Ошибка arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime

While executing following error is showing

declare @yr_mnth_dt as numeric;
set @yr_mnth_dt = 20130822;
select convert(datetime,@yr_mnth_dt,112) as YR_MNTH_DT

error shows

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

asked Aug 24, 2013 at 8:40

Nisar's user avatar


You issue is that you’re trying to convert the numeric to a datetime, and this just isn’t working.

You need to turn your numeric into a string first:

declare @yr_mnth_dt as numeric;
set @yr_mnth_dt = 20130822;

select yr_mnth_dt = cast(cast(@yr_mnth_dt as char(8)) as datetime);

SQL Fiddle with demo.

When you try and convert a numeric type to a datetime, SQL Server tries to add the numeric value as the number of days to the date 01-Jan-1900. In your case this is trying to add millions of days, and hence the overflow error.

CONVERT works fine, too, if you prefer:

select yr_mnth_dt = convert(datetime, convert(char(8), @yr_mnth_dt));

SQL Fiddle with demo.

answered Aug 24, 2013 at 11:07

Ian Preston's user avatar

Ian PrestonIan Preston

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I’ve only seen the conversion used for strings. I can’t easily tell whether it’s even designed to work with numbers. You could convert the number to a string, then the string to a date. However, I would personally just use DATEFROMPARTS:

SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(@yr_mnth_dt / 10000, 
                     (@yr_mnth_dt / 100) % 100,
                     @yr_mnth_dt % 100) AS YR_MNTH_DT

answered Aug 24, 2013 at 10:38

Jon Skeet's user avatar

Jon SkeetJon Skeet

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Why numeric?
Try this

declare @yr_mnth_dt as varchar(10);
set @yr_mnth_dt = '20130822';
select convert(datetime,@yr_mnth_dt,112) as YR_MNTH_DT

answered Aug 24, 2013 at 15:29

msi77's user avatar


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Now we can do simply:

declare @yr_mnth_dt as numeric;
set @yr_mnth_dt = 20130822;
select cast(str(@yr_mnth_dt) as datetime); // output: 2013-08-22 00:00:00.000

answered Apr 27 at 12:18

mohammadAli's user avatar


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    create procedure temp(empid int, todaydate datetime)



    select * from table where todaydate  = lastdate;


    here lastdate
    is INT TYPE

    getting Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

    pls help it.


    	empid INT
    	,todaydate DATETIME
    	SELECT *
    	FROM mytable
    	WHERE todaydate = cast(lastdate AS DATETIME)

    -Vaibhav Chaudhari

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      Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:56 PM

I have such an issue. I want to select a column PDWEDT (it is numeric) and I need to select previous Saturday. The way how I usually do is with the help of declare statement



DECLARE @LastSunday DATETIME = DATEADD(day, -1 * (( @CurrentWeekday % 7) - 1), GETDATE());

Afterwards, I have some code and later I just try to select the dates


 AND  p.[PDWEDT] = @LastSunday

Not sure why but I am getting an error: «Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.»

So I see 2 potential ways to solve this problem.

1. Either to find another way to select previous Saturday instead of DECLARE statements (though as I understand it is the most common way). or 2. To cast or convert the field, however I am not sure how it can be done since it is numeric at the very moment. I will appreciate any ideas. Thank you. p/s I use SQL Server Management Studio.

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    ghost chili

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    Ahh, the code was getting sunday not saturday, try this.

    EDIT: one correction



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    I’m currently importing a table from MYSQL to MSSQL. There’s a column there for storing date, only it’s stored as an number. When i import it to MSSQL i get it in as an int data type.

    When i try to convert that to datetime I get an :

    Arithmetic overflow error converting
    expression to data type datetime.

    Since i’m using MSSQL 2005 I can’t use datetime2 and fit it so it does not overflow.

    Is there a way to trim that date stored as an int so it does not overflow the datetime format ?

    asked Jan 14, 2010 at 18:17

    Paul's user avatar

    The MSSQL datetime data type can take values from January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999. The integer equivalents for those values are -53690 and 2958463 respectively. Trying to convert integer values outside that range would cause the arithmetic overflow.

    answered Jan 14, 2010 at 19:27

    Ryan Bolger's user avatar

    Ryan BolgerRyan Bolger

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    I don’t know if anyone has given you the Stern Lecture for using a non-datetime datatype to contain datetime data, but if not, consider it done.

    That being said, and with the realization that we can’t always control the form of the data sent to us from outside our domain, here is one solution. I’ve even fixed the IsDate problem. By using date arithmetic rather than conversion (limiting CONVERT to change the numeric to integer so we can use modulo), all values between the two extremes will generate a valid date — although, if someone entered the date 20080231 which is not a valid date, the result will be 2008-02-29, which is a valid date but not necessarily the correct date (the date the user meant to enter). Since this will not result in an error, it may not be the result you want.

    declare @test-2 table(

    FirstDispursementDate numeric( 8, 0 )


    Insert @test-2( FirstDispursementDate )

    select 20020405 union all

    select 20041222 union all

    select 20001111 union all

    select 20060223 union all

    select 19991110 union all

    select 19980425 union all

    select 19991118 union all

    select 20080723 union all

    select 20020813 union all

    select 17500723 union all -- Bogus date

    select 20070231 union all -- Looks bad but converts to 2007-02-28

    select 20029999 union all -- Looks bad but converts to 2010-06-09

    select 20029901 union all -- Looks bad but converts to 2010-03-01

    select 99991231 union all

    select 0; -- Bogus date

    -- All calculations in one statement

    select FirstDispursementDate as AsNumeric,

    DateAdd( mm, ((Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate / 10000 ) - 1900) * 12 )

    + ((Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate ) % 10000) / 100) - 1,

    DateAdd( dd, (Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate ) % 100) - 1, 0 ))

    as AsDatetimeValue

    from @test-2

    where FirstDispursementDate between 17530101 and 99991231; -- Fullproof "IsDate" function

    -- The same calculations but separated into nested derived tables for purposes

    -- of illustration only.

    -- First convert numeric to int (x), then split int value into three values for

    -- year, month and day (y) and finally manipulate to make a datetime value.

    select DateAdd( mm, ((FDDYear - 1900) * 12) + FDDMonth - 1,

    DateAdd( dd, FDDDay - 1, 0 )) as AsDatetimeValue


    select FirstDispursementDate / 10000 as FDDYear,

    FirstDispursementDate % 10000 / 100 as FDDMonth,

    FirstDispursementDate % 100 as FDDDay


    select Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate ) as FirstDispursementDate

    from @test-2

    where FirstDispursementDate between 17530101 and 99991231

    ) x

    ) y;

    Tomm Carr

    Version Normal Form — http://groups.google.com/group/vrdbms

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