Ошибка site fault powerware 9120

Ну я конечно не про как вы который   не дай что то случится сразу к специалисту бегать, 

Скажу честно пол дня в серьез возился.

Выяснил в интернете от чего поднимается напряжения на шине постоянного тока.

Как я понял всё  это от рекуперации. Построенные по классической схеме устройства на такое просто не рассчитаны: энергия проходит через инвертор, который начинает играть роль своеобразного бустера, что приводит к росту напряжения на шине постоянного тока. Практически ни один современный ИБП не способен полностью справиться с этой проблемой, после срабатывания защиты он перейдет в режим байпаса. On-line UPS ов появляется ошибка DC Bus Fault!!! 

Вот я подумал проблема в инверторе DC-DC. Посмотрел  осциллографом на затворе транзистора. Вот и выяснил от чего перегрев транзистора. Оно   возникло  из-за  большого времени переключения импульсов (завалены фронты). Этот импульс  от  микросхемы  uc3845 который являются самыми распространенными в импульсных блоках питания бытовой и компьютерной техники. Купил микросхему и за одно его кулер конденсатор 102 1Кв для замены одного из подозрительных и заменил их.

Спасибо Краб  Обойдусь Без Твоей тех поддержкой   МАНУАЛОВ ПО РЕМОНТУ для КЛИЕНТА  и почитать успею но не УМНЫХ КНИГ а то не хочется стать таким умным как ты  

Сукханов вам тоже спасибо за совет который аналогично с Крабом 

Но не помешало бы нормальных советов я не знаю как у вас но добрым людям я всегда искренне помогу чем смогу в  теме

Всё заработало с первого включения транзистор уже не так уж греется  ошибка пропало а кстати дисплей заработал раньше, дело было в разъема шлейфа видимо  контакт бы плохим.

Изменено 8 августа, 2019 пользователем Sherzod J



Table 1. Configuration Mode Parameters (cont.)


Manual Battery Test

Manual UPS Test

Site Wiring Fault Alarm

Modem Support

Number of Extended

Battery Modules

Communications Lock-


Load Segment Control

NOTE: Not applicable to 6kVA units

Manual Bypass

Configuration Mode


LCD Message


Manual BAT Test

To initiate a manual battery test, press the

twice when «Manual Battery Test» is displayed on the

LCD. During the test the LCD displays ON BATTERY.

The UPS resets the automatic timer after a manual

battery test. The LCD displays «Battery not charged»

when UPS test is requested but the battery is not

fully charged.

Manual UPS Test

To initiate a manual UPS self-test, press the

twice. During the test, the LCD displays ON BATTERY.

Site Fault Set

Select Enable or Disable. When enabled, the alarm sounds Detect Enable

when the ground connection is missing or the line and

neutral wires are reversed in the wall outlet.

Modem Support?

This parameter is reserved for future use, and should not

be modified by the user.

Select EBM Type

Select the number of EBMs connected to the UPS:

Select 0 through 5.

You are prompted to save this setting. Refer to the

documentation that came with your battery pack for

more information.

COM Control

For greater levels of security, users may choose to have


the UPS disregard shutdown commands that come from

the power management software or other communication


• When disabled, the UPS does not accept a shut down

command via the communication port, USB port, or

communication slot adapter.

• When enabled, the UPS operates normally in response

to external commands.

You are prompted to save this setting.

Load Group Set

Allows manual control of load segments (see «Load

Segments» Section 5.3)

By repeatedly pressing the scroll button, the individual

load segments can be turned on and off.

CAUTION To prevent the unintentional shutdown of

specific load segments, confirm your selection before

pressing the

Manual Bypass

This parameter is used to manually place the UPS in


Bypass mode.

Config Mode Set

This parameter is reserved for future use, and should not

be modified by the user. The setting may be toggled

between EscapeConfigMode and Enter ConfigMode.

It should always be set to EscapeConfigMode.

↵ ↵


Default Settings

↵ ↵


Battery Test

↵ ↵


UPS Test

No Modem Support

Extern Pack: 0


Group 1On 2On

Bypass OFF


Hi just repaired a Powerware 9120 700VA that was showing ‘DC BUS FAULT’.

At first I pulled C14 and others ( C10, C40 C42 & C48 as they are in close prox. to heat sources )
I measured the capacitance of the pulled caps, But the were all within 10-15% of there rating. So I though bummer this is not going to be easy as I don’t have an ESR meter.

But then I found this video «#135: Measure Capacitor ESR with an Oscilloscope and Function Generator» and last year I purchased a Rigol MSO1104Z-S so after a couple of minutes setting up and testing known good and bad caps as a test. Was able to very quickly go thru and test the pulled caps.

So C14 was like 89uF so thats within 11% of 100uF and on a 20% spec cap it still looked ok to the DMM but its ESR was off the charts.

The rest of the caps were perfect.

So if you have a ‘DC BUS FAULT’ and you have measured C10 and C14 and you still think they are ok, REPLACE THEM.

Replaced: C10 with Nichicon 100uF 63V 105�C and remounted the nearby diodes slightly off of the board as its looks like they get nice and toasty.

I also have a Powerware 9120 1000VA.
I replaced C10 and remounted the diodes the same as the 700VA just to be on the cautious side.
Theres not ‘Fault’ but I think it might be the same as magdtron its making a to so nice sounds while charging the batteries.

— The sound disappears after a Battery test for awhile but then returns after about a 30 secs.
— Also disappears when Mains supply is removed.
— In HE (High Efficiency) mode or Bypass Mode the sound still exists if Mains supply is connected and the batteries are being charged.

Also I found out that the Powerware/Eaton EBM connector is 5x shrouded 4mm banana plugs in a moulded connector.
So I’m going to design a 3D printed plug to hold off shelf shrouded 4mm banana plugs, Custom EBM

Ну я конечно не про как вы который   не дай что то случится сразу к специалисту бегать, 

Скажу честно пол дня в серьез возился.

Выяснил в интернете от чего поднимается напряжения на шине постоянного тока.

Как я понял всё  это от рекуперации. Построенные по классической схеме устройства на такое просто не рассчитаны: энергия проходит через инвертор, который начинает играть роль своеобразного бустера, что приводит к росту напряжения на шине постоянного тока. Практически ни один современный ИБП не способен полностью справиться с этой проблемой, после срабатывания защиты он перейдет в режим байпаса. On-line UPS ов появляется ошибка DC Bus Fault!!! 

Вот я подумал проблема в инверторе DC-DC. Посмотрел  осциллографом на затворе транзистора. Вот и выяснил от чего перегрев транзистора. Оно   возникло  из-за  большого времени переключения импульсов (завалены фронты). Этот импульс  от  микросхемы  uc3845 который являются самыми распространенными в импульсных блоках питания бытовой и компьютерной техники. Купил микросхему и за одно его кулер конденсатор 102 1Кв для замены одного из подозрительных и заменил их.

Спасибо Краб  Обойдусь Без Твоей тех поддержкой   МАНУАЛОВ ПО РЕМОНТУ для КЛИЕНТА  и почитать успею но не УМНЫХ КНИГ а то не хочется стать таким умным как ты  

Сукханов вам тоже спасибо за совет который аналогично с Крабом 

Но не помешало бы нормальных советов я не знаю как у вас но добрым людям я всегда искренне помогу чем смогу в  теме

Всё заработало с первого включения транзистор уже не так уж греется  ошибка пропало а кстати дисплей заработал раньше, дело было в разъема шлейфа видимо  контакт бы плохим.

Изменено 8 августа, 2019 пользователем Sherzod J


06-02-2016, 05:13 AM


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Powerware 9120 5KVA UPS DC Bus Fault


I have the 5KVA model with the common DC Bus Fault. Have thoroughly followed this thread. My main board is more complicated. I have changed the capacitors marked in RED near the DC-DC section.

Anyone was able to find a schematic or give some advice. Its a pity not being able to fix this old but good UPS.



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11-17-2017, 09:58 PM


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Re: Powerware 9120 5KVA UPS DC Bus Fault

Hello, could you solve this problem?

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11-18-2017, 05:41 PM


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Re: Powerware 9120 5KVA UPS DC Bus Fault


Originally Posted by alltvrepairs
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I have the 5KVA model with the common DC Bus Fault. Have thoroughly followed this thread. My main board is more complicated. I have changed the capacitors marked in RED near the DC-DC section.

Anyone was able to find a schematic or give some advice. Its a pity not being able to fix this old but good UPS.



You might also want to change all the small UF value caps as well
Because those are first to become a problem before the higher value caps do

Also look for any IC chip that are switching power supply or buck switching power supply IC chips or boost power supply IC chips or superior chip of any kind change any caps near those IC chips or any those types of IC chips might bad as well

I hope this helps

9 PC LCD Monitor
6 LCD Flat Screen TV
30 Desk Top Switching Power Supply
10 Battery Charger Switching Power Supply for Power Tool
6 18v Lithium Battery Power Boards for Tool Battery Packs
1 XBox 360 Switching Power Supply and M Board
25 Servo Drives 220/460 3 Phase
6 De-soldering Station Switching Power Supply 1 Power Supply
1 Dell Mother Board
15 Computer Power Supply
1 HP Printer Supply & Control Board * lighting finished it *

These two repairs where found with a ESR meter…> Temp at 50*F then at 90*F the ESR reading more than 10%

1 Over Head Crane Current Sensing Board ( VFD Failure Five Years Later )
2 Hem Saw Computer Stack Board

All of these had CAPs POOF
All of the mosfet that are taken out by bad caps

Last edited by sam_sam_sam; 11-18-2017 at 05:49 PM..

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Table 1. Configuration Mode Parameters (cont.)


Manual Battery Test

Manual UPS Test

Site Wiring Fault Alarm

Modem Support

Number of Extended

Battery Modules

Communications Lock-


Load Segment Control

NOTE: Not applicable to 6kVA units

Manual Bypass

Configuration Mode


LCD Message


Manual BAT Test

To initiate a manual battery test, press the

twice when «Manual Battery Test» is displayed on the

LCD. During the test the LCD displays ON BATTERY.

The UPS resets the automatic timer after a manual

battery test. The LCD displays «Battery not charged»

when UPS test is requested but the battery is not

fully charged.

Manual UPS Test

To initiate a manual UPS self-test, press the

twice. During the test, the LCD displays ON BATTERY.

Site Fault Set

Select Enable or Disable. When enabled, the alarm sounds Detect Enable

when the ground connection is missing or the line and

neutral wires are reversed in the wall outlet.

Modem Support?

This parameter is reserved for future use, and should not

be modified by the user.

Select EBM Type

Select the number of EBMs connected to the UPS:

Select 0 through 5.

You are prompted to save this setting. Refer to the

documentation that came with your battery pack for

more information.

COM Control

For greater levels of security, users may choose to have


the UPS disregard shutdown commands that come from

the power management software or other communication


• When disabled, the UPS does not accept a shut down

command via the communication port, USB port, or

communication slot adapter.

• When enabled, the UPS operates normally in response

to external commands.

You are prompted to save this setting.

Load Group Set

Allows manual control of load segments (see «Load

Segments» Section 5.3)

By repeatedly pressing the scroll button, the individual

load segments can be turned on and off.

CAUTION To prevent the unintentional shutdown of

specific load segments, confirm your selection before

pressing the

Manual Bypass

This parameter is used to manually place the UPS in


Bypass mode.

Config Mode Set

This parameter is reserved for future use, and should not

be modified by the user. The setting may be toggled

between EscapeConfigMode and Enter ConfigMode.

It should always be set to EscapeConfigMode.

↵ ↵


Default Settings

↵ ↵


Battery Test

↵ ↵


UPS Test

No Modem Support

Extern Pack: 0


Group 1On 2On

Bypass OFF


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