Ошибка syntax error unexpected end of line expecting or

SO basically it keeps saying error at line 14 which is the «else» code is at i dont get it why it is synta error please help


function f=f(x)
    f = x^3 + 2*x^2 - 3*x -1

disp ("sample input"): regulaFalsi (1,2,10^-4, 100)

function regulaFalsi(a, b, TOL, N)
    i = 1
    FA = f(a)
    finalOutput  =(i, a , b , a + (b-a)/2, f(a + (b-a) /2)
    printf ("%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20sn","n","a_n","b_n","p_n","f(p_n)")
    while (i <= N),
        p = (a*f(b)-b*f(a))/f(b) - f(a))
        FP = f(p)
        if (FP == 0 | aba (f(p)) < TOL) then
printf("%-20.8g %-20.8g %-20.8g %-20.8g %-20.8gn", i, a, b, p, f(p))
            i = i + 1
            if (FA + FP > 0) then
                a = p
                b = p

I have been trying to fix this code for my assignment but i dont know why it keeps giving me syntax error

What are the syntax errors?

PHP belongs to the C-style and imperative programming languages. It has rigid grammar rules, which it cannot recover from when encountering misplaced symbols or identifiers. It can’t guess your coding intentions.

Function definition syntax abstract

Most important tips

There are a few basic precautions you can always take:

  • Use proper code indentation, or adopt any lofty coding style.
    Readability prevents irregularities.

  • Use an IDE or editor for PHP with syntax highlighting.
    Which also help with parentheses/bracket balancing.

    Expected: semicolon

  • Read the language reference and examples in the manual.
    Twice, to become somewhat proficient.

How to interpret parser errors

A typical syntax error message reads:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ; in file.php on line 217

Which lists the possible location of a syntax mistake. See the mentioned file name and line number.

A moniker such as T_STRING explains which symbol the parser/tokenizer couldn’t process finally. This isn’t necessarily the cause of the syntax mistake, however.

It’s important to look into previous code lines as well. Often syntax errors are just mishaps that happened earlier. The error line number is just where the parser conclusively gave up to process it all.

Solving syntax errors

There are many approaches to narrow down and fix syntax hiccups.

  • Open the mentioned source file. Look at the mentioned code line.

    • For runaway strings and misplaced operators, this is usually where you find the culprit.

    • Read the line left to right and imagine what each symbol does.

  • More regularly you need to look at preceding lines as well.

    • In particular, missing ; semicolons are missing at the previous line ends/statement. (At least from the stylistic viewpoint. )

    • If { code blocks } are incorrectly closed or nested, you may need to investigate even further up the source code. Use proper code indentation to simplify that.

  • Look at the syntax colorization!

    • Strings and variables and constants should all have different colors.

    • Operators +-*/. should be tinted distinct as well. Else they might be in the wrong context.

    • If you see string colorization extend too far or too short, then you have found an unescaped or missing closing " or ' string marker.

    • Having two same-colored punctuation characters next to each other can also mean trouble. Usually, operators are lone if it’s not ++, --, or parentheses following an operator. Two strings/identifiers directly following each other are incorrect in most contexts.

  • Whitespace is your friend.
    Follow any coding style.

  • Break up long lines temporarily.

    • You can freely add newlines between operators or constants and strings. The parser will then concretize the line number for parsing errors. Instead of looking at the very lengthy code, you can isolate the missing or misplaced syntax symbol.

    • Split up complex if statements into distinct or nested if conditions.

    • Instead of lengthy math formulas or logic chains, use temporary variables to simplify the code. (More readable = fewer errors.)

    • Add newlines between:

      1. The code you can easily identify as correct,
      2. The parts you’re unsure about,
      3. And the lines which the parser complains about.

      Partitioning up long code blocks really helps to locate the origin of syntax errors.

  • Comment out offending code.

    • If you can’t isolate the problem source, start to comment out (and thus temporarily remove) blocks of code.

    • As soon as you got rid of the parsing error, you have found the problem source. Look more closely there.

    • Sometimes you want to temporarily remove complete function/method blocks. (In case of unmatched curly braces and wrongly indented code.)

    • When you can’t resolve the syntax issue, try to rewrite the commented out sections from scratch.

  • As a newcomer, avoid some of the confusing syntax constructs.

    • The ternary ? : condition operator can compact code and is useful indeed. But it doesn’t aid readability in all cases. Prefer plain if statements while unversed.

    • PHP’s alternative syntax (if:/elseif:/endif;) is common for templates, but arguably less easy to follow than normal { code } blocks.

  • The most prevalent newcomer mistakes are:

    • Missing semicolons ; for terminating statements/lines.

    • Mismatched string quotes for " or ' and unescaped quotes within.

    • Forgotten operators, in particular for the string . concatenation.

    • Unbalanced ( parentheses ). Count them in the reported line. Are there an equal number of them?

  • Don’t forget that solving one syntax problem can uncover the next.

    • If you make one issue go away, but other crops up in some code below, you’re mostly on the right path.

    • If after editing a new syntax error crops up in the same line, then your attempted change was possibly a failure. (Not always though.)

  • Restore a backup of previously working code, if you can’t fix it.

    • Adopt a source code versioning system. You can always view a diff of the broken and last working version. Which might be enlightening as to what the syntax problem is.
  • Invisible stray Unicode characters: In some cases, you need to use a hexeditor or different editor/viewer on your source. Some problems cannot be found just from looking at your code.

    • Try grep --color -P -n "[x80-xFF]" file.php as the first measure to find non-ASCII symbols.

    • In particular BOMs, zero-width spaces, or non-breaking spaces, and smart quotes regularly can find their way into the source code.

  • Take care of which type of linebreaks are saved in files.

    • PHP just honors n newlines, not r carriage returns.

    • Which is occasionally an issue for MacOS users (even on OS  X for misconfigured editors).

    • It often only surfaces as an issue when single-line // or # comments are used. Multiline /*...*/ comments do seldom disturb the parser when linebreaks get ignored.

  • If your syntax error does not transmit over the web:
    It happens that you have a syntax error on your machine. But posting the very same file online does not exhibit it anymore. Which can only mean one of two things:

    • You are looking at the wrong file!

    • Or your code contained invisible stray Unicode (see above).
      You can easily find out: Just copy your code back from the web form into your text editor.

  • Check your PHP version. Not all syntax constructs are available on every server.

    • php -v for the command line interpreter

    • <?php phpinfo(); for the one invoked through the webserver.

    Those aren’t necessarily the same. In particular when working with frameworks, you will them to match up.

  • Don’t use PHP’s reserved keywords as identifiers for functions/methods, classes or constants.

  • Trial-and-error is your last resort.

If all else fails, you can always google your error message. Syntax symbols aren’t as easy to search for (Stack Overflow itself is indexed by SymbolHound though). Therefore it may take looking through a few more pages before you find something relevant.

Further guides:

  • PHP Debugging Basics by David Sklar
  • Fixing PHP Errors by Jason McCreary
  • PHP Errors – 10 Common Mistakes by Mario Lurig
  • Common PHP Errors and Solutions
  • How to Troubleshoot and Fix your WordPress Website
  • A Guide To PHP Error Messages For Designers — Smashing Magazine

White screen of death

If your website is just blank, then typically a syntax error is the cause.
Enable their display with:

  • error_reporting = E_ALL
  • display_errors = 1

In your php.ini generally, or via .htaccess for mod_php,
or even .user.ini with FastCGI setups.

Enabling it within the broken script is too late because PHP can’t even interpret/run the first line. A quick workaround is crafting a wrapper script, say test.php:

   ini_set("display_errors", 1);

Then invoke the failing code by accessing this wrapper script.

It also helps to enable PHP’s error_log and look into your webserver’s error.log when a script crashes with HTTP 500 responses.

Updated on April 5, 2022

Parse Error, Syntax Error Unexpected in WordPress [FIXED]

Parse Error: Syntax Error Unexpected ‘ ‘ in WordPress

Table of Contents [TOC]

  • Parse Error: Syntax Error Unexpected ‘ ‘ in WordPress
    • What are parse error: syntax errors ?
    • What Is A Syntax Error?
    • What Causes the PHP parse/syntax errors in WordPress?
    • How to detect syntax error in wordpress?
    • How To Find Parse Error in WordPress?
  • How To Fix parse error syntax error unexpected ‘ ‘ in wordpress Via FTP?
    •  Steps to Fix Syntax Error in WordPress Via FTP
    • Fix Parse Error by Uploading Fresh Files
    • Tools To Help You Fix The Syntax Error in WordPress
  • How To Avoid Syntax Errors?
    • Enable debugging
    • Disable plugins and themes
    • Like this:
    • Related

Trying something new on your WordPress site? Got any of the following errors like

⚠️ parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_string wordpress,

⚠️ parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in wordpress,

⚠️ parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_function wordpress,

⚠️ parse error syntax error unexpected text t_string wordpress,

⚠️ parse error syntax error unexpected if t_if wordpress,

⚠️ wordpress parse error syntax error unexpected expecting or ‘;’

then don’t freak out. You are not the first one to receive the parse error in WordPress. In this article we will show you how to fix the unexpected syntax error in WordPress. The parse error in WordPress isn’t a common error, and it typically occurs through a mistake made by the user.

Sometimes we install a new plugin in our WordPress and when we activate it we get a syntax error. Sometimes that error appears between the content, but sometimes all the content disappears and we only see the error. Or worse, sometimes not even that. We only have a blank screen.

We are here to tell you that this is completely normal if you have seen the “Syntax Error”⚠️ message because WordPress can sometimes be confusing with annoying syntax errors.

These errors occur if the correct PHP syntax rules are not followed. In this tutorial, we will show you how to fix syntax error in WordPress with simple instructions for beginners.

Let’s see how to understand, debug and fix  a syntax error, or alternatively, at least isolate it:

Some Commonly Asked Questions:

  • How to Fix the Syntax Error in WordPress?
  • How to Fix Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘ ‘ WordPress?⚠️
  • How to Fix the Parse Error in WordPress?
  • How to debug and fix WordPress Syntax Errors?

In this post you will also know more about:

  • How do you fix a syntax error?
  • What is parse error syntax error unexpected?
  • What is a parse error in WordPress?
  • How do I fix invalid syntax in Python?
  • What causes a syntax error?
  • What Is syntax error with example?

What are parse error: syntax errors ?

parse error syntax error in WordPress

PHP errors⚠️ can occur when your code is being converted from a series of characters to something that is visible to the visitors of your site.

This error may also happen when an update is made by the developer of a theme or an extension (this is rather rare, but it can happen).

For example, you may have made syntax errors in your code by forgetting parentheses, adding spaces or characters.

These errors occur when the PHP code can’t start or finish being parsed. Obviously, if this is the case, something terribly wrong has happened and it may take more than putting some } there to heal your code.

This could be a copy and paste problem. Maybe the developer did not copy and paste the lines of the code as mentioned in the tutorial.

⚠️ The most probable cause of the error is a missing or a mismatched parenthesis in the PHP code

In WordPress, there are typically 3 main kinds of parse error which may occur to your WordPress site:

⚠️ Syntax error – It occurs because of the semicolons, curly brackets or quotations that were used in the PHP code. Either one of them is missing or the wrong ones were added.

⚠️ Unexpected error – It happens when you include a character such as an opening or closing bracket or other similar characters. This is a parse error which occurs when php is still looking for something and reaches the end of the file without finding it. It could be a quote or bracket which is unclosed, and php is still treating the file contents as a part of the quote.

Php is just telling you it was unexpected

⚠️ Undefined constant error – This is the problem with the character missing in an array while referencing a variable or possible scenarios.

It is extremely important to keep in mind that these three kinds of parsing errors have many different variations depending on the specific mistake in the written PHP code.

Related Issue – Fix WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode

What Is A Syntax Error?

Fixing the Syntax Error unexpected in wordpress website

The WordPress syntax error is common among users who add code snippets to their WordPress sites. When this error occurs, you usually see something like in the homepage of the website:

⚠️ Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/content/94/4245094/html/wp-content/plugins/my-calendar/my-calendar-styles.php on line 465

Often this error happens because a programming language is not used properly, that is, the rules are not followed and the code is written incorrectly. It can be something as simple as not placing a semicolon, or that a complete file is misspelled. When compiling, it will not be understood and that error will appear. The positive thing about this error is that you will know exactly what it is and we will see how to correct it. In case you run a multi wordpress site and want to find out which user activity lead to this error, it can be found by monitoring user activity in wordpress dashboard.


Syntax errors structure:

“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected character in path/to/php-file.php on line number

Undefined constant errors structure:

“Notice: Use of undefined constant constant string – assumed ‘constant string‘ in path/to/php-file.php on line number

Unexpected errors Example

“Parse error: unexpected character in path/to/php-file.php on line number

Unexpected parse errors may list a string instead of a character.

In each of these examples, number refers to the line number and is going to be replaced with actual numbers such as 23 or 1256, for example, though, not necessarily those exact line numbers.

  • The file indicated in the error message is – where the issue persists
  • The line number gives you a hint as to where to look for the mistake.

The character or constant string names give you an idea of what to look for around the indicated line number. These are what needs fixing or else they’re related to what needs correcting.

Related Read Fix Sorry, This File Type Is Not Permitted For Security Reasons

What Causes the PHP parse/syntax errors in WordPress?

Even a small typo error in the wrong place can cause the operation of your entire WordPress page to stop working. However, the message “Syntax error” is not an insoluble problem.

A syntax error is, as a rule, caused by a small critical error in the syntax of your code. A missing comma or an incorrect parenthesis interrupts the entire script. Have you recently installed a snippet or updated a plugin? If this is the case, then you should check this first.

To resolve WordPress syntax errors, you must rework the part of the code that caused this error. Either you delete it completely or you correct the syntax.

As a beginner, it is not uncommon to be quickly frustrated when a single mistake makes the entire site inaccessible. If you have added the code in your WordPress dashboard via the editor area then it is no longer possible to directly access your WordPress code.

How to detect syntax error in wordpress?

If the error appeared just after you have pasted some block of code, check the latter mainly.

Anyway, in the syntax error message, you will see the damaged file and the line of code that you should review. This is also seen when you activate the debug by defining define (‘WP_DEBUG’, true); in wp-config.php.

  • Check that you do not miss any semicolons. There are codes that at first glance do not seem to have an error, and adding a semicolon at the end, the error message disappears.
  • Check that the quotes are in the proper format, in PHP the double and single quotes are used, make sure they are not italic.
  • Check that there is no missing parenthesis to open or close. You can PHP code syntax for any errors using this handy tool.

To identify the origin or cause of this error, follow the steps below:

  • wp-config.php: Activate debug by defining define (‘WP_DEBUG’, true); Normally it will throw the error on the screen where it will indicate the file, the line and the type of error that was found during the execution.
  • Close each order: Check that you do not lack a ; at the close of each line.
  • Check the quotes: In PHP, single quotes and double quotes are used. Sometimes, when copying and pasting, the format is moved and the quotes appear cursive (curly quotes). Example:  “” instead of “” or ‘’ instead of ”.
  • Check the parentheses: It is very common in instructions with leaving a parenthesis to close or to open. Balanced parentheses require every opening parenthesis to be closed in the reverse order opened.

How To Find Parse Error in WordPress?

The easiest way to open a PHP file is to open it using the default text editor on your computer. The default text editor is based on JavaScript which allows it to run on several platforms and CMS like WordPress and is compatible with most web browsers.

The text editors allow us to write while we see the final result of the text.

And ultimately, the editor generates the content as text, images and other elements in HTML code and shows it to us in a similar way to how it will be on our website.

Popular text editors include

  • Notepad++
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom
  • Brackets
  • TextWrangler

Related Read How To Fix “This Account Has Been Suspended” error in WordPress

How To Fix parse error syntax error unexpected ‘ ‘ in wordpress Via FTP?

How To Fix Parse Error Syntax Error Via FTP

In order to fix the Syntax Error in WordPress you need to edit the code that caused this error.  The only possible way to resolve the syntax error is to directly exchange the faulty code via FTP or access the file you last edited using FTP.

 Steps to Fix Syntax Error in WordPress Via FTP

  • >> After installing the FTP program
  • >> connect it to your website
  • >> go to the theme file that needs editing.

In case you forgot which file you need to edit, just look at the error code. The error will tell you exactly which file and which line you need to edit.

  • >> Remove the code you last added / write the code in correct syntax
  • >> Save the file and upload it back to your server
  • >> Come to your WordPress site and refresh the page, and it will open as before..

How to Fix Parse Error Syntax Errors in WordPress

Fix Parse Error by Uploading Fresh Files

  • If you cannot figure out how to fix your code >> try uploading a fresh version of the file.
  • If your theme is the problem >> download a copy of it (the version you’re using).
  • If you only have the original folder archived and have only updated the theme through the WordPress admin ever since >> download a fresh copy of it from your theme provider.
  • If you do choose the WordPress root and your problem is with wp-includes or wp-admin >> you can safely upload fresh copies of these files to your site.

Tools To Help You Fix The Syntax Error in WordPress

If you have already tried the above steps and still get the syntax error, we recommend that you should try the tools given below:

PHP Storm

It is an IDE considered quite complete with its paid version of monthly or annual membership (USD $199) you can receive all the updates. Php Storm is part of JetBrains, and they offer the whole package (including PHPStorm) for USD 649 per year.

However, they offer a version for university students, with the prohibition of use for commercial purposes.

Visual Studio Code

It is a code editor with many features for beginners and experts. Visual Studio Code also accepts multiple extensions and customizations.

Related Read How To Fix WordPress Not Sending Email Issue

How To Avoid Syntax Errors?

The ideal is that you learn PHP because knowledge of a language is what helps you to detect errors in your code at a glance.

Avoiding these errors is as easy as fixing them if you’re at least a little familiar with PHP. You can check your code for syntax mistakes automatically by running it through a PHP code validator.

Otherwise, you can always check your codes before applying them to a website or convert them into a plugin. Here are some tools that can help you:

  • PHP Code Checker
  • W3 Markup Validation Service
  • PHP code Syntax Check 

Here are some tips of the most common syntax mistakes to look out for right off the bat:

  • Make sure there’s only one opening (<?php) and closing tag (?>)per document
  • Add code shouldn’t be inserted in between a function
    • Check for functions that are broken up by other ones

Enable debugging

If you still have the error of the syntax error or the admin area does not work (or you have found the cause but you still want to dig more), you can enable debugging which will show you all the errors.

The problem is that when a fatal error occurs, the script stops executing. If this happens before any content is displayed, you will only see an empty white screen.

To enable debugging, you will need to open the wp-config.php file from your WordPress installation. Find the following line:

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

Replace false with true and reload your site. If this line does not exist, add it at the top.


Instead of the blank page, you will now have a blank page with error messages. It’s not much, but now you can start. If you have not disabled plugins and themes yet, you will be able to determine the source of the problem by viewing the error message.

It should indicate the file in which the error occurred. It could be something like this:

Cannot redeclare get_posts()in/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/my-test-plug my-test-plugin.php on line 38

At the end of the message, you can see that the problem is in line 38, and it’s a plugin called “my-test-plugin”. By disabling this plugin, the site should work.

You can correct this line if you like to change the codes. If it is a plugin from the repository, it would be better to write to the author instead of doing it yourself. By modifying the plugin, you will have to maintain all your modifications, which is a puzzle. It is best to wait for the developer to do it.

If you do not see any error after enabling debugging, try contacting your web host because it may be that debugging is not properly configured on your server.

Disable plugins and themes

Check if the error started when you activated a new theme or plugin, so you should replace it or contact the developer. Often this error does not allow you to log into WordPress, so you must use FTP to remove the plugin or theme.

Disabling all your plugins is one of the easiest and most common ways to solve the wordpress syntax error. A bad update of a plugin is often the cause. If you still have access to your admin area, you can quickly get there by going to “Plugins” to select “Deactivate” from the action menu.

This will disable all your plugins. If that solves the problem, all you have to do is find out which plugin is the culprit. Start activating them one by one while loading the site after each activation.

We hope this article helped you fix parse error syntax error wordpress. Now you know how to fix parse errors, what causes them, and how to avoid them in the future.

Read More About Other Common WordPress Errors:

  • How to Fix Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress?
  • Remove “This Site May Be Hacked” From WordPress in Google
  • How to fix “The link you followed has expired” in WordPress?
  • How to Fix Pluggable.php File Errors in WordPress?
  • How To Fix WordPress Upload Failed To Write File To Disk Error?
  • WordPress HTTP Image Upload Error – How To Fix It?


0 / 0 / 0

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14.11.2021, 19:10. Показов 2280. Ответов 7

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Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Matlab M
disp("Вычисление высоты перехода")
function H=Fc3(T, h)
Vcas=((2/m)*(p0/r0)((1+(p/p0)*((1+((m/2)*(r/p)*Vtas^2)^(1/m) -1))^(m) -1))^(1/2)
    p0 = 101325
    p0 = 101325
    n= (-0.0065)
T=[288.15 216.65 216.65 228.65 270.65 270.65 214.65]
h=[0 11000 20000 32000 47000 51000 71000]
disp(" h[i],К            T[i],K           H[i],км")
 for i = 1:size(T,'c')


6662 / 4759 / 1985

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14.11.2021, 19:35


перепроверьте формулу Vcas


0 / 0 / 0

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14.11.2021, 19:42



Формула правильная


6662 / 4759 / 1985

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14.11.2021, 19:54


Сообщение от Geidv345
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между скобками что?
и проверьте остальное…
а также оригинал формулы приложите


0 / 0 / 0

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14.11.2021, 19:57





Ошибка: unexpected end of line


6662 / 4759 / 1985

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14.11.2021, 20:16


правка по формуле



у вас все перепутано… не соблюдается последовательность вычислений.


0 / 0 / 0

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14.11.2021, 20:45



Но теперь выходит
Неопределённая переменная: m


6662 / 4759 / 1985

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14.11.2021, 20:47


Сообщение от Geidv345
Посмотреть сообщение

Неопределённая переменная: m


не соблюдается последовательность вычислений.




87844 / 49110 / 22898

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14.11.2021, 20:47


If the PHP code contains a syntax error, the PHP parser cannot interpret the code and stops working.

For example, a syntax error can be a forgotten quotation mark, a missing semicolon at the end of a line, missing parenthesis, or extra characters. This leads to a parse error, because the code cannot be read and interpreted correctly by the PHP parser.

The corresponding error message does not necessarily display the exact line in which the error is located. In the following example, the trailing quotation mark is missing in line 2, but the parser will refer you to line 5 in the error message.

echo "Hello World!; 

The parser will display an error message similar to this one:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) or ${ (T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES) or {$ (T_CURLY_OPEN) in /homepages/12/d1123465789/htdocs/index.php on line 5

Please note: To avoid potential errors in missing or adding extra characters that should not be there, you can first put both sets of quotation marks or parenthesis, before you fill them with code. You can also use an editor that automatically enters the closing characters or highlights errors in the code for you.

Моя ошибка:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in the line

 Мой код:



        function login() {

            // код функции логина


        if (login())


    <h2>Добро пожаловать, администратор</h2>

    <a href=»upload.php»>Загрузка файлов</a>

    <br />

    <a href=»points.php»>Редактирование подсчета очков </a>


        Else {

            echo «Недопустимый логин. Попробуйте еще раз»;



    Некоторый HTML код


В чем проблема?

Ответ 1

Вам следует избегать этого (в конце вашего кода):


или этого:


Не следует ставить скобки непосредственно рядом с php тегом открытия/закрытия и разделять его пробелом:

{ ?>

<?php {

также избегайте ”<?” и используйте “<?php”

Ответ 2

У меня была такая же ошибка, но я исправил ее, изменив файл php.ini. Откройте его в своем любимом редакторе.

Найдите свойство short_open_tag и примените следующее изменение:

; short_open_tag = Off ; предыдущее значение

short_open_tag = On ; новое значение

Ответ 3

Есть два разных метода обойти ошибки синтаксического анализа.

Метод 1 (ваш файл PHP)

Избегайте в вашем файле PHP этого:

<? } ?>

Убедитесь, что вы поставили это так:

<?php ?>

Ваш код содержит ”<? ?>”

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Отсутствует php после ”<?!”

Метод 2 (файл php.ini)

Также есть простой способ решить вашу проблему. Найдите значение свойства short_open_tag (откройте в текстовом редакторе с помощью Ctrl + F!) И примените следующее изменение:

; short_open_tag = Off

Замените на:

short_open_tag = On

Согласно описанию основных директив php.ini, short_open_tag  позволяет использовать короткий открытый тег ( <?), хотя это может вызвать проблемы при использовании с xml ( ”<?xml” не будет работать, если он активен)!

Ответ 4

Обратите внимание на закрывающие идентификаторы heredoc.

Неверный пример:

// Это не работает!!!

function findAll() {


        SELECT * FROM `table_1`;

    SQL; // <——— Здесь ошибка

    // …


Это вызовет исключение, подобное следующему:

<br />

<b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected end of file in <b>[…][…]</b> on line <b>5</b><br />

где цифра 5 может быть номером последней строки вашего файла.

Согласно руководству по php:

Предупреждение: Очень важно отметить, что строка с закрывающим идентификатором не должна содержать никаких других символов, кроме точки с запятой (;). Это, в частности, означает, что идентификатор не может иметь отступа, а также не должно быть никаких пробелов или табуляции до или после точки с запятой. Также важно понимать, что первый символ перед закрывающим идентификатором должен быть новой строкой, как это определено локальной операционной системой. Это n в системах UNIX, включая macOS. Закрывающий разделитель также должен сопровождаться новой строкой.

TL ; DR : закрывающие идентификаторы НЕ должны иметь отступ.

Работающий пример:

function findAll() {


        SELECT * FROM `table_1`;


    // закрывающий идентификатор не должен иметь отступ, хотя это может выглядеть некрасиво

    // …


Ответ 5

Я обнаружил несколько ошибок, которые исправил ниже.

Вот, что я получил в итоге:

if (login())


<h2> Добро пожаловать, администратор </h2>

<a href=»upload.php»> Загрузка файлов </a>

<br />

<a href=»points.php»> Редактирование подсчета очков </a>


else {

echo » Недопустимый логин. Попробуйте еще раз «;


Вот, как бы я это сделал:


    Некоторый код


function login(){

    if (empty ($_POST[‘username’])) {

        return false;


    if (empty ($_POST[‘password’])) {

        return false;


    $username = trim ($_POST[‘username’]);

    $password = trim ($_POST[‘password’]);

    $scrambled = md5 ($password . ‘foo’);

    $link = mysqli_connect(‘localhost’, ‘root’, ‘password’);

    if (!$link) {

        $error = «Невозможно подключиться к серверу базы данных «;

        include ‘error.html.php’;

        exit ();


    if (!mysqli_set_charset ($link, ‘utf8’)) {

        $error = «Невозможно установить кодировку подключения к базе данных «;

        include ‘error.html.php’;

        exit ();


    if (!mysqli_select_db ($link, ‘foo’)) {

        $error = «Невозможно найти базу данных foo «;

        include ‘error.html.php’;

        exit ();


    $sql = «SELECT COUNT(*) FROM admin WHERE username = ‘$username’ AND password = ‘$scrambled'»;

    $result = mysqli_query ($link, $sql);

    if (!$result) {

        return false;

        exit ();


    $row = mysqli_fetch_array ($result);

    if ($row[0] > 0) {

        return true;

    } else {

        return false;



if (login()) {

echo ‘<h2> Добро пожаловать, администратор </h2>

<a href=»upload.php»> Загрузка файлов </a>

<br />

<a href=»points.php»> Редактирование подсчета очков </a>’;

} else {

    echo » Недопустимый логин. Попробуйте еще раз «;



Некоторый HTML код 


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