Ошибка lua frame xml

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If you are getting a framexml Lua error on your computer, check out these troubleshooting methods.

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    A Lua error occurs when running one of WoW’s built-in scripts with an error. A Lua error in WoW is usually caused by a broken add-on or interface file. How can I get rid of Lua errors? You can get rid of Lua errors by updating the add-on manager, removing or replacing, or setting the value of vbulletin to zero which is causing problems.

    What causes Lua error in WoW?

    LUA errors are usually caused by corrupt interface files. Resetting this UI should fix the issue.

    After today’s patch, I’m getting a lot of errors related to FrameXMLChatFrame.lua.

    How do I fix Lua errors?

    Reloading a specific interface.Reset the Wow interface and remove all add-on managers.WOW console variable stars have been reset.Remove the Cartographer add-on (or other results where you pay for add-ons)Turn off LUA error messages.

    [2007-06-19 23:16:54-1623-x216]: InterfaceFrameXMLChatFrame.lua:1295: unknown object token: vij:
    InterfaceFrameXMLChatFrame.lua:1295: completely through the function :
    InterfaceFrameXMLChatFrame.lua:1305: in the `UpdateMacroFeedback’ function:
    :”*:OnUpdate”:10: continue function <[string «*:OnUpdate»]:1>

    framexml lua error

    It’s not evenDefinitely a bar, but it seems to be the reason. An icon is defined for the macro, and #showtooltip or #show is also used.

    Approved: ASR Pro

    ASR Pro is the world’s most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, ASR Pro quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems — from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

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  • 3. Click «Repair» to fix any issues that are found
  • I checked among all my disabled, mods immediately matter.

    Error In InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua

    I’m currently getting the following error when I do research, it says Blizzard’s UI framework is “expired” and throws an error. I’m just curious if it will schedule an error because I’m running And elvui Elvui S+L in that drawing window. Assuming this isn’t the case, can anyone point me in the right direction? I can’t find the standard Blizzard UI Lua files.

    Why do I keep getting LUA errors in wow?

    LUA errors are usually caused by damaged interface programs. Resetting your user interface should fix the problem.

    Message: InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua:180: Attempt to perform null arithmeticTime: April 16 19:03:21 2020quantity: 1Stack: InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua:180: Null try performance arithmetic[String "=[C]"]: success in `Show'[Line "@InterfaceFrameXMLUIParent.lua"]:3299: in function [string "=[C]"]: in `ShowUIPanel'[Forcing the line "@InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua"]:21: in the `ToggleCharacter' function[string "TOGGLECHARACTER0"]:1: in option < [string "TOGGLECHARACTER0"]:1 >Local: ((empty) temporarily) = CharacterFrame  0 corresponds to   TitleText equals CharacterFrameTitleText    portrait equals CharacterFramePortrait    SetPortraitShown means  set @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:52  SetBackdropBorderColor=Details=-[c]: 1  Insert is equal to CharacterFrameInset    SetPortraitTextureRaw equals  set @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:40  CharacterInfoHooked = true  "transparent" model corresponds to MAHooked = true  TitleBg means     MAWasMovable = true  SetTitleMaxLinesAndHeight is defined by  @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:68 SetTitleColor= found @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:56  SLE_Corruption = SLE_CharacterCorruptionButton    ItemLevelText=    SetTitle corresponds to the set  @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:60  Pixelsnapdisabled = true  SetBorder implies a @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame  definition. Lua: 27 layoutType - "PortraitFrameTemplate".  SetPortraitAtlasRaw= set @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:44  SetPortraitToUnit equals  set @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:36  moving = false  = bg CharacterFrameBg    Extended implies false  pixelBorders=    SetTitleFormatted is equal to  defined by @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:64  ReputationTabHelpBox=    TopTileStreaks =     InsetRightCharacterFrameInsetRight =    SetPoint equals  set to [C]: - 1  SetPortraitToAsset=set @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:32  equals setportraittexcoord set @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:48  MAPoint =     number of tabs = 3  MALokpointhoek = true  NineSlice equals     MAE =     SetBackdropColor=function<>set=[C]:--1  selected tab = 1  CloseButton implies CharacterFrameCloseButton  ( * temporarily) implies that the defined function < > is [C]: - 1

    Error In InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua

    1. Test with perfect ElvUI. To quickly disable all other add-ons, type game
    in web chat.

    How do I turn off Lua Error 2020?

    Open the game menu.Select Interface.On the panel that appears, click Help.Uncheck Show Lua Errors.

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    • Annoying «LUA ERRORS» causing problems with interface.

    1. 2012-06-12, 05:29 PM


      Question Annoying «LUA ERRORS» causing problems with interface.


      I installed WoW on my new laptop, added addons and i can’t get rid of the LUA errors. This is what it says:


      Message: InterfaceFrameXMLUnitFrame.lua:218: Usage: GameTooltip:SetUnit(«unit»[, hideStatus])
      Time: 06/12/12 19:05:08
      Count: 3
      Stack: [C]: in function `SetUnit’
      InterfaceFrameXMLUnitFrame.lua:218: in function `UnitFrame_UpdateTooltip’
      InterfaceFrameXMLUnitFrame.lua:205: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLUnitFrame.lua:192>

      Locals: (*temporary) = GameTooltip {
      0 = <userdata>
      default = 1
      numMoneyFrames = 1
      hasMoney = 1
      comparing = false
      updateTooltip = 0.0089999901130796
      shoppingTooltips = <table> {
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil

      It repeats every 10-15s on some BG or raids and i need to /reload every time because otherwise i can’t target raid members using Blizzard Raid Frames, because when i click on one it’s targeting the other.

      List of addons that i use:

      — Bagnon
      — BG Targets
      — BG Defender
      — DBM
      — GladiatorlosSA
      — Healers have to die
      — MikScrollingBattleText
      — OmniCC
      — PlateBuffs
      — Quartz (i’ve got same cofiguration on my PC excluding this one and i haven’t problems, but this shouldn’t be problem)
      — Recount

      Could you help me? I don’t know what to do and this problem is very annoying and disturbing.

    2. 2012-06-12, 06:05 PM


      Pikapika is offline


      Pikapika's Avatar

      I get the same problem using pretty much none of the addons you do (Bagnon and OmniCC being the only overlap, both of of which obviously having nothing to do with unitframes) when I use the default raid frames in pvp on my priest. Best I can figure it’s just shitty code on Blizzard’s part, it usually happens when someone leaves mid-BG when I’m in combat.

    3. 2012-06-13, 06:39 PM



      :/ I am playing on priest too and like you said it happens usually when someone leaves BG… Thanks…

      Anyone know what to do with it?

    4. 2012-06-13, 07:10 PM


      Coldkil is offline

      Fluffy Kitten

      Coldkil's Avatar

      From the code you posted, it seems a Blizzard side issue, not related with addons.

      More specifically, the moment when you hover over a unit frame (probably the Blizz raid frames) and the game tries to set up the tooltip (the one on the lower right corner of the screen), but something simply goes wrong.

      I don’t have this kind of problem, but i use my own raid frames and not the Blizzard ones.

      You tried, and you failed. What have you learned? That’s better not to try at all.

    5. 2012-06-13, 07:33 PM


      It’s not a Blizzard problem, it simply means one of the addons is trying to show a tooltip for a unit that does not exist, or using incorrect parameters, etc. You’ll have to disable them one by one to find the culprit unfortunately, though make sure they’re up to date first.

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    • Annoying «LUA ERRORS» causing problems with interface.

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    None of those errors are particularly meaningful, and none would be causing any freezes/crashes.

    There’s some syntax error in BigWigs/modules.xml — I’m pretty sure this file is only used if you’re running a development copy (ie. SVN checkout), not a release package, so unless BigWigs isn’t working in-game, this doesn’t matter.

    oUF_Abu is trying to load a file that doesn’t exist (Modules/oUF_Smooth.lua) — the only effect this will have is that the status bars on your unit frames won’t be animated when their values change.

    Plater is trying to load the AceSerializer-3.0 library, but doesn’t actually include a copy of that library. If the addon works when it’s the only one running, then it’s probably not actually using this library, and this doesn’t matter, but if it breaks or throws errors in-game, you should report this to its author.

    xanAutoMail is trying to load LibStub and AceHook-3.0, but doesn’t actually include copies of them. See above.

    Blizzard_TalkingHeadUI attempts to set a nonexistent function as a script handler. This error is less a result of specifying a nonexistent function (though that should be fixed/removed) and more a result of something idiotic in the way Blizz parses XML. Doing the same thing in Lua will not throw an error; it will just remove the handler for that script event since it’s effectively passing a nil value as the handler.

    Blizzard_StoreUI … I don’t even know what’s going on here, because it’s claiming it can’t find the UIParent frame or the ChatFontNormal font object, but if those somehow didn’t exist, then a large percentage of everything in the UI — both default and addons — would be broken. I wouldn’t worry about this, especially if the in-game store UI works fine for you, or you don’t use the in-game store.

    Here are some troubleshooting steps you should try:

    1. Make sure you have an error display enabled to show you errors that occur in-game. (Yes, the default UI has an error display you can enable, but it’s unable to show you errors that happen during login, and it’s obnoxiously intrusive.)

    2. Check your addon memory and CPU usage. You may have a badly written addon that’s generating tons of garbage (discarded objects like strings and tables that fill up memory) and/or hogging the CPU. (Don’t forget to disable CPU profiling when you’re done troubleshooting — running it takes up a lot of CPU time itself, so just having it on will significantly reduce your framerate.)

    3. Try disabling addons to narrow down which one is causing the problem. If the freezes are predictable (eg. it always happens when you enter combat, or it always happens when you disenchant an item) you can start by disabling addons that you think do stuff in that scenario (eg. combat monitoring addons, or bag/loot/profession addons), or you can just use a binary search pattern.

    Retired author of too many addons.
    Message me if you’re interested in taking over one of my addons.
    Don�t message me about addon bugs or programming questions.

    Before the Dragonflight pre-patch, many people were getting FrameXML errors. The general gist, from my research, is that most likely an addon made a change to some of the main WoW lua frames. I believe this is now a bigger issue and has expanded out to other important main wow frame luas, since the moment I logged into WoW after the pre-patch, a BUNCH of my addons were causing tons of errors to the point that Wow’s system popped up telling me such, and asked if I wanted to disable all my addons.

    Fast forward to last week and then this week, after several moments of addon updates, most errors have been fixed by the Addon creators, but a few are still causing enough of a problem that WoW asks if I want to disable the offending addon (which is a lot better than asking if I wanted to disable all of them)

    Through all of this, I’ve had to regenerate the WTF, Cache, and Interface folders several times, which seemed to always get me back into a good spot.

    Disabling all your addons, then enable one by one, might be a good option in figuring out what’s causing it. Worst case, you cant find the culprit as some of your main lua frames are jacked up, and you have to end up doing what I did, and regenerate the WTF, Cache, and Interface folders — if you have to do this, this might help you: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7549

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    Error on InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua


    I am currently getting the following error, from my research it is callling the default blizzard UI frame and throwing the error. Im just curious if it is throwing the error because I am running Elvui and Elvui S+L for that character window. If this is not believed to be the case, can anyone point me in the right direction? i cant seem to find the default blizzard ui lua in the files.

    Code: Select all

    Message: InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua:180: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
    Time: Sat Apr 11 19:03:21 2020
    Count: 1
    Stack: InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua:180: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
    [string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
    [string "@InterfaceFrameXMLUIParent.lua"]:3299: in function < InterfaceFrameXMLUIParent.lua:3289 > 
    [string "=[C]"]: in function `ShowUIPanel'
    [string "@InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua"]:21: in function `ToggleCharacter'
    [string "TOGGLECHARACTER0"]:1: in function < [string "TOGGLECHARACTER0"]:1 > 
    Locals: ( * temporary) = CharacterFrame {
      0 =  < userdata > 
      TitleText = CharacterFrameTitleText {
      portrait = CharacterFramePortrait {
      SetPortraitShown =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:52
      SetBackdropBorderColor =  < function > defined = [C]: - 1
      Inset = CharacterFrameInset {
      SetPortraitTextureRaw =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:40
      CharacterInfoHooked = true
      template = "Transparent"
      MAHooked = true
      TitleBg =  < unnamed > {
      MAWasMovable = true
      SetTitleMaxLinesAndHeight =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:68
      SetTitleColor =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:56
      SLE_Corruption = SLE_CharacterCorruptionButton {
      ItemLevelText =  < unnamed > {
      SetTitle =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:60
      PixelSnapDisabled = true
      SetBorder =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:27
      layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate"
      SetPortraitAtlasRaw =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:44
      SetPortraitToUnit =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:36
      IsMoving = false
      Bg = CharacterFrameBg {
      Expanded = false
      pixelBorders =  < table > {
      SetTitleFormatted =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:64
      ReputationTabHelpBox =  < unnamed > {
      TopTileStreaks =  < unnamed > {
      InsetRight = CharacterFrameInsetRight {
      SetPoint =  < function > defined = [C]: - 1
      SetPortraitToAsset =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:32
      SetPortraitTexCoord =  < function > defined @InterfaceSharedXMLPortraitFrame.lua:48
      MAPoint =  < table > {
      numTabs = 3
      MALockPointHook = true
      NineSlice =  < unnamed > {
      MAE =  < table > {
      SetBackdropColor =  < function > defined = [C]: - 1
      selectedTab = 1
      CloseButton = CharacterFrameCloseButton {
    ( * temporary) =  < function > defined = [C]: - 1

    Thank you

    Error on InterfaceFrameXMLCharacterFrame.lua


    by Deleted User 50

    1. Test with only ElvUI. To quickly disable all other addons type in chat in game
    /luaerror on

    Do you get an error?

    2. Test with no addons, just the blizzard UI. Do you get an error?

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    Everytime I try to use the addon It spams me with a box that says lua error

    Message: InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:397: Call failed: InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:124: Direct table creation is not permitted
    Time: 02/05/17 12:39:54
    Count: 8
    Stack: [C]: ?
    InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:397: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:390>
    (tail call): ?
    (tail call): ?
    InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:490: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:468>
    [C]: in function SetAttribute' InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:673: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:659> (tail call): ? InterfaceAddOnsGSEAPIStorage.lua:525: in function OOCUpdateSequence’
    InterfaceAddOnsGSEAPIEvents.lua:247: in function `?’
    …terfaceAddOnsGSELibAceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:53: in function <…terfaceAddOnsGSELibAceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>

    Locals: (*temporary) = «Call failed: InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:124: Direct table creation is not permitted»

    I don’t know why its doing this and I have every other addon disabled.


    This has been reported a few times. I have not been able to replicate this error but The common causes are people manually trying to insert GSE1 macros into the code of GSE2 and not using the import function or a corrupt macro inserted into the GSE.lua file in the WTF folder.

    I would try backing up and removing the GSE.lua file from WTFAccountAccountName folder and reloading into the game. I’d then look at the old macros in the GSE.lua file and import the ones I was using manually.


    On 5 Feb 2017, at 11:24 pm, Malwarebites ***@***.***> wrote:

    Everytime I try to use the addon It spams me with a box that says lua error

    Message: InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:397: Call failed: InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:124: Direct table creation is not permitted
    Time: 02/05/17 12:39:54
    Count: 8
    Stack: [C]: ?
    InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:397: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:390>
    (tail call): ?
    (tail call): ?
    InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:490: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:468>
    [C]: in function SetAttribute’ InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:673: in function <InterfaceFrameXMLSecureHandlers.lua:659> (tail call): ? InterfaceAddOnsGSEAPIStorage.lua:525: in functionOOCUpdateSequence’
    InterfaceAddOnsGSEAPIEvents.lua:247: in function `?’
    …terfaceAddOnsGSELibAceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:53: in function <…terfaceAddOnsGSELibAceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>

    Locals: (*temporary) = «Call failed: InterfaceFrameXMLRestrictedExecution.lua:124: Direct table creation is not permitted»

    I don’t know why its doing this and I have every other addon disabled.

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    Deleting the lua files seemed to fix all the errors I was getting.

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