Ошибка mount error 115

I’m having an issue mounting a shared NAS drive that is hosted on a Windows 2000 server. This is a drive that I’m certain I have access to, and I frequently access it from a Windows 7 machine and a Windows Server 2008 machine. Now, I’m attempting to mount this drive from a RHEL7 machine, but I’m having some issues.

What I’ve done:

mkdir /mnt/neededFolder
mount -t cifs //DNS.forMyDrive.stuff/neededFolder /mnt/neededFolder -o username=myUserId,password=myPassword,domain=myDomain

What I expected:
I expected to be able to access the folder at /mnt/neededFolder

What actually happened:
The error I’m receiving (partially shown in the subject line here) is

mount error(115): Operation now in progress
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

What the log says:

dmesg output:

[1712257.661259] CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
[1712257.662098] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -115

We can all see that there is a connection issue, that is obvious. I know both machines are connected to the network. What can I try next to get this drive mounted?

EDIT: It may be worth noting that I am able to ping the DNS name and the raw IP of the remote location that I am trying to mount.

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Тема: Ошибка при монтировании — mount error(115)  (Прочитано 12317 раз)

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Всем привет! Есть такая вот задача. На рабочем ПК стоит Win 7. Там у нас через Kerio VPN прикручены сетевые диски.
Поставил рядом Ubuntu и хочу эти самые диски запустить и здесь.
Но не получается!
Наш сисадмин на аутсорсе не соображает по Linux вообще (либо прикидывается — что маловероятно).

В общем, с Kerio VPN я с горем пополам разобрался.
Дошло дело непосредственно до монтирования диска. Указываю все данные

sudo mount -t cifs //адрес/папка /media/папка -o user=user,password=pass,iocharset=utf8

 — и получаю ошибку

Похожих тем на форуме не нашел…есть одна, но там решение так и не найдено и ошибка несколького другого плана.

Вопрос: кто сталкивался? Что делать?

« Последнее редактирование: 21 Февраля 2019, 05:38:55 от luckos »

Месье, женеманшпа сись жур


ping -c4 addressНаймите грамотного админа.

« Последнее редактирование: 21 Февраля 2019, 05:58:46 от ALiEN175 »

ASUS P5K-C :: Intel Xeon E5450 @ 3.00GHz :: 8 GB DDR2 :: Radeon R7 260X :: XFCE
ACER 5750G :: Intel Core i5-2450M @ 2.50GHz :: 6 GB DDR3 :: GeForce GT 630M :: XFCE


Нашел весьма рациональную мысль — посмотреть логи (http://www.shinli.com/?p=53)
И что было?

Далее указываю при монтировании дополнительно «….vers=1.0» — все равно подключения нет. Проверил логи:

ALiEN175, сделал

« Последнее редактирование: 22 Февраля 2019, 07:47:05 от luckos »

Месье, женеманшпа сись жур


luckos, сделай
ping -c4
и посмотри разницу

Извините, я все еще учусь


SergeyIT, сделал, а о чем это говорит? у меня недостаток квалификации, чтобы понять.
Сначала сделал то, что ты сказал, потом пинг нашего адреса.

Месье, женеманшпа сись жур



Morisson, спасибо спасибо

Месье, женеманшпа сись жур


Дошло дело непосредственно до монтирования диска.

А ты не пробовал просто взять в Наулилусе и подключится.


Я так и делаю) Ну мож у человека гуя нет.


Так у него не пингуется даже  :-

Извините, я все еще учусь


у меня недостаток квалификации

Найдите того, у кого квалификация повыше. Изучить информатику парой постов на форуме — нереально.

« Последнее редактирование: 23 Февраля 2019, 18:03:41 от ALiEN175 »

ASUS P5K-C :: Intel Xeon E5450 @ 3.00GHz :: 8 GB DDR2 :: Radeon R7 260X :: XFCE
ACER 5750G :: Intel Core i5-2450M @ 2.50GHz :: 6 GB DDR3 :: GeForce GT 630M :: XFCE


Так у него не пингуется даже  :-

Да х.з что он там пингует. 


Может сервер блочит ICMP. Без внятного объяснения ситуации — это разговор глухого с немым. 

Пользователь добавил сообщение 22 Февраля 2019, 22:11:52:

В общем, с Kerio VPN я с горем пополам разобрался.

А может Kerio VPN что-то блочит.  Вариантов — масса.

« Последнее редактирование: 22 Февраля 2019, 22:11:52 от ALiEN175 »

ASUS P5K-C :: Intel Xeon E5450 @ 3.00GHz :: 8 GB DDR2 :: Radeon R7 260X :: XFCE
ACER 5750G :: Intel Core i5-2450M @ 2.50GHz :: 6 GB DDR3 :: GeForce GT 630M :: XFCE


А ты не пробовал


Пользователь добавил сообщение 24 Февраля 2019, 09:26:27:

Ну мож у человека гуя нет.


Пользователь добавил сообщение 24 Февраля 2019, 09:27:53:

ALiEN175, ок

P.S. Всем спасибо, особенно хохмачам. Вам такой же помощи только могу пожелать. Вопрос не решен.

« Последнее редактирование: 24 Февраля 2019, 09:30:47 от luckos »

Месье, женеманшпа сись жур


nmblookup -A IP

smbclient -L IP?

« Последнее редактирование: 24 Февраля 2019, 10:01:39 от ALiEN175 »

ASUS P5K-C :: Intel Xeon E5450 @ 3.00GHz :: 8 GB DDR2 :: Radeon R7 260X :: XFCE
ACER 5750G :: Intel Core i5-2450M @ 2.50GHz :: 6 GB DDR3 :: GeForce GT 630M :: XFCE

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I’m having an issue mounting a shared NAS drive that is hosted on a Windows 2000 server. This is a drive that I’m certain I have access to, and I frequently access it from a Windows 7 machine and a Windows Server 2008 machine. Now, I’m attempting to mount this drive from a RHEL7 machine, but I’m having some issues.

What I’ve done:

mkdir /mnt/neededFolder
mount -t cifs //DNS.forMyDrive.stuff/neededFolder /mnt/neededFolder -o username=myUserId,password=myPassword,domain=myDomain

What I expected:
I expected to be able to access the folder at /mnt/neededFolder

What actually happened:
The error I’m receiving (partially shown in the subject line here) is

mount error(115): Operation now in progress
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

What the log says:

dmesg output:

[1712257.661259] CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
[1712257.662098] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -115

We can all see that there is a connection issue, that is obvious. I know both machines are connected to the network. What can I try next to get this drive mounted?

EDIT: It may be worth noting that I am able to ping the DNS name and the raw IP of the remote location that I am trying to mount.


Mount error 115 on some shares? (LINUX)


  • Running debian wheezy on a virtual machine and trying to mount some shares from the win8.1 host.

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”%2F%2F192.168.0.10%2Fdir1%20%2Fhome%2Fuser%2Fdir1%20cifs%20credentials%3D%2Froot%2F.secret.pwd%2Cuid%3D1000%2Cgid%3D1000%2Cfile_mode%3D0777%2Cdir_mode%3D0777%2Ciocharset%3Dutf8%2Csec%3Dntlm%200%200%0A%2F%2F192.160.0.10%2Fdir2%20%2Fhome%2Fuser%2Fdir2%20cifs%20credentials%3D%2Froot%2F.secret.pwd%2Cuid%3D1000%2Cgid%3D1000%2Cfile_mode%3D0777%2Cdir_mode%3D0777%2Ciocharset%3Dutf8%2Csec%3Dntlm%200%200%0A%2F%2F192.160.0.10%2Fdir3%20%2Fhome%2Fuser%2Fdir3%20cifs%20credentials%3D%2Froot%2F.secret.pwd%2Cuid%3D1000%2Cgid%3D1000%2Cfile_mode%3D0777%2Cdir_mode%3D0777%2Ciocharset%3Dutf8%2Csec%3Dntlm%200%200%0A%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

  • The first share gets mounted correctly, but not the other two.
  • This is the output we get when sudo-ing a mount -a:


[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”mount%20error(115)%3A%20Operation%20now%20in%20progress%0ARefer%20to%20the%20mount.cifs(8)%20manual%20page%20(e.g.%20man%20mount.cifs)%0Amount%20error(115)%3A%20Operation%20now%20in%20progress%0ARefer%20to%20the%20mount.cifs(8)%20manual%20page%20(e.g.%20man%20mount.cifs)%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

and this is what /var/log/syslog shows:


[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”Mar%2024%2012%3A56%3A12%20hostname%20kernel%3A%20%5B%201887.029043%5D%20CIFS%20VFS%3A%20Error%20connecting%20to%20socket.%20Aborting%20operation%0AMar%2024%2012%3A56%3A12%20hostname%20kernel%3A%20%5B%201887.030013%5D%20CIFS%20VFS%3A%20cifs_mount%20failed%20w%2Freturn%20code%20%3D%20-115%0AMar%2024%2012%3A56%3A22%20hostname%20kernel%3A%20%5B%201897.052130%5D%20CIFS%20VFS%3A%20Error%20connecting%20to%20socket.%20Aborting%20operation%0AMar%2024%2012%3A56%3A22%20hostname%20kernel%3A%20%5B%201897.053885%5D%20CIFS%20VFS%3A%20cifs_mount%20failed%20w%2Freturn%20code%20%3D%20-115%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

  • The same happens at boot time.

Now, we run manually :


[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”sudo%20mount%20%2F%2F192.168.0.10%2Fdir2%20%2Fhome%2Fuser%2Fdir2%20-t%20cifs%20-o%20credentials%3D%2Froot%2F.secret.pwd%2Cuid%3D1000%2Cgid%3D1000%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]


mount error(115): Operation now in progress … CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -115

  • Trying to mount a CIFS path in Ubuntu and getting:
  • mount error(115): Operation now in progress
  • Try to look this /var/log/syslog:

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”Feb%20%209%2014%3A08%3A29%20ldap%20kernel%3A%20%5B143452.140157%5D%20CIFS%20VFS%3A%20Error%20connecting%20to%20socket.%20Aborting%20operation%0AFeb%20%209%2014%3A08%3A29%20ldap%20kernel%3A%20%5B143452.140492%5D%20CIFS%20VFS%3A%20cifs_mount%20failed%20w%2Freturn%20code%20%3D%20-115%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

  • Socket error, we know what this is right? IP or port. Ping for domain/IP or Telnet to test port:

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”ping%20IP%0Atelnet%20IP%20445%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

  • Telnet was timing out, port closed for IP in firewall.


LEM mount error(115): Operation now in progress


  • This article describes an error during the LEM upgrade process where you are asked to specify a network share location containing upgrade files.
  • After entering the network share as \hostnamesharename and the username and password, LEM throws this error and will fail the upgrade process:

Mount error(115): Operation now in progress


  • A network name resolution failing on the smb client in LEM.


  • Check ICMP connectivity (ping) between the hosts.
  • Attempt to mount a share on the same subnet as LEM.
  • Attempt to use the IP address and a simple share name when mounting the share.

e.g. \ rather than \some_host_some_place_on_the_networkthis_share.name_desktop_special_unique_and_long

Wikitechy Founder, Author, International Speaker, and Job Consultant. My role as the CEO of Wikitechy, I help businesses build their next generation digital platforms and help with their product innovation and growth strategy. I’m a frequent speaker at tech conferences and events.

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The Problem

When mounting a remote CIFS shared volume, the following error is shown and the volume is not mounted:

mount: mount //<IP-ADDRESS>/<SHARENAME> on /<SHARED_VOLUME_MOUNTPOINT> failed: Operation now in progress

It can be seen in the /var/log/messages file that the mount process fails with error 115:

kernel:err: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
kernel:err: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -115

The Solution

CIFS error 115 most common cause is that the server is not accepting communications from the client in all needed ports.
Server is the CIFS server hosting the share and client is the instance where it is being mounted.

To effectively mount a remote CIFS share, configure the remote server network to accept incoming connections from the client IP address. This includes the server’s internal firewall and any in-between firewalls betwwen the server and client, including the OCI security lists for the appropriate subnet configured to allow incoming connections from the client(s) IP address(es).

The CIFS server ports that have to be network enabled to accept traffic from the client are:

  • Browsing datagram responses of NetBIOS over TCP/IP: 138/UDP
  • Browsing requests of NetBIOS over TCP/IP: 137/UDP
  • Client/Server Communication: 135/TCP
  • Common Internet File System (CIFS): 445/UDP and 139,44/TCP

For OCI, for the subnet of the server’s IP address, ensure security rules for both ingress and egress exist, allowing traffic between the client IP and server IP for ports 135, 137, 138, 139, 44 and 445 — both TCP and UDP for simplicity.

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