Ошибка ps vita nw 5603 4 ps vita

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  • Ошибка NW-5603-4

  1. 21.11.2012, 20:24


    Начинающий охотник за трофеями

    Аватар для oleg_alekseev

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    По умолчанию Ошибка NW-5603-4

    После обновления 2.0 вита совсем перестала подключаться к интернету:»не удалось подключиться к серверу или устройству в пределах заданного времени (NW-5603-4)». изменение настроек, смена wi-fi точек подключения, сброс настроек, полное форматирование- вообще ничего не дали.
    кто столкнулся? как решили проблему?

    нудный гуглеж привел к выводу что проблема весьма распространена, но адекватного или вообще какого- либо решения ей пока нет. остается только ждать людей сведущих в этом странном деле.

    Последний раз редактировалось oleg_alekseev; 21.11.2012 в 21:30.

    Причина: upd

  2. 21.11.2012, 21:33


  3. 21.11.2012, 22:31


    Аватар для Alcatraze

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    У меня на вите с прошей 2.0 всё отлично работает.———- Сообщение добавлено в 22:31 ———- Оригинальное сообщение отправлено в 22:27 ———-вита с 3г или wifi? Если wifi то канал смени на вите в настройках wifi

  4. 21.11.2012, 22:55


    Аватар для praft

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    вита с 3г или wifi? Если wifi то канал смени на вите в настройках wifi

    Та же проблема. Вита — вайфай. Попробовал переключать каналы — без толку

  5. 22.11.2012, 19:02


    Начинающий охотник за трофеями

    Аватар для oleg_alekseev

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    По умолчанию

    У меня на вите с прошей 2.0 всё отлично работает.

    ———- Сообщение добавлено в 22:31 ———- Оригинальное сообщение отправлено в 22:27 ———-

    вита с 3г или wifi? Если wifi то канал смени на вите в настройках wifi

    дома две виты, одна вай-вай другая с триЖи, обе морозятся.

  6. 22.11.2012, 19:52


  7. 22.11.2012, 20:36


    Начинающий охотник за трофеями

    Аватар для oleg_alekseev

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    YEAH!!! praft, спасибо родной, все получилось! огромнейшее спасибо!

  8. 29.05.2015, 11:07


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    По умолчанию

    В общем, такая же ошибка вылазит в стор зайти не могу.
    К точке подключаюсь а дальше беда.
    На американском форуме Сони прочитал, что это может быть из-за проблем с серверами Стора, так ли это?
    Или я тупой или такой пункт потерли из меню настроек сети, который описан выше?)

  9. 29.05.2015, 18:32


    Аватар для FreezePix

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    и у меня тоже самое, только с другой точки заходит а с моей нет

  10. 29.05.2015, 19:17


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    По умолчанию

    и у меня тоже самое, только с другой точки заходит а с моей нет

    Я даже с телефона пытался интернет раздать, интернет подключение видит и говорит мол все успешно подключилась и выход есть, но в PSN зайти не получается, выдает сию ошибку…

  11. 30.05.2015, 00:58


  12. 31.05.2015, 08:55


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    Проблема решилась обновлением прошивки моего zyxel

  13. 31.05.2015, 12:39


    Аватар для Nosferato

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    По умолчанию

    Мой зухель перестает резольвить адреса в инете если есть для него обновление.

  14. 01.06.2015, 16:36


    Аватар для FreezePix

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    По умолчанию

    Проблема решилась обновлением прошивки моего zyxel

    Да, помогло, прошил свой TpLink и все заработало.

  15. 07.06.2015, 01:26


    Аватар для FreezePix

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    Перепрошивка моего TPlinka помогла но не надолго. Я знаю проблему и ее решение, я обзвонил весь Sony и они мне обьяснили, что теперь PSN для входа требует выделенчй IP (т.е. лично ваш), а большинство провайдеров, такое предоставляют за отдельную плату, если не подключить выделенный IP, играть можно но PSN часто будет выкидывать из сети и снова не пускать, причем надолго непускать. Но и тут есть решение, можно на 20 минут выключить роутер, потом включить, IP должен перейти в другой пулл, что даст вам немного времени, насладиться игрой по сети, но дергать постоянно роутер как-то не очень. Но и тут есть решение можно просто попросить првайдера перевести ваш IP в другой пулл, но могут и отказать. И если уж совсем крайний вариант — можно позвонить в Sony, спросить что надо написать в письме, позвонить провайдеру, написать с ним вместе письмо, в котором надо указать ваш промежуток IP и возможно PSN снимет блокировку с этого IP. Но на мой взгляд лучше подключить выделенный IP — И мороки меньше, и пускать везде и всегда будет, и самому хост ставить можно надеюсь помог

    Последний раз редактировалось FreezePix; 07.06.2015 в 01:30.

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3G model error. Update the system software to resolve this issue.
If you have access to Wi-Fi, a PC, or a PS3 With an Internet connection, please take the SIM card out of Vita system.
Then restart the Vita system and update the system software by Wi-Fi, PC, or PS3. Turn OFF the system after the update and insert the SIM.
PSN connection error. This error can be caused by connecting to a free access point.
Try the following steps to resolve this error:
1. If you have other access points, please change to another one.
2. Open the router port.
3. Restart the application or the system.
4. If the error still occurs, please format the Vita system [Settings]>[Format]>[Restore the PS Vita System].
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
You will receive an email within 24 hours advising you how long your suspension will last.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
You will receive an email within 24 hours advising you how long your suspension will last.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Connection failed
If you receive this error while your PS Vita is connected to a PS3, please update the PS3 to the latest system software.
If you receive this error while your PS Vita is connected to a computer, please update the Content Manager Assistant (CMA) to the most recent version.
Could not connect to the network.
If you are connected via Wi-Fi, please try the troubleshooting options below:
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
If you are connected via 3G, please try the troubleshooting options below:
1.Please check the settings status at [Settings]>[Network]>[Mobile Network Settings]
2.Try internet connection test at [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Test]
Wi-Fi connection failed
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
Wi-Fi connection failed
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
5. If the security type of the access point is «WEP», confirm that the WEP key is correctly set.
Network connection failed
1. Check if the Router’s initial setting is done
2. Check if Router’s cable connection / battery is fine
3. Try connection closer to the access point
4. On Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the user has manually set IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings although manual setting should not be done by user.
Temporal server error
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
The connection to the server was lost during the connection test.
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
You must sign in with the account that is linked with this PS Vita system.
Go to [Settings]>[PlayStation Network] and check that the online ID and sign-in ID(email address)
match what you are trying to use.
You must sign in with the account that is linked with this PS Vita system.
Go to [Settings]>[PlayStation Network] and check that the online ID and sign-in ID(email address)
match what you are trying to use.
Cannot find the Wi-Fi access point
1. Go to [Settings]>[Network]>Internet Connection status] and confirm that SSID is correct.
2. Please try connecting to Wi-Fi nearer the access point after checking the Access Point is turned ON.
3. Check the radio standard of Access Point and confirm that the PS Vita can use it.
Error during update
1. If this error occurs during initial settings, choose «No» at «Do you want use your account on the PS Vita system?»
2. Try updating again.
— If the error still occurs, please go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software], and then carry out update.
The PS3™ system has been disconnected.
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart both the PS3 and PS Vita.
The PS3™ system has been disconnected.
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the CMA.
3. If the two devices still fail to connect, please restart the PC and Vita.
The PC has been disconnected.
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the CMA.
3. If the two devices still fail to connect, please restart the PC and Vita.
Temporal server error
1. Restart the application.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the PS Vita system.
Application error
1. Restart the application.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the PS Vita system.
Network Security setting is incorrect.
When setting up the network, the wrong security type may have been chosen. Confirm if your network security is either WPA-TKIP or WEP, and check the correct type at setting [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>Setting Display.
Network Security setting is incorrect.
When setting up the network, the wrong security type may have been chosen. Confirm if your network security is either WPA-TKIP or WEP, and check the correct type at setting [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>Setting Display.
Could not connect to the PC.
Check that Content Manager Assistant is running on the PC. If Content Manager Assistant is running, an icon will be displayed in the notification area (task tray).
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the CMA.
3. If the two devices still fail to connect, please restart the PC and Vita.
Could not connect to the PC.
Check that Content Manager Assistant is running on the PC. If Content Manager Assistant is running, an icon will be displayed in the notification area (task tray).
If Content Manager Assistant is not running, start the CMA. You should see a message on the computer the confirms the two devices are connected.
PSN connection error
Make sure both the PS3 and PS Vita are signed-in to PSN with the same account. Then, on the PS3 navigate to [Network]>[Remote Play] and confirm your user ID (email address) is shown on the Remote play display.
Network connection error
Confirm the PS Vita’s Network Settings, paying special attention to the IP address.
Activation error
System activation for this account is temporarily suspended. Please note: Users cannot activate any PSP, PS3 or PS Vita system using the same account more than 15 times in 24 hours.
Please try again in 1 week after the system lock has been lifted.
Activation error
System activation for this account is temporarily suspended. Please note: Users cannot activate any PSP, PS3 or PS Vita system using the same account more than 15 times in 24 hours.
Please try again in 1 week after the system lock has been lifted.
Network connection error
First, please confirm that the URL you’ve entered into the browser is correct. Then, please check following:
1. Verify that the router’s initial startup is done.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
The connection to the server has been lost.
If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The network connection has been lost.
If you received this error while playing a game, the game’s server is busy or under maintenance.
Check the game title’s website to see if there’s a notice of server maintenance.
If the error occurred during PSN sign-in, please try again. The server may be busy.
If the error still occurs continuously, please recheck your network connection settings.
Could not connect to the network.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Domain Name System is not set.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option. This type of connection may require a Proxy.
Connection timed out
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Domain Name System response is incorrect.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Server error
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Server response is incorrect.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection timed out
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the network by Wi-Fi
To troubleshoot this issue, first choose the option below that best matches the status of your network:
A. Other devices can use the Wi-Fi connection properly
B. Cannot use the network by any devices
If you chose A, please confirm that:
-Network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) is properly set, using correct access point, security type and password.
If you chose B, please confirm that:
-The Access point is properly connected to the network cable.
-If the PS Vita previously succeeded in connecting to the Wi-Fi, confirm the network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) has not been changed since last time you connected, and that it is still properly set.
Could not connect to the network. by Wi-Fi
To troubleshoot this issue, first choose the option below that best matches the status of your network:
A. Other devices can use the Wi-Fi connection properly
B. Cannot use the network by any devices
If you chose A, please confirm that:
-Network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) is properly set, using correct access point, security type and password.
If you chose B, please confirm that:
-The Access point is properly connected to the network cable.
-If the PS Vita previously succeeded in connecting to the Wi-Fi, confirm the network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) has not been changed since last time you connected, and that it is still properly set.
For both A and B , please confirm following if the error still occurs.
1. Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
2. Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring.
3. Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
4. If the WEP AP security protocol is being used, verify that the WEP is correct.
The sign-in ID or password is not correct.
Please check that your Sign-In ID and password are correct, and retry. If you still cannot sign in, please reset your password, and use the new password to sign in.
PSN Password is incorrect
Please confirm that your password is correct. If you still cannot sign in, please reset your password, and use the new password to sign in.
Could not connect to the PS3™ system.
Please confirm that the PS3 is set as the same user as the PS Vita, and that it’s not using any application or playing game/music.
Then please connect the PS Vita to the PS3 using the USB cable.
Connection error
Please confirm that your PS Vita system is connected to the PS3 and choose «Update from PS3».
Connection error
Please confirm that your PS Vita system is connected to the PS3 and choose «Update from PS3».
PS3 is not updated to the latest version.
Please confirm that your PlayStation 3 has the most up-to-date software.
Network connection has failed while updating.
Please confirm that both the access point’s and PS Vita’s network settings are correct, and try to update the system again.
System update required
Please confirm that the PS Vita has the latest system software.
System software update error
Please go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software] and update the system software.
PS3 Remote Play connection error.
Please go to your PS3 and sign in to PSN. Then navigate to [Network]>[Remote Play]. Please confirm that your sign-in ID (email address) is shown on the display.
Then try Remote play from PS Vita.
Connection error
Please connect the PS Vita system to your computer and select «update by PC»
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Network error
Please use the «hard» reset method (hold Power Button for more than 20 Sec, and then hold Power button for 5 sec until the system restarts)
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
This service is currently undergoing maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
The server is over capacity.
The server may be busy, please try again after a while.
Network connection error
Please move closer to the access point and try again.
Network connection error
Please try your connection again.
Server is very busy
Please wait and try your connect again later.
Can’t find the connection
Please try connecting again. If you’re unable to connect, wait a while and try again later.
Cannot connect to Wi-Fi access point
Please move closer to the Wi-Fi access point and try again.
Hang-up while using application.
Please try following:
1. Restart the application. If that fails, please restart the system.
2. Reformat the PS Vita system.
3. Delete the application’s saved data.
4. Reformat the memory card.
If the error continues to occur, please note the error code and the situation in which it occurs, and contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
System software error
Please try following:
1. Please restart the application.
2. If that fails to resolve the error, restart the system.
If the error still occurs, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345 SONY (7669).
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — WPS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry WPS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>[WPS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
Internet connection -WPS error
Please try following:
1. Retry WPS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>[WPS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
The connection to the server has been lost during Standby mode.
Please try the network connection test at [settings] > [Network] > [network connection test]
Cannot connect to Wi-Fi access point
Please move nearer to the access point and try your connection again.
Downloaded file may be corrupted.
Please update to the latest system software, and then wait a short while before attempting to redownload the file.
PSN ended
PSN closed the connection.
Memory card or Vita card error
Gently pull out and reinsert the cards several times. If the error occurs again, please reformat the memory card, or clear the saved data off of the Vita card.
If the error still occurs, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
Connection failed due to PC error.
Restart the computer and try the connection again. If this doesn’t solve the issue and you are simply trying to update the PS Vita system, please try updating via PS3 or Wi-Fi.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Please restart your access point (wireless LAN router).
2. Restart your PS Vita system.
3. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
4. Contact your internet service provider to check the status of your internet connection.
5. Reset your access point, and then go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
6. Update the access point firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
7. Go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your internet connection status.
Network connection error
1. Please restart your access point (wireless LAN router).
2. Restart your PS Vita system.
3. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
4. Contact your internet service provider to check the status of your internet connection.
5. Reset your access point, and then go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
6. Update the access point firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
7. Go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your internet connection status.
Update Content Manager Assistant on your PC.
The most up-to-date version of Content Manager Assistant(CMA) is not installed on your computer. Please visit cma.dl.playstation.net/cma/ for the current version of the CMA.
Network error
Your local network may have caused this error. Please restart your access point (wireless LAN router).
Restart your PS Vita system.
If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Contact your internet service provider to check the status of your internet connection.
Reset your access point, and then go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
Update the access point firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
Go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your internet connection status.
Could not connect to the PC. The database for the PS Vita system is being created on the PC.
The PC is not ready to connect to the PS Vita system. Please wait for a few minutes until the PC is ready.
Error Code/ Message
This error appears when you attempt to update the PS Vita’s system software using 3G. The PS Vita system cannot be updated using 3G. Please connect via Wi-Fi or to a PlayStation 3 or PC to update your PS Vita system.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
Credit card authorization error.
There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again after more than 72 hours.
This error might be a result of the PS Vita being unable to connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
PlayStation®Network is busy.
Try again later
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Flash File error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
System software is out of date.
Please update to the latest system software for the PS Vita.
Remote Play failure.
Please update to the latest system software for the PS Vita.
[Flight Mode] is on.
Turn the Flight mode OFF [Settings]>[Network]>[Flight mode].
[Flight Mode] is on.
Turn the Flight mode OFF [Settings]>[Network]>[Flight mode].
[Wi-Fi] is turned off.
Turn the Wi-Fi ON [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings].
[Wi-Fi] is turned off.
Turn the Wi-Fi ON [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings].
Network setting error
The current WEP key is incorrect. Please input the correct WEP key.
Error updating via 3G
This error appears when you attempt to update the PS Vita’s system software using 3G. The PS Vita system cannot be updated using 3G. Please connect via Wi-Fi or to a PlayStation 3 or PC to update your PS Vita system.
Error updating via 3G
This error appears when you attempt to update the PS Vita’s system software using 3G. The PS Vita system cannot be updated using 3G. Please connect via Wi-Fi or to a PlayStation 3 or PC to update your PS Vita system.
Sub-Account T.O.S. error
The network Terms of Service have been update and need to be accepted by the holder of the Master Account. Please ask the holder of the associated master account to help you sign in.<Note to parent or guardian>For the sub-account holder to sign in, you must accept the Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy again using your master account.
The device connected device is not a PC.
You are attempting to use the «Update from PC» option while connected to a device other than a PC via a USB connection. Please connect to a computer and try again.
The PC-USB connection was unmounted.
An error occurred while the PC and the USB were connected, causing the connection to be canceled. Please disconnect and then reconnect the cable. If that doesn’t work, re-start the application that was in use. If that doesn’t work, try restarting the PC and the PS Vita system.
PC is creating a database
The PC is in a state in which it is unable to connect with the PS Vita via the USB cable. This typically occurs when the PC is creating a database of the contents of the PC to display on the Vita. This condition should correct itself in a short period of time, so please wait until the database is complete and try again.
Physical USB connection was lost.
An error occurred while the PlayStation 3 and the USB were connected, causing the connection to be canceled. Please disconnect and then reconnect the cable. If that doesn’t work, re-start the application that was in use. If that doesn’t work, try restarting the PS3 and the PS Vita system.
Content Manager Assistant has frozen.
Please disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable and then restart both the VITA and the PS3.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The connection to the server has been lost.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The connection to the server has been lost.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The connection to the server has been lost.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Possible error during update. Incorrect response from server.
— If this error occurred within a game, then it means that the game’s server is down or busy and could not be connected to. Please check the game’s official website for more information.
— If the error occurred when signing in to PSN, try to sign in again.
— If the error occurred during an update or right after the update was sent out, the server may be busy. Please wait for a while and to then try again.
— If the error occurred at some other time, your Internet connection may be unstable. Please check your network connection and try again.
Notice that PSN is down.
PSN is currently down. Please try again later.
ID or password does not match registered information.
Please verify that your ID and password are correct and try again. If you still cannot sign in, you will need to reset your password.
The DSN server has not been set up.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Incorrect DNS response.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The server requests an unsupported feature
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Incorrect server response
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The queried feature is not loaded
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The queried host name does not exist
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
time out
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Query was refused
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The queried record does not exist
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
The connected device is not a PC.
You are attempting to use the «Update from PC» option while connected to a device other than a PC via a USB connection. Please connect to a computer and try again.
An error occurred with 3G when switching to Flight Mode.
The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
The system will be shut down automatically, Please turn the system on again (may be a hardware malfunction).
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
If the WEP AP security protocol is being used, verify that the WEP is correct.
The system will be shut down automatically, Please turn the system on again.
The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
Bluetooth Error
The Bluetooth driver returned an error. The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
WLAN Error
The WLAN driver returned an error. The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
The data for connecting t Remote Play has not been uploaded to the server from the PS3.
Make sure both the PS3 and PS Vita are signed-in to PSN with the same account. Then, on the PS3 navigate to [Network]>[Remote Play] and confirm your user ID (email address) is shown on the Remote play display.
The server may be busy.
Please try to connect again later.
No communication partner.
Please try to connect again later.
You cannot install a version of system software that is older than the one presently on the system.
Start up the system in safe mode and update the system software to the most up-to-date version.
Insufficient memory in application communication library.
Restart the application.
Restart the system.
NW connection error
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring. The signal may be weak, so try connecting near the access point.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
An incorrect WEP key was entered.
Enter the correct WEP key.
There is a problem with the Content Manager Assistant.
Unplug the PS Vita from the PC, reboot the PC, and then reconnect the PS Vita. If you are attempting to update your PS Vita’s system software and are unable to do so via the PC, try updating via Wi-Fi or by connecting to a PlayStation 3.
PS3 version is not compatible with the MTP, or PS3 may not be able to launch MTP.
Verify that the PS3 version is 4.00 or later. Alternatively, display the XMB on the PS3 and verify that no other applications are being run.
Cannot connect to access point.
Problem with the signal environment or a problem with the access point phasing. Try again close to the access point.
Disconnect error
Connection error caused by the PS Vita going into standby mode.
Temporary server error. This occurs when the connection test results were «failed to obtain IP address/failed to connect to Internet»
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
The PS Vita was disconnected from the router during connection test.
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring. The signal may be weak, so try connecting near the access point.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
Cannot launch memory card or Vita card application, cannot format, etc.
Gently pull out and reinsert the cards several times. If the error occurs again, please reformat the memory card, or clear the saved data off of the Vita card.
If the error still occurs, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
You have exceeded allowed number of device activations.
You have attempted to change device activation 15 or more times within a 24 hour period. Device activation has been locked and this error will continue to occur. Wait a week or more until the lock is cleared and try again.
Cannot connect to network during update.
Re-check the access point settings and the PS Vita System Network Settings. If the error occurs even though the settings are correct, relay the details to CS so the cause can be investigated.
Hangs up during a game while the application is running. This is caused by invalid processing on the application side.
If this occurs even when the system is restored, the saved data is probably corrupted.
Please try following:
1. Restart the application. If that fails, please restart the system.
2. Reformat the PS Vita system.
3. Delete the application’s saved data.
4. Reformat the memory card.
If the error continues to occur, please note the error code and the situation in which it occurs, and contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
Cannot connect to server. The connection was refused by the other party
The server may be experiencing high traffic. Please try to connect again later.
The PS Vita’s system software is out of date. There is a newer version available.
Update your PS Vita to the most recent system software.
Remote Play via the Internet failed to connect.
Update your PS Vita to the most recent system software.
PS Mini Error
PlayStation Plus members who purchased (or downloaded for free) PlayStation Minis through the PS Plus service are currently unable to play those Minis on their PS Vita. SCEA is aware of the issue and is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Server Connection Failed
The PS Vita is not connected to the Internet properly. This could be caused by wrong Internet settings or problems with your network.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Connection to proxy server failed
The PS Vita is not connected to the proxy server properly. This could be caused by wrong Internet settings or problems with your network.
Check your settings by going to [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] and check your SSID (Access point), then go to [Advanced Settings] and verify [Proxy Server]. Some network don’t need a Proxy Server, so you can leave it as «Do Not Use».
Connection to proxy server failed
The PS Vita is getting the wrong response from the server.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Issue with Game Patch
The PS Vita experienced a problem from the patch server.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Issue with Game Patch
The PS Vita experienced a problem from the patch server.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.

3G model error. Update the system software to resolve this issue.
If you have access to Wi-Fi, a PC, or a PS3 With an Internet connection, please take the SIM card out of Vita system.
Then restart the Vita system and update the system software by Wi-Fi, PC, or PS3. Turn OFF the system after the update and insert the SIM.
PSN connection error. This error can be caused by connecting to a free access point.
Try the following steps to resolve this error:
1. If you have other access points, please change to another one.
2. Open the router port.
3. Restart the application or the system.
4. If the error still occurs, please format the Vita system [Settings]>[Format]>[Restore the PS Vita System].
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
You will receive an email within 24 hours advising you how long your suspension will last.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
You will receive an email within 24 hours advising you how long your suspension will last.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
You must wait the duration of your suspension before you may access the PSN.
Connection failed
If you receive this error while your PS Vita is connected to a PS3, please update the PS3 to the latest system software.
If you receive this error while your PS Vita is connected to a computer, please update the Content Manager Assistant (CMA) to the most recent version.
Could not connect to the network.
If you are connected via Wi-Fi, please try the troubleshooting options below:
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
If you are connected via 3G, please try the troubleshooting options below:
1.Please check the settings status at [Settings]>[Network]>[Mobile Network Settings]
2.Try internet connection test at [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Test]
Wi-Fi connection failed
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
Wi-Fi connection failed
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
5. If the security type of the access point is «WEP», confirm that the WEP key is correctly set.
Network connection failed
1. Check if the Router’s initial setting is done
2. Check if Router’s cable connection / battery is fine
3. Try connection closer to the access point
4. On Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the user has manually set IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings although manual setting should not be done by user.
Temporal server error
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
The connection to the server was lost during the connection test.
1. Check to see if the Router’s initial setting is done.
2. Check the Router’s cable and battery connection.
3. Move the Vita closer to the access point and try to connect connection closer.
4. On your Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if any of the following: IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings have been set to «manual.» If so, try changing these settings to «automatic.»
You must sign in with the account that is linked with this PS Vita system.
Go to [Settings]>[PlayStation Network] and check that the online ID and sign-in ID(email address)
match what you are trying to use.
You must sign in with the account that is linked with this PS Vita system.
Go to [Settings]>[PlayStation Network] and check that the online ID and sign-in ID(email address)
match what you are trying to use.
Cannot find the Wi-Fi access point
1. Go to [Settings]>[Network]>Internet Connection status] and confirm that SSID is correct.
2. Please try connecting to Wi-Fi nearer the access point after checking the Access Point is turned ON.
3. Check the radio standard of Access Point and confirm that the PS Vita can use it.
Error during update
1. If this error occurs during initial settings, choose «No» at «Do you want use your account on the PS Vita system?»
2. Try updating again.
— If the error still occurs, please go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software], and then carry out update.
The PS3™ system has been disconnected.
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart both the PS3 and PS Vita.
The PS3™ system has been disconnected.
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the CMA.
3. If the two devices still fail to connect, please restart the PC and Vita.
The PC has been disconnected.
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the CMA.
3. If the two devices still fail to connect, please restart the PC and Vita.
Temporal server error
1. Restart the application.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the PS Vita system.
Application error
1. Restart the application.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the PS Vita system.
Network Security setting is incorrect.
When setting up the network, the wrong security type may have been chosen. Confirm if your network security is either WPA-TKIP or WEP, and check the correct type at setting [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>Setting Display.
Network Security setting is incorrect.
When setting up the network, the wrong security type may have been chosen. Confirm if your network security is either WPA-TKIP or WEP, and check the correct type at setting [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>Setting Display.
Could not connect to the PC.
Check that Content Manager Assistant is running on the PC. If Content Manager Assistant is running, an icon will be displayed in the notification area (task tray).
1. Pull out and reinsert the USB cable.
2. If no connection is made, please restart the CMA.
3. If the two devices still fail to connect, please restart the PC and Vita.
Could not connect to the PC.
Check that Content Manager Assistant is running on the PC. If Content Manager Assistant is running, an icon will be displayed in the notification area (task tray).
If Content Manager Assistant is not running, start the CMA. You should see a message on the computer the confirms the two devices are connected.
PSN connection error
Make sure both the PS3 and PS Vita are signed-in to PSN with the same account. Then, on the PS3 navigate to [Network]>[Remote Play] and confirm your user ID (email address) is shown on the Remote play display.
Network connection error
Confirm the PS Vita’s Network Settings, paying special attention to the IP address.
Activation error
System activation for this account is temporarily suspended. Please note: Users cannot activate any PSP, PS3 or PS Vita system using the same account more than 15 times in 24 hours.
Please try again in 1 week after the system lock has been lifted.
Activation error
System activation for this account is temporarily suspended. Please note: Users cannot activate any PSP, PS3 or PS Vita system using the same account more than 15 times in 24 hours.
Please try again in 1 week after the system lock has been lifted.
Network connection error
First, please confirm that the URL you’ve entered into the browser is correct. Then, please check following:
1. Verify that the router’s initial startup is done.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
The connection to the server has been lost.
If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The network connection has been lost.
If you received this error while playing a game, the game’s server is busy or under maintenance.
Check the game title’s website to see if there’s a notice of server maintenance.
If the error occurred during PSN sign-in, please try again. The server may be busy.
If the error still occurs continuously, please recheck your network connection settings.
Could not connect to the network.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Domain Name System is not set.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option. This type of connection may require a Proxy.
Connection timed out
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Domain Name System response is incorrect.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Server error
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Server response is incorrect.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection timed out
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Connection failed
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Verify that the router has completed its initial startup.
2. Verify that the router’s cable and power connection are fine.
3. Try connecting closer to the access point.
4. On the PS Vita, go to [Settings]>[Network]>[Internet Connection Status] and see if the IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings, have been set «manually.» If so, please try the «automatic» option.
Could not connect to the network by Wi-Fi
To troubleshoot this issue, first choose the option below that best matches the status of your network:
A. Other devices can use the Wi-Fi connection properly
B. Cannot use the network by any devices
If you chose A, please confirm that:
-Network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) is properly set, using correct access point, security type and password.
If you chose B, please confirm that:
-The Access point is properly connected to the network cable.
-If the PS Vita previously succeeded in connecting to the Wi-Fi, confirm the network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) has not been changed since last time you connected, and that it is still properly set.
Could not connect to the network. by Wi-Fi
To troubleshoot this issue, first choose the option below that best matches the status of your network:
A. Other devices can use the Wi-Fi connection properly
B. Cannot use the network by any devices
If you chose A, please confirm that:
-Network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) is properly set, using correct access point, security type and password.
If you chose B, please confirm that:
-The Access point is properly connected to the network cable.
-If the PS Vita previously succeeded in connecting to the Wi-Fi, confirm the network connection ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]) has not been changed since last time you connected, and that it is still properly set.
For both A and B , please confirm following if the error still occurs.
1. Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
2. Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring.
3. Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
4. If the WEP AP security protocol is being used, verify that the WEP is correct.
The sign-in ID or password is not correct.
Please check that your Sign-In ID and password are correct, and retry. If you still cannot sign in, please reset your password, and use the new password to sign in.
PSN Password is incorrect
Please confirm that your password is correct. If you still cannot sign in, please reset your password, and use the new password to sign in.
Could not connect to the PS3™ system.
Please confirm that the PS3 is set as the same user as the PS Vita, and that it’s not using any application or playing game/music.
Then please connect the PS Vita to the PS3 using the USB cable.
Connection error
Please confirm that your PS Vita system is connected to the PS3 and choose «Update from PS3».
Connection error
Please confirm that your PS Vita system is connected to the PS3 and choose «Update from PS3».
PS3 is not updated to the latest version.
Please confirm that your PlayStation 3 has the most up-to-date software.
Network connection has failed while updating.
Please confirm that both the access point’s and PS Vita’s network settings are correct, and try to update the system again.
System update required
Please confirm that the PS Vita has the latest system software.
System software update error
Please go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software] and update the system software.
PS3 Remote Play connection error.
Please go to your PS3 and sign in to PSN. Then navigate to [Network]>[Remote Play]. Please confirm that your sign-in ID (email address) is shown on the display.
Then try Remote play from PS Vita.
Connection error
Please connect the PS Vita system to your computer and select «update by PC»
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Setting Error
Please restart the system after it shuts down automatically. This may be caused by a hardware issue.
Network error
Please use the «hard» reset method (hold Power Button for more than 20 Sec, and then hold Power button for 5 sec until the system restarts)
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
This service is currently undergoing maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
Network is under maintenance.
The server is under maintenance, please try again after a while.
The server is over capacity.
The server may be busy, please try again after a while.
Network connection error
Please move closer to the access point and try again.
Network connection error
Please try your connection again.
Server is very busy
Please wait and try your connect again later.
Can’t find the connection
Please try connecting again. If you’re unable to connect, wait a while and try again later.
Cannot connect to Wi-Fi access point
Please move closer to the Wi-Fi access point and try again.
Hang-up while using application.
Please try following:
1. Restart the application. If that fails, please restart the system.
2. Reformat the PS Vita system.
3. Delete the application’s saved data.
4. Reformat the memory card.
If the error continues to occur, please note the error code and the situation in which it occurs, and contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
System software error
Please try following:
1. Please restart the application.
2. If that fails to resolve the error, restart the system.
If the error still occurs, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345 SONY (7669).
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — AOSS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry AOSS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>{AOSS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
If the error still occurs, your router may have a problem. Please contact your router’s manufacturer to resolve the issue.
Internet connection — WPS error
Please try the following:
1. Retry WPS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>[WPS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
Internet connection -WPS error
Please try following:
1. Retry WPS ([Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings]>[WPS]).
2. Restart the application.
3. Restart the system.
The connection to the server has been lost during Standby mode.
Please try the network connection test at [settings] > [Network] > [network connection test]
Cannot connect to Wi-Fi access point
Please move nearer to the access point and try your connection again.
Downloaded file may be corrupted.
Please update to the latest system software, and then wait a short while before attempting to redownload the file.
PSN ended
PSN closed the connection.
Memory card or Vita card error
Gently pull out and reinsert the cards several times. If the error occurs again, please reformat the memory card, or clear the saved data off of the Vita card.
If the error still occurs, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
Connection failed due to PC error.
Restart the computer and try the connection again. If this doesn’t solve the issue and you are simply trying to update the PS Vita system, please try updating via PS3 or Wi-Fi.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
1. Please restart your access point (wireless LAN router).
2. Restart your PS Vita system.
3. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
4. Contact your internet service provider to check the status of your internet connection.
5. Reset your access point, and then go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
6. Update the access point firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
7. Go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your internet connection status.
Network connection error
1. Please restart your access point (wireless LAN router).
2. Restart your PS Vita system.
3. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
4. Contact your internet service provider to check the status of your internet connection.
5. Reset your access point, and then go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
6. Update the access point firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
7. Go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your internet connection status.
Update Content Manager Assistant on your PC.
The most up-to-date version of Content Manager Assistant(CMA) is not installed on your computer. Please visit cma.dl.playstation.net/cma/ for the current version of the CMA.
Network error
Your local network may have caused this error. Please restart your access point (wireless LAN router).
Restart your PS Vita system.
If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Contact your internet service provider to check the status of your internet connection.
Reset your access point, and then go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
Update the access point firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the access point’s instruction manual.
Go to the home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your internet connection status.
Could not connect to the PC. The database for the PS Vita system is being created on the PC.
The PC is not ready to connect to the PS Vita system. Please wait for a few minutes until the PC is ready.
Error Code/ Message
This error appears when you attempt to update the PS Vita’s system software using 3G. The PS Vita system cannot be updated using 3G. Please connect via Wi-Fi or to a PlayStation 3 or PC to update your PS Vita system.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
No service
This service no longer available.
Credit card authorization error.
There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again after more than 72 hours.
This error might be a result of the PS Vita being unable to connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
PlayStation®Network is busy.
Try again later
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Flash File error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
Setting error
Try a hard reset of your PS Vita and then update your system software: (hold the power button for more than 20 sec, and then restart the system by holding 5 sec again). Then go to [Safe Mode]>[Update System Software].
System software is out of date.
Please update to the latest system software for the PS Vita.
Remote Play failure.
Please update to the latest system software for the PS Vita.
[Flight Mode] is on.
Turn the Flight mode OFF [Settings]>[Network]>[Flight mode].
[Flight Mode] is on.
Turn the Flight mode OFF [Settings]>[Network]>[Flight mode].
[Wi-Fi] is turned off.
Turn the Wi-Fi ON [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings].
[Wi-Fi] is turned off.
Turn the Wi-Fi ON [Settings]>[Network]>[Wi-Fi Settings].
Network setting error
The current WEP key is incorrect. Please input the correct WEP key.
Error updating via 3G
This error appears when you attempt to update the PS Vita’s system software using 3G. The PS Vita system cannot be updated using 3G. Please connect via Wi-Fi or to a PlayStation 3 or PC to update your PS Vita system.
Error updating via 3G
This error appears when you attempt to update the PS Vita’s system software using 3G. The PS Vita system cannot be updated using 3G. Please connect via Wi-Fi or to a PlayStation 3 or PC to update your PS Vita system.
Sub-Account T.O.S. error
The network Terms of Service have been update and need to be accepted by the holder of the Master Account. Please ask the holder of the associated master account to help you sign in.<Note to parent or guardian>For the sub-account holder to sign in, you must accept the Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy again using your master account.
The device connected device is not a PC.
You are attempting to use the «Update from PC» option while connected to a device other than a PC via a USB connection. Please connect to a computer and try again.
The PC-USB connection was unmounted.
An error occurred while the PC and the USB were connected, causing the connection to be canceled. Please disconnect and then reconnect the cable. If that doesn’t work, re-start the application that was in use. If that doesn’t work, try restarting the PC and the PS Vita system.
PC is creating a database
The PC is in a state in which it is unable to connect with the PS Vita via the USB cable. This typically occurs when the PC is creating a database of the contents of the PC to display on the Vita. This condition should correct itself in a short period of time, so please wait until the database is complete and try again.
Physical USB connection was lost.
An error occurred while the PlayStation 3 and the USB were connected, causing the connection to be canceled. Please disconnect and then reconnect the cable. If that doesn’t work, re-start the application that was in use. If that doesn’t work, try restarting the PS3 and the PS Vita system.
Content Manager Assistant has frozen.
Please disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable and then restart both the VITA and the PS3.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended.
If you receive this error message, your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The connection to the server has been lost.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Could not connect to the server within the time limit.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The connection to the server has been lost.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The connection to the server has been lost.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Possible error during update. Incorrect response from server.
— If this error occurred within a game, then it means that the game’s server is down or busy and could not be connected to. Please check the game’s official website for more information.
— If the error occurred when signing in to PSN, try to sign in again.
— If the error occurred during an update or right after the update was sent out, the server may be busy. Please wait for a while and to then try again.
— If the error occurred at some other time, your Internet connection may be unstable. Please check your network connection and try again.
Notice that PSN is down.
PSN is currently down. Please try again later.
ID or password does not match registered information.
Please verify that your ID and password are correct and try again. If you still cannot sign in, you will need to reset your password.
The DSN server has not been set up.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Incorrect DNS response.
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The server requests an unsupported feature
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Incorrect server response
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The queried feature is not loaded
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The queried host name does not exist
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
time out
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Query was refused
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
The queried record does not exist
Please try the following:
1. Reset your router. Then go to the Home screen and select [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] to connect to the access point again. For details on how to reset your router, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
2. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the router’s instruction manual.
3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to check the status of your Internet connection.
4. If you cannot connect to PlayStation®Network, check the status of PlayStation®Network at the Sony Computer Entertainment website for your region.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
Unable to connect to the network.
Sorry, the network is currently undergoing maintenance. Please log in again later.
The connected device is not a PC.
You are attempting to use the «Update from PC» option while connected to a device other than a PC via a USB connection. Please connect to a computer and try again.
An error occurred with 3G when switching to Flight Mode.
The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
The system will be shut down automatically, Please turn the system on again (may be a hardware malfunction).
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
If the WEP AP security protocol is being used, verify that the WEP is correct.
The system will be shut down automatically, Please turn the system on again.
The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
Bluetooth Error
The Bluetooth driver returned an error. The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
WLAN Error
The WLAN driver returned an error. The system will be shut down automatically. Please turn the system on again.
The data for connecting t Remote Play has not been uploaded to the server from the PS3.
Make sure both the PS3 and PS Vita are signed-in to PSN with the same account. Then, on the PS3 navigate to [Network]>[Remote Play] and confirm your user ID (email address) is shown on the Remote play display.
The server may be busy.
Please try to connect again later.
No communication partner.
Please try to connect again later.
You cannot install a version of system software that is older than the one presently on the system.
Start up the system in safe mode and update the system software to the most up-to-date version.
Insufficient memory in application communication library.
Restart the application.
Restart the system.
NW connection error
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring. The signal may be weak, so try connecting near the access point.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
An incorrect WEP key was entered.
Enter the correct WEP key.
There is a problem with the Content Manager Assistant.
Unplug the PS Vita from the PC, reboot the PC, and then reconnect the PS Vita. If you are attempting to update your PS Vita’s system software and are unable to do so via the PC, try updating via Wi-Fi or by connecting to a PlayStation 3.
PS3 version is not compatible with the MTP, or PS3 may not be able to launch MTP.
Verify that the PS3 version is 4.00 or later. Alternatively, display the XMB on the PS3 and verify that no other applications are being run.
Cannot connect to access point.
Problem with the signal environment or a problem with the access point phasing. Try again close to the access point.
Disconnect error
Connection error caused by the PS Vita going into standby mode.
Temporary server error. This occurs when the connection test results were «failed to obtain IP address/failed to connect to Internet»
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
The PS Vita was disconnected from the router during connection test.
Verify that the initial router setup has been completed.
Verify that the router has no physical problems with its wiring. The signal may be weak, so try connecting near the access point.
Settings such as IP address/DNS server/proxy settings are not needed, so verify that they are not set on the PS Vita.
Cannot launch memory card or Vita card application, cannot format, etc.
Gently pull out and reinsert the cards several times. If the error occurs again, please reformat the memory card, or clear the saved data off of the Vita card.
If the error still occurs, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
You have exceeded allowed number of device activations.
You have attempted to change device activation 15 or more times within a 24 hour period. Device activation has been locked and this error will continue to occur. Wait a week or more until the lock is cleared and try again.
Cannot connect to network during update.
Re-check the access point settings and the PS Vita System Network Settings. If the error occurs even though the settings are correct, relay the details to CS so the cause can be investigated.
Hangs up during a game while the application is running. This is caused by invalid processing on the application side.
If this occurs even when the system is restored, the saved data is probably corrupted.
Please try following:
1. Restart the application. If that fails, please restart the system.
2. Reformat the PS Vita system.
3. Delete the application’s saved data.
4. Reformat the memory card.
If the error continues to occur, please note the error code and the situation in which it occurs, and contact Consumer Services at 1-800-345-SONY (7669).
Cannot connect to server. The connection was refused by the other party
The server may be experiencing high traffic. Please try to connect again later.
The PS Vita’s system software is out of date. There is a newer version available.
Update your PS Vita to the most recent system software.
Remote Play via the Internet failed to connect.
Update your PS Vita to the most recent system software.
PS Mini Error
PlayStation Plus members who purchased (or downloaded for free) PlayStation Minis through the PS Plus service are currently unable to play those Minis on their PS Vita. SCEA is aware of the issue and is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Game Update Error. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Server Connection Failed
The PS Vita is not connected to the Internet properly. This could be caused by wrong Internet settings or problems with your network.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Connection to proxy server failed
The PS Vita is not connected to the proxy server properly. This could be caused by wrong Internet settings or problems with your network.
Check your settings by going to [Settings] > [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings] and check your SSID (Access point), then go to [Advanced Settings] and verify [Proxy Server]. Some network don’t need a Proxy Server, so you can leave it as «Do Not Use».
Connection to proxy server failed
The PS Vita is getting the wrong response from the server.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Issue with Game Patch
The PS Vita experienced a problem from the patch server.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Issue with Game Patch
The PS Vita experienced a problem from the patch server.
Go to [Settings] > [Network] > [Internet Connection Test] to check your Internet connection.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.
Issue with Game Update. This is occurs when trying to run a game patch update.

Обладатель. Рановато ещё, конечно, но не удержался. ;)

Эргономически и технически вита почти идеальна: дизайн, форма, размер, два стика, 5″ сенсорный экран, задняя сенсорная панель, гироскопы, акселометры, фронтальная и лицевая камеры, вай-фай, 3г.
Из недостатков пока отмечу:
на стиках нет кнопок (R3 и L3);
сделали другой формат флешек памяти (лучше бы оставили мемори стики) и, разумеется, продают их задорого;
камера хреновенькая, но на этот недостаток мне «покласть».

Ну, и хотелось бы больше оригинальных игр (вроде Gravity Rush) или хотя бы качественных спин-оффов (типа Uncharted: Golden Abyss), а не портов с больших консолей.

P.S. На вите можно трофеедротить ;)

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Элитные вещи есть только у единиц. :)

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Променять OLED экран на обычный TFT. Ну нах…

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купил себе тоже девайсик, японщину не люблю а вот в инди и psp с удовольствием сыграю. Тем более PSP не было никогда. Игр много, если смотреть не только на vita игры.
графика обалденная игры почти как на ПК, most wanted как они сделали прямиком с пк! Android курит…

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Я так понимаю, вита еще не взломана, да?
Правильно понимаешь. В какой-то игре нашли эксплоит, позволяющий запускать игры от пс1 и псп, но в нём мало смысла. Да и новой прошивкой дыру закроют, а жить обновлений и псн тем более смысла нет.

Что лучше сейчас взять, учитывая, что играться я буду на работе и не так уж часто?
На данный момент лучше ПСП.

Если взять псп, то ее можно без особых проблем прошить дома самому?
Да. На форуме pspx.ru есть раздел по взлому псп. Там есть всё.

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11.12.2012 вступил в клуб элитных обладателей PS VIta.
Покупкой очень доволен.
Использую вкупе с подпиской PS+. Игры интересные, с хорошей графикой и отзывчивым, необычным и приятным управлением. Опасения насчет маленьких стиков не подтвердились. Их шляпки прорезинены и управлять героем пользуясь ими довольно удобно, пальцы не соскальзывают. Сенсор работает на 5. Дисплей просто потрясающий. Цветопередача, разрешение-все это просто поражает и радует глаз. Фильмы на ней смотрятся тоже отлично, особенно с богатой палитрой.

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Крабовый майонез [Log14]
Сейчас Анчартед и Гравити раш подписчикам, в PSN бесплатно дают сыграть. Советую опробовать

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— Большая часть населения нашей страны не знакома с заказами через интернет.
— Ждать.
— Таможня и почта рашки — такое стыдно цивилизованным людям показывать.
Мой Samsung Galaxy Note 2, заказанный в computeruniverse, украли на таможне. В итоге с момента заказа до возвращения мне денег магазином прошло больше 2-х месяцев. Ествественно, я не стал дожидаться их возвращения, а купил его у нас, как только выяснил о пропаже и отписался по этому поводу магазину (через месяц после заказа).

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Ух чего внушили, «телефон сейчас это круто!», «смартфоны вытеснят игровые консоли к 2015ому году!», «8 ядер!».

На моих iдевайсах все годные jRPG и порты с DS пройдены, а новые выходят крайне редко. На Android всё ещё хуже, там и четверти этих игр нет.

А вот список интересных игр на PSV растёт с каждым месяцем:

Скрытый текст

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Zone of Enders HD Collection
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden
Resistance Burning Skies
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Hatsune Miku — Project Diva F
Ragnarok Odyssey
Soul Sacrifice
Rainbow Moon
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Meijou Shigatai Game no You na Mono
Hotline Miami
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Dragon’s Crown
Lone Survivor
Corpse Party Blood Drive
Chaos Rings
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited
Killzone: Mersenaries
Rogue Legacy
Muramasa: Rebirth
Little King’s Story
Ys: Memories of Celceta
Yakuza 6
Freedom Wars

Да и вообще, нынешнее поколение портативок сейчас зарождается и продаётся, редкий издатель рискнёт выпускать на них ААА-проект. На PSP и DS до 2008ого года хитовых игр было по пальцам пересчитать.

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Честно говоря, опять купил виту слим. И блин ребята, когда я еду в метро, я чувствую себя ЭЛИТОЙ(!), НЕТ БОГОМ портативного гейминга. Да мало игр, да не выполнили обещаний Сони с Витой, но почти 3 года прошло и Вита стала чем то родным, как псп когда то!

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О, поздравляю с покупкой.

А я всё-таки решил купить PSP чтобы переждать кризис Виты.

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чтобы переждать кризис Виты.
Кризис — это время, когда она не взломана? :D

ПСП у меня с самого релиза 2000-ой (слим энд лайт) модели.

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>Кризис — это время, когда она не взломана? :D

Типа того. У Виты большое будущее, а будущего ещё надо дождаться.

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Люди, у меня проблема. Решил подключить виту к wifi, купил роутер, подключил, работает нормально. В вите захожу в настройки wifi, нажимаю на мой источник, всё подключается, но интернет не работает! Когда захожу в PSN, долго пишет подождите, а потом «Не удалось подключиться к серверу в пределах заданного времени. (NW-5603-4)». Когда пытаюсь зайти на какой-нибудь сайт в браузере, долго загружается и загружается пустая страница! Решил проверить соединение, адрес IP получает успешно, а соединение не удалось, произошла ошибка NW-5603-4. Что мне делать?

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Mr Gangster
Роутер пробовал перезагружать?
Wi-Fi настраивал или нет?
Попробуй обновить прошивку роутера для начала.

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Mr Gangster
Обнови прошивку Виты и роутера.
Попробуй подключиться к Wi-Fi через WPS, если он у тебя есть.

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Ребят, всем привет) Давным давно не был здесь, уже несколько лет наверное. Уже продал свой икс бокс360 и пс3.. И вот, сижу на работе, нечего делать, решил разнообразить рабочий день =D, купил планшет — вроде вещь хорошая, но отдал девченке))) Теперь подумал, что если взять приставку.
Я так понимаю, вита еще не взломана, да?
Что лучше сейчас взять, учитывая, что играться я буду на работе и не так уж часто?
Если взять псп, то ее можно без особых проблем прошить дома самому?

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Летом приобрел и никаких проблем всё супер дисплей изумительный сенсор отличный!!! игр только маловато!!! Но это скорей всего пока что!!!!

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ну вот и я прибрёл псв новенькой моделькой 3g/wifi,ууух ни грамма не жалею потраченных 15тыров.обзавелся небольшой коллекцией игрух cod,mk,assassins creed3.
сетевые режимы просто^^.и не парюсь насчет скорого взлома,темболее в скором времени обсчают запилить более мощные игры на неё.
у этой портативки большое будущее не только в плане игр но и доп приложений ИМХО она ещё даст просратся многим консолям и даже пк.

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А что в PSV с плеером видео? Такой же отличный как на PSP или чем-то отличается?

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Такое же говно, как и на псп. Только MP4.
Плюс читает FullHD и вроде судя по настройкам субтитры.
Уж не знаю как там на PSP было.

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Самое забавное, что поддержка кодека H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (AAC), которым закодировано большинство видео в mkv, у виты есть, а вот самой поддержки mkv-контейнеров нет.
Нынче >90% всех фильмов, мультфильмов, аниме и прочего видео поставляются в mkv-контейнерах. Нужно тратить часы на перекодирование. Проще на нормальном смартфоне посмотреть.

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Намереваюсь купить с выходом Killzone. Пара вопросов:
1. Браузер допилили с последними прошивками? То, что я видел летом, оставило крайне сумбурное впечатление. «Это» даже браузером назвать было сложно.
2. В версии с 3G есть смысл, или этот самый 3G неимоверно медлителен?
3. Как реализована игра в PS3-тайтлы на экране «виты»? Какая скорость Wi-Fi соединения минимально комфортна для такой игры?

Спасибо заранее.

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>Нынче >90% всех фильмов, мультфильмов, аниме и прочего видео поставляются в mkv-контейнерах.

Поправочка — с анимой на трекерах проблем нет, обычно есть версия, адаптированная под PSP — с хардсабом, в прекрасном качестве и без чёрных полос.

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Я знаю, что на рутрекере есть разделы с перекодированым видео для разных устройств, но мне не нужен русский хардсаб. Я смотрю только с английскими сабами.

Купил сегодня флешку на 32 гб.
Дорогие же они, сволочи. За эти деньги можно б/ушную псп купить, лол. Но халяву из псн+ надо же куда-то складировать.

С сегодняшнего дня и в течение недели скидка 50% (+10% владельцам PSN+) на игры из списка:

Взял BlazBlue: Continuum Shfit Extend.

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Англоговорящие любители аниме не любят PSP?

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Проще самому закодировать с нужными сабами от нужной команды фансаберов, чем пытаться найти уже готовое. А ещё проще воспользоваться нормальным смартфоном на андроиде, что я сейчас и делаю, а псп/вита/3дс пусть выполняют своию главную функцию — запуск нужных мне игр.
Я потратил сотни часов на кодирование видео и для псп, и для телефонов. Рад, что сейчас можно обходиться без этих костылей. Скачал, сразу же подключил смартфон, закинул на флешку все файлы. Вне дома смотришь на смартфоне, дома — на телевизоре. ??? Профит.

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3. Как реализована игра в PS3-тайтлы на экране «виты»? Какая скорость Wi-Fi соединения минимально комфортна для такой игры?
Играть можно только в определённые игры. Их мало.

2. В версии с 3G есть смысл, или этот самый 3G неимоверно медлителен?
Проще купить Виту с Wi-Fi, а на оставшиеся деньгу 3G роутер, какого нибудь сотового оператора.

Ещё можно подключить безлимитный интернет на смартфоне и раздавать интернет с него.
У меня вита с 3Г, но вот покупать ещё одну симку и оплачивать ещё один тариф не вижу смысла.

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Вита разрядится быстрее, чем смартфон :)

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Интересно, как будут выглядеть следующие модификации PSV? Оригинальная модель, она же идеальна во всём.

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Вероятно, камеру и аккумулятор улучшат.

Между псп 1000 и 2000 разница в толщине и весе, в оперативке.
Между псп 2000 и 3000 разница только в экране (с одной строны он лучше, а с другой — хуже) и встроенном микрофоне.
Если между 1000 и 2000 разница ощутима, то между 2000 и 3000 — нет.

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Сколько PSV стоит в странах Европы?

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Вафля: http://www.computeruniverse.net/products/90430353/sony-ps-vita-wifi.asp
С 3Г: http://www.computeruniverse.net/products/90430352/sony-ps-vita-3g-wifi.asp
С игрой и флешкой: http://www.computeruniverse.net/products/90481649/sony-ps-vita-wifi-inkl-assassins-creed-3.asp
Хотя, флешка на 4 гб — мало. Максимум для патчей и DLC, или небольших аркад. В цифровых версий картриджевых игр лучше сразу брать 32 гб. Или минимум 16 Гб.

Для нас цена ниже, потому что вычитается налог. Но это цена без учёта доставки. Доставка — в районе 1000 р.


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Хмм, у нас 3G-Vita стоит 13к, из Европы с доставкой 9,5. В чём подвох? О_о

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Подвох в том, что мы живём в рашке. А ты думал?

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Нет-нет, почему тогда все не заказывают PSV из Европ?

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А, вот где собака зарыта. Так и думал. Спасибо.

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Обладатель. Что больше всего меня удивило в Вите — это запуск игр с PS3 при помощи Remote Play, пусть их немного, но это всё равно круто)

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Скорее бы PSV Slim&Lite… Правда, если проводить аналогию с PSP-1000 и PSP-2000 то PSV S&L выйдет в октябре 2014ого :(

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Что-то PSV 2000 слабо впечатлила.

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Зато кругленькие кнопочки вместо овальных.

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Все, меняю.

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Стыд и позор. Даже аккумулятор не нарастили.

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Подумываю купить ПС Виту. . .
В общем Вита вроде прикольное устройство, мощное, качественное, цена доступная. Смущает только СуперАмолед+ экран.. . Он красивый, но боюсь перегорит быстро. Читал, что такие экраны уже через год, заметно выгорают и теряют цвета. Это так?
Еще смущает количество игр. Если в свое время меня периодически мучила зависть, гляди сколько классных игр на ПСП, качественных, эксклюзивных. То на Вите интересные проекты, для меня, по пальцам пересчитать можно. Да, есть порты с ПСП. Но я не хочу играть в старые игры. Вита мощная штука, графика на ней куда лучше, чем на ПСП. Я хочу новые, красивые, качественные игры, сделанные специально для Виты. Но такое ощущение, что Сони признала свой провал и забила на Виту. А может время Виты еще не пришло? Может потенциал консоли еще не раскрыт? Или дальше будет хуже? Или все-таки есть надежда что через пару лет от игр на Вите глаза будут разбегаться?

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>Да, есть порты с ПСП.

Нет никаких портов. Есть обратная совместимость.

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Вообще-то 2000-ая модель работает дольше. Правда, не из-за аккумулятора, а из-за другого экрана.
Ибо шикарный OLED заменён обычный LCD.
Помимо это:
Аккумулятор съемный (можно с собой несколько носить)
Человеческий порт для зарядки (микро-юсб)
1 ГБ встроенной памяти (для сохранений хватит с головой).

Red Alert
За 2 года почти 500 игр.
На псп преобладали японские игры, экзов было немного, всякие спиноффы и порты тоже были. На вите почти тоже самое. Япоснких игр выходит много, потихоньку локализуются для запада. Порты ААА-игр с больших консолей есть, куча инди.
Экзы тоже есть.
Хороших игр полно. Сотни часов игрового времени обеспечить могут.
Я на вите играю не так часто, как на домашних консолях (пс3), поэтому лично мне игр хватает.
Я ещё даже Tearaway не начал, а через неделю должена с американского амазона приехать Ys: Memories of Celceta.

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Четкая портативка.И игры тут достойного уровня.Не то что на планшетах и телефонах.

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Travis Touchdown [1st of UAA]
Хорошие игры только для фанатов аниме, и прочих любителей японщины.
Для европейца хорошие игры пересчитываются по пальцам.

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Ну да, Call of Duty там только одна.

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Да её как раз в пальцасписке и нет.

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Как будто на псп, дс, 3дс не так.
Играй тогда на мобилках, что ли. Хотя… где там хорошие игры?

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клуб обладателей смартфона, только без функций телефона и всего остального.

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И почти без игр.

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Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Meijou Shigatai Game no You na Mono

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Кстати скоро выпустят новую прошивку 3.30

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вам не кажется, что Сони немного офигели? На gamescome анонсировали кучу проектов, но это какая то казуальщина, да и хардкорных проектов мало! Вот хотелось бы ,чтоб MKX на виту портировали. А то совсем не выпускают классных игр!

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На Виту больше не будет ААА игр.

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может кто знает сайт с которого можно скачать игры для PS Vita

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На Виту больше не будет ААА игр.
А как же Gravity Rush 2?

может кто знает сайт с которого можно скачать игры для PS Vita

Вот как взломаешь консоль, создашь такой сайт, все оттуда и будут игры качать :)

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Я это три месяца назад писал. ;)

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сони что-то под забила на PS VITA и вплотную занимается ps4. А жаль,все что есть на ней хорошего уже переиграл по паре раз. Теперь вот в Warriors orochy 3 ultimate рублюсь. Но она почти бесконечная и быстро надоедает. Хочется чего-то новенького из разряда God of war или uncharted а в сторе одни японские аниме-няшки и переиздания со второй Соньки, да всякий бред типо мини или инди игр.
Где обещанный GTA? ….где bioshock….где в конце концов resident evil revelations 2?!!!!

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ошибка «NW-2304-9» что делать?

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Как думаете, будет ли Sony делать следующую версию PSV Slim?

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Она уже давно есть

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Barbaring0 .

Да ну? И какая это модель? Идиот, не знаешь о чём мелешь.

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Я думал, ты говоришь о существовании ps vita slim, а не о ps vita superslim.Я просто тебя не правильно понял, а ты уже начинаешь оскорблять.Зачем?

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Знакомый предлагает купить у него PS Vita за 4К. Подскажите пожалуйста, на какие вещи нужно обращать внимание при покупки PS Vita с рук ?

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Работает ли она

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На ревизию. Первая та что Fat во всех отношениях лучше. И прошивка если пиратить собираешься. На 3.60 вроде пиратки можно качать.

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Значит выше 3.60 пиратки не пойдут. Спасибо.

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Версия консоли РСН-1006. Версия прошивки 3.65. Нормально ?

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Ну а это моя радость ( была куплена примерно года два тому назад, и хорошо работает ни одного сбоя)

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Заморочился и решил проверить PS3 Remote Play на PS Vita в ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection.

Регистрация PSV в PS3, соединение по локальной сети, Remote Play на PS3, Remote Play на PSV, запуск игры, смена управления и вуаля.


Это кошмар, как будто текстуры в самой игре подменяются, оригинал с PS2 и тот чётче выглядит. И это всё на самых высоких настройках и скоростях. Сама игра играется нормально, чуть-чуть подлагивает каждые секунд 15, но на геймплей это не влияет. Наверное, если очень хочется, можно так пройти всю игру, но я не знаю, даже я не такой извращенец.

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Лучше бери HS4 ку, серьезная консоль, не мыльница, стабильный FPS и графика шикарная, быстродействие на 5, плюс разработчики не скупятся на разработку новых игр и пуляют каждый месяц новинками поэтому смысл есть брать версию поновее, вот 10 ка свежих , помимо этого база игр достаточно солидная и создатели не скупятся на качественную озвучку.

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Всем привет у меня брикнулась консоль ps vita не включается и не заходит в рекавери меню когда ставлю на зарядку горит индикатор зарядки а потом просто погасает.Что делать?Это произошло после установки molecule custom boot logo manager версия была для 3.60 а у меня была версия 3.65.Можно восстановить или на запчасти?

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Такое же говно, как и на псп. Только MP4. http://www.pavtube.com/guide/ps-vita-supported-av-formats.html
Если плеер не читает mkv и не предоставляет возможность выбора дорожек и субтитров (ХОТЯ БЫ встроенных в mvk, не говоря уже о внешних), то это не плеер, а говно. и он не нужен.
На ведроидофонах — MX Player, на винде — Daum PotPlayer/KMP. ??? Профит.

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это как общество анонимных алкоголиков что ли ?

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PLEASE help with frustrating nw-5603-4 error. Cannot access PS Store on Vita.

Ok, so I bought my Vita in the US last December. I recently moved to Canada and up until this past week I have had no issues logging into the PS Store on the Vita, accessing my Downloads List, or making purchases on the PS Store through the Vita.

All of the sudden this week I can’t access the US PS Store on my laptop or my iPad. The site just won’t load. It seems to work fine on my PS4, but not my iPad or laptop. So I used my VPN to «pretend» I was in the US and sure enough the site popped up just fine.

So after I figured the VPN trick out I was able to buy Hotline Miami last night. I went to download it on my Vita and I get the nw-5603-4 error when I try to access the PS Store.

I searched and searched, I have done everything that the internet has said to do:

  1. Delete all wifi access points

  2. Restart Vita

  3. Reset router

  4. Assign Static IP to Vita

  5. Try an Connection Test to force PSN authentication

The browser worked just fine for every site other than PS Store. I was connected to the internet I just could NOT access the PS Store.

So finally I tried the VPN on the Vita and it worked (I guess technically a DNS tunnel, but same idea). That did get the Vita to access the PS Store instantly.

This is a nice bandaid and all, but I want full functionality without sacrificing connection speed (for downloads).

Any ideas as to how I can possibly fix this? It might be worth noting that I am updated to whatever the current firmware is.

The one thing I have yet to try was a fix from 2012 which said to log into PSN through the Vita browser and accept the new terms and conditions? I couldn’t get the PS Store to load on the Vita browser and after I used the DNS Tunnel I never went back to try it (too busy playing Hotline Miami haha!)

tl;dr Vita cannot access PS Store. It is giving nw-5603-4 error. Ideas?

Has any one else had this happen to them?


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