Ошибка 17311 серьезность 16 состояние 1

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  • Good day,

    Last week, I started receiving this error inconjunction with an SSIS package which executes at a particular time.  Any help would be appreciated.  Here are the details

    Environment:  Virtualized Server
    Sql Version:  Microsoft SQL Server 2005 — 9.00.4053.00 (Intel X86)(Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

    SSIS Package:  Copies a file based database from server A to SQL Server for importing into SQL Server database.
    SSIS Executed:  Every two hours
    Other Components:  ACCDB which contains links to the file-based database, using Topspeed Drivers; SQL Server contains a linked object to the ACCDB.

    Symptoms:  Throughout the day, this process runs.  When it is executed at 6:00 pm, the server crashes.  I attempted to change the time that it runs in case some other process was causing resource to not be availble, and looked at the AV scan
    settings and schedule.  Nothing has helped.  This issue has been occurring for the past week.  I’m not sure how to interpret the information in the error log or what to try next.  Your input is appreciated. 

    The error log is below:

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.53 Server      Error: 17311, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.53 Server      SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check
    the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.68 Server      Using ‘dbghelp.dll’ version ‘4.0.5’
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      **Dump thread — spid = 0, PSS = 0x00000000, EC = 0x00000000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      ***Stack Dump being sent to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0005.txt
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * *******************************************************************************
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      *
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      *   04/13/12 18:45:50 spid 0
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      *
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * ex_handle_except encountered exception C0000005 — Server terminating
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      *
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      *
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      *  MODULE                          BASE     
    END       SIZE
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * sqlservr                       01000000  02C1FFFF  01c20000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * ntdll                          7C800000  7C8C2FFF  000c3000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * kernel32                       77E40000  77F41FFF  00102000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * MSVCR80                        78130000  781CAFFF  0009b000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * msvcrt                         77BA0000  77BF9FFF  0005a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * MSVCP80                        7C420000  7C4A6FFF  00087000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * ADVAPI32                       7D1E0000  7D27BFFF  0009c000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * RPCRT4                         77C50000  77CEFFFF  000a0000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * Secur32                        76F50000  76F62FFF  00013000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * sqlos                          344D0000  344D4FFF  00005000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * USERENV                        76920000  769E1FFF  000c2000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * USER32                         77380000  77410FFF  00091000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * GDI32                          77C00000  77C48FFF  00049000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * WINMM                          76AA0000  76ACCFFF  0002d000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * opends60                       333E0000  333E6FFF  00007000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * NETAPI32                       71C40000  71C96FFF  00057000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * psapi                          76B70000  76B7AFFF  0000b000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * instapi                        48060000  48069FFF  0000a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * sqlevn70                       4F610000  4F7B8FFF  001a9000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * NTMARTA                        77E00000  77E20FFF  00021000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * WLDAP32                        76F10000  76F3DFFF  0002e000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.72 Server      * SAMLIB                         7E020000  7E02EFFF  0000f000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ole32                          77670000  777A8FFF  00139000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * rsaenh                         68000000  68034FFF  00035000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * AUTHZ                          76C40000  76C53FFF  00014000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSCOREE                        33DF0000  33E39FFF  0004a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * msv1_0                         76C90000  76CB6FFF  00027000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * cryptdll                       34050000  3405BFFF  0000c000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * WS2_32                         71C00000  71C16FFF  00017000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * WS2HELP                        71BF0000  71BF7FFF  00008000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * iphlpapi                       76CF0000  76D09FFF  0001a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * kerberos                       340B0000  34108FFF  00059000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSASN1                         34110000  34121FFF  00012000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * schannel                       34140000  34168FFF  00029000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * CRYPT32                        34170000  34202FFF  00093000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * COMRES                         77010000  770D5FFF  000c6000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * XOLEHLP                        34250000  34255FFF  00006000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSDTCPRX                       34260000  342D8FFF  00079000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * OLEAUT32                       7D0E0000  7D16AFFF  0008b000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * msvcp60                        342E0000  34344FFF  00065000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MTXCLU                         34350000  34368FFF  00019000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * VERSION                        77B90000  77B97FFF  00008000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * WSOCK32                        71BB0000  71BB8FFF  00009000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * CLUSAPI                        34370000  34381FFF  00012000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * RESUTILS                       34390000  343A2FFF  00013000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * mswsock                        71B20000  71B60FFF  00041000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * DNSAPI                         76ED0000  76EF9FFF  0002a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * winrnr                         76F70000  76F76FFF  00007000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * rasadhlp                       76F80000  76F84FFF  00005000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * security                       62740000  62743FFF  00004000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * msfte                          62E10000  63068FFF  00259000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * dbghelp                        63080000  63194FFF  00115000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * WINTRUST                       76BB0000  76BDBFFF  0002c000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * imagehlp                       76C10000  76C37FFF  00028000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * dssenh                         68100000  68126FFF  00027000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * hnetcfg                        63460000  634B9FFF  0005a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * wshtcpip                       71AE0000  71AE7FFF  00008000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ntdsapi                        63580000  63593FFF  00014000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * xpsp2res                       635A0000  63864FFF  002c5000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * CLBCatQ                        777B0000  77832FFF  00083000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * sqlncli                        63870000  63A96FFF  00227000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * COMCTL32                       77530000  775C6FFF  00097000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * comdlg32                       00770000  007B8FFF  00049000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * SHLWAPI                        7D180000  7D1D1FFF  00052000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * SHELL32                        7C8D0000  7D0CEFFF  007ff000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * comctl32                       77420000  77522FFF  00103000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * SQLNCLIR                       63AD0000  63B02FFF  00033000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * msftepxy                       63C90000  63CA4FFF  00015000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * xpsqlbot                       64120000  64125FFF  00006000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * xpstar90                       64140000  6418AFFF  0004b000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * SQLSCM90                       641A0000  641A8FFF  00009000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ODBC32                         641E0000  6421DFFF  0003e000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * BatchParser90                  64220000  6423EFFF  0001f000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ATL80                          7C630000  7C64AFFF  0001b000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * odbcint                        64290000  642A6FFF  00017000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * xpstar90                       64440000  64465FFF  00026000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * xplog70                        64470000  6447BFFF  0000c000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * xplog70                        64490000  64492FFF  00003000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * oledb32                        64730000  647A8FFF  00079000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSDART                         63C20000  63C39FFF  0001a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * OLEDB32R                       64AF0000  64B00FFF  00011000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * comsvcs                        64B10000  64C54FFF  00145000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ACEOLEDB                       64C60000  64CBEFFF  0005f000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSVCR90                        64CC0000  64D62FFF  000a3000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * mso                            64D80000  65F5FFFF 
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * msi                            65F70000  6622DFFF 
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ACECORE                        663B0000  665C9FFF  0021a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSVCP90                        665E0000  6666DFFF  0008e000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ACEWSTR                        66AD0000  66BA1FFF  000d2000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSORES                         68130000  6C659FFF  0452a000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * MSOINTL                        66BD0000  66E31FFF  00262000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * ACEES                          67370000  67419FFF  000aa000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * VBAJET32                       67430000  6743DFFF  0000e000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * expsrv                         67450000  674C0FFF  00071000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * sqlvdi                         67030000  67051FFF  00022000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * office                         70660000  70A6EFFF  0040f000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * UxTheme                        71B70000  71BA5FFF  00036000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      * dbghelp                        70B70000  70C84FFF  00115000
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Edi: 67FBE8E4:  001B7068  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Esi: 00000000: 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Eax: 67FBE7C8:  000042AC  00000000  00000000  77E4BEF7  00000000  00000002 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Ebx: 0000003F: 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Ecx: 67FBEE38:  00000000  00010007  00000000  0090008E  001B706C  00000000 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Edx: 0000003D: 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Eip: 77E4BEF7:  10C2C95E  01093D00  840FC000  00000095  F29DE950  9090FFFF 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Ebp: 67FBE818:  67FBE85C  021AE24C  000042AC  00000000  00000000  00000000 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *      SegCs: 7813001B:  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *     EFlags: 00000246: 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *        Esp: 67FBE7C4:  00000000  000042AC  00000000  00000000  77E4BEF7  00000000 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.73 Server      *      SegSs: 78130023:  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000 

    2012-04-13 18:45:50.74 Server      * *******************************************************************************
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.74 Server      * ——————————————————————————-
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.74 Server      * Short Stack Dump
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      77E4BEF7 Module(kernel32+0000BEF7)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      021AE24C Module(sqlservr+011AE24C)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      021B2160 Module(sqlservr+011B2160)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      021B1D0D Module(sqlservr+011B1D0D)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      02422369 Module(sqlservr+01422369)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      77E761B7 Module(kernel32+000361B7)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.75 Server      77E792A3 Module(kernel32+000392A3)
    2012-04-13 18:45:50.77 Server      Stack Signature for the dump is 0x1A38D65C
    2012-04-13 18:45:53.94 Server      External dump process return code 0x20000001.
    External dump process returned no errors.

    Thank you.


  • Hi GFrank,

    A similar error is reported in
    this KB article, with the fix initially released in Cumulative Update 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3. I would recommend you apply the latest Service Pack via
    SQL Server 2005 to avoid known issues.

    Stephanie Lv

    TechNet Community Support

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      24 апреля 2012 г. 8:36

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  • Question

  • SQL Server Services of 2016 installed on one of our server stops frequently.

    When I check SQL Server Error Log, I get following error Msg, Error: 17311, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or
    messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).


  • There are three potential reasons why SQL Server could crash:

    1) Hardware problem, for instance a bad memory stick.

    2) Other software that runs in the same address space as SQL Server. This could be any of:
    a) Extended stored procdures.
    b) Unsafe assemblies.
    c) OLE objects invoked from sp_OAxxxx
    d) Linked servers (particularly then to non-SQL Server sources) that runs in-process.

    3) Bugs in SQL Server.

    A token of the first case is that the stack dumps are different from time to time. Now, since you seem to not even get a stack dump, it is difficult to determine whether this could be the case. But it could be worth running memory diagnostics on the server.
    (An interesting question is whether the machine is physical or virtual. If it’s a virtual machine, one would expect crashes all over the VM host.)

    For the second point, this may display in the stack dump (which you are not getting), but if a stray pointer has thrashed SQL Server own’s memory, it may not appear. In any case, you should investigate if you use any of these.

    And in the last case? Of course, you open a case with Microsoft. And you may prefer to do this no matter what, because this is likely to be the fastest way to have the issue resolved. And if the reason is a bug in SQL Server, you will not have to pay for
    the support case, but you will have to if the issue is any of the first two points.

    But there is really not precise advice you can get in a forum. Not the least when you are running the most recent version of the product.

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, July 19, 2016 12:39 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Lydia ZhangMicrosoft contingent staff
      Friday, July 29, 2016 10:09 AM

Служба SQL Server 2014 SP3 CU1 автоматически завершает работу с ошибкой,

Ошибка: 17311, уровень серьезности: 16, состояние: 1. SQL Server завершает работу из-за фатального исключения c0000005. Эта ошибка может быть вызвана необработанным исключением Win32 или C++ или нарушением доступа, обнаруженным во время обработки исключения. Проверьте журнал ошибок SQL на наличие связанных дампов стека или сообщений. Это исключение заставляет SQL Server завершить работу. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, перезапустите сервер (если SQLAgent не настроен на автоматический перезапуск).

На сервере несколько экземпляров, но у меня эта проблема возникает только в одном экземпляре.

В журналах мало информации, чтобы объяснить, почему. Что я могу сделать более подробно, чтобы найти проблему или устранить проблему, помимо обновления до CU3?

2020-03-02 14:51

Case 1, with Dump generated

Issue definition:


Customer have SQL 2008/2012/2014 running on the same server, and then applied the SP4 for SQL Server 2012 in Windows update. But after this customer saw some issue from application side, then you rollback the update.
And then Customer applied the SP3 for SQL Server 2012, but after that the SQL Server service can’t startup with following message and dump generated. Customer also tried to repair SQL Server many times, it doesn’t work.
2018-02-22 18:31:43.52 Server      Error: 17311, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2018-02-22 18:31:43.52 Server      SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c06d007e. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      Using ‘dbghelp.dll’ version ‘4.0.5’
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      **Dump thread — spid = 0, EC = 0x0000000000000000
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      ***Stack Dump being sent to E:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLOGSQLDump0094.txt
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      * *******************************************************************************
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      *
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      *   02/22/18 18:31:43 spid 11352
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      *
2018-02-22 18:31:43.53 Server      * ex_handle_except encountered exception C06D007E — Server terminating

Issue analysis and troubleshooting thinking


  • In the live meeting with customer, we first checking the setup log. And we saw that the SP4 has been applied, but after a while there is another setup folder generated reporting the failed error message:
Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.ChainerInvalidOperationException
        The NT service ‘SQLSERVERAGENT’ could not be started.
    HResult : 0x84b20001
        FacilityCode : 1202 (4b2)
        ErrorCode : 1 (0001)
      HelpLink.EvtType = 0xAE7B8BF3@0xF762992B@1202@1
      DisableWatson = true
        at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.RunPatchAllInstanceAction.RestoreServiceStates()
        at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.RunPatchAllInstanceAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
        at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
        at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteActionHelper(TextWriter statusStream, ISequencedAction actionToRun, ServiceContainer context)
  • Then we get the dump file from customer and performed a detailed analysis . This callstack seems that we have issue while Initialize Server Components(InitServerComponents), and then we get the detailed component name “SqlServerSpatial110.dll”
# Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00 00000000`01bf9cf8 000007fe`fd3810ac ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0xa
01 00000000`01bf9d00 00000000`ff6af3ee KERNELBASE!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x79
02 00000000`01bf9da0 00000000`ff6af874 sqlservr!CDmpDump::DumpInternal+0x20e
03 00000000`01bf9e40 00000000`ff6af919 sqlservr!CDmpDump::DumpFilter+0x64
04 00000000`01bf9f10 00000000`74d712e3 sqlservr!`CDmpDump::Dump’::`1′::filt$0+0x19
05 00000000`01bf9f40 00000000`7769bf9d msvcr100!__C_specific_handler+0x97
06 00000000`01bf9fb0 00000000`776704ca ntdll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd
07 00000000`01bf9fe0 00000000`77673c1f ntdll!RtlDispatchException+0x45a
08 00000000`01bfa6c0 000007fe`fd39a06d ntdll!RtlRaiseException+0x22f
09 00000000`01bfb070 00000000`ff6af8ec KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x39
0a 00000000`01bfb140 000007fe`cd6bd4c4 sqlservr!CDmpDump::Dump+0x4c
0b 00000000`01bfb180 000007fe`cd6bdf06 sqllang!SQLDumperLibraryInvoke+0x2e4
0c 00000000`01bfb420 000007fe`cd684b6b sqllang!CImageHelper::DoMiniDump+0x426
0d 00000000`01bfb610 000007fe`cd683f6a sqllang!stackTrace+0xbdb
0e 00000000`01bfd050 000007fe`e0312a75 sqllang!stackTraceCallBack+0xca
0f 00000000`01bfd090 00000000`775abc20 sqldk!ex_handle_except+0x125
10 00000000`01bfd2e0 00000000`776a9035 kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x160
11 00000000`01bfd3c0 00000000`77687398 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart$filt$0+0x45
12 00000000`01bfd3f0 00000000`7769bf9d ntdll!__C_specific_handler+0x8c
13 00000000`01bfd460 00000000`776704ca ntdll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd
14 00000000`01bfd490 00000000`77673c1f ntdll!RtlDispatchException+0x45a
15 00000000`01bfdb70 000007fe`fd39a06d ntdll!RtlRaiseException+0x22f
16 00000000`01bfe520 000007fe`ccb7bc0b KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x39
17 00000000`01bfe5f0 000007fe`cdb8e40f sqllang!__delayLoadHelper2+0x199
18 00000000`01bfe6a0 000007fe`cdb49a75 sqllang!_tailMerge_SqlServerSpatial110_dll+0x3f
19 (Inline Function) ———`——— sqllang!InitializeSpatialNativeImpl+0x26
1a 00000000`01bfe710 00000000`ff69af2a sqllang!SQLLangInitComponents+0x275
1b 00000000`01bfe770 00000000`ff69c094 sqlservr!InitServerComponents+0x8a
1c 00000000`01bfe7d0 00000000`ff693c48 sqlservr!sqlservr_main+0x3b4
1d 00000000`01bfea20 000007fe`fe32a82d sqlservr!sqlservr_main_thread+0x178
1e 00000000`01bffd30 00000000`775259cd sechost!ScSvcctrlThreadA+0x25
1f 00000000`01bffd60 00000000`7768383d kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
20 00000000`01bffd90 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1d

Looked at the DLL being loaded

szDll            : 0x7fecdeef9c0 : «SqlServerSpatial110.dll» [Type: char *]
  • Then we checked the SqlServerSpatial110.dll both in C:WindowsSystem32 and C:WindowsSystemWOW64.





  • And then we checked this SqlServerSpatial110.dll properties in another working server as below. Then we got the root cause that the current server SqlServerSpatial110.dll original filename is SqlServerSpatial120.dll(it is SQL 2014). But in this case, somehow is has been changed, but we don’t know why, we only get to the result.  


  • Then we tried to copy the correct one from another server to current server(system32 and systemWOW64 respectively). But this doesn’t work. After we restart the SQL Server it failed again, with same error.
  • Then we come up with another solution, we can rename the current SqlServerSpatial110.dll to SqlServerSpatial110.dll.old and then launch the repair again. This worked.
  • After repairing, we can see the new SqlServerSpatial110.dll has been created automatically with correct SP3 version(same with the current SQL Server version)


Root cause:


Somehow, SqlServerSpatial110.dll has been changed.



  1. Rename the SqlServerSpatial110.dll under C:WindowsSystem32 and C:WindowsSystemWOW64
  2. Launch the repair for SQL Server 2012. This resolved this issue successfully.

Case 2, there is no dump generated

Issue definition:


After you patch the SQL Server 2016, 9 instances failed to start due to the following error.
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      Error: 17311, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c06d007e. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      Using ‘dbghelp.dll’ version ‘4.0.5’
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      **Dump thread — spid = 0, EC = 0x0000000000000000
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      * *******************************************************************************
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      *
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      *   02/22/20 18:43:17 spid 8832
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      *
2020-02-22 18:43:17.14 Server      * ex_handle_except encountered exception C06D007E — Server terminating
2020-02-22 18:43:17.22 Server      Stack Signature for the dump is 0x00000001A124A749
2020-02-22 18:43:17.22 Server      Unable to create dump because SQLDUMPER library is not available.
2020-02-22 18:43:17.22 Server      SQL Server shutdown has been initiated

Issue analysis:


  • Based on the log, this issue should happened when loading some DLL.
  • But as there no dump generated due to Unable to create dump because SQLDUMPER library is not available(from the following analysis, we can also see that dbgheko.dll not loaded yet).
  • So we captured a process monitor, and then analyze the process monitor log.
  • From the process monitor log, we can’t get the callstack which can help us to identify the DLL.


  • So we are not able to find the DLL from the callstack, but we can compare the DLL which has already been loaded with a working server, and find out all the non-loaded DLL, and maybe we can find more clue.
  • Compared the working server loaded DLL and this problematic server. All the yellow-mark DLL are non-loaded DLL in the problematic SQL.
Working Server:
SQLNCLIRDAR11.RLL              0x18261ee0000                      0x38000                        c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server140Shared1033SQLNCLIRDAR11.RLL                     Microsoft Corporation                        2011.0110.5069.066 ((SQL11_OLEDB_AAD).160321-0812 ) 3/21/2016 11:56:15 PM
instapi140.dll  0x7ffc21c80000                      0x13000          c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server140Sharedinstapi140.dll          Microsoft Corporation                        2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)  9/14/2019 6:36:59 AM
sqlnclirda11.dll                       0x59e10000    0x359000        c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server140Sharedsqlnclirda11.dll       Microsoft Corporation                        2011.0110.5069.066 ((SQL11_OLEDB_AAD).160321-0812 ) 3/21/2016 11:57:40 PM
BatchParser.dll                       0x7ffbf7990000                       0x2c000                        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnBatchParser.dll                    Microsoft Corporation     2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)  9/14/2019 6:36:47 AM
dbghelp.dll      0x59c70000     0x196000        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinndbghelp.dll  Microsoft Corporation                        6.12.0002.633 (debuggers(dbg).100201-1211)                      2/2/2010 4:15:44 AM
ftimport.dll      0x60000000    0x25000          c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnftimport.dll  Microsoft Corporation                        12.0.7031.9999                       11/1/2006 12:27:20 PM
hkcompile.dll  0x7ffbf86f0000                       0x162000        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnhkcompile.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:47:36 AM
hkengine.dll    0x7ffbf7fe0000                       0x70b000        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnhkengine.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:51:33 AM
hkruntime.dll  0x7ffbf8860000                       0x2d1000        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnhkruntime.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:52:55 AM
MSFTE.DLL      0x49980000    0x3ae000        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnMSFTE.DLL  Microsoft Corporation                        12.0.6828.0     8/28/2006 7:15:55 PM
opends60.dll    0x7ffbf8cb0000                       0x9000            C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnopends60.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:36:08 AM
qds.dll              0x7ffbf8b80000                       0x12e000        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnqds.dll Microsoft Corporation     2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)  9/14/2019 9:38:39 AM
sqlevn70.rll     0x17cc64a0000                       0x310000        c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnResources1033sqlevn70.rll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:36:13 AM
xplog70.RLL     0x183ea3d0000                      0x4000            C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnResources1033xplog70.RLL                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.1000.169 ((SQLServer).170822-2340)    8/23/2017 7:50:34 AM
xpstar.rll          0x183e93a0000                      0xd000            c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnResources1033xpstar.rll  Microsoft Corporation     2017.0140.1000.169 ((SQLServer).170822-2340)                  8/23/2017 7:50:29 AM
secforwarder.dll                     0x7ffbf8b40000                       0xa000                        C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsecforwarder.dll                  Microsoft Corporation     2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)  9/14/2019 6:45:38 AM
SqlAccess.dll    0x7ffbf7f60000                       0x75000          C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnSqlAccess.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:37:39 AM
sqldk.dll           0x7ffbf8cc0000                       0x4fc000         C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsqldk.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 9:35:28 AM
sqllang.dll        0x7ffbf9af0000                       0x2782000      C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsqllang.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 9:44:02 AM
sqlmin.dll        0x7ffbfc280000                       0x31fe000       C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsqlmin.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 9:38:05 AM
SQLOS.dll        0x7ffbff480000                       0x7000            C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnSQLOS.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:45:34 AM
SQLSCM.dll     0x7ffbf7e30000                       0x13000          C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnSQLSCM.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:40:48 AM
sqlservr.exe     0x7ff7869e0000                      0x7f000           C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsqlservr.exe                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 9:35:24 AM
sqlTsEs.dll        0x7ffbf91c0000                       0x92f000         C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsqlTsEs.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 9:35:33 AM
svl.dll               0x7ffbf8b50000                       0x2e000          C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsvl.dll   Microsoft Corporation     2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)  9/14/2019 6:57:13 AM
xplog70.dll      0x7ffc2ea50000                      0x14000          c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnxplog70.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:55:14 AM
xpsqlbot.dll      0x7ffbf7cd0000                       0x8000            C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnxpsqlbot.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:38:05 AM
xpstar.dll         0x7ffbf7c60000                       0x6e000          c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL14.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnxpstar.dll                        Microsoft Corporation            2017.0140.3238.01 ((SQLServer2017-CU14).190913-2228)               9/14/2019 6:47:53 AM
Non_working Server
HKRUNTIME.DLL                     0x7fffea270000                       0x2d0000 DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNHKRUNTIME.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
OPENDS60.DLL                        0x7ffffe550000                       0x9000 DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNOPENDS60.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
QDS.DLL          0x7fffeac80000                       0xdc000         DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNQDS.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLEVN70.RLL 0x7fffe5180000                       0x2f0000 DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNRESOURCES1033SQLEVN70.RLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLBOOT.DLL 0x7fffeb230000                       0x2e000 DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLBOOT.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLDK.DLL      0x7fffe97b0000                       0x4c8000     DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLDK.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLLANG.DLL  0x7fffddf90000                       0x25c7000 DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLLANG.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLMIN.DLL    0x7fffe0560000                       0x24fa000  DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLMIN.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLOS.DLL      0x7fffff390000                        0x7000     DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLOS.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLSERVR.EXE 0x7ff7c29d0000                      0x68000 DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLSERVR.EXE                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
SQLTSES.DLL   0x7fffe5470000                       0x88b000  DeviceCSVVolume137MSSQL13.KCOM1S130EDAM01MSSQLBINNSQLTSES.DLL                                                                        1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM
  1. We can see HKRUNTIME already loaded in our problematic SQL, so the next most possible DLL should be the HKEngine.dll HKCompile.dll.
  2. Then check them in your environment, they do have some problem in those DLLs, for example the size/the modified date.
  3. Then we rename those DLL, for example HKEngine.dll.Old, and then run repair SQL Server, and after that we confirmed 1 instance start successfully.



HKEngine.dll HKCompile.dll has some problem when SQL Server trying to load them.

So rename them and then run SQL Repair, and new DLL will be generated, then SQL Server start successfully.

January 22 2018, 17:12

Жила-была мумия одного SQL Server 2014(12.0.5557.0). Бежала мимо уборщица, шваброй махнула сервер упал и как давай по-полу валяться.

После аппаратного сбоя старует и падает служба MS SQL Server.

В журналах сервера странное: CHECKDB прошел без ошибок для всех баз, но служба стартовать не хочет.

«000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid8s      Recovery is complete. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 Server      SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid37s     Service Broker manager has shut down.

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid8s      .NET Framework runtime has been stopped.

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid8s      SQL Server shutdown has been initiated

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid8s      SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = ‘1’. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid8s      Error: 17054, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2000-00-00 00:00:00.00 spid8s      The current event was not reported to the Windows Events log. Operating system error = (null). You may need to clear the Windows Events log if it is full»

В жуналах ОС видим Event 17311, источник MSSQLSERVER:
«SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).»

Микрософт ничего интересного не предлагает: проверьте базу (это на мертвом сервере) или обратитесь в поддержку.

На самом деле всё оказалось просто: вовремя сбоя была повреждена одна из баз и при попытке её смонтировать MSSQL впадал в истерику (вспоминаем CHECKDB). Пострадавшая база была вычисленна с помощью последовательного блокирования доступа к файлам баз данных (прекратить доступ учетки сервера к файлам БД или, банально, их переименовать).

PS Как всегда, поврежденна оказалась мелкая и уже никому не нужная базуля.

  • Ошибка 1731 при установке офиса
  • Ошибка 1727 сбой при удаленном вызове процедуры вызов не произведен
  • Ошибка 17544 ауди а6 с5
  • Ошибка 1731 при установке microsoft office 2007
  • Ошибка 1726 сбой при удаленном вызове процедуры dism windows 10