Ошибка pfn reference count

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Как убрать PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT  (0x0000001C)?

Как убрать PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT  (0x0000001C)?

Как убрать « PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » ( 0x0000001C)?

На компьютере или ноутбуке под управлением Windows появился «синий экран смерти»? После появления сообщения «
система перезагружается? Ищите как исправить
0x0000001C: «

Как просмотреть информацию об ошибках, исправить ошибки в Windows 10, 8 или 7

Журнал событий: Как просмотреть информацию об ошибках, исправить ошибки в Windows 10, 8 или 7

Причины появления ошибки

  • На жестком диске компьютера или ноутбука не достаточно места. Для правильной работы ОС Windows 10 на системном диске должно быть свободно 2 — 10 ГБ.
  • На компьютер был установлен не совместимый BIOS или прошивка была повреждена.
  • Установлены не совместимые с ОС драйвера устройств.
  • Реестр Windows был поврежден или удален. Возможно в результате очистки были удалены системные ключи реестра.
  • Ативирусное программное обеспечение или компьютерные вирусы могут заблокировать системные файлы или удалить важные ключи реестра.
  • В результате ошибок в работе программы для резервного копирования.
  • В результате обновления ОС Windows.

Актуально для ОС: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Home Server 2011, Windows 7 (Seven), Windows Small Business Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows Home Server, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT.

Вот несколько способов исправления ошибки «

Восстановите удаленные файлы

Часто появление BSoD ошибок приводит к утери важных файлов. Блокировка файлов компьютерными вирусами, ошибки в работе программ для резервного копирования, повреждение или перезапись системных файлов, ошибки файловой системы или наличие битых секторов диска – это не далеко полный список причин удаления данных.

Исправление соответствующих ошибок восстановит работоспособность устройства, но не всегда восстановит повреждённые или утерянные файлы. Не всегда имеется возможность устранить ту или иную ошибку без форматирования диска или чистой установки операционной системы, что также может повлечь за собой утерю файлов.

Загрузите бесплатно и просканируйте ваше устройство с помощью Hetman Partition Recovery. Ознакомьтесь с возможностями программы и пошаговой инструкцией.

Восстановление файлов после ошибки - «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT »

Программа для восстановления данных

Запустите компьютер в «безопасном режиме»

Если ошибка «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) возникает в момент загрузки Windows и блокирует любую возможность работы с системой, попробуйте включить компьютер в «безопасном режиме». Этот режим предназначен для диагностики операционной системы (далее ОС), но функционал Windows при этом сильно ограничен. «Безопасный режим» следует использовать только если работа с системой заблокирована.

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Загрузка компьютера в Безопасном режиме

Чтобы запустить безопасный режим сделайте следующее:

  1. Перейдите в меню Пуск и выберите Параметры.
  2. В открывшемся окне параметров перейдите в меню Обновление и Безопасность и выберите раздел Восстановление.
  3. В разделе Восстановление найдите Особые варианты загрузки и нажмите кнопку Перезагрузить сейчас.
  4. После этого Windows перезагрузится и предложит выбрать следующее действие. Выберите Поиск и устранение неисправностей.
  5. В меню Поиск и устранение неисправностей кликните на Дополнительные параметры, далее — Параметры загрузки.
  6. Далее Windows уведомит вас о том, что компьютер можно перезагрузить с использованием дополнительных параметров загрузки. Укажите — Включить безопасный режим. Нажмите Перезагрузить.
  7. После перезагрузки выберите Включить безопасный режим нажав клавишу F4.

Как загрузить Windows в безопасном режиме

Как загрузить Windows в безопасном режиме Youtube видео

Обновите драйвер через Диспетчер устройств

Вы установили новое аппаратное обеспечение на компьютере? Возможно вы начали использовать новое USB-устройство с вашим компьютером. Это могло привести к ошибке «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT ». Если вы установили драйвер устройства используя диск, который поставляется вместе с ним, или использовали драйвер не c официального сайта Microsoft, то причина в нем. Вам придется обновить драйвер устройства, чтобы устранить эту проблему.

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Обновите драйвер через Диспетчер устройств

Вы можете сделать это вручную в диспетчере устройств Windows, для того выполните следующие инструкции:

  1. Нажмите кнопку Windows, затем введите диспетчер устройств с клавиатуры.
  2. Выберите Диспетчер устройств из списка.
  3. Просмотрите список категорий устройств, нажмите на стрелочку рядом с категорией вашего нового устройства. Драйвер может быть отмечен желтым треугольником.
  4. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши на имя устройства и нажмите Обновить драйвер.
  5. Далее откроется окно Мастера обновления драйверов с двумя опциями:
    • Автоматический поиск обновленных драйверов. Windows проверит наличие наиболее подходящего драйвера для этого устройства в автоматическом режиме.
    • Выполнить поиск драйверов на этом компьютере. Используйте эту опцию, что бы самостоятельно указать ОС файлы драйвера.

Перезагрузите компьютер после установки драйвера.

Используйте sfc /scannow для проверки всех файлов системы

Повреждение или перезапись системных файлов может привести к ошибке «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT ». Команда sfc находит поврежденные системные файлы Windows и заменяет их.

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Восстановите системные файлы
  1. Нажмите кнопку Windows, затем введите cmd с клавиатуры.
  2. Правой кнопкой мышки кликните на CMD и запустите от имени администратора.
  3. В окне командной строки введите sfc /scannow и нажмите Enter.

Этот процесс может занять несколько минут.

Как восстановить системные файлы Windows 10

Youtube видео как восстановить системные файлы Windows 10

Проверьте диск с Windows на наличие ошибок командой chkdsk c: /f

Возможно к синему экрану с «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » привела ошибка файловой системы или наличие битых секторов диска. Команда CHKDSK проверяет диск на наличие ошибок файловой системы и битых секторов. Использование параметра /f заставит программу автоматически исправлять найденные на диске ошибки, а параметр /r позволяет найти и «исправить» проблемные сектора диска. Для запуска следуйте инструкциям:

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Проверьте диск на наличие ошибок
  1. Нажмите кнопку Windows, затем введите CMD с клавиатуры.
  2. Правой кнопкой мышки кликните на CMD и запустите от имени администратора.
  3. В окне командной строки введите chkdsk c: /f и нажмите Enter (используйте ту букву диска, на котором установлена ОС).

Дождитесь окончания процесса и перезагрузите компьютер.

Используйте режим совместимости со старой версией Windows

Отключите лишние программы из автозагрузки Windows

Программное обеспечение, вызывающее «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C), может быть прописано в автозагрузку Windows и ошибка будет появляться сразу после запуска системы без вашего участия. Удалить программы из автозагрузки можно с помощью Диспетчера задач.

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Отключите программы из автозагрузки Windows
  1. Загрузитесь в Безопасном режиме.
  2. Кликните правой кнопкой мышки на Панели задач, затем на пункте Диспетчер задач.
  3. Перейдите на вкладку Автозагрузка.
  4. Чтобы убрать ту или иную программу из автозагрузки выберите её из списка и отключите, нажав кнопку Отключить в правом нижнем углу окна.

Обратитесь в поддержку Microsoft

Microsoft предлагает несколько решений удаления ошибки «голубого экрана». «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) можно убрать с помощью Центра обновления или обратившись в поддержку Windows.

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Обратитесь в поддержку в Microsoft
  1. Перейдите на сайт технической поддержки Microsoft.
  2. Введите код и сообщение об ошибке в поисковую строку и следуйте найденным рекомендациям.
  3. Если вы не найдете готового решения, то задайте вопрос в сообществе — возможно вам ответит сертифицированный системный администратор.

Установите последние обновления системы

С обновлениями Windows дополняет базу драйверов, исправляет ошибки и уязвимости в системе безопасности. Загрузите последние обновления, что бы избавиться от ошибки «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C).

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Центр обновления системы

Запустить Центр обновления Windows можно следующим образом:

  1. Перейдите в меню Пуск и выберите Параметры.
  2. В окне Параметров перейдите в меню Обновление и Безопасность.
  3. Для установки последних обновлений Windows нажмите кнопку Проверка наличия обновлений и дождитесь окончания процесса их поиска и установки.
«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Настройка автоматического обновления системы

Рекомендуется настроить автоматическую загрузку и установку обновлений операционной системы с помощью меню Дополнительные параметры.

Чтобы включить автоматическое обновление системы необходимо запустить Центр обновления Windows:

  1. Перейдите в меню Пуск и выберите Параметры.
  2. В окне Параметров перейдите в меню Обновление и Безопасность и выберите подменю Центр обновления Windows. Для установки последних обновлений Windows нажмите кнопку Проверка наличия обновлений и дождитесь окончания процесса их поиска и установки.
  3. Перейдите в Дополнительные параметры и выберите, как устанавливать обновления — Автоматически.

Запустите проверку системы на вирусы

«Синий экран смерти» с ошибкой «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C может вызывать компьютерный вирус, заразивший систему Windows.

Для проверки системы на наличие вирусов запустите установленную на компьютере антивирусную программу.

«PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Проверка системы на вирусы

Современные антивирусы позволяют проверить как жесткие диски, так и оперативную память. Выполните полную проверку системы.

Выполните проверку оперативной памяти

Неполадки с памятью могут привести к ошибкам, потере информации или прекращению работы компьютера.

Прежде чем проверять оперативную память, отключите её из разъёма на материнской плате компьютера и повторно вставьте в него. Иногда ошибка PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » вызвана неправильно или не плотно вставленной в разъём планкой оперативной памяти, или засорением контактов разъёма.

Если предложенные действия не привели к положительному результату, исправность оперативной памяти можно проверить средствами операционной системы, с помощью средства проверки памяти Windows.

Запустить средство проверки памяти Windows можно двумя способами:

  1. С помощью Панели управления:
    «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Запуск проверки памяти через Панель управления

    Перейдите в Панель управления / Система и безопасность / Администрирование. Запустите приложение Средство проверки памяти Windows.

  2. С помощью средства Выполнить:
    «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C: Запуск проверки памяти c помощью комманды выполнить

    Запустите средство Выполнить с помощью комбинации клавиш Windows + R. Наберите mdsched и нажмите Enter. После чего откроется средство проверки Windows.

Для начала проверки выберите один из предлагаемых вариантов, проверка оперативной памяти в соответствии с которым будет запущена после перезагрузки компьютера.

Если в результате проверки будут определены ошибки, исправить которые не представляется возможным, то такую память необходимо заменить (замене подлежит модуль памяти с неполадками).

Выполните «чистую» установку Windows

Если не один из перечисленных методов не помог избавиться от PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT », попробуйте переустановить Windows. Для того чтобы выполнить чистую установку Windows необходимо создать установочный диск или другой носитель с которого планируется осуществление установки операционной системы.

Загрузите компьютер из установочного диска. Для этого может понадобиться изменить устройство загрузки в BIOS или UEFI для более современных компьютеров.

Следуя пунктам меню установщика укажите диск, на который вы хотите установить Windows. Для этого понадобится отформатировать его. Если вас не устраивает количество или размер локальных дисков, их можно полностью удалить и заново перераспределить.

Помните, что форматирование, удаление или перераспределения дисков удалит все файлы с жесткого диска.

После указания диска для установки Windows запуститься процесс копирования системных файлов и установки операционной системы. Во время установки от вас не потребуется дополнительных действий. В течении установки экран компьютера будет несколько раз гаснуть на непродолжительное время, и для завершения некоторых этапов установки компьютер будет самостоятельно перезагружаться.

В зависимости от версии Windows на одном из этапов от вас может понадобиться выбрать или внести базовые параметры персонализации, режим работы компьютера в сети, а также параметры учётной записи или создать новую.

После загрузки рабочего стола чистую установку Windows можно считать законченной.

Примечание. Прежде чем приступить к выполнению чистой установки Windows заранее побеспокойтесь о наличии драйверов ко всем установленным устройствам и сохранности ваших файлов. Загрузите и сохраните драйвера на отдельный носитель информации, а для важных данных создайте резервную копию.

Как сбросить Windows 10 к исходному состоянию

Как сбросить Windows 10 к исходному состоянию Youtube видео

Как сбросить Windows 10, 8, 7 если компьютер не загружается

Youtube видео Как сбросить Windows 10, 8, 7 если компьютер не загружается

What is ‘PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error’ in Windows 10/11?

In this post, we are going to discuss on How to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error, PFN Reference Count BSOD error in Windows 10. You are provided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.


It is common Windows Problem considered as BSOD error. This error is appeared with message saying ‘Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and we’ll restart for you’ along with some Windows Stop codes like PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error. This BSOD error is appeared usually while working on Windows computer or when you start/restart your computer.

There could be several reasons behind the issue including the corruption in system files or registry, malware or viruses infections in computer, corrupted/outdated device drivers or network drivers, bad configured settings, corruption in Windows computer, and other issues. If you are facing the same and looking for ways to fix, then you are in right-place for the solution. It is possible to fix the issue with our instructions. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses infections in computer, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Rollback network driver

This issue can be occurred due to problematic network driver version installed. You can install the previous network driver version by rolling back operation in order to fix.

Step 1: Open ‘Device Manager’ in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and expand ‘Network Adapters’ category

Step 2: Right-click on your network adapter and select ‘Properties’. Click ‘Driver’ tab and click ‘Rollback driver’ button and follow on-screen instructions to finish process and once done, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Update Network driver

Updating network driver to latest version can resolve the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Device manager’ in Windows PC and expand ‘Network Adapters’ category

Step 2: Right-click on your network adapter driver and select ‘Update Driver’, and follow on-screen instructions to finish update and once updated, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Download or reinstall network adapter driver update in Windows PC [Automatically]

You can also try to update all Windows drivers including network adapter driver using Automatic Driver Update Tool. You can get this tool through button/link below.

Method 4: Disconnect all external peripherals

This issue can be occurred due to problematic hardware attached into your computer. You can disconnect all peripherals from your computer and then restart your computer and check if it works for you toward resolving the issue. However, you can reconnect each peripherals in order to check which hardware is problematic.

Method 5: Run SFC scan and DISM scan

You can run SFC scan and DISM scan in computer to repair corruption in system files and system image to fix.

Step 1: Type ‘cmd’ in Windows Search Box and press ‘SHIFT + ENTER’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’

Step 2: Type the following commands and hit ‘Enter’ key after each to execute.

sfc /scannow

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Step 3: Once executed, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 6: Uninstall problematic Windows update

You can uninstall the problematic Windows update to fix the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ app in Windows PC and go to ‘Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History > Uninstall Updates’

Step 2: Find and right-click on your problematic Windows update or recently installed updates, and select ‘Uninstall’ to uninstall it and then restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 7: Disable Fast Startup

Step 1: Open ‘Control Panel’ app in Windows PC via Windows Search Box

Step 2: Go to ‘Power Options’ in Control Panel via Search and go to ‘Choose what the power button does > Change settings that are currently unavailable’

Step 3: Uncheck ‘Turn ON fast startup (recommended)’ and click ‘Save Changes’ and then check if the issue is resolved.

Method 8: Uninstall unnecessary apps

Step 1: Open ‘Control Panel’ in Windows PC and go to ‘Uninstall a Program > Programs & Features’

Step 2: Find and right-click the problematic application, and select ‘Uninstall’ to uninstall it and then restart your computer, and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 9: Check Disk for error

Step 1: Open ‘This PC’ in Windows PC and right-click ‘Windows Installation drive like C: drive’, and select ‘Properties’

Step 2: Go to ‘Tool’ tab and click ‘Check’ button, select Scan driver and proceed and once finished, check if the issue is resolved.

Method 10: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool

Step 1: Open ‘Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool’ via Windows Search Box

Step 2: Select ‘Restart now and check for problems’ and wait to finish process and once finished, check if the issue is resolved.

Method 11: Perform Clean Boot

Step 1: Open ‘System Configuration’ app in Windows PC via Windows Search Box

Step 2: Click ‘Services’ tab, tick ‘Hide all Microsoft services’ checkbox, and hit ‘Disable All’ button

Step 3: Click ‘Startup’ tab, and click ‘Open Task Manager’, right-click each startup item and select ‘Disable’ to disable them and then close Task Manager

Step 4: Finally, click ‘Apply > Ok’ button on System Configuration app to save the changes and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 12: Perform System restore

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘rstrui’ in ‘Run’ window and hit ‘Ok’ button to open ‘System Restore’ app

Step 2: Click ‘Next’, select a valid restore point according to date & time when there was no issue at all in computer, and then click ‘Next > Finish’ to start restoring process and once finished, check if the issue is resolved.


I hope this post helped you on How to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error, PFN Reference Count BSOD error in Windows 10 with easy ways. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.


  • Causes of The Error
  • Restore Deleted Files
  • Start The Computer in Safe Mode
  • Update a Driver With The Device Manager
  • Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files
  • Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f
  • Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows
  • Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu
  • Consult Microsoft Support Service
  • Install Latest System Updates
  • Scan The System For Viruses
  • Test Your RAM
  • Make a Clean Installation of Windows

Causes of The Error

  • There is not enough free space in the hard disk of your computer/laptop. For Windows 10 to operate correctly you need to have from 2 to 10 Gb of free space in your system disk.

  • An incompatible version of BIOS was installed or the firmware was damaged.

  • Device drivers incompatible with the OS were installed.

  • Windows registry was damaged or deleted, or cleaning operations accidentally deleted system keys.

  • Antivirus software or viruses may block system files or delete important registry keys.

  • An error occurred in the work of backup software.

  • It can also happen as a result of a Windows update.

Read more how to fix 0x0000001C: «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Home Server 2011, Windows 7 (Seven), Windows Small Business Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows Home Server, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT.

Here are some ways of eliminating the problem with «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «:

Restore Deleted Files

Often BSoD errors cause loss of important files. Files blocked by computer viruses, backup software errors, damaged or overwritten system files, file system errors or bad hard disk sectors – these are only some of the causes that can make your data lost.

Corrections of the corresponding errors will restore the normal operation of your devices, but it does not always restore damaged or lost files. Also, it is not always possible to eliminate an error without formatting the hard disk or clean installation of the operating system, which can also involve loss of files.

The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Download for free and scan your device with the help of Hetman Partition Recovery. Learn about the program features and step-by-step guide.

Hetman Partition Recovery

Start The Computer in Safe Mode

If the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) occurs when loading Windows and blocks any attempts to work with the system, try loading the computer in Safe Mode. This mode is meant for operating system (OS) diagnostics, but OS functions are very limited in this mode. Safe Mode should only be used if the system is blocked otherwise.

Start The Computer in Safe Mode

In order to start Safe Mode you should do the following:

  1. Go to Start menu and choose Settings.

  2. In the settings window that appears go to Update & Security menu and choose the Recovery tab.

  3. In the tab Recovery find Advanced startup and click the button Restart now.

  4. As your Windows restarts, it will ask you to choose the next step. Choose Troubleshoot.

  5. In the Troubleshoot menu click on Advanced Options and then on Startup Settings.

  6. Then Windows will inform you that the computer can be restarted with the use of additional settings one of which is Enable Safe Mode. Press Restart.

  7. After restarting choose Enable Safe Mode by pressing F4.

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How to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode (All Methods)

How to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode (All Methods)

Update a Driver With The Device Manager

Have you installed new hardware to your computer? Are you using a new USB device? These can be the causes for the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «. If you installed your device driver from the disk you have found in the device delivery package or if you are using a driver which was downloaded from a place other than Microsoft official website, this can be the core of the problem. You will have to update the device driver to fix it.

Update a Driver With The Device Manager

You can do it manually in the Windows device manager by taking the following steps:

  1. Press Windows button and type device manager on the keyboard.

  2. Choose Device Manager from the list.

  3. View the list of device categories and click on the arrow nest to the category in which your new device falls. The driver can be marked with a yellow triangle.

  4. Right-click on the device name and press Update Driver Software.

  5. Then a window of Update Driver Software with two options will appear:

    • Search automatically for updated driver software. Windows will automatically check availability of the best suitable driver for this device.

    • Browse my computer for driver software. Use this option to show the OS where the driver files are kept.

Restart the computer after the driver is installed.

Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files

Damaged or rewritten system files may cause the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «. The command sfc finds damaged Windows system files and replaces them.

Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files
  1. Press Windows button and enter cmd from the keyboard.

  2. Right-click on CMD and launch it as administrator.

  3. In the command prompt window, type in sfc /scannow and press Enter.

This process may take several minutes.

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How to Recover Windows 10, 8, 7 System Files (SFC, DISM)

How to Recover Windows 10, 8, 7 System Files (SFC, DISM)

Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f

The blue screen with «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « may be caused by a file system error or by bad sectors in your disk. The command CHKDSK will check the disk for file system errors and bad sectors. Using the setting /f will make the program to automatically correct the detected errors, and the setting /r allows finding and fixing problem disk sectors. To launch it, follow these steps:

Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f
  1. Press Windows, then enter CMD from the keyboard.

  2. Right-click on CMD and launch it as administrator.

  3. In the command prompt window type chkdsk c: /f and press Enter (use the letter of the drive where your OS is installed).

Wait until the process is over and restart your computer.

Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows

A error with the code «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « may be caused by outdated software. If this error occurs after launching a program, then using Windows compatibility mode can help you get rid of the problem. To fix it, do the following:

Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows
  1. Find a program executable file (it has .exe extension) and right-click on it.

  2. In the quick menu, select Troubleshoot compatibility.

  3. At the next stage, you will see the window Program Compatibility Troubleshooter. You will have two troubleshooting options to choose from:

    • Try recommended settings. Select this variant to start a test run of the program using recommended compatibility settings.

    • Troubleshoot program. Select this variant to choose compatibility settings based on what problems you have encountered.

  4. After testing the program under various versions of Windows and startup settings save the suitable settings for your program.

Setup compatibility mode
Check errors
Setup Windows version

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How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode With Windows 10, 8 and 7

How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode With Windows 10, 8 and 7

Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu

The software causing «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) may be written to Windows Startup list so the error occurs immediately after the system starts without any user activity. You can delete programs from Startup by using Task Manager.

Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu
  1. Load the computer in Safe Mode.

  2. Right-click on Task Bar and then on Task Manager.

  3. Go to Startup tab.

  4. To delete a program from the startup list select it and disable by clicking Disable in the right lower corner of the window.

Consult Microsoft Support Service

Microsoft offers several solutions to eliminate the blue screen error. «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) can be fixed with the help of Windows Update or by addressing Windows Support.

Consult Microsoft Support Service
  1. Go to Microsoft Support Service.

  2. Enter your error code and message into the search field and follow the directions.

  3. If you don’t find a ready solution as the community where your query can be answered by a certified system administrator.

Install Latest System Updates

Windows provides updates that extend your driver database and correct errors or security vulnerabilities. Download the latest updates to get rid of the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C).

Install Latest System Updates

You can launch Windows Update like this:

  1. Go to Start menu and select Settings.

  2. In the Settings window go to Update and Security tab.

  3. To install the latest Windows updates click on Check for updates and wait until they are found and installed.

Set up automatic download and installation of system updates

It is recommended to set up automatic download and installation of system updates with the help of Advanced Options.

To enable automatic system update you need to start Windows Update:

  1. Go to Start menu and choose Settings.

  2. In the Settings window go to the Update and Security menu and select Windows Update. To install the latest Windows updates click on Check for updates and wait until they are found and installed.

  3. Go to Advanced Options and choose the mode of update installation — Automatic.

Scan The System For Viruses

The blue screen of death with the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C can be caused by computer viruses that infected your system.

To check the computer for viruses launch your antivirus program.

Modern antiviruses allow checking both hard disks and RAM. Run a full system scan.

Test Your RAM

System memory problems may cause errors, loss of data or even make your computer stop working.

Before you start checking RAM, take it out of the slot on the motherboard and then stick it back again. Sometimes the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « can be caused by the memory stick which was set into the slot incorrectly or not tight enough, and sometimes by the slot contacts covered with dust.

If the above actions did not make things better, you can check your RAM with the means of your operating system – Windows Memory Diagnostic.

JYou can start this tool in two ways:

  1. With the help of Control Panel:

    Start Windows Memory Diagnostic with Control Panel

    Go to Control Panel / System and Security / Administrative Tools. Launch the application Windows Memory Diagnostic.

  2. With the use of Run:

    With the use of Run

    Launch the Run tool with the combination of keys Windows + R. Type in mdsched and press Enter. The Windows Diagnostic tool will start.

To start the checking select one of the suggested variants to decide how your RAM will be tested after the computer is restarted.

If the diagnostic tool finds errors that cannot be corrected, such memory should be replaced (that is, you have to replace the memory stick where errors were found).

Make a Clean Installation of Windows

If none of the methods helped you to get rid of «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «, try reinstalling Windows. In order to make a clean installation of Windows you need to create a setup disk or another media which you are going to use to install the OS.

Start the computer with the setup disk. To do it you may need to change boot priority in BIOS or UEFI for newer computers.

Following the installer menu stages, specify the disk where you want your Windows installed. You will have to format it then. If you are not satisfied with the number or size of the local disks they can be deleted and repartitioned.

Remember that formatting, deleting or partitioning your disks will destroy all files in the hard disk.

After specifying the disk to install Windows to, the process of copying system files and installing the operating system will start. During the installation, no additional action is required. In the process, the screen will go off for a while several times, and the computer will restart on its own to complete certain stages of installation.

Depending on the version of Windows at one of the stages you may have to select or enter basic personalization settings, choose how the computer works with networks and select settings of your account or create a new one.

As the computer loads the desktop, a clean installation of Windows is finished.

Note. Before you start a clean installation of Windows make sure you have drivers for all your hardware and that your files are safe. Download and save drivers to a separate media, and create a backup copy of important data.

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC to Factory Default Settings (All Methods)

How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC to Factory Default Settings (All Methods)

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won't Boot

How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won’t Boot

Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 0x1C
Название ошибки: PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT
Описание ошибки: The PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT bug check has a value of 0x0000001C.
Шестнадцатеричный код: 0x0000001C
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Windows Operating System
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Как правило, ошибки 0x0000001C возникают в виде ошибки типа синий экран (BSOD) и вызваны попыткой загрузки повреждённых или отсутствующих драйверов устройства для Windows 10 или наличием дефектного оборудования, связанного с драйвером. Основной способ решить эти проблемы вручную — заменить файл 0x1C новой копией.

Распространенные проблемы PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT

Синий экран ошибок смерти, или BSOD, обычно встречаются с PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT. Эти ошибки «Stop» PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT включают в себя:

  • «Windows выключена, чтобы остановить повреждение ПК, вызванное PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT. «
  • «: (Ваш компьютер столкнулся с проблемой с PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT и должен перезагрузиться сейчас. «

Установка аппаратного или программного обеспечения, связанная с турбоналогом, может вызвать ошибки BSOD PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT. В основном ошибки, связанные с PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT, возникают в процессе установки Windows, во время загрузки программного или аппаратного обеспечения, связанного с Microsoft Corporation, во время последовательности загрузки драйвера устройства, связанного с Windows, или завершения/запуска Windows. Запись ошибок Blue Screen PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT, связанных с Windows, имеет решающее значение для обнаружения неисправностей и ретрансляции обратно в Microsoft Corporation для вариантов ремонта.

Источники проблем PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT

Ошибки Blue Screen PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT часто вызваны связанными проблемами с оборудованием, программным обеспечением, драйвером устройства или прошивкой. Эти ошибки PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT могут быть связаны с аппаратными проблемами Microsoft Corporation или Windows во многих случаях.

В основном, осложнения PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT связаны с:

  • Поврежденные, плохо настроенные или устаревшие драйверы, связанные с Windowss (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT).
  • Недопустимый PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT или поврежденный раздел реестра, связанный с Windowss.
  • Вредоносные программы или заражение вирусами повреждают PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT.
  • Конфликт оборудования, связанного с установкой оборудования OFMicrosoft Corporation или PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT.
  • Поврежденные системные файлы (например, PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) после неудачной установки драйвера или Windows.
  • PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD, вытекающий из повреждения жесткого диска.
  • Поврежденная оперативная память/память из PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT Синий экран смерти.

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This article discusses Error Code 0x1C, also known as PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT and according to Microsoft it means The PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT bug check has a value of 0x0000001C.

About BSOD

What is a BSOD and why do so many numbers flash onscreen during this error? The reason computers crash like this is due to the level of severity of this type of error.

This error is a total system failure that renders your computer unusable or inaccessible for a time. The latter part of the name itself suggests how critical the failure was, Blue Screen of Death. Although, while a BSOD will usually completely crash your system, there are BSODs that will still let you access your Desktop.

Some BSODs are software related, others are due to hardware failure. Software related issues may not require as extreme solutions compared to hardware BSODs, that may involve purchasing new parts for the computer, but they can still be difficult to resolve because they will normally involve backing up files and running several repair tools.

Hardware related stop errors on the other hand, should really only need hardware replacement, so unless you are replacing the hard drive or the motherboard, your problem may be considered simpler and easier to resolve.

Symptoms of Code 0x1C — PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT

BSODs are rather obvious, you just get a completely blue screen with a bunch of words and numbers telling you something caused the failure. It is a sudden and unexpected event which happens without warning.

Hardware related BSODs happen instantaneously when your hardware fails. The BSOD stays on the screen, and sometimes reboots in a loop without any possibilities of logging into the desktop.

Software related BSODs may or may not do the same, but they sometimes just appear a few minutes after booting up, allowing the user to get a glimpse of the error code.

Nevertheless, you are not entirely helpless when you receive a BSOD. You get an error code which you can use to identify the part of the computer which caused the failure.

Fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT (Error Error 0x1C)
(For illustrative purposes only)

Those that experience software related BSODs notice a difference in computer operation as the affected computer sometimes becomes sluggish when processing or suddenly shuts down. Users may also experience glitches and unless a different issue manifests at the same time you are getting the BSOD, you can say that it is a symptoms of BSOD.

Causes of PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT — Error 0x1C

BSODs are generally caused either by faulty hardware or software corruption. Hardware failure can be caused by overheating, power supply issues, incompatibilities or bad memory.

On the other hand, software related BSODs are results of timing inconsistency, driver incompatibility and operating system corruption. Not all software related BSODs stop you from accessing your desktop. When you receive an update that messes up your computer, you will experience processing failures at different instances while accessing your computer.

Repair Methods

Repairing BSODs can be a bit tricky, as they can be caused by many different reasons, but once you properly identify the problem, the steps are mostly straightforward. Here are known troubleshooting techniques you can try to help get rid of your Blue Screen error.

You should follow these four steps before attempting any repair method:

  • Take note of the error code and other information that was displayed when you got the Blue Screen.
  • Try to recall the last action you did on your computer before the error occurred.
  • Remove peripherals that are not critical to normal operations.
  • Reboot your computer to check if you can log into your desktop.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.

Please note: Neither ErrorVault.com nor it’s writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page — you complete these steps at your own risk.

Method 1 — Check for Windows Updates

If you can log into your desktop normally or via Safe Mode, you should be able to access the Windows update tool and run it to get the latest available updates for your system. The troubleshooting process is a bit different for each version of the operating system, so follow the sections related to your operating system.

For Windows 7 Systems:

  1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button.
  2. Type Update in the search box, and click Windows Update.
  3. This will open the Windows Update window and you’ll be able to see Check for updates on the left panel, click it to check the latest updates for your computer.
  4. If you see a message telling you that updates are available, or telling you to review updates, then select the relevant updates and click OK.
  5. Click Install updates. You will be prompted to accept license, then just do that. Then it will require admin permission to make changes, just allow by either running as administrator or by keying in the password.

Windows 8:

  1. Open Settings by either:
    1. Holding down the Windows key on your keyboard beside the left Ctrl button, then pressing the X key, then choose Command prompt and type «wuauclt /showcheckforupdates» on the prompt. 1. Otherwise, you may also move your cursor to the right side of your screen so you may see the and then click the gear icon to open Settings. You will then see a new tab appear and at the bottom, you may click «Change PC Settings» to open a new window. There, you can click Windows update on the menu at the left side. It will open Windows update, where you can click the «Check for updates now» button. Run it by clicking the button and then, when it is done, click Install Updates and wait for the process to finish.
    2. Reboot your computer to check if the error will still occur.

Windows 10:

  1. You can update via Device Manager or by accessing computer Settings.
  2. For the first method, type Device Manager on the Search box.
  3. In reference with the error code you received, check for updates for the driver that is causing the issue by right clicking it and choosing Update Driver.
  4. The second method would be to type Update on your Search box. Select Check for Updates download and install updates.
  5. Once done, restart your computer to complete the update process.

Method 2 — Scan device performance and health

Another way to find faulty software programs or drivers is to scan your device performance and health. This utility is not a part of Windows Defender, however for earlier versions, you do the scanning in Device Manager since that is the only place in Windows 7 and 8 where you are provided a tool for scanning components. Here are the methods to run this tool.

For Windows 7, Vista and Windows 8:

  • To scan devices would be to go to Device manager, right click Devices and select Scan for Hardware changes. This lets you check if your computer is having issues running a device with a certain driver.

For Windows 10:

  • Open Windows Defender and click Device performance and health.
  • Check for any listed issues with your updates, storage and drivers.
  • If there are any issues detected, you can Repair Reinstall your Windows operating system so that you don’t lose your files. You can repair reinstall your computer by either clicking Additional info under Fresh Start in Windows Defender and following the prompt or by using the OS CD and instead of doing a clean installation, by following the Repair my Computer option.

Method 3 — Run Windows Defender Offline

Since virus attacks can cause BSOD, removing them online can be very difficult. The best way to run a full scan to remove virus infection is to run it offline. Follow these steps to do that:

For Windows 7 and 8:

  • You can run Windows Defender offline by creating a bootable disk or flash drive.
  • You will need to download either the 32bit or 64bit version of Windows Defender offline. You’ll be able to check which one you need by going to Start and right clicking on Computer, then open properties to see your Windows version.
  • Once downloaded, you’ll need to run either the msstool32.exe or msstool64.exe in order toto burn your cd or save on flash disk. Just remember that if you are using a flash disk, the creator tool will reformat your flash disk so any file on the disk will be lost.
  • Place the media on the computer you need to scan and then reboot your computer. You might need to access your BIOS to change boot device, or you may just need to access your boot device menu to allow booting to the cd or flash drive.
  • Once the process is done, you will need to reboot your computer normally. Check if you are still having the same issue.

For Windows 10:

  • After receiving a BSOD, you may get a notification from Windows Defender you that your system may need additional cleaning. If that happens, you should perform and offline check of your computer to see if there are malware infections.
  • Start by opening your computer Settings. Go to Security and open Windows Defender. You can run a full scan by clicking Scan Offline.

Method 4 — Uninstall recently installed software

You possiblymay have recently installed software that could be causing your computer to crash with a BSOD. In case you accidentally downloaded a file or program that caused harm to your computer, you may uninstall the problem program in any Windows version this way:

  • Type Control Panel on the search box and click the result.
  • Once inside control panel, click Uninstall a program.
  • You will see on the Programs and Features window the list of all installed programs. Look for the ones that are installed just before you received the BSOD warning, right click the item and click Uninstall. Follow the direction to uninstall and then reboot your computer to see if the BSOD will come up again.

Method 5 — Unplug or uninstall external hardware

Computer peripherals are necessary for other purposes like printing, scanning, photo input, drawing, extending video and other activities.
When you connect a device to your computer, BSODs sometimes appear.

  • When this happens, remove the external hardware first. Update your computer using the method we just tackled. Problems did not happen prior to connecting the device, so unplugging the device will help you get back to your desktop without problems.
  • If you know that the device is in good condition, however, and you have tested it with a different device, you would want to keep using it. To make sure the BSOD doesn’t happen again updates either your Microsoft software by running Windows Update or your device drivers by downloading from the manufacturer.
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the device driver may also work, so try going to Device Manager too. Uninstall the device and reboot your computer. This should install a fresh copy of your device driver when your computer restarts.

Method 6 — Toggle fast startup

You can perform this simple troubleshooting step in any Windows version in two different ways.
Method 1

  • You can type Power Options on the search box, then press enter key.
  • Click Choose what the power buttons do on the left side.
  • Locate and change the status of Turn on fast startup under Shutdown settings. That is, turn it off if it is on, or turn it on if it is off, then click Save changes.

Method 2

  • Type Command Prompt on search box. Run it on an elevated command line by right clicking and then choosing Run as administrator.
  • Once inside Command Prompt, type powercfg -h off and then click enter. Exit to desktop and see if the problem persists.

Method 7 — Uninstall Recent Updates via Safe Mode

For Windows 7:

  • Since BSOD that doesn’t let you boot to Windows reboots in a cycle, you may try to interrupt the process by clicking F8. From the next screen, you will be able to log in using Safe Mode.
  • Search for Windows Updates then click enter when it comes up on the search results. Check recent updates and click Uninstall updates on recent dates when the error began happening.

For Windows 8 and Windows 10

  • Press the window key and the letter C simultaneously to open Settings.
  • A slider tab will appear on the right side where you will see Settings on top and some icons at the bottom.
  • Choose Power, click Shift together with Restart.
  • This will allow you to boot to Windows repair items.
  • Click troubleshoot then go to Advanced Options.
  • Inside the next window, click Startup Settings. You will see a Restart button, just click it and it will boot you to advanced boot device where you can choose the boot utility.
  • The choices are numbered so just click the number of the item that you wish to boot into.
  • Once there, go to Windows update by searching for it. And do the same process of removing recently installed updates.

Method 8 — Run System Restore

You may repair your computer by restoring settings to an earlier date. There are several ways to do this.

Restore In Windows 7:

  • Click Start and type System Restore on the search box, then click enter key.
  • When the System Restore window appears, click Next until you get to the window where you can choose a restore point. You will see a list of restore dates with the description.
  • Then click Next again and confirm restore process. Wait for it to stop processing and you get a window where you can click the Finish button. Close the window and let your computer reboot.

You may also restore your computer using the OS installation disk.

  • To do that boot to OS CD or Recovery Media.
  • Follow the prompt until you get to the screen where it gives you the option Repair My Computer, click and choose System Restore from the list of recovery tools.
  • You can choose any restore point on the System Restore window, but make sure you restore to a date which you know your computer is working fine.
  • Wait till the process finish and let your computer reboot to the Desktop.

You may also boot to Safe Mode.

  • Boot your computer and click F8. Choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt by clicking the keyboard arrows to move the highlight down to that item.
  • Once in Safe Mode, Type rstrui.exe and hit enter on command prompt. Follow the restore wizard and reboot your computer normally.

Restore in Windows 8:
Restore inside Windows environment

  • While in Windows 8, Click the search icon and type System Restore.
  • Keep clicking Next till you get to the window where you can select the restore date.
  • Confirm restoration by following the remaining steps. After it is done, reboot your computer normally.

Restore at Boot

  • Reboot your computer and tap F11 to start System Recovery
  • You will see Advanced Options screen, and you will find System Restore in it.
  • It will prompt you to choose the Administrator account, just choose and log into your admin account.
  • Hit Next button until you get to the screen that allows you to choose restore dates.
  • Keep pressing next button until you get to the end of the restore process and you see the Finish button.
  • Reboot computer normally.

Restore in Windows 10:
Inside windows environment

  • Run System Restore by typing it on the Search box. Click on the item that will come up on the search results.
  • When System Restore window opens, click Next until you are given a list to choose restore date, choose the one that you know works best for you.
  • Confirm the process by Next, then yes then finally Finish. Reboot your computer after closing the window.

Using the installation media

  • If you cannot boot into windows, then you’re better off downloading the Media Creator file from Microsoft. Create boot disk using a DVD or a flash disk.
  • Once done, reboot your computer and access your BIOS to change boot device to either your DVD or your flash disk.
  • When you get to the installation screen, go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore and perform the process the same way.
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Wie beheben Fehler 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — Die Fehlerprüfung PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT hat den Wert 0x0000001C.
Come fissare Errore 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — Il controllo bug PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT ha un valore di 0x0000001C.
Hoe maak je Fout 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — De PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT bugcontrole heeft een waarde van 0x0000001C.
Comment réparer Erreur 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — La vérification de bogue PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT a une valeur de 0x0000001C.
어떻게 고치는 지 오류 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT 버그 검사의 값은 0x0000001C입니다.
Como corrigir o Erro 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — A verificação de bug PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT tem um valor de 0x0000001C.
Hur man åtgärdar Fel 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — Felkontrollen PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT har ett värde på 0x0000001C.
Как исправить Ошибка 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — Проверка ошибки PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT имеет значение 0x0000001C.
Jak naprawić Błąd 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — Sprawdzanie błędów PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT ma wartość 0x0000001C.
Cómo arreglar Error 0x1C (PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT) — La comprobación de errores PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT tiene un valor de 0x0000001C.

The Author About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they’ve contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.

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  • Causes of The Error
  • Restore Deleted Files
  • Start The Computer in Safe Mode
  • Update a Driver With The Device Manager
  • Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files
  • Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f
  • Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows
  • Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu
  • Consult Microsoft Support Service
  • Install Latest System Updates
  • Scan The System For Viruses
  • Test Your RAM
  • Make a Clean Installation of Windows

Causes of The Error

  • There is not enough free space in the hard disk of your computer/laptop. For Windows 10 to operate correctly you need to have from 2 to 10 Gb of free space in your system disk.

  • An incompatible version of BIOS was installed or the firmware was damaged.

  • Device drivers incompatible with the OS were installed.

  • Windows registry was damaged or deleted, or cleaning operations accidentally deleted system keys.

  • Antivirus software or viruses may block system files or delete important registry keys.

  • An error occurred in the work of backup software.

  • It can also happen as a result of a Windows update.

Read more how to fix 0x0000001C: «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Home Server 2011, Windows 7 (Seven), Windows Small Business Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows Home Server, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT.

Here are some ways of eliminating the problem with «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «:

Restore Deleted Files

Often BSoD errors cause loss of important files. Files blocked by computer viruses, backup software errors, damaged or overwritten system files, file system errors or bad hard disk sectors – these are only some of the causes that can make your data lost.

Corrections of the corresponding errors will restore the normal operation of your devices, but it does not always restore damaged or lost files. Also, it is not always possible to eliminate an error without formatting the hard disk or clean installation of the operating system, which can also involve loss of files.

The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Download for free and scan your device with the help of Hetman Partition Recovery. Learn about the program features and step-by-step guide.

Hetman Partition Recovery

Start The Computer in Safe Mode

If the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) occurs when loading Windows and blocks any attempts to work with the system, try loading the computer in Safe Mode. This mode is meant for operating system (OS) diagnostics, but OS functions are very limited in this mode. Safe Mode should only be used if the system is blocked otherwise.

Start The Computer in Safe Mode

In order to start Safe Mode you should do the following:

  1. Go to Start menu and choose Settings.

  2. In the settings window that appears go to Update & Security menu and choose the Recovery tab.

  3. In the tab Recovery find Advanced startup and click the button Restart now.

  4. As your Windows restarts, it will ask you to choose the next step. Choose Troubleshoot.

  5. In the Troubleshoot menu click on Advanced Options and then on Startup Settings.

  6. Then Windows will inform you that the computer can be restarted with the use of additional settings one of which is Enable Safe Mode. Press Restart.

  7. After restarting choose Enable Safe Mode by pressing F4.

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How to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode (All Methods)

How to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode (All Methods)

Update a Driver With The Device Manager

Have you installed new hardware to your computer? Are you using a new USB device? These can be the causes for the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «. If you installed your device driver from the disk you have found in the device delivery package or if you are using a driver which was downloaded from a place other than Microsoft official website, this can be the core of the problem. You will have to update the device driver to fix it.

Update a Driver With The Device Manager

You can do it manually in the Windows device manager by taking the following steps:

  1. Press Windows button and type device manager on the keyboard.

  2. Choose Device Manager from the list.

  3. View the list of device categories and click on the arrow nest to the category in which your new device falls. The driver can be marked with a yellow triangle.

  4. Right-click on the device name and press Update Driver Software.

  5. Then a window of Update Driver Software with two options will appear:

    • Search automatically for updated driver software. Windows will automatically check availability of the best suitable driver for this device.

    • Browse my computer for driver software. Use this option to show the OS where the driver files are kept.

Restart the computer after the driver is installed.

Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files

Damaged or rewritten system files may cause the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «. The command sfc finds damaged Windows system files and replaces them.

Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files

  1. Press Windows button and enter cmd from the keyboard.

  2. Right-click on CMD and launch it as administrator.

  3. In the command prompt window, type in sfc /scannow and press Enter.

This process may take several minutes.

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How to Recover Windows 10, 8, 7 System Files (SFC, DISM)

How to Recover Windows 10, 8, 7 System Files (SFC, DISM)

Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f

The blue screen with «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « may be caused by a file system error or by bad sectors in your disk. The command CHKDSK will check the disk for file system errors and bad sectors. Using the setting /f will make the program to automatically correct the detected errors, and the setting /r allows finding and fixing problem disk sectors. To launch it, follow these steps:

Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f

  1. Press Windows, then enter CMD from the keyboard.

  2. Right-click on CMD and launch it as administrator.

  3. In the command prompt window type chkdsk c: /f and press Enter (use the letter of the drive where your OS is installed).

Wait until the process is over and restart your computer.

Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows

A error with the code «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « may be caused by outdated software. If this error occurs after launching a program, then using Windows compatibility mode can help you get rid of the problem. To fix it, do the following:

Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows

  1. Find a program executable file (it has .exe extension) and right-click on it.

  2. In the quick menu, select Troubleshoot compatibility.

  3. At the next stage, you will see the window Program Compatibility Troubleshooter. You will have two troubleshooting options to choose from:

    • Try recommended settings. Select this variant to start a test run of the program using recommended compatibility settings.

    • Troubleshoot program. Select this variant to choose compatibility settings based on what problems you have encountered.

  4. After testing the program under various versions of Windows and startup settings save the suitable settings for your program.

Setup compatibility mode

Check errors

Setup Windows version

Go to view

How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode With Windows 10, 8 and 7

How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode With Windows 10, 8 and 7

Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu

The software causing «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) may be written to Windows Startup list so the error occurs immediately after the system starts without any user activity. You can delete programs from Startup by using Task Manager.

Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu

  1. Load the computer in Safe Mode.

  2. Right-click on Task Bar and then on Task Manager.

  3. Go to Startup tab.

  4. To delete a program from the startup list select it and disable by clicking Disable in the right lower corner of the window.

Consult Microsoft Support Service

Microsoft offers several solutions to eliminate the blue screen error. «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C) can be fixed with the help of Windows Update or by addressing Windows Support.

Consult Microsoft Support Service

  1. Go to Microsoft Support Service.

  2. Enter your error code and message into the search field and follow the directions.

  3. If you don’t find a ready solution as the community where your query can be answered by a certified system administrator.

Install Latest System Updates

Windows provides updates that extend your driver database and correct errors or security vulnerabilities. Download the latest updates to get rid of the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » (0x0000001C).

Install Latest System Updates

You can launch Windows Update like this:

  1. Go to Start menu and select Settings.

  2. In the Settings window go to Update and Security tab.

  3. To install the latest Windows updates click on Check for updates and wait until they are found and installed.

Set up automatic download and installation of system updates

It is recommended to set up automatic download and installation of system updates with the help of Advanced Options.

To enable automatic system update you need to start Windows Update:

  1. Go to Start menu and choose Settings.

  2. In the Settings window go to the Update and Security menu and select Windows Update. To install the latest Windows updates click on Check for updates and wait until they are found and installed.

  3. Go to Advanced Options and choose the mode of update installation — Automatic.

Scan The System For Viruses

The blue screen of death with the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT » 0x0000001C can be caused by computer viruses that infected your system.

To check the computer for viruses launch your antivirus program.

Modern antiviruses allow checking both hard disks and RAM. Run a full system scan.

Test Your RAM

System memory problems may cause errors, loss of data or even make your computer stop working.

Before you start checking RAM, take it out of the slot on the motherboard and then stick it back again. Sometimes the error «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT « can be caused by the memory stick which was set into the slot incorrectly or not tight enough, and sometimes by the slot contacts covered with dust.

If the above actions did not make things better, you can check your RAM with the means of your operating system – Windows Memory Diagnostic.

JYou can start this tool in two ways:

  1. With the help of Control Panel:

    Start Windows Memory Diagnostic with Control Panel

    Go to Control Panel / System and Security / Administrative Tools. Launch the application Windows Memory Diagnostic.

  2. With the use of Run:

    With the use of Run

    Launch the Run tool with the combination of keys Windows + R. Type in mdsched and press Enter. The Windows Diagnostic tool will start.

To start the checking select one of the suggested variants to decide how your RAM will be tested after the computer is restarted.

If the diagnostic tool finds errors that cannot be corrected, such memory should be replaced (that is, you have to replace the memory stick where errors were found).

Make a Clean Installation of Windows

If none of the methods helped you to get rid of «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT «, try reinstalling Windows. In order to make a clean installation of Windows you need to create a setup disk or another media which you are going to use to install the OS.

Start the computer with the setup disk. To do it you may need to change boot priority in BIOS or UEFI for newer computers.

Following the installer menu stages, specify the disk where you want your Windows installed. You will have to format it then. If you are not satisfied with the number or size of the local disks they can be deleted and repartitioned.

Remember that formatting, deleting or partitioning your disks will destroy all files in the hard disk.

After specifying the disk to install Windows to, the process of copying system files and installing the operating system will start. During the installation, no additional action is required. In the process, the screen will go off for a while several times, and the computer will restart on its own to complete certain stages of installation.

Depending on the version of Windows at one of the stages you may have to select or enter basic personalization settings, choose how the computer works with networks and select settings of your account or create a new one.

As the computer loads the desktop, a clean installation of Windows is finished.

Note. Before you start a clean installation of Windows make sure you have drivers for all your hardware and that your files are safe. Download and save drivers to a separate media, and create a backup copy of important data.

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC to Factory Default Settings (All Methods)

How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC to Factory Default Settings (All Methods)

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won't Boot

How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won’t Boot

Информация о системе:

На вашем ПК работает:  

Размер файла: 0.6MB     Время загрузки: 10 секунд

Размер файла: 0.6MB

Время загрузки: 10 секунд

PFN_REFERE часто вызвана плохо настроенными системными настройками или нарушениями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть легко исправлена с помощью специальной утилиты, созданной чтобы решать проблемы реестра системы.

Скачайте здесь

  • Название ошибки: PFN_REFERE
  • Совместимо с: Windows 10, 11, 8, 7, Vista, XP
  • — Появляется сообщение «PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT», и активное окно программы выходит из строя;
  • — «PFN_REFERE» отображается на экране;
  • — Была обнаружена проблема, и Windows была отключена, чтобы предотвратить повреждение компьютера. Проблема, по-видимому, вызвана следующим файлом…;
  • — Ваш ПК часто выходит из строя и демонстрирует ошибку PFN_REFERE при запуске одной и той же программы;
  • — Windows работает вяло и медленно реагирует на сигналы мыши или клавиатуры;
  • — Ваш компьютер периодически зависает на несколько секунд;

Сообщения об ошибках PFN_REFERE часто появляются в результате забитого реестра Windows или ошибочных записей от несуществующих программ, которые обычно остаются от неправильного удаления программного обеспечения. Другие распространенные причины могут включать неверный ввод данных пользователем, отсутствующие файлы, которые были случайно удалены из реестра и вызывают сбои в работе системы. Отслеживание того, когда и где произошла ваша ошибка, является важной информацией для устранения неполадок.

  1. 1. Нажмите, чтобы загрузить приложение
  2. 2. Установите и запустите приложение
  3. 3. Нажмите кнопку Сканировать, чтобы обнаружить ошибки и отклонения
  4. 4. Нажмите Исправить все, чтобы устранить все проблемы

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Blue screen errors are pretty frequent in both Windows 10 and 11 but not all of them are the same in nature. Some of the BSOD makes the computer unusable or inaccessible while some just give you a glimpse of the fatal code and let you access the desktop afterward. PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT is one severe blue screen error that causes screen flickering moreover makes the PC restart time and again. This bug check has a value of 0x0000001C which probably points out an abnormality in the network driver. Though infrequent, the troubleshooting process can be irksome since the error doesn’t reveal any details about the causes. As a result, you can’t identify the part of the Windows machine which triggered the failure.

Errors like PFN REFERENCE COUNT BSOD usually occur when any of the hardware or software gets corrupted. The hardware usually gets affected because of overheating, power surges, incompatibilities, or bad memory. On the other hand, software failures are the result of timing inconsistency, driver incompatibility, outdated Windows, and operating system corruption. If PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT blue screen error is triggered from software-related issues, it may not require extreme solutions compared to hardware failure. In case of hardware issues, you might need to purchase a new part and replace it with the defective one.

Here is how to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD Blue Screen Error in Windows 10 or 11 –

Way-1: Make changes to the network driver

Keeping your drivers up-to-date usually helps to maintain the good health of your PC. With default settings, drivers receive updates when the system updates take place and this happens automatically. Oftentimes, we stop Windows from updating drivers that make some of it backdated and later on end up with different issues. However, you may have unexpected errors in your Windows even after ensuring regular updates.

To make the system run error-free, neither updated drivers help always nor do the backdated ones. What matters is compatible drivers that go with the system configuration. Therefore, you must ensure the drivers installed on your WIndows are the correct version that your PC requires. Since PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT mostly occurs due to network drivers, check it with utmost priority. If the issue still persists afterward, check other faulty drivers as well. The process is quite easy as drivers that need attention are pointed out with yellow indications in device manager.

Roll Back or Update driver

  1. Press – Windows + X.
  2. Choose – Device Manager.
  3. When the dedicated window shows up, look for – Network adapters.
  4. Right-click your WiFi adapter.
  5. Select – Properties.
  6. Once on the next wizard, shift to the Driver tab.
  7. Click – Roll Back Driver.
  8. If the driver didn’t receive any update lately, the button will be greyed out. In that case, you will have to update the mentioned driver.
  9. Therefore, choose – Update Driver instead of Roll Back Driver.

how to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD Blue Screen Error in Windows 10 or 11

  1. Follow on-screen instructions to complete the process.
  2. Once the task is done, restart Windows and check if the BSOD is gone.
  3. Do the same with other suspicious drivers as well.

Re-install defective driver

If the above procedure didn’t help in fixing the blue screen error, uninstall the problematic driver and then install the same from the manufacturer’s website. Many people found this trick helpful, thus give it a try.

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Expand the device whose driver you want to uninstall by double clicking.
  3. Right-click the faulty driver and then choose – Uninstall device.
  4. Comply with on-screen instructions and remove the driver completely.
  5. Reboot Windows.
  6. After powering up, the system will automatically re-install the default version of the driver.

Way-2: Use Bluescreenview to find the real culprit

Bluescreenview is a utility from Nirsoft to detect which file is creating the error on Windows 11 or 10. This program has the capability to read minidump and shows filename causing system crash on the interface. Download Bluescreenview and run it on your computer as it would be a great help to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT. Go to –

Download Bluescreenview

Way-3: Scan Windows for malware

Malware is a strongly coded threat that usually enters your system from the internet or USB drives. They mostly stay in disguise and pretend like valid system components to sneak the system security. Therefore, be careful while clicking links embedded in the mail or downloading files from unauthorized sources. Though not all malware is same in nature, some are detrimental enough to ruin the whole system including your files. The latter usually starts replicating itself once they enter the system and affect genuine components. As a result, important system components either go missing or become corrupted.

Windows don’t get affected by malware easily as the built-in security suite prevents any suspicious files from entering the system when enabled. But when we use multiple antivirus programs at once, oftentimes they conflict in between and don’t function properly. Therefore, it’s always recommended to use one such program at a time and Windows security is best suited in that case. PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD is often caused by virus attack, so run a full scan with the built-in security program right away. It will scan the full system to find out if malware already affected your system and clean them eventually.

  1. Press – Windows key.
  2. Type in – Virus & threat protection.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  4. From the right overlay of the appearing window, click – Scan options.
  5. Select the radio button present before – Full scan.
  6. Click – Scan now.

windows defender full scan

  1. If any malware is found during the scanning, hit – Clean Threat.
  2. In the end, click Remove and then Start actions.
  3. Restart Windows to make the changes effective.

Way-4: Disconnect external peripherals

External peripherals such as mouse, keyboard, hard disk, and speakers are very much necessary to work on a system. Unless using these gadgets, you cannot get the utmost functionality out of a system. Several users kick up a fuss that they encounter PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT blue screen error after setting up connection of the hardware accessories on a laptop or desktop.

Furthermore, a number of users suggest that unplugging these devices, for the time being, can fix the stop code. Grab this chance to fix the BSOD error using this easy trick if the same happens to you.

  1. Plug out one of the peripherals.
  2. Place the device in a nearby safe place.
  3. Restart the computer and check if the error is fixed.
  4. If fixed, happening indicates that this particular device was the reason for the Blue screen error. Therefore, update driver of this device and restart the computer.
  5. Suppose the BSOD still occurs, test the same thing with other peripherals successively until the error is resolved.

Way-5: Resolve system corruption

Corrupted exe, DLL, sys, and other files miss out the fixed components and structure in it and appear unreadable. PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT Blue Screen error is the result of this corruption which is so detrimental to the system. System File Checker is a masterly built-in utility in Windows 10 to help recover missing resources and repair corrupted files. Follow the steps to use the tool –

  1. Press Winkey + R
  2. Type cmd
  3. Next, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
  4. Click Yes when UAC prompts.
  5. In command prompt, type the following ‘command’ – “SFC /Scannow” without quotes.

SFC command line tool

  1. Press Enter key to execute the command.
  2. SFC tool will find and repair problematic components as well. In case, there are any missing DLL, System File Checker will also recover them accordingly.
  3. Finally, restart Windows 10 or 11 and check if the bug check has been resolved once the next session starts.
  4. If this still shows up, open Command prompt as administrator and type – DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth.
  5. When the tool finished its work reboot the PC.

Way-6: Uninstall recent Windows update

Repugnant to the general concept that Windows updates improve Operating system and fix problems in it, sometimes the same causes bugs. Blue screen error PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT might be generated due to buggy Windows update. In case, the error occurs on a mass basis Microsoft quickly takes care of the problem system. But until the company resolves the issue and sends an update you will have to make a temporary arrangement. Removal of update is the best process that can save you from BSOD in the current situation. Uninstalling is super easy because Windows provides more than one method that can be used in a few clicks only. So follow the steps –

  1. Press Windows and R.
  2. Type – appwiz.cpl.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  4. On Programs and Features window, select – View installed updates.
  5. Right-click on the update recently installed.
  6. Select – Uninstall.
  7. Click – Yes on the confirmation prompt.
  8. After a few reboots, the update will be removed completely. The error should be fixed by now.

Way-7: Disable fast startup

Blue Screen error’s reason is ambiguous; sometimes the issue occurs due to Fast Startup. “Fast Startup” is a combined power option blend of Shut down and Hibernate processes to outbid the booting and make it speedier. This power option places the data in hibernation and fetches it at the next startup. Programs as being served with previous data load quicker than normal, and the startup doesn’t consume so much time.

Definitely, Fast Startup is one of the best options users have ever got. Moreover, there is an opportunity of carrying over BSOD error as well to the next session along with other data. Therefore, you need to turn off this setting to fix PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT Blue Screen error. Go ahead with the steps –

  1. Click on Start located on the taskbar.
  2. Type – control.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  4. Once Control panel appears, select – Power options.
  5. From the next window, click – Choose what the power button does
  6. Select – Change settings that are currently unavailable.
  7. Uncheck – Turn on fast startup (recommended).
  8. Finally, click – Save Changes.


Way-8: Get rid of unnecessary apps

Generally installing a bunch of unnecessary programs leads to trouble specifically when they are not trusted enough. Certain may transport bugs and cause unexpected system crash. Apart from this, multiple programs having identical nature may create fuss and mess on an operating system. The reason is these applications contain similar system files that can come into collision. This always triggers the crash of system files, deletion of many of them forcibly, and finally, PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD shows up. Therefore, remove unwanted programs, particularly the duplicate ones using the below instructions –

  1. Right-click on Start.
  2. Select – Run.
  3. Type -“appwiz.cpl”.
  4. Press Enter. This will open up Programs and Features window from Control Panel.
  5. Find the trouble-creating application in the list and right-click on it.
  6. Select – Uninstall.
  7. Click Yes on the confirmation prompt.
  8. Go with the on-screen guidelines to complete this removal.
  9. In the end, restart Windows 10 PC and check if the error is solved.

Way-9: Check Disk for error

Bad disk drive is a prominent factor for any bug checking or blue screen error. The flaw interrupts the normal behavior of Windows due to which the system can not serve files necessary for startup and other essential operations. Consequently, instead of booting to the desktop, the OS falls into bugcheck. Once you run Disk checking tool, this repair drive and BSOD is removed. Here are the steps –

  1. Press – Win+E.
  2. Click on This PC from the Quick access navigation pane
  3. Right-click on C: Drive.
  4. Select – Properties.
  5. Go to the Tool menu.
  6. Now click on Check.
  7. Error checking pop-up will appear; select – Scan drive.

Way-10: Resolve memory issues

Memory is an integral part of the System and when it is corrupted Windows doesn’t perform at its best. Furthermore, the bad memory also triggers a stop error. Follow the method to fix –

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Type – mdsched.exe.
  3. Hit Enter.
  4. Select – Restart now and check problems.
  5. The system will quickly reboot and start detecting issues.
  6. In the second reboot, it will repair the memory.
  7. When finished, see if the error still persists.

Way-11: Perform clean boot

Clean boot has a direct connection with BSOD or Blue screen of Death error. The error mostly occurs due to conflicts between system files and other programs and this can happen because of the presence of third-party programs, threats, and obsolete drivers. Clean boot is an option in Windows 11 or 10 that cuts down a number of services and startup apps when running. This way the possibility of conflicts and collisions becomes low that was resulting in the Blue screen. The method also gives opportunity to check whether which is causing the issue by uninstalling the apps and programs one by one. Follow the guidelines –

  1. Press – Winkey.
  2. Type – msconfig.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  4. On System configuration window, go to the Services
  5. Deselect the option – Load Startup items.
  6. Click – Disable all.


  1. Navigate to the Startup tab.
  2. Click – Open Task Manager.
  3. When you are on the Task Manager, right-click on each item there and select Disable.
  4. This way all the startup programs must be turned off.
  5. Now close the Task Manager and return back to System Configuration.
  6. Click on Apply and then on OK.
  7. Select – Restart.

Way-12: Check for Windows update

PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD error is much more expected in an obsolete Windows 10 than in an updated one. Update patches contain probable fixes and security modifications to minimize the chance of errors. Redomondians are very much keen about this and release them at very close intervals. Receiving the patches will make the system healthy and keep out of risk from various bugs & problems. Hence, move forward with the below steps and install the updates –

  1. Press Windows key and I.
  2. Select – Update & Security.
  3. Click on Check for updates.
  4. Patches will be downloaded automatically; restart the computer when you are asked.

See – 4 Ways to Update Windows 10

Way-13: Restore Windows to an earlier state

PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT BSOD may occur after installing a new program or making changes in the registry. The reason might be an unexpected change in the Windows registry which is a very sensitive area. Therefore, performing System Restore will simply load the previous point and you can get back to a state where the error was not prevalent. To perform the task, follow the below instructions –

  1. Press Windows key and S
  2. Type – rstrui.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  4. On the System Restore wizard, click – Next.
  5. Check – Show more restore points.
  6. Select one point before that the error was not started.
  7. Click – Next.
  8. Select – Finish.
  9. A warning message will appear now; click – Yes.
  10. The process will take a considerable amount of time. Once finished, the Blue screen error will no longer occur.

Methods list:
Way-1: Make changes to the network driver
Way-2: Use Bluescreenview
Way-3: Scan Windows for malware
Way-4: Disconnect external peripherals
Way-5: Resolve system corruption
Way-6: Uninstall recent Windows update
Way-7: Disable fast startup
Way-8: Get rid of unnecessary apps
Way-9: Check Disk for error
Way-10: Resolve memory issues
Way-11: Perform clean boot
Way-12: Check for Windows update
Way-13: Restore Windows to an earlier state

That’s all!!

Repair any Windows problems such as Blue/Black Screen, DLL, Exe, application, Regisrty error and quickly recover system from issues using Reimage.

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