Ошибка at oil temp subaru impreza

Всем привет. Ребята, проблема на Субару Импреза GP7. Двигатель FB20. При движении начинает моргать лампочка на панели приборов «At Oil Temp», машина перестает переключаться, отключаются все помощники разом — помощь при спуске, контроль полос, антиюз, предотвращение столкновения. Останавливаешься, глушишь, заводишь, все работает. Кто знает что за хрень? И так уже два раза было. Коробка полностью обслужена. Недавно поменял рулевую рейку.

  • #1

Друзья, такая проблема.
Стала загораться лампочка АТ OIL ТЕМР. Раньше после загорания лампочки, останавливался, выкл зажигание, заводился , ехал все ок., лампочка больше не загоралась. Теперь , загорается через 1 час езды, и после остановки через 10 мин. Что делать?

  • #2

Уровень жидкости в коробке нормальный?

  • #3

Я посмотрю. Что еще может быть? Грязный радиатор?

  • #4

Может быть много чего. Начиная от плохого контакта в каком-нибудь разъеме и заканчивая ремонтом или заменой всего агрегата.
Проверьте жидкость. Если уровень нормальный — езжайте к спецу по коробкам. Если не нормальный — долить и тоже посетить спеца. Если долго ездить на пониженном уровне — могут быть последствия не очень хорошие.

  • #5

грязный низ радиатора в первую очередь — там контур охлаждения коробки

ну и уровеньсостояние жижи проверить

у меня по нынешним +35С на ходу 130-140кмч по трассе на выходе с коробки 75-80С

по пробочному тошнилову 85-90

загорается лампа по-моему уже за 115-120С — но точно не знаю, не доводил

правда у меня доп. радиатор врезан в возвратный контур охлаждения АКПП


Последнее редактирование: 11 Авг 2010

  • #6

правда у меня доп. радиатор врезан в возвратный контур охлаждения АКПП

На моём дришпаке тоже радиатор АКПП, только побольше твоего, датчик T показывает в районе 100 при активной езде. Так что у топикстартера лампочка скорее всего горит по перегреву ATF. В эту жару уже столько АКПП легло у народа на разных машинах — это пи…ц.

  • #7

Demanol, а давно менялась жидкость в коробке и менялся ли фильтр при замене? :idea:

  • #8

Лампочка этта, шоб её, говорит не только об уровне жижи и грязном фильтре, а скорее о ошибках датчиков, сопленоидов всяких. И ещё- коробас может кончиться и без загорания лампочек, причём как я убедился, коробасы у нас очень надёжные, хоть и туповаты.. Живёт до последней жабы хозяина. Моя и дёргалась, и буксовала, но 1500 км. до доктора доехала. ЗачёД! Кста, есть на авторушном форуме очень толковый доктор-АКППешник, Владом зовут, Субары любит, аж писчит! Мой тебе совет, ув. Топикстартер, заедь к нему, не поленись!

  • #9

Лампочка этта, шоб её, говорит не только об уровне жижи и грязном фильтре, а скорее о ошибках датчиков, сопленоидов всяких.

Не нужно плодить лишние сущности. Лампочка, прежде всего, говорит о перегреве ATF, всё остальное твои домыслы. Автор не сказал что коробка у него работает плохо, так что не надо из лампочки жупел делать.

  • #10

Лампочка, прежде всего, говорит о перегреве ATF, всё остальное твои домыслы.

Этто где, в интернете написано? Так там же пишут, что авто с АКПП можно буксировать. ))) Ню-ню.. Нет желания спорить, соврал Гуру, соврал и я..
ПыСы: Так, просто поржать http://www.faq-akpp.ru/forum/showthread.php?tid=23

Последнее редактирование: 12 Авг 2010

Last updated on May 31st, 2022 at 09:36 am

You are driving and suddenly the AT Oil Temp Subaru light started flashing it could mean a couple of things and we are discussing the a/t oil temp triggers right here. Yes, most people know that oil is what keeps your vehicles’ moving parts lubricated. The right oil for your specific car protects them from heat damage and friction. Did you know that there are other parts and components of your vehicle that also have their specific oil needs? 

Well, your car will tell you via a dashboard warning light if any of these components are not working properly or when the oil is not sufficient. this is why we will be looking at what to do if you see any of the below-mentioned oil warning lights on your Subaru. In this post, we will briefly talk about at oil temp meaning, at oil temp light Subaru Impreza 

Signs and symptoms of the a/t oil temp warning light like a continuous Subaru at oil temp light flashing cases and what to do and how to fix Subaru AT Oil Temp light flashing problem.

So if you are ready, let’s jump into it right now. You Use the Table of content box below to navigate directly to the section you are most interested in.

Our readers also love this article 5w30 vs 5w40 Which Oil is the Best so I think you might read it too. Read about Subaru’s electronic baking problem and reset/ fix it.

So, what does at oil temp mean? A car At Oil Temp full meaning is an Automatic Transmission Oil Temperature control system. Your car is designed to display the At Oil Temp light” which is a warning light that is triggered when there is a low-level transmission fluid resulting in overheating.  When your Subaru shows “At oil temperature light “, it means that the car’s transmission fluid is too hot due to low oil. 

There are a couple of occasions when this light will come on, so let us look at other different scenarios and causes as well as some signs of At Oil Temp Subaru Symptoms

At Oil Temp Subaru Causes

Subaru’s “At Oil Temp” warning slight can be tracked back to its transmission fluid issues. The causes of the warning signal are almost always transmission oil-related and here are some of the possible causes of the illumination of at oil temp light Subaru outback, Subaru forester and other models of Subaru including the when there is at oil temp Subaru outback 2013, etc.:

1. Low Transmission Fluid:.

The temperature of your Subaru’s transmission can be increased by running it on a low level of transmission fluid. The “At Oil Temp” warning light will simply come which is an indication of a rising fluid temperature.

2. Use of Bad Transmission Fluid

Manufacturers suggest specific brands of transmission fluid for vehicles. Some transmission oils are not compatible with all vehicles. Subaru ATF hp transmission fluid “Dexron IIii” is recommended by your Subaru vehicle manufacturer.

Even though your Subaru vehicle runs smoothly with other type of automatic transmission oil, issues can still develop over time if you keep using them. So yes, the warning sign can be triggered by using an incompatible transmission fluid.

Various Types of at oil temp light Subaru causes

1. Low Oil Level Indicator Light 

The at temp light oil system indicator light should look similar to an oil can, with oil coming out of the spout. It actually looks more like a magic lamp than an oil can. An amber-colored oil system indicator light means that your engine has run out of oil, regardless of what the Rorschach test symbol looks like. Oil starvation can lead to internal engine damage that may require expensive repairs. Make sure you have oil added as soon as the light turns on.

An active Subaru at oil temp light can cause serious problems if you drive for too long. However, topping up your engine with oil is easy, cheap, and quick.

2. R. Diff Temperature Warning Light

The Subaru WRX STI’s exclusive “R. DIFF TEMP” warning light warns you when oil lubricating your rear differential has overheated. We recommend that you pull over and let the differential cool down until the warning light goes off. Overheating the rear differential can cause damage to it and further strain the engine, which can lead to even more damage. The maximum amount of torque will be automatically directed to the front wheels when this light is on. This overrides any user settings. Your rear differential oil protects the metal parts from wear and friction, just like engine oil. It prevents heat buildup due to friction. The oil in the differential will lose its lubricating qualities as it ages and begins to break down. This is the time to replace your rear differential fluid.

3. Low Oil Pressure Warning Light

The warning lights above are amber-colored, but this one is red. This indicates a more serious problem. If your car’s genie lamp-looking light turns on but is not yellow, you should immediately stop driving it and have it towed to our center. If you need a service writer to help you find a reliable towing company in your area, give us a shout.

Red oil system lights indicate low oil pressure. It could also be a sensor failure. This one is not to be left to chance. Low oil pressure means that parts don’t get the oil protection they require. Overheating is possible, and metal parts could grind against each other. This can lead to severe damage. Stop driving your car immediately if the light turns on. This will prevent you from paying a large repair bill.

4. AT Oil Temperature Warning Light

In this case, the Subaru dashboard will flash “AT OIL TEM LIGHT” to indicate that your automatic transmission fluid is too hot. Hanson Subaru suggests that you pull over immediately and park the vehicle in a safe location. Let the engine cool down, then turn the light off. It’s okay to continue driving after the light turns off. However, if it returns, a technician will diagnose why your transmission is heating up.  The transmission control module could be at fault if the “AT OIL TEMP” light flashes immediately after the vehicle is started. The transmission could behave strangely until the problem is fixed by a Subaru certified service department.  A technician adds fresh oil to the engine using gloves and a funnel which then protects the engine from damage.

Why the Subaru AT Oil Temp light flashing while driving

The Subaru at oil temperature light coming on when driving or while the car engine is running simply means or indicates that the fluid temperature of the automatic transmission is too hot or higher than normal.

The usual maximum transmission temperature for Subaru is 200 degrees and when it starts running higher than that, it triggers the warning light which signifies danger. 

Running the car engine when the at oil temp light is flashing can lead to transmission failure causing the vehicle more damage.

And trust me you don’t want to experience a Transmission failure because, as they are extremely expensive to fix or repair.

And overheating is one of the things can cause the most damage to your car transmission so quickly.

What to Do when The AT Oil Temp come on While Driving?

If the AT Oil Temp light flashes while driving, please stop the car as quickly as possible in a safe place and allow the engine to cool or idle until the light goes off.

If you keep driving the car in such condition for long you could cause more expensive transmission damage to your car. 

Then, you have to take the car to a mechanic for servicing as soon as you can.

Related Articles:  Why Will Oil Light Come On And Off But Oil Is Full

  • Subaru Impreza, Forester &  Subaru 2.5 Dohc Head Gasket Replacement Cost & Repair Cost
  • 5 reasons for:  Subaru Outback Flashing Brake Light & How to Fix It
  • Common causes and fix for Subaru Head Gasket Problems

Automatic transmission control system warning

when the “AT OIL TEMP” warning light flashes after the engine starts, it may indicate that the automatic transmission control system is not working properly. Contact your nearest SUBARU dealer for service immediately.

What to do Yourself When at oil temp light subaru impreza Illuminate 

If this happens, you might have to check the transmission fluid level of your car to see if it is low.

Then if it is low, attempt adding fluid a little at a time to get the level right.  Please be sure to only add a little at a time because pouring too much transmission fluid at a time is bad for your car and causes further damage.

Also read: Subaru Engine Oil Guide: 5 Best oil brand for Subaru

How to Change Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter (Transmission fluid change)

You might also want to change the Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter to see if it will solve the problem and in that case you have to watch the video above to see how you can do that yourself.

Subaru Low Oil Pressure Warning Light Flashing Red

when the illuminated “ at oil temp light Subaru” dashboard is red then it indicates a more serious problem. If your car’s genie lamp-looking light turns on but is not yellow, you should immediately stop driving it and have it towed to our center. If you need a service writer to help you find a reliable towing company in your area, give us a shout.

Red oil system lights indicate low oil pressure. It could also be a sensor failure. This one is not to be left to chance. Low oil pressure means that parts don’t get the oil protection they require. Overheating is possible, and metal parts could grind against each other. This can lead to severe damage. Stop driving your car immediately if the light turns on. This will prevent you from paying a large repair bill.

Other Oil Temp Subaru Symptoms

Subaru’s computerized system can detect any malfunction and provide immediate assistance. This alerts the car owner to the problem immediately and helps them diagnose it. Some warning signs of “At Oil Temp” include:

Flashing, constant warning light

The dashboard warning lamp is the best way to detect a problem in your transmission. A constant flashing warning light is the most obvious sign that your Subaru has “At Oil Temp” issue. The light will flash immediately if the computerized Subaru system detects an unusual increase in transmission fluid temperature. If you’re aware of all your dashboard lights, you can detect the oil temperature warning lamp on your car.

Transmission failure

Failure to correct the warning light for automatic transmission oil temperature in time can lead to a transmission problem. This can make driving your Subaru car difficult, as the transmission is a critical part of the car’s mobility.

How To Fix At Oil Temp – Oil Temp Subaru Fixing

It is easy to fix a Subaru’s automatic transmission oil temperature problem. The following tips can be used to fix your Subaru’s At Oil Temp warning signal:

Let the engine idle for a while before you stop it.

Locate a safe place to park your Subaru when it displays the “At Oil Temp” signal and then let the engine idle for some time. The transmission will cool simultaneously while the engine idles. After a while, the warning signal will go off by itself this is the easiest at oil temp light flashing fix.

Inspect transmission fluid level

You can try another solution if the problem persists after you have stopped the car and allowed the engine to idle while the transmission cools down. You can stop the engine and check the transmission fluid.

Problems can arise from a low fluid level. If this happens, please top up the fluid with the recommended Subaru automatic transmission fluid.

If any of these methods fail to resolve the At Oil Temp issue in Subaru Forester 2015, please contact an auto mechanic who will be able to diagnose the problem as quickly as possible.

Can changing transmission fluid be bad?

Changing the transmission fluid is not bad for your car in fact it is a good thing when done properly and at the right time. And we will get into all that.

A lot of vehicle owners are quite familiar with the importance of changing the car engine oil regularly but when it comes to changing thy transmission fluid they total novices. 

And just as important it is, to change the engine oil so it is to change the transmission fluid.

 The transmission fluid has to be changed at frequent intervals to make sure of the component longevity alongside the car’s efficiency and performance.

So since we now know how important it is to change the transmission fluid in a car, lets now consider how and when to do that.

How to Know When to Change the Transmission fluid

The video answers all your questions and shows you how to change the transmission fluid.

So watch the video and then read the above 

When to Change Transmission Fluid

Straight-up knowledge from most manufacturers suggests that car owners or drivers have their car transmission fluid changed at 30,000-mile or two-year intervals.

Whereas some transmission fluids won’t require a change until about the 100,000-mile mark or even higher. 

However, I must  say that it is a good idea for you to change your car fluid at earlier intervals if the car is subjected to any of the subsequent conditions listed below:

  • Towing
  • Driving in constant stop-and-go traffic
  • Driving in severe heat or cold
  • Racing, sanctioned or not
  • Hauling

Or you can consult your order or owner’s manual for proper instruction and specifics for your particular transmission fluid.

FAQ on At Oil Temp Light Subaru

What Does at Oil Temp Mean

Subaru At Oil Temp means that your Subaru vehicle’s oil temperature is too high. This is usually triggered by low oil transmission issues or an incompatible or bad transmission fluid.

How long is it possible to drive with the oil temp light on Subaru?

If you drive your Subaru with an oil temperature light on for longer than two weeks or more than  500 miles, you stand the chance of damaging your car. Though driving can be done without any problems even though the at oil temp light signal is on within your Subaru dashboard. This is not a license for you to take the at oil temp Subaru warning lightly or neglect it. you have to look for a solution.  Else You will cause more damage to your Subaru if you don’t check the oil light cause and you keep driving with it for over 2 weeks.

If your Subaru’s oil light has been constantly on for over a month or so, please contact an auto mechanic immediately to diagnose your car because you have started affecting other parts of your vehicle.

Why does my Subaru indicate oil temperature A.K.A at oil temp Subaru?

Your Subaru’s dashboard will suddenly display “At Oil Temp”. This means that the car’s transmission fluid is too hot. For Subaru owners who have been driving for a while, this is not a new problem.

This message signals that your Subaru requires immediate attention. It is easy to fix the problem once you understand what the message means.

If your Subaru displays an “At Oil Temp” message, please park the vehicle and let the transmission fluid cool down for a while. The At Oil Temp should be fixed in Subaru Impreza 2013, or any other model.

What does the yellow oil indicator on Subaru mean?

Subaru’s yellow oil light indicates that the car’s engine oil pressure or oil level is too low. The yellow light on Subaru is a warning sign that warns the owner of an imminent problem. This warning light will not cause any problems with the engine’s operation.

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If you ignore the signal for too long it can become a bigger problem. It is best to have your car checked by an auto mechanic.

How long can I drive with 0 oil?

You can still drive up to 6,000 miles on 0% oil. It is not a good idea to run your car’s engine with 0% oil indefinitely.

Auto owners need to be able to understand how the engine works and perform regular maintenance, such as when to top up or change the oil. No matter how long you are able to drive your car with 0% oil life, don’t let it go without fixing the problem.

What does a/t oil temp mean

A/T Oil Temperature light  is a sign that the temperature of the automatic transmission fluid has increased and is now too high beyond the Normal heat level

Can my Subaru tell when I should change the oil?

Subaru cars come with a manual that outlines the interval between oil changes.

You don’t need to wait for the oil light to display on your dashboard to change the engine oil. It is important to be aware of the oil change interval. It is best to stick with the prescribed interval.

This will make your Subaru’s engine run more efficiently. But, don’t delay changing your car’s oil. This can cause more damage over the long term.

What’s the average oil temperature for a car?

Normal conditions will see an average car’s oil temperature of 250 degrees. It can also be damaged by high temperatures, which can reach 275 degrees. Experts advise car owners to keep engine oil between 230 and 265 degrees.

The dashboard oil light can be activated if the engine oil temperature is higher than 260 degrees. If you see an oil light on your Subaru’s dashboard it means that the transmission oil temperature has reached abnormal levels.

Conclusion on At Oil Temp Subaru and Transmission fluid change 

This has explained everything you need to know about At Oil Temp Subaru’s meanings, symptoms, and possible solutions. This signal is most likely a sign that you have seen in your Subaru vehicle. What the Subaru a/t oil temp means is that your automatic transmission fluid temperature is higher than usual. 

If the above solutions did not resolve the issue, please contact the nearest professional mechanic to check and fix the at oil temp Subaru problem.

And we have also covered all about transmission fluids, how to change automatic transmission fluid and when and when not to change transmission fluid or flush it.

So feel free to share this post if it helped you and be sure to watch each video that applies to your specific need. I hope this post has helped you? 

You might also want to read this article  Subaru Engine Oil Guide: 5 Best oil brands for Subaru and this one 10W40 VS 5W40 WHICH ONE IS BETTER FOR YOUR CAR

Jeffery Ekweghi

Jeffery Ekweghi

Hi dear, my name is Jeffery Ekweghi, and I am a certified mechanic and autobody parts technician. I created this site to share my expertise and experience with car lovers who are looking for how to resolve their car-related issues. I am certified in private cars and heavy-duty commercial vehicles. I have worked as a mechanic since 2015 and have experience in vehicle brands like Subaru, Jeep, Toyota, TATA, BMW, Mazda, Honda, Nissan, Kia, TVs, and Others; however, I primarily specialize in Toyota vehicles.

05.03. 22:39   #1
Злобный Тип
Регистрация: 08.08.2020 Сообщений: 76
Начал мигать чек «AT OIL TEMP» авто SUARU LEGASY WAGON .Перед этим за день на улице был гололёд, соответственно бробуксовки и работа ABS по полной программе. Честно говоря была паника, авто купил месяц назад, ну вот думаю приплыл. Короче, поехал на диагностику. Итог: код ошибки p1718 цепь линии связи can (на форумах описана) комп сошёл с ума он пишет неисправны шестерни привода колёс, + к этому валом неисправностей по абске, далее все удалили и обновились, чек перестал моргать.
Вывод машина хоть и 4вд но к нашим дорогам не предусмотрена. Короче ездим по асфальту и лучше всего на шипованной резине (поменьше букса и работы ABS)
30.05. 04:40   #2
Таня Линкевич

Регистрация: 04.07.2020 Сообщений: 67

1) Неправильный вывод
2) Где отчет? __________________
время рыцарства прошло, парни сами как прынцессы…
02.08. 09:30   #3
Денис Голиков
Регистрация: 03.10.2020 Сообщений: 71
повтор : ОТЧЁТ???

нее не слышал))

12.10. 03:08   #4
Руслан Сафин

Регистрация: 17.11.2020 Сообщений: 56

Слабо помыть колеса?
23.01. 10:42   #5
Настье Шегулова

Регистрация: 14.06.2020 Сообщений: 75

Ангарские пацаны такие ангарские…
21.03. 00:11   #6

Регистрация: 13.10.2020 Сообщений: 76

тож такое было, скинул клемму и всё __________________
Все то, против чего враг борется, мы должны поддерживать, а против всего того, что враг поддерживает, мы должны бороться
04.06. 22:14   #7
Маша Аношко

Регистрация: 04.05.2019 Сообщений: 74

Блин, а я постоянно с тапкой в пол и боком при каждом подвернувшимся случае да с буксом. Придеться теперь на автобусе ездить 🙂
30.06. 11:58   #8

Регистрация: 04.01.2019 Сообщений: 57

Так нафига ты себе SUАRU да еще и legаSy купил? И народ тут пугаешь что она не едет 🙂 __________________
Если ничто другое не помогает, прочти, наконец, инструкцию
09.09. 17:48   #9
Ольга Андреева

Регистрация: 21.06.2020 Сообщений: 72

Естессно не предусмотрена, тебе ж впарили китайскую подъепку))
12.10. 00:51   #10
Даша Праздничнова

Регистрация: 22.03.2019 Сообщений: 83

Цитата: у этой не сработают такие фокусы
27.11. 01:13   #11
Регистрация: 28.06.2020 Сообщений: 75
насчет отчёта : после диагноста прошло 3 недели ни каких ошибок больше нет это радует. Езда на легаси обычная где и побуксуешь, с тапком в полу точно не езжу:-)
17.01. 04:07   #12
Анюта Дында

Регистрация: 19.10.2020 Адрес: Заинск Сообщений: 75


ТРАНСМИССИЯ (ДИАГНОСТИКА) > Алгоритм работы предупреждающей лампы



  • В нормальном состоянии

    После перевода выключателя зажигания в положение ON, включается на 2 секунды, а затем выключается.

  • При высокой температуре ATF

    Предупреждающая лампа AT OIL TEMP включается в случае аномально высокой температуры ATF при включенном зажигании.

  • При обнаружении неисправности

    Предупреждающая лампа AT OIL TEMP мигает с частотой 2 Гц в случае, если TCM обнаруживает неисправность бесступенчатой трансмиссии при включенном зажигании. В этом случае проведите проверку в соответствии с разделом “Процедура диагностики с использованием кодов диагностики неисправностей (КДН)”. ТРАНСМИССИЯ (ДИАГНОСТИКА)>Процедура диагностики с использованием кодов диагностики неисправностей (КДН)

  • Если обучение AT не завершено

    В случае, если обучение AT не завершено, предупреждающая лампа AT OIL TEMP повторяет цикл “Мигание с частотой 4 Гц → выключение” при включенном зажигании. В этом случае выполните процедуру обучения.



Всем доброго времени суток!

В общем купил в Астере я себе субару Форестер 2,5 2015 года с пробегом 67 т.км. поездил месяц не поливал не жарил и не буксовал ни где в общем спокойно по городу…

Вдруг заморгала АТ ОЙЛ ТЕМП + загорелись ещё АБС + антибукс+ желтая машинка в горку по моему пиктограмма означает «система помощи при старте на бугре», сразу припарковался и заглушил автомобиль, подождал минут 10-15, завел авто и не чего уже не горит, сразу поехал на ближайший подъемник к субаристам местным они подключили карманный сканер говорят ошибок нет попросился на подъемник задний привод работает… Уровень жидкости в коробке в порядке, я естественно не много успокоился ну и стал думать о замене масла в вариаторе.

Через месяц накопив на замену масло поехал менять, приехал к ребятам они сказали льют спец жидкость от компании YAKOO (по моему так пишется)

Заменил масло в АКПП и всех редукторах + замена металического фильтра в АКПП, причем ребята сказали что поддон моего АКПП уже снимали (герметик не родной) Выехал я от них и глохну на каждом перекрестке при торможении сказали покатайся по городу немного пока коробка вдуплит. я покатался толку нет глохнет но ошибок ни каких не дает на панель приборов, приехал на следущее утро к ним они всё проверили и скали Ваша коробка приехала, я в шоке даже не знал как отреагировать, (говорят надо снимать разбирать и ремонтить итог 200-300 тыщ)

Я от них поехал к официалам пока ехал снова глохла машина, у официалов естественно с кандачка это всё не решается просто сказали мол пока посмотреть не можем записывайтесь на через неделю)))

Отъехал от них машина перестала глохнуть вроде всё нормально но снова на подъемнике показывает что задний привод не работает.

Поеду к официалам послушаю что скажут мне они. Нахожусь в Караганде.

Подскажите может кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой???

Заранее благодарю за помощь!!!

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