Ошибка s2 3321 samsung multixpress k3300nr

  Вопрос решен

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Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Доброго времени всем.
Сей агрегат:

Вот ошибки:

На сенсор не реагирует…
Ну на сброс ошибки реагирует, а вот потом не в одно меню не заходит,
на кнопки копирования и печать, хоть по сети хоть по USB не реагирует…
Как можно победить сей агрегат???
Есть ли на него service manual???
И первоначально как зайти в tech mode ну или может у него какой другой сервисный режим есть???
Даже сброс сделать на заводские настройки не могу…

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Сообщение manik.76 » Чт июл 27, 2017 10:37 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Доброго всем продолжаем…
Достучался до вебморды… но при доступе в сервис стандартные пароли не подходят (admin-admin: admin-sec00000; нет ID — 8 последних цифр mac-адреса).

Короче не смог через веб морду найти как его повторно пролить…
Через саму морду нашел пароль к TECHMODE: 1934 доступ в сервисное меню- долгое удержание 123 кнопок….
Через сервис тоже не вышло ибо вот:

Короче ЖОППАА хоть с 2 П хоть с двумя ААА, смысл не меняется… Буду пробовать звонить по официалу в понедельник…
Можа че и выйдет….

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Сообщение slider2000 » Ср фев 13, 2019 5:19 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Сегодня тоже долго и муторно воевал с подобным девайсом. Пришёл он с хитрой неисправностью — печатает только один лист, если задать на печать несколько копий, то аппарат зависает и после длительного ожидания автоматически сбрасывает (отменяет) задание по превышению времени отклика от системы. Долго инициализируются и не сразу открываются пункты меню. Причина — повреждённый встроенный жёсткий диск на 320гб. В базовой комплектации диск не предусмотрен и идёт как опционал. Но ежели диск стоит в аппарате, то аппарат его мурыжит по полной, хотя может работать и без диска. Просто некоторые доп. функции недоступны. 20гб из 320-ти аппарат использует под свои нужды — логи, спулер печати, временные файлы, файлы конфигурации и т.д. Причём изначально явно на диск аппарат не жаловался — просто неадекватно себя вёл, но в тестах из сервис-меню говорил что всё ОК. Гадская сущность раскрылась после прошивки. Шил, кстати, рusblist2-ом и пошивкой с офф-сайта HP (K3250_ONEROM_V3.00.11.00_FEB-05-2018.hd) И после прошивки сразу вылезло ЧЕТЫРЕ кода ошибок и все в сторону жёсткого диска. В сервис-мануале про те коды ошибок вообще ни слова. Там и про сам диск всего-то и написано как его вытащить из аппарата и это сделать нужно в случае если диск будет издавать неприлично громкие звуки при работе. Потом воткнуть новый на замену и всё! Я же просто отключил диск и аппарат сразу стал паинька и примерным как гимназистка. Всё в меню летает, и копируется, и сканируется, и печатается как положено. Проверил диск — полсотни бедов. Похоже клиент не заморачивался корректным завершением работы и выключением аппарата из меню, а рубил питалово прямо тумблером сбоку. В итоге диску полный кочердык наступил….

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Прилепить пост

Сообщение Усатый Полосатый » Вт фев 19, 2019 12:14 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

manik.76 писал(а):Вощем коллега помог, подсказал где собака порылась.
Пока разглашать не буду.

а теперь то че не разглосить ?!)))
может по твоей наводке у кого нибудь и получится ))))

Кто чего то хочет — ищет пути и возможности !!! Кому ничего не надо — только причины ….

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Усатый Полосатый

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Видео #31 Заправка картриджа Samsung CLT-K404S / CLT-K406S / CLT-K407S / CLT-K409S Как заправить картридж (автор: ЗаправкинЪ)12:28

#31 Заправка картриджа Samsung CLT-K404S / CLT-K406S / CLT-K407S / CLT-K409S Как заправить картридж

Видео Samsung CLX-3185 Бледная печать. Решение (автор: Дмитрий Щетнев)03:37

Samsung CLX-3185 Бледная печать. Решение

Видео Обзор лазерного многофункционального устройства Samsung CLX-3305W (автор: hotline video)07:36

Обзор лазерного многофункционального устройства Samsung CLX-3305W

Видео #47 Принтер Samsung CLP 360 / 365 / CLX 3300 / 3305 МАЖЕТ | Грязная печать | Как обслуживать нельзя! (автор: ЗаправкинЪ)12:59

#47 Принтер Samsung CLP 360 / 365 / CLX 3300 / 3305 МАЖЕТ | Грязная печать | Как обслуживать нельзя!

Видео Ремонт Samsung CLX 3305 (автор: Masterokk)10:07

Ремонт Samsung CLX 3305

Видео Fix Firmware Reset Cip CLX-3300/3303/3307/3305/3170/3175/3185/4195/6220/6260 Resoftare Samsung (автор: Reset)07:20

Fix Firmware Reset Cip CLX-3300/3303/3307/3305/3170/3175/3185/4195/6220/6260 Resoftare Samsung

Видео TECH MODE Samsung CLX 3300 3305 3170 3175 3180 3185 4195 6220 6260 (автор: eReset)04:16

TECH MODE Samsung CLX 3300 3305 3170 3175 3180 3185 4195 6220 6260

Видео Samsung clx 3300 how to scan (автор: The Muscat Studio)04:19

Samsung clx 3300 how to scan

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей


Сообщения, относящиеся к тонеру



Рекомендуемые действия

Установите карт.



Картридж с
тонером не

Установите картридж.


с [цвет] тонером


карт. с тонером

картридж не
предназначен для

Замените соответствующий
картридж оригинальным
картриджем Samsung.


с [цвет] тонером

Картридж не

Замените соответствующий
картридж оригинальным
картриджем Samsung.

Подгот. тонер


новый картридж

В указанном
ый срок службы

Необходимо подготовить
новый картридж для замены.
Качество печати можно
временно улучшить путем
перераспределения тонера
(см. «Перераспределение
тонера» на стр. 89).



Рекомендуемые действия

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее, Сообщения, относящиеся к тонеру

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей

Компания Samsung не рекомендует использовать неоригинальные
картриджи Samsung, включая повторно заправленные или
восстановленные картриджи с тонером. Кроме того, компания
Samsung не гарантирует качественную печать при использовании
неоригинальных картриджей Samsung. В случае, если
использование не оригинального картриджа Samsung послужило
причиной поломки устройства, ремонт и обслуживание по
гарантии не предоставляются.

Замените тонер



срок службы
картриджа с
тонером почти


• Выберите Остановить

или Продолжить, как

показано на панели

управления. При выборе

Остановить печать


Дальнейшая печать

невозможна без замены

картриджа. При выборе

Продолжить печать не

будет остановлена, но ее

качество не

гарантируется. Кроме

того, это может привести к

повреждению устройства.

• Для обеспечения

наилучшего качества

печати замените

картридж на новый при

появлении этого

сообщения. Дальнейшее

использование картриджа

может привести к

ухудшению качества

печати (см. «Замена

картриджа» на стр. 91).

срок службы
картриджа с
тонером истек.


Устройство может

Замените картридж с
тонером (см. «Замена
картриджа» на стр. 91).



Рекомендуемые действия

a. Предположительный срок службы картриджа определяется средним количеством

отпечатков и соответствует стандарту ISO/IEC 19752 (см. «Доступные материалы»

на стр. 84). Количество страниц зависит от условий эксплуатации, площади

изображений, интервала печати, типа и размера материала для печати. Даже когда

появляется сообщение о необходимости заменить картридж, в нем может

оставаться некоторое количество тонера.

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее, Сообщения, относящиеся лотку, Сообщения, относящиеся к сети

Страница 123

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей


Сообщения, относящиеся лотку


Сообщения, относящиеся к сети







• Произошло замятие

бумаги при подаче.

• В лотке нет бумаги.

• Устраните замятие

бумаги (см. «В
лотке» на стр. 112).

• Загрузите бумагу в

лоток (см. «Загрузка
бумаги в лоток» на
стр. 47).





Ошибка подкл.

Конфликт IP

Установленный IP-адрес
используется другим
устройством в сети.

Проверьте IP-адрес и
сбросьте его, если
необходимо (см.
«Печать отчета о
конфигурации сети»
на стр. 167).


беспроводн. сети

Беспроводной модуль не

Выключите и включите
устройство, а затем
повторите попытку
печати. Если
проблема не
обратитесь в службу



Ошибка DHCP:


Произошла ошибка сети. Изменить автом. назн.




Ошибка DHCP:


Не удалось назначить IP-
адрес устройству. Это
происходит в тех
случаях, когда в
программе SyncThru™
Web Service для
параметра BOOTP/
DHCP установлено
«Автоназначение IP-

Измените способ
назначения IP-
адресов на DHCP/
«Статический». Если
оставить значение
этого параметра без
изменений, DHCP/
BOOTP -сервер будет
постоянно требовать
назначить IP-адрес.





Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее, Сообщения, относящиеся лотку, Сообщения, относящиеся к сети

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей


Прочие сообщения


Network Error


Проверьте протокол
идентификации. Если
устранить проблему
не удается,
обратитесь к





Настр. подбора


Принтер выполняет
регулировку совмещения

Подождите несколько

Идет калибровка

плотности изобр.

Устройство выполняет
регулировку плотности

Подождите несколько



Крышка закрыта

Закройте крышку до







Модуль сканирования
закрыт неплотно, либо
произошло замятие
бумаги в области

• Устраните замятие

(см. «Устранение
документа» на стр.

• Закройте крышку до


Открыта крышка

Крышка сканера закрыта

Закройте крышку до

Ошибка [номер


Указанный картридж с
тонером установлен
неправильно или
соединительный разъем.

картридж Samsung
два-три раза, чтобы
убедится в том, что он
установлен правильно
либо очистите
разъем. Если
проблема не
обратитесь в службу





Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее, Прочие сообщения

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей

Ошибка [номер

Выкл. и вкл.уст.


Выключите и
включите устройство,
а затем повторите
попытку печати. Если
проблема не
обратитесь в службу

Ошибка [номер

Обр.за поддерж.


Сканер заблокирован.

Выключите и
включите питания.
Если проблема не
обратитесь в службу

Уст. блок

ленты переноса

Не установлена
транспортная лента.

транспортную ленту

Несовм. лента


Лента переноса не
подходит для данного

оригинальный блок
предназначенный для
Вашего устройства.





Уст. контейнер

сбора тонера

Не установлен контейнер
сбора тонера.

контейнер Samsung.

Проверьте линию

Линия факса
подключена к разъему

Подключите линию
факса к разъему LINE,
а не к разъему EXT
(см. «Вид сзади» на
стр. 26).

Неподх. темп-ра

темп. Переместите

помещения, в котором
находится устройство, не
соответствует условиям

устройство в
помещение с

Вых. лоток зап.

Извлеките бумагу

Выходной лоток
заполнен. или датчик не
направлен вниз.

Как только из
выходного лотка
будет извлечена
бумага, устройство
возобновит печать.
Либо убедитесь в том,
что датчик направлен
вниз. Если проблему
устранить не удалось,
обратитесь в службу





Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей

Подг. новую

ленту переноса

Срок службы
транспортной ленты

транспортную ленту.
Обратитесь в службу

Подг. новую

ленту переноса

Закончился срок службы
транспортной ленты.

транспортную ленту.
Обратитесь в службу

Ошибка ленты

Передаточный ремень

Выключите и
включите устройство,
а затем повторите
попытку печати. Если
проблема не
обратитесь в службу

Подг. новую

ролик переноса

Срок службы
транспортной ленты

транспортную ленту.
Обратитесь в службу





Установите новый

ролик переноса

Закончился срок службы
транспортной ленты.

транспортную ленту.
Обратитесь в службу



Срок службы

Обратитесь в службу

Установите новый


Срок службы

контейнер для
сбора тонера

Срок службы контейнера
для сбора тонера
закончился. Печать
прекратится до
установки нового
контейнера для сбора

Замените контейнер
для сбора тонера на
новый контейнер





Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее

Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее


4. Устранение неисправностей

Подг. новую

Блок переноса

Срок службы блока
перенса изображеня

Замените блок
изображения новым.
Обратитесь в службу


новым блоком

Срок службы блока
переноса изображения



Не установлен блок
переноса изображения

Ошибка [номер

Откр/зак. крышку

Блок переноса
изображения установлен
правильно, или крышка
закрыта неплотно.

Переустновите блок
Закройте крышку до





Сведения о сообщениях на дисплее

5. Приложение

Данная глава содержит технические характеристики продукции и информацию об общепринятых нормах.

• Технические характеристики


• Нормативная информация


• Авторские права




5. Приложение

Технические характеристики


Общие характеристики

Технические характеристики могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления. Для получения последней информации посетите




Ширина x длина x высота

CLX-330x Series

CLX-330xW Series

406 x 362 x 288,6 мм (16 x 14,3 x 11,4 дюймов)

CLX-330xFN Series

CLX-330xFW Series

406 x 362 x 333,5 мм (16 x 14,3 x 13,1 дюймов)

Плотность бумаги

Устройство с расходными

CLX-330x Series

CLX-330xW Series

12,80 кг

CLX-330xFN Series

CLX-330xFW Series

13,96 кг

Технические характеристики, Общие характеристики

Технические характеристики

Страница 130

  • Текст

Технические характеристики


5. Приложение

Уровень шума


Режим готовности

Уровень фонового шума

Режим печати

Цветная печать

менее 46 дБА

Черно-белая печать

менее 48 дБА

Режим копирования

Cтекло экспонирования

менее 52 дБА


менее 53 дБА

Режим сканирования

Cтекло экспонирования

менее 51 дБА


менее 51 дБА



от 10 до 32°C

Хранение (в упаковке)

от 0 до 40 °C



от 20 до 80%

Хранение (в упаковке)

от 10 до 90%



Модели 110 В

110—127 В переменного тока

Модели 220 В

220—240 В переменного тока




background image














































































. «









. «
































































Samsung Easy Wireless Setup











Easy Wireless Setup


































Поддерживаемые операционные системы Windows Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Professional x64 Поддерживаемые операционные системы Mac Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks Поддерживаемые операционные системы Linux Debian 6.0, Debian 7.0, Debian 8.0, Fedora 15, Fedora 16, Fedora 17, Fedora 18, Fedora 21, Fedora 22, Linux Mint 13, Linux Mint 17, RedHat EL Linux 5.0, RedHat EL Linux 6.0, RedHat EL Linux 7.0, SuSE Linux 11, SuSE Linux 12.0, Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 15.10, openSUSE 11.4, openSUSE 12.1, openSUSE 12.2, openSUSE 13.1, openSUSE 13.2 Поддерживаемые серверные операционные системы Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 Другие поддерживаемые операционные системы HP-UX 11, IBM AIX 5.3, IBM AIX 6.1, IBM AIX 7.1, Solaris 9, Solaris 9 SPARC Минимальный процессор 933 MHz processer or higher Минимальный объём ОЗУ 128 MB Минимальный объём жесткого диска 1500 MB Поддерживаемые операционные системы Windows Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Professional x64 Поддерживаемые операционные системы Mac Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks Поддерживаемые операционные системы Linux Debian 6.0, Debian 7.0, Debian 8.0, Fedora 15, Fedora 16, Fedora 17, Fedora 18, Fedora 21, Fedora 22, Linux Mint 13, Linux Mint 17, RedHat EL Linux 5.0, RedHat EL Linux 6.0, RedHat EL Linux 7.0, SuSE Linux 11, SuSE Linux 12.0, Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 15.10, openSUSE 11.4, openSUSE 12.1, openSUSE 12.2, openSUSE 13.1, openSUSE 13.2 Поддерживаемые серверные операционные системы Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 Другие поддерживаемые операционные системы HP-UX 11, IBM AIX 5.3, IBM AIX 6.1, IBM AIX 7.1, Solaris 9, Solaris 9 SPARC Минимальный процессор 933 MHz processer or higher Минимальный объём ОЗУ 128 MB Минимальный объём жесткого диска 1500 MB

You are here: Home / error code / Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR model and fix error codes list

– Compatible Printer model: Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR
– Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR Error Codes with quick guides:

  • Code: 11-2T11, 11-2T21, 11-2T31
  • Description: Tray X paper mismatch
    MP tray paper mismatch
  • Causes: Paper in tray is not matched to the machine paper setting.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check and change the paper setting of the corresponding tray properly.
  • Code: 11-2T41, 11-2T61
  • Description: Tray X paper mismatch
    MP tray paper mismatch
  • Causes: Paper in tray is not matched to the machine paper setting.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check and change the paper setting of the corresponding tray properly.
  • Code: A1-1111, A1-1113
  • Description: Main Motor Failure: #A1-1111. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    Main Motor Failure: #A1-1113. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Regi/MP motor does not operate. / Regi/MP motor is operating but machine recognizes status as ‘Stopped’.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, check the following.
    2) Open the side cover. Check if there are any foreign substances or paper around Regi./MP unit.
    3) Remove the rear cover.
    4) Check the connection between the motor and main board.
    5) If the connection is OK, enter SVC mode. Execute the motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the motor is not operational, i) Check the motor signal(3.3V). If the signal is abnormal, replace the main board. ii) Check the power(24V). If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. iii) If the motor signal and power is normal, replace the Feed/MP motor. b) If the motor is operational, replace the main board.
  • Code: A1-1211, A1-1213
  • Description: Fuser Motor Failure: #A1-1211. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    Fuser Motor Failure: #A1-1213. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Fuser motor does not operate. / Fuser motor is operational but machine recognizes status as stopped.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, check the following.
    2) Open the side cover. Check if there are any foreign substances or paper around fuser unit.
    3) Remove the rear cover.
    4) Check the connection between the motor and main board.
    5) If the connection is OK, enter SVC mode. Execute the motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the motor is not operational, i) Check the motor signal(3.3V). If the signal is abnormal, replace the main board. ii) Check the power(24V). If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. iii) If the motor signal and power is normal, replace the Fuser/Exit motor. b) If the motor is operational, replace the main board.
  • Code: A1-2111, A1-2113
  • Description: OPC Motor Failure: #A1-2111. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    OPC Motor Failure: #A1-2113. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: OPC motor does not operate. / OPC motor is operational but machine recognizes status as stopped.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, check the following.
    2) Remove the drum unit. Check if there are any foreign substances in drum unit.
    3) Remove the rear cover.
    4) Check the connection between the OPC motor and main board.
    5) If the connection is OK, enter SVC mode. Execute the motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the motor is not operational, i) Check the motor signal(3.3V). If the signal is abnormal, replace the main board. ii) Check the power(24V). If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. iii) If the motor signal and power is normal, replace the OPC motor. b) If the motor is operational, replace the main board.
  • Code: A1-5113, A1-5512
  • Description: Supply Motor Failure: #A1-5113. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    Supply Motor Failure: #A1-5512. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: The motor related to toner supply has a problem.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, check the following steps.
    2) Enter the SVC mode. Select the toner supply motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the motor is not operational, i) Check the power(24V). If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. ii) If the SMPS board is normal, replace the main board. iii) If the error persists after replacing the main board, replace the toner supply motor. b) If the motor is operational, i) Check the toner cartridge remains. If necessary, replace the toner cartridge. ii) If the toner cartridge remains is enough, replace the drum unit.
  • Code: A1-5513, A1-5610
  • Description: Supply Motor Failure: #A1-5513. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    Supply Motor Failure: #A1-5610. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: The motor related to toner supply has a problem.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, check the following steps.
    2) Enter the SVC mode. Select the toner supply motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the motor is not operational, i) Check the power(24V). If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. ii) If the SMPS board is normal, replace the main board. iii) If the error persists after replacing the main board, replace the toner supply motor. b) If the motor is operational, i) Check the toner cartridge remains. If necessary, replace the toner cartridge. ii) If the toner cartridge remains is enough, replace the drum unit.
  • Code: A2-1221, A2-1223
  • Description: SMPS Fan Failure: #A2-122x. Open the door, then close it. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Fan does not operate or fan signal is abnormal.
    • SMSP fan error : A2–1221 / A2–1223 • Duplex fan error : A2–1521 / A2–1523 • Deve fan error : A2–2611 / A2–2613
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the problem persists, check the followings.
    2) Check the connection of the corresponding fan and main board.
    3) If the connection is OK, enter SVC mode. Execute the fan test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the fan is not operational, i) Check the power(24V). • If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. • If the SMPS board is normal, replace the corresponding fan. • If the error persists after replacing the fan, replace the main board. b) If the fan is operational, i) Check the fan signal (3.3V) as connected or disconnected. • If the fan signal as disconnected is abnormal, replace the main board. • If the fan signal as connected is abnormal, replace the corresponding fan.
  • Code: A2-1521, A2-1523
  • Description: Duplex Fan Failure: #A2-152x. Open the door, then close it. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Fan does not operate or fan signal is abnormal.
    • SMSP fan error : A2–1221 / A2–1223 • Duplex fan error : A2–1521 / A2–1523 • Deve fan error : A2–2611 / A2–2613
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the problem persists, check the followings.
    2) Check the connection of the corresponding fan and main board.
    3) If the connection is OK, enter SVC mode. Execute the fan test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the fan is not operational, i) Check the power(24V). • If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. • If the SMPS board is normal, replace the corresponding fan. • If the error persists after replacing the fan, replace the main board. b) If the fan is operational, i) Check the fan signal (3.3V) as connected or disconnected. • If the fan signal as disconnected is abnormal, replace the main board. • If the fan signal as connected is abnormal, replace the corresponding fan.
  • Code: A2-2611, A2-2613
  • Description: Development Fan Failure: #A2-261x. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Fan does not operate or fan signal is abnormal.
    • SMSP fan error : A2–1221 / A2–1223 • Duplex fan error : A2–1521 / A2–1523 • Deve fan error : A2–2611 / A2–2613
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the problem persists, check the followings.
    2) Check the connection of the corresponding fan and main board.
    3) If the connection is OK, enter SVC mode. Execute the fan test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the fan is not operational, i) Check the power(24V). • If the power is abnormal, check the SMPS board. If the SMPS board is defective, replace it. • If the SMPS board is normal, replace the corresponding fan. • If the error persists after replacing the fan, replace the main board. b) If the fan is operational, i) Check the fan signal (3.3V) as connected or disconnected. • If the fan signal as disconnected is abnormal, replace the main board. • If the fan signal as connected is abnormal, replace the corresponding fan.
  • Code: A3-3111, A3-3112
  • Description: Temperature Sensor Failure: #A3-311x. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: The NC sensor in the fuser unit is defective. / The sensor signal is abnormal due to a defective harness.
    • A3–3111 : Center NC sensor is in short status. • A3–3112 : Center NC sensor is in open status. • A3–3113 : Side NC sensor is in short status. • A3–3114 : Side NC sensor is in open status.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the problem persists, check the followings.
    2) Enter SVC mode. Execute the fuser temperature test (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the temperature test is failed, replace the fuser unit. b) If the temperature test is normal, replace the main board.
  • Code: A3-3113, A3-3114
  • Description: Temperature Sensor Failure: #A3-311x. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: The NC sensor in the fuser unit is defective. / The sensor signal is abnormal due to a defective harness.
    • A3–3111 : Center NC sensor is in short status. • A3–3112 : Center NC sensor is in open status. • A3–3113 : Side NC sensor is in short status. • A3–3114 : Side NC sensor is in open status.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the problem persists, check the followings.
    2) Enter SVC mode. Execute the fuser temperature test (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) a) If the temperature test is failed, replace the fuser unit. b) If the temperature test is normal, replace the main board.

Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR error code and quick guides

Solve Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR Error codes

  • Code: A3-3210, A3-3211, A3-3212
  • Description: Temperature Sensor Failure: #A3-321x. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Inner temperature sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Check the connection between the inner temp sensor and main board. If the connection is OK, replace the inner temp sensor.
    3) If the sensor is normal, replace the main board.
  • Code: A3-3310, A3-3311, A3-3312
  • Description: Temperature Sensor Failure: #A3-331x. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Outer temperature/humidity sensor is defective.
    • A3–3310 / A3–3311 / A3–3312 : Temperature function is abnormal. • A3–3410 / A3–3411 / A3–3412 : Humidity function is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Check the connection between the outer temp sensor and main board. If the connection is OK, replace the outer temp sensor .
    3) If the sensor is normal, replace the main board.
  • Code: A3-3410, A3-3411, A3-3412
  • Description: Humidity Sensor Failure: #A3-3410. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Outer temperature/humidity sensor is defective.
    • A3–3310 / A3–3311 / A3–3312 : Temperature function is abnormal. • A3–3410 / A3–3411 / A3–3412 : Humidity function is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Check the connection between the outer temp sensor and main board. If the connection is OK, replace the outer temp sensor .
    3) If the sensor is normal, replace the main board.
  • Code: C1-1110, C1-111A
  • Description: Prepare new toner cartridge
    Shake toner cartridge and then install. Replace toner cartridge if the problem persists
  • Causes: Toner remained is 5 ~ 30% of its life.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Order new toner cartridge because toner cartridge with level of “Low” will be exhausted soon.
  • Code: C1-1140, C1-1150, C1-1160
  • Description: End of life, Replace with new toner cartridge
    Replace with new toner cartridge
  • Causes: The toner cartridge is at the end of its life.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover.
    2) Remove the toner cartridge.
    3) Install the new toner cartridge.
    4) Close the front cover.
  • Code: C1-1313, C1-1314
  • Description: Shake toner cartridge and then install. Call for service if the problem persists
    Did not supply enough toner. Remove seal tape of toner cartridge or shake it. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Toner supply is inefficient or abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off. Open the front cover
    2) Remove the toner cartridge.
    3) Check if the seal tape is removed. If not, replace it.
    4) Install the toner cartridge again.
    5) If the problem persists, check the follows. a) Check if the Toner Supply Drive Unit harness is connected correctly. b) If the Toner Supply Drive Unit operation is abnormal, replace it. c) Check the toner duct. If it is broken, replace it.
  • Code: C1-1411
  • Description: Toner cartridge is not installed. Install the cartridge
  • Causes: The toner cartridge is not installed. / The CRUM data is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover. Check if the toner cartridge is installed.
    2) Remove and reinstall the toner cartridge.
    3) If the problem persists, check if the toner cartridge modular jack is contaminated or deformed.
    4) Replace the toner cartridge with a new one.
  • Code: C1-1512
  • Description: Toner cartridge is not compatible. Check users guide.
  • Causes: Toner cartridge is not compatible.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover. Remove the toner cartridge and re-install it.
    2) Print the supply information report. Check the toner cartridge information.
    3) If the toner cartridge is not a Samsung genuine, replace it with a new one.
  • Code: C3-1110
  • Description: Prepare new imaging unit
  • Causes: The Imaging unit has almost reached the end of life.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) The life of drum unit will be expired soon. Prepare new drum unit.
  • Code: C3-1140, C3-1150, C3-1170
  • Description: End of life, Replace with new imaging unit
    Replace with new imaging unit.
  • Causes: The Imaging unit has reached the end of life.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover and remove the waste toner container.
    2) Remove the drum unit.
    3) If its life is at the end, replace the drum unit with new one.
  • Code: C3-1211
  • Description: Imaging Unit Failure:#C3-1211. Please turn off then on.
  • Causes: Imaging unit is not installed or machine can’t detect CRUM data. / Machine can’t detect toner level.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Open the front cover.
    3) Remove the waste toner container.
    4) Remove the imaging unit and reinstall it.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the Deve unit with new one.
  • Code: C3-1312
  • Description: Imaging Unit Failure: #C3-1312. Install imaging unit again
  • Causes: TC sensor value in Deve unit is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover.
    2) Remove the waste toner container.
    3) Check if the connector of the Deve unit is connected correctly.
    4) Check if the contact terminal is deformed.
    5) If the connector is OK, replace the Deve unit.
    6) If the waste toner is full, replace it.
  • Code: C3-1411
  • Description: Imaging unit is not installed. Install the unit.
  • Causes: The imaging unit is not installed. / The data of CRUM is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Open the front cover and remove the waste toner container.
    3) Remove the drum unit.
    4) Check if the contact terminal is contaminated. Clean the contamination.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the drum unit with new one.
  • Code: C3-1414
  • Description: Imaging Unit Failure: #C3-1414. Install imaging unit again
  • Causes: The machine can’t read the charger resistance value.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Open the front cover and remove the waste toner container.
    3) Remove the drum unit.
    4) Check if the contact terminal is contaminated. Clean the contamination.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the drum unit with new one.
  • Code: C3-1422
  • Description: Imaging uint requires chargers cleaning. Clean the unit
  • Causes: Charger cleaning is needed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Do the charger cleaning.
  • Code: C3-1512
  • Description: Imaging unit is not compatible. Check the user guide
  • Causes: Imaging unit is not compatible.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover and remove the waste toner container.
    2) Remove the drum unit.
    3) Check the imaging unit compatibility. If it is not the proper unit, replace the drum unit with new one.
  • Code: C5-3120
  • Description: Replace with new transfer roller
  • Causes: The life of the transfer roller has expired.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off.
    2) Replace the transfer roller.
    3) Turn the machine on.
  • Code: C6-1120
  • Description: Replace with new fuser unit
  • Causes: The life of the fuser unit has expired.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off.
    2) Replace the fuser unit.
    3) Turn the machine on.
  • Code: C6-1310
  • Description: Fuser unit is not installed. Install it.
  • Causes: The fuser unit is not installed or fuser unit connector is not connected properly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) If the problem persists, turn the machine off again.
    3) Open the side cover. Check if the fuser unit is installed. If not, install the fuser unit.
    4) If the fuser unit is installed, remove it.
    5) Check if the fuser draw connector is broken or defective.
    6) Install the fuser unit.
    7) If the problem persists, replace the fuser unit.
  • Code: C6-1412
  • Description: Fuser unit is not compatible. Check the user guide.
  • Causes: Fuser unit is not compatible.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check the fuser unit compatibility. If it is not proper, replace the fuser unit with new one.
  • Code: C7-1110, C7-1130
  • Description: Waste toner container is almost full. Order new one.
    Waste toner container is full. Replace it.
  • Causes: The life of the waste toner container expires soon or has expired.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover and remove the waste toner container.
    2) Replace the waste toner container with new one.
    3) Close the front cover.
  • Code: C7-1311
  • Description: Waste toner container is not installed. Install it.
  • Causes: The waste toner container is not installed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the front cover and check the waste toner container is installed correctly.
    2) Check the waste toner container sensor operates correctly.
    3) If the waste toner container sensor is defective, replace it.
    4) If the problem persists, replace the waste toner container with new one.
  • Code: C8-1130
  • Description: Replace with new developer unit
  • Causes: The life of the development unit has expired.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off.
    2) Open the front cover and remove the waste toner container.
    3) Replace the deve unit.
  • Code: H1-1311, H1-1312, H1-1313
  • Description: Paper jam in Tray 3.
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray3. (Pick up unit connection is defective. / Pickup rollers are defective. / Feed sensor is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the DCF Take Away-Cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) Remove tray3. Remove the jammed paper. Close the DCF Take Away-Cover and insert tray3.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers below. a) Remove the tray3 and tray4. b) Check if the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller(JC93-00540A).
    4) If pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers have no problem, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. Check if the feed sensor cable is connected correctly. b) Check if the sensor cable on DCF board is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed sensor(0604-001381). d) Install the DCF pick up unit1.
    5) If the problem persists after checking step 3~4, check the following : a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. Check if the sensor and actuator are assembled correctly. b) When pushing the pickup lever, check if the pick up rollers are down. c) Replace the DCF pick up unit1(JC93-00513A) or defective part.
    6) Check the DCF feed motor. a) Check if the DCF feed motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF feed drive unit(JC93-00447A).
    7) Check the DCF pick up motor. a) Check if the DCF pick up motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
  • Code: H1-1314, H1-1315
  • Description: Paper jam in Tray 3.
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray3. (Pick up unit connection is defective. / Pickup rollers are defective. / Feed sensor is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the DCF Take Away-Cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) Remove tray3. Remove the jammed paper. Close the DCF Take Away-Cover and insert tray3.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers below. a) Remove the tray3 and tray4. b) Check if the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller(JC93-00540A).
    4) If pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers have no problem, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. Check if the feed sensor cable is connected correctly. b) Check if the sensor cable on DCF board is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed sensor(0604-001381). d) Install the DCF pick up unit1.
    5) If the problem persists after checking step 3~4, check the following : a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. Check if the sensor and actuator are assembled correctly. b) When pushing the pickup lever, check if the pick up rollers are down. c) Replace the DCF pick up unit1(JC93-00513A) or defective part.
    6) Check the DCF feed motor. a) Check if the DCF feed motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF feed drive unit(JC93-00447A).
    7) Check the DCF pick up motor. a) Check if the DCF pick up motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
  • Code: H1-1317, H1-1318
  • Description: Paper jam in Tray 3.
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray3. (Pick up unit connection is defective. / Pickup rollers are defective. / Feed sensor is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the DCF Take Away-Cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) Remove tray3. Remove the jammed paper. Close the DCF Take Away-Cover and insert tray3.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers below. a) Remove the tray3 and tray4. b) Check if the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller(JC93-00540A).
    4) If pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers have no problem, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. Check if the feed sensor cable is connected correctly. b) Check if the sensor cable on DCF board is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed sensor(0604-001381). d) Install the DCF pick up unit1.
    5) If the problem persists after checking step 3~4, check the following : a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. Check if the sensor and actuator are assembled correctly. b) When pushing the pickup lever, check if the pick up rollers are down. c) Replace the DCF pick up unit1(JC93-00513A) or defective part.
    6) Check the DCF feed motor. a) Check if the DCF feed motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF feed drive unit(JC93-00447A).
    7) Check the DCF pick up motor. a) Check if the DCF pick up motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
  • Code: H1-1322
  • Description: Tray 3 cassette is pulled out. Insert it properly.
  • Causes: Tray 3 is pulled out or the auto size sensor connector is not connected or broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and insert tray3 correctly.
    2) If the problem persists, remove tray3 and tray4. Look inside machine.
    3) Check if the auto size sensor cable is connected correctly. Unplug and reconnect it.
    4) If the connection is OK, replace the auto size sensor(JC93-00018A).
    5) If the problem persists, replace the DCF board(JC92-02453A).
  • Code: H1-1351, H1-1352, H1-1354
  • Description: Paper is low in Tray 3. Load paper.
    Paper is empty in Tray 3. Load paper.
  • Causes: Paper in the tray is less than 10% of specification. / The photo sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray3. Load the paper in tray3.
    2) If paper is loaded but error message has not disappeared, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. b) Check if the photo sensor in the DCF pick up unit1 is contaminated. If so, clean it. c) If the photo sensor(0604-001393) is defective, replace it. d) If the actuator(JC66-03199A) is defective, replace it.
  • Code: H1-1353
  • Description: Input System Failure #H1-1353 : Pull Tray 3 out and insert it.
  • Causes: The paper is not fed from tray3.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and insert tray3 correctly.
    2) Turn the machine off then on.
    3) If the problem persists, turn the machine off.
    4) Remove the Bracket Rear Cover after removing 5 screws.
    5) Check if the connection between the DCF pick up drive and DCF board is correct.
    6) If the connection is OK, replace the pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
    7) If the problem persists, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit1. b) Check if the photo sensor in the DCF pick up unit1 is contaminated, clean it. c) If the photo sensor(0604-001393) is defective, replace it.
  • Code: H1-1411, H1-1412
  • Description: Paper jam in Tray 4.
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray4. (Pick up unit connection is defective. / Pickup rollers are defective. / Feed sensor is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the DCF Take Away-Cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) Remove tray4. Remove the jammed paper. Close the DCF Take Away-Cover and insert tray4.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers below. a) Remove tray3 and tray4. b) Check if the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller(JC93-00540A).
    4) If pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers have no problem, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit2. Check if the feed sensor cable is connected correctly. b) Check if the sensor cable on DCF board is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed sensor(0604-001381). d) Install the DCF pick up unit2.
    5) If the problem persists after checking step 3~4, check the following : a) Remove the DCF pick up unit2. Check if the sensor and actuator are assembled correctly. b) When pushing the pickup lever, check if the pick up rollers are down. c) Replace the DCF pick up unit2(JC93-00513A) or defective part.
    6) Check the DCF feed motor. a) Check if the DCF feed motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF feed drive unit(JC93-00447A).
    7) Check the DCF pick up motor. a) Check if the DCF pick up motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
  • Code: H1-1417, H1-1418
  • Description: Paper jam in Tray 4.
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray4. (Pick up unit connection is defective. / Pickup rollers are defective. / Feed sensor is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the DCF Take Away-Cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) Remove tray4. Remove the jammed paper. Close the DCF Take Away-Cover and insert tray4.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers below. a) Remove tray3 and tray4. b) Check if the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller(JC93-00540A).
    4) If pick up/ reverse/ forward rollers have no problem, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit2. Check if the feed sensor cable is connected correctly. b) Check if the sensor cable on DCF board is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed sensor(0604-001381). d) Install the DCF pick up unit2.
    5) If the problem persists after checking step 3~4, check the following : a) Remove the DCF pick up unit2. Check if the sensor and actuator are assembled correctly. b) When pushing the pickup lever, check if the pick up rollers are down. c) Replace the DCF pick up unit2(JC93-00513A) or defective part.
    6) Check the DCF feed motor. a) Check if the DCF feed motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF feed drive unit(JC93-00447A).
    7) Check the DCF pick up motor. a) Check if the DCF pick up motor cable is connected correctly. b) If the connection is OK, replace the DCF pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
  • Code: H1-1422
  • Description: Tray 4 cassette is pulled out. Insert it properly.
  • Causes: Tray 4 is pulled out or the auto size sensor connector is not connected or is broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and insert tray4 correctly.
    2) If the problem persists, remove tray3 and tray4. Look inside machine.
    3) Check if the auto size sensor cable is connected correctly. Unplug and reconnect it.
    4) If the connection is OK, replace the auto size sensor(JC93-00018A).
    5) If the problem persists, replace the DCF board(JC92-02453A).
  • Code: H1-1451, H1-1452, H1-1454
  • Description: Paper is low in Tray 4. Load paper.
    Paper is empty in Tray 4. Load paper.
  • Causes: Paper in tray4 is less than 10%. / The photo sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray4. Load the paper in tray4.
    2) If paper is loaded but error message has not disappeared, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit2. b) Check if the photo sensor in the DCF pick up unit2 is contaminated. If so, clean it. c) If the photo sensor(0604-001393) is defective, replace it. d) If the actuator(JC66-03199A) is defective, replace it.
  • Code: H1-1453
  • Description: Input System Failure #H1-1453 : Pull Tray 4 out and insert it.
  • Causes: The paper is not fed from tray4.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and insert tray4 correctly.
    2) Turn the machine off then on.
    3) If the problem persists, turn the machine off.
    4) Remove the Bracket Rear Cover after removing 5 screws.
    5) Check if the connection between the DCF pick up drive and DCF board is correct.
    6) If the connection is OK, replace the pick up drive unit(JC93-00442A).
    7) If the problem persists, check the following. a) Remove the DCF pick up unit2. b) Check if the photo sensor in the DCF pick up unit2 is contaminated. If so, clean it. c) If the photo sensor(0604-001393) is defective, replace it.
  • Code: H1-5323
  • Description: Tray door is open. Close the door
  • Causes: DCF Takeaway-Cover is open. / I/L-Switch harness or connector is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open and close the DCF Take away-Cover correctly.
    2) If the problem persists, check the following. a) Check if I/L-Switch(HARNESS-DCF COVER OPEN)(JC39–01696A) is not operating normally. If it is defective, replace it. b) If the I/L Switch is OK, replace the DCF board(JC92–02453A).
  • Code: H1-5330
  • Description: DCF Failure #H1-5330. Check internal DCF connection.
  • Causes: A communication error between the optional tray and the main machine has occurred.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Lift up and release the DCF unit from the machine.
    2) Remove the Bracket Rear Cover after removing 5 screws.
    3) Check if the interface connector is connected to the DCF board. If the interface connector(JC39–01690A) is defective, replace it.
    4) If the problem persists, replace the DCF board.
  • Code: M1-1111, M1-1113
  • Description: Paper jam in tray 1. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray1.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover and check if a foreign substance or paper is jammed inside the machine.
    2) Remove tray1 and remove the jammed paper.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers of the pick up unit1. a) Remove tray1 and tray2. b) Check if the pick up/ separation/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ separation/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller.
    4) If the problem persists, check the pick-up unit1. a) Check if the pre-feed sensor is connected correctly. If the sensor is defective, replace it. b) If there is any defective part in pick-up unit 1, replace it or pick up unit 1.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the pickup drive unit 1.
  • Code: M1-1211, M2-1213
  • Description: Paper jam in tray 2. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in tray2.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover and check if a foreign substance or paper is jammed inside the machine.
    2) Remove tray2 and remove the jammed paper.
    3) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the rollers of the pick up unit2. a) Remove tray1 and tray2. b) Check if the pick up/ separation/ forward rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the pick up/ separation/ forward rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller.
    4) If the problem persists, check the pick-up unit2. a) Check if the pre-feed sensor is connected correctly. If the sensor is defective, replace it. b) If there is any defective part in pick-up unit 2, replace it or pick up unit 2.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the pickup drive unit 2.
  • Code: M1-1610, M1-1613
  • Description: Paper jam in MP tray. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in MP tray.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper from the MP tray.
    2) If this jam error occurs frequently, check the followings. a) Check if the MP tray paper stopper is moved out of position. If yes, carefully push the MP tray paper stopper back into the detent as shown below. b) Check if MP pick up/ forward/ separation rollers are assembled correctly. c) If the MP pick up/ forward/ separation rollers are worn out or contaminated, replace the defective roller.
    3) If the problem persists, check if the MP solenoid operates correctly. a) Enter SVC mode. Execute MP solenoid test. b) If the MP solenoid operation is abnormal, check the harness connection of MP unit. c) If the harness has no defects, replace the MP solenoid.
    4) If the problem persists, check the Feed/MPdrive unit. a) Enter SVC mode. Execute Feed/MP motor test. b) Remove the rear cover. c) Check if the motor harness is connected correctly. d) If the problem occurs, replace the Feed/MP Drive Unit.
  • Code: M1-3122
  • Description: Tray 1 cassette is pulled out. Insert it properly.
  • Causes: Tray 1 is pulled out or the auto size sensor connector is not connected or broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and insert Tray1 correctly.
    2) If Tray1 is not locked or pulled out without holding the locking lever, remove Tray1.
    3) Check if foreign substance or paper is inside the space between Tray1,2. If so, please remove it.
    4) If the problem persists, check that the auto size sensor is connected properly.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
  • Code: M1-3222
  • Description: Tray 2 cassette is pulled out. Insert it properly.
  • Causes: Tray 2 is pulled out or the auto size sensor connector is not connected or broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and insert Tray2 correctly.
    2) If Tray2 is not locked or pulled out without holding the locking lever, remove Tray2.
    3) Check if foreign substance or paper is inside the space between Tray1,2. If so, please remove it.
    4) If the problem persists, check that the auto size sensor is connected properly.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
  • Code: M1-4111
  • Description: Input System Failure #M1–4111 : Pull Tray 1 out and insert it.
  • Causes: The paper is not fed from tray1.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray1 and re-install it.
    2) If the problem persists, turn the machine off then on.
    3) Enter SVC mode. Execute pickup motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines)
    4) If the pick up motor operation is abnormal, turn the machine off.
    5) Remove the rear cover.
    6) Check if the connection between pickup drive unit1 and main board is secure.
    7) If the connection is OK, replace the pickup drive unit.
    8) If the problem persists, check the pickup unit1. a) Check if the photo sensor in the pickup unit1 is defective. b) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
  • Code: M1-4211
  • Description: Input System Failure #M1-4211 : Pull Tray 2 out and insert it.
  • Causes: The paper is not fed from tray2.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray2 and re-install it.
    2) If the problem persists, turn the machine off then on.
    3) Enter SVC mode. Execute pickup motor test. (Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines)
    4) If the pick up motor operation is abnormal, turn the machine off.
    5) Remove the rear cover.
    6) Check if the connection between pickup drive unit2 and main board is secure.
    7) If the connection is OK, replace the pickup drive unit.
    8) If the problem persists, check the pickup unit2. a) Check if the photo sensor in the pickup unit2 is defective. b) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
  • Code: M1-5111, M1-5112
  • Description: Paper is low in Tray 1. Load paper. Paper is empty in Tray 1. Load paper.
  • Causes: Paper in the tray1 is less than 10%. / The photo sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray 1. Load paper in the tray. And insert tray 1.
    2) If paper is loaded but error message has not disappeared, check the following: a) Turn the machine off. Open the Side Cover. b) Remove Pick-Up Unit1. c) If the photo sensor is contaminated, clean it. d) If the photo sensor is defective, replace it. e) If the actuator is defective, replace it.
  • Code: M1-5113, M1-5120
  • Description: Paper is low in Tray 1. Load paper. Paper is empty in Tray 1. Load paper.
  • Causes: Paper in the tray1 is less than 10%. / The photo sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray 1. Load paper in the tray. And insert tray 1.
    2) If paper is loaded but error message has not disappeared, check the following: a) Turn the machine off. Open the Side Cover. b) Remove Pick-Up Unit1. c) If the photo sensor is contaminated, clean it. d) If the photo sensor is defective, replace it. e) If the actuator is defective, replace it.
  • Code: M1-5211, M1-5212, M1-5213
  • Description: Paper is low in Tray 2. Load paper.
    Paper is empty in Tray 2. Load paper.
  • Causes: Paper in the tray is less than 10% of specification. / The photo sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove tray 2. Load paper in the tray, and insert the tray 2.
    2) If paper is loaded but error message has not disappeared, check the following : a) Turn the machine off. Open the Side Cover. b) Remove Pick-Up Unit2. c) If the photo sensor is contaminated, clean it. d) If the photo sensor is defective, replace it. e) If the actuator is defective, replace it.
  • Code: M1-5612, M1-5613
  • Description: Paper is empty in MP Tray. Load paper.
  • Causes: Paper in the MP tray is less than 10%. / The photo sensor is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Load the paper in the MP tray.
    2) If paper is loaded but error message has not disappeared, check the following : a) If the photo sensor is contaminated, clean it. b) If the photo sensor is defective, replace it. c) If the actuator is defective, replace it.
  • Code: M2-1114, M2-1117
  • Description: Paper jam inside of machine. Please remove the paper
    Paper jam at the bottom of duplex path. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred inside the machine.
    • M2–1114 : The paper has not left from the feed sensor within the specified time. • M2-1117 : The paper passed duplex path has not reached the feed sensor within the specified time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) If jammed paper occurs continually, check the following. a) Enter SVC mode. Execute the feed 1 sensor test. b) Check connection between the feed 1 sensor and main board. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed 1 sensor. d) If the feed 1 sensor is normal, check the feed motor. e) Execute feed motor test. f) Check if the feed motor cable is connected correctly. g) If the connection is OK, replace the feed/MP drive unit.
  • Code: M2-1121, M2-1124, M2-1125
  • Description: Paper jam in tray 1. Please remove the paper
    Paper jam in tray 2. Please remove the paper
    Paper jam inside of machine. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred inside the machine.
    • M2–1121 : The paper is detected by feed 1 sensor. • M2–1124 : The leading edge of the paper has not reached the feed 1 sensor within the specified time. • M2-1125 : The paper has not left from the feed 1 sensor within the specified time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) If jammed paper occurs continually, check the following. a) Enter SVC mode. Execute the feed 1 sensor test. b) Check connection between the feed 1 sensor and main board. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed 1 sensor. d) If the feed 1 sensor is normal, check the feed motor. e) Execute feed motor test. f) Check if the feed motor cable is connected correctly. g) If the connection is OK, replace the feed/MP drive unit.
  • Code: M2-1131, M2-1134, M2-1135
  • Description: Paper jam in tray 2. Please remove the paper
    Paper jam in tray 1. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred inside the machine.
    • M2–1131 : The paper is detected by feed 2 sensor. • M2–1134 : The leading edge of the paper has not reached the feed 2 sensor within the specified time. • M2-1135 : The paper has not left from the feed 2 sensor within the specified time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) If jammed paper occurs continually, check the following. a) Enter SVC mode. Execute the feed 2 sensor test. b) Check connection between the feed 2 sensor and main board. c) If the connection is OK, replace the feed 2 sensor. d) If the feed 2 sensor is normal, check the feed motor. e) Execute feed motor test. f) Check if the feed motor cable is connected correctly. g) If the connection is OK, replace the feed/MP drive unit.
  • Code: M2-1211
  • Description: Paper jam inside of machine. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred inside the machine.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) If jammed paper occurs continually, check the following. a) Enter SVC mode. Execute the regi sensor test. b) Check connection between the regi sensor and main board. c) If the connection is OK, replace the regi sensor. d) If the regi sensor is normal, check the regi motor. e) Execute regi motor test. f) Check if the regi motor cable is connected correctly. g) If the connection is OK, replace the regi drive unit.
  • Code: M2-1331, M2-1332, M2-1334
  • Description: Paper jam inside of machine. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred inside the machine.
    • M2-1331 : Paper is detected by the fuser out JAM sensor. • M2-1332 : Paper has not reached the fuser out JAM sensor within the specified time. • M2-1333 : Paper escaped from feed sensor has reached to the fuser out JAM sensor faster than the specified time. • M2–1334 : The paper has not left from the fuser out JAM sensor within the specified time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove jammed paper.
    2) If the problem persists, check the following: a) Enter SVC mode. Execute the fuser out sensor test. b) Check connection between the fuser out sensor and main board. c) If the connection is OK, replace the fuser out sensor. d) If the fuser out sensor is normal, check the fuser/exit motor. e) Execute fuser/exit motor test. f) Check if the fuser/exit motor cable is connected correctly. g) If the connection is OK, replace the fuser/exit drive unit.
  • Code: M2-2111, M2-2112, M2-2114
  • Description: Paper jam at the top of duplex path. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred in duplex path.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove jammed paper.
    2) If the problem persists, check the following: a) Enter SVC mode. Execute the fuser out sensor test. b) Check connection between the fuser out sensor and main board. c) If the connection is OK, replace the fuser out sensor. d) If the fuser out sensor is normal, check the fuser/exit motor. e) Execute fuser/exit motor test. f) Check if the fuser/exit motor cable is connected correctly. g) If the connection is OK, replace the fuser/exit drive unit.
  • Code: M3-1111, M3-1411
  • Description: Paper jam in exit area. Please remove the paper Paper jam inside of machine. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred around the fuser unit.(Job separator connection is defective. / Actuator-Exit is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) If the problem persists, check the following: a) Remove the exit unit. b) Check if the return sensor is connected correctly. If the connection is OK, replace the sensor. c) Check if the return sensor actuator is broken or deformed. If necessary, reassemble or replace it. d) Check if the exit gate solenoid connected correctly. If the connection is OK, replace the solenoid. e) If the problem persists, replace the fuser unit.
  • Code: M3-1412, M3-1414
  • Description: Paper jam in exit area. Please remove the paper Paper jam inside of machine. Please remove the paper
  • Causes: Paper jam has occurred around the fuser unit.(Job separator connection is defective. / Actuator-Exit is defective.)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the side cover. Remove the jammed paper.
    2) If the problem persists, check the following: a) Remove the exit unit. b) Check if the return sensor is connected correctly. If the connection is OK, replace the sensor. c) Check if the return sensor actuator is broken or deformed. If necessary, reassemble or replace it. d) Check if the exit gate solenoid connected correctly. If the connection is OK, replace the solenoid. e) If the problem persists, replace the fuser unit.
  • Code: M3-2230, M2-2430
  • Description: Output tray is full. Remove printed media.
  • Causes: There is too much paper in output bin tray or inner tray.
    • M3-2230 : There is too much paper in output bin tray. • M3-2430 : There is too much paper in inner tray.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the paper from output bin tray or inner tray.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the following. a) Check if the bin-full sensor and actuator is assembled correctly. b) Check if the bin-full sensor is defective.
  • Code: S1-1114
  • Description: Video System Failure #S1-1114 : Turn off then on.
  • Causes: The system has some problems due to CPU overheating.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off.
    2) Wait until the machine is cool, and then turn the machine on.
    3) If the problem persists, turn the machine off again.
    4) Remove the rear cover.
    5) Replace the main board. NOTE Insert the MSOK to the new main board.
    6) Assemble the rear cover. Turn the machine on.
  • Code: S1-2511
  • Description: MSOK System Failure: #S1-2511.Call for service
  • Causes: MSOK is not installed properly. / MSOK module is broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the rear cover.
    2) Check if the MSOK is inserted correctly. Remove and reinstall it.
    3) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
  • Code: S1-5221
  • Description: Wireless network card is not installed. Install the card
  • Causes: Wireless network card is not installed correctly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the WLAN card is installed correctly. If necessary, re-install or replace it with new one.
  • Code: S2-1211, S2-2311, S2-3110
  • Description: Engine System Failure: #S2-1211. Turn off then on
    Engine System Failure: #S2-2311. Turn off then on
    Engine System Failure: #S2-3110. Turn off then on
  • Causes: The main board is defective.
    • Power chip error • EEPROM detection error • Communication error
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) If the problem persists, turn the machine off again.
    3) Replace the main board.
    4) Turn the machine on.
  • Code: S2-331D, S2-331E
  • Description: Wait delay time for lower fixing temperature…
    The temperature of this machine is too low. Please wait for a while to warm up
    Supplying and mixing toner to developer unit. Please wait…
    Calibrating image density. Please wait…
  • Causes: These error show the engine status.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Wait until error will be disappeared.
  • Code: S2-3321, S2-3421
  • Description: Wait delay time for lower fixing temperature…
    The temperature of this machine is too low. Please wait for a while to warm up
    Supplying and mixing toner to developer unit. Please wait…
    Calibrating image density. Please wait…
  • Causes: These error show the engine status.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Wait until error will be disappeared.
  • Code: S2-4210
  • Description: Front door is open. Close it.
  • Causes: Front cover or Side cover is opened.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Close the front cover correctly.
    2) Check if the cover open sensor connector is connected properly. Reconnect it.
    3) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
  • Code: S2-4410
  • Description: Right door is open. Close it.
  • Causes: Front cover or Side cover is opened.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Close the side cover correctly.
    2) Check if the cover open sensor connector is connected properly. Reconnect it.
    3) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
  • Code: S3-3121
  • Description: Scanner is locked. Please try to release scanner lock
  • Causes: Scanner module does not move.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn off the machine then on. Check if the scanner module works normally.
    2) If the initial operation does not occurred normally, turn the machine off.
    3) Remove the scan glass.
    4) Check if the home position sensor cable is connected correctly.
    5) Remove the scan rear cover. Check if all cables on scan joint board are connected correctly.
    6) If the connection is OK, replace the scan joint board.
  • Code: S3-3211
  • Description: Scan System Failure #S3-3211: Turn off then on.
  • Causes: ADF is not connected or communication error occurs with CIP6 board.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the problem persists, check the following:
    2) Turn the machine off again.
    3) Remove the scan rear cover. Check if the connector on scan joint board is connected correctly.
    4) Remove the ADF rear cover. Check if the connector on ADF board is connected correctly.
    5) If the connection is OK, replace the ADF board.
  • Code: S4-3130
  • Description: There has been a problem with fax modem card. Install again. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: 1st Fax card is not installed properly. / Fax card is defective.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove and reinstall the 1st fax card.
    2) If the 1st fax card is defective, replace it.
  • Code: S5-3111
  • Description: UI System Failure: #S5-3111. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Communication error between main board and OPE board has occurred.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the rear cover.
    2) Check if the OPE cable is connected to the main board correctly.
    3) Replace the OPE hub board.
    4) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
  • Code: S6-3113, S6-3122
  • Description: Network Failure: #S6-3113. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    Network cable is disconnected. Check it.
  • Causes: Network cable is disconnected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the green LED of the network port is on.
    2) If not, unplug and reconnect the network cable.
    3) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
  • Code: S6-3123
  • Description: This IP address conflicts with that of other system. Check it
  • Causes: IP address conflicts with that of other system.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Change the machine’s IP address.
    2) Check the setting-up for 802.1x confirmation server.
  • Code: S6-3128
  • Description: 802.1x authentication failed. Please contact the system administrator
  • Causes: The authentication of wired network is failed because protocol or user authentication ID and password are invalid.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check user authentication ID and password
  • Code: S6-3231
  • Description: Can not find a wireless network. Please check the wireless environment
  • Causes: The machine can not find the SSID(Service Set Identifier).
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check the setting-up for wireless network.
  • Code: S6-3232
  • Description: Wireless security settings are incorrect. Please change the settings
  • Causes: Wireless security settings like a WEP/WPA/WPA2 are incorrect.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine and AP off then on.
    2) Change the wireless network settings.
  • Code: S6-3233
  • Description: Not connected from the wireless AP. If you do not reconnect automatically, check the wireless settings
  • Causes: Wireless BSSID value is 0 or wireless module is disconnected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine and AP off then on.
    2) Change the wireless network settings.
  • Code: S6-3234
  • Description: Failed connection to WPS. Try again or set up other wireless connection
  • Causes: WPS connection to AP is failed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Retry the connection with WPS button.
  • Code: S6-3235, S6-3236
  • Description: Wi-Fi Direct is not ready. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
    Failed to connect to Wi-Fi Direct. Turn off your mobile device and turn it on
  • Causes: Wi-Fi Direct library is initialized.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
    2) Change the wireless network settings. Retry it.
  • Code: S7-1110
  • Description: Engine System Failure: #S7-1110. Turn off then on
  • Causes: 24V power is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check the 24V pin on SMPS board. If it is abnormal, replace the SMPS board.
    2) Check the related cable.
    3) If the SMPS is normal, replace the main board.
  • Code: S7-1210
  • Description: Engine System Failure: #S7-1210. Turn off then on
  • Causes: 5V power is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check the 5V pin on SMPS board. If it is abnormal, replace the SMPS board.
    2) Check the related cable.
    3) If the SMPS is normal, replace the main board.
  • Code: S7-2110
  • Description: Fuser Failure: #S7-2110. Turn off then on
  • Causes: Heater control relay is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off. Re-install the fuser unit, then turn the machine on.
    2) If the problem persists, replace the fuser unit.
  • Code: U1-2115
  • Description: Fuser Unit Failure: #U1-2115. Turn off then on.
  • Causes: The pressure control unit(Cam unit)of the fuser is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then open the side cover.
    2) Remove and re-install the fuser unit, then turn the machine on.
    3) If the problem persists, check the following : a) When the side-cover closes, check if the operation sound of the pressure control unit occurs. b) Check if the parts of the pressure control unit are abnormal. – Check if the shape of the CAM-REAR is broken. – Check if there are abnormal parts of the pressure control unit. c) Check if the fuser-motor is abnormal via SVC mode.
    4) If the problem persists, replace the Fuser unit.
    5) If the problem persists, replace the pressure control unit or cam-motor or main board.
  • Code: U1-2xxx
  • Description: Fuser Unit Failure: #U1-2xxx Turn off then on
  • Causes: The thermistor can’t measure temperature. The hear-roller will not heat-up. / Temperature of the fuser increases abnormally.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the fuser unit. After opening the jam cover, check if jammed or wrapped paper is in the fuser unit.
    2) Re-install the fuser unit, then turn the machine on.
    3) If the problem persists, check the following : a) Check if the Halogen lamp is broken or disconnected. b) Check if the AC connection of the Halogen lamp is disconnected or contaminated. c) Check if the thermostat is disconnected. d) Check if the non-contact type thermistor is broken.
    4) If the problem persists, replace the Fuser unit
    5) If the problem persists, replace the Main board or FDB board, SMPS
  • Code: U2-1111, U2-1112, U2-1114
  • Description: LSU Failure: #U2-111x.Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: LSU motor does not operate or it operates abnormally. Motor ready signal is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. Check for the LSU motor operation sound during warm-up.
    2) Print a demo page to check that the machine operates normally.
    3) If the problem persists, check the following : a) If the LSU motor makes a sound, i) Enter SVC mode to check the LSU motor ready signal. ( Diagnostics > Engine Diagnostics > Engine Test Routines) ii) Select gLSU Motor1 Run Readyh. iii) Press eStartf button. Check that the status has changed to eExecuting - Low - Highf. iv) If the status has not changed, the motor ready signal is abnormal. Replace the LSU. b) If the LSU motor does not makes a sound, i) Turn the machine off and open the side cover. Unplug and reconnect the LSU cable. Check that the LSU motor make a sound after turning the machine on. ii) Turn the machine off and remove the rear cover. Unplug and reconnect the LSU cable on main board. Check that the LSU motor make a sound after turning the machine on. iii) If the LSU cable is defective, replace it. Check that the LSU motor make a sound after turning the machine on. iv) If the problem persists, replace the LSU.
  • Code: U2-1113
  • Description: LSU Failure: #U2-1113.Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: Hsync signal of the LSU is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. Check for the LSU motor operation sound during warm-up.
    2) Print a demo page to check that the machine operates normally.
    3) If the problem persists, check the following : a) Turn the machine off and open the side cover. Unplug and reconnect the LSU cable. Print a demo page to check that the machine operates normally. b) Turn the machine off and open the side cover. Unplug and reconnect the LSU cable on main board. Print a demo page to check that the machine operates normally. c) If the LSU cable is defective, replace it. Check that the LSU motor makes a sound after turning the machine on. d) If the problem persists, replace the LSU.
  • Code: U2-6210
  • Description: LSU Failure: #U1-6210. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
  • Causes: The machine can not detect LSU. LSU is not installed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off and open the side cover. Unplug and reconnect the LSU cable. Print a demo page to check that the machine operates normally.
    2) Turn the machine off and open the side cover. Unplug and reconnect the LSU cable on main board. Print a demo page to check that the machine operates normally.
    3) If the LSU cable is defective, replace it. Check that the LSU motor makes a sound after turning the machine on.
    4) If the problem persists, replace the LSU.
  • Code: U3-3211, U3-3213, U3-3214
  • Description: Original paper jam inside of scanner
  • Causes: Jam has occurred inside the RADF unit.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the RADF cover. If there is jammed paper, remove it.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the RADF regi. sensor and regi actuator. If their operation is abnormal, replace the defective part.
    3) If the regi sensor is OK, check the scan sensor and scan actuator. If their operation is abnormal, replace the defective part.
    4) Check if the regi. clutch operates normally. Check if the clutch cable is connected correctly. If the clutch is defective, replace it.
  • Code: U3-3311, U3-3313, U3-3314
  • Description: Original paper jam inside of scanner
  • Causes: Jam has occurred inside the RADF unit.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the RADF cover. If there is jammed paper, remove it.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the RADF regi. sensor and regi actuator. If their operation is abnormal, replace the defective part.
    3) If the regi sensor is OK, check the scan sensor and scan actuator. If their operation is abnormal, replace the defective part.
    4) Check if the regi. clutch operates normally. Check if the clutch cable is connected correctly. If the clutch is defective, replace it.
  • Code: U3-3413, U3-3414
  • Description: Original paper jam inside of scanner.
  • Causes: Jam has occurred inside the RADF unit.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the RADF cover. If there is jammed paper, remove it.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the following: a) Check if the Regi. actuator operates normally. b) Check if the Regi. sensor cable is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the Regi. sensor.
  • Code: U3-3513, U3-3514
  • Description: Original paper jam inside of scanner.
  • Causes: Jam has occurred inside the RADF unit.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the RADF cover. If there is jammed paper, remove it.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the following: a) Check if the scan actuator operates normally. b) Check if the scan sensor cable is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the scan sensor.
  • Code: U3-3611, U3-3613
  • Description: Original paper jam in the exit area of scanner
  • Causes: Jam has occurred inside the RADF unit.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the RADF cover. If there is jammed paper, remove it.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the following: a) Check if the exit actuator operates normally. b) Check if the exit sensor cable is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the exit sensor.
  • Code: U3-3614, U3-3713
  • Description: Original paper jam in the exit area of scanner
  • Causes: Jam has occurred inside the RADF unit.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Open the RADF cover. If there is jammed paper, remove it.
    2) If this error occurs continually, check the following: a) Check if the exit actuator operates normally. b) Check if the exit sensor cable is connected correctly. c) If the connection is OK, replace the exit sensor.
  • Code: U3-4210
  • Description: Top door of scanner is open.
  • Causes: RADF cover is open.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Close the RADF cover properly.
    2) If this error occurs continually, Check the following: a) Check the RADF cover open sensor and its harness. If there is a defective part, replace it. b) If both of them are normal, check the Cover-Open Rib. If it is broken, replace the Cover-Open.

– Get more information about Epson XP 15000 troubleshooting, click here

– Get more error code list with quick guide to fix printer product, click here

– About get help with reseting Epson inkpad or others, click here

Samsung printer reset software introduction:

Notes before resetting Samsung printer:

– Identify accurate version, serial and crum of Samsung printer.
– How to get Samsung printer model info: Click Here
– Before you continue with the reprogramming of the firmware, please make sure that the device is installed on your computer.
It is very important that under no circumstances should you remove the chip from the cartridge while reprogramming the firmware. After you have succesfully reprogrammed the printer, remove the chip from the cartridge and store it somewhere safely (the chip – a key). In all cartridges which you are going to use in the printer, the chip has to be either removed or sealed. If you have accidently inserted a new cartridge without removing the chip, the device will be blocked. In order to unblock it, you can use the stored chip as a key which help you to unblock the printer.
– And make sure that any other devices (except mouse and keyboard), which are connected to your computer via USB or LPT ports are disconnected. It’s preferable that the computer is connected to the “UPS” (uninterruptible power source) device, because if during the reprogramming process the electricity source has any interruptions, then the reprogramming will be carried out with an error, which makes the device unable to work.
– This firmware will be installed directly to your printer. Before opening firmare link make sure that printer is turned on and connected to your computer and printer drivers are installed correctly.
Be aware that with the reprogramming of the firmware the manufacturer’s warranty goes lost!!

How To Run Firmware Fix Samsung printer

1. Connect the printer to the computer and turn it on.
2. Wait until the printer is ready for work.
3. Drag and drop *.hd to usbprns2.exe file.

Run Firmware Fix Samsung SL-M2880FW

4. The reprogramming process starts automatically.
5. Wait until the printer reprograms (10-20 minute) and restarts.
6. After that the reprogramming process is finished, restart the printer.

Contact us to get support with Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR Error case

Telegram: https://t.me/hyperaktiv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dngnm/
Or click here to get more ways.

Доброго времени суток!!!
Принесли в ремонт данный агрегат с такими симптомами: висит на заставке и все.

1.Решил первым делом обновить прошивку скачал с оф. сайта K3250_ONEROM_V3.00.11.00_FEB-05-2018 и закатал с помощью usbprns2.(зажимаем кнопку пробуждение и вкл. агрегат)… Результата ноль.но прошивка обновилась

2.Стоит такой же аппарат с другой проблемой.. подкинули форматтер все весело завелось.. решил слить дамп с 24c64 , 25q32 и nand TH58NVG2S3HTA00.
пользовался RT809H. 25q32 оказалась пустой. Запаял все на место и живая плата перешла в такой же режим весит на логотипе и все. думал может не пропай,все проверил под микроскопом все гуд. Батарейку при манипуляциях с платой снимал.

3.На кнопки реакция есть. При нажатии на 1 и вкл. на экране некое подобие обновление для дисплея. при нажати 2 и вкл. проверка кнопок (тест проходит все работают).
На просторах инета находил что при зажатых 123 и вкл. можно попасть в TECHMODE , но у меня он попадает на обновление дисплея как при нажатии 1.

4. По USB аппарат работает и печатает. по LAN тоже печатает и даже есть какой-то веб-интерфейс.. но поменять что-то там нет возможности (он как я понял для пользователя). Есть вход для администратора но не одни логин и пароль не подходит
admin-admin;admin-sec0000; admin-sec00000;admin-1111; пробовал даже последние 8 символов МАК-адреса , тоже нет… звонил в поддержку они сказали что по умолчанию стоит admin-sec00000.. но нет , звонил хозяевам они дали логин и пароль который ставят на все сетевые аппараты, но со словами что мы ничего не меняли дали… они тоже не подошли.
Вообщем я пришел к тому что эту заразу нужно сбросить до заводских настроек… но везде тупик..или я туплю у меня идеи кончились..
Прошу помощи как эту заразу сбросить до заводских настроек.

Да и вопрос еще в том почему ушла вторая рабочая плат если с нее сняли нанд и еепром считали и запаяли обратно..?
Пытался найти логин и пароль в дампе TH58NVG2S3HTA00 и в файле прошивки, но там походу они криптованы, в открытом виде их нет ((

да вот лог с терминала для меня вроде как все хорошо (я не силен в этом.):

4. Alignment and Troubleshooting

► Error Code


► Error message

Error: #S1-2411 Turn off then on

► Symptom

SD card has some problem.

► Troubleshooting method

1) Check if the SD card is installed properly. Remove and reinstall it.

2) If the problem persists, replace the SD card with new one.

► Error Code


► Error message

Error: #S1-4210 Turn off then on

► Symptom

Communication error between the main board and fax board has occurred.

► Troubleshooting method

1) Check if the connection between the main board and fax board.

2) If the problem persists, replace the fax board.

3) If the problem persists, replace the main board.

► Error Code


► Error message

Error: #S2-331x Turn off then on

► Symptom

This error shows the engine status.

► Troubleshooting method

1) S2–3310 : Warm-up status

2) S2–3311 : Ready status

3) S2–3312 : Printing status

4) S2–3313 : Power Save status

5) S2–3314 : Error status

6) S2–3315 : Recovery status

7) S2–3316 : Wait status

8) S2–3317 : EDC mode status

9) S2–3318 : Low power status

When these errors display, wait until the message will be disappeared or turn the machine off then on.


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Почему принтер Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR не печатает и горит красная лампочка, а документы висят в очереди?. Это нам и предстоит выяснить и найти решение.

Первым делом надо проверить что ваш компьютер обнаружил принтер, посмотреть это можно в диспетчере устройств или же в панели управления в разделе «Устройства и Принтеры». Если вы совсем недавно нормально печатали, а сейчас, нет, то причина, скорее всего, в другом.


Из-за чего принтер Samsung MultiXpress K3300NR не печатает, мигает красный диод, хотя краска есть?

  1. В основном проблема в том что Windows ставит документы в очередь на печать и ничего не происходит. Часто такое бывает когда не было долгой переустановки операционной системы или она скажем «замусорена» или же это обычный глюк программного обеспечения, который решается обычной перезагрузкой.
  2. Заклинило бумагу или её нет, очень легко понять визуально.
  3. Актуально для струйного принтера — если вы перевозили или переносили принтер, проверьте переведена ли система подачи чернил из транспортного положения.
  4. Если закончилась краска, то может вылезти бледный или пустой лист, но при этом процесс печати будет происходить.

Как решить проблему

  1. Реальная панацея — это установить данный патч для Windows 7 / 8 / 10, в том числе и для серверных.
  2. Путь наибольшего сопротивления — переустановка операционной системы, но стоит ли возиться несколько часов? Это вариант на самый крайний случай.

Другие проблемы оргтехники

Большинство проблем можно решить установкой патча под Windows.

Принтер печатает не все цвета

Сначала посмотрите сколько осталось краски, если это уже сделано то:

  • Возможно, закончилась краска определённых цветов.
  • Один из минусов струйного принтера в том что краска могла пересохнуть если на нём не печатали около двух недель.
  • Передавлен чернильный шлейф определённого цвета, это легко понять, разобрав принтер.
  • Возможно, в систему подачи чернил попал воздух.

Не печатает офисные документы и картинки

Это ещё одна распространённая проблема, происходящая в основном с:

  • 1С бухгалтерией
  • Word / Excel / PowerPoint
  • djvu / .pdf файлами
  • Jpg, Png картинками

Не печатает, выдает чистые листы

  1. Проверьте что находится в очереди на печать.
  2. Удалите всё из очереди печати и отправьте снова.
  3. Обновите драйвера.

Не печатает сетевой принтер

Узнайте IP адрес сетевого принтера через свойства чтобы проверить его доступность, далее нажмите Win+R и введите cmd, это действие вызовет консоль, напишите в ней ping «здесь IP вашего принтера» без кавычек. Если он пингуется, значит всё в порядке. Если нет — проверьте целостность Ethernet кабеля, идущего к принтеру от компьютера / маршрутизатора или принт-сервера, попробуйте заменить его.

Если это не помогает, вероятно причина описана выше. В данном случае лучше всего будет обратиться к системному администратору.

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