Ошибка after effects внутренняя ошибка проверки unexpected


  1. SyntaxError: Unexpected token else. what is wrong with my code?
  2. Answer 50aa6266db2df2c0d8006d0f
  3. 10 comments
  4. Answer 53726ac59c4e9d028000011a
  5. 2 comments
  6. Answer 5477bbc880ff337be9004aff
  7. 2 comments
  8. Answer 545de9737c82ca26c200193b
  9. 1 comments
  10. Answer 56140b8de39efe59a9000077
  11. Answer 5458304a52f86312cb00105d
  12. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token — что это означает?
  13. Что делать с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

SyntaxError: Unexpected token else. what is wrong with my code?

what is wrong with this code? pls help.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token else

Answer 50aa6266db2df2c0d8006d0f

Remove the semi-colon after specifying the condition in () in the first If statement. Correct syntax is :

if (yourName.length>0 && gender.length >0) < if (………..

Thanks as well I had the same problem

I had this problem as well.Thank you.

those darn semi-colons. thank you.

Had the same problem :/

Thank you. You’re my hero. (and also google, for bringing me here.)

Answer 53726ac59c4e9d028000011a

var sleepChek = function (numHours) <
if( numHours >=8) return “Você esta dormindo bastante!Talvez até demais!”; > else < return “Vá para a cama! !”; >
sleepCheck(10); sleepCheck(5); sleepCheck(8);

what’s wrong with mine?

The syntax for the If condition is : if(condition) else . So you need to add a < before the first return. This entire If block should be within <>for defining the function. So I think correct syntax is as follows :

@ramesh thanks a lot man.lifesaver!

Answer 5477bbc880ff337be9004aff

var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”); var computerChoice = Math.random(); if (computerChoice = 4) < (console.log(“Player Slew the dragon”)) slaying = false; >else <
youHit = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) > else

There are 5 opening < and 4 closing >in this — doesn’t add up !

also, never put a semicolon after a curly bracket

Answer 545de9737c82ca26c200193b

I don’t understand what is wrong. I have the same error

var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”); var computerChoice = Math.random(); if (computerChoice else ;

Remove the ; after : …win by a shoelace!”)>

Answer 56140b8de39efe59a9000077

What’s wrong with my code? I don’t see where the error is yet — I also get the Unexpected token else…

The indentation from the original code disappears in the post preview — I don’t know how to fix that.

Answer 5458304a52f86312cb00105d

mine had something wrong too but i can’t find it

var compare = function(choice1,choice2) < if (choice1 === choice2) < return “O resultado é um empate!”; >else if (choice1 === “pedra”); < if (choice2 === “tesoura”) < return “pedra vence” >else < return “papel vence” >else if (choice1 === “papel”) < if (choice2 === “pedra”) < return “papel vence” >else < return “tesoura vence” >> > SyntaxError: Unexpected token else the wrong part is at the second “else if” statement, but what is it? thanks


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token — что это означает?

Самая популярная ошибка у новичков.

Когда встречается. Допустим, вы пишете цикл for на JavaScript и вспоминаете, что там нужна переменная цикла, условие и шаг цикла:

for var i = 1; i // какой-то код

После запуска в браузере цикл падает с ошибкой:

❌ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘var’

Что значит. Unexpected token означает, что интерпретатор вашего языка встретил в коде что-то неожиданное. В нашем случае это интерпретатор JavaScript, который не ожидал увидеть в этом месте слово var, поэтому остановил работу.

Причина — скорее всего, вы пропустили что-то из синтаксиса: скобку, кавычку, точку с запятой, запятую, что-то подобное. Может быть, у вас была опечатка в служебном слове и язык его не распознал.

Что делать с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Когда интерпретатор не может обработать скрипт и выдаёт ошибку, он обязательно показывает номер строки, где эта ошибка произошла (в нашем случае — в первой же строке):

Если мы нажмём на надпись VM21412:1, то браузер нам сразу покажет строку с ошибкой и подчеркнёт непонятное для себя место:

По этому фрагменту сразу видно, что браузеру не нравится слово var. Что делать теперь:

    Проверьте, так ли пишется эта конструкция на вашем языке. В случае JavaScript тут не хватает скобок. Должно быть for (var i=1; i ВКонтактеTelegramТвиттер


Когда встречается. Допустим, вы пишете цикл for на JavaScript и вспоминаете, что там нужна переменная цикла, условие и шаг цикла:

for var i = 1; i < 10; i++ {
<span style="font-weight: 400;">  // какой-то код</span>
<span style="font-weight: 400;">}</span>

После запуска в браузере цикл падает с ошибкой:

❌ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘var’

Что значит. Unexpected token означает, что интерпретатор вашего языка встретил в коде что-то неожиданное. В нашем случае это интерпретатор JavaScript, который не ожидал увидеть в этом месте слово var, поэтому остановил работу.

Причина — скорее всего, вы пропустили что-то из синтаксиса: скобку, кавычку, точку с запятой, запятую, что-то подобное. Может быть, у вас была опечатка в служебном слове и язык его не распознал.

Что делать с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Когда интерпретатор не может обработать скрипт и выдаёт ошибку, он обязательно показывает номер строки, где эта ошибка произошла (в нашем случае — в первой же строке):

Интерпретатор обязательно показывает номер строки, где произошла ошибка Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Если мы нажмём на надпись VM21412:1, то браузер нам сразу покажет строку с ошибкой и подчеркнёт непонятное для себя место:

Строка с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

По этому фрагменту сразу видно, что браузеру не нравится слово var. Что делать теперь:

  • Проверьте, так ли пишется эта конструкция на вашем языке. В случае JavaScript тут не хватает скобок. Должно быть for (var i=1; i<10; i++) {}
  • Посмотрите на предыдущие команды. Если там не закрыта скобка или кавычка, интерпретатор может ругаться на код немного позднее.

Попробуйте сами

Каждый из этих фрагментов кода даст ошибку Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token. Попробуйте это исправить.

if (a==b) then  {}
function nearby(number, today, oneday, threeday) {
  if (user_today == today + 1 || user_today == today - 1)
    (user_oneday == oneday + 1 || user_oneday == oneday - 1)
      && (user_threeday == threeday + 1 || user_threeday == threeday - 1)
  return true
     return false
var a = prompt('Зимой и летом одним цветом');
if (a == 'ель'); {
} else {

This message shows up on my screen 2 minutes after opening AE 2019, followed by «After Effects can’t continue: very unexpected uncaught exception while application running».

I’ve updated my iOS, I’ve tried uninstalling and installing After Effects again, I’ve tried repairing the disk permmission and yet nothing seems to work. Is there any other solution?

As of yesterday 2/27/20 (not sure if it has to do with the update that just occured) when I create a shape layer and then try to actually create a rectangle or any other shape, the second I click on the composition with that tool I get the following error:

«After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! {unexpected match name searched for in group} ( 29 :: 0 )»

This only just started when working on a new project. I created a new 4K comp, imported a PSD and selected the option to import the layers separately. The next thing I did was try and make the shape layer. Those are the only actions I took in the whole project. Tried deleting the project and importing all the elements as separate PNGs and had the same issue.

I then tried opening older projects and those were now giving the same error.

No idea if it’s some part of my workflow that broke it, the most recent update, or something to do with my machine.

Machine specs:

OS Mojave 10.14.1

iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)

Processor 4 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory 24 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M295X 4096 MB

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Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018

Was happily working on a project when suddenly alll my expressions for puppet tool bones are broken. I get this error when I open any comp containing Duik bones:

after effects error:internal verification failure, sorry! {unexpected match name searched for in group} ( 29 :: 0 )

This happened without me actually changing anything in the effected comps, I was working on non-duik stuff in other comps at the time of the first error.

Duik documentation only mentions this issue in the context of it being fixed in CC2014 but I’m on CC2018 with the latest Duik Bassel installed.

Have tried trashing preferences, clearing all caches etc, reinstalling duik script, reinstalling AE.

All I was using was puppet pins made into bones, animated by parenting them together and keyframe animating the rotation; no actual Duik IK rigging stuff all.

Please help, this has totally broken a very urgent project!!

Last edited by timdrage on Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:43 am

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by timdrage » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:55 am

even this forum is broken

trying again with the image attachments:

Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 11.29.21.png

Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 12.50.51.png


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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by Duduf » Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:58 pm

This is very strange, I’ve never seen the first error message in versions of Ae other than CC2014.

The second one is about the expression used in the color of the bones and even if this is broken, the bones should still work. There’s something very unusual going on.

Can you have a look at the expressions in the puppet pin properties and give me the errors there are if any?

Or can you send me your aep so I can have a look directly?


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Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:43 am

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by timdrage » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:12 pm

thanks for the quick reply,

OK now it gets weirder!! not sure what I did but now when I open the project the pins still don’t work, but there are no error messages or broken expressions! the bone layers animate but the pin expressions have no errors at all but just stay still.

if i make a new comp, put puppet tool on a layer and add bones this new rig works fine, but the old broken ones are still broken.

I will PM you a link to a project download now, thanks


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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by Duduf » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:15 pm

Hum I think this is a bug with the new puppet tool engine. You can try to disable and re-enable the puppet effect, or switch to the legacy engine and back to the new, this may fix the issue


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Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:43 am

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by timdrage » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:34 pm

Ah right, tried that but it doesn’t seem to change anything, still doesn’t work on legacy mode either


Posts: 915
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by Duduf » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:37 pm

I got your AEP and this is what I found:

on the layers with the puppet effect,


For some reason, the bones were unlinked… To fix this, you’d have to link them again using this drodpdown.
I don’t know how this happened, maybe if you copied and pasted the layers from one comp to another, stuff like that could break the link.


Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:43 am

Re: Urgent: «unexpected match name» error and all pin expressions broken, CC2018


by timdrage » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:00 pm

thanks, ahh that’s strange. I can see that could happen if it were copied and pasted, i’ve had it loose layer info like that before, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t do so. Several of my comps broke all at once without be doing anything to them so it must be some bug.

Reconnecting them this way works thanks, tho it’ll be very laborious :(

Managed to rescue some shots from a saved older version too


Describe the bug
In latest After Effects version I got this bug.
I have project with using of Kleaner, Spring or Swing effect.

After loading project and opening composition I got that error:
«After Effects error — internal verification failure, sorry! {unexpected match name searched for in group} (29 :: 0)»
and effects not working and not showing in layer.

Tested with Duik.bassel.2 and Duik.bassel.1 — error still exist. After opening project in AE 2019 — everything works fine.

System (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Version of After Effects: AE 2020
  • Version of Duik: Duik.bassel.2




Something isn’t working


Nov 9, 2019


I think this is an error with Ae 2020.
Can you try and see what happens in a fresh new project created in 2020 and not 2019, if you have the same error?


I created 2 projects in AE 2020 and got that problem. During work everything worked great. I had that issue after next opening


Can you send me a failing project file please?


Ok, here is the example in composition named «bg shapes»


Also having this issue — errors only appear when re-opening the AEP.

(Although I did see a similar error when I tried to copy / paste keyframes for MasterProperties)
Screenshot 2019-11-27 at 12 32 39


I don’t know what’s wrong with this error.

Do you still have the issue with this week update of After Effects, on a fresh project?


I’m not sure this is a DUIK-specific issue. I think it’s a general AfterEffects error concerned with MasterProperty keyframes.

Brief explanation —
I built a rig that contained some exposed properties for DUIK objects — and I noticed some errors when copying / pasting keyframes. Then when I re-opened the AEP, it would display some errors and erase all of my MasterProperty keyframes.

I’ll report back if things change, but at present I don’t think this is a DUIK-related bug. It was a coincidence that some DUIK properties were involved 👍


I think this may be fixed with the patch released this week for After Effects. You can try this, and if it’s still not fixed let me know, I’ll warn the Ae team ;)



Nice! :)
Thanks for the feedback


I came across with the same issue right after installed a script then when I turned off the script codes on layers It’s solved


  1. after effects error internal verification failure sorry
  2. Комментарии: 14
  3. Еще уроки из рубрики «Подвижная графика»
  4. Пиксель арт в After Effects
  5. Мини-курс «Фишки и лайфхаки After Effects»
  6. Эффектная анимация в Google Earth Studio
  7. Создаём заставку из игры Cyberpunk 2077 в After Effects
  8. Топ-10 лайфхаков в After Effects

1. Ошибка: After Effects error: closing resource file «Targa (AE).plugin». (3 :: 56). Необходимо проверить чтобы каждый пользователь имел полный доступ на чтение и запись файлов в папке After Effects и в каждой подпапке. Также возможно, плагин блокируется некоторыми средствами безопасности или в учетной записи пользователя нет разрешения на загрузку системных драйверов. Последние могут быть решены путем изменения соответствующей записи в редактора групповой политики (gpedit.msc). Ошибка серии 3 :: хх как раз оповещает о проблемах с доступом к файлу.

2. Ошибка: After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: Out of paged mapped memory for ray traced. (5070 :: 0). В обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 (11.0.1) update, изолированы и исправлены варианты приводящие к ошибке “After Effects Error: Ray Traced 3D: … (5070 :: 0)”.

3. After Effects. The directory originally specified in the selected output module no longer exists. После получения данного сообщения, необходимо в закладке Render Queue удалить все старые задачи с их: Output Module.

4. Ошибка: After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file «E:/ . Unable to open file. (-1610153459). Данная проблема возникает при выводе в Quicktime форматы, она генерируется, когда QuickTime не сможет найти файл, который вы пытаетесь открыть или создать. QuickTime не может распознать диск, на котором находится файл или где он будет создан. Можно попробовать: изменить имя диска.

*Также проблема может быть связана с тем, что в системе есть накопители с одинаковыми именами, например: Диск. Надо переименовать один из них.
5. Ошибка: “After Effects error: Internal verification failure, sorry! (37::109)” которая появляется при настройке прокси вложенных композиций, исправлена в обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1 update.

В этом видеоуроке по Adobe After Effects мы разберем очень интересный пример создания вспышки воспоминаний или просто мыслей героя. Мы рассмотрим прием цветокоррекции при помощи эффектов Tint и Hue/Saturation, и создадим оригинальные переходы используя эффект Optics Compensation.

Комментарии: 14

Чтобы оставить комментарий или поделиться своей работой, пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь

barrov.mail.ru 11 Сентября 2017 — 20:03:51

Здравствуйте! Почему при переводе силуэтов в 3D остается черный фон?

Евгений Гончаров 12 Сентября 2017 — 06:41:01

Попробуйте изменить режим наложения

kyct69 5 Декабря 2015 — 16:51:47

Zhandos 28 Января 2015 — 14:28:06

помогите, выскочила окошка

after effects error internal verification failure sorry!

Евгений Гончаров 28 Января 2015 — 18:30:23

Попробуйте выключить Multiprocessing в настройках и выполнить команду — Edit / Purge / All Memory

edick202 28 Марта 2014 — 15:34:17

и ещё проблема вылезла ,попытался закинуть другие силуэты — выдало

After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry!

Marsel_VideoSmile 28 Марта 2014 — 22:54:27

Поменяй имена файлам

edick202 28 Марта 2014 — 15:20:38

спасибо за урок!возникла проблема.силуэты девушек,когда кидаю под корректирующий слой,все какие-то размытые,не чёткие.да и сам тоннель тоже размытый,все в квадратах практически,что бы это могло быть?все картинки подбирал под разрешение 1280*720.

Marsel_VideoSmile 28 Марта 2014 — 22:53:42

Проверь качество в окне просмотра, должно стоять на Full

Skif 26 Марта 2014 — 23:26:11

Благодарю за урок!

Ольга Молчанова 11 Октября 2013 — 21:08:29

Очень интересный и понятный урок! Спасибо!

e.chertov 28 Апреля 2013 — 00:10:20

точку перед rar в расширение файла проекта забыли поставить))

Светик Спасенных 27 Апреля 2013 — 01:23:18

Очень полезный урок, преогромное спасибо, что вы есть. С нетерпением буду ждать следующих уроков.

mr.glonin 24 Апреля 2013 — 15:50:14

Отличный урок! Правда новый дизайн сайта непривычен ))

Еще уроки из рубрики «Подвижная графика»

Пиксель арт в After Effects

В этом уроке вы научитесь создавать классную композицию в стилистике Pixel Art в программе After Effects.

Мини-курс «Фишки и лайфхаки After Effects»

В этой серии уроков мы познакомим вас с самыми крутыми фишками и лайфхаками программы After Effects!

Эффектная анимация в Google Earth Studio

В этом уроке Евгений Гончаров расскажет вам, как в пару кликов создать эффектные пролёты и имитацию аэросъёмки в Google Earth Studio.

Создаём заставку из игры Cyberpunk 2077 в After Effects

В этом уроке мы создадим стильную глитчёвую заставку из игры Cyberpunk 2077, которую вы могли видеть в официальном трейлере.

Топ-10 лайфхаков в After Effects

В этом видео вы узнаете о 10 лайфхаках в программе After Effects по версии Михаила Бычкова. Эти лайфхаки сделают работу в программе комфортнее и сэкономят вам много времени.


function block5flags

В свое время, когда я обновлялся до АЕ СС версии, наткнулся на вот такую замечательную ошибку: after effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! {Unexprected FunctionBlock5flags for FunctionBlock4} ( 5027 :: 53 ) Появлялась она при запуске АЕ, и в принципе не мешала работать, но каждый раз видеть такое (три подряд окна), вызывало раздражение. Решение простое:

Связано это прежде всего с багом, который вызывает Maxon C4D exchange плагин. Если он у вас, как и у меня ранее был в папке с плагинами, то его оттуда необходимо удалить или заменить новым. Если вы решили удалить его, то называется он Cinema4DAE.aex.

Второй вариант заменить этот плагин, найти замену можно здесь. Кликаете “Download” ссылку напротив“Plugins for After Effects CC CINEMA 4D R14/R15 в заголовке, скачиваете, заменяете.

Самое забавное, что обновленный плагин называется по другому: C4D Importer.aex. Поэтому если вы просто «докинули» свежую замену, то старый плагин все равно нужно удалить. 

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  • Can’t render: after effects error: internal verification failure. What can I do?

    I need to render a comp (h.264 default settings) and the process is stopped with the following error: «after effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! {could not find itemframe we just now checked in}».
    What can I do? I have already tryed to re-start Ae several times. The render stops at random points, when started again. The comp is very simple: a mp4 movie background, still PNG pictures one after another with opacity and 1 mask keyframed and write-on texts at their side, explaining the pictures. Thank you in advance for any help.

    User52142 wrote:
    Yes, the problem is that Ae seems to not handle well MP4 files. Why is that?
    After Effects works on a pixel-by-pixel basis. After Effects is not like video editing programs — they just deal with a video stream — in After Effects, each frame is fully uncompressed.
    MP4’s use interframe compression. That means that they only have a complete frame every once in a while and the rest are filled in using a variety of methods including motion estimation. Depending on the compression settings, a video with interframe compression often won’t have a complete frame for a few seconds. That means that, out of every 90 frames or so, only one of those frames actually contains full pixel data for the entire frame (and that frame is usually somewhat compressed using intraframe compression [like a JPEG]). After Effects has to decode a lot of crap and translate it into full-frame, full pixel information before it can even begin to process it.
    After Effects is much better with it now than it used to be. CS4 and earlier used to struggle with it bad. Each version since has improved handling of such things. Also, each version implements ways of handling newer versions of codecs. Keep in mind, version 11 (CS6) was written before a lot of modern cameras were even built. The current version (13.2) probably would not have had the issue you did.
    Does that explain it?

  • Has anyone installed the Maxon C4DImporter.aex fix, which works, but still get the error «internal verification failure, Sorry» on a different user logon?

    internal verification failure, Sorry! {Unexpected FunctionBlock5flags for FunctionBlock4}
    This used to appear until I replaced the Maxon plugin as per Adobe’s advice.  All seemed well, but then when a colleague logs on the same Windows 7 Enterprise machine they get the same error.
    How is this possible

    That worked once for a member of staff but then, strangley, never again.  However, even if this did work we need students to be able to get around this issue, but they can’t run as administrator under our college policies.

  • 3ds Max 2013 and After Effects Integration — Internal verification failure!

    I created the file between both
    3ds Max 2013
    After Effects CC
    And this is the error that I recieve when I go to
    File | Open Compositor Link (Autodesk)
    (Here is the link for more information on the 2 programs working together
    http://deep4d.com/instant/3ds-max-2013-and-after-effects-integration-state-sets-and-the-sl ate-compositer/
    Can someone please let me know why this is happening, and how I can resolve it?

    Hello Toothless Wonders.. (Gotta love that name
    OK, just upload a lesson to my YouTube channel.
    Check it out here.
    Walks you through everything you need to know, PLUS some issues and errors that you could run into.
    Good Luck

  • AE CC 2014.1 error : internal verification failure (Unexpected match name searched for in group)

    First of all, forgive me for my basic english.
    I’m a creative cloud suscriber and recently update AE with CC2014.1.
    I worked for several months on a project, but since last update, on some composition, i have an error windows pop in who say :
    «After effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! {unexpected match name searched fo in group}
    (screenshot here -imgur: the simple image sharer )
    i have look everywhere but i can’t get any info on this issue, and there is no support for after effect.
    I can’t afford to loose all those hours of work, may some of you have some information / solution about that ?
    Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope !
    Thank you for your time

    Well, you don’t have to update in knee-jerk fashion, do you?  Is it absolutely mandatory that you have to have the Newest Thing On The Block from Day 1?  You weren’t so busy that you couldn’t  spare the time to do the update, weren’t you?
    You used the word, «we», which indicates more than one individual is running the same software.  Is it not possible to devise a strategy where the updates take place one at a time, so you can observe the potentially-adverse effects?
    Oh, you can do it, but I don’t think you WANT to do it… either because you like to have the newest thing, no one in the shop is willing to work a little later to do it one machine at a time, or you simply don’t have a plan in place.  Sorry if that’s harsh, but it seems to me that early adopters without an eatrly adoption plan put their livelihoods at risk by jumping on the bleeding edge.  Adobe, Apple, Avid, Autodesk, Whoeveritis…  changes in software contain bugs, and you don’t know what those bugs are.  Would you rather be the one EXPERIENCING the bugs or just reading about them?
    Okay, now I’ll step down off my soapbox.

  • After Effects Error: internal structure inconsistency (25::18)

    I keep getting this error pop up (After Effects internal structure inconsistency (25::18)), trying to find out what is causing it. Has anyone else has this problem really slowing down my work!!!
    I would appreciate the help!

    You have not provided any proper technical info and your post is pretty useless. Without knowing some system info, comp settings, effects used and so on nobody can even begin to guess. You have not even told us what version of AE. This particular error often points to issues with CoDecs or using incompatible effects. Beyond that we can’t say much.

  • Error: Internal Verification Failure?

    This is a new one.  I get this error and my render immediately terminates. But no sick sheep sound.
    Any ideas what this means in English?
    CS6 11.0.2 / 10.6.8 / Nvidia Q4000

    What Dave said. More info is required. This is an error in some effect that uses temporal processing and cannot retrieve the respective frame, but we really need more details to advise.

  • After Effects error: Crash in progress.Last logged message was: 7748 ae.blitpipe 2 Making New context

    After Effects error: Crash in progress.Last logged message was:<7748> <ae.blitpipe><2>Making New context ….how can i Fix it??help me!!place

    Try the forum for After Effects.

  • What is After Effects error: AGM internal: TOffsetObjIntrnl planarizer error?

    I just ran into this error for the first time, a google search couldn’t find anything about it. Running AE CC 2014.
    After Effects error: AGM internal: TOffsetObjIntrnl planarizer error ( 83 :: 2 )
    All my main comps are messed up and look nothing like they did a few minutes ago.
    More importantly, how can I fix it/prevent it from happening again?

    It is a dense project,using a bunch of 5K RED files. No crazy plug-ins (and nothing I don’t use ALL the time). I found out the one specific layer that when I turn it off the error stops. That layer has no effects except an exposure adjustment. I’m using After Effects CC 2014 (see specs below)

  • After Effects error opening sound componant (-2166)

    Im  getting this error message( After Effects error-opening sound componant (-2166 )
    When i go to render a comp that icludes several sound files (WAV) the render stops 80% of the time.is there a way to fix this.
    Im rendering to Quicktime  based on losssles  or AVI based on lossless
    Windows XP service pack 3
    3 gigs ram
    quad core
    Quicktime pro latest version installed november 2009

    This could happen for any of several reasons, including the sound files using sample rates or a number of channels that After Effects can’t handle. After Effects is not the best at working with audio. I recommend converting the audio files to another format (such as AIFF), ensuring that the sample rate is something standard, making sure that the files are just plain old stereo, and trying again.

  • After effects error: exception occurred while processing effect «Pixelate». ( 25 ::0 )

    I’m using Adobe After Effect CS5.5 and I’m having a problem with the following errow message:
    After effects error: exception occurred while processing effect «Pixelate». ( 25 ::0 )
    It happens when I apply pixelate to text and have the text move onscreen from offscreen…
    To clarify, let’s say I apply the «pixelate» effect to text and move it off screen. Then, I place a keyframe and move 10 frames down. Next, I place another keyframe (ten frames past the 1st keyframe), and I move the text to the center of the screen. When I play the comp, the error appears as soon as the text is first visible in the preview window (onscreen).
    I’ve already tried the following websites, but none of there solutions work:
    Any thoughts?

    I actually got it somewhat working…
    Here’s my System Specs:
    Mac Pro
    Processor 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
    Memory 12 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC
    Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB
    I tried turning off Adaptive Resolution and/or turning of OpenGL. Nothing changed.
    However, when I opened a new comp with only the text layer in question and tried messing with the keyframes, I found out something. If I move the keyframes closer (thus making the animation faster), the error didn’t appear. But when I moved the keyframes farther away, the error appeared.
    Ideally, I want the keyframes to move at it’s original speed (not faster or slower).
    Any thoughts?

  • After Effects error: Unable to allocate space for image buffer

    I am having some glitchy issues with After Effects, very inconsistent, but I am getting the error message «After Effects error: unable to Allocate Space for a 7500 x 4500 image buffer. You may be experiencing fragmentation. In the Memory and Multiprocessing Preference dialog box, trying increasing the RAM to leave for other applications, and selecting the Enable Disk Cache option in the Media & Disk Cache Panel».
    Pretty straightforward, but I have a brand new 8 core dual 2.25 Mac Pro with 16GB Ram. I have it set to allow other applications to use 7GB, have jockeyed that setting between 1GB and 5GB and still gotten the same error message. Disk Cache is set to 3GB, have pushed it all the up to 7GB and still gotten the same message. I am working in 1080p, but I got the error message with Open GL on, quarter resolution, and wasn’t even trying to RAM preview. I also noticed that with a straight 1080p clip .mov animation codec clip, after effects will only RAM preview about 7 seconds. That is without any other layers or effects.  I do not have all of my source footage in one folder, I am going to try that next. I am running of a fast internal hard drive that is not they system drive.  It also seems like it happens after I have been using the comptuer for awhile. If I restart the problem will usually go away for a little while.
    I think that I may have a bigger system error, the computer locked up bad once after I had it for a few weeks and since that happened CS4 has been unstable in general, especially Photoshop and Bridge. My guess is bad RAM, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something with my AE settings.  If any one has any input please let me know. Thanks.

    > I lowered the minimum RAM per core to 1GB, because the Adobe site recommends that as a base setting for andHD project
    When you say «the Adobe site recommends», what exactly are you referring to? If you’re quoting recommendations written for After Effects on the Adobe website, you’re very likely quoting me. And this is what I wrote in the Help document:
    «Memory & Multiprocessing preferences»:
    «The amount of RAM required for each background process varies depending on your system configuration; at least 1 GB per process is recommended. Optimum performance is achieved with computer systems with at least 2 GB of installed RAM per processor core.»
    This blog post gives essentially the same advice, but with more explicit suggestions.
    But, as I say at the bottom of that blog post, if you find that some other settings are working better for you, that’s great. Every project and computer system are different. Do what works for you.
    > Also, if it is an
    dual quad core system, there should be 8 cores, but in the
    multi-processer preferences panel it lists CPU’s as 16.
    The number of «virtual» processors can be double in a system that uses hyperthreading. After Effects doesn’t actually treat these as separate processors in this context, though.

  • After Effects Error: Tracker_Register: Missing Suite ( 1 :: 0 )

    Product: AE CS4
    Version: 9.0
    OS: OS X 10.5.7
    One day this error just sprung up on me, after having worked fine for quite a while. Strangely, I have scoured the internet and found no mention of this specific error. The error happens upon launching After Effects and after clicking OK, the application shuts down. It does not ever reach the user interface. The loading splash screen comes up and then the errors come up shortly after.
    The two error messages come up one after the other and read in this order:
    «After Effects error: Tracker_Register: missing suite. ( 1 :: 0 )»
    «After Effects can’t continue: Failed to register built-in motion tracker.»
    I have attempted to reinstall After Effects entirely, even going as far as to wipe all the associated files that are left behind after an uninstall.
    I will attempt to update AE and will report back the progress on that.
    Updated AE to 9.0.2
    There are now three errors, including the above two. The third error reads: «After Effects can’t continue: unexpected failure during application startup»

    Okay, let’s do this one step at a time. Removing components without proper uninstall procedures can indeed be dangerous, but I don’t think that’s the issue here. If the program reports an entire suite missing (which is merely another way of saying that some pieces of its core code have gone anywhere but here), one of the system libraries is not initializing. This is extremely rare on Macs, so this is even more puzzling. As a first step, I would definitely run a tool like OnyX or Apple’s own Repair Permissions and disk health utility to check disk integrity. The thing is, the exact spot on the drive could be damaged and it’s in the nature of OSX to not waste space, so it will always try to place files in the same physical spot, if they have the same name and similar properties to the predecessor and that region may actualyl have problems. Therefore updating AE might not solve the matter. Second, check the language settings on the files in your AE directory using right-click — Information. This also works with multiple files selected. If they have different settings, you will get a warning and may need to select them separately. On the info panel, have a look at the language options. If the language in which you run AE is not enabled or you have multiple instances of the same language checked (OSX again stores this per file redundantly), disable/ enable the check marks until everything seems right. While you are on the panel, also have a look at the compatibility infdo (it should refer to intel compatibility) and of course the user permission settings. All users must be at least able to read the files. From inside AE, check, whether you are using the «accelerate panels» option in the prefs. Since tracking is a layer window feature, it may cause issues, if there is something not right with your graphics card settings. Speaking of which, check your monitor settings if everything is right. As a last thing, definitely check your Quicktime install. I’m not aware of any definite problems, but QT is always a good candidate for causing issues of any kind.

  • After Effects error: opening movie — you do not have permission to open this file (-54)

    Hi all,
    I’m new to after effects. I have just started receiving the following error every time I try to render my movie:
    «After Effects error: opening movie — you do not have permission to open this file (-54)».
    Yesterday morning, I was able to render movies, however, after I did Apple’s latest update I’ve started receiving the following error. What is happening is that I’m trying to render a movie. It gets to a certain point in the movie (about 0;00;16;09) and then this error pops up. This morning I’ve tried to repair the permissions with disk utility, but that doesn’t seem to have helped.
    I’ve searched Google and the Adobe support forums with no luck. Please help.
    Thanks in advance for you help,

    Have been able to downgrade to QT 7.3 using Pacifist. Did NOT require re-install of OS.
    Download the right version here:
    Panther: http://www.apple.com/support/downlo…forpanther.html
    Tiger: http://www.apple.com/support/downlo…31fortiger.html
    Leopard: http://www.apple.com/support/downlo…forleopard.html
    Install with Pacifist
    Now that I am back to QT7.3, iTunes7.6 is now asking me to update QT to 7.4 in order to be able to view the new movie rental feature of the iTunes store… which sorta sheds some light on the no permission error. Now that iTunes is renting, not just selling, movies, QT is now all fussy about ownership and permissions. Just a guess.

  • What does «After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL. ( 83 :: 8 )» mean?

    So, about a week ago I did a fresh install of 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate on a new PC, and subscribed to the Adobe Creative Cloud, installing After Effects CS6 and Photoshop CS6 from the Adobe Application Manager, then doing all updates (and I just checked right now at 10:35PM on July 26th, I have the latest versions of everything).
    After Effects was working completely normal, then just now, I tried to import a Photoshop .psd and I got the error message:
    After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL.
    ( 83 :: 8 )
    Then After Effects crashed. So now it opens up normally, but when I try to import a .psd or open an After Effects project saved from an earlier version of After Effects (CS3 to CS5) I get the same error and a crash, every single time.
    Searching the forums, I see people talking about this error when importing .psds into CS5, and they say that getting the latest updates solved the issue for them (which obviously can’t help me). I’m running all legit software on a brand new computer with 32 GB of RAM which has passed all my physical stress tests so I know it’s not hardware related.
    The one thing I saw people suggest is to hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift when starting the program. When I do this, Windows asks if I want to allow After Effects to make changes to the system, and when I say yes, I can import .psds and open the older AE files. When I close After Effects and reopen it without holding down the Ctrl-Alt-Shift keys, it goes right back to crashing.
    Obviously the smart-*** answer is «then hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift, dummy», and I’ll do that for now, but is there any clue what the problem is?
    I feel like kind of a chump because I decided to stop using my student versions of Adobe software (I haven’t been a student for about four years) and pay the full price for the cloud membership and the latest creative suite, and it’s full of bugs.

    Now, I get the same ( 83 :: 8 ) error listed above, followed by a new dialog window that reads:
    After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was: <4488> <DynamicLink> <5> C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CS6Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
    Then, when I click OK, I get:
    After Effects can’t continue: sorry, After Effects has crashed. For After Effects Help and Support, go to http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_ae_support. If you still can’t resolve the issue, please contact Adobe Technical Support (2).
    ( 0 :: 42 )
    Clicking OK to that gives me a chance to save the latest project, then the standard Windows 7 crash dialog window opens, the one that gives me the choice of «Check online for a solution and close the program» or just «Close the program» and lets me View problem details, which are:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:          APPCRASH
      Application Name:          AfterFX.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:          4f6d63ab
      Fault Module Name:          StackHash_a85b
      Fault Module Version:          6.1.7601.17725
      Fault Module Timestamp:          4ec4aa8e
      Exception Code:          c0000374
      Exception Offset:          00000000000c40f2
      OS Version:          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:          1033
      Additional Information 1:          a85b
      Additional Information 2:          a85ba096cc6b6acabe6eaf35bf34dc60
      Additional Information 3:          f862
      Additional Information 4:          f86227a9dfa15a47cdb6c94bb0d08360

  • Содержание

    1. SyntaxError: Unexpected token else. what is wrong with my code?
    2. Answer 50aa6266db2df2c0d8006d0f
    3. 10 comments
    4. Answer 53726ac59c4e9d028000011a
    5. 2 comments
    6. Answer 5477bbc880ff337be9004aff
    7. 2 comments
    8. Answer 545de9737c82ca26c200193b
    9. 1 comments
    10. Answer 56140b8de39efe59a9000077
    11. Answer 5458304a52f86312cb00105d
    12. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token — что это означает?
    13. Что делать с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token else. what is wrong with my code?

    what is wrong with this code? pls help.

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token else

    Answer 50aa6266db2df2c0d8006d0f

    Remove the semi-colon after specifying the condition in () in the first If statement. Correct syntax is :

    if (yourName.length>0 && gender.length >0) < if (………..

    Thanks as well I had the same problem

    I had this problem as well.Thank you.

    those darn semi-colons. thank you.

    Had the same problem :/

    Thank you. You’re my hero. (and also google, for bringing me here.)

    Answer 53726ac59c4e9d028000011a

    var sleepChek = function (numHours) <
    if( numHours >=8) return “Você esta dormindo bastante!Talvez até demais!”; > else < return “Vá para a cama! !”; >
    sleepCheck(10); sleepCheck(5); sleepCheck(8);

    what’s wrong with mine?

    The syntax for the If condition is : if(condition) else . So you need to add a < before the first return. This entire If block should be within <>for defining the function. So I think correct syntax is as follows :

    @ramesh thanks a lot man.lifesaver!

    Answer 5477bbc880ff337be9004aff

    var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”); var computerChoice = Math.random(); if (computerChoice = 4) < (console.log(“Player Slew the dragon”)) slaying = false; >else <
    youHit = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) > else

    There are 5 opening < and 4 closing >in this — doesn’t add up !

    also, never put a semicolon after a curly bracket

    Answer 545de9737c82ca26c200193b

    I don’t understand what is wrong. I have the same error

    var userChoice = prompt(“Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?”); var computerChoice = Math.random(); if (computerChoice else ;

    Remove the ; after : …win by a shoelace!”)>

    Answer 56140b8de39efe59a9000077

    What’s wrong with my code? I don’t see where the error is yet — I also get the Unexpected token else…

    The indentation from the original code disappears in the post preview — I don’t know how to fix that.

    Answer 5458304a52f86312cb00105d

    mine had something wrong too but i can’t find it

    var compare = function(choice1,choice2) < if (choice1 === choice2) < return “O resultado é um empate!”; >else if (choice1 === “pedra”); < if (choice2 === “tesoura”) < return “pedra vence” >else < return “papel vence” >else if (choice1 === “papel”) < if (choice2 === “pedra”) < return “papel vence” >else < return “tesoura vence” >> > SyntaxError: Unexpected token else the wrong part is at the second “else if” statement, but what is it? thanks


    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token — что это означает?

    Самая популярная ошибка у новичков.

    Когда встречается. Допустим, вы пишете цикл for на JavaScript и вспоминаете, что там нужна переменная цикла, условие и шаг цикла:

    for var i = 1; i // какой-то код

    После запуска в браузере цикл падает с ошибкой:

    ❌ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘var’

    Что значит. Unexpected token означает, что интерпретатор вашего языка встретил в коде что-то неожиданное. В нашем случае это интерпретатор JavaScript, который не ожидал увидеть в этом месте слово var, поэтому остановил работу.

    Причина — скорее всего, вы пропустили что-то из синтаксиса: скобку, кавычку, точку с запятой, запятую, что-то подобное. Может быть, у вас была опечатка в служебном слове и язык его не распознал.

    Что делать с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

    Когда интерпретатор не может обработать скрипт и выдаёт ошибку, он обязательно показывает номер строки, где эта ошибка произошла (в нашем случае — в первой же строке):

    Если мы нажмём на надпись VM21412:1, то браузер нам сразу покажет строку с ошибкой и подчеркнёт непонятное для себя место:

    По этому фрагменту сразу видно, что браузеру не нравится слово var. Что делать теперь:

      Проверьте, так ли пишется эта конструкция на вашем языке. В случае JavaScript тут не хватает скобок. Должно быть for (var i=1; i ВКонтактеTelegramТвиттер


    Когда встречается. Допустим, вы пишете цикл for на JavaScript и вспоминаете, что там нужна переменная цикла, условие и шаг цикла:

    for var i = 1; i < 10; i++ {
    <span style="font-weight: 400;">  // какой-то код</span>
    <span style="font-weight: 400;">}</span>

    После запуска в браузере цикл падает с ошибкой:

    ❌ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘var’

    Что значит. Unexpected token означает, что интерпретатор вашего языка встретил в коде что-то неожиданное. В нашем случае это интерпретатор JavaScript, который не ожидал увидеть в этом месте слово var, поэтому остановил работу.

    Причина — скорее всего, вы пропустили что-то из синтаксиса: скобку, кавычку, точку с запятой, запятую, что-то подобное. Может быть, у вас была опечатка в служебном слове и язык его не распознал.

    Что делать с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

    Когда интерпретатор не может обработать скрипт и выдаёт ошибку, он обязательно показывает номер строки, где эта ошибка произошла (в нашем случае — в первой же строке):

    Интерпретатор обязательно показывает номер строки, где произошла ошибка Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

    Если мы нажмём на надпись VM21412:1, то браузер нам сразу покажет строку с ошибкой и подчеркнёт непонятное для себя место:

    Строка с ошибкой Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

    По этому фрагменту сразу видно, что браузеру не нравится слово var. Что делать теперь:

    • Проверьте, так ли пишется эта конструкция на вашем языке. В случае JavaScript тут не хватает скобок. Должно быть for (var i=1; i<10; i++) {}
    • Посмотрите на предыдущие команды. Если там не закрыта скобка или кавычка, интерпретатор может ругаться на код немного позднее.

    Попробуйте сами

    Каждый из этих фрагментов кода даст ошибку Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token. Попробуйте это исправить.

    if (a==b) then  {}
    function nearby(number, today, oneday, threeday) {
      if (user_today == today + 1 || user_today == today - 1)
        (user_oneday == oneday + 1 || user_oneday == oneday - 1)
          && (user_threeday == threeday + 1 || user_threeday == threeday - 1)
      return true
         return false
    var a = prompt('Зимой и летом одним цветом');
    if (a == 'ель'); {
    } else {


    Adobe Employee

    Adobe Employee


    May 02, 2019
    May 02, 2019


    Adobe Employee


    May 02, 2019
    May 02, 2019

    If you’re running with the latest version of Premiere, and the Team Project contains both AE and Premiere elements, then you would need to stick with compatible versions of AE and Premiere.

    We think we may have identified the problem, which appears to be an issue with how AE 16.1 loads Team Projects that contain certain PSD files. I’ve DM’ed you instructions about how to set a debug flag that will hopefully disable the optimization that’s causing the issue. Please let me know if it works for you.


    Describe the bug
    In latest After Effects version I got this bug.
    I have project with using of Kleaner, Spring or Swing effect.

    After loading project and opening composition I got that error:
    «After Effects error — internal verification failure, sorry! {unexpected match name searched for in group} (29 :: 0)»
    and effects not working and not showing in layer.

    Tested with Duik.bassel.2 and Duik.bassel.1 — error still exist. After opening project in AE 2019 — everything works fine.

    System (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Version of After Effects: AE 2020
    • Version of Duik: Duik.bassel.2




    Something isn’t working


    Nov 9, 2019


    I think this is an error with Ae 2020.
    Can you try and see what happens in a fresh new project created in 2020 and not 2019, if you have the same error?


    I created 2 projects in AE 2020 and got that problem. During work everything worked great. I had that issue after next opening


    Can you send me a failing project file please?


    Ok, here is the example in composition named «bg shapes»


    Also having this issue — errors only appear when re-opening the AEP.

    (Although I did see a similar error when I tried to copy / paste keyframes for MasterProperties)
    Screenshot 2019-11-27 at 12 32 39


    I don’t know what’s wrong with this error.

    Do you still have the issue with this week update of After Effects, on a fresh project?


    I’m not sure this is a DUIK-specific issue. I think it’s a general AfterEffects error concerned with MasterProperty keyframes.

    Brief explanation —
    I built a rig that contained some exposed properties for DUIK objects — and I noticed some errors when copying / pasting keyframes. Then when I re-opened the AEP, it would display some errors and erase all of my MasterProperty keyframes.

    I’ll report back if things change, but at present I don’t think this is a DUIK-related bug. It was a coincidence that some DUIK properties were involved 👍


    I think this may be fixed with the patch released this week for After Effects. You can try this, and if it’s still not fixed let me know, I’ll warn the Ae team ;)



    Nice! :)
    Thanks for the feedback


    I came across with the same issue right after installed a script then when I turned off the script codes on layers It’s solved

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