Ошибка allocating an object of abstract class type

Hi I’m getting the following error and am really unsure why.

class InteSiVis: public ofBaseApp //{
,  public ofxMidiListener{

This occurs when I make class inresivis inherit from the ofxMidiListener class and I get the following error in the main source file

int main( ){

ofSetupOpenGL(1920,1080, OF_WINDOW);            
ofRunApp( new InteSiVis()); // <-------- The error is here Allocating object of type abstract


This is really confusing as I have tried this with another example in the exact way and do not get this error.

class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {

int main(){
    ofSetupOpenGL(640, 480, OF_WINDOW);
    ofRunApp(new testApp());

Could you give me an idea as to why I’m getting this error I’m calling the class in the exact same way. Thanks in advance.


class InteSiVis: public ofBaseApp //{
,  public ofxMidiListener{

    InteSiVis() ;

    void setup();
    void update();
    void draw();
    void exit();

    void keyPressed(int key);
    void keyReleased(int key);

    // Make an Array of Particle Systems
    vector<FluidBodySim> mArrayFluidBodySim;

    FluidBodySim        mFluidBodySim       ;   ///< Simulation of fluid and rigid bodies

    int                 mStatusWindow       ;   ///< Identifier for status window
    unsigned            mFrame              ;   ///< Frame counter
    double              mTimeNow            ;   ///< Current virtual time
    int                 mMouseButtons[3]    ;   ///< Mouse buttons pressed
    bool                mInitialized        ;   ///< Whether this application has been initialized
    int                 mScenario           ;   ///< Which scenario is being simulated now

// Scene stuff
    ofEasyCam mEasyCam;
    ofLight light;

// Setting Shader stuff
    ofShader shader;
    ofxPostProcessing post;

// Sound

    float   * lAudioOut; /* outputs */
    float   * rAudioOut;

    float * lAudioIn; /* inputs */
    float * rAudioIn;

    int     initialBufferSize; /* buffer size */
    int     sampleRate;

    double wave,sample,outputs[2];

    maxiSample piano_A1, piano_AS1, piano_B1, piano_C1, piano_CS1, piano_D1, piano_DS1, piano_E1, piano_F1, piano_FS1, piano_G1, piano_GS1;

    vector<maxiPitchStretch<grainPlayerWin>*> stretches;

    maxiPitchStretch<grainPlayerWin> *ts, *ts2, *ts3, *ts4, *ts5;

    int nAverages;
    float *ifftOutput;
    int ifftSize;

//    // Playing the Wav Files
    void audioOut(float *output, int bufferSize, int nChannels);

    double speed, grainLength, rate;

    ofxMaxiFFT fft;
    ofxMaxiFFTOctaveAnalyzer oct;
    int current;
    double pos;

} ;


class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {


    void setup();
    void draw();
    void exit();

    void keyPressed(int key);
    void keyReleased(int key);

    void mouseMoved(int x, int y );
    void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button);
    void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);
    void mouseReleased();

    stringstream text;

    vector<ParticleSystem> ps;


    void newMidiMessage(ofxMidiMessage& eventArgs);

    ofxMidiIn midiIn;
    ofxMidiOut midiOut;
    ofxMidiMessage midiMessage;

    void audioOut(float *output, int bufferSize, int nChannnels);



class IVorticityDistribution
        virtual Vec3 GetDomainSize( void ) const = 0 ;
        virtual void AssignVorticity( Vec3 & vorticity , const Vec3 & position , const Vec3 & vCenter ) const = 0 ;
} ;

class JetRing : public IVorticityDistribution
        /*! brief Initialize parameters for a vortex ring (using a different formula from the other).

            The vorticity profile resulting from this is such that the induced velocity is in [0,1].

            param fRadiusSlug - radius of central region where velocity is constant

            param fThickness - thickness of vortex ring, i.e. radius of annular core

            param vDirection - vector of ring axis, also vector of propagation

            param fSpeed   - speed of slug

        JetRing( const float & fRadiusSlug , const float & fThickness , const Vec3 & vDirection )
            : mRadiusSlug( fRadiusSlug )
            , mThickness( fThickness )
            , mRadiusOuter( mRadiusSlug + mThickness )
            , mDirection( vDirection )

        virtual Vec3 GetDomainSize( void ) const
            const float boxSideLength   = 2.f * ( mRadiusOuter ) ;    // length of side of virtual cube
            return Vec3( 1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f ) * boxSideLength ;

        virtual void AssignVorticity( Vec3 & vorticity , const Vec3 & position , const Vec3 & vCenter ) const

} ;

I know questions about this error have been asked repeatedly, however none of the previous answers seem to solve my problem.

I have a pure abstract class ITile:

class ITile {
    virtual ~ITile() {}
    virtual void display() = 0;
    virtual bool isWalkable() = 0;
    virtual bool isGoal() = 0;

And three subclasses that all implement these functions like so:


#include "ITile.h"

class Floor : public ITile {
    virtual ~Floor();
    virtual void display() override;
    virtual bool isWalkable() override;
    virtual bool isGoal() override;


#include "Floor.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Floor::Floor() {}
Floor::~Floor() {}

void Floor::display() {
   cout << " ";

bool Floor::isWalkable() {
    return true;

bool Floor::isGoal() {
    return false;

When trying to compile the whole project I get the following output:

g++ -std=c++0x -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/main.d" -MT"src/main.d" -o "src/main.o" "../src/main.cpp"
In file included from ../src/main.cpp:1:
In file included from ../src/board.h:1:
In file included from /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/vector:265:
In file included from /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/__bit_reference:15:
In file included from /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/algorithm:627:
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/memory:1641:31: error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'ITile'
        ::new((void*)__p) _Up(_VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);

…followed by a bunch of notes. But the problem is, I guess, the error in the last line above.

So, what exactly are these algorithm, memory files and so on? How can I get rid of this error?

I’m using Eclipse Luna with the C/C++ plugin on Mac OS X (Mavericks) with the Developer Command Line Tools. Any more info gladly given upon request.

Thanks in advance!

20 / 20 / 7

Регистрация: 18.02.2015

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23.05.2015, 00:41. Показов 3197. Ответов 3

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

allocating an object of abstract class type ‘JIntent’
как исправить ошибку?


940 / 868 / 355

Регистрация: 10.10.2012

Сообщений: 2,706

23.05.2015, 01:45


Сообщение от Appi
Посмотреть сообщение

как исправить ошибку?

Где исправить?


2762 / 1916 / 569

Регистрация: 05.06.2014

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23.05.2015, 05:20


Реализовать pure virtual (=0) методы.


20 / 20 / 7

Регистрация: 18.02.2015

Сообщений: 304

23.05.2015, 12:34



Intent *JIntent; //Где-то в main.h

в функции: //menu.cpp

Intent = new JIntent(this);

Добавлено через 10 минут
Сама ошибка, во второй строчке, где память выделяю



#ifndef TreeInterface_h
#define TreeInterface_h
#include"PreconditionException.h"#include"NotFoundException.h"//#include"Tree.hpp"template<class ItemType>
class TreeInterface //: public binarySearchTree<ItemType>
virtual void clear()=0;
virtual  bool isEmpty()const=0;
virtual int getHeight()=0;
virtual ItemType getRootData() const throw(precondViolated)=0;
virtual bool add(const ItemType& item)=0;
virtual void setItem()=0;
virtual int getNumberOfNodes()const=0;
//virtual ItemType getEntry(const ItemType& anEntry) const throw(NotFoundException)=0;
// int getNumberOfNodes()const;
//virtual void setRootData(const ItemType& item)=0;
//virtual void inorder()=0;
#endif /* TreeInterface_h */

Я пытаюсь создать двоичное дерево, но у меня проблема с абстрактным классом. Когда я пытаюсь создать новый экземпляр класса binarySearchTree это дает мне ошибку: Allocating an object of abstract class type "binarySearchTree", Я проверил все свои функции. Я не знаю, что делать. Я думал, что проблема заключается в том, чтобы включить различные файлы, такие как Node.cpp, я не уверен в этом. Я был бы признателен за помощь.


#ifndef Tree_h
#define Tree_h
#include"TreeInterface.h"#include"Node.h"//#include"tree.cpp" // should be correct
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include"PreconditionException.h"#include "NotFoundException.h"using namespace std;
template<class ItemType>
class binarySearchTree: public TreeInterface<ItemType>
node<ItemType>* rootPtr;
int getHeightHelp(node<ItemType>* subTreePtr)const;

void destroyTree(node<ItemType>* subTreePtr);

node<ItemType>* balancedAdd(node<ItemType>* subTreePtr,node<ItemType>* newNodePtr);

node<ItemType>* copyTree(const node<ItemType>* treePtr) const;

binarySearchTree(const ItemType& rootItem);

binarySearchTree(const ItemType& rootItem,binarySearchTree<ItemType>* leftPart,binarySearchTree<ItemType>* rightPart);

binarySearchTree(const binarySearchTree<ItemType>& treePtr);

void clear();
bool isEmpty()const;
int getHeight();
bool add(const ItemType& item);
ItemType getRootData() const throw(precondViolated);
int getNumberOfNodes(node<ItemType>* subtree)const;
void setItem(ItemType item);


#ifndef Node_h
#define Node_h

#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
template<class ItemType>
class node
ItemType data;
node<ItemType>* left;
node<ItemType>* right;
node(const ItemType &newdata);
node(const ItemType& item,node<ItemType>* leftPtr,node<ItemType>*      rightPtr);
ItemType getNodeItem();
ItemType* getLeftPtr();
ItemType* getRightPtr();
void setLeft(node<ItemType>* newleft);
void setRight(node<ItemType>* newright);
void setNodeItem(ItemType& item);
bool isLeaf() const;

Ошибка возникает, когда я пытаюсь создать новый экземпляр binarySearchTree.

#include <iostream>
#include"Tree.h"using namespace std;
int main()
int num=11;
binarySearchTree<int>* node=new binarySearchTree<int>();  //the error is here. Allocating an object of abstract class type "binarySearchTree"node->add(9);



Как указывает xaxxon со ссылкой, если у вас есть абстрактный класс (где виртуальная функция = 0), то все функции в базовом классе должны быть переопределены, чтобы создать экземпляр объекта производного класса. Ваша ошибка компилятора говорит вам, что вы не перезаписали все функции.

В вашем случае ваша проблема немного более тонкая. Учтите следующее:

class Abstract
virtual bool MyFunction(int x) = 0;

class Concrete : public Abstract
bool MyFunction()       // This does not override Abstract::MyFunction because it is "overloaded", parameters are different
return true;

int main()
Concrete concrete;
return 0;

Хотя может показаться, что мы переопределяем MyFunction, это не так, потому что параметры разные (у базового класса int x). Так что это не та же самая функция, и Concrete на самом деле все еще абстрактный класс.

Сравните ваши функции: void setItem(ItemType item); не собирается переезжать virtual void setItem()=0; в базовом классе


Другие решения

Других решений пока нет …

Hi I’m getting the following error and am really unsure why.

class InteSiVis: public ofBaseApp //{
,  public ofxMidiListener{

This occurs when I make class inresivis inherit from the ofxMidiListener class and I get the following error in the main source file

int main( ){

ofSetupOpenGL(1920,1080, OF_WINDOW);            
ofRunApp( new InteSiVis()); // <-------- The error is here Allocating object of type abstract


This is really confusing as I have tried this with another example in the exact way and do not get this error.

class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {

int main(){
    ofSetupOpenGL(640, 480, OF_WINDOW);
    ofRunApp(new testApp());

Could you give me an idea as to why I’m getting this error I’m calling the class in the exact same way. Thanks in advance.


class InteSiVis: public ofBaseApp //{
,  public ofxMidiListener{

    InteSiVis() ;

    void setup();
    void update();
    void draw();
    void exit();

    void keyPressed(int key);
    void keyReleased(int key);

    // Make an Array of Particle Systems
    vector<FluidBodySim> mArrayFluidBodySim;

    FluidBodySim        mFluidBodySim       ;   ///< Simulation of fluid and rigid bodies

    int                 mStatusWindow       ;   ///< Identifier for status window
    unsigned            mFrame              ;   ///< Frame counter
    double              mTimeNow            ;   ///< Current virtual time
    int                 mMouseButtons[3]    ;   ///< Mouse buttons pressed
    bool                mInitialized        ;   ///< Whether this application has been initialized
    int                 mScenario           ;   ///< Which scenario is being simulated now

// Scene stuff
    ofEasyCam mEasyCam;
    ofLight light;

// Setting Shader stuff
    ofShader shader;
    ofxPostProcessing post;

// Sound

    float   * lAudioOut; /* outputs */
    float   * rAudioOut;

    float * lAudioIn; /* inputs */
    float * rAudioIn;

    int     initialBufferSize; /* buffer size */
    int     sampleRate;

    double wave,sample,outputs[2];

    maxiSample piano_A1, piano_AS1, piano_B1, piano_C1, piano_CS1, piano_D1, piano_DS1, piano_E1, piano_F1, piano_FS1, piano_G1, piano_GS1;

    vector<maxiPitchStretch<grainPlayerWin>*> stretches;

    maxiPitchStretch<grainPlayerWin> *ts, *ts2, *ts3, *ts4, *ts5;

    int nAverages;
    float *ifftOutput;
    int ifftSize;

//    // Playing the Wav Files
    void audioOut(float *output, int bufferSize, int nChannels);

    double speed, grainLength, rate;

    ofxMaxiFFT fft;
    ofxMaxiFFTOctaveAnalyzer oct;
    int current;
    double pos;

} ;


class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {


    void setup();
    void draw();
    void exit();

    void keyPressed(int key);
    void keyReleased(int key);

    void mouseMoved(int x, int y );
    void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button);
    void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);
    void mouseReleased();

    stringstream text;

    vector<ParticleSystem> ps;


    void newMidiMessage(ofxMidiMessage& eventArgs);

    ofxMidiIn midiIn;
    ofxMidiOut midiOut;
    ofxMidiMessage midiMessage;

    void audioOut(float *output, int bufferSize, int nChannnels);



class IVorticityDistribution
        virtual Vec3 GetDomainSize( void ) const = 0 ;
        virtual void AssignVorticity( Vec3 & vorticity , const Vec3 & position , const Vec3 & vCenter ) const = 0 ;
} ;

class JetRing : public IVorticityDistribution
        /*! brief Initialize parameters for a vortex ring (using a different formula from the other).

            The vorticity profile resulting from this is such that the induced velocity is in [0,1].

            param fRadiusSlug - radius of central region where velocity is constant

            param fThickness - thickness of vortex ring, i.e. radius of annular core

            param vDirection - vector of ring axis, also vector of propagation

            param fSpeed   - speed of slug

        JetRing( const float & fRadiusSlug , const float & fThickness , const Vec3 & vDirection )
            : mRadiusSlug( fRadiusSlug )
            , mThickness( fThickness )
            , mRadiusOuter( mRadiusSlug + mThickness )
            , mDirection( vDirection )

        virtual Vec3 GetDomainSize( void ) const
            const float boxSideLength   = 2.f * ( mRadiusOuter ) ;    // length of side of virtual cube
            return Vec3( 1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f ) * boxSideLength ;

        virtual void AssignVorticity( Vec3 & vorticity , const Vec3 & position , const Vec3 & vCenter ) const

} ;

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