Ошибка move to applications folder

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I have encountered the following alert on a handful of machines after running clean installs of macOS High Sierra. The first time I attempt to run an application that has been either installed via an installer or dragged to the /Applications folder, I receive:

User uploaded file

If I click «Move to Applications Folder,» two versions of the app are moved to the trash:

User uploaded file

This has happened across machines and with multiple different apps. It does not happen with apps installed via the App Store.

Clicking «Do Not Move» lets me open the app — but I still get the error on subsequent attempts to open it. Can anyone help me understand this behavior and if there is anything I can do to convince macOS that the applications are indeed running from the machine’s /Applications folder?

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2016),

macOS High Sierra (10.13)

Posted on Oct 26, 2017 10:47 AM

Issue Details

  • Electron Version:
    • 9.3.1
  • Operating System:
    • macOS Catalina

Expected Behavior

Application successfully copied to Applications folder. No warnings and errors.

Actual Behavior

Got error message after application copied to Applications folder.

Additional Information

I’m using moveToApplicationsFolder to move application file into Applications folder:

const checkIsInApplicationsFolder = () => {
    if (!app.isInApplicationsFolder()) {
        log.error('App has been run not from Application folder');
            type: 'question',
            message: i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_message.message'),
            detail: i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_detail.message'),
            buttons: [i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_quit.message'), i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_move.message')],
            defaultId: 1,
        }).then((result) => {
            if (result.response === 1) {
                try {
                    const successfullyMoved = app.moveToApplicationsFolder();
                    if (successfullyMoved) {
                        log.warn('App was successfully moved to Applications folder');
                } catch (error) {
                    log.error(`Error moving App to Application folder: ${error.message}`);
            } else {
                log.info('Force quit application');
        }).catch((error) => {
            log.error(`Error moving App to Application folder: ${error.message}`);

but after moving I get the error:


Although this is hard to check, it seems like Gatekeeper was being overly-protective, but has since been adjusted.

When using macOS Sierra (10.12) or later, if an app is in /Applications/ but prompts to be moved to /Applications/ when run, then chances are very high that the app has recognized that it has been subjected to Gatekeeper’s “app translocation”. If you’re interested in the details you can find them online, but the practical effect is that if you went into Terminal (or iTerm) and ran

ps auxwww | fgrep -i YourAppHere

You would see a path that is not /Applications/YourAppHere.app but more like /private/var/folders/[something-random-looking]/AppTranslocation/YourAppHere.app.

The preferred way of moving apps around (according to Apple) is with the Finder. If you drag an app from the ~/Downloads/ folder to /Applications then it will not be ‘translocated’.

If you insist on not doing things Apple’s preferred way, your only option is to remove the quarantine flag from the app. This will remove all of Gatekeeper’s protections, so use at your own risk. You can remove the quarantine flag using this command:

find "/Applications/iTerm.app" -exec xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine {} ;

Replace "/Applications/iTerm.app" with the appropriate app name as needed, obviously.

You will need to re-launch the app for the app translocation to go away.

Although this is hard to check, it seems like Gatekeeper was being overly-protective, but has since been adjusted.

When using macOS Sierra (10.12) or later, if an app is in /Applications/ but prompts to be moved to /Applications/ when run, then chances are very high that the app has recognized that it has been subjected to Gatekeeper’s “app translocation”. If you’re interested in the details you can find them online, but the practical effect is that if you went into Terminal (or iTerm) and ran

ps auxwww | fgrep -i YourAppHere

You would see a path that is not /Applications/YourAppHere.app but more like /private/var/folders/[something-random-looking]/AppTranslocation/YourAppHere.app.

The preferred way of moving apps around (according to Apple) is with the Finder. If you drag an app from the ~/Downloads/ folder to /Applications then it will not be ‘translocated’.

If you insist on not doing things Apple’s preferred way, your only option is to remove the quarantine flag from the app. This will remove all of Gatekeeper’s protections, so use at your own risk. You can remove the quarantine flag using this command:

find "/Applications/iTerm.app" -exec xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine {} ;

Replace "/Applications/iTerm.app" with the appropriate app name as needed, obviously.

You will need to re-launch the app for the app translocation to go away.

Для подавляющего большинства правильно разработанных приложений Macintosh развертывание в папку /Applications не требуется.

Тем не менее, это считается лучшей практикой. Когда кто-то работает на вашем Mac (например, один из сотрудников Apple Genius Bar), размещение ваших приложений в одном, нормальном, признанном системой месте значительно облегчает им жизнь. Также возможно, что плохо спроектированное приложение может плохо себя вести, если оно не установлено в /Applications, хотя я обычно не считаю, что это так. Некоторые новые приложения обнаруживают, когда они запускаются не из /Applications (как правило, из.DMG с их загрузки) и автоматически устанавливаются правильно.

Если вы хотите быстро получить доступ к приложению, которое развернуто в папке /Applications (или вы просто не хотите копаться в миллионе записей, чтобы найти нужное приложение), я рекомендую использовать псевдонимы (Command-L в Finder), и размещение псевдонима где угодно. Например, я использую папки Dock («Стеки»), заполненные псевдонимами, для всех моих нужд по запуску приложений, с папками для разработки, производительности, мультимедиа, игр, Интернета и т.д.

Всякий раз, когда кто-то задает такой вопрос (или, в качестве альтернативы в мире Windows, «нужно ли мне использовать папку» Мои документы «для моих файлов»), я всегда спрашиваю: есть ли у вас искренняя, критическая необходимость не Сделай так? Тот, который не рассматривается механизмом псевдонимов в окне («ярлык» в Windows)?

Move Applications out of the Applications folder in OS X Lion

Have you noticed when you try and move an application out of the /Applications folder in modern versions of Mac OS X, you will end up creating an alias of the app instead?

What if you want to move an application out of the Applications folder of MacOS, and put the app somewhere else?

This behavior is a security feature that was introduced to the Mac all the way back in Mac OS X in Lion but persists through today, which is intended to help prevent accidentally deleting or moving apps, and in some ways it’s convenient way to quickly make an app alias. But what if you actually want to move an application out of the /Applications/ directory, to another location?

Moving an Application out of the Applications Folder on Mac OS

If you want to move an app out of the Applications folder, how you do so is easy: just hold down the Command key while dragging the app out of the folder.

This will allow it to pop out of the containing folder and go to the new destination.

You may need to authenticate with a system admin password and login to be able to make the change, depending on what version of MacOS and what your security settings are on the individual Mac.

The only real exception to this trick is if the applications destination is the Trash, because you will continue to need to enter the administrator password if you attempt to uninstall an app by dragging it into the Trash can the old fashioned way. That’s also a security feature of Mac OS X, intended to prevent accidental removal of apps.

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I have encountered the following alert on a handful of machines after running clean installs of macOS High Sierra. The first time I attempt to run an application that has been either installed via an installer or dragged to the /Applications folder, I receive:

User uploaded file

If I click «Move to Applications Folder,» two versions of the app are moved to the trash:

User uploaded file

This has happened across machines and with multiple different apps. It does not happen with apps installed via the App Store.

Clicking «Do Not Move» lets me open the app — but I still get the error on subsequent attempts to open it. Can anyone help me understand this behavior and if there is anything I can do to convince macOS that the applications are indeed running from the machine’s /Applications folder?

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2016),

macOS High Sierra (10.13)

Posted on Oct 26, 2017 10:47 AM

Move to Applications Folder?

Большинство программ на Маке не требуют установки, их просто запускаешь, и они работают. Традиционно программы живут в папке /Applications. Обычный дистрибутив программы представляет собой образ диска с двумя файлами: собственно приложением и алиасом для папки /Applications, чтобы можно было сразу приложение перетащить куда следует, не открывая лишних окон.

Это классно, но хочется-то сразу запустить и попробовать программу. Конечно, она запустится и из образа диска, но потом надо всё же не забыть скопировать её, ведь не будешь же держать её образ диска вечно примонтированным.

Так вот, меня очень порадовала программа Алармс тем, что после запуска прямо из образа, она выразила готовность самостоятельно скопировать себя в /Applications:

Перемещение в папку приложений

Все другие программы должны так же делать.

Figma Community Forum


Issue Details

  • Electron Version:
    • 9.3.1
  • Operating System:
    • macOS Catalina

Expected Behavior

Application successfully copied to Applications folder. No warnings and errors.

Actual Behavior

Got error message after application copied to Applications folder.

Additional Information

I’m using moveToApplicationsFolder to move application file into Applications folder:

const checkIsInApplicationsFolder = () => {
    if (!app.isInApplicationsFolder()) {
        log.error('App has been run not from Application folder');
            type: 'question',
            message: i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_message.message'),
            detail: i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_detail.message'),
            buttons: [i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_quit.message'), i18n.__('folder_check_dialog_move.message')],
            defaultId: 1,
        }).then((result) => {
            if (result.response === 1) {
                try {
                    const successfullyMoved = app.moveToApplicationsFolder();
                    if (successfullyMoved) {
                        log.warn('App was successfully moved to Applications folder');
                } catch (error) {
                    log.error(`Error moving App to Application folder: ${error.message}`);
            } else {
                log.info('Force quit application');
        }).catch((error) => {
            log.error(`Error moving App to Application folder: ${error.message}`);

but after moving I get the error:


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