Ошибка phone number not filled you should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed перевод

  • Пачка косяков биллменеджера. =)

    Итак, после вчерашнего открытия регистраций доменой в зоне РФ, наши клиенты усиленно стали регистрировать домены, сразу же всплыли косяки:

    1) При добавлении кириллического имени домена в зоне .RU(!) биллинг снимает деньги, но не регает, т.к. регистрация в зоне ру кириллических имён запрещена!!!! Ошибку не возвращает и такие домены болтаются в статусе обрабатываются.
    Нужно добавить проверочку на валидность ввода IDN для доменных зон.

    2) При регистрации домена в зоне РФ (и не только) также списываются средства, но не смотрится регистрация перед началом самой регистрации. (К примеру: клиент отправил заявку к нам на регистрацию домена, выставил себе счёт QIWI, пошёл оплачивать, оплатил и придя домой увидел, что домен обрабатывается. Всё бы ничего, но он так и будет обрабатываться без выдачи ошибок клиенту, т.к. этот же домен уже регнули на 5 минут раньше через WebMoney)…..

    3) Если у юзера не вбиты паспортные данные, домен тоже не зарегистрируется и будет висеть в обработке, хотя деньги спишутся, и ошибок клиенту опять не вывалит никаких!!!

    Вот такая ботва, прикинь, бывает не до смеху, было трудно без тебя, Вован, хорошо, что приехал (с) Ума-Турман..

    ПОФИКСИТЕ ПЛИИИИЗ!!! ( выпустите обновочку :) )

  • При регистрации домена .COM через R01, вылетает ошибка:

    Nov 12 14:42:12 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=xml&func=domain.result&item=54&operation=regd omain&state=error&message=PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.’

    хотя везде всё заполнено…… :(

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от netduke
    Посмотреть сообщение

    2) При регистрации домена в зоне РФ (и не только) также списываются средства, но не смотрится регистрация перед началом самой регистрации. (К примеру: клиент отправил заявку к нам на регистрацию домена, выставил себе счёт QIWI, пошёл оплачивать, оплатил и придя домой увидел, что домен обрабатывается. Всё бы ничего, но он так и будет обрабатываться без выдачи ошибок клиенту, т.к. этот же домен уже регнули на 5 минут раньше через WebMoney)…..

    После того как клиент оплатит по QIWI только в этот момент отправится заявка на регистрацию. Если домен уже занят, то регистратор вернет ошибку и деньги вернутся.


    Сообщение от netduke
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    3) Если у юзера не вбиты паспортные данные, домен тоже не зарегистрируется и будет висеть в обработке, хотя деньги спишутся, и ошибок клиенту опять не вывалит никаких!!!

    В любом случае смотрится ответ от регистратора, если он вернул ошибку, то клиенту выводится банер, и деньги возвращаются. Не зависимо ошибка в паспортных данных или других.


    Сообщение от netduke
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    При регистрации домена .COM через R01, вылетает ошибка:

    С каких пор у R01 для регистрации com требуются паспортные данные?

  • Nick! Я только что дал доступ к серверу тех поддержке, там реально есть косяк какой-то. Вот вырезка логов по регистрации:

    Домен с ID = 57 (условно, IDN: домен.com) также до сих пор висит в стадии обработки.
    Была ошибка, но биллинг её не понял.

    Billmgr log


    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] INFO Request [][s.zamorov] ‘func=domain.manregdom&elid=57’
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:1392 TRACE RUN BeforeExecute()
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:875 DEBUG cdw = ‘/usr/local/ispmgr’
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:876 DEBUG script=’sbin/drr01′ fname=’var/run/drr01.regdomain_57′ params=’register
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/utils.cpp:462 DEBUG Waiting ZOMB 1, ret=30122, status=0
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] INFO Request [][s.zamorov] ‘func=domain&clickstat=yes’
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/billmgr/core/item.cpp:903 DEBUG it 12
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=xml&func=domain.result&item=57&operation=regd omain&state=error&message=PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.’
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:1392 TRACE RUN BeforeExecute()
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] ../../src/billmgr/domain/svrdomain.cpp:2611 DEBUG acc =
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] EXTINFO Load config ‘var/userconf/billmgr.sdeurost’
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=text&func=longtask’
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:691 DEBUG drr01 false do(‘regdomain_57’, 1, ‘error: Some error with code 1 during execution’)



    Nov 12 14:08:36 [30123] INFO Request: register 57
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:79 DEBUG REQUEST:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:81 DEBUG RESPONSE:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] INFO Session ID: e636c770343eacfbbc21eb3430086de0
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:174 DEBUG REQUEST:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:176 DEBUG RESPONSE:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ERROR PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от netduke
    Посмотреть сообщение

    При регистрации домена .COM через R01, вылетает ошибка:

    Nov 12 14:42:12 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=xml&func=domain.result&item=54&operation=regd omain&state=error&message=PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.’

    хотя везде всё заполнено…… :(

    Сделайте нормальное описание, наконец, для клиента. Это удобно, очень удобно.

  • Приделаем. Только не для всех регистраторов это получется, т.к. однозначно определить возвращаемую ошибку бывает затруднительно.

  • Ну и если еще вдруг кто-то не ощутил на себе…
    Биллинг дает регистрировать домены с верхним регистром букв, внезависимости от того, занят этот домен или нет
    аля Домен.рф и домен.рф

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от Shi3A
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Ну и если еще вдруг кто-то не ощутил на себе…
    Биллинг дает регистрировать домены с верхним регистром букв, внезависимости от того, занят этот домен или нет
    аля Домен.рф и домен.рф

    Уже исправлено. Будет в следующем обновлении.

  • при добавлении прав пользователю

    credit.editnews — не имеет подписи вообще
    admingroup/admingroup.access/admingroup.access/admingroup.access — до бесконечности вкладывается сама в себя
    rhost — имеет несколько вложенных атрибутов без подписи

    item.period, item.welcome в dns — не имеют подписи

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от pkirill
    Посмотреть сообщение

    при добавлении прав пользователю

    credit.editnews — не имеет подписи вообще
    admingroup/admingroup.access/admingroup.access/admingroup.access — до бесконечности вкладывается сама в себя
    rhost — имеет несколько вложенных атрибутов без подписи

    item.period, item.welcome в dns — не имеют подписи

    Просьба выносить вопросы не по теме в отдельную ветку.


Please fill out all required fields marked in red.



Пожалуйста, заполните все поля, отмеченные красным.



Please correctly fill out the fields in red to confirm your registration.



Чтобы подтвердить вашу регистрацию, необходимо правильно заполнить поля, отмеченные красным цветом.



Please fill out all required information before the search.



Пожалуйста, введите всю необходимую информацию перед поиском.



Please fill in all the required fields.



Заполните все необходимые поля.



Please fill in all required fields.



Пожалуйста, заполните все обязательные поля.



After you fill out all the fields press Continue to generate a request in […]

the CSR format.



После заполнения всех полей нажмите кнопку Continue для генерации запроса […]

в формате CSR.



She also noted that the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women


provided that the full and complete

development of a country, the welfare of the world and the cause of peace required the maximum participation of women on equal terms with men in all fields.



Она также отметила, что в Конвенции о ликвидации всех


форм дискриминации в отношении женщин

предусмотрено, что полное развитие стран, благосостояние всего мира и дело мира требуют максимального участия женщин наравне с мужчинами во всех областях.



Required fields must be filled out.



Обязательные для заполнения поля должны быть заполнены.



It is necessary to

pass by reference “Change of the password” and fill in all required fields.



Необходимо перейти по ссылке «Смена пароля» и заполнить все необходимые поля.



Go to “Account”, click

”Change Password” at the top of the page, fill in all required fields and click “Change Password” at the bottom.



Зайдите в раздел “Account”(Аккаунт), нажмите ”Change

Password” (Сменить пароль) наверху страницы, заполните все обязательные поля и нажмите кнопку “Change Password”(Сменить […]

пароль), расположенную в нижней части страницы.



Please observe that all fields with an * are mandatory fields that must be filled out.



Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание, что все поля со знаком * являются обязательными и поэтому должны быть заполнены.



Please fill in all fields marked with *.



Просьба заполнить все поля, обозначенные *.



Advance reservations required, purchase tickets on our website or please fill out the reservation form and return it to secure your place(s) in […]

the class.



Вы можете заранее забронировать и оплатить билеты на нашем сайте или заполнить регистрационную форму и выслать её нам.



Please fill out the form below to request a refund on your ticket purchased on any Air China website (with the exception of AIRCHINA CHINA website www.airchina.com.cn). Please make sure all the information […]

is correct so we can process it accordingly.



Пожалуйста, заполните форму ниже, чтобы отправить заявку на возврат Вашего билета, приобретенного на любом вебсайте Air China ( за исключением вебсайта AIRCHINA на китайском языке: www.airchina.com.cn). […]

Пожалуйста, удостоверьтесь,


что вся информация правильная и мы можем её использовать соответствующим образом.



Fill out the required fields and then click on [Connect].



Заполните обязательные поля и нажмите на кнопку [Подключиться].



Please note that all fields that have an asterisk (*) are required in order to continue.



Обратите внимание, что все поля отмеченные звездочкой (*) необходимо заполнить для того, чтобы продолжать.



Please fill in all the fields at the next page and press «Next».



На следующей странице заполните все поля и нажмите «Далее».



Please, fill in all the paragraphs of the form and provide the originals or certified true copies of all the required documents.



Пожалуйста, заполните все пункты заявки и предоставьте оригиналы или заверенные копии всех запрашиваемых документов.



Please fill in all fields and describe the essence of your message.



Пожалуйста заполните все поля, опишите детально суть вашего сообщения.



The idea behind the supply/demand question was to find out whether the number of accountants graduating in the country is sufficient to fill all the positions required by the different entities participating in the reporting chain.



Смысл вопроса о спросе и предложении заключался в том, чтобы выяснить, является ли количе ство бухгалтерских кадров, выпускаемых учебными заведениями страны, достаточным для заполнения всех соответствующих должностей в различных структурах, участвующих в процессе подготовки и представления отчетности.



Please fill up all necessary fields in form below and email it to us.



Пожалуйста, заполните все необходимые поля в форме приведенной ниже и отправьте ее нам.



Applicants were required to fill out a form, on which […]

they indicated the nature of the assistance they were requesting;


the case was then examined as soon as possible by the Directorate of Social Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which would then draw on emergency social assistance funds.



Такой гражданин

должен составить заявление с указанием вида испрашиваемой […]

помощи, после чего это заявление оперативно рассматривается


управлением по социальным вопросам Министерства иностранных дел Сенегала, которое затем выделяет средства на оказание чрезвычайной помощи, поступающие из его кассы социальной помощи.



Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) recalls the


preamble to the Convention,

which spells out that the cause of peace requires the full participation of women on equal terms with men in all fields and, by so doing, holds out a promise to women across the globe that […]

their rights will be protected


and that all barriers to their equal participation and full involvement in the maintenance and promotion of sustainable peace will be removed.



В резолюции 1325 (2000) Совета


Безопасности делается

ссылка на преамбулу Конвенции, в которой говорится, что дело мира требует полного и равноправного участия женщин во всех областях. Таким образом, в ней содержится обещание женщинам всего мира, […]

что их права будут защищаться


и что все препятствия на пути к их равноправному и полному участию в деле поддержания и поощрения устойчивого мира будут преодолены.



While the Framework for Action emphasizes the promises, the dynamism but also the potential adverse effects that came with the natural sciences, and the need to understand their impact on and relations with society, the commitment to


science, as well as the challenges and the

responsibilities set out in this Declaration, pertain to all fields of the sciences.



Втовремя, как в Рамках действий подчеркивается как многообещающий и динамичный характер естественных наук, так и их потенциальное вредоносное воздействие, а также необходимость понимания их влияния на общество и взаимосвязей с ним,


приверженность науке, равно

как и соответствующие задачи и обязанности, нашедшие свое выражение в настоящей […]

Декларации, относятся ко всем наукам.



The task of the Bureau is to carry out all necessary activities towards preparing the required legislation and capacity-building for the institutional structure in the sphere of […]

asylum and migration, as well as to coordinate the EU projects.



В задачу этого Бюро входит проведение всей необходимой деятельности, направленной на подготовку требуемого законодательства и наращивания потенциала для обеспечения институциональной […]

структуры в сфере убежища и миграции,


а также координация проектов ЕС.



As the questionnaire covers a wide range of knowledge areas, a variety of

respondents will be required in order to fill out the questionnaire […]




Поскольку вопросник


охватывает широкий спектр областей

знаний, для его надлежащего заполнения необходимо будет привлекать […]

весьма разнообразных респондентов.



General Standards of auditors The qualifications and competence, the necessary


independence and

objectivity, and the exercise of due care, which shall be required of the auditor to carry out the tasks related to the fields and reporting standards in a competent, efficient […]

and effective manner.



Общие стандарты аудиторов Квалификация и



необходимая независимость и объективность, проявление добросовестности, которые потребуются от аудитора для выполнения задач, связанных с отраслевыми стандартами и стандартами […]

отчетности, эффективным


и действенным образом.



If the inspection is not to be carried out by MR personnel, we recommend that you ask for a quotation of the spare parts required for the inspection (please quote the on-load tap-changer […]

serial number and the


number of switching operations).



Если ревизию осуществляют специалисты других фирм, запросите необходимые для нее запчасти (укажите заводской номер устройства РПН и количество переключений).



На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Fill in all of the necessary fields and add the tag to the appropriate toolbar(s).

3.3.For registration, the User must fill in correctly and fully all necessary (mandatory) fields of the corresponding registration form.

Fill in all the necessary items on the entry form, and securely attach it to the back of your artwork.

If you are interested in the service, apply to the bank, and our specialists will help you to choose an optimal type of a payment terminal and fill in all the necessary documents.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 559052. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 224 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Как разблокировать аккаунт после 5 неудачных попыток входа

Как разблокировать аккаунт после 5 неудачных попыток входа

Наверное, каждый сталкивался с ошибкой при попытке авторизации с не валидными данными, которая по-английски звучит так

Sorry, there have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password.

а по-русски

Аккаунт временно заблокирован по причине более чем 5 неудачных попыток входа. Попробуйте войти позже, или запросите новый пароль.

Это простая самооборона Друпала, которая активируется после 5 (по умолчанию) попыток входа. Таким образом, система не позволяет злоумышленникам забрутофорсить (англ. brute force. Cм. Полный перебор) сайт. Работает она достаточно просто: во время каждой авторизации, Друпал сохраняет ip-адрес пользователя, запоминая при этом, точную дату события и дату окончания «срока годности» попытки.

Вот некоторые нюансы:

  • По умолчанию «срок годности» составляет 1 земной час.
  • Количество возможных, неудачных попыток входа — 5.
  • Эти значения могут быть изменены.
  • Вместо ip-адреса может быть сохранено имя хоста.
  • Данные, у которых истек «срок годности» очищаются только по крону.
  • Вы можете войти в систему, в любом случае если пройдете процедуру «Сброса пароля»!

Вот еще один интересный факт:

Вы можете имя пользователя указать верно, но при этом 5 раз ошибиться с паролем. В таком случае, попытки авторизации будут запрещены на 6 часов. При этом, через 60 минут можно будет повторить попытку входа, но с другого ip-адреса.

Что касается простых смертных — мы разобрались. Администраторы, же или программисты могут сталкиваться с этой проблемой чаще, т.к. им хлеб в рот не клади, дай только что-нибудь сломать. К счастью, для тех у кого есть доступ к Драшу или напрямую к базе могут обойтись без сброса пароля или часового ожидания. Нужно просто почистить таблицу flood
. Вот восемь способов это сделать.

# Очистить все.
 drush sqlq "DELETE FROM flood"
# Снять блокировку для существующего пользователя с id=1.
 drush sqlq "DELETE FROM flood WHERE event = 'failed_login_attempt_user' AND identifier LIKE '1-%'"
# Очистить данные для определенного ip адреса.
 drush sqlq "DELETE FROM flood WHERE event = 'failed_login_attempt_user' AND identifier LIKE ''"
# Если вы не имеете установленного Drush, тогда заходим в консоль базы и выполняем запросы "на живую".
 mysql> DELETE FROM flood;
 mysql> DELETE FROM flood WHERE event
 AND identifier LIKE '1-%'
 mysql> DELETE FROM flood WHERE event
 AND identifier LIKE ''

Проблемы, ошибки, неточности в тексте пишите в комментах.

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  • Magenta


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    2. Try the Password Retrieval process
    3. If you encounter an error message saying, “Sorry, you are not authorized to sign into this account”, please contact our customer service team

    Note: check your email inbox. You may have missed important information regarding your account.

    Can I sell on AliExpress?
    We appreciate your interest in selling products on AliExpress.
    Currently, only suppliers located in China and a few selected oversea sellers can sell on AliExpress.

    If you are a supplier in China, please visit http://seller.aliexpress.com for more information.
    If you are a supplier from other country, I’m afraid you cannot sell your goods with current account. We hope that in the future this situation will change. At the moment, you can enjoy all the benefits as a buyer on AliExpress and make a secure payment using Buyer Protection.

    How do I register on AliExpress?
    1. Click Join on the homepage or at the top right corner of any AliExpress page
    2. Enter your email address and wait for the AliExpress verification message
    3. Once you receive the verification message, set and confirm your login password
    4. Enter your name and confirm, then start shopping!

    Note: Make sure you enter the correct email address, and don’t forget to check your junk or spam folder if you don’t receive the verification email. Our system currently only recognizes characters from the English alphabet.

    Account Setting

    How can I use my email address for a new AliExpress account?
    If you have several AliExpress accounts and would like to link an existing email address to your new account, you need to:
    1. Change the email address of your existing/old account first. At the moment, each AliExpress account can only be linked to one unique email address.
    2. After you’ve successfully updated the address of your existing account, you can link your new account to the other email address.

    How do I cancel my account?
    To cancel your account, please follow the steps below:
    Step 1: Sign into My AliExpress
    Step 2: Click Account, then Edit Member Profile
    Step 3: Click Deactivate Account and fill in the required information

    Note: once you have deactivated your account, you will still be able to track information your previous orders.

    What are the privileges of the AliExpress Member Club?
    The AliExpress Member Club has 4 levels—Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond.
    The level you are in determines the benefits & privileges you’re entitled to. All buyers are automatically assigned a membership level once they meet the minimum requirements determined for each level.

    Why has my membership level changed?
    Our membership levels changed from the previous ranking system to the new levels: Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. For the different membership levels, buyers can get more and different interests, so that members of the trust platform to get better and more benefits, such as With your membership upgrade you can enjoy more discounts, Platinum and Diamond members will enjoy better after-sales service.

    My reward points have not been added to my account. What can I do?
    Your reward points are made up of Shopping points, Fan points and Bonus points. Membership status is based on the number of reward points you have accumulated over the last 12 months.
    If the order points have not yet been rewarded to your account, then it may be due to one of the following factors:
    Your points are only rewarded once your order has been completed. Check your order status.
    Refunded or fraudulent orders will not receive points.
    Shipping discounts, free gifts, deposits or pre-orders are not eligible to receive points.
    Orders which are less than $2 USD are not valid to claim reward points.
    Note: You can’t receive reward points for orders which were canceled due to security reasons

    How do I change my email address?
    You can change your email address anytime through My AliExpress.

    1. Sign into My AliExpress and go to Account
    2. Click Change Email Address
    3. Complete the verification process. Enter your new email address along with the verification code that will be sent to your current email address (Login ID), and click Submit

    How do I remove my email address from your mailing list?
    To no longer receive our emails, please go to our website and follow the steps below:
    1. Sign in to My AliExpress, click Account, then go to Email Notifications.
    2. You can choose which kind of notifications you no longer want to receive by simply clicking the Disable button(s). It can take up to 24 hours before your request is processed.

    Please note, some important emails, such as dispute notifications, cannot be canceled.

    Find Account

    How do I find my account?
    Please visit: https://accounts.aliexpress.com/user…ve_account.htm

    Account Unavailable

    My account is unavailable. What can I do?
    There are many reasons for your account to be unavailable, such as:
    1. Self-deactivation. In this case, we suggest you register a new account
    2. Deactivated due to trading rules violation
    3. Due to security reasons, we temporarily locked your account to protect your information.

    Note: check your email inbox. You may have missed important information regarding your account.

    Alipay Account

    Is it safe to link my card to my Alipay account?
    All payments on AliExpress are protected in the following ways:
    1) You can only pay for your order(s) when you have signed in to your AliExpress account.
    2) We will verify each payment. In case of any inconsistencies, we will request a payment password and additional payment information.
    3) If any unauthorized transactions are made via your Alipay account, you will receive a 100% compensation.

    Why am I asked to save my card?
    If you have not activated your Alipay account yet, you can link a card to your account during checkout. Simply select the Save card to Alipay checkbox when you make the payment.

    Note: the card will not be added if you do not select the checkbox
    If you have activated your Alipay account, please go https://intl.alipay.com/bindcard/selfaddcard.htm to add a card before paying for your order.

    Alipay Balance service has been terminated
    1.What does it mean by «the Alipay balance service has been terminated»?
    This means that starting from January 1, 2017 (PDT), Alipay will no longer provide the Alipay balance service and customers can no longer maintain a balance in their profile for future payments.

    2.What if I still have remaining balance by January 1, 2017 (PDT)?
    a. Remaining balance ≤ 30USD
    The remaining balance has been replaced by AE Coupons of equivalent value for your purchases on AliExpress. General terms and conditions of AE Coupons are available helppage.aliexpress.com/buyercenter/questionAnswer.htm
    You can click https://coupon.aliexpress.com/buyer/coupon/listView.htm to find the AE coupons of the same amount starting from mid-January.
    You can continue to shop in AliExpress using the coupons within one year.

    b. Remaining balance > 30USD
    Your remaining balance has been kept as a pending refund. You can click https://intl.alipay.com/fund/refundRecord.htm to check and withdraw it to your bank account starting from mid-January. Please note that a minimum service fee of US $15.00 may be charged for each bank transfer.
    1) Visit (https://intl.alipay.com/fund/refundRecord.htm) to check the pending refund;
    2) Select the pending refund and click “Transfer to»
    3) Select «BankTransfer», provide your bank account details on the following page and submit. Please note that a minimum service fee of US $15.00 may be charged for each bank transfer and normally you will receive the money within 7-10 working days.

    How can I link a card to my Alipay account?
    A. Before Payment
    To link a credit card to your Alipay account before making a payment, please click this link https://intl.alipay.com/bindcard/selfaddcard.htm and fill the required information.
    Please pay attention to the following:
    1. When you link a credit card to your Alipay account, we will verify the validity of your card by temporarily holding one cent in your card, but you will not actually be charged $0.01. This one cent will be released automatically within 24 hours.
    2. Maestro and American Express card cannot be linked to your account. Currently, we only accept Visa and MasterCard.
    3. If you have linked one card to your Alipay account before, please note that after activating your Alipay account, you can add more cards.
    4. Please note that the billing address is generated from your shipping address, you can modify if it is not correct.
    5. If the page reminds you to set a new Alipay password, please set a 6-digit one. Please don’t choose consecutive digits (e.g. 123456) or don’t repeat a single digit (e.g. 444444).

    B. After Payment
    After making a payment with your credit card, you can link your credit card to your Alipay account.

    — If you don’t have an Alipay account yet
    1. Click Save the card​
    2. Fill in a valid phone number and save

    — If you already have an Alipay account
    1. Reset your 6-digit Alipay password and click Save the card
    2. Fill in a valid phone number and save

    How do I choose a primary card?
    If you have linked more than one card to your Alipay account, you can choose one ‘primary’ card. Here’s how:
    1. Go to Manage your cards
    2. Click Set as primary

    How can I update the information of the card that I added to my Alipay account?
    1. To update your card details, please remove your card from your account first. Please click here to remove your card.
    2. Then you can link another card by clicking Add cards.

    How many credit cards can I link to my Alipay account?
    If you haven’t activated your Alipay account yet, you can only link one card to it. However, after activation, you can link a maximum of 5 cards to your account.

    How can I remove a credit card I have added to my Alipay account?
    If you want to remove your card from your Alipay account, please follow the below steps:
    1. Click here and find your card
    2. Click Remove to remove your card

    I linked my card to my Alipay account but forgot the password. What should I do?
    If you have linked a card to your Alipay account but you have not activated it, you can reset your password in two ways:

    1. Click Forgot your password? on the checkout page
    Then reset your password by sending an SMS code to your phone
    2. Select Pay with card or another payment methods on the checkout page
    Then enter the card information and complete the payment with the card which you have linked to your Alipay account.

    After that, you will be guided to reset your Alipay password.

    How can I use the card that I linked to my account?
    On the checkout page, you will see the Pay with option if you already linked a card to your Alipay account.

    How do I link a second credit card to my Alipay account?
    If you have linked one credit card to your Alipay account and want to add a second one, please activate your Alipay account first. Go to: https://intl.alipay.com/user/i.htm and follow the instructions.

    After that, you can go here: https://intl.alipay.com/bindcard/selfaddcard.htm to link your card or follow the steps below:

    1. Pay for your order with your new card
    2. Enter a 6-digit password and click Save the card
    3. Enter a valid phone number and save

    Data Subject Rights

    If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy or if you wish to access or correct your Personal Data, you may send your request in writing to the following address:
    Data Protection Officer, The Legal Department
    Alibaba.com Hong Kong Limited, 26/F, Tower One, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

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  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
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    • С нами с 07.11.16

    Product Selection


    I have questions about details of a product
    If you have any questions about a product, contact the seller via email or live chat by using TradeManager or a personal message. You can find their contact information in several locations:

    1. Product detail page.
    2. In your Shopping Cart
    3. In your Wish List
    4. In your Orders page.

    What are supported shipping methods on AliExpress?
    Currently suppliers can choose from the following express shipping options: UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT, EMS, TOLL, e-EMS, ePacket, China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Air Parcel, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, HongKong Post Air Mail, HongKong Post Air Parcel, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, Sweden Post, Russian Air, Special Line-YW, DHL Global Mail and S.F. Express etc.
    Since the shipping methods are set up by the suppliers, you are advised to directly contact the supplier for more shipping information. To contact the supplier, you may go to the product detail page or shop and click Contact Now to send a message.

    How do I find a product?
    1. Type the name of the product you’re looking for into the search bar. You can search for products by name or features, such as brand, artist, part number, etc.
    2. If you have not decided what product you would like to find, you can try to search for the product in the categories section or our promotion product list under the search bar.
    3. Narrow your product search by using the advanced search tools.

    Note: Detailed product information is displayed on the product details page. This information includes product specifications, seller information and buyer reviews.

    How do I report a seller or product?
    You can submit a complaint via:
    a. The Product Details page
    b. Disputes & Reports under Help
    b. Complaint Center under «My AliExpress»

    Note: you can follow your report status under your My AliExpress account:
    Go to My AliExpress > Manage Reports > My Reports.

    Do I have to pay for customs and import taxes?
    You may be charged customs duties and taxes for something you bought on AliExpress because:
    • Duties and taxes are typically not included in the price of the item, and might not be included in the overall shipping costs you pay to the seller.
    • When shopping on AliExpress, you are buying from overseas sellers. That’s why sometimes you will be asked to pay customs duty.

    The taxes may depend on where your order was sent from, the type of items you bought, their value and the weight of the package. Different countries may have different tax policies regarding specific products. It’s always best to confirm this with the seller or your local customs authority.

    You are responsible to clear VAT on all purchases made on AliExpress. This can be done through the VAT clearance procedure of your local customs authority in your country of residence.

    Please note: Customs duties and taxes are never paid for by AliExpress.

    To avoid any unforeseen surprises, please pay attention to the following:
    • Ask the seller if you need to pay any additional import duties, taxes or other customs-related charges.
    • Contact your local post or customs office to find out more about your country’s customs duties and taxes.
    • Import duties, taxes or other customs-related charges are normally collected by shipping companies upon delivery.
    • Sellers are not responsible for delays caused by the customs office in your country.
    • Additional costs or delays may occur during international trade.
    • Some sellers offer domestic delivery, meaning that they will send your order from a warehouse in your country. In this case you won’t be asked to pay any additional customs duties and taxes.

    How do I find a good seller?
    There are a number of ways to find a good seller:
    1. Filter top-rated sellers with the advanced search tool.
    2. Check a seller’s feedback ratings. This rating is based on other buyers’ reviews.
    3. Other buyers’ feedback is a valuable evaluation to see if the seller is trustworthy. Check for product reviews, service feedback and other relevant information.
    4. Ask questions. If you still have any doubts, don’t be afraid to contact a seller and open a dialogue. Good sellers are typically happy to engage with interested buyers.

    Shopping Cart & Wish List

    What is my Wish List for?
    Keep track of your favorite products from AliExpress by adding them to your wish list. You can create up to 10 wish lists, and organize them however you like.

    Note: You can add up to 1000 products to each list at one time. Removed items are not stored.

    How do I manage my shopping cart?
    You can use the Shopping Cart to save products and pay for several products at once. Up to 100 items could be saved in Shopping Cart.


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16

    Coupon & Promotion


    How do I exchange app coins?
    You can exchange app coins for products or coupons on our app in the Coins & Coupons area.

    Exchange for Coupons

    You will find a list of coupons available for exchange on the AliExpress app. Go to Coins & Coupons > Exchange Coins for AliExpress Coupon, or Coins & Coupons > Get More Goodies > Store Coupons.
    Your coins will be deducted each time you exchange them for coupons. A limited amount of coupons are available each day. Coupons are given on a first-come, first-served basis. Make sure you get yours on time!

    Exchange for Products

    You will find a list of products available for exchange on the AliExpress app. Go to Coins & Coupons > Get More Goodies > Products.
    Please open the product details and make sure the product is available for coin exchange. If it is, you can place an order, and the coins will be deducted automatically. The exchange will cost US $0.01 plus the specified amount of coins needed for a product.

    My app coins were not added. What can I do?
    When you try to get coins, you will receive a reminder about whether the coins have been added or not.

    If you receive the reminder, «To protect the security of your account, please use another device to sign in», you may not be able to access your account due to a potential security risk. Please check whether any unusual activity has occurred on your account.

    You can check whether you have received coins using the AliExpress app: Coins & Coupons > COINS WON


    What kind of coupons are there on AliExpress?
    Coupons are a great way of saving extra on your orders. On AliExpress, you can find three kinds of coupons:


    AliExpress coupons

    You can use this coupon on any regularly priced item on our website and app.

    Want to know if you have any AliExpress coupons? You can find them https://coupon.aliexpress.com/buyer/coupon/listView.htm


    Seller coupons

    These coupons are issued by sellers. When you have a seller coupon, you can only use it on items in the seller’s store.

    Want to know if you have any seller coupons? You can find them https://coupon.aliexpress.com/buyer/coupon/listView.htm.


    Select coupons

    You can use these coupons on selected items and sellers on our website and app.

    Want to know if you have any select coupons? You can find them https://coupon.aliexpress.com/buyer/…n/listView.htm

    Why cannot I use my AliExpress coupon?
    Sometimes, it looks like no coupons are available. In this case, you can check the following:

    1. Is your coupon still valid? You can find out by going to My Coupons.
    If the coupon status says Expired or Used, this means that you can’t use the coupon anymore.

    2. Are you meeting the minimum spending requirements?
    For example, if a coupon is only valid for orders over US $100, but the total order value is only $80, you can’t use the coupon.

    3. Have you checked the coupon terms?
    Some coupons are only valid on our app/website or can be used for specific items only.

    4.Check whether you bought an item from a Russian seller
    Some of these sellers can unfortunately not accept coupons yet.

    How do I use a coupon or discount?
    When you place your order, you can use your coupon or get a discount. Here’s how:

    1. Make sure you know when you can use the coupon.
    Go to My Coupons to see which coupons have been added to your account.

    When using your coupons, please pay attention to the following:
    a. The minimum spend
    b. The validity period
    c. The coupon rules

    Seller discounts are given automatically. To see how much you need to spend to get the discount, just check the dropdown menu in the orange section.

    2. Place your order
    Found something you want to buy? Click Buy Now or Add to cart to place your order.

    3. Use the coupon when you confirm your order
    You will then be taken to the Order Confirmation page, where you need to confirm your order and use your coupon.

    Available discounts and coupons are shown automatically.

    If you have more than one coupon which can be used on the same order, you can select the one you want to use by clicking ‘Apply Seller Coupon’ or ‘Apply AliExpress Coupon’.
    The order total will be updated, showing you the final price and how much you have saved.
    Sometimes, it looks like no coupons are available. In this case, you can check the following:
    1. Are you meeting the minimum spending requirement? If not, you could choose add more products to your cart.
    2. Is your coupon still valid? If the coupon has already expired or isn’t active yet, you can’t use it on your order.

    To find out more about AliExpress coupons and discounts, watch this video — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDpqaEzAF1c

    Why cannot I see the discounted price?
    Please check whether the item sold out at its discounted price.
    Some sellers may offer a limited amount of items at a discounted price. Once they’ve reached this limit, they will still offer the same item, but at its original price.

    To find out whether the seller is still offering the discounted price, you can refresh the product page. You can also ask the seller by clicking Chat Now.

    Why cannot I use my seller coupon?
    There might be a few reasons:

    1. The coupon is no longer valid. To find out, go to My Coupons.
    If the coupon status says Expired or Used, this means that you can’t use the coupon anymore.

    2. The products are not all from the same store
    Seller coupons can only be used on items of the same seller. You can click SEE MORE DEALS (check the coupon details) to find out which other items you can use this coupon for.

    Note: Some seller coupons can only be used on a selection of products. You can find this selection by clicking on SEE MORE DEALS.

    3. You’re not meeting the minimum spending requirements.
    For example, if a coupon is only valid for orders over US $100, but your order value is $80, you can’t use the coupon.

    How do I get coupons or discounts?
    You can get coupons and discounts in many different ways:
    1. On the product page
    Go to Store Promotion.
    In the orange section you can see the discount the seller offers. During checkout, this discount gets automatically deducted from the order total.

    Next to the seller discount, you can find select coupons and seller coupons (in the red section). Click on the coupon to get it and remember to use it when you place your order.

    2. In your Cart
    You can get select coupons and seller coupons in your cart — https://shoppingcart.aliexpress.com/…cartDetail.htm

    3. On sale pages
    During large sales, such as our Anniversary Sale and 11.11, you will find different activities or games to win coupons and coins (which can be exchanged to coupons). You can visit our site or app to check the pages or follow AliExpress on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and VK to get updates about upcoming and ongoing activities.

    How do I get a coupon back?
    If you receive a full refund on an order used with AliExpress Coupons or AliExpress Select Coupons, the coupon(s) will be returned to you while they are still valid.

    However, please note that if you receive a full refund on an order used with a Store Coupon, the Store Coupon will not be returned to you.

    Why cannot I get discount?
    If you cannot get discount, please check below reasons:
    A limited amount of discounts are available. Distributed on a first come, first served basis, you may not get discount when it is out of stock.
    Check the deadline of discount. As we always have various activities on AliExpress, you can join other activities to get coupons and discounts.
    Check if you meet the minimum spending requirements. For example, if it shows «US $7.00 off per US $89.00», it means you can get the US $7 discount only when your order value is over US $89.
    Kind Note: Currently, Russian and Spanish sellers do not accept AliExpress discount.

    Why cannot I use my select coupon?
    There might be a few reasons:

    1. The coupon is no longer valid. To find out go to My AliExpress>My Select Coupon

    If the coupon status says Expired or Used, you can’t use the coupon anymore.

    2. You’re not shopping from a selected store
    You can only use select coupons on certain items from selected stores. To find out which items, click SEE MORE DEALS.

    3. You’re not meeting the minimum spending requirements
    With select coupons, you can use more than one coupon in the same store. You just need to make sure you meet the minimum spending requirements.

    For example:
    The store below lets you save up to US $4 on orders over $100. Here you can use two select coupons of US $2, as long as you spend at least $100.

    4. The store only lets a limited amount of users use a selected coupon
    If you do meet the minimum spending requirements, but you still can’t use the select coupon on your order, it might be that the seller has stopped accepting select coupons. If this is the case, you can still use your coupon on items from different sellers who also accept select coupons.

    5. You’ve bought an item from a Russian seller
    At the moment, some of our Russian sellers do not accept select coupons.

    Why cannot I get my seller discount?
    Some sellers offer a discount when you spend a minimum amount. For example: Get US $5 off when you spend $50. If you didn’t get your discount, there might be a few reasons:

    1. You didn’t meet the minimum spending requirement
    If this is the case, you will get to see the following message in your cart: ‘Spend another US$** and get US$** off’.

    2. The store is no longer offering a discount
    Discounts are always offered for a limited time only. To find out whether the seller is still offering the discount, you can refresh the product detail page. You can also ask the seller by clicking Chat Now or Contact Now.

    3. The items you’re buying are not from the same store
    If you’ve bought items from more than one store, it might look like you’re meeting the minimum spending requirements to get the seller discount. However, you can only get the seller discount if you buy items from the same store.

    I cannot use a coupon or get discount. What can I do?
    Please select the type of coupon/discount you want to use:

    · AliExpress coupon
    · Seller coupon
    · Select coupon
    · AliExpress discount
    · Store discount
    · Discounted Price

    Why cannot I get my AliExpress discount?
    During big sales, such as our Anniversary sale and 11.11, you can enjoy fixed discounts on your orders. These discounts are given on a first come, first served basis, and also come with a minimum spending requirement. For example: Get US $20 off when you spend $100.

    If you didn’t get your discount, there might be a few reasons:
    1. You didn’t meet the minimum spending requirement
    You can add more items to your cart and try to place your order again.

    2. We’re no longer offering the discount
    Discounts are given on a first come, first served basis. It could be that other users were faster than you and we’ve stopped offering the discount. To find out, refresh the product page to see if the discount offer is still online.

    3. You bought an item from a Russian seller
    At the moment, some our Russian sellers do not accept discounts and coupons.

    I did not receive my coupon, what can I do?
    Currently, you can click https://coupon.aliexpress.com/buyer/coupon/listView.htm and select different tag such as ‘AliExpress Coupons’, ‘Seller Coupons’, ‘AliExpress Select Coupon’ to find coupons under your account.

    If you don’t find the coupon under your account, please check below possible reasons:

    1. Check whether the campaign is still valid. It may has not yet started or already expired.
    2. Check whether the coupon is issued based on first come, first served basis. The coupon may already run out and you can try earlier in next round.


    How do I stay informed about promotions on AliExpress?
    Once you have created an account with us, we’ll keep you updated on the latest deals and offers via email. For more updates, you can also regularly visit our site and app.

    Do you have an Affiliate Program?
    AliExpress offers a great platform for affiliate marketing, also known as the Portals Affiliate Program. Through our program, which is completely free, you can get banners and links to promote products and sellers on AliExpress. Once a link or banner is placed on your site (this can be a website, blog, forum, social media page, direct email, or any other online channel) you can start earning already. If visitors of your site click through to AliExpress and make a purchase, you will receive a commission for this.
    Click https://portals.aliexpress.com/ to learn more.

    What is Brand Shopping Week?
    Brand Shopping Week (Aug.21 — Aug.30 PT) is a global shopping event, in which you will find millions of products and join in various campaigns to get rewards.

    During the promotion period, you will find its entrance on the homepage of AliExpress website or AliExpress APP. You are able to grab coupons on the event, which will help you save a lot on the shopping week.

    Here is a list of campaigns in this event. Hope it will help you enjoy the shopping time!
    · Coupon Center (Aug.21 — Aug.30 PT)
    Get the coupons in the coupon center.

    · Add Products to Shopping Cart for Coins (Aug.21 — Aug.25 PT)
    Add the products to the Shopping Cart to get the coins as the reward.

    ·Exchange Coins for Coupons(Aug.21 -Aug.30 PT)
    Exchange the coins for AliExpress coupon, seller coupon and select coupon to save more.


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16

    Ordering & Payment


    Why cannot I place an order?
    I clicked Buy Now, but received an error message saying that there was an internet connection problem. What can I do?
    If you have problem in placing order, please check the error message received. Below are some possible reminders and solutions for your reference:

    Error Content: The products in your shopping cart is/are not available for order.
    Solution: Due to system upgrade, some items might not be available for ordering currently. Please try to select other items forordering if possible.

    Error Content: PC:Sorry, this order is failed due to internet connection problems. You can go back to shopping cart.
    Solution: PC: Due to product setting in system with limitation for user to place order, this item might not be able for ordering currently. Please try to select similar items
    from other sellers for ordering.

    Error Content: APP:Sorry, the system cannot process the order at this time. Please try again later.
    Solution: APP:If you are recharging mobile balance with the error message, it’s may due to potential security reason.

    Error Content: This product is sold out or the seller discontinued selling this product.
    Solution: Due to product setting in system with limitation for user to place order, this item might not be able for ordering currently. Please try to select other similar
    items for ordering if possible.

    Error Content: Please update your address in order tobe able to place an order.
    Solution: Due to incomplete address information under your account,it might not be able for ordering.
    Please check your shipping address if any information missed out there. If yes, please complete necessary information as required. Then you could go onshopping on our site.

    Error Content: PC: We’re sorry. This item is limited to X piece per customer. Please adjust quantity.
    Error Content: APP: Sorry,you have exceeded the number of items for this purchase.
    Solution: Please check order record under your account to confirm if you have placed orders for same product before and exceed maximum quantity.
    If yes, we would suggest you to buy the similar product in other stores or contact the store seller to adjust quantity limitation.

    Error Content: For system security reasons, we need to verify your identify. Please open this link: https://isc.alibaba.com/kyc to complete the verification or check your
    email for instructions. Prior to completing verification, you will not be able to place any orders.
    Solution: We apologize that your placing order attempt is being declined because of security issue and details will be given on a notification to your registered email.
    Please check the notification in the email within 24 hours or open this link: https://isc.alibaba.com/kyc to complete the verification.

    Error Content: PC: OOPS! Looks like your account isn’t authorized to view this page.
    Error Content: APP: Sorry, your account does not allow you to purchase international products online.
    Solution: If your account is a China account, sorry to inform you couldn’t purchase internation products.
    If your account is buyer account, probably you don’t update account information completely. Normally either first name or last name was missed in AliExpress profile. Please update it in time.

    Error Content: Captcha
    Solution: Normally, if the buyer continously placed many orders within a shot time, the verification code will appear.
    Please enter correct code as page shows, then you could go on shopping.

    How do I place an order?
    1. When you’ve found a product you like, make sure you check product specifications such as size and color. You can also find more detailed information, such as sizing tables, if you scroll down the product detail page.
    2. Some sellers also offer coupons. You can find them in their store and the product detail pages.
    3. When you’re ready to place your order, you can click “Buy Now” and continue to the checkout, or you can add the product to your cart first and continue shopping.
    4. If you want buy all the items in your cart, simply click “Buy All” to place your order

    Note: once the order has been paid, you are unable to change the shipping address. However, you can contact the seller to send him/her any updates.

    Why Korean buyers are required to add Customs declaration information when placing order?
    According to Korea Custom Policy, since Sep.1st, all the Package carried by CAINIAO_STANDARD / CAINIAO_EXPEDITED_ECONOMY should provide buyer’s personal Tax information for custom declaration.

    Kindly note: Note: If customers are not clear about his/her TAX number, please guide to check:https://unipass.customs.go.kr/csp/persIndex.do
    PC:My AliExpress—Shipping Address
    APP:Account—Settings—Shipping Address

    How do I set my shipping address?
    Set your shipping address on the Shipping address page in My AliExpress. You can add multiple addresses on this page and select the preferred destination each time you place an order.

    1. Sign into your account and go to My Orders
    2. Click Shipping Address
    3. Add/Edit/Delete your addresses
    4. Click Save


    Why does it say that my payment cannot be processed because of security reasons?
    Your order cannot be processed due to security reasons. Please go to ‘My Order’ page and click ‘My Appeal’ to submit an online appeal. If the appeal is successful, you may try to process your order again. Thank you for your patience.

    Why was the wrong amount deducted from my account?
    Please note AliExpress only charge user the value in order confirmation page and no extra money will be received.

    If extra money has been deducted from your account, it may due to:
    — exchange rate change
    — service fee or transaction fee charged by bank
    — supportive currency of your card is A, while order pay in currency B may cause more transaction fee. Kindly note every card with supportive currency. Eg: if your card only support transaction in USD while order was paid through RUB. The transaction will be converted for further processing and extra money may be required for every conversion.

    If you still have concern about this value, please double check with bank if value difference was caused by above reasons.

    How can I pay in my local currency?
    All product prices and shipping costs on AliExpress are quoted in US Dollars (US $).
    However, the British Pounds (GBP£), Euro (EUR €), Russian Ruble (RUB руб.), Canadian Dollar (C $), Australian Dollar (AU $), Japanese Yen (¥) and Swedish Krona are also accepted when you pay by credit/debit card.

    When you pay by credit card, your transaction automatically gets converted into one of the following currencies: US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Russian Ruble, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Japanese Yen and Swedish Krona.

    When you make a payment with Boleto (available in Brazil only), usually Ebanx or your bank converts the transaction for you.

    In addition, Mercado Pago and Doku also support local currencies in Mexico and Indonesia.

    If your bank converts the transaction, usually a conversion fee is charged. Please consult your bank for more details.

    Why has my order been closed because of security reasons?
    All payments on AliExpress will go through a verification process. We might have discovered a risk and to protect your account we have automatically cancelled your order and payment. Your card will be temporarily blocked on our site/app.

    In situations like this, some banks will decide to put your payment on hold. The money will be transferred back to your account, how long this takes mostly depends on your bank.

    For more information, please contact your bank.

    About the appeal
    To prevent order cancellation, please follow the below steps to submit an appeal:
    1. Go to My Appeal
    2. Click Want to Appeal
    3. Submit the following documents:
    — A copy of your personal ID or passport if you used a personal credit card for the transaction, or a copy of your business registration if you used a company credit card
    — A copy of both sides of the credit card
    — A copy of your bank statement

    Normally, it takes 3 business days for our Order Verification Department to verity your card information after you’ve submitted your appeal. Once everything is verified, you can continue placing your order.
    In case the new order is also closed, please try again after 24 hours. The system need take few hours to update the appeal result.

    Please note that all orders on AliExpress go through a verification process.

    Can I use other payment methods such as Paypal, installment, COD, Discover card?
    Currently, the following payment methods are accepted on AliExpress:

    Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Wire Transfer, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Western Union, QIWI, DOKU, MercadoPago, Boleto, TEF, iDeal, Giropay, Sofort Banking,Alipay Balance, Carte Bancaire(Carte Blue), Przelewy24, SMS Payment in Russia (MTC, MegaFon, Beeline, TELE2), Cash Payment (Euroset, Syvaony, Russian Post), and AliExpress Pocket.

    Unfortunately, Paypal, installments, COD (Cash on Delivery), and Discover Cards are not accepted.

    All payments on AliExpress are only released to the seller after you have confirmed your order was received in satisfactory condition. Please do not transfer payments directly to seller. Only transactions made on AliExpress are covered by our Buyer Protection program.

    Where can I find my refund of AliExpress Pocket?
    If you paid for your order with AliExpress Pocket and you’ve applied for a refund, you can find it here:
    Go to History > Spent > Refund

    Note: The refund is not shown under the Received tab.

    How can I make a payment with Mercado Pago?
    At present, Mercado Pago is only available for Mexican customers on AliExpress.

    Please follow these steps for making a payment with Mercado Pago:
    1. Place order and visit checkout page;
    2. Select Mercado Pago as your payment method;
    3. You will be redirected to Mercado Pago website, where you can choose corresponding method to transfer your money;
    (1). If you choose credit card or debit card, you will be asked to fill out a brief form to confirm your payment;
    (2). If you choose OXXO, please take the receipt to your nearest OXXO within 72 hours;
    (3). If you choose bank transfer, you will be redirected to your bank website and you may respond accordingly;
    (4). If you choose bank deposit, please take the receipt to your bank, officer will help you to complete the payment or you may complete it on an ATM by yourself;
    (5). If you choose Mercado Pago Wallet, you may use the balance to complete your payment.

    Please be advised to complete the payment within 48 hours after choosing MP as the method or payment failure might be occurred.

    1. Please pay your orders within 48 hours when choosing Mercado Pago, otherwise your payment might fail.
    2. Different payment options have different limitations. Please make sure that the price of the orders do not exceed the limitations of at least two options. Mercado Pago will appear at the checkout page only if at least two of the options are available.

    How can I pay by Wire Transfer?
    Regular orders (excluding promotions and coupon discounts) with prices over US $20 can be paid by Wire Transfer.

    Please follow the steps below:
    1. Select Wire Transfer on the checkout page
    2. Click Continue to get the Beneficiary Account Number that you need to transfer your payment. Wire Transfers can only be made in US Dollars
    3. Print out the section containing your wire transfer information
    4. Go to your local bank to transfer the money. Bring the printed wire transfer information and show it to the bank officer before making your payment
    5. The status of your order should change to «Paid» within 7 business days.

    — Each order has a unique beneficiary account number starting with 026****.
    — Make sure that the payment transferred to AliExpress is in US Dollars

    The payment has been deducted from my account more than once. What can I do?
    Kindly note duplicated payments will be automatically refunded. It takes about 3-20 working days to update into your account.

    How can I combine multiple orders in one single payment?
    Even when you’re buying from different sellers, you can still pay for your orders in one go. Here’s how:

    1. Go to My Orders
    2. Click Awaiting Payment in your order list
    3. Select the orders you want to pay for.
    4. Click Pay for Selected Order(s).

    Please note that you cannot use Wire Transfer for combined orders.

    I paid with DOKU. Why does the Order Status still say Awaiting Payment?
    Please contact Doku to confirm whether your payment was made successfully.

    You can contact DOKU by email: support@doku.com, or consult their FAQ page: http://doku.com/site/frequently-asked-questions.

    If Doku confirms that your payment was made successfuly, please contact the Alipay online service with your proof of payment contains invoice number.

    How can I pay through Paypal?
    AliExpress supports PAYPAL as payment methods for orders to below countries currently:
    United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, French, Italy, Germany, Israel, Netherland, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emiratesd

    Kindly note Paypal is only available when seller activated Paypal for his/her store.
    You can find Paypal logo as payment method in product detail page if it is available to pay for that product.
    Click ‘Pay Now’ to find it or select ‘Other Payment Methods’ to find this option.

    Step 1: Find Paypal logo in product detail page
    Step 2: Click ‘Buy now’ or ‘Pay now’ button to check available payment methods
    Step 3: Select Paypal and you will be directed to Paypal site to complete it.

    Why is my payment being verified again while the payment has already been confirmed?
    We normally do another round of internal verification to ensure payment safety. This normally takes no longer than 24 hours.

    Successful verification > the orders statuswill be changed to ‘Awaiting Shipment’.

    Unsuccessfulverification > order status will be changed to ‘Closed’.

    How can I pay with WebMoney?
    Please follow these steps:
    1. Select WebMoney on the checkout page, enter the required details and click Pay Now.
    2. You will be redirected to the WebMoney website to complete the payment.
    Please note: we only accept US Dollars.
    3. Put in your account information, select the payment method and complete the payment

    What should I do if my WebMoney payment has failed?
    If your WebMoney payment has failed, please follow the suggestions mentioned in the error message.

    e.g.Error notice: IPAY_RS_10001_3301
    Suggestion: The information you entered is incorrect. Please check and try again, or contact your card issuer

    Which payment methods can I use on AliExpress?
    On Aliexpress app you can use the following payment methods:
    Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover card and Diners Club card, American Express, QIWI, Boleto, bancontact, iDeal, Przelewy24, SMS Payment in Russia(MTC, MegaFon, Beeline, TELE2) and AliExpress Pocket.

    On our website (PC) you can use the following payment methods:
    Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover card and Diners Club card, American Express, Wire Transfer, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Western Union, QIWI, DOKU, Mercado Pago, Boleto, bancontact, TEF, iDeal, Giropay, Sofort Banking, Carte Bancaire (Carte Blue), Przelewy24, SMS Payment in Russia (MTC, MegaFon, Beeline, TELE2), Cash Payment (Euroset, Syvaony, Russian Post), and AliExpress Pocket

    I have paid for my order. Why does the order status still say Awaiting Payment?
    Please choose your payment method:
    Wire Transfer
    Western Union

    Credit/Debit Card

    Please check whether you have placed repeat orders with the same price and same product from the one seller, but only paid for one of them.
    1. Click https://trade.aliexpress.com/orderList.htm to find all your orders.
    2. Find the order which is still awaiting payment and find the name of the seller.
    3. Click More Filters and enter the seller’s name in search box. After clicking Search, you will find all the orders from the same store.
    4. Now check whether you have placed any repeat orders.

    If you did not place any repeat orders, please contact your card issuer to check whether the payment was actually deducted from your account. If your bank confirms that the money was deducted by AliExpress, please contact us and provide us your bank statement.

    Wire Transfer

    Normally, it will take 7 business days for us to receive your payment after your wire transfer. Please check your order status again in approximately 7 business days after your wire transfer.
    The status of your order should now change to Paid. If this is not the case, please contact us and submit your bank remittance slips (containing a beneficiary account number that starts with 026).

    Western Union

    Normally, payments by Western Union are processed within 3 business days. After this, the status of your order should change to Paid. If this is not the case, please contact us and submit your payment receipt containing the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number).


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
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    • С нами с 07.11.16

    How can I pay with QIWI?
    The payment limit of QIWI is from 0.05 USD to 5,000 USD. The payment limit of QIWI is from 0.05 USD to 5,000 USD. QIWI wallet has its own payment limitation. The final limitation is subject to the limitations of both QIWI and Alipay. For some customers, limitation is 15000 RUB per payment.

    Please follow these steps for making a payment with QIWI:
    1. After you place your order, choose QIWI at the checkout page.
    2. Choose the country, put in your QIWI account number and click Pay Now. You will be redirected to the QIWI website to make a payment from your QIWI Wallet. Note QIWI can only support USD.
    3. Submit QIWI wallet account information and enter the password

    Note: If your payment failed on QIWI website, please contact QIWI customer service for more information by calling 8-800-707-77-59 or visiting https://qiwi.com/support/request.action.

    How can I pay with Boleto?
    Boleto is a payment option for Brazilian customers. You can find this payment method for orders from 1 USD to 3,000 USD per month.

    Please follow these steps for making a payment with Boleto:
    1. On the checkout page, please select » Boleto » as your payment method. (boleto is not supported for promotional orders)
    2. Input your CPF, your personal information will be verified by the system
    3. Print out (or take picture of )the section containing your account information.
    4. Bring the payment information when you go to local agency and show it to them before making your payment.
    (To make sure your Boleto payment successfully, please finish the payment in 3 days)
    5. After you pay by Boleto, normally the order status will be updated within 7 business days.

    I got an error message during the payment process. What should I do?
    If you got an error message on our website, please check your order status.

    Because we process a lot of payments at the same time, it might take a while before the order status is updated. We hope we can count on your patience and understanding.

    For some payment methods, you might get redirected to another page of a third financial party. If you received an error message here, it is best to get in touch with your payment provider directly.

    Besides, you can click ‘Chat Now’ and input order number there for further checking.

    Payment was rejected by bank. What can I do?
    Payment can be only processed with successful confirmation from bank.

    In case the payment was rejected by bank, please follow below suggestions to solve it:

    You may try it again after cleaning cookies of your browser.

    Please try to pay through other payment methods like Paypal if possible.

    For user who were directed to page of bank to activate 3-D Secure, please follow instruction there in order to make the payment.

    You may contact with bank to confirm reason of rejection and try it again after that.

    What is 3-D Secure?
    1. What is 3-D Secure?
    3-D Secure is an XML-based protocol designed to be an additional security layer for online credit and debit card transaction with the intention of improving the security of Internet payments.

    When the cardholder makes a purchase with a participating merchant, a pop-up appears demanding that the cardholder activate the card by entering a password and personal information.

    2. What do you need to do as cardholder?
    If 3-D Secure is required, you will be directed to page of bank to fill in personal information during payment.

    Please follow instruction there to complete 3-D secure activation in order to pay for your order.

    Why is my order being verified after I have already paid?
    To ensure the safety of your payment, all orders on AliExpress will be verified. If you paid for your order by credit card, this process will take no longer than 24 hours. Once your payment is verified, the seller will start preparing your order for shipment. If we failed to verify your payment, your order will be automatically cancelled.

    If after 24 hours your order is still being verified, please contact Aliexpress Customer Service Team.

    How can I pay with my credit card or debit card?
    On our website you can pay with Visa (credit and debit cards), MasterCard, Maestro debit cards, and American Express.

    Please follow the steps below:
    — If you linked your card to your account
    1. Choose the payment method
    2. Click Confirm and Pay​

    — If you haven’t linked your card to your account
    1. On the checkout page, enter your card details and the type of card will automatically be recognized.
    2. Click Pay Now and your order will be verified within 24 hours.

    How can I pay with Western Union?
    Regular orders (excluding promotions) over US $20 can be paid with Western Union.

    Please follow the steps below:
    1.On the checkout page, select Western Union
    2.On the next page, please click Continue to get our account information.
    3.Print out the page containing the account information
    4.Go to a local Western Union agency to transfer your payment. Please fill in the form like this:

    When the payment is made, the status of your order should change to «Paid» within 3 business days. If the status of your order does not change, please contact us with your payment receipt that contains the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number).

    Please note:
    a. Please make the payment after 24 hours (after receiving the account number).
    b. We currently only accepts Quick Pay (consumer to business payment). Please do not transfer the money as Will Call (consumer to consumer payment).
    c. To make sure you can pay for your order successfully, please make sure the Western Union officer fills in the receiver’s amount (not the sender’s amount)

    How do I use AliExpress pocket?
    You can use AliExpress Pocket to pay for orders placed on our website or app.
    Here’s how:
    1. Click Buy Now or Add to Cart to place your order
    2. Choose AliExpress Pocket as your payment method during checkout. The amount will be deducted from your balance.
    3. Go to My Orders and click Pay Now
    If you have sufficient balance in your AliExpress pocket, the order amount will be $0. Click Pay Now to continue.

    If you have insufficient balance in your AliExpress pocket, you will be asked to pay the remainder with another payment method. Click Pay Now to continue.

    — Russian sellers don’t accept AliExpress Pocket payments.
    — You can’t use AliExpress Pocket as a payment method to buy new AliExpress Pocket money.

    I got error for payment. What can I do?
    If you got error for payment, please follow suggestion there to solve the problem.

    In case anything unclear, you can get error code and find solution in below table.

    Error code: CSC_7200011
    Reason: Payment failed due to insufficient funds in card or account of payment.
    Suggestion: Please double check on this and top up your account for payment again or try to pay through another card or payment methods if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200015
    Reason: Payment was rejected by bank or financial institution. Detailed reason of rejection can be only confirmed by bank or financial institution.
    Suggestion: Please confirm with bank or financial institution to get detailed reason of it. Meanwhile, you may try to pay for your order through another card or payment methods if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200022, CSC_7200051, CSC_7200001
    Reason: Currency or card is not supported
    Suggestion: Please change currency to USD for another trying or change card/payment methods for payment if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200026
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to card verification(appeal) is needed.
    Suggestion: Please click ‘Claim on Alipay’ button or access below link to submit document for online appeal.

    Normally, it takes 3 working days to get update of it. We are doing our best to update you as soon as possible during 1111 Shopping Festival. Please wait patiently on this.

    Error code: CSC_7200034
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to incomplete information of the order.
    Suggestion: 1. Please try to double check if name for shipment has been filled in correctly and try to pay for order with correct/complete information of name for shipment.
    2. In case you got same issue for new payment, please submit document through below link to complete account verification. With success verification, you may proceed to pay for your orders.

    Error code: CSC_7200012
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to expiry date of card is wrong or the card is expired.
    Suggestion: Please try it again with correct expiry date. If you card is expired, please contact with bank to solve it. Meanwhile, please pay through another card or payment methods if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200020
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to something wrong for card information in this payment.
    Suggestion: Please input correct card information for payment again.

    Error code: CSC_7200040
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to this card is restricted by bank.
    Suggestion: Please confirm with bank to get detailed reason of it. Meanwhile, you may try to pay for your order through another card or payment methods if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200006
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to currency selected for this payment does not support at this moment.
    Suggestion: Please try to change to pay in USD or other currency if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200009
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to exceeded limit of your card or payment account.
    Suggestion: Please modify limit of your card or payment account and try to pay for the order again. Meanwhile, you may try to pay for your order through another card or payment methods if possible.

    Error code: CSC_7200021
    Reason: Payment was not processed due to wrong CVV code was entered.
    Suggestion: Please enter correct CVV code for payment again.

    What should I do if my card payment has failed?
    Which error did you encounter for payment?

    Error 1

    : For security reasons this process can not be continued. To make sure your transaction is secure, please provide us with documentation by clicking My Appeal for further verification. ISC_RS_5100102051
    Solution: Please click ‘My Appeal’ and follow instruction to submit required documents to complete verification for payment again.

    Error 2

    : For security reasons this process can not be continued. ISC_RS_5100102051
    Solution:a. Please input the complete information of the name in your order and try for payment again.

    b. If you still encountered error with complete order information, please verify your account through link https://intl.alipay.com/certify/uploadFile.htm. Related team will check and update you result of this. You can try it again after that.

    Error 3

    : Payment failed. Reason: System error. Suggestion: The system is busy. Please try again.
    Solution: Please try to select ’other payment methods‘ and input card number there for payment again.

    Other errors

    : Please follow suggestion in error message for payment again.

    If payment was rejected by bank, see «

    Payment was rejected by bank. What can I do?


    Order Management

    How do I cancel an order?
    Before your order is shipped out, you can follow the below steps to cancel it:

    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and find your order
    Step 2: Click Cancel Order
    Step 3: Select a cancellation reason in the pop-up box and submit your request

    1. You can only cancel an order before the seller ships it out.
    2. If you have already paid for your order, the cancellation request needs to be approved by the seller first. If an agreement is reached, the seller will not ship the order and the transaction will be cancelled automatically. If no agreement is reached, the seller will continue to ship the order.

    How do I confirm delivery once I have received my order?
    If your order has been successfully delivered and you are satisfied with the item(s), please follow the below steps to confirm delivery:
    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and locate your order
    Step 2: Click Confirm Order Received
    Step 3: Select the product you received and click Confirm Order Received
    Step 4: Click Confirm and the order will be completed

    If your order is not delivered on time and the seller has confirmed shipment, please contact the seller for an extension of the Buyer Protection time.

    Property rights, as well as all risks and rewards attached to the Goods will transfer from the Seller to the Buyer at the earliest of the moment when the Buyer “Confirms Goods Received” or the moment when Buyer Protection has actually ended.

    You can apply for a refund if:
    · The items are not as described
    · The order does not arrive within the stated delivery time

    Why has my order been closed?
    When an order is closed, we will send you an email including the detailed reason for closing the order.

    You can also find the reason in your AliExpress account:
    Go to My orders > click View Details to find out why your order has been closed.

    Why has my order been frozen?
    When an order has been frozen, we will send you an email including the detailed reason for freezing the order.

    You can also find the reason in your AliExpress account:
    Go to My orders > click View Details to find out why your order has been frozen.

    If you processed a charge back from your bank account, then your order will appear as frozen. Please wait for the verification result or contact the bank for the details.

    If your bank agrees to charge back, your order will be closed and you’ll receive a full refund.
    If your bank doesn’t charge back, your order will be unfrozen and you will be able to continue processing the order accordingly.

    How do I extend Processing Time of an order?
    If you want to extend an order’s Processing Time, please follow the below steps:
    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and find your order
    Step 2: Click Extend Processing Time
    Step 3: Fill in the extension time and click Confirm

    Can I change order details such as size, shipping etc.?
    Unfortunately, order details cannot be revised after an order has been placed successfully.

    If you want to change anything about your order, you can try the following:
    1. Ask the seller to cancel your order. Once your order has been successfully canceled, you can place a new order.
    2. If your order has not been shipped out yet, you can contact the seller to change the order details for you.

    Can I cancel my order if the order status says: Payment being verified?
    Yes, you can still cancel your order at that time.

    How do I delete an order?
    Once an order has been completed, you can follow the below steps to delete it from your order list:
    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and find your order
    Step 2: Click the trash can logo on the order page
    Step 3: Click Delete Order to confirm deletion
    This order will be moved to Deleted Orders. If you want to clear the order from your account permanently, go to Deleted Orders and click Permanently Delete Order

    How do I extend the Buyer Protection time?
    If your order is not delivered on time and the seller has confirmed shipment, you can extend the Buyer Protection time. Please follow the below steps to send the request:

    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and find your order
    Step 2: Click View Details, and Request to Extend Buyer Protection
    Step 3: Fill in the extension time and click Confirm

    Your request will be sent to the seller. If the seller agrees, the Buyer Protection time will be extended accordingly.

    I cannot find an order in my account
    To check your order, please sign into My Orders. If you can’t find your order in the list, please check whether:

    1. You’ve already deleted the order; you can find it under Deleted Orders.
    2. You’ve deleted the order permanently. If so, you won’t be able to find it anywhere in your account anymore.
    3. You created different accounts on AliExpress. Please sign in to the account under which the order was placed.

    Forgot your login ID? Please click the Chat Now button (at the bottom of this page) to chat with AliExpress Customer Service Team.


    Последний раз редактировалось Magenta; 09-10-19, 04:04.


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16

    Awaiting Order Arrival

    Wait for Seller to Ship Goods

    Why there is no tracking information updated after the seller send out the order?
    Normally when the seller send out the order, it will take maximum 3-5 days for the parcel to arrive to the warehouse and the tracking information will be updated in maximum 11 days.

    If there is no tracking information update within 12 days after your order marked as shipped, you can try to check the tracking number on https://global.cainiao.com/?&lang=en or contact the seller for help.

    The estimated delivery time end but the parcel not arrived.
    Normally, most of the order will be delivered within the estimated delivery time. But sometimes there could be delay during the oversea transit process. Please rest assure that almost all the orders will be delivered within the buyer protection time.

    If you the buyer protection time is finished and the order is still not delivered, you can contact the seller or apply refund by [ Open Dispute ].

    Why there is no updated logistic information of my package?

    Logistic Information

    Arrived at Destination Country
    Depart From Original Country
    Hand over to airline


    The logistic information will not be updated anymore and normally you will receive the parcel within 30 days after that. Please wait patiently and you could open a dispute when protection time is ran out.

    How to track my package?
    Please check the Logistics Information via clicking “Track Order” under My Orders (https://trade.aliexpress.com/orderList.htm).

    Also, you can search the Tracking Number on Global Order Tracking (https://global.cainiao.com/?&lang=en) for the latest information.

    Report not Receiving Goods

    I have not received my order. What can I do?
    If you haven’t received your order, please try the below methods to solve the problem:

    Method 1

    . You can track your order with the tracking number given by the seller:
    Go to My Orders > Locate the order > and Click Track Order.

    If you find the tracking number is invalid, it may be because the shipping company needs 3 to 7 days to update the shipping status. You can also contact the seller for more shipping information. You may leave a message on the order details page or click Contact Seller on order list page.

    Method 2

    . Contact the seller for more information. If that doesn’t work, you can always apply for a refund by opening a dispute. Make sure you do this before your Buyer Protection has ended. Click https://trade.aliexpress.com/orderList.htm to open a dispute.

    Method 3

    : If you didn’t receive your order and you Buyer Protection is about to end, please click the Chat Now button (at the bottom of this page) to chat with our Customer Service Team.


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
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    • С нами с 07.11.16


    Report Product Issue

    How do I cancel a dispute?
    To cancel a dispute, please follow the steps below:
    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and locate your order
    Step 2: Click Dispute in Progress
    Note that if you cancel a dispute and the Buyer Protection period has ended, the payment will be released to the seller.

    The product I received does not match the description. What can I do?
    If you are not satisfied with the product you received, contact your seller to agree on a solution.
    To contact the seller, click Contact Seller to send them a message.

    If that doesn’t help, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute. Please make sure you do this before your Buyer Protection has ended. This is how you open a dispute:

    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and locate your order
    Step 2: Click Open Dispute
    Step 3: Fill in your refund request and click Submit

    Please make sure you open a dispute before your Buyer Protection has ended.

    If the seller agrees to your refund request, or doesn’t respond within 5 days, the refund will be processed. You can click Dispute in Progress or Dispute Finished on your order list to check the dispute status.

    Rights Protected:
    1. 14 days to reconsider your purchasing decision and withdraw
    2. 2 years Standard manufacturer warranty for your cover, if any item that is different from how it is described or that has manufacturing defeats. If you would like to activate this warranty, please contact your seller.
    3. Accurate information of your transaction and clear terms that bind your deal.
    4. Seeking help from the relevant consumer support from your country of residence
    5. Any relevant buyer protection that may be implemented by Aliexpress from time to time (e.g. e-commerce)

    What is Buyer Protection?
    All orders placed on AliExpress are protected by a standard set of guarantees, also known as Buyer Protection.

    Buyer protection starts from the moment you have paid for your order. If you go to My Orders, the Buyer Protection period will be displayed in the form of a countdown clock. Once you have confirmed receiving your order, you will have 15 days to apply for a refund.

    How do I open dispute for Free Return?
    If you purchase the product with “Free Return” icon, it means that you enjoy the benefit as free return within 15 days from receiving the item(s).

    Note: You can only enjoy one-time free local return for one order. If you initiate multiple return requests under an order, you can only enjoy the free local return service once, and other return requests can still enjoy local return service but you will have to cover the return shipping costs to the designated local return address. Therefore, please consider returning jointly the products to avoid paying that additional shipping cost.

    If you receive the item(s) in perfect condition and you don’t want it anymore without any reason, you could open dispute and ask for “Easy Local Return” as follows:

    (A kind reminder: for Easy Local Return, you may return items to one of our local warehouses, as long as they are unused, unwashed and in their original condition – complete with the original packaging, tags, etc.)
    Step 1. Click «Open Dispute»
    Step 2. Please choose «Return Goods»
    Step 3. Please choose «Easy Local Returns» as dispute reason and fill out the form to submit.

    If you receive the item(s) not as described, you could also open dispute and apply for free return as follows:

    A kind reminder: “Receive counterfeit goods” is not under protection of Free Return, but we will follow up your issue as “Receive counterfeit goods” correspondingly.

    Step 1. Click «Open Dispute»
    Step 2. Please choose «Return Goods»
    Step 3. Please select the corresponding dispute reason you met:
    • Shipping method was not as described
    • Product not as described
    • Quality problems
    • Quantity shortage
    • Damanged Goods
    • Received counterfeit Goods
    • Problems with the accessories
    and fill out the form to submit.

    Free Return Workflow:

    Нажмите на изображение для увеличения.  Название: kc-oss-1566389398690-11.jpg  Просмотров: 0  Размер: 132.1 Кб  ID: 134811

    I received my order after getting a refund. What should I do?
    If you receive an item after the system has processed your refund, please contact the seller to resolve the issue. To contact the seller, click Contact Seller to send them a message.

    How can I add evidence or update my dispute?
    To update your dispute, please follow the below steps:

    Step 1: Sign into My Orders and find your order
    Step 2: Click Dispute in Progress
    Step 3: Check whether AliExpress or the seller has already proposed a solution

    You can choose to accept or reject a proposal
    To update your proposal, please click Edit
    To offer more evidence to support your claim, please click Upload Evidence. You can upload files in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp or .png (2MB max).

    Please note:
    In some cases, AliExpress steps in to help. To find out more about this process and what documents to upload, please click AliExpress Judgment Details.

    I am having trouble opening a dispute. What should I do?
    If you have difficulties opening a dispute, please check the below possible reasons:

    1. The Buyer Protection period may be over
    Please note that you can open a dispute on the 11th day after seller has sent out your order and within 15 days of the order’s completion.

    2. There are errors in the dispute form
    The dispute form only supports English characters. Please remove any non-English characters and punctuation in the form.

    3. The form includes an unsupported file type
    Supported file types that can be added in the dispute form include: .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, and .png. Each document should be less than 2MB. Please note that word documents, excel sheets and other file types are not supported.

    If you have already added an attachment but still receive a “Please add attachments” notification, please compress the picture and upload it again.

    What is Free Return?
    If you purchase a product with a label as “Free Return”, you could ask for free return in local within 15 days after receipt.

    How to return?

    Q1:What does “Free Return” mean?
    A1:It means that you could return the item within 15 days after receiving the item by free.

    Q2:Why some products have the label of Free Return, some not?
    A2:It depends on the sellers. If the sellers support free return service, you could see “Free Return” labels.

    Q3:What is the deadline to apply for a free return?
    A3:You must apply within 15 days of receiving the item(s). Please choose “Return Goods” if you prefer to apply for return. If no reason to return, please keep them in perfect condition, without using or removing the labels and the original packaging.

    Q4:Can I make an exchange instead of a return?
    A4:We’re sorry, but item exchanges are not currently supported. However, you may place a new order before or after receiving a refund, since the return order and the new order are independent processes.

    Q5:Who pay for the returning shipment fee?
    A5:It is free for you to return the parcel to the designated local return address. However please kindly note that you are able to only enjoy one-time free local return for one order. If you initiate multiple return requests under an order, you could only enjoy the free local return service once, and other return requests can still enjoy local return service but you will have to cover the return shipping costs to the designated local return address. Therefore, please consider returning jointly the products to avoid paying that additional shipping cost.

    Q6:As long as I return the goods, I could get full refund. Am I correct?
    A6: If opening dispute as no-reason return, you have responsibility to keep the item in perfect condition and in its original packaging, which mean not affect the secondary sales of the product. For example, if you return an empty package back to the warehouse, we may 0 refund you; if you return 8 items back to the warehouse while ordering 10 in total, we may partially refund you.

    Q7:How do I return the parcel?
    A7:Kindly note that not all countries on AliExpress.com include the Free Return service. At present, supported countries include the mainland territories of the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany and Russia.

    If you are in the mainland territories of the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Germany:

    1. Get and print the free return label at the dispute page within 5 days;
    2. Pack your return item(s) carefully and securely;
    3. Go to the designated return point to complete the return by showing your return label;
    4. Wait for our local warehouse to receive and process your returned item(s). The refund will be given once we have confirmed that the conditions for reimbursement have been met.

    If you are in Russia:

    1. Get the Free Return code word at the dispute page within 5 days;
    2. Pack your return item(s) carefully and securely;
    3. Go to the designated return point and show the staff your Free Return code word and fill in the return label with the requested information (sender, recipient, contact information, etc.). Be sure to include your Free Return code word on the return label.
    4. Wait for our local warehouse to receive and process your returned item(s). The refund will be given once we have confirmed that the conditions for reimbursement have been met.

    Note: To return multiple items from one order (and seller) via «free» return, please package and return them together.
    You may only apply «free» return once per order, so subsequent returns will not be eligible for this benefit.

    Q8:How many days do I have to complete the return?
    A8:15 days in total for you to return the parcel at the designated return point and for the local warehouse to confirm receipt of your returned parcel whether meet the conditions for reimbursement. Thus once you get the free return label/code word, the sooner you return the item(s), the sooner you will get your refund.

    Highlight: If you return jointly the products in one parcel to avoid paying that additional shipping cost, for the other disputes (which are under local return), please fill in the return tracking number and shipment company at the dispute page within 5 days, otherwise, the disputes will be closed as 0 refund since we are not informed that you have returned them together.

    Q9:I have returned the goods, but I forgot to confirm return at the dispute page and my order has been closed as 0 refund. What can I do?
    A9:In the free return process, kindly note that there is no need for you to confirm return at the dispute page, we will update the dispute status once you confirming free return process by getting the free return label/code word.

    In the local return process, if you forget to confirm return at the dispute page, please feel free to contact with our Customer Service Team with the return tracking number as well as the return label. If we confirm the parcel as delivered to the correct address, we will refund you.

    Q10:How long will it take for me to get the refund?
    A10:Refund will be given once we have received your package and confirmed that the conditions for reimbursement have been met. The sooner you return the item(s), the sooner you will get your refund!

    I am not satisfied with a dispute result. What can I do?
    If your dispute was closed by our Case Management Team but you are not satisfied with the result, you are can click Appeal to appeal the result within 7 days of the case closing.

    How do I use Free Return in US/CA/AU/UK/FR/ES/DE?
    With AliExpress ‘Free Return’ service, you get an extra 15 days (on top of the on-time delivery date) to decide if you want to keep or return the item for any reason. It is totally free.

    Below are detailed process for Free Return:

    Step 1. Open dispute as «Return Goods» correspondingly.
    Step 2. Your return request will be verified within 2 days.
    Step 3. Once after your return request is approved, click «Get a Free Return tracking number» button at the dispute page within 5 days to get the unique Free Return label in time, if not, your case will be closed as 0 refund directly and there won’t be more opportunities to reopen the dispute case.
    Step 4. Download and Print the Free Return label.
    Step 5. Pack your returned parcel securely.
    Step 6. Take the returns and the printed Free Return label to any designated return point — the sooner, the eariler to get the refund.
    Step 7. Forward the Free Return label with the returns to the office clerk.
    Step 8. Wait for your refund, which will given once we have checked your item(s).


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16

    AliExpress Rules about “Free Return”

    AliExpress “Free Return” Program

    Terms and Conditions

    Please read these terms and conditions carefully! By using AliExpress services you will be deemed to have consented to these terms and conditions. Please pay attention to provisions that exclude or limit your rights, terms of governing law and jurisdiction, and or other terms which may appear in bold and/or underlined letters.

    Article 1 In relation to offers concluded on AliExpress.com for selected merchandise with the program icon (such selected merchandise — “Participating Product”), the seller of such Participant Products who has agreed to participate in this Free Return program (“Participating Sellers”) shall provide all buyers of Participating Products with a guarantee of 15-day return without cause (“Free Return Service”) in accordance with these terms and conditions herein (“Rules”). In respect of all Participating Products, the Participating Seller shall not unilaterally declare that he/she does not support the 15-day return without cause. However, this does not prevent the Participating Seller from providing the buyer a return policy superior to the Free Return Service.

    Article 2 Subject to the Rules, Buyers who satisfy certain requirements as determined by AliExpress at its sole discretion (“Participating Buyers”) shall be entitled to deliver the Participating Products to the free return warehouse specified by the Participating Seller (“Free Return Warehouse”) free of charge (“Free Delivery Service”). The Participating Buyer acknowledges that he or she will only be entitled to enjoy the Free Delivery Service once for each order containing Participating Product(s). Buyers that may not use the Free Delivery Service shall still be entitled to enjoy the Free Return Service; however, buyers that may not use the Free Return Service are automatically excluded from the Free Delivery Service.

    Article 3 With the Free Return Service, a buyer can apply for a return and refund of a Participating Product without cause within 15 days from, as the case may be, 1) the date when the buyer confirms receipt of the Participating Product, or 2) the date when the system automatically confirms receipt of the Participating Product after confirming that the Product has been duly delivered, through «open a Dispute» on the AliExpress order page if the Participating Product meets the standards of intactness as stipulated in Article 5. After the Participating Product has been shipped to Free Return Warehouse and verified by the Free Return Warehouse to meet the standards of intactness prescribed in Article 5, buyer may receive the refund from the corresponding Participating Seller in accordance with these Rules. If the Participating Product returned by the buyer does not meet the standards of intactness, Free Return Warehouse will ship such Participating Product back to the buyer, with the cost of shipment to be borne by the buyer. Where the buyer applies for the Free Return Service as mentioned above and such buyer is not able to enjoy the Free Delivery Service or chooses not to use the Free Delivery Service, the buyer shall arrange for shipment by himself or herself and fill in the shipment tracking number at the “Dispute” page on AliExpress. The buyer acknowledges that if such buyer arranges for shipment by himself or herself as aforementioned, the risk of loss passes from the buyer to the Free Return Warehouse at the time of receipt of products by the Free Return Warehouse. With the Free Return Service, if the Free Return Warehouse does not receive the returned Participating Product within 7 days after buyer submitted shipment tracking number or the Free Return Warehouse does not receive the corresponding Participating Product, AliExpress shall be entitled to determine liability upon arbitration according to the AliExpress rules and protocols.

    Article 4 With the Free Delivery Service, a Participating Buyer can ship the Participating Products through the delivery service provider specified by the Participating Seller after such Participating Buyer has “opened a Dispute” according to Article 3. Where the Participating Buyer uses the Free Delivery Service, the shipping tracking number will be automatically uploaded to the system. The Participating Buyer acknowledges that if such Participating Buyer uses the Free Delivery Service, the risk of loss passes from the Participating Buyer to the delivery service provider specified by the Participating Seller at the time of receipt of products by the delivery service provider specified by the Participating Seller. With the Free Delivery Service, if the Free Return Warehouse does not receive the corresponding Participating Product, AliExpress shall be entitled to determine liability according to the AliExpress rules and protocols.

    Article 5 In order to enjoy the Free Return Service, the Participating Product being returned by the buyer shall meet the standards of intactness as specifiedbelow:

    1. The Participating Product has remained its original quality and functioning. The buyer shall ensure that the returned Participating Product and all accompanying accessories (such as tags, manuals, and warranty cards) are complete and remained their original quality and functioning, and show no signs of damage or contamination, the anti-counterfeiting mark has not been scraped, any activation/authorization has not been made, and there are no traces of usage on the appearance or other traces which indicate unreasonable personal use.

    2. The buyer’s opening of package for inspection or testing to verify the Participating Product’s quality and functioning is reasonable and does not affect the Participating Product’s intactness. Where any use of a Participating Product by the buyer results in significant devaluation, the returned Participating Product shall be deemed defective and not in line with the standard of intactness.

    3. Buyer understands that the packaging is an integral part of the Participating Product and consist part of the offer from the Participating Seller; and any use of and/or defect(s) to the packaging caused by the buyer may result in devaluation of the Participating Product. Therefore, the buyer shall ensure the packaging of the returned Participating Product is full and intact. In terms of packaging with special value, design, material and/or functions, buyer and/or his or her courier shall ensure all handling is carried out in accordance with the requirement about product protection and packaging specified by the Participating Seller upon fulfillment of the transaction.

    (1) Standards of intactness for regular package:

    There is no missing part in the original package, and the form, shape and structure of the package is complete. However, unavoidable changes in form, shape and/or structure resulting from transportation and unpacking, including, but not limited to, minor to moderate deformation, stain and/or partial damage, shall not be considered to affect the intactness of the regular package.

    (2)Standards of intactness of special package:

    If the package contains value added parts, such as an anti-counterfeiting feature, special designs or functions, or markers or other indicators representing commemorative value, the Participating Seller may make requirements of special protection of the package to the buyer. Where there are reasonable package protection requirements prominently and explicitly specified by the Participating Seller, the buyer shall protect the package proactively and carefully. If the damage of such package results in devaluation and/or loss of functions, the Product will be devalued and thus deemed as defective and not in line with the standard of intactness.

    However, where the Participating Seller makes requirement about protection of special packages but fails to do so in a prominent and explicit way, the standards of intactness for regular package shall apply.

    Where the package does not contain any special value added parts as mentioned above, the standards of intactness for regular package shall apply.

    Article 6 Loss or damage of gift and loss of invoice shall not affect the return of Participating Product. However, for damage or loss of gift, a deduction from the refund shall be made based on the gift’s market price; for loss of invoice, the buyer shall bear the corresponding tax.

    Article 7 If a buyer does not use the Free Delivery Service, the buyer shall bear the cost of returning the Participating Product to Free Return Warehouse (“Cost of Return”) when applying for the Free Return Service. In addition to the Cost of Return, whether or not the buyer uses the Free Delivery Service, the buyer shall bear the cost of shipping Participating Product by Participating Seller to him or her, if the Participating Product is subject to conditional free shipping and the buyer’s partial return results in nonsatisfaction of the free shipping conditions, AliExpress shall deduct shipment costs borne by the buyer on behalf of Participating Seller from the refund payable to the buyer.

    Where AliExpress determines, at its sole and absolute discretion, that the buyer has abused its rights by repeatedly applying for the Free Return Service and/or the
    Free Delivery Service (if applicable) or showing a high rate for orders applying for the Free Return Service and/or the Free Delivery Service (if applicable), the buyer shall bear all shipping costs, and AliExpress shall be entitled to deduct all shipping costs from the refund and may deny the same buyer’s future eligibility of the Free Return Service and/or the Free Delivery Service.

    Article 8 Whether a product is a “Participating Product” with the Free Return Service offer and/or the Free Delivery Service offer (if applicable) shall be determined by whether such product(s) bear a «Free Return» icon, which may be determined and/or changed by AliExpress in its own discretion.

    Article 9 Under any of following circumstances, the Participating Seller shall not be obliged in any way to offer the Free Return Service, Free Delivery Service (if applicable) and/or provide the refund (unless otherwise required by applicable laws or the AliExpress rules):

    (1) Fraud on the part of the buyer;

    (2) Wars, military actions, terrorist events, strikes, riots, theft, robbery;

    (3) Confiscation by relevant government authorities;

    (4) Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, radioactive or any other form of contamination;

    (5) Natural disasters including, but not limited to, earthquakes, lightning strokes, fires, explosions, storms, floods, typhoons;

    (6) Improper conduct of the buyer in violation of the instructions;

    (7) Natural consumption or wear and tear of the product;

    (8) Product recall;

    (9) External causes during transportation or storage; and

    (10) Defects unable to be detected with the technology in domestic market at the time of manufacture.

    Article 10 Under the Free Return Service, the Participating Seller shall not be responsible for losses and costs of the following products (unless otherwise required by applicable laws or AliExpress rules), and the Participating Seller shall not be under any obligation to provide Free Delivery Service for the following products:

    (1) Quality issues of a product have been acknowledged and accepted by the buyer;

    (2) Products are sold after the Participating Seller has been suspended, closed down or bankrupted.

    Article 11 These Rules shall take effect on August 20th, 2019. However AliExpress is entitled to amend these Rules at any time by posting the relevant amended and restated Rules on AliExpress.com, without further notice to buyers. By continuing to purchase Participating Product(s), use the Free Return Service, and/or use the Free Return Service, users and buyers agree that the amended and restated Rules will apply and are deemed to have accepted the amended and restated Rules.

    Article 12 These Rules are governed, interpreted and enforced by the laws of Hong Kong, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any and all legal actions, claims or proceedings arising out of, or in connection with these Rules must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Hong Kong.

    Article 13 These Rules are published in English and multiple languages. In case of any discrepancy between different language versions, the English one shall prevail.


    Commercial Warranty Service


    What’s the Commercial Warranty Service?

    For buyers from Russia and Ukraine:
    If you are from Russia or Ukraine, when you place an order for a phone or tablet, you can choose to buy the One-year repair warranty service, which is offered by the seller and Wisetech Service, a local commercial warranty service provider. With the One-year commercial warranty, you can get your phone or tablet fixed at a local service center, subject to the terms and conditions of the Wisetech One-year repair service.
    For buyers from France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Italy and Netherlands:
    If you are from France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Italy and Netherlands, when you complete an order for a phone or tablet, you will receive the One-year warranty service, which is offered by the seller without charge and administered by Allianz Global Assistance (with the exception of special cases, subject to the terms and conditions). With the One-year commercial warranty, you can get your phone or tablet fixed at a local service center, designated by Allianz (subject to the terms and conditions of the Allianz One-year warranty service).


    How do I check if my order comes with the One-year warranty service?

    Go to «My Orders» to find a record of your past and current orders. Orders with the One-year warranty service will indicate «Service: 1 year warranty» and have the «Warranty Service» button.


    What is the process for the One-year warranty service?

    1). Please click the «Warranty Service» button to enter the Warranty Service Detail page. There you will find information on the service provider and warranty conditions.

    2). Please click the «Apply Warranty» button to submit a warranty service request. The service provider will handle the case for you.

    3). Please follow-up on the repair and maintenance process and pay attention to any updates.

    4). Please confirm receipt of the item after the service provider sends the device back to you.


    Why does my order come without the One-year warranty service?

    Currently, the One-year commercial warranty service for phones and tablets is only available for buyers from certain countries (Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Italy and Netherlands). We are trying to coordinate with the sellers and service providers to provide better protection for all cross-border transactions on AliExpress.com.


    When can I apply for the One-year warranty service?

    If you have purchased or been provided with the One-year commercial warranty service, you may apply for the commercial warranty service within one year after the waiting period, which is 15 days after your order with the One-year warranty service is completed.


    Why was my One-year warranty service application rejected?

    The One-year warranty service covers electronic and mechanical device breakdowns (internal faults) that occurred during normal use in the 12-month term covered by the Warranty service contract. Man-made damage and malfunction caused by improper operation are not covered. Please pay attention to the warranty terms and conditions in the contract between you and the service provider or seller.


    What can I do if my device is found faulty or broken during the 15-day waiting period?

    If you have any problems with your device during the 15-day waiting period, please discuss with the seller; if that doesn’t help, you can open a dispute for further assistance. Please make sure you do this before your Buyer Protection period has ended.


    As a buyer from Spain / United Kingdom, why are my pages different from your provided screenshots?

    For Spain and United Kingdom buyers, please refer to the provided screenshots below for instructions:

    Step 1. Find your order
    Select the device you want replaces in your order list

    Step 2. Submit a warranty request
    On the service details page click «Submit a warranty request»

    Step 3. That’s it!
    Fill in the information and give us three business days to get back to you


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16


    Refund Process

    How can I get a refund through Wire Transfer?
    If you paid for your order by Wire Transfer, you will receive the refund in your Alipay account. You can transfer the money from here into your bank account. Here’s how:

    1. Sign in to My Orders
    2. Locate your order and click View Details
    3. Find the refund in your Alipay account
    4. Click on Refunds Pending
    5. Check your refund as shown below.
    6. Select Pending if you want to transfer the refund to your own bank account and click Transfer to.
    (You can select a maximum of 60 pending refunds per transaction)
    7. Enter your bank account details and transfer the money.

    Please note that a minimum service fee of US $15.00 may be charged for each Wire Transfer and that it can take 7-10 business days for the money to arrive

    How can I get a refund through Ideal?
    If you paid with Ideal, the money will be refunded to your original account. It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.
    If you can’t find your refund, please be advised to inquire your bank for more information.

    How can I get a refund through Sofort Banking?
    If you paid with Sofort Banking, the money will be refunded to your original account. It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.
    If you can’t find your refund, please be advised to inquire your bank for more information.

    My order has been closed. When will I get my refund?
    If your paid order has been closed/cancelled, your payment will be refunded to your account. This normally takes about 3 to 20 working days. Please wait patiently to receive it in your account.

    How do I get refund by Boleto or TEF?
    Please be informed that if you paid through Boleto/TEF and there is a refund,normally you will receive the email from Ebanx in 7-10 business days from the time that your payment has been refunded.

    Usually, the Ebanx will send you email to confirm your refund.

    If you don’t know how to receive the refund or you have not received the email from Ebanx, you are advised to inquire EBANX by sending email to support@ebanx.com or call 55 41 32329913 for more information.

    How can I get a refund if my credit card is no longer valid or has expired?
    You will receive your refund on the same card that you used to pay for your order. To secure the safety of your account, we can’t refund to other cards.

    If your original card is not valid or if it has expired, please contact your card issuer for more information. Normally they receive the money on your behalf and transfer it to your bank account.

    How can I get a refund through Cash Payment?
    If you paid with Cash Payment, the money will be refunded to balance of the phone number that you entered on checkout page. It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.

    If the phone number is incorrect/invalid or the refund amount is less than 1 RUB, the refund will be unable to be made.

    How can I get a refund if my bank has gone bankrupt?
    Refunds can only be sent back to the account with which you used to make the payment. If your bank has gone bankrupt, please contact your card issuer directly for more information.

    How do I get a refund by credit card or debit card?
    You will receive your refund on the same card that you used to pay for your order. It usually takes around 3-20 business days for the money to arrive.

    For more information about the refund status, please check the order details page on our website.

    It normally takes 3-20 business days for refunds to be processed.
    If the refund status is marked as “Complete”, but you can’t find the payment in your bank account, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    Why does it show that a refund is being processed after my order cancellation?
    It means your refund is currently being processed for you. Normally, it takes about 3-20 working days to receive it in your bank account. Please wait patiently for the refund.

    How can I get a refund through Alipay Balance?
    If you paid with Alipay balance, the money will be refunded to your Alipay balance in real time.
    Alipay balance service will be terminated from January 1, 2017 (PDT)

    How can I get a refund through SMS Payment?
    If you paid with SMS, the money will be refunded to the original mobile phone within 7-10 business days.

    If you can’t find your refund, you are advised to contact with ST customer service for better help.
    Email: helpdesk@sms-tv.ru
    10:00-19:00 (MSK) working days.

    If the phone number is invalid or the refund amount is less than 1 RUB, the refund will be unable to be made.

    How can I get a refund through Yandex.Money?
    — Paid with Yandex.Wallet/added card
    The money will be refunded to original account within 7-10 business days.

    — Paid with Cash
    After your refund is confirmed, you will receive a text message to the phone number you initially used to get a payment code from the website.
    1) Follow the link from text message – you will get to the Yandex.Money website’s special page.
    2) Enter the code from the text message into the special field, to insure the system that you are the one who is getting a refund.
    3) Enter your existing Yandex.Money account number or create a new one. If the Yandex.Money is just created or anonymous, you need to put passport details in the special fields.

    If for some reason you can’t finish the refund, please contact Yandex.Money customer support.

    Email address: support@money.yandex.ru
    Phone number: 8 800 555 80 99/ +7 (495) 974 3586 (RU)
    Working time: 7*24 hours
    More issue: https://money.yandex.ru/help.xml

    In which situation can I receive a refund in my Alipay Account?
    For Western Union, Bank Transfer, Boleto, TEF and WebMoney, this depends on your settings. You can set the refund route you prefer on your computer. This service will be terminated from September 1, 2016

    How can I get a refund through Przelewy24?
    If you paid with Przelewy24, the money will be refunded to your original account. It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.
    If you can’t find your refund, please be advised to inquire your bank for more information.

    How can I get a refund through Western Union?
    If you paid for your order by Western Union, you will receive the refund in your Alipay account. You can transfer the money from here into your bank account. Here’s how:

    1. Sign in to My Orders
    2. Locate your order and click View Details
    3. Find the refund in your Alipay account
    4. Click on Refunds Pending
    5. Check your refund as shown below.
    6. Select Pending if you want to transfer the refund to your own bank account and click Transfer to.
    (You can select a maximum of 60 pending refunds per transaction)
    7. Enter your bank account details and transfer the money.

    Please note that a minimum service fee of US $15.00 may be charged for each Wire Transfer and normally you will receive the money within 7-10 working days.

    How can I get a refund through DOKU?
    — Paid with Doku Wallet
    Refund will be made to Doku Wallet in real time.

    — Paid with Internet Banking, ATM or Mini Market
    You will get a confirmation email within 3 business days. They will send you an email to the address that is linked to your AliExpress account to confirm your refund.

    If you didn’t receive the email, please contact Doku for more information: care@doku.com.

    How can I get a refund through Giropay?
    If you paid with Giropay, the money will be refunded to your original account. It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.
    If you can’t find your refund, please be advised to inquire your bank for more information.

    How can I get a refund through Webmoney?
    If you’re using WebMoney, it usually takes around 7-10 business days for the refund to arrive.

    If you didn’t receive your refund, please contact WebMoney for more information: http://www.wmtransfer.com/eng/about/contacts/

    How can I get a refund through QIWI?
    If you are receiving a refund through QIWI, it usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.
    To check your refund, please log into your Qiwi Wallet and switch the currency from RUB to USD.

    If you can’t find your refund here, please check if the refund has been used to pay for a new order.
    For more information, please contact QIWI Wallet’s 24- hour service number: 8-800-707-77-59 , or visit: https://qiwi.com/support/request.action

    How can I get a refund through Mercado Pago?
    — Paid with credit/debit card
    The money will be refunded to original payment card. It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the money to arrive.

    — Paid with MP Wallet/ATM/Bank Transfer/OXXO
    The money will be refunded to MP account in real time. If you used Guest account to make payment, please register an MP account by using the registered email of AliExpress to receive your refund.

    You are advised to contact service agents of Mercado Pago for further assistance by visiting https://www.mercadopago.com.mx/ayuda…gos-online_189 if you could not find the refund.


    If the refund application time is 90 days after the payment time, the refund is unable to be processed to you at this stage due to the refund restrictions from Mercado Pago.

    Not Received Refund

    I have not received my refund on my credit card yet. What can I do?
    If you paid with a credit card, the money will be refunded to your card. It usually takes around 3-15 business days for the money to arrive.

    If the refund process is marked «complete» but it looks like you did not get your money back yet, please check your bank account first. Some refunds are booked on the date of the purchase.

    For example (see pic below) a customer paid for his order on January 15. He applied for a refund 2 months later. However, the bank showed the refund on the same date as his purchase.

    If after carefully checking your bank statement (as suggested above) you still cannot find your refund, please contact our customer service team.

    1. The bank statement should have an official stamp.
    2. Please provide a bank statement from 2 days before the purchase date until 10 business days after the (completed) refund date. For example, if you paid for an order on November 11 and your refund was completed on November 24, please send us the bank statement that shows payments from November 9 — December 8.
    3. Mark the purchase of the specific order in your bank statement so that it easy for us to find.

    Received the Less Refund

    Why is the refund lower than I expected?
    Please go to your order details page on our website to find out whether you have applied for a full or partial refund.

    Please note that the following costs cannot be refunded:
    1. Currency conversion fees charged by your credit card issuer.
    2.Credit card transaction fees.
    3. Floating exchange rates.

    Please contact your issuing bank for further information.


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16


    Order Feedback

    Why is not my feedback displayed?
    After you leave submit feedback, the feedback will should be displayed within 24 hours.

    If you find the feedback has not been displayed after 24 hours, please check whether you have successfully left submitted feedback successfully. You can find the feedback record on our website:
    Go to My Orders > Manage Feedback

    When an order is logged under Orders Awaiting My Feedback, please you can submit your feedback.

    How do I leave feedback?
    You can leave feedback for the seller within 30 days of completing an order.

    Step 1: Sign into My Orders
    Step 2: Go to Manage Feedback, and click Orders Awaiting My Feedback
    Step 3: Choose an order and click Leave Feedback

    How do I change feedback?
    Once you have submitted your feedback, you won’t be able to revise it. However, you are always welcome to add additional feedback.

    Why is my feedback score wrong?
    Your Feedback Score is the average of all Star Ratings you’ve received. If you’ve given feedback on more than one order within 10 days, this will only be counted once.

    You will not receive a feedback score if:
    1. The order value was under US $5.
    2. You never received the order or returned it to the seller.
    3. You left feedback on things such as: free gifts from the seller, extra shipping fees, etc.


    Message Center

    How do I stop a seller from sending me messages?
    If a seller is sending you unwanted messages, you can blacklist the seller:
    1. Sign into your account and go to the Message Center
    2. Go to a specific message and click Add to Blacklist
    3. Click Confirm

    A seller is not responding to me. What should I do?
    If a seller has not responded within a reasonable time frame and if your query relates to an order, you can:

    a. Cancel the order
    Once you have raised a cancellation request in the system, the system will cancel your order once the order processing time has run out.

    b. Find another seller
    If a seller has not responded within a reasonable timeframe, we suggest you find another seller offering the same product.

    c. Open a dispute
    If you’re not satisfied with an order or it has not arrived, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute. Please make sure you do this within the Buyer Protection period. Click https://trade.aliexpress.com/orderList.htm to open a dispute.

    Please click the Chat Now button (at the bottom of this page) to chat with Aliexpress Customer Service Team.


  • Magenta


    • Репутация: 67035
    • Влияние: 677
    • Сообщений: 776
    • С нами с 07.11.16


  • Пачка косяков биллменеджера. =)

    Итак, после вчерашнего открытия регистраций доменой в зоне РФ, наши клиенты усиленно стали регистрировать домены, сразу же всплыли косяки:

    1) При добавлении кириллического имени домена в зоне .RU(!) биллинг снимает деньги, но не регает, т.к. регистрация в зоне ру кириллических имён запрещена!!!! Ошибку не возвращает и такие домены болтаются в статусе обрабатываются.
    Нужно добавить проверочку на валидность ввода IDN для доменных зон.

    2) При регистрации домена в зоне РФ (и не только) также списываются средства, но не смотрится регистрация перед началом самой регистрации. (К примеру: клиент отправил заявку к нам на регистрацию домена, выставил себе счёт QIWI, пошёл оплачивать, оплатил и придя домой увидел, что домен обрабатывается. Всё бы ничего, но он так и будет обрабатываться без выдачи ошибок клиенту, т.к. этот же домен уже регнули на 5 минут раньше через WebMoney)…..

    3) Если у юзера не вбиты паспортные данные, домен тоже не зарегистрируется и будет висеть в обработке, хотя деньги спишутся, и ошибок клиенту опять не вывалит никаких!!!

    Вот такая ботва, прикинь, бывает не до смеху, было трудно без тебя, Вован, хорошо, что приехал (с) Ума-Турман..

    ПОФИКСИТЕ ПЛИИИИЗ!!! ( выпустите обновочку :) )

  • При регистрации домена .COM через R01, вылетает ошибка:

    Nov 12 14:42:12 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=xml&func=domain.result&item=54&operation=regd omain&state=error&message=PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.’

    хотя везде всё заполнено…… :(

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от netduke
    Посмотреть сообщение

    2) При регистрации домена в зоне РФ (и не только) также списываются средства, но не смотрится регистрация перед началом самой регистрации. (К примеру: клиент отправил заявку к нам на регистрацию домена, выставил себе счёт QIWI, пошёл оплачивать, оплатил и придя домой увидел, что домен обрабатывается. Всё бы ничего, но он так и будет обрабатываться без выдачи ошибок клиенту, т.к. этот же домен уже регнули на 5 минут раньше через WebMoney)…..

    После того как клиент оплатит по QIWI только в этот момент отправится заявка на регистрацию. Если домен уже занят, то регистратор вернет ошибку и деньги вернутся.


    Сообщение от netduke
    Посмотреть сообщение

    3) Если у юзера не вбиты паспортные данные, домен тоже не зарегистрируется и будет висеть в обработке, хотя деньги спишутся, и ошибок клиенту опять не вывалит никаких!!!

    В любом случае смотрится ответ от регистратора, если он вернул ошибку, то клиенту выводится банер, и деньги возвращаются. Не зависимо ошибка в паспортных данных или других.


    Сообщение от netduke
    Посмотреть сообщение

    При регистрации домена .COM через R01, вылетает ошибка:

    С каких пор у R01 для регистрации com требуются паспортные данные?

  • Nick! Я только что дал доступ к серверу тех поддержке, там реально есть косяк какой-то. Вот вырезка логов по регистрации:

    Домен с ID = 57 (условно, IDN: домен.com) также до сих пор висит в стадии обработки.
    Была ошибка, но биллинг её не понял.

    Billmgr log


    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] INFO Request [][s.zamorov] ‘func=domain.manregdom&elid=57’
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:1392 TRACE RUN BeforeExecute()
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:875 DEBUG cdw = ‘/usr/local/ispmgr’
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:876 DEBUG script=’sbin/drr01′ fname=’var/run/drr01.regdomain_57′ params=’register
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/utils.cpp:462 DEBUG Waiting ZOMB 1, ret=30122, status=0
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] INFO Request [][s.zamorov] ‘func=domain&clickstat=yes’
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [31096] ../../src/billmgr/core/item.cpp:903 DEBUG it 12
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=xml&func=domain.result&item=57&operation=regd omain&state=error&message=PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.’
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:1392 TRACE RUN BeforeExecute()
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] ../../src/billmgr/domain/svrdomain.cpp:2611 DEBUG acc =
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] EXTINFO Load config ‘var/userconf/billmgr.sdeurost’
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=text&func=longtask’
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [31096] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:691 DEBUG drr01 false do(‘regdomain_57’, 1, ‘error: Some error with code 1 during execution’)



    Nov 12 14:08:36 [30123] INFO Request: register 57
    Nov 12 14:08:36 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:79 DEBUG REQUEST:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:81 DEBUG RESPONSE:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] INFO Session ID: e636c770343eacfbbc21eb3430086de0
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:174 DEBUG REQUEST:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ../../src/billmgr/domain/registrator/drr01.cpp:176 DEBUG RESPONSE:
    Nov 12 14:08:37 [30123] ERROR PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от netduke
    Посмотреть сообщение

    При регистрации домена .COM через R01, вылетает ошибка:

    Nov 12 14:42:12 [31096] INFO Request [drr01][admin] ‘out=xml&func=domain.result&item=54&operation=regd omain&state=error&message=PASSPORT not filled. You should fill all the necessary parameters to proceed.’

    хотя везде всё заполнено…… :(

    Сделайте нормальное описание, наконец, для клиента. Это удобно, очень удобно.

  • Приделаем. Только не для всех регистраторов это получется, т.к. однозначно определить возвращаемую ошибку бывает затруднительно.

  • Ну и если еще вдруг кто-то не ощутил на себе…
    Биллинг дает регистрировать домены с верхним регистром букв, внезависимости от того, занят этот домен или нет
    аля Домен.рф и домен.рф

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от Shi3A
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Ну и если еще вдруг кто-то не ощутил на себе…
    Биллинг дает регистрировать домены с верхним регистром букв, внезависимости от того, занят этот домен или нет
    аля Домен.рф и домен.рф

    Уже исправлено. Будет в следующем обновлении.

  • при добавлении прав пользователю

    credit.editnews — не имеет подписи вообще
    admingroup/admingroup.access/admingroup.access/admingroup.access — до бесконечности вкладывается сама в себя
    rhost — имеет несколько вложенных атрибутов без подписи

    item.period, item.welcome в dns — не имеют подписи

  • Цитата:

    Сообщение от pkirill
    Посмотреть сообщение

    при добавлении прав пользователю

    credit.editnews — не имеет подписи вообще
    admingroup/admingroup.access/admingroup.access/admingroup.access — до бесконечности вкладывается сама в себя
    rhost — имеет несколько вложенных атрибутов без подписи

    item.period, item.welcome в dns — не имеют подписи

    Просьба выносить вопросы не по теме в отдельную ветку.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

In order to register in Prozorro you need to select one of the ProZorro accredited ETFs and fill all necessary fields, including the status of the enterprise being registered.

Для того, чтобы зарегистрироваться на Prozorro, необходимо выбрать один из аккредитованных ЭТП Prozorro и заполнить все необходимые поля, в т.ч. статус регистрируемого предприятия.

Just fill out all necessary fields with correct information and instantly become a partner of the top-notch binary options broker.

Просто заполните все необходимые поля с правильной информацией и мгновенно стать партнером первоклассных бинарных опционов брокера.

Experience showed that the template needed to be clarified to enable applicants to correctly fill in all necessary fields.

Опыт показывает, что данная типовая форма заявки требует пояснений для того, чтобы пользователи могли правильно заполнять все необходимые поля.

In order to create your account, you should go on the right part of the website and fill all the necessary fields.

Для того, чтобы оформить заказ, вам стоит просто зайти на соответственную страничку сайта и заполнить все нужные поля.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 15031. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 256 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Переводчик с английского на русский

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1

(7699 голосов, в среднем: 4.4/5)

Используйте наш бесплатный переводчик с английского на русский и переводите ваши тексты онлайн.
Для перевода с английского введите в окно редактирования ваш текст. Затем нажмите на зеленую кнопку «Перевести» и текст переведется.

Альтернативный переводчик с английского на русский онлайн

Онлайн переводчик с английского на русский, для переводов фраз, предложений
и коротких текстов. Этот переводчик с английского на русский имеет ограничение в 1000 символов
за один перевод.

Другие направления переводов: англо-русский переводчик,
украинский переводчик,
казахско-русский переводчик,
испанско-русский переводчик,
немецко-русский переводчик

In the next example it will

be introduced the necessary parameters to create the signs […]

for button holes on a front shirt pattern.



В следующем примере в окне будут установлены параметры для […]

создания петель на полочке рубашки.



We turn to the menu item «File, Save for Web», «full

picture», and youBira necessary parameters of compression: GIF, […]

the number of colors (in our


case 64), leave the «shiver» for photos, text frames «shiver» only worsens the quality and increases the size, transparency, we also do not need.



Переходим в пункт


меню «Файл», «Сохранить для

Web», «Полное изображение«, и выбираем необходимые параметры сжатия: […]

GIF, количество цветов


(в нашем случае 64), оставляем «дрож» для фото, в текстовых кадрах «дрож» только ухудшает качество и увеличивает размер, прозрачность нам также не нужна.



All necessary parameters (voltage, current etc.) are set automatically.



Все необходимые параметры (напряжение, ток и т. д.) настраиваются автоматически.



The group also stressed that, in addition to legislative requirements, other vehicle parameters also need verification, in terms of customer satisfaction, repairability,


insurance classification, comfort,

handling, etc. A list of all necessary parameters was drafted for evaluation […]

(INF GR/PS/35).



Группа также подчеркнула, что в дополнение к законодательным требованиям необходимо также уточнить другие требования к транспортным средствам, касающиеся удовлетворенности потребителей, ремонтопригодности, классификации в целях страхования,



управляемости и т.д. Для целей оценки был составлен соответствующий перечень всех […]

необходимых параметров (INF GR/PS/35).



All necessary parameters are set automatically.



Все необходимые параметры настраиваются автоматически.



As mentioned earlier, all the required values are

calculated automatically after you specify all the necessary parameters.



Как упоминалось ранее, все искомые значения

вычисляются автоматически после указания всех необходимых параметров.



This form provides the user

with possibility of setting necessary parameters and activating the broadcast […]

procedure for two independent multicast streams.



Здесь пользователю

предоставляется возможность задать необходимые настройки и активировать процедуру […]

вещания для двух независимых





Let’s choose the h-estimations,


and then by substituting them instead of ‘m’ in

previously given expression, we will calculate the necessary parameters.



Остановим свой выбор


на использовании h-оценок, тогда подставив их

вместо m в ранее приведенные выражения, найдем интересующие нас параметры.



If checkbox

Reminders is checked and necessary parameters are set, a message will […]

repeatedly be displayed to the monitor.



Если отметить Напоминание и указать нужные параметры напоминания, то сообщения […]

повторно будут выведены на экран монитора.



At present all necessary parameters are recorded in system by the shop employees in […]

the form of documents with measurements.



Теперь все необходимые параметры работники цехов вносят в систему в виде документов […]

с измерениями.



For the reasons of standard «friendly» orders processing, we


decided to fill the array of

«friendly» orders with all necessary parameters every time at the beginning […]

of the start() function.



Из соображений стандартной обработки «своих» ордеров, было


принято решение в начале функции start() каждый раз

заполнять массив «своих ордеров» со всеми необходимыми реквизитами.



RSIWRP31 3.1: Maintain necessary parameters for starting the new online help .



RSIWRP31 3.1: ведение необходимых параметров для запуска новой онлайн-справки .



These procedures shall regulate all the necessary parameters of the Board of Directors meeting […]




Эти процедуры должны регламентировать все необходимые параметры деятельности заседания Совета директоров.



Especially «advanced»

computers can inform the motorist necessary parameters by means of voice and have an opportunity […]

of their connection


to other, not less useful devices, such as parktronic, cruise control, etc.



Особо «продвинутые»

компьютеры могут сообщать автолюбителю необходимые параметры посредством голоса, а также имеют […]

возможность подключения


их к иным, не менее полезным устройствам, таким как парктроник, круиз контроль и т.п.



Specify your network configuration, setting the necessary parameters in the form on this page.




свою сетевую конфигурацию, установив необходимые параметры в форме на этой странице.



Changing the PLC with the latest software together with an


equipped desk with touch screen

monitors, getting that all necessary parameters in the system, can be […]

revoked at any time.



Замена PLC в соответствии с самыми современными программами


вместе с пультом,

оборудованным мониторами с сенсорным экраном, при этом все необходимые параметры […]

в системе могут быть отменены в любой момент.



The GSM Service Center Phone Number and PIN Code are necessary parameters to initiate the data exchange with GSM-modem connected to the computer’s serial port.



Параметры GSM Service Center Phone Number (Номер телефона центра услуг GSM-связи) и PIN Code (Персональный идентификационный код) являются необходимыми параметрами для инициирования обмена данными с GSM-модемом, присоединённым к последовательному порту […]




You will always be able to open and/or limit access to broadcast for any user/subscriber of the third-party service rebroadcasting your channel, in order to comply with various licensing conditions: according to conditions of paid subscription; based on


limits of licensee subscribers’ number to which

license was issued; according to geo/ip and other necessary parameters.



Вы всегда сможете открывать и/или ограничивать доступ к трансляции, для любого пользователя/абонента стороннего сервиса ретранслирующего ваш канал, с целью соблюдения всевозможных лицензионных условий: по условиям платной подписки; исходя из


ограничения по количеству абонентов лицензиата, на которое

выдавалась лицензия; по гео/ip и другим необходимым для вас параметрам.



Press key [Change] and set necessary parameters of reception equipment and communication […]

channels in the window [Change port settings].



Нажмите клавишу

[Изменить], в окне [Изменить уст. порта] установите необходимые параметры приёмного оборудования […]

и каналов связи.



The system allows one to acquire and/or draw the characteristic curves of the


heel and, after having used

the keyboard to set the necessary parameters to its complete definition […]

(height, slant, distance


crown-underheel, geometric data of the front part) to visualize it simultaneously in 2D and  3D.



Система позволяет скопировать и /


или нарисовать

характерные круглые формы каблуков и, после установки необходимых параметров с помощью […]

клавиатуры (высота,


наклон, смещение короны, геометрия передней части) отобразить одновременно в 2D и 3D.



The experts provided necessary information

on soil testing parameters, necessary for assessment […]

of soil quality in terms of application of OA methods.



Эксперты предоставили необходимую информацию о том, какие […]

анализы следует провести для того, чтоб изучить качество и состояние


грунта для целей ОЗ.



She suggested that restrictions on speech should follow strict parameters, and pass a three-part test: (a) the restriction must be provided for by law; (b) it must pursue a legitimate aim; and (c) it must be necessary and proportionate to secure one of those aims.



Она предложила, чтобы ограничения на высказывания соответствовали строгим параметрам и проходили проверку по трем аспектам: а) ограничения должны предусматриваться законом; b) они должны преследовать законную цель; и с) они должны быть необходимыми и соразмерными обеспечению достижения одной из этих целей.



I/O (Input/Output) group Parameters necessary to make up a sequence using Multi-function […]

input/output terminal.



Группа I/O Параметры, необходимые для организации управления с использованием клемм […]

многофункциональных входов / выходов.



Software allows to display in full screen mode

any messages and the parameters necessary for operator to control […]

the process of sharpening


and manufacturing of the tool.



Программное обеспечение


позволяет в полноэкранном виде

выводить на дисплей любые сообщения и параметры, необходимые оператору […]

для контроля процесса заточки.



In order to facilitate future assessment of COMEST activities, taking into account 32 C/Resolution 26, the UNESCO work plan in ethics of


science and technology for

2004-2005 establishes clear parameters and mechanisms to measure […]

the expected results of COMEST


advisory activities at the end of the biennium, as well as performance indicators in each of the areas of activities, allowing evaluation of the impact of COMEST.



С целью содействия будущей оценке мероприятий КОМЕСТ с учетом резолюции


32 C/26 в плане работы ЮНЕСКО

в области этики науки и технологии на 2004-2005 гг. установлены […]

четкие параметры и механизм


определения результатов, ожидаемых от консультативной деятельности КОМЕСТ на конец двухлетнего периода, а также показатели эффективности в каждой области деятельности, что дает возможность оценки влияния КОМЕСТ.



With reference to paragraph 50 of the Outcome Document of the Durban Review Conference requesting OHCHR to place examples of best practices provided by stakeholders on its homepage, Yury Boychenko, chief of the


Anti-Discrimination Section, asked the Working Group to

consider providing parameters for validation of […]

best practices.



Касаясь пункта 50 Итогового документа Конференции по обзору Дурбанского процесса, призывающего УВКПЧ приводить примеры наилучшей практики заинтересованных сторон на своей домашней странице, начальник Секции по


борьбе с дискриминацией Юрий Бойченко

обратился к Рабочей группе с просьбой определить параметры […]

оценки передовой практики.



On the market for electricity and electric power, the increase in regulated rates for the electricity supply and distribution network for all consumer categories, except for


the public and in non-price areas, will

be held within parameters ensuring minimal […]

return on invested capital in order to


avoid a price explosion for electricity due to the shift to a remuneration of fresh capacity under capacity supply agreements and the utilization of a method for determining electricity prices that is based on returns on invested capital.



На рынке электроэнергии и электрической мощности для всех категорий потребителей, кроме населения, и в неценовых зонах, во избежание всплеска цен


на электроэнергию из-за перехода на

оплату новых мощностей по договорам предоставления […]

мощности и применения метода доходности


инвестированного капитала при определении цен на электроэнергию, рост регулируемых тарифов на сетевую составляющую и сбыт электроэнергии будет сдерживаться в параметрах, обеспечивающих минимальную прибыль на инвестированный капитал.



The initial step in preparing the Comprehensive Report on the World Situation with Regard to Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy (Article 75 of the 1997 Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel) was a planning session jointly organized with the ILO, with discussion prompted by respective UNESCO and


ILO issues papers, for the

purpose of identifying major parameters of the study, major partners, […]

timeliness, and practical


anticipated uses of the eventual report by Member States.



Первым шагом в подготовке всеобъемлющего доклада о ситуации, сложившейся в мире в области академических свобод и автономии учебных заведений (статья 75 Рекомендации о статусе преподавательских кадров высших учебных заведений (1997 г.)), стала организация совместно с МОТ планового совещания на


основе обсуждения соответствующих

тематических документов ЮНЕСКО и МОТ с целью определения […]

основных параметров исследования,


главных партнеров, графика и возможного практического использования будущего доклада государствами-членами.



This network has

been created to develop the necessary conditions for a true holistic […]

approach to dealing with a post-conflict


situation from the immediate and urgent period to the point where the character of the aid programme changes into communication development programmes.



В рамках этой

структуры появляется возможность определить необходимые условия для применения […]

действительно целостного подхода


к урегулированию постконфликтных ситуаций, начиная с принятия срочных и неотложных мер и завершая этапом, на котором программы помощи преобразуются в программы развития средств коммуникации.



Pursuant to rule 108, paragraph 1, at any time after the receipt of a complaint, the Committee, through its Rapporteur for new complaints and interim measures, may transmit to the State party concerned a request that


it take such interim measures as the

Committee considers necessary to avoid irreparable […]

damage to the victim or victims of the alleged violations.



В соответствии с пунктом 1 правила 108 в любой момент после получения жалобы Комитет через своего Докладчика по новым жалобам и временным мерам может направить соответствующему


государству-участнику просьбу о том, чтобы оно

приняло такие временные меры, какие Комитет считает […]

необходимыми во избежание причинения


непоправимого ущерба жертве или жертвам предполагаемых нарушений.



  • Ошибка phl delta vfd b
  • Ошибка phase 1 initialization failed
  • Ошибка pgadmin 4 the application server could not be contacted
  • Ошибка pfn reference count
  • Ошибка pfn list corrupt как исправить