Ошибка cannot find signatures with metadata for snap

Yeah this is a terribly unhelpful error, I have no idea why they haven’t fixed it. It relates to «assertions» in snapd. In this case, that is the verification that the snap comes from a trusted party. Since you’re installing a local snap, you have no assertions for it, and snapd doesn’t trust it. Think of it a bit like sideloading Android apps, if you’ve ever done that.

Regardless, you can get past this during your testing with the also-terribly-named --dangerous flag:

$ sudo snap install --dangerous <snap>

note: there was some churn on this flag; in earlier releases it was --force-dangerous.

The other day I was trying to install massCode application. For installation, it provided a Snap file to download.

When I tried to install the application from Snap file

sudo snap install snap_file

It gave me the following error:

error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap “masscode_2.6.1_amd64.snap”

cannot find signature with metadata for snap

That was strange. While adding external repositories in Ubuntu, you have to add the GPG key. But no such things were provided by the developer here.

The ‘fix’ is easy and simple. Let me explain it to you.

Handling “cannot find signatures with metadata for snap” error

There are no signatures involved here.

What happens is that you have downloaded a Snap installer file from a third party. The snap mechanism in Ubuntu expects you to get the snap packages from the official snap store.

Since it doesn’t come from the snap store, you see the ‘cannot find signatures with metadata for snap’ error message. The error message is not descriptive, like most error messages.

So, what’s the solution here?

Any snap package that is not distributed through the Snap store has to be installed with the –dangerous flag. That’s the rule.

sudo snap install --dangerous path_to_snap_file

This way, you tell the snap package manager to explicitly install the snap package.

Here, I used this flag and was able to install massCode from its snap package successfully.

installing third party snap packages

How ‘dangerous’ is it to install snap packages this way? Almost the same as downloading and installing packages in deb format.

In my opinion, if you are downloading the snap package from the project developer’s website, you are already entrusting the project. In such cases, you can install it with the –dangerous flag.

Of course, you should first search if the package is available in the snap store or not:

snap find package_name

I hope this quick little tip helped you fix the Snap error. If you have questions or suggestions please let me know. If you want to learn more, see this guide on using Snap commands.

The other day I was trying to install massCode application. For installation, it provided a Snap file to download.

When I tried to install the application from Snap file

sudo snap install snap_file

It gave me the following error:

error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap “masscode_2.6.1_amd64.snap”

cannot find signature with metadata for snap

That was strange. While adding external repositories in Ubuntu, you have to add the GPG key. But no such things were provided by the developer here.

The ‘fix’ is easy and simple. Let me explain it to you.

There are no signatures involved here.

What happens is that you have downloaded a Snap installer file from a third party. The snap mechanism in Ubuntu expects you to get the snap packages from the official snap store.

Since it doesn’t come from the snap store, you see the ‘cannot find signatures with metadata for snap’ error message. The error message is not descriptive, like most error messages.

So, what’s the solution here?

Any snap package that is not distributed through the Snap store has to be installed with the –dangerous flag. That’s the rule.

sudo snap install --dangerous path_to_snap_file

This way, you tell the snap package manager to explicitly install the snap package.

Here, I used this flag and was able to install massCode from its snap package successfully.

installing third party snap packages

How ‘dangerous’ is it to install snap packages this way? Almost the same as downloading and installing packages in deb format.

In my opinion, if you are downloading the snap package from the project developer’s website, you are already entrusting the project. In such cases, you can install it with the –dangerous flag.

Of course, you should first search if the package is available in the snap store or not:

snap find package_name

I hope this quick little tip helped you fix the Snap error. If you have questions or suggestions please let me know. If you want to learn more, see this guide on using Snap commands.


Am I doing this correctly?

$ sudo snap install linux-eos-voter-0.3.0-amd64.snap 
error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap "linux-eos-voter-0.3.0-amd64.snap"

$ snap --version
snap    2.33.1
snapd   2.33.1
series  16
ubuntu  18.04
kernel  4.15.0-23-generic

«Ubuntu 18.04 LTS»


I made a compromise and built the snap myself then installed using:

$ sudo snap install --dangerous release/linux-eos-voter-0.3.0-amd64.snap

Apparently the snap offers some level of snadboxing .. I wonder what is involved in getting a valid signature.

Do you know if it is possible to verify the build hashes? I built the v0.3.0 but the SHA sums for the snap did not match the site (worth a try).


From the looks of it I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. I’ll look into that error for the snap, there’s a couple other errors that have prevented me from uploading it to the snapcraft store as well.

Regarding your last question about verifying custom build hashes — I don’t think so, but I can check. I’m not sure I’ve ever had the binaries end up with the same hash, even after recompiling the same exact code.


I’ve been doing a bit of research on this — and this error message is apparently by design and will always be present if the *.snap file is downloaded from a source like GitHub (or compiled locally). The --dangerous flag is required to install anything you download manually, since the signatures themselves come from the snapcraft store, and the only way to actually get around that specific error is installing from the snapcraft store itself.

Today we successfully got the application publishing on the snapcraft store as well, so installation from the store itself is just sudo snap install eos-voter, which will grab the latest release.


Great .. Does the snapcraft store build the package for you?


On Ubuntu 18.04 I get the Gtk-Message errors below but eos-voter UI still shows up. On Debian Stretch I get the following output but the UI does not show up:

$ sudo snap install eos-voter
eos-voter 0.3.1 from 'jesta' installed

$ eos-voter 
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[20:03:55.194] [info] app: initializing
[20:03:55.662] [info] app: will-finish-launching
[20:03:55.663] [info] app: ready
[20:03:55.663] [info] new installation detected
[20:03:55.663] [info] ui: creating
Failed to generate minidump.Illegal instruction

$ egrep NAME /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"

I imagine this is a snap bug so this may get fixed for you. Don’t worry about it too much, I have a way to use eos-voter .. you might like to know about this though.


I’m still building them manually, and then publishing them via the snapcraft command line utility.

I briefly tried setting up the automatic building through their services — but couldn’t get the yaml file configured properly for an electron app. The app itself uses the electron-builder framework and I think that’s causing some issues with how their services are designed to assemble it automatically (as opposed to straight electron).

Ahh the adventures of packaging an application for so many different platforms 😄


Well, if something like the beaker browser were standard and stable on all platforms then that might do the trick (or something along those lines).. It is worth keeping an eye on in my view..


Yeah agreed.

The integration and refinement of our snapcraft, and potentially Apple/Windows store offerings, I think are going to end up as something we slowly chip away at as we continue to improve the app.

We have 2x more major milestones we’re pushing hard on (account creation and account permissions), then after that we’ll have some less demanding features and can probably devote more time to polishing our app store offerings.


Can you please share your snap configuration file? I’ll work with it and see what I can do..


I don’t think I have a specific snap configuration file, the yarn package-linux build does all the heavy lifting at the moment and electron-builder builds the snap with defaults at the moment.

With the new Ledger integration though, I’m having issues with the snap package not being allowed to access the HID/USB device, which is what I’m researching today and might lead to the creation of a snap config.

I’m still relatively unexperienced in this stuff — so figuring it out as I go along.


На днях пытался установить код массы заявление. Для установки он предоставил файл Snap для загрузки.

Когда я пытался установить приложение из Snap-файла

sudo snap установить snap_file

Это дало мне следующую ошибку:

ошибка: не удается найти подписи с метаданными для оснастки «masscode_2.6.1_amd64.snap»

Это было странно. Пока добавление внешних репозиториев в Ubuntu, вы должны добавить ключ GPG. Но таких вещей разработчик здесь не предусмотрел.

«Исправить» легко и просто. Позвольте мне объяснить это вам.

Обработка ошибки «не удается найти подписи с метаданными для snap»

Здесь нет никаких подписей.

Что происходит, так это то, что вы загрузили файл установщика Snap от третьего лица. Механизм моментальных снимков в Ubuntu предполагает, что вы получите пакеты моментальных снимков из официального магазина моментальных снимков.

Поскольку он не поступает из хранилища моментальных снимков, вы видите сообщение об ошибке «не удается найти подписи с метаданными для моментальных снимков». Сообщение об ошибке не является описательным, как и большинство сообщений об ошибках.

Итак, какое решение здесь?

Любой пакет Snap, который не распространяется через хранилище Snap, должен быть установлен вместе с -опасный флаг. Это правило.

sudo snap install --dangerous path_to_snap_file

Таким образом, вы указываете менеджеру пакетов Snap явно установить пакет Snap.

Здесь я использовал этот флаг и смог успешно установить massCode из его моментального пакета.

Насколько «опасно» устанавливать snap-пакеты таким образом? Почти так же, как загрузка и установка пакетов в формате deb.

На мой взгляд, если вы скачиваете snap-пакет с сайта разработчика проекта, вы уже доверяете проект. В таких случаях вы можете установить его с флагом –dangerous.

Конечно, сначала следует поискать, доступен ли пакет в snap store или нет:

быстро найти package_name

Я надеюсь, что этот небольшой совет помог вам исправить ошибку Snap. Если у вас есть вопросы или предложения, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. Если вы хотите узнать больше, см. это руководство по использованию команд Snap.


Am I doing this correctly?

$ sudo snap install linux-eos-voter-0.3.0-amd64.snap 
error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap "linux-eos-voter-0.3.0-amd64.snap"

$ snap --version
snap    2.33.1
snapd   2.33.1
series  16
ubuntu  18.04
kernel  4.15.0-23-generic

«Ubuntu 18.04 LTS»


I made a compromise and built the snap myself then installed using:

$ sudo snap install --dangerous release/linux-eos-voter-0.3.0-amd64.snap

Apparently the snap offers some level of snadboxing .. I wonder what is involved in getting a valid signature.

Do you know if it is possible to verify the build hashes? I built the v0.3.0 but the SHA sums for the snap did not match the site (worth a try).


From the looks of it I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. I’ll look into that error for the snap, there’s a couple other errors that have prevented me from uploading it to the snapcraft store as well.

Regarding your last question about verifying custom build hashes — I don’t think so, but I can check. I’m not sure I’ve ever had the binaries end up with the same hash, even after recompiling the same exact code.


I’ve been doing a bit of research on this — and this error message is apparently by design and will always be present if the *.snap file is downloaded from a source like GitHub (or compiled locally). The --dangerous flag is required to install anything you download manually, since the signatures themselves come from the snapcraft store, and the only way to actually get around that specific error is installing from the snapcraft store itself.

Today we successfully got the application publishing on the snapcraft store as well, so installation from the store itself is just sudo snap install eos-voter, which will grab the latest release.


Great .. Does the snapcraft store build the package for you?


On Ubuntu 18.04 I get the Gtk-Message errors below but eos-voter UI still shows up. On Debian Stretch I get the following output but the UI does not show up:

$ sudo snap install eos-voter
eos-voter 0.3.1 from 'jesta' installed

$ eos-voter 
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[20:03:55.194] [info] app: initializing
[20:03:55.662] [info] app: will-finish-launching
[20:03:55.663] [info] app: ready
[20:03:55.663] [info] new installation detected
[20:03:55.663] [info] ui: creating
Failed to generate minidump.Illegal instruction

$ egrep NAME /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"

I imagine this is a snap bug so this may get fixed for you. Don’t worry about it too much, I have a way to use eos-voter .. you might like to know about this though.


I’m still building them manually, and then publishing them via the snapcraft command line utility.

I briefly tried setting up the automatic building through their services — but couldn’t get the yaml file configured properly for an electron app. The app itself uses the electron-builder framework and I think that’s causing some issues with how their services are designed to assemble it automatically (as opposed to straight electron).

Ahh the adventures of packaging an application for so many different platforms 😄


Well, if something like the beaker browser were standard and stable on all platforms then that might do the trick (or something along those lines).. It is worth keeping an eye on in my view..


Yeah agreed.

The integration and refinement of our snapcraft, and potentially Apple/Windows store offerings, I think are going to end up as something we slowly chip away at as we continue to improve the app.

We have 2x more major milestones we’re pushing hard on (account creation and account permissions), then after that we’ll have some less demanding features and can probably devote more time to polishing our app store offerings.


Can you please share your snap configuration file? I’ll work with it and see what I can do..


I don’t think I have a specific snap configuration file, the yarn package-linux build does all the heavy lifting at the moment and electron-builder builds the snap with defaults at the moment.

With the new Ledger integration though, I’m having issues with the snap package not being allowed to access the HID/USB device, which is what I’m researching today and might lead to the creation of a snap config.

I’m still relatively unexperienced in this stuff — so figuring it out as I go along.


Yeah this is a terribly unhelpful error, I have no idea why they haven’t fixed it. It relates to «assertions» in snapd. In this case, that is the verification that the snap comes from a trusted party. Since you’re installing a local snap, you have no assertions for it, and snapd doesn’t trust it. Think of it a bit like sideloading Android apps, if you’ve ever done that.

Regardless, you can get past this during your testing with the also-terribly-named --dangerous flag:

$ sudo snap install --dangerous <snap>

note: there was some churn on this flag; in earlier releases it was --force-dangerous.

Related videos on Youtube

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How to install SNAPHU plugin in SNAP software

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Ubuntu: Snap install failure: error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap

SNAP - Sen2Cor installation on Windows 10

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How to fix Snap and LXD not working in WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04

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  • I’ve been building my own snap and installing it successfully for a while now, but just today, every time I build my snap file, when I try to install it, I get…

    error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap "mysnap_1.0_amd64.snap"

    I am at a complete loss. What does this mean? How do I fix it? I can’t think of what I’ve done to cause this to start happening.

  • That got me passed the error. Thank you! I suppose if I had read the man page for snap I should have been able to deduce that. So maybe the need for this flag will go away after a proper upgrade of the snap daemon? Edit: Oh, looks like snap is still in development.

  • Indeed, snapd is still being developed. The need for this flag will go away once you publish your snap to the store, where it will get assertions.

  • This is still an error in 2020. Please replace the message with one that actually describes the problem!


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