Ошибка gen earth fault

Ниже перечислены ошибки для частотного преобразователя фирмы ABB серии ACS550 по коду и описанию каждой. Имя ошибки отображается в длинном виде вместе с некоторыми возможными причинами и корректирующими действиями, которые могут быть предприняты.

1 OVERCURRENT Выходной ток является чрезмерным. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Чрезмерная нагрузка на двигатель.
• Недостаточное время ускорения (параметры 2202 ACCELER TIME 1 и 2205 ACCELER TIME 2).
• Неисправный мотор, кабели двигателя или соединения.

2 DC OVERVOLT Промежуточное напряжение постоянного тока чрезмерно. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Статические или временные перенапряжения во входном источнике питания.
• Недостаточное время замедления (параметры 2203 DECELER TIME 1 и 2206 DECELER TIME 2).
• Принудительный тормозной прерыватель (если имеется).
• Убедитесь, что контроллер перенапряжения включен (с использованием параметра 2005).

3 DEV OVERTEMP Приводной радиатор перегревается. Температура находится выше. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Неисправность вентилятора.
• Препятствия в воздушном потоке.
• Грязевое или пылевое покрытие на радиаторе.
• Чрезмерная температура окружающей среды.
• Чрезмерная нагрузка на двигатель.

4 SHORT CIRC Ток повреждения. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Короткое замыкание в кабеле (двигателях) двигателя или двигателе.
• Нарушения питания.

5 RESERVED Не используется.

6 DC UNDERVOLT Промежуточное напряжение постоянного тока недостаточно. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Отсутствует фаза во входном источнике питания.
• Перегорел предохранитель.
• Снижение напряжения в сети.

7 AI1 LOSS Аналоговый вход 1 потеря. Значение аналогового входа меньше AI1 FAULT LIMIT (3021).коды-ошибок-неисправности-ABB-ACS550-2
Проверьте и исправьте:
• Источник и подключение для аналогового входа.
• Настройки параметров для AI1 FAULT LIMIT (3021) и 3001 AI <MIN FUNCTION.

8 AI2 LOSS Аналоговый вход 2 потери. Значение аналогового входа меньше AI2 FAULT LIMIT (3022).
Проверьте и исправьте:
• Источник и подключение для аналогового входа.
• Настройки параметров для AI2 FAULT LIMIT (3022) и 3001 AI <MIN FUNCTION.

9 MOT OVERTEMP Двигатель слишком горячий, основываясь либо на оценке привода, либо на температуре
• Проверьте наличие перегруженного двигателя.
• Отрегулируйте параметры, используемые для оценки (3005 … 3009).
• Проверьте датчики температуры и параметры группы 35: MOTOR TEMP MEAS.

10 PANEL LOSS Пакетная связь потеряна:
• Привод находится в режиме локального управления (панель управления отображает LOC) или
• Привод находится в режиме дистанционного управления (REM) и параметризуется, чтобы принять пуск / остановку, направление или ссылку с панели управления.
Чтобы исправить проверте:
• Линии связи и соединения.
• Параметр 3002 PANEL COMM ERR.
• Параметры в группе 10: START / STOP / DIR и группа 11: REFERENCE SELECT (если привод работает REM).

11 ID RUN FAIL Ошибка запуска двигателя не была выполнена успешно. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Соединения двигателя.
• Параметры двигателя 9905 … 9909.

12 MOTOR STALL Двигатель или срыв двигателя. Двигатель работает в области сваливания. Проверьте правильность:
• Чрезмерная нагрузка.
• Недостаточная мощность двигателя.
• Параметры 3010 … 3012.

13 RESERVED Не используется.

14 EXT FAULT 1 Цифровой вход, определенный для сообщения о первой внешней ошибке, активен. См. Параметр 3003 EXTERNAL FAULT 1.

15 EXT FAULT 2 Цифровой вход, заданный для сообщения о второй внешней ошибке, активен. См. Параметр 3004 EXTERNAL FAULT 2.

16 EARTH FAULT Возможная ошибка замыкания на землю в кабелях двигателя. Преобразователь частоты контролирует ошибки замыкания на землю во время работы привода и пока привод не работает. Обнаружение более чувствительно, когда привод не работает и может создавать ложные срабатывания.
Возможные поправки:
• Проверьте / исправьте неисправности в проводке ввода.
• Убедитесь, что кабель двигателя не превышает максимальную указанную длину.
• Дельта-заземленный входной источник питания и кабели двигателя с высокой емкостью могут приводить к ошибочным сообщениям об ошибках во время нерабочих тестов. Чтобы отключить ответ на мониторинг неисправностей, когда привод не работает, используйте параметр 3023 WIRING FAULT. Чтобы отключить ответ на весь мониторинг замыкания на землю, используйте параметр 3017 EARTH FAULT.
Примечание. Отказ от замыкания на землю (замыкание на землю) может привести к аннулированию гарантии.

17 OBSOLETE Не используется.

18 THERM FAIL Внутренняя ошибка. Термистор, измеряющий внутреннюю температуру привода, открыт или закорочен.

19 OPEX LINK Внутренняя ошибка. Проблема связи связана с волоконно-оптической связью между платами управления и OINT.

20 OPEX PWR Внутренняя ошибка. Исключительно низкое напряжение, обнаруженное на источнике питания OINT.

21 CURR MEAS Внутренняя ошибка. Измерение тока вне диапазона.

22 SUPPLY PHASE Напряжение пульсации в звене постоянного тока слишком велико. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Отсутствует фаза сети.
• Перегорел предохранитель.

23 ENCODER ERR Привод не обнаруживает действительный сигнал датчика. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Наличие датчика и правильное соединение (обратный проводной = канал A, подключенный к клемме канала B или наоборот, ослабленное соединение или короткое замыкание).
• Уровни логики напряжения находятся за пределами указанного диапазона.
• Рабочий и правильно подключенный интерфейсный модуль импульсного датчика, OTAC-01.
• Неверное значение, введенное в параметре 5001 PULSE NR. Неправильное значение будет обнаружено только в том случае, если ошибка такова, что расчетное скольжение превышает 4-кратное номинальное скольжение двигателя.
• Кодер не используется, но параметр 5002 ENCODER ENABLE = 1 (ENABLE).

24 OVERSPEED Скорость двигателя превышает 120% от величины (по величине) 2001 года
MINIMUM SPEED или MAXIMUM SPEED 2002 года. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Настройки параметров для 2001 и 2002 годов.
• Адекватность момента торможения двигателем.
• Применимость контроля крутящего момента.
• Тормозной прерыватель и резистор.

25 RESERVED Не используется.

26 DRIVE ID Внутренняя ошибка. Недопустимый идентификатор устройства блока конфигурации.

27 CONFIG FILE Внутренний файл конфигурации имеет ошибку.

28 SERIAL 1 ERR Связь по протоколу Ethernet по протоколу ERR отключена. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Настройка сбоев (3018 COMM FAULT FUNC и 3019 COMM FAULT TIME).
• Настройки связи (Группа 51: EXT COMM MODULE или Группа 53: EFB PROTOCOL, если необходимо).
• Плохие соединения и / или шум на линии.

29 EFB CON FILE Ошибка чтения файла конфигурации встроенной полевой шины.

30 FORCE TRIP Неисправность, вызванная полевой шиной.

31 EFB 1 Код ошибки, зарезервированный для приложения протокола встроенной полевой шины (EFB). Значение зависит от протокола.

32 EFB 2 Код ошибки, зарезервированный для приложения протокола встроенной полевой шины (EFB). Значение зависит от протокола.

33 EFB 3 Код ошибки, зарезервированный для приложения протокола встроенной полевой шины (EFB). Значение зависит от протокола.

34 MOTOR PHASE Неисправность в цепи двигателя. Одна из фаз двигателя потеряна. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Неисправность двигателя.
• Неисправность кабеля двигателя.
• Неисправность теплового реле (если используется).
• Внутренняя ошибка.

35 OUTP WIRING Возможная ошибка электропроводки. Когда привод не работает, он контролирует неправильное соединение между входной мощностью привода и выводом привода. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Правильная входная проводка — сетевое напряжение НЕ подключено к выходу привода.
• Ошибка может быть ошибочно объявлена, если входная мощность является дельта-заземленной системой, а емкость кабеля двигателя велика. Эта ошибка может быть отключена с помощью параметра 3023 WIRING FAULT.

Привод не может использовать программное обеспечение.
• Внутренняя ошибка.
• Загруженное программное обеспечение несовместимо с приводом.

37 CB OVERTEMP Контрольная панель привода перегрета. Предел отключения от отказа составляет 88 ° C. Проверьте и исправьте:
• Чрезмерная температура окружающей среды.
• Неисправность вентилятора.
• Препятствия в воздушном потоке. Не для дисков с панелью управления OMIO.

Условие, определяемое параметром 3701 USER LOAD C MODE, было действительным дольше, чем время 3703 USER LOAD C TIME.

Дата публикации: 15.03.2021

В процессе эксплуатации частотных преобразователей Danfoss на экране панели оператора LCP возникают коды ошибок, сигнализирующие как о предупреждениях, так и аварийных ситуациях. В данной статье мы рассмотрим основные источники их возникновения, а так же способы их устранения.

Аварийные сообщения могут быть двух видов:

  1. сообщения которые можно сбросить программно (сигнализацией программного аварийного сообщения является мигающий красный светодиод)
  2. аварийные сообщения с блокировкой, сбросить их можно только перезапуском питания (мигает желтый и красный светодиод одновременно).

Сброс аварийного сигнала можно выполнить следующими способами:

• Кнопкой [Reset] на панели LCP (Сброс)

• Через цифровой вход с помощью функции «Сброс»

• По последовательной связи/дополнительной периферийной шине

Классификация аварийных сообщений с блокировкой

04 — Пропадание фазы питания сети

13 — превышение тока

15 — Несовместимое железо в приводе

16 — Короткое замыкание

29 — Перегрев

38 — Внутренняя ошибка

При помощи журнала аварийных сообщений, параметр 15-3, можно просмотреть последних 10 аварий. Для быстрого просмотра на панели оператора LCP необходимо нажать кнопку «Alarm Log». Пользователю будет доступна информация такая как: время возникновения, уставка, частота, ток, выходное напряжение, напряжение на шине DC

Alarm 14 — Превышение тока утечки на землю

Методы распознания данной аварии:

— токовые датчики (3)

— три значения тока суммируются друг с другом с учетом фазности

— допускается небольшое отклонение из-за смещения нуля у токовых датчиков

— данная авария определяется, когда сумма токов больше X% от Iном (в зависимости от мощности Х = 25…35%)

Причина возникновения 
Как проверить?
1. Влага или пыль попали в токовый датчик, проблемы электромагнитной совместимости  В другом помещении авария не происходит
2.  Плата управления неисправна Замена платы
3. Силовая плата неисправна Замена платы
4. Шлейф или кабель повреждены Замена шлейфа
5. Пробой изоляции Провести тест мегаомметром (не более 500/1000 В)
6. Смещение нуля у датчика Провести обнуление смещений. Возможно при значении смещения до 10% от Iном
7. Дефект токового датчика Измерения на датчике

Alarm 29  — Превышение температуры радиатора (Сопровождается значением температуры до 105 С)

Датчики температуры :

  • на радиаторе
  • на плате управления
  • на IGBT

Причины возникновения перегрева:

  1. Неисправность вентилятора
  2. Отверстия входа кабелей не заделаны, отсутствие нижней крышки
  3. Ошибка в расчете теплоотвода в шкафу
  4. Засорен радиатор привода
  5. Датчик температуры неисправен
  6. В цепи датчика плохой контакт

Так же могут быть другие причины аварийного сообщения 29 (сопровождающиеся значениями температуры 130 и выше)

— Тест внутреннего источника питания показал превышение лимитов по напряжению 

— Не установлена перемычка FK102 на силовой плате или плохой контакт

Для наглядности оставшиеся аварии приведем в общую таблицу:

Наименование аварии
Возможная причина
Alarm 4 — Обрыв фазы питания

Проблемы питающей сети

Колеблющийся генераторный режим

Плохой контакт в силовых клеммах

Неисправность IGBT

Неисправность выпрямителя

Alarm 7 — Напряжение DC шины слишком велико

Высокое входное напряжение

Alarm 8  Напряжение DC шины слишком мало

Низкое входное напряжение

Alarm 13 — Перегрузка по току  Ток в электродвигателе превысил 200%
Alarm 1 — Низкое напряжение источника 10 В Необходимо уменьшить нагрузку на внутреннем источнике питания 
Alarm 9 — Температура инвертора

Проверить режим работы частотного преобразователя

Проверить подшипники электродвигателя

Alarm 10 — Температура двигателя

Проверить параметры электродвигателя

Проверить параметр 1-90

Проверить мех. нагрузку

Alarm 12 — Предел по моменту

Проверить параметры электродвигателя

Проверить параметры 4-16 — 18

Проверить мех. нагрузку

Alarm 45 — Пробой на землю

Проверить питающий и моторный кабель

Alarm 50 — 58 Проблема с автоматической адаптацией двигателя

Проверить сам электродвигатель (после перемотки)

Alarm 38 — Внутренняя неисправность

Неисправность определяется в сервисном центре 

Service log

В программном обеспечении MCT10 от компании Danfoss, при подключении к частотному преобразователю имеется вкладка «Service Log», в которой можно увидеть подробную запись аварий в интервале 5 секунд.

Список основных аварий в Service Log:

  • 4 Mains phase loss
  • 5 DC voltage high
  • 6 DC voltage low
  • 7 DC over volt
  • 8 DC under volt 
  • 9 Inverter overld.
  • 10 Motor ETR over
  • 12 Torque limit
  • 13 Over Current
  • 14 Earth Fault
  • 16 Short Circuit
  • 18 Start Failed
  • 25 Brake resistor
  • 26 Brake overload
  • 27 Brake IGBT
  • 28 Brake check
  • 30 U phase loss
  • 31 V phase loss
  • 32 W phase loss
  • 36 Mains failure
  • 37 Phase imbalance
  • 44 Earth Fault AL44
  • 45 Earth Fault 2
  • 59 Current limit
Смотрите также:

Как защитить преобразователь частоты Danfoss?

ТОП 20 вопросов, которые задают при подборе преобразователя частоты

Настройка частотного преобразователя Danfoss Micro Drive. Поддержание давления


Панель оператора может подключаться или к основному модулю 3UF50 или к модулю расширения 3UF51.


Панель оператора питается от основного модуля 3UF50.

4.2. Обзор функций


На следующем рисунке показан обзор функций, которые содержит панель оператора


Рис. 47. Обзор функций панели оператора

4.3. Кнопки управления, светодиоды

Описание функций

На панели есть три кнопки, которые позволяют управлять двигателем. Обычно на кнопки заводятся команды On1, On2, Off.

На панели также есть 6 свободно параметрируемых светодиодов. Справа от кнопок управления – 3 зеленых светодиода. Обычно они параметрируются для отображения состояния двигателя (On1, On2, Off). Для этого Вы должны подсоединить к ним выходы управления лампами QLE1, QLE2 и QLA.


На следующем рисунке показаны кнопки и светодиоды панели оператора.

Рис. 48. Свободно параметрируемые элементы панели оператора

4.4. Тест, светодиоды состояния

Описание функций Тест

Функция тестирования – та же что и в основном модуле. Вы можете тестировать различные функции системы, нажимая на кнопку «Тест / Сброс» на определенное время. Кнопка «Тест / Сброс» находится на передней панели. Также, при помощи этой кнопки сбрасываются (квитируются) возникающие ошибки.

Кнопка «Тест / Сброс»

Кнопка «Тест / Сброс» имеет ту же функцию, что и такая же кнопка на основном модуле


Служебные светодиоды

На панели оператора есть 2 светодиода состояния, для отображения особых состояний системы.




«Ready» — Готов

Постоянный зеленый свет

Устройство готово к работе

«Gen. Fault» — Общая ошибка

Постоянный красный свет

Ошибка системы

5.Диагностика и устранение ошибок. Сигнализация

5.1.Состояния в случае ошибок

Описание функций Отображение сообщений об ошибках

SIMOCODE-DP отображает ошибки и сбои в устройствах следующим образом:

На основном модуле и на панели оператора, загорается красный светодиод «Gen. Fault». В случае неисправностей шины связи, загорается светодиод «Bus».

Если Вы используете Win-SIMOCODE-DP, появится соответствующее текстовое сообщение.

На PROFIBUS-DP, установится соответствующий бит в циклическом сообщении и / или в канале диагностики.

Дополнительная реакция

Также произойдет следующее:

Отключатся выходы управления контакторами QE

Загорится лампа QLS

Бит «General fault» будет послан по шине связи.

Вы также можете подсоединить сигнал «General fault» и / или выход управления лампой QLS на выходные реле, например, для светоиндикации ошибки блока.

Анализ ошибок в программе Win-SIMOCODE-DP

Для быстрого анализа ошибок, если ошибка произошла в ходе наладки или работы, рекомендуется вызвать окно «Control/Signal» (Управление / Сигнализация) в программе


Рис. 49. Быстрый анализ ошибок в программе Win-SIMOCODE-DP

В этом окне отображается вся информация о состоянии устройства и двигателя, что позволяет Вам быстро проанализировать ошибки.

Средства подтверждения

Чтобы восстановить выходы управления контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3, Вы должны устранить ошибки. Имеются различные варианты подтверждения ошибок, в зависимости от вида неисправности; например:

Выполнить Сброс, и управление выходами QE1/QE2/QE3 восстановится.

Выполнить Сброс, но управление контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 не восстановится до тех пор, пока причина ошибка не будет устранена. Повторный Сброс не требуется, команда сохраняется в памяти устройства.

Выполнить Сброс в случае Перегрузки, но управление контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 не восстановится до тех пор, пока не истечет время охлаждения двигателя Cooling Time. Повторный Сброс не требуется, команда сохраняется в памяти устройства.

Выполнить Сброс в случае срабатывания Термисторной защиты, но управление контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 не восстановится до тех пор, пока значения от термисторного датчика не опустятся ниже уставки. Повторный Сброс не требуется, команда сохраняется в памяти устройства.

Подтверждение ошибок

Вы можете выполнить подтверждение следующим образом:

Кнопкой «Тест / Сброс» на основном модуле или панели оператора.

Тремя вспомогательными входными сигналами управления Reset1, Reset2 и Reset3. Вы можете назначать их на внешнюю кнопку, например, и-или на бит PROFIBUS-DP.

Сконфигурировать автоматический Сброс. Эта функция будет работать только в следующих случаях:

— Срабатывание по перегрузке — Срабатывание по Перегрузке + Ассиметрии — Срабатывание от Термистора

Командой управления, «Отключить двигатель».

5.2. Подтверждение и устранение ошибок

Таблица устранения ошибок

Ниже представлена таблица, содержащая действия, которые необходимо предпринять в случае ошибок.

Таблицу можно применять только в случае, когда двигатель был включен до появления сообщения об ошибке.

Таблица содержит следующую информацию:

Какая ошибка произошла, и каково ее значение

Состояние выходов управления контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 и лампами


Сообщение состояния, сообщение предупреждения и сообщение ошибки

Действия в случае ошибки.

Описание используемых символов.

Светодиод горит, или присутствует постоянный сигнал на выходе для управления лампами QLS/QLE1/QLE2/QLA

Светодиод мигает, или присутствует мигающий сигнал на выходе для управления лампами QLS/QLE1/QLE2/QLA

Светодиод не горит, или отсутствует сигнал на выходе для управления лампами


Выход управления контактором QE1/QE2/QE3 деактивирован

==Выход управления контактором QE1/QE2/QE3 не изменяется

1)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Отключение»

2)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Предупреждение»

3)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Остановка двигателя»

4)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Возврат в предыдущее состояние»

5)Применительно к Задвижке

В случае конечного положения задвижки, если происходит ошибка, то QLA сигнал не появляется, а присутствует сигнал QLE1 или QLE2, в соответствии с положением задвижки

7)В случае Задвижки или управления Соленоидом — непрерывный сигнал

8) Мигающий сигнал QLE1, пока задвижка не достигнет конечного положения, затем постоянный сигнал

9)В случае Задвижки возможно только «Сброс»

10)В случае Задвижки только непрерывный сигнал на QLE1 или QLE2

11)В случае Задвижки мигающие сигналы на QLE1 или QLE2

12)В случае Соленоида QLE2 постоянно горит, а на QLA нет сигнала

13)При использовании Функции Управления «Перегрузка» управление лампами

QLA/QLE1/QLE2 не доступно





Поведение ламп


























Для функций

управления «Перегрузка»13), «


стартер», «Реверсный

стартер», «Стартер


», «Стартер с изменением числа полюсов», «Стартер Дахландера» «Задвижка 1-5», SIKOSTART

Overload 1)

Определена перегрузка

General Fault


Сбросить и ждать, пока не пройдет


время охлаждения

Overload 2)



General Warning


Разгрузить двигатель


Сбросить и ждать, пока не пройдет








время охлаждения



Разгрузить двигатель









Значение от термистора



Сбросить и ждать, пока значение не

PTC bynary

выше уставки

вернется в рабочий диапазон


Значение от термистора




Ждать, пока значение не вернется в

PTC binary

ниже уставки

рабочий диапазон


Значение от термистора




Ждать, пока значение не вернется в


достигло уровня

рабочий диапазон




Сбросить и ждать, пока значение не


Значение от термистора




достигло уровня


вернется в рабочий диапазон



Сбросить, если ошибка появится еще

Earth Fault1)

Сработала защита от


Защита от

замыкания на землю


раз при включении питания, убрать


Earth Fault2)

Сработала защита от



Защита от ЗЗ

Убрать замыкание на землю

замыкания на землю


Motor Stalled

Ротор двигателя







Перегрузка по току



[I>], Level1)



Ждать, пока значение не вернется в


Перегрузка по току



[I>], Level2)


рабочий диапазон


Недогрузка по току




[I<], Level1)



Ждать, пока значение не вернется в


Недогрузка по току



[I<], Level2)


рабочий диапазон


В первичной цепи не



Сбросить или дать команду на

Curr. Off

течет ток дольше, чем

Curr. (Off)


время checkback time, без

команды на отключение

Сбросить или дать команду на


В первичной цепи течет




Curr. On

ток дольше, чем время

Curr. (On)

отключение; убрать повреждение

checkback time, без

команды на включение





Поведение ламп


























Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault1

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault1

Extrnal Fault1

отключение/Стоп; убрать


Extrnal Fault2

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault2

Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault2

отключение/Стоп; убрать



Присутствует сигнал


CST Fault

Сбросить или дать команду на

signal Test

«CST» и в первичной


цепи протекает ток

Убрать повреждение

Ready to start

Нет сигнала Ready to start



Сбросить или дать команду на


Присутствует сигнал




«Underviltage off » после


истечения времени




Сигнал исчез на



Fault 3)

функциональном блоке




Убрать повреждение


Сигнал исчез на



Fault 4)

функциональном блоке


Убрать повреждение и сбросить

DP-Fault 3)




в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

DP Failt 4)



в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

См. Таблицу в разделе «Ошибки


См. Описание Ошибок

Сигнал, пока не

Errors 1-7





Для функций управления «Перегрузка», «Прямой стартер», «Реверсный стартер», «Стартер звезда/треугольник», «Стартер с изменением числа полюсов», «Стартер Дахландера», SIKOSTART


Присутствует сигнал



Дать команду на отключение;

Protection Off

Operational Protection Off

Включение невозможно, пока

повреждение не будет убрано

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time On

В первичной цепи не


Run Time

течет ток, дольше, чем



время run time, после

команды на включение

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time Off

В первичной цепи течет


Run Time

ток, дольше, чем время


отключение; убрать повреждение

run time, после команды

на отключение





Поведение ламп


























Для функции

управления «Задвижка»

Необходимо закрыть задвижку и дать


Присутствует сигнал




Protection Off

Operational Protection Off

команду на закрытие

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time

Задвижка не закрылась



Run time On

Close (On)

после истечения времени


Run time

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time

Задвижка не открылась



Run time Off

Open (Off)

после истечения времени

отключение; убрать повреждение

Run time

Освободить моментные выключатели


Задвижка застряла.




Моментные выключате-


командами противоположного

ли срабатывают без

движения («Открыть» или «Закрыть»)

сигналов от концевых


Убрать повреждение

Double 0

Оба моментных


Double 0

выключателя сработали


Убрать повреждение

Double 1

Оба концевыз


Double 1

выключателя сработали


Освободить концевые выключатели


Задвижка пришла в




движение без команды


командами противоположного

движения («Открыть» или «Закрыть»)


Не получен сигнал



Убрать повреждение


обратной связи, когда


задвижка достигла

концевого положения

Для функции

управления «Управление соленоидом»

Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault1

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault 1

Extrnal Fault1

закрытие; убрать повреждение

Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault2

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault 2

Extrnal Fault2

закрытие; убрать повреждение

Убрать повреждение

Ready to start

Присутствует сигнал



Ready to start

Дать команду на закрытие; открытие


Присутствует сигнал



Protection Off

Operational Protection Off

невозможно, пока повреждение не

будет убрано

Run Time

Соленоид не закрылся


Run time On

Сбросить или дать команду на

Close (On)

после истечения времени


Run time





Поведение ламп


























Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time

Соленоид не открылся


Run Time

Open (Off)

после истечения времени



Run time

Убрать повреждение

Double 1

Оба концевых


Double 1

выключателя сработали


Дать противоположную команду


Соленоид начал




двигаться из концевого


(«Открыть» или «Закрыть»)




Сигнал исчез на



Fault 3)

функциональном блоке




Убрать повреждение


Сигнал исчез на



Fault 4)

функциональном блоке


Убрать повреждение и сбросить

DP-Fault 3)



DP Fault

в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

DP Failt 4)



в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

См. Таблицу в разделе «Ошибки


См. Описание Ошибок

Сигнал, пока не

Errors 1-7





Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
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    28.03.201510.86 Mб42SIMOCODE_pro_ru.pdf

  • #
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    28.03.201531.39 Mб79SolidWorks 2011 на примерах.pdf

  • #
  • #


Check Conditions

  • The power supply mode of the electric motor switch is ON, or the drive battery starts to be charged.
Judgement Criterion

  • Earth fault is detected.


  • Not available


  • Earth fault of high voltage system component
  • The quick charging contactor (+) or the quick charging contactor (-) is stuck in ON.
  • The drive battery earth fault detector is failed.
  • Open circuits of drive battery earth fault detector circuit, short circuits to earth, short circuits to power supply system or damage; poor contact of connector.
  • The BMU is failed.


danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).

STEP 1. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code.

  • Wait 20 seconds after turning ON the power supply mode of electric motor switch.
  • Selector lever position indicator: P
note If the diagnosis code is set with the power supply mode of electric motor switch turned ON, an electric leak could occur inside the drive battery.

Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 2.
Go to Step 18 <vehicles with quick charger>.
Go to Step 20 <vehicles without quick charger>.

STEP 2. Check service plug connector for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect service plug, and measure at service plug box assembly side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between service plug box assembly CMU ID 05 side terminal and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 4.

STEP 3. Check contactor itself.

  • Check main contactor (+) and charging contactor itself.
note When a diagnosis code is set with the electric motor switch ON, there may be electric leakage inside the main battery.

Is the check result normal?

STEP 4. Check the service plug connector for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect service plug, and measure at service plug box assembly side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between service plug box assembly CMU ID 05 side terminal and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 6.

STEP 5. Check contactor itself.

  • Check main contactor (-) itself.

Is the check result normal?

STEP 6. Voltage measurement at drive battery connector (drive battery earth fault detector power supply line).

(1)Disconnect the connector and measure at the body wiring harness side.
(2)Operate the electric motor switch without depressing the brake pedal and turn ON the power supply mode of electric motor switch.
(3)Check the voltage between the drive battery connector (drive battery earth fault detector power supply line) and body earth.
OK: System voltage

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 7.
Repair drive battery earth fault detector in power supply line between IGCT control relay connector and drive battery connector.

STEP 7. Perform resistance measurement at drive battery connector (drive battery earth fault detector body earth line).

(1)Disconnect the connector and measure at the body wiring harness side.
(2)Check the resistance between drive battery connector (drive battery connector earth fault detector body earth line) and body earth.
OK: Continuity (2 Ω or less)

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 8.
Repair drive battery earth fault detector body earth line between drive battery connector and body earth.

STEP 8. Check of damage in drive battery earth fault detector power supply line between IGCT control relay connector and drive battery connector.

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 9.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness.

STEP 9. Measure the voltage at the BMU connector (SENS terminal).

(1)Measure the terminal voltage.
(2)Disconnect the main battery connector.
(3)Turn on the power supply mode of the electric motor switch without depressing the brake pedal.
(4)Measure the voltage in the power supply line between the BMU connector (SENS terminal) and body earth.
OK: 0- 0.1 V

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 10.

    Repair the SENS wire between the BMU connector and the main battery connector.

STEP 10. Check of short to earth, short to power supply, open circuit and damage in SENS line between BMU connector and drive battery connector.

Are the check result normal?

Go to Step 11.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness.

STEP 11. Check of short to earth, short to power supply, open circuit and damage in PRCK line between BMU connector and drive battery connector.

Are the check result normal?

Go to Step 12.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness.

STEP 12. Voltage measurement at BMU connector (PRCK terminal).

(1)Measure BMU terminal voltage.
(2)Operate the electric motor switch without depressing the brake pedal and turn ON the power supply mode of electric motor switch.
(3)Check the voltage between the BMU connector (PRCK terminal) and body earth.
OK: The voltage is changed.

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 13.
Replace the BMU.

STEP 13. Voltage measurement at BMU connector (SENS terminal).

(1)Measure BMU terminal voltage.
(2)Disconnect the drive battery connector.
(3)Operate the electric motor switch without depressing the brake pedal and turn ON the power supply mode of electric motor switch.
(4)Check the voltage between the BMU connector (SENS terminal) and body earth.
OK: System voltage

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 14.

    Remove the battery tray cover according to the specified procedure. Then replace defective battery module(s). Then assemble the main battery according to the specified procedure.Go to Step 15.

STEP 14. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code

  • Reconfirmation of diagnosis code.

Is the diagnosis code set?

Replace the BMU.

STEP 15. Check of short to earth, short to power supply, open circuit and damage in power supply line between drive battery connector and drive battery earth fault detector connector.

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 16.

STEP 16. Check of short to power supply, open circuit and damage in body earth line between drive battery connector and drive battery earth fault detector connector.

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 17.

STEP 17. Check of short to earth, short to power supply, open circuit and damage in SENS line and PRCK line between drive battery connector and drive battery earth fault detector connector.

Is the check result normal?

STEP 18. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code.

  • During the quick charging
note If the diagnosis code is set during the quick charging, the quick charging contactor (+) can become stuck in the ON position or the quick charging contactor (-) can become stuck in the ON position.

Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 20.

STEP 19. Check quick charging contactor itself.

  • Quick charging contactor (+) and quick charging contactor (-) check

Is the check result normal?

STEP 20. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code

  • Ready indicator is illuminated
  • Selector lever position indicator: P
  • A/C switch: OFF

Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 21.
Go to Step 35.

STEP 21. Check the power drive unit connector for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 23.
Go to Step 22.

STEP 22. Check the power drive unit (drive battery) for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Disconnect the drive battery (FPDU) connector.
(3)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (drive battery) connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(5)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (drive battery) connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Replace the wiring harness between power drive unit (drive battery) connector and drive battery (power drive unit) connector.

STEP 23. Check the power drive unit (drive battery) connector for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the equipment side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (drive battery) connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (A/C compressor) connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 28.
Go to Step 24.

STEP 24. Check the power drive unit (A/C compressor) for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (A/C compressor) connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (A/C compressor) connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 27.
After replacing the A/C refrigerant and the compressor oil, go to Step 25.

STEP 25. Check the power drive unit (A/C compressor) for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (A/C compressor) connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (A/C compressor) connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Check end
Go to Step 26.

STEP 26. Check the A/C compressor assembly for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the A/C compressor assembly for the insulation resistance (Refer to GROUP 55 — Compressor Assembly — Inspection ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the A/C compressor assembly.

STEP 27. Check the power drive unit for the insulation resistance.

  • Power drive unit for the insulation resistance check (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the power drive unit.

STEP 28. Check the RMCU (drive battery P) connector or RMCU (drive battery N) for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (drive battery P) connector and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (drive battery N) connector and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 30.
Go to Step 29.

STEP 29. Check RMCU (drive battery P) and RMCU (drive battery N) for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side connector.
(2)Disconnect connector, drive battery (normal charging P) connector and drive battery (normal charging N) connector.
(3)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(4)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (drive battery P) connector or and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(5)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (drive battery N) connector and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Replace the harness between RMCU (drive battery P) connector and drive battery (normal charging P) connector or RMCU (drive battery N) connector and drive battery (normal charging N) connector.

STEP 30. Check the RMCU (drive battery P) connector and RMCU (drive battery N) connector for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the equipment side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (drive battery P) connector and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (drive battery N) connector and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 31.

STEP 31. Check the RMCU (On board charger/DC-DC converter) connector for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (on board charger/DC-DC converter) connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (on board charger/DC-DC converter) connector (N terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 32.
Replace the on board charger/DC-DC converter

STEP 32. Check the RMCU (electric heater) for the insulation resistance.

caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (electric heater) connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between RMCU (electric heater) connector (P terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 34.
Go to Step 33.

STEP 33. Check the electric heater for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the electric heater for the insulation resistance (Refer to GROUP 55 — Heater Water Pump — Inspection ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the electric heater

STEP 34. Check the RMCU for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the RMCU for the insulation resistance (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the RMCU

STEP 35. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code.

  • Ready indicator is illuminated
  • Selector lever position indicator: D

Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 36.
Go to Step 42.

STEP 36. Check the power drive unit connector for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (front motor) connector (MU terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (front motor) connector (MV terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(5)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (front motor) connector (MW terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 38.
Go to Step 37.

STEP 37. Check the front motor (power unit) for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the front motor (power unit) for the insulation resistance (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the motor (power unit)

STEP 38. Check the power drive unit for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the power drive unit for the insulation resistance (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 39.
Replace the power drive unit

STEP 39. Check the RMCU for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (front motor) connector (U terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (front motor) connector (V terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(5)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (front motor) connector (W terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 41.
Go to Step 40.

STEP 40. Check the rear motor for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the rear motor for the insulation resistance (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the harness between RMCU (rear motor) connector and rear motor (power unit) connector.
Replace the rear motor.

STEP 41. Check the RMCU for the insulation resistance

  • Check the RMCU for the insulation resistance (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the RMCU.

STEP 42. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code

  • Ready indicator is illuminated
  • Selector lever position indicator: P
  • Drive battery level indicator: shows 3/4 residual amount in its entirety.
  • Battery charge: ON

Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 43.
Go to Step 46.

STEP 43. Check the power drive unit connector for the insulation resistance.

danger When high voltage system components are serviced, be sure to pull service plugs to shut down high voltage before serving (Refer to ).
danger When pulling service plugs, wear the specified protective equipment (Refer to ).
caution When the insulation resistance is measured, set the range of the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to 500 V. When the insulation resistance is measured at the range more than 500 V, the component may be damaged.
(1)Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2)Use the special tool electric insulation tester (MB992355) to set the range to 500 V.
(3)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (generator) connector (GU terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(4)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (generator) connector (GV terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more
(5)Check the insulation resistance between power drive unit (generator) connector (GW terminal) and body earth.
OK: 10 MΩ or more

Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 45.
Go to Step 44.

STEP 44. Check the generator for the insulation resistance.

  • Check the generator for the insulation resistance (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the generator.

STEP 45. Check the power drive unit for the insulation resistance.

  • Power drive unit for the insulation resistance check (Refer to ).

Is the check result normal?

Replace the power drive unit.

STEP 46. M.U.T.-III diagnosis code.

  • Reconfirmation of diagnosis code.

Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 1.
Check end.



TRANS-AMF AUTOMATIC MAINS FAILURE UNIT FOR GAS/DIESEL/GASOLINE GENERATORS WITH J1939 ECUs User Manual EMKO ELEKTRONÝK A.Þ. Demirtaþ Org. San. Bolg. Karanfil Sk. No: 6 TR 16369 Bursa / TURKEY Phone Faks Url E-mail : +90 224 261 1900 : +90 224 261 1912 : www.emkoelektronik.com.tr :[email protected] [email protected] Introduction Manual. ENG TRANS-AMF 02 V12 03/13 CONTENTS 1.Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1.1 General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 1.2 Warranty.................................................................................................................................... 1.3 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. Page Page Page Page 4 4 4 4 2.Installation......................................................................................................................................... 2.1 Unit Configuration...................................................................................................................... 2.2 Panel Mounting.......................................................................................................................... Figure 2.1 Front View................................................................................................................ Figure 2.2 Panel Cut-Out.......................................................................................................... 2.3 Electrical Connection................................................................................................................. Page Page Page Page Page Page 5 5 5 5 5 6 3.Definition Of Front Panel And Accessing To The Parameters...................................................... 3.1 Front Panel Description............................................................................................................. 3.2 Accessing To The Operator Parameters.................................................................................... 3.3 Accessing To The Technician Parameters................................................................................. 3.4 Changing And Saving Parameter Values ................................................................................. Page Page Page Page Page 7 7 16 17 24 4.Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 4.1 Operator Parameters................................................................................................................. 4.1.1 Mains................................................................................................................................ 4.1.2 Generator......................................................................................................................... 4.2 Technician Parameters.............................................................................................................. 4.2.1 System............................................................................................................................. 4.2.2 Mains................................................................................................................................ 4.2.3 Generator......................................................................................................................... 4.2.4 Engine.............................................................................................................................. 4.2.5 Inputs............................................................................................................................... 4.2.6 Outputs............................................................................................................................. 4.2.7 Timers.............................................................................................................................. 4.2.8 Expansion Modules.......................................................................................................... 4.2.9 User Adjustment............................................................................................................... Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 25 25 25 25 27 27 32 32 34 44 60 69 70 71 5.Specifications.................................................................................................................................... Page 75 2 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Manufacturer’s Name : EMKO ELEKTRONIK A.S. Manufacturer’s Address : DOSAB, Karanfil Sk., No:6, 16369 Bursa, TURKEY The manufacturer hereby declares that the product: Product Name : Automatic Mains Failure Unit Type Number : TRANS-AMF Product Category : Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use Conforms to the following directives : 2006 / 95 / EC The Low Voltage Directive 2004 / 108 / EC The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive has been designed and manufactured to the following specifications: EN 61000-6-4:2007 EMC Generic Emission Standard for Industrial Environments EN 61000-6-2:2005 EMC Generic Immunity Standard for Industrial Environments EN 61010-1:2001 Safety Requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use When and Where Issued th Authorized Signature 25 February 2011 Name : Serpil YAKIN Bursa-TURKEY Position : Quality Manager 3 1.Introduction 1.1 General Specifications The unit provides for automatic transfer of a load from mains to generator in the event of a mains failure. Intended for unattended operation, it is able to detect failure of any phase of the mains and to start and switch over to a generator if the mains voltage goes outside pre-set limits. Both automatic and manual control is possible. A test mode is also available which allows the generator to be run without taking the load. The unit has Dual Working feature. In the event of a mains failure, group with high priority starts and takes the load. If both groups has no priority, the group with less working hour will start and take the load. To use Dual Working feature Dual Set expansion module must be used. The unit calculates engine RPM from Magnetic Pickup sensor input (MPU) and/or generator voltage signal. The unit monitors J1939 ECU messages and provides remote start/stop control via J1939 protocol (supported ECUs: Volvo EMS2, Volvo EDC4, Perkins and standard messages). The unit is extensively programmable through the front panel, with password protection on two levels. Operational parameters can also be monitored and controlled from a PC via a built-in USB communication port. In the event that the engine fails to start on the first attempt, the attempt will be repeated a programmed number of times or until successful. The unit monitors generator operation and gives warning of any faults that are detected. If a fault is detected, the unit shuts down the engine and shows the failure message on the LCD display and activates the internal sounder. The configurable input-3 can be used as the water level sensing input. The configurable input-7 can be used as the cabin temperature analog input. 1.2 Warranty EMKO Elektronik warrants that the equipment delivered is free from defects in material and workmanship. This warranty is provided for a period of two years. The warranty period starts from the delivery date. This warranty is in force if duty and responsibilities which are determined in warranty document and instruction manual performs by the customer completely. 1.3 Maintenance Repairs should only be performed by trained and specialized personnel. Cut power to the device before accessing internal parts. Do not clean the case with hydrocarbon-based solvents (Petrol, Trichlorethylene etc.). Use of these solvents can reduce the mechanical reliability of the device. Use a cloth dampened in ethyl alcohol or water to clean the external plastic case. 4 2.Installation Ýçindekiler ! Before beginning installation of this product, please read the instruction manual and warnings below carefully. A visual inspection of this product for possible damage occured during shipment is recommended before installation. It is your responsibility to ensure that qualified mechanical and electrical technicians install this product. If there is danger of serious accident resulting from a failure or defect in this unit , power off the system and seperate the electrical connection of the device from the system. Keep the power off until all of the wiring is completed so that electric shock and trouble with the unit can be prevented. 2.1 Unit Configuration Ýçindekiler The unit can be programmed using the buttons and LCD display on the front panel or PC Software. 2.2 Panel Mounting Ýçindekiler The unit is designed for panel mounting. Fixing is by two screw fixings. 1- Insert the unit in the panel cut-out from the front. 2- Insert the fixings in the slotted at the corners of the unit and tighten the fixing screws to secure the unit against the panel. 229mm Figure 2.1 Front View 135mm ü 152mm ! During the equipment is putted in hole on the metal panel while mechanical installation some metal burrs can cause injury on hands, you must be careful. 182mm Figure 2.2 Panel Cut-Out 5 2.3 Electrical Connection 1 ! 22 21 USB BATTERY + 2 ! J1939 ECUs 17 18 19 20 H(+) L(-) SCR -(SCR) + 3 FUSE-7 8 FUSE-2 * * * * To Engine Earth 39 38 37 36 5A 5A BATTERY - 27 26 25 24 23 Level Sender or Configurable Analog Input-1 Configurable Input-2 Water Level or Configurable Input-3 Low Oil Pressure or Configurable Input-4 High Temperature or Configurable Input-5 Configurable Input-6 Cabin Temperature or Configurable Input-7 D+(W.L.) Charge Alt. Fuel Or Configurable Output-1 Crank Or Configurable Output-2 Configurable Output-3 Configurable Output-4 FUSE-8 BATTERY + Configurable Output-5 Configurable Output-6 L1 L2 L3 N 6 7 FUSE-1 Max. 300VV 9 FUSE-3 Temperature Sender Emergency Stop or Configurable Input-1 BATTERY + 10 8A TRANSISTOR OUTPUTS MAX. 1 A M LOAD Electrical interlock G Generator Contactor Relay Mains Contactor Relay Oil Sender * IT CAN BE USED AS A DIGITAL INPUT BY SELECTING FROM THE PROGRAM PARAMETERS 1 8A 42 41 40 Mechanical interlock 2 FUSE-4 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Common 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 4 3 FUSE-5 Max. 300VV 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 FUSE-6 MAINS BATTERY - ! L1 L2 L3 N GENERATOR MPU ! TRANS-AMF three phase connections schematic FUSE-1, FUSE-2, FUSE-3, FUSE-4, FUSE-5, FUSE-6 2 A. T FUSE-7 6 A. T FUSE-8 Max. 10 A. T 1- Connect the unit as shown in the appropriate diagram. Be sure to connect the battery supply the right way round and battery negative should be grounded. 2- The CAN interface requires that a 120 Ohms terminator is fitted to each end of the communications link. This termination resistor is fitted internally into the unit. So it is not required externally. The screen is grounded at one end ONLY. 3- Screened cable must be used for connecting the Magnetic Pickup, ensuring that the screen is grounded at one end ONLY. 4- Current transformers secondary should be grounded. ! 6 3. Front Panel Description And Accessing To The Parameters 3.1 Front Panel Description 15 16 17 1 4 2 19 3 21 ü20 22 5 10 28 18 29 6 26 30 11 23 24 25 9 7 27 31 12 8 13 32 14 33 Number Comment This LED indicates that a "Shutdown" alarm was detected. 1 This LED indicates that a "Warning" alarm was detected 2 This LED indicates that a "Maintenance" alarm was detected 3 This LCD display is used for displaying the electrical measurements during normal operation, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and editing/inspecting programming parameters in program mode. This LED indicates that Mains voltage and frequency is within limits and is ready to take over the load. This LED shows that the load is supplied from the mains. This LED shows that the load is supplied from the generator. This LED indicates that Generator voltage and frequency is within limits and is ready to take over the load. This LED indicates that the engine has started and is running. This LED shows that the unit is in the AUTO mode. This LED shows that the unit is in the TEST mode. This LED shows that the unit is in the MANUAL mode. In the MAN, AUTO and TEST modes, this LED indicates that the engine is starting up or is running. This LED shows that the unit is in the STOP mode. 7 Number Comment 15 Warning and Alarm messages shortcut button. 16 Event Logs shortcut button. 17 The LAMP TEST button illuminates all LED indicators. 18 This button is used for showing previous parameters on the currently selected page in normal operation. In Programming mode, it operates as an Up button (changing cursor position) or Increment button (increase parameter value). 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 This button is used for showing previous page in normal operation. In Programming mode, it operates as an Left button (changing cursor position). This button is used for entering parameter edit section and saving parameter value in programming mode. This button is used for showing next page in normal operation. In Programming mode, it operates as an Right button (changing cursor position). This button is used for showing next parameters on the currently selected page in normal operation. In Programming mode, it operates as an Down button (changing cursor position) or Decrement button (decrease parameter value). The Escape button is used for exit previous section in programming mode. When this button is pressed, the unit goes into its PROGRAMMING Mode. This button will silence the alarm horn after a failure has been detected. This button opens or closes the mains contactor, only operative when manual mode is selected. This button opens or closes the gen. contactor, only operative when manual mode is selected. This button will reset the controller after a failure has been detected. The AUTO button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the AUTO Mode. The TEST button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the TEST Mode. The MAN button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the MANUAL Mode. The START button is used for starting the engine when the unit is in the Manual Mode. The STOP button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the STOP Mode. The generator is stopped. LCD display Description Current page name Measurement values Mains Page1 V12: V23: V31: Wait MAINS 380V V1: 380V V2: 380V V3: for start 220V 220V 220V ü Engine Status or Error Messages 128x64 Dot-matrix LCD display. Use the Next and Previous buttons to select which Data display page (screen) is to be displayed. When the Alarm (!) shortcut button is pressed, the Warning & Alarm display page is displayed. When the Event log (LOG) shortcut button is pressed, the Event Log display page is displayed. 8 Data display pages on the LCD display; Mains Page1: V12: V23: V31: Wait MAINS 380V V1: 380V V2: 380V V3: for start 220V 220V 220V V12: Mains voltage L1-L2 V23: Mains voltage L2-L3 V31: Mains voltage L3-L1 V1: Mains voltage L1-N V2: Mains voltage L2-N V3: Mains voltage L3-N Mains Page2: Fq: Mains frequency MAINS Fq:50.0Hz Wait for start Generator Page1: GENERATOR V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: On load 220V 220V 220V V12: Generator voltage L1-L2 V23: Generator voltage L2-L3 V31: Generator voltage L3-L1 V1: Generator voltage L1-N V2: Generator voltage L2-N V3: Generator voltage L3-N Generator Page2: GENERATOR I1: 26A PF1: -0.84 I2: 23A PF2: -0.80 I3: 25A PF3: -0.82 On load I1: Load Current L1 I2: Load Current L2 I3: Load Current L3 PF1: Generator power factor L1 PF2: Generator power factor L2 PF3: Generator power factor L3 Generator Page3: GENERATOR Fq:50.0Hz Ie: 0A Phase seq.: L1 L2 L3 Fq: Generator frequency Ie: Earth Current Phase Seq.: Generator phase sequence On load Generator Page4: GENERATOR P1: 170kW P2: 170kW P3: 170kW On load P1: Generator active power L1 P2: Generator active power L2 P3: Generator active power L3 9 Generator Page5: GENERATOR Q1: 40kVAr Q2: 40kVAr Q3: 40kVAr On load Q1: Generator reactive power L1 Q2: Generator reactive power L2 Q3: Generator reactive power L3 Generator Page6: GENERATOR S1: 210kVA S2: 210kVA S3: 210kVA On load S1: Generator apparent power L1 S2: Generator apparent power L2 S3: Generator apparent power L3 Generator Page7: GENERATOR SP: 510kW SQ: 120kVAr SS: 630kVA On load SP: Generator total active power SQ: Generator total reactive power SS: Generator total apparent power Generator Page8: GENERATOR kWh : 30600 kVArh: 7200 kWh: Generator active energy KVArh: Generator reactive energy On load Engine Page1: ENGINE Oil Pressure: 4.3bar Temperature : 30ºC Speed : 1500rpm On load Oil pressure: Oil pressure sender input value Temperature: Coolant temperature sender input value Speed: Engine speed Engine Page2: ENGINE Conf.AI1 : 96% Conf.AI2 : 40ºC Battery volt: 12.0Vdc On load Conf. AI1: Configurable Analog Input-1 value Conf. AI2: Configurable Analog Input-2 value Battery volt: Battery supply voltage 10 Engine Page3: ENGINE Gen.chg.volt: 11.8Vdc Run times : 7 Crank times : 11 On load Gen.chg.volt: Charge generator voltage Run times: Number of generator runs Crank times: Number of generator starts Engine Page4: ENGINE W.Hour_Min: Cabin temp: W.Hour_Min: Engine running time (Hour and Minute) Cabin temp: Cabin temperature 2_57 26ºC On load Engine Maintenance Page: ENGINE MAINTENANCE Next hours : 5000 Next months: 6 Last date: 15/02/2011 On load Next hours: The remaining hour for maintenance Next months: The remaining month for maintenance Last date: The last maintenance date J1939 Values Page1: J1939 VALUES Engine speed: 1500rpm Oil pressure: 4.0bar Coolant temp: 27ºC On load Engine speed: Engine speed via J1939 Oil pressure: Oil pressure via J1939 Coolant temp: Coolant temperature via J1939 J1939 Values Page2: J1939 VALUES Fuel rate: 12.50L/h Fuel tot.: 176L Oil level: 97.2% On load Fuel rate: Fuel rate via J1939 Fuel tot.: Fuel total used via J1939 Oil level: Oil level via J1939 J1939 Values Page3: J1939 VALUES Coolant level: 87.6% Load at cur.spd: 25% Fuel temper.: 13°C On load Coolant level: Coolant level via J1939 Load at cur.spd: Load at current speed via J1939 Fuel temper.: Fuel temperature via J1939 11 J1939 Values Page4: J1939 VALUES Oil temper.: 82.00ºC Act.engine torq: 75% Boost press.: 2.8bar On load Oil temper.: Oil temperature via J1939 Act.engine torq: Actual engine torque via J1939 Boost press.: Boost pressure via J1939 J1939 Values Page5: J1939 VALUES Int.man.temp.: 45ºC Pedal position: 50.0% W.Hour_Min: 2_57 On load Int.man.temp.: Intake manifold temperature via J1939 Pedal position: Accelerator pedal position via J1939 W.Hour_Min: Working hour and minute via J1939 J1939 DM1 (Active) Faults Page: J1939 DM1 FAULTS1 Spn:110 Fmi:0 Oc:1 Coolant Temper.sensor Value too high Input & Output Status Page: INPUT & OUTPUT 1 4 5 8 Inputs : 0000 000X Outputs: 0000 0000 On load Exp. Input & Output Status Page: EXP. INPUT & OUTPUT 1 4 5 8 Inputs : 0000 0000 Outputs: 0000 0000 On load Date & Time Page: DATE & TIME Spn: Suspect parameter number (e.g. SPN = 110 corresponds to coolant temperature sensor) Fmi: Failure mode identifier (e.g. FMI = 0 means value too high) Oc: Occurrence count (if OC = 0, no alarm is present) The first 10 active alarm messages (Active Diagnostic Trouble Codes - DM1) with SPN, FMI, and OC are displayed). If more than one active fault condition is present, all of them is displayed sequencely by pressing Next and Previous buttons. Inputs: Input status information. If an input is active, related digit is displayed as "1" else it is displayed as "0". 1: Conf. in-1, 2: Conf. in-2, 3: Conf. in-3, 4: Conf. in-4, 5: Conf. in-5, 6: Conf. in-6, 7: Conf. in-7, 8: Not available. Outputs: Output status information. If an output is active, related digit is displayed as "1" else it is displayed as "0". 1: Conf. out-1, 2: Conf. out-2, 3: Conf. out-3, 4: Conf. out-4, 5: Conf. out-5, 6: Conf. out-6, 7: Generator contactor, 8: Mains contactor. Inputs: Exp. input status information. If an input is active, related digit is displayed as "1" else it is displayed as "0". 1: Exp. conf. in-1, 2: Exp. conf. in-2, 3: Exp. conf. in-3, 4: Exp. conf. in-4, 5: Exp. conf. in-5, 6: Exp. conf. in-6, 7: Exp. conf. in-7, 8: Exp. conf. in-8. Outputs: Exp. output status information. If an output is active, related digit is displayed as "1" else it is displayed as "0". 1: Exp. conf. out-1, 2: Exp. conf. out-2, 3: Exp. conf. out-3, 4: Exp. conf. out-4, 5: Exp. conf. out-5, 6: Exp. conf. out-6, 7: Exp. conf. out-7, 8: Exp. conf. out-8. Date: Day, Month, Year. Time: Hour, minute, second. 15/02/2011 13:32:28 12 GenSet Page: (This page is not available at TRANS-AMF.CN device) GENSET VLn 220V 220V 220V Amp 26A 23A 25A 50.0Hz 4.3bar 630kW 30ºC 1.00cos 1500rpm 12.0Vdc On load VLn: Generator voltage L1-N, L2-N and L3-N Amp: Generator current L1, L2 and L3 Hz: Generator frequency bar: Oil pressure sender input value kW: Generator total active power ºC: Coolant temperature sender input value cos: Generator power factor average rpm: Engine speed Vdc: Battery supply voltage Warning & Alarm display pages on the LCD display; Warning & Alarm Page: WARNING&ALARM 1/3 1/3: The first message of current alarms. Emergency stop!: This message indicates that an emergency stop alarm has occurred. Emergency stop! Event Log display pages on the LCD display; Event Log Page1: EVENT LOG 1.1 15/02/2011 14:26:08 Emergency stop V1: 220V I1: 26A V2: 220V I2: 23A 1.1: The first page of related event log Emergency stop: This message indicates that an emergency stop alarm has occurred. (Event history: 15/02/2011 date, 14:26:08 time). V1: Generator voltage L1-N I1: Load Current L1 V2: Generator voltage L2-N I2: Load Current L2 Event Log Page2: EVENT LOG 1.2 V3: 220V I3: 25A Fq:50.0Hz kW: 510 Oil pressure: 4.3bar Coolant temp: 30ºC 1.2: The second page of related event log V3: Generator voltage L3-N I3: Load Current L3 Fq: Generator frequency kW: Generator total active power Oil oressure: Oil pressure sender input value Coolant temp: Coolant temperature sender input value Event Log Page3: EVENT LOG 1.3 Conf.AI1 : 96% Conf.AI2 : 40ºC 1.3: The last page of related event log Conf. AI1: Configurable Analog Input-1 value Conf. AI2: Configurable Analog Input-2 value Events (from 1 to 50) can be displayed sequencely with the Next and Previous buttons. 13 Example-1: Displaying all Data display pages. MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start 220V 220V 220V MAINS Fq:50.0Hz GENERATOR V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: On load Wait for start GENERATOR I1: 26A PF1: -0.84 I2: 23A PF2: -0.80 I3: 25A PF3: -0.82 On load On load GENERATOR P1: 170kW P2: 170kW P3: 170kW On load GENERATOR Q1: 40kVAr Q2: 40kVAr Q3: 40kVAr On load GENERATOR S1: 210kVA S2: 210kVA S3: 210kVA On load GENERATOR SP: 510kW SQ: 120kVAr SS: 630kVA On load ENGINE Oil Pressure: 4.3bar Temperature : 30ºC Speed : 1500rpm On load ENGINE Conf.AI1 : 96% Conf.AI2 : 40ºC Battery volt: 12.0Vdc On load ENGINE Gen.chg.volt: 11.8Vdc Run times : 7 Crank times : 11 On load ENGINE W.Hour_Min: Cabin temp: 2_57 26ºC On load ENGINE MAINTENANCE Next hours : 5000 Next months: 6 Last date: 15/02/2011 On load J1939 VALUES Engine speed: 1500rpm Oil pressure: 4.0bar Coolant temp: 27ºC On load J1939 VALUES Fuel rate: 12.50L/h Fuel tot.: 176L Oil level: 97.2% On load J1939 VALUES Coolant level: 87.6% Load at cur.spd: 25% Fuel temper.: 13°C On load J1939 VALUES Oil temper.: 82.00ºC Act.engine torq: 75% Boost press.: 2.8bar On load J1939 VALUES Int.man.temp.: 45ºC Pedal position: 50.0% W.Hour_Min: 2_57 On load J1939 DM1 FAULTS1 Spn:110 Fmi:0 Oc:1 Coolant Temper.sensor Value too high INPUT & OUTPUT 1 4 5 8 Inputs : 0000 000X Outputs: 0000 0000 On load EXP. INPUT & OUTPUT 1 4 5 8 Inputs : 0000 000X Outputs: 0000 0000 On load DATE & TIME kWh : kVArh: GENERATOR 30600 7200 On load GENERATOR Fq:50.0Hz Ie: 0A Phase seq.: L1 L2 L3 220V 220V 220V 15/02/2011 13:32:28 14 Example-2: Displaying all Warning&Alarm display pages WARNING&ALARM 1/2 WARNING&ALARM Emergency stop! 2/2 High temp.prealarm! MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start 220V 220V 220V Example-3: Displaying all Event Log display pages EVENT LOG 1.1 15/02/2011 14:26:08 Emergency stop V1: 220V I1: 26A V2: 220V I2: 23A MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start EVENT LOG 1.2 V3: 220V I3: 25A Fq:50.0Hz kW: 510 Oil pressure: 4.3bar Coolant temp: 30ºC EVENT LOG 1.3 Conf.AI1 : 96% Conf.AI2 : 40ºC 220V 220V 220V LCD display language selection English Display MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start 220V 220V 220V ü ü Press the Enter button. LCD DISPLAY Language ENGLISH Press the Up or Down buttons to select the language you wish to change. ü Press the Escape button to exit language selection screen. English Display MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start LCD DISPLAY Language ENGLISH Press the Enter button to confirm the changed value. Chinese Display 主电源 220V 220V 220V V12: V23: V31: 380V 380V 380V V1: V2: V3: 220V 220V 220V 15 3.2 Accessing To The Operator Parameters PROGRAM Operator setting Technician setting Factory adjustment OPERATOR SETTING Password ü ü OPERATOR SETTING Mains Generator ü MAINS Volt level Frequency level ü MAINS VOLT LEVEL Under volt trip Under volt reset Over volt trip Over volt reset ü MAINS VOLT LEVEL Under volt trip 320 Vac ü MAINS VOLT LEVEL Under volt trip Under volt reset Over volt trip Over volt reset MAINS Volt level Frequency level ü MAINS FREQ. LEVEL Under freq trip Under freq reset Over freq trip Over freq reset ü MAINS FREQ. LEVEL Under freq trip 45.0 Hz ü MAINS FREQ. LEVEL Under freq trip Under freq reset Over freq trip Over freq reset ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown 320 Vac ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Over volt prealarm 340 Vac ü ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Under freq shutdown 43.0 Hz ü ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Over freq prealarm 55.0 Hz ü ü GENERATOR CUR LEVEL Under cur. set 20 A ü ü GENERATOR CUR LEVEL Over cur. prealarm 90 A ü GEN POWER LEVEL Under power shutdown Under power prealarm Under power reset Over power shutdown ü GEN POWER LEVEL Under power shutdown 150 kVA ü GEN POWER LEVEL Under power shutdown Under power prealarm Under power reset Over power shutdown GEN POWER LEVEL Over power prealarm Over power reset Shutdown delay time Reverse power set ü GEN POWER LEVEL Over power prealarm 280 kVA ü GEN POWER LEVEL Over power prealarm Over power reset Shutdown delay time Reverse power set GEN WORKING CALENDAR Disable/enable select Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Disable/enable select DISBL ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Disable/enable select Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on tuesday 17.30 Hour.Min ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on thursday 18.30 Hour.Min ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on saturday 14.20 Hour.Min ü 0000 OPERATOR SETTING Mains Generator ü GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level Power level GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Over volt prealarm Over volt reset Shutdown delay time GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level Power level ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Under freq shutdown Under freq prealarm Under freq reset Over freq shutdown GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Over freq prealarm Over freq reset Shutdown delay time GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level Power level ü GENERATOR CUR LEVEL Under cur. set Under cur. prealarm Under cur. reset Over cur. set GENERATOR CUR LEVEL Over cur. prealarm Over cur. reset GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level Power level ü GENERATOR Working calendar ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on sunday GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Over volt prealarm Over volt reset Shutdown delay time GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Under freq shutdown Under freq prealarm Under freq reset Over freq shutdown GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Over freq prealarm Over freq reset Shutdown delay time GENERATOR CUR LEVEL Under cur. set Under cur. prealarm Under cur. reset Over cur. set GENERATOR CUR LEVEL Over cur. prealarm Over cur. reset GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on sunday 16 3.3 Accessing To The Technician Parameters PROGRAM Operator setting Technician setting Factory adjustment TECHNICIAN SETTING Password ü ü 0000 TECHNICIAN SETTING System Mains Generator Engine ü SYSTEM Network Breakers LCD display Communication ü SYSTEM NETWORK CT ratio Earth Fault CT ratio PT ratio Type of AC system ü SYSTEM NETWORK CT ratio 500 A ü ü SYSTEM NETWORK Phase sequence DISBL ü BREAKERS Type of Breaker Gen.brk.cls.contact Gen.brk.cls.relay Gen.brk.cls.time ü BREAKERS Type of Breaker 0 ü BREAKERS Type of Breaker Gen.brk.cls.contact Gen.brk.cls.relay Gen.brk.cls.time BREAKERS Gen.brk.open relay Gen.brk.open time Mains.brk.cls.contact Mains.brk.cls.relay ü BREAKERS Gen.brk.open relay 0 ü BREAKERS Gen.brk.open relay Gen.brk.open time Mains.brk.cls.contact Mains.brk.cls.relay BREAKERS Mains.brk.cls.time Mains.brk.open relay Mains.brk.open time Break.close puls.time ü BREAKERS Mains close timer 5 SEC ü BREAKERS Mains.brk.cls.time Mains.brk.open relay Mains.brk.open time Break.close puls.time BREAKERS Break.open pulse time Transfer time Spring loading time Retry number ü BREAKERS Break.open pulse time 0.5 SEC ü BREAKERS Break.open pulse time Transfer time Spring loading time Retry number LCD DISPLAY Language Contrast Auto backlight off Auto scroll time ü LCD DISPLAY Language ENGLISH ü LCD DISPLAY Language Contrast Auto backlight off Auto scroll time ü LCD DISPLAY Auto scroll number 5 ü SYSTEM NETWORK Phase sequence Generator kVA rating SYSTEM Network Breakers LCD display Communication SYSTEM Network Breakers LCD display Communication ü ü LCD DISPLAY Auto scroll number Err. mesg scroll time SYSTEM Network Breakers LCD display Communication SYSTEM Date & time set Default settings Password SYSTEM Date & time set Default settings Password TECHNICIAN SETTING System Mains Generator Engine ü MAINS Volt level Frequency level Actions MAINS Volt level Frequency level Actions MAINS Volt level Frequency level Actions TECHNICIAN SETTING System Mains Generator Engine ü GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level & act. Power level SYSTEM NETWORK Phase sequence Generator kVA rating LCD DISPLAY Auto scroll number Err. mesg scroll time ü COMMUNICATION Slave address Baud rate Parity Stop bit ü COMMUNICATION Slave address 1 ü COMMUNICATION Slave address Baud rate Parity Stop bit ü DATE & TIME SET Year Month Day Week ü DATE & TIME SET Year 11 ü DATE & TIME SET Year Month Day Week ü DATE & TIME SET Hour 18 ü ü DEFAULT SETTINGS Save setting to def. no ü ü PASSWORD SETTINGS Operator password 1 ü DATE & TIME SET Hour Minute Second SYSTEM Date & time set Default settings Password SYSTEM NETWORK CT ratio Earth Fault CT ratio PT ratio Type of AC system ü ü DEFAULT SETTINGS Save setting to def. Reset default sets Reset factory sets PASSWORD SETTINGS Operator password Technician password DATE & TIME SET Hour Minute Second DEFAULT SETTINGS Save setting to def. Reset default sets Reset factory sets PASSWORD SETTINGS Operator password Technician password ü MAINS VOLT LEVEL Under volt trip Under volt reset Over volt trip Over volt reset ü MAINS VOLT LEVEL Under volt trip 320 Vac ü MAINS VOLT LEVEL Under volt trip Under volt reset Over volt trip Over volt reset ü MAINS FREQ. LEVEL Under freq trip Under freq reset Over freq trip Over freq reset ü MAINS FREQ. LEVEL Under freq trip 45.0 Hz ü MAINS FREQ. LEVEL Under freq trip Under freq reset Over freq trip Over freq reset ü MAINS ACTIONS Mains failure detect ENABL ü ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown 320 Vac ü ü ü MAINS ACTIONS Mains failure detect Mains fail.stop mode Always return delay GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown MAINS ACTIONS Mains failure detect Mains fail.stop mode Always return delay GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown 17 GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Over volt prealarm Over volt reset Shutdown delay time GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level & act. Power level GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level & act. Power level ü ü ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Over volt prealarm 340 Vac ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Nominal frequency Under freq shutdown Under freq prealarm Under freq reset ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Nominal frequency 50.0 Hz ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Nominal frequency Under freq shutdown Under freq prealarm Under freq reset GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Over freq shutdown Over freq prealarm Over freq reset Shutdown delay time ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Over freq shutdown 58.0 Hz ü GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL Over freq shutdown Over freq prealarm Over freq reset Shutdown delay time GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Under cur. set Under cur. prealarm Under cur. reset Under cur. act. ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Under cur. set 20 A ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Under cur. set Under cur. prealarm Under cur. reset Under cur. act. GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Under act. delay time Over cur. set Over cur. prealarm Over cur. reset ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Under act. delay time 2 SEC ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Under act. delay time Over cur. set Over cur. prealarm Over cur. reset GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Over cur. act. Over act. delay time Short circuit cur. Earth fault cur. ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Over cur. act. DISBL ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Over cur. act. Over act. delay time Short circuit cur. Earth fault cur. ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Earth fault cur. act. DISBL ü GEN POWER LEVEL Under power shutdown Under power prealarm Under power reset Over power shutdown ü GEN POWER LEVEL Under power shutdown 150 kVA ü GEN POWER LEVEL Under power shutdown Under power prealarm Under power reset Over power shutdown GEN POWER LEVEL Over power prealarm Over power reset Shutdown delay time Reverse power set ü GEN POWER LEVEL Over power prealarm 280 kVA ü GEN POWER LEVEL Over power prealarm Over power reset Shutdown delay time Reverse power set ü GEN POWER LEVEL Reverse power act. DISBL ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Disable/enable select Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Disable/enable select DISBL ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Disable/enable select Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on tuesday 17.30 Hour.Min ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on thursday 18.30 Hour.Min ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on saturday 14.20 Hour.Min ü ü GENERATOR GENERAL Sens.option gen.freq DISBL ü ü ENGINE START OPTIONS Horn prior start DISBL ü ü ENGINE START OPTIONS Pickup fail delay 1.0 sec ü GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Earth fault cur. act. E.F. act. delay time GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level & act. Power level ü GEN POWER LEVEL Reverse power act. Rv.pow.act.delay time GENERATOR Working calendar General ü GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on sunday GENERATOR Working calendar General TECHNICIAN SETTING System Mains Generator Engine ü ENGINE Starting options Crank disconnect Speed settings Plant battery ü ü GENERATOR GENERAL Sens.option gen.freq Sens.opt.pickup&Flywh All warning are latch ENGINE START OPTIONS Horn prior start No. of start attemp Cranking time Crank rest time ENGINE START OPTIONS Pickup fail delay GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Over volt prealarm Over volt reset Shutdown delay time GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT Earth fault cur. act. E.F. act. delay time GEN POWER LEVEL Reverse power act. Rv.pow.act.delay time GEN WORKING CALENDAR Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on Sunday GENERATOR GENERAL Sens.option gen.freq Sens.opt.pickup&Flywh All warning are latch ENGINE START OPTIONS Horn prior start No. of start attemp Cranking time Crank rest time ENGINE START OPTIONS Pickup fail delay 18 ENGINE Starting options Crank disconnect Speed settings Plant battery ü ü ENG.CRANK DISCONNECT Generator frequency 30.0 Hz ü ü ENG.CRANK DISCONNECT Oil pressure DISBL ü ENGINE SPEED SETS Nominal speed Under speed shutdown Under speed prealarm Under speed reset ü ENGINE SPEED SETS Nominal speed 1500 RPM ü ENGINE SPEED SETS Nominal speed Under speed shutdown Under speed prealarm Under speed reset ENGINE SPEED SETS Over speed shutdown Over speed prealarm Over speed reset Shutdown delay time ü ENGINE SPEED SETS Over speed shutdown DISBL ü ENGINE SPEED SETS Over speed shutdown Over speed prealarm Over speed reset Shutdown delay time ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Under volt Under volt reset Under volt delay Over volt ü ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Under volt 10.0 Vdc ü ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Under volt Under volt reset Under volt delay Over volt ü ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Over volt reset 29.5 Vdc ü CANBUS ECU Baud rate J1939 ECU type Device address Engine cont. address ü CANBUS ECU Baud rate 4 ü CANBUS ECU Baud rate J1939 ECU type Device address Engine cont. address CANBUS ECU ECU remote control Speed control enable Oil Pres cont. enab Temp. control enable ü CANBUS ECU ECU remote control DISBL ü CANBUS ECU ECU remote control Speed control enable Oil Pres cont. enab Temp. control enable ü CANBUS ECU Speed set point 1500 RPM ü CANBUS ERROR SET CAN fault actions CAN fault activation CAN fault delay Amber warn.actions ü CANBUS ERROR SET CAN fault actions DISBL ü CANBUS ERROR SET CAN fault actions CAN fault activation CAN fault delay Amber warn.actions CANBUS ERROR SET Amber warn.activation Amber warn.delay Red stop actions Red stop activation ü CANBUS ERROR SET Amber warn.activation 2 ü CANBUS ERROR SET Amber warn.activation Amber warn.delay Red stop actions Red stop activation ü CANBUS ERROR SET Red stop delay 2 SEC ü ü ENGINE MAINTENANCE Running hour interval 5000 HOUR ü ü ENGINE MAINTENANCE Eng.running hour 0 ü ü LOAD TEST Disable/enable select DISBL ü ü EXERCISE Time of period 30 MIN ü ü ENGINE GENERAL Fuel selection 1-DIESEL ü ü ENGINE GENERAL Min.of ignition speed 200 RPM ü ENG.CRANK DISCONNECT Generator frequency Engine speed Generator volt Alt. Charge volt ENG.CRANK DISCONNECT Oil pressure ENGINE Starting options Crank disconnect Speed settings Plant battery ENGINE Starting options Crank disconnect Speed settings Plant battery ü ü ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Over volt reset Over volt delay Alt. chg. warning ENGINE CanBus ECU CanBus error set Maintenance Load test ü CANBUS ECU Speed set point Speed correction ENGINE CanBus ECU CanBus error set Maintenance Load test ü CANBUS ERROR SET Red stop delay ENGINE CanBus ECU CanBus error set Maintenance Load test ü ENGINE MAINTENANCE Running hour interval Maint. date interval Eng. stop when maint Eng.running hour(lsb) ENGINE MAINTENANCE Eng.running hour Eng.running hour(msb) Maintenance okay ENGINE CanBus ECU CanBus error set Maintenance Load test LOAD TEST Disable/enable select ü ENGINE Exercise General ü ENGINE Exercise General ü EXERCISE Time of period Week Start time ENGINE GENERAL Fuel selection Stop solenoid time Ignition delay Gas valve delay ENGINE GENERAL Min.of ignition speed Choke time ENG.CRANK DISCONNECT Generator frequency Engine speed Generator volt Alt. Charge volt ENG.CRANK DISCONNECT Oil pressure ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Over volt reset Over volt delay Alt. chg. warning CANBUS ECU Speed set point Speed correction CANBUS ERROR SET Red stop delay ENGINE MAINTENANCE Running hour interval Maint. date interval Eng. stop when maint Eng.running hour(lsb) ENGINE MAINTENANCE Eng.running hour Eng.running hour(msb) Maintenance okay LOAD TEST Disable/enable select EXERCISE Time of period Week Start time ENGINE GENERAL Fuel selection Stop solenoid time Ignition delay Gas valve delay ENGINE GENERAL Min.of ignition speed Choke time 19 TECHNICIAN SETTING Inputs Outputs Timers Expansion modules ü INPUTS Sender inputs Sender linearisations Conf. input-1 Conf. input-2 ü SENDER INPUTS pressure unit press. input type pressure prealarm pressure reset ü SENDER INPUTS Oil pressure unit Bar ü SENDER INPUTS Oil pressure shutdown Temperature unit Temp. input type High temp. prealarm ü SENDER INPUTS Oil press. shutdown 1.0 Bar ü SENDER INPUTS Oil pressure shutdown Temperature unit Temp. input type High temp. Prealarm SENDER INPUTS High temp. reset High temp. shutdown Low temp. Warning Heater control ON ü SENDER INPUTS High temp. reset 88 ºC ü SENDER INPUTS High temp. reset High temp. shutdown Low temp. Warning Heater control ON SENDER INPUTS Heater control OFF Conf. AI1 unit Conf. AI1 type Conf. AI1 low prealrm ü SENDER INPUTS Heater control OFF 45 ºC ü SENDER INPUTS Heater control OFF Conf. AI1 unit Conf. AI1 type Conf. AI1 low prealrm SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI1 low reset Conf. AI1 low shutdwn Conf. AI1 high prealr Conf. AI1 high reset ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI1 low reset 60 % ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI1 low reset Conf. AI1 low shutdwn Conf. AI1 high prealr Conf. AI1 high reset SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI1 high shutd. Conf. AI1 control ON Conf. AI1 control OFF Conf. AI2 unit ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI1 high shutd. DISBL ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI1 high shutd. Conf. AI1 control ON Conf. AI1 control OFF Conf. AI2 unit SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 type Conf. AI2 low prealrm Conf. AI2 low reset Conf. AI2 low shutdwn ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 type DISBL ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 type Conf. AI2 low prealrm Conf. AI2 low reset Conf. AI2 low shutdwn SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 high prealr Conf. AI2 high reset Conf. AI2 high shutd. Conf. AI2 control ON ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 high prealr DISBL ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 high prealr Conf. AI2 high reset Conf. AI2 high shutd. Conf. AI2 control ON ü SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 control OFF 75 ºC ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 1 Oil pressure 1 Oil pressure sender 2 Oil pressure 2 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 1 10 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 1 Oil pressure 1 Oil pressure sender 2 Oil pressure 2 SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 3 Oil pressure 3 Oil pressure sender 4 Oil pressure 4 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 3 62 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 3 Oil pressure 3 Oil pressure sender 4 Oil pressure 4 SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 5 Oil pressure 5 Oil pressure sender 6 Oil pressure 6 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 5 111 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 5 Oil pressure 5 Oil pressure sender 6 Oil pressure 6 SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 7 Oil pressure 7 Oil pressure sender 8 Oil pressure 8 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 7 156 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 7 Oil pressure 7 Oil pressure sender 8 Oil pressure 8 SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 9 Oil pressure 9 Oil press. sender 10 Oil pressure 10 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 9 205 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Oil pressure sender 9 Oil pressure 9 Oil press. sender 10 Oil pressure 10 SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 1 Temperature 1 Temperature sender 2 Temperature 2 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 1 360 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 1 Temperature 1 Temperature sender 2 Temperature 2 SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 3 Temperature 3 Temperature sender 4 Temperature 4 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 3 145 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 3 Temperature 3 Temperature sender 4 Temperature 4 SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 5 Temperature 5 Temperature sender 6 Temperature 6 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 5 50 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 5 Temperature 5 Temperature sender 6 Temperature 6 SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 7 Temperature 7 Temperature sender 8 Temperature 8 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 7 43 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 7 Temperature 7 Temperature sender 8 Temperature 8 Oil Oil Oil Oil SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 control OFF INPUTS Sender inputs Sender linearisations Conf. input-1 Conf. input-2 ü Oil Oil Oil Oil SENDER INPUTS pressure unit press. input type pressure prealarm pressure reset SENDER INPUTS Conf. AI2 control OFF 20 INPUTS Sender inputs Sender linearisations Conf. input-1 Conf. input-2 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 9 Temperature 9 Temperature sender 10 Temperature 10 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 9 10 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Temperature sender 9 Temperature 9 Temperature sender 10 Temperature 10 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 1 Conf. AI1 value 1 Conf. AI1 sender 2 Conf. AI1 value 2 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 1 10 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 1 Conf. AI1 value 1 Conf. AI1 sender 2 Conf. AI1 value 2 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 3 Conf. AI1 value 3 Conf. AI1 sender 4 Conf. AI1 value 4 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 3 50 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 3 Conf. AI1 value 3 Conf. AI1 sender 4 Conf. AI1 value 4 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 5 Conf. AI1 value 5 Conf. AI1 sender 6 Conf. AI1 value 6 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 5 90 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 5 Conf. AI1 value 5 Conf. AI1 sender 6 Conf. AI1 value 6 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 7 Conf. AI1 value 7 Conf. AI1 sender 8 Conf. AI1 value 8 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 7 130 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 7 Conf. AI1 value 7 Conf. AI1 sender 8 Conf. AI1 value 8 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 9 Conf. AI1 value 9 Conf. AI1 sender 10 Conf. AI1 value 10 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 9 170 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI1 sender 9 Conf. AI1 value 9 Conf. AI1 sender 10 Conf. AI1 value 10 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 1 Conf. AI2 value 1 Conf. AI2 sender 2 Conf. AI2 value 2 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 1 579 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 1 Conf. AI2 value 1 Conf. AI2 sender 2 Conf. AI2 value 2 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 3 Conf. AI2 value 3 Conf. AI2 sender 4 Conf. AI2 value 4 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 3 342 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 3 Conf. AI2 value 3 Conf. AI2 sender 4 Conf. AI2 value 4 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 5 Conf. AI2 value 5 Conf. AI2 sender 6 Conf. AI2 value 6 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 5 179 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 5 Conf. AI2 value 5 Conf. AI2 sender 6 Conf. AI2 value 6 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 7 Conf. AI2 value 7 Conf. AI2 sender 8 Conf. AI2 value 8 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 7 103 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 7 Conf. AI2 value 7 Conf. AI2 sender 8 Conf. AI2 value 8 SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 9 Conf. AI2 value 9 Conf. AI2 sender 10 Conf. AI2 value 10 ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 9 67 R ü SENDER LINEARISATION Conf. AI2 sender 9 Conf. AI2 value 9 Conf. AI2 sender 10 Conf. AI2 value 10 CONF. INPUT-1 Dis,user conf.or list Polarity Indication Activation ü CONF. INPUT-1 Dis,user conf.or list 1 ü CONF. INPUT-1 Dis,user conf.or list Polarity Indication Activation ü CONF. INPUT-1 Select from list 2-AUX. MAINS FAIL ü ü CONF. INPUT-2 Dis,user conf.or list 1 ü ü CONF. INPUT-2 Select from list 3-SIM.LAMP TEST BUT ü ü CONF. INPUT-3 Dis,user conf.or list 1 ü ü CONF. INPUT-3 Select from list 4-SIM.HORN REST BUT ü CONF. INPUT-1 Select from list Active delay INPUTS Sender inputs Sender linearisations Conf. input-1 Conf. input-2 ü CONF. INPUT-2 Dis,user conf.or list Polarity Indication Activation CONF. INPUT-2 Select from list Active delay Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. INPUTS input-3 input-4 input-5 input-6 ü CONF. INPUT-3 Dis,user conf.or list Polarity Indication Activation CONF. INPUT-3 Select from list Active delay CONF. INPUT-1 Select from list Active delay CONF. INPUT-2 Dis,user conf.or list Polarity Indication Activation CONF. INPUT-2 Select from list Active delay CONF. INPUT-3 Dis,user conf.or list Polarity Indication Activation CONF. INPUT-3 Select from list Active delay 21 Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. INPUTS input-7 Exp. input-1 Exp. input-2 Exp. input-3 ü CONF. INPUT-7 Input type Polarity Indication Activation CONF. INPUT-7 Select from list Active delay Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. INPUTS Exp. input-4 Exp. input-5 Exp. input-6 Exp. input-7 ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication ü CONF. INPUT-7 Input type 3 ü ü CONF. INPUT-7 Select from list 8-SIMULATE MAN. BUT ü ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 Dis,user conf.or list 1 ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 Activation 2 CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 Activation Select from list Active delay INPUTS Conf. Exp. input-8 ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 Activation Select from list Active delay TECHNICIAN SETTING Inputs Outputs Timers Expansion modules TECHNICIAN SETTING Inputs Outputs Timers Expansion modules ü ü ü CONF. INPUT-7 Select from list Active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 Activation Select from list Active delay ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 Dis,user conf.or list 1 ü ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 Activation 2 ü CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 Activation Select from list Active delay Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. OUTPUTS output-1 output-2 output-3 output-4 ü CONF. OUTPUT-1 Polarity Function ü CONF. OUTPUT-1 Polarity NO ü CONF. OUTPUT-1 Polarity Function Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. OUTPUTS output-5 output-6 Exp. output-1 Exp. output-2 ü CONF. OUTPUT-5 Polarity Function ü CONF. OUTPUT-5 Polarity NO ü CONF. OUTPUT-5 Polarity Function Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. OUTPUTS Exp. output-3 Exp. output-4 Exp. output-5 Exp. output-6 ü CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-3 Polarity Function ü CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-3 Polarity NO ü CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-3 Polarity Function Conf. Conf. Conf. Conf. OUTPUTS Exp. output-5 Exp. output-6 Exp. output-7 Exp. output-8 ü CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-5 Polarity Function ü CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-5 Polarity NO ü CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-5 Polarity Function START TIMERS Mains transient delay Mains fail start dely Remote start delay Pre-heat ü START TIMERS Mains transient delay 2.0 SEC ü START TIMERS Mains transient delay Mains fail start dely Remote start delay Pre-heat START TIMERS Pre-heat bypass Safety on delay Warming up time Horn duration ü START TIMERS Pre-heat bypass 0 MIN ü START TIMERS Pre-heat bypass Safety on delay Warmup time Horn duration START TIMERS Chg.excitation time Cooling fan time Idle mode time Idle mode time off ü START TIMERS Chg.excitation time 15 SEC ü START TIMERS Chg.excitation time Cooling fan time Idle mode time Idle mode time off STOPPING TIMERS Mains return delay Remote stop delay Cooling time Fail to stop delay ü STOPPING TIMERS Mains return delay 5 SEC ü STOPPING TIMERS Mains return delay Remote stop delay Cooling time Fail to stop delay ü IO (1-8) MODULE Disable/enable select DISBL ü ü DIAL-UP & ETHERNET Disable/enable select DISBL ü ü GSM MODULE Disable/enable select DISBL ü TIMERS Start timers Stopping timers TIMERS Start timers Stopping timers TECHNICIAN SETTING Inputs Outputs Timers Expansion modules CONF. INPUT-7 Input type Polarity Indication Activation ü ü IO (1-8) MODULE Disable/enable select EXPANSION MODULES IO (1-8) Dial-up & Ethernet GSM GPRS ü EXPANSION MODULES IO (1-8) Dial-up & Ethernet GSM GPRS ü EXPANSION MODULES IO (1-8) Dial-up & Ethernet GSM GPRS ü DIAL-UP & ETHERNET Disable/enable select Call back selection GSM MODULE Disable/enable select Call back selection SMS IO (1-8) MODULE Disable/enable select DIAL-UP & ETHERNET Disable/enable select Call back selection GSM MODULE Disable/enable select Call back selection SMS 22 EXPANSION MODULES IO (1-8) Dial-up & Ethernet GSM GPRS EXPANSION MODULES Dual set Web Server ü ü GPRS MODULE Disable/enable select Call back selection DUAL SET MODULE Disable/enable select Node ID Working period Early start time ü GPRS MODULE Disable/enable select DISBL ü ü DUAL SET MODULE Disable/enable select DISBL ü ü DUAL SET MODULE Remote priority selct DISBL ü ü WEB SERVER MODULE Disable/enable select DISBL ü ü MAINS VOLTAGE OFFSET Mains V1 offset 0 Vac ü ü GEN. VOLTAGE OFFSET Gen. V1 offset 0 Vac ü ü CURRENT OFFSET Current I1 offset 0 A ü ü BATTERY&CHRG GEN.VOL Batt.volt offset 0.0 Vdc ü ü SENDER INPUTS OFFSET Oil pressure offset 0.0 Bar ü DUAL SET MODULE Remote priority selct EXPANSION MODULES Dual set Web Server TECHNICIAN SETTING User adjustment ü WEB SERVER MODULE Disable/enable select ü USER ADJUSTMENT Mains voltage offset Gen. voltage offset Current offset Battery&chrg gen.vol ü USER ADJUSTMENT Mains voltage offset Gen. voltage offset Current offset Battery&chrg gen.vol ü USER ADJUSTMENT Mains voltage offset Gen. voltage offset Current offset Battery&chrg gen.vol ü USER ADJUSTMENT Mains voltage offset Gen. voltage offset Current offset Battery&chrg gen.vol ü USER ADJUSTMENT Sender inputs offset ü MAINS Mains Mains Mains VOLTAGE OFFSET V1 offset V2 offset V3 offset GEN. VOLTAGE OFFSET Gen. V1 offset Gen. V2 offset Gen. V3 offset CURRENT OFFSET Current I1 offset Current I2 offset Current I3 offset E/F. Current offset BATTERY&CHRG GEN.VOL Batt.volt offset Gen.chg.volt offset SENDER INPUTS OFFSET Oil pressure offset Temperature offset Conf. AI1 offset Conf. AI2 offset GPRS MODULE Disable/enable select Call back selection DUAL SET MODULE Disable/enable select Node ID Working period Early start time DUAL SET MODULE Remote priority selct WEB SERVER MODULE Disable/enable select MAINS Mains Mains Mains VOLTAGE OFFSET V1 offset V2 offset V3 offset GEN. VOLTAGE OFFSET Gen. V1 offset Gen. V2 offset Gen. V3 offset CURRENT OFFSET Current I1 offset Current I2 offset Current I3 offset E/F. Current offset BATTERY&CHRG GEN.VOL Batt.volt offset Gen.chg.volt offset SENDER INPUTS OFFSET Oil pressure offset Temperature offset Conf. AI1 offset Conf. AI2 offset 23 3.4 Changing And Saving Parameters Values Operation Screen MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start 220V 220V 220V PROGRAM Operator setting Technician setting Factory adjustment ü ü When the Prog button is pressed, the parameters section is asked for accessing to parameters. PROGRAM Operator setting Technician setting Factory adjustment TECHNICIAN SETTING Password ü ü 0000 Press the Enter button. TECHNICIAN SETTING Password ü 0162 Note1: If Enter button is pressed and the technician password is zero, Password screen is ignored. TECHNICIAN SETTING System Mains Generator Engine ü TECHNICIAN SETTING System Mains Generator Engine ü ü Press the Enter button to confirm password. If the password is incorrect, the unit will drop out of program mode. GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level & act. Power level Press Enter button to access to all parameters page in currently main parameter group. GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown Press the Up or Down buttons to select the section you wish to view/change. Enter password with cursor (Right, Left, Up and Down) buttons. Press the Up or Down buttons to select the main parameter group you wish to view/change. ü Press Enter button to access to all parameters in currently parameter page. GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown 320 Vac ü Parameter can be changed with Up and Down buttons. Press the Enter button to view parameter value. GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown 325 Vac ü GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown Press Enter button to confirm the changed value. GENERATOR Volt level Frequency level Current level & act. Power level When the Escape button is pressed any time, previous page can be accessed. ü To exit from programming mode any time, press Prog button. MAINS V12: 380V V1: V23: 380V V2: V31: 380V V3: Wait for start Operation 220V Screen 220V 220V 24 4. Parameters 4.1 Operator Parameters 4.1.1 Mains MAINS VOLT LEVEL (Mains->Volt level) Under volt trip Under volt reset Over volt trip Over volt reset Mains Under Voltage Mains Under Voltage Reset Mains Over Voltage Mains Over Voltage Reset MAINS FREQ. LEVEL (Mains->Frequency level) Under freq trip Under freq reset Over freq trip Over freq reset Mains Under Frequency Mains Under Frequency Reset Mains Over Frequency Mains Over Frequency Reset Min Max Default Unit 60 600 320 VV 60 600 340 VV 60 600 440 VV 60 600 420 VV Min Max Default Unit Hz 20.0 75.0 45.0 Hz 20.0 75.0 48.0 Hz 20.0 75.0 55.0 Hz 20.0 75.0 52.0 4.1.2 Generator GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL (Generator->Volt level) Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown Over volt prealarm Over volt reset Shutdown delay time Generator Under Voltage Shutdown Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Voltage Shutdown Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Voltage Shutdown Delay Time GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL (Generator->Frequency level) Nominal frequency Under freq shutdown Under freq prealarm Under freq reset Over freq shutdown Over freq prealarm Over freq reset Shutdown delay time Nominal Alternator Frequency Generator Under Frequency Shutdown Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Frequency Shutdown Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Frequency Shutdown Delay Time GENERATOR CUR LEVEL (Generator->Current level) Under cur. set Under cur. prealarm Under cur. reset Over cur. set Over cur. prealarm Over cur. reset Generator Under Current Set Generator Under Current Pre-Alarm Generator Under Current Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Current Set Generator Over Current Pre-Alarm Generator Over Current Pre-Alarm Reset Min 60(dis) 60(dis) 60 60 60(dis) 60 0.0 Max Default Unit 600 320 VV 600 340 VV 600 350 VV 600 440 VV 600 420 VV 600 400 VV Sec 10.0 1.0 Min 30.0 30.0(dis) 30.0(dis) 30.0 30.0(dis) 30.0(dis) 30.0 0.0 Max Default Unit Hz 75.0 50.0 75.0 43.0 Hz Hz 75.0 45.0 75.0 46.0 Hz 75.0 58.0 Hz 55.0 75.0 Hz 54.0 75.0 Hz 10.0 1.0 Sec Min 0 0(dis) 0 0 0(dis) 0 Max Default Unit 9999 1 AV 9999 dis AV 9999 5 AV 9999 9999 AV 9999 9990 AV 9999 9980 AV Note: dis = disable 25 GEN POWER LEVEL (Generator->Power level) Under power shutdown Under power prealarm Under power reset Over power shutdown Over power prealarm Over power reset Shutdown delay time Reverse power set Generator Under Power Shutdown Generator Under Power Pre-Alarm Generator Under Power Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Power Shutdown Generator Over Power Pre-Alarm Generator Over Power Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Power Shutdown Delay Time Reverse Power Set GEN WORKING CALENDAR (Generator->Working calendar) Disable/enable select Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on sunday Working Calendar Disable or Enable Working Calendar Work Start Time on Monday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Monday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Tuesday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Tuesday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Wednesday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Wednesday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Thursday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Thursday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Friday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Friday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Saturday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Saturday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Sunday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Sunday Min 0(dis) 0(dis) 0 0(dis) 0(dis) 0 0 -9999 Max Default Unit 9999 dis kVA dis kVA 9999 9999 5 kVA dis kVA 9999 dis kVA 9999 0 kVA 9999 Sec 99 2 kW 0 0 Min Max Default Unit DISBL/ENABL DISBL 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min Please enter the days of the weekly workdays for Working Function. Example: Disable/enable select DISBL The working calendar is disable ENABL The working calendar is enable Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on sunday 08.30 The working function is every Monday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Monday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 08.30 The working function is every Tuesday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Tuesday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 08.30 The working function is every Wednesday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Wednesday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 08.30 The working function is every Thursday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Thursday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 08.30 The working function is every Friday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Friday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 08.30 The working function is every Saturday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Saturday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 08.30 The working function is every Sunday started at 08.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 17.30 The working function is every Sunday stopped at 17.30 o'clock (if it is enabled) 26 4.2 Technician Parameters 4.2.1 System SYSTEM NETWORK (System->Network) CT ratio Earth fault CT ratio PT ratio Type of AC system Min 5 5 1 0 Current Transformer Ratio Earth Fault Current Transformer Ratio Voltage Transformer Ratio Select AC system; 0- 1 Phase 2 Wire Max Default Unit 100 9999 100 9999 1 100 1 2 1- 3 Phase 4 Wire 2- 1 Phase 3 Wire Phase sequence Generator Phase Sequence (dis, L123 or L321) Generator kVA rating Generator kVA rating set DISBL, L123, DISBL L321 0 9999 300 kVA CT ratio Load current transformers transfer ratio(Primary current/Secondary current) value must be entered to this parameter. Example: If Current Transformer Primary=500A and Current Transformer Secondary=5A, Current Transformer Ratio should be entered CT Primary/CT Secondary=100. PT ratio Defines the scaling factor applied to voltage readout and associated fault conditions. This PT ratio is for additional voltage transformers mounted the unit. BREAKERS (System->Breakers) Type of Breaker Gen.brk.cls.contact Gen.brk.cls.relay Gen.brk.cls.time Gen.brk.open relay Gen.brk.open time Mains.brk.cls.contact Mains.brk.cls.relay Mains.brk.cls.time Mains.brk.open relay Mains.brk.open time Break.close puls.time Break.open pulse time Transfer time Spring loading time Retry number Hardware Breaker Selection Gen Close Breaker Contact Type Gen Close Breaker Relay Type Gen Close Timer Gen Open Breaker Relay Type Gen Open Timer Mains Close Breaker Contact Type Mains Close Breaker Relay Type Mains Close Timer Mains Open Breaker Relay Type Mains Open Timer Breaker Close Pulse Time Breaker Open Pulse Time Transfer Time Spring Loading Time Retry Number Min Max Default 0 2 0 NO / NC 0 0 NOR / PULS 1 250 5 0 NOR / PULS 5 1 250 0 NO / NC 0 NOR / PULS 5 1 250 0 NOR / PULS 1 250 5 0.0 10.0 0.5 0.0 10.0 0.5 0 250 2 1 250 3 1 250 5 Unit Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Hardware Breaker Selection 0- Breakers: Mains and Gen breakers have only close drives and if close drive off breaker will open. Parameters; GEN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, GEN CLOSE TIMER(if gen closed input selected), GEN OPEN TIMER(if gen closed input selected), MAIN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, MAINS CLOSE TIMER(if mains closed input selected), MAINS OPEN TIMER(if mains closed input selected), TRANSFER TIME. Note-1 : NO / NC : Normally Open / Normally Close 2 : NOR / PULS : Normal / Pulse 27 Example: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 0; For closing Gen. Shalter For opening Gen. Shalter Gen. Closed Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. Closed Out. (NC) t[s] Gen. Shalter Opened Closed 1- User Configured: Mains and Gen breakers have only close drives, when want to breaker close, close breaker output on and after 1 sec. open breaker output on and after breaker close pulse time open breaker output will off. When want to breaker open close breaker output and open breaker output will off. Parameters; GEN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, GEN CLOSE TIMER(if gen closed input selected), GEN OPEN TIMER(if gen closed input selected), MAIN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, MAINS CLOSE TIMER(if mains closed input selected), MAINS OPEN TIMER(if mains closed input selected),BREAKER CLOSE PULSE TIME, TRANSFER TIME. Example: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 1; For closing Gen. Shalter For opening Gen. Shalter Breaker close pulse time Gen. Closed Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. Closed Out. (NC) t[s] 1s Gen. Open Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. Open Out. (NC) Gen. Shalter t[s] Closed Opened 2- Motorised Breakers: User can select all the breaker types. Parameters; GEN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, GEN CLOSE BREAKER RELAY TYPE, GEN CLOSE TIMER(if gen closed input selected), GEN OPEN BREAKER RELAY TYPE, GEN OPEN TIMER(if gen closed input selected), MAIN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, MAIN CLOSE BREAKER RELAY TYPE, MAINS CLOSE TIMER(if mains closed input selected), MAIN OPEN BREAKER RELAY TYPE, MAINS OPEN TIMER(if mains closed input selected), BREAKER CLOSE PULSE TIME(if Gen Close Breaker Relay Type or Main Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1), BREAKER OPEN PULSE TIME(if Gen Open Breaker Relay Type or Main Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1), TRANSFER TIME, SPRING LOADING TIME, RETRY NUMBER. Example-1: GCB Close Diagram. If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 2 (user configured), Gen. Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE) and Gen. Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE); GbCt: Gen close timer brCP: Breaker close pulse time brOP: Breaker open pulse time sPLD: Spring loading time rtNB: Retry number 28 rtNB brCP GCB close command GCB open command brCP brCP brCP sPLD brCP brCP sPLD brCP brCP brCP brCP sPLD t[s] 1s brOP GbCt GbCt 1s brOP GbCt 1s brOP GbCt GbCt GbCt GbCt t[s] Feedback input t[s] GCB fail to close alarm t[s] Example-2: GCB Open Diagram. If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 2 (user configured), Gen. Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE) and Gen. Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE); GbOt: Gen open timer brOP: Breaker open pulse time GCB close command t[s] GbOt GCB open command GbOt brOP t[s] Feedback input t[s] GCB fail to open alarm t[s] Gen Close Timer This is used to monitor the closure of the generator contactor or breaker. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the generator contactor or breaker. Once a generator closed signal is issued the ‘gen close timer’ is initiated. Should the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ input become active the timer the ‘gen close timer’ is cancelled. If the timer expires and the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ has not become active the module will issue a ‘generator failed to close’ alarm. Gen Open Timer This is used to monitor the opening of the generator contactor or breaker. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the generator contactor or breaker. Once a generator open signal is issued the ‘gen open timer’ is initiated. Should the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ input become in-active the timer ‘gen open timer’ is cancelled. If the timer expires and the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ has not become in-active the module will issue a ‘generator failed to open’ alarm. Mains Close Timer This is used to monitor the closure of the mains contactor or breaker. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the mains contactor or breaker. Once a mains closed signal is issued the ‘mains close timer’ is initiated. Should the ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ input become active the timer the ‘mains close timer’ is cancelled. If the timer expires and the ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ has not become active the module will issue a ‘mains failed to close’ alarm. 29 Mains Open Timer This is used to monitor the opening of the mains contactor or breaker. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the mains contactor or breaker. Once a mains open signal is issued the ‘mains open timer’ is initiated. Should the ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ input become in-active the timer the ‘mains open timer’ is cancelled. If the timer expires and the ‘Mains closed auxiliary’ has not become in-active the module will issue a ‘mains failed to open’ alarm. Breaker Close Pulse Time This is used to determine the duration of the Mains and Generator close signals. This timer is only used if Pulsed outputs are configured to be used. Breaker Open Pulse Time This is used to determine the duration of the Mains and Generator close signals. This timer is only used if Pulsed outputs are configured to be used. Transfer Time This is used to allow for fixed duration transfer breaks when switching from mains to generator and back. It can be used to ensure that the supply is removed from the load for fixed period of time to allow pumps/motors to come to rest etc. Spring Loading Time When the unit give open command to the (GCB or MCB) breaker and after that the unit want to give close command the same breaker, this time for between open and close commands, because if there is no delay between open and close commands can be problem the motorized switches. Retry Number The unit try to close (GCB or MCB) breaker number of this parameter. If each try there is no close feedback, after last try the alarm will be activated. LCD DISPLAY (System->LCD display) Language Contrast Auto backlight off Auto scroll time Auto scroll number *1 Err. mesg scroll time Language Selection Contrast Setting Auto Backlight Off Auto Scroll Time Auto Scroll Number Scroll Time For Error Messages Min Max Default ENGLISH/CHINESE ENGLISH 4 9 5 ENABL/DISBL DISBL 0 (dis) 250 0 1 25 5 1 250 2 Unit Sec Sec Language Selection Language selection: English or Chinese. Digital Contrast It is used to change contrast of LCD Display. Auto Backlight Off ENABL: If any button is not pressed during 120 secs, LCD backlight is automatically changed power safety mode. DISBL: LCD backlight is on continuously. Auto Scroll Time The scroll time between all data display pages. Auto Scroll Number The number of data display pages that will be scrolled. Scroll Time For Error Messages Error messages are displayed the last line of LCD Display. If more than one error condition is present, each of them is displayed during time defined by Auto Scroll Timer parameter. Note: *1 = Maximum value of this parameter is “24” at TRANS-AMF.CN device. dis = disable 30 COMMUNICATION (System->Communication) Slave Address Baud Rate 0 - 1200 baud 1 - 2400 baud Baud rate 2 - 4800 baud 3 - 9600 baud 4 - 19200 baud 5 - 38400 baud Parity Parity 0 - NONE 1 - ODD 2 - EVEN Stop bit Stop Bit (0-> 1 stop bit,1-> 2 stop bit) Slave address DATE & TIME SET (System->Date & time set) Year Month Day Week Hour Minute Second Day of week Year Month Date Day of week Hour Minute Second Max Default Unit 247 1 5 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 Min Max Default 0 99 12 1 31 1 7 1 23 0 59 0 59 0 Unit 1=Monday,2=Tuesday,3=Wednesday,4=Thursday,5=Friday,6=Saturday,7=Sunday DEFAULT SETTINGS (System->Default settings) Save setting to def. Reset default sets Reset factory sets Min 1 0 Save setting to default Reset default sets Reset factory sets Min Max Default YES / NO NO YES / NO NO YES / NO NO Unit Save setting to default If this parameter is selected as “Yes”, the unit’s currently parameters save as default sets. After this parameter is reset automatically to “No”. Reset default sets If this parameter is selected as “Yes”, the unit’s parameters back to default sets. After this parameter is reset automatically to “No”. Reset factory sets If this parameter is selected as “Yes”, the unit’s parameters back to factory sets. After this parameter is reset automatically to “No”. PASSWORD SETTINGS (System->Password settings) Operator password Technician password Operator Password Technician Password Min 0 0 Max Default 9999 0 9999 0 Unit Operator Password Use this option to change the Operator password. This password allows access to operator parameters section. Technician Password Use this option to change the Technician password. It allows access to both operator and technician parameters section. Note: dis = disable 31 4.2.2 Mains Min Max Default Unit 60 600 320 VV 60 600 340 VV 60 600 440 VV 60 600 420 VV MAINS VOLT LEVEL (Mains->Volt level) Under volt trip Under volt reset Over volt trip Over volt reset Mains Under Voltage Mains Under Voltage Reset Mains Over Voltage Mains Over Voltage Reset Min Max Default Unit Hz 20.0 75.0 45.0 Hz 20.0 75.0 48.0 Hz 20.0 75.0 55.0 Hz 20.0 75.0 52.0 MAINS FREQ. LEVEL (Mains->Frequency level) Under freq trip Under freq reset Over freq trip Over freq reset Mains Under Frequency Mains Under Frequency Reset Mains Over Frequency Mains Over Frequency Reset MAINS ACTIONS (Mains->Actions) Mains failure detect Mains fail.stop mode Always return delay Mains Failure Detection En/Dis Look Mains Failure at Stop Mode En/Dis Always Look Mains Return Delay Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL ENABL ENABL/DISBL ENABL ENABL/DISBL DISBL Mains Failure Detection En/Dis ENABLE: The module will monitor the mains supply. If the mains supply go out side of limits, the module will initiate its automatic mains failure sequence. Look Mains Failure at Stop Mode En/Dis ENABLE: As soon as the module detects a mains failure the mains contactor or breaker relay will be opened to remove the supply from the load. This is to prevent damage to the load in case of singlephase failure. DISABLE: In the event of a mains failure the unit will attempt to maintain the supply to the load for the incoming AC mains supply until the generator is available to go on load. In the event of a generator failure the module will default back to the incoming AC mains supply. Always Look Mains Return Delay ENABLE: The module will always wait the Mains Return Delay parameter before transferring the load back to mains. DISABLE: The module will wait the Mains Return Delay parameter while only the engine is running and the generator is available to go on load before transferring the load back to mains. 4.2.3 Generator GENERATOR VOLT LEVEL (Generator->Volt level) Under volt shutdown Under volt prealarm Under volt reset Over volt shutdown Over volt prealarm Over volt reset Shutdown delay time Generator Under Voltage Shutdown Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Voltage Shutdown Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Voltage Shutdown Delay Time GENERATOR FREQ LEVEL (Generator->Frequency level) Nominal frequency Under freq shutdown Under freq prealarm Under freq reset Over freq shutdown Over freq prealarm Over freq reset Shutdown delay time Nominal Alternator Frequency Generator Under Frequency Shutdown Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Frequency Shutdown Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Frequency Shutdown Delay Time Min 60(dis) 60(dis) 60 60 60(dis) 60 0.0 Max Default Unit 600 320 VV 600 340 VV 600 350 VV 600 440 VV 600 420 VV 600 400 VV Sec 10.0 1.0 Min 30.0 30.0(dis) 30.0(dis) 30.0 30.0(dis) 30.0(dis) 30.0 0.0 Max Default Unit Hz 75.0 50.0 75.0 43.0 Hz Hz 75.0 45.0 75.0 46.0 Hz 75.0 58.0 Hz 55.0 75.0 Hz 54.0 75.0 Hz 10.0 1.0 Sec 32 GEN CUR LEVEL & ACT (Generator->Current level & act.) Min 0 0(dis) 0 0(dis) Max Default Unit 9999 1 AV 9999 dis AV 9999 5 AV 3 dis Under cur. set Under cur. prealarm Under cur. reset Under cur. act. Generator Under Current Set Generator Under Current Pre-Alarm Generator Under Current Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Under Current Actions 0 - Disable 1 - Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 2 - Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 3 - Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) Under act. delay time Over cur. set Over cur. prealarm Over cur. reset Over cur. act. Generator Under Current Actions Delay Time Generator Over Current Set Generator Over Current Pre-Alarm Generator Over Current Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Current Actions 0 - Disable 1 - Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 2 - Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 3 - Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) 0 99 0 9999 0(dis) 9999 0 9999 0(dis) 3 2 9999 9990 9980 dis Sec AV AV AV Over act. delay time Short circuit cur. Earth fault cur. Earth fault cur. act. Generator Over Current Actions Delay Time Generator Short Circuit Current Set Generator Earth Fault Current Set Generator Earth Fault Current Actions 0 - Disable 1 - Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 2 - Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 3 - Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) 0 99 0 9999 0 9999 0(dis) 3 2 9999 100 dis Sec AV AV E.F. act. delay time Generator Earth Fault Current Actions Delay Time 2 Sec GEN POWER LEVEL (Generator->Power level) Under power shutdown Under power prealarm Under power reset Over power shutdown Over power prealarm Over power reset Shutdown delay time Reverse power set Reverse power act. Rv.pow.act.delay time Generator Under Power Shutdown Generator Under Power Pre-Alarm Generator Under Power Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Over Power Shutdown Generator Over Power Pre-Alarm Generator Over Power Pre-Alarm Reset Generator Power Shutdown Delay Time Reverse Power Set Reverse Power Actions 0 - Disable 1 - Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 2 - Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 3 - Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) Reverse Power Action Delay Time 0 Min 0(dis) 0(dis) 0 0(dis) 0(dis) 0 0 -9999 0(dis) 0 99 Max Default Unit 9999 dis kVA dis kVA 9999 9999 5 kVA dis kVA 9999 dis kVA 9999 0 kVA 9999 Sec 99 2 kW 0 0 3 0(dis) 99 2 Sec 33 GEN WORKING CALENDAR (Generator->Working calendar) Disable/enable select Start time on monday Stop time on monday Start time on tues. Stop time on tuesday Start time on wednes. Stop time on wednes. Start time on thurs. Stop time on thursday Start time on friday Stop time on friday Start time on satur. Stop time on saturday Start time on sunday Stop time on sunday Working Calendar Disable or Enable Working Calendar Work Start Time on Monday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Monday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Tuesday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Tuesday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Wednesday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Wednesday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Thursday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Thursday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Friday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Friday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Saturday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Saturday Working Calendar Work Start Time on Sunday Working Calendar Work Stop Time on Sunday GENERATOR GENERAL (Generator->General) Sens.option gen.freq Sens.opt.pickup&flywh All warning are latch Sensing Options Generator Frq En/Dis Sensing Opt Pickup En/Dis & Flywheel All Warnings Are Latched En/Dis Min Max Default Unit DISBL/ENABL DISBL 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min 0.00 H.Min 0.00 23.59 0.00 23.59 23.59 H.Min Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL ENABL 0(dis) 1000 DISBL ENABL/DISBL DISBL Sensing Options Generator Frq En/Dis ENABLE: Speed sensing will be derived from the generator output frequency. DISABLE: Speed sensing not will be derived from the generator output frequency. Sensing Options Pickup En/Dis & Flywheel DISABLE: Speed sensing will not be derived from the magnetic pickup. 1-1000: Speed sensing will be derived from the magnetic pickup and the number is flywheel teeth on the engine. All Warnings Are Latched En/Dis ENABLE: Warnings and pre-alarms will latched when triggered. To reset the alarm either an external reset must be applied to one of the inputs or the 'Reset' pushbutton operated, once the triggering condition has cleared. DISABLE: Normal operation, the warnings and pre-alarms (except spare inputs, because they have their latching or non-latching selections) will automatically reset once the triggering condition has cleared. 4.2.4 Engine ENGINE START OPTIONS (Engine->Starting options) Horn prior start No. of crank attemp Cranking time Crank rest time Pickup fail dely Audible Alarm Prior To Starting En/Dis Number Of Start Attempts Cranking Time Crank Rest Time Pickup Sensor Fail Delay Min Max Default ENABL/DISBL DISBL 3 1 10 5 1 99 10 5 99 1.0 0.1 10.0 Unit Sec Sec Sec Audible Alarm Prior To Starting En/Dis ENABLE: The audible alarm will sound before the engine starts. The sounder will become active once the start delay is initialised, it will remain active until either the engine reaches crank disconnect speed or pre-heat timers are cancelled. Note: dis = disable 34 Number Of Start Attempts This value is the number of times the module will attempt to start the generator. Should the generator start the module will not attempt further starts. If the generator does not start after the final attempt, the module will give a ‘Fail to start’ alarm. Cranking Time This is the maximum amount of time that the module will energise the starter motor for during starting attempts once the starter has engaged. Crank Rest Time This is the amount of time the module will wait for between start attempts. This is to allow the starter motor to cool and the starter batteries to recover. ENG. CRANK DISCONNECT (Engine->Crank disconnect) Generator frequency Engine speed Generator volt Charge alt. volt Oil pressure Crank Disconnect On Gen. Frequency Crank Disconnect On Engine RPM Crank Disconnect On Gen. Voltage Crank Disconnect On Charge Alt. Voltage Crank Disconnect On Oil Pressure Min 25.0 500 60 (dis) 6.0 (dis) 1.0 (dis) Max Default Unit 75.0 6000 600 30.0 30.0 Hz RPM VV VZ BAR 30.0 500 300 dis dis The parameters in this page are used for engine started signals. If any of the selected signals appears, the unit assumes that the engine has started. Crank Disconnect On Gen. Frequency If the generator frequency over than 30.0 Hz, the unit assumes that the engine has started and the unit stop cranking. Crank Disconnect On Engine RPM If the generator speed over than 500 Rpm, the unit assumes that the engine has started and the unit stop cranking. Crank Disconnect On Gen. Voltage If the generator voltage over than 300 Vac, the unit assumes that the engine has started and the unit stop cranking. Crank Disconnect On Charge Alt. Voltage If the charge alternator voltage over than 6.1 Vdc, the unit assumes that the engine has started and the unit stop cranking. Note: If the charge generator input (terminal #35) is disconnect, this parameter selected as disabled (6.0 Vdc). Crank Disconnect On Oil Pressure If the oil pressure sender over than this value or the oil pressure digital input (terminal #31) is not switched to -Battery, the unit assumes that the engine has started and the unit stop cranking. ENGINE SPEED SETS (Engine->Speed settings) Nominal speed Under speed shutdown Under speed prealarm Under speed reset Over speed shutdown Over speed prealarm Over speed reset Shutdown delay time Nominal Speed Engine Under Speed Shutdown Engine Under Speed Prealarm Engine Under Speed Prealarm Reset Engine Over Speed Shutdown Engine Over Speed Prealarm Engine Over Speed Prealarm Reset Engine Speed Shutdown Delay Time Min 500 500(dis) 500(dis) 500 500(dis) 500(dis) 500 0.0 Max Default Unit 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 10.0 RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM Sec 1500 dis dis 500 dis dis 500 1.0 The parameters in this page are used for the generator speed low and high alarms. Note: dis = disable 35 ENGINE PLANT BATTERY (Engine->Plant battery) Under volt Under volt reset Under volt delay Over volt Over volt reset Over volt delay Alt. chg. warning Min 6.0(dis) 6.0 0.0 6.0(dis) 6.0 0.0 6.0(dis) Battery Undervolts Warning Battery Undervolts Warning Reset Battery Undervolts Volts Delay Battery Overvolts Warning Battery Overvolts Warning Reset Battery Overvolts Delay Charge Alternator Warning Max Default 30.0 10.0 30.0 10.5 9.9 1.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 29.5 9.9 1.0 30.0 dis Unit VZ VZ Sec VZ VZ Sec VZ The parameters in this page are used for the battery voltage low and high alarms and the charge alternator voltage warning. CANBUS ECU (Engine->CanBus ECU) Min 0 Max Default Unit 7 4 kBaud Baud rate Baud Rate: 0 - 20 1 - 50 2 - 100 3 - 125 4 - 250 5 - 500 6 - 800 7 - 1.000 J1939 ECU type J1939 ECU Type Selection: 0 - Disable 1 - Standard 2 - Volvo EMS1 3 - Volvo EMS2 4 - Volvo EMS2b 5 - Volvo EDC3 6 - Volvo EDC4 7 - Deutz EMR2 8 - Deutz EMR3 9 - Perkins 1300 10 - Perkins ADEM3 11 - Perkins ADEM4 0(dis) 11 0 Device address Engine cont. address ECU remote control Speed control enable Oil pres cont. enab Temp. control enable Speed set point Speed correction Device Address Engine Control Address ECU Remote Control via J1939 0 255 0 255 ENABL/DISBL ENABL/DISBL ENABL/DISBL ENABL/DISBL 1500 / 1800 0 100 17 0 DISBL DISBL DISBL DISBL 1500 50 Speed Control via J1939 Oil Pressure Control via J1939 Coolant Temperature Control via J1939 Speed Set Point Selection Speed Correction Value RPM % Baud Rate It defines the used Baud rate. Note: All participants on the CAN bus must use the same Baud rate. J1939 ECU Type Selection The J1939 interface of this unit can be operated with different ECUs. This parameter determines the operating mode of the used ECUs. If this parameter is selected as “disable”, No messages will be sent or received. Note: Volvo EMS2 engine types: TAD734, TAD940, TAD941, TAD1640, TAD1641, TAD1642. Volvo EDC3 engine types: TAD1240, TAD1241, TAD1242. Volvo EDC4 engine types: TD520, TAD520, TD720, TAD720, TAD721, TAD722. Perkins engines fitted with the ADEM3 / ADEM4: 2306, 2506, 1106, 2806. Note: Changing above mentioned parameter becomes only effective after restarting the unit. 36 ECU Device Address The unit sends J1939 request and control messages with this ID. It must be changed for different ECU types according to the following table. The ECU listens only to control messages, if they are sent to the correct address. Volvo EMS1, Volvo EMS2, Volvo EMS2b, Volvo EDC3 17 Volvo EDC4, Deutz EMR2, Deutz EMR3 Perkins 1300, Perkins ADEM3, Perkins ADEM4 3 43 Engine Control Address This parameter configures the address of the J1939 ECU, which is controlled. ECU Remote Control Via J1939 If this parameter is selected as “Enable”, The unit sends remote control messages to the ECU if the selected ECU type is supporting the J1939 Remote control Messages. Available messages are engine start-stop, 50/60 Hz selection or Idle mode. For some ECUs; Parameter Remote Start Remote Stop 50/60 Hz Selection Idle Mode Volvo EMS1, Volvo EMS2, Volvo EMS2b, Volvo EDC3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Volvo EDC4, Deutz EMR2, Deutz EMR3 Perkins 1300, Perkins ADEM3, Perkins ADEM4 Standard No No No No No No No No No No No No If this parameter is selected as “Disable”, The ECU remote control via the J1939 protocol will be disabled. Speed Control via J1939 If this parameter is selected as “Enable”, The speed sensing from J1939 ECU will be used for the speed (Rpm) failures. Oil Pressure Control via J1939 If this parameter is selected as “Enable”, The oil pressure sensing from J1939 ECU will be used for the oil pressure failures and the engine started signal. Coolant Temperature Control via J1939 If this parameter is selected as “Enable”, The coolant temperature sensing from J1939 ECU will be used for the coolant temperature failures. Speed Set Point Selection (50/60 Hz) This parameter used for to select the requested engine speed as 1500Rpm (50Hz) or 1800Rpm (60Hz). Note: The scenario; first change the parameter, next wait at least 5 seconds, and then start the engine. Speed Correction Value This parameter can be changed between 0 and 100%. The engine should change the speed as follows: 0% = rated speed – speed deviation ECU e.g. 1500 – 120 = 1380rpm 50% = rated speed e.g. = 1500rpm 100% = rated speed + speed deviation ECU e.g. 1500 + 120 = 1620rpm 37 CANBUS ERROR SET (Engine->CanBus error set) CAN fault actions Can Fault Actions: 0- Disable 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 3- Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 4- Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) Min Max Unit Default 0(dis) 4 0 CAN fault activation Can Fault Activation: 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 0 CAN fault delay Amber warn.actions Can Fault Delay J1939 Amber Warning Lamp Actions: 0- Disable 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 3- Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 4- Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) 2 250 10 0(dis) 4 0 Amber warn.activation J1939 Amber Warning Lamp Activation: 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Amber warn.delay Red stop actions J1939 Amber Warning Lamp Delay J1939 Red Stop Lamp Actions: 0- Disable 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning (Alarm Only, No Shutdown) 3- Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) 4- Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) 0 250 2 0(dis) 4 0 Red stop activation J1939 Red Stop Lamp Activation: 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Red stop delay J1939 Red Stop Lamp Delay 0 250 2 Sec Sec Sec Note: dis = disable 38 ENGINE MAINTENANCE (Engine->Maintenance) Running hour interval Maint. date interval Eng. stop when maint Eng. running hour(lsb) Eng. running hour Eng. running hour(msb) Maintenance okay Unit 0(dis) 9999 5000 Hour 12 6 Month 0(dis) ENABL/DISBL DISBL 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 0 14 NO YES/NO Min Max Running Hours Interval Maintenance Date Interval Force Engine Shutdown When Maintenance Is Due Engine Running Hour (Lsb) Engine Running Hour Engine Running Hour(Msb) Maintenance Okay Default The user can change the engine running hours value by using these parameters (Engine Running Hour (Lsb) , Engine Running Hour and Engine Running Hour (Msb)). For example; if the engine running hours was changed 75112 hours, the values of these parameters was calculated as follows; Engine Running Hour (Msb) = 75112 / 65536 =1 Intermediate Value = 75112 – (Engine Running Hour (Msb) * 65536) = 75112 – (1 * 65536) = 9576. Engine Running Hour = Intermediate Value / 256 = 9576 / 256 = 37 Engine Running Hour (Lsb) = Intermediate Value – (Engine Running Hour * 256) = 9576 – (37 * 256) = 104 LOAD TEST (Engine->Load test) Disable/enable select Disable, No Load or On Load Selection Min Max 0-DISABLE 1-NO LOAD 2-ON LOAD Default Unit 1-NO LOAD Disable, No Load or On Load Selection DISABLE: Test mode disable. NO LOAD: The generator will be running without taking the load in test mode. ON LOAD: The generator will be running with load in test mode. EXERCISE (Engine->Exercise) Time of Period Week Start time Generator exercise working period on related day Generator exercise working day of week Generator exercise work start time on related day Min Max Default 99 0(dis) 1 7 0.0 23.59 dis 1 0.00 Unit Min H.Min Please enter the day of the week for Exercise Function. Example: (dis)0 The exercise function is disabled. (10) The exercise function is enabled for 10 minutes. Day of week 1=Monday,2=Tuesday,3=Wednesday,4=Thursday,5=Friday,6=Saturday,7=Sunday Start time 12.20 The exercise function is started at 12.20 o'clock (If it is enabled) Period Note: dis = disable 39 ENGINE GENERAL (Engine->General) Fuel selection Engine Fuel Selection Stop solenoid time Ignition delay Gas valve delay Min. of ignition speed Choke time Stop Solenoid Time Ignition Delay Gas Valve Delay Minimum Ignition Speed Choke Time Min Max Default Unit 0-GAS 1-DIESEL 1-DIESEL 2-GASOLINE 5 99 20 1 99 5 1 99 5 10 1500 200 0.0 30.0 0.8 Sec Sec Sec RPM Sec Engine Fuel (Gas/ Diesel/Gasoline) Selection Gas, Diesel or Gasoline engines can be selected. Stop Solenoid Time This timer is used if the unit is configured to operate an Energise to stop engine. It dictates the duration that the Stop Solenoid output will remain active after the module has detected the engine has come to rest. If the Stop Solenoid output is not configured, this timer will still operate, preventing an immediate restart. Ignition Delay With gas engines often a purging operation is desired before starting. With the engaging of the starter the ignition delay is started. If the 'min ignition speed' is reached after expiry of this time, the configurable relay output 'ignition' is set. Gas Valve Delay By setting the ignition relay the gas valve delay is started. After the expiry of the set time as long as the number of revolutions is higher than the minimum ignition speed, the gas valve is set. When the necessary engine shutdown process, gas valve is de-energised. Minimum Ignition Speed After expiry of the ignition delay the number of revolutions set must be reached, so that the configurable relay output 'ignition' will be set. Choke Time This timer dictates that how long choke output will be active in gasoline engines. 40 41 Starting Engine monitoring ON Gas valve Starter Ignition Start request Minimum ignition speed Crank disconnect magnetic pick-up speed Rated speed [RPM] Unsuccessful tIT tR Minimum ignition speed will not be reached tGV Successful tD Start/Stop Diagram for GAS ENGINE tID [1/min;RPM] tR tID tGV tD 5s Stopping t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] Interval between 2 start attempts Ignition delay Gas valve delay Engine delayed monitoring [s] [s] [s] [s] 42 Starting Engine monitoring ON Fuel relay Starter Pre-heat Start request Crank disconnect magnetic pick-up speed Rated speed [RPM] 2s tCR Unsuccessful tPH tR Successful tD Start/Stop Diagram for DIESEL ENGINE tCR [1/min;RPM] tPH tCR tR tD Stopping t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] Preheating time Engagement time Interval between 2 start attempts Engine delayed monitoring [s] [s] [s] [s] 43 Starting Engine monitoring ON Fuel relay Choke Starter Pre-heat Start request Crank disconnect magnetic pick-up speed Rated speed [RPM] 2s tCH tCR Unsuccessful tPH tR Successful tD Start/Stop Diagram for GASOLINE ENGINE tCH tCR [1/min;RPM] tPH tCR tR tD tCH Stopping t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] t[s] Preheating time Engagement time Interval between 2 start attempts Engine delayed monitoring Choke time [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] 4.2.5 Inputs SENDER INPUTS (Inputs->Sender inputs) Min Max Oil pressure unit Oil press. input type Oil Pressure Unit Oil Pressure Input Type Oil pressure prealarm Oil pressure reset Oil pressure shutdown Temperature unit Temp. input type Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm Reset Oil Pressure Shutdown Coolant Temperature Unit Coolant Temperature Input Type High temp. prealarm High temp. reset High temp. shutdown Low temp. warning Heater control ON Heater control OFF Conf. AI1 unit Conf. AI1 type High Temperature Pre-Alarm 0 (dis) 300 High Temp. Pre-Alarm Reset 0 300 0 300 High Temperature Shutdown 0 (dis) Low Temperature Warning 70 0 (dis) 300 Coolant Heater Control On 0 Coolant Heater Control Off 300 Configurable Analog Input-1 Unit BAR/PSI/KPA/ºC/ºF/%/Lt Configurable Analog Input-1 Type 0 - Not Used (Disable) BAR/PSI/KPA 0 - Not Used (Disable) 1 - Digital NC 2 - Digital NO 3 - VDO 5 BAR 4 - VDO 7 BAR 5 - VDO 10 BAR 6 - DATCON 5 BAR 7 - DATCON 7 BAR 8 - MURPHY 7 BAR 9 - User Configured 0.0 (dis) 0.0 0.0 ºC/ºF 30.0 30.0 30.0 0 - Not Used (Disable) 1 - Digital NC 2 - Digital NO 3 - VDO 120 ºC 4 - VDO 150 ºC 5 - DATCON 6 - MURPHY 7 - PT100 8 - User Configured Default Unit BAR 0 (dis) 1.2 1.4 1.0 ºC 0 (dis) BAR BAR BAR 90 88 95 0 (dis) 0 (dis) 45 % 0 (dis) C C C C C C 1 - Digital NC 2 - Digital NO 3 - VDO OHM (10-180) 4 - VDO TUBE (90-0) 5 - US OHM (240-33) 6 - GM OHM (0-90) 7 - FORD (73-10) 8 - User Configured Configurable Analog Input-1 Low Pre-Alarm 0 (dis) 3000 0 (dis) % Configurable Analog Input-1 Low Reset Conf. AI1 low shutdwn Configurable Analog Input-1 Low Shutdown Configurable Analog Input-1 Conf. AI1 high prealr High Pre-Alarm Configurable Analog Input-1 Conf. AI1 high reset High Reset Configurable Analog Input-1 Conf. AI1 high shutd. High Shutdown 0 3000 60 % 0 (dis) 3000 0 (dis) % 0 (dis) 3000 0 (dis) % 0 3000 90 % 0 (dis) 3000 0 (dis) % Conf. AI1 low prealrm Conf. AI1 low reset 44 Conf. AI1 control ON Configurable Analog Input-1 control ON 3000 0 (dis) % Conf. AI1 control OFF 0 3000 Configurable Analog Input-1 control OFF Configurable Analog Input-2 Unit BAR/PSI/KPA/ºC/ºF/%/Lt Configurable Analog Input-2 Type 0 - Not Used (Disable) 75 % Conf. AI2 unit Conf. AI2 type 0 (dis) 1 - Digital NC 2 - Digital NO 3 - VDO 120 ºC 4 - VDO 150 ºC 5 - DATCON 6 - MURPHY 7 - PT100 8 - User Configured ºC 0 (dis) Conf. AI2 low prealrm Configurable Analog Input-2 Low Pre-Alarm 0 (dis) 300 0 (dis) ºC Conf. AI2 low reset Configurable Analog Input-2 Low Reset Configurable Analog Input-2 Low Shutdown Configurable Analog Input-2 High Pre-Alarm Configurable Analog Input-2 High Reset Configurable Analog Input-2 High Shutdown Configurable Analog Input-2 control ON Configurable Analog Input-2 control OFF 0 300 60 ºC 0 (dis) 300 0 (dis) ºC 0 (dis) 300 0 (dis) ºC 0 300 90 ºC 0 (dis) 300 0 (dis) ºC 0 (dis) 300 0 (dis) ºC 0 300 75 ºC Conf. AI2 low shutdwn Conf. AI2 high prealr Conf. AI2 high reset Conf. AI2 high shutd. Conf. AI2 control ON Conf. AI2 control OFF Note: dis = disable 45 Oil Pressure Input Type This section is used to configure the Oil Pressure sender input. 0-NOT USED: The Oil Pressure input will not be monitored. 1-DIGITAL NC: The Oil pressure input is fed from an engine mounted digital pressure switch. This switch returns a closed signal during low oil pressure conditions (and engine at rest), once oil pressure is established the switch will open. 2-DIGITAL NO: The Oil pressure input is fed from an engine mounted digital pressure switch. This switch returns an open signal during low oil pressure conditions (and engine at rest), once oil pressure is established the switch will close. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9: Oil pressure input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted oil pressure transducer. If this parameter selected as "9-USER CONFIGURED", the user can input the data manually according to the sensor curve. Temperature Input Type This section is used to configure the Coolant Temperature sender input. 0-NOT USED: The Coolant Temperature input will not be monitored. 1-DIGITAL NC: The Coolant Temperature input is fed from an engine mounted digital temperature switch. This switch returns a closed signal during low temperature, should the temperature rise above the switch manifacturers trip point the switch contact will open. 2-DIGITAL NO: The Coolant Temperature input is fed from an engine mounted digital temperature switch. This switch returns an open signal during low temperature, should the temperature rise above the switch manifacturers trip point the switch contact will close. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8: The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. If this parameter selected as "8-USER CONFIGURED", the user can input the data manually according to the sensor curve. Configurable Analog Input-1 Type This section is used to configure the Configurable Analog Input-1 sender input. 0-NOT USED: The Configurable Analog Input-1 will not be monitored. 1-DIGITAL NC: open for low Configurable Analog Input-1. 2-DIGITAL NO: close for low Configurable Analog Input-1. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8: The Configurable Analog Input-1 input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted level/temperature/pressure transducer. If this parameter selected as "8-USER CONFIGURED", the user can input the data manually according to the sensor curve. Configurable Analog Input-2 Type This section is used to configure the Configurable Analog Input-2 sender input. 0-NOT USED: The Configurable Analog Input-2 will not be monitored. 1-DIGITAL NC: open for low Configurable Analog Input-2. 2-DIGITAL NO: close for low Configurable Analog Input-2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8: The Configurable Analog Input-2 input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted level/temperature/pressure transducer. If this parameter selected as "8-USER CONFIGURED", the user can input the data manually according to the sensor curve. 46 SENDER LINEARISATION (Inputs->Sender linearisation) Oil pressure sender 1 Oil pressure 1 Oil pressure sender 2 Oil pressure 2 Oil pressure sender 3 Oil pressure 3 Oil pressure sender 4 Oil pressure 4 Oil pressure sender 5 Oil pressure 5 Oil pressure sender 6 Oil pressure 6 Oil pressure sender 7 Oil pressure 7 Oil pressure sender 8 Oil pressure 8 Oil pressure sender 9 Oil pressure 9 Oil pressure sender 10 Oil pressure 10 Temperature sender 1 Temperature 1 Temperature sender 2 Temperature 2 Temperature sender 3 Temperature 3 Temperature sender 4 Temperature 4 Temperature sender 5 Temperature 5 Temperature sender 6 Temperature 6 Temperature sender 7 Temperature 7 Temperature sender 8 Temperature 8 Temperature sender 9 Temperature 9 Temperature sender 10 Temperature 10 Conf. AI1 sender 1 Conf. AI1 value 1 Conf. AI1 sender 2 Conf. AI1 value 2 Conf. AI1 sender 3 Conf. AI1 value 3 Conf. AI1 sender 4 Conf. AI1 value 4 Conf. AI1 sender 5 Conf. AI1 value 5 Oil Pressure Sender Point-1 Oil Pressure Point-1 Oil Pressure Sender Point-2 Oil Pressure Point-2 Oil Pressure Sender Point-3 Oil Pressure Point-3 Oil Pressure Sender Point-4 Oil Pressure Point-4 Oil Pressure Sender Point-5 Oil Pressure Point-5 Oil Pressure Sender Point-6 Oil Pressure Point-6 Oil Pressure Sender Point-7 Oil Pressure Point-7 Oil Pressure Sender Point-8 Oil Pressure Point-8 Oil Pressure Sender Point-9 Oil Pressure Point-9 Oil Pressure Sender Point-10 Oil Pressure Point-10 Temperature Sender Point-1 Temperature Point-1 Temperature Sender Point-2 Temperature Point-2 Temperature Sender Point-3 Temperature Point-3 Temperature Sender Point-4 Temperature Point-4 Temperature Sender Point-5 Temperature Point-5 Temperature Sender Point-6 Temperature Point-6 Temperature Sender Point-7 Temperature Point-7 Temperature Sender Point-8 Temperature Point-8 Temperature Sender Point-9 Temperature Point-9 Temperature Sender Point-10 Temperature Point-10 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-1 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-1 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-2 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-2 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-3 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-3 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-4 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-4 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-5 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-5 Min 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Default Unit 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 30.0 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 3000 R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R BAR R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R % R % R % R % R % 15 0.0 31 1.0 49 2.0 66 3.0 85 4.0 101 5.0 117 6.0 132 7.0 149 8.0 178 10.0 579 28 404 35 342 40 250 50 179 60 136 70 103 80 77 90 67 95 63 98 10 0 30 11 50 22 70 33 90 44 47 Conf. AI1 sender 6 Conf. AI1 value 6 Conf. AI1 sender 7 Conf. AI1 value 7 Conf. AI1 sender 8 Conf. AI1 value 8 Conf. AI1 sender 9 Conf. AI1 value 9 Conf. AI1 sender 10 Conf. AI1 value 10 Conf. AI2 sender 1 Conf. AI2 value 1 Conf. AI2 sender 2 Conf. AI2 value 2 Conf. AI2 sender 3 Conf. AI2 value 3 Conf. AI2 sender 4 Conf. AI2 value 4 Conf. AI2 sender 5 Conf. AI2 value 5 Conf. AI2 sender 6 Conf. AI2 value 6 Conf. AI2 sender 7 Conf. AI2 value 7 Conf. AI2 sender 8 Conf. AI2 value 8 Conf. AI2 sender 9 Conf. AI2 value 9 Conf. AI2 sender 10 Conf. AI2 value 10 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-6 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-6 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-7 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-7 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-8 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-8 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-9 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-9 Configurable Analog Input-1 Sender Point-10 Configurable Analog Input-1 Point-10 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-1 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-1 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-2 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-2 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-3 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-3 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-4 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-4 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-5 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-5 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-6 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-6 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-7 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-7 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-8 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-8 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-9 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-9 Configurable Analog Input-2 Sender Point-10 Configurable Analog Input-2 Point-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 3000 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 1300 300 110 55 130 66 150 77 170 88 190 100 579 28 404 35 342 40 250 50 179 60 136 70 103 80 77 90 67 95 63 98 R % R % R % R % R % R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC R ºC 48 CONF. INPUT-1 (Inputs->Conf. input-1) Dis,user conf.or list Polarity 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 2 0 1 1 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 25-Emergency Stop Input active delay 0 25 25 0 250 0 Active delay Sec Note: dis = disable 49 CONF. INPUT-2 (Inputs->Conf. input-2) Dis,user conf.or list Polarity 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 0 24 3 Active delay Input active delay 0 250 5 Sec Note: dis = disable 50 CONF. INPUT-3 (Inputs->Conf. input-3) Dis,user conf.or list Polarity 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 1 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 4 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 0 24 4 Active delay Input active delay 0 250 5 Sec Note: dis = disable 51 CONF. INPUT-4 (Inputs->Conf. input-4) Dis,user conf.or list Polarity 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 2 0 1 0 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 25-Low Oil Pressure 26-Low Oil Level Input active delay 0 26 25 0 250 0 Active delay Sec Note: dis = disable 52 CONF. INPUT-5 (Inputs->Conf. input-5) Dis,user conf.or list Polarity 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 2 0 1 0 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 25-High Temperature Input active delay 0 25 25 0 250 0 Active delay Sec Note: dis = disable 53 CONF. INPUT-6 (Inputs->Conf. input-6) Dis,user conf.or list Polarity 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 0 24 7 Active delay Input active delay 0 250 5 Sec Note: dis = disable 54 CONF. INPUT-7 (Inputs->Conf. input-7) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 3 3 Input type 0- Disable 1- User Configured (Digital) 2- Select From List (Digital) 3- Cabin Temperature (Anolog) Polarity If Input Type is Digital 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Indication If Input Type is User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If Input Type is User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Input Type is Select From List 0-Remote Start On Load 1-Remote Start Off Load 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22-Remote Inhibit 23-Being Found Alive 24-Generator is loaded in stop mode 0 24 8 Active delay Cabin temp.low prealr Cabin temp.low reset Cabin temp.low shutd. Cabin temp.high preal Cabin temp.high reset Cabin temp.high shutd Input active delay (If Input Type is Digital) Cabin temperature low prealarm Cabin temperature low prealarm reset Cabin temperature low shutdown Cabin temperature high prealarm reset Cabin temperature high prealarm Cabin temperature high shutdown 0 -50(dis) -50 -50(dis) -50(dis) -50 -50(dis) 250 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 dis 0 dis dis 0 dis Sec ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC Note: dis = disable 55 CONF. EXP. INPUT-1 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-1) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type 0- Disable 1- User Configured 2- Select From List 0-> -Ve (Switched To Battery -) 1-> +Ve (Switched To Battery +) Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Indication If User Configured 0- Status 1- Warning Non-Latching 2- Warning Latching 3- Electrical Trip 4- Shutdown 0 4 0 Activation If User Configured 0- Active From Starting 1- Active From Safety On 2- Always Active 0 2 2 Select from list If Select From List 2-Auxiliary Mains Fail 3-Simulate Lamp Test Button 4-Simulate Horn Reset Button 5-Simulate Alarm Reset Button 6-Simulate Auto Button 7-Simulate Test Button 8-Simulate Manual Button 9-Simulate Start Button 10-Simulate Stop Button 11-Generator Closed Auxiliary 12-Generator Load Inhibit 13-Mains Closed Auxiliary 14-Mains Load Inhibit 15-Auto Restore Inhibit 16-Auto Start Inhibit 17-Panel Lock 18-Scheduled Runs(Exercise) Inhibited 19-Priority Select 20-Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21-Transfer To Mains/Open Generator Input active delay 2 21 2 0 250 5 Active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-2 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-2) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-3 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-3) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay Sec Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 56 CONF. EXP. INPUT-4 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-4) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-5 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-5) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-6 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-6) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-7 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-7) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay CONF. EXP. INPUT-8 (Inputs->Conf. exp. input-8) Dis,user conf.or list Hardware type Polarity Indication Activation Select from list Active delay The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options The same as Expansion Config. Input-1 options Input active delay Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 Min Max Default Unit 0(dis) 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 21 5 Sec 0 250 Note: dis = disable 57 CONFIGURABLE INPUTS SELECTIONS 0 REMOTE START ON LOAD In AUTO mode, if one of the configurable inputs are selected as 0 (Remote Start On Load), the unit doesn't perform the mains failure control in order to start the generator. In AUTO mode, if one of the configurable inputs are selected as 0 (Remote Start On Load) and this input is active, then the unit will perform the start sequence and transfer load to the generator. If the input is passive, the unit will perform the stop sequence. 1 REMOTE START OFF LOAD If this input is active, operation will be similar to the ‘Remote Start On Load’ function except that the generator will not be instructed to take the load. This function can be used where an engine only run is required e.g. for exercise. 2 AUXILIARY MAINS FAIL The unit will monitor the incoming single or three phase supply for Over Voltage, Under Voltage, Over Frequency or Under Frequency. It may be required to monitor a different mains supply or some aspect of the incoming mains not monitored by the unit. If the devices providing this additional monitoring are connected to operate this input, the unit will operate as if the incoming mains supply has fallen outside of limits, the generator will be instructed to start and take load. Removal of the input signal will cause the unit to act if the mains has returned to within limits. 3 SIMULATE LAMP TEST BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Lamp Test' button and is used to provide a remotely located Lamp Test push button. 4 SIMULATE HORN RESET BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Horn Reset' button and is used to provide a remotely located Horn Reset push button. 5 SIMULATE ALARM RESET BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Alarm Reset' button and is used to provide a remotely located Alarm Reset push button. 6 SIMULATE AUTO BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Auto' button and is used to provide a remotely located Auto mode push button. 7 SIMULATE TEST BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Test' button and is used to provide a remotely located Test mode push button. 8 SIMULATE MANUAL BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Manual' button and is used to provide a remotely located Manual mode push button. 9 SIMULATE START BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Start' button and is used to provide a remotely located start push button. 10 SIMULATE STOP BUTTON This input mimic's the operation of the 'Stop' button and is used to provide a remotely located Stop push button. 11 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY This input is used to provide feedback to allow the unit to give true indication of the contactor or circuit breaker switching status. It should be connected to the generator load switching device auxiliary contact. 12 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT This input is used to prevent the unit from loading the generator. If the generator is already on load, activating this input will cause the unit to unload the generator. Removing the input will allow the generator to be loaded again. Note: This input only operates to control the generator-switching device if the unit load switching logic is attempting load the generator. It will not control the generator-switching device when the mains is on load. 13 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY This input is used to provide feedback to allow the unit to give true indication of the contactor or circuit breaker switching status. It should be connected to the generator load switching device auxiliary contact. 58 14 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT This input is used to prevent the unit from loading the mains supply. If the manis supply is already on load, activating this input will cause the unit to unload the mains supply. Removing the input will allow the mains to be loaded again. Note: This input only operates to control the mains-switching device if the unit load switching logic is attempting to load the mains. It will not control the mains-switching device when the generator is on load. 15 AUTO RESTORE INHIBIT When module in the AUTO mode. In the event of a remote start or mains failure, the generator will be instructed to start and take load. On removal of the remote start signal or mains return, the module will continue to run the generator on load until this AUTO RESTORE INHIBIT input is removed. Once the input is removed the unit will transfer the load back to the mains supply and follow a normal generator stop sequence. This input allows the module to be fitted as part of a system where the manual restoration to mains is controlled remotely or by an automated system. 16 AUTO START INHIBIT This input is used to provide an over-ride function to prevent the unit from starting the generator in the event of a remote start or mains out of limits condition occurring. If this input is active and a remote start signal or mains failure occurs the unit will not give a start command to the generator. If this input signal is then removed, the unit will operate as if a remote start or mains failure has occurred, starting and loading the generator. This function can be used to give an 'AND' function so that a generator will only be called to start if the mains fails and another condition exists whish requires the generator to run. If the 'Auto Start Inhibit' signal become active once more it will be ignored until the unit has returned the mains supply on load and shutdown. 17 PANEL LOCK This input is used to provide security to the installation. If the panel lock input is active, the unit will not respond to operation of the mode select or start buttons. This allows the unit to be placed into a spesific mode (such as Auto) and than secured. The operation of the unit is not affected and the operator will still be able to view the various instrumentation pages etc. Note: External control sources (i.e. Simulate Start Button) are not affected by the panel lock input and will continue to operate normally. 18 SCHEDULED RUNS(EXERCISE) INHIBITED This input is used to prevent the generator for starting in the event of a programmed scheduled (exercise) run occurring. While the input is active no scheduled runs will occur. If the input is active when a schedule run is called for, and is removed during the running period the gen-set will start and complete any remaining scheduled running time. 19 PRIORITY SELECT This input is used to determine the generator that is working at dual set application. 20 TRANSFER TO GENERATOR/OPEN MAINS This input is used to transfer the load to the generator when running in Manual mode. 21 TRANSFER TO MAINS/OPEN GENERATOR This input is used to transfer the load to the mains supply when running in Manual mode. 22 REMOTE INHIBIT In AUTO mode, if one of the configurable inputs are selected as 22 (Remote Inhibit) and this input is active, the module will inhibit the generator for starting. In the other hand, if this input is active while the generator was starting, the module will stop the generator. 23 BEING FOUND ALIVE When this input is active, controlling the engine remotely is not possible. 24 GENERATOR IS LOADED IN STOP MODE If this input is active when the unit is in STOP mode, the power will be calculated. If the input is not active, the power won’t be calculated. 25 EMERGENCY STOP (FOR CONFIGURABLE INPUT-1) This input is used as the emergency stop input. 25 LOW OIL PRESSURE (FOR CONFIGURABLE INPUT-4) This input is used as the oil pressure failure input. It will be checked while starting or stopping attempts. 25 HIGH TEMPERATURE (FOR CONFIGURABLE INPUT-5) This input is used as the temperature failure input. 26-LOW OIL LEVEL (FOR CONFIGURABLE INPUT-4) This input is used as the oil pressure failure input. It won’t be checked while starting or stopping attemps. 59 4.2.6 Outputs CONF. OUTPUT-1 (Outputs->Conf. output-1) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function 0-NOT USED 1-AIR FLAP CONTROL 2-ALARM RESET 3-AUDIBLE ALARM 4-AUTO START INHIBIT 5-AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 6-BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 7-BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 8-CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN(EXERCISE) 9-CAN ECU POWER 10-CAN ECU STOP 11-CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 12-COMMON ALARM 13-COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 14-COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 15-COMMON WARNING ALARM 16-COOLING FAN AFTER START 17-COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 18-COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 19-COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 20-COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 21-CRANK RELAY ENERGISED 22-DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 23-DIGITAL INPUT1 ALARM 24-DIGITAL INPUT2 ALARM 25-DIGITAL INPUT3 ALARM 26-DIGITAL INPUT4 ALARM 27-DIGITAL INPUT5 ALARM 28-DIGITAL INPUT6 ALARM 29-DIGITAL INPUT7 ALARM 30-EXPANSION INPUT1 ALARM 31-EXPANSION INPUT2 ALARM 32-EXPANSION INPUT3 ALARM 33-EXPANSION INPUT4 ALARM 34-EXPANSION INPUT5 ALARM 35-EXPANSION INPUT6 ALARM 36-EXPANSION INPUT7 ALARM 37-EXPANSION INPUT8 ALARM 38-EARTH FAULT 39-EMERGENCY STOP 40-FAIL TO START ALARM 41-FAIL TO STOP ALARM 42-CONF. AI1 CONTROL 43-FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 44-GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 45-GENERATOR AT REST 46-GENERATOR AVAILABLE 47-GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 48-GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 49-GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 50-GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 51-GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 52-GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 53-GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 54-GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 55-GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 56-GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 57-GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 58-GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 59-GENERATOR STOPPING 60-GENERATOR OPEN BREAKER 61-HORN OUTPUT LATCHED 62-HORN OUTPUT PULSED 63-LAMP TEST 64-CONF. AI2 CONTROL 65-LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 66-LOW TEMPERATURE 67-MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 68-MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 69-MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 70-MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 71-MAINS FAILURE 72-MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 73-MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 74-MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 75-MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 76-MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 77-MAINS OPEN BREAKER 78-NO LOADING COMMAND 79-OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 80-OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 81-CONF.AI1.HIGH PREA 82-CONF.AI1.HIGH SHUT 83-OVER CURRENT PRE-ALARM 84-OVER CURRENT 85-OVER POWER PRE-ALARM 86-OVER POWER SHUTDOWN 87-OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 88-OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 89-PANEL LOCK 90-PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 91-PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 92-PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 93-PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 94-REMOTE START PRESENT 95-REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 96-SHORT CIRCUIT 97-SMOKE LIMITING 98-STARTING ALARM 99-STARTING ALARMS ARMED 100-STOP RELAY ENERGISED 101-SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 102-SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 103-SYSTEM IN STOP MODE 104-SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 105-UNDER CURRENT PRE-ALARM 106-UNDER CURRENT 107-UNDER POWER PRE-ALARM 108-UNDER POWER SHUTDOWN 109-UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 110-UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 111-WAITING FOR GENERATOR 112-DUAL COMMUNICATION ERROR 113-LOAD SUPPLY FROM GENERATOR 114-LOAD SUPPLY FROM MAINS 115-CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT 1 LOW PRE-ALARM 116-CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT 1 LOW SHUTDOWN 117-CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT 2 LOW PRE-ALARM 118-CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT 2 LOW SHUTDOWN 119-CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT 2 HIGH PRE-ALARM 120-CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT 2 HIGH SHUTDOWN 121-CHOKE ACTIVE 122-REMOTE CONTROL ACTIVE 123-REVERSE POWER 124-CABIN TEMPERATURE LOW PRE-ALARM 125-CABIN TEMPERATURE LOW SHUTDOWN 126-CABIN TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 127-CABIN TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 128-HEATER CONTROL 129-REMOTE OUTPUT 0 129 43 60 CONF. OUTPUT-2 (Outputs->Conf. output-2) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 21 CONF. OUTPUT-3 (Outputs->Conf. output-3) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 62 CONF. OUTPUT-4 (Outputs->Conf. output-4) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 9 CONF. OUTPUT-5 (Outputs->Conf. output-5) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 10 CONF. OUTPUT-6 (Outputs->Conf. output-6) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-1 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-1) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-2 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-2) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-3 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-3) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-4 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-4) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-5 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-5) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-6 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-6) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 61 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-7 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-7) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONF. EXP. OUTPUT-8 (Outputs->Conf. exp. output-8) Min Max Default Unit Polarity 0- Normally Open (Close To Activate) 1- Normally Close (Open To Activate) 0 1 0 Function The same as Configurable Output-1 options 0 129 12 CONFIGURABLE OUTPUTS SELECTIONS 0 NOT USED Output is not used 1 AIR FLAP CONTROL Normally used to control an air flap, this output becomes active upon an Engine shutdown failure situation. Inactive when the set has come to rest. 2 ALARM RESET The output indicates that an alarm reset being performed. Once the alarm reset has been completed, the output become inactive again. The output could be used to give an external reset signal to external systems. 3 AUDIBLE ALARM The output indicates that the internal sounder is operating. It may be use for external sounder. 4 AUTO START INHIBIT This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as 'auto start inhibit' is active. 5 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as 'auxiliary mains failure' is active. 6 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE This output indicates that a battery high voltage alarm has occurred. 7 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE This output indicates that a battery low voltage alarm has occurred. 8 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN(EXERCISE) This output indicates that a scheduled run(exercise) has been called for. If the unit is in the 'auto' and mains okay, the unit will change mode to 'test' and the generator will run if no shutdown alarms are present. 9 CAN ECU POWER This output normally used to turn on the ECU (sometimes via an external slave relay). Some engine ECUs are permanently powered in which case the ECU Power output is used to give input to a Run (or similarly named) input on the ECU. 10 CAN ECU STOP This output used to give input to a Stop (or similarly named) input on the ECU. This is used as a backup stop system should the ECU Data link fail. In this instance, it is not possible to stop the engine using a data command as the link is not operative. As a backup, the STOP signal is given to the engine via a separate hardwired connection. 11 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE This output indicates that a charging alternator failure has occurred. 12 COMMON ALARM This output indicates that a warning, electrical trip or shutdown alarm has been activated. 13 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM This output indicates that an electrical trip alarm has been activated. This output can only be reset by removal of the fault and by then pressing the RESET button. 14 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM This output indicates that a shutdown alarm has been activated. This output can only be reset by removal of the fault and by then pressing the RESET button or by using an external 'alarm reset' input. 62 15 COMMON WARNING ALARM This output indicates that a warning alarm has been activated. This output is normally self-resetting on removal of the fault. 16 COOLING FAN AFTER START This output should energise as soon as engine has started so the fan should be running when the engine is running. This output should continue to operate for Cooling Fan Time parameter after engine has stopped. 17 COOLING FAN AFTER STOP This output indicates that can be made to energise for Cooling Fan Time parameter after the engine shuts down (to run an electric cooling fan on the radiator). 18 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a high engine coolant temperature warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 19 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a high engine coolant temperature shutdown has occurred. 20 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS This output source will be active when the cooling off-load timer is running. 21 CRANK RELAY ENERGISED The output mimics the operation of the crank relay. Can be used to control external logic circuitry. 22 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE The output indicates that the delayed alarms now enabled. Can be used to control external logic circuitry. 23 DIGITAL INPUT1 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 1 alarm has occurred. 24 DIGITAL INPUT2 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 2 alarm has occurred. 25 DIGITAL INPUT3 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 3 alarm has occurred. 26 DIGITAL INPUT4 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 4 alarm has occurred. 27 DIGITAL INPUT5 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 5 alarm has occurred. 28 DIGITAL INPUT6 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 6 alarm has occurred. 29 DIGITAL INPUT7 ALARM This output indicates that digital input 7 alarm has occurred. 30 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT1 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 1 alarm has occurred. 31 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT2 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 2 alarm has occurred. 32 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT3 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 3 alarm has occurred. 33 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT4 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 4 alarm has occurred. 34 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT5 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 5 alarm has occurred. 35 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT6 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 6 alarm has occurred. 36 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT7 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 7 alarm has occurred. 63 37 EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT8 ALARM This output indicates that expansion configurable input 8 alarm has occurred. 38 EARTH FAULT This output indicates that the unit has detected that an earth fault exists on the generator output. 39 EMERGENCY STOP This output indicates that an emergency stop alarm has occurred. 40 FAIL TO START ALARM This output indicates that the engine has not started after the specified number of attempts. 41 FAIL TO STOP ALARM This output indicates that the generator has failed to stop within the selected time 42 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-1 CONTROL Becomes active when the Analog Input-1 falls below the "ANALOG INPUT-1 ON" setting. If the output is already active it will become inactive when the Analog Input-1 is above the “ANALOG INPUT-1 OFF" setting. 43 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED The output mimics the operation of the fuel relay. It can be used to control external logic circuitry. 44 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT With the engaging of the starter the ignition delay is started. If the ‘minimum ignition speed’ is reached after expiry of this time, the configurable relay output ‘ignition’ is set. When the necessary engine shutdown process, firstly gas valve is de-energised. Then ignition output is de-energised that after 5 seconds when the engine speed become lower than ‘minimum ignition speed’ 45 GENERATOR AT REST The output indicates that the generator is not running. 46 GENERATOR AVAILABLE This output indicates when the generator is ready to accept load, i.e. after safety on and warm up timers have timed out. 47 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as 'generator closed auxiliary' is active. 48 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the generator contactor or breaker. It can only be used if the unit is configured to use 'generator closed auxiliary' feedback. 49 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the generator contactor or breaker. It can only be used if the unit is configured to use 'generator closed auxiliary' feedback. 50 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator high frequency warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 51 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator high frequency shutdown has occurred. 52 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator high voltage warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 53 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator high voltage shutdown has occurred. 54 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT This output indicates that a digital input has been configured as 'generator load inhibit' is active. 55 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator low frequency warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 56 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator low frequency shutdown has occurred. 64 57 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator low voltage warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 58 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator low voltage shutdown has occurred. 59 GENERATOR STOPPING This output indicates that the engine has been instructed to stop but has not come to rest. 60 GENERATOR OPEN BREAKER This output used to control the load switching device. For Details see: "BREAKERS Page" section. 61 HORN OUTPUT LATCHED This output indicates that the latched horn alarm has occurred. 62 HORN OUTPUT PULSED This output indicates that the pulsed horn alarm has occurred. 63 LAMP TEST This output indicates that the module is performing a lamp test. Once the lamp test completed, the output will become inactive again. The output can be used to feed a lamp test on external modules or panel lamps. 64 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-2 CONTROL Becomes active when the Analog Input-2 falls below the "ANALOG INPUT-2 ON" setting. If the output is already active it will become inactive when the Analog Input-2 is above the “ANALOG INPUT-2 OFF" setting. 65 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL This output indicates that the magnetic pick up signal is not sufficient to be used by the unit for speed monitoring. The alarm can only operate if the speed signal fails to appearduring cranking. It is disabled if ‘multiple attempts to engage’ is selected. If the MPU fails during engine running this would result in an under speed alarm. 66 LOW TEMPERATURE This output indicates that a low temperature warning has occurred. 67 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM This output indicates that the generator is now due for maintenance either because it has used all the available running hours or the periodic maintenance time has expired. To clear the output a maintenance reset must be performed. 68 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as 'mains closed auxiliary' is active. 69 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the mains contactor or breaker. It can only be used if the unit is configured to use 'mains closed auxiliary' feedback. 70 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the mains contactor or breaker. It can only be used if the unit is configured to use 'mains closed auxiliary' feedback. 71 MAINS FAILURE This output indicates that the unit has sensed that a failure of the incoming AC mains supply. This output will become active whenever the mains voltage or frequency goes out of limits, or if the auxiliary mains failure input active (if used) and the mains transient timer has expired. 72 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY This output indicates that the unit has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply frequency has exceeded the frequency limit setting. 73 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE This output indicates that the unit has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply voltage has exceeded the voltage limit setting. 74 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT This output indicates that a digital input has been configured as 'mains load inhibit' is active. 65 75 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY This output indicates that the unit has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply frequency has fallen below the frequency setting. 76 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE This output indicates that the unit has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply voltage has fallen below the voltage limit setting. 77 MAINS OPEN BREAKER This output used to control the load switching device. For Details see: "BREAKERS Page" section. 78 NO LOADING COMMAND This output indicates that the unit is not calling of the generator contactor or breaker to be closed. Should the unit close the generator contactor this output will become inactive. 79 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a low oil pressure warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 80 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a low oil pressure shutdown has occurred. 81 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-1 HIGH PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a high analog input-1 warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 82 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-1 HIGH SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a high analog input-1 shutdown has occurred. 83 OVER CURRENT PRE-ALARM This output indicates that the over current pre-alarm has been reached. 84 OVER CURRENT ALARM This output indicates that the over current trip level has been reached. 85 OVER POWER PRE-ALARM This output indicates that the over power pre-alarm has been reached. 86 OVER POWER SHUTDOWN This output indicates that the over power shutdown has been reached. 87 OVER SPEED PRE-ALARM This output indicates that the over speed warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 88 OVER SPEED SHUTDOWN This output indicates that the over speed shutdown has occurred. 89 PANEL LOCK This output indicates that the unit ‘panel lock’ is active. If the panel lock input is active, the unit will not respond to operation of the Mode select or start buttons. This allows the unit to be placed into a specific mode (such as auto) and then secured. 90 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) The output controls the pre-heater. Pre-heat output is available for the duration of pre-heat timer, which terminates prior to cranking. 91 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) The output controls the pre-heater. As 'Pre-heat (during pre-heat timer)' mode but pre-heat is also available during cranking. 92 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) The output controls the pre-heater. As 'Pre-heat (until safety on)' but pre-heat continues to be available until the warm-up timer has elapsed. 93 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) The output controls the pre-heater. As 'Pre-heat (until end of cranking)' but pre-heat is also available while waiting for the delayed alarms to become active. 66 94 REMOTE START PRESENT This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as 'remote start' is active. This output could be used to pass the remote start signal on to else where in the control system. 95 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS This output source will be active to indicate that the return timer is running. 96 SHORT CIRCUIT This output indicates that the module has detected a short circuit on the generator output. 97 SMOKE LIMITING This output is used to supply a smoke-limiting signal to an Electronic Governor to limit smoke emissions on startup. It is used in conjunction with the Smoke limit timer (Idle mode timer) settings. Once the timer has expired, the Smoke limit output will cease to operate allowing the engine to accelerate to normal running speed. 98 STARTING ALARM This output is used to supply an external sounder with a signal that the engine is about to start. The output will be active during the start delay and pre-heat timer (if used). 99 STARTING ALARMS ARMED The output indicates that the starting alarms are now enabled. It can be used to control external logic circuitry. Starting alarms are armed as soon as the unit commences starting of the engine and remain armed until the engine at rest. 100 STOP RELAY ENERGISED The output mimics the operation of the stop relay. Can be used to control external logic circuitry. 101 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE The output indicates that the unit is in the Auto mode. 102 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE The output indicates that the unit is in the Manual mode. 103 SYSTEM IN STOP MODE The output indicates that the unit is in the Stop mode. 104 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE The output indicates that the unit is in the Test mode. 105 UNDER CURRENT PRE-ALARM This output indicates that the under current pre-alarm has been reached. 106 UNDER CURRENT ALARM This output indicates that the under current trip level has been reached. 107 UNDER POWER PRE-ALARM This output indicates that the under power pre-alarm has been reached. 108 UNDER POWER SHUTDOWN This output indicates that the under power shutdown has been reached. 109 UNDER SPEED PRE-ALARM This output indicates that an under speed warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 110 UNDER SPEED SHUTDOWN This output indicates that an under speed shutdown has occurred. 111 WAITING FOR GENERATOR This output indicates that the engine has been instructed to start but has not yet become available. Once the generator becomes available this output will be in-active. 112 DUAL COMMUNICATION ERROR This output indicates that an dual communication alarm has occurred. 113 LOAD SUPPLY FROM GENERATOR This output indicates that the load is supplying from generator. 67 114 LOAD SUPPLY FROM MAINS This output indicates that the load is supplying from mains. 115 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-1 LOW PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a low configurable analog input-1 warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 116 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-1 LOW SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a low analog input-1 shutdown has occurred. 117 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-2 LOW PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a low configurable analog input-1 warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 118 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-2 LOW SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a low analog input-2 shutdown has occurred. 119 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-2 HIGH PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a high analog input-2 warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 120 CONFIGURABLE ANALOG INPUT-2 HIGH SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a high analog input-2 shutdown has occurred. 121 CHOKE ACTIVE This ouput becomes active everytime generator cranks and stays active until the choke time expires. 122 REMOTE CONTROL ACTIVE This output indicates that the engine is being controlled remotely. 123 REVERSE POWER This ouput becomes active when generator’s active power drops below the Reverse Power Set value. 124 CABIN TEMPERATURE LOW PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a low cabin temperature warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 125 CABIN TEMPERATURE LOW SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a low cabin temperature shutdown has occurred. 126 CABIN TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a high cabin temperature warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 127 CABIN TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a high cabin temperature shutdown has occurred. 128 HEATER CONTROL Becomes active when the Coolant Temperature falls below the "Heater control ON" setting. If the output is already active it will become inactive when the Coolant Temperature is above the “Heater control OFF" setting. 129 REMOTE OUTPUT This output indicates that the output can be energised or de-energised remotely. 68 4.2.7 Timers START TIMERS (Timers->Start timers) Mains transient delay Mains fail start dely Remote start delay Pre-heat Pre-heat bypass Safety on delay Warming up time Horn duration Chg. excitation time Cooling fan time Idle mode time Idle mode time off Mains Transient Delay Mains Fail Start Delay Remote Start Delay Pre-Heat Pre-Heat Bypass Safety On Delay Warmup Time Horn Duration Charge Excitation Time Cooling Fan Time Idle Mode Time (Smoke Limiting) Idle Mode Time Off (Smoke Limiting Off) Min Max Default 0.0 20.0 0 9999 0 3600 0 250 0 250 0 99 0 250 0 (dis) 999 0 99(cont) 0 250 0 (dis) 3600 0 250 2.0 0 4 3 0 5 3 60 15 180 dis 5 Unit Sec Sec Sec Sec Min Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Mains Transient Delay The unit uses this parameter to decide the mains fail. Mains Fail Start Delay This timer dictates how long the unit will wait after it has received a mains failure signal before it will attempt to start. This prevent un-necessary starting on a fluctuating mains supply etc. Remote Start Delay This timer dictates how long the unit will wait after it has received a remote start signal before it will attempt to start. This prevent un-necessary starting on a fluctuating mains supply etc. Pre-Heat This timer dictates the duration that the pre-heat output will be active before an attempt is made to start the engine. Once this timer is expired cranking will commence. Pre-Heat Bypass This feature allows the unit to start a hot engine without performing an un-necessary pre-heat delay. The bypass timer is triggered by the generator starting and actually being loaded. If the generator started but does not achieve loading then the timer will not be triggered. The bypass timer is initiated once the engine has come to rest. If any attempts to start are requested within the duration of the bypass timer the start sequence will bypass the pre-heat timer. Safety On Delay This timer dictates how long the unit will ignore the Low Oil Pressure, High Engine Temperature, Underspeed, Undervolts and any other inputs configured as active from safety on. It allows the values such as oil pressure to rise to their operating values on starting without triggering an alarm. Once the timer has expired all alarm conditions are monitored again. If configured to use 'fast loading', should all the monitored conditions, such as oil pressure, come to expected state prior to the end of the safety on timer, the timer will be terminated prematurely ensuring maximum protection as soon as possible. Warmup Time This timer is initiated once the engine is up and running. It delays loading the generator until it has stabilised. Once this timer is expired the 'Close generator' signal will be given and the generator is available to be loaded. Horn Duration This timer dictates how long the external horn and the internal sounder will work after the last error detected. Once after this timer ended unit will do the external horn and the internal sounder reset. Charge Excitation Time Charge excitation was selectable as momentary / continuous operation.This timer dictates how long the Charge excitation will active. Note: dis = disable cont = continuous 69 Cooling Fan Time This timer dictates how long the Cooling Fan will continue to operate. Idle Mode Time (Smoke Limiting) This is the amount of time that the smoke limiting output will remain active for once the engine has started. While the smoke limiting output is active the engine will be held at a reduced speed to minimise smoke emissions on start-up. (Only if fitted with an appropriate Electronic Control Module). Once the timer has expired the engine will be allowed to accelerate up to its normal operating speed. Idle Mode Time Off (Smoke Limiting Off) This timer is started after the Idle mode timer (smoke limit timer) was expired. This is to allow the engine to accelerate to its normal running speed without triggering an underspeed alarm, etc. STOPPING TIMERS (Timers->Stopping timers) Mains return delay Remote stop delay Cooling time Fail to stop delay Mains Return Delay Remote Stop Delay Cooling Time Fail To Stop Time Min Max Default 0 3600 0 250 0 (dis) 3600 15 99 5 4 60 30 Unit Sec Sec Sec Sec Mains Return Delay This timer dictates how long the unit will wait before it will un-load the generator (back to the mains supply if AMF) and initialise it's run-on and shutdown cycle. This is ensure that the mains supply has stabilised before transferring the load back to mains. Remote Stop Delay This timer dictates how long the unit will wait after it has received a remote stop signal before it will attempt to stop. This prevent un-necessary stopping on a fluctuating mains supply etc. Cooling Timer This is the time the generator is to run off-load once the load transfer signal has ceased. This gives the engine time to cool down before shutdown. Fail To Stop Time Once the unit has given a shutdown signal to the engine it expects the engine to come to rest. It monitors the Oil pressure and speed sensing sources and if they still indicate engine movement when this timer expires a 'Fail To Stop' alarm signal is generated. 4.2.8 Expansion Modules IO (1-8) MODULE (Expansion modules->IO (1-8)) Disable/enable select Expansion I/O Module Selection Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL DISBL DIAL-UP & ETHERNET (Expansion modules->Dial-up & Ethernet) Disable/enable select Expansion Dal-up&Ethernet Module Selection Call back selection Call Back Selection Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL DISBL ENABL/DISBL DISBL GSM MODULE (Expansion modules->GSM) Disable/enable select Expansion GSM Module Selection Call back selection Call Back Selection SMS SMS Feature Enable or Disable Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL DISBL ENABL/DISBL DISBL ENABL/DISBL DISBL GPRS MODULE (Expansion modules->GPRS) Disable/enable select Expansion GPRS Module Selection Call back selection Call Back Selection Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL DISBL ENABL/DISBL DISBL Note: dis = disable 70 DUAL SET MODULE (Expansion modules->Dual set) Disable/enable select Expansion Dual Set Module Selection Node ID Node Address Working period Dual Working Period Early start time Early Start Time Remote priority selct Remote Priority Selection: 0- Disable, 1- Priority, 2- None Priority Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL DISBL 1 2 1 0:00 9:59 1:00 H.Min 0 250 15 Sec 0(dis) 2 dis WEB SERVER MODULE (Expansion modules->Web Server Disable/enable select Web Server Module Selection Min Max Default Unit ENABL/DISBL DISBL 4.2.9 User Adjustment MAINS VOLTAGE OFFSET (User adjustment->Mains voltage offset) Mains V1 offset Mains V1 Offset Mains V2 offset Mains V2 Offset Mains V3 offset Mains V3 Offset Min GEN. VOLTAGE OFFSET (User adjustment->Gen. voltage offset) Gen. V1 offset Generator V1 Offset Gen. V2 offset Generator V2 Offset Gen. V3 offset Generator V3 Offset Min CURRENT OFFSET (User adjustment->Current offset) Current I1 offset Current I1 Offset Current I2 offset Current I2 Offset Current I3 offset Current I3 Offset E/F. Current offset Earth current I3 Offset Min BATTERY&CHRG GEN.VOL (User adjustment->Battery&chrg gen.vol) Batt.volt offset Battery Voltage Offset Gen.chg.volt offset Charge Generator Voltage Offset Min SENDER INPUTS OFFSET (User adjustment->Sender inputs offset) Oil Pressure offset Oil Pressure Offset Temperature offset Coolant Temperature Offset Conf. AI1 offset Configurable Analog Input-1 Offset Conf. AI2 offset Configurable Analog Input-2 Offset Min -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -5.0 -5.0 Max Default 20 20 20 0 VV 0 VV 0 VV Max Default 20 20 20 Unit Unit 0 VV 0 VV 0 VV Max Default Unit 0 0 0 0 AV AV AV AV Max Default Unit 20 20 20 20 5.0 5.0 0 VZ 0 VZ Max Default -2.0 2.0 -20 20 -200 200 -20 20 Unit 0.0 BAR ºC 0 % 0 ºC 0 Note: dis = disable 71 Error Messages And Explanations: Battery high warning! : Battery high error Battery low warning! : Battery low error Cab temp.high error! : Cabin temperature high error Cab temp.high prealr! : Cabin temperature high pre-alarm Cab temp.low error! : Cabin temperature low error Cab temp.low prealr! : Cabin temperature low pre-alarm Can bus warning! : Can bus error Charge alterntr fail! : Charge alternator fail Conf. AI1 high error! : Configurable analogue input-1 high error Conf. AI1 high preal! : Configurable analogue input-1 high pre-alarm Conf. AI1 low error! : Configurable analogue input-1 low error Conf. AI1 low prealr! : Configurable analogue input-1 low pre-alarm Conf. AI1 sensor err! : Configurable analogue input-1 sensor break Conf. AI2 high error! : Configurable analogue input-2 high error Conf. AI2 high preal! : Configurable analogue input-2 high pre-alarm Conf. AI2 low error! : Configurable analogue input-2 low error Conf. AI2 low prealr! : Configurable analogue input-2 low pre-alarm Conf. AI2 sensor err! : Configurable analogue input-2 sensor break Dual communicat. err! : Dual communication error E/F. instant trip! : Earth fault error E/F. warning! : Earth fault warning E/F.trip with cool.! : Earth fault electrical trip Emergency stop! : Emergency stop error Exp.spare-1 alarm! : Expansion module spare 1 error Exp.spare-2 alarm! : Expansion module spare 2 error Exp.spare-3 alarm! : Expansion module spare 3 error Exp.spare-4 alarm! : Expansion module spare 4 error Exp.spare-5 alarm! : Expansion module spare 5 error Exp.spare-6 alarm! : Expansion module spare 6 error Exp.spare-7 alarm! : Expansion module spare 7 error Exp.spare-8 alarm! : Expansion module spare 8 error Fail to start alarm! : Fail to start alarm Gen break.close fail! : Generator breaker not closed alarm Gen break.open fail! : Generator breaker not opened alarm Gen over frq.prealr! : Generator over frequency pre-alarm Gen over frq.shutdwn! : Generator over frequency shutdown Gen over vol.shutdwn! : Generator over voltage shutdown Gen over volt.prealr! : Generator over voltage prealarm Gen phase seq.wrong! : Generator phase sequence wrong Gen stop fail! : Generator stop error Gen under frq.prealr! : Generator under frequency pre-alarm Gen under frq.shtdwn! : Generator under frequency shutdown Gen under vol.shtdwn! : Generator under voltage shutdown Gen under volt.preal! : Generator under voltage pre-alarm High temp.prealarm! : Temp pre-alarm High temp.shutdown! : High temp. shutdown J1939 ECU warning! : Amber warning lamp error Low temperature! : Low temperature Mains break.cls fail! : Mains breaker not closed alarm Mains break.opn fail! : Mains breaker not opened alarm Maintenance alarm! : Maintenance error Oil press.shutdown! : Pressure shutdown Over curr.trip cool.! : Over current electrical trip Over current prealr! : Over current pre-alarm Over current trip! : Over current error Over current warnng! : Over current warning Over power alarm! : Under power error Over power prealarm! : Under power pre-alarm Over speed alarm! : Over speed error Over speed prealarm! : Over speed pre-alarm Pressure prealarm! : Pressure prealarm Pressure sensor err! : Oil pressure sensor break Red stop lamp! : Red stop lamp error 72 Error Messages And Explanations: Reverse power warnng! : Reverse power Warning Rev.power trip cool.! : Reverse power Electrical Trip Reverse power trip! : Reverse power Error Short circuit trip! : Short circuit error Spare-1 alarm! : Spare 1 error Spare-2 alarm! : Spare 2 error Spare-3 alarm! : Spare 3 error Spare-4 alarm! : Spare 4 error Spare-5 alarm! : Spare 5 error Spare-6 alarm! : Spare 6 error Spare-7 alarm! : Spare 7 error Speed loss alarm! : Speed loss error Temperat. sensor err! : Temperature sensor break Under curr.trip cool! : Under current electrical trip Under current prealr! : Under current pre-alarm Under current trip! : Under Current Error Under current warnng! : Under Current Warning Under power prealarm! : Under power prealarm Under power trip! : Under power Error Under speed prealarm! : Under speed prealarm Under speed trip! : Under speed error Event Messages And Explanations: Battery high warning : Battery high error Battery low warning : Battery low error Cab temp.high error : Cabin temperature high error Cab temp.high prealr : Cabin temperature high pre-alarm Cab temp.low error : Cabin temperature low error Cab temp.low prealr : Cabin temperature low pre-alarm Can bus warning : Can bus error Changed mode to auto : Changed mode to auto Changed mode to man : Changed mode to manual Changed mode to stop : Changed mode to off Changed mode to test : Changed mode to test Charge alterntr fail : Charge alternator fail Conf. AI1 high error : Configurable analogue input-1 high error Conf. AI1 high preal : Configurable analogue input-1 high pre-alarm Conf. AI1 low error : Configurable analogue input-1 low error Conf. AI1 low prealr : Configurable analogue input-1 low pre-alarm Conf. AI1 sensor err : Configurable analogue input-1 sensor break Conf. AI2 high error : Configurable analogue input-2 high error Conf. AI2 high preal : Configurable analogue input-2 high pre-alarm Conf. AI2 low error : Configurable analogue input-2 low error Conf. AI2 low prealr : Configurable analogue input-2 low pre-alarm Conf. AI2 sensor err : Configurable analogue input-2 sensor break Dual communicat. err : Dual communication error E/F. alarm : Earth fault alarm Emergency stop : Emergency stop error Engine started Engine stopped Exp.spare-1 alarm : Expansion module spare 1 error Exp.spare-2 alarm : Expansion module spare 2 error Exp.spare-3 alarm : Expansion module spare 3 error Exp.spare-4 alarm : Expansion module spare 4 error Exp.spare-5 alarm : Expansion module spare 5 error Exp.spare-6 alarm : Expansion module spare 6 error Exp.spare-7 alarm : Expansion module spare 7 error Exp.spare-8 alarm : Expansion module spare 8 error Fail to start alarm : Fail to start alarm Gen break.close fail : Generator breaker not closed alarm Gen break.open fail : Generator breaker not opened alarm Gen over frq.prealr : Generator over frequency pre-alarm 73 Event Messages And Explanations: Gen over frq.shutdwn : Generator over frequency shutdown Gen over vol.prealr : Generator over voltage pre-alarm Gen over vol.shutdwn : Generator over voltage shutdown Gen phase seq.wrong : Generator phase sequence wrong Gen stop fail : Generator stop error Gen under frq.preal : Generator under frequency pre-alarm Gen under frq.shtdwn : Generator under frequency shutdown Gen under vol.preal : Generator under voltage pre-alarm Gen under vol.shtdwn : Generator under voltage shutdown GPRS IP not found : Gprs no IP alarm GPRS reset fail : Gprs reset fail High temp.prealarm : High temp. pre-alarm High temp.shutdown : High temp. shutdown J1939 ECU warning : Amber warning lamp error Low temperature : Low temperature Mains break.cls fail : Mains breaker not closed alarm Mains break.opn fail : Mains breaker not opened alarm Maintenance alarm : Maintenance error Maintenance warning : Maintenance warning Modem response: error : Gprs error response alarm No respons.from modem : Gprs no response alarm Oil press.shutdown : Pressure shutdown Over current alarm : Over current alarm Over current prealr : Over current pre-alarm Over power alarm : Under power error Over power prealarm : Under power pre-alarm Over speed prealarm : Over speed pre-alarm Over speed shutdown : Over speed shutdown Pressure prealarm : Pressure prealarm Pressure sensor err : Oil pressure sensor break Red stop lamp : Red stop lamp error Reverse power alarm : Reverse power alarm Short circuit alarm : Short circuit alarm SMS was not sent : Sms wasn't sent SMS was sent : Sms was successfully sent Spare-1 alarm : Spare 1 error Spare-2 alarm : Spare 2 error Spare-3 alarm : Spare 3 error Spare-4 alarm : Spare 4 error Spare-5 alarm : Spare 5 error Spare-6 alarm : Spare 6 error Spare-7 alarm : Spare 7 error Speed loss alarm : Magnetic pickup loss of speed error Temperat. sensor err : Temperature sensor break Under current alarm : Under current error Under current prealr : Under current pre-alarm Under power alarm : Under power error Under power prealarm : Under power pre-alarm Under speed prealarm : Under speed pre-alarm Under speed shutdown : Under speed shutdown 74 5. Specifications Equipment use Housing & Mounting : Electrical control equipment for generating sets. : 229 mm x 152 mm x 41 mm. (including connectors). Plastic housing for panel mounting. Panel Cut-Out : 182mm x 135mm. Protection : IP65 at front panel. Weight : Approximately 0,53 Kg. Environmental rating : Standard, indoor at an altitude of less then 2000 meters with non-condensing humidity. Operating/Storage Temperature : -20°C to +70°C / -30°C to +80°C Operating/Storage Humidity : 90 % max. (non-condensing) Installation Over Volt. Category : II Appliances, portable equipment Pollution Degree : II, Normal office or workplace, non conductive pollution Mode of Operation : Continuous. DC Battery Supply Voltage Cranking Dropouts : 8 to 32 V Z. Max. operating current is 360 mA. : Battery voltage can be “0” VDC for max. 50 ms during cranking (battery voltage should be at least nominal voltage before cranking). : 8 to 32 V Z, accuracy: 1 % FS, resolution: 0,1 V : 3 to 300 VAC Ph-N, 5 to 99.9 Hz. Accuracy: 1 % FS, Resolution: 1 V. Mains Frequency : 5 to 99.9Hz (min. 20 VAC Ph-N) Accuracy: 0,25 % FS, Resolution: 0,1 Hz. Generator Voltage Measurement : 3 to 300 VAC Ph-N, 5 to 99.9 Hz. Accuracy: 1 % FS, Resolution: 1 V. Generator Frequency : 5 to 99.9Hz (min. 20 VAC Ph-N) Accuracy: 0,25 % FS, Resolution: 0,1 Hz. Magnetic Pickup Input : 35 to 10000 Hz (1 to 35 volts peak continuously). Accuracy: 0,25 % FS. CT secondary : 5A. Charge Generator Excitation : 210mA @12V, 105mA @24V. Nominal 2.5W. Battery Voltage Measurement Mains Voltage Measurement : 8 to 32 V Z, accuracy: 1 % FS, resolution: 0,1 V. : 0 to 1300 ohm, accuracy: 1 % FS, resolution: 1 ohm. : -50 to +100 ºC, accuracy: 1 % FS, resolution: 1 ºC. : USB programming and communication port, CanBus communication with 1939 ECU Optional Expansion I/O Module : Expansion I/O module including 8 inputs and 8 outputs. Optional Comm. Modules : Ethernet/Dial-up, GSM/GPRS, Dual Set and Web Server modules. Relay Outputs : Generator contactor relay output 8A at DC supply voltage Mains contactor relay output 8A at DC supply voltage Configurable output-5 5A at DC supply voltage Configurable output-6 5A at DC supply voltage Transistor Outputs : Fuel or Configurable output-1 1A at DC supply voltage Crank or Configurable output-2 1A at DC supply voltage Configurable output-3 1A at DC supply voltage Configurable output-4 1A at DC supply voltage All transistor ouputs supplied from DC supply terminal 22 Charge Gen. Vol. Measurement Sender Measurement Canbin Temp. Measurement Communication interface 75 


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Inverter earth fault

Inverter earth fault


28 Sep 05 03:27

Hi to all. I have noticed some tripping of a Danfoss inverter VLT5000 with alarm 14 EARTH FAULT. After recycling the power and resetting the inverter it resumes normal operation. Is there any logical explanation for this ? Earth fault is a short circuit between phase and earth and is something more or less permanent. Should i suspect the screnned cable between inverter and motor or should i expect a possible motor insulation failure ?
Thanks in advance for your time.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Пн, 16 янв 2012, 20:57 

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Зарегистрирован: Пн, 31 авг 2009, 20:50
Сообщения: 41
Откуда: Кишинев

Реальное имя: Сергей

на сколько я знаю на новых версиях это равнозначно 2TH fault — посмотри контроль ремней.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Пн, 16 янв 2012, 22:48 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 16 июн 2009, 18:02
Сообщения: 2584

Может просто SE-Fault?

А чем еще может заниматься мужчина в расцвете лет в свободное от школьных уроков время?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 17 янв 2012, 11:20 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 20 окт 2009, 15:07
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Alex1807 писал(а):

Может просто SE-Fault?

нет именно 2SE

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 17 янв 2012, 13:36 

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Активный пользователь

Зарегистрирован: Чт, 08 окт 2009, 19:22
Сообщения: 151
Откуда: Анапа

SKYPE: portunof1

контроль ремней (черная или синяя коробочка вверху шахты)

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 17 янв 2012, 15:30 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 09 июн 2009, 20:13
Сообщения: 5372
Откуда: Москва

SKYPE: naladchik2006

Реальное имя: Евгений

Так оно это было? Раньше их частенько вообще не обучали-так как реле внутри и так включено было-теперь это исправили и пока не обучишь не сработает реле

постоянно всё забываю — так что если кому-то что-то пообещал -напоминайте.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 17 янв 2012, 18:43 

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Активный пользователь

Зарегистрирован: Чт, 08 окт 2009, 19:22
Сообщения: 151
Откуда: Анапа

SKYPE: portunof1

нет, это про 2SE. у меня лифт пошел, а ошибка ES WIRING в «состоянии» так и осталась. что она означает не совсем понятно.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 17 янв 2012, 20:13 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 09 июн 2009, 20:13
Сообщения: 5372
Откуда: Москва

SKYPE: naladchik2006

Реальное имя: Евгений

а блин,это ж надо тест безопасности пройти в сервисной панели- было такое после установки ПАИСА-что-то не так прошло и выскочила эта хрень-пройти тест так и не получилось-там надо двери открывать, кнопки жать-в общем с паисов это оказалось невозможным, а сзакороченым тест не получаеться.

постоянно всё забываю — так что если кому-то что-то пообещал -напоминайте.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 17 янв 2012, 20:19 

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Активный пользователь

Зарегистрирован: Чт, 08 окт 2009, 19:22
Сообщения: 151
Откуда: Анапа

SKYPE: portunof1

там два теста таких, оба я прошел, а ПАИСы я на GeN- ны у себя нигде вообще не ставлю, даже не пробую и экспертам не показываю, а то заставят везде устанавливать, а мне лень. А так не знают- спят спокойней.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 24 янв 2012, 08:46 

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Зарегистрирован: Чт, 08 окт 2009, 19:22
Сообщения: 151
Откуда: Анапа

SKYPE: portunof1

добрый день. очередной тупик в наладке. лифт г/п 1280 кг. француз. прошел все тесты, промерил шахту, при старте дверей начинает ехать, при подходе к очередному этажу (сантиметров за 30) резко останавливаеться, потом на малой дотягивает, открывает двери и едет к следующему этажу. там такая же картина, по окончании пишет что тест завершен, все ничтяк. нно при этом в нормальную работу не переходит. в состоянии снова моргает ES WIRING.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 24 янв 2012, 10:22 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 16 июн 2009, 20:45
Сообщения: 4746
Откуда: Киев

SKYPE: ustas99

Реальное имя: Сергей

Отключи сто раз обсосанное предварительное открывание дверей.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 24 янв 2012, 11:33 

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Активный пользователь

Зарегистрирован: Чт, 08 окт 2009, 19:22
Сообщения: 151
Откуда: Анапа

SKYPE: portunof1

не подключено у меня предварительное открытие дверей, это я в первую очередь проверил. кроме этого я и маски дверей постирал, а он все равно останавливается резко, а потом дотягивает. бывает, переобучишь шахту (или с прибора или с панельки) он останавливается на одном этаже нормально, с замедлением, а потом опять начинает тупить. Параметры на частотник вроде тоже все проверил, стоят заводские.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вт, 24 янв 2012, 23:08 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 09 июн 2009, 20:13
Сообщения: 5372
Откуда: Москва

SKYPE: naladchik2006

Реальное имя: Евгений

отключил его в сервисной панели? Не доходя магнита LV тормозит?

постоянно всё забываю — так что если кому-то что-то пообещал -напоминайте.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Ср, 25 янв 2012, 08:35 

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Активный пользователь

Зарегистрирован: Чт, 08 окт 2009, 19:22
Сообщения: 151
Откуда: Анапа

SKYPE: portunof1

не доходит до магнита LV, в момент начала замедления резкло останавливается. а предварительное открытие проверил в программе, его еще и в сервисной панели надо отключать? если да то как?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Чт, 26 янв 2012, 00:42 

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 09 июн 2009, 20:13
Сообщения: 5372
Откуда: Москва

SKYPE: naladchik2006

Реальное имя: Евгений

если есть возможность править программу, то это хорошо, а так в меню сервисной платы в стартапе есть пунк вкл/откл ADO RLV.

постоянно всё забываю — так что если кому-то что-то пообещал -напоминайте.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: GEN 2 системой управления GCS 222MRL

Новое сообщениеДобавлено: Вс, 29 янв 2012, 06:20 

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Активный пользователь

Зарегистрирован: Вт, 05 окт 2010, 17:57
Сообщения: 235
Откуда: Восточная-сибирь

Реальное имя: Рустам

День добрый. Уменя такая проблема привод не хочет проходить обучение направления движения. цепь безопасности собрана полностью es погашена. неподключен только пульс черная коробка. при прохождении обучения тормоз как и положено поднимается а потом сообщение обучение не пройдено. Лифт 630 с ультроприводом OVFR03B на платеDCPB зеленый и красный светодиод мигают. что именно блокирует прохождение обучения немогу понять. у меня было подобное на старой регенеративке тогда помогло смена пораметра мотор тип а здесь фокус неудался.

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4. Запрещено:
4.12. Публиковать материалы, давать советы, нарушающие требования безопасности к оборудованию и правила техники безопасности при работе.


Ленивые всё делают быстро. Чтобы поскорее отделаться от работы.
И делают качественно. Чтобы потом не переделывать.

Если на канатном лифте два троса с оборванными прядями, вы его из эксплуатации не выводите?
Так и здесь, считайте что лифт ездит на одном ремне. А перемкнуть RBI дело нехитрое, достаточно схему посмотреть.



Ясно понятно :O
Вывести из работы легко, сложно потом убеждать дом потерпеть, особенно когда куча народу хочет заехать в новые квартиры :'(


Тут не о жильцах думать надо, хотя их безопасность ваша прямая обязанность, надо подумать о себе, как не совершить не хитрые манипуляции, после которых на несколько лет можно самому въехать по другому адресу на несколько лет по приговору.



хорошо, когда много ответственных людей. Надеюсь от своих подчинённых вы так же требуете отсутствия постоянных, либо временных перемычек в цепях безопасности, а то за свои 3 года на лифтах я уже насмотрелся на многое и вспоминают о технике безопасности не часто, главное лифт пнуть и зарплату получить хоть какую-то. А то, что лифты принимаются порой по фотографиям, я уж и говорить тут боюсь :O
спасибо. Не думал, что так просто всё окажется с RBI. Пусть думает начальство


Да сам я подчиняюсь, электромеханик я, хоть и с пятым разрядом, но простой электромеханик и в подчинении у меня только напарник с третьим разрядом.
Начальство у меня адекватное, с этим повезло, зарплату платят не за «подвиги», а за работу по инструкции, семья, дети и безопасность простых жильцов не позволяют мне ставить перемычки, а знание инструкций, ГОСТов и чтение форума позволяют оспаривать и отстаивать  свои интересы не только с начальством, но и с проверяющими меня инстанциями различной иерархии.



Коллеги, подскажите перед первым запуском автотюнинг двигателя на данных моделях предусмотрен или нет, если да, то лучше без нагрузки или без разницы ?


На Питерских ничего не надо делать, все происходит автоматом, как на Неве



Добрый день. Проблема с otis gen2 mcs220 rx2. Схема ZAA21315CAB1_P12 С GECB. Когда пустая кабина стоит на этаже то слышно как происходит подергивание привода. Но стоит наступить на кабину и толчки пропадают. Я полагаю что это связано с грузовзвесом. Проблема еще в том что нет описания параметров и кодов ошибок на русском языке. Все на английском. Если у кого есть описание кодов ошибок и параметров на русском то поделитесь пожалуйста. Можно на почту скинуть. Лифт питерский.


а проверить балансировку, для начала ???


Есть такие люди, к которым просто хочется подойти и поинтересоваться, сложно ли без мозгов жить.
Фаина Раневская

Рядом такой-же лифт. Все собрано один в один. Этот работал нормально. Но когда сгорели светильники в кабине и лифт простоял отключенным приличное время. Когда его включили и обнаружилась такая проблема. Что интересно по приказу и по вызову он работает идеально. Когда пассажир заходит в кабину толчки прекращаются и лифт ездит нормально.


Так проверьте работу ГВУ через сервистул, если подозрение пало на него, чего гадать.


Ленивые всё делают быстро. Чтобы поскорее отделаться от работы.
И делают качественно. Чтобы потом не переделывать.

У нас описание на английском. Перевода нет. Вот и проблема.




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  • Page 1
    Model OI-7032 32-Channel _____________________________________ Operation Manual Revision 2.5w _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________…
  • Page 2: Product Overview

    Product Overview The Otis Instruments, Inc. GenII OI-7032 (32-Channel) is a Hybrid Monitor that supports up to 32 WireFree sensor units, and up to four 4-20mA input sensors (when only 28 channels are setup as WireFree). The OI-7032 is backward compatible with GenI WireFree sensor units, and also supports GenII Wirefree sensor units (configurable).

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Product Overview……………………….2 Introduction…………………………5 Warnings…………………………6 Complete System Diagrams……………………7 Front Panel…………………………….7 Internal Diagram…………………………..8 Terminal Board……………………………..9 Touchscreen (Front)……………………………10 Touchscreen (Back)…………………………..10 AC (Delta) Power Supply…………………………11 Internal Diagram – As Wired from the Factory………………….12 Internal Diagram – Completely Wired……………………..13 Wiring Configurations……………………..14 DC Power-in (24 Volts DC (nominal;…

  • Page 4
    VIEW Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate……………………71 VIEW Radio Settings: Radio Timeout……………………..72 VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Network ID……………………72 VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Primary or Secondary Monitor………………73 VIEW OI-7032 Reset to Factory Default……………………73 VIEW Relay Settings: Relays 1-4 (Failsafe)……………………74 VIEW Relay Settings: Fault Terminal……………………..74 VIEW Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign……………………
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Introduction This document is an Operation Manual containing diagrams and step-by-step instruction for proper operation of the Otis Instruments, Inc. GenII OI-7032. This document should be read before initial operation of the product. Should a question arise during the use of the product, this document will serve as a first reference for consultation.

  • Page 6: Warnings

    -20 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. If the OI-7032 is at risk of being exposed to temperatures that are outside the previously stated range, DO NOT install the device in that location. For applications in areas with the potential of reaching extreme temperatures, Otis Instruments recommends using the OI-7032 indoors only (in a temperature-controlled environment).

  • Page 7: Complete System Diagrams

    Complete System Diagrams The following diagrams should be consulted for identification of Panels, Boards, and any other system component that may be referred to in this Operation Manual. Front Panel…

  • Page 8: Internal Diagram

    Internal Diagram…

  • Page 9: Terminal Board

    Terminal Board…

  • Page 10: Touchscreen (Front)

    Touchscreen (Front) Touchscreen (Back)

  • Page 11: Ac (Delta) Power Supply

    AC (Delta) Power Supply…

  • Page 12: Internal Diagram — As Wired From The Factory

    Internal Diagram – As Wired from the Factory…

  • Page 13: Internal Diagram — Completely Wired

    Internal Diagram – Completely Wired…

  • Page 14: Wiring Configurations

    Please consult a solar panel manufacture for specific details. Otis Instruments, Inc. may also be contacted to provide guidance and recommendations.

  • Page 15
    DC Power-in (24 Volts DC (nominal; 22-26 Volts DC)) cont… 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel. 3. Open the Front Panel so that the Terminal Board is exposed.
  • Page 16
    DC Power-in (24 Volts DC (nominal; 22-26 Volts DC)) cont… 4. Locate the Power Terminal (on the lower right side of the Terminal Board). 5. Connect the DC Power Supply live wire (red) to the terminal marked “+12-35 VDC”. 6. Connect the DC Power Supply Ground wire (black) to the terminal marked “GND”. 7.
  • Page 17: Ac Power Supply Connection

    For AC Power applications, the Delta Power Supply located below the Terminal Board should be used. NOTE: The unit will be wired for the power-type that is requested by the purchaser when shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel.

  • Page 18
    AC Power Supply Connection cont… 4. Connect a positive (red) wire to the Power Terminal terminal labeled “+12-35 VDC” on the Terminal Board. 5. Connect the other end of that same positive (red) wire from the Terminal Board to the terminal labeled “+V”…
  • Page 19: Touchscreen Power Connection

    Touchscreen Power Connection NOTE: The Touchscreen power connection will be pre-wired for use when the unit is shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel.

  • Page 20
    Touchscreen Power Connection cont… 4. Locate the Touchscreen’s Power Terminal. 5. Connect the positive DC Supply wire (red) to the terminal labeled “+”. 6. Connect the negative DC Supply wire (black) to the terminal labeled “-” 7. Connect an earth ground wire (green) to the ground terminal. 8.
  • Page 21
    Touchscreen Power Connection cont… 9. Connect the positive DC Supply wire (red) to the terminal labeled “12-32 VDC” on the Power Supply Terminal Block. 10.Connect the negative DC Supply wire (black) to the terminal labeled “GND” on the Power Supply Terminal Block.
  • Page 22: Touchscreen Connection

    Touchscreen Connection NOTE: The OI-7032 Touchscreen will be pre-wired when the unit is shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel. 3. Open the Front Panel so that the back of the Touchscreen is exposed.

  • Page 23
    Touchscreen Connection cont… 4. Locate the COM Port and the Control Screen Terminal Block. 5. Plug the DB-9 connector into the COM1 Port.
  • Page 24
    Touchscreen Connection cont… 6. Connect the yellow wire from the DB-9 connector to the terminal labeled “A” on the Control Screen Terminal Block. 7. Connect the white wire from the DB-9 connector to the terminal labeled “GND” on the Control Screen Terminal Block.
  • Page 25: Memory Installation

    NOTE: The maximum memory card capacity is 2GB. NOTE: The OI-7032 memory card will be pre-installed in the touch- screen when the unit is shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel.

  • Page 26
    Memory Installation cont… 4. Locate the USB Port on the back of the Touchscreen. 5. Insert a USB-compatible memory card into the USB Port. 6. Close the Front Panel. 7. Screw in the thumb-screws. 8. Close the enclosure box.
  • Page 27: Connecting Sensors

    Connecting Sensors The OI-7032 is capable of monitoring up to four wired (4-20mA) sensors. Sensor connection should be completed according to the following instructions. Connecting Sensor 1 1. Locate the Sensor 1 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 28
    Connecting Sensor 1 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 29: Connecting Sensor 2

    Connecting Sensor 2 1. Locate the Sensor 2 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 30
    Connecting Sensor 2 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 31: Connecting Sensor 3

    Connecting Sensor 3 1. Locate the Sensor 3 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 32
    Connecting Sensor 3 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 33: Connecting Sensor 4

    Connecting Sensor 4 1. Locate the Sensor 4 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 34
    Connecting Sensor 4 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 35: Relay Configurations

    Relay Configurations The OI-7032 offers four relays to be setup. Each of the four relays may be setup as Normal Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC). Connecting Relay 1 1. Locate the Relay 1 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 36
    Connecting Relay 1 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 1 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 1 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 1 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 37: Connecting Relay 2

    Connecting Relay 2 1. Locate the Relay 2 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 38
    Connecting Relay 2 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 2 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 2 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 2 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 39: Connecting Relay 3

    Connecting Relay 3 1. Locate the Relay 3 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 40
    Connecting Relay 3 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 3 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 3 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 3 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 41: Connecting Relay 4

    Connecting Relay 4 1. Locate the Relay 4 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 42
    Connecting Relay 4 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 4 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 3 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 4 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 43: Power On/Off

    Power On/Off Powering on the device activates its functions. When powered on, the device is fully functional and access to system and settings menus is allowed. Once power is supplied to the OI-7032—by being plugged into an AC outlet or by being wired to a DC power supply—the Touchscreen will illuminate.

  • Page 44: Basic Operation — Home Screen Navigation

    Basic Operation — Home Screen Navigation The Home Screen is the Main Menu of the OI-7032, and should be used view indicators, as well as to enter the sub-menus. NOTE: To return to the Home Screen at any time, press “HOME”…

  • Page 45: Trend Chart

    Trend Chart The Trend Chart allows the user to view logged data for each channel. The Trend Chart menu allows the user to select a group of eight channels, and then view the trends for the selected set. The trend chart will show data that was recorded over the past week. To view additional data (up to 2 months prior), use the USB that’s connected to the back of the Touchscreen.

  • Page 46
    Trend Chart cont… The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Select a channel group to view. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, the group of “Channels 1-8” was chosen): 4. Select a range to view.
  • Page 47
    Trend Chart cont… The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, the range selection of 0-10 was chosen): NOTE: Load-time will depend on the amount of recorded data. Please wait until all data has loaded before using the navigation arrows. 5.
  • Page 48: Real-Time Values

    Real-Time Values The Real-Time Values Screen allows the user to view the current status of each sensor. Status readings include: Sensor Location ▪ Reading ▪ Address ▪ Mode ▪ Battery ▪ TSLM ▪ Relays ▪ The Real-Time Values Screen should be entered from the Home Screen. 1.

  • Page 49
    Real-Time Values cont… The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Select a channel group to view. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, the group of “Channels 25-32” was selected):…
  • Page 50
    Real-Time Value cont… 4. Real-Time Value Data may be viewed from this screen. To view data for additional channels, press either of the “Channels xx – xx” buttons on the lower left/right side of the Touch Screen. 5. Press “Home” to return to the Home Screen when finished viewing the data.
  • Page 51: Time Since Last Calibration And Null

    Time Since Last Calibration and Null The Time Since Last Calibration and Null Screen allows the user to view the last time each sensor assembly was calibrated or nulled. The Time Since Last Calibration and Null Screen should be entered from the Real-Time Values Screen via the Home Screen.

  • Page 52
    Times Since Last Calibration and Null cont… The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Press “Calibration and Null Values”. The Touchscreen will show the following: 4. Press “Home” to return to the Home Screen when finished viewing the data.
  • Page 53: Autoscroll On/Off

    Autoscroll On/Off Autoscroll may be used to continuously scroll through the current state of each channel. To turn this feature On/Off, simply press “Autoscroll On/Off”. NOTE: The unit will automatically Autoscroll after 20 seconds of Home Screen inactivity. In this example, Autoscroll is Off.

  • Page 54: Channel Configuration

    Channel Configuration The following instructions should be consulted when configuring the channels for their corresponding sensor assemblies. Once one channel is setup, these settings may be duplicated for all channels by pressing “Duplicate Setting” on the lower right side of the Touchscreen. Remember, though, that the duplicate settings feature will duplicate the settings for ALL successive channels.

  • Page 55
    Channel Configuration cont… 2. Press “Channel Config” to enter Channel Configuration Mode. The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Choose a group of channels to configure. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, “Channel 1-8” was selected):…
  • Page 56
    Channel Configuration cont… 4. Choose a channel to configure. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, “Channel 1” was selected): 5. Touch the desired button on the Touchscreen to setup that specific aspect of the sensor assembly. For options that require numbers be typed, a numeric keypad will appear when that …
  • Page 57: Set As Wired Or Wirefree (Channels 29-32 Only)

    Set as Wired or WireFree (Channels 29-32 ONLY) To begin configuring the channel, set the channel-type to Wired or WireFree. Processing When operations are confirmed, the Touchscreen may display that the operation is being processed. When the following is displayed, please wait until processing is complete (and the green box disappears) before pressing another button.

  • Page 58: Relay Configuration

    Relay Configuration To setup the relays for Channel 1, complete the following steps. 1. Press “Relay 1” to turn Relay 1 On/Off. In this example, Relay 1 is On. 2. Press “Alarm On Rising” (or “Alarm On Falling”) to set Relay 1 as Rising or Falling. In the image above, Relay 1 is set as “Alarm On Rising”.

  • Page 59: Setting Radio Address (Wirefree)

    Setting Radio Address (WireFree) 1. To set the radio address, touch the value next to “Radio Address” and wait for the numeric keypad to appear. 2. Type the desired address on the keypad, then press “ENT”. NOTE: The range of available addresses is 1-255. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously set value will •…

  • Page 60: Setting Scale (Wired)

    Setting Scale (Wired) 1. To set the scale, touch the value next to “Scale” and wait for the numeric keypad to appear. 2. Type the desired scale on the keypad, then press “ENT”. NOTE: The range of available scales is 1 – 65000. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously set value will be used.

  • Page 61: Setting Sensor Location

    Setting Sensor Location 1. To specify the sensor location, touch the space to the right of “Sensor Location” and wait for the on-screen keyboard to appear. 2. Type the desired sensor location name—up to ten characters—on the keypad, then press “ENT”. NOTE: To enter lower-case letters, press “Shift”.

  • Page 62: Duplicate Settings

    Duplicate Settings Each channel may be setup individually, or one channel may be setup and then duplicated to all other channels. The “duplicate” feature will set all channels the same way as the one channel that was manually setup. When the duplicate feature is used: The address value is incremented ▪…

  • Page 63
    Duplicate Settings cont… 3. Press “Yes” to confirm, or “No” to decline, the Duplicate Settings operation.
  • Page 64: Channel Off

    Channel Off 1. To turn the channel off, press “Channel On”. 2. The button will then say “Channel Off”, as illustrated here: NOTE: The Channel On/Off state can be duplicated to all successive channels by pressing the “Duplicate Settings” button.

  • Page 65: Configuration Menu Navigation

    Configuration Menu Navigation The Configuration Menu should be used to view/modify any of the following: Monitor Serial # • Date Manufactured • Calibration Mode • Relay Tests • OI-7032 Restart • Modbus Output Settings (Address; Baud Rate) • Radio Settings (Radio Timeout) •…

  • Page 66: Entering Configuration Menu

    Entering Configuration Menu To enter the Configuration Menu: Touch the WireFree logo, then ▪ Press and hold the GEN II logo until the Touchscreen shows the Configuration Menu. ▪ The Touchscreen will show the following:…

  • Page 67: View Monitor Serial

    View Monitor Serial # The Monitor Serial # can be viewed on the upper left side of the Touchscreen while in the Configuration Menu. View Date Manufactured The Date Manufactured can be viewed on the upper right side of the Touchscreen while in the Configuration Menu.

  • Page 68: Calibration Mode

    Calibration Mode While in the Configuration Menu, press “Enter Calibration Mode” to put the OI-7032 in Calibration Mode. While in Calibration Mode, the Touchscreen will show the following:…

  • Page 69: Relay Tests

    Calibration Mode cont… To exit Calibration Mode, touch “Calibration Mode Active” or “Reset”. Relay Tests While in the Configuration Menu, press “Test Relays”.

  • Page 70: Oi-7032 Restart

    Relay Test cont… When in Relay Test Mode, the Touchscreen will consecutively light each Relay (in red) every 5 seconds. To cancel the Relay Test, press “Testing Relays” or “Reset”. When all 4 relays have been tested (and passed), the Touchscreen will look like the following illustration (before automatically returning to the regular Configuration Menu view): OI-7032 Restart While in the Configuration Menu, press “Restart OI-7032”…

  • Page 71: View Modbus Output Settings: Address

    VIEW Modbus Output Settings: Address While in the Configuration Menu, the address can be viewed in the Modbus Output Settings box. To modify the Address, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications – Configuration Menu”. VIEW Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate While in the Configuration Menu, the Baud Rate can be viewed in the Modbus Output Settings box.

  • Page 72: View Radio Settings: Radio Timeout

    VIEW Radio Settings: Radio Timeout While in the Configuration Menu, the Radio Timeout can be viewed in the Radio Settings box. To modify the Radio Settings, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications – Configuration Menu”. VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Network ID While in the Configuration Menu, the Network ID can be viewed in the Gen II Radio Settings box.

  • Page 73: View Gen Ii Radio Settings: Primary Or Secondary Monitor

    VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Primary or Secondary Monitor While in the Configuration Menu, the monitor can view the “Primary/Secondary Monitor” setting in the Gen II Radio Settings box. To modify the Gen II Radio Settings, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications –…

  • Page 74: View Relay Settings: Relays 1-4 (Failsafe)

    VIEW Relay Settings: Relays 1-4 (Failsafe) While in the Configuration Menu, the user can view the Relay Failsafe (1-4) setting next to the corresponding relay number in the Relay 1, 2, 3 or 4 box. To modify the Relay Failsafe settings, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications –…

  • Page 75: View Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign

    VIEW Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign While in the Configuration Menu, the user can view the Relay 4 Fault Relay setting in the “Relay 4 is Fault Relay” box. To modify the Relay 4 fault relay assignment, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications –…

  • Page 76: Configuration Menu Modifications (Second-Level Configuration Menu)

    Configuration Menu Modifications (Second-Level Configuration Menu) To modify certain items in the Configuration Menu, the OI-7032 Terminal Board must be reset (while in the Configuration Menu). To reset the board, copmlete the following steps. 1. Press “Restart OI-7032”. The Touchscreen will show the following: 2.

  • Page 77: Modify Modbus Output Settings: Address

    MODIFY Modbus Output Settings: Address While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, modify the address by touching the number next to the word “Address”. When the numeric keypad appears, type the desired address number and then press “ENT”. NOTE: The acceptable values for this setting are 1-247. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously entered value will be used.

  • Page 78: Modify Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate

    MODIFY Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, modify the Baud Rate by pressing the arrow next to the current Baud Rate setting, and then choosing the desired option from the drop-down list. MODIFY Radio Settings: Radio Timeout While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, adjust the Radio Timeout by touching the number next to “Radio Timeout (Minutes)”.

  • Page 79: Modify Gen Ii Radio Settings: Network Id

    MODIFY Gen II Radio Settings: Network ID While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, adjust the Network ID by touching the number under “Network ID”. When the numeric keypad appears, type the desired ID number and then press “ENT”. NOTE: The values allowed for “Network ID” are 1-78. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously entered value will be used.

  • Page 80: Modify Oi-7032 Reset To Factory Default

    MODIFY OI-7032 Reset to Factory Default While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, the user can reset the OI-7032 to the factory default settings by completing the following steps. 1. Press the “Yes” button in the “Reset OI-7032 to Factory Defaults?” box. 2.

  • Page 81: Modify Relay Settings: Fault Terminal

    MODIFY Relay Settings: Fault Terminal While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, set the relays and fault terminal to be failsafe (or not failsafe) by pressing the “Failsafe” (or “Not Failsafe”) button in the Relay Settings box. MODIFY Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, set relay 4 as the fault relay (or not the fault relay) by pressing the “Yes/No”…

  • Page 82: Relay Indicator

    Relay Indicator Indicators for all four relays remain along the bottom of the Touchscreen at all times. When a relay has been triggered, that relay indicator will turn red. In the illustration below, all four relays are in alarm (in Relay Test Mode):…

  • Page 83: Fault Indicator

    Fault Indicator A button for fault indication remains along the bottom of the Touchscreen at all times. When a fault occurs, the fault button will turn orange. Fault Status To view the Fault Status, press the “Fault” button. The screen will show orange buttons for the channels that are in fault, as well as a description of the fault.

  • Page 84: Channel On Without Wired Sensor Connected (Fault)

    Fault Status cont… Channel On Without Wired Sensor Connected (Fault) F1: Check Sensor Cable…

  • Page 85: F4: Check Sensor Board

    Fault Status cont… F4: Check Sensor Board…

  • Page 86: Error Messages

    Error Messages The following section contains explanations, and corresponding illustrations, for error messages that may appear while using the OI-7032. Double-Primary Error Problem: There are two primary monitors in the network, which is not allowed. NOTE: The Primary/Secondary setting ONLY applies to a GEN II network. Reason 1: The OI-7032 was setup to be the primary monitor and it was turned off or reset, the secondary monitor became the primary monitor.

  • Page 87: Autoscroll Error

    Autoscroll Error Problem: Autoscroll is turned on, but all channels are turned off. Solution: Return to the Home Screen and activate all channels that are needed.

  • Page 88: Appendix A: Software Installation

    APPENDIX A: Software Installation…

  • Page 89: Installation

    Installation This section will detail how to set up the OI-7032 software. HMI Software Insert the provided CD into the CDROM drive of a computer. The following screen should automatically appear: Select the top button “Install Ezware-5000”. The following window will appear:…

  • Page 90
    HMI Software cont… Select the top option again. The following notification will appear: Press OK. On the following screen, press “Next”. Press “Next” again.
  • Page 91
    HMI Software cont… Press “Next” again. Press “Next” again to begin installation.
  • Page 92
    HMI Software cont… After the installation is complete, the following window will appear: Fill in the appropriate fields. The serial number can be found on the back of the plastic case that contained the CD. If a viable Internet connection is available, press the “Register via Internet” button now. If a viable Internet connection is not available, press “Print Faxable Form”…
  • Page 93: Appendix B: Reading Usb Drive

    APPENDIX B: Reading USB Drive…

  • Page 94: Usb Drive

    USB Drive The following instructions will advise the user on how to remove and read the USB Drive information. Removing the USB Drive Remove the USB drive from the OI-7032. Plug the USB drive into your computer. Reading the USB Drive When looking at the contents of the USB drive, you will see the following: Opening the Datalog Files Each folder is labeled.

  • Page 95
    Opening the Easy Converter Software cont… Open the folder within labeled “Ezware-5000”. Open the shortcut called “Easy Converter”. Once Easy Converter is opened, click the “open” button to locate the datalog file desired to convert. Once the file has been selected and “OK” is pressed, the following window will appear:…
  • Page 96
    Opening the Easy Converter Software cont… Press “OK” to proceed to the next window. Press “OK” again. The following window will appear. The data may then be converted into an .xls (spreadsheet file).
  • Page 97: Converting The Datalog File To An .Xls (Spreadsheet) File

    Converting the Datalog File to an .xls (spreadsheet) File In order to convert the file to an .xls or spreadsheet file, complete the following instructions. Press the “spreadsheet” button as seen in the diagram above. The software will convert the file and save it in the same location as the datalog file. To view the file, complete the instructions in the following section.

  • Page 98: Appendix C: 4-20Ma Loop Current Introduction

    APPENDIX C: 4-20mA Loop Current Introduction…

  • Page 99: 4-20Ma Current Loop Introduction

    Overview 4-20mA («four to twenty”), is an analog electrical transmission standard used by Otis Instruments for some of its ambient gas sensors and monitors. The signal is a current loop where 4mA represents zero percent signal, and 20mA represents 100 percent signal (full scale of the sensor assembly).

  • Page 100: Measuring Current

    Measuring Current If the value measured is 0mA, then: the loop wires are broken, the sensor assembly is not powered up, the sensor assembly is malfunctioning, or the monitor is malfunctioning. A DMM (digital multi meter) or Current Meter may be used to test a 4-20mA signal. Place the DMM or Current Meter in line with the loop and measure current.

  • Page 101: Specifications

    Specifications Operating Voltage: 24 Volts DC (nominal; 22-26 Volts DC), 120/240 Volts AC Compatibility: Otis WireFree and wired (4-20mA input) sensor units Channels: Gases: all that are supported by the sensor assemblies Wired Output: RS-485 Modbus Relays: four Dry-Contact (5 Amp) w/ 4 Amp Fuses…

  • Page 102
    Warranty Statement for WireFree Touchscreen Monitor OI-7032 Hardware Otis Instruments, Inc. (Manufacturer) warrants its products to be free of defects in workmanship and materials—under normal use and service—from the date of purchase from the manufacturer or from the product’s authorized reseller. The hardware for this device is under a one-year limited warranty.
  • Page 103
    Otis Instruments, Inc. Corporate Office 2200 E. Villa Maria Dr. Bryan, TX 77802 979.776.7700 www.otisinstruments.com…
  • Page 1
    Model OI-7032 32-Channel _____________________________________ Operation Manual Revision 2.5w _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________…
  • Page 2: Product Overview

    Product Overview The Otis Instruments, Inc. GenII OI-7032 (32-Channel) is a Hybrid Monitor that supports up to 32 WireFree sensor units, and up to four 4-20mA input sensors (when only 28 channels are setup as WireFree). The OI-7032 is backward compatible with GenI WireFree sensor units, and also supports GenII Wirefree sensor units (configurable).

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Product Overview……………………….2 Introduction…………………………5 Warnings…………………………6 Complete System Diagrams……………………7 Front Panel…………………………….7 Internal Diagram…………………………..8 Terminal Board……………………………..9 Touchscreen (Front)……………………………10 Touchscreen (Back)…………………………..10 AC (Delta) Power Supply…………………………11 Internal Diagram – As Wired from the Factory………………….12 Internal Diagram – Completely Wired……………………..13 Wiring Configurations……………………..14 DC Power-in (24 Volts DC (nominal;…

  • Page 4
    VIEW Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate……………………71 VIEW Radio Settings: Radio Timeout……………………..72 VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Network ID……………………72 VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Primary or Secondary Monitor………………73 VIEW OI-7032 Reset to Factory Default……………………73 VIEW Relay Settings: Relays 1-4 (Failsafe)……………………74 VIEW Relay Settings: Fault Terminal……………………..74 VIEW Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign……………………
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Introduction This document is an Operation Manual containing diagrams and step-by-step instruction for proper operation of the Otis Instruments, Inc. GenII OI-7032. This document should be read before initial operation of the product. Should a question arise during the use of the product, this document will serve as a first reference for consultation.

  • Page 6: Warnings

    -20 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. If the OI-7032 is at risk of being exposed to temperatures that are outside the previously stated range, DO NOT install the device in that location. For applications in areas with the potential of reaching extreme temperatures, Otis Instruments recommends using the OI-7032 indoors only (in a temperature-controlled environment).

  • Page 7: Complete System Diagrams

    Complete System Diagrams The following diagrams should be consulted for identification of Panels, Boards, and any other system component that may be referred to in this Operation Manual. Front Panel…

  • Page 8: Internal Diagram

    Internal Diagram…

  • Page 9: Terminal Board

    Terminal Board…

  • Page 10: Touchscreen (Front)

    Touchscreen (Front) Touchscreen (Back)

  • Page 11: Ac (Delta) Power Supply

    AC (Delta) Power Supply…

  • Page 12: Internal Diagram — As Wired From The Factory

    Internal Diagram – As Wired from the Factory…

  • Page 13: Internal Diagram — Completely Wired

    Internal Diagram – Completely Wired…

  • Page 14: Wiring Configurations

    Please consult a solar panel manufacture for specific details. Otis Instruments, Inc. may also be contacted to provide guidance and recommendations.

  • Page 15
    DC Power-in (24 Volts DC (nominal; 22-26 Volts DC)) cont… 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel. 3. Open the Front Panel so that the Terminal Board is exposed.
  • Page 16
    DC Power-in (24 Volts DC (nominal; 22-26 Volts DC)) cont… 4. Locate the Power Terminal (on the lower right side of the Terminal Board). 5. Connect the DC Power Supply live wire (red) to the terminal marked “+12-35 VDC”. 6. Connect the DC Power Supply Ground wire (black) to the terminal marked “GND”. 7.
  • Page 17: Ac Power Supply Connection

    For AC Power applications, the Delta Power Supply located below the Terminal Board should be used. NOTE: The unit will be wired for the power-type that is requested by the purchaser when shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel.

  • Page 18
    AC Power Supply Connection cont… 4. Connect a positive (red) wire to the Power Terminal terminal labeled “+12-35 VDC” on the Terminal Board. 5. Connect the other end of that same positive (red) wire from the Terminal Board to the terminal labeled “+V”…
  • Page 19: Touchscreen Power Connection

    Touchscreen Power Connection NOTE: The Touchscreen power connection will be pre-wired for use when the unit is shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel.

  • Page 20
    Touchscreen Power Connection cont… 4. Locate the Touchscreen’s Power Terminal. 5. Connect the positive DC Supply wire (red) to the terminal labeled “+”. 6. Connect the negative DC Supply wire (black) to the terminal labeled “-” 7. Connect an earth ground wire (green) to the ground terminal. 8.
  • Page 21
    Touchscreen Power Connection cont… 9. Connect the positive DC Supply wire (red) to the terminal labeled “12-32 VDC” on the Power Supply Terminal Block. 10.Connect the negative DC Supply wire (black) to the terminal labeled “GND” on the Power Supply Terminal Block.
  • Page 22: Touchscreen Connection

    Touchscreen Connection NOTE: The OI-7032 Touchscreen will be pre-wired when the unit is shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel. 3. Open the Front Panel so that the back of the Touchscreen is exposed.

  • Page 23
    Touchscreen Connection cont… 4. Locate the COM Port and the Control Screen Terminal Block. 5. Plug the DB-9 connector into the COM1 Port.
  • Page 24
    Touchscreen Connection cont… 6. Connect the yellow wire from the DB-9 connector to the terminal labeled “A” on the Control Screen Terminal Block. 7. Connect the white wire from the DB-9 connector to the terminal labeled “GND” on the Control Screen Terminal Block.
  • Page 25: Memory Installation

    NOTE: The maximum memory card capacity is 2GB. NOTE: The OI-7032 memory card will be pre-installed in the touch- screen when the unit is shipped from Otis Instruments, Inc. 1. Open the enclosure box to expose the Front Panel. 2. Unscrew the two thumb-screws on the Front Panel.

  • Page 26
    Memory Installation cont… 4. Locate the USB Port on the back of the Touchscreen. 5. Insert a USB-compatible memory card into the USB Port. 6. Close the Front Panel. 7. Screw in the thumb-screws. 8. Close the enclosure box.
  • Page 27: Connecting Sensors

    Connecting Sensors The OI-7032 is capable of monitoring up to four wired (4-20mA) sensors. Sensor connection should be completed according to the following instructions. Connecting Sensor 1 1. Locate the Sensor 1 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 28
    Connecting Sensor 1 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 29: Connecting Sensor 2

    Connecting Sensor 2 1. Locate the Sensor 2 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 30
    Connecting Sensor 2 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 31: Connecting Sensor 3

    Connecting Sensor 3 1. Locate the Sensor 3 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 32
    Connecting Sensor 3 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 33: Connecting Sensor 4

    Connecting Sensor 4 1. Locate the Sensor 4 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 34
    Connecting Sensor 4 cont… 2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the terminal labeled “+VDC”. 3. Connect the signal (green) wire to the terminal labeled “4-20mA”. 4. Connect the neutral (black) wire to the terminal labeled “GND”.
  • Page 35: Relay Configurations

    Relay Configurations The OI-7032 offers four relays to be setup. Each of the four relays may be setup as Normal Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC). Connecting Relay 1 1. Locate the Relay 1 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 36
    Connecting Relay 1 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 1 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 1 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 1 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 37: Connecting Relay 2

    Connecting Relay 2 1. Locate the Relay 2 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 38
    Connecting Relay 2 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 2 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 2 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 2 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 39: Connecting Relay 3

    Connecting Relay 3 1. Locate the Relay 3 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 40
    Connecting Relay 3 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 3 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 3 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 3 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 41: Connecting Relay 4

    Connecting Relay 4 1. Locate the Relay 4 Terminal Block on the Terminal Board.

  • Page 42
    Connecting Relay 4 cont… 2. Connect the live wire (red) from the Relay 4 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “NO” (or “NC”) on the Relay 3 Terminal Block. 3. Connect the neutral wire (black) from the Relay 4 Alarm (light/horn) to the terminal labeled “GND”…
  • Page 43: Power On/Off

    Power On/Off Powering on the device activates its functions. When powered on, the device is fully functional and access to system and settings menus is allowed. Once power is supplied to the OI-7032—by being plugged into an AC outlet or by being wired to a DC power supply—the Touchscreen will illuminate.

  • Page 44: Basic Operation — Home Screen Navigation

    Basic Operation — Home Screen Navigation The Home Screen is the Main Menu of the OI-7032, and should be used view indicators, as well as to enter the sub-menus. NOTE: To return to the Home Screen at any time, press “HOME”…

  • Page 45: Trend Chart

    Trend Chart The Trend Chart allows the user to view logged data for each channel. The Trend Chart menu allows the user to select a group of eight channels, and then view the trends for the selected set. The trend chart will show data that was recorded over the past week. To view additional data (up to 2 months prior), use the USB that’s connected to the back of the Touchscreen.

  • Page 46
    Trend Chart cont… The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Select a channel group to view. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, the group of “Channels 1-8” was chosen): 4. Select a range to view.
  • Page 47
    Trend Chart cont… The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, the range selection of 0-10 was chosen): NOTE: Load-time will depend on the amount of recorded data. Please wait until all data has loaded before using the navigation arrows. 5.
  • Page 48: Real-Time Values

    Real-Time Values The Real-Time Values Screen allows the user to view the current status of each sensor. Status readings include: Sensor Location ▪ Reading ▪ Address ▪ Mode ▪ Battery ▪ TSLM ▪ Relays ▪ The Real-Time Values Screen should be entered from the Home Screen. 1.

  • Page 49
    Real-Time Values cont… The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Select a channel group to view. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, the group of “Channels 25-32” was selected):…
  • Page 50
    Real-Time Value cont… 4. Real-Time Value Data may be viewed from this screen. To view data for additional channels, press either of the “Channels xx – xx” buttons on the lower left/right side of the Touch Screen. 5. Press “Home” to return to the Home Screen when finished viewing the data.
  • Page 51: Time Since Last Calibration And Null

    Time Since Last Calibration and Null The Time Since Last Calibration and Null Screen allows the user to view the last time each sensor assembly was calibrated or nulled. The Time Since Last Calibration and Null Screen should be entered from the Real-Time Values Screen via the Home Screen.

  • Page 52
    Times Since Last Calibration and Null cont… The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Press “Calibration and Null Values”. The Touchscreen will show the following: 4. Press “Home” to return to the Home Screen when finished viewing the data.
  • Page 53: Autoscroll On/Off

    Autoscroll On/Off Autoscroll may be used to continuously scroll through the current state of each channel. To turn this feature On/Off, simply press “Autoscroll On/Off”. NOTE: The unit will automatically Autoscroll after 20 seconds of Home Screen inactivity. In this example, Autoscroll is Off.

  • Page 54: Channel Configuration

    Channel Configuration The following instructions should be consulted when configuring the channels for their corresponding sensor assemblies. Once one channel is setup, these settings may be duplicated for all channels by pressing “Duplicate Setting” on the lower right side of the Touchscreen. Remember, though, that the duplicate settings feature will duplicate the settings for ALL successive channels.

  • Page 55
    Channel Configuration cont… 2. Press “Channel Config” to enter Channel Configuration Mode. The Touchscreen will show the following: 3. Choose a group of channels to configure. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, “Channel 1-8” was selected):…
  • Page 56
    Channel Configuration cont… 4. Choose a channel to configure. The Touchscreen will show the following (in this example, “Channel 1” was selected): 5. Touch the desired button on the Touchscreen to setup that specific aspect of the sensor assembly. For options that require numbers be typed, a numeric keypad will appear when that …
  • Page 57: Set As Wired Or Wirefree (Channels 29-32 Only)

    Set as Wired or WireFree (Channels 29-32 ONLY) To begin configuring the channel, set the channel-type to Wired or WireFree. Processing When operations are confirmed, the Touchscreen may display that the operation is being processed. When the following is displayed, please wait until processing is complete (and the green box disappears) before pressing another button.

  • Page 58: Relay Configuration

    Relay Configuration To setup the relays for Channel 1, complete the following steps. 1. Press “Relay 1” to turn Relay 1 On/Off. In this example, Relay 1 is On. 2. Press “Alarm On Rising” (or “Alarm On Falling”) to set Relay 1 as Rising or Falling. In the image above, Relay 1 is set as “Alarm On Rising”.

  • Page 59: Setting Radio Address (Wirefree)

    Setting Radio Address (WireFree) 1. To set the radio address, touch the value next to “Radio Address” and wait for the numeric keypad to appear. 2. Type the desired address on the keypad, then press “ENT”. NOTE: The range of available addresses is 1-255. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously set value will •…

  • Page 60: Setting Scale (Wired)

    Setting Scale (Wired) 1. To set the scale, touch the value next to “Scale” and wait for the numeric keypad to appear. 2. Type the desired scale on the keypad, then press “ENT”. NOTE: The range of available scales is 1 – 65000. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously set value will be used.

  • Page 61: Setting Sensor Location

    Setting Sensor Location 1. To specify the sensor location, touch the space to the right of “Sensor Location” and wait for the on-screen keyboard to appear. 2. Type the desired sensor location name—up to ten characters—on the keypad, then press “ENT”. NOTE: To enter lower-case letters, press “Shift”.

  • Page 62: Duplicate Settings

    Duplicate Settings Each channel may be setup individually, or one channel may be setup and then duplicated to all other channels. The “duplicate” feature will set all channels the same way as the one channel that was manually setup. When the duplicate feature is used: The address value is incremented ▪…

  • Page 63
    Duplicate Settings cont… 3. Press “Yes” to confirm, or “No” to decline, the Duplicate Settings operation.
  • Page 64: Channel Off

    Channel Off 1. To turn the channel off, press “Channel On”. 2. The button will then say “Channel Off”, as illustrated here: NOTE: The Channel On/Off state can be duplicated to all successive channels by pressing the “Duplicate Settings” button.

  • Page 65: Configuration Menu Navigation

    Configuration Menu Navigation The Configuration Menu should be used to view/modify any of the following: Monitor Serial # • Date Manufactured • Calibration Mode • Relay Tests • OI-7032 Restart • Modbus Output Settings (Address; Baud Rate) • Radio Settings (Radio Timeout) •…

  • Page 66: Entering Configuration Menu

    Entering Configuration Menu To enter the Configuration Menu: Touch the WireFree logo, then ▪ Press and hold the GEN II logo until the Touchscreen shows the Configuration Menu. ▪ The Touchscreen will show the following:…

  • Page 67: View Monitor Serial

    View Monitor Serial # The Monitor Serial # can be viewed on the upper left side of the Touchscreen while in the Configuration Menu. View Date Manufactured The Date Manufactured can be viewed on the upper right side of the Touchscreen while in the Configuration Menu.

  • Page 68: Calibration Mode

    Calibration Mode While in the Configuration Menu, press “Enter Calibration Mode” to put the OI-7032 in Calibration Mode. While in Calibration Mode, the Touchscreen will show the following:…

  • Page 69: Relay Tests

    Calibration Mode cont… To exit Calibration Mode, touch “Calibration Mode Active” or “Reset”. Relay Tests While in the Configuration Menu, press “Test Relays”.

  • Page 70: Oi-7032 Restart

    Relay Test cont… When in Relay Test Mode, the Touchscreen will consecutively light each Relay (in red) every 5 seconds. To cancel the Relay Test, press “Testing Relays” or “Reset”. When all 4 relays have been tested (and passed), the Touchscreen will look like the following illustration (before automatically returning to the regular Configuration Menu view): OI-7032 Restart While in the Configuration Menu, press “Restart OI-7032”…

  • Page 71: View Modbus Output Settings: Address

    VIEW Modbus Output Settings: Address While in the Configuration Menu, the address can be viewed in the Modbus Output Settings box. To modify the Address, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications – Configuration Menu”. VIEW Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate While in the Configuration Menu, the Baud Rate can be viewed in the Modbus Output Settings box.

  • Page 72: View Radio Settings: Radio Timeout

    VIEW Radio Settings: Radio Timeout While in the Configuration Menu, the Radio Timeout can be viewed in the Radio Settings box. To modify the Radio Settings, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications – Configuration Menu”. VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Network ID While in the Configuration Menu, the Network ID can be viewed in the Gen II Radio Settings box.

  • Page 73: View Gen Ii Radio Settings: Primary Or Secondary Monitor

    VIEW Gen II Radio Settings: Primary or Secondary Monitor While in the Configuration Menu, the monitor can view the “Primary/Secondary Monitor” setting in the Gen II Radio Settings box. To modify the Gen II Radio Settings, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications –…

  • Page 74: View Relay Settings: Relays 1-4 (Failsafe)

    VIEW Relay Settings: Relays 1-4 (Failsafe) While in the Configuration Menu, the user can view the Relay Failsafe (1-4) setting next to the corresponding relay number in the Relay 1, 2, 3 or 4 box. To modify the Relay Failsafe settings, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications –…

  • Page 75: View Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign

    VIEW Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign While in the Configuration Menu, the user can view the Relay 4 Fault Relay setting in the “Relay 4 is Fault Relay” box. To modify the Relay 4 fault relay assignment, consult the next section of this Operation Manual “Second-Level Modifications –…

  • Page 76: Configuration Menu Modifications (Second-Level Configuration Menu)

    Configuration Menu Modifications (Second-Level Configuration Menu) To modify certain items in the Configuration Menu, the OI-7032 Terminal Board must be reset (while in the Configuration Menu). To reset the board, copmlete the following steps. 1. Press “Restart OI-7032”. The Touchscreen will show the following: 2.

  • Page 77: Modify Modbus Output Settings: Address

    MODIFY Modbus Output Settings: Address While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, modify the address by touching the number next to the word “Address”. When the numeric keypad appears, type the desired address number and then press “ENT”. NOTE: The acceptable values for this setting are 1-247. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously entered value will be used.

  • Page 78: Modify Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate

    MODIFY Modbus Output Settings: Baud Rate While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, modify the Baud Rate by pressing the arrow next to the current Baud Rate setting, and then choosing the desired option from the drop-down list. MODIFY Radio Settings: Radio Timeout While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, adjust the Radio Timeout by touching the number next to “Radio Timeout (Minutes)”.

  • Page 79: Modify Gen Ii Radio Settings: Network Id

    MODIFY Gen II Radio Settings: Network ID While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, adjust the Network ID by touching the number under “Network ID”. When the numeric keypad appears, type the desired ID number and then press “ENT”. NOTE: The values allowed for “Network ID” are 1-78. If a value that falls outside this range is entered, the previously entered value will be used.

  • Page 80: Modify Oi-7032 Reset To Factory Default

    MODIFY OI-7032 Reset to Factory Default While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, the user can reset the OI-7032 to the factory default settings by completing the following steps. 1. Press the “Yes” button in the “Reset OI-7032 to Factory Defaults?” box. 2.

  • Page 81: Modify Relay Settings: Fault Terminal

    MODIFY Relay Settings: Fault Terminal While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, set the relays and fault terminal to be failsafe (or not failsafe) by pressing the “Failsafe” (or “Not Failsafe”) button in the Relay Settings box. MODIFY Relay Settings: Fault Relay Assign While in the Second-Level Configuration Menu, set relay 4 as the fault relay (or not the fault relay) by pressing the “Yes/No”…

  • Page 82: Relay Indicator

    Relay Indicator Indicators for all four relays remain along the bottom of the Touchscreen at all times. When a relay has been triggered, that relay indicator will turn red. In the illustration below, all four relays are in alarm (in Relay Test Mode):…

  • Page 83: Fault Indicator

    Fault Indicator A button for fault indication remains along the bottom of the Touchscreen at all times. When a fault occurs, the fault button will turn orange. Fault Status To view the Fault Status, press the “Fault” button. The screen will show orange buttons for the channels that are in fault, as well as a description of the fault.

  • Page 84: Channel On Without Wired Sensor Connected (Fault)

    Fault Status cont… Channel On Without Wired Sensor Connected (Fault) F1: Check Sensor Cable…

  • Page 85: F4: Check Sensor Board

    Fault Status cont… F4: Check Sensor Board…

  • Page 86: Error Messages

    Error Messages The following section contains explanations, and corresponding illustrations, for error messages that may appear while using the OI-7032. Double-Primary Error Problem: There are two primary monitors in the network, which is not allowed. NOTE: The Primary/Secondary setting ONLY applies to a GEN II network. Reason 1: The OI-7032 was setup to be the primary monitor and it was turned off or reset, the secondary monitor became the primary monitor.

  • Page 87: Autoscroll Error

    Autoscroll Error Problem: Autoscroll is turned on, but all channels are turned off. Solution: Return to the Home Screen and activate all channels that are needed.

  • Page 88: Appendix A: Software Installation

    APPENDIX A: Software Installation…

  • Page 89: Installation

    Installation This section will detail how to set up the OI-7032 software. HMI Software Insert the provided CD into the CDROM drive of a computer. The following screen should automatically appear: Select the top button “Install Ezware-5000”. The following window will appear:…

  • Page 90
    HMI Software cont… Select the top option again. The following notification will appear: Press OK. On the following screen, press “Next”. Press “Next” again.
  • Page 91
    HMI Software cont… Press “Next” again. Press “Next” again to begin installation.
  • Page 92
    HMI Software cont… After the installation is complete, the following window will appear: Fill in the appropriate fields. The serial number can be found on the back of the plastic case that contained the CD. If a viable Internet connection is available, press the “Register via Internet” button now. If a viable Internet connection is not available, press “Print Faxable Form”…
  • Page 93: Appendix B: Reading Usb Drive

    APPENDIX B: Reading USB Drive…

  • Page 94: Usb Drive

    USB Drive The following instructions will advise the user on how to remove and read the USB Drive information. Removing the USB Drive Remove the USB drive from the OI-7032. Plug the USB drive into your computer. Reading the USB Drive When looking at the contents of the USB drive, you will see the following: Opening the Datalog Files Each folder is labeled.

  • Page 95
    Opening the Easy Converter Software cont… Open the folder within labeled “Ezware-5000”. Open the shortcut called “Easy Converter”. Once Easy Converter is opened, click the “open” button to locate the datalog file desired to convert. Once the file has been selected and “OK” is pressed, the following window will appear:…
  • Page 96
    Opening the Easy Converter Software cont… Press “OK” to proceed to the next window. Press “OK” again. The following window will appear. The data may then be converted into an .xls (spreadsheet file).
  • Page 97: Converting The Datalog File To An .Xls (Spreadsheet) File

    Converting the Datalog File to an .xls (spreadsheet) File In order to convert the file to an .xls or spreadsheet file, complete the following instructions. Press the “spreadsheet” button as seen in the diagram above. The software will convert the file and save it in the same location as the datalog file. To view the file, complete the instructions in the following section.

  • Page 98: Appendix C: 4-20Ma Loop Current Introduction

    APPENDIX C: 4-20mA Loop Current Introduction…

  • Page 99: 4-20Ma Current Loop Introduction

    Overview 4-20mA («four to twenty”), is an analog electrical transmission standard used by Otis Instruments for some of its ambient gas sensors and monitors. The signal is a current loop where 4mA represents zero percent signal, and 20mA represents 100 percent signal (full scale of the sensor assembly).

  • Page 100: Measuring Current

    Measuring Current If the value measured is 0mA, then: the loop wires are broken, the sensor assembly is not powered up, the sensor assembly is malfunctioning, or the monitor is malfunctioning. A DMM (digital multi meter) or Current Meter may be used to test a 4-20mA signal. Place the DMM or Current Meter in line with the loop and measure current.

  • Page 101: Specifications

    Specifications Operating Voltage: 24 Volts DC (nominal; 22-26 Volts DC), 120/240 Volts AC Compatibility: Otis WireFree and wired (4-20mA input) sensor units Channels: Gases: all that are supported by the sensor assemblies Wired Output: RS-485 Modbus Relays: four Dry-Contact (5 Amp) w/ 4 Amp Fuses…

  • Page 102
    Warranty Statement for WireFree Touchscreen Monitor OI-7032 Hardware Otis Instruments, Inc. (Manufacturer) warrants its products to be free of defects in workmanship and materials—under normal use and service—from the date of purchase from the manufacturer or from the product’s authorized reseller. The hardware for this device is under a one-year limited warranty.
  • Page 103
    Otis Instruments, Inc. Corporate Office 2200 E. Villa Maria Dr. Bryan, TX 77802 979.776.7700 www.otisinstruments.com…


Панель оператора может подключаться или к основному модулю 3UF50 или к модулю расширения 3UF51.


Панель оператора питается от основного модуля 3UF50.

4.2. Обзор функций


На следующем рисунке показан обзор функций, которые содержит панель оператора


Рис. 47. Обзор функций панели оператора

4.3. Кнопки управления, светодиоды

Описание функций

На панели есть три кнопки, которые позволяют управлять двигателем. Обычно на кнопки заводятся команды On1, On2, Off.

На панели также есть 6 свободно параметрируемых светодиодов. Справа от кнопок управления – 3 зеленых светодиода. Обычно они параметрируются для отображения состояния двигателя (On1, On2, Off). Для этого Вы должны подсоединить к ним выходы управления лампами QLE1, QLE2 и QLA.


На следующем рисунке показаны кнопки и светодиоды панели оператора.

Рис. 48. Свободно параметрируемые элементы панели оператора

4.4. Тест, светодиоды состояния

Описание функций Тест

Функция тестирования – та же что и в основном модуле. Вы можете тестировать различные функции системы, нажимая на кнопку «Тест / Сброс» на определенное время. Кнопка «Тест / Сброс» находится на передней панели. Также, при помощи этой кнопки сбрасываются (квитируются) возникающие ошибки.

Кнопка «Тест / Сброс»

Кнопка «Тест / Сброс» имеет ту же функцию, что и такая же кнопка на основном модуле


Служебные светодиоды

На панели оператора есть 2 светодиода состояния, для отображения особых состояний системы.




«Ready» — Готов

Постоянный зеленый свет

Устройство готово к работе

«Gen. Fault» — Общая ошибка

Постоянный красный свет

Ошибка системы

5.Диагностика и устранение ошибок. Сигнализация

5.1.Состояния в случае ошибок

Описание функций Отображение сообщений об ошибках

SIMOCODE-DP отображает ошибки и сбои в устройствах следующим образом:

На основном модуле и на панели оператора, загорается красный светодиод «Gen. Fault». В случае неисправностей шины связи, загорается светодиод «Bus».

Если Вы используете Win-SIMOCODE-DP, появится соответствующее текстовое сообщение.

На PROFIBUS-DP, установится соответствующий бит в циклическом сообщении и / или в канале диагностики.

Дополнительная реакция

Также произойдет следующее:

Отключатся выходы управления контакторами QE

Загорится лампа QLS

Бит «General fault» будет послан по шине связи.

Вы также можете подсоединить сигнал «General fault» и / или выход управления лампой QLS на выходные реле, например, для светоиндикации ошибки блока.

Анализ ошибок в программе Win-SIMOCODE-DP

Для быстрого анализа ошибок, если ошибка произошла в ходе наладки или работы, рекомендуется вызвать окно «Control/Signal» (Управление / Сигнализация) в программе


Рис. 49. Быстрый анализ ошибок в программе Win-SIMOCODE-DP

В этом окне отображается вся информация о состоянии устройства и двигателя, что позволяет Вам быстро проанализировать ошибки.

Средства подтверждения

Чтобы восстановить выходы управления контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3, Вы должны устранить ошибки. Имеются различные варианты подтверждения ошибок, в зависимости от вида неисправности; например:

Выполнить Сброс, и управление выходами QE1/QE2/QE3 восстановится.

Выполнить Сброс, но управление контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 не восстановится до тех пор, пока причина ошибка не будет устранена. Повторный Сброс не требуется, команда сохраняется в памяти устройства.

Выполнить Сброс в случае Перегрузки, но управление контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 не восстановится до тех пор, пока не истечет время охлаждения двигателя Cooling Time. Повторный Сброс не требуется, команда сохраняется в памяти устройства.

Выполнить Сброс в случае срабатывания Термисторной защиты, но управление контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 не восстановится до тех пор, пока значения от термисторного датчика не опустятся ниже уставки. Повторный Сброс не требуется, команда сохраняется в памяти устройства.

Подтверждение ошибок

Вы можете выполнить подтверждение следующим образом:

Кнопкой «Тест / Сброс» на основном модуле или панели оператора.

Тремя вспомогательными входными сигналами управления Reset1, Reset2 и Reset3. Вы можете назначать их на внешнюю кнопку, например, и-или на бит PROFIBUS-DP.

Сконфигурировать автоматический Сброс. Эта функция будет работать только в следующих случаях:

— Срабатывание по перегрузке — Срабатывание по Перегрузке + Ассиметрии — Срабатывание от Термистора

Командой управления, «Отключить двигатель».

5.2. Подтверждение и устранение ошибок

Таблица устранения ошибок

Ниже представлена таблица, содержащая действия, которые необходимо предпринять в случае ошибок.

Таблицу можно применять только в случае, когда двигатель был включен до появления сообщения об ошибке.

Таблица содержит следующую информацию:

Какая ошибка произошла, и каково ее значение

Состояние выходов управления контакторами QE1/QE2/QE3 и лампами


Сообщение состояния, сообщение предупреждения и сообщение ошибки

Действия в случае ошибки.

Описание используемых символов.

Светодиод горит, или присутствует постоянный сигнал на выходе для управления лампами QLS/QLE1/QLE2/QLA

Светодиод мигает, или присутствует мигающий сигнал на выходе для управления лампами QLS/QLE1/QLE2/QLA

Светодиод не горит, или отсутствует сигнал на выходе для управления лампами


Выход управления контактором QE1/QE2/QE3 деактивирован

==Выход управления контактором QE1/QE2/QE3 не изменяется

1)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Отключение»

2)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Предупреждение»

3)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Остановка двигателя»

4)Параметрирование режима в случае ошибки «Возврат в предыдущее состояние»

5)Применительно к Задвижке

В случае конечного положения задвижки, если происходит ошибка, то QLA сигнал не появляется, а присутствует сигнал QLE1 или QLE2, в соответствии с положением задвижки

7)В случае Задвижки или управления Соленоидом — непрерывный сигнал

8)Мигающий сигнал QLE1, пока задвижка не достигнет конечного положения, затем постоянный сигнал

9)В случае Задвижки возможно только «Сброс»

10)В случае Задвижки только непрерывный сигнал на QLE1 или QLE2

11)В случае Задвижки мигающие сигналы на QLE1 или QLE2

12)В случае Соленоида QLE2 постоянно горит, а на QLA нет сигнала

13)При использовании Функции Управления «Перегрузка» управление лампами

QLA/QLE1/QLE2 не доступно





Поведение ламп


























Для функций

управления «Перегрузка»13), «


стартер», «Реверсный

стартер», «Стартер


», «Стартер с изменением числа полюсов», «Стартер Дахландера» «Задвижка 1-5», SIKOSTART

Overload 1)

Определена перегрузка

General Fault


Сбросить и ждать, пока не пройдет


время охлаждения

Overload 2)



General Warning


Разгрузить двигатель


Сбросить и ждать, пока не пройдет








время охлаждения



Разгрузить двигатель









Значение от термистора



Сбросить и ждать, пока значение не

PTC bynary

выше уставки

вернется в рабочий диапазон


Значение от термистора




Ждать, пока значение не вернется в

PTC binary

ниже уставки

рабочий диапазон


Значение от термистора




Ждать, пока значение не вернется в


достигло уровня

рабочий диапазон




Сбросить и ждать, пока значение не


Значение от термистора




достигло уровня


вернется в рабочий диапазон



Сбросить, если ошибка появится еще

Earth Fault1)

Сработала защита от


Защита от

замыкания на землю


раз при включении питания, убрать


Earth Fault2)

Сработала защита от



Защита от ЗЗ

Убрать замыкание на землю

замыкания на землю


Motor Stalled

Ротор двигателя







Перегрузка по току



[I>], Level1)



Ждать, пока значение не вернется в


Перегрузка по току



[I>], Level2)


рабочий диапазон


Недогрузка по току




[I<], Level1)



Ждать, пока значение не вернется в


Недогрузка по току



[I<], Level2)


рабочий диапазон


В первичной цепи не



Сбросить или дать команду на

Curr. Off

течет ток дольше, чем

Curr. (Off)


время checkback time, без

команды на отключение

Сбросить или дать команду на


В первичной цепи течет




Curr. On

ток дольше, чем время

Curr. (On)

отключение; убрать повреждение

checkback time, без

команды на включение





Поведение ламп


























Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault1

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault1

Extrnal Fault1

отключение/Стоп; убрать


Extrnal Fault2

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault2

Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault2

отключение/Стоп; убрать



Присутствует сигнал


CST Fault

Сбросить или дать команду на

signal Test

«CST» и в первичной


цепи протекает ток

Убрать повреждение

Ready to start

Нет сигнала Ready to start



Сбросить или дать команду на


Присутствует сигнал




«Underviltage off » после


истечения времени




Сигнал исчез на



Fault 3)

функциональном блоке




Убрать повреждение


Сигнал исчез на



Fault 4)

функциональном блоке


Убрать повреждение и сбросить

DP-Fault 3)




в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

DP Failt 4)



в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

См. Таблицу в разделе «Ошибки


См. Описание Ошибок

Сигнал, пока не

Errors 1-7





Для функций управления «Перегрузка», «Прямой стартер», «Реверсный стартер», «Стартер звезда/треугольник», «Стартер с изменением числа полюсов», «Стартер Дахландера», SIKOSTART


Присутствует сигнал



Дать команду на отключение;

Protection Off

Operational Protection Off

Включение невозможно, пока

повреждение не будет убрано

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time On

В первичной цепи не


Run Time

течет ток, дольше, чем



время run time, после

команды на включение

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time Off

В первичной цепи течет


Run Time

ток, дольше, чем время


отключение; убрать повреждение

run time, после команды

на отключение





Поведение ламп


























Для функции

управления «Задвижка»

Необходимо закрыть задвижку и дать


Присутствует сигнал




Protection Off

Operational Protection Off

команду на закрытие

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time

Задвижка не закрылась



Run time On

Close (On)

после истечения времени


Run time

Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time

Задвижка не открылась



Run time Off

Open (Off)

после истечения времени

отключение; убрать повреждение

Run time

Освободить моментные выключатели


Задвижка застряла.




Моментные выключате-


командами противоположного

ли срабатывают без

движения («Открыть» или «Закрыть»)

сигналов от концевых


Убрать повреждение

Double 0

Оба моментных


Double 0

выключателя сработали


Убрать повреждение

Double 1

Оба концевыз


Double 1

выключателя сработали


Освободить концевые выключатели


Задвижка пришла в




движение без команды


командами противоположного

движения («Открыть» или «Закрыть»)


Не получен сигнал



Убрать повреждение


обратной связи, когда


задвижка достигла

концевого положения

Для функции

управления «Управление соленоидом»

Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault1

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault 1

Extrnal Fault1

закрытие; убрать повреждение

Сбросить или дать команду на

Extrnal Fault2

Присутствует сигнал


Ext. Fault 2

Extrnal Fault2

закрытие; убрать повреждение

Убрать повреждение

Ready to start

Присутствует сигнал



Ready to start

Дать команду на закрытие; открытие


Присутствует сигнал



Protection Off

Operational Protection Off

невозможно, пока повреждение не

будет убрано

Run Time

Соленоид не закрылся


Run time On

Сбросить или дать команду на

Close (On)

после истечения времени


Run time





Поведение ламп


























Сбросить или дать команду на

Run Time

Соленоид не открылся


Run Time

Open (Off)

после истечения времени



Run time

Убрать повреждение

Double 1

Оба концевых


Double 1

выключателя сработали


Дать противоположную команду


Соленоид начал




двигаться из концевого


(«Открыть» или «Закрыть»)




Сигнал исчез на



Fault 3)

функциональном блоке




Убрать повреждение


Сигнал исчез на



Fault 4)

функциональном блоке


Убрать повреждение и сбросить

DP-Fault 3)



DP Fault

в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

DP Failt 4)



в 4 режиме (автоматич.)

См. Таблицу в разделе «Ошибки


См. Описание Ошибок

Сигнал, пока не

Errors 1-7





Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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    28.03.201510.86 Mб42SIMOCODE_pro_ru.pdf

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    28.03.201531.39 Mб81SolidWorks 2011 на примерах.pdf

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182 Earth Fault AlarmAs of July 11th 2015, all solar power systems installed must comply with IEC62109 by having an Inverter Earth Fault Alarm.

What is an earth fault?

DC Voltage is not generally referenced to earth, so earth fault risk is commonly overlooked by electricians. However, when DC voltage is connected to an operating transformer-less inverter, the potential difference between the DC and earth can be over 400 Vdc. This means that the cable tied to the rail (often with sharp stainless steel cable ties) has a 400 Vdc potential to the rail, all day every day. A breakdown in this insulation, wherever it occurs on the solar installation, is an earth fault.

The potential risk

At best, an earth fault will cause your system to stop operating. At worse it can cause a worker on the roof a shock. If multiple faults occur at the same time, then a person working on a roof could receive a shock big enough to throw them off the roof. It is both the risk of lost revenue and personal injury that has prompted the regulators to introduce mandatory earth fault alarms.

Minimising risk

While there are rudimentary ways of activating an appropriate alarm, the best way is to combine it with online inverter monitoring. When an earth fault occurs, an email alert is sent to the owner every hour, hopefully causing them to take action. The advantage of online monitoring should not be understated. It’s not just a gimmick for geeks, but a clever way of using technology so that both you and your electrician can automatically and remotely monitor your solar system’s performance for years to come. If you are in the greater Brisbane area and are looking into solar or need advice on your current system, contact Mark or Ryan on 3268 3836, or send us a request to call you back. 


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