Ошибка ls 0018 gta 5 epic games

Shane Diesel

  • #2

Вероятнее всего, установили что-либо в папку с игрой

Удалите (если не поможет заморозка, исключения) стороннее антивирусное ПО (Касперский, Аваст и т.п.), сторонние файрволы, Adguard, Wallpaper engine, MSI Afterburner, MSI Mystic light и аналогичные, для управления подсветкой и блокировки рекламы. Добавьте папки с GTAV и RAGEMP в исключения защитника Windows. Обязательно удалите ПО от Razer если установлено. Также Process Lasso и Park Control, Memreduct, Advanced system care и подобные.

Сделайте полную проверку файлов GTAV, перезагрузите ПК

1. Удалите наш лаунчер (GTA5RP Launcher), установите мультиплеер (RAGEMP) в созданную Вами папку в корне диска, название папки не должно содержать кириллицу (пример: C:RAGE) — https://cdn.rage.mp/public/files/RAGEMultiplayer_Setup.exe

Либо переустановите наш лаунчер начисто в корень диска, пример C:Games

Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster

If when you try to open or launch a game on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC but receive the Epic Games Launcher error code LS-0018, then this post is intended to help you. In this post, we will provide the most suitable solutions you can try to successfully resolve this issue.

Epic Games error code LS-0018

Depending on the particular game you’re trying to launch, when you encounter this issue, you’ll receive the following similar full error message;

Launch Failed
Farming Simulator 19 is already running.
Error Code: LS-0018
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This error means that a game you are attempting to play is still running. Basically, when you are attempting to launch any game twice for whatever reason, you might face this error.

If you’re faced with this Epic Games error code LS-0018 issue, you can try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps to resolve the issue.

  1. Restart PC
  2. End the game process via Task Manager
  3. Quit third-party game launcher via Task Manager

Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.

1] Restart PC

The first thing you can try to resolve the Epic Games error code LS-0018 is to restart your Windows10/11 device – restarting the PC usually resolves minor issues like this.  A full system restart will reboot the game and at the same time refresh the Epic Games Launcher and any associated temporary files/data.

2] End the game process via Task Manager

This solution requires you to kill the game process via Task Manager and then relaunch the game.

To end the game process via Task Manager on your Windows PC, do the following:

  • Press CTRL+ALT+DEL keyboard shortcut.
  • Click Task Manager.
  • Click the Processes tab.
  • Locate the game (In this example Farming Simulator 19) that’s still running.
  • Right-click on the entry.
  • Select End task.
  • Exit Task Manager.
  • Relaunch the game.

The game should launch without issues. Otherwise, try the next solution.

3] Quit third-party game launcher via Task Manager

Quit third-party game launcher via Task Manager

Some games use a third-party launcher before they start. So, if you exit a game that uses a third-party launcher but the launcher doesn’t shut down properly, this might trigger the error. In this case, follow the steps as above in Solution 2] to force quit the third-party launcher and then relaunch the game.

In some cases, this third-party launcher will often minimize as an application in the system tray/notification area. So, you can check your system tray and, if you spot a launcher, right-click on it and select Close, Quit, Exit, or any variant thereof. Once done, end the Epic Games Launcher process in Task Manager as above and then relaunch the game as usual.

Hope this helps!

Obinna has completed B.Tech in Information & Communication Technology. He has worked as a System Support Engineer, primarily on User Endpoint Administration, as well as a Technical Analyst, primarily on Server/System Administration. He also has experience as a Network and Communications Officer. He has been a Windows Insider MVP (2020) and currently owns and runs a Computer Clinic.

Обновлено: 29.01.2023

Одна из самых известных игр в жанре Battle Royale – Fortnite от студии Epic Games. Она быстро приобрела миллионы фанатов и стала обладателем золотой медали в своей нише. Постоянное обновление контента, динамичность событий и скромные системные требования – главные достоинства игры. Однако, и у нее бывают сбои. Так некоторые геймеры не могут войти в нее из-за назойливой ошибки LS-0013. Игроки со всего мира упоминали об этой проблеме.

Удалось выяснить, что существует 3 причины появления ошибки: отсутствие файлов игры, излишние права для запуска приложения или сбои в драйверах компонентов ПК. Зная «врага в лицо», не составляет большого труда подобрать исправления ошибки Fortnite LS-0013.

Вручную удалите игру и установите её повторно

Если проверка файлов игры не помогла устранить проблему, попробуйте удалить файлы игры с компьютера вручную.

  1. Выйдите из программы запуска Epic Games, щёлкнув правой кнопкой мыши по значку на панели задач и выбрав в появившемся меню пункт Выход.
  2. Найдите папку, в которую установили игру.

Примечание. Папка установки по умолчанию — C:Program FilesEpic Games

Щёлкните папку с игрой правой кнопкой мыши и выберите команду Удалить.

Перезапустите программу запуска Epic Games.

Переустановите игру и попробуйте её запустить.

Проверьте файлы игры

В ходе проверки выясняется наличие всех необходимых для правильной работы игры файлов. Такая проверка должна помочь наладить корректную работу игры.

В зависимости от размера игры этот процесс может занять некоторое время. Попробуйте ещё раз запустить игру, как только завершится проверка.

Disable background applications

Some background applications such as Antiviruses have caused this error to occur. Follow the instructions here to disable your background apps.

Эта ошибка означает, что игра, которую вы пытаетесь запустить, не может найти файл или папку, на которые она указывает.

Verify the game files

Verifying your game files ensures your game has all the necessary files to run properly and hopefully should get the game working as expected.

Depending on the size of the game this process may take a while. Once it’s done try to launch your game.

Отключите фоновые приложения

Эта проблема была вызвана одним из ваших фоновых приложений, например, антивирусом. Следуйте инструкциям, описанным в статье здесь, чтобы отключить ваши фоновые приложения.

GTA 5 ошибка LS-0018 и надпись «ОШИБКА ЗАПУСКА, ПО GTA 5 уже запущено, Код ошибки LS-0018». Да что не так с той игрой? Что только не перепробовал всегда заканчивается одним и тем же «Ошибка LS-0018». Помогите люди добрые! Игра не пиратка не с торрента. Что делать ума не приложу.

помогает переустановка лаунчер рокстар и социал клаб. только на один раз. т. е. при следующем входе в игру, ошибка повторится (((


просто GTAlauncher неустанавливать в корневую папку игры а создать отдельную и все заработает!

Откройте диспетчер задач и закройте рокстар геймс и все службы и по зановой войдите в него и усе

Не помогает ничего, ни переустановка ни закрытие в диспетчере, клиент с Эпика

Это проблема с ублюдским эпик геймсом. У меня тоже самое, только с цивой.

все херня, помогло перед запуском лаунчера, я сначала открыл ESG, до этого тоже аж до дрожжи психовал, а теперь с первого раза залетает! удачи!)))

решил за 10 минут вопрос.

просто GTAlauncher неустанавливать в корневую папку игры а создать отдельную и все заработает!

Нашёл способ решить данную проблему. Надо перекинуть папку GTA5Launcher по этому пути C:Program Files(x86)GTA5Lancher, так же у вас появилась папка GTA5RP(где-то на компе XD) её нужно закинуть в любую папку на диск С, ну или просто в корень диска!

конченый эпик геймс, у меня такой ошибки вообще не было, а сейчас после выхода из любой игры в эпике пишет под игрой»запуск» и код ошибки ls-0018.

Решение 3: запуск Epic Games Launcher и Fortnite без прав администратора

Многие геймеры уже привыкли запускать приложения с привилегиями администратора. Однако, в силу различных технических неполадок системы Fortnite из-за повышенных прав может выдавать «ошибку запуска LS-0013».

Что нужно сделать:

  1. Открыть через проводник папку с игрой, обычно это «Fortnite FortniteGame Binaries Win64.
  2. Найти исполняемый файл «FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe», кликнуть по нему ПКМ и открыть в «Свойства».
  3. Перейти на вкладку «Совместимость» и снять флажок с пункта «Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора».
  4. Запустить Fortnite

Вот и все, теперь любимая игра Fortnite работает и позволяет снова погрузиться в масштабные баталии. Сейчас самое время попробовать занять ТОП-1.

This error means that the game you’re attempting to launch can’t locate a file or directory that it is pointing to.

Решение 2: выполнить проверку целостности игры

  1. Перейти на вкладку «Библиотека» в Epic Game Launcher.
  2. Выбрать игру Fortnite, нажать на три точки рядом с ней и кликнуть на кнопку «Проверить».
  3. Дождаться завершения процедуры и попробовать снова запустить приложение.

Решение 1: обновление драйверов

Если в Windows отсутствует, установлен старый или битый драйвер для одного из устройств, Fortnite нельзя будет запустить, начнет преследовать ошибка LS-0013. Стоит выполнить проверку и обновление соответствующего ПО.

  1. Кликнуть ПКМ по Пуску и перейти в «Диспетчер устройств».
  2. Развернуть все вкладки и обнаружить «Неопознанные устройства» (если такие есть). Двойным кликом открыть их, взять из вкладки «Сведения» и раздела «ИД оборудования» VEN и DEV-коды. Вставить их в поиск, скачать драйвера для устройства и установить их.
  3. В разделе «Видеоадаптеры» нажать ПКМ, выбрать «Обновить драйверы» и кликнуть на вариант «Автоматический поиск обновленных драйверов».

Manually remove and reinstall the game

  1. Close the Epic Games Launcher by right-clicking on the system tray icon and click on Exit.
  2. Locate the folder where you installed your game.

Note: The default installation directory is C:Program FilesEpic Games

Right-click on the game folder and click on Delete.

Restart the Epic Games Launcher.

Reinstall and try launching your game.

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Epic Games, Inc. is a well-known American video game and software company that offers a variety of well-known games as well as its own digital video game storefront. That digital video game storefront is known as ‘Epic Games Store,’ and it sells video games that are compatible with Windows 11 and macOS operating system. It also competes directly with Steam. To be more specific, the ‘Epic Games Store’ application, also known as the ‘Epic Games Launcher,’ may conflict with multiple problems for a variety of reasons. This post is intended to assist you if you try to open or launch a game on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC but receive the Epic Games Launcher error code LS-0018. In this article we will try to teach you how to Fix Epic Games LS-0018 Error.

If you get the ‘Epic Games error code LS-0018’ error when trying to launch a game in our Windows 10/11 computer, you’ve come to the right place. ‘Error code LS-0018 from Epic Games’: It is a common error associated with Epic Games. This error code appears in your Windows 10 computer when you attempt to launch a game such as ‘Farming Simulator 9’. This error code may also appear if you attempt to download a product that is already installed on your Windows computer. ‘Epic Games error code LS-0018’ usually appears when you try to update ‘Unreal Engine’ or other Epic Games while they are already running. Before proceeding with troubleshooting, you can try restarting your computer to resolve the error. Below we have mention the steps to resolve Epic Games LS-0018 Error. But still if you are facing the same issue again and again after following the steps above then you may also go to their official website and ask for more solutions.

4 Ways to Fix Epic Games LS-0018 Error

End the game process via Task Manager

  • Go to the “Processes” tab.
  • Find and select the game process.
  • Click the “End Task” button.
  • Close the Task Manager.

Force quit game launcher

  • Open the start menu.
  • Find and open “Task Manager”.
  • Go to the “Processes” tab.
  • Locate and select the Game Launcher process.
  • Click the End Task button.
  • Close the task manager.

Restart the computer

When you restart your computer, most problems are automatically resolved. Windows will close all applications and unlock any locked files as part of the restart process. This ensures that any programme that is being blocked because it is locked or because another instance is already running can run normally.

To restart the computer, close all open applications, right-click the Start button, and select the “Shut down or sign out -> Restart” option. The system will restart itself as soon as you select it.

Verify the game files

  • Open the Epic Games Launcher.
  • Click on the library.
  • Click on the three dots next to the game you want to review.
  • Click Verify > Depending on the size of the game, this process may take a while.

About Epic Games

Epic Games, Inc. is a Cary, North Carolina-based video game and software developer and publisher. Tim Sweeney founded Potomac Computer Systems in 1991, initially based in his parents’ home in Potomac, Maryland. Following the release of its first commercial video game, ZZT (1991), the company changed its name to Epic MegaGames, Inc. in early 1992 and hired Mark Rein, who has served as its vice president ever since. The studio changed its name to Epic Games after relocating its headquarters to Cary in 1999. Epic Games creates the Unreal Engine, a commercially available game engine that also powers their in-house developed video games like Fortnite and the Unreal, Gears of War, and Infinity Blade series. Guinness World Records named Unreal Engine the “most successful videogame engine” in 2014.

Epic Games is the parent company of the game developers Chair Entertainment, Psyonix, Mediatonic, and Harmonix, as well as the cloud-based software developer Cloudgine, and has studios in Seattle, England, Berlin, Yokohama, and Seoul. While Sweeney remains the controlling shareholder, Tencent acquired a 48.4% outstanding stake in Epic in 2012, equating to 40% of total Epic, as part of an agreement aimed at transitioning Epic to a games as a service model. Following the release of the popular Fortnite Battle Royale in 2017, the company received additional funding, allowing it to expand its Unreal Engine offerings, establish esport events centred on Fortnite, and launch the Epic Games Store. The company has a US$32 billion equity valuation as of April 2022.

Epic Games operates the Epic Games Store, a digital video game storefront for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It debuted in December 2018 as a website as well as a standalone launcher, the latter of which is required to download and play games. The storefront offers a basic catalogue, friend list management, matchmaking, and other functions. Epic Games has plans to expand the storefront’s feature set, but not as many as other digital distribution platforms, such as discussion boards or user reviews, instead relying on existing social media platforms to support these.

Final Words

We hope you like our article on methods to Fix Epic Games LS-0018 Error will help your and resolve all your problems. The Epic Games Launcher is the central hub for all games purchased or downloaded from the Epic store. However, for some users, the Epic Games Launcher does not always open. It will sometimes crash mid-boot and display an error message, and other times it will not boot at all. If you are facing the similar issues and want to know how to resolve this problem then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, How to Fix Epic Games LS-0018 Error.

James Hogan

James Hogan

James Hogan is a senior staff writer at Bollyinside, where he has been covering various topics, including laptops, gaming gear, keyboards, storage, and more. During that period, they evaluated hundreds of laptops and thousands of accessories and built a collection of entirely too many mechanical keyboards for their own use.

If you’ve just sat down to play some games from your Epic Games library but can’t because you’re getting error LS-0018. This article will take you through several different steps you can take to fix the problem to get games launching properly from the Epic Games Store once again.

Related: How to Change the Email Account Linked to Your Epic Games Account.

The Epic Games Store isn’t the most feature-rich game store on the market but what it lacks in features it makes up for in free game giveaways. If you aren’t already claiming the free weekly game giveaways, you certainly should be! I’m yet to spend a cent on the Epic Games Store and have amassed a library of fifty-five games. Only two of which are free to play games, Fortnite and Spellbreak.

Although the Epic Games Store is pretty stable, easy to use and doesn’t have many issues, you may occasionally come across error LS-0018 which, prevents games from launching. Usually, it will pop up in one of the following instances.

Launch Failed

Grand Theft Auto V is already running.

Error Code: LS-0018

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More often than not, you’ll get this error message if a game you were trying to launch crashes or freezes, requiring you to force close it (usually right-click and close from the taskbar) When this happens some vital parts of the game are left running and won’t allow you to launch a new instance without first closing these aspects. The same thing can happen with programs like Photoshop, etc.

How do you fix Epic Games error LS-0018? Launch failed, (game name) is already running.

To begin, the first thing you should do is a system restart (kinda obvious these days). Generally, this will fix the issue without fail if it is a one-off occurrence. However, if this is something that happens time and time again with the same game you may need to clean install the game and check that your graphics drivers are up to date. You should also check to see if there are any Windows updates available.

Close the game process using the Task Manager to fix error LS-0018.

To force close the game, you’ll need to use the Task Manager.

  • To do this press Ctrl+Alt+Delete on your keyboard, then make sure you are on the processes tab.
  • Next, find the game that you are having issues with, then select it and press delete, this will force close the task and allow you to attempt to launch it again.
  • If the same game continues to crash repeatedly you may have to take further action to prevent the game from crashing rather than trying to solve LS-0018.


Close and Restart any secondary game launchers to Fix Epic Games Store error LS-0018.

If you are trying to launch a game that has its own game launcher, GTA V for example which also opens the RockStar Games client, you’ll need to make sure you close or end the task for that client as well before you try launching the game again. This is a common issue with most games launch from one client yet need another client open to play them.

If you are still having issues with a particular game that you’ve just purchased, it might be time to get a refund. If you aren’t sure how to do this, make sure you check out the following article. How to Get a Refund From the Epic Games Store.

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