Ошибка please ensure stream is logged in and running


Latest 1.4-stable





This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


When opening tModLoader, I am presented with this text box:


I have steam running, I have checked compatibility with my OS, ran as administrator, verified my files, deleted and re-acquired the tModLoader.exe file as well as redownloaded tModLoader and Terraria.

If there are any other suggestions I would be glad to take them.

Log File


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open tModLoader
  2. Error may pop up.

Expected Behavior

The app should load presumably?

Actual Behavior

The app is not loading and is instead giving me an error.

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time.

Additional Information

Nothing else except I was able to run the app last night though I couldn’t access the Mod Browser from the app.

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tModLoader «Please ensure Steam is logged in and running.» Error. #2306

Issue Opened

Joestanky Opened Issue On Apr 20th 2022, 5:55



Latest 1.4-stable





This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


When opening tModLoader, I am presented with this text box:


I have steam running, I have checked compatibility with my OS, ran as administrator, verified my files, deleted and re-acquired the tModLoader.exe file as well as redownloaded tModLoader and Terraria.

If there are any other suggestions I would be glad to take them.

Log File


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open tModLoader
  2. Error may pop up.

Expected Behavior

The app should load presumably?

Actual Behavior

The app is not loading and is instead giving me an error.

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time.

Additional Information

Nothing else except I was able to run the app last night though I couldn’t access the Mod Browser from the app.


We’ve never been able to track down any reason for this issue over the years, it usually goes away with time or a restart. Sorry.


you don’t own Terraria on your steam account. i guess it’s shared from another account (i had same issue)


I have the same issue, and I own my copy of Terraria. It persisted after a restart.


there is a steam_api.dll file above the tmodloader, I deleted it and I managed to enter tmodloader


Nyazexs commented on 5 months ago


bro all you have to do to fix this is copy and paste the tmod files to the terraria folder and have steam launched


tModLoader for 1.3 is no longer supported. You can try asking in the tModLoader Discord for #support, but the best thing you can do is make sure your Terraria is up to date, and do a fresh re-install of Terraria and tModLoader.


Namra606 commented on 3 months ago


i done everythink i saw in comment but the error is not fixing someone pls help

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[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.8 Windows client (07.06.2021)
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Running on NetFramework 4.6.1
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Executable: D:CatalystTerrariaTerraria_v1.3.5.3 (2).exe
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: D:CatalystTerraria
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Launch Parameters:
[13:50:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[13:50:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[13:50:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Mono.Cecil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[13:50:55] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> Ionic.Zip.Reduced, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edbe51ad942a3f5c
[13:50:55] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[13:50:56] [1/INFO] [tML]: Checking GOG or manual installation…
[13:50:57] [1/FATAL] [tML]: Terraria.exe is not the unmodified Terraria executable.

GOG installs must have the unmodified Terraria executable to function.

If you patched the .exe, you can create a copy of the original exe and name it «Terraria_v.exe»


  1. Error please ensure steam is logged in and running
  2. Error please ensure steam is logged in and running
  3. linux server «Please ensure Steam is logged in and running» error #3127
  5. Version
  6. Platform
  7. This bug affects
  8. Description
  9. Log File
  10. Steps to reproduce
  11. Expected Behavior
  12. Actual Behavior
  13. Reproduction frequency
  14. Additional Information
  15. «Please ensure Steam is logged in and running» error on Terraria from GOG about tmodloader HOT 5 CLOSED
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  33. Error please ensure steam is logged in and running
  34. Description
  35. Log File
  36. Steps to reproduce
  37. Expected Behavior
  38. Actual Behavior
  39. Reproduction frequency
  40. Additional Information

When I try to start tModLoader i get an error popup that says:

«Please ensure Steam is logged in and running.»

Also the game doesn’t start since the startup stops with the error popup. Anyone know how to fix this? After searching for tips on the internet I have already tried:

1. Logging out from and restarting the steam client both normally and as administrator. Also tried restarting the computer to make sure everything really gets restarted.

2. Both disabling and shutting down my Antivirus and Firewall.

3. Verifying the integrity of the game files on steam and uninstalling and reinstalling tModloader to make sure none of the game files are damaged. I have done this for both tmod and Terraria.

4. Updated the graphics driver.

5. Removed all files and folders in the steam folder except for the steamapps and userdata folders and restarted steam to get steam to refresh the files in case they where damaged. I have also tried using the Steam beta version since I have read that could work.

Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that Terraria is both purchased on steam and started with the steam client so there is no issue with strange versions on Terraria and there is no reason that Steam should think it is not running since the game is started from the actual client it complains about is not running. Normal Terraria is running without a problem so I doubt there is any problems with that installation either.

Any new ideas or tips would be welcome since I’m really looking forward to playing Terraria with mods but have given up for now until the problem gets fixed or someone comes up with a working solution.


Error please ensure steam is logged in and running

When I try to start tModLoader i get an error popup that says:

«Please ensure Steam is logged in and running.»

Also the game doesn’t start since the startup stops with the error popup. Anyone know how to fix this? After searching for tips on the internet I have already tried:

1. Logging out from and restarting the steam client both normally and as administrator. Also tried restarting the computer to make sure everything really gets restarted.

2. Both disabling and shutting down my Antivirus and Firewall.

3. Verifying the integrity of the game files on steam and uninstalling and reinstalling tModloader to make sure none of the game files are damaged. I have done this for both tmod and Terraria.

4. Updated the graphics driver.

5. Removed all files and folders in the steam folder except for the steamapps and userdata folders and restarted steam to get steam to refresh the files in case they where damaged. I have also tried using the Steam beta version since I have read that could work.

Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that Terraria is both purchased on steam and started with the steam client so there is no issue with strange versions on Terraria and there is no reason that Steam should think it is not running since the game is started from the actual client it complains about is not running. Normal Terraria is running without a problem so I doubt there is any problems with that installation either.

Any new ideas or tips would be welcome since I’m really looking forward to playing Terraria with mods but have given up for now until the problem gets fixed or someone comes up with a working solution.


linux server «Please ensure Steam is logged in and running» error #3127



This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


when booting up the server (using ./start-tmodloaderserver.sh), an error occurs that says i must be logged into steam. I don’t have steam as it’s on a VM and I’m not sure how anyone can use a VM for a server if this issue is common. Thanks for any help! Running Debian

Log File

Steps to reproduce

  1. chmod the start-tmodloaderserver.sh
  2. ./start-tmodloaderserver.sh
  3. wait a min for loading then error pops up

Expected Behavior

server should run

Actual Behavior

error preventing launch

Reproduction frequency

every time, tried on 2 VM’s, same result

Additional Information

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

According to your logs, you’re running with the args -steam -lobby friends . How are you launching start-tModLoaderServer.sh ?

If you are launching with -steam , then of course it will try to use steam, and will break because you do not have it installed. If so, you will either need to find a way to install steam on the server and run it, or have your friends connect via ip.

According to your logs, you’re running with the args -steam -lobby friends . How are you launching start-tModLoaderServer.sh ?

If you are launching with -steam , then of course it will try to use steam, and will break because you do not have it installed. If so, you will either need to find a way to install steam on the server and run it, or have your friends connect via ip.


«Please ensure Steam is logged in and running» error on Terraria from GOG about tmodloader HOT 5 CLOSED

This is expected, Terraria_v1.4.3.6.exe isn’t what it is looking for, it is looking for Terraria_v1.4.3.6_B.exe. Looks like you need to download the latest terraria, v1.4.3.6_B from gog galaxy. (You seem to be on the old non-B version.)

Apestein commented on January 16, 2023

This is expected, Terraria_v1.4.3.6.exe isn’t what it is looking for, it is looking for Terraria_v1.4.3.6_B.exe. Looks like you need to download the latest terraria, v1.4.3.6_B from gog galaxy. (You seem to be on the old non-B version.)

what tmodloader version work with normal gog version. You don’t need to break the game for us every update

JavidPack commented on January 16, 2023

No, you need to download it from gog galaxy, same as you did before

JavidPack commented on January 16, 2023

The B thing was long ago, just update

Fetnak commented on January 16, 2023

This is expected, Terraria_v1.4.3.6.exe isn’t what it is looking for, it is looking for Terraria_v1.4.3.6_B.exe. Looks like you need to download the latest terraria, v1.4.3.6_B from gog galaxy. (You seem to be on the old non-B version.)

thanks, it helped

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Error please ensure steam is logged in and running

Gameplay as a Player


When opening tModLoader, I am presented with this text box:

I have steam running, I have checked compatibility with my OS, ran as administrator, verified my files, deleted and re-acquired the tModLoader.exe file as well as redownloaded tModLoader and Terraria.

If there are any other suggestions I would be glad to take them.

Log File

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open tModLoader
  2. Error may pop up.

Expected Behavior

The app should load presumably?

Actual Behavior

The app is not loading and is instead giving me an error.

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time.

Additional Information

Nothing else except I was able to run the app last night though I couldn’t access the Mod Browser from the app.

Created at 3 months ago

We’ve never been able to track down any reason for this issue over the years, it usually goes away with time or a restart. Sorry.

Created at 8 months ago

you don’t own Terraria on your steam account. i guess it’s shared from another account (i had same issue)

Created at 7 months ago

I have the same issue, and I own my copy of Terraria. It persisted after a restart.

Created at 7 months ago

there is a steam_api.dll file above the tmodloader, I deleted it and I managed to enter tmodloader

Created at 6 months ago

bro all you have to do to fix this is copy and paste the tmod files to the terraria folder and have steam launched

Created at 4 months ago

tModLoader for 1.3 is no longer supported. You can try asking in the tModLoader Discord for #support, but the best thing you can do is make sure your Terraria is up to date, and do a fresh re-install of Terraria and tModLoader.

Created at 4 months ago

i done everythink i saw in comment but the error is not fixing someone pls help


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Если tModLoader не запускается

Опубликовано 16 ноября, 2019

Итак, что же делать если вы попытались запустить модифицированный “Terrara.exe”, то есть TmodLoader, а он не запускается? Не паникуйте, вы сможете сыграть с модами. Для этого сначала запустите “StartTerraria.exe” и ждите, пока не зайдете в главное меню, потом сверните и откройте TmodLoadaer или же модифицированную Terraria.exe, а теперь закрывайте “StartTerraria.exe” и переходите на процесс/окошко “TmodLoader”. Вуа-ля, теперь вы можете играть/ставить модификации.

Важно: Так придется делать каждый раз!

P.S : Тестировал на пиратской версии Terraria! Если у вас такая же проблема, но с лицензионной копией игры, то может этот способ и вам поможет, но на пиратской копии 100% помогает.

Спасибо за внимание, хорошего вам дня и побольше модификаций!


Не работает tModLoader в Terraria. При запуске пишет «Please launch the Game from you Steam client» Пиратка

24157 просмотров

больше 5 лет назад


2 ответа


Привет, что-то мне кажется что мы чем то похожи) Не знаю почему, но ладно.
Я вообще майнкрафтер, в террарию никогда не играл, поэтому из личного опыта такое не проходил. Но раз ты уверен что tModLoader должен работать и на пиратской копии Terraria, то наверное это так.
Если у тебя установлен Steam, то могу сказать заранее что наверное его службы каким-то образом «палят» то что ты пытаешься поиграть с пиратки и ещё и используешь моды. Так кстати во многих играх, уже человек обращался с тем что скачанный с торрента CSGO палится Стимом и не дается запустить, пришлось тратить 10$ на покупку) или сколько там.
А вообще у меня есть очень классная идея как можно поступить в твоем случае, делаешь вообщем вот так:

1.Создаешь нового пользователя Windows и выдаешь ему полные права, аналогичные твоему основному.
2.Перезаходишь на этого юзера.
3.Пробуешь запустить Terraria, и мне кажется что в этот раз всё сработает.

P.S. говорю почему я так думаю. Новый пользователь Windows имеет в запущенных программах и приложениях, только системные задачи. То есть лишнего софта и служб там не будет, поэтому это максимально чистый этап запуска для Terraria. Вообщем пробуй, я думаю хитрость сработает в этом случае.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


#privet ya top Gamer in the World

Попробуй сделать вот что:
Значит заходишь в папку

DocumentsMy GamesTerrara

там удаляешь все что есть. Хотя давай ка на всякий случай полностью ты это удалять не будешь, а просто переместишь в другую папку, вдруг ещё понадобится.
После этого пробуешь опять запустить свой мод tModLoeader, и заходишь в Terraria.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


Помогаю найти игру, исправить ошибки, вылеты, фризы, лаги и проседания FPS.

[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.8 Windows client (07.06.2021)
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Running on NetFramework 4.6.1
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Executable: D:CatalystTerrariaTerraria_v1.3.5.3 (2).exe
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: D:CatalystTerraria
[13:50:54] [1/INFO] [tML]: Launch Parameters:
[13:50:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[13:50:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[13:50:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Mono.Cecil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[13:50:55] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> Ionic.Zip.Reduced, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edbe51ad942a3f5c
[13:50:55] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[13:50:56] [1/INFO] [tML]: Checking GOG or manual installation…
[13:50:57] [1/FATAL] [tML]: Terraria.exe is not the unmodified Terraria executable.

GOG installs must have the unmodified Terraria executable to function.

If you patched the .exe, you can create a copy of the original exe and name it «Terraria_v.exe»


tModLoader «Please ensure Steam is logged in and running.» Error. #2306

Issue Opened

Joestanky Opened Issue On Apr 20th 2022, 5:55



Latest 1.4-stable





This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


When opening tModLoader, I am presented with this text box:


I have steam running, I have checked compatibility with my OS, ran as administrator, verified my files, deleted and re-acquired the tModLoader.exe file as well as redownloaded tModLoader and Terraria.

If there are any other suggestions I would be glad to take them.

Log File


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open tModLoader
  2. Error may pop up.

Expected Behavior

The app should load presumably?

Actual Behavior

The app is not loading and is instead giving me an error.

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time.

Additional Information

Nothing else except I was able to run the app last night though I couldn’t access the Mod Browser from the app.


We’ve never been able to track down any reason for this issue over the years, it usually goes away with time or a restart. Sorry.


you don’t own Terraria on your steam account. i guess it’s shared from another account (i had same issue)


I have the same issue, and I own my copy of Terraria. It persisted after a restart.


there is a steam_api.dll file above the tmodloader, I deleted it and I managed to enter tmodloader


Nyazexs commented on 5 months ago


bro all you have to do to fix this is copy and paste the tmod files to the terraria folder and have steam launched


tModLoader for 1.3 is no longer supported. You can try asking in the tModLoader Discord for #support, but the best thing you can do is make sure your Terraria is up to date, and do a fresh re-install of Terraria and tModLoader.


Namra606 commented on 4 months ago


i done everythink i saw in comment but the error is not fixing someone pls help

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tModLoader «Please ensure Steam is logged in and running.» Error. #2306

Issue Opened

Joestanky Opened Issue On Apr 20th 2022, 5:55



Latest 1.4-stable





This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


When opening tModLoader, I am presented with this text box:


I have steam running, I have checked compatibility with my OS, ran as administrator, verified my files, deleted and re-acquired the tModLoader.exe file as well as redownloaded tModLoader and Terraria.

If there are any other suggestions I would be glad to take them.

Log File


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open tModLoader
  2. Error may pop up.

Expected Behavior

The app should load presumably?

Actual Behavior

The app is not loading and is instead giving me an error.

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time.

Additional Information

Nothing else except I was able to run the app last night though I couldn’t access the Mod Browser from the app.


We’ve never been able to track down any reason for this issue over the years, it usually goes away with time or a restart. Sorry.


you don’t own Terraria on your steam account. i guess it’s shared from another account (i had same issue)


I have the same issue, and I own my copy of Terraria. It persisted after a restart.


there is a steam_api.dll file above the tmodloader, I deleted it and I managed to enter tmodloader


Nyazexs commented on 10 months ago


bro all you have to do to fix this is copy and paste the tmod files to the terraria folder and have steam launched


tModLoader for 1.3 is no longer supported. You can try asking in the tModLoader Discord for #support, but the best thing you can do is make sure your Terraria is up to date, and do a fresh re-install of Terraria and tModLoader.


Namra606 commented on 8 months ago


i done everythink i saw in comment but the error is not fixing someone pls help

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Reddit page for Nucleus Co-op, a free and open source program for Windows that allows split-screen play on many games that do not initially support it, the app purpose is to make it as easy as possible for the average user to play games locally using only one PC and one game copy.

For support, or split-screen chatting, head on over to our Discord Server.



terraria Tmodloader error

when I open terraria tmodloader in nucleuscoop

it says, please ensure stream is logged in and running

How can I fix it?

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