Ошибка no supported adapters found

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Поскольку Modern Warfare 2 вышла уже некоторое время назад, можно с уверенностью сказать, что игра стала настоящим хитом. Но даже несмотря на то, что CoDMW2 очень хорошо зарекомендовал себя с коммерческой точки зрения, игрокам приходилось сталкиваться с множеством ошибок и других подобных проблем. Одна из последних таких проблем возникает в виде загадочной ошибки No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found. Так что же это за ошибка адаптера MW 2 DXGI, и что вы можете сделать со своей стороны, чтобы решить ее? К счастью, действительно существует исправление ошибки MW2 «Не найден поддерживаемый адаптер DXGI», и мы собираемся показать вам, как решить эту проблему и в первую очередь, что ее вызывает.

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MW2 Не найден поддерживаемый адаптер DXGI Ошибка Исправить

Теперь, несмотря на то, как пугающе может показаться эта ошибка, когда вы впервые получили ее – нет необходимости беспокоиться. С вашим компьютером и оборудованием все в порядке, и причин для беспокойства нет. Источник этой ошибки на самом деле связан с устаревшими драйверами вашего графического процессора. Поскольку CoDMW2 – игра, требующая значительных графических и визуальных эффектов, вполне ожидаемо, что для ее корректной работы также потребуются последние версии драйверов.

Поэтому следующим шагом будет обновление. ваши драйверы графического процессора до последней версии. Если у вас есть устройство Nvidia, перейдите сюда, а вот ссылка для устройств AMD. После обновления драйверов может потребоваться перезагрузить компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу. После перезагрузки устройства снова запустите MW2. Теперь игра должна запускаться и работать как положено. А так как теперь у вас установлены самые последние версии драйверов, есть большая вероятность, что ваша игра теперь будет работать лучше.

Вот все, что вам нужно знать о том, как исправить ошибку «no supported dxgi adapter found», которая преследует Модерн Ворфэйр 2.

Игроки Modern Warfare 2 сталкиваются со странным сообщением об ошибке, в котором говорится, что «no supported dxgi adapter found», поэтому вот как вы можете быстро решить эту проблему и вернуться в игру.

Выход Modern Warfare 2  28 октября побил множество рекордов по количеству игроков и продажам, что сделало его  самым успешным запуском игры Call of Duty в истории популярной франшизы шутеров.

Тем не менее, игроки также столкнулись с несколькими проблемами в первые недели игры, в том числе с ошибкой «no supported dxgi adapter found», которая не позволяет им наслаждаться Modern Warfare 2.

Вы можете исправить ошибку «no supported dxgi adapter found», просто обновив драйверы видеокарты, поскольку эта проблема в основном возникает, если ваши текущие драйверы не обновлены до последних доступных версий.

Вот что вам нужно сделать:

  1. Перейти на сайт Nvidia
  2. Выберите драйверы
  3. Введите информацию о вашей операционной системе и текущем драйвере
  4. Выберите правильный драйвер и нажмите «Загрузить» .

Использование программного обеспечения Nvidia GeForce Experience автоматически предоставит вам правильные драйверы после загрузки обновлений. Это гарантирует, что вам не придется вручную искать правильные.

Если у вас нет графического процессора Nvidia , вам придется использовать другое специальное программное обеспечение для обновления драйверов. Вам просто нужно найти драйверы вашего конкретного графического процессора в Интернете, и вы найдете ссылку для загрузки обновления.

После обновления драйверов вы можете запустить Модерн Варфэйр 2, и ошибка «no supported dxgi adapter found» больше не должна быть проблемой. Мы рекомендуем сначала перезагрузить систему, чтобы быть уверенным.

На момент написания этой статьи разработчики не представили официального исправления для ошибки «no supported dxgi adapter found», но мы надеемся, что это решение позволит вам вернуться в игру.

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  • » [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

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#1 2012-04-20 23:47:37

From: .earth
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 907

[SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

I tried setting up fglrx but can’t get it. I installed catalyst-hook like described in ATI Catatlyst in the wiki. Along with the appropriate version of xorg-server. I’ve added fglrx to MODULES and blacklisted radeon.
When I try ‘aticonfig’ I get:

aticonfig: No supported adapters detected.

When I try ‘modprobe fglrx’ I get:

[ 3308.012870] [fglrx:firegl_init_device_list] *ERROR* No supported display adapters were found
[ 3308.012933] [fglrx:firegl_init_module] *ERROR* firegl_init_devices failed
ERROR: could not insert 'fglrx': No such device

Here’s what ‘lspci | grep VGA’ shows:

01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]

I had to type that all out… What else should I post?

Last edited by trusktr (2012-04-21 03:26:37)

joe@trusktr.io — joe at true skater dot io.

#2 2012-04-21 00:19:46

Registered: 2011-09-12
Posts: 423

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

Fairly certain catalyst doesn’t support that card anymore. I know they dropped support for the x1300 in my old laptop, and that was a few years back.

You’ll have to use the open source drivers.

#3 2012-04-21 00:39:37

From: .earth
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 907

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

For sure?.. Is there a way I can try to force the driver to load for that card anyways and see what happens?

Last edited by trusktr (2012-04-21 00:41:24)

joe@trusktr.io — joe at true skater dot io.

#4 2012-04-21 00:47:53

Registered: 2011-09-12
Posts: 423

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

Quoted from the wiki:

Make sure that you own a R6xx (HD2xxx) or newer card or the driver won’t be enabled. You will encounter an error if you try to enable your display using Catalyst and a card older than the R6xx series.

Any particular reason you are trying to use the catalyst drivers? On a card that old the open source drivers would be better anyways.

#5 2012-04-21 01:31:27

From: .earth
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 907

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

Doesn’t the ‘RS690M’ in my ‘lspci’ output (the ‘690’ in particular) correspond to the ‘6xx’ in ‘R6xx and above’?

joe@trusktr.io — joe at true skater dot io.

#7 2012-04-21 02:34:33

From: .earth
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 907

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

Oh, alright. I was hoping to get 3D performance as good as in Windows maybe. I can’t see Web GL in Chromium (I can in Windows).

joe@trusktr.io — joe at true skater dot io.

#8 2012-04-21 02:50:27

Registered: 2011-09-12
Posts: 423

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

Catalyst wouldn’t be the place to go for that anyways:
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AT … n_Chromium

I remember reading an article on the open source driver reaching 80-85% of the performance of catalyst on older cards (maybe why ATI dropped support from the proprietary one).

#9 2012-04-21 03:25:28

From: .earth
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 907

Re: [SOLVED] aticonfig: No supported adapters detected. What to do?

Oh yeah, I saw that but didn’t realize it was driver-independent. I just tried it but it’s so slow compared to in Windows. Oh well, looks like I’ll just have to try the performance tuning options in the ATI (open source) wiki page and settle with it. neutral I will definitely make sure not to get ATI on my next machine.

Last edited by trusktr (2012-04-21 03:27:35)

joe@trusktr.io — joe at true skater dot io.

I followed the exact steps mentioned in this blog post: Install AMD hybrid (dual graphics) in Ubuntu and it worked for me just fine:

Open the terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-core fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-dev fglrx-pxpress

Now you should run the following command:

sudo amdconfig –initial –adapter=all

…but this will give you an error: no supported adapters detected.

Don’t worry and reboot the system, and you will be introduced with a black screen, but there is no need to panic.

Now press the keyboard combination Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then you will get a text-only console which shows you a login prompt. Login using your user name and password and then retype the command:

sudo amdconfig –initial –adapter=all

If you’re lucky enough, the command will get executed successfully. Reboot and you will be able to use your computer.

To make sure that the AMD graphics card is the one in use run:

sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

It should print: GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.

Я пытаюсь запустить этот простой код на PHP 7 и 8:

$loop = ReactEventLoopFactory::create();
$filesystem = ReactFilesystemFilesystem::create($loop);
$file = $filesystem->file('test.txt');
$file->getContents()->then(function ($contents) {
    echo $contents . PHP_EOL;

После установки через композитор, но он сообщает мне, что adapter отсутствует


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: No supported adapter found for this installation in rootsrcFilesystem.php:31
Stack trace:
#0 roottry.php(6): ReactFilesystemFilesystem::create()
#1 {main}
  thrown in rootvendorreactfilesystemsrcFilesystem.php on line 31

1 ответ

Лучший ответ

Посмотрите, где и почему возникло исключение. (Я буду использовать react/filesystem:0.1.2 в примерах кода.)

Исключение было брошено в ReactFilesystemFilesystem::create(). Список поддерживаемых адаптеров получен из ReactFilesystemFilesystem::getSupportedAdapters().

Таким образом, вы перейдете к методам, которые определяют, доступен ли данный адаптер на вашей платформе:

  1. Метод EioAdapter::isSupported():
    return substr(strtolower(PHP_OS), 0, 3) !== 'win' && function_exists('proc_open');
    Это означает, что ваша платформа не должна быть Windows и должна существовать функция proc_open() (т. Е. Ее нельзя отключать по соображениям безопасности с помощью disable_functions директива).

  2. Метод ChildProcessAdapter::isSupported():
    return extension_loaded('eio');
    Это означает, что необходимо установить расширение PHP eio, см. инструкции по установке .

У меня это тоже не работает, как у меня в Windows. Для разработки с помощью ReactPHP обычно рекомендуется запускать PHP на виртуальной машине Linux для лучшей совместимости.


2 Май 2021 в 16:47

I’m trying to run this simple code on both PHP 7 and 8:

$loop = ReactEventLoopFactory::create();
$filesystem = ReactFilesystemFilesystem::create($loop);
$file = $filesystem->file('test.txt');
$file->getContents()->then(function ($contents) {
    echo $contents . PHP_EOL;

After installing via composer, and yet it tells me that adapter is missing


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: No supported adapter found for this installation in rootsrcFilesystem.php:31
Stack trace:
#0 roottry.php(6): ReactFilesystemFilesystem::create()
#1 {main}
  thrown in rootvendorreactfilesystemsrcFilesystem.php on line 31

asked May 2, 2021 at 10:11

iTaMaR's user avatar


1392 silver badges9 bronze badges


Just look where and why the exception originated. (I will use react/filesystem:0.1.2 in code examples.)

The exception was thrown in ReactFilesystemFilesystem::create(). List of supported adapters is obtained from ReactFilesystemFilesystem::getSupportedAdapters().

This way you will come to methods which define whether given adapter is available on your platform:

  1. Method EioAdapter::isSupported():
    return substr(strtolower(PHP_OS), 0, 3) !== 'win' && function_exists('proc_open');
    This means your platform must not be Windows and proc_open() function must exist (i.e. it must not be disabled for security reasons by disable_functions directive).

  2. Method ChildProcessAdapter::isSupported():
    return extension_loaded('eio');
    This means eio PHP extension must be installed, see installation instructions.

For me it also does not work as I am on Windows. For development with ReactPHP, it is generally a good idea to run PHP on Linux virtual machine for better compatibility.

answered May 2, 2021 at 13:47

user14967413's user avatar


1,1991 gold badge5 silver badges11 bronze badges

Image via Activision

Unfortunately, bugs are a part of everyday life in modern games, and Modern Warfare 2 is no exception. However, the second entry in the Modern Warfare reboot can trigger a strange error for players on PC: No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found. Here’s the error and how to resolve the issue so you can get back to running and gunning.

How to fix No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found for Modern Warfare 2

Fortunately, this error isn’t as grievous as it sounds. Simply put, it states that the GPU drivers are out of date. Normally this isn’t an issue, but games are fickle things. Simply launch the GeForce Experience for nVidia GPUs or the Adrenalin Software for AMD GPUs and check for updates. Install said update and make sure to reboot your system. Once you’re back up and running, try to run Modern Warfare 2 again, and the issue should be resolved.

Related: How to get the CODE Protector Pack in Call of Duty MW2

Should that not resolve the issue, two other fixes can be attempted. The first is to download the latest version of Direct X. If it’s already installed, reinstall it as it may have become corrupted. The second is to verify the game files through the launcher, either Steam or Battle.net. For Steam, right-click Modern Warfare 2 and select PropertiesLocal Files, and Verify the integrity of game files. For Battle.net, click the gear iconOptions, and Scan and Repair.

For more Call of Duty goodies, check out How to find your Activision ID for CoD on Pro Game Guides.

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Despite being the best of all COD games, Modern Warfare 2 has been hit by a number of bugs and errors over the past few weeks. This may happen dev error 6015 either disc read error, players have seen more problems than the actual in-game content. One such case was reported by the players in which it showed No supported DXGI adapter found while trying to boot MW2. If you are one of those players who are facing this problem, then this article is everything you need. Read till the end and learn how to fix this error in Modern Warfare 2.

How to fix “No supported DXGI adapters were found” in Modern Warfare 2

Fix no supported DXGI adapter found in Modern Warfare 2

Well, first of all, there is nothing to worry as there is nothing wrong with your hardware. However, here are some workarounds that you can try to fix this problem in the game.

check for updates

Make sure there are no pending updates as this will cause the game to access fresh files. Update the game as soon as possible to fix this problem.

Repair MW2 to fix “No supported DXGI adapters found” error.

  • For those playing this game on Steam:
    • go to steam library and right click COD Modern Warfare 2.
    • Next, click on local files Section and Navigate Check the integrity of the game files.
    • Click on it so that the system can re-download any missing files from the server.
  • For those who play with Battle.net Launcher
    • open your Battle.net Launcher And choose Cod Modern Warfare 2.
    • Also, click on Teeth icon next to play switch.
    • click on check and fix To fix corrupted files.
    • This should mostly solve your “no supported adapters found” situation in MW2.

Update your graphic adapter

An outdated graphics adapter can also cause the game to display this error. Although, NVIDIA Users can access this link while amd Users can use this link to get the latest graphics adapter from the respective official website.

That’s all you can do to fix “No supported DXGI adapters found” in COD MW2. In the meantime, here you are, be sure to check out our modern warfare 2 wiki To get more information related to this game.

While Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has shattered records for Activision Blizzard, it hasn’t been without growing pains.

With so many players playing the game, bugs and errors have gotten in the way of players actually playing the game. The newest one in the line of many for MW2 has recently popped up with it being related to adapters on the PC version of MW2. While the team at Activision Blizzard is likely working on a fix for players, this one is actually fixable by the players themselves.

Here is a very simple fix for the “no supported DXGI adapter sere found” error in MW2.

Breaking: #ModernWarfare2 has surpassed $1 billion in sell through in its first 10 days, the fastest selling Call of Duty game ever

This beats the record set by Black Ops 2 in 2012, which took 15 days to reach the number.

Over 1 billion matches have been played. pic.twitter.com/AxNzYtMRGy

— CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) November 7, 2022

All it takes is a simple graphics card update

This error actually isn’t even about physical hardware at all. In fact, it’s related to the graphics card in a player’s PC. This error pops up due to not having the most up-to-date and correct drivers, not an actual adapter or lack of adapter detection. So the fix here is very easy, players just have to update their graphics card drivers.

There are a couple of ways to do this. For players with Nvidia GPUs, the Nvidia GeForce Experience software is the absolute easiest way. In fact, when a driver needs updating, the software even sends a popup letting the player know that their drivers need to be updated. To update these drivers simply jump into the GeForce Experience software and update the drivers. The update should not take more than a minute or so and should completely fix the problem.

For players that don’t have Nvidia GPUs, the manufacturer of the GPU might have their own dedicated software that will allow easy updating of drivers. For example, AMD has its Adrenalin software where players can easily download the latest graphics card drivers.

For other GPU simply search the GPU name and the term driver into the internet search bar and click the official link to their webpage where the latest graphics card driver files will be listed for download.

After that, just relaunch the game and things should be back to normal. A complete system relaunch might be necessary.

Despite being the best of all the COD games, Modern Warfare 2 has been hit by several bugs and errors in the past few weeks. May it be the Dev Error 6015 or Disc Read Error, players have witnessed more issues than actual in-game content. One such issue was reported by players wherein it showed No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found while trying to boot MW2. If you are one of those players who is experiencing this issue, then this article is everything you need. Read till the end and know how to fix this error in Modern Warfare 2.

How to Fix “No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found” in Modern Warfare 2

Fix No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found In Modern Warfare 2

Well, first of all, there is nothing to worry about as there is nothing with your hardware. Although, here are some workarounds you can try to get this issue fixed in the game.

Check for Updates

Make sure that there are no pending updates as this would cause the game to access fresh files. Update the game as quickly as possible to get this issue fixed.

Repair MW2 to fix the “No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found” Error.

  • For those who play this game on Steam:
    • Head over to the Steam Library and right-click on COD Modern Warfare 2.
    • Thereafter, click on the Local Files section and navigate to Verify the integrity of game Files.
    • Click on it so that the system can re-download any missing file from the server.
  • For those who play with Battle.net Launcher
    • Open your Battle.net Launcher and select COD Modern Warfare 2.
    • Further, click on the Cog icon next to the Play button.
    • Click on Scan and Repair to fix the corrupted files.
    • This should mostly solve your “No Supported Adapter Were Found” situation in MW2.

Update your Graphic Adapters

An outdated Graphic Adapter can also cause the game to show this error. However, Nvidia users can use this link, whereas AMD users can use this link to get the latest Graphic Adapters from the respective official website.

For your reference, we have made a video that will help you get better understanding.

That’s all you can do to fix the “No Supported DXGI Adapter Were Found” in COD MW2. Meanwhile, you are here, make sure to check out our Modern Warfare 2 Wiki to get more information related to this game.

There’s a new error making the rounds in MW2 and if you’re seeing ‘No Supported DXGI Adapter’ popping up in-game, we’ve got the fix.

Since the game finally launched, there has been no shortage of errors in Modern Warfare 2. It seems that a new Call of Duty title will always have more than its fair share of bugs to contend with.

But the ‘No Supported DXGI Adapter Found’ error is perhaps the most frustrating yet, locking players out of enjoying the game entirely.

Table of contents

  • What Is the No Supported DXGI Adapter Found Error in MW2?
  • How to Fix No Supported DXGI Adapter Found on Battle.net
  • How to Fix No Supported DXGI Adapted Found on Steam
  • How to Update Your Graphics Card Drivers for MW2

What Is the No Supported DXGI Adapter Found Error in MW2?

The ‘no supported DXGI adapter were found’ error is a pop-up appearing for MW2 players on PC when attempting to boot up Activision’s latest shooter. Users that see this error are unable to play Modern Warfare 2 without using the fix below.

This pop-up gives little other information, except asking the user to verify that their graphics card meets MW2’s minimum requirements and that their drivers are up to date.

DXGI ADAPTER ERROR Fix Modern Warfare 2

Thankfully, there’s a fix that should get you playing again in no time.

  • First, follow our guide on updating your graphics card drivers here.
  • Then, on the MW2 game page, click the gear beside the Play button and click ‘Check for Update‘.
  • If there’s an update, try pressing Play once it’s complete and you may be able to boot up with no issues.

Fix No Adapter Found MW2

  • If you’re still getting the No Supported Adapter pop-up, hit the gear again and choose ‘Scan and Repair‘.
  • Wait for a minute for the scanning to take place.
  • Then the blue Play button may say Update.
  • Click Update and it should change into Play, and you should find the error is gone!

Read More: MW2 Trello Board – How To Track Bugs and Upcoming Updates

How to Fix No Supported DXGI Adapted Found on Steam

  • First, follow our guide on updating your graphics card drivers here.
  • Then, right-click on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 in your Steam library.
  • Select Properties, then Updates.

Steam Verify Game Files

  • Check Automatic Updates are set to ‘Always keep this game updated‘.
  • Then choose Local Files and click ‘Verify integrity of game files‘.
  • Once this process is complete, click Play and your MW2 should boot up with no issues!

How to Update Your Graphics Card Drivers for MW2

  • First, you’ll want to install and open either NVIDIA GeForce Experience or AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition, based on whether you have an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card.
    • To check what graphics card you’re currently using, click your windows search bar and type ‘Device Manager’
    • Press Enter, then find Display adapters and click the arrow to the left to see your GPU name in the dropdown menu.

How to Check What Graphics Card You're Using

  • On NVIDIA GeForce Experience, open the Drivers tab and hit Download. Then hit Express Installation once the download is complete.
  • On AMD Adrenalin, hit Check for Updates underneath Driver & Software on the Home page. Then install the driver update if one appears.
  • The processes above will ensure you have the latest GPU drivers installed, for a flawless gaming experience.

How to Update NVIDIA or AMD Graphics Driver

NVIDIA GeForce Experience (Left) AMD Adrenalin (Right)

While you’re fiddling around with settings, why not take the time to ensure you’re running MW2’s best settings for best performance and visuals here?

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