But I noticed that by rendering the same project over-and-over again, the errors would be at different timecodes. Have you noticed that too?

To «cure» the problem, I started from scratch, updated everything including the GTX 1080 ti drivers and created a fresh adobe project. Cleared the cache, etc. etc. 

I was convinced that this would solve my issue since I have a boiler-plate template project that I re-used that has my sting / logo at the front of the project and some close of fmusic / title thing at the end.  So I re-created all this inside a brand new project with the latest version of Premiere and Encoder last night in case I was moving the «imaginary» issue from project to project.

However, the issue still exists. 

It’s important to note that the timecode is different each time I render — even though as a test, I have not edited anything on the timeline:

Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:03:00:15 — 00:03:00:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

I tried three more times and get errors at:

Around timecode: 00:08:18:17 — 00:08:18:18

Around timecode: 00:08:34:25 — 00:08:34:26

Around timecode: 00:07:01:58 — 00:07:02:05

If I keep rendering, I know it will eventually just complete.

And previous projects that HAVE rendered successfully in the past, can also fail. But sometimes don’t.

This brand new test project that I have created is only 8:04 long, so I have no idea why it has an error longer than the timeline  (In and Out points were selected for render).

But I digress.

I have created 691 public video projects with Adobe Premiere and in the main, it has done its job. I have lived through the main errors that were normally fixed on the next release (well, maybe the one after) but this time though, my production schedule is being severely impacted. I have worked with computers for 42 years. I own a digital media company. I know my marbles. I generally know what direction to go in to fix an issue. But «Selector: 9 Error code: 3» as an error tells me very little apart from Google telling me that other folks experiencing the same thing — and some extremly random answers from very clever people that have a blinkered approach to life — that in the main also do not work. I have plenty of resources with (mirrored SSD) space, 64Gb memory and a good GPU.

The real problem we all have is that we have invested our TIME in understanding our chosen editor. The reason we all don’t abandon Premiere overnight is that most of us are busy, we have a punishing YouTube schedule to work with and the thought of starting over again fills me with dread. I have a ton of other stuff I always need to do, not learn a new tool. But eventually the patient man will snap and he’ll take that gut wrenching decision to download another editor, not far from a google search (so far, I have resisted).

By the way, my project has just (finally) completed rendering successfully by switching off the GPU. That will probably cure your issue although the render will take a LONG time to complete (I render at 4k).

Or will it? Because whilst I edited this note, it has also completed by switching ON the GPU. So go figure and good luck.


I’m a patient guy but I am becoming extremely concerned that large numbers of users are hitting a brick wall with this one.

By the way, if you want to know how to fix this issue, go to the last couple of lines of this note. I recommend the Premiere team addressed this issue with us publically so we have a steer as to how long we need to wait for a fix.

My render issues started at the end of December 2020. The only thing I did at about that time was to change my workflow by Ingesting my footage for faster editing since I create between 3 and 4 videos per week sometimes with 1,000% speed ramps. Playing that back inside Adobe was tough on resources (although my WIndows 10 PC has massive spec).

So (like you probably have already done), initially I would check where the claimed timecode issue was and I would either remove a transition or trim the timeline by 1-frame, thinking that I had some weird issue with the footage.

But I noticed that by rendering the same project over-and-over again, the errors would be at different timecodes. Have you noticed that too?

To «cure» the problem, I started from scratch, updated everything including the GTX 1080 ti drivers and created a fresh adobe project. Cleared the cache, etc. etc. 

I was convinced that this would solve my issue since I have a boiler-plate template project that I re-used that has my sting / logo at the front of the project and some close of fmusic / title thing at the end.  So I re-created all this inside a brand new project with the latest version of Premiere and Encoder last night in case I was moving the «imaginary» issue from project to project.

However, the issue still exists. 

It’s important to note that the timecode is different each time I render — even though as a test, I have not edited anything on the timeline:

Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:03:00:15 — 00:03:00:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

I tried three more times and get errors at:

Around timecode: 00:08:18:17 — 00:08:18:18

Around timecode: 00:08:34:25 — 00:08:34:26

Around timecode: 00:07:01:58 — 00:07:02:05

If I keep rendering, I know it will eventually just complete.

And previous projects that HAVE rendered successfully in the past, can also fail. But sometimes don’t.

This brand new test project that I have created is only 8:04 long, so I have no idea why it has an error longer than the timeline  (In and Out points were selected for render).

But I digress.

I have created 691 public video projects with Adobe Premiere and in the main, it has done its job. I have lived through the main errors that were normally fixed on the next release (well, maybe the one after) but this time though, my production schedule is being severely impacted. I have worked with computers for 42 years. I own a digital media company. I know my marbles. I generally know what direction to go in to fix an issue. But «Selector: 9 Error code: 3» as an error tells me very little apart from Google telling me that other folks experiencing the same thing — and some extremly random answers from very clever people that have a blinkered approach to life — that in the main also do not work. I have plenty of resources with (mirrored SSD) space, 64Gb memory and a good GPU.

The real problem we all have is that we have invested our TIME in understanding our chosen editor. The reason we all don’t abandon Premiere overnight is that most of us are busy, we have a punishing YouTube schedule to work with and the thought of starting over again fills me with dread. I have a ton of other stuff I always need to do, not learn a new tool. But eventually the patient man will snap and he’ll take that gut wrenching decision to download another editor, not far from a google search (so far, I have resisted).

By the way, my project has just (finally) completed rendering successfully by switching off the GPU. That will probably cure your issue although the render will take a LONG time to complete (I render at 4k).

Or will it? Because whilst I edited this note, it has also completed by switching ON the GPU. So go figure and good luck.


I’m having the exact same issue over the last week. Constant render failures on the same project at completely random times. Sometimes it will make it 90% through a video, other times 5 seconds. The around timecode in the error is almost always between to frames.
I’ve tried making changes at that point
I’ve take lumetri off of clips
I’ve tried rendering previews of the entire timeline. I’ve moved my source files and project files to different drives
I’ve tried rendering to different drives
I’ve turned Hardware acceleration off, back on, cleared media cache
I’ve tried dozens of recommendations made on this forums and other places.
I’ve tried changing bit rate to below what’s in the default YouTube presets
I’ve tried turning off/on Max Render Depth and other similar properties

It fails on clips that are extremely basic un-edited clips straight from my 90D. It fails on some clips with lumetri, some with out. It fails on dynamic linked clips from AE. It fails on images, it fails on pretty much just text rendered to the screen I’ve made dozens of adjustments and it isn’t helping. The places where it fails seems completely random. My graphics drivers are up-to-date.

I’ve noticed a couple other very similar posts this weekend. I wonder if there’s possibly an issue with a AME or NVIDIA driver’s? It’s quite frustrating.

Windows 10 Pro, build 19041.572
NVIDIA 457.09 Drivers
Intel i7 5960x
64 GB DDR4
GTX 1070 FE

— Encoding Time: 00:04:46
10/31/2020 10:30:57 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosplease-work.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:01:54:18 — 00:01:54:19
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:37:52
10/31/2020 11:11:07 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosplease-work_1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:32:46:15
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:24:18
10/31/2020 02:23:18 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosMain_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:16:28:04 — 00:16:28:05
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:09:40
10/31/2020 08:12:09 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosMain_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:05:00:18 — 00:05:00:19
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:23:23
10/31/2020 10:07:16 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?D:Main_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:33:27:04
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:01:42
10/31/2020 10:59:03 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?E:Main_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:35:19 — 00:00:35:20
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:02:17
11/01/2020 12:32:57 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboDesktopMain_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:36:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:12:24
11/01/2020 12:45:34 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboDesktopMain_Sequence_1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:09:20:14 — 00:09:20:16
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3


I’m having the exact same issue over the last week. Constant render failures on the same project at completely random times. Sometimes it will make it 90% through a video, other times 5 seconds. The around timecode in the error is almost always between to frames.
I’ve tried making changes at that point
I’ve take lumetri off of clips
I’ve tried rendering previews of the entire timeline. I’ve moved my source files and project files to different drives
I’ve tried rendering to different drives
I’ve turned Hardware acceleration off, back on, cleared media cache
I’ve tried dozens of recommendations made on this forums and other places.
I’ve tried changing bit rate to below what’s in the default YouTube presets
I’ve tried turning off/on Max Render Depth and other similar properties

It fails on clips that are extremely basic un-edited clips straight from my 90D. It fails on some clips with lumetri, some with out. It fails on dynamic linked clips from AE. It fails on images, it fails on pretty much just text rendered to the screen I’ve made dozens of adjustments and it isn’t helping. The places where it fails seems completely random. My graphics drivers are up-to-date.

I’ve noticed a couple other very similar posts this weekend. I wonder if there’s possibly an issue with a AME or NVIDIA driver’s? It’s quite frustrating.

Windows 10 Pro, build 19041.572
NVIDIA 457.09 Drivers
Intel i7 5960x
64 GB DDR4
GTX 1070 FE

— Encoding Time: 00:04:46
10/31/2020 10:30:57 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosplease-work.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:01:54:18 — 00:01:54:19
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:37:52
10/31/2020 11:11:07 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosplease-work_1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:32:46:15
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:24:18
10/31/2020 02:23:18 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosMain_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:16:28:04 — 00:16:28:05
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:09:40
10/31/2020 08:12:09 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboVideosMain_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:05:00:18 — 00:05:00:19
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:23:23
10/31/2020 10:07:16 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?D:Main_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:33:27:04
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:01:42
10/31/2020 10:59:03 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?E:Main_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:35:19 — 00:00:35:20
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:02:17
11/01/2020 12:32:57 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboDesktopMain_Sequence.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:36:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

— Encoding Time: 00:12:24
11/01/2020 12:45:34 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: ?C:UserscarboDesktopMain_Sequence_1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:09:20:14 — 00:09:20:16
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3


I’m a patient guy but I am becoming extremely concerned that large numbers of users are hitting a brick wall with this one.

By the way, if you want to know how to fix this issue, go to the last couple of lines of this note. I recommend the Premiere team addressed this issue with us publically so we have a steer as to how long we need to wait for a fix.

My render issues started at the end of December 2020. The only thing I did at about that time was to change my workflow by Ingesting my footage for faster editing since I create between 3 and 4 videos per week sometimes with 1,000% speed ramps. Playing that back inside Adobe was tough on resources (although my WIndows 10 PC has massive spec).

So (like you probably have already done), initially I would check where the claimed timecode issue was and I would either remove a transition or trim the timeline by 1-frame, thinking that I had some weird issue with the footage.

But I noticed that by rendering the same project over-and-over again, the errors would be at different timecodes. Have you noticed that too?

To «cure» the problem, I started from scratch, updated everything including the GTX 1080 ti drivers and created a fresh adobe project. Cleared the cache, etc. etc. 

I was convinced that this would solve my issue since I have a boiler-plate template project that I re-used that has my sting / logo at the front of the project and some close of fmusic / title thing at the end.  So I re-created all this inside a brand new project with the latest version of Premiere and Encoder last night in case I was moving the «imaginary» issue from project to project.

However, the issue still exists. 

It’s important to note that the timecode is different each time I render — even though as a test, I have not edited anything on the timeline:

Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:03:00:15 — 00:03:00:23
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

I tried three more times and get errors at:

Around timecode: 00:08:18:17 — 00:08:18:18

Around timecode: 00:08:34:25 — 00:08:34:26

Around timecode: 00:07:01:58 — 00:07:02:05

If I keep rendering, I know it will eventually just complete.

And previous projects that HAVE rendered successfully in the past, can also fail. But sometimes don’t.

This brand new test project that I have created is only 8:04 long, so I have no idea why it has an error longer than the timeline  (In and Out points were selected for render).

But I digress.

I have created 691 public video projects with Adobe Premiere and in the main, it has done its job. I have lived through the main errors that were normally fixed on the next release (well, maybe the one after) but this time though, my production schedule is being severely impacted. I have worked with computers for 42 years. I own a digital media company. I know my marbles. I generally know what direction to go in to fix an issue. But «Selector: 9 Error code: 3» as an error tells me very little apart from Google telling me that other folks experiencing the same thing — and some extremly random answers from very clever people that have a blinkered approach to life — that in the main also do not work. I have plenty of resources with (mirrored SSD) space, 64Gb memory and a good GPU.

The real problem we all have is that we have invested our TIME in understanding our chosen editor. The reason we all don’t abandon Premiere overnight is that most of us are busy, we have a punishing YouTube schedule to work with and the thought of starting over again fills me with dread. I have a ton of other stuff I always need to do, not learn a new tool. But eventually the patient man will snap and he’ll take that gut wrenching decision to download another editor, not far from a google search (so far, I have resisted).

By the way, my project has just (finally) completed rendering successfully by switching off the GPU. That will probably cure your issue although the render will take a LONG time to complete (I render at 4k).

Or will it? Because whilst I edited this note, it has also completed by switching ON the GPU. So go figure and good luck.


Failed to open NVENC codec: Function Not Implemented – что делать?

Ошибки с кодеками OBS: Failed to open NVENC codec: function not implemented – решение сбоев вывода

Сегодня расскажем что предпринять если у вас появился сбой вывода в программе OBS. NVEC или AMD. Ошибка может звучать в английском варианте «Failed to open NVENC codec: Function Not Implemented» или Generic error in an external library. Симптомы у них похожи. Либо просто выскакивает окошко с уведомлением как на скриншоте ниже: «Сбой вывода. Подробности отражены в журнале. Примечание: Если вы используете кодировщики NVEC или AMD, убедитесь что у вас установлена последняя версия видеодрайвера.»

Сбой вывода. Не удалось начать запись в OBS

Причины ошибки вывода потока в OBS

Поскольку запись или трансляция стримов потребляют большие ресурсы видеопамяти все ошибки нужно начинать с проверки видеокарты и ее работы. Естественно, первым делом стоит убедиться, что вы загрузили последнюю версию драйверов на официальном сайте и обновили. Для видеокарт от NVIDIA после запуска любой игры или приложения в трее есть иконка, которая позволяет увидеть какая видеокарта задействована в данный момент. При работе с графикой и записи видео или стримов разумеется должна отображаться внешняя видеокарта.

Второе – часто программа конфликтует с продуктами от Adobe запущенными на компьютере в данный момент(Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Illustrator или Adobe XD). Сохраните всё, что делали, выключите программу и попробуйте снова запустить запись. Эта ошибка вызвана тем, что графические редакторы задействуют ресурсы видеокарт по максимуму, а если карточка не последних поколений, выделить дополнительную память на стрим или запись она просто не сможет.

Как исправить ошибку вывода?

Если обновление драйверов не помогло, посмотрим что пишут в логах. Закройте все лишние работающие программы. Далее в запущенной программе OBS:

Обновляем кодеки Video Codec x264 и Windows 10 Codec Pack


Самые распространенные ошибки при работе с OBS связанные со сбоем вывода или ошибкой открытия кодеков «Failed to open NVENC codec» появляются из-за конфликтов при запущенных программах Adobe(поскольку они потребляют ресурсы видеопамяти). Либо проблемой с кодеками. Проверьте в настройках какая видеокарта выставлена. Затем обновите кодеки и если не помогло переключайте текущий кодировщик. Если что-то осталось непонятно задавайте вопросы в комментариях под этой странице и обязательно напишите какой из способов помог вам решить проблему.

Занимаюсь решением проблем с техникой, устранению ошибок в программах, играх. Люблю «копаться» в железе и настройках, помогать людям, в свободное время пишу статьи на айти тематику

Здравствуйте Владимир, проблема еще актуальна? Пользуетесь программой ОБС? Пробовали переустановить? Так же сообщите какая версия Виндовс у вас стоит, попробуем разобраться

Доброго дня! К сожалению тесно не работал с MAGIX Video Pro X. Пробовали переустанавливать саму программу? Возможно битая версия.. Либо конфликт с Виндовс 7 64х. Последние программы дружат в основном с 10й версией Винды, по этому тут поможет только переустановка. Другие так же сталкивались с этой проблемой, ни обновление кодеков ничего другого не помогает, к сожалению.

Код ошибки Hikvision 800 (решено)

Код ошибки Hikvision 800 обычно возникает, когда программное обеспечение iVMS-4200 не может обрабатывать трафик данных IP-камер.

При использовании программного обеспечения для просмотра изображений с камеры в реальном времени или воспроизведения отображается сообщение «Ошибка воспроизведения. Код ошибки: HCNetSDK. dll [800]».

Вы можете исправить ошибку, настроив полосу пропускания, чтобы убедиться, что iVMS-4200 может обрабатывать трафик, исходящий от группы камер, к которой он подключен.

Что вызывает ошибку 800

Вот несколько распространенных проблем, связанных с этой ошибкой.

Чрезмерное количество камер

Иногда в системе слишком много камер, которые генерируют слишком много трафика в сети. При выборе количества камер, установленных в проекте, необходимо учитывать пропускную способность.

Качество камеры

Код ошибки 800 также появляется потому, что в общей конфигурации системы приоритет отдается качеству, а не пропускной способности, а это означает, что может произойти всплеск трафика.

Как исправить проблему

Вот как можно исправить код ошибки Hikvision 800.

Измените конфигурацию камеры

Вы можете изменить конфигурацию камеры для управления полосой пропускания, которая поступает на iVMS-4200. Откройте меню камеры через веб-браузер или используйте интерфейс DVR / NVR для этой настройки. Перейдите в меню Видео / Аудио, как показано ниже.

Здесь вы можете увидеть параметры, которые контролируют качество и пропускную способность камеры.

Идея состоит в том, чтобы изменить эти параметры, чтобы обеспечить достаточное качество для ваших камер и в то же время избавиться от ошибки 800. Давайте посмотрим, как это сделать.

Этот параметр контролирует количество пикселей в изображении; более высокое разрешение означает более высокое качество и означает необходимость большей пропускной способности.

Вы можете снизить разрешение, если ваш проект не требует слишком высокого качества, тем самым сэкономив полосу пропускания и пространство для хранения в рекордере (DVR / NVR).

Я рекомендую заняться разрешением позже, после настройки других параметров.

Тип битрейта

Камера может использовать постоянный или переменный битрейт,

Постоянный битрейт означает, что камера отдает приоритет качеству и избегает небольших проблем с изображением, таких как пикселизация, но жертвует битрейтом, сохраняя его постоянным.

Переменный битрейт означает, что камера отдает приоритет изменению битрейта, и полоса пропускания будет увеличиваться или уменьшаться в зависимости от сжатия видео.

Переменный битрейт обычно лучше, когда пропускной способности сети недостаточно, например при удаленном доступе. Тем не менее, его также можно использовать в локальной системе, если нужно уменьшить трафик в соответствии с изменением сцены.

Вы можете изменить этот параметр, чтобы помочь решить проблему, но я рекомендую попробовать это позже, если другие параметры (например, частота кадров) не устранили проблему.

Качество видео

Этот параметр доступен только при использовании переменного битрейта.

Он контролирует сжатие изображения, таким образом контролируя качество видео и пропускную способность.

Вы также можете изменить этот параметр позже, если решите настроить систему на использование переменной скорости передачи данных.

Частота кадров

Это контролирует количество кадров, которые камера снимает в секунду.

Этот параметр изменяет ширину полосы пропускания, которую использует камера, поэтому рекомендуется тщательно продумать, сколько кадров нужно записать.

На рисунке показан пример с 20 кадрами в секунду, что означает, что камера снимает 20 кадров каждую секунду, а иногда в этом нет необходимости.

Возможно, вам хватит 15 FPS или даже 12 FPS.

Представьте, сколько пропускной способности камера может сэкономить, уменьшив количество кадров, которые она снимает каждую секунду, с 20 до 15.

Если вы подумаете о снижении частоты кадров для группы из 10 камер, это означает, что всего будет 50 кадров в секунду или 3000 кадров в минуту, которые уменьшаются и влияют на пропускную способность.

Максимальный битрейт

Можно установить ограничение на битрейт, чтобы камера не использовала значение, превышающее значение, установленное в этом параметре, но вам нужно быть осторожным с такой настройкой.

Как вы можете видеть на картинке, максимальный битрейт, который может использовать камера, составляет 2048, что означает пропускную способность 2 Мбит / с.

Если для другого параметра (разрешение и частота кадров) установлено высокое значение и требуется более высокая пропускная способность, скажем, 4 Мбит / с, не рекомендуется заставлять систему использовать только половину пропускной способности.

Этот тип конфигурации вызывает проблемы с качеством видео, поэтому внимательно настраивайте этот параметр.

Кодирование видео

Тип кодека (компрессор / декомпрессор) сильно влияет на пропускную способность.

Кодек H.265 сжимает больше, чем H.264, и требует большей мощности процессора для распаковки видео на компьютере, который использует iVMS-4200.

Попробуйте сначала использовать H.265, чтобы исправить ошибку 800, и обратите внимание, достаточно ли мощный процессор компьютера, чтобы справиться с распаковкой.

Измените конфигурацию iVMS-4200

Откройте конфигурацию системы iVMS-4200 и настройте параметр, который автоматически изменяет тип видеопотока.

Зайдите в меню изображения и снимите галочку с «Auto Change Stream-Type».

Смотрите картинку ниже для более подробной информации.

Эта конфигурация может помочь исправить ошибку 800, сохранив постоянный поток.

Обновите систему

Некоторые проблемы решаются обновлением системы.

Убедитесь, что вы используете последнюю версию прошивки для своих IP-камер, и загрузите последнюю версию программного обеспечения iVMS-4200.

Вот несколько статей по теме, которые могут вам помочь.

Код ошибки 800 Hikvision можно исправить, управляя потоком данных от камер к программному обеспечению, поэтому вам необходимо понять, что вызывает высокую пропускную способность, и принять меры по ее снижению.

Если вам нужна дополнительная помощь, посетите веб-сайт Hikvision.

Я надеюсь, что эта статья может вам помочь; поделитесь, пожалуйста, с друзьями.


Https://atki. ru/oshibki-s-kodekami-obs-failed-to-open-nvenc-codec-function-not-implemented/

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