Ошибка rpc вызвана процессом исполняемого модуля rpc ошибка 1818 callcancelled

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  • Добрый день всем. Пытаюсь настроить Outllok Anywhere. Публикуется внутрь через Nginx. Включена Basic авторизация. 

    Вот на этом этапе возникает ошибка:

    Попытка проверки связи с конечной точкой RPC 6001 (Exchange Information Store) на сервере exch-dag.domain.local.
     	Не удалось выполнить проверку связи с конечной точкой.
    Ошибка RPC вызвана процессом исполняемого модуля RPC. Ошибка 1818 CallCancelled
    Затраченное время: 31044 мс.
    • Изменено

      26 ноября 2013 г. 12:01

    • Изменен тип
      Petko KrushevMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
      2 декабря 2013 г. 7:19
    • Изменен тип
      27 марта 2014 г. 5:48

Обновлено 30.08.2021

Ошибка 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен

Добрый день уважаемые читатели, продолжаем наш с вами траблшутинг Active Directory в Windows Server 2012 R2, ранее я вам рассказывал, о таких ошибках как ошибка 1722 сервер RPC не доступен на контроллере домена и ошибку 14550 DfsSvc и netlogon 5781, все они не давали нормальной репликации базы данных и групповых политик в домене, что не есть хорошо, мы с ними разобрались, через какое то время при репликации, снова возникла новая ошибка, с текстом: 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен, давайте смотреть в чем дело и как это решается.

Причинами, при которых у вас удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен, во время репликации Active Directory, могут выступать:

  • Нестабильное сетевое соединение > я встречал случаи, что ошибка 1818, появлялась из-за, того что виртуальная машина с контроллером домена каждые 5 минут отваливалась. Проведите ее мониторинг по пингу и доступности, а лучше поставьте заббикс.
  • Не правильно настроены DNS имена > об этом я уже писал в статьях про ошибки Active Directory и репликации KCC, ссылки выше. Я много раз встречал, что по неведомой мне причине, администраторы прописывали в настройках DNS сервера, адреса провайдера, а потом удивлялись почему не работает, запомните на контроллерах домена прописываем только локальные DNS сервера, а уже на самих локальных делайте форвардинг на провайдерские. Вот вам статья как настраивается форвардинг DNS запросов.
  • Слетели права на папку SYSVOL > проверьте на работающем контроллере домена, какие права там выставлены и посмотрите их на сбойном.
  • Проверьте не блокирует ли файрвол, нужные порты для службы Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC)

Ошибку 1818, я получил при выполнении команды, проверяющей время последних репликаций контроллеров домена.

Ошибка 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен-2

Исправляем ошибку 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен

И так в моем случае был не стабильный канал между контроллерами домена, и служба KCC, не успевала произвести репликацию, по установленному ей таймингу, но это исправимо. Нужно поправить параметр реестра Windows PC Replication Timeout (mins), оно по умолчанию 5 минут. Microsoft советует этот лимит увеличить до 45 минут. Открываем редактор реестра Windows Server 2012 R2 и переходим в ветку:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices NTDSParametertips

Создаем тут новую ключ, типа DWORD (32 бита) со значением RPC Replication Timeout (mins) и ставим ему значение 45.

Ошибка 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен-3

После этого перезагружаете ваш контроллер домена и проверяете статус репликации Active Directory.

Авг 30, 2021 12:24

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  • Hi I have SBS 2011 (exchange 2010) and recently I installed IIS ARR to act as a web proxy. Everything works like charm except RPC over HTTP. I am getting this when I test via testexchangeconnectivity. it is similar to

    this thread

    Attempting to ping the MAPI Mail Store endpoint with identity: DC.Domain.local:6001.

                    The attempt to ping the endpoint failed.

                    Additional Details

    An RPC error was thrown by the RPC Runtime process. Error 1818 CallCancelled

    Elapsed Time: 32834 ms.

    Since I am not that experienced I cannot benefit from the answer. Can you please help. When I open Web Server and search 

    • Check the RpcProxy ValidPorts
     1. On the RPC proxy server, start Registry Editor (Regedit).
     2. In the console tree, locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftRpcRpcProxy 
     3. In the details pane, right-click the ValidPorts subkey, and then click Modify.
     4. In Edit String, in the Value data box, type the following information
     ExchangeServer :6001-6002; ExchangeServerFQDN :6001-6002; ExchangeServer :6004;  ExchangeServerFQDN

    I dont have RpcProxy key. Do I need to create this key or I need to install Exchange server on IIS ARR machine that will route these kind of requests? In general is how to create RPC Proxy machine? 


  • Hi,

    We can try:

    1. Take IIS backup using command «%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd.exe add backup «My Backup Name»»

    2. Increase the allowed content-length value IIS Console—>Default Web Site—>Click on Request Filtering—>Click on Edit Feature Settings —Increased the Maximum allowed
    length value to 1 GB.


    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, July 28, 2014 9:55 AM

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Hi I have SBS 2011 (exchange 2010) and recently I installed IIS ARR to act as a web proxy. Everything works like charm except RPC over HTTP. I am getting this when I test via testexchangeconnectivity. it is similar to

    this thread

    Attempting to ping the MAPI Mail Store endpoint with identity: DC.Domain.local:6001.

                    The attempt to ping the endpoint failed.

                    Additional Details

    An RPC error was thrown by the RPC Runtime process. Error 1818 CallCancelled

    Elapsed Time: 32834 ms.

    Since I am not that experienced I cannot benefit from the answer. Can you please help. When I open Web Server and search 

    • Check the RpcProxy ValidPorts
     1. On the RPC proxy server, start Registry Editor (Regedit).
     2. In the console tree, locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftRpcRpcProxy 
     3. In the details pane, right-click the ValidPorts subkey, and then click Modify.
     4. In Edit String, in the Value data box, type the following information
     ExchangeServer :6001-6002; ExchangeServerFQDN :6001-6002; ExchangeServer :6004;  ExchangeServerFQDN

    I dont have RpcProxy key. Do I need to create this key or I need to install Exchange server on IIS ARR machine that will route these kind of requests? In general is how to create RPC Proxy machine? 


  • Hi,

    We can try:

    1. Take IIS backup using command «%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd.exe add backup «My Backup Name»»

    2. Increase the allowed content-length value IIS Console—>Default Web Site—>Click on Request Filtering—>Click on Edit Feature Settings —Increased the Maximum allowed
    length value to 1 GB.


    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, July 28, 2014 9:55 AM

Ugh. We built a greenfield AD and Exchange 2010 environment a few months back for a large client. Outlook Anywhere isn’t working. Outlook clients just never connect, doesn’t seem to be an error or timeout.

This was a migration. Originally we had a cert mismatch for Outlook Anywhere so I’m fairly certain it never worked. We recently changed everyone’s SMTP domain suffix to match the webmail URL’s domain, so I expected that OA would start working. Now we have a snow day, lots of people at home, and it turns out it doesn’t work. Looks like there’s some sort of problem with proxied RPC connecting to OAB but I’m quite stumped as to how to fix this.

Autodiscover is good, OWA, ActiveSync, EWS all have been working for months.

We have 2 mailbox servers in a DAG, 1 mailbox server for public folders and journals, a 2-server CAS array. On the inside, we have NLB for the array. On the outside, we have a simply Netscaler LB VIP for the array that does nothing special, just a TCP 443 passthrough.

RCA shows this — it’s always about 33 seconds so I assume there’s a 30-second timeout here.

Attempting to ping RPC proxy webmail.5ssl.com. RPC Proxy was pinged
Additional Details Elapsed Time: 201 ms.

Attempting to ping the MAPI Mail Store endpoint with identity:
PFEXCAS.internal.domain.name.com:6001. The attempt to ping the endpoint
Additional Details An RPC error was thrown by the RPC Runtime process. Error 1818 CallCancelled

Elapsed Time: 33536 ms.

Now, both CAS servers are indeed listening on TCP 6001. PFEXCAS is the name of the NLB VIP.

This works for ports 6001, 6002, 6004, so that’s good

rpcping -t ncacn_http -s pfexcas.internal.domain.name.com -o RpcProxy=pfexcas.internal.domain.name.com -P » , , » -I » , , » -H 1 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -e 6004

This does not, it gives a 1722

rpcping -t ncacn_http -s pfexcas.internal.domain.name.com -o RpcProxy=webmail.5ssl.com -P » , , » -I » , , » -H 1 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -e 6004

Test-OutlookConnectivity -Protocol:Http -verbose works just fine on both servers, including the GetNewDSA and RFRI::GetReferral for the Address Book, those fail in our next test.

This is Ex2010, so HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftRpcRpcProxyValidPorts_AutoConfig_Exchange has been checked and looks correct on both CAS servers


Running Test-OutlookConnectivity -RpcProxyTestType:Internal -RpcTestType:Server -verbose gives us this (results same/similar when run on either CAS server. So there’s something wrong with RPC proxying to the address book but hell if I can figure out what. Everything else in the environment seems to be working just fine, and this setup was configured quite closely to the original environment which had working OA.

VERBOSE: [19:08:13.652 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Target Client Access server = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.652 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Using connection parameters : 
'internal.domain.name.comextest_23e99fa922cb4: RpcProxy/RPC-over-HTTP, [PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com/Basic]'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.652 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Pinging RpcProxy at the following URL: 
ClientAccessServer   ServiceEndpoint                               Scenario                            Result  Latency
------------------   ---------------                               --------                            ------  -------
PFEXCAS01.FVE.AD.... PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com                     RpcProxy::VerifyRpcProxy.           Success   46.80
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.698 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.698 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.698 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.698 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.698 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.698 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Using connection parameters : 
'internal.domain.name.comextest_23e99fa922cb4: Rfri/RPC-over-HTTP, [PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com/Basic], 
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.714 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Mailbox = 'internal.domain.name.comextest_23e99fa922cb4', Owner = 
'/o=FIVESTAR/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=extest_23e99fa922cb46cb'
VERBOSE: [19:08:13.714 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Address Book Operation = 'GetNewDSA', Input = 'userLegacyDN', 
Input Value = '/o=FIVESTAR/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=extest_23e99fa922cb46cb'
VERBOSE: [19:08:21.342 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.ServerUnavailableException: Error 0x6ba 
(The RPC server is unavailable) from cli_RfrGetNewDSA 
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:21.342
EEInfo: Generating component: 2
EEInfo: Status: 0x000006BA
EEInfo: Detection location: 1710
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 0 (0x00000000)
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:21.342
EEInfo: Generating component: 13
EEInfo: Status: 0x000006BA
EEInfo: Detection location: 1352
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: -1073606646 (0xC002100A)
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:21.342
EEInfo: Generating component: 14
EEInfo: Status: 0xC002100A
EEInfo: Detection location: 1380
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 12175 (0x00002F8F)
EEInfo:    prm[1]: Unicode string: /rpc/rpcproxy.dll?PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com:6002
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:21.342
EEInfo: Generating component: 14
EEInfo: Status: 0x00010000
EEInfo: Detection location: 1385
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 16 (0x00000010)
EEInfo:    prm[1]: Binary Buffer: 
at ThrowRpcException(Int32 rpcStatus, String message)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.RpcClientBase.ThrowRpcExceptionWithEEInfo(Int32 rpcStatus, String routineName)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.Rfri.RfriRpcClient.GetNewDSA(String userDN, String& server)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.RfriClientWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass7.<GetNewDSA>b__6()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.OutlookConnectivityContext.RpcExceptionWrapper(Func`1 protectedCall)
VERBOSE: [19:08:21.342 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : AddressBook operation failed.  Operation = 'GetReferral', Error 
= 'The Address Book Referral operation failed. Operation = '<GetNewDSA>b__6', returnValue = '1722', server = 
'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com', user = '/o=FIVESTAR/ou=Exchange Administrative Group 
(FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=extest_23e99fa922cb46cb', .'
PFEXCAS01.FVE.AD.... PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com                     RFRI::GetReferral.                  Failure   -1.00
VERBOSE: [19:08:21.342 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:21.342 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Using connection parameters : 
'internal.domain.name.comextest_23e99fa922cb4: Nspi/RPC-over-HTTP, [PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com/Basic], 
VERBOSE: [19:08:21.342 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Address Book Operation = 'Bind'
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.ServerUnavailableException: Error 0x6ba 
(The RPC server is unavailable) from cli_NspiBind 
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:28.955
EEInfo: Generating component: 2
EEInfo: Status: 0x000006BA
EEInfo: Detection location: 1710
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 0 (0x00000000)
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:28.955
EEInfo: Generating component: 13
EEInfo: Status: 0x000006BA
EEInfo: Detection location: 1352
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: -1073606646 (0xC002100A)
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:28.955
EEInfo: Generating component: 14
EEInfo: Status: 0xC002100A
EEInfo: Detection location: 1380
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 12175 (0x00002F8F)
EEInfo:    prm[1]: Unicode string: /rpc/rpcproxy.dll?PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com:6004
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:28.955
EEInfo: Generating component: 14
EEInfo: Status: 0x00010000
EEInfo: Detection location: 1385
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 16 (0x00000010)
EEInfo:    prm[1]: Binary Buffer: 
at ThrowRpcException(Int32 rpcStatus, String message)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.RpcClientBase.ThrowRpcExceptionWithEEInfo(Int32 rpcStatus, String routineName)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.Nspi.NspiRpcClient.Bind(UInt32 flags, IntPtr stat, IntPtr guid)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.NspiClientWrapper.<Bind>b__4()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.OutlookConnectivityContext.RpcExceptionWrapper(Func`1 protectedCall)
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Address Book operation failed. Details: The NSPI operation 
failed. Operation = '<Bind>b__4', ReturnValue = '1722', Server = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com', User = 
'/o=FIVESTAR/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=extest_23e99fa922cb46cb', ..
PFEXCAS01.FVE.AD.... PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com                     NSPI::GetProfileDetails.            Failure   -1.00
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Using connection parameters : 
'internal.domain.name.comextest_23e99fa922cb4: Mailbox/RPC-over-HTTP, [PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com/Basic], 
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.971 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Mailbox Operation: 'EcDoConnectEx', Target mailbox: 
'/o=FIVESTAR/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=extest_23e99fa922cb46cb'
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.986 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:28.986 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.599 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.ServerUnavailableException: Error 0x6ba 
(The RPC server is unavailable) from EcDoConnectEx 
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:36.599
EEInfo: Generating component: 13
EEInfo: Status: 0x000006BA
EEInfo: Detection location: 1352
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: -1073606646 (0xC002100A)
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:36.599
EEInfo: Generating component: 14
EEInfo: Status: 0xC002100A
EEInfo: Detection location: 1380
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 12175 (0x00002F8F)
EEInfo:    prm[1]: Unicode string: /rpc/rpcproxy.dll?PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com:6001
EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
EEInfo: ProcessID: 4520
EEInfo: Generation Time: 2015-01-27 19:08:36.599
EEInfo: Generating component: 14
EEInfo: Status: 0x00010000
EEInfo: Detection location: 1385
EEInfo: Flags: 0
EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
EEInfo:    prm[0]: Long val: 16 (0x00000010)
EEInfo:    prm[1]: Binary Buffer: 
at ThrowRpcException(Int32 rpcStatus, String message)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.RpcClientBase.ThrowRpcExceptionWithEEInfo(Int32 rpcStatus, String routineName)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.ExchangeClient.ExchangeRpcClient.EcDoConnect_Wrapped(Boolean isEx, Void** pcxh, Byte* 
szUserDN, UInt32 ulFlags, UInt32 ulConMod, UInt32 cbLimit, UInt32 ulCpid, UInt32 ulLcidString, UInt32 ulLcidSort, 
UInt32 ulIcxrLink, UInt16 usFCanConvertCodePages, UInt32* pcmsPollsMax, UInt32* pcRetry, UInt32* pcmsRetryDelay, 
UInt16* picxr, Byte** pszDNPrefix, Byte** pszDisplayName, UInt16* rgwClientVersion, UInt16* rgwServerVersion, UInt16* 
rgwBestVersion, UInt32* pulTimeStamp, Byte* rgbAuxIn, UInt32 cbAuxIn, Byte* rgbAuxOut, UInt32* pcbAuxOut)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.ExchangeClient.ExchangeRpcClient.EcDoConnect_Internal(Boolean isEx, IntPtr& contextHandle,
String userDn, Int32 flags, Int32 sizeLimit, Int32 conMod, Int32 cpid, Int32 lcidString, Int32 lcidSort, Int32 
sessionIdLink, Boolean canConvertCodePages, TimeSpan& pollsMax, Int32& retryCount, TimeSpan& retryDelay, String& 
dnPrefix, String& displayName, Int16[] clientVersion, Int16[]& serverVersion, Int16[]& bestVersion, Int32& timeStamp, 
Byte[] auxIn, Boolean compressAuxIn, Boolean xorMagicAuxIn, Byte[]& auxOut, Int32 maxSizeAuxOut, Boolean& 
wasCompressedAuxOut, Boolean& wasXorMagicAuxOut)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.ExchangeClient.ExchangeRpcClient.EcDoConnectEx(IntPtr& contextHandle, String userDn, Int32
flags, Int32 sizeLimit, Int32 conMod, Int32 cpid, Int32 lcidString, Int32 lcidSort, Int32 sessionIdLink, Boolean 
canConvertCodePages, TimeSpan& pollsMax, Int32& retryCount, TimeSpan& retryDelay, String& dnPrefix, String& 
displayName, Int16[] clientVersion, Int16[]& serverVersion, Int16[]& bestVersion, Int32& timeStamp, Byte[] auxIn, 
Boolean compressAuxIn, Boolean xorMagicAuxIn, Byte[]& auxOut, Int32 maxSizeAuxOut, Boolean& wasCompressedAuxOut, 
Boolean& wasXorMagicAuxOut)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.MailboxTask.<>c__DisplayClassb.<Connect>b__a()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.OutlookConnectivityContext.RpcExceptionWrapper(Func`1 protectedCall)
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.599 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : EcDoConnectEx Result: '1722'
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.599 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
PFEXCAS01.FVE.AD.... PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com                     Mailbox::Connect.                   Failure   -1.00
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.615 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : RPC Endpoint = 'PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com'
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.615 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : This step was skipped. This may have been caused by the failure 
in a previous scenario. Operation = 'MailboxTask::Logon'.
PFEXCAS01.FVE.AD.... PFEXCAS01.internal.domain.name.com                     Mailbox::Logon.                     Skipped   -1.00
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.615 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Admin Audit Log: Entered Handler:OnComplete.
VERBOSE: [19:08:36.615 GMT] Test-OutlookConnectivity : Ending processing &

Using the Remote Connectivity Analyzer to test Outlook Anywhere I receive an error:

Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6001 (Exchange Information Store) on server mbx.internal.local
     The attempt to ping the endpoint failed.

    Additional Details
     An RPC error was thrown by the RPC Runtime process. Error 1818 1818

I am able to telnet to the mailbox server, mbx.internal.local, from the client access server, cas.internal.local on port 6001 and get the following banner:  ncacn_http/1.0

Test-OutlookWebServices reports success

Both servers are running on Windows Server 2003 and do not use IPv6.  The RPC/RPCWithCert virtual directories are set to ignore client certificates.

I am in the process of downloading the RPCPing utility but any suggestions would be most welcome.

@16:00 15-12-2010

Using RPCCfg on CAS:  rpccfg /hd
Server Name                         Port Settings
mbx                                      6001-6002 6004
mbx.internal.local                   6001-6002 6004

@17:30 15-12-2010

Not sure if I have this RPCPing command correct but here goes… The following output is identical, with the exception of the ping time, when the command is issued from the CAS server itself or from a client machine connecting in over the Internet.

rpcping.exe -t ncacn_http -s mbx.internal.local -o RpcProxy=mail.external.com -P «username,INTERNAL,*» -H 2 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -E -b

RPCPing v2.12. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2002
OS Version is: 5.2, Service Pack 2
Enter password for RPC/HTTP proxy:

RPCPinging proxy server mail.external.com with Echo Request Packet
Checking IE setting…
The proxy setting is disabled.
Sending ping to server
Response from server received: 200
Server Certificate Subject: (fullsic:<O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)><C=US, O=»Entrust, Inc.», OU=www.entrust.net/rpa
is incorporated by reference, OU=»(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc.», CN=Entrust Certification Authority — L1C><C=GB, L=Coventry, O=Organisation, OU=IT Services, CN=alternative.external.com>;msstd:alternative.external.com)
Pinging successfully completed in 141 ms

Note:  mail.external.com is an alias for alternative.external.com — the latter being the common name of the Subject Alternative Name certificate (which contains mail.external.com as one of the SAN entries).

@18:15 15-12-2010

As the ping was successful I have moved on to the endpoints as per ‘http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2008/06/20/449053.aspx .  

rpcping.exe -t ncacn_http -s mbx.internal.local -o RpcProxy=mail.external.com -P «username,INTERNAL,*» -H 2 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -e 6001

RPCPing v2.12. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2002
OS Version is: 5.2, Service Pack 2
Enter password for RPC/HTTP proxy:

…so far it is sitting idle.

@21:45  15-12-2010

Okay so I have disabled Outlook Anywhere and waited for it to replicate the topology.  I then re-enabled Outlook Anywhere and then waited for it to replicate again (MSExchange ADAccess 2080).  Once it had replicated I re-ran the RPCPing…

rpcping.exe -t ncacn_http -s mbx.internal.local -o RpcProxy=mail.external.com -P «username,INTERNAL,*» -H 2 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -e 6001

RPCPing v2.12. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2002
OS Version is: 5.2, Service Pack 2
Enter password for RPC/HTTP proxy:

Exception 1722 (0x000006BA)

Number of records is: 2
ProcessID is 2884
System Time is: 12/15/2010 21:17:12:976
Generating component is 14
Status is 1722
Detection location is 1398
Flags is 0
NumberOfParameters is 2
Long val: 3
Long val: 1722
ProcessID is 2884
System Time is: 12/15/2010 21:17:12:976
Generating component is 13
Status is 1722
Detection location is 1418
Flags is 0
NumberOfParameters is 0

As RPCPing Exception 1722 pointed to the RPC not being available (ref: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/831051) I checked the Application event log on the CAS and confirmed that I had neglected to wait for the RPC settings to be re-applied (MSExchange RPC
Over HTTP Autoconfig 3006). 

Once the RPC/HTTP autoconfig event was logged I ran RPCCfg:

rpccfg /hd

Server Name                         Port Settings
mbx                                      6001-6002 6004
mbx.internal.local                   6001-6002 6004

I then tried another RPC Ping: 

rpcping.exe -t ncacn_http -s mbx.internal.local -o RpcProxy=mail.external.com -P «username,INTERNAL,*» -H 2 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -E

RPCPing v2.12. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2002
OS Version is: 5.2, Service Pack 2
Enter password for RPC/HTTP proxy:

RPCPinging proxy server mail.external.com with Echo Request Packet
Checking IE setting…
The proxy setting is disabled.
Sending ping to server
Response from server received: 200
Pinging successfully completed in 250 ms

As this succeeded I re-ran the RPCPing to the Store:

rpcping.exe -t ncacn_http -s mbx.internal.local -o RpcProxy=mail.external.com -P «username,INTERNAL,*» -H 2 -u 10 -a connect -F 3 -v 3 -e 6001

RPCPing v2.12. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2002
OS Version is: 5.2, Service Pack 2
Enter password for RPC/HTTP proxy:

Exception 1818 (0x0000071A)
Number of records is: 1
ProcessID is 11784
System Time is: 12/15/2010 21:37:59:546
Generating component is 14
Status is 1818
Detection location is 1390
Flags is 0
NumberOfParameters is 1
Long val: 900000

And so I am back where I started:  RPC Error 1818.

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • Добрый день всем. Пытаюсь настроить Outllok Anywhere. Публикуется внутрь через Nginx. Включена Basic авторизация. 

    Вот на этом этапе возникает ошибка:

    Попытка проверки связи с конечной точкой RPC 6001 (Exchange Information Store) на сервере exch-dag.domain.local.
     	Не удалось выполнить проверку связи с конечной точкой.
    Ошибка RPC вызвана процессом исполняемого модуля RPC. Ошибка 1818 CallCancelled
    Затраченное время: 31044 мс.
    • Изменено

      26 ноября 2013 г. 12:01

    • Изменен тип
      Petko KrushevMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
      2 декабря 2013 г. 7:19
    • Изменен тип
      27 марта 2014 г. 5:48

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Troubleshooting AD Replication error 1818

Describes an issue where AD operations fail with error 1818 (The remote procedure call was cancelled (RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED)).










sap:active-directory-replication, csstroubleshoot


Troubleshooting AD Replication error 1818: The remote procedure call was cancelled

This article describes an issue where Active Directory Replications fail with error 1818: The remote procedure call was cancelled (RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED).

Home users: This article is only intended for technical support agents and IT professionals. If you’re looking for help with a problem, ask the Microsoft Community.

Applies to:   Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2
Original KB number:   2694215


This article describes the symptoms, cause, and resolution steps when Active Directory replication fails with error 1818: The remote procedure call was cancelled (RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED).

  1. Possible formats for the error include:

    Decimal Hex Symbolic Error string
    1818 0x71a RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED The remote procedure call was cancelled.
  2. The following events get logged

    Event Source Event ID Event String
    NTDS Replication 1232 Active Directory attempted to perform a remote procedure call (RPC) to the following server. The call timed out and was cancelled.
    NTDS Replication 1188 A thread in Active Directory is waiting for the completion of a RPC made to the following domain controller.
    Domain controller:
    get changes
    Thread ID:
    Timeout period (minutes):
    Active Directory has attempted to cancel the call and recover this thread.
    User Action
    If this condition continues, restart the domain controller.
    NTDS Replication 1173 with error status 1818 Internal event: Active Directory has encountered the following exception and associated parameters. Exception: e0010002 Parameter: 0 Additional Data Error value: 1818 Internal ID: 5000ede
    NTDS Replication 1085 with error status 1818 Internal event: Active Directory could not synchronize the following directory partition with the domain controller at the following network address.
    Directory partition: <NC>
    Network address: <GUID-based DC name>
    If this error continues, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will reconfigure the replication links and bypass the domain controller.
    User Action
    Verify that the network address can be resolved with a DNS query.
    Additional Data Error value: 1818 The remote procedure call was cancelled.

    . Repadmin /showreps displays the following error message


    <Sitename><DCname> via RPC DC

    DC object GUID: <GUID> Last attempt @ 2009-11-25 10:56:55 failed, result 1818 (0x71a): Can’t retrieve message string 1818

    (0x71a), error 1815. 823 consecutive failure(s). Last success @ (never).

  3. Repadmin /showreps from Domain Controller Name shows that it’s failing to pull Domain NC from <SiteName> but can pull all other NCs


    <Sitename><DC name>

    DC Options: IS_GC


    DC object GUID: <GUID>

    DC invocationID: <InvocationID>

    ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS =====================================


    <Sitename><DCname> via RPC DC

    DC object GUID: <GUID>

    Last attempt @ <DateTime> failed, result 1818 (0x71a):

    Can’t retrieve message string 1818 (0x71a), error 1815. 123 consecutive

    failure(s). Last success @ (never).

  4. DCPromo may fail while promoting a new domain controller and you’ll see the following error on the DCPROMO GUI

    Active Directory Installation wizard.

    The Operation Failed because:
    Active Directory could not replicate the directory partition
    CN=Configuration….from the remote domain controller «server name»
    » The remote procedure call was cancelled «

    The following entries will be logged in the DCPROMO logs

    <DateTime> [INFO] EVENTLOG (Informational): NTDS General / Service Control : 1004

    Active Directory Domain Services was shut down successfully.

    <DateTime> [INFO] NtdsInstall for <FQDN fo the domain> returned 1818

    <DateTime> [INFO] DsRolepInstallDs returned 1818

    <DateTime> [ERROR] Failed to install to Directory Service (1818)

    <DateTime> [ERROR] DsRolepFinishSysVolPropagation (Abort Promote) failed with 8001

    <DateTime> [INFO] Starting service NETLOGON

    <DateTime> [INFO] Configuring service NETLOGON to 2 returned 0

    <DateTime> [INFO] The attempted domain controller operation has completed

    <DateTime> [INFO] DsRolepSetOperationDone returned 0

  5. While trying to rehost a partition on the Global catalog

    repadmin /rehost fail with DsReplicaAdd failed with status

    1818 (0x71a)>

    DsReplicaAdd fails with status 1818 (0x71a)


The issue occurs when the destination DC performing inbound replication doesn’t receive replication changes within the number of seconds specified in the «RPC Replication Timeout» registry key. You might experience this issue most frequently in one of the following situations:

  • You promote a new domain controller into the forest by using the Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe).
  • Existing domain controllers replicate from source domain controllers that are connected over slow network links.

The default value for the RPC Replication Timeout (mins) registry setting on Windows 2000-based computers is 45 minutes. The default value for the RPC Replication Timeout (mins) registry setting on Windows Server 2003-based computers is 5 minutes. When you upgrade the operating system from Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003, the value for the RPC Replication Timeout (mins) registry setting is changed from 45 minutes to 5 minutes. If a destination domain controller that is performing RPC-based replication doesn’t receive the requested replication package within the time that the RPC Replication Timeout (mins) registry setting specifies, the destination domain controller ends the RPC connection with the non-responsive source domain controller and logs a Warning event.

Some specific root causes for Active Directory logging 1818 0x71a RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED include:

  1. An old Network Interface Card driver installed on Domain Controllers could cause failure of a few network features like Scalable Networking Pack (SNP)
  2. Low bandwidth or network packets drops between source and destination domain controllers.
  3. The networking device between source and destination device dropping packets.

A speed and duplex mismatch between the NIC and switch on a domain controller could cause dropped frames, resets, duplicate acknowledgments, and retransmitted frames.


  1. Increase replication time-out adding the key RPC Replication Timeout (mins) on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters

    • Start Registry Editor.

    • Locate the following registry subkey:

    • Right-click Parameters, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

    • Type RPC Replication Timeout (mins), and then press ENTER to name the new value.

    • Right-click RPC Replication Timeout (mins), and then click Modify.

    • In the Value data box, type the number of minutes that you want to use for the RPC timeout for Active Directory replication, and then click OK.

    On a Windows Server 2003-based computer that is part of a Windows 2000 environment or that was upgraded from Windows 2000 Server, you may want to set this value to 45 minutes. This is value may depend on your network configuration and should be adjusted accordingly.

    You must restart the computer to activate any changes that are made to RPC Replication Timeout (mins)

  2. Update the network adapter drivers

    To determine whether an updated network adapter driver is available, contact the network adapter manufacturer or the original equipment manager (OEM) for the computer. The driver must meet Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 5.2 or a later version of this specification.

    • To manually disable RSS and TCP Offload yourself, follow these steps:

    • Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

    • Locate the following registry subkey:

    • Right-click EnableTCPChimney, and then click Modify.

    • In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.

    • Right-click EnableRSS, and then click Modify.

    • In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.

    • Right-click EnableTCPA, and then click Modify.

    • In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.

    • Exit Registry Editor,

    You must restart the computer to activate any changes that are made to EnableTCPChimney.

  3. Enable PMTU Black Hole Detection on the Windows-based hosts that will be communicating over a WAN connection. Follow these steps:

    • Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).

    • Locate the following key in the registry:

    • On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:

    Value Name: EnablePMTUBHDetect
    Data Type: REG_DWORD
    Value: 1
    Restart the machine

  4. Check the network binding order:

    To configure the network binding order:

    1. Quit any programs that are running.

    2. Right-click Network Neighborhood, and then click Properties.

    3. Click the Bindings tab. In the Show Bindings For box, click All Services.

    4. Double-click each listed service to expand it.

    5. Under each service, double-click each protocol to expand it.

    6. Under each protocol, there’s a number of network adapter icons. Click the icon for your network adapter, and then click Move Up until the network adapter is at the top of the list. Leave the «Remote Access WAN Wrapper» entries in any order under the network adapter(s).

      If you have more than one network adapter, place the internal adapter (with Internet Protocol [IP] address by default on a Small Business Server network) at the top of the binding order, with the external adapter(s) directly below the internal adapter.

      The final order should appear similar to:
      [1] Network adapter one
      [2] Network adapter two (if present)
      [3] Remote Access WAN Wrapper
      [n] Remote Access WAN Wrapper

    7. Repeat step 6 for each service in the dialog box.

    8. After you’ve verified the settings for each service, click All Protocols in the Show Bindings For box. The entry for «Remote Access WAN Wrapper» doesn’t have a network adapter listed. Skip this item. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each remaining protocol.

    9. After you’ve verified that the bindings are set correctly for all services and protocols, click OK. This initializes the rebinding of the services. When this is complete, you’re prompted to restart the computer. Click Yes.

Data collection

If you need assistance from Microsoft support, we recommend you collect the information by following the steps mentioned in Gather information by using TSSv2 for Active Directory replication issues.

More information

Active Directory changes do not replicate

Обновлено 30.08.2021

Ошибка 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен

Добрый день уважаемые читатели, продолжаем наш с вами траблшутинг Active Directory в Windows Server 2012 R2, ранее я вам рассказывал, о таких ошибках как ошибка 1722 сервер RPC не доступен на контроллере домена и ошибку 14550 DfsSvc и netlogon 5781, все они не давали нормальной репликации базы данных и групповых политик в домене, что не есть хорошо, мы с ними разобрались, через какое то время при репликации, снова возникла новая ошибка, с текстом: 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен, давайте смотреть в чем дело и как это решается.

Причины ошибки 1818

Причинами, при которых у вас удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен, во время репликации Active Directory, могут выступать:

  • Нестабильное сетевое соединение > я встречал случаи, что ошибка 1818, появлялась из-за, того что виртуальная машина с контроллером домена каждые 5 минут отваливалась. Проведите ее мониторинг по пингу и доступности, а лучше поставьте заббикс.
  • Не правильно настроены DNS имена > об этом я уже писал в статьях про ошибки Active Directory и репликации KCC, ссылки выше. Я много раз встречал, что по неведомой мне причине, администраторы прописывали в настройках DNS сервера, адреса провайдера, а потом удивлялись почему не работает, запомните на контроллерах домена прописываем только локальные DNS сервера, а уже на самих локальных делайте форвардинг на провайдерские. Вот вам статья как настраивается форвардинг DNS запросов.
  • Слетели права на папку SYSVOL > проверьте на работающем контроллере домена, какие права там выставлены и посмотрите их на сбойном.
  • Проверьте не блокирует ли файрвол, нужные порты для службы Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC)

Ошибку 1818, я получил при выполнении команды, проверяющей время последних репликаций контроллеров домена.

Ошибка 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен-2

Исправляем ошибку 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен

И так в моем случае был не стабильный канал между контроллерами домена, и служба KCC, не успевала произвести репликацию, по установленному ей таймингу, но это исправимо. Нужно поправить параметр реестра Windows PC Replication Timeout (mins), оно по умолчанию 5 минут. Microsoft советует этот лимит увеличить до 45 минут. Открываем редактор реестра Windows Server 2012 R2 и переходим в ветку:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices NTDSParametertips

Создаем тут новую ключ, типа DWORD (32 бита) со значением RPC Replication Timeout (mins) и ставим ему значение 45.

Ошибка 1818 удаленный вызов процедуры был отменен-3

После этого перезагружаете ваш контроллер домена и проверяете статус репликации Active Directory.

Авг 30, 2021 12:24

 Half a year ago i had got Exchange 2013 with RPC over HTTP ( Outlook anywhere) as main protocol.
 One day it failed for all external clients: outlook just wont connect,
 or connects but after 1-3 hours if outside of our corporate network.
 Testconnectivity showed  RPC: 1818 CallCancelled
 I ve tride everything but nothing helped to solve problem.

 Ive migrated to Exchange 2019.
 No cas or mailbox servers left from Exchange 2013.
 For nearly a month everything was fine, but one day, suddenly
 Outlook Anywhere failed again.
 Just the same bug and same error  RPC: 1818 CallCancelled.

Deployment: 2 Cas+Mailbox servers (both roles on each server) in DAG.
F5 big ip as router / firewall
SSL Bridging is ON on F5 , SSL offloading disabled in Exchange

Testconnectivity screenshot in attach.
What can i do and how to troubleshoot this bug?
Got any ideas?
Thx in advance.


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