Ошибка ora 06413 соединение не открыто

My local environment VS2012

Using Oracle 10g XE

Dim dbConn As New OleDbConnection

Dim dbComm As OleDbCommand

dbConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=XE;User ID=scott;Password=tiger"


Tip error: ORA-06413: Connection not open.

Already check the TNSNAMES.ora, SQLNET.ora, LISTENER.ora and its nothing wrong.

But why this error appear?

e_i_pi's user avatar


4,5404 gold badges27 silver badges45 bronze badges

asked Apr 11, 2014 at 4:39

Mohd Syafiq Sulaiman's user avatar


The error is caused by the parenthesis in the pathname.

possibly you execute VS2012 from C:program file (x86)…

workaround: create a junction link


  1. from: command line execute

    C:>mkLink /j "Program Files x86" "Program Files (x86)"

    and then

  2. fix the (or create a new) shortcut with new path (C:program file

answered Jul 27, 2015 at 15:13

Pablo Fébolo's user avatar


I worked a lot on this problem, I lost a lot of time. Apparently IIS Express in Visual Studio uses the Oracle provider 64 bit.

To solve this problem:

  1. I installed IIS on my PC (Windows 10)
    with .NET 4.5 or higher

  2. I compiled the Web API application with 32-bit target.

  3. I publish the web application on my IIS.

  4. On IIS I set enable the apps 32 bit to true

tripleee's user avatar


174k34 gold badges272 silver badges313 bronze badges

answered May 15, 2020 at 21:18

Mostafa Ait Baallal's user avatar

I had the same problem and I resolved the problem installing Oracle 11g Express. Before, I removed all previous Oracle client installation. I use windows 7 64 bit.

answered Apr 13, 2016 at 19:43

Willian Rafacho's user avatar

Create Bat file to start excel
in bat put path you can adjust to match your folders

start c:progra~2micros~1Office14Excel.exe

When you start excel just open macro and try :)

answered Oct 18, 2016 at 9:35

Jacek's user avatar


I encountered the same problem when working on my Visual studio 2013 project. I was able to run the same project from SVN on a different machine, but it just WON’T work on mine. I checked the connection string and could successfully test the connection in Oracle, but it would throw a disgusting “ORA-06413: Connection not open” error from code.

I got it fixed this way — Install Oracle 11g client -> Select «Administrator» as Type of Installation. Re-open Visual Studio and it worked. Hope it helps!

answered May 2, 2019 at 10:46

kickAssDeveloper's user avatar

  1. uninstall your toad or oracle
  2. reinstall on on your window drive ex:(c/d/e) in new folder

don’t install in program files (x86)

because program files(x86) is for 32 bit applications

tripleee's user avatar


174k34 gold badges272 silver badges313 bronze badges

answered Nov 6, 2018 at 6:54

Waqar Hameed's user avatar

I have resolved the error after the days of searching.

Error Cause:

This error is due to Oracle reserved character «(«,»)» and in Windows 64 bit there is a folder «Program Files (x86)» which is a creation problem.


Create a link folder for «Program Files (x86)» using below command on Window Drive path.

  1. Open cmd as Administrator.

    mklink /j "Program Files x86" "Program Files (x86)"

    or visit link
    download3k article

  2. Open Registry (as Administrator)->Export Registry

    Always backup a registry file before changing it. Make a copy of the registry file and work on the copy.

    Open Registry file(Copy) in text editor and replace «(x86)» with «x86»

    Save the file and import it to your Registry and restart your computer.

Now the «ORA-06413: Connection not open» error goes away.

tripleee's user avatar


174k34 gold badges272 silver badges313 bronze badges

answered Mar 28, 2016 at 7:52

Shahzaib Zaheer's user avatar


My local environment VS2012

Using Oracle 10g XE

Dim dbConn As New OleDbConnection

Dim dbComm As OleDbCommand

dbConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=XE;User ID=scott;Password=tiger"


Tip error: ORA-06413: Connection not open.

Already check the TNSNAMES.ora, SQLNET.ora, LISTENER.ora and its nothing wrong.

But why this error appear?

e_i_pi's user avatar


4,5404 gold badges27 silver badges45 bronze badges

asked Apr 11, 2014 at 4:39

Mohd Syafiq Sulaiman's user avatar


The error is caused by the parenthesis in the pathname.

possibly you execute VS2012 from C:program file (x86)…

workaround: create a junction link


  1. from: command line execute

    C:>mkLink /j "Program Files x86" "Program Files (x86)"

    and then

  2. fix the (or create a new) shortcut with new path (C:program file

answered Jul 27, 2015 at 15:13

Pablo Fébolo's user avatar


I worked a lot on this problem, I lost a lot of time. Apparently IIS Express in Visual Studio uses the Oracle provider 64 bit.

To solve this problem:

  1. I installed IIS on my PC (Windows 10)
    with .NET 4.5 or higher

  2. I compiled the Web API application with 32-bit target.

  3. I publish the web application on my IIS.

  4. On IIS I set enable the apps 32 bit to true

tripleee's user avatar


174k34 gold badges272 silver badges313 bronze badges

answered May 15, 2020 at 21:18

Mostafa Ait Baallal's user avatar

I had the same problem and I resolved the problem installing Oracle 11g Express. Before, I removed all previous Oracle client installation. I use windows 7 64 bit.

answered Apr 13, 2016 at 19:43

Willian Rafacho's user avatar

Create Bat file to start excel
in bat put path you can adjust to match your folders

start c:progra~2micros~1Office14Excel.exe

When you start excel just open macro and try :)

answered Oct 18, 2016 at 9:35

Jacek's user avatar


I encountered the same problem when working on my Visual studio 2013 project. I was able to run the same project from SVN on a different machine, but it just WON’T work on mine. I checked the connection string and could successfully test the connection in Oracle, but it would throw a disgusting “ORA-06413: Connection not open” error from code.

I got it fixed this way — Install Oracle 11g client -> Select «Administrator» as Type of Installation. Re-open Visual Studio and it worked. Hope it helps!

answered May 2, 2019 at 10:46

kickAssDeveloper's user avatar

  1. uninstall your toad or oracle
  2. reinstall on on your window drive ex:(c/d/e) in new folder

don’t install in program files (x86)

because program files(x86) is for 32 bit applications

tripleee's user avatar


174k34 gold badges272 silver badges313 bronze badges

answered Nov 6, 2018 at 6:54

Waqar Hameed's user avatar

I have resolved the error after the days of searching.

Error Cause:

This error is due to Oracle reserved character «(«,»)» and in Windows 64 bit there is a folder «Program Files (x86)» which is a creation problem.


Create a link folder for «Program Files (x86)» using below command on Window Drive path.

  1. Open cmd as Administrator.

    mklink /j "Program Files x86" "Program Files (x86)"

    or visit link
    download3k article

  2. Open Registry (as Administrator)->Export Registry

    Always backup a registry file before changing it. Make a copy of the registry file and work on the copy.

    Open Registry file(Copy) in text editor and replace «(x86)» with «x86»

    Save the file and import it to your Registry and restart your computer.

Now the «ORA-06413: Connection not open» error goes away.

tripleee's user avatar


174k34 gold badges272 silver badges313 bronze badges

answered Mar 28, 2016 at 7:52

Shahzaib Zaheer's user avatar



I have resolved by error after the days of searching:

Error Cause:
This error due to oracle reserved character «(«,»)» and in Windows 64 bit there is an folder «Program Files (x86)» is creation problem.

Create a link folder for «Program Files (x86)» using below command on Window Drive path.

Open cmd with administrator.
mklink /j «Program Files x86» «Program Files (x86)» ENTER
or visit link

open registry(with administrator)->Export Registry always backup a registry file before changing it.make a copy of registry file and work on copy.
Open Registry file(Copy) in text editor replace «(x86)» to «x86» Save file and import it in registry and restart you computer.

Now «ORA-06413: Connection not open» error go away.

Please rate this solution if your issue resolve.

Shahzaib Zaheer
Software Engineer

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Моя локальная среда VS2012

Использование Oracle 10g XE

Ошибка подсказки: ORA-06413: соединение не открыто.

Уже проверьте TNSNAMES.ora, SQLNET.ora, LISTENER.ora и ничего плохого.

Но почему эта ошибка появляется? 🙁

Ошибка вызвана паретингом в имени пути.

возможно, вы выполните VS2012 из C:program file (x86).

обходной путь: создать соединение соединения

from: выполнить командную строку

исправить (или создать новый) ярлык с новым путем (C:program file x86. )

Создайте файл Bat, чтобы запустить excel в bat put path, который вы можете настроить в соответствии с вашими папками

Когда вы начинаете excel только открыть макрос и попробуйте 🙂

У меня была та же проблема, и я решил проблему установки Oracle 11g Express. До этого я удалил все предыдущие установки клиента Oracle. Я использую Windows 7 64 бит.

Я решил по ошибке после дней поиска:

Эта ошибка из-за зарезервированного символа оракула «(«, «)», а в Windows 64 бит есть папка «Program Files (x86)» является проблемой создания.

Создайте папку ссылок для «Program Files (x86)», используя следующую команду на пути Window Drive.

1). Открыть cmd с администратором.

mklink/j «Program Files x86» «Program Files (x86)» ENTER

или посетить ссылку

2).open registry (with administrator) → Export Registry всегда создает резервную копию файла реестра, прежде чем изменять его. Запишите копию файла реестра и работайте над копией. Открыть файл реестра (Копировать) в текстовом редакторе заменить «(x86)» на «x86» Сохранить файл и импортировать его в реестр и перезагрузить компьютер.

Ошибка «ORA-06413: соединение не открыта».

Оцените это решение, если проблема будет решена. Наслаждайтесь!

My local environment VS2012

Using Oracle 10g XE

Tip error: ORA-06413: Connection not open.

Already check the TNSNAMES.ora, SQLNET.ora, LISTENER.ora and its nothing wrong.

But why this error appear? 🙁

6 Answers 6

The error is caused by the parenthesis in the pathname.

possibly you execute VS2012 from C:program file (x86).

workaround: create a junction link

from: command line execute

fix the (or create a new) shortcut with new path (C:program file x86. )

I had the same problem and I resolved the problem installing Oracle 11g Express. Before, I removed all previous Oracle client installation. I use windows 7 64 bit.

Create Bat file to start excel in bat put path you can adjust to match your folders

When you start excel just open macro and try 🙂

1.just uninstall your toad or oracle 2. reinstall on on your window drive ex:(c/d/e) in new folder

don’t install in program files(x86) its work for me

because program files(x86) is for 32 bit application.

I encountered the same problem when working on my Visual studio 2013 project. I was able to run the same project from SVN on a different machine, but it just WON’T work on mine. I checked the connection string and could successfully test the connection in Oracle, but it would throw a disgusting “ORA-06413: Connection not open” error from code.

I got it fixed this way — Install Oracle 11g client -> Select «Administrator» as Type of Installation. Re-open Visual Studio and it worked. Hope it helps!

I have resolved by error after the days of searching:

Error Cause:

This error due to oracle reserved character «(«,»)» and in Windows 64 bit there is an folder «Program Files (x86)» is creation problem.


Create a link folder for «Program Files (x86)» using below command on Window Drive path.

1).Open cmd with administrator.

mklink /j «Program Files x86» «Program Files (x86)» ENTER

2).open registry(with administrator)->Export Registry always backup a registry file before changing it.make a copy of registry file and work on copy. Open Registry file(Copy) in text editor replace «(x86)» to «x86» Save file and import it in registry and restart you computer.

Now «ORA-06413: Connection not open» error go away.

Please rate this solution if your issue resolve. Enjoy!

Может кто-нибудь подскажет, где собака зарыта ?:(
При коннекте к Ora PE 8.0.6 появляется subj.
Используется D5 + DOA. SQL Plus или Developer6 коннестится нормально. Другая программа, использующая D5 + DOA, только параметры коннеста system/manager@CNT, коннектится нормально.
Эта же прога никак. 🙁 (у нее другие параметры CNT/CNT@CNT) — пароль и пользователь верные.
metalink говорит, что какие то проблемы в сети и т.п., т.е. ничего конкретного и тем более, что другая прога работает.
P.S. не надо говорить, что руки кривые или ДНК не тот 🙂 — везде одна и та же строчка в D5 для коннекта — OracleLogon.Execute;

Johnny Smith ( 2002-01-29 15:11 ) [1]

Во-первых, в документации Оракла указанной ошибки не нашлось.
Во-вторых, ощущение такое, что прога проваливается во время коннекта (еще до аутентификации — в противном случае Оракл ругнулся бы на username/password).
Может, все-таки не совсем корректно указан сервис? Как вообще указываются параметры соединения — в строчку (CNT/CNT@CNT) или по отдельности (вопрос не праздный)?

EAlexander ( 2002-01-29 15:22 ) [2]

to Johnny Smith>
1. у меня нашлось 🙁 и в проге и doc
2. repeat : SQL Plus и developer с теми же параметрами — все коннект :(. все передает DOA — это его проблемы, как и что передать oracle

EAlexander ( 2002-01-29 15:44 ) [3]

оказыватеся к ora НЕЛЬЗЯ приконектится, если прога лежит с путем, содержащие символы (, ) и др.
Век живи — век учись.

Johnny Smith ( 2002-01-29 15:47 ) [4]

ммммдаааа, в натуре, век живи.

Максимка ( 2002-01-29 15:59 ) [5]

Там точно — «Connection not Open» или «Сonnection is not defined»?

EAlexander ( 2002-01-29 16:56 ) [6]

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