Ошибка smb 031 537

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Данная статья содержит исправления для Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012, исправляющего коды ошибок блока сообщений сервера (SMB), которые отличаются от документации протокол SMB.

После установки этого исправления на сервере SMB возвращает различных кодов ошибок в одном из следующих сценариев в соответствии с документацией по протоколу SMB.

Сценарий 1

Если с компьютера-клиента SMB отправляет запрос, запросы для постоянного маркер, который имеет параметр времени ожидания подключения, возвращаются различных кодов ошибок.

Сценарий 2

У вас есть с компьютера-клиента SMB, отправляет запросы для постоянного дескриптор подключения. Тем не менее запрос не соответствует требованиям, указанным в документации по протоколу SMB.

Примечание. Дополнительные сведения о документации по протоколу SMB посетите следующий веб-узел корпорации Майкрософт:

Общие сведения о SMB версии 2 и 3


Сведения об исправлении

Существует исправление от корпорации Майкрософт. Однако данное исправление предназначено для устранения только проблемы, описанной в этой статье. Применяйте данное исправление только в тех системах, которые имеют данную проблему.

Если исправление доступно для скачивания, имеется раздел «Пакет исправлений доступен для скачивания» в верхней части этой статьи базы знаний. Если этого раздела нет, отправьте запрос в службу технической поддержки для получения исправления.

Примечание. Если наблюдаются другие проблемы или необходимо устранить неполадки, вам может понадобиться создать отдельный запрос на обслуживание. Стандартная оплата за поддержку будет взиматься только за дополнительные вопросы и проблемы, которые не соответствуют требованиям конкретного исправления. Полный список телефонов поддержки и обслуживания клиентов корпорации Майкрософт или создать отдельный запрос на обслуживание посетите следующий веб-узел корпорации Майкрософт:

http://support.microsoft.com/contactus/?ws=supportПримечание. В форме «Пакет исправлений доступен для скачивания» отображаются языки, для которых доступно исправление. Если нужный язык не отображается, значит исправление для данного языка отсутствует.

Предварительные условия

Для установки этого исправления необходимо наличие Windows Server 2012 и Windows 8.

Сведения о реестре

Для использования исправления из этого пакета нет необходимости вносить изменения в реестр.

Необходимость перезагрузки

После установки исправления компьютер необходимо перезагрузить.

Сведения о замене исправлений

Это исправление не заменяет ранее выпущенные исправления.

Глобальная версия этого исправления устанавливает файлы с атрибутами, указанными в приведенных ниже таблицах. Дата и время для файлов указаны в формате UTC. Дата и время для файлов на локальном компьютере отображаются в местном времени с вашим текущим смещением летнего времени (DST). Кроме того, при выполнении определенных операций с файлами, даты и время могут изменяться.

Примечания к сведениям о файле Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012Важно. Исправления для Windows Server 2012 и Windows 8 исправления включены в те же пакеты. Однако только «Windows 8» отображается на странице запрос исправления. Для получения пакета исправлений, который применяется к одной или обеих операционных систем, установите исправления, перечисленные в разделе «Windows 8» на странице. Всегда смотрите раздел «Информация в данной статье относится к следующим продуктам» статьи для определения фактических операционных систем, к которым применяется каждое исправление.

  • Файлы, относящиеся к определенному продукту, этапу разработки (RTM, SPn) и направлению поддержки (LDR, GDR) можно определить по номерам версий, как показано в следующей таблице.



    Контрольная точка

    Направление поддержки

    6.2.920 0.20 xxx

    Windows Server 2012 и Windows 8



  • Файлы МАНИФЕСТА (.manifest) и MUM (.mum), устанавливаемые для каждой среды, указаны отдельно в разделе «Дополнительные «сведения о файлах для Windows Server 2012 и Windows 8. Файлы MUM и MANIFEST, а также связанные файлы каталога безопасности (CAT) чрезвычайно важны для поддержания состояния обновленных компонентов. Файлы каталога безопасности, для которых не перечислены атрибуты, подписаны цифровой подписью корпорации Майкрософт.

Для всех поддерживаемых версий Windows 8 для систем на базе x86

Имя файла

Версия файла

Размер файла










Для всех поддерживаемых версий x64 под управлением Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012

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Версия файла

Размер файла

















Корпорация Майкрософт подтверждает, что это проблема продуктов Майкрософт, перечисленных в разделе «Относится к».

Дополнительные сведения

Для получения дополнительных сведений о терминологии обновлений программного обеспечения щелкните следующий номер статьи базы знаний Майкрософт:

Описание 824684 Стандартные термины, используемые при описании обновлений программных продуктов Майкрософт

Сведения о дополнительных файлах для Windows Server 2012 и Windows 8

Дополнительные файлы для всех поддерживаемых версий Windows 8 для систем на базе x86

Имя файла


Версия файла


Размер файла


Дата (UTC)


Время (UTC)




Дополнительные файлы для всех поддерживаемых версий x64 под управлением Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012

Имя файла


Версия файла


Размер файла


Дата (UTC)


Время (UTC)




Имя файла


Версия файла


Размер файла


Дата (UTC)


Время (UTC)





BSD 4.1 — Main Drive Control

The Main Motor is not rotating at the specified speed.

Initial Actions

Power OFF/ON

Reload the Xero/Developer Cartridge


Close the LH Cover and the Front Cover.


Component Control

[042-003 Main Motor ON]. The Main Motor can be heard.



Go to

BSD 4.1 — Main Drive Control

P/J408) and the Main Motor (


and P204) for an open or short circuit. If OK replace

the Main Motor



Check the installation of the Main Drive Assembly

Assembly is installed correctly.



Install the Main Drive Assembly correctly.

Check the wire between P/J407-9 and P205-8 for an open circuit or a short circuit

Main Drive

Control). The wires are conducting without an open circuit or a short circuit.



Repair the open circuit or short circuit.

Manually rotate the Main Motor rotor. It rotates smoothly.



Check for foreign substances that are interfering with operation or installation failure.

Foreign substances or installation failure are found.



Replace the Main Drive Assembly

Remove the foreign substances that are interfering with operation and correct the installa-

tion failure.

Replace the Main Drive Assembly


3.1) If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB


Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation


8.1) and the Fuser Unit



and the wires between the MCU PWB (


(PL 3.1



3.2). The




BUS Updated 12/2011

042-323 Drum Motor Failure RAP


BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control

The Main Motor is not rotating at the specified speed.

Initial Actions

Power OFF/ON

Reload the Xero/Developer Cartridge


Close the LH Cover and the Front Cover.


Component Control




Go to

BSD 9.5 Drum Drive Control

J408) and the Main Motor (

the Drum Motor




Check the installation of the Main Drive Assembly

Assembly is installed correctly.



Install the Main Drive Assembly correctly.

(BSD 4.1 —

Check the wire between P/J407-1 and P/J207-8 for an open circuit or a short circuit

Drum Drive

Control). The wires are conducting without an open circuit or a short circuit.



Repair the open circuit or short circuit.

Manually rotate the Drum Motor rotor. It rotates smoothly.



Check for foreign substances that are interfering with operation or installation failure.

Foreign substances or installation failure are found.



Replace the Main Drive Assembly

Remove the foreign substances that are interfering with operation and correct the installa-

tion failure.


Replace the Main Drive Assembly





8.1) and the Fuser Unit

[042-001 Drum Motor ON]. The Drum Motor can be heard.

and the wires between the MCU PWB (


and P/J207) for an open or short circuit. If OK replace

(PL 3.1



3.2). The




3.1) If the problem persists, replace the MCU PWB

042-310, 042-323








(BSD 9.5


Status Indicator RAPs

Современные копировальные аппараты Xerox отличаются качество, надежностью и «быстрым» стартом. Также у них существует множество особенностей, которые отличают их от принтеров других производителей. Например, используется тефлоновый вал, а не термопленка.

Однако избегать различных поломок и ошибок пока не удается ни одному устройству. К самым частым неисправностям у принтеров Xerox относятся: залипание или повреждение датчика бумаги, повреждение роликов подачи, часто требуется перепрошивка программного обеспечения.

Если у вас возникнут вопросы насчет того, как исправить код ошибки копировального аппарата Xerox, то вы можете обратиться к специалистам нашего сервисного центра.

Основные коды ошибок копировальных аппаратов Xerox и способы их устранения:

  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1020
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1025
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1035
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1038
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 2830
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5018, 5028
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5328
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5330
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5340, 5343
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5345
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5350, 5352
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5355
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5622
  • Коды ошибок Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580

Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)

Код ошибки Описание
E1 Jam between paper feed and fuser
E3 Jam in fuser
E5 Clam shell open
E6 Paper feed section cover is open
J1 Toner cartridge near empty
J3 Drum cartridge not seated properly
J7 Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge)
L6 Key counter out
L8 Exposure area overheat
U1 No clock pulse (drive problem)
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens/mirror problem (RE model only)
U4 Heat problem
U8 Exposure lamp control circuit problem
E1 Jam between paper feed and fuser
E3 Jam in fuser
E5 Clam shell open
E6 Paper feed section cover is open
J1 Toner cartridge near empty
J3 Drum cartridge not seated properly
J7 Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge)
L6 Key counter out
L8 Exposure area overheat
U1 No clock pulse (drive problem)
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens/mirror problem (RE model only)
U4 Heat problem
U8 Exposure lamp control circuit problem

Xerox 1020

Код ошибки Описание
LL Probable bad heater lamp

Xerox 1025

Код ошибки Описание
A1 DF jam
C1 PF jam cass. 1
C2 PF jam cass. 2
C3 PF jam cass. 3
C9 Bypass jam
E1-1 Paper jam before exit switch
E1-2 Paper jam
E1-5 Paper jam
E1-6 Paper jam
E3-3 Paper jam at exit switch
E3-4 Paper jam at exit switch
E5 Front door open
F1 Collator jam
F5 Collator interlock
F8 No power to collator
F9 Collator bin home switch
J7 250 copies since toner waste was full
L5 Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt
L6 Key counter
L8 Platen glass too hot
U1 Main motor clock pulse
U2 Scan problem
U3-1 Lens problem
U4-1 Open thermistor
U4-2 Low temperature
U4-4 Temperature
U4-5 Main PWB
U6-1 Main PWB
U6-2 Main PWB
U6-3 Main board battery
U6-4 Initialization
U8 Exposure lamp

Xerox 1035

Код ошибки Описание
A9 Scanner location
C1 Paper feed — upper cassette
C2 Paper feed — lower cassette
C9 Bypass jam
E5 Clam shell is open
L6 Key counter
U1 Off/On
U2 Optics
U4 Low fuser temperature

Xerox 1038

Код ошибки Описание
A1 DF jam
C1 PF jam cass. 1
C2 PF jam cass. 2
C3 PF jam cass. 3
C9 Bypass jam
E1-1 Paper jam before exit switch
E1-2 Paper jam
E1-5 Paper jam
E1-6 Paper jam
E3-3 Paper jam at exit switch
E3-4 Paper jam at exit switch
E5 Front door open
F1 Collator jam
F5 Collator interlock
F8 No power to collator
F9 Collator bin home switch
J7 250 copies since toner waste was full
L5 Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt
L6 Key counter
L8 Platen glass too hot
U1 Main motor clock pulse
U2 Scan problem
U3-1 Lens problem
U4-1 Open thermistor
U4-2 Low temperature
U4-4 Temperature
U4-5 Main PWB
U6-1 Main PWB
U6-2 Main PWB
U6-3 Main board battery
U6-4 Initialization
U8 Exposure lamp

Xerox 2830

Код ошибки Описание
A9 Scanner location
C1 Paper feed — upper cassette
C2 Paper feed — lower cassette
C9 Bypass jam
E5 Clam shell is open
E5 Clam shell open
L6 Key counter
U1 Off/On
U2 Optics
U4 Low fuser temperature

Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014

Код ошибки Описание
C8 Bypass jam/no paper
C9 Bypass jam
E1 Jam
E3 Fuser jam
E5 Clamshell open
E6 PF section cover open
J1 Toner cartridge amost empty
J3 Copy cart (drum unit) missing/not seated right
J7 Copy cartridge has run 18,000 copies
J8 Copy cartridge. Improperly seated or possible only one of two fuses in the cartridge blew
L6 Key counter
L8 Exposure glass too hot
U1 Drive problem
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens or mirror drive problem
U4 Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermoswitch, SSR, thermistor
U6 Battery on main board
U8 Exposure lamp or exposure lamp circuit

Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317

Code Description
A1-1 Document feeder feed jam
A1-2 Document feeder belt jam
A2-1 Document feeder exit jam
A2-2 Duplex jam
A3 DAD interlock
A5 Duplex and DAD right side interlock
A6 Copier jams after
A9 Document feed belt drive motor
C1-3 Top cassette misfeed
C2-3 Middle cassette misfeed
C3-3 Bottom cassette misfeed
C9-3 Bypass misfeed
E1-11 to E1-14 Paper jam in machine. Did not reach exit switch soon enough
E1-6 Paper path jam
E3-31 to E3-34 Exit switch jam
E3-6 Fuser jam
E5 Front door interlock
E6 Right side interlock or TTM interlock
F1 Sorter jam
F5 Sorter interlock
F8 Sorter board to copier main board communication problem
F9 Sorter bins

Xerox 5018, 5028

Code Description
A1 Document is ADF
A1-8 Main board received reset signal
A2 ADF jams
A6, A7 ADF jams
A9 ADF jams
C1 — C4 Feed jam
C5-1 to C5-4 Jams in various areas
C5-2 Jams in various areas
C5-3 Jams in various areas
C5-4 Duplex jam
E0 Machine has reset
E1 Jam
E1-E0 Registration jam
E1-E5 Clamshell interlock
E1-E6 Right side interlock
E1-E7 Two tray interlock
E1-E8 Sorter interlock
E1-E9 Copy cartridge interlock
E2 Reset signal happened
E3 Jam
E4 Exit jam
E4-10 Exit jam
E4-5 Clamshell interlock
E4-6 Right side interlock
E4-7 Two tray interlock. Duplex interlock
E4-8 Sorter interlock
E4-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E5 Clamshell interlock
E6 Right side interlock
E7 Duplex interlock
E9 Copy cartridge interlock
F3-1 Sorter bin home switch
F3-2 Sorter cam switch
F3-3 Sorter cam switch
J1-1 Add toner
J1-2 Temporary low toner signal
J2-0 Replace copy cartridge
L2 2000 copies left on copy cartridge
L3 ADF to machine communication problem
L4 (flashing) 1000 copies left on fuser web
rr Bad EPROM on main board
U0 Main board
U2 Scan problem
U2-1 Scan home
U3-00 Cam drive problem
U3-01 Cam movement slow
U3-04 Main board to duplex communication
U3-09 Cam problem
U3-12 Jogger problem
U3-19 Cam problem
U3-21 Cam problem
U3-23 Cam problem
U3-29 Cam problem
U3-32 Cam problem
U3-34 Cam problem
U3-39 Cam problem
U3-43 Cam problem
U3-45 Cam problem
U3-49 Cam problem
U3-54 Cam problem
U3-56 Cam problem
U3-59 Cam problem
U4-1 Fuser problem. Long warm up
U4-2 Low fuser temperature after warm up
U4-3 High fuser temperature
U4-4 Open fuser thermistor
U4-6 Replace fuser web
U4-7 Thermistor signal problem
U7-1 Copy cartridge belt drive problem
U9-3 Exposure lamp problem
U9-4 Toner motor
U9-5 Problem in warm up

Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314

Код ошибки Описание
C1 Upper paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor
C2 Lower paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor
E1 Exit jam. Paper did not reach exit sensor
E3 Exit jam. Paper still on exit sensor
J1 Add toner
J3 Copy cartridge (drum unit) not installed
J7 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
J8 Copy cartridge (drum unit) problem
L6 Problem with an accessory. Installed but not initialized
U1 Drive problem. Main motor, gear etc.
U2 Scan problem
U3 Main board dip switches wrong. Lens drive problem
U4 Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermal switch, overheat, thermistor.
U6 EPROM error
U8 Auto exposure sensor. No exposure lamp or weak lamp

Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322

Code Description
A1-11 Original ready switch
A1-12 Feed sensor
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF
A1-21 Original ready switch and document registration sensor or both the document feed sensor and document registration sensor
A1-22 ADF registration sensor
A1-23 Original did not reach ADF registration sensor quickly enough
A1-24 ADF sensor stuck down too long
A1-25 ADF sensor actuated at the wrong time during single sheet feed
A1-26 ADF sensor not actuated quickly enough in sheet feed mode
A1-31 In reverse, ADF sensor is not actuated soon enough
A1-32 In reverse, ADF sensor is actuated too long
A2 ADF exit problems
A2-1 Original ready sensor and ADF exit switch are actuated or ADF feed in sensor and ADF exit switch are both actuated
A2-2 ADF exit switch
A2-3 ADF exit switch is not actuated on time
A3 Irregular size documents
A3-1 Wrong size original sensed in 1:1 mode
A3-2 Wrong size original sensed in the 2:1 mode
A5 ADF interlock
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset.
A6-1 Reset original
A6-2 Reset sheet feeder
A7 Document cover interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C1-2 Paper feed problem in tray 1
C1-3 Paper does not reach registration
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C3-1 Paper feed problem from tray 3
C3-2 Paper feed problem from tray 3
C3-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C6-1 Duplex paper feed problem
C6-2 Duplex and/or tray 1 paper feed problem
C6-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C7-1 Paper feed problem from HCF
C7-2 Paper feed problem from HCF on tray 1
C7-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C8-1 Paper on tray 1 feed sensor
C8-2 Paper on tray 2 feed sensor
C8-3 Paper on tray 3 feed sensor
C8-4 Paper on HCF feed sensor
C8-5 Paper in duplex section
C9 Bypass feed problem
C9-3 Paper from bypass did not reach registration sensor quickly enough
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else.
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-30 to E3-35 Exit switch actuated too long
E3-6 Exit jam
E3-6 Paper on exit switch
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated.
E4-10 to E4-45 Paper did not reach inverter switch soon enough
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Paper on inverter switch
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2 Duplex inverter interlock
E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-10 to E8-15 Paper on duplex feed sensor is not actuated soon enough
E8-6 Paper in duplex
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Paper did not reach sorter
F1-2 Paper stayed on sorter feed sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
H2-1 Communication problem between main board and duplex board
H2-2 Side guard sensor problem
H3-1 Communication problem between main board and HCF
H3-2 Upper limit sensor problem on HCF
H6-1 ADF size sensor
H6-2 ADF nudgeer sensor
H6-3 Belt drive motor does not have 24 volts. Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner
J1 Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J3 No copy cartridge (drum unit)
J7 Copy cartrige must be replaced
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM must be changed
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L6 Key counter not installed
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 Scan home problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U2-2 Scan home problem or optics problem
U2-3, U2-4 Scan home problem
U3-1 Lens sensor problem
U4-1 Fuser thermistor open
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3 Sorter bin home switch
U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 Exposure lamp problem
U8-2 Communication problem main board and exposure board
U8-3 Exposure lamp or exposure lamp board problem
U8-4 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox 5328

Code Description
A1 Document in ADF
A1-8 Main board received reset signal
A2 ADF jams
A6 ADF registration jam
A7 ADF interlock
A9 Tray 1 jam
C1 Tray 2 jam
C2 Tray 3 jam
C3 Bypass feed jams
C4 Machine has reset
E1 Jam
E1-5 Clamshell interlock
E1-6 Right side interlock
E1-7 Two tray interlock, or duplex interlock
E1-8 Sorter interlock
E1-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E1 or E1-0 Registration jam
E2 Reset signal happened
E3 Jam in transfer area
E4 Exit jam
E4-0 Exit jam
E4-5 Clamshell interlock
E4-6 Right side interlock
E4-7 Two tray interlock
E4-8 Sorter interlock
E4-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E5 Clamshell interlock
E6 Right side interlock
E9 Copy cartridge interlock
F3-1 Sorter bin home switch
F3-2 Sorter cam switch
F3-3 Sorter cam switch
F5 Sorter interlock
J1-1 Add toner
J1-2 Temporary low toner signal
J2-1, J2-2 Replace copy cartridge
J5, J6 ADF to machine communications problem
L2 2000 copies left on cartridge
L3 ADF to machine communications problem
L4 (flashing) 1000 copier left on fuser web
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
LL Main board. Try simulation 1.1 to initialize
rc Wrong operation panel installed
rr Bad EPROM on main board. Try 1.1
U0 Main board
U2 Scan problem
U2-1 Scan home
U2-2 Scan home or scan encoder
U2-4 Scan home or scan dual page sensor
U2-7 Scan home
U4-1 Fuser problem. Long warm up
U4-2 Low fuser temperature after warm up
U4-3 High fuser temperature
U4-4 Open fuser thermistor
U4-6 Replace fuser web.
U4-7 Thermistor signal problem
U7-1 Copy cartridge belt drive problem
U9-3 Exposure lamp problem
U9-4 Toner motor
U9-5 Problem in warm-up

Xerox 5330

Code Description
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF.
A2 ADF exit problems
A3 Irregular size documents
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset.
A7 Platen interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C6-1, C6-2 Jams related to duplex
C6-3 Registration sensor, re tray 1
C7-1, C7-2 HCF feed problems
C7-3 Tray 1 feed problem
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C9 Bypass feed problem
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else.
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-6 Exit jam
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated.
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2, E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Sorter entry sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
J1 Add toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J7 Replace copy cartridge
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U3-1 Lens sensor
U4-1 Open fuser thermistor
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3 Sorter bin home switch
U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox 5340, 5343

Code Description
00-009; 030 to 033 A door was opened while paper was being fed
00-047 Paper in duplex
00-1 Auditron
00-2 Diagnostic error
00-3 Faults error
00-4 Ric error
00-5 Job manager system error
00-6 LLM interface
00-7 Standby error
00-8 Communications error
00-9 Xerographic error
01-300 Front interlock
01-310 Right upper interlock
01-315 Left upper interlock
01-320 Left lower interlock
01-325 Fuser interlock
02-910 Key counter missing
02-920 Wrong combination of accessories
03-321, 322, 326, 327 LLM to ISIL communications problems
03-328 IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4
03-330 IOT communications problems with HCF
03-335, 03-336 LLM communications problems with edit
03-340 NVM memory
03-341, 03-347 Communications problems between IOT and sorter
03-350, 03-354 Communications problem with LLM and user interface
03-363, 03-364 Communications problem between LLM & optics
03-370, 03-373 Communications problem between LLM & DADF
03-380, 384  
03-416, 03-422 RAM memory problem
03-424, 426 NVM memory problem
03-430, 432 Billing problem
03-439 GRAIB communications problem
03-440 RIC communications problem
03-441 RIC NVM problem
03-442 Modem
03-443, 03-458 RIC problems
03-460 Serial communications processor problem
04-300 Main motor or drive problem
05-100, 05-108 DADF registration sensor
05-110 DADF exit sensor
05-115, 120 DADF jams
05-305 DADF document drive
05-310, 312 DADF document sensor
05-316 DADF registration sensor jam
05-325 DADF exit sensor
05-335, 341, 345 DADF interlock switches
06-300, 06-310 Scan problems
06-315 Scan drive
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 Scan problem
06-330 Lens drive
06-340 Exposure control problem
06-342 LLM CPU problem
06-344, 06-350 Exposure cvontrol problem
06-352 IOT CPU problem
07-300, 315, 330, 345 Tray faults
07-360, 07-370 HCF problems
07-375, 380A, 380B Duplex problems
08-100, 08-110 Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1
08-115, 08-162 Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor
08-165 Paper jam at registration sensor
08-310, 08-370 Paper at a sensor when power is turned on
08-330 DADF nudger sensor
08-380 Registration side to side problem with home position
08-390 Nip
09-300 Copy cartridge finished (drum unit)
09-310 Add black toner Add color toner
09-320 Add color toner
09-330 Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit)
09-340 Drum cartridge not installed properly
09-350 Waste toner full
100 A fault has occurred
10-100 Exit jam
10-105 Exit jam
10-110 Vertical sensor jam
10-120, 122, 125 Duplex jam
10-150, 155 Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray
10-300 Fuser thermistor
10-302 Low fuser temperature
10-304 Bad fuser temp
10-308 High fuser temperature or open thermistor
10-310 High fuser temperature
10-312 Fuser not up to temperature after energy save
10-314 Fuser problem
10-320 Fuser web finished
10-330, 335, 340 Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on
11-100, 11-116 Sorter jam
11-150, 11-176 Sorter auto stapler jam
11-310, 314, 316 Sorter interlock
11-325A, B, C, D, E, F, G Sorter index
11-352, 354, 356 Sorter auto stapler interlocks
11-365A, B, C, D, E Sorter auto stapler bin
11-370, 371, 372A, 373A, 373B, 374 Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
11-385A, 385B, 390A,B,C,D,E, 396A Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
301 Fuser web must be replaced
302 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
501 Tray 1 must be rebuilt
502 Tray 2 must be rebuilt
503 Tray 3 must be rebuilt
504 Tray 4 must be rebuilt
505 HCF must be rebuilt
506 Bypass must be rebuilt
507 Duplex unit must be rebuilt
508 Replace black developer
509 Replace red developer
510 Replace green developer
512 Replace brown developer
513 Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon
514 Fuser web will need replacing soon
515 DADF belt should be replaced
516 DADF feed rollers should be replaced
517 Replace exposure lamp
518 Replace suction filter
519 Replace ozone filter
520 Replace optics filter
521 Replace particle filter
522 Replace upper fuser roller
523 Replace fuser pawls
524 Replace pressure roller
525 Replace pressure roller pawls
900-905 Key operator calls

Xerox 5345

Код ошибки Описание
01-01 Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem
01-02 Interlock
01-03 AC power problem
01-04 Finisher interlock
01-05 24v problem
03-01 Optics to main board communication problem
03-02 Software reset problem
03-03 Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original
03-04 Software problem
03-06 Low battery
03-07 NVM not initialized or is missing or defective
03-17 Communication problem between main board and finisher board
03-18 Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others
03-19 All three NVM counter to agree with others
03-20 Main board/interface board problems
03-21 Problem with RIC NVM
03-22 RIC modem problem
03-23 RIC real time clock failure.
03-25 RIC NVM problem or not initialized
03-27 NVM problem
03-28 Watchdog software problem
03-29 Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency
03-30 No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed
06-01 Lens did not reach 1.1 position
06-02 1/2 rate scanner problem
06-03 Scan home problem
06-04 Scan home problem
06-05 Scan home problem
06-06 Scan encoder
06-07 Scan encoder
06-08 Scan drive boost
06-09 Scan encoder
06-11 Scan encoder pulse phases
06-12 Insufficient scan damping
07-01 Duplex tray not home during duplexing
07-02 Tray 2 not home when selected
07-13 Tray 2 height sensor problem
07-15 Tray 2 empty
07-16 Tray 1 door open
07-18 Tray 1 stack sensor
07-22 Tray 1 empty
07-26 Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long
07-27 Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early
07-30 Paper in duplex
07-31 Paper in duplex
07-32 Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there
08-10 Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor
08-11 Paper did not reach duplex input sensor
08-12 Paper did not reach tray 1
08-14 Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-18 Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-19 Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough
08-20 Paper in duplex
08-21 Paper in tray 2 input
08-22 Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time
08-23 Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time
08-24 Paper in tray 1 at wrong time
08-28 Upper and lower nips problem
09-08 Low toner condition
09-12 Drum signals are out of range
09-13 Unstable drum patch readings
09-15 Patch is too dark
09-16 Patch is too light
09-17 Open toner container access cover
09-18 Low toner level
09-21 Low toner sensor disconnected
09-22 Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner
10-02 Low fuser temperature
10-03 High fuser temperature
10-06 Paper did not reach out put switch
10-07 Paper stayed on output switch
10-10 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-11 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-12 Paper on decurler sensor
10-13 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-14 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-15 Paper on entry sensor at wrong time
10-17 Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated
12-01 Paper at finisher input sensor
12-02 Paper did not reach finisher
12-03 Paper reached finisher too soon
12-05 Paper at stapler
12-06 Paper at stapler
12-07 Paper did not reach stapler
12-08 Paper did not reach stapler
12-10 Complied motor not working properly
12-15 Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder
12-20 Stacker motor problem
12-21 Stacker interlock
12-22 Stacker bottom sensor
12-23 Stacker bottom sensor
12-24 Stacker bottom sensor senses full
12-25 Stack height sensor
12-26 Stack height sensor
12-27 Stack height sensor
12-30 Offset home sensor
12-31 Offset home sensor
12-32 OCT switch
12-35 Eject nip carriage
12-36 Eject cam interlock
12-37 Eject nip carriage open timing
12-38 Eject cam interlock
12-40 Tamper motor
12-41 Tamper home problem
12-42 Tamper home sensor
12-43 Staple load sensor
12-44 Tamper home sensor
12-45 Tamper home sensor
12-50 Low on staples
12-51 Stapler home sensor
12-52 Stapler home sensor
12-53 Eject cam interlock
33-37 Too few documents
55-01 RDH interlock switch open during use
55-04 Paper on bypass sensor
55-05 Paper at vacuum timing sensor
55-06 Paper on output sensor
55-10 No paper reached S31
55-20 Paper did not leave S31 at correct time
55-24 Set counter arm problem
55-25 Documents in input tray not detected
55-27 Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-2955-30 Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-31 S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time
55-32 S32 did not see trail edge at correct time
55-33 S36 One too many documents
55-36 One too many documents
55-39 Hole count problem on document feeder belt
55-40 Document belt travel problem
55-41 Document belt mistracking or skewing
55-45 Paper at inverter sensor
55-47 Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time
55-49 More than 50 sheets in input tray
55-50 Right side interlock
55-51 Left side interlock
55-55 Document on glass
93-93 NVM has to be initialized after new software installed

Xerox 5350, 5352

Code Description
00-009, 030, 031, 032, 033 A door was opened while paper was being fed
00-047 Paper in duplex
00-1 Auditron
00-2 Diagnostic error
00-3 Faults error
00-4 Ric error
00-5 Job manager system error
00-6 LLM interface
00-7 Standby error
00-8 Communications error
00-9 Xerographic error
01-300 Front interlock
01-310 Right upper interlock
01-315 Left upper interlock
01-320 Left lower interlock
01-325 Fuser interlock
02-910 Key counter missing
02-920 Wrong combination of accessories
03-321, 322, 326, 327 LLM to ISIL communications problems
03-328 IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4
03-330 IOT communications problems with HCF
03-335, 336 LLM communications problems with edit
03-340 NVM memory
03-341-347 Communications problems between IOT and sorter
03-350-354 Communications problem with LLM and user interface
03-363, 364 Communications problem between LLM & optics
03-370-03-373 Communications problem between LLM & DADF
03-380, 384  
03-416-422 RAM memory problem
03-424, 426 NVM memory problem
03-430, 432 Billing problem
03-439 GRAIB communications problem
03-440 RIC communications problem
03-441 RIC NVM problem
03-442 Modem
03-443-458 RIC problems
03-460 Serial communications processor problem
04-300 Main motor or drive problem
05-100-108 DADF registration sensor
05-110 DADF exit sensor
05-115, 120 DADF jams
05-305 DADF document drive
05-310, 312 DADF document sensor
05-316 DADF registration sensor jam
05-325 DADF exit sensor
05-335, 341, 345 DADF interlock switches
06-300-310 Scan problems
06-315 Scan drive
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 Scan problem
06-330 Lens drive
06-340 Exposure control problem
06-342 LLM CPU problem
06-344-350 Exposure cvontrol problem
06-352 IOT CPU problem
07-300, 315, 330, 345 Tray faults
07-360-370 HCF problems
07-375, 380A, 380B Duplex problems
08-100-110 Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1
08-115-162 Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor
08-165 Paper jam at registration sensor
08-310-370 Paper at a sensor when power is turned on
08-330 DADF nudger sensor
08-380 Registration side to side problem with home position
08-390 Nip
09-300 Copy cartridge finished (drum unit)
09-310 Add black toner Add color toner
09-320 Add color toner
09-330 Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit)
09-340 Drum cartridge not installed properly
09-350 Waste toner full
100 A fault has occurred
10-100 Exit jam
10-105 Exit jam
10-110 Vertical sensor jam
10-120, 122, 125 Duplex jam
10-150, 155 Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray
10-300 Fuser thermistor
10-302 Low fuser temperature
10-304 Bad fuser temp
10-308 High fuser temperature or open thermistor
10-310 High fuser temperature
10-312 Fuser not up to temperature after energy save
10-314 Fuser problem
10-320 Fuser web finished
10-330, 335, 340 Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on
11-100-116 Sorter jam
11-150-176 Sorter auto stapler jam
11-310, 314, 316 Sorter interlock
11-325A,B,C,D,E,F,G Sorter index
11-352, 354, 356 Sorter auto stapler interlocks
11-365A,B,C,D,E Sorter auto stapler bin
11-370,371,372A,373A,373B,374 Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
11-385A,385B,390A,B,C,D,E,396A Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
301 Fuser web must be replaced
302 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
501 Tray 1 must be rebuilt
502 Tray 2 must be rebuilt
503 Tray 3 must be rebuilt
504 Tray 4 must be rebuilt
505 HCF must be rebuilt
506 Bypass must be rebuilt
507 Duplex unit must be rebuilt
508 Replace black developer
509 Replace red developer
510 Replace green developer
512 Replace brown developer
513 Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon
514 Fuser web will need replacing soon
515 DADF belt should be replaced
516 DADF feed rollers should be replaced
517 Replace exposure lamp
518 Replace suction filter
519 Replace ozone filter
520 Replace optics filter
521 Replace particle filter
522 Replace upper fuser roller
523 Replace fuser pawls
524 Replace pressure roller
525 Replace pressure roller pawls
900-905 Key operator calls

Xerox 5355

Код ошибки Описание
01-01 Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem
01-02 Interlock
01-03 AC power problem
01-04 Finisher interlock
01-05 24v problem
03-01 Optics to main board communication problem
03-02 Software reset problem
03-03 Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original
03-04 Software problem
03-06 Low battery
03-07 NVM not initialized or is missing or defective
03-17 Communication problem between main board and finisher board
03-18 Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others
03-19 All three NVM counter to agree with others
03-20 Main board/interface board problems
03-21 Problem with RIC NVM
03-22 RIC modem problem
03-23 RIC real time clock failure.
03-25 RIC NVM problem or not initialized
03-27 NVM problem
03-28 Watchdog software problem
03-29 Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency
03-30 No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed
06-01 Lens did not reach 1.1 position
06-02 1/2 rate scanner problem
06-03 Scan home problem
06-04 Scan home problem
06-05 Scan home problem
06-06 Scan encoder
06-07 Scan encoder
06-08 Scan drive boost
06-09 Scan encoder
06-11 Scan encoder pulse phases
06-12 Insufficient scan damping
07-01 Duplex tray not home during duplexing
07-02 Tray 2 not home when selected
07-13 Tray 2 height sensor problem
07-15 Tray 2 empty
07-16 Tray 1 door open
07-18 Tray 1 stack sensor
07-22 Tray 1 empty
07-26 Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long
07-27 Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early
07-30 Paper in duplex
07-31 Paper in duplex
07-32 Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there
08-10 Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor
08-11 Paper did not reach duplex input sensor
08-12 Paper did not reach tray 1
08-14 Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-18 Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-19 Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough
08-20 Paper in duplex
08-21 Paper in tray 2 input
08-22 Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time
08-23 Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time
08-24 Paper in tray 1 at wrong time
08-28 Upper and lower nips problem
09-08 Low toner condition
09-12 Drum signals are out of range
09-13 Unstable drum patch readings
09-15 Patch is too dark
09-16 Patch is too light
09-17 Open toner container access cover
09-18 Low toner level
09-21 Low toner sensor disconnected
09-22 Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner
10-02 Low fuser temperature
10-03 High fuser temperature
10-06 Paper did not reach out put switch
10-07 Paper stayed on output switch
10-10 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-11 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-12 Paper on decurler sensor
10-13 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-14 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-15 Paper on entry sensor at wrong time
10-17 Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated
12-01 Paper at finisher input sensor
12-02 Paper did not reach finisher
12-03 Paper reached finisher too soon
12-05 Paper at stapler
12-06 Paper at stapler
12-07 Paper did not reach stapler
12-08 Paper did not reach stapler
12-10 Complied motor not working properly
12-15 Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder
12-20 Stacker motor problem
12-21 Stacker interlock
12-22 Stacker bottom sensor
12-23 Stacker bottom sensor
12-24 Stacker bottom sensor senses full
12-25 Stack height sensor
12-26 Stack height sensor
12-27 Stack height sensor
12-30 Offset home sensor
12-31 Offset home sensor
12-32 OCT switch
12-35 Eject nip carriage
12-36 Eject cam interlock
12-37 Eject nip carriage open timing
12-38 Eject cam interlock
12-40 Tamper motor
12-41 Tamper home problem
12-42 Tamper home sensor
12-43 Staple load sensor
12-44 Tamper home sensor
12-45 Tamper home sensor
12-50 Low on staples
12-51 Stapler home sensor
12-52 Stapler home sensor
12-53 Eject cam interlock
33-37 Too few documents
55-01 rdh interlock switch open during use
55-04 Paper on bypass sensor
55-05 Paper at vacuum timing sensor
55-06 Paper on output sensor
55-10 No paper reached S31
55-20 Paper did not leave S31 at correct time
55-24 Set counter arm problem
55-25 Documents in input tray not detected
55-27 Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-2955-30 Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-31 S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time
55-32 S32 did not see trail edge at correct time
55-33 S36 One too many documents
55-36 One too many documents
55-39 Hole count problem on document feeder belt
55-40 Document belt travel problem
55-41 Document belt mistracking or skewing
55-45 Paper at inverter sensor
55-47 Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time
55-49 More than 50 sheets in input tray
55-50 Right side interlock
55-51 Left side interlock
55-55 Document on glass
93-93 NVM has to be initialized after new software installed

Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580

Код ошибки Описание
H2 Fuser thermistor
H3 Fuser temperature too high. Must be reset in diagnostics
H4 Fuser temperature too low. Must be reset in diagnostics
L3 Scan problem
L4 Min motor drive problem
L8 Exposure lamp not lightning or not enough light reaching auto exposure sensor
P Paper did not feed

Xerox 5622

Code Description
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF
A2 ADF exit problems
A3 Irregular size documents
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset
A7 Platen interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C6-1, C6-2 Jams related to duplex
C6-3 Registration sensor, re tray 1
C7-1, C7-2 HCF feed problems
C7-3 Tray 1 feed problem
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C9 Bypass feed problem
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-6 Exit jam
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2, E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Sorter entry sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
J1 Add toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J7 Replace copy cartridge
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U3-1 Lens sensor
U4-1 Open fuser thermistor
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3, U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 information. How to fix Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326. List of solutions & fixes.

Xerox Docucolor 250 shows fault code 042-326 but freezes when repair is attempted

Display shows 042-326 which is IBT belt position. I’ve already taken the belt out, cleaned the IBT belt cleaner, centered the belt. I need to perform the ADJ adjustment to realign the belt start position, but PWS will not connect to the machine anymore. When I press and hold 0 for 5 seconds and then press Start, I can enter 6789 but when I press CONFIRM then the machine freezes. So I cannot reset anything, or connect. I have power cycled many times, even left the machine off for hours..

So this post might be better titled – “PWS will not connect” or “Service mode causes freeze” but I posted it with the error displayed.

Источник: http://copytechnet.com/forums/xerox/82252-xerox-docucolor-250-shows-fault-code-042-326-but-freezes-when-repair-attempted.html

Вопросы с 61 по 75:


11.10.2011 – Не тот цвет

Скажите, пожалуйста, вчера отправлял файл на печать, он его печатал одним цветом, а сегодня другим! Почему так?

Ответ: Вы отправляли файл-картинку или текст? Каким именно цветом стал печатать аппарат?


27.09.2011 – Просыпается тонер

В Xerox DocuColor 250 постоянно просыпается красный (m) тонер. В чем может быть дело? Картриджи меняются на новые, никакой сборки-разборки не производится. Пластиковые крепления внутри машины уже приобрели черно-розовую расцветку.

Ответ: Вы пробовали заменить красный барабан? Также мог переполниться бункер для отработанного тонера.


20.09.2011 – Ошибка 042-326

Здравствуйте! У нас DocuColor 240. Помогите убрать ошибку 042-326.

Ответ: Скорее всего сместился ремень переноса или стерлась метка на ремне переноса.


05.09.2011 – Сенсорная панель

Периодически не работает сенсорная панель управления принтером. Кнопки – функционируют, ошибок никаких принтер не выдает, а сенсор не реагирует на нажатия. День, два, три не работает – потом неделю-две всё хорошо. Что делать?

Ответ: Либо неисправна сама сенсорная панель, либо отходят контакты панели. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


02.08.2011 – Принтер перестал печатать

Добрый день. У меня аналогичная проблема, отправляем через сеть печать на принтер, файл очень быстро переходит в принтер, но никаких ответов от принтера, коллега разок заметил, что выводится код ошибки 100. В чем может быть проблема?
Пытался перезагружать сервер, и аппарат выдает ошибку – нет соединения с сервером.

Ответ: Проверьте подключение контроллера печати к аппарату. Посмотрите в истории ошибок, не выдавал ли аппарат какие-либо ошибки.


26.07.2011 – Ошибка 075-210

Выдает ошибку 075-210, не берет бумагу с 5-го лотка, помогите, что делать?

Ответ: Эта ошибка связана с датчиком 5 лотка. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


17.05.2011 – Не печатается документ

После очереди обработки документ отправляется на очередь печати. И вот уже 15 минут 0% печати. Ошибок никаких машина не выдает. В чем может быть причина?

Ответ: Отправляется ли задание на контроллер? Проверьте соединение между контроллером и самим аппаратом.


16.05.2011 – Печать журнала

Как распечатать журнал на Xerox Docucolor 252: обложка должна быть глянцевой, а все остальные страницы – на обычной бумаге. Как это сделать? Какие настройки выбрать? И почему ставится только одна скрепка?

Ответ: Настройки формата и типа бумаги устанавливаются в драйвере. Распечатайте сначала обложку с подходящими ей настройками, потом остальные листы. Подробно обо всех настройках в документации к аппарату.


16.05.2011 – Чистка

Как можно чистить drum cartridg? Как можно чистить картриджи???

Ответ: Для чистки картриджей нужно обращаться в сервисный центр.


02.03.2011 – Не могу залить софт. Стало только хуже.

1) Пропал mailbox guest при сетевом сканировании.
2) Перестало напрямую посылаться на печать. В связи с чем решил перезалить софт.
Подключился кросс-кабелем напрямую, вставил диск 1, пошел процесс установки… На втором шаге остается залить каких-то 5 мегабайт с копейками и всё… Останавливается, потом выдаёт Check the cable and configuration…. и т.д. и т.п. С кабелем всё в порядке. Что не так-то? Причем и в первом случае (через хаб), и во втором (напрямую) останавливается на одном и том же значении… И выдает одну и ту же ошибку. Всё бы ничего, так теперь пропала настройка сети в панели управления на самом аппарате, и вообще компьютер теперь его не видит. Как быть в этом случае? Можно ли своими силами устранить данную проблему, или обязательно нужно вызывать сервисника? Заранее спасибо!

Ответ: Устранить проблему в данном случае может только сервисный инженер.


01.03.2011 – Сброс сообщения

После замены фьюзера аппарат все равно сообщает: replace now. Как сбросить? Заранее благодарю!

Ответ: Фьюзер должен заменять сервисный инженер, он знает, как сбросить прописавшуюся в память ошибку.


15.02.2011 – Царапины на drum cartridg

После замены плёнки переноса изображения появилась странная проблема: периодически выкрашивается (вплоть до алюминиевой основы) магнитный барабан (drum cartridg), пробой появляется одномоментно, произвольно по расположению и форме, на любом из 4х картриджей (C M Y B). При печати проявляется как пятно краски одного из цветов (C M  Y B), ресурс картриджей-страдальцев варьируется от 100% до 0%, картриджи фирменные, всегда новые (ремонтам не подвергались).

Ответ: Не изменилась ли влажность в помещении, где стоит аппарат? Уменьшение влажности воздуха может привести к пробоям барабана.
Проверьте, нет ли внутри барабана скрепок, скобок.


05.01.2011 – Ошибка

Что означает 010-320?

Ответ: Данная ошибка связана с перегревом фьюзера. Вам следует обратиться в сервисный центр.


16.12.2010 – Повисло задание на печать

Здравствуйте! Задание повисло. Отмена не действует. Перезагружать пробовал. Что делать?

Ответ: Вы перезагружали только аппарат или контроллер тоже? Перезагрузите контроллер.

Источник: http://alteh.ru/faq/6657/?PAGEN_1=5

Для просмотра онлайн кликните на видео ⤵

Xerox dc 242 ошибка 042 326

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Источник: http://abesu.org/xerox-dc-242-oshibka-042-326

Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 Fixes & Solutions

We are confident that the above descriptions of Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Xerox Docucolor 250 Error 042-326 or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.

Источник: http://errorsbase.com/x-errors/xerox-docucolor-250-error-042-326.html

Описание ошибки

Paper Jam 005-121 Open ADF Cover and Clear Jam

Cover Open 005-301 Remove paper then Close ADF Cover
ADF Cover Open

010-397 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
Fuser Error

016-315 System Restart Printer
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-317 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
IP ROM Check (Main) Fail

016-372 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Fax Memory Allocation Error

Write Flash Error 016-501 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Write Flash Error

Write Flash Error 016-502 System Contact Support If Message Returns
Verify Flash Error

016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507
SMTP Error 016-50X Scan Job Failure
E-mail Error

Memory Full 016-718 Printer Job too Large
Out of Memory

Decode Error 016-719 Printer Job Failure
Decode Error

PDL Request 016-720 Printer Data Violation
PDL Error

Format Error 016-744 System Invalid Data
Checksum Error

Format Error 016-745 System Invalid Data
Header Error

PJL Request 016-749 Printer Data Violation
PJL Request Error

Connect Fail 016-764 Scan Job Failure
Can not connect to mail server for sending mail out.

SMTP Error 016-766 Scan Job Failure
Can not transferring completely.

Address Error 016-767 Scan Job Failure
Recipient address is invalid.}

USB Memory was removed. 016-791 System Job Failure
USB Memory Removal Error

File Format Error 016-795 Printer Job Failure
File Format Error

File Read Error 016-797 Printer Job Failure
File Read Error

Wireless Error 016-920 System Setup Fail
Wireless Setting Error Timeout Error

016-930 / 016-931
USB Host Error 016-930 System Unsupported Device Remove from USB Port
USB Host Error

Collate Full 016-981 Printer Job too Large
Collate Full

Mail Size Limits 016-985 Scan Job Failure
Mail Size Limits Error

Memory Full 017-970 Scan Job Failure
Out of Memory

Report error 017-980 System Job Failure
Fax Report job fails to report file.

Report error 017-981 System Job Failure
Report File Error

PCScan Time Out 017-988 Scan Job Failure
PCScan Time Out

018-338 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Wireless Error

024-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
MCU Firmware Error

024-360 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Download Error

024-371 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
MCU Comm. Error

Paper Size Mismatch 024-958 Printer Load Paper then Press P AAAAA (or BBBBB)
Paper Size Mismatch

No Suitable Paper 024-963 Printer Load Paper
No Suitable Paper

USB Memory Full 026-720 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Full

File Write Error 026-721 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Error

Write Protect 026-722 Scan Job Failure
USB Memory Write Protect Error

File Path Limit 026-723 Scan Job Failure
File Path Limit Error

026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752
Communication Fail 026-75X Scan Job Failure
Scan Communication Fail

SMB Error 031-521 Scan Login Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Name Resolve

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error
SMB Login Failed

SMB Error 031-530 Scan SMB Path Error
SMB Error

031-533 Scan File Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-534 Scan Folder Make Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-535 Scan Delete File Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-536 Scan Delete Folder Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-537 Scan Disk Full Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-555 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-556 Scan Write Error
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-557 Scan File Duplication
SMB Error

SMB Error 031-558 Scan Connect Error
SMB Error

031-571, 031-578
FTP Error 031-57X Scan Login Failed
FTP Connection Error

FTP Error 031-574 Scan Name Resolve Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-575 Scan Server Address Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-576 Scan Server Not Found
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Login Error

FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-582 Scan File Make Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-584 Scan Connect Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-585 Scan DEL Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-587 Scan RMD Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-588 Scan Write Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-589 Scan Disk Full Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-594 Scan TYPE Command Error
FTP Error

FTP Error 031-598 Scan APPE Command Error
FTP Error

Memory Full 033-503 Fax Job Failure
Out of Memory

Memory Full 033-513 Fax Job Failure
Communication Error

Memory Full 033-787 Fax Job Failure
Fax Job Failure

Memory Full 033-788 Fax Job Failure
Memory Full

Busy 034-700 Fax Job Failure
Fax Busy Error

No Dial Tone 034-701 Fax Job Failure
No Dial Tone

034-702/703 … 034-711
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Communication Errors

034-712/713 … 034-727
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
Fax transmission errors

034-750/751 … 034-768
Communication Fail 034-7xx Fax Job Failure
RX Communication Errors

041-340 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer

061-370 Printer Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
LPH Failure

062-321 System Restart Printer
Carriage Motor Error

Confirm 062-790 Deleted by Limit
Copy Limit

Paper Jam 075-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Misfeed Jam

075-921 Printer Insert Output to Tray
Waiting for OK to be pressed after setting side 2 for manual duplex print.

Paper Jam 077-100 Printer Jam at Feed
Reg On Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-104 Printer Jam at Exit
Reg Off Jam

Paper Jam 077-106 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit On Jam

Paper Jam 077-108 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Early Jam

Paper Jam 077-109 Printer Jam at Exit
Exit Off Jam

Close Rear Cover 077-304 Printer Rear Cover is Open
Rear Door Open

Paper Jam Remain at Exit 077-900 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Exit Jam

Paper Jam Remain at Reg 077-901 Printer Open Rear Cover Remove Paper
Remain Registration Jam

091-402 Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Warning

092-651 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ADC Sensor Error

092-661 Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer
ENV Sensor Error

Ready to Print 093-42X Printer Cartridge is Close to Life
Toner Cartridge Near end of Life

CRUM ID 093-926 Reseat Cartridge
Toner Cartridge CRUM ID Error

Replace Cart. 093-93X Printer Replace Cartridge
Toner Cartridge Empty

Insert Print Cart 093-974 Printer Insert Toner Cartridge
Insert Print Cartridge

116-210 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
System USB Port Error

116-314 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
MAC Address Error

116-325 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Checksum Error

116-326 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

116-335 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Checksum Error (Network)Error

116-355 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
Network Fatal Error

116-395 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns

117-331/332 … 117-366
117-xxx System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Return
System Restart

124-333 Printer Restart Printer
ASIC Failure

134-211 System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Modem Error

191-310 Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns
Xero Life Over

Источник: http://ots45.ru/support/codes_xerox_wc3045.html

Сброс ошибки 10-327 и других ошибок фьюзера Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 Печать

Изменено: Чт, 13 Сен, 2018 at 9:39 AM

Если во фьюзер машины Xerox WorkCentre 5225, 5230 установить нагревательный вал с заметно отличающимися от оригинального вала характеристиками (например, вал от Xerox WorkCentre C118 или некачественный совместимый вал), то довольно часто можно получить ошибку 10-327, которая означает, что машина не сумела нагреть фьюзер до нужной температуры за заданное время.

Устранения причины проблемы заменой вала на “правильный” в данной машине недостаточно для того, чтобы машина вновь заработала – ошибку нужно сбросить из сервисного режима.

Внимание! Перед сбросом ошибки нужно обязательно устранить причину появления этой ошибки! Помимо неподходящего нагревательного вала, ошибки фьюзера могут быть вызваны загрязнением или неисправностью термисторов, неисправностью ламп нагрева, срабатывание термопредохранителя (в этом случае нужно обязательно выяснить, почему он сработал), обрывом или коротким замыканием в цепях лампы или термисторов и в редких случаях неисправностью платы управления.

Источник: http://cet.freshdesk.com/ru-RU/support/solutions/articles/2100030617-Сброс-ошибки-10-327-и-других-ошибок-фьюзера-xerox-workcentre-5225-5230-

Xerox WC 3045 ошибка

005-121, 005-301, 010-397, 016-315,,016-317, 016-372, 016-501 016-502, 016-503 / 016-504 / 016-506 / 016-507, 016-718, 016-719, 016-720, 016-744, 016-745, 016-749, 016-764, 016-766016-767, 016-791, 016-795, 016-797, 016-920, 016-930 / 016-931, 016-981, 016-985,017-970, 017-980, 017-981, 017-988, 018-338, 024-340, 024-360, 024-371, 024-958, 024-963, 026-720, 026-721, 026-722, 026-723, 026-750 / 026-751 / 026-752, 031-521, 031-526, 031-529, 031-530, 031-533, 031-534, 031-535, 031-536, 031-537,031-555, 031-556, 031-557, 031-558, 031-571, 031-578, 031-574, 031-575, 031-576, 031-578, 031-579, 031-582, 031-584, 031-585, 031-587, 031-588, 031-589, 031-594, 031-598, 033-503, 033-513, 033-787, 033-788, 034-700, 034-701, 034-702/703 … 034-711, 034-712/713 … 034-727, 034-750/751 … 034-768, 041-340 061-370, 062-321, 062-790, 075-100, 075-921, 077-100, 077-104, 077-106, 077-108, 077-109, 077-304, 077-900, 077-901, 091-402, 092-651, 092-661, 093-426, 093-926, 093-933, 093-974, 116-210, 116-314, 116-325, 116-326, 116-335, 116-355, 116-395, 117-331 … 117-366, 124-333, 134-211, 191-310

Источник: http://ots45.ru/support/codes_xerox_wc3045.html

Процедура сброса

Войти в сервисный режим:

  • Нажать и удерживать более 6 секунд кнопку [0] на панели управления. Не отпуская кнопку [0], нажать кнопку [Старт].


  • На появившемся экране ввести пароль – 6789 (значение по умолчанию) и нажмите кнопку [Confirm]


  • Нажать кнопку информации о машине


Записать значение 0 в ячейку NVM 744-220:

  • Выбрать вкладку [Инструменты] 


  •  В разделе [Режимы] выбрать [Обслуживание/диагностика]


  • Выбрать раздел [NVM Read / Write…]


  • Введите адрес ячейки 744-220 и нажмите [Confirm / Change]


  •  Введите [0] в поле [New Value] и нажмите [Save]


  • Нажмите [Close], затем [Exit (Keep Log)], затем [Yes]. Машина перезагрузится и выйдет на готовность, если причина проблемы была ранее устранена. Вы можете выбрать пункт [Exit (Clear Log)], если хотите очистить историю неисправностей машины.

Была ли эта статья полезной? Да Нет

Отправить отзыв

К сожалению, мы не смогли помочь вам в разрешении проблемы. Ваш отзыв позволит нам улучшить эту статью.

Источник: http://cet.freshdesk.com/ru-RU/support/solutions/articles/2100030617-Сброс-ошибки-10-327-и-других-ошибок-фьюзера-xerox-workcentre-5225-5230-

Xerox WorkCentre 3045 Вход в сервис / Вход в режим диагностики:

1. Выключите МФУ.
2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопки [↑] и [↓], включите аппарат.
3. Отпустите кнопки, когда на дисплее отобразится сообщение “CE Mode. Please Wait“.

Для перемещения по меню, используйте стрелки [↑] и [↓]. Для выбора, нажмите кнопку [OK].

Меню режима диагностики:

– ESS Diag
     – Flash ROM Test
     – DRAM Test
     – IOT Test
     – Light Flash R/W Test
     – USB Test
     – OP Panel Test
     – Lamp Test
     – All Test
– IOT Diad
     – Digital Input
     – Digital Output
     – NVM Settings
          – NVM Edit
          – Save NVM to ESS
          – Load NVM from ESS
– Print Info
     – Config Page
     – Print Settings
– Installation Set
     – Serial No.
     – Pixel Counter
     – Print Counter
     – Clear All NVM
     – Clear Job History
– Test Print
     – TestPatLPH[IOT]
– Parameter
     – Regi
          – Lead Offset
          – Side Offset
     – Life
          – M/C Total PV
          – DEVE Runtime K
          – XERO Runtime
          – M/C Disp Time K
          – M/C Pixel K
          – M/C Custom Start
          – M/C Custom End
          – Waste Toner K
          – Toner PV K
          – Toner Disp Time K
          – Toner Pixel K
     – Print
– Information
     – Scan Counter
– Scanner Maintenance
     – White Balance
     – Shading Parameter
     – Registration Param.
     – Auto Registration
     – Sensor Parameter
     – IIT I/O Check
     – SCAN Counter Clear
– Parameter
– Backup Data
     – All Clear
     – User & System Clear
     – System Data Init
– Complete
Error code test

Источник: http://ots45.ru/support/codes_xerox_wc3045.html

Некогда популярный принтер Xerox WorkCentre 3045 годами активно эксплуатируется целой армией верных пользователей. Но из-за устаревшего программного обеспечения, а также изношенных со временем узлов, устройство нередко ломается и перестает работать.

Чтобы быстро разобраться в причинах таких поломок, мы рассмотрим коды ошибок Xerox 3045 с рекомендациями по их устранению.

Расшифровка ошибок Xerox 3045


Описание проблемы

005-121 Произошло замятие бумаги. Аккуратно удалите обрывки бумаги и закройте крышку принтера.
005-301 Крышка принтера открыта. Перезакройте ее. Если проблема не была устранена, проверьте датчики фиксации.

(код: xxxxxxx)

Ошибка работы фьюзера или датчика температуры. Замените расходник или обратитесь в сервисный центр.


Перезагрузите устройство. Если проблема актуальна, обратитесь в сервисный центр.
016-372 Ошибка памяти факса. Перезагрузите аппарат и повторите операцию.


Ошибка flash-памяти. Перезагрузите принтер. Отмените все операции. 
016-718 Памяти принтера недостаточно, чтобы завершить операцию. Перезагрузите устройство. Разделите документ на отдельные файлы и продолжите печать.
016-791 Ошибка удаления USB-накопителя. 


Ошибка печати файла. Если вы печатаете в формате PDF, замените формат документа на изображение.  
016-920 Ошибка беспроводной связи. Проверьте работоспособность маршрутизатора.


Ошибка USB-хоста.
017-970 Память сканера заполнена. Сбросьте задание и перезагрузите принтер.
017-988 Переустановите драйвер сканера. Замените кабель для связи с ПК. 
018-338 Ошибка беспроводной связи. Перезагрузите беспроводную связь. В случае повторения ошибки обратитесь в сервисный центр.
024-958 Формат бумаги не подходит под задание печати.
024-963 Установите бумагу необходимого формата. Если ошибка появляется, тогда выньте обрывки. Не помогло? Скорее всего нужно заменить датчик фиксации бумаги.
093-933 Закончился тонер. Заправьте картриджи Xerox 106R02181 / 106R02183 или купите новые.
093-974 Картридж отсутствует. Установите расходник правильно, сняв все этикетки. 
116-314 Ошибка MAC-адреса. Пропишите МАС-адрес исходя из настроек вашего роутера.

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Fault Code 016-795: File Format Error. Printer Job Failure Message (From Fabios post)

It means the file type is not supported by the printer natively and it can’t be printed. You can easily print from a PC the same file because the driver converts the job to PS or PCL code, any file can be printed in such a manner, but the printer itself has no idea what to do with a file that is not a pdf,tif or jpg (My first post above)

pdf can of course still fail, it may be protected, you would need to check from a PC/Mac if that was the case.


Tif and Jpg could also still fail, take a different format image (say a BMP) and rename the extension JPG.

Windows/Mac and Linux can all still likely open the file because the header tells it to handle it as a BMP anyway, The printer doesn’t support BMP and won’t print it.

Please be sure to select «Accept Solution» and or select the thumbs up icon to enter Kudos for posts that resolve your issues. Your feedback counts!

Joe Arseneau

016-795 Media Reader Format Error RAP

016-795 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access to media.


Perform the steps that follow:

1. Advise the customer to check the media content from the PC. Check the file format/directory in the media and the selected mode (Digital Camera Print/Document Print), then reset the settings.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):

• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734

Drum Chip:

• 113R00780 113R00782

Добрый день! Подскажите пож. та же самая проблема. (см. ниже) файлы на флешке читаются, сам носитель живой. В чем проблема?

XEROX WorkCentre 3045B
выдаёт ошибку 016-795,что это значит и как с этим бороться?не хочет печатать,с компьютера тоже невозможно управлять печатью
016-795. Причина: Ошибка произошла при считывании данных, хранящихся на носителе. Устранение: Проверьте данные, хранящиеся на носителе с помощью компьютера.

You are here: Home / error code / Xerox Phaser 6020 error and solving error codes

– Compatible Printer model: Xerox Phaser 6020
– Xerox Phaser 6020 Error Codes with quick guides:

  • Code: 005-121
  • Description: ADF Jam, Open ADF Cover and Clear Jam
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • ADF Assembly, PL8.1.1 • ADF Cover, PL8.1.3 • ADF Separator Pad, PL8.1.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Is the ADF closed against the document glass completely? Go to step 2. Close the ADF completely and go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Reseat P/J1, P/J6, and P/J16 on the IP Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Does the ADF feed the document? Go to step 5. Go to step 7. 5. Open the ADF Cover and check the document path. Is there foreign substance on the document path? Remove the foreign substance. Go to step 6. Go to step 7. 6. Does the error persist? Go to step 7. Complete. 7. Clean the ADF feed rollers. Do the feed rollers rotate smoothly? Go to step 8. Replace the ADF. 8. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Replace the ADF Cover and ADF Separator Pad. Complete.
  • Code: 005-301
  • Description: ADF Cover Open
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • ADF Assembly, PL8.1.1
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Is the ADF Cover completely closed? Go to step 3. Close the ADF cover and go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Is the ADF Cover damaged? Replace the ADF Cover Go to step 4. Go to step 5. 4. Does the error persist? Go to step 5. Complete. 5. Reseat P/J1, P/J6, and P/J16 on the IP Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 6. Complete. 6. Replace the ADF. Does the error persist? Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Complete.
  • Code: 009-95x
  • Description: CRUM Error The Toner Cartridge CRUM communication error is detected.
  • Causes: • HARNESS ASSY DCKR PL4.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Are the Toner Cartridges installed in the printer Xerox Toner Cartridges? Go to step 2. The customer will need to replace all non-Xerox cartridges with Genuine Xerox cartridges. 2. Inspect the contacts on the CRUM connectors. Are any bent or broken? Repair of replace the connector. Go to Step 3. 3. Disconnect P/J13 on the MCU Board and unlace the harness. Inspect the harness for damage. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness, then go to step 4. Go to step 4. 4. Disconnect P/J13 on the PWBA MCU. Is the voltage across ground to P/J13-3 on the MCU Board approximately +3.3 VDC? Repair the Harness Assembly DCKR. Go to step 5. 5. Replace the Toner Cartridge (C, M, Y, or K). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 010-397
  • Description: Fuser Failure The operation error of Fuser (Temperature anomaly error etc.) is detected.
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL5.1.1 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the Fuser and cycle system power. Does the error persist? WARNING: Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Check these connections 1. MCU Board P/J26 and P/J18. 2. LVPS P/J201. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 3. Secure the connectors. 3. Check the Fuser harness. 1. Remove the Fuser. 2. Disconnect P/J26 and P/J18 from the MCU Board and P/J201 from the LVPS. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness. Go to step 4. 4. Replace the Fuser. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-315
  • Description: IP Board to IIT Communication Error An error occurred between the IIT and the Controller.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2 • LED Driver Board, PL7.1.5
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the LED Driver Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-317
  • Description: ESS ROM Main Check Fail 016-317: The standard Page Memory is corrupted.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2 • LED Driver Board, PL7.1.5
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the LED Driver Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-372
  • Description: DRAM Memory Allocation Fail Fax memory allocation error is detected.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-500, 016-501, 016-502
  • Description: Firmware Errors The firmware download to the printer failed. • 016-500: Erase Flash Err Restart Printer <Erase Flash Error> • 016-501: Can not update application code in FLASH <Download Write Error> • 016-502: Can not update parameters correctly in FLASH <Download Error>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2 • LED Driver Board, PL7.1.5
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the LED Driver Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-503 … 016-507
  • Description: E-mail Error An e-mail error has occurred. • 016-503: SMTP Error 016-503 Scan Job Failure Press OK • 016-504: POP Error 016-504 Scan Job Failure Press OK • 016-506: SMTP Login Error 016-506 Scan Job Failure Press OK • 016-507: SMTP Error 016-507 Scan Job Failure Press OK
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-718
  • Description: Memory Overflow Unable to process the PCL print data because of insufficient memory.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/PL7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reduce the resolution of the print job. does the error persist? Go to step 2 Complete. 2. Verify the controller firmware version. Update to latest version if not at latest version now. Does the error persist? Go to step 3 Complete. 3. Reseat all connections on the IP Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 5. Complete. 5. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-719
  • Description: Decode Error Decode error is detected.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-720
  • Description: PDL Error The current printing job process cannot be continued because the memory capacity is exceeded.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/PL7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the memory. Print the Configuration Page to determine the amount of memory installed. Is the print job too large? Divide the print job to fit installed memory. Go to step 2. 2. Reseat all connections on the IP Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.

Xerox Phaser 6020 error and solving error codes

Solve Xerox Phaser 6020 Error codes

  • Code: 016-737
  • Description: Download Errors The system firmware file is incorrect, corrupt, or communications to the printer failed. • 016-737: Format Error Press OK Button <Download Format Error> The file format is invalid.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 016-741 … 016-745
  • Description: Download Errors The system firmware file is incorrect, corrupt, or communications to the printer failed. • 016-741: Protection Error <Download Protect Error> The Protect is invalid. Download was attempted under the condition where it is prohibited. • 016-742: Invalid ID Press OK Button <Download ID Error> An error occurred because an invalid firmware is installed. • 016-743: Range Check Error <Download Range Error> The address of the write destination is invalid. • 016-744: Format Error 016-744 System Invalid Data Press OK <Download Format Error> Invalid file format to be downloaded. • 016-745: Format Error 016-745 System Invalid Data Press OK <Download Protect Error> Download destination device protection on.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 016-749
  • Description: PJL Request Error The print data cannot be processed by PJL.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-753
  • Description: PDL Emulation Error PDL emulation error has occurred
  • Causes: • Control Panel
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. If necessary, check whether the correct machine password has been instructed to the other machine. Does the error persist? Complete.
  • Code: 016-755
  • Description: PDF Print Prohibited Attempted to process a print-protected PDF file
  • Causes: • Control Panel
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Cancel the print protection using Adobe Reader and try printing again. Does the error persist? Go To Step 2. Complete. 2. Check whether the version of the Controller ROM is the latest one, and upgrade the version if it is not the latest. Complete.
  • Code: 016-764, 016-766, 016-767
  • Description: E-mail Error An e-mail error has occurred. • 016-764: Mail Connect Fail 016-764 Scan Job Failure Press OK <Connect Error> Can not connect to mail server for sending mail. • 016-766: SMTP TX Fail Error 016-766 Scan Job Failure Press OK <SMTP> Can not transfer completely. • 016-767: Invalid Address Error 016-767 Scan Job Failure Press OK <E-mail Address Error> Recipient address is invalid.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-791 … 016-797
  • Description: USB Memory Removal Error USB memory is removed while memory reading job is being executed. • 016-791: USB Memory Was Removed 016-791 System Job Failure Press OK <USB Memory Removal Error> • 016-795: File Format Error 016-795 Printer Job Failure Press OK <File Format Error> An unsupported file format was selected at USB Memory Print. • 016-797: File Read Error 016-797 Printer Job Failure Press OK <File Read Error> The contents of the USB Memory can not be read correctly.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/PL7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connections on the IP Board and MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-799
  • Description: Invalid Job Invalid print job settings.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9/PL7.1.16 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connections on the IP Board and MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the MCU Board. Complete.
  • Code: 016-920, 016-921
  • Description: Wireless Error The connection with Register exceeded the time limit for communication. • 016-920: Wireless Error 016-920 System Setup Fail Press OK <AP Detecting Fail While WPS Setup> • 016-921: Wireless Error 016-921 System Setup Fail Press OK <AP Detecting Fail While WPS Setup>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9B • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connections on the IP Board and MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-930, 016-931
  • Description: USB Host Error An unsupported USB memory device was attached to the USB port. • 016-930: USB Host Error 016-930 System Unsupported Device Remove from USB Port <Detect Installation Of Un-supported Device> • 016-931: USB Host Error 016-931 System Unsupported Device Remove from USB Port <Detect Installation Of Hub Device>
  • Causes:
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Unplug the unsupported device.
  • Code: 016-981
  • Description: Collate Full The print job exceeds memory capacity.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-982
  • Description: Memory Overflow Memory was determined to be full due to collate, stored or interrupted jobs.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 016-985
  • Description: Scan Mail Size Limit Scanned mail size exceeds printer limitation.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 017-970
  • Description: Memory Full The printer memory is full.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 017-980, 017-981
  • Description: Report File Error Report job fails to open/close report file or Fax Report job fails to report file. • 017-980: Report error 017-980 System Job Failure Press OK <Fail To Decode Image Data Stored In Flash – Check Compressed Fax TX Image Data.> • 017-981: Report error 017-981 System Job Failure Press OK <Fail To Process Image Data When Executing Image Processing – Check Image Scaling Or Image Rotating>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 017-988
  • Description: PC Scan Time Out
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 018-338
  • Description: Wireless Error The Wireless error is detected when checking the Wireless circuitry during initialization diagnostics.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9B • Wireless Harness, PL1.1.31 • Wireless Board Bracket, PL1.1.30
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the connections between the IP Board and the Wireless Board. Are P/J6601 and P/J6501 properly connected? Go to step 2. Reconnect the connections, then go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Disconnect P/J6601 on the IP Board, and P/J6501 on the Wireless Board. Is each cable of the Wireless Harness continuous? Go to step 4. Replace the Wireless Harness. 4. Replace the WiFi Board. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Complete.
  • Code: 024-340
  • Description: CPU Detect Internal Error MCU firmware error detected.
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board 3. LoadNVM from ESS Does the error persist? Perform the Electrical Noise check. Go To Step 2. Complete. 2. Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance.
  • Code: 024-360
  • Description: Download Error MCU firmware download error detected.
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Send MCU FW data from Downloading tool. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Reseat all connections on the IP Board and MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Does the error persist? Perform the Electrical Noise check. Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Contact your designated field support for assistance.
  • Code: 024-371
  • Description: MCU – Image Processor Board Communication Error Communication has failed between the MCU and IP Boards.
  • Causes: • IP Board PL7.1.9/7.1.16 • MCU Board PL7.2.2 • Image Processor Harness PL7.2.12
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the cables in the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Check the Image Processor Harness continuity. Disconnect the IP Board P/J402 and the MCU Board P/J22. Is the harness damaged? Replace the harness. Go to step 3. 3. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 024-946
  • Description: Cassette Detached The Paper Cassette is not detected.
  • Causes: • Paper Cassette
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Insert or Reseat the Paper Cassette. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Pull out the tray, and check the shape of the actuator located at the rear of the tray. Is the actuator dislocated or deformed Go To Step 4. Go To Step 3. 3. Test the sensor in diagnostics. Does the state change when the actuator is moved? Replace the MCU Board Replace the sensor. 4. Replace / reinstall the Actuator. Does the error persist? Go to step 3 Complete
  • Code: 024-958
  • Description: Paper Size Mismatch The size of paper in the MFP (or PSI) does not match the specified print size. AAAAAA: Paper Size BBBBBB: Paper Type
  • Causes: • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Registration roller bushing(s) and spring(s)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the Regi Sensor in diagnostics. Does the display change when the actuator is moved? Go to step 2. Replace the Regi Sensor. 1. Check the registration rollers. Are all the rollers in contact with even pressure on each side? Are the registration pressure roller bushings and springs correctly installed? Go to step 3. Correct the registration roller installation issue. 1. Is the transfer roller mounted correctly and not binding? Replace the MCU Board 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Correct the transfer roller mounting issue.
  • Code: 024-963
  • Description: No Suitable Paper The MFP (or PSI) has run out of paper or the size (or type) of paper does not match the specified print size (or type). XXXXXX: Paper Size YYYYYY: Paper Type
  • Causes: • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Harness Assembly RKN SNS, PL2.2.25 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the Regi Sensor in CE Diag. Does the display change when the actuator is moved? Go to step 2. Replace the Regi Sensor. 2. Check the Registration Rollers. Are all the rollers in contact with even pressure on each side. Are the registration pressure roller bushings ad springs correctly installed? Go to step 3. Correct any Registration Roller installation issues. 3. Is the Transfer Roller mounted correctly and not binding? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. LoadNVM from ESS. Correct any Transfer Roller mounting issues.
  • Code: 026-722, 026-723
  • Description: USB Memory Write Protect Error / File Path Limit Error The USB Memory is write protected or the file path name is too long.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. 026-722 – Initialize (format) the USB memory device on a computer with one of the following file formats and attempt to perform the operation again. • Supported file formats: FAT12, FAT16 (FAT), FAT32 Note: – NTFS and software encrypted UDSB devices are not supported. Does the error persist? Contact your designated support center representative. Compete 2. 027-723 – Verify the USB device is fully inserted into the USB port and the USB device is not removed while the printer is accessing the USB device. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete 3. Verify the USB device and the file on the USB device are accessible by the computer. Can the device and file(s) be accessed by the computer? Turn the printer off, unplug the printer from the wall for at least 30s, plug back in and turn on. Attempt the print/scan job again. Format the device in one of the following supported formats – FAT12, FAT16 (FAT), FAT32. Retry accessing the USB device on the computer then attempt the scan or print job again. 4. Does the error persist? Go to step 5. Complete. 5. Reload firmware from www.xerox.com. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 6. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 7. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 026-750, 026-751, 026-752
  • Description: Scan Communication Fail Communication failed during a scan job. • 026-750: Scan Communication Fail 026-750 Scan Job Failure Press OK <I/O Manager Detects Unknown Command Or Protocol From Network Link> • 026-751: Scan Communication Fail 026-751 Scan Job Failure Press OK <Network Link Is Disconnected While Sending Data Or Status> • 026-752: Scan Communication Fail 026-752 Scan Job Failure Press OK <I/O Manager Cannot Send USB Data>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Verify there are no TCP/IP communications issues; • No duplicate IP addresses. • Printer is not set to DHCP and a static assigned IP address is in the printer network settings. Save new settings and restart the printer and computer if TCP/IP setting have been changed. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete 2. Verify firmware and upgrade revision if needed. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Verify all cables are securely connected at the IP Board, external USB board, and attempt the job again. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 5. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 027-446
  • Description: IPv6 Duplicate Duplicate IPv6 address detected upon startup.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the SMB settings in the Address Book or CWIS. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. “MCU Board” on. Does the error persist when the power is turned off and on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 027-452
  • Description: IPv4 Duplicate Duplicate IPv4 address detected upon startup.
  • Causes:
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. At the printer’s Control Panel, press the Menu key. Using the Up Arrow, Down Arrow, and OK keys, navigate to Admin Menu > Network Settings >TCP/IP > IPv4 > Get Address. Is Get Address set to Panel? The printer is trying to use an address that is being used by another device on the network. Change the printer’s address. Another device is trying to use the printer’s address. Find the other device and resolve the problem by changing the other device’s address.
  • Code: 031-521 … 031-558
  • Description: A SMB error is detected. • 031-521: SMB Error 031-521 Scan Login Error Press OK <SMB Login Error> • 031-526: SMB Error 031-536 Scan Name Resolve Error Press OK <DNS Name Resolve Error> • 031-529: SMB Error 031-529 Scan Login Failed Press OK <Share Folder ID ERROR or Illegal PASSWORD> • 031-530: SMB Error 031-530 Scan SMB Path Error Press OK <SMB Path Error> • 031-533: SMB Error 031-533 Scan File Make Error Press OK <SMB File Make Error> • 031-534: SMB Error 031-534 Scan Folder Make Error Press OK <SMB Folder Make Error> • 031-535: SMB Error 031-535 Scan Delete File Error Press OK <SMB Delete File Error> • 031-536: SMB Error 031-536 Scan Delete Folder Error Press OK <SMB Delete Folder Error> • 031-537: SMB Error 031-537 Scan Disk Full Error Press OK <SMB Server Storage Full> • 031-555: SMB Error 031-355 Scan Connect Error Press <Detects SMB Link Is Broken> • 031-556: SMB Error 031-556 Scan Write Error Press OK <SMB Write Error> • 031-557: SMB Error 031-557 Scan File Duplication Press OK <SMB File Duplication Error> • 031-558: SMB Error 031-558 Scan Connect Error Press OK <SMB Connect Error>
  • Causes: IP Board, PL7.1.9 MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 031-571 … 031-598
  • Description: FTP error is detected. • 031-571: FTP Error 031-571 Scan Connect Error Press OK <Detects FTP Server Link Is Broken> • 031-574: FTP Error 031-574 Scan Name Resolve Error Press OK <Domain Name Resolving Failure> • 031-575: FTP Error 031-575 Scan Server Address Error Press OK <Scan Server Address Error> • 031-576: FTP Error 031-576 Scan Server Not Found Press OK <Can Not Open FTP Server For Accessing> • 031-578: FTP Error 031-578 Scan Login Failed Press OK <FTP ID ERROR or FTP PASSWORD Illegal> • 031-579: FTP Error 031-579 Scan FTP Path Error Press OK <FTP Path Error> • 031-582: FTP Error 031-582 Scan File Create Error Press OK <Can Not Create File Name> • 031-584: FTP Error 031-584 Scan Connect Error Press OK <Can Not Create Directory> • 031-585: FTP Error 031-585 Scan DEL Command Error Press OK <Can Not Delete File> • 031-587: FTP Error 031-587 Scan RMD Command Error Press OK <Can Not Delete Directory> • 031-588: FTP Error 031-588 Scan Write Error Press OK <Data Can Not Be Written Onto FTP> • 031-589: FTP Error 031-589 Scan Disk Full Error Press OK <FTP Storage Full> • 031-594: FTP Error 031-594 Scan TYPE Command Error Press OK <FTP Command Type Incorrect> • 031-598: FTP Error 031-598 Scan APPE Command Error Press OK <FTP APPEND Command Error>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 033-503, 033-513
  • Description: FAX Memory Error
  • Causes: • Package Assy Fax Lt, Pl7.1.15 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 033-517, 033-518, 033-519
  • Description: Fax Administration Errors. • 033-517: Password Error 033-517 Fax Job Failure Press OK <The Password Of The PC Fax Job Is Different From Password Of The Fax Service Lock When The Fax Service Lock Setting Is “Password Locked”> • 033-518: Region is not Set 033-518 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Fax Country is not set correctly> • 033-519: Function is Disabled 033-519 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Machine Receives A PC Fax Job When The Fax Service Lock Setting Is “Locked”.>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 033-787, 033-788
  • Description: Memory Full Fax Job Failure • 033-787: Memory Full 033-787 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Calling Table Full> • 033-788: Memory Full 033-788 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Register Page/Band To Flash Memory Failed For Receiving Data From PC Host> Note: The scanned images will be transmitted out and the report will show only successful transmission with the stored pages. The message will be cleared after Job Fault time out.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 034-700 … 034-768
  • Description: FAX Communication Errors. • 034-700: Busy 034-700 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Fax Busy> • 034-701: No Dial Tone 034-701 Fax Job Failure Press OK <No Dial Tone> • 034-702: No Answer 034-702 Fax Check Line Connection Press OK <No loop current for FAX modem> • 034-703: Communication Fail 034-703 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Interrupted TX at receive end> • 034-704: Communication Fail 034-704 Fax Job Failure Press OK <No answer at receive end> • 034-705: Communication Fail 034-705 Fax Job Failure Press OK <TX redial failure> • 034-706: Communication Fail 034-706 Fax Job Failure Press OK <TX ID timeout> • 034-707: Communication Fail 034-707 Fax Job Failure Press OK <FTP RMD command error is detected> • 034-708: Communication Fail 034-708 Fax Job Failure Press OK <Received data not written to FTP> • 034-709: Communication Fail Fax Job Failure Press OK (Remote polling disabled) • 034-710: Communication Fail Fax Job Failure Press OK (Remote polling or RX unavailable) • 034-711: Communication Fail Fax Job Failure Press OK (FTP APPEND command error is detected) • 034-712 through -727: Communication Fail Fax Job Failure Press OK • 034-750 to 034-768: Communication Error (RX communication error is detected)
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the Fax Board. Does the error persist Go to step 3 Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 041-340
  • Description: NVRAM Error The operation error of NVM (read/write check error etc.) is detected.
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Perform the Electrical Noise test. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Download and install firmware form www.xerox.com. Go to step 3. Complete. 3. 1. Save NVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 042-325
  • Description: Motor Error MCU detects an error from the Main Drive Motor.
  • Causes: • Main Drive Assembly, PL6.1.2 • Main Motor Harness, PL6.1.7 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the Main Drive Motor in CE Diags. Does the Motor run? 1. SaveNVM to ESS. 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS. Go to step 2. 2. Check the connections between the MCU Board P/J16 and the Main Drive Assembly P/J160. Are the connections secure? Go to step 3. Reconnect the connectors, then go to step 4. 3. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Is the Main Drive Assembly installed correctly? Go to step 5. Reseat the Main Drive Assembly, then go to step 6. 5. Does the error persist when the power is turned off and on? Go to step 6. Complete. 6. Check the Main Drive harness continuity. Disconnect P/J16 from the MCU Board and P/J160 from the Main Drive Assembly to check continuity. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness. Go to step 7. 7. Check the power to the Main Drive Assembly. Disconnect connector P/J16 on the MCU Board. Are the voltages across ground at P/J16-2 and P/J16-4 approximately +24 VDC when the Interlock Switch is closed? Replace the Main Drive Assembly. 1. SaveNVM to ESS. 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS.
  • Code: 042-358
  • Description: Fan Motor Failure MCU detects an error from the Fan Motor.
  • Causes: • LVPS, PL 7.2.1 • Fan, PL 7.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Test the Fan in CE Diag (see “Fan”). For the 6020: Test the Fan with the “Fan”. Does the Fan function normally? Go to step 2. Go to step 3. 2. Does the error persist? Replace the Fan. Complete. 3. Check the connections between the FAN and LVPS. Is P/J205 on the LVPS securely connected? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Disconnect P/J205 on the LVPS. Is the voltage across ground at P/J205-1 approximately +24 VDC when the Interlock Switch is pushed? 1. SaveNVM to ESS. 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS. Replace the LVPS.
  • Code: 042-372
  • Description: DEVE Mode Change Failure DEVE Mode Change failure is detected.
  • Causes: • Feed Solenoid, PL6.1.10 • Switching Sensor • Harness Assembly RKN SNS PL2.2.25/26 • Developer Drive Assembly, PL6.1.6 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? Go to step 2. If there is more than only the current error in the fault history, go to step 2. 2. Test the K Mode Solenoid: Enter diagnostic mode and select Engine Diag > Motor Test > K Mode Solenoid You can also use the CE Diag Tool to perform this test (“K Mode Solenoid”). Does the Feed Solenoid function normally? Go to step 4. Go to step 3. 3. Check the P/J10 connector on the MCU Board. Is P/J10 connected correctly? Replace the K Mode Solenoid. Reseat the connector. 4. Does Gear C rotate and engage the drive train when the K mode solenoid releases it? Go to step 5. Replace the developer drive assembly PL6.1.6. 5. Test the color mode sensor in diagnostics. Does the sensor function correctly? Go to step 7. Replace the sensor PL2.3.5 Then go to step 6. 6. Does the sensor function correctly in diagnostics after replacement? Complete. Go to step 7 7. Check the connections between the MCU Board P/J12 and the Feed Sensor P/J122. Are the connections secure? Replace the MCU Board. Reseat the connector.
  • Code: 061-370
  • Description: LPH Failure Printer Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer <LPH Failure>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • LED Driver Board, PL7.1.5 • HEAD ASSY-M-K, PL3.3.4
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the connectors at the LED Driver Board P/J2, 3, 4, and 5 and Xerographics Assembly P/J6, 7, 8, and 9. Are the connectors securely connected? Go to step 2. Reconnect the connectors. 2. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Print the test pattern ASIC. Put the printer in diagnostic mode and select Test Print > Test Pattern ASIC. You can also print the test pattern from the CE Diag Tool. See “Test Print” on. Is the image printed correctly? Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Replace the LED Driver Board.
  • Code: 062-321
  • Description: Carriage Motor Error.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Perform Scanner Test 1 in diagnostics. Does the scanner motor run? Go to step 2. Replace the Scanner Assembly. 2. Reseat the connectors between the scanner and IP Board. Does the error reoccur? Go to step 3 Complete. 3. Temporarily connect a replacement scanner. Does the error reoccur? Replace the IP Board. Install the replacement scanner.
  • Code: 062-322
  • Description: Scanner Drive Calibration Failure Scanner drive calibration failed.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2 • Scanner, PL8.1.1
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Does the error persist? Replace the Scanner for WorkCenter 6025 MFP or for WorkCenter 6027 MFP. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 3. Complete.
  • Code: 062-360
  • Description: Image Processor related error occurred. System Restart
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the connectors on the IP Board. Are the connections secure? Go to step 3. Securely reconnect the connectors, then go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board; Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Complete.
  • Code: 062-790
  • Description: Copy Limit Unable to continue due to copy limitation.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 075-100
  • Description: Jam Errors The Registration Sensor is not turned ON within the specified time.
  • Causes: • Feed Roller, PL22.4 • Feed Solenoid, PL6.1.10 • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Main Drive Assembly, PL6.1.2 • Registration Clutch, PL2.3.7 • Harness Assembly RKN SNS, PL2.2.25 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Are the Feed Roller and Separator Pad installed correctly? Go to step 2. Install parts that are not correctly installed. 2. Does the Feed Roller rotate smoothly and the tray lift so that the paper contacts the feed roller? Go to step 3. Go to step 7. 3. Does the paper feed to the nip point of the registration roller? Go to step 4. Replace the feed and or separator rollers. 4. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Sensor test (see page 2-136). You can also use CE Diag Tool to perform this test (see page 2-110). Lift the Main Paper Tray Chute (PL3.3.3), this pushes on the actuator, does the number on the display change each time the Main Paper Tray Chute is lifted? Go to step 5. Go to step 6. 5. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J21 and the Registration Sensor P/J120. Check the Harness Assembly RKN SNS for continuity. Is the harness damaged? Go to step 6. Repair or replace the harness. 6. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J21. Is the voltage across ground and P/J12-1 +3.3VDC? Replace the Registration Sensor. 1. SaveNVM to ESS. 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS. 7. Enter diagnostic mode and run Main Motor on Full (see page 2-123). You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test see ‘CE Diags Tool’. Does the Main Drive Assembly function correctly. Go to step 8 Go to step 10 8. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Feed SOLENOID test. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test see ‘CE Diags Tool’. Does the Feed Solenoid function correctly? Go to step 9. Replace the Feed Solenoid. 9. Enter diagnostic mode and select Engine Diag > Motor Test > Regi Clutch. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test see ‘CE Diags Tool’. Does the Registration Clutch function correctly? 1. SaveNVM to ESS. 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS. Replace the Registration Clutch. 10. Check the connector of P/J19 on the MCU Board. Is the connection secure? Go to step 11. Reconnect the connector, then go to step 15. 11. Does the error persist? Go to step 12. Complete. 12. Disconnect P/J16 from the MCU Board and P/J160 from the Main Drive Assembly. Check the continuity of the cable. Is the cable damaged? Repair the cable. Go to step 13. 13. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J16 and check that the voltages across ground at P/J16-2 and P/J16-4 are +24 VDC. Are the voltages correct? Replace the Main Drive Assembly. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS
  • Code: 075-921
  • Description: Insert Output To Tray The sheet on which to print an odd-numbered page has not been loaded in the Paper Cassette /Bypass Tray when manual duplex printing is performed.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then cycle system power. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 077-100
  • Description: Paper Remain at Regi Paper remain was detected at the Registration section (or Paper Tray/Bypass Tray section) of the printer. Applicable Error
  • Causes: • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Harness Assembly RKN SNS, PL2.2.25/26 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Is the trailing edge of the paper past the registration sensor actuator? Go to step 3. Go to step 5. 2. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Sensor test (see page 2-136). You can also use CE Diag Tool to perform this test (see page 2-110). Lift the Main Paper Tray Chute (PL3.3.3), this pushes on the actuator does the number on the display change each time the Main Paper Tray Chute is lifted? Go to step 3. Replace the Registration Sensor (Phaser 6020 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, Phaser 6022 and WorkCentre 6027 MFP. 3. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J21 and the Registration Sensor P/J120. Check the Harness Assembly RKN SNS for continuity. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness. Go to step 4. 4. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J12. Is the voltage across ground and P/J12-1 +3.3VDC? Reconnect the connectors, then go to step 2. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS 5. Is the ROLL REGI PL 2.3.1 installed correctly and in full contact with ROLL ASSY PINCH REGI PL 2.3.2. Go to step 6. Repair the mechanical issue with ROLL REGI. 6. Enter diagnostic mode and select Engine Diag > Motor Test > Regi Clutch. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test (see ‘CE Diags Tool’). Does the Registration Clutch function correctly? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Replace the Registration Clutch.
  • Code: 077-104
  • Description: Regi Jam The paper does not pass through the Registration Sensor within the specified time.
  • Causes: • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Registration Clutch, PL2.3.7 • Harness Assembly RKN SNS, PL2.2.25/26 • Main Drive Assembly, PL6.1.2 • Harness Assembly Dispenser MOT, PL6.1.7 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the installation and operation of the Registration Roller and the Registration Pinch Roller Assembly. Are the Registration Roller and the Registration Pinch Roller Assembly installed properly? Go to step 2. Replace the relevant part, then go to step 2. 2. Check connectors P/J12 and P/J120 between the MCU Board and the Registration Sensor. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 3. Reseat the harness in the connectors, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error still occur when printing? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Sensor test (see “Registration Sensor” on). You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test see. Lift the Paper Tray Chute (PL3.3.3), does the number on the display increase by 1 each time the Paper Tray Chute is lifted? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 5. 5. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J21 and the Registration Sensor P/J120. Check the Harness Assembly RKN SNS for continuity. Is the harness damaged? Go to step 6. Repair the harness. 6. Check that the voltage across ground on the MCU Board P/J12-1 is +3.3 VDC. Is the voltage correct? Replace the Registration Sensor (Phaser 6020 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, Phaser 6022 and WorkCentre 6027 MFP. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS 7. Check connectors P/J16 and P/J160 between the MCU Board and the Main Drive Assembly. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 9. Reconnect the connectors, then go to step 8. 8. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 9. Complete. 9. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Main Motor test see. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test. see “Main Motor” on. Does the Main Drive Assembly function normally? Go to step 14. Go to step 10. 10. Check the Main Drive Assembly for proper installation. Is the Main Drive Assembly installed correctly? Go to step 12. Reseat the Main Drive Assembly, then go to step 11. 11. Does the error still occur when printing? Go to step 12. Complete. 12. Disconnect P/J16 from the MCU Board and P/J160 from the Main Drive Assembly. Check the continuity of the cable. Is the cable damaged? Repair the cable. Go to step 13. 13. Check the MCU Board P/J25 for proper connection. Is P/J25 securely connected? Go to step 15. Reconnect the connector, then go to step 14. 14. Does the error persist? Go to step 15. Complete. 15. Disconnect P/J16 on the MCU Board. Are the voltages across ground at P/J16-2 and P/J16-4 approximately +24 VDC when the Interlock Switch is pushed? Replace the Main Drive Assembly, then go to step 16. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 16. 16. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 17. Complete. 17. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Clutch test. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test see “Registration Clutch” on. Does the Registration Clutch function correctly? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Replace the Registration Clutch.
  • Code: 077-106
  • Description: Jam at Exit The paper does not reach the Registration Sensor within the specified time.
  • Causes: • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Registration Clutch, PL2.3.7 • Harness Assembly RKN SNS, PL2.2.25/26 • Main Drive Assembly, PL6.1.2 • Harness Assembly Main MOT, PL6.1.7 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the installation and operation of the Registration Roller and the Registration Pinch Roller Assembly. Are the Registration Roller and the Registration Pinch Roller Assembly installed properly? Go to step 2. Reinstall/replace the relevant part, then go to step 2. 2. Check connectors P/J12 and P/J120 between the MCU Board and the Registration Sensor. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 4. Reconnect the connectors, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error still occur when printing? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Sensor test (see. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test (see. Lift the Paper Tray Chute (PL3.3.3), does the number on the display increase by 1 each time the Paper Tray Chute is lifted? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 5. 5. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J12 and the Registration Sensor P/J120. Check the Harness Assembly RKN SNS for continuity. Is the harness damaged? Go to step 6. Repair the harness. 6. Check that the voltage across ground on the MCU Board P/J12-1 is +3.3 VDC. Is the voltage correct? Replace the Registration Sensor (Phaser 6020 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, Phaser 6022 and WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Go to step 7. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 7. 7. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 8. Complete. 8. Check connectors P/J16 and P/J160 between the MCU Board and the Main Drive Assembly. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 9. Reconnect the connectors, then go to step 9. 9. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 10. Complete. 10. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Main Motor test (see). You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test (see “Main Motor” on. Does the Main Drive Assembly function normally? Go to step 15. Go to step 11. 11. Check the Main Drive Assembly for proper installation. Is the Main Drive Assembly installed correctly? Go to step 12. Reseat the Main Drive Assembly, then go to step 12. 12. Does the error still occur when printing? Go to step 13. Complete. 13. Disconnect P/J16 from the MCU Board and P/J160 from the Main Drive Assembly. Check the continuity of the cable. Is the cable damaged? Repair the cable. Go to step 14. 14. Check the MCU Board P/J25 for proper connection. Is P/J25 securely connected? Go to step 15. Reconnect the connector, then go to step 15. 15. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 16. Complete. 16. Check the power to the Main Drive Assembly. Disconnect P/J16 on the MCU Board. Are the voltages across ground at P/J16-2 and P/J16-4 approximately +24 VDC when the Interlock Switch is engaged? Replace the Main Drive Assembly, and then go to step 17. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 17. 17. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 18. Complete. 18. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Clutch test. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test (see “Registration Clutch” on. Does the Registration Clutch function correctly? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Replace the Registration Clutch.
  • Code: 077-108, 077-109
  • Description: Exit Jams The paper passed through the Exit Sensor earlier than the specified time or the paper does not pass through the Exit Sensor within the specified time.• 077-108: Paper Jam 077-108 Printer Jam at Exit, <Exit Jam> Early pass • 077-109: Paper Jam 077-109 Printer Jam at Exit, <Exit Jam> No pa
  • Causes: Fuser, PL5.1.1 MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Remove the fuser exit guide see. Are any torn off pieces of paper present? Remove the paper. Go to step 2. 2. Check P/J18 on the MCU Board. Is P/J18 connected securely? Go to step 3. Reconnect P/J18, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error persist? Replace the Fuser. Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Does the error persist? Replace the MCU Board. Complete.
  • Code: 077-304
  • Description: Rear Cover Open The rear cover is open.
  • Causes: • Rear Door, PL1.1.6 • Rear I/L Switch Assembly, PL1.1.12 • LVPS, PL7.2.1 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Visually inspect the Rear Door for damage. Is the Rear Door damaged? Replace the Rear Door for Phaser 6020, or for Phaser 6022, or for WorkCenter 6025 MFP, or for WorkCenter 6027 MFP. Go step 2. 2. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Cover Open Sensor test (see. Does the number on the display increase by 1 each time the door is opened?. Go to step 4. Go to step 3. 3. Replace the Rear I/L Switch Assembly for Phaser 6020, or for 6022, or for WorkCenter 6025 MFP, or for WorkCenter 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Replace the LVPS. Does the error still occur when printing? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 077-900
  • Description: Exit Jam Paper is remaining at the Exit section of the Printer.
  • Causes: • Fuser, PL5.1.1 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Remove the fuser exit guide see. Are any torn off pieces of paper present? Remove the paper. Go to step 2. 2. Check P/J18 on the MCU Board. Is P/J18 connected securely? Go to step 3. Reconnect P/J18, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error persist? Replace the Fuser. Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Does the error persist? Replace the MCU Board. Complete.
  • Code: 077-901
  • Description: Registration Jam Paper is detected at the registration section of the Printer.
  • Causes: • Registration Sensor, PL2.3.5 • Harness Assembly RKN SNS, PL2.2.25 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the installation and operation of the Registration Roller and the Registration Pinch Roller Assembly. Are the Registration Roller and the Registration Pinch Roller Assembly installed properly? Go to step 2. Replace the relevant part, then go to step 2. 2. Check connectors P/J12 and P/J120 between the MCU Board and the Registration Sensor. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 3. Reseat the harness in the connectors, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error still occur when printing? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Sensor test (see “Registration Sensor”). You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test (see. Lift the Paper Tray Chute (PL3.3.3), does the number on the display increase by 1 each time the Paper Tray Chute is lifted? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 5. 5. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J21 and the Registration Sensor P/J120. Check the Harness Assembly RKN SNS for continuity. Is the harness damaged? Go to step 6. Repair the harness. 6. Check that the voltage across ground on the MCU Board P/J12-1 is +3.3 VDC. Is the voltage correct? Replace the Registration Sensor (Phaser 6020 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, Phaser 6022 and WorkCentre 6027 MFP. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS 7. Check connectors P/J16 and P/J160 between the MCU Board and the Main Drive Assembly. Are the connectors secure? Go to step 9. Reconnect the connectors, then go to step 8. 8. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 9. Complete. 9. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Main Motor test (see. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test. (see “Motor Test”). Does the Main Drive Assembly function normally? Go to step 14. Go to step 10. 10. Check the Main Drive Assembly for proper installation. Is the Main Drive Assembly installed correctly? Go to step 12. Reseat the Main Drive Assembly, then go to step 11. 11. Does the error still occur when printing? Go to step 12. Complete. 12. Disconnect P/J16 from the MCU Board and P/J160 from the Main Drive Assembly. Check the continuity of the cable. Is the cable damaged? Repair the cable. Go to step 13. 13. Check the MCU Board P/J25 for proper connection. Is P/J25 securely connected? Go to step 15. Reconnect the connector, then go to step 14. 14. Does the error persist? Go to step 15. Complete. 15. Disconnect P/J16 on the MCU Board. Are the voltages across ground at P/J16-2 and P/J16-4 approximately +24 VDC when the Interlock Switch is pushed? Replace the Main Drive Assembly, then go to step 16. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 16. 16. Does the error persist when printing? Go to step 17. Complete. 17. Enter diagnostic mode and run the Regi Clutch test. You can also use the CE Diag Tool to run this test (see “Registration Clutch”). Does the Registration Clutch function correctly? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Replace the Registration Clutch.
  • Code: 091-402
  • Description: XERO Near Life The Printer (Xerographic) is approaching the replacement time.
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Turn the printer off and then on. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Is the print count close to or greater than 30k prints? Go to step 3. Contact your designated field support for assistance. 3. Does print quality meet or exceed guaranteed print quality specifications? Complete. Replace any component(s) related to the print quality issues.
  • Code: 091-441
  • Description: XERO Life Warning The Printer Xerographic Assembly (Imaging Units, Developers and Transfer Belt Assembly) have reached end-of-life, refer to the manual. Note: The error cannot be cleared once the printer has reached EOL. Printing will not be inhibited; however, print quality is no longer guaranteed.
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Turn the printer off and then on. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Is the print count close to or greater than 30k prints? Go to step 3. Contact your designated field support for assistance. 3. Does print quality meet or exceed guaranteed print quality specifications? Complete. Replace any component(s) related to the print quality issues.
  • Code: 092-310, 092-910
  • Description: Check Unit (ADC) Sensor The CTD (ADC) Sensor has reached the Cleaning time or the CTD (ADC) Sensor needs to be cleaned. • 092-310: Check CTD Unit <CDT Sensor Contamination> • 092-910: Check CTD Unit <CDT Sensor Contamination>
  • Causes: MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Disconnect P/J14 on the MCU Board. Is the voltage across ground at P/J14-1 and P/J14- 9 on the MCU Board +5 VDC? Go to step 2. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 092-651
  • Description: CDT (ADC) Sensor Error CTD (ADC) sensor error is detected.
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Clean the ADC sensor. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Disconnect the harness at MCU Board P/J14 and at Xerographics Assembly P/J140, and check the harness for continuity. Is the harness continuous? Go to step 3. Repair the harness. 3. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 092-661
  • Description: ENV Sensor Error The Environment (Temperature/Humidity) sensor detected the temperature anomaly. 661: Code:xxxxxxxx Restart Printer <Environmental Sensor Error>
  • Causes: MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 093-423 … 093-426
  • Description: Toner Cartridge (X) Near Life The Toner Cartridge (X) is approaching the replacement time. When all the toner cartridges are simultaneously approaching the replacement time, a warning is indicated in the following order: 1)Black 2)Cyan 3)Magenta 4)Yellow • 093-423: Ready to Print 093-423 Printer Y Cartridge is Close to Life • 093-424: Ready to Print 093-424 Printer M Cartridge is Close to Life • 093-425: Ready to Print 093-425 Printer C Cartridge is Close to Life • 093-426: Ready to Print 093-426 Printer X Cartridge is Close to Life
  • Causes: • Harn assy dckr, PL4.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the Toner Cartridge. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Check P/J13 on the MCU Board. Is the connector secure? Go to step 4. Reconnect P/J13, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 093-919 … 093-922
  • Description: (X) Toner Low Density • 093-919: Low Density 093-919 Printer Check Y Cartridge Now • 093-920: Low Density 093-920 Printer Check M Cartridge Now • 093-921: Low Density 093-921 Printer Check C Cartridge Now • 093-922: Low Density 093-922 Printer Check X Cartridge Now
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Clean the ADC sensor. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Check that MCU Board P/J14 is securely connected? Is the connection secure? Go to step 3. Reconnect P/J14, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Contact your designated field support for assistance.
  • Code: 093-926
  • Description: CRUM ID Error, Toner Cartridge (X) Detached An unsupported cartridge is detected or the indicated Toner Cartridge is not installed in the printer. If no toner cartridge has been installed in the printer, a warning is indicated in the following order: 1)Yellow 2)Magenta 3)Cyan 4)Black • 093-926: CRUM ID 093-926 Reseat K Cartridge
  • Causes: • HARN ASSY DCKR, PL4.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Are the Toner Cartridges installed in the printer Xerox Toner Cartridges? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Disconnect P/J13 on the MCU Board and unlace the harness. Inspect the harness for damage. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness, then go to step 3. Go to step 3. 3. Disconnect P/J13 on the PWBA MCU. Is the voltage across ground to P/J13-3 on the MCU Board approximately +3.3 VDC? Repair the Harness Assembly DCKR. Go to step 5. 4. Replace the Toner Cartridge (C, M, Y, or K). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 093-930 … 093-933
  • Description: Replace Toner Cartridge The indicated toner cartridge needs to be replaced.
  • Causes: • Harn assy dckr, PL4.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the appropriate Toner Cartridge. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Does the error persist when the power is turned off and on? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Check P/J13 on the MCU Board. Is the connection secure? Go to step 5. Reconnect P/J13, then go to step 4. 4. Does the error persist? Go to step 5. Complete. 5. Disconnect P/J13 on the MCU Board, and inspect the harness. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness, then go to step 6. Go to step 7. 6. Does the error persist? Go to step 7. Complete. 7. Replace the Toner Cartridge (C, M, Y, or K). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 4. Contact your designated field support for assistance.
  • Code: 093-950, 093-951, 093-952, 093-925
  • Description: Toner Comm Fail. • 093-950 Y Cartridge Error • 093-951 M Cartridge Error • 093-952 C Cartridge Error • 093-925 K Cartridge Error
  • Causes: • HARN ASSY DCKR, PL4.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the Toner Cartridge. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Check the connection at MCU Board P/J13. Is the connection secure? Go to step 3. Reconnect P/J13, then go to step 3. 3. Does the error persist? Go to step 4. Complete. 4. Disconnect P/J13 on the MCU Board and unlace the harness. Inspect the harness for damage. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness, then go to step 5. Go to step 6. 5. Does the error persist? Go to step 6. Complete. 6. Replace the Toner Cartridge (C, M, Y, or K). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 7. Complete. 7. Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 093-960 … 093-974
  • Description: CRUM ID Error, Toner Cartridge (X) Detached An unsupported cartridge is detected or the indicated Toner Cartridge is not installed in the printer. If no toner cartridge has been installed in the printer, a warning is indicated in the following order: 1)Yellow 2)Magenta 3)Cyan 4)Black • 093-960: CRUM ID 093-960 Reseat Y Cartridge • 093-961: CRUM ID 093-961 Reseat M Cartridge • 093-962: CRUM ID 093-962 Reseat C Cartridge • 093-970: Insert Print Cart. 093-970 Printer Insert Y Cartridge • 093-971: Insert Print Cart. 093-971 Printer Insert M Cartridge • 093-972: Insert Print Cart. 093-972 Printer Insert C Cartridge • 093-973: Insert Print Cart. 093-973 Printer Insert X Cartridge • 093-974 Insert Toner Cartridge
  • Causes: • HARN ASSY DCKR, PL4.1.2 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Are the Toner Cartridges installed in the printer Xerox Toner Cartridges? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Disconnect P/J13 on the MCU Board and unlace the harness. Inspect the harness for damage. Is the harness damaged? Repair the harness, then go to step 3. Go to step 3. 3. Disconnect P/J13 on the PWBA MCU. Is the voltage across ground to P/J13-3 on the MCU Board approximately +3.3 VDC? Repair the Harness Assembly DCKR. Go to step 5. 4. Replace the Toner Cartridge (C, M, Y, or K). Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 116-210, 116-395
  • Description: System USB Port Error • 116-210: System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns <System USB Port Error> • 116-395: System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns <System USB Port Error>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat the connectors on the IP and MCU Boards then turn the printer back on. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 116-314, 116-355
  • Description: ESS Network Errors. • 116-314: <ESS Network MAC Address Error> • 116-355: <ESS On Board Network Fatal Error>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board: Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Does the error persist? Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 116-323
  • Description: Checksum Error (Fax) Checksum Error for Fax parameter is detected.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the PACKAGE ASSY FAX LT PL7.1.15 Does the error persist when the power is turned on? Replace the IP Board: Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Complete.
  • Code: 116-324, 116-326, 116-343
  • Description: Firmware Errors The firmware download to the printer failed. • 116-324: Controller Error Restart Printer <Controller Error> • 116-326: NVM checksum error (Scan section) <Checksum Error (scan)> • 116-343: ASIC Error Restart Printer <ASIC Error>
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2 • LED Driver Board, PL7.1.5
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the LED Driver Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS
  • Code: 116-325
  • Description: Checksum Error (Other) Checksum error for (Other) parameter is detected.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Reseat all connectors on the IP Board and the MCU Board. Does the error persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist when the power is turned on? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 116-703
  • Description: PostScript LANG Interpretation Error (PS/PDF) There is a problem in the PostScript data and an error occurred in PostScript grammar interpretation or language interpretation. Note: This Status Code is not related to any hardware fault.
  • Causes:
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Correct the job data. Does the error persist? No. Complete.
  • Code: 116-720
  • Description: PCL Memory Low, Page Simplified There is a problem in the PostScript data and an error occurred in PostScript grammar interpretation or language interpretation. Note: This Status Code is not related to any hardware fault.
  • Causes:
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Change the print job data size; smaller image file, document, or other job file size and try the print job again. Does the error persist? Change file size or type. Complete.
  • Code: 117-331 … 117-343
  • Description: Image Processor related error occurred. System Restart
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the connectors on the IP Board. Are the connections secure? Go to step 3. Securely reconnect the connectors, then go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Replace the IP Board; Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? Complete.
  • Code: 124-333
  • Description: ASIC Failure Restart Printer
  • Causes: • LED Driver Board, PL7.1.5 • LED/MCU Cable, PL7.1.6 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check connectors P/J23 and P/J1 on the MCU Board and LED Driver Board. Are the connections secure? Go to step 3. Reconnect the connectors P/J23 and P/J1, and then go to step 2. 2. Does the error persist? Go to step 3. Complete. 3. Disconnect the MCU Board P/J23 and the LED Driver Board P/J1, and check the LED/MCU Cable continuity. Is the cable damaged? Replace the LED/MCU Cable. Go to step 4. 4. Replace the LED Driver Board. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.
  • Code: 134-211
  • Description: Fax Card Modem Error.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • Fax Board, PL7.1.22 • Fax Harness. PL7.1.22 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Disconnect the Fax Harness at P/J2 on the IP Board and the corresponding P/J on the Fax Board. Check the Fax Harness for continuity. Is the cable OK? Go to step 2. Replace the Fax Harness. 2. Replace the PACKAGE ASSY FAX LT PL7.1.15 Does the error persist? Replace the IP Board. Complete.
  • Code: 191-310, 191-311
  • Description: XERO Life Over (Counter) The Printer (XERO DEVE LPH BELT ASSY) has reached the replacement time. • 191-310: System Restart Printer Contact Support If Message Returns <XERO Life Over> • 191-311: XERO Life Over (Counter) <XERO Life Over>
  • Causes: • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Turn the printer off and then on. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete. 2. Contact your designated field support for assistance. Complete.
  • Code: 193-700
  • Description: Custom Toner Mode The printer is in custom toner mode.
  • Causes: • IP Board, PL7.1.9 • MCU Board, PL7.2.2
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Loosen the screws on the IP Board, then tighten the screws to reseat the board. Check that all the connectors on the IP Board are secure. Does the problem persist? Go to step 2. Complete. 2. Replace the IP Board (Phaser 6020/6022 and WorkCentre 6025 MFP, WorkCentre 6027 MFP. Does the error persist? 1. SaveNVM to ESS 2. Replace the MCU Board. 3. LoadNVM from ESS Complete.

– Get more error code list with quick guide to fix printer product, click here

– About get help with reseting Epson inkpad or others, click here

– Get more information about Epson XP 15000 troubleshooting, click here

Xerox printer reset software introduction:

Notes before resetting Xerox printer:

– Identify accurate version, serial and crum of Xerox printer.
– How to get Xerox printer model info: Click Here
– Before you continue with the reprogramming of the firmware, please make sure that the device is installed on your computer.
It is very important that under no circumstances should you remove the chip from the cartridge while reprogramming the firmware. After you have succesfully reprogrammed the printer, remove the chip from the cartridge and store it somewhere safely (the chip – a key). In all cartridges which you are going to use in the printer, the chip has to be either removed or sealed. If you have accidently inserted a new cartridge without removing the chip, the device will be blocked. In order to unblock it, you can use the stored chip as a key which help you to unblock the printer.
– And make sure that any other devices (except mouse and keyboard), which are connected to your computer via USB or LPT ports are disconnected. It’s preferable that the computer is connected to the “UPS” (uninterruptible power source) device, because if during the reprogramming process the electricity source has any interruptions, then the reprogramming will be carried out with an error, which makes the device unable to work.
– This firmware will be installed directly to your printer. Before opening firmare link make sure that printer is turned on and connected to your computer and printer drivers are installed correctly.
Be aware that with the reprogramming of the firmware the manufacturer’s warranty goes lost!!

How To Run Firmware Fix Xerox printer

1. Connect the printer to the computer and turn it on.
2. Wait until the printer is ready for work.
3. Drag and drop *.hd to usbprns2.exe file.

Run Firmware Fix Xerox B205

4. The reprogramming process starts automatically.
5. Wait until the printer reprograms (10-20 minute) and restarts.
6. After that the reprogramming process is finished, restart the printer.
– Fix Xerox B205 Toner Empty Error, click here

Contact us to get support with Xerox Phaser 6020 Error case

Telegram: https://t.me/hyperaktiv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dngnm/
Or click here to get more ways.

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Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Многофункциональный принтер Phaser® 6128MFP


*3 NNN указывает цифровое значение.
*4 XXX указывает одно из следующего: желтый тонер (Y), голубой тонер (C),
малиновый тонер (M) или черный тонер (K).

Ошибка входа на SMB

Неверное имя для входа или пароль.
Проверьте информацию в адресной книге.

Ошибка SMB
Сервер не найден

Неверный IP-адрес в адресной книге.
Проверьте IP-адрес или имя DNS сервера SMB.

Неверное сетевое имя

Имя общей папки неверное или данная папка не существует.
Неверно заданы параметры общего доступа к папке.

Не найдена папка
‘Сканировать в’

Неверно указан подкаталог. Символ «/» использовать нельзя.
Данная папка не существует или неверно задан путь.
Используйте символ «». Укажите короткий путь к папке на
сервере FTP. Например, если файлы сканирования нужно
сохранять в папке «colorscans», которая содержится в общей
папке, введите colorscans.

Ошибка подключения SMTP

Принтер не находит указанный сервер эл. почты.
Проверьте адрес сервера и данные для входа.

Недопуст. адрес в поле ‘От’

Обратный адрес эл. почты недопустимый или неверный.
Адрес должен содержать @ и .com.

Сервер не найден

Если сканирование на FTP выполняется на компьютере
Macintosh, значит не включен общий доступ к FTP. Неверный
адрес сервера.
Проверьте адрес сервера.

Ошибка при входе
в эл.почту
Ошибка при входе на SMTP
Ошибка 016-507

Неправильно указаны данные для входа.
Неверное имя для входа или пароль.

Ошибка при входе в
Ошибка 016-506

Неправильно указаны данные для входа.



Hi there,

years ago I install the scan for users. Long time I had no problem with that till we got windows 10. At some of windows 10 (not all of version) when I do scanning I have an SMB error 031-528 on the screen of xerox 6505. I did the same setup what I use for long time. I read many many forums to try to figure out what can cause this thing. Now I will try to write all the things what I setup on the problematic windows 10 PS-es.

This is how I setup network scan:

network scan.jpg
(already tried simple user name as Orsi)

1.) Made a shared «Scan» folder on C: (full access for «Orsi» user)

2.) setup network scan as seen upper

Usually dont need any further setup. But I have 031-528 error then I did the next setup more:

1.) Navigate to Control Panel, System and Security and Windows Firewall —> Advanced settings —> Inbound Rules —> New Rule. Add the port — protocol (TCP or UDP) — port 139 — Allow the connection in the next window — all network type.

2.) I configured the following Group Policy settings: 

Computer configurationadministrative templatesnetworkLanman Workstation «Enable insecure guest logons»

3.) Went to Control Panel -> Programs and Features and in the upper left-hand-corner click on «Turn Windows Features On or Off» ..Scrolling down until see SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support and click on «+» symbol (actually I did it on all of the SMB what I found)

4.) Navigate to Services.msc and turned on the next services to Automatic (Delayed Start):

DNS Client 
— SSDP Discovery 
— UPnP Device Host 
— Function Discovery Resource Publication 
— TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
— FDPHost
— Network connections (NetMan)
Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRPSvc)
— P2PSvc
— P2PIMSvc

And still have 031-528 error. Please let me know what I have to do more fixing this error. Thanks for advance!

  • Ошибка smb 031 530 xerox
  • Ошибка smb 031 528
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  • Ошибка smart жесткого диска вылечить