Ошибка h90 hofmann geodyna 4500 2

Error codes

H80 – Fig. 101

Readjustment feature not foreseen during basic


Consequently readjustment by the operator is not


Press STOP key, error code is deleted.

Call service for calibration of the machine.

H82 – Fig. 102

The self–test was disturbed (e.g. by rotating the


The message is displayed for 3 seconds, after

which the measurement is repeated (max. 10

times), or aborted by pressing the STOP key.

H90 – Fig. 103

The wheel was accelerated too slowly or decelerated

too slowly after a measuring run.

If the main shaft does not reach the required speed,

check whether the wheel shaft lock is actuated or

whether the weight of the wheel is excessive. In this


Release main shaft lock.

Make sure that the shaft with clamped wheel can

rotate freely.

Turn the wheel by hand and then press on START


If the error cannot be remedied: call service.

H91 – Fig. 104

Speed variations during measuring run. The main

shaft lock may be operated.

Release main shaft lock.

Make sure that the shaft with clamped wheel can

rotate freely.

Repeat the measuring run.

Operation manual

geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03

Codes d’erreur

H80 – Fig. 101

Un étalonnage par l’opérateur n’a pas été prévu dans

l’étalonnage de base. Par conséquent, l’étalonnage

par l’opérateur n’est pas possible.

Appuyer sur la touche STOP, le code d’erreur est


Appeler le service pour l’étalonnage.

H82 – Fig. 102

Défaut pendant l’auto–contrôle (p. ex. parce que la

roue a été tournée).

Le message est affiché pendant 3 secondes,

après cela, la mesure se répète (10 fois

maximum), ou bien abandonner en appuyant sur

la touche STOP.

H90 – Fig. 103

L’accélération de la roue a été trop lente, ou bien la

roue a été freinée trop lentement après une lancée de


Si l’arbre principal n’atteint pas une vitesse

suffisante, vérifier si le frein a été actionné ou si la

masse de la roue est trop grande.

Dans un tel cas :

Desserrer la pédale de blocage.

S’assurer que l’arbre portant la roue serrée peut

tourner librement.

Lancer la roue à la main, puis appuyer sur la

touche START.

Si l’erreur ne peut pas être éliminée: faire appel

au service après-vente.

H91 – Fig. 104

Variations de vitesse pendant la lancée de mesure.

La pédale de blocage est éventuellement actionnée.

Desserrer la pédale de blocage.

S’assurer que l’arbre portant la roue serrée peut

tourner librement.

Répéter la lancée de mesure.

Mode d’emploi

geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03


  • Page 1
    Additional instructions Wheel balancer…
  • Page 3
    All Information in this manual has been supplied by the producer of the equipment: Snap-on Equipment GmbH Geschäftsbereich Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik Postfach 1202 D-64311 Pfungstadt Tel. +49 6157 12-482 Fax +49 6157 12-484 E-mail: service @hofmann-ge.com Internet www.hofmann-ge.com geodyna optima…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Contents Safety ……………………6 Typographic style ………………….. 6 Scope of application ………………..6 General safety rules ………………..7 Description of function ………………..8 1.4.1 Switching operating modes ………………9 1.4.2 TDI Tread Depth Indication ………………10 1.4.3 Print functions ………………….10 Layout ……………………

  • Page 5: Safety

    1.0 Safety All safety information relative to the unit is described in the Safety Manual (fig. 1-1) supplied alongside this operator’s manual. The safety precautions must be completely understood and observed by every operator. We recommend keeping a copy of the Safety Manual next to the unit within easy reach of the operator.

  • Page 6: General Safety Rules

    In case of calibration defects there is an internal diagnostic that prompts contacting service. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 7: Description Of Function

    1) radial (on the radius); 2) lateral (on the lateral shift). The geodyna optima balancer also has the TDI (Tread Depth Indication) system, which provides a general indication of tread wear. This function is only active in OPTIMA mode.

  • Page 8: Switching Operating Modes

    Keep the F6 key pressed to switch from Profiling to 1.4-3 Optima and vice versa. Note: refer to the geodyna 6800 basic manual for the navigation procedure through the function menus and personal data entry modalities. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 9: Tdi Tread Depth Indication

    1.4.2 TDI Tread Depth Indication When run in OPTIMA mode, the machine always automatically detects the depth of the tread groove at the centre of the tire and over its whole circumference. According to the mean value detected and the limit value set, the program displays one of the following Tread Groove indications on screen (Fig.

  • Page 10
    Power Clamp device. Entry of wheel type, balancing mode and wheel size In Profiling and Optima mode the wheel data entry is automatic (see later instructions). For Manual mode functioning see geodyna 6800 basic model instructions. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 11: Layout

    Layout The geodyna optima balancer is fitted with a laser scanner (fig. 8-1, details 1, 2 and 3) for the automatic measurement of the wheel data. The internal laser scanner (detail 1) carries out the following measurements: a) detects the internal profile of the rim to identify the optimum position of the weight to apply on the left part or internal part of the rim;…

  • Page 12: Balancing

    Operational Selections 9.0 Optima BALANCING The geodyna optima balancer is fitted with 3 laser scanners with integrated CCD that guarantee an accurate detection of the characteristics of any type of wheel. The laser scanners carry out a series of geometric measurements on the rim, the tread, the flange and the profile of the rim and of the whole wheel with a single measuring run of a few seconds.

  • Page 13
    Note: The change in the position of the weight is saved by the machine, then automatically suggested for all subsequent wheels with the same dimensions. The selection is deleted when the machine is switched off. F2: the top part of the key is described in the geodyna 6800 basic model instructions.
  • Page 14: Wheel Measuring Run In Optima Mode

    (ALU or adhesive): the balancer will automatically recalculate the value and position of the corresponding weights. The wheel measuring run may have detected the number of spokes: in this case press F5 to determine the position of the hidden weights. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 15: Optima Entry Screen

    9.2 OPTIMA ENTRY Screen (fig. 9.2-0) Press F6 in the balancing screen to access. The control software automatically displays this screen whenever, at the end of the wheel measuring run, the measuring values exceed the preset limits. The overall wheel (rim + tire) measuring run is displayed. To move the cursor on the wheel graph, rotate the wheel by hand in both directions.

  • Page 16: Warning Messages In Optima Entry Screen

    Warning Message (Fig. 9.2.1-2): Possible issue with wheel, but no possibility of improving by matching. Check rim and tire for defects. If matching is recommended: Potential problem on the wheel. Check rim and tire for defects. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 17
    Rim problems messages appear when: 1) rim radial runout is high 2) rim lateral runout is high 3) wheel 1-harmonic runout is high and the proportion of runout between rim and tire is greater than 60 per cent (high rim 1-harmonic runout).
  • Page 18: Optima Diagnosis

    “Rim radial and lateral runout” section). Rim radial and lateral runout (fig. 9.3-2) The screen page shows the rim radial and lateral runout graphs. 9.3-1 F3: to change from this screen to the previous one. 9.3-2 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 19: Optima Matching

    9.4 OPTIMA MATCHING There are two ways to access the Matching procedure: 1) Manually, • Press F5 in the «OPTIMA ENTRY» screen (fig. 9.4-1) to go to the «Optima Matching» screen (fig. 9.4-2). • From «OPTIMA MATCHING» continue by pressing — F2 Continues the interrupted Matching.

  • Page 20: Geometric Matching With Only The Rim

    Right bead recess — Red triangle Mean of the entire rim — Grey triangle When the rim is turned, it will be stopped by the brake in each peak position, to facilitate rim marking. The 9.5-3 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 21: Behind-The-Spokes Placement

    peak markings on the rim can then be suitably combined with the minimum reference present on the tyre. • press F2 for further information about the rim Runout (Fig. 9.5-4). These graphs also show the first harmonic peak markers, combined with the Position Brake. The «RIM ONLY»…

  • Page 22: Optima Parameters

    “0” (preset) it doesn’t print, if the value is “1” it prints. m) Allows selection of RIM ONLY advanced diagnosis. Select «1» = Enables RIM ONLY advanced diagnosis and opens the screen shown in fig. 9.6-2. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 23: Print Report

    Select «0» = Enables automatic switching to the MATCHING procedure if the machine detects the presence of the rim only (fig. 9.6-2). m1)Limit (threshold) for RIM ONLY peak to peak radial Runout. Preset value: 0.7 mm. m2)Limit (threshold) for RIM ONLY first harmonic radial Runout.

  • Page 24: Changing Modes Of Operation

    Rim (left and right) lateral runout peak to peak values. 9.9-2 w1) Graph of rim left lateral runout (blue curve). x1) Graph of rim right lateral runout (dashed green curve). 10.0 Changing modes of operation See geodyna 6800 basic model instructions. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 25: Optional Functions

    11.0 Optional functions The wheel balancer has additional functions, which can be enabled individually after purchasing the machine. They are enabled by plugging a software key (fig. 11.0- 1) into one of the USB ports on the back of the machine (fig.

  • Page 26: Opti Line Mode

    Press F6 to switch on the Set of Wheels procedure. Note: When the «Set of Wheels» procedure is on, the status bar shows the relative icon (Fig. 11.1-1) and key F6 shows the OPTIMA icon again for exiting and returning to OPTIMA mode. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 27
    WHEEL No. 1 • Mount the wheel on the balancer shaft. • Perform the run. The balancer completes the optima program readings, then the rear laser scanner scans the tread to acquire the conicity indices. 11.1-2 Note: The overall cycle time is increased by this operation.
  • Page 28
    3) Wheel assigned only to right side of vehicle. To continue, • Apply the appropriate identification tag to the wheel valve, with the same number and colour as the last wheel shown (Fig. 11.1-8). 11.1-7 11.1-8 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 29
    WHEEL No. 2 • Mount the wheel on the balancer shaft. • Perform the run. • Balance the planes and make any corrections suggested by optima. • Remove the wheel from the balancer. The screen page shows the wheel with the number after the previous one and a different colour (Fig.
  • Page 30
    Note: No further wheels can be entered in the Set. If you try to enter another wheel the machine starts the procedure for a new Set of Wheels and all of the data relative to the previous Set will be deleted. 11.1-15 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 31
    Start a new Set of Wheels After entry of WHEEL No. 5 in a Set, you can start a new Set, without exiting the Set of Wheels mode. Proceed as follows: • Perform the procedure as described for wheel No. 1. The machine deletes the data relative to the previous wheels and shows the current wheel as the first wheel in a new Set.
  • Page 32: Pull Calibration

    OK appears. If not, error E400 is signalled (see «Error Messages» 11.1.1-3 section). • Remove the calibration tool. Note: For an on-line description of the procedure select the HELP key in the OPTIMA PARAMETERS screen page. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 33: Error Codes

    12.0 Error codes Note: E Prefix = Errors in operation H Prefix = Warnings The error codes are displayed for ca. 3 seconds on the left of the screen above the F1 menu key with an E followed by the numerical code (e.g. E10). Use the HELP key to call up a help text (installed as of version 1.34 of the software).

  • Page 34
    Corrective actions: • check the camera controller board • check the connections • re-install the camera controller board software. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 35
    E362 Main camera board power on self test failure Possible causes: • there is a fault in the camera controller board • the flat cable connecting the keyboard, the balancer controller board and the camera controller board is partially unplugged or damaged •…
  • Page 36
    E369 Main shaft encoder zero mark detection failure or missing cable Possible causes: • there is a fault in the camera controller board • there is a fault in the encoder geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 37
    • the cable connecting the camera controller board and the encoder board is unplugged, missing or damaged Corrective actions: • check the camera controller board • check the encoder • check the connections. E370 Inner CCD signals failure Possible causes: •…
  • Page 38
    • there is a fault in the inner scanner motor • there is a fault in the camera controller board motor drivers Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 39
    E376 Inner motor missing steps Possible causes: • the inner scanner movement is not smooth or it is striking the frame • the motor power supply is not configured properly • there is a fault in the motor power supply board •…
  • Page 40
    CCD board Corrective actions: • check the connections • check the outer scanner CCD board • switch power off and on again; should the problem not go away please call service. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 41
    E383 Outer scanner not calibrated Possible causes: • the outer scanner has not been factory calibrated Corrective actions: • please call service and replace the outer scanner. E384 Outer motor current sink or power supply failure Possible causes: • the cable connecting the camera controller board and the outer scanner motor is unplugged, damaged or missing •…
  • Page 42
    • there is a fault in the camera controller board laser drivers Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 43
    E390 Rear CCD signals failure Possible causes: • the flat cable connecting the camera controller board and the rear scanner CCD board is unplugged, missing or damaged • there is a fault in the rear scanner CCD board • there is a fault in the camera controller board •…
  • Page 44
    • there is a fault in the rear scanner motor • there is a fault in the camera controller board motor drivers Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 45
    E396 Rear motor missing steps Possible causes: • the rear scanner movement is not smooth or it is striking the frame • the motor power supply is not configured properly • there is a fault in the motor power supply board •…
  • Page 46
    • there is a fault in the rear shift scanner motor • there is a fault in the camera controller board motor drivers. Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 47
    E405 Rear shift scanner zero mark not detected Possible causes: • the flat cable connecting the camera controller board and the rear shift scanner CCD board is unplugged, missing or damaged • there is a fault in the rear shift scanner CCD board •…
  • Page 48
    The distance of the left virtual compensation plane from the reference plane in the measuring system is incorrect. One of the unbalance sensors may have been mounted with inverted polarity. • Check and correct if connection is wrong. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 49: Optimisation / Weight Minimisation

    13.0 Optimisation / Weight minimisation See geodyna 6800 basic model instructions (function can only be carried out in Manual mode). 14.0 Readjustment by the operator See geodyna 6800 basic model instructions.

  • Page 50: Maintenance

    Only use a clean, dry and soft cloth as shown in figure 16.1-2, so as not to make scratches to the glass surface. In case of oil or grease stains, add an ordinary detergent product for glass. 15.1-2 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 51: Technical Data

    16.0 Technical data Power supply (v): 230 volt 1 Ph 50-60 hertz Series of concentric cones: 3 cones 43 — 115 mm Shaft length: 7.5 “ 190 mm Shaft diameter: 1.57 “ 40 mm Measuring speed: 200 rpm Balancing precision: 0.035 ounces 1 gr Scanning device precision: 0,039″…

  • Page 52: Accessories

    FUNCTION screen. The operation of the geodyna optima depends a lot on the power clamp in order to have the information addressed to the software during some procedures. In…

  • Page 53: Tapered Ring

    17.6 Tapered ring A centring cone with a 5° taper, to achieve a higher degree of wheel centring precision when fitting the wheel on the balancer. 17.7 Wheel weight removal tool Special tool in wear resistant plastic material, essential for the removal of adhesive weights from alloy wheels. Ensures that the rim surfaces are not damaged.

  • Page 54: Printer Installation Instructions (Optional)

    18.0 Mise en place de la Imprimante (disponible en option) Printer Installation Instructions (optional) (8×20) (Ø (6×20) (Ø 6) MONITOR VELCRO geodyna optima — Operator’s Manual / Manuel d’Utilisation…

  • Page 55
    Note page Note La página de la nota geodyna optima — Operator’s Manual / Manuel d’Utilisation…
  • Page 56
    Electrical diagram…
  • Page 57
    Electrical diagram…
  • Page 58
    Electrical diagram…
  • Page 59
    Electrical diagram…
  • Page 60
    Note page MODIFIED / CHANGED PARTS Regarding Revision 02.05 (B) List of new chapter from this revision: At page 16-17 1.4.2 TDI Tread Dept Indication At page 16-17 1.4.3 Print functions At page 28-29 9.2.1 Warning Messages in Optima Entry Screen MODIFIED / CHANGED PARTS Regarding Revision 07.05 (C) List of new chapter from this revision: Information added:…
  • Page 61
    Note page…
  • Page 62
    „Scope of application” of this operation manual, or if any modifications or changes whatsoever are made to the machine without prior approval from our end. ppa. Hans-J. Rupp Director Sales & Service ZEEWB716B01 12.06 cullum ENG geodyna optima.. copyright 2006 Snap-on Equipment All rights reserved…
  • Page 1
    Additional instructions Wheel balancer…
  • Page 3
    All Information in this manual has been supplied by the producer of the equipment: Snap-on Equipment GmbH Geschäftsbereich Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik Postfach 1202 D-64311 Pfungstadt Tel. +49 6157 12-482 Fax +49 6157 12-484 E-mail: service @hofmann-ge.com Internet www.hofmann-ge.com geodyna optima…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Contents Safety ……………………6 Typographic style ………………….. 6 Scope of application ………………..6 General safety rules ………………..7 Description of function ………………..8 1.4.1 Switching operating modes ………………9 1.4.2 TDI Tread Depth Indication ………………10 1.4.3 Print functions ………………….10 Layout ……………………

  • Page 5: Safety

    1.0 Safety All safety information relative to the unit is described in the Safety Manual (fig. 1-1) supplied alongside this operator’s manual. The safety precautions must be completely understood and observed by every operator. We recommend keeping a copy of the Safety Manual next to the unit within easy reach of the operator.

  • Page 6: General Safety Rules

    In case of calibration defects there is an internal diagnostic that prompts contacting service. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 7: Description Of Function

    1) radial (on the radius); 2) lateral (on the lateral shift). The geodyna optima balancer also has the TDI (Tread Depth Indication) system, which provides a general indication of tread wear. This function is only active in OPTIMA mode.

  • Page 8: Switching Operating Modes

    Keep the F6 key pressed to switch from Profiling to 1.4-3 Optima and vice versa. Note: refer to the geodyna 6800 basic manual for the navigation procedure through the function menus and personal data entry modalities. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 9: Tdi Tread Depth Indication

    1.4.2 TDI Tread Depth Indication When run in OPTIMA mode, the machine always automatically detects the depth of the tread groove at the centre of the tire and over its whole circumference. According to the mean value detected and the limit value set, the program displays one of the following Tread Groove indications on screen (Fig.

  • Page 10
    Power Clamp device. Entry of wheel type, balancing mode and wheel size In Profiling and Optima mode the wheel data entry is automatic (see later instructions). For Manual mode functioning see geodyna 6800 basic model instructions. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 11: Layout

    Layout The geodyna optima balancer is fitted with a laser scanner (fig. 8-1, details 1, 2 and 3) for the automatic measurement of the wheel data. The internal laser scanner (detail 1) carries out the following measurements: a) detects the internal profile of the rim to identify the optimum position of the weight to apply on the left part or internal part of the rim;…

  • Page 12: Balancing

    Operational Selections 9.0 Optima BALANCING The geodyna optima balancer is fitted with 3 laser scanners with integrated CCD that guarantee an accurate detection of the characteristics of any type of wheel. The laser scanners carry out a series of geometric measurements on the rim, the tread, the flange and the profile of the rim and of the whole wheel with a single measuring run of a few seconds.

  • Page 13
    Note: The change in the position of the weight is saved by the machine, then automatically suggested for all subsequent wheels with the same dimensions. The selection is deleted when the machine is switched off. F2: the top part of the key is described in the geodyna 6800 basic model instructions.
  • Page 14: Wheel Measuring Run In Optima Mode

    (ALU or adhesive): the balancer will automatically recalculate the value and position of the corresponding weights. The wheel measuring run may have detected the number of spokes: in this case press F5 to determine the position of the hidden weights. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 15: Optima Entry Screen

    9.2 OPTIMA ENTRY Screen (fig. 9.2-0) Press F6 in the balancing screen to access. The control software automatically displays this screen whenever, at the end of the wheel measuring run, the measuring values exceed the preset limits. The overall wheel (rim + tire) measuring run is displayed. To move the cursor on the wheel graph, rotate the wheel by hand in both directions.

  • Page 16: Warning Messages In Optima Entry Screen

    Warning Message (Fig. 9.2.1-2): Possible issue with wheel, but no possibility of improving by matching. Check rim and tire for defects. If matching is recommended: Potential problem on the wheel. Check rim and tire for defects. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 17
    Rim problems messages appear when: 1) rim radial runout is high 2) rim lateral runout is high 3) wheel 1-harmonic runout is high and the proportion of runout between rim and tire is greater than 60 per cent (high rim 1-harmonic runout).
  • Page 18: Optima Diagnosis

    “Rim radial and lateral runout” section). Rim radial and lateral runout (fig. 9.3-2) The screen page shows the rim radial and lateral runout graphs. 9.3-1 F3: to change from this screen to the previous one. 9.3-2 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 19: Optima Matching

    9.4 OPTIMA MATCHING There are two ways to access the Matching procedure: 1) Manually, • Press F5 in the «OPTIMA ENTRY» screen (fig. 9.4-1) to go to the «Optima Matching» screen (fig. 9.4-2). • From «OPTIMA MATCHING» continue by pressing — F2 Continues the interrupted Matching.

  • Page 20: Geometric Matching With Only The Rim

    Right bead recess — Red triangle Mean of the entire rim — Grey triangle When the rim is turned, it will be stopped by the brake in each peak position, to facilitate rim marking. The 9.5-3 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 21: Behind-The-Spokes Placement

    peak markings on the rim can then be suitably combined with the minimum reference present on the tyre. • press F2 for further information about the rim Runout (Fig. 9.5-4). These graphs also show the first harmonic peak markers, combined with the Position Brake. The «RIM ONLY»…

  • Page 22: Optima Parameters

    “0” (preset) it doesn’t print, if the value is “1” it prints. m) Allows selection of RIM ONLY advanced diagnosis. Select «1» = Enables RIM ONLY advanced diagnosis and opens the screen shown in fig. 9.6-2. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 23: Print Report

    Select «0» = Enables automatic switching to the MATCHING procedure if the machine detects the presence of the rim only (fig. 9.6-2). m1)Limit (threshold) for RIM ONLY peak to peak radial Runout. Preset value: 0.7 mm. m2)Limit (threshold) for RIM ONLY first harmonic radial Runout.

  • Page 24: Changing Modes Of Operation

    Rim (left and right) lateral runout peak to peak values. 9.9-2 w1) Graph of rim left lateral runout (blue curve). x1) Graph of rim right lateral runout (dashed green curve). 10.0 Changing modes of operation See geodyna 6800 basic model instructions. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 25: Optional Functions

    11.0 Optional functions The wheel balancer has additional functions, which can be enabled individually after purchasing the machine. They are enabled by plugging a software key (fig. 11.0- 1) into one of the USB ports on the back of the machine (fig.

  • Page 26: Opti Line Mode

    Press F6 to switch on the Set of Wheels procedure. Note: When the «Set of Wheels» procedure is on, the status bar shows the relative icon (Fig. 11.1-1) and key F6 shows the OPTIMA icon again for exiting and returning to OPTIMA mode. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 27
    WHEEL No. 1 • Mount the wheel on the balancer shaft. • Perform the run. The balancer completes the optima program readings, then the rear laser scanner scans the tread to acquire the conicity indices. 11.1-2 Note: The overall cycle time is increased by this operation.
  • Page 28
    3) Wheel assigned only to right side of vehicle. To continue, • Apply the appropriate identification tag to the wheel valve, with the same number and colour as the last wheel shown (Fig. 11.1-8). 11.1-7 11.1-8 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 29
    WHEEL No. 2 • Mount the wheel on the balancer shaft. • Perform the run. • Balance the planes and make any corrections suggested by optima. • Remove the wheel from the balancer. The screen page shows the wheel with the number after the previous one and a different colour (Fig.
  • Page 30
    Note: No further wheels can be entered in the Set. If you try to enter another wheel the machine starts the procedure for a new Set of Wheels and all of the data relative to the previous Set will be deleted. 11.1-15 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 31
    Start a new Set of Wheels After entry of WHEEL No. 5 in a Set, you can start a new Set, without exiting the Set of Wheels mode. Proceed as follows: • Perform the procedure as described for wheel No. 1. The machine deletes the data relative to the previous wheels and shows the current wheel as the first wheel in a new Set.
  • Page 32: Pull Calibration

    OK appears. If not, error E400 is signalled (see «Error Messages» 11.1.1-3 section). • Remove the calibration tool. Note: For an on-line description of the procedure select the HELP key in the OPTIMA PARAMETERS screen page. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 33: Error Codes

    12.0 Error codes Note: E Prefix = Errors in operation H Prefix = Warnings The error codes are displayed for ca. 3 seconds on the left of the screen above the F1 menu key with an E followed by the numerical code (e.g. E10). Use the HELP key to call up a help text (installed as of version 1.34 of the software).

  • Page 34
    Corrective actions: • check the camera controller board • check the connections • re-install the camera controller board software. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 35
    E362 Main camera board power on self test failure Possible causes: • there is a fault in the camera controller board • the flat cable connecting the keyboard, the balancer controller board and the camera controller board is partially unplugged or damaged •…
  • Page 36
    E369 Main shaft encoder zero mark detection failure or missing cable Possible causes: • there is a fault in the camera controller board • there is a fault in the encoder geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 37
    • the cable connecting the camera controller board and the encoder board is unplugged, missing or damaged Corrective actions: • check the camera controller board • check the encoder • check the connections. E370 Inner CCD signals failure Possible causes: •…
  • Page 38
    • there is a fault in the inner scanner motor • there is a fault in the camera controller board motor drivers Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 39
    E376 Inner motor missing steps Possible causes: • the inner scanner movement is not smooth or it is striking the frame • the motor power supply is not configured properly • there is a fault in the motor power supply board •…
  • Page 40
    CCD board Corrective actions: • check the connections • check the outer scanner CCD board • switch power off and on again; should the problem not go away please call service. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 41
    E383 Outer scanner not calibrated Possible causes: • the outer scanner has not been factory calibrated Corrective actions: • please call service and replace the outer scanner. E384 Outer motor current sink or power supply failure Possible causes: • the cable connecting the camera controller board and the outer scanner motor is unplugged, damaged or missing •…
  • Page 42
    • there is a fault in the camera controller board laser drivers Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 43
    E390 Rear CCD signals failure Possible causes: • the flat cable connecting the camera controller board and the rear scanner CCD board is unplugged, missing or damaged • there is a fault in the rear scanner CCD board • there is a fault in the camera controller board •…
  • Page 44
    • there is a fault in the rear scanner motor • there is a fault in the camera controller board motor drivers Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 45
    E396 Rear motor missing steps Possible causes: • the rear scanner movement is not smooth or it is striking the frame • the motor power supply is not configured properly • there is a fault in the motor power supply board •…
  • Page 46
    • there is a fault in the rear shift scanner motor • there is a fault in the camera controller board motor drivers. Corrective actions: • check all items above. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 47
    E405 Rear shift scanner zero mark not detected Possible causes: • the flat cable connecting the camera controller board and the rear shift scanner CCD board is unplugged, missing or damaged • there is a fault in the rear shift scanner CCD board •…
  • Page 48
    The distance of the left virtual compensation plane from the reference plane in the measuring system is incorrect. One of the unbalance sensors may have been mounted with inverted polarity. • Check and correct if connection is wrong. geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…
  • Page 49: Optimisation / Weight Minimisation

    13.0 Optimisation / Weight minimisation See geodyna 6800 basic model instructions (function can only be carried out in Manual mode). 14.0 Readjustment by the operator See geodyna 6800 basic model instructions.

  • Page 50: Maintenance

    Only use a clean, dry and soft cloth as shown in figure 16.1-2, so as not to make scratches to the glass surface. In case of oil or grease stains, add an ordinary detergent product for glass. 15.1-2 geodyna optima Operator’s Manual…

  • Page 51: Technical Data

    16.0 Technical data Power supply (v): 230 volt 1 Ph 50-60 hertz Series of concentric cones: 3 cones 43 — 115 mm Shaft length: 7.5 “ 190 mm Shaft diameter: 1.57 “ 40 mm Measuring speed: 200 rpm Balancing precision: 0.035 ounces 1 gr Scanning device precision: 0,039″…

  • Page 52: Accessories

    FUNCTION screen. The operation of the geodyna optima depends a lot on the power clamp in order to have the information addressed to the software during some procedures. In…

  • Page 53: Tapered Ring

    17.6 Tapered ring A centring cone with a 5° taper, to achieve a higher degree of wheel centring precision when fitting the wheel on the balancer. 17.7 Wheel weight removal tool Special tool in wear resistant plastic material, essential for the removal of adhesive weights from alloy wheels. Ensures that the rim surfaces are not damaged.

  • Page 54: Printer Installation Instructions (Optional)

    18.0 Mise en place de la Imprimante (disponible en option) Printer Installation Instructions (optional) (8×20) (Ø 8) (6×20) (Ø 6) MONITOR VELCRO geodyna optima — Operator’s Manual / Manuel d’Utilisation…

  • Page 55
    Note page Note La página de la nota geodyna optima — Operator’s Manual / Manuel d’Utilisation…
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    Electrical diagram…
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    Electrical diagram…
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    Electrical diagram…
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    Electrical diagram…
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    Note page MODIFIED / CHANGED PARTS Regarding Revision 02.05 (B) List of new chapter from this revision: At page 16-17 1.4.2 TDI Tread Dept Indication At page 16-17 1.4.3 Print functions At page 28-29 9.2.1 Warning Messages in Optima Entry Screen MODIFIED / CHANGED PARTS Regarding Revision 07.05 (C) List of new chapter from this revision: Information added:…
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    Note page…
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    „Scope of application” of this operation manual, or if any modifications or changes whatsoever are made to the machine without prior approval from our end. ppa. Hans-J. Rupp Director Sales & Service ZEEWB716B01 12.06 cullum ENG geodyna optima.. copyright 2006 Snap-on Equipment All rights reserved…
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Manuals and User Guides for Hofmann geodyna 4500-2. We have 1 Hofmann geodyna 4500-2 manual available for free PDF download: Operation Manual

Table of Contents for Hofmann geodyna 4500-2:

  • 36 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Auswuchten Betriebsanleitung a 27 28 29 b 7.2 Messen y Messlauf starten mit der START-Taste oder durch Schließen des Radschutzes, sofern vorhanden und programmiert. Läuft die Maschine nicht an und in der Anzeige erscheint eine E-Meldung, siehe Kapitel 11. Meldungen. Während der Beschleunigungsphase zum Messlauf wird die Gewichteplatzierung angezeigt (Bild 27,a). Während des Messlaufs leuchtet nur je ein Mittelsegment der Ziffernanz

  • 66 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Hinterspeichenplatzierung Betriebsanleitung 58 59 60 61 57 9.3 Ausgleichen der gemessenen Unwucht y Radschutz schließen oder Taste START drücken. Der Messlauf wird durchgeführt. Während des Messlaufs leuchtet je ein Mittelsegment der Ziffernanzeigen (Bild 57). Nach der Messung schaltet der Antrieb selbsttätig ab, das Rad wird bis zum Stillstand abgebremst und es erscheint Bild 58. Die Anzeige zeigt die je Ausgleichsebene gemessene Unwucht und auf den zugeordneten Richtungsanzeigen die jeweilige Eind

  • 26 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Rad aufspannen Betriebsanleitung 23 23.1 23.2 6 Rad aufspannen Viele Kraftfahrzeughersteller geben in ihren technischen Dokumentationen die Art der Radaufnahme am Fahrzeug (bolzenzentriert, mittenzentriert) an. Dementsprechend die Spannund Zentriermittel aus unserem Programm auswählen. Hinweis Hier sei darauf hingewiesen, dass nur die Spann- und Zentriermittel verwendet werden, welche für die Maschine vorgesehen und geeignet sind. Durch die stä

  • 3 Table des matières • Consignes de sécurité et fonctionnement Mode d’emploi geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Contents • Safety rules and function Operation manual geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Table des matières Page 1. Consignes de sécurité et fonctionnement ……….. 3 2. Mise en place …………………………………………… 11 3. Branchement électrique ……………………………… 15 4. Commandes et afficheurs …………………

  • 76 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Wahl der Funktionsweisen Betriebsanleitung 70 71 72 Code C6 Bild 70 Anzahl der Umdrehungen pro Messlauf, 5 bis 25 Umdrehungen möglich, werkseitig auf 10 U/Messlauf eingestellt* Beispiel: Änderung auf 7 Umdrehungen pro Messlauf Hinweis Die Rücknahme der Anzahl der Messumdrehungen hat eine reduzierte Messgenauigkeit zur Folge. Die gewählte Funktionsweise kann in den Dauerspeicher übernommen werden. Code C7 Bild 71 Lautstärke der akus

  • 4 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Sicherheitshinweise und Funktion Betriebsanleitung 1 6 4 1 5 2 3 Bild 1 Übersicht Vorderansicht 1 Tastenfeld, Anzeige und Gewichtekasten 2 Messarm für Abstand Maschine/Felge und Felgendurch-messer 3 Hauptwelle 4 Pedal für Feststellbrems 5 Radschutz Rückansicht 6 Netzschalter und Netzanschluss 1.3 Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Nur ausgebildetes Fachpersonal darf die Maschine betreib

  • 108 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Laufruhenoptimierung/ Gewichteminimierung Betriebsanleitung 119 120 Bei Anzeige H0 (Bild 119) y Durch Drücken der STOP-Taste aus dem OP- Programm in das Auswuchtprogramm zurückschalten. Es wird die im Rad vorhandene Unwucht angezeigt. y Den Ausgleich gemäß Anzeige vornehmen. Der optimale Zustand der Laufruhenoptimierung ist bereits erreicht und kann nicht verbessert werden. Bei Anzeige H2 (Bild 120) Die Laufruhe kann nicht verbessert werden. Es ist jedoch möglich, noch eine Gewichteminimierung (Anzeige m

  • geodyna 4500-2 / 4500-2p ii All Information in this manual has been supplied by the producer of the equipment: Toutes les informations figurant dans le présent manuel ont été fournies par le fabricant de l’équipement : Alle in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Informationen wurden durch den Hersteller der Maschinen geliefert: Tutte le informazioni contenute nel presente manuale sono fornite dal produttore dell’apparecchiatura: Todas las informaciones contenidas en este manual han sido facilitadas por el productor del equipo: Todas as informações contidas nes

  • 83 Sélection du mode de fonctionnement Mode d’emploi geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Changing modes of operation Operation manual geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Code C21 Fig. 78 Lecture du numéro de la version du programme Exemple: Version du programme no. 1.22 pour 985 y Appuyer sur la touche de précision pour afficher la version du programme. y Relâcher la touche C pour afficher le numéro de la machine. Code C28 Fig. 79 Choix d’un

  • 87 Codes d’erreur Mode d’emploi geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Error codes Operation manual geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 E9 – Fig. 87 Exécution incorrecte de la lancée d’optimisation/ minimisation. 1. La roue n’était pas centrée exactement sur le moyen de serrage pendant les lancées. 2. Le pneu était excentrique par rapport à la jante au moins une fois pendant les lancées. 3. La valve était positionnée incorrectem

  • 22 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Maschine einschalten Betriebsanleitung 12 13 14 15 17 16 1 5 Maschine einschalten. Nach dem Einschalten der Maschine mit dem Netzschalter (Bild 12, Pos. 1) führt die Elektronik Selbsttests durch. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieser Tests erklingt ein melodisches Dreiklangsignal, in der Anzeige erscheint OK und die Nummer der eingebauten Programmversion wird kurz eingeblendet. Danach zeigen beide Anzeigefelder Radmaße, die früher eingegeben wurden und im Elektronikspeich

  • 106 geodyna 4500-2/p – ZEEWB727B03 Laufruhenoptimierung/ Gewichteminimierung Betriebsanleitung 118 Bei Anzeige OP.7 – === (Bild 118) Empfehlung zum Drehen des Reifens auf der Felge (die Striche der rechten Anzeige leuchten permanent). Wahlmöglichkeit 1: Reifen auf der Felge drehen (Regelprogramm) y Rad gemäß der rechten Richtungsanzeige eindrehen und an der rechten Seite des Reifens exakt senkrecht über der Hauptwelle eine Doppelmarkierung anbringen. y Rad von der Maschine abnehmen

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