Ошибка iwbemdecoupledregistrar register 0x80041011

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  • Any ideas:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SRMSVC
    Date:          11/26/2009 9:44:41 AM
    Event ID:      8197
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      HP2008R2
    File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2009-11-26T14:44:41.000000000Z» />
        <Security />

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011</Data>


    Tom Jackson


  • Hi Tom,

    I suggest referring to the following article first:

    Event ID 8197 — FSRM Basic Functionality


    If the issue persists, please run the following command to check the result:

    cd %windir%system32wbem

    mofcomp srm.mof

    net stop srmsvc

    net start srmsvc

    Hope it helps.

    Tim Quan — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, December 7, 2009 1:53 AM

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  • File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error. 

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011

    File Server Resource Manager failed to initialize its WMI event provider component. Therefore, WMI events will not be sent during quota and screening notification processing. In order to receive WMI events, check the status of the WMI service and WMI event
    logs, correct the WMI errors, and restart the File Server Resource Manager service. 

    Error-specific details:
       Error: (0x80041011) Unknown error

    The screening minifilter driver failed to attach to volume «DeviceHarddiskVolume1 (N/A)» because of an unexpected error. Error status: 0xc000000d   While the minifilter is detached screening enforcement and management will be unavailable
    on the volume. Attempt to reattach the minifilter by using the filter manager command line tool or by dismounting and remounting the volume as soon as possible. If the operation fails, try restarting the system.


  • Hi,

    Please note that WMI is actually not within the forum scope.

    Based on your description, the registration of the associated WMI components of the SRM service is no longer available.

    As a rule, re-registering with MOFCOMP helps:

    cd «%windir%system32wbem»

    mofcomp srm.mof

    Then restart the (FSRM) service and the MMC should run again without crashes.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
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    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      15 июня 2021 г. 3:40

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  • Any ideas:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SRMSVC
    Date:          11/26/2009 9:44:41 AM
    Event ID:      8197
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      HP2008R2
    File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2009-11-26T14:44:41.000000000Z» />
        <Security />

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011</Data>


    Tom Jackson


  • Hi Tom,

    I suggest referring to the following article first:

    Event ID 8197 — FSRM Basic Functionality


    If the issue persists, please run the following command to check the result:

    cd %windir%system32wbem

    mofcomp srm.mof

    net stop srmsvc

    net start srmsvc

    Hope it helps.

    Tim Quan — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, December 7, 2009 1:53 AM

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  • Any ideas:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SRMSVC
    Date:          11/26/2009 9:44:41 AM
    Event ID:      8197
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      HP2008R2
    File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2009-11-26T14:44:41.000000000Z» />
        <Security />

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011</Data>


    Tom Jackson


  • Hi Tom,

    I suggest referring to the following article first:

    Event ID 8197 — FSRM Basic Functionality


    If the issue persists, please run the following command to check the result:

    cd %windir%system32wbem

    mofcomp srm.mof

    net stop srmsvc

    net start srmsvc

    Hope it helps.

    Tim Quan — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, December 7, 2009 1:53 AM

Posted: July 29, 2007 | Filed under: SBS |

If you have SBS 2003 R2 and you’ve installed the File System Resource Manager and  you’ve just restored your system from backup, you may see this error in the Application log:

Event Type:    Error
Event Source:    SRMSVC
Event Category:    None
Event ID:    8197
Date:        7/28/2007
Time:        4:07:56 PM
User:        N/A
Computer:    DOT
File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error. 

   Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

Error-specific details:
   Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011

Do this from a command prompt:

cd %windir%system32wbem
mofcomp srm.mof
net stop srmsvc
net start srmsvc

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Any ideas:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SRMSVC
    Date:          11/26/2009 9:44:41 AM
    Event ID:      8197
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      HP2008R2
    File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2009-11-26T14:44:41.000000000Z» />
        <Security />

       Starting File Server Resource Manager Service.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: IWbemDecoupledRegistrar::Register, 0x80041011</Data>


    Tom Jackson


  • Hi Tom,

    I suggest referring to the following article first:

    Event ID 8197 — FSRM Basic Functionality


    If the issue persists, please run the following command to check the result:

    cd %windir%system32wbem

    mofcomp srm.mof

    net stop srmsvc

    net start srmsvc

    Hope it helps.

    Tim Quan — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, December 7, 2009 1:53 AM

Even when you followed the Hybrid Azure AD join instructions to set up your environment, you still might experience some issues with the computers not registering with Azure AD.

If you are looking for troubleshooting guide for the issue when Azure AD Conditional Access policy is treating your successfully joined station as Unregistered, see my other recent post.

To check if the device was joined to Azure AD run “dsregcmd /status” command in command prompt and look at AzureAdJoined value. For the Azure AD registered devices, it should be set to YES.

If the AzureAdJoined says NO, next step will be to collect information from the Application and Services – Microsoft – Windows – User Device Registration – Admin logs.

First thing, try to locate and read the text description in the error to see if it gives any clue.

Below are some examples of the errors and possible solutions to try.

User Device Registration Admin log – EventID 304 or 305adalResponseCode: 0xcaa1000e – recommended step is to check the AD FS claim rules per mentioned above article. It is important to have the AD FS claim rules in the described order and if you have multiple verified domains, do not forget remove any existing IssuerID rule that might have been created by Azure AD Connect or other means. Microsoft also recommends using Azure AD Connect wizard to set up device registration. Other way to configure correct claim rules for your Office 365 Relying Party is to use official AD FS claims generator.

User Device Registration Admin log –wmain: Unable to retrieve access token 0x80004005 – recommended step is to check the AD FS claim rules.

User Device Registration Admin log – EventID 305AdalErrorCode: 0xcaa90006 – make sure the computer is able to reach and authenticate to specified in the error text description Identity Provider endpoint.

User Device Registration Admin log – EventID 204Error code: 0x801c03f2 or 0x801c03f3 (“The device object by the given id (xxx) is not found.”) – make sure the on-premises computer object is synchronized to Azure AD. Run the Delta Azure AD Connect sync.

User Device Registration Admin log – EventID 204 or 304 Error code: 0x801c03f2 (“The public key user certificate is not found on the device object with id (xxx).”) – make sure the userCertificate attribute is selected in the Azure AD Connect “Select Attributes” settings of the on-premises connector.

User Device Registration Admin log – EventID 304 (309, 201 and 233 coming before it)Error code: 0x801c0021 (Error code: 0x80072efe in EventID 201) (Or in the User Device Registration Debug logs EventID 500 with message “wmain TenantInfi::Discover failed with error code 0x801c0021”) – most likely the network or proxy didn’t allow the connection to Azure AD device registration endpoints or IdP to complete authentication. See the next error description for the recommended troubleshooting steps.

User Device Registration Debug log – EventID 502Error code: 0x80072ee7 (“WinHttpRequest<class DiscoveryHttpRequest>::OnCallback: The callback handling failed with error code: 0x80072ee7”) – most likely the network or proxy didn’t allow the connection to Azure AD device registration endpoints or IdP to complete authentication. Open IE as System Account using “psexec -i -s cmd.exe” and try to navigate to https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/verifiedDomain/enrollmentserver/contract?api-version=1.2 (replace VerifiedDomain with your domain). You should see the list of device registration service endpoints like this.


If there is a failure, you might want to configure correct proxy settings in the same IE opened as System Account.

User Device Registration Admin log – 0xCAA90022 Could not discover endpoint for Integrate Windows Authentication. Check your ADFS settings. It should support Integrate Widows Authentication for WS-Trust 1.3. (error message is self explanatory). In case your IdP is not AD FS consult your IdP documentation.

User Device Registration Admin log – 0xCAA9002b with this error from ADAL – ADALUseWindowsAuthenticationTenant failed, unable to perform integrated auth. Check your STS settings. It should support Integrate Widows Authentication for WS-Trust 1.3. (error message is self explanatory). In case your IdP is not AD FS consult your IdP documentation.

User Device Registration Admin log – 0x801c001d. Failed to lookup the registration service information from Active Directory. Recommended to check the Service Connection Point settings in on-premises Active Directory.

User Device Registration Admin logThe discovery operation callback failed with exit code: Unknown HResult Error code: 0x801c0012. The server returned HTTP status: 400. And in the Debug logs you see 0x801c03e9 before 0x801c0012 – most likely the on-premises proxy requiring authentication. Capture network trace while reproducing registration attempt to get more details.

Sometimes the error description of the User Device Registration Admin log event does not provide enough information and you have to enable the User Device Registration Debug log to get more information.

To enable debug logs open Event Viewer – check “Show Analytic and Debug Logs” and browse to Application and Services – Microsoft – Windows – User Device Registration – right click on Debug log and select Enable log.

To trigger the device join attempt you have to open Command prompt as System account (you can use Sysinternals PsExec – psexec -i -s cmd.exe) and issue “dsregcmd /debug /join” command. After that disable the Debug log, check the Admin logs and if still the error description is not informative go to Debug logs.

Example 1:

Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration/Admin
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration
Date:          2/9/2018 10:17:49 AM
Event ID:      304
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      XXX
Automatic registration failed at join phase.  Exit code: An unexpected internal error has occurred in the Platform Crypto Provider.

User Device Registration Debug log –

Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration/Debug
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration
Date:          2/9/2018 10:23:30 AM
Event ID:      500
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      XXX
wmain: failed with error code 0x80290407.

Most likely this error is an indication that the TPM is not supporting Azure AD join requirements (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/hardware-protection/tpm/tpm-recommendations ).

Next steps for this particular issue I would recommend for these stations are:

  • Ensure the TPM is in 2.0 mode. You will find this setting in the BIOS.
  • As a last resort, disable TPM in the BIOS, so Azure AD Join process uses software-based keys.

Example 2:

Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration/Admin
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration
Date:          4/17/2018 12:44:10 PM
Event ID:      304
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      XXX
Automatic registration failed at join phase.  Exit code: Keyset does not exist. Server error: empty.

After running dsregcmd /debug /join see following in the output:

DsrDeviceAutoJoinFederated failed with -2146893802
wmain: failed with error code 0x80090016.

Most likely this error indicates that the machine was imaged from the already Azure AD registered computer. Also it might indicate the TPM issues (see the TMP troubleshooting steps mentioned above).

If the fist is true, try renaming the “C:ProgramDataMicrosoftCryptoKeys” folder and re-running the dsregcmd /debug /join.

Example 3:

Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration/Admin
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-User Device Registration
Date:          5/16/2018 8:44:03 AM
Event ID:      305
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:     XXX
Automatic registration failed at authentication phase.  Unable to acquire access token.  Exit code: Unspecified error. Server error: AdalMessage: ADALUseWindowsAuthenticationTenant failed,  unable to preform integrated auth
AdalErrorCode: 0xcaa9002c

This error usually indicates an issue with connecting to AD FS farm. Check if Windows Integrated Authentication is enabled for Intranet, is working correctly for Intranet and WSTrust windows endpoints are enabled in AD FS.

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