Ошибка awd infiniti jx35

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Ошибка AWD JX 35

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1 2018-12-29 20:32:04

  • reporting
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Тема: Ошибка AWD JX 35

Добрый день!

Новый человек на форуме, не нашел тему про ошибку awd, хотя в интернете она достаточно популярная, но не описано решение. Только один человек написал, что электрик «пошурудил» в блоке управления что-то и всё заработало.

Дело в том, что у нас мороз и я уже прочитал что AWD глючит в холод, но парадокс в том что AWD как раз и нужен зимой когда холодно:) Машина 2013 года, но с пробегом 50 тыс. Предыдущей владелец предупредил об ошибке, на вопрос как почему когда машина была на гарантии дилер ничего не сделал, ответил: что не смогли устранить эту проблему.

2 Ответ от Вадим 2018-12-30 12:43:58

  • Вадим
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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

Раз не нашли на форуме, значит не было на наших машинах таких проблем.


3 Ответ от reporting 2018-12-30 18:29:13

  • reporting
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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

Вадим пишет:

Раз не нашли на форуме, значит не было на наших машинах таких проблем.

Повезло Вам:)

4 Ответ от NNZ 2019-01-15 11:31:39

  • NNZ
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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

…если это в мороз случается, ищите разьем подмокший. А проще скажите электрику пройтись по цепи и продуть-смазать спец. спреем который воду вытесняет. Думаю поможет. Вся микроэлектроника это лишь наука о контактах ab

QX60 3.5L Elite Черный.

«Если вас покусала злая собака, не расстраивайтесь, когда-нибудь вас покусает и добрая.»

5 Ответ от Chicago 2019-02-04 18:27:49

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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

У нас морозы стоят, с -18 до — 30, и сегодня по дороге домой такая же фигня, загорелся значок ошибка AWD, но машина работает штатно, без рывков. Утром если не пропадёт, поеду к мастеру подключать комп.

6 Ответ от Chicago 2019-02-05 11:49:00

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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

Chicago пишет:

У нас морозы стоят, с -18 до — 30, и сегодня по дороге домой такая же фигня, загорелся значок ошибка AWD, но машина работает штатно, без рывков. Утром если не пропадёт, поеду к мастеру подключать комп.

Утром завёл, ошибки нет ab

7 Ответ от Aliksandr70 2019-02-07 13:50:38

  • Aliksandr70
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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

было парни у меня писал гдето в мороз минус 30 оп ошибка полного привода.машина переднеприводная.потом прошло.думаю контакты позеленели.кстати вчера ремонтировал замок задней двери.при движении начал срабатывать доводчик багажника раз 20.два дня такая канитель открывал изнутри механически.потом багажник перестал реагировать на эл.кнопки.разоброли посмотрели.4 концевика в замке.глючит тот до которого не довраться.он под замком а тот на заклепках.замочили в бензине дунули плюнули заработал.

8 Ответ от Chekist37 2021-08-20 00:04:51 (2021-08-20 00:05:59 отредактировано Chekist37)

  • Chekist37
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Re: Ошибка AWD JX 35

Ошибка AWD. Диагностика — ошибка по левому заднему датчику АВS. В моём случае криворукие мастера перебрали суппорта с заменой дисков и колодок задней оси. В результате заклинивания направляющих суппортов произошёл перегрев колодок и на новой ступице кольцо с магнитным напылением просто отвалилось. От ленты ничего не осталось… Хорошо хоть датчик ABS не убило. Итог: замена новых колодок ставших пластилиновыми и замена ступицы. Больше я с местными сервисами не дружу. Только клубный)

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Форум и клуб владельцев Infiniti QX60 (JX35)

  • #1

Здравствуйте, поделитесь опытом что делать, купил финик пару недель назад, 2003 года, он у меня первый раз на панели сейчас горит vdc off и AWD нажимаю на клавиши AWD и vdc никаких изменений, до последнего думал что это нормально, а теперь понял что это ошибки, вчера целый день AWD не горел и я мог включить полный привод, думал всё наладилось, c утра встал завел опять такая же фигня, тормозухи подлил думал хоть vdc пропадет, не помогло!


  • #2

езжай на сканер смотреть ошибки

  • #3

езжай на сканер смотреть ошибки

делал диагностику пишет ошибку распред вала впускного правого клапана. скинул ошибки чек погас аwd и vdc так и горит


  • #4

хм, ни как ни связанные между собой. машина какая?стоит подключаемый привод atessa e-ts? посмотри уровень жижи в atesse, жижа KLF30-0000101

  • #5

хм, ни как ни связанные между собой. машина какая?стоит подключаемый привод atessa e-ts? посмотри уровень жижи в atesse, жижа KLF30-0000101

Про привод ничего не могу сказать, так как только купил и она у меня в первый раз, машина Infiniti fx 35 год 2003, где эту жижу смотреть то, эта лампочка то горит то не горит, по дням как то, смотрел контакты на блоке управления полным приводом там все в порядке, может сам блок глючит!

  • #6

Про привод ничего не могу сказать, так как только купил и она у меня в первый раз, машина Infiniti fx 35 год 2003, где эту жижу смотреть то, эта лампочка то горит то не горит, по дням как то, смотрел контакты на блоке управления полным приводом там все в порядке, может сам блок глючит!

а vdc off ни разу не гасла, было одно колесо под спущено , кстати какое давление должно быть в 20 радиусе?


  • #7

а vdc off ни разу не гасла, было одно колесо под спущено , кстати какое давление должно быть в 20 радиусе?

открой водительскую дверь, на стойке табличка, там есть инфа какое давление при каком колесе идет))


  • #8

как можно было купить машину и не продиагностировать ее?)))) вообще по хорошему езжай в сервис, пусть посмотрят в чем проблема, либо проводка, либо в блоке мож еще что


  • #9

вот нашел про ФХ, в варианте 4х4 распределением крутящего момента ведает электронная система ATTESA E-TS. При желании полный привод можно включить и принудительно — кнопкой на панели приборов, но этот режим работает на скоростях до 30 км/ч.
ATTESA E-TS работает «в сотрудничестве» с системой динамического контроля стабильности VDC.
значит есть бачек для жижи Attessa, на ФХ не знаю где находится, на Мке в 34 кузове в багажнике был справа.
в общем в сервисе лучше пусть глянут и определят причину

  • #10

всем привет, подскажите где хорошо жестянку и малярку делают,машина фх45 ,2008г разбил морду.спасибо

Последнее редактирование: 12 Янв 2015


  • Добрый день!
    Если индикация горит, не моргает, то это указывает на ошибку по трансмиссии, и что нужно считать коды диагностическим сканером.
    Причины могут быть как и в раздаточной коробке, так и мостах автомобиля, или датчиках/их проводке.

    Херсон, Skoda Octavia

  • На моём фх35 отгнил провод в разъёме блока awd. Блок находится в ногах пассажира справа на стойке

    Москва, Infiniti FX

  • На моём фх35 отгнил провод в разъёме блока awd. Блок находится в ногах пассажира справа на стойке

    Москва, Infiniti FX

  • На моём фх35 отгнил провод в разъёме блока awd. Блок находится в ногах пассажира справа на стойке

    Москва, Infiniti FX

  • На моём фх35 отгнил провод в разъёме блока awd. Блок находится в ногах пассажира справа на стойке

    Москва, Infiniti FX

Approach warning

If your vehicle comes closer to the vehicle ahead
due to rapid deceleration of that vehicle or if
another vehicle cuts in, the system warns the
driver with the chime and DCA system display.
Decelerate by depressing the brake pedal to
maintain a safe vehicle distance if:

● The chime sounds.
● The vehicle ahead detection indicator blinks.

The warning chime may not sound in some cases
when there is a short distance between vehicles.
Some examples are:

● When the vehicles are traveling at the same

speed and the distance between vehicles is
not changing

● When the vehicle ahead is traveling faster

and the distance between vehicles is in-

● When a vehicle cuts in near your vehicle

The warning chime will not sound when your
vehicle approaches vehicles that are parked or
moving slowly.


The approach warning chime may sound
and the system display may blink when ICC
sensor detects vehicles in other lanes



objects on the side of the road


. This may

cause the DCA system to operate inappro-
priately. The ICC sensor may detect these
objects when the vehicle is driven on wind-
ing roads, narrow roads, hilly roads or when
entering or exiting a curve. In these cases
you will have to manually control the
proper distance ahead of your vehicle.

Also, the sensor sensitivity can be affected by
vehicle operation (steering maneuver or driving
position in the lane) or traffic or vehicle condition
(for example, if a vehicle is being driven with some

Automatic cancellation

Condition A:

Under the following conditions, the Distance
Control Assist system is automatically canceled.
The chime will sound and the Distance Control
Assist (DCA) cancellation message will pop up.



Starting and driving


● When the VDC system is turned off
● When the VDC or ABS (including the trac-

tion control system) operates

● When the SNOW mode switch is turned


● When the radar signal is temporarily inter-


Action to take:

When the conditions listed above are no longer
present, turn the system off with the dynamic
driver assistance switch. Turn the DCA system
back on to use the system.

Condition B:

When the sensor area of the front bumper is dirty,
making it impossible to detect a vehicle ahead,
the DCA system is automatically canceled.

The chime sounds and the system warning light
(orange) will come on and the “Sensor Blocked”
indicator will appear.

Action to take:

If the warning light comes on, park the vehicle in a
safe place, turn the engine off. Clean the sensor
area of the bumper and then perform the settings

Condition C:

When the DCA system is not operating properly,
the chime sounds and the system warning light
(“DCA” orange) will come on.

Action to take:

If the warning light comes on, park the vehicle in a
safe place. Turn the engine off, restart the engine,
and turn on the DCA system again.


DCA warning light (orange)


Starting and driving



If it is not possible to set the system or the
indicator stays on, it may indicate that the
system is malfunctioning. Although the ve-
hicle is still driveable under normal condi-
tions, have the vehicle checked at an
INFINITI retailer.

Sensor maintenance

How to handle the sensor:

The sensor for the DCA system is common with
Intelligent Cruise Control and is located behind
the front bumper.

To handle the sensor, see “Intelligent Cruise
Control (ICC) system (Full speed range)” in this

The Forward Collision Warning (FCW) system
will warn the driver by a warning light and chime
when your vehicle is getting close to the vehicle
ahead in the traveling lane.

The FCW system will function when your vehicle
is driven at speeds of approximately 10 MPH
(15 km/h) and above.

The FCW system uses the distance sensor


located behind the front bumper to measure the
distance to the vehicle ahead. When the system
judges that your vehicle is getting close to the
vehicle ahead in the travel lane, the vehicle ahead
detection indicator light on the instrument panel
blinks and a warning chime sounds.

The FCW system will be turned on/off by pushing
the warning systems switch. The warning sys-
tems ON indicator light


on the switch will

illuminate when the system is off.


(FCW) SYSTEM (if so equipped)


Starting and driving




The FCW system is intended to warn

you before a collision but will not avoid
a collision. It is the driver’s responsibil-
ity to stay alert, drive safely and be in
control of the vehicle at all times.

As there is a performance limit, the sys-

tem may not provide a warning in cer-
tain conditions.

The system will not detect the following


– Pedestrians, animals or obstacles in

the roadway

– Oncoming vehicles in the same lane

The system will not detect another ve-

hicle under the following conditions:

– When the sensor gets dirty and it is

impossible to detect the distance
from the vehicle ahead.

– When the radar signal is temporarily


The sensor generally detects the sig-

nals returned from the reflectors on a
vehicle ahead. Therefore, the system
may not function properly under the fol-
lowing conditions:

– When the sensor area of the front

bumper gets dirty or it is impossible
to detect the distance from the ve-
hicle ahead.

– When visibility is low (such as rain,

fog, snow, etc.).

– When snow or road spray from trav-

eling vehicles is splashed.

Vehicle ahead detection light


Warning systems switch


Starting and driving



– When excessively heavy baggage is

loaded in the rear seat or the luggage
room of your vehicle.

– When





– On a steep downhill slope or on

roads with sharp curves.

– When there is a highly reflective ob-

ject near the vehicle ahead (for ex-
ample, being very close to another
vehicle, signboard, etc.)

– When you are towing a trailer.

Depending on certain road conditions

(curved or beginning of a curve), vehicle
conditions (steering position or vehicle
position), or the preceding vehicle’s
conditions (position in lane, etc.), the
system may not function properly. The
system may detect highly reflective ob-
jects such as signs and other stationary
objects on the road or near the traveling
lane and provide unnecessary warning.

The system may not function in offset


The system may not function when the

distance to the vehicle ahead is ex-
tremely close.

The system is designed to automati-

cally check the sensor’s functionality. If
the sensor area of the front bumper is
covered with ice, a transparent or trans-
lucent bag, etc., the system may not
detect them. In these instances, the sys-
tem may not be able to warn the driver
properly. Be sure to check and clean the







Excessive noise will interfere with the

warning chime sound, and the chime
may not be heard.

A sudden appearance of a vehicle in

front (for example, it abruptly cuts in)
may not be detected and the system
may not warn the driver soon enough.

The system will be cancelled automati-

cally with a beep sound and a message







– When the sensor area of the front

bumper is dirty

– When the system malfunctions

If the system cancels and a message pops up
with a beep sound, pull off the road to a safe
location, stop the vehicle and turn the engine off.

Check to see if the sensor area of the front
bumper is blocked. If the sensor area of the front
bumper is blocked, remove the object blocking
and restart the engine.

If the sensor is malfunctioning, have the system
checked by an INFINITI retailer.


Starting and driving



The FCW system will function at speeds of ap-
proximately 10 MPH (15 km/h) and above, when
the system turns on.

The warning systems switch is used to turn on
and off the FCW system when it is activated
using the settings menu on the information dis-
play. See “How to enable/disable the FCW sys-
tem” using the settings menu later in this section.

When the warning systems switch is turned off,
the indicator


on the switch is off. The indicator

will also be off if the FCW, the Lane Departure

Warning (LDW) and the Blind Spot Warning
(BSW) systems are deactivated.

When the warning systems switch is pushed, the
LDW and BSW system will also turn on or off
simultaneously. See “Lane Departure Warning
(LDW) system/Lane Departure Prevention (LDP)
system” and “Blind Spot Warning (BSW)/Blind
Spot Intervention (BSI)/Back-up Collision Inter-
vention (BCI) systems” in this section.

The setting mode can be changed using the
warning systems switch. To change the setting
mode, push and hold the warning systems switch
for more than 4 seconds when the warning sys-
tems ON indicator is off. When the mode is
changed, a chime sounds and the lane departure
warning light (orange) flashes.

For the sensor maintenance, see “Intelligent
Cruise Control (ICC) system” in this section.

How to enable/disable the FCW

Perform the following steps to enable or disable
the FCW system.

1. Press the

button until “Settings” dis-

plays in the vehicle information display. Use

to select “Driver Assistance”.

Then press the ENTER button.

2. Select “Driver Aids”, and press the ENTER


3. To set the FCW system to on or off, use


buttons to navigate in the menu

and use the ENTER button to select or
change an item:

● Select “Forward” and press the ENTER


– To turn on the warning, use the ENTER

button to check box for “Warning (FCW)”

Warning systems switch


Starting and driving



The Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) system warns
the driver by a warning light and chime when
there is a risk of a collision with the vehicle ahead
in the traveling lane and the driver must take
avoidance action immediately. The system helps
reduce the rear-end collision speed by applying
the brakes when the system judges that the col-
lision cannot be prevented.

The IBA system will function when your vehicle is
driven at speeds of approximately 10 MPH
(15 km/h) and above, and when your vehicle is






(15 km/h) faster than the vehicle ahead.

The IBA system uses a distance sensor



cated behind the front bumper to measure the
distance to the vehicle ahead. When the system
judges that your vehicle is getting close to the
vehicle ahead in the traveling lane, the vehicle
ahead detection indicator light on the information
display blinks and a warning chime sounds.

The IBA system will be turned on/off by in the
settings of the vehicle information display, see
“Driving aids” in the “Instrument and controls”



SYSTEM (if so equipped)


Starting and driving




The IBA system is not a collision avoid-

ance system. It is the driver’s responsi-
bility to stay alert, drive safely and be in
control of the vehicle at all times.

As there is a performance limit, the sys-

tem may not provide a warning or brak-
ing in certain conditions.

The system will not detect the following


– Pedestrians, animals or obstacles in

the roadway

– Oncoming vehicles in the same lane

The sensor generally detects the sig-

nals returned from the vehicle ahead.
Therefore, the system may not function





– When the sensor area of the front

bumper gets dirty and it is impos-
sible to detect the distance from the
vehicle ahead.

– When radar signal is temporarily


– When visibility is low (such as rain,

fog, snow, etc.).

– When snow or road spray from trav-

eling vehicles is splashed.

– When excessively heavy baggage is

loaded in the rear seat or the luggage
room of your vehicle.

– When





– On a steep downhill slope or on

roads with sharp curves.

– When there is a highly reflective ob-

ject near the vehicle ahead (for ex-
ample, being very close to another
vehicle, signboard, etc.)

– When you are towing a trailer.

Depending on certain road conditions

(curved or beginning of a curve), vehicle
conditions (steering position or vehicle
position), or the preceding vehicle’s
conditions (position in lane, etc.), the
system may not function properly. The
system may detect highly reflective ob-
jects such as signs and other stationary
objects on the road or near the traveling
lane and provide unnecessary warning.

The system may not function in offset


The system may not function when the

distance to the vehicle ahead is ex-
tremely close.


In extreme conditions, detection of

these objects may cause the system to

The system is designed to automati-

cally check the sensor’s functionality. If
the sensor area of the front bumper is
covered with ice, a transparent or trans-
lucent bag, etc., the system may not
detect them. In these instances the sys-
tem may not be able to warn the driver
properly. Be sure to check and clean the







Excessive noise will interfere with the

warning chime sound, and the chime
may not be heard.

A sudden appearance of a vehicle in

front (for example, it abruptly cuts in)
may not be detected and the system
may not warn the driver soon enough.

Starting and driving



The system will be cancelled automati-

cally with a beep sound and the IBA
warning light will illuminate under the
following conditions:

– When the sensor area of the front

bumper is dirty

– When the system malfunctions

If the IBA OFF indicator light illuminates with a
beep sound, pull off the road to a safe location,
stop the vehicle and turn the engine off. Check to
see if the sensor area of the front bumper is dirty.
If the sensor area of the front bumper is dirty,
clean it with a soft cloth and restart the engine. If
the sensor window is not dirty, restart the engine.
If the IBA OFF indicator light continues to illumi-
nate even if the IBA system is turned on, have the
system checked by an INFINITI retailer.


The IBA system will function when your vehicle is
driven at speeds of approximately 10 MPH
(15 km/h) or above, and when the vehicle’s
speed is approximately 10 MPH (15 km/h) faster
than that of the vehicle ahead.

To turn the system on/off:

1. Push the

button to enter the “Set-

tings” menu in the vehicle information dis-
play, then select using the ENTER button.

2. Use the

buttons to select “Driver As-

sistance”, then press the ENTER button.

3. Use the

buttons to select “Intelligent

Brake Assist”, using the ENTER button the
system can be turned On or Off.

The IBA system will remain in the last ON or OFF
state it was left in until it is changed in the vehicle
information display, see “Driver Assistance” in the
“Instrument and controls” section.

Illumination of the IBA OFF indicator light without
the warning chime sound is an indication that the
IBA system is temporarily unavailable. It will occur
under the following conditions:

When the radar signal is temporarily interrupted.

The IBA OFF indicator light will turn off when the
system returns to its normal operating conditions.

For the sensor maintenance, see “Intelligent
Cruise Control (ICC) system (Full speed range)”.


During the first 1,200 miles (2,000 km),
follow these recommendations to obtain
maximum engine performance and en-
sure the future reliability and economy of
your new vehicle. Failure to follow these
recommendations may result in short-
ened engine life and reduced engine

● Avoid driving for long periods at constant

speed, either fast or slow, and do not run the
engine over 4,000 rpm.

● Do not accelerate at full throttle in any gear.
● Avoid quick starts.
● Avoid hard braking as much as possible.
● Do not tow a trailer for the first 500 miles

(800 km). Your engine, axle or other parts
could be damaged.



Starting and driving


Follow these easy-to-use Fuel Efficient Driving
Tips to help you achieve the most fuel economy
from your vehicle.

1. Use Smooth Accelerator and Brake

Pedal Application

● Avoid rapid starts and stops
● Use smooth, gentle accelerator and

brake application whenever possible

● Maintain constant speed while commut-

ing and coast whenever possible

2. Maintain Constant Speed

● Look ahead to try and anticipate and mini-

mize stops

● Synchronizing your speed with traffic

lights allows you to reduce your number
of stops

● Maintaining a steady speed can minimize

red light stops and improve fuel efficiency

3. Use Air Conditioning (A/C) at Higher

Vehicle Speeds

● Below 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more

efficient to open windows to cool the
vehicle due to reduced engine load

● Above 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more

efficient to use A/C to cool the vehicle
due to increased aerodynamic drag

● Recirculating the cool air in the cabin

when the A/C is on reduces cooling load

4. Drive at Economical Speeds and Dis-


● Observing the speed limit and not ex-

ceeding 60 MPH (97 km/h) (where le-
gally allowed) can improve fuel efficiency
due to reduced aerodynamic drag

● Maintaining a safe following distance be-

hind other vehicles reduces unnecessary

● Safely monitoring traffic to anticipate

changes in speed permits reduced brak-
ing and smooth acceleration changes

● Select a gear range suitable to road con-


5. Use Cruise Control

● Using cruise control during highway driv-

ing helps maintain a steady speed

● Cruise control is particularly effective in

providing fuel savings when driving on flat

6. Plan for the Shortest Route

● Utilize a map or navigation system to de-

termine the best route to save time

7. Avoid Idling

● Shutting off your engine when safe for

stops exceeding 30–60 seconds saves
fuel and reduces emissions

8. Buy an Automated Pass for Toll Roads

● Automated passes permit drivers to use

special lanes to maintain cruising speed
through the toll and avoid stopping and

9. Winter Warm Up

● Limit idling time to minimize impact to fuel


● Vehicles typically need no more than

30 seconds of idling at start-up to effec-
tively circulate the engine oil before driv-

● Your vehicle will reach its ideal operating

temperature more quickly while driving
versus idling


Starting and driving



10. Keeping your Vehicle Cool

● Park your vehicle in a covered parking

area or in the shade whenever possible

● When entering a hot vehicle, opening the

windows will help to reduce the inside
temperature faster, resulting in reduced
demand on your A/C system

● Keep your engine tuned up.
● Follow the recommended scheduled main-


● Keep the tires inflated to the correct pres-

sure. Low tire pressure increases tire wear
and lowers fuel economy.

● Keep the front wheels in correct alignment.

Improper alignment increases tire wear and
lowers fuel economy.

● Use the recommended viscosity engine oil.

See “Engine oil and oil filter recommenda-
tions” in “Technical and consumer informa-
tion” later in this manual.

If any malfunction occurs in the Intelligent AWD
system while the engine is running, messages are
displayed in the meter.


(AWD) (if so equipped)


Starting and driving


If the AWD error warning message is displayed,
there may be a malfunction in the Intelligent AWD
system. Reduce vehicle speed and have your
vehicle checked by an INFINITI retailer as soon as

The AWD high temperature message may be
displayed while trying to free a stuck vehicle due
to increased oil temperature. The driving mode
may change to two-wheel drive. If this message is
displayed, stop the vehicle with the engine idling,
as soon as it is safe to do so. Then if the message
turns off, you can continue driving.

The tire size message may be displayed if there is
a large difference between the diameters of front
and rear wheels. Pull off the road in a safe area,
with the engine idling. Check that all tire sizes are
the same, that the tire pressure is correct and that
the tires are not excessively worn.

If any warning messages continue to be dis-
played, have your vehicle checked by an INFINITI
retailer as soon as possible.




Starting and driving




Do not drive beyond the performance

capability of the tires. Accelerating
quickly, sharp steering maneuvers or
sudden braking may cause loss of con-






For AWD equipped vehicles, do not at-

tempt to raise two wheels off the
ground and shift the transmission to
any drive or reverse position with the
engine running. Doing so may result in
drivetrain damage or unexpected ve-
hicle movement which could result in






Do not attempt to test an AWD

equipped vehicle on a 2-wheel dyna-
mometer (such as the dynamometers
used by some states for emissions test-
ing) or similar equipment even if the
other two wheels are raised off the
ground. Make sure that you inform the
test facility personnel that your vehicle
is equipped with AWD before it is
placed on a dynamometer. Using the
wrong test equipment may result in
drivetrain damage or unexpected ve-
hicle movement which could result in







Do not operate the engine on a free

roller when any of the wheels are

If an AWD warning message is dis-

played while driving there may be a
malfunction in the AWD system. Re-
duce the vehicle speed immediately
and have your vehicle checked by an
INFINITI retailer as soon as possible.

The powertrain may be damaged if you

continue driving when the AWD tem-
perature or tire size incorrect messages
are displayed

If the AWD high temperature message

is displayed while you are driving, pull
off the road in a safe area, and idle the
engine. The driving mode will change to
2WD to prevent the AWD system from
malfunctioning. If the warning message
turns off, you can drive again.

If the tire size incorrect message is dis-

played while you are driving, pull off the
road in a safe area with the engine
idling. Check that all tire sizes are the
same, that the tire pressure is correct
and that the tires are not excessively

If a warning message continues to be

displayed after the above operations,






INFINITI retailer as soon as possible.


Starting and driving



Do not stop or park the vehicle over

flammable materials such as dry grass,
waste paper or rags. They may ignite
and cause a fire.

Safe parking procedures require that

both the parking brake be set and the
transmission placed into P (Park). Fail-
ure to do so could cause the vehicle to
move unexpectedly or roll away and re-
sult in an accident. Make sure the shift
selector has been pushed as far forward
as it can go and cannot be moved without
depressing the foot brake pedal.

Never leave the engine running while

the vehicle is unattended.

Do not leave children unattended inside

the vehicle. They could unknowingly ac-
tivate switches or controls. Unattended
children could become involved in seri-
ous accidents.

1. Firmly apply the parking brake.

2. Move the shift selector to the P (Park) posi-


3. To help prevent the vehicle from rolling into

traffic when parked on an incline, it is a good
practice to turn the wheels as illustrated.



Turn the wheels into the curb and move the
vehicle forward until the curb side wheel
gently touches the curb.



Turn the wheels away from the curb and
move the vehicle back until the curb side
wheel gently touches the curb.




Turn the wheels toward the side of the road
so the vehicle will move away from the cen-
ter of the road if it moves.

4. Place the ignition switch in the LOCK posi-




Starting and driving




If the engine is not running or is turned

off while driving, the power assist for
the steering will not work. Steering will
be harder to operate.

When the power steering warning light

illuminates with the engine running,
there will be no power assist for the
steering. You will still have control of
the vehicle but the steering will be
harder to operate. Have the power
steering system checked by an INFINITI

The power steering system is designed to pro-
vide power assist while driving to operate the
steering wheel with light force.

When the steering wheel is operated repeatedly
or continuously while parking or driving at a very
low speed, the power assist for the steering
wheel will be reduced. This is to prevent over-
heating of the power steering system and protect
it from getting damaged. While the power assist
is reduced, steering wheel operation will become
heavy. If the steering wheel operation is still per-
formed, the power steering may stop and the
power steering warning light will illuminate. In a
safe location, stop the engine and push the igni-
tion switch to the OFF position. The temperature

of the power steering system will go down after a
period of time and the power assist level will
return to normal after starting the engine. The
power steering warning light will go off. Avoid
repeating such steering wheel operations that
could cause the power steering system to over-

You may hear a sound from the front of the vehicle
when the steering wheel is operated quickly. This
is a normal operational noise and is not a mal-

If the electric power steering warning light PSil-
luminates while the engine is running, it may
indicate the power steering system is not func-
tioning properly and may need servicing. Have
the power steering system checked by an
INFINITI retailer.

When the electric power steering warning light
illuminates with the engine running, there will be
no power assist for the steering but you will still
have control of the vehicle. At this time, greater
steering effort is required to operate the steering
wheel, especially in sharp turns and at low

For additional information see “Power steering
warning light” in the “Instruments and controls”

The brake system has two separate hydraulic
circuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will still
have braking at 2 wheels.


Vacuum assisted brakes

The brake booster aids braking by using engine
vacuum. If the engine stops, you can stop the
vehicle by depressing the brake pedal. However,
greater foot pressure on the brake pedal will be
required to stop the vehicle and stopping dis-
tance will be longer.

Using the brakes

Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal while
driving. This will overheat the brakes, wear out the
brake pads faster, and reduce gas mileage.

To help reduce brake wear and to prevent the
brakes from overheating, reduce speed and
downshift to a lower gear before going down a
slope or long grade. Overheated brakes may
reduce braking performance and could result in
loss of vehicle control.




Starting and driving



While driving on a slippery surface, be

careful when braking, accelerating or
downshifting. Abrupt braking or accel-
erating could cause the wheels to skid
and result in an accident.

If the engine is not running or is turned

off while driving, the power assist for
the brakes will not work. Braking will be

Wet brakes

When the vehicle is washed or driven through
water, the brakes may get wet. As a result, your
braking distance will be longer and the vehicle
may pull to one side during braking.

To dry the brakes, drive the vehicle at a safe
speed while lightly pressing the brake pedal to
heat up the brakes. Do this until the brakes return
to normal. Avoid driving the vehicle at high
speeds until the brakes function correctly.

Parking brake break-in

Break-in the parking brake shoes whenever the
effect of the parking brake is weakened or when-
ever the parking brake shoes and/or drum/rotors
are replaced, in order to assure the best brake

This procedure is described in the vehicle service
manual and can be performed by an INFINITI



The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is a

sophisticated device, but it cannot pre-
vent accidents resulting from careless
or dangerous driving techniques. It can
help maintain vehicle control during
braking on slippery surfaces. Remem-
ber that stopping distances on slippery
surfaces will be longer than on normal
surfaces even with ABS. Stopping dis-
tances may also be longer on rough,
gravel or snow covered roads, or if you
are using tire chains. Always maintain a
safe distance from the vehicle in front
of you. Ultimately, the driver is respon-
sible for safety.

Tire type and condition may also affect

braking effectiveness.

– When replacing tires, install the

specified size of tires on all four

– When installing a spare tire, make

sure that it is the proper size and type
as specified on the Tire and Loading
Information label. See “Tire and
Loading Information label” in the
“Technical and consumer informa-
tion” section of this manual.

– For




“Wheels and tires” in the “Mainte-
nance and do-it-yourself” section of
this manual.

The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) controls the
brakes so the wheels do not lock during hard
braking or when braking on slippery surfaces.
The system detects the rotation speed at each
wheel and varies the brake fluid pressure to pre-
vent each wheel from locking and sliding. By
preventing each wheel from locking, the system
helps the driver maintain steering control and
helps to minimize swerving and spinning on slip-
pery surfaces.

Using the system

Depress the brake pedal and hold it down. De-
press the brake pedal with firm steady pressure,
but do not pump the brakes. The ABS will oper-
ate to prevent the wheels from locking up. Steer
the vehicle to avoid obstacles.

Starting and driving



Ошибка Р0432 на Инфинити ЖХ серия 1 поколение JX35 AWD указывает на неэффективную работу основного катализатора (банк-2). В большинстве случаев это связано его неисправностями. Однако в некоторых случаях код появляется при поломке кислородного датчика. Ошибка 0432 может не сопровождаться какими-либо симптомами. Однако в ряде случаев может наблюдаться активация индикатора CHECK ENGINE, потеря мощности двигателя, проблемы с запуском мотора, шипение и неровная работа ДВС при разгоне.

Причины, по которым может возникнуть ошибка P0432 на Infiniti JX-Series 1 поколение JX35 AWD :

  • поломка каталитического нейтрализатора;
  • выход из строя кислородного датчика;
  • утечка выхлопных газов.

В большинстве случаев ошибка связана с поломкой катализатора, что означает необходимость установления причины появления неисправности. Если не устранить её, то новый нейтрализатор также выйдет из строя. Поэтому лучше доверить диагностику кода 432 мастерам центра выхлопных систем RamFlow. Они помогут убрать ошибку, выяснят и ликвидируют причину её возникновения. Это позволит избежать проблем с катализатором в будущем. Ждём вас в автомастерской с 9:00 до 22:00 в любой день недели.


Это 100% бесплатно, займет от 10 до 30 минут.
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всем необходимым

Сервис оснащён оборудованием для ремонта – аргоновой сваркой, трубогибом и пр. Наличие собственного
склада запчастей позволяет клиентам избежать длительного ожидания заказа. Мы официальный дилер
изготовителей автозапчастей – RudEx, Buzzer, Fox, Magnaflow и т.д.

любой сложности

Команда «Ramflow» занимается производством, восстановлением
и тюнингом любых выхлопов. К нам обращаются владельцы легковых автомобилей, мотоциклов, вездеходов,
грузовиков, автобусов, скутеров, бензиновых или дизельных двигателей.


Они распространяются на произведённые работы и установленные запчасти. Гарантия может быть годовой
или пожизненной. Это зависит от характера работ, бренда автозапчасти и других нюансов.

разумные цены

Партнёрские отношения с поставщиками запчастей, большие объёмы заказов и постоянный поток клиентов
позволяют нам снизить стоимость. Цена будет полностью оправдана – никаких накруток и скрытых доплат.

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