Ошибка tdr substance painter

TDR означает обнаружение и восстановление тайм-аута.
Это функция операционной системы Windows, которая может обнаруживать проблему с ответом графической карты и восстанавливать работоспособность рабочего стола путем сброса карты.
Если операционная система не получает ответа от видеокарты в течение определенного периода времени (по умолчанию 2 секунды), операционная система сбросит настройки видеокарты.
До того, как существовал TDR, проблемы такого характера вызывали зависание системы и требовали перезапуска операционной системы.
Если TDR включен и вы видите сообщение об ошибке TDR «Драйвер дисплея перестал отвечать и был восстановлен», это означает, что операционная система Windows сбрасывает драйвер дисплея.

Более подробная информация ==>

В среде Windows при открытии новой версии SP может появиться следующее окно с запросом вашего TDR (Timeout Detection).
Восстановление) слишком мало, нажмите Продолжить
В любом случае может войти в программное обеспечение, но это может вызвать такие проблемы, как сбои программного обеспечения и чрезмерная задержка. Эта статья предлагает решение этой проблемы вместе с официальной документацией.

Слишком сложно изменить реестр. Откройте собственное программное обеспечение для настройки NVIDIA ==>
“C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationNsight Visual Studio Edition XXXMonitorCommonNsight.Monitor.exe”
После изменения необходимо перезагрузить компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

SP рекомендует 60 секунд

TDR stands for Timeout Detection and Recovery. This is a feature of the Windows operating system which detects response problems from a graphics card, and recovers to a functional desktop by resetting the card. If the operating system does not receive a response from a graphics card within a certain amount of time (default is 2 seconds), the operating system resets the graphics card.

Before TDR existed, problems of this nature would have resulted in a system freeze and required a reboot of the operating system. If TDR is enabled and you see the TDR error message, “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered,” this means that the Windows operating system reset the display driver.

There are three different possible debugging configurations:

Local debugging with a single GPU,
Local debugging with multiple GPUs, or
Remote debugging.
Choose the one that most closely reflects your NVIDIA Nsight setup:

Local Debugging with a Single GPU
Disabling TDR removes a valuable layer of protection, so it is generally recommended that you keep it enabled.

However, setting the TDR delay too low can cause the debugger to fail for one of two reasons:

Debugging on some GPUs will fails with a TDR delay of less than 10 seconds.
Debug builds of CUDA kernels run more slowly and may intrinsically require additional time to complete. With too low of a TDR delay, the kernels may not have enough time to complete.
Therefore, if you are using local debugging with a single GPU, it’s recommended that you leave TDR enabled, and set the delay to 10 seconds.

To enable TDR and change the delay, do the following:

Right-click the Nsight Monitor icon in the system tray.
Select Options.


In the Options window on the General tab, set WDDM TDR enabled to True.
Change the WDDM TDR Delay from the default setting to 10.

Local Debugging with Multiple GPUs or Remote Debugging
When using either a local debugging configuration with multiple GPUs, or a remote debugging configuration, it’s important to disable TDR. This is because with most CUDA applications, a TDR means that any debugging operation after the TDR will fail. You will not be able to step, set breakpoints, view variables, etc. The application will receive a grid launch failure, and the CUcontext will begin to report errors.

Having TDR enabled can interfere with GPU debugging because the graphics card is perceived by the operating system as unresponsive when the execution of a target application is paused or when the debugger is performing certain operations.

To disable TDR, do the following:

Right-click the Nsight Monitor icon in the system tray.
Select Options.

In the Options window on the General tab, set WDDM TDR enabled to False.

For more information about TDR, see:

GPU drivers crash with long computations (TDR crash)

On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

Why does the GPU driver crash ?

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

For more information consult the official documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys.

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

Note that these Keys can be reset to their default value by Windows updates or GPU Drivers updates.

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

1 — Open the Run window

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

2 — Launch the registry editor

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

3 — Navigate to the GraphicsDrivers registry key

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into: 


Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

4 — Add or Edit the TdrDelay value

If the TdrDelay value doesn’t exist yet, right-click in the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value . Name it «TdrDelay«. The case is important, be sure to follow it (and check that there are no other characters such as a trailing space).

In the right pane, double click on the value TdrDelay. Change the Base setting to Decimal . Set the value to something else than the default 2 (we recommend 60).

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

5 — Add or Edit the TdrDdiDelay value

If the TdrDdiDelay value does not exist , right-click in the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value . name it » TdrDdiDelay «. The case if important, be sure to follow it (and check that there are no other characters such as spaces).

In the right pane , double click on the value TdrDdiDelay . Change the Base setting to Decimal . Set the value to something else than the default 5 (we recommend 60 ).

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

6 — Finish and Restart

The right pane should now looks like this:

Close the Registry editor. Restart the computer by using Start then Restart .

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

How to revert the TDR to its default values ?

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :

  • Set the TdrDelay to 2s and the TdrDdiDelay to 5s, by following the steps described above.
  • Or Remove the TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay keys from the registry entry.

On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

Why does the GPU driver crash ?

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

For more information consult the official documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys.

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

Note that these Keys can be reset to their default value by Windows updates or GPU Drivers updates.

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

1 — Open the Run window

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

2 — Launch the registry editor

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

3 — Navigate to the GraphicsDrivers registry key

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into: 


Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

4 — Add or Edit the TdrDelay value

If the TdrDelay value doesn’t exist yet, right-click in the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value . Name it «TdrDelay«. The case is important, be sure to follow it (and check that there are no other characters such as a trailing space).

In the right pane, double click on the value TdrDelay. Change the Base setting to Decimal . Set the value to something else than the default 2 (we recommend 60).

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

5 — Add or Edit the TdrDdiDelay value

If the TdrDdiDelay value does not exist , right-click in the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value . name it » TdrDdiDelay «. The case if important, be sure to follow it (and check that there are no other characters such as spaces).

In the right pane , double click on the value TdrDdiDelay . Change the Base setting to Decimal . Set the value to something else than the default 5 (we recommend 60 ).

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

6 — Finish and Restart

The right pane should now looks like this:

Close the Registry editor. Restart the computer by using Start then Restart .

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

How to revert the TDR to its default values ?

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :

  • Set the TdrDelay to 2s and the TdrDdiDelay to 5s, by following the steps described above.
  • Or Remove the TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay keys from the registry entry.



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GPU drivers crash with long computations (TDR crash)

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это
On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into:

Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

The right pane should now looks like this:

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :



Substance 3D Painter

Substance 3D Painter


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GPU drivers crash with long computations (TDR crash)

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это
On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into:

Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

The right pane should now looks like this:

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :


Русские Блоги

Substance Painter TDR проблема TDR проблема

TDR означает обнаружение и восстановление тайм-аута.
Это функция операционной системы Windows, которая может обнаруживать проблему с ответом графической карты и восстанавливать работоспособность рабочего стола путем сброса карты.
Если операционная система не получает ответа от видеокарты в течение определенного периода времени (по умолчанию 2 секунды), операционная система сбросит настройки видеокарты.
До того, как существовал TDR, проблемы такого характера вызывали зависание системы и требовали перезапуска операционной системы.
Если TDR включен и вы видите сообщение об ошибке TDR «Драйвер дисплея перестал отвечать и был восстановлен», это означает, что операционная система Windows сбрасывает драйвер дисплея.

В среде Windows при открытии новой версии SP может появиться следующее окно с запросом вашего TDR (Timeout Detection).
Восстановление) слишком мало, нажмите Продолжить
В любом случае может войти в программное обеспечение, но это может вызвать такие проблемы, как сбои программного обеспечения и чрезмерная задержка. Эта статья предлагает решение этой проблемы вместе с официальной документацией.

Слишком сложно изменить реестр. Откройте собственное программное обеспечение для настройки NVIDIA ==>
“C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationNsight Visual Studio Edition XXXMonitorCommonNsight.Monitor.exe”
После изменения необходимо перезагрузить компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

SP рекомендует 60 секунд

TDR stands for Timeout Detection and Recovery. This is a feature of the Windows operating system which detects response problems from a graphics card, and recovers to a functional desktop by resetting the card. If the operating system does not receive a response from a graphics card within a certain amount of time (default is 2 seconds), the operating system resets the graphics card.

Before TDR existed, problems of this nature would have resulted in a system freeze and required a reboot of the operating system. If TDR is enabled and you see the TDR error message, “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered,” this means that the Windows operating system reset the display driver.

There are three different possible debugging configurations:

Local debugging with a single GPU,
Local debugging with multiple GPUs, or
Remote debugging.
Choose the one that most closely reflects your NVIDIA Nsight setup:

Local Debugging with a Single GPU
Disabling TDR removes a valuable layer of protection, so it is generally recommended that you keep it enabled.

However, setting the TDR delay too low can cause the debugger to fail for one of two reasons:

Debugging on some GPUs will fails with a TDR delay of less than 10 seconds.
Debug builds of CUDA kernels run more slowly and may intrinsically require additional time to complete. With too low of a TDR delay, the kernels may not have enough time to complete.
Therefore, if you are using local debugging with a single GPU, it’s recommended that you leave TDR enabled, and set the delay to 10 seconds.

To enable TDR and change the delay, do the following:

Right-click the Nsight Monitor icon in the system tray.
Select Options.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

In the Options window on the General tab, set WDDM TDR enabled to True.
Change the WDDM TDR Delay from the default setting to 10.

Local Debugging with Multiple GPUs or Remote Debugging
When using either a local debugging configuration with multiple GPUs, or a remote debugging configuration, it’s important to disable TDR. This is because with most CUDA applications, a TDR means that any debugging operation after the TDR will fail. You will not be able to step, set breakpoints, view variables, etc. The application will receive a grid launch failure, and the CUcontext will begin to report errors.

Having TDR enabled can interfere with GPU debugging because the graphics card is perceived by the operating system as unresponsive when the execution of a target application is paused or when the debugger is performing certain operations.

To disable TDR, do the following:

Right-click the Nsight Monitor icon in the system tray.
Select Options.

In the Options window on the General tab, set WDDM TDR enabled to False.


Проблема с substance painter 2

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Ваша видеокарта не поддерживается

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Ваша видеокарта не поддерживается

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

обновлял и никакого толку

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

chester_150 а может просто SP обновили, он же не на ровном месте начал у вас так себя вести?

попробуйте поставить предыдущую версию, ну либо видюху поновее стоит поставить таки

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

нет,стационар,fx 8350озу 16гбвидео radeon r9 270знаю видяха слабовата,но до этого всё работало

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

у меня стационар,у меня нет интегрированной графики

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Видеокарта не тянет, сабстанс по требованиям превосходит все топовые игры.

И в общем комп слабоват, комфортно работать не получится.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Видеокарта не тянет, сабстанс по требованиям превосходит все топовые игры.

И в общем комп слабоват, комфортно работать не получится.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Вы сможете запустить SP и затекстурить простую модель текстуркой в 512х, небольшим колличеством слоев 🙂

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Вы сможете запустить SP и затекстурить простую модель текстуркой в 512х, небольшим колличеством слоев 🙂

до этого 2048×2048 вполне тянул

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Версия какая? Винда какая? Железо какое? При каком действии проявляется ошибка? Раньше вообще работало, если да, то изза каких действий перестало?

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Версия какая? Винда какая? Железо какое? При каком действии проявляется ошибка? Раньше вообще работало, если да, то изза каких действий перестало?



Substance 3D Painter

Substance 3D Painter


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Painter doesn’t start on the right GPU

On Windows, the application may not use the right GPU when starting up which can lead to performance and stability issues. Below is a list of of common issues and their solutions to make sure the software works with the right GPU.

To know which GPU is used, you can check the log file.

Monitor Cables Configuration

On Windows the GPU assigned to an application depends of the monitor on which the application is running. This is because the monitor cables are linked directly to the output of the GPU itself. The application may start on the wrong GPU therefore if the monitor on which it starts is linked to the graphics output of the motherboard instead of the one from the graphic card itself. In that case, Windows is likely to use the integrated GPU rather than the dedicated GPU.

To solve this issue : simply fix the cable configuration by un-plugin the monitor linked to the motherboard and then linking it to the GPU outputs instead.

Incorrect GPU Driver Installation

If the GPU drivers are not properly installed the application will be unable to reach the dedicated GPU and it will have to fallback on the integrated GPU instead.

To solve this issue : uninstall the current GPU drivers, perform a cleanup and then reinstall the GPU drivers after a reboot of the computer.

Nvidia GPU driver profile setting

On some computers, such as Laptops, the application may run on the integrated GPU instead of the dedicated Nvidia GPU by default. With an NVIDIA GPU, the switch to the right GPU depends on application profiles. If an application does not have such profile, you can assign one manually.

To solve this issue :

Windows Performance Setting

Windows may have set the wrong GPU setting for the application because of the default performance and power consumption settings.

To solve this issue : follow the step by step below to override the default GPU configuration.


On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

Why does the GPU driver crash ?

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

For more information consult the official documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys.

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

Note that these Keys can be reset to their default value by Windows updates or GPU Drivers updates.

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

1 — Open the Run window

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

2 — Launch the registry editor

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

3 — Navigate to the GraphicsDrivers registry key

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into: 


Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

4 — Add or Edit the TdrDelay value

If the TdrDelay value doesn’t exist yet, right-click in the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value . Name it «TdrDelay«. The case is important, be sure to follow it (and check that there are no other characters such as a trailing space).

In the right pane, double click on the value TdrDelay. Change the Base setting to Decimal . Set the value to something else than the default 2 (we recommend 60).

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

5 — Add or Edit the TdrDdiDelay value

If the TdrDdiDelay value does not exist , right-click in the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value . name it » TdrDdiDelay «. The case if important, be sure to follow it (and check that there are no other characters such as spaces).

In the right pane , double click on the value TdrDdiDelay . Change the Base setting to Decimal . Set the value to something else than the default 5 (we recommend 60 ).

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

6 — Finish and Restart

The right pane should now looks like this:

Close the Registry editor. Restart the computer by using Start then Restart .

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

How to revert the TDR to its default values ?

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :

  • Set the TdrDelay to 2s and the TdrDdiDelay to 5s, by following the steps described above.
  • Or Remove the TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay keys from the registry entry.



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GPU drivers crash with long computations (TDR crash)

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это
On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into:

Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

The right pane should now looks like this:

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :



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GPU drivers crash with long computations (TDR crash)

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это
On Windows, this window will appear if Substance 3D Painter detects that the current TDR value is below a specific limit (10 seconds).

In order to prevent any rendering or GPU computation from locking up the system, the Windows operating system kills the GPU driver whenever a rendering takes more than a few seconds. When the driver is killed, the application using it crashes automatically. It is not possible to know how long a rendering task or a computation may take (it depends on the GPU, the drivers, the OS, the mesh size, the texture size, etc.), therefore it is not possible to put a limit on how much the computer should process and avoid the crash from the application level.

On Windows there is a registry key specifying how long the OS should wait before killing the GPU driver. Application are not authorized to modify this setting directly, this procedure has to be done manually (see below).

List of Keys that need to be changed

To adjust the TDR simply increase the TDR Delay: change both TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay to a higher value (like 60 seconds).

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

How to edit the TDR values

Follow this procedure to change the TDR value.

Note that two different keys will have to be created/edited.

Please note that editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and may require to reinstall the whole operating system if you are unsure of how to modify it. The registry keys mentioned in this page shouldn’t create these kind of issues however.

Adobe take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by modifying the system registry.

Click on Start then Run (or press the Windows and R key). It will open the Run window.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Type regedit in the text field and press OK.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The registry window will open.
In the left pane, navigate in the tree to the GraphicsDrivers key by going into:

Be sure to stay on «GraphicsDrivers» and to not click on the Registry keys below before going through the next steps.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that the GPU is unresponsive during a computation.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

This value indicates in seconds how long the operating system will wait before considering that a software took too much time to leave the GPU drivers.

Hexadecimal is the default value, simply switch to decimal to display the right value. Note that 3C (Hexadecimal) equals to 60 (Decimal).

The right pane should now looks like this:

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

The TdrValue is only looked at when the computer start, so to force a refresh a reboot is necessary.

If the application still crashes when doing a long computation, try increasing the delay (in seconds) from 60 to 120 for example.

There are two ways to revert the TDR to its default values :


Русские Блоги

Substance Painter TDR проблема TDR проблема

TDR означает обнаружение и восстановление тайм-аута.
Это функция операционной системы Windows, которая может обнаруживать проблему с ответом графической карты и восстанавливать работоспособность рабочего стола путем сброса карты.
Если операционная система не получает ответа от видеокарты в течение определенного периода времени (по умолчанию 2 секунды), операционная система сбросит настройки видеокарты.
До того, как существовал TDR, проблемы такого характера вызывали зависание системы и требовали перезапуска операционной системы.
Если TDR включен и вы видите сообщение об ошибке TDR «Драйвер дисплея перестал отвечать и был восстановлен», это означает, что операционная система Windows сбрасывает драйвер дисплея.

В среде Windows при открытии новой версии SP может появиться следующее окно с запросом вашего TDR (Timeout Detection).
Восстановление) слишком мало, нажмите Продолжить
В любом случае может войти в программное обеспечение, но это может вызвать такие проблемы, как сбои программного обеспечения и чрезмерная задержка. Эта статья предлагает решение этой проблемы вместе с официальной документацией.

Слишком сложно изменить реестр. Откройте собственное программное обеспечение для настройки NVIDIA ==>
“C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationNsight Visual Studio Edition XXXMonitorCommonNsight.Monitor.exe”
После изменения необходимо перезагрузить компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

SP рекомендует 60 секунд

TDR stands for Timeout Detection and Recovery. This is a feature of the Windows operating system which detects response problems from a graphics card, and recovers to a functional desktop by resetting the card. If the operating system does not receive a response from a graphics card within a certain amount of time (default is 2 seconds), the operating system resets the graphics card.

Before TDR existed, problems of this nature would have resulted in a system freeze and required a reboot of the operating system. If TDR is enabled and you see the TDR error message, “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered,” this means that the Windows operating system reset the display driver.

There are three different possible debugging configurations:

Local debugging with a single GPU,
Local debugging with multiple GPUs, or
Remote debugging.
Choose the one that most closely reflects your NVIDIA Nsight setup:

Local Debugging with a Single GPU
Disabling TDR removes a valuable layer of protection, so it is generally recommended that you keep it enabled.

However, setting the TDR delay too low can cause the debugger to fail for one of two reasons:

Debugging on some GPUs will fails with a TDR delay of less than 10 seconds.
Debug builds of CUDA kernels run more slowly and may intrinsically require additional time to complete. With too low of a TDR delay, the kernels may not have enough time to complete.
Therefore, if you are using local debugging with a single GPU, it’s recommended that you leave TDR enabled, and set the delay to 10 seconds.

To enable TDR and change the delay, do the following:

Right-click the Nsight Monitor icon in the system tray.
Select Options.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

In the Options window on the General tab, set WDDM TDR enabled to True.
Change the WDDM TDR Delay from the default setting to 10.

Local Debugging with Multiple GPUs or Remote Debugging
When using either a local debugging configuration with multiple GPUs, or a remote debugging configuration, it’s important to disable TDR. This is because with most CUDA applications, a TDR means that any debugging operation after the TDR will fail. You will not be able to step, set breakpoints, view variables, etc. The application will receive a grid launch failure, and the CUcontext will begin to report errors.

Having TDR enabled can interfere with GPU debugging because the graphics card is perceived by the operating system as unresponsive when the execution of a target application is paused or when the debugger is performing certain operations.

To disable TDR, do the following:

Right-click the Nsight Monitor icon in the system tray.
Select Options.

In the Options window on the General tab, set WDDM TDR enabled to False.


Проблема с substance painter 2

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Ваша видеокарта не поддерживается

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Ваша видеокарта не поддерживается

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

обновлял и никакого толку

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

chester_150 а может просто SP обновили, он же не на ровном месте начал у вас так себя вести?

попробуйте поставить предыдущую версию, ну либо видюху поновее стоит поставить таки

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your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

нет,стационар,fx 8350озу 16гбвидео radeon r9 270знаю видяха слабовата,но до этого всё работало

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your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

у меня стационар,у меня нет интегрированной графики

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Видеокарта не тянет, сабстанс по требованиям превосходит все топовые игры.

И в общем комп слабоват, комфортно работать не получится.

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Видеокарта не тянет, сабстанс по требованиям превосходит все топовые игры.

И в общем комп слабоват, комфортно работать не получится.

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your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Вы сможете запустить SP и затекстурить простую модель текстуркой в 512х, небольшим колличеством слоев 🙂

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Вы сможете запустить SP и затекстурить простую модель текстуркой в 512х, небольшим колличеством слоев 🙂

до этого 2048×2048 вполне тянул

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Версия какая? Винда какая? Железо какое? При каком действии проявляется ошибка? Раньше вообще работало, если да, то изза каких действий перестало?

your current tdr is too low substance painter что это

Версия какая? Винда какая? Железо какое? При каком действии проявляется ошибка? Раньше вообще работало, если да, то изза каких действий перестало?



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Painter doesn’t start on the right GPU

On Windows, the application may not use the right GPU when starting up which can lead to performance and stability issues. Below is a list of of common issues and their solutions to make sure the software works with the right GPU.

To know which GPU is used, you can check the log file.

Monitor Cables Configuration

On Windows the GPU assigned to an application depends of the monitor on which the application is running. This is because the monitor cables are linked directly to the output of the GPU itself. The application may start on the wrong GPU therefore if the monitor on which it starts is linked to the graphics output of the motherboard instead of the one from the graphic card itself. In that case, Windows is likely to use the integrated GPU rather than the dedicated GPU.

To solve this issue : simply fix the cable configuration by un-plugin the monitor linked to the motherboard and then linking it to the GPU outputs instead.

Incorrect GPU Driver Installation

If the GPU drivers are not properly installed the application will be unable to reach the dedicated GPU and it will have to fallback on the integrated GPU instead.

To solve this issue : uninstall the current GPU drivers, perform a cleanup and then reinstall the GPU drivers after a reboot of the computer.

Nvidia GPU driver profile setting

On some computers, such as Laptops, the application may run on the integrated GPU instead of the dedicated Nvidia GPU by default. With an NVIDIA GPU, the switch to the right GPU depends on application profiles. If an application does not have such profile, you can assign one manually.

To solve this issue :

Windows Performance Setting

Windows may have set the wrong GPU setting for the application because of the default performance and power consumption settings.

To solve this issue : follow the step by step below to override the default GPU configuration.



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Sep 27, 2022
Sep 27, 2022

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Hey, I keep experiencing crashing as soon as I open substance. It will load for 5 seconds and then crash. I tried adjusting my tdr multiple times but it still doesn’t work. I have a Dell Latitude E7440 i5. My graphics drivers are up to date too so I am not sure what else to do… does anyone have any ideas? 


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Alexandre Becquet

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Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022

Yes, i thi,k it’s the issue.


Alexandre Becquet

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Hello, what is your graphic card model and how many Ram do you have ?
And also what about your hard Drive ?

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I have 16 GB, a local fixed disk drive, and my graphics card is Intel (R) HD Graphics Family 

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Wow, this helps so much, thanks! Looks like I’ll have to get a more updated system haha. 

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Alexandre Becquet

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Sep 30, 2022
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» my graphics card is Intel (R) HD Graphics Family «
We need more info about that but i think it’s not enough for working with Painter. Like the link of @davescm you need a minimum of graphic power to jump in Painter.

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Heres my graphics card. Yea I agree. I think my computer is too outdated to support substance. 


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Alexandre Becquet

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Yes, i thi,k it’s the issue.

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Ah ok that makes sense. Thanks everyone for the help!

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