I’m trying to post a feed on my wall or on the wall on some of my friends using Graph API. I gave all permissions that this application needs, allow them when i make the request from my page, I’m having a valid access token but even though this exception occurs and no feed is posted. My post request looks pretty good, the permissions are given. What do I need to do to show on facebook app that I’m not an abusive person. The last think I did was to dig in my application Auth Dialog to set all permission I need there, and to write why do I need these permissions.
I would be very grateful if you tell me what is going on and point me into the right direction of what do I need to do to fix this problem.
asked Jul 7, 2012 at 6:41
Had the same problem. I figured out that Facebook was refusing my shortlinks, which makes me a bit mad…but I get the point because its possible that shortlinks can be used to promote malicious content…so if you have shortlinks as part of your test, replace them w the full url…
answered Nov 29, 2012 at 15:36
Erik MalsonErik Malson
1172 silver badges11 bronze badges
I believe this message is encountered for one of the two reasons :
- Your post contains malicious links
- You are trying to make a POST request over a non-https connection.
The second one is not confirmed but I have seen that behavior. While same code in my heroku hosted app worked fine, it gave this #368 error on my 000webhost hosted .tk domain which wasn’t secured by SSL
answered Apr 5, 2013 at 6:21
Peeyush KushwahaPeeyush Kushwaha
3,4238 gold badges35 silver badges69 bronze badges
Just in case anyone is still struggling with this, the problem occurs when you put URLs or «action links» that are not in your own app domain, if you really need to post to an extarnal page, you’ll have to post to your app first, then redirect from there using a script or something. hope that helps.
also it’s better in my opinion to use HTTPS links, as sometimes i’ve seen a behaviour where http links would be rejected, but that’s intermittent.
answered May 16, 2013 at 20:31
Mostafa BergMostafa Berg
3,21122 silver badges36 bronze badges
I started noticing that recently as well when running my unit tests. One of the tests I run is submitting a link that I know Facebook has blocked to verify that I handle the error correctly. I used to get this error:
Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content: Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook…
But starting on July 4th, I started receiving this error instead:
(#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed’
Both errors indicate that Facebook doesn’t like what you’re publishing.
answered Jul 16, 2012 at 5:57
Waleed AbdullaWaleed Abdulla
1,8731 gold badge14 silver badges20 bronze badges
Are you getting a “The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed” error on Facebook?
Here’s the first part of the error, “Something went wrong. Please try again”.
If so, you won’t be able to do certain actions like creating a new Facebook account.
The error message can also happen if you try to send a message on Messenger.
In this guide, you’ll learn what “The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed” means on Facebook and how to fix it.
- What does it mean when Facebook says the action attempted has been deemed abusive?
- How to fix “The action attempted has been deemed abusive” on Facebook
What does it mean when Facebook says the action attempted has been deemed abusive?

When Facebook says that the action attempted has been deemed abusive, it means that you’ve been flagged as spam.
If so, your IP address will be temporarily blocked.
When that happens, you won’t be able to carry out certain actions on Facebook.
For example, you won’t be able to create a new account.
You might also be blocked from sending messages on Messenger.
In most cases, Facebook might have mistakenly flagged you as spam and blocked your IP address.
The IP address block can last for 24 hours or more.
Fortunately, there is a way to bypass the block—by switching your network or connecting to a VPN.

To fix “The action attempted has been deemed abusive” on Facebook, you need to create a new Facebook account on the Facebook website.
Alternatively, you can switch your network or connect to a VPN.
Method 1: Create a new Facebook account on the Facebook website
- Go to www.facebook.com.
- Tap on “Create New Account”.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account.
Creating a new Facebook account on Facebook.com will bypass the “The action attempted has been deemed abusive” error.
If you’re still experiencing the error, you can try the second method.
Method 2: Switch your network
- If you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network, switch to mobile data.
- If you’re using mobile data, switch to a Wi-Fi network.
- You can also try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network.
- If all else fails, try connecting to a VPN.
The error on Facebook means that your IP address is temporarily blocked.
Switching your network will bypass the block.
This is because your IP address will be changed.
If all else fails, you can try connecting to a VPN.
To do so, download a free VPN app on the App Store or Google Play Store and connect to a free VPN.
After you’ve switched your network or connected to a VPN, you need to force close the Facebook/Messenger app.
Lastly, re-open the Facebook/Messenger app and check if the error message is gone.
Further reading
160+ Best, Nice, and Good Facebook Comments
How to Find Recently Watched Videos on Facebook
How to Fix “App Not Set Up: This app is still in development mode”
I’m trying to post a feed on my wall or on the wall on some of my friends using Graph API. I gave all permissions that this application needs, allow them when i make the request from my page, I’m having a valid access token but even though this exception occurs and no feed is posted. My post request looks pretty good, the permissions are given. What do I need to do to show on facebook app that I’m not an abusive person. The last think I did was to dig in my application Auth Dialog to set all permission I need there, and to write why do I need these permissions.
I would be very grateful if you tell me what is going on and point me into the right direction of what do I need to do to fix this problem.
asked Jul 7, 2012 at 6:41
Had the same problem. I figured out that Facebook was refusing my shortlinks, which makes me a bit mad…but I get the point because its possible that shortlinks can be used to promote malicious content…so if you have shortlinks as part of your test, replace them w the full url…
answered Nov 29, 2012 at 15:36
Erik MalsonErik Malson
1172 silver badges11 bronze badges
I believe this message is encountered for one of the two reasons :
- Your post contains malicious links
- You are trying to make a POST request over a non-https connection.
The second one is not confirmed but I have seen that behavior. While same code in my heroku hosted app worked fine, it gave this #368 error on my 000webhost hosted .tk domain which wasn’t secured by SSL
answered Apr 5, 2013 at 6:21
Peeyush KushwahaPeeyush Kushwaha
3,4238 gold badges35 silver badges69 bronze badges
Just in case anyone is still struggling with this, the problem occurs when you put URLs or «action links» that are not in your own app domain, if you really need to post to an extarnal page, you’ll have to post to your app first, then redirect from there using a script or something. hope that helps.
also it’s better in my opinion to use HTTPS links, as sometimes i’ve seen a behaviour where http links would be rejected, but that’s intermittent.
answered May 16, 2013 at 20:31
Mostafa BergMostafa Berg
3,21122 silver badges36 bronze badges
I started noticing that recently as well when running my unit tests. One of the tests I run is submitting a link that I know Facebook has blocked to verify that I handle the error correctly. I used to get this error:
Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content: Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook…
But starting on July 4th, I started receiving this error instead:
(#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed’
Both errors indicate that Facebook doesn’t like what you’re publishing.
answered Jul 16, 2012 at 5:57
Waleed AbdullaWaleed Abdulla
1,8731 gold badge14 silver badges20 bronze badges
Facebook пользуется популярностью среди пользователей. Мы рассматривали как завести в нем аккаунт. Однако бывают случаи, что не получается зарегистрироваться в Фейсбук (Facebook). Какая причина? Рассмотрим самые распространенные проблемы, возникающие при создании аккаунта.
- Ошибки при заполнении
- Неправильное имя
- Недопустимый адрес электронной почты
- Не приходит письмо с подтверждением регистрации
- При подтверждении регистрации появляется ошибка
- Другой выдает себя за вас
- Не подтверждается аккаунт
- Вывод
Ошибки при заполнении
Зайдя на сайт https://www.facebook.com/ откроется регистрационная форма, где придется заполнить такие поля:
- Имя и Фамилия;
- Номер телефона или пароль;
- Дата рождения;
- Пол женщина/мужчина.
Разберемся как ее правильно заполнить. Это поможет ответить на вопрос: почему не могу зарегистрироваться в Фейсбук (Facebook).
Неправильное имя
Создатели соцсети требуют использования настоящих имен, чтобы другие пользователи знали, к кому они обращаются. Подумайте не приятно получать приглашение о дружбе от человека с именем «Super Mario» или «Обама».
Чтобы обеспечить безопасность, использование некоторых имен заблокировано, для предотвращения создания вредоносного аккаунта. Не используйте пробелы и лишние символы: нижнее подчеркивание, звездочки. Пишите имя русскими или латинскими буквами.
Проверьте что имя соответствует правилам соцсети. Посмотрите их по адресу: https://www.facebook.com/help/112146705538576?helpref=faq_content.
Недопустимый адрес электронной почты
Проверьте что email адрес написан без ошибок и опечаток, которые часто возникают после ввода символа «@». Помните, что для одного адреса почты регистрируется только один аккаунт.
Рекомендую указывать правдивый возраст и пол. Это придаст вам больше доверия
Не приходит письмо с подтверждением регистрации
Проверьте папку спам. Некоторые письма блокируются провайдерами. Обратитесь в службу поддержки https://www.facebook.com/help/.
При подтверждении регистрации появляется ошибка
Сделайте так:
- Зайдите на сайт прописав Email вводимый при регистрации;
- Скопируйте ссылку из письма, отправленном для подтверждения аккаунта, вставьте ее в новом окне браузера.
Другой выдает себя за вас
Заполните форму расположенную по адресу: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/295309487309948. Предоставьте сканы, подтверждающие вашу личность, иначе Facebook не будет рассматривать заявление. Это формой может воспользоваться только человек без профиля.
Не подтверждается аккаунт
Если не приходит SMS, заполните форму, расположенную по адресу: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/283958118330524. Если прописан неверный номер отредактируйте его, и попросите повторную отправку SMS.
Особое внимание уделите паролю. Число символов должно быть более 8. Сделайте его уникальным, не совпадающим с паролями на других сервисах. Как это сделать было описано в статье «Генератор паролей».
Возможно, не получается зарегистрироваться из-за отсутствия интернет, или причина в используемом браузере. Попробуйте обновить страницу. Убедитесь, что вход происходит с официального сайта. Попробуйте зарегистрироваться с ПК знакомого, или воспользуйтесь смартфоном. Внимательно изучите раздел помощи. Facebook заинтересован в новых пользователях. Заполняйте все внимательно, и сложностей с регистрацией не возникнет.
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Tried signing up for an account and was told my action was deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed after entering my email.
So I entered my email, chose a password, and tapped “Sign Up” agreeing to their terms of service. It says creating account for a second and then I get the message that “The action attempted has been deemed abusive or otherwise disallowed”
I didn’t even get in the door! How is me trying to sign up disallowed???