Ошибка sc681 07 ricoh

6. Troubleshooting

SC No.



01 — 04 Invalid device ID

06 — 09 Channel error

11 — 14 Device Error

16 — 19 Communication

error (interrupted)

21 — 24 Communication




Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution


Toner bottle: ID Chip Communication error

When error notification was received during communication with the tag

and operation is not resumed after N*1 retries.

*1 See the detailed table below.

• Corrupted ID data

• Disconnected ID chip

• No ID chip

• Noise

Turn the main power off, and then do the following.

1. Clean ID chip connections inside the toner bottle, and check if any of

the ID Chip Contact Board connector pins have snapped. If there are

any snapped pin, follow step 5.

2. Reconnect the connectors between Imaging IOB and ID Chip

Contact Board.

3. Reconnect the FFC between Imaging IOB and BCU.

4. Replace the ID Chip Contact Board.

5. Reconnect the harness between Imaging IOB and ID Chip Contact


6. Replace the FFC between Imaging IOB and BCU.

7. Replace the Imaging IOB.

8. Replace the BCU.


Noise, Incorrect connection, Malfunction

Noise, Incorrect connection, Malfunction

Noise, Incorrect connection

Noise, Incorrect connection

Noise, Incorrect connection, Malfunction








  1. 11-21-2019


    MPC6003 This code was intermittent for a while, but some how we got through it but re setting the bottle, not this time,we dis assembled the back and took off the toner motors, and the ID chips were all covered in toner as well as the chips on the bottles, the cleaning of these ID rf chips was the solution. Its not that the chips are bad, in many cases you may think the toner bottle chips are bad when its actually the ID rf chip in the back, so if your ever in the back go ahead and save yourself some anguish and clean these while your in there.
    that is my FYI post of the day

Здесь приведены наболее часто встречающиеся сервисные ошибки и коды ошибок Ricoh. Если вы не нашли свою ошибку, то напишите запрос в мессенджер в правом нижнем углу, или любым видом связи, указанном в разделе Контакты.

Типы сервисных предупреждений

Тип Описание Необходимые действия оператора
A Во избежание возможного повреждения, необходимо отключить устройство до прибытия сервисного специалиста Вызвать сервисного специалиста
B Устройство не фукционирует. Выполнить полное выключение и включение. Если ошибка не сбросилась, вызвать сервисного специалиста.
C Устройство фукционирует частично. Выполнить полное выключение и включение. Если ошибка не сбросилась, вызвать сервисного специалиста.
D Устройство полностью фукционирует. Ошибка записалась в историю. Не требуется

Предупреждения пользователю

Код Описание Устранение
E0 Замятие бумаги • Удалить замятие
E1 Отсуствие или замятие бумаги • Удалить замятие

• Добавить бумагу
E3 Неплотно закрыта крышка • Проверить состояние крышек устройства
E5 Неподходящая бумага для печати и факса • Заменить бумагу или установить размер
E6 Отсутствует картридж • Установить картридж
E7 Окончание тонера / фотобарабана • Заменить картридж
E8 Ожидается кончание тонера / фотобарабана • Приготовить новый картридж
E9 Операционная ошибка • Изменить параметры задания
P1 Рассогласование размера бумаги • Установить одинаковый размер бумаги в драйвере и в лотке
P2 Рассогласование типа бумаги • Установить одинаковый тип бумаги в драйвере и в лотке
HE Перегрев устройства • Выключить устройство для охлаждения

Коды ошибок

  Код   Тип Описание Возможные причины


SC 101
SC 102
B Ошибка лампы экспонирования • Загрязнение линз или зеркала сканера, нарушение юстировки

• Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность лампы или стабилизатора напряжения

SC 120
SC 121
SC 122
SC 123
B Ошибки начальной позиции сканера • Загрязнение датчика

• Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность датчика, мотора или платы управления

SC 141 B Ошибка калибровки уровня чёрного • Неисправность платы сканера

SC 142 B Ошибка калибровки уровня чёрного и белого • Загрязнение белого полотна

• Нарушение положения или ширины белого полотна

• Неисправность лампы или платы сканера

SC 143 B Ошибка калибровки уровня белого • Загрязнение белого полотна, линз или зеркал

• Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Нарушение положения или ширины белого полотна, линз или зеркал

• Неисправность контроллера или платы сканера

SC 144 B Ошибка связи сканера и контроллера • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность контроллера или платы сканера

SC 145 B Ошибка автоматической настройки сканера • Загрязнение белого полотна

• Нарушение положения или ширины белого полотна

• Неисправность лампы, контроллера или платы сканера

SC 161 B Ошибка автоматической настройки сканера • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность контроллера

SC 165 B Ошибка защиты несакционированного копирования • Нарушение соединения

• Повреждение программного обеспечения

SC 193 B Ошибка блока формирования изображения • Неисправность контроллера или центрального процессора

SC 195 B Ошибка серийного номера • Серийный номер устройства не найден

SC 198 B Ошибка памяти • Рассогласованы ПО контроллера и центрального процессора

• Неисправность контроллера или центрального процессора


SC 202
SC 203
SC 204
B Ошибка мотора полигонального зеркала • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность мотора

SC 220
SC 221
B Ошибка синхронизации луча • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность мотора, блока лазера, платы управления


SC 300 B Ошибка напряжения блока коротрона • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность платы управления

SC 302 B Утечка напряжения с вала заряда фотобарабана • Нарушение контакта вала заряда

• Неисправность валя заряда или высоковольтного блока

SC 320 B Ошибка мотора полигонального зеркала • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность мотора или контроллера

SC 321 B Отсутствие сигнала включения лазера • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа диода

• Неисправность лазерного диода или контроллера

SC 322 B Ошибка синхронизации лазера • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа диода

• Нарушение положения блока лазера

• Неисправность лазерного диода или контроллера

SC 332 D Ошибка подачи тонера • Забитие тонера

• Шнек не прокручивается

• Датчик тонера неисправен

• Неисправность подающей муфты

SC 345 D Ошибка питания блока проявки • Неисправность блока питания

• Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

SC 350 B Ошибка датчика плотности изображения • Загрязнее ID-сенсора

• Нарушение контакта или повреждение шлейфа датчика

• Неисправность ID-сенсора

• Неисправность платы управления датчиком

SC 360 B Ошибка датчика плотности тонера • Нарушение контакта или повреждение шлейфа датчика

• Неисправность TD-сенсора

• Не инициализирован девелопер

SC 361 B Ошибка датчика плотности тонера • Нарушение контакта или повреждение шлейфа датчика

• Неисправность TD-сенсора

• Неисправность блока проявки

SC 362 B Ошибка датчика плотности тонера • Нарушение контакта или повреждение шлейфа датчика

• Неисправность ТD-сенсора

• Неисправность платы управления датчиком

• Недостаточно девелопера или тонера

SC 370
SC 371
D Ошибка калибровки датчика плотности тонера • Нарушение контакта или повреждение шлейфа датчика

• Неисправность ТD-сенсора

• Неисправность платы управления датчиком

• Недостаточно девелопера или тонера

SC 390 B Ошибка датчика плотности тонера • Нарушение контакта с блоком фотобарабана

• Неисправность датчика плотности тонера

SC 391 B Утечка напряжения смещения проявки • Нарушение контакта с блоком фотобарабана

• Неисправность высоковольтного блока

SC 392 B Ошибка инициализации девелопера • Нарушение контакта с блоком фотобарабана

• Недостаток девлопера или напряжения на вале заряда

• Неисправность датчика плотности изображения

SC 396 D Ошибка мотора привода фотобарабана • Неисправность мотора

• Нарушение соединения коннектора

• Неисправность шлейфа

• Сбой платы управления


SC 400 B Ошибка настройки датчика плотности • Истёк срок службы блока переноса или драм-юнита

• Загрязнение датчика плотности

• Неисправность датчика плотности

SC 401 B Утечка напряжения с вала переноса заряда (положительная) • Нарушение контакта с блоком фотобарабана

• Нарушение контакта вала заряда

• Неисправность валя переноса или высоковольтного блока

SC 402 B Утечка напряжения с вала переноса заряда (отрицательная) • Нарушение контакта с блоком фотобарабана

• Нарушение контакта или установки вала переноса

• Неисправность вала переноса или высоковольтного блока

SC 440 B Ошибка тока положительного электрода переноса изображения • Неисправен ролик переноса изображения

• Ошибка соединения

• Блок переноса изображения не установлен правильно

SC 441 B Ошибка тока положительного электрода переноса изображения • Неисправен ролик переноса изображения

• Ошибка соединения

• Блок переноса изображения не установлен правильно

SC 460 B Ошибка блока питания блока отделения • Нарушение контакта

• Утечка высокого напряжения

• Ошибка соединения

• Неисправен блок питания высокого напряжения

SC 490 B Ошибка двигателя подачи тонера • Блокировка мотора

• Ошибка соединения

• Неисправный мотор


SC 500 C Ошибка главного мотора • Перегрузка мотора

• Неисправность главного мотора

• Ошибка соединения

SC 501
SC 502
SC 503
SC 504
C Ошибка лотка подачи бумаги • Перегрузка лотка бумагой

• Нарушение работы датчика наличия бумаги

• Неисправность мотора или соленоида лотка

• Ошибка соединения

SC 508 C Ошибка лотка прямой подачи • Нарушение работы датчика наличия бумаги

• Неисправность мотора лотка

• Ошибка соединения или неисправность шлейфа

SC 520
SC 521
SC 522
С Ошибка двигателя привода • Неисправность двигателя

• Нарушение контакта

• Ошибка соединения

• Неисправность платы управления

SC 530
SC 531
SC 533
SC 534
SC 535
D Блокировка кулера • Неисправность двигателя

• Нарушение контакта

• Ошибка соединения

• Неисправность платы управления

SC 540 D Ошибка открытия термистора блока термозакрепления • Нарушение контакта или установки термистора

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

SC 541 A Ошибка открытия термистора блока термозакрепления • Нарушение контакта или установки термистора

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

SC 542 A Ошибка нагрева блока термозакрепления • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора, блока питания или лампы нагрева

SC 543 A Перегрев блока термозакрепления более 230С • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

SC 544 A Перегрев блока термозакрепления более 250С • Нарушение установки термистора

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

SC 545 A Перегрев лампы блока термозакрепления • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

SC 546 A Нестабильная температура блока термозакрепления • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

SC 547
SC 557
D Нестабильная частота электрического сигнала • Нестабильная внешняя сеть питания

• Неисправность блока питания или контроллера

SC 551
SC 552
SC 553
A Ошибка термистора блока термозакрепления • Нарушение контакта или установки термистора

• Неисправность термистора

SC 554 A Превышение температуры • Короткое замыкание симистора

• Неисправен контроллер двигателя

• Ошибка программного обеспечения

SC 556 C Нестабильная температура более 50°C за 1 секунду • Неисправность термистора

• Неисправность блока питания или контроллера

SC 559 A Замятие в блоке термозакрепления • Нарушение установки отделителей бумаги

• Неисправность отделителей или прижимных валов

SC 561 A Отключение центрального термистора • Неисправность термистора

• Ошибка соединения

SC 562 A Ошибка центрального термистора • Загрязнение термистора

• Неисправность термистора

• Ошибка соединения

SC 563 A Ошибка термистора • Неисправность термистора

• Неисправность блока питания или контроллера

SC 571 A Ошибка термистора прижимного вала • Нарушение контакта подключения

• Неисправность термистора или избыточный нагар

SC 587
SC 590
A Ошибка мотора кулера • Нарушение контакта или проводки мотора

• Неисправность мотора или перегрузка


SC 672 D Ошибка запуска контроллера • Плата контроллера установлена неправильно

• Разъем панели управления свободен, сломан или неисправен

• Контроллер неисправен


SC 760
SC 761
SC 762
B Ошибка автоподатчика • Нарушение подключения АПД

• Неисправность плату управления АПД, платы ввода-вывода или сканера


SC 819 D Ошибка операционной системы • Нарушение операционной системы

• Неисправность материнской платы

• Ошибка соединения

SC 820 D Ошибка самодиагностики контроллера • Неисправное программное обеспечение контроллера

• Контроллер неисправен

SC 868 D Ошибка SD-карты • Неисправна карта

• Неисправен контроллер

SC 870 C Ошибка адресной книги • Повреждение данных на жёстком диске

• Неисправный жёсткий диск

• Неисправное программное обеспечение контроллера

SC 899 C Программная ошибка • На печать отправлен повреждённый файл

• Нарушено программное обеспечение контроллера

• Неисправен контроллер


SC 901
SC 903
B Ошибка общего счетчика • Нарушение контакта или проводки счётчика

• Неисправность счётчика или контроллера

SC 928 B Ошибка памяти • Неисправность материнской платы

• Нарушение контакта

SC 954 B Ошибка ПО принтера • Повреждение программного обеспечения печати

SC 955 B Ошибка управления процессом переноса изображения • Повреждение программного обеспечения печати

SC 964 B Ошибка управления положением лазера • Повреждение программного обеспечения

SC 980 B Ошибка контроллера • Несоответствие установленного контроллера

SC 981 B Ошибка NVRAM • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность NVRAM или контроллера

SC 984 D Ошибка управления процессом переноса изображения • Нарушение соединения между процессором и контроллером

• Неисправность процессора или контроллера

Коды ошибок

Ошибка Код Тип Описание Возможные причины
C6 SC101 B Ошибка лампы экспонирования • Загрязнение линз или зеркала сканера, нарушение юстировки

• Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность лампы, привода или стабилизатора напряжения

C1 SC202C D Ошибка мотора полигонального зеркала 1 • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность мотора

C2 SC203C D Ошибка мотора полигонального зеркала 2 • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность мотора или блок лазера

C3 SC204C D Ошибка мотора полигонального зеркала 3 • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность мотора или блок лазера

C4 SC220 D Ошибка синхронизации луча • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность мотора, блока лазера, платы управления

C5 SC491 B Утечка напряжения смещения • Нарушение контакта

• Неисправность высоковольтного блока

C6 SC500 D Ошибка главного мотора • Перегрузка мотора

• Неисправность главного мотора или платы управления

C7 SC541 A Ошибка открытия термистора блока термозакрепления • Нарушение контакта или установки термистора

• Неисправность термистора, лампы или блока питания

C8 SC542 A Ошибка нагрева блока термозакрепления • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора, блока питания или лампы нагрева

C9 SC543 A Перегрев блока термозакрепления более 225С • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

c1 SC544 A Перегрев блока термозакрепления более 250С • Нарушение установки термистора

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

c2 SC545 A Перегрев лампы блока термозакрепления • Нарушение установки термистора или образование нагара

• Неисправность термистора или блока питания

r2 SC547
D Нестабильная частота электрического сигнала • Нестабильная внешняя сеть питания

• Неисправность блока питания или контроллера

SC557 C Нестабильная частота электрического сигнала • Нестабильная внешняя сеть питания

• Неисправность блока питания или контроллера

c3 SC559 A Замятие в блоке термозакрепления • Нарушение установки отделителей бумаги

• Неисправность отделителей или прижимных валов

C0 SC587 A Ошибка мотора кулера • Нарушение контакта или проводки мотора

• Неисправность мотора или перегрузка

Коды ошибок

Код Тип Описание Возможные причины

SC58000 B Ошибка питания • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность блока питания

B Ошибки интерфейса • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность платы управления

SC82300 B Ошибка сетевой карты • Нарушение контакта, проводки или повреждение шлейфа

• Неисправность сетевой карты или платы управления

SC84000 B Ошибка памяти • Нарушение соединения

• Неисправность платы управления

SC89900 B Ошибка программного обеспечения • Повреждение программного обеспечения печати

SC91505 A Внешняя ошибка • Повреждение внешнего котроллера

• Неисправность платы управления

Are you getting the error code ‘sc681-09’ on your Ricoh and Gestetner or Lanier copier? This article describes the solution for the error code sc681-09 on a Ricoh MPC3004, MPC3504, MPC4504, MPC6004, MPC3003, MPC4503, MPC5503, MPC6003 copier machine. The error code sc681 refers to the Toner cartridge problem, and sc681-09 stands for yellow toner cartridge problem.

Ricoh MPC4504, mpc3503 Error Code SC681-09 Solution

How to fix the error code sc681-09 on Ricoh MP C4504, mpc3503
How to fix the error code sc681-09 on Ricoh MP C4504, mpc3503

Are you getting the error code ‘sc681-09’ on your Ricoh and Gestetner or Lanier copier? This article describes the solution for the error code sc681-09 on a Ricoh MPC3004, MPC3504, MPC4504, MPC6004, MPC3003, MPC4503, MPC5503, MPC6003 copier machine. This will definitely help you to solve your problem. So, check it out one by one until it gets solved.

The maintenance sign means that the copier needs to be well serviced and checked if something is to be replaced. Consumables such as drum, blade, fuser rollers, and developer are changed at such times. If you are sure that you have replaced the correct part or nothing is to be replaced, then you can proceed to clear the sign.

Meaning of error code sc681-09

The error code sc681 refers to the Toner cartridge problem, and sc681-09 stands for yellow toner cartridge problem. there is some chance to occur this error, no matter if your toner is new. It comes due to problems in the chip of cartridge or due to unsuitable cartridge.


  1. Take out the toner cartridge and clean the contact points of the copier and contact points of the chip.
  2. Replace the contact points inside the copier.
  3. Check if the part number of Toner cartridge is suitable for the machine or not.
  4. Replace the yellow Toner cartridge.

Some related error codes

  • Sc681-11: Black toner cartridge problem
  • Sc681-12: Magenta
  • Sc681-13: Cyan

If these codes occur, follow the same method to clear it or replace the respective toner cartridges.

I hope this was helpful, don’t forget to share it via any of the share buttons on this page are highly welcomed as well.

Printers are prone to minor and major errors because of the complex design and engineering, regardless of the brand. Having a list of the most common Ricoh printer error codes will certainly aid you in resolving the issue you are faced with, whether you are a regular user or a technician.

We are focused on providing you with the most efficient error solutions. Every error code features a short description along with a common and trusted solution, as well as another, possibly less known method to resolve the problem at hand – where applicable. We have assigned a single specialist for every printer brand; for example, Denise has recently completed an overview of the most common Lexmark error codes following the described template. If you got here by mistake and need to find solutions to error codes for printers of a different brand, please check out our Printer Error Codes category that contains everything covered.

Below you can find descriptions and solutions of these errors in a clearly presented manner. We would suggest you use the Ctrl+F function of your browser to pinpoint the exact error code you are looking after. Good luck!

Ricoh Printer Error Code 91 Solution

The reason behind Ricoh printer error 91 is a corrupted data set sent to the printer as instructions for a print job.

To solve this problem it will be best to cancel the printing task that caused this error and turn off the printer. Unplug the power cable from the printer and let it stay like that for at least a minute. This will allow the printer to clear any internal issues the printer had for that specific task. After a minute, plug the power cable back into the printer and try printing the same task again.

Ricoh Printer Error Code J001 Solution

The reason behind the Ricoh J001 error is closely related to the poor maintenance of the printer.

To resolve this issue you will need to perform some basic maintenance on your Ricoh printer. If this is the first time you attempted some basic maintenance to your printer, it is important to turn your printer off and unplug the power cord. Open up all of the compartments and use a flashlight to take a closer look inside the printer. Clean out all debris such as torn paper, the buildup of dust or lint. Once done, close all of the panels back, plug the power cord back into the printer and turn it on. Perform a test print to see if the J001 error is resolved.

If the error still persists, it is possible that the paper rollers have become soiled. This usually happens because the ink tends to drop and dry upon them, causing the paper to travel poorly across the roller, causing the J001 error to appear. The rollers are best to be cleaned with a cotton cloth and some rubbing alcohol.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC121 Solution

Also manifests as SC121-00.

The reason behind the SC121 Ricoh code is an issue with the scanner unit on a multifunctional device. The position sensor is unable to turn on, preventing the scanner head to move as needed.

To solve this problem there are a couple of things to try. It is best to cover the software/firmware base first, as the printer might require a firmware update in order to operate as per design. Download the latest version of the firmware for your particular model of printer online and install it.

If the above solution does not solve the issue, it means that either the scanner motor or scanner sensor is defective. In order to fix this, you will need to have access to these components, which might prove to be a challenge. We would recommend you to contact a local repair company or Ricoh directly for support, especially if your printer is still under warranty.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC141 Solution

Also manifests as SC141-00.

The reason behind the SC141 error is the scanner’s inability to detect black levels during a scan.

To resolve this issue on your own, there is not much you can do other than resetting the device. Turn it off and unplug the power cable from the device, letting it stay like that for at least a minute. After this period has passed, plug the power cable back into it and try to perform the same task again to see if the issue has dispersed.

If the error is still present, you will most likely need professional assistance. The scanner’s CIS (Contact Imaging Sensor) might be defective, or the BICU (Base Image Control Unit) might be out of spec. In order to diagnose which of these two components has gone bad, you will need diagnostic tools and access to replacement parts.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC144 Solution

Also manifests as SC144-00.

The reason behind the SC144 error is improper communication between the scanner’s head and the logic board. This error often results in the replacement of major parts within the scanner.

In order to solve this problem, you can try resetting the printer by turning it off, unplugging both the data and power cables, and letting it sit like that for a minute. After this period you can plug the power and data cable back into the device and turn it on, performing a test scan to see if the error has dispersed.

If the issue still persists, you will need professional assistance in order to solve it. The fix usually involves replacing parts such as the contact imaging sensor or the base image control unit, which are difficult to trace and install on your own without any previous scanner repair experience.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC220 Solution

Also manifests as SC220-00.

The reason behind SC 220 error is an issue with laser synchronization, in a sense the start position is unable to be determined. The base image control unit might be malfunctioning, or the LDB harness might be broken.

In order to resolve this issue on your own, you can try to turn the printer off, unplugging the power cable as well. Open the service compartment and check for condensation inside the scanner compartment. Some condensation might also appear under the scanner glass. If condensation is present, you will need to have the LDB harness replaced.

If the issue still persists, the main laser unit and/or the base image control unit might need to be replaced.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC230 Solution

The reason behind the SC230 error is the lack of feedback signal to the base image control unit when the laser beams change focus from high to low. This is most likely caused by a poor connection between the LD unit and the base image control unit.

In order to solve the problem, you will need to gain access to the base image control unit and the logic board that controls it all. This includes disassembly of the scanner glass, as these components are located underneath. Check all visible connections for slack and make sure to reconnect them all firmly if possible. Reassemble everything back together and try to scan once again.

If the issue still persists, your printer will most likely require a detailed service, including the replacement of the LD unit and/or the base image control unit.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC300 Solution

The cause for the SC300 Ricoh error is either low voltage between the high voltage supply board (HVSB) and the motor/engine board (EGB), or incorrect signal detection that lasted more than 60 milliseconds.

In order to try and remedy the error on your own, you can turn the machine off and unplug the power and data cables. Let it stay like this for at least a minute to allow the device to reset its memory banks. Try using the device again to see if the error has dispersed.

If the error is still present, your device will most likely require professional service, as either the CGB power pack might be defective or the corona unit connectors will need replacement.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC302 Solution

Also manifests as SC302-00.

The reason behind the SC302 Ricoh error is overly high voltage is detected by the logic board at least ten times for over 200 milliseconds as the printer is executing a task.

In order to solve this problem on your own, you can try cycling the power to the device off and on. To do this properly, turn the printer off, then unplug the power and data cables from the printer. Wait for at least a minute before attempting to power the printer back on. For the sake of this process, make sure to use a direct wall electrical outlet when plugging the printer’s power cord back in. In some cases, it was noted that surge protectors can cause different types of errors in Ricoh devices. Power the printer back on and check if the error is resolved.

If the error has not been resolved, your printer will most likely require the replacement of vital components such as the HVPS and/or PCU so it is best to consult with a repair shop or Ricoh support directly for parts availability.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC315 Solution

The solution presented below also works for errors SC312, SC313, and SC314.

The reason behind the SC315 error is an issue with the drum contacts, causing the printer to become inoperable as it does not recognize the drum unit even being installed.

In order to try and solve this problem on your own, you can attempt to remove the drum unit from its seating, thoroughly clean the contacts and reseat it back into its place. The procedure to reach and remove the drum unit is different based on the exact Ricoh printer model you have so it is best to consult the service manual for the exact procedure. Once the drum unit is removed from its seating, use a cotton cloth and some rubbing alcohol to clean the contact points and any electrical connection points. Reinstall everything back together and attempt to use your device to see if the error message is gone.

If the error message is still present, you will most likely require professional assistance as there may be additional hardware issues in your case. Contact Ricoh support or an independent local repair shop for the next steps to take.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC322 Solution

The reason behind the SC322 error is an issue with the laser sync detection. This error commonly occurs when there is data being processed by the machine and there is a sudden break in the power supply.

To solve this issue you will most likely need to replace some hardware components, including the logic board, laser assembly, or the base image control unit. If you are not feeling comfortable with replacing or tracing these parts, we would advise you to consult Ricoh directly for replacement parts or consult with a local electronics repair shop.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC326 Solution

The reason behind the SC326 error is a laser synchronization error. This signal is sent by the laser box unit to the logic board, and in the of this error, it does not reach its destination.

To try and resolve this issue you will need to check some of the connections inside the printer. Turn your device off and unplug the power cable from the printer. Press the power button a couple of times just to get rid of residual electricity that might be kept in some of the electrical components. Then, open up the service compartments of your printer, remove the ink cartridges and observe all cable connections for play. Make sure these are all as tight as possible. Reassemble everything back together and perform a test print to see if the error was resolved.

If the error persists, your printer most likely needs to have some of the hardware components replaced. Due to the complexity of this job, it might be best to contact a service technician to do it. The laser is synchronized through a specific logic board which is not that expensive, but the process of installing it is quite delicate.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC350 Solution

The reason behind the Ricoh SC350 error is an ID sensor error, manifested by the detected voltage being something other than 2.5V twice in a row.

To solve this problem, a couple of hardware components will need to be replaced. Check your printer’s instruction manual to find more information about the location of ID sensors as these should be quite easy to trace and replace.

If the error is not resolved, the input-output IOB board is most likely defective, along with the high voltage supply board. These two components should be replaced by a qualified Ricoh service technician.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC363 Solution

Also manifests as SC363-00.

The reason behind the SC363 error is invalid voltage measurement on either black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sensors.

To resolve this issue, the entire set of TD sensors will most likely need to be replaced, as it is not possible to replace a single sensor. Additionally, the PCU (Photo Conductor Unit) will also need to be replaced with a new one.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC400 Solution

The reason behind the SC400 Ricoh error is a dirty or defective ID sensor or sensor shutter. The problem can rarely be caused by a loose ID sensor connector as well.

To resolve this problem, you will most likely just need to clean the ID sensors. To do this, turn your machine off and unplug its power cable. Open up the ink cartridge compartment and remove all of the ink cartridges. Depending on your Ricoh printer model, the ID sensors might be located at a different position, but in most cases, these are located just behind the printhead. Use a cotton swab and a bit of rubbing alcohol to clean all of the sensors. Assemble everything back together and perform a test print to see if the error has been resolved. This process should be repeated every once in a while, e.g. once a year to keep your machine in good shape.

If the issue persists, a service call will be required as additional diagnostics will most likely be necessary.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC401 Solution

The reason behind the SC401 error is a transfer roller issue, in a sense, it is kept open at all times. The input and/or output connector might be defective, which often pulls the power pack into the mix as well.

In order to solve this problem, you will need to replace the entire transfer power pack, along with the drum. It was reported by users that the drum tends to shorten out with the transfer unit if these are not swapped in pairs so it is important to replace both of these components.

If the issue persists, contact Ricoh support for consultation as there might be more hardware components that need to be replaced.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC441 Solution

Also manifests as SC441-00.

The reason behind the SC441 Ricoh error is an issue with the ITB (Image Transfer Belt) unit, usually caused by overload or a defect within the motor itself. Additionally, this error might have been caused by a torn belt which caused the motor to run at a higher pace than it was designed for as it had no resistance.

In order to solve this issue, the ITB unit (motor) will need to be replaced. The service manual contains detailed instructions on how to do this, but it is more important to prevent overload of the motor in the future. Check that the belt has no cracks to prevent breakage. While you work on the printer make sure that the surroundings are clean and there is no torn paper left, and that all rollers are rotating freely. If the ITB motor was indeed overloaded, there was a reason for this.

If the issue continues to trouble you even after the motor was replaced and you made sure that the overload does not occur once again, the PCDU and the image transfer unit will most likely need to be replaced as well.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC460 Solution

Also manifests as SC460-00.

The reason behind the SC460 error is an issue with the belt or the transfer unit is not set properly.

In order to solve this issue, there are a couple of things to check out. Before attempting anything else, if your printer recently had a belt replacement and this error just appeared, it might be a case of the wrong belt being used. Make sure to use the appropriate belt for your printer as there are a lot of types of belts being used across the entire range of Ricoh printers – some might work for a number of models, some might not.

The HVPS harness is another common cause of this error (power pack), which can easily be replaced, but it is also important that an appropriate one is used. While you are at it, check that there is no slack in all of the wiring connectors you can reach.

If the issue persists, perform a hard reset of the printer by turning it off and unplugging the power cable. Let it stay like that for at least a minute and then plug the power cord back into it, turning it back on.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC490 Solution

The reason behind the SC490 error is an issue with the printer’s exhaust fan. It is either locked in place or runs out of spec in terms of speed.

In order to resolve this problem, the exhaust fan will most likely need to be replaced. Turn your printer off and take a look at the rear side of the printer. If the printer is able to print or execute any task at all, try to perform it and observe the fan. In the case where the fan is not moving at all, its connector to the logic board might be loose. Open up the rear compartment and follow the fan’s cable to test its connector on the other end. Unplug it and plug it back in and try printing again. Make sure there are no obstructions in the exhaust fan’s blades while you are at it.

If the issue persists, you are down to purchasing a replacement exhaust fan and replacing it.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC491 Solution

Also manifests as SC491-00.

The reason behind the SC491 error is the printer’s inability to charge the drum properly. The signal is detected for at least 0.5 seconds when this part of the print job is being processed.

In order to solve this issue, you will need to disassemble the printer up to the drum unit and check the wiring harness for loose connectors or exposed wiring. In case of loose connectors, unplug them, clean them, and plug them back in. If the wiring shows exposed copper, the entire harness will need to be replaced.

If the above solution did not resolve the problem, your printer will most likely need to have the drum unit replaced, along with the paper transfer unit.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC540 Solution

Also manifests as SC540-00.

The reason behind the SC 540 error is an issue with the fuser and/or exit motor. A high level of voltage was detected going into the printer, rendering the error message.

In order to solve this problem, it will be necessary to replace the motor unit itself as the current one is obviously faulty. The printer might actually work intermittently and it is common for the SC540 error to occur every once in a while, but it is a certain sign that the motor is going bad. Two motors might need replacement, the fusing motor and the motor which pulls the paper out of the tray.

If the issue persists, there might be additional hardware faults with your printer that are best left to be diagnosed by a Ricoh service technician.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC541 Solution

The reason behind the SC541 error is an opened fusing thermistor. This electronic component posts the SC 541 error when the thermistor stays below 170 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 20 seconds.

The solution to this problem might be as simple as cleaning the foreign material such as paper dust that is built upon the fuser contacts. This halts the heating up process, resulting in poor operation of the printer. It is best to remedy this issue using a cotton swab with some rubbing alcohol drops, carefully cleaning the fuser contacts. Before attempting to test if the error has been cleared, it is necessary to power cycle the printer and reset the codes using the 5-810 procedure.

If the issue is not resolved, your printer might have a faulty power supply board which will need to be replaced.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC542 Solution

The reason behind the SC542 error is the printer’s inability to achieve the required temperature of the fuser during warm-up. The threshold for the error to be posted is 50 seconds, after which period the SC542 message will appear.

To resolve this issue on your own, you will need to consult the service manual for your Ricoh printer model and find the location of the fuser thermistor. This component can be taken out for cleaning, so try cleaning it and reseat it, making sure it goes in as far as it can.

If the issue still persists, the fuser thermistor will need to be replaced, and the service code 5-810 will need to be used to clear the code.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC543 Solution

The reason behind the SC543 error is typically related to the overheating of the fuser unit, reaching over 450°F for more than 5 seconds.

In order to solve this problem, you can try to reset the error as it can sometimes appear as a fluke. To do this on a Ricoh printer, you need to press and hold the up and down arrow keys for at least seconds. Press OK and scroll down to the Engine option and confirm. Press the left arrow until you reach 810 (the SC error reset command). Turn your printer off and on again to see if the error has been cleared.

If the error persists, you will need to replace hardware components. First, the power supply unit might be faulty. If the error does not clear, you will most likely need to replace the wiring harness with the fuser as well as the BICU.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC544 Solution

Also manifests as SC544-00.

The reason behind the Ricoh SC544 error is an issue with the fuser because it is running at an overly high operating temperature for too long.

In order to solve this problem, you will need to have the fuser replaced. This is not a complicated task to do on your own if you are tech-savvy, but it can be a drag tracking the correct replacement part. Consider contacting Ricoh support for assistance in tracing the correct part.

If the error still persists, it is recommended to perform the SP5810-002 reset procedure, which is used to reset the SC544 error message after the replacement fuser has been installed.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC545 Solution

The SC545 error is triggered when the heating lamp starts showing wear, being unable to rotate anymore, stalling in standby mode. The root cause of the SC545 Ricoh error is either that, or the thermistor is not set up properly.

In order to solve this issue, the printer will need its fusing unit and lamp replaced. If you intend to undertake this repair on your own, contact Ricoh support to provide you with information related to the serial number of the replacement parts. Once you get these components replaced, it is also necessary to go to the Engine Maintenance of the printer and reset the error as it will not be possible to operate the machine without doing this.

If the error message still shows, it is possible that the repair has not been done correctly, either by using incorrect parts or the installation was not successful. Contact Ricoh support or a local service shop to assist you further.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC548 Solution

The Ricoh SC548 error indicates a problem with the fusing unit, in a sense, it does not rotate as it should by design. There is a special sensor that monitors the rotation of the fusing unit, so the solution to this problem is twofold.

A simple solution for this problem would be to clean the sensor. In some Ricoh printers, there is a fan blowing nearby, and as it does so, dust can build up on the sensor itself, preventing it from monitoring the fusing unit’s function and therefore posting the SC548 error message. Clean the sensor and reset the error by using the SP5-810 procedure to perform a test print.

If the above solution did not work, your machine will most likely need to have the fusing unit encoder replaced, along with the two sensors on the rear side of the printer. Consult Ricoh’s support if your intention is to do this repair on your own as it is somewhat difficult to trace the correct replacement parts on your own.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC551 Solution

Also manifests as SC551-00.

The reason for the SC551 error to occur is an issue with the thermistor.

To solve this issue, it is possible that the thermistor has just become soiled over time and requires some cleaning to get it working properly again. Consult the service manual for your series of Ricoh printers to find the location of the thermistor and clean it using cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol. Restart the printer and perform usual tasks to see if the error has been cleared.

If the issue persists, it is most likely that the thermistor needs to be replaced. This is not a complex process, but tracing the correct parts may prove to be a bit difficult if you intend to repair it on your own. Consult Ricoh’s support to find the correct information. When you do get the thermistor out, also check the thermostats for continuity using a multimeter. The SC551 error can be triggered by thermostats shorting out as well.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC552 Solution

Also manifests as SC552-03.

The reason behind the SC 552 error is a malfunction of the heat roller thermistor. It may be out of position, blocked with dried-up ink or it became faulty over time.

To solve this problem, it is first necessary to check if the thermistor is in fact set correctly. It needs to be in direct contact with the roller. While you are at it, clean the thermistor thoroughly using a cotton swab dunked in rubbing alcohol. Perform some usual tasks with the machine to see if the error has been cleared.

If the above solution did not clear the Ricoh SC552 error, your machine will most likely require a replacement thermistor as well as a fuser replacement. This is best to be done by a service technician.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC553 Solution

The reason behind the SC553 error is overheating of the heating roller fusing lamp.

To resolve this issue, it is required for the thermistors and thermostats to be exchanged with new replacement parts, along with getting a new power supply unit.

If the error persists, your machine’s fusing unit is most likely toast and will need replacement.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC555 Solution

The reason behind the SC555 Ricoh error is a misdetection of thermistor temperature. This is usually caused by a dirty sensor that can easily be soiled by ink residue or paper dust, causing it to trigger the SC555 code.

The first possible solution for this issue is cleaning the fusing roller using a paper towel or a clean cotton cloth with a bit of rubbing alcohol on it.

If the issue continues to appear, it will be necessary to replace both rear and middle thermistor holders, which will make sure they are set in the correct position in relation to the roller itself. In order to trace these parts if you are attempting to solve the problem on your own, contact Ricoh’s support. Clean the roller as well to make sure there is appropriate contact between the thermistors and the roller surface.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC569 Solution

The SC569 error appears when the roller pressure contact sensor experiences failure.

In order to solve the issue, it is best to start by cycling the power to your machine before attempting anything else. Turn the power off and unplug the power cable from the printer. Let it sit like that for at least a minute and then plug the cable back in and power it back on. Check if the error has been dismissed by using the machine as usual.

If the above solution did not work, it is most likely a problem related to the motor assembly. The motor’s shaft tends to get stiff due to hardened bearing, rendering the motor dysfunctional. The motor assembly is relatively easy to replace, there should be just a couple of cooling fans on the rear in between the rear panel and the motor assembly itself. To make sure you get the correct replacement part, contact Ricoh’s support.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC590 Solution

The reason behind SC 590 error is an issue with the waste toner collector motor’s sensor, which detects the flow of waste ink into the reservoir. The sensor is most likely soiled or faulty, or the reservoir is full of waste ink.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to access the waste toner collector motor and clean its sensor which is located on the top of the guide tube.

If the error still persists, the waste toner collector motor will need to be replaced with a new part. While you are at it, pull all of the tubes and wiring you can as it will all benefit from a thorough cleaning and reconnecting.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC611 Solution

The reason behind the SC611 Ricoh error is an issue with the mechanical counter; it is either disconnected or defective.

To resolve this issue, the first order of business is to check the wiring harness inside the printer, noting if there are any exposed wiring or loose connections. If there is visible copper in any of the wires, the entire harness will need to be replaced. If the connections are loose, disconnect those and reseat them again properly.

If the error was not fixed, your machine will most likely require additional diagnosis, performed by a qualified printer service technician.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC670 Solution

The reason behind the SC670 Ricoh error is the engine startup delay, which is most likely caused by a damaged wiring harness or the BCU being disconnected.

To solve this problem, it is important to check the wiring harness accessible from the rear of the printer’s service panel. Carefully observe all of the wirings with a lamp, checking it out for exposed wires or loose connections. In a significant number of cases, the thermistor wiring harness was pinched behind the rear service panel, causing the SC670 error to appear. This usually happens on already serviced machines if the wiring was moved out of its factory position just slightly.

If the error persists, your printer will most likely require additional diagnostics which can be done by qualified printer and copier service technicians in your area.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC672 Solution

The cause of the SC 672 error is either a loose connection, a defective operating panel, or a defective logic board.

To solve this issue, start by holding down the pound and period keys for ten seconds at a minimum. This defaults to the error cleaning process and might just work for your case of the SC672 related problem.

If the problem continues to show open up the service compartment on the rear and inspect all of the connection points and wiring. Everything should be tight and there should be no exposed or kinked wires in the harness. If this checks out, consider contacting Ricoh for a replacement operating panel and logic board.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC681 Solution

The SC681 Ricoh error is caused by invalid communication between the printer’s logic board and the chip on the toner container.

To solve this issue you will need to replace the toner container altogether as its ID chip has gone out of spec. As a result, the logic board will not be able to recognize it is connected.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC819 Solution

The SC819 Ricoh error indicates a problem with your machine’s hard drive/s, but it can also relate to firmware or controller issues.

To resolve this problem, unplug one or all of the hard drives that are installed in your machines and start your printer. Even though your machine will have limited functionality without its hard drives, you will get a precise diagnostic if there is no SC819 error once it boots. If this is the case, purchase new hard drives for your machine and install them to regain the full feature set.

If the issue persists, pull the memory modules out and plug them back in (if possible in different slots). Before attempting to replace any other hardware components inside your machine, it is a good idea to update the firmware to see if that solves the issue. If not, consult with Ricoh’s support in order to determine what the next steps are.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC899 Solution

The Ricoh SC899 error usually occurs when there is a problem with the firmware of your machine.

To resolve this issue, you will need to flash the latest firmware onto your machine.

If the issue persists, your machine will most likely need to have its controller board replaced, however, this is very rarely actually required as the firmware update should resolve the problem.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC901 Solution

The reason behind the SC 995 Ricoh error is an issue with the mechanical total counter.

To resolve this problem, try reconnecting the mechanical total counter and plugging it back in. Perform a reset of the machine by turning it off and unplugging the power cord, letting it sit like that for at least a minute. Turn it back on and perform regular user tasks to see if the error has been cleared.

If the issue persists, the IOB (Input Output Board) will need to be replaced, together with the mechanical total counter.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC995 Solution

The SC995 is actually a series of errors consisting of SC995-01, SC995-02, SC995-03, all of which represent errors related to serial mismatches. 

The reason behind SC 995 Ricoh error is a serial mismatch that covers three storage areas. All of these need to be matched properly in order for any of the corresponding errors to disperse.

To resolve the problem, the NVRAM will need to be replaced with an older version. During the process, serial number SP5811-003 needs to be used. Perform a power cycle on your printer by turning it off, unplugging its power cord, and let it stay like that for at least a minute. Power it back on and perform basic tasks to see if the error has been solved.

If the issue persists, you will need to reset the EEPROM chip (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory) along with NVRAM, inputting the serial number as well.

Ricoh Printer Error Code SC997 Solution

The reason behind the SC997 Ricoh error is an application function selection problem. This means that the application function being selected over the user panel has at some point operated out of specification. This is often caused by corruption of data coming in or out of the memory modules.

In order to solve this issue, reconnect the RAM or DIMM modules into different slots if possible.

If the problem is still there, your machine will most likely need replacement RAM or DIMM modules in order to work properly.

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