Ошибка snap clion has install snap change in progress

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For our project, we chose to use CLion as a development IDE under Ubuntu.

CLion provides a much more suitable environment compared to other alternatives such as Eclipse and it can be installed both on Windows or Ubuntu machines.

Since compiling OOFEM under windows is not continuously supported you have to set up an Ubuntu machine. You can use Virtual Box to run Ubuntu under a windows host.

 My  recommended minimum requirements of Virtual Machine for our project:

5GB ram / 3 cores / 20GB of disk space

Consider using a host machine with 16 GB of ram with 4 physical CPU cores (3 cores assigned to VM) for better performance.

I recommend installing CLion using “snap” for simplicity of installations and updating as follows. You can also refer to the official documentation of CLion.

Open terminal and type the following:

sudo snap install clion --classic

Note: if for any reason the installation does not go well, such as unexpected system reboot, the snap may try to continue installation in the background on the next reboot. In such occasions if you try to install the CLion again with the command above you will get this error:

error: snap "clion" has "install-snap" change in progress

You can use this command to see hidden installation progress:

snap watch --last=install

 After installation use CLion command to run the CLion from terminal.

You can right click on CLion  icon > add to Favorites on the taskbar for easy launch.

If for any reason you need to remove CLion, you can use this command:

sudo snap remove clion

Related links:

See official documentation of CLion.

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For our project, we chose to use CLion as a development IDE under Ubuntu.

CLion provides a much more suitable environment compared to other alternatives such as Eclipse and it can be installed both on Windows or Ubuntu machines.

Since compiling OOFEM under windows is not continuously supported you have to set up an Ubuntu machine. You can use Virtual Box to run Ubuntu under a windows host.

 My  recommended minimum requirements of Virtual Machine for our project:

5GB ram / 3 cores / 20GB of disk space

Consider using a host machine with 16 GB of ram with 4 physical CPU cores (3 cores assigned to VM) for better performance.

I recommend installing CLion using “snap” for simplicity of installations and updating as follows. You can also refer to the official documentation of CLion.

Open terminal and type the following:

sudo snap install clion --classic

Note: if for any reason the installation does not go well, such as unexpected system reboot, the snap may try to continue installation in the background on the next reboot. In such occasions if you try to install the CLion again with the command above you will get this error:

error: snap "clion" has "install-snap" change in progress

You can use this command to see hidden installation progress:

snap watch --last=install

 After installation use CLion command to run the CLion from terminal.

You can right click on CLion  icon > add to Favorites on the taskbar for easy launch.

If for any reason you need to remove CLion, you can use this command:

sudo snap remove clion

Related links:

See official documentation of CLion.

I just finished the installation of the Ubuntu 18.04, but whenever I try to install any application from Ubuntu Software the same error occurs (for example «vlc»):

unable to install «vlc»: snap «vlc» has «install-snap» change in progress

I hope somebody can tell me what I’ve done wrong.

David Foerster's user avatar

asked Apr 28, 2018 at 8:19

CluelessUbuntuuser's user avatar


Snap is probably still working on something in the background (or at least it thinks so). Open a terminal and run snap changes so see a list of ongoing changes.

$ snap changes
123  Doing   2018-04-28T10:40:11Z  -  Install "foo" snap

You can abort ongoing change(s):

sudo snap abort 123

Then you should be able to successfully install VLC through the software center, or through the command line using snap install vlc.

answered Apr 28, 2018 at 8:41

fnkr's user avatar


Open your terminal and follow these steps.

1. Abort the «vlc» snap process.

Inspect your snap «vlc» process by running command snap changes, this will show the status list of the snaps installations similar to this.

ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
3    Done    today at 22:29 WIB  today at 22:31 WIB  Auto-refresh 6 snaps
4    Done    today at 22:56 WIB  today at 22:58 WIB  Install "gitter-desktop" snap
5    Done    today at 22:59 WIB  today at 22:59 WIB  Disconnect gitter-desktop:home from :
6    Done    today at 22:59 WIB  today at 22:59 WIB  Disconnect gitter-desktop:pulseaudio from :
7    Doing   today at 23:21 WIB  -                   Install "spotify" snap
8    Doing   today at 23:24 WIB  -                   Install "vlc" snap

2. Pick the ID of your VLC snap process

Pick the ID of your «vlc» snap process, for the example 8

3. Abort the snap process by ID

Abort snap process by running command snap abort 8. This action will abort your vlc snap installation process.

4. Open your Software Center or running snap installation by a terminal

sudo snap install vlc

5. Wait for the installation until finished.

answered Aug 3, 2018 at 16:55

Aditya Kresna Permana's user avatar


Open your terminal and type the below command in terminal.

snap changes

you will see the following results

    ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
3    Done    today at 17:04 IST  today at 17:10 IST  Auto-refresh snaps "core18", "gnome-3-34-1804", "snap-store"
4    Done    today at 19:59 IST  today at 20:01 IST  Install "stickynotes" snap from "latest/stable" channel

Note that id in this output . Here its 4(for sticky notes app). You need to abort that snap operation by running the below command.

sudo snap abort 4

After this try to install it again. If you still get that error restart your system and try again. And try to refresh your package also.

sudo snap refresh stickynotes

Thankyou , hope this helps!

answered May 21, 2020 at 14:42

vishwampandya's user avatar

In my case, you do not have to do anything, just wait until the application is getting installed. The installation process is not shown (I am not sure if it is some kind of a bug or feature) and it does the installation completely. Just sit tight and wait for it to get installed. It has happened and worked properly several times for me. Hope it works for others.

answered Apr 6, 2020 at 9:32

sepehr goodarzi's user avatar

Same thing occured on my fresh 20.04 installation. Ubuntu asked to reboot while snap was installing two packages. Once the system has made its reboot, snap gui did not show any state of progress. With the snap changes cmd, you see that the state is «Doing» for the package that is installing. You can wait blindly ’till the end, or abort the activity with the id, and launch it again to see progress :

snap abort <activity ID>
snap install <package name>

Just like did Aditya Kresna Permana

answered Apr 23, 2020 at 19:44

Pag's user avatar


I don’t have any problem with the solutions above, but I have a suggestion according to my experiences.

If you use snap changes in the terminal, and you see that Status is Doing for vlc snap in your case, if you don’t abort it, it’ll probably install it.

$ snap changes

And after the installation is done, Ubuntu Software will probably give you a notification that:

VLC is now installed.

Application is ready to be used.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 25, 2020 at 5:25

Isa Kilikya's user avatar

The package installation process in a snap can be stuck sometimes. This results in an ” unable to install snap change in progress ” error. In this article, we will see what is a snap and see how to get rid of this error associated with a snap.

Table of Contents

What is “Snap Change in Progress” error?

snap is a bundle of an app and its dependencies that works without change across many different Linux-based distributions like Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc. Snap package installer provides GUI for app package installation like Play Store in android. Sometimes this installation gets failed and the following error message is returned,

unable to install “<package_name>“: snap “<package_name> has “install-snap” change in progress”.

When we try to install the application package from the snap, it starts the installation process in the background. this background process download and install package in the local system.

Some time installation process doesn’t move further. And stuck in the “doing” stage. Like here error ” unable to install “VLC“:” occurred while trying to install the VLC media player package from snap in ubuntu:

unable to install snap change in progress

Error: “unable to install “VLC”: snap “VLC” has “install-snap”

This error is not limited to only VLC media player package installation. Some users also reported the same error with other packages like zoom on the ubuntu 20.04 version.

How to fix snap change in progress?

Snap error ” Install snap change in progress ” can be fixed by aborting and restarting of stuck snap process. Follow these steps to get work done,

Step-1 : Check running process status

Lots of processes execute them in the background. But, we only want to deal with the process related to the snap package installer. First, you have to list the executing process in the background.

Open Linux terminal and run the following command

It will list install snap change in progress process related to the snap and their status as shown in the following screenshot. You will get the process ID, status, spawn time, and a summary of the listed process.

linux command snap changes

Snap Process Status

in the above example, it is “8” where the status is “Doing”. This is our stuck process which we wanted to abort. Remember process ID. It may be different in your case.

Step-2 : Abort snap process

run the following command: in the terminal, place your ID in the command instead of “8”.

Then it will ask for a (SU) superuser password. Enter the user password.

Info:- SU password typing doesn’t show typing effect in the terminal. Just type blindly and hit enter.

Step-3 : Restart package installation.

Now go to Snap and try to reinstall. For example, here I have entered the following command,

Waite for some time to let snap install your program. Always check your internet connection quality before starting package installation.



How do I fix snap change in progress?

You can fix snap change in progress by aborting the snap process by its ID. First, retrieve its id by command ” snap changes”, look for the id of a process whose status is “doing”. Then enter the command “Sudo snap abort id_here”.

How do I stop snap-in progress from installing?

You may have to stop or abort the stuck snap installation process. You have to fire the “Sudo snap abort id_here” command to stop snap-in progress from installing.

How do I stop Ubuntu from installing snap?

Follow these steps,
1. Open Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)
2. Enter “snap changes”
3. Take id of the process with status “Doing”
4. Enter ” Sudo snap abort id_here”
5. Enter SU password
6. Done.

Conclusion :

Lots of new Linux users face problems while installing the new packages from the snap. This “install snap change in progress” issue is caused by a stuck process. And, there are many reasons for the process to not respond. So, always check what’s happening with the background process.

Snap is a universal package manager developed by the Ubuntu’s canonical team to easily install software and packages regardless of the Linux operating system the users are using. It is possible because SNAP creates its own file to store the content of the packages. This means it doesn’t matter the system is using the RPM or APT package manager; the installation process and usage will be the same for both.

However, if you are installing any package using the SNAP  and anyhow you deliberately stopped the process or accidentally it happened or the system lost the internet connection. Then when you try to install the package using the snapd, you would get an error. For example, I was installing VLC and suddenly, I lost the connection, however, the installation was still processing. So, when again I tried to install the same, I got:

error: snap has install-snap change in progress

So, if you are facing the same problem then here are the steps to solve this “install-snap” change in progress error:

Step 1: Find the SNAP ongoing processes

The first thing we need to know is what are the processes those keeping the SNAP busy? For that simply run command:

snap changes

The above command will not only show the live process but also that are ended with or without some error.

install-snap change in progress

Step 2: Note the SNAP process ID

In the above step’s screenshot, you can see the all process along with their status and ID. Now, you have to find out the package which is making our snap busy. For that simply select the one with “Doing” in the status. For example, in the above image, we have the VLC process of SNAP with Doing status. Thus, we note its ID which is “14“. In the same way, find the ID of tasks in your system.

Step 3: Abort the “Install “package Snap task

Finally, we have the ID or IDs, its time to abort them one by one. For that the command is:

sudo snap abort 'ID'

For example, in our case the VLC ID is 14, therefore the command will be:

sudo snap abort 14

In this way, we can end all the active process IDs of the SNAP.

Step 4: Again install the package

After forcefully ended the SNAP process, you can install the package either from the Software Center or directly from the command terminal using the SNAPD. This time you will not get any error.

I am using linux manjaro and i got this error while installing spotify.
enter image description here

Tried — sudo snap remove spotify but it’s says that spotify is not istalled.

asked Sep 22, 2021 at 19:46

Fork Mann's user avatar

Run snap changes in console to watch if task is still Doing. In my case I see this:

ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
1    Done    2020-12-22          2020-12-22          Initialize system state
2    Error   today at 00:50 CET  today at 01:01 CET  Install "intellij-idea-community" snap
3    Done    today at 00:50 CET  today at 00:50 CET  Initialize device
4    Doing   today at 09:43 CET  -                   Install "intellij-idea-community" snap

If I use snap watch 4 I can see the progress of the task in real time.

So the task I cancelled manually because it was late has been resumed automatically, I only have to wait.

answered Dec 22, 2021 at 8:55

Eneko's user avatar


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Wait for a few minutes. Then run sudo snap remove spotify to remove spotify snap from your machine. Then again you can run sudo snap install spotify to install the spotify snap in your machine. Thanks.

answered Oct 24, 2021 at 18:27

Towfiqul Islam's user avatar

Some times when you try to install the snap packages via your terminal app, you will get error: snap “packagename” has “install-snap” change in progress error. This is because of the incomplete or broken snap installation. This will happen during the installation of snap app, you stop the installation process accidentally or closed by system freeze or any other reason.

For example if you try to install the talesofmajeyal snap package and you close your terminal window accidentally. And after some time again you try to install it then you will get

error: snap "talesofmajeyal" has "install-snap" change in progress error

because of incomplete or broken talesofmajeyal snap installation and snap still working in the background.

Fix error: snap “packagename” has “install-snap” change in progress:

You can easily fix this error by following this easy tutorial. Open your terminal and type the below command in terminal and see the results.

snap changes

Here the output is

323 Done today at 16:19 IST today at 16:33 IST Install "talesofmajeyal" snap

Note that id in this output . Here its 323. You need to abort that snap operation by running the below command.

sudo snap abort 323

After this try to install it again. If you still get that error restart your system and try again. And try to refresh your package  also.

sudo snap refresh talesofmajeyal

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I enconter this error message when installing a Snap app Telegram for Desktop from the terminal command line. I followed instructions on how to do this from the Install button of the snapcraft.io website.

First one I select is use the GUI app store. But nothing happens when click install button. Installing progress starts but go back to install. Click again and same thing is happens.

When using the command line that is I got the error of:

error: snap "telegram-desktop" has "install-snap" change in progress

How to fix?


The error is because you are telling Snap to install an app that has already been scheduled for installation. It’s in the queue. The GUI app store is not very informative about this scenario. Hence, it will seem like the installation process failed when in fact that is not the case.

My guess is it is put on schedule for installation because a higher priority install needs to be done first, most likely Snap core updates that have not yet been applied to the system yet.

Either wait for the core updates to finish and wait for Telegram to get installed after, or force it to update right away.

At the command line, do:

:~$ snap changes

It will show something such as:

ID Status Spawn Ready Summary
101 Done yesterday at 20:33 PST yesterday at 20:34 PST Auto-refresh snap "intellij-idea-community"
102 Doing today at 11:36 PST - Install "slack" snap

Abort the scheduled install for the app listed there, in your case “telegram-desktop” snap using the following command:

:~$ sudo snap abort 102

In the example above, I chose to abort install scheduled with ID 102. Choose the ID of the app you are trying to install that you will see on your terminal after the command above.

Then install the snap app manually:

:~$ sudo snap install telegram-desktop

This should force snap to go ahead with the install, but first it may start with its core updates, followed by the telegram-desktop snap app.

  1. How do I fix status 409 in Ubuntu?
  2. Has install snap change in progress Ubuntu?
  3. How do you fix snap VLC has install snap change in progress?
  4. How do I stop Ubuntu from installing snap?
  5. How do I download Visual Studio on Ubuntu?
  6. What does install snap change in progress mean?
  7. How do you kill a snap process?
  8. How do I open a terminal in Ubuntu?
  9. How do I check my snap progress?
  10. Does refresh snap change in progress?
  11. How do I start postman in terminal?
  12. Can I remove Snapd Ubuntu?
  13. How do I enable Snapd?
  14. What is snap core Ubuntu?

How do I fix status 409 in Ubuntu?

The easiest way is to go directly to Software & Updates → Ubuntu Software. In that tab, where it says «download from» change the one you have (you will have the one from your country) and change it to Main Server, so you don’t have to edit the sources. list file.

Snap is probably still working on something in the background (or at least it thinks so). Open a terminal and run snap changes so see a list of ongoing changes. … Then you should be able to successfully install VLC through the software center, or through the command line using snap install vlc .

How do you fix snap VLC has install snap change in progress?

error: snap “vlc” has “install-snap” change in progress

  1. Step 1: Find the SNAP ongoing processes.
  2. Step 2: Note the SNAP process ID.
  3. Step 3: Abort the “Install “package Snap task.
  4. Step 4: Again install the package.

How do I stop Ubuntu from installing snap?

To get rid of the Snapd snap, run the uninstallation command on “Snapd.” Lastly, to remove the Snap package store from your Ubuntu computer, you’ll need to run the uninstallation command on the “snap-store” package.

How do I download Visual Studio on Ubuntu?

Snap packages can be installed from either the command-line or via the Ubuntu Software application. That’s it. Visual Studio Code has been installed on your Ubuntu machine. Whenever a new version is released, Visual Studio Code package will be automatically updated in the background.

What does install snap change in progress mean?

That means, if you have installed a software via typical apt-get install xyz and installed the same software via installing xyz. snap, then both the version of the same software can co-exist in your PC without interfering with each other. 3. Let’s talk about error “snap “” has “install-snap” change in progress”.

How do you kill a snap process?

How to kill a process in Linux

  1. Step 1: Find the process ID (PID) of the program. There are several ways you can use for finding the PID of a process. …
  2. Step 2: Kill the process using the PID. Once you have the PID of the desired application, use the following command to kill the process: sudo kill -9 process_id.

How do I open a terminal in Ubuntu?

Use a Keyboard Shortcut to Open a Terminal

To quickly open a Terminal window at any time, press Ctrl+Alt+T. A graphical GNOME Terminal window will pop right up.

How do I check my snap progress?

Check Your Memories Backup

  1. Tap ⚙️ in My Profile to open Settings.
  2. Scroll down and tap ‘Memories’
  3. Check that ‘Backup Progress’ says “Complete”

Does refresh snap change in progress?

So you cannot get the newer version of the snap by refreshing. … If you try to remove the snap (to reinstall it to get the newer version) you will see an error. Its something like “…the snap has refresh-snap change in progress…”.

How do I start postman in terminal?

To start using Postman, go to Applications -> Postman and launch Postman in Linux or you can simply run following command. On the first launch, you will see the following window for Sign Up using Email or Google Account.

Can I remove Snapd Ubuntu?

To remove these, you will need them using sudo snap remove <package> . Typing snap list now should show the following: kevin@olubuntu2010:~$ snap list No snaps are installed yet. Try ‘snap install hello-world’.

How do I enable Snapd?

Enable snapd

You can find out which version of Linux Mint you’re running by opening System info from the Preferences menu. To install snap from the Software Manager application, search for snapd and click Install. Either restart your machine, or log out and in again, to complete the installation.

What is snap core Ubuntu?

Snap is package management tool which was Canonical’s new package management tool. … If you are installing software package with apt command or synaptic package manager, you don’t need snapd package. So you can remove it. Ubuntu Software Center will use ‘snapd’—that’s what happen to me.

I just finished the installation of the Ubuntu 18.04, but whenever I try to install any application from Ubuntu Software the same error occurs (for example «vlc»):

unable to install «vlc»: snap «vlc» has «install-snap» change in progress

I hope somebody can tell me what I’ve done wrong.

David Foerster's user avatar

asked Apr 28, 2018 at 8:19

CluelessUbuntuuser's user avatar


Snap is probably still working on something in the background (or at least it thinks so). Open a terminal and run snap changes so see a list of ongoing changes.

$ snap changes
123  Doing   2018-04-28T10:40:11Z  -  Install "foo" snap

You can abort ongoing change(s):

sudo snap abort 123

Then you should be able to successfully install VLC through the software center, or through the command line using snap install vlc.

answered Apr 28, 2018 at 8:41

fnkr's user avatar


Open your terminal and follow these steps.

1. Abort the «vlc» snap process.

Inspect your snap «vlc» process by running command snap changes, this will show the status list of the snaps installations similar to this.

ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
3    Done    today at 22:29 WIB  today at 22:31 WIB  Auto-refresh 6 snaps
4    Done    today at 22:56 WIB  today at 22:58 WIB  Install "gitter-desktop" snap
5    Done    today at 22:59 WIB  today at 22:59 WIB  Disconnect gitter-desktop:home from :
6    Done    today at 22:59 WIB  today at 22:59 WIB  Disconnect gitter-desktop:pulseaudio from :
7    Doing   today at 23:21 WIB  -                   Install "spotify" snap
8    Doing   today at 23:24 WIB  -                   Install "vlc" snap

2. Pick the ID of your VLC snap process

Pick the ID of your «vlc» snap process, for the example 8

3. Abort the snap process by ID

Abort snap process by running command snap abort 8. This action will abort your vlc snap installation process.

4. Open your Software Center or running snap installation by a terminal

sudo snap install vlc

5. Wait for the installation until finished.

answered Aug 3, 2018 at 16:55

Aditya Kresna Permana's user avatar


Open your terminal and type the below command in terminal.

snap changes

you will see the following results

    ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
3    Done    today at 17:04 IST  today at 17:10 IST  Auto-refresh snaps "core18", "gnome-3-34-1804", "snap-store"
4    Done    today at 19:59 IST  today at 20:01 IST  Install "stickynotes" snap from "latest/stable" channel

Note that id in this output . Here its 4(for sticky notes app). You need to abort that snap operation by running the below command.

sudo snap abort 4

After this try to install it again. If you still get that error restart your system and try again. And try to refresh your package also.

sudo snap refresh stickynotes

Thankyou , hope this helps!

answered May 21, 2020 at 14:42

vishwampandya's user avatar

In my case, you do not have to do anything, just wait until the application is getting installed. The installation process is not shown (I am not sure if it is some kind of a bug or feature) and it does the installation completely. Just sit tight and wait for it to get installed. It has happened and worked properly several times for me. Hope it works for others.

answered Apr 6, 2020 at 9:32

sepehr goodarzi's user avatar

Same thing occured on my fresh 20.04 installation. Ubuntu asked to reboot while snap was installing two packages. Once the system has made its reboot, snap gui did not show any state of progress. With the snap changes cmd, you see that the state is «Doing» for the package that is installing. You can wait blindly ’till the end, or abort the activity with the id, and launch it again to see progress :

snap abort <activity ID>
snap install <package name>

Just like did Aditya Kresna Permana

answered Apr 23, 2020 at 19:44

Pag's user avatar


I don’t have any problem with the solutions above, but I have a suggestion according to my experiences.

If you use snap changes in the terminal, and you see that Status is Doing for vlc snap in your case, if you don’t abort it, it’ll probably install it.

$ snap changes

And after the installation is done, Ubuntu Software will probably give you a notification that:

VLC is now installed.

Application is ready to be used.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 25, 2020 at 5:25

Isa Rota's user avatar

The package installation process in a snap can be stuck sometimes. This results in an ” unable to install snap change in progress ” error.

In this article, we will see what is a snap and see how to get rid of this error associated with a snap.

Jump to,

What is “Snap Change in Progress” error?

snap is a bundle of an app and its dependencies that works without change across many different Linux-based distributions like Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc. Snap package installer provides GUI for app package installation like Play Store in android. Sometimes this installation gets failed and the following error message is returned,

unable to install “<package_name>“: snap “<package_name> has “install-snap” change in progress”.

When we try to install the application package from the snap, it starts the installation process in the background. this background process download and install package in the local system.

Some time installation process doesn’t move further. And stuck in the “doing” stage. Like here error ” unable to install “VLC“:” occurred while trying to install the VLC media player package from snap in ubuntu:

unable to install snap change in progress
Error: “unable to install “VLC”: snap “VLC” has “install-snap”

This error is not limited to only VLC media player package installation. Some users also reported the same error with other packages like zoom on the ubuntu 20.04 version.

How to fix snap change in progress?

Snap error ” Install snap change in progress ” can be fixed by aborting and restarting of stuck snap process. Follow these steps to get work done,

Step-1 : Check running process status

Lots of processes execute them in the background. But, we only want to deal with the process related to the snap package installer. First, you have to list the executing process in the background.

Open Linux terminal and run the following command

snap changes 

It will list the install snap change in progress process related to the snap and their status as shown in the following screenshot. You will get the process ID, status, spawn time, and a summary of the listed process.

linux command snap changes
Snap Process Status

in the above example, it is “8” where the status is “Doing”. This is our stuck process which we wanted to abort. Remember process ID. It may be different in your case.

Step-2 : Abort snap process

run the following command: in the terminal, place your ID in the command instead of “8”.

sudo snap abort 8

Then it will ask for a (SU) superuser password. Enter the user password.

Info:- SU password typing doesn’t show typing effect in the terminal. Just type blindly and hit enter.

Step-3 : Restart package installation.

Now go to Snap and try to reinstall. For example, here I have entered the following command,

sudo snap install vlc

Waite for some time to let snap install your program. Always check your internet connection quality before starting package installation.



How do I fix snap change in progress?

You can fix snap change in progress by aborting the snap process by its ID. First, retrieve its id by command ” snap changes”, look for the id of a process whose status is “doing”. Then enter the command “Sudo snap abort id_here”.

How do I stop snap-in progress from installing?

You may have to stop or abort the stuck snap installation process. You have to fire the “Sudo snap abort id_here” command to stop snap-in progress from installing.

How do I stop Ubuntu from installing Snap?

Follow these steps,
1. Open Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)
2. Enter “snap changes”
3. Take id of the process with status “Doing”
4. Enter ” Sudo snap abort id_here”
5. Enter SU password
6. Done.


Lots of new Linux users face problems while installing the new packages from the snap. This “install snap change in progress” issue is caused by a stuck process. And, there are many reasons for the process to not respond. So, always check what’s happening with the background process.

I am using linux manjaro and i got this error while installing spotify.
enter image description here

Tried — sudo snap remove spotify but it’s says that spotify is not istalled.

asked Sep 22, 2021 at 19:46

Fork Mann's user avatar

Run snap changes in console to watch if task is still Doing. In my case I see this:

ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
1    Done    2020-12-22          2020-12-22          Initialize system state
2    Error   today at 00:50 CET  today at 01:01 CET  Install "intellij-idea-community" snap
3    Done    today at 00:50 CET  today at 00:50 CET  Initialize device
4    Doing   today at 09:43 CET  -                   Install "intellij-idea-community" snap

If I use snap watch 4 I can see the progress of the task in real time.

So the task I cancelled manually because it was late has been resumed automatically, I only have to wait.

answered Dec 22, 2021 at 8:55

Eneko's user avatar


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Wait for a few minutes. Then run sudo snap remove spotify to remove spotify snap from your machine. Then again you can run sudo snap install spotify to install the spotify snap in your machine. Thanks.

answered Oct 24, 2021 at 18:27

Towfiqul Islam's user avatar

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